Title sheet
Project module: MSc03 ARC, Academic Internship Department: Architecture, Design and Media technology Course: MSc in Technology (Architecture), Aalborg Universitet Project period: 20.08.18 - 21.12.18 Student: Andrea Ferrerio University supervisor: Andrea Jelic Company supervisor: Eske Bruun
This report is the result of the work done during the Academic Internship module for the 3rd Semester of the Architecture Master at Aalborg University. The company profile and the internship expectations are presented in the first part while my personal tasks whithin the company are described in the second part with a particular focus on the method and the skills used and developed. The report conclusive part has the aim to reflect on: - the methodology differences between university and work practice; - the potential and obstacoles of the implementation of democratic architecture in an architectural firm; - the benefits of democratic architecture on social, economic and environmental sustainability.
Content list
Company profile
What is democratic architecture?
Relevant projects
Personal tasks
01| Company profile
Kondens ApS C/O Institut for (X), A-Huset Skovgaardsgade 5, 8000 Aarhus C
(+45) 40 82 19 85 Kondens is a young design studio based in Aarhus that operates in the cross-field between architecture and local activism. The company was founded in 2016 by Eske Bruun with the idea to increase public participation in Democratic Architecture, meant as collective development of the public spaces of the city, with a particular focus on problematic distructs in Aarhus. Architecture is therefore meant as a tool used to achieve the goal of social development (Kondens Arkitekter, 2018). Even though the identity and the vision are sharply defined the studio is still working on the internal organization and therefore the employees have varied often in the last period and is common that the jobs are developped through specific external collaboration or temporary recruitments. according to the ongoing projects. The company work is divided in three main categories: - the user involvement jobs, which consists in planning the community involvement tools and events (meetings, workshops, social media, promotion, ...). - the fund application jobs, which work on the research and documentation of funding possibilities to support the community development projects. - the actual design jobs, which take care of the architectural project development from sketch to construction and maintenance. Beside the main jobs regarding the community development the company works also with the public dissemination of the Democratic Architecture, through workshops, exhibitions and conferences, and with architectural competitions in the field of sustainability. Ill.01: Meeting in Rundhøj
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ESKE BRUUN | Partner Bygningkonstruktor-Architect MAA
ANNE HØGH | Senior architect Architect MAA
OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Sleth A/S, Arkitema Institut for (x)
SOPHIE GILLE-UDSEN | Intern Architect BAA / User involvement ANDREA FERRERIO | Intern Architect BSc / Sustainability
OTHERS - Schools -Universities - Privates
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02| What is democratic architecture?
The firm methodology is based on the concept of Democratic Architecture, a social concept that the founder has studied for a long period and is now trying to pragmatically apply in an architectural office reality. The vision of the firm is to work on those areas that have a high need of social development such as multicultural districts or the outskirts of the cities. Therefore, the work of the firm goes beyond the traditional tools of an architecture studio and implements other disciplines such as social activism, community involvement and 1:1 architecture. This aspects match with the widely underdeveloped social sustainability spectrum that covers the topics of social equity, liveability, community development, social responsibility, community resilience, and human adaptation (Adams, W.M., 2006). In the company workflow the principles of involvement of the community in the design and construction process are applied: the projects are generated and backed by the needs expressed by the community and are then submitted to the municipality for approval. The following step is to finalize the design proposal in an executive design, to collect the materials needed by following the principles of sustainable architecture (local availability, upcycling...) and to build the project involving the community. The company work does not finish after the construction: the architect is involved also in the life of the community itself by becoming user of the designed project. In this way the community goals and benefits can be pushed and a promotion /documentation can be done to further develop the project. “Good architectural solutions are a human right. As an architect, I pledge to help those neglected in the periphery. Poverty in these neighbourhoods combined with economic interests within the field of architecture have caused a great gap between a large group of citizens and architects in western countries.â€? (Bruun, E., 2016) Ill.02: Local residents in Rundhøj
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Community involvement
The main aim of the firm is to develop the communities by activate the local citizens and involve them in the architecture. Different tools have been developed and are used from the company to achieve this goal: - direct participation of the company in the regular community activities and close contacts with local associations of citizens. - meetings with the citizens to survey their needs and vision for the neighbourhood; - promotion and organization of workshops and other activities to involve the citizens in the projects both before and after the construction; - gathering of feedback from the citizens through various tools (answer sheets, flyers, social media, ...) to define and evaluate the projects and have a stronger support when they are presented to the municipality.
Affordability & 1:1 architecture
Ill.03: Christmas event in Rundhøj
An important part of the company work is the management of the project from sketch to construction and maintenance. To get the most benefits out of the design, affordability for the community is set as a base principle: in order to make the final product affordable all the construction phase is organized with the purpose to save resources and reduce costs. The material is often wood and comes from waste or cheap suppliers located in the neighbourhood of the project. The construction itself is executed by the firm in the form of workshops and the community is involved in some phases such as the assembly or the final details. This way of work is definitely atypical for a standard architectural firm which usually leaves the project to external companies after the executive drawings (or sometimes even before). Furthermore, the involvement of local citizens in different phases along the building process strengthens their bond with the architecture itself. Ill.04: Construction workshop in Tilst
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03| Relevant projects
“In the middle of Rundhøj Torv we have, together with the mayor’s department in Aarhus and residents, created a focal point for initiatives, citizenship and common experiences. We wish to strengthen Rundhøj as a local area with a physical space, which is a central meeting place for citizens, municipalities and business. We are committed to the project by facilitating workshops and a growing architecture in the community.” (Kondens Arkitekter, 2018) The development of Rundhøj has been one of the main projects of the firm in the last year. With the help of Aarhus municipality and the local community, the project transformed an abandoned empty area in a multicultural district in an active gathering point. The area chosen is a clear example of the contexts on which the company works: a neglected area with very high potential to improve the social value of the district and connect the residents. In Rundhøj a clear separation between popular housing to the north and suburban detached houses to the south were clear and the project is therefore named “Omdrejningspunktet” that means pivot point. The area is still under development and, so far, two buildings have been realized by the company: - A library/meeting room built by reusing two containers and an outer wood frame to insulate the space. The building is daily used by the municipality as reception to receive the citizens and to organize and execute workshop, meetings and other community activities. Twice a year it is Aarhus mayor office. - A multipurpose building with kitchen and toilets built with a simple wooden structure and a transparent Plexiglas cladding. This space is flexible and is therefore used for many different activities in connection with the library. The open spaces developed in a spontaneous way by being furnished by the municipality and the citizens with benches, plants and tables: the space in between the buildings has become a sort of alternative public square and increased the communal life of the district. The project won the Aarhus Kommunes Arkitekturpris 2018 for best temporary architecture.
