Group: Ma1 - ark3 MSc01 ARK Aalborg University 20.12.17
TITLE SHEET Aalborg University Architecture & Design MSc01-ARK E2017 Group: Ma1 - ark3 Project title: Sustainable Architecture Project period: 25.10.17 - 20.12.17 Main supervisor: Mikkel Poulsen Technical supervisor: Chen Zhang Number of pages: 100 Number of annex: 18
Andrea Ferrerio
Kristina Kvium
Maiken RĂŚvdal
Matteo Tagnocchetti
Rok Sraka
ABSTRACT This report is the product made of the main project of the 1. Semester on the Architecture Master at Aalborg University. The task for the project is to design a energy and climate optimized dwelling complex with innovative housing qualities in HĂĽndvĂŚrkerkvarteret in Aalborg. The focus throughout the project has been to design a CO-living community with a wide range of residents, which at the same time is a sustainable zero energy complex. To achieve this a focus has been on affordabilty, which is also a way to make the community more attractive to a bigger range of people. These approaches results in a dwelling complex with a high percentage of shared facilities. The end result is based on both analysis of the given area, the city and the user group. Micro-climatic considerations has been used to place and shape the buildings in the complex. Different considerations are made to define the shape, as an example the facade is shaped to define niches in the shared space on the inside and to create diversity in the exterior so that the different interior functions are expressed on the outside. In the design passive and active strategies are used to integrate the sustainable approach in the buildings. Both the technical, functional and social aspect of sustainability is considered in the design, which has created a cohesive sustainable dwelling complex.
READERS GUIDE The contain of this report is made according to the integrated design process by Mary-Ann Knudstrup. The report is divided into different phases of which the three main phases are; analysis, process and presentation. The analysis chapter contains both the initial urban and site analysis, more technical analysis and social analysis. The chapter is concluded with a number of design criteria. The process contains the design process throughout the project containing both architectural and technical consideration and studies. Finally the presentation chapter contains the presentation of the building complex, shown in form of diagrams, architectural and technical drawings, renders together with technical considerations and calculation etc. In general the report gives a description of a project regarding the design of a Zero energy building complex with a focus on CO-living.
INDEX FRAMEWORK - Project Description - Methodology - Problem Definition
2 3 5
ANALYSIS URBAN - Location - History - Local Plan - Functions & Infrastructures
7 7 8 9 10
SITE - Description Of Area - Tomography - Heights & Typologies - Greenery - Micro-Climate
13 13 14 16 17 18
SUSTAINABILITY / TECHNICAL - Sustainability Definition - ZEB Definitions - Indoor Environment - Passive Strategies - Active Strategies - Suburban / Dense City - Open / Dense Types
19 20 21 23 24 26 28 29
SOCIAL - Intro - Redundancy - Co-living
30 30 31 32
- User Definition - Families - Single / Couple User - Aggregation Groups - References - Mixed Use And Potential - Owner Typologies
33 34 35 36 37 38 40
SUMMARY - Function Diagram - Room Program - Design Criteria - Vision
42 42 43 44 45
PROCESS - Floor Area Ratio - Brainstorm - Positioning Of Buildings - Micro-Climate Considerations - Private vs Public - Common Space Layout - Apartment Layout - Active Strategies - Mechanical Ventilation - Landscape - Materials
47 48 53 55 56 58 60 62 64 65
PRESENTATION - Concept - Shape Diagram - Indoor Comfort - Energy Consumption Evaluation
67 68 69 71
- Passive Strategies - Active Strategies - Mechanical Ventilation - Acoustic - Masterplan 1:500 - Dwelling overview 1:500 - Cross-section A-A 1:500 - Cross-section B-B 1:100 - Family cluster plan 1:100 - Single/couple cluster plan 1:100 - South elevation 1:100 - North elevation 1:100 - Cross-section C-C 1:100 - Details 1:20 - Unit Typologies - Axonometries - External views - Internal views
72 73 74 75 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 95 96 97 98
CLOSING - Reflection - Bibliography - Iconography
100 102 105
ANNEX - Annex 1-18
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The given task is to design a sustainable housing complex in the district named HĂĽndvĂŚrkerkvarteret in Aalborg, Denmark. The site is located in what is today a mostly industrial area, which is being developed to be a residential area, for which the designed building complex will be a stepping stone. The aim is to incorporate both technical, functional and aesthetic consideration in one project to develop a high-quality living environment. The design description states that two units must be designed. One of these units must for a family, have a gross area of maximum 115 m2 and include at least 3 bedrooms. The project has to meet the latest Danish energy requirements, resulting in a zero energy building. In addition to great energy performance, good living conditions; in form of good thermal, acoustic and daylight performance, most be guaranteed (Project description, 2017).