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Ill.05: Residents painting in the Rundhøj building
Multipurpose room
Ill.06: Current situation in Rundhøj Omdrejningspunktet
Ill.07: Sunny day in Rundhøj
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04| Expectations
The main reason that brought me to choose this firm is the match between the company field of work and my personal specialization fields: sustainability and tectonics. The foremost goal of my internship was to expand my knowledge in the social and economic part of the sustainability field since the firm is one of the few realities in Denmark that has a focus on community involvement and affordability and approaches them in a direct and concrete way. Therefore, my personal expectations were to learn from the company’s methodology valuable information on how to apply social sustainability to the design process. The aim of my staying in Kondens was also to gain a better understanding of how the Danish architectural sector works in term of office environment, relation with clients and municipality role. A secondary goal was to improve the understanding of the Danish language and culture through the involvement in the community projects and in the Institut of (x), the creative hub where the firm is located.
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OBJECTIVE OF THE INTERNSHIP - Social design, From sketch to execution - Sustainability, Mapping resources, innovation, design & execution of 1:1 Low Tech solutions, - Engaging with the local context - Workshops, execution - Technical drawing (Revit) - Parametric design (Rhino + grasshopper)
TECHNICAL AND ACADEMIC OUTCOME - Experience with 1:1 architecture - Better understanding of design practice - Experience with Affordable Architecture design processes
SOCIAL AND TEAM-RELATED OUTCOME - Better understanding of Danish architectural context - Better understanding of Danish Architectural office culture - Experience from working in cross-disciplinary teams (anthropology, social worker, media science, pedagogue, etc.)
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05| Personal tasks
Rethink waste
Design, production and promotion of wood urban furniture for the district of Rundhøj by using the principles of affordability, sustainability and community involvement. Project stage: Beginning Personal tasks: | Concept design | Preliminary drawing | Exhecutive drawing | Production(A) | Promotion
Waste source mapping and local reseacrh for a competition in Copenaghen concerning the design of an upcycled solution. Project stage: Beginning Personal tasks: | Research | Promotion
Organization, exhecution and documentation of the workshop “Change/communication/assembly” aimed to engage gymnasium students and to produce an exhibition. Project stage: Beginning Personal tasks: | Concept design | Documentation
Design of a solar passive heating device through upcycle and sustainable sources for a fund application. Project stage: Beginning Personal tasks: | Energetic simulation | Concept design | Exhecutive design | Presentation drawings
Small side works such as the participation to conferences, the assistance in the restoration of the Muusgården in Kerteminde and in a competition in Riga Personal tasks: | Environmental Analysis | Conferences participation
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MONTH | WEEK Rundhøj
Rethink waste
34 35
09 | 36 37 38 39
10 | 40 41 42 43 44
11 | 45 46 47 48
12 | 49 50 51 52
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Ill.08: Social fence render
The first assignment consisted in the design, production and promotion of some urban furniture in Rundhøj, Aarhus. My tasks in this first phase have been to get familiar with the firm way to work and consisted in three phases: - A design phase where I had to deal with the quick design of a piece of urban furniture by being aware of a fixed budget and available building time, the requirements from the municipality and the actual design integration of the building details since the very start of the sketching phase. The main requirement was to design a railing for a previously built ramp in the site that could also work as a social element, a vertical garden and an information point for the whole project story. Furthermore, sketched proposals for a common garden has been done during this phase. During this phase I worked individually using parametric tools and graphic editing programs and I regularly had pinups. - A construction phase where, together with my supervisor, we built test joint prototypes and then the fence itself. - A promotion phase that consisted in the graphic design of some flyers to advertise and gather feedbacks on the project and in the organization and execution of a workshop to activate the project. In this phase I have worked in team with Sophie, an intern specialized in architecture and user involvement. The first two phases covered the first month of the internship period and some of the weeks in November due to maintenance and edit to the construction required by the municipality. The promotion phase covered three weeks in October. Skills used| iterative design, parametric tools, graphic design, tectonics knowledge, social & economic sustainability. Tools used| sketching, 3d modelling (Rhino), parametric design (Grasshopper), graphics (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign), prototyping & construction. Skills developed| 1:1 architecture, design promotion, user involvement, workshops organization, graphic design, documentation.
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Sketching phase - social fence
After a brief analysis of the site I have developed some sketched design proposals for the two areas interested. The first project, that eventually got built, is a railing for the existing ramp on the north side of the multipurpose building. The idea since the early stages was to create an element that is active and integrated with the building functions. Therefore, the railing was expected to be a place to sit, to grow a vertical garden and to display info-posters and citizens works. In order to relate to the building a series of vertical elements with the same configuration of the structure of the building behind was chosen: being the building transparent both the structure of the railing and of the building are visible. From these considerations a parametric model has been developed and different heights have been tested in relation with the function’s location. After the general geometry was defined and approved by the supervisor, different iterations with the horizontal elements have been tested. The final proposal has been chosen according to functionality, aesthetics and material economy and has been translated in a presentation poster that has been sent for approval to the municipality. This phase involved my individual work and therefore I had the chance to organize the method and time schedule independently (in relation to a fixed deadline). I have tried to use the IDP, but the time limitations brought to a more linear method in certain phases such as the short analysis and the quick choices for the structural system. Parametric design has been very useful to speed up the design process while keeping it iterative: grasshopper have been used to define a base model on which generating multiple proposals that have then been evaluated together with the company supervisor.
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Ill.09: Fence location
Gr ee
ing So
Ill.10: Axonometry and elevation of the final fence proposal
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Sketching phase - community garden
Another project I worked on is the design proposal of a community garden connected with the library building. The ideas for this project were not meant to be finalized but to set a starting point for a fu-ture development that will be done by involving the community. The first proposals try to adapt the same system used in the social fence to create a common architectonical language in the urban furniture of the area. This kind of solutions provide different functions but limits the size and flexibility of the community garden. Furthermore, the use of a fence in this location seems to close the garden to the other activities, jeopardizing the concept of the area itself. The following proposals use different principles and consequently create two different situations: - the grid-based system gives flexibility to the possible functions while staying open to the nearby square. - the deck system creates a playful space that can be used both for gardening and leisure. It is very open to the other activities of the square and could be integrated with them. Both the systems have been tested with structural design during this sketch phase: this informed the process with construction and material cost issues. During this phase I had the chance for the first time to work in the library next to the project site. This helped to develop the quality of the project for two reasons: - the possibility to have a visual contact with the area dimensions, environment and daily use. - the opportunity to speak and gather feedback and information from the local community and the municipality employee that work in the library building. The building is used daily by the municipality organization “Rundhøj Omdrejningspunktetâ€? that serves as municipality office and to promote activities with the residence. Once again, the task has been faced independently and with the use of parametric tools.
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Ill.11: Garden location
Ill.12: Design proposals for the community garden
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Construction design
The municipality approval of the social fence project allowed the company to move on and be able to build the design. I have been in charge to draw the executive drawings of the fence in order to buy the materials and minimize the time waste during the construction phase. During this phase I have done a quick research of the local suppliers of construction materials and developed the tectonic solutions according to the local availability. The design presented two critical points: - the ground connection of the vertical elements that have been solved by using metal elements and a wood reinforcement at the base. A distance between the concrete base and the wood elements have been kept due to the needed protection against the ground water.
- the wood elements joints have been designed as simple 50-50 connections that rely on the precision of the assembly scheme. A prototype in collaboration with the company supervisor have been built and tested during this phase. An executive scheme has been drawn to be used during the assembly phase. This consisted in the naming of the pieces according to a grid (letters for the horizontal elements and numbers for the vertical ones). The schemed eventually helped to speed up the pieces’ fabrication and the assembly. The work has been individual out of the prototype construction and some feedback regarding the local suppliers when I got assistance from the company supervisor.
Ill.13: Fifty-fifty joint mock-up
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Larch wood board 28x120mm Reinforcement board 28x120mm
Bolt ø13,5mm Screw ø5mm
Screw ø5mm
Larch wood board 28x120mm Reinforcement board 28x120mm Screw ø5mm
Bolt ø13,5mm Screw ø5mm L Steel band 45x40x5mm
Plastic gap element 3mm
Steel band pin ø16mm
Concrete base
Ill.14: Ground connection detail
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Horizontal elements list
Vertical elements list
Construction organization scheme
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Material order table 28x120mm lærk terrassebrædder Larch wood biards provided by "10-4 Klik og Byg" Singolar length (cm) Amount Total length (cm) Vertical elements Various 33 3798,0 1 span module 2 span module 3 span module 4 span module 6 span module Base reinforcements
72,8 122,8 172,8 222,8 322,8
4 4 9 3 2
291,2 491,2 1555,2 668,4 645,6 452,1 Waste %
55 4103,7 45x40x5mm Stolpebærer enkelt, Simpson Strong-tie L-type metal brackets provided by "Carl-ras" Unit per element Amount 1 33 Others Wood screws Ø5mm 4 132 Bolts Ø13,5mm 1 33 Plastic gap 40x40x3mm
Price (Kr/sqm) Total price 23 kr. 1.038,24
Price (Kr/unit)
33 Total
Total price kr. 1.155,00
kr. 180,00 kr. 712,00 kr. 0,00 kr. 3.085,24
Ill.15: Construction scheme used during the construction phase
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The executive drawings produced have then been used for the actual production of the pieces and the construction of the design. The process required three days in total organized as follows: On day01 the wood has been transported to the office and all the pieces have been cut, numbered and refined by using a circular saw for the big cuts and a chisel to shape the gaps for the connections. On day02 the wood pieces have been moved on the site and the metal elements have been bought. When on site, the first phase consisted on laying the pieces in the right order. Afterwards the structure has been assembled on the ground and the metal brackets have been mounted on the “feet�. The structure has then been used to define the position of the holes in the concrete base. After the holes were done the first part of the structure have been raised and placed in the base pockets. On day03 the second part of the fence have been build using the same procedure as on day02. My personal tasks on this phase has been the cutting, numeration and detailing of the wood elements, the assembling of the structure on the ground and the assistance in measurements and screwing. The execution of this phase brought of course some pragmatical issues that were caused both from some design mistakes and some personal inexperience: - The length of the first part of the fence had to be reduced due to a difference from the drawing length on the span to cover and the actual one. - The connections were not completely precise when made on day01 and therefore had to be slightly refined on site. - The time forecasted before the start had to be consequently extended due to both the issues stated above.