METHODOLOGY THE INTEGRATED DESIGN PROCESS The integrated design process is divided into five phases combining knowledge from the architectural and engineering approach for designing of buildings. It is an iterative process, where one will god back and forth between the different phases during the project. This way the integrated design process is taking the different professional competencies into consideration. For this reason, the integrated design process aims to make a coherent design where the different professions are combined and involved early in the project.
THE PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACH The phenomenological approach is about perceiving and experience the area or other topics that needs analyzed. it can be used to gather inspiration and set up directions as a point of departure. The phenomenological approach is all about understanding and interpret. The phenomenological approach is used to experience the area and atmosphere to get a valid understanding of the place or object. The phenomenological approach is a more individual approach, and can be used to experience the are through observations.
The different phases involved is shown in the illustration, which also shows how one may move between them. In the idea/problem phase the underlaying problem for the project is defined and the initial idea for the project is formed. In the analyze phase the site and the area is examined and data to answer the problem is considered. Here topics like the micro climate, the history and local plan of the area is investigated. In the sketching phase, the first architectural ideas are tried out together with the first ideas of construction, indoor environment and the sustainable approach. The synthesis phase is where the architectural and the technical ideas are combined and creates a coherent design. In the presentation phase the final design is presented from both architectural and technical aspects (Knudstrup, 2015).
This approach was chosen because of its immediate approach and quick results. The method is done on the project are and one can therefore quickly get an impression of the area and its atmosphere. (Videnskab. dk, 2015).
Tomography is among the phenomenological analysis where the feeling of the site is considered through its materials and textures. Tomography is used to get an general idea of the materials and textures which can be used to get an impression of the atmosphere in the area and as guidelines for the exterior expressions in the project. But also more general observations of the area were made.
ill. 1: The integrated design process 3
THE EMPIRICAL APPROACH The empirical approach uses measurable data and facts as a launchpad for the analysis. It is less opinionated and is more about the facts and reliable data. Compared to the phenomenological approach it is more about facts than one’s own feelings and experiences. This approach has been used several times throughout the project, both in the beginning with the analysis and later in the sketching phase, synthesis and presentation. The analysis covers among other things, the history, the local plan, the heights in the area, and later the study of the sustainable approach and the user group, where data was collected and processed. Throughout the project models in scale have also been an important tool to get a more realistic understanding of the size of both buildings and the area. This approach was chosen to get relevant data when analyzing the problem of project. It was used both for generating data for a map and collecting data and information of the different definitions and users and for modeling in realistic scales. It was therefore both used throughout the project in the different phases (Videnskabelig empiri, teori og metode, 2017). THE APPROACH OF THE HERMENEUTIC SPIRAL With this approach studies are done and then interpreted so that new studies can be done based on the previous interpretations and, so it goes on through process. The hermeneutic spiral is a illustration of the approach. It starts with having one understanding and then a object is observed, at sketch is made or an analysis is made and then the first result is interpreted to the move on with the sketches or analysis to get to a new result and so it goes on. It was therefore natural to use it through the sketching phase when building models and sketching both in 2D and 3D. Every time one sketch or model are done new information are gained from the study and understanding of it. Then a new sketch or model can be made based on the information and thereby improve or alter the design. When sketching or modeling it is beneficial to look at and interpreted the result to get a better understanding of what is good and what need changing. This can also help when combing the technical and architectural aspects into one design (Systime, 2017). 4
PROBLEM DEFINITION How can a zero energy housing complex be designed, with a focus on CO-living and the users needs. One problematic with building a CO-housing community is tied to creating a community offering a wide range of facilities for a larger user group and at the same time building a sustainable zero energy building complex with technical flexibility and energy efficiency in the long term. To what degree should the design be affected by the context, and how should this be considered in the shape and functions. In that connection, how to achieve an integration with the context while trying to translate the low density dwellings qualities in the dense typology. Furthermore, which mixed-use functions can be implemented in the buildings that relates both to the public and the residents.