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Ill.16: Pictures of the construction phase
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Promotion phase
The following step has been to plan the promotion of the projects developed so far. During this phase I collaborated with Sophie, an architect intern specialized in user involvement, and a constant communication was kept with SODA, the local somalian association, and the local Netto that sponsored the event and contributed with food and some material. Together we planned and executed a workshop for the community activation of the fence. Even though the workshop was announced to the community only a week before about 20 people showed up and participated. The workshop consisted in three activities: - The positioning of various herbs and plants on the green part of the fence. - A common meal prepared by the residents after the fence was completed by using the fence’s herbs. - The promotion of the community garden project by handing out a flyer/answer sheet previously designed. This has the aim to gather information regarding which kind of herbs are commonly used in the community and some residents’ recipes that will be collected in a book and shared. The workshop successfully got the residents familiar and involved with the project and produced valuable knowledge for the company. The fence reacted as an element in communication with the existent building and it has been used from both sides, showing that it is not a barrier but an active element. I personally found very interesting to see how adults and kids started to use the urban furniture and to compare it with the use that I designed on paper: for instance, the highest part of the fence, designed to be an exhibition wall, has been used by kids as climbing wall. The information that will be gathered through the flyer/answer sheet will be translated in graphics, such as the one showed in the following pages, and used to develop and support the community garden project.
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EN HAVE TIL RUNDHØJ! Er du på vej hjem og vil du elske at have noget persille til at lave den thailandske opskrift, du så på Facebook? Med din hjælp kan det blive en mulighed, at finde en personlig samfundshave med masser af urter og krydderier, næste gang du besøger Rundhøj! Du skal blot udfylde et kort svarark. Vi vil gerne designe og bygge en have i området, og vi har brug for dig til at gøre den endnu mere nyttig for samfundet.
Vil du vide mere om projektet? Find os på: @kondensarkitekter
På forhånd tak! Persille
e iand r
Ore g
L av e a no reg
Salv ie
el nd
o an
Rosm a
mian Ti
as ilikum
del ven
m iku
Basi l
Ill.17: Pictures of the workshop in Rundhøj and promotional flyer (top right)
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Herbs in the world
The bottom part will serve as graphic representation of the data collected with the survey among the residents. This will show the most favourite type of kitchen and the most used herbs in the district. This information will be used to have an informed design and to show the involvement of the community in the project when the project will be presented to the municipality. The recipes collected with the flyers will be collected in a book that will be submitted with the community garden project.
e y ar
Sag e
ym Th
der van a L
Source:, 2018
Which is your favourite kitchen?
*Data based on a survey done on 27 residents of the district
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Ore g
o an
This poster will collect the data collected with the flyers/answer sheets distributed during the workshop in Rundhøj. In the top part some general information about the herbs original country and the preferable period for sow and harvesting are given. This has the aim to provide information to the residents on how to treat the herbs in an optimal way and will be displayed in connection with the community garden project.
BASIL Full sun exposure Loamy soil
Lave a reg
er nd
MINT Full sun exposure Loamy soil OREGANO Full sun exposure Loamy soil
B as
PARSLEY Part sun exposure Loamy soil ROSEMARY Full sun exposure Loamy/sandy soil
Basi l
SAGE Part sun exposure Loamy/sandy soil THYME Part sun exposure Loamy/sandy soil sow indoor
sow outdoor
The survey shows that the most used herbs in Rundhøj district are coriander and basil, at 42% and 28% of the total preferences. Somalian kitchen is the preferred one, also due to the high extent of Somalian residents, followed by south European kitchen.
17% | BASIL
Ill.18: Infografic to illustrate the future outputs of the survey
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Ill.19: Construction waste from a building site in Aarhus Ă˜
The company work with sustainable architecture often brings to deal with affordability and upcycling of waste; during the internship I have worked on two tasks related to this topic. The first one has been the assistance in the analysis phase for the “Circular construction challenge - Rethink waste”, a competition with the aim to gather ideas of possible upcycling solutions that could create a new circular economy and eventually reduce the waste. My task in this phase has been to do a research on the global and local construction waste amount and type and to brainstorm some possible waste sources. The research has been done using different methods: an online research of quantity and quality of the waste and a field research on local building site by interviewing workers and taking pictures of the waste visible. The research has then been translated in a “waste logbook”. The second task covered the last month of internship: after the winning of a competition in collaboration with Arkitema for the organization of activities for Staby Efterskole, the company had the responsibility to organize a series of workshops concerning the upcycling of local waste. My tasks consisted in developing the tools and the collaborations with local waste producers to facilitate the students work; therefore, my job involved: - the design of the material to promote the mapping of local waste for recycling companies, local industries and potential users. This consisted in a “collaboration proposal poster”, an advertising flyer and a co-construction manual for the students. - the design of a waste map for the Midtjylland region. In both cases I worked individually with some feedback from the company supervisor. Skills used| graphic design, environmental & economic sustainability, networking, research and analysis. Tools used| graphics (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign), Online mapping (Google mymaps) Skills developed| design promotion, workshops organization, graphic design, on-field analysis, networking.
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Waste potential
In order to have a better awareness ot the waste and upcycling phenomena an online research regarding the typology of waste in Denmark and in the EU has been done. The waste have been categorized by dimension, and consequent common type of reuse, and by industry sector to analyze what is the overall quantity and impact on the economy.
S size
This material has been used as intruduction chapter for tha “Waste logbook� produced for the first phase of the competition. The data has been collected from european statistics websites. (Eurostat, 2018)
What? Plastic bottles, cans, bricks How to upcycle? Brick-like wall, claddings, small devices
What? Pallet, furniture, tires, boards. How to upcycle? Building component, furniture, structure.
What? Containers, tempoary facilities, tents. How to upcycle? Buildings, structure, roofs, walls.
What? Film, textiles, thin boards, tarps, sawdust How to upcycle? Wall layers, insulation, membranes.