URBAN ANALYSIS LOCATION The site is located near the center of Aalborg, in Håndværkerkvarteret, which is currently used for more industrial functions. It is defined by Hjulmagervej in the north, Sønderbro in the east and Bødkervej in the west. A canal forms the south side of the site. The old city center is approximately a kilometer away.
ill. 2: Håndværkerkvateret
ill. 3: Denmark
ill. 4: Nordjylland
ill. 5: Aalborg
HISTORY Aalborg became a city in the 900th. It started out as a trading city because of its location by the river. In the 1830ties new establishment of several industries, like Aalborg Aquavit, the tobacco factory, and the Eternit factory,meant a new industrial image for the city. This image grew lager through the 1800 and it was not until 1970 that the city began to change. Since 1970 the city has evolved from an industrial working city to a city with focus on education, service and culture. Aalborg city is now the 4th biggest city in Denmark. (Den store danske, 2009)(Danish center for city history, 2010)
ill. 6: Production of snaps at the Danish distillery - Aalborg Akvavit, by Andersen, 1943
The waterfront along the harbor has become the new trademark for Aalborg. It has change from a place with lots of industrial buildings to an urban environment full of culture, restaurant and apartments. The site of the old Eternit factory has changed from industrial- and toxic site to a new part of the city with dwellings, shops and offices. Some of the silos from the old factory has been kept to tell the story of the industrial time of Aalborg. (Visit Aalborg, 2010) HÅNDVÆRKERKVARTERET Håndværkerkvarteret was created for smaller industrial and craftsmanship based businesses and this is why it got the name Håndværkerkvarteret (Craftsman neighborhood)(Aalborg bibliotekerne, 2007). Now the area is more dominated by workshops (car workshops etc..) and service buildings. (Aalborg Kommune, 2015) This has left the area very desolate compared to the rest of the city because people only go there for business. Since Aalborg now is a city with focus on the people with its culture offers and focus on education, it can be a clear choice to build at complex for the people that also connects with the functions in the city. This could also help making the area less desolate.
ill. 7: In front of the Danish distillery in Aalborg, by Andersen, 1943
ill. 8: Traffic regulation at Vesterbro, Aalborg, by Kirkegård, 1942
LOCAL PLAN The ideas from the municipality are to make the area green and environmental friendly. They want to make the green in the area more visible to underline the Østerå connection into the city. They also want to underline it by opening the facades towards the canal. The interaction between the buildings on the site, the water and the green are also very important, and should be considered in a new design. The city’s vision for the area is to transform it from being an all business area to a more mixed area. A mix between dwellings and businesses. The businesses in the area can therefore not be entirely removed but they can be replaced with new businesses and public buildings. New public buildings can also be added. (Aalborg Kommune, 2015)
AREA ill. 9: Different kind of use of the buildings in the area.
As far as the building height is concerned, the local plan define that the height in our area should not be more than two stories. New paths through the area, should make a better connection between the area and the city. This will make the area less excluded from the rest of city and help it get at new image. When building in the area, the context should be considered and especially along Sønderbro. This is to keep the visibility along the road (Kommuneplan, 2014) & (Lokalplan 1-1-120, 2015).
AREA ill. 10: A connection between the area and the city is wanted.
AREA ill. 11: Increasing the number of green elements
FUNCTIONS & INFRASTRUCTURES Analysis of public/private facilities located in the district context; private shops are left out from the survey since they’re spread in the industrial area. The purpose of the analysis is to map what are the district weaknesses/ strength in term of facilities and therefore decide what the 20% not-dwelling area could contain to improve the overall district quality. It can be concluded, that there is a concentration of new facilities in the new south area and in Kennedy square while the area nearby the design site is characterized by the abundance of sport (Gyms), local shops and education facilities. The map also shows that there is no parks up close to the site. This could give an indication of what we can use in the design of the not-dwelling area and the landscape. Analyze the private and public transportation grid in relation with our design area. The aim of the analysis is to map the bus, +bus and bicycle routes to realize what is the extent of the connections of the design area within the district and with the remaining parts of the city. Furthermore an overall idea of the infrastructural potential of the area can be analyzed, on the base of the proximity to the bus and bicycle grids access. The area has a strong direct connection with both the public and private transportation net since it is very close to the bicycle path and the bus stop of the line heading north. An indirect connection with the +Bus line and the train station is also available through the bicycle and bus paths (Aalborg Kommune, + Bus 2017) (Nordjyllandstrafikselskab, 2017). In the further design it could be considered where the transit places when placing the entrances. 10
25 0m
ill. 12 - Function map 1:5000
SITE ANALYSIS DESCRIPTION OF AREA The first impression when entering the area is a very isolated area with closed buildings towards the streets, giving the area a more private character. It can be complicated to move around in the area due to the green fences on the streets which create a barrier and makes it feel like trespassing when trying to enter the site. The area doesn’t appear very residential, the buildings shape and material give the area a more industrial impression and the buildings are not very maintained.
ill. 14: Picture from the site
The canal appears as a surprising element in big contrast with the character of the rest of the area. In general there are not a lot of activity in the area, but the canal seems to attract people whom are walking along the canal. When walking along the canal a more enclosed feeling arises with a tall fence on one site and buildings placed near the canal on the other site. The area is characterized by the presence of a multicultural group of people living there, who are the main users of the area together with people working in the activities and people running there or going to the gyms.
ill. 15: Picture from the site
The project site is right in the middle of the industrial and the more residential area and it could therefore be used as a buffer-zone transitioning from one place to another. This could bring the areas on both sides more together and help create a more uniform area. From this analysis the main entrances are also more clear and how the area should be changed to be more welcoming from the outside. In the serial vision (Annex 1) a series of picture shows the visual impact during on the main paths bringing to the project site. ill. 16: Picture from the site
TOMOGRAPHY Photographic survey of materials and details of the surroundings. These pictures show the different materials, textures and colors characterizing the buildings surrounding the area and the pavements. Pictures of different details, such as doors and windows, are shown as well. The first sequence of pictures consists in a collage of the different materials, textures and colors characterizing the area. The main material that can be found in the surroundings is the brick, used in different colors, such as red, gray and yellow, used both for residential and industrial buildings. Similar kinds of bricks can present small differences in color, dimension and roughness, and can also be painted. Other typical materials, found for the industrial buildings, are wooden strips and metal sheets. The pavements are mostly characterized by asphalt and different kinds of tiles, and so there is a main presence of gray on horizontal surfaces interrupted just by some spots of grass and plants. Overall the materials in the area give rough impression because of their surfaces. The nature there is in the area is very restricted and it is only by the canal it can be more wild and soft. It can therefor be worked with to introduce more soft materials or combine more materials to soften up the facades or pavement.
ill. 17: Pictures from the Area
HEIGHTS & TYPOLOGIES Analysis of the number of stories of each building in the district. The analysis has the aim to survey the trends of the buildings height among the districts adjacent the design area to provide a tool to understand how to integrate the height of the design with the context features.