17 + 0 T 6 19 53 5 + 28+10+3341411T
WASTE PER SECTOR 10,2% Manufacturing |
28,1% | Mining
14,9% Others |
mln Tons/year
34,7% Construction |
Page 29 | 53
8,3% | Domestic
3,7% | Energy
6,4% Manufacturing |
17,1% | Domestic
18,5% Others |
5,4% | Energy
mln Tons/year
52,6% | Construction
| Miscellaneous
| Plastics
| Metal
01| TO DESIGN Paper Wood Office material
mln Tons/year in the EU
| Concrete & bricks
| Cardboard & paper
| Wood
mln Tons/year in DK
| Drywall
| Roofing
02| TO MOVE Tarps Tires Cement mixer Pallet
Formworks OSB Scaffoldings Railings Scraper parts Cranes Plastic covers Temporary facilities Cement mixer Water
Water Cleaning products Systems fixing
Wood Windows Doors Metal parts Bricks Tiles Drywalls
Ill.20: Infografic to present the analysis of the global waste production
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Construction industry waste
A field trip on the local building sites have been done with the aim to achieve a better understanding of the construction waste phenomena. Aarhus is witnessing a golden era for the construction and therefore many building sites are available. The research has been done on two “growingâ€? areas: Godsbanen and Aarhus Ă˜. The tools used have been: - Pictures of the sites in general and, when possible, of the waste bins. - For each area some information have been noted such as the stage of construction, the name of the pro-ject and the architects, engineers and construction company responsible. Furthermore, some personal consideration regarding the visible waste have been noted. - Interviews to the building site responsible and workers asking questions regarding the quantity of waste and the current disposal situation. The interviews with the workers have been particularly useful because they have a direct perception (and personal opinion) of the waste produced. - Contact with the construction company responsible both on site or via mail if not present. The data have then been gathered in a booklet and interpreted: the waste have been divided in material categories and evaluated according to the parameters of quantity available, recycling possibility and up-cycling possibility. This showed a high availability and potential of wood and plastic waste while a low potential of metal waste even though it is highly available since it is very easy to recycle. This kind of active research is within the company methods but has been a pleasant new way for me since it produces a more qualitative knowledge and involve the opinion of people that are directly working with the topic of the research.
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Ill.21: Pictures of building site’s waste in Aarhus Ø and Godsbanen
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Give waste a second chance!
The work done for the Rethink waste competition served as base for a following task regarding the upcycle dissemination. The company, in collaboration with Arkitema, won a competition for the organization of a workshop for Staby efterskole, in western Jutland. The workshop will consist in upcycling activities, from waste source mapping to actual production of objects from waste. My tasks in this phase have been on two fronts: - The production of the tools that will be used by the students such as an online Waste map of the region, created by using google mymaps, and a co-construction manual with the purpose to explain the potential of upcycling and where waste sources can be found locally. These tools are meant to be “uncomplete” since the students itself need to be involved in the mapping and complete the manual with their findings during the workshops. - The promotion of the “Harvest map”, an open-source map developed by a Dutch architectural firm (Super-studio) that facilitates the sharing of waste between producers and “upcyclers”. This phase has been designed and executed independently and involved the design of a “collaboration proposal” with local recycling and disposal companies, an advertising flyer for potential user of the Harvest map and contact with Super-studio and with the companies that are promoting the initiative in other countries. This task brought me to work in a completely new field such as the creation of a network: a big part of the job has been to research potential partners and design an effective communication strategy to involve them in the initiative. To do so I asked for advice to an Italian organization called “Giacimenti Urbani” that successfully promoted the map in northern Italy; they gave me some suggestions on how to proceed effectively and gave me some useful contacts. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to follow the development of the contacts due to the end of the internship but hopefully the work will serve as a base for the future work of the company. Ill.22: Examples of upcycled solutions
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GIV AFFALD EN ANDEN CHANCE! Har du meget affald og ved ikke hvordan man slippe af med det? Interessere dig om upcycling og har du bruge at noget træ eller glas? I dag er din lykke dag: vi har en fri og nem solution som vil også hjelp miljø! Log ind på og sige hvilken affald slag har du så kunne nogen tage og genbruge det. Træ, plastik, glas, metal, papir ... alle affalden fortjener en anden chance! LOG IND det er fri! søgning
SØGER eller upload!
jeg prøve lykke
KØBE eller sælge!
Ill.23: Flyer for the promotion of the Harvest Map
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Ill.24: Promotion poster for the Globale Gymnasium Workshop
The company won the competition to organize and execute a workshop on Democratik Arkitektur in the Aarhus Globale gymnasium with the partecipation of about 30 students from 8 different gymnasium all over Denmark. The workshop consisted in three phases: - Forandring, definition of something that we want to change in the actual society for each group and realization of collage to express the ideas emerged. - Formidling, according to each group topic a place in Aarhus have been assigned and the students had to take picture, gather objects and do interviews with the aim to investigate the topic. - Forsamling, an exhibition have been assembled by the students by using the wood modular panels previusly designed and produced by the company. The workshop ended with and exhibition that displayed for one month in the Aarhus tech. My personal tasks in the workshop has been: - The concept design of the modular wooden boards needed for the Forsamling phase. Simple parametric solutions have been proposed based on functionality and affordability. The concept have been eventually taken and finalized by someone else due to the need to cover the documentation phase. - The assistance in the wood module production after the exhecutive design phase was completed. - The planning and exhecution of the photo documentation for the workshop portfolio. The task consisted in taking picture of each phase , the setup and managing of some Gopro and the postproduction of pictures and timelapse videos. The pictures and the videos have been used for the final portfolio and for the company and the Gymnasiums’ social media. Skills used| concept design, sketching, wood tectonics, graphic design, photography, postproduction. Tools used| 3d modelling (Rhinoceros), graphics (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign), photography (reflex camera, gopro), postproduction (Lightroom, After effects, Premier). Skills developed| photodocumentation, postproduction software, workshop organization and execution, exhibition design.