floor 11 floor floors 22 floor floors 33 floor
Our project area is located in a low height industrial district (1 up to 2 stories tall) that to some extent is going to become an office/residential district. The area west from the area, across the highroad, is occupied by a big residential buildings with average heights (4 up to 6 stories). The height of the volumes in the surrounding areas tends to conform with the higher residential buildings (4/5/6 stories): for instance the site immediately south of the canal is turning into a half dwellings half industrial area with height that goes from 3 to 7 stories.
floors 44 floor floors 55 floor floors 66 floor floors 77 floor
ill. 18: Map of the buildings heights in the area - 1:5000
The different heights should be considered in the following process of the project because it can either help make the area look more like a unit or make our area stand out. The areas surrounding the site can be separated into different districts which are dominated by the same building typologies. The given site is placed in the middle of a bigger area whit many low industrial buildings. If looking northeast and southeast from the site, the areas mainly consist of dwellings, which include higher building blocks and square blocks. When looking further away from the site more low suburban houses are located. Various new buildings are being build in Aalborg around the site, these are characterized by not having one specific typology and thereby more varied building typologies is appearing in the context. It should be considered how to build dwellings which are related to the placement in the middle of the lower industrial building with flat- or pitched roof. 16
The low simple buildings
The tall blocks buildings
The buildings to be in the area
ill. 19: Map of the different areas - 1:50O0
GREENERY This analysis has the aim to map the amount and position of green elements to have a base to integrate and connect them in the design and to understand their impact in the microclimate and the accessibility fields. A difference in green density and typology can be seen in the dwellings area and in the industrial one: - In the dwellings area the green is more dense and “furnished”, being mostly open for the public; - In the industrial area the green is mostly decorative and definitely spread. The green elements are progressively decreasing as you move form the dwellings to the industrial area. An overall average amount of green elements can be seen, particularly concentrated in the site boundaries (the north street and the canal); the south line of trees have a strong impact on the site since it affects the microclimate (influence the wind and sun exposure). Several green barriers are located around the area (fences between the site and the street,linear trees on the canal) causing a partial “isolation” of the area from the surrounding. In the project the existing greenery in the area should be considered and especially the greenery along the canal and windbreaker. Green Hedges Public Private Trees ill. 20: Map of the greenery in the area - 1:2000
MICRO-CLIMATE The micro-climate was researched through different analysis. The first one is from the noise in and around the site, and it shows that there is quite a bit of noise. The sit is mostly affected is the north western corner of the site (peak of 75db during the day) while the remaining space has an homogeneously spread low noise level (55-60db during the day). It must therefore be considered in the further design how to shelter from the noise on the site. The noise map is shown for the day below and of the night in annex 2. The second analysis is of the shadows that gave an idea of the shadow
casted by the existing buildings and where the site lays in shadow both during the winter and summer. The winter simulation is shown below and the summer illustration is shown in annex 3 This analysis can be used in the further work of placing the buildings and designing the landscape. The last analysis is of the wind and from that knowledge was gained of where the wind mainly comes from and thereby where we need to extra considered of the wind in the design. A illustration of the wind is seen below and wind roses can be seen in annex 4.