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Sketching phase
The first part of the job consisted in the design of the exhibition modules. I have worked on the concept design independently until I have been moved to the documentation task due to the involvement of Albin French in the final design and fabrication. During a preliminary sketching phase different solution have been tested: - Folding structure could make the production more time consuming but would make the transportation and the assembly much more faster and dynamic. Different extent of foldability can be given to the modules so that the exhibition is very flexible and can be chosen by the students. This solution could also be used to make the paper more interactive by the public: the boards could be moved during the exhibition itself to highlights some spots or another. - Smaller wood elements could be used to create a light skeleton to which the exhibition objects are hanged. This would create a more dynamic exhibition but would take more time to produce the units. Possible units are cubes or other simple geometries that could be combined between each other by simple connections or just laying on top. - The use of solid panels would reduce the cutting time but would produce heavier modules. The boards could be design as stand-alone panels or provided with the possibility to connect between each other. Modules that vary in visual height could be designed so that the final exhibition is the result of the visual need that each of the paper produced has. These proposals ended in a preliminary design based on two modules, a frame and a connection element, that can be assembled vertically or horizontally. A calculation of the wood waste was also included. This design has then been developed further by Albin that kept the simple type of joint while proposing different “frame� modules and removing the connection one. Ill.25: Sketches for the modular axhibition panels
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Ill.26: Render for a preliminary proposal of exhibition setup
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Documentation phase
After I assisted Albin in the fabrication and execution of the boards, I joined Sophie to plan the organization of the workshop. My specific task has been to take care of the photo documentation to produce pictures of each phase of the workshop and an overall time-lapse video. These outputs have then been used for the workshop portfolio and for the promotion of the event on the social channels of company and of the gymnasium. During this phase I worked with: - the planning of the placement and settings of the GoPro cameras in order to have a complete recording. - the get familiar and test the GoPro time lapse functions. - the coordination with Sophie for the pictures of the student interviews and the outdoor activity phase. A photo documentation report has been done including a time schedule, the map of the workshop area with the GoPro location and the interview rooms and some space for personal feedback and comments during the documentation itself. The team planning and the report has been very useful to execute a successful workshop. The event lasted three days and has been intensive both for the students and for the staff. My job has been mainly to take pictures and take care of the GoPro, but I have also given support during the activities when possible. The workshop has been directed by a team made of Eske, Sophie, Albin, two gymnasium teachers and me. After the workshop we gathered the documentation material and, together with Sophie we started to work on the portfolio. I post produced the pictures and assembled the time-lapse by learning and using Adobe After effects and Premier. Once again, I had the chance to work with tools that I had rarely used before: this allowed me to gain valuable knowledge in the organization and photo documentation of a workshop and to better understand the meaning of democratic architecture by following the students job. The opportunity to speak with architects that teach in the gymnasium showed me a way to raise the interest and the involvement in architecture.
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Ill.27: Photo-documentation of the workshop
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Ill.28: Illustration of the heating device
Spar op til 152 KWh/ĂĽr !
The company participated to the Nrgi fund call for sustainable projects. Therefore a proposal of a passive solar heating device to supply heat to the buildings in Rundhøj have been designed and tested. The main guidelines followed have been the affordability and the sustainability. After a preliminary research I have been assigned the task to take care independently of the design and production submission material of a heating device made by reusing wasted cans. My role in this phase covered the whole project and consisted in: - the executive design of the panel itself and the production of a construction manual. - the energy simulation of the heating demand of one of the building in Rundhøj and the comparison with the simulated heat production of the panel. - the design of a project descritpion report and of a presentation poster to display the potential of the project and that included some application proposals. - the planning of the phases of a workshop for the construction of some prototypes to be tested in the Institut of (x); this included the production of promotion poster to explain the aim of the device and to collect the cans needed. The project has been developed individually with some feedback from the company supervisor. Even though the material have been rejected from the fund application the project will be developed further from the company by executing the workshop in the Institut next spring. Skills used| graphic design, environmental & economic sustainability, research, 3d modelling, parametric design, energy simulation, project presentation, tectonics. Tools used| graphics (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign), 3d modelling (Rhino), parametric design (Grasshopper), energy simulation (Ladybug, Honeybee). Skills developed| design promotion, workshops organization, graphic design, project presentation, Danish language.
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Concept design
The cold air is pushed into the inlet by using a common laptop fan
An insulated outlet pipe brings the heated air back to the room
The black cans accumulate the solar radiation and transmit the heat to the air
PHASE1 | Production The construction of the panel uses cheap materials and the construction method is better shown in the manual attached. The materials are easily reperible: cans and pallets can be obtained from shops, construction site or community waste while the wood and the metal pieces can be bought for low prices from local sellers. The production can be executed during community workshops to raise the awareness on the benefits of sustainability.
PHASE2 | Transport The device is designed in a way that allow an easy folding and transportation. The use of pallets for the base avoid the need of further waste and the panel size is optimal to be transported even on a simple van. Therefore when an Olbruk is needed a new panel or a dismissed one can be quickly folded, loaded on a vehicle and moved.
PHASE3 | Installation When the Olbruk is built there are just a few passages to do: - the panel have to be placed and unfolded in the way that suits most the location; - the insulated pipes have to be connected to the Olbruk and to the space that needs to be heated.
Tillykke! Your device is now ready to work!
Ill.29: Working scheme diagram and project phases
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1 device 2 devices 3 devices 4 devices 5 devices
157kWh Paris
152kWh Berlin
140kWh Madrid
Ill.30: Energy analysis of the panel performance
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Ill.31: Presentation drawings
Where is the bus! it should have been here 5 minutes ago! Well... at least the seat is warm, I hate to wait in the cold... Thanks God the community installed that Olburk stuff, it seems very ecofriendly! I should build one for my Kitchen, it is always cold in there...
Oh hello there! Sorry I was focused on my laptop and I didn’t notice you. Sorry for the room, it is a very old building... but the situation used to be worse! Before installing Olburk on the balcony here was way colder! Now I even save on the heating bills only by using the fan of my laptop and the sun!
Hi! I am enjoying working outside on this autumnal day. The Olburk I built together with my neighbours is heating the seat so sitting here is ok even if it is not the warmest day I have ever seen! It’s chilling and sustainable!
Ill.32: Possible applications of the panel
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Ill.33: 100 Classroom for Refugee Children in the Middle East, by EAHR
Some side tasks have been carried out during the internship, particulary between the end of a main task and the start of the following one. These consisted in: - The participation to the “DLA Daylight and green cities“ conference organized by Velux. The conference consisted in a series of lecture and a field trip in Gellerup with the aim to present the state-of-theart of the daylight study in different disciplines (e.g. health, architecture, ecology, art...). My tasks consisted in the participation and the production of a report on the topics presented. This seminar allowed me to meet relevant professionals (architects, urban planners, doctors, light engineers, ...) and to learn on the relation between indoor comfort and health and architectural benefits. - The participation to the seminar “Genanvendelse af byggematerialer - fra idé til god forretning” hosted by Lendager group on the theme of upcycling in the construction industry. The seminar aimed to highlight the opportunities and the obstacles to circular economy by displaying actual examples of upcycling design in the Danish industry. This conference has been very interesting since it shown the local stateof-the-art in term of building material and upcycling such as local producers of upcycled bricks and their application in the architectural sector. - The participation to the workshop “Emergency Architecture and Human Rights” hosted by Aarhus Architecture School with the collaboration of EAHR architects. The workshop included lecture and table discussions on the question: “Is architecture a human right?”. This workshop gave me many inputs to reflect on the obstacles and potential that a social approach to
architecture has in the real construction sector (fund lack, lack of effective collaboration between social oriented associations, how architecture as human right should be integrated in the professional dimension, ...) - The design of some analysis illustrations for the requalification of an historical Muusgarden in Kerteminde (Sydjylland). During this assignement I assisted Albin Fench in the design of a booklet for the presentation of the project to the private clients. - The assistance during the analysis phase for a competition in Riga, in collaboration with Sleth a/s. The project consisted in the requalification of a dismissed factory for public functions and my task covered the analysis of internal daylight factor and the outdoor shadow situation. During this phase I assisted Anne Høgh in the anlysis presentation and used my skills with environmental softwares (Velux daylight vizualizer, Rhino 3d). - The collection of the material produced during the internship and the design of the graphics material for the update of the company website’s projects page. - The production, in collaboration with Sophie, of an “internship instruction paper” to help the future intern of the company. This summed up the internship expectations, tasks and methods of our work experience.
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06| Conclusion
The internship lasted four months and gave me the possibility to achieve the educational goal expected. The tasks have been mostly developed through an independent work with feedback: this allowed me to improve my initiative and organization skills and to test the working methods I learned during my university experience. My skills have been integrated with the company tools such as on field research, people involvement initiatives and 1:1 architecture. The individual tasks were managed in a flexible way, so it was completely my responsibility to arrange a self-time schedule and to decide the tools to use. Deadlines and client requests were the only restrictions. Team work has been limited to user involvement tasks and my role has been an active collaboration during the organization and the support and documentation during the execution phase. During the group works I directly collaborated both with colleagues and clients and the time schedules and tools were agreed with them. The participation to conferences and workshop in representation of the company gave me the possibility to develop a working network and to learn from Danish and international profession-als in the fields of sustainability. The nature of the company gave me the chance to get in touch with sectors of architecture that are generally neglected, such as social sustainability, waste upcycling and user involvement, and to reflect on how to integrate them in my education. The office is part of one of the main cultural centre of Aarhus, the Institut of (x), and this allowed me to see many different activities under the same roof, from design studio to music producers and event organizers. This showed me an alternative way to intend an architectural firm: a flexible start-up inserted in a highly creative and diverse co-working environment where collabora-tions and help from other professionals is part of the everyday work life. The negatives aspects of this experience have been the lack of participation in the relations with clients (also due to the meetings in Danish) and the excess of independency in the tasks that often resulted in very few feedback. Ill.34: Aarhus city center
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07| Reflection
Methodology Methodological differences between university and Kondens Arkitekter have been clear but happen in a lower extent if compared to bigger companies mainly due to the relevance of independent work. The short time available and the strictness of the municipality often cause the impossibility to use the iterations of the IDP: this results in a linear process with few iterations that reduce the quality of the final design. Another big difference has been the impact of working with other professionals and clients on the design process and in the final use of the project. In university projects you rarely have the opportunity and the time to discuss with other professionals and to see how people uses the project after construction, but during the internship I had the chance to do so: - the collaboration with an intern specialized in user involvement brought to consider in the design issues such as how to promote a project so that people effectively feel the space as their own and not as a thing placed from above. - the organization of workshops with teachers and students resulted in learning how to effectively transmit knowledge and awareness related to democratic architecture and sustainability. - the promotion of the project in Rundhøj taught me how a space that was design with a specific purpose could be used differently in the reality. This can be seen both as a design fail or as a design value since it is gives flexibility and room for creativity to users. The company own methods differ from the academic approach for the higher amount of time spent afar from a laptop: most of the analysis, the construction and the promotion are done in an active way through workshops and meetings with the users and clients, on site research and initiative that are closer to local
activism rather than to a standard architectural approach. Another big difference is the relevance given to the economic aspects: the company is small and therefore the project must stay within a very low budget since the early stages. This is not avoidable since the company takes care of the whole process and therefore a wrong estimation of the costs will affect the company itself during the construction phase. In conclusion a similarity between university projects and firm projects is the increasing importance that sustainability has in the design process: in both the situations all aspects of sustainability are being integrated since the early stages thanks to parametric tools.