50-55 50 - dB 55 dB 55-60 55 - dB 60 dB 60-65 60 -dB 65
65-70 65 -dB 70
70-75 70 -dB 75
>75dB >75
Shadows at 12.00
Shadows at 09.00
Summer Winter
ill. 21: Noise during the day (Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet, 2012)
Shadows at 15.00
ill. 22: Shadows during winter solstice day
ill. 23: Map of how the wind meets the site
ill. 24: Illustration of the focused aspect of sustainability
SUSTAINABILITY DEFINITION The most common definition of Sustainability comes from the 1987 Brundtland Report, where the UN Commissioners asserted that development was to be considered sustainable if it “meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”(European Coomision, 2006). With the purpose of giving a more methodical definition of sustainability different perspectives have been proposed in the Brundtland Report (UN Documents, 1987): • Social sustainability, related to user issues such as security, indoor comfort and flexibility. • Economic sustainability, related to costs, renting and productivity. • Environmental sustainability, related to energy, sources and impact on the environment (UN Documents, 1987). EU has the target to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 90% during the 21st century to contribute to common goal of avoiding the increase of the global average temperatures by more than 2 degrees. The general political goal is to become a carbon dioxide neutral society from 2050 (European Coomision, 2006). Buildings are one of the major source of CO2 producing the 40% of the overall emissions if we include all aspects of the buildings life from construction to demolition (Bejder, Knudstrup, 2014). Therefore architecture has an important role in influencing the impact on the environment and sustainability could be used as principle from which to develop adaptability and mitigation strategies. Sustainable architecture has to do with energy consumption for heating, cooling, ventilating and lighting, for domestic activities and for private transportation. A further issue that comes from a sustainable approach to the design is how sustainable architecture should look like. Aesthetically speaking two paths can be followed: the integration of the passive/active strat20
egies in the building volume or the architectural declaration of these elements as stand alone. As far as the definition of sustainable typology is concerned, the requirements for the project are tied to the general strategy of reduce the energy consumption for private transport by developing attractive, dense cities, where dwellings, work and leisure activities are mixed, and with good conditions for soft road users (Bejder, Knudstrup, 2014). DGNB DGNB-DK is a sustainability certification system used to estimate the sustainability of buildings. In Denmark the certification has been developed by Green Building Council Denmark (Green Building Council Denmark, 2016). The certification focuses on both the construction of the building and how the building performs during its lifetime, focusing on parameters such as the consumption during the production, the life cycles of materials and the indoor environment. The DGNB system is separated into six different categories further divided in 40 specific sub-criteria: Environmental, Economical, Social, Process, Technical and site quality. Each sub-criteria is rated with a point system and the overall building sustainability level is given by the combination of all of them in a total performance index that is then translated in a silver, gold or platinum certification award. When designing a sustainable building several choices in the process will therefore be based upon selected criteria from the Danish DGNB system. This particular project will primarily be focusing on the Environmental-, Social- and Technical criteria, because they are more directly tied to the architectural design process (Green Building Council Denmark, 2016).
ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS DEFINITION Metric of balance: Different measurements can influence the unit of the Zero Energy balance, which should be considered when defining a zero energy building and calculating the energy balance. The most commonly used units are defined briefly below. Net Zero Site Energy building (final energy): The amount of energy provided by on-site renewable sources is equal to the amount of energy used by the building. Net Zero Source Energy building (primary energy): Generates the same amount of energy as is uses plus the energy used to transport the energy to the building (must generate more electricity than the net zero site building). When working with primary energy, the final energy demand has to be multiplied by a factor in order to call it primary energy. This factor gives the applied primary energy from the source to the building. The value of the primary energy depends on the chosen energy frame and the energy source. Net zero Energy Costs Building: The cost of purchased energy is balanced by income from sales of electricity produced on site to the grid. Net zero Energy Emissions Building: Produces at least as much emission-free renewable energy as it uses from emission-producing energy sources (Marszal, 2010). Period of balance: The period of time over which the building calculation is performed should be defined. The period can vary significantly from considering the full life-time of the building, to being seasonal or monthly. The chosen period can have significant consequences on the optimal balance. The most commonly used is the annual balance (Marszal, 2010).