Democratic Potential & Limits In my opinion the company own methods are very effective and match with vision of the firm by generating a network with the final users that result in a more qualitative analysis. These are though affected by the “youth� of the company and the consequent lack in organization, a factor that must be solved if this format wants to spread and be applied to a bigger reality. For the company to expand, more employee and a more standardized method is needed to be more effective in the documentation and in the collection of the information: the company is already trying to develop in this way, but more time is needed, and some obstacles needs to be passed: - First, the municipality collaboration is a factor that will determine the success or fail of the company activity. Luckily Aarhus is a city that is supportive and positive for social policies and small scale urban
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solutions at the moment (as it is clearly visible in examples such as the Dome of Vision or Den Grønne Ambassade), but some issues could come from governments that does not see the integrative solutions proposed by Kondens as effective. In this sense an internal topic under discussion in the company is to develop a way of working that seeks support directly from the local communities so that the company work is not dependent by the municipality political orientation. - A correct balance needs to be kept between local activism and company dimension; a fundamental part of the company work is the solid network with the local community and with the subjects that operates in the districts (Local shops, cultural associations, churches, sport clubs, ...). For instance, during the promotion phase of the project in Rundhøj a constant communication between SODA, the local somalian association, the local Netto and the municipality was kept in order to involve them and organize the promotion event jointly. Therefore, if we imagine a bigger company a big effort is needed to keep the daily presence in the local districts so that the community involvement tools produce the same social benefits. In this logic, collaborations with local associations, user involvement and sustainability experts are beneficial for the success of the firm vision. - The “turn-key” way of working of the company is effective for the actual small size of the projects meaning that the office can manage to develop a project from design to construction without external partners. If a growth in term of project size or number is expected a correspondent evolution in the company method is needed. The firm should either increase the number of employees so that a construction de-
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partment is ready to take care of bigger issues or start to collaborate with subcontractors for the final phases of the projects. - If the internal growth is the option chosen a deep knowledge of local building material suppliers and craftmanship needs to be further developed within the company so that the local potential can be unfolded. Furthermore, the 1:1 architecture approach has to be maintained since it is an effective tool that can be used to further involve the citizenship through workshops and common construction; this increases the level of involvement of the users and generates a better “community ownership” of the architecture but is limited to small scale architecture. This field often cross with affordability and consequently with waste upcycling. In bigger companies there is often a department for user involvement that can be seen as with similar goals as Kondens vision. In my opinion the potential of a company based on Democratic architecture is that the user involvement and social sustainability are not secondary factors that contributes to the project (such as the structural department or the landscape department) but they are its main conceptual driver. Another big potential of this firm model is given by its flexibility: it can work in every context where social issues require fast and participated architectural solution, not only in western countries. The work possibilities are huge if we consider that the problem of integration and improvement of the conditions in the city’s peripheries or the emergency architecture after natural disasters or wars are a main topic in the global architectural discussion. In Italy for instance, the topic of the peripheries and the reconstruction after the earthquakes are under discussion in the govern-
ment and many architects are currently trying to work with that but with a traditional method. These are fields in which the collaborative approach could help to produce a better architectural quality and a better social outcome (Barone, N., 2018).
Democracy & Sustainability A specific refection is worth to be made also on the potential of democratic architecture in enhancing sustainability. The firm manifesto is based on a simple concept: good architecture is a human right and today 2/3 of the human population doesn’t have access to it (EAHR, 2018). This happens not only in emergency areas, such as Middle east or Africa, but is an issue that affect all the peripheries of western European countries. The lack of good architecture is a direct consequence of social problematics such as poverty, bad integration and social conflict. It is clear that sustainability in all its forms is the least of the priority in these situations. The firm work shows how using active methods architecture can help to improve the conditions in these zones and consequently bring social sustainability while improving the awareness on the topic. Economic, environmental and social sustainability are often represented as on the same level, sometimes even treatable independently. The scheme presented from the company and by other subjects that I had the chance to meet in conferences believe that social equity, liveability, community development, social responsibility, community resilience, and human adaptation are primary factors of sustainable development and are propaedeutic for the environmental and economic ones.
Rundhøj and similar examples, such as Agrocitè in Paris periphery or the work of organizations such as EAHR in war zones, show that architecture can have an active role to fill this social gap and bring sustainability in places where it is not even considered (, 2018) (EAHR, 2018). During my internship I had the chance to meet some of the subjects mentioned above during conferences, such as some architects from EAHR and professor Walter Unterrainer from Aarhus School of Architecture, and some of the obstacles that this kind of organization has to face has been discussed. In order for these realities to succeed all the characters of the building sector (from building owners to end users) need to acknowledge that social sustainability generates relevant benefits in the architectural quality in the long term: this is the aim of all the dissemination initiatives that the firm promotes and executes. The architectural firms are already dealing with economic and environmental sustainability and should at least consider similar way of working with the social aspects since it generates significant benefits in the design quality: - the people collaboration in the design process generates solutions that are perceived as more familiar; this means that the buildings are “used better” from the community and eventually generates sustainability. - the internal documentation of the building use improves the firm knowledge and in the long term will help to further develop these areas in a more informed and effective way. This sort of post-occupancy evaluation happens naturally in the company work since it keeps operating in the project site also after the end of the construction but is not yet translated in a defined methodology.
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LITERATURE - Adams, W. M. (2006). The Future of Sustainability: Re-Thinking Environment and Development in the Twenty-First Century. The World Conservation Union. Available at -Barone, N. (2018). Stop per due anni al Piano periferie. La protesta dei sindaci. Il sole 24 ore, viewed on 11 December 2018, <> - Bruun, E. (2016), Studio Architecture and Resources - Graduation projects F16 - Eske Bruun, viewed 11 December 2018, <> - EAHR (2018), Emergency Architecture & Human Rights, viewed 11 December 2018, <> -Eurostat (2018), Waste generation and management, viewed October 2018, < web/waste/data/main-tables - Kondens Arkitekter (2018), Kondens-Agenda, viewed 11 December 2018, < agenda/>. - Kondens Arkitekter (2018), Kondens-Projekter, viewed 11 December 2018, < projekter/>. - R-Urban (2018), AgroCitĂŠ, viewed on 11 December 2018, <> ILLUSTRATIONS
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