Types of energy use: It has to be defined which type of energy should be included. The energy rating calculation should always include energy used for heating, cooling, ventilation and domestic hot water (also lightning for non-residential buildings). However, the energy used to produce electricity could be split into three different categories: - Nearly zero energy: covering building related electricity. - Zero energy: covering building related electricity + user related electricity. - Plus energy: covering the above + construction related electricity (Marszal, 2010). Type of balance: Considering the type of balance is mostly relevant for the grid connected buildings. There are two different types of balance. The first one covers the energy use and the renewable energy. This is always used for offgrid buildings, and for on-grid buildings it can be used during the design phase. The second balance type is between the energy delivered to the building and the energy fed in to the grid (including fossil fuel Combined Heat and Power CHP), which is used during monitoring phase (Marszal, 2010). Renewable energy supply options: The options for using renewable energies can be divided into usage of the building’s footprint or its on-site or off-site energy consumption. There are two renewable energy supply options if renewable energy is available both on-site and in other forms of transported energy (Marszal, 2010). Connection with the energy infrastructure When looking at the connection with the energy infrastructure, buildings are considered off-grid and on-grid, and can be separated into ZEB and NetZEB. A ZEB is an independent building which is not connected with the energy infrastructure and therefore it is considered off-grid. The 21
NetZEB is a building which is connected to and interacting with the infrastructure and therefore considered on-grid (Marszal, 2010). Requirements Buildings have to meet different requirements. Some requirements can influence the quality of the zero energy buildings, the most significant are shortly described below (Marszal, 2010). Energy efficiency: When building a zero-energy building it is important to first reduce the building’s energy usage which can for example be done through design and usage of energy efficient equipment. When reducing energy demand there can be a goal for the total energy requirement, for instance to reach the 2020energy frame, the total energy consumption must not exceed 20 kWh/m2 annually (Marszal, 2010). Indoor climate: In order to call a building zero energy, different demands regarding the buildings indoor environment should be considered and met. In Denmark, the building regulations have listed different demands covering thermal, atmospheric, visual, material and acoustic comfort (Marszal, 2010). Building - grid interaction: The interaction between the building and the grid and how this interaction looks from both perspectives should be considered. There will be both pros and cons for the two parts. An example of the load match index is when the building produces more energy than it needs during the summer, but in winter it has to draw power from the utility grid. However, in this situation, due to different energy qualities between exported and imported energy, the grid will be in a worse position compared to the building (Marszal, 2010). 22
Bringing to the project Some decisions have been made to define the zero energy building in the project. In the table the overriding choices are listed. Metric
Net Zero Source Energy
ill. 25: ZEB
Type of energy
Type of balance
Renewable supply
Nearly Balance Solar phoZero En- between to-voltaic ergy energy desystem livered and the energy fed to the grid
Connection with Requirements energy infrastructure NetZEB complex The Danish building regulation demands.
INDOOR ENVIRONMENT The general requirements to achieve a high quality indoor environment have been obtained from the Danish building regulations and the related European/Danish Standards and SBI regulations.
temperature and summer overheating parameters such as maximum allowed hours above 26°C,27°C and 28°C and average indoor temperature, depending on the building type (BR15, 2017, 6.2 stk. 1).
Since the project description tells that both a dwelling complex and mixed use functions could be designed regulations for both of them have been considered.
Different criteria are set for different ventilation opportunities (mechanical or natural) and for different function typologies (public or residential).
According the European Standard, DS-EN 15251-2007, the residence buildings can be divided into different categories in proportion to what extent the indoor climate should be. This can be different to new buildings, elderly buildings and clinical buildings like hospitals. The project has to fulfill in the Class II standards since it is meant for normal residents both new buildings and renovated” (Danish Standard, 2007 p. 13). Atmospheric According to the Danish Building regulation (BR15), requirements for the airflow in order to achieve a good indoor air quality are given. These requirements depend on the building type and on the room type for residential buildings and give a minimum Air Flow Rate (l/s) parameter as standard that depends on the number of occupants and the floor area.
Visual The Danish building regulation set daylight standard to achieve a sufficient visual comfort. Parameters that have to be considered are related to the windows properties and size (transmission, percentage of glazed surface on floor area) and to the average daylight factor; different daylight factor criteria are given for public and dwellings functions (BR15, 2017). Acoustic The acoustics comfort requirements are tied to the Danish Standard DS 490:2007 that define different acoustic classes according to percentage of dissatisfied people. The C class is the minimum demand for housing buildings (15-20% of the attendances can be expected to be annoyed by noise) and therefore a maximum recommended noise in decibel for each room is given. (DS, 2007).
A further atmospheric quality parameter is the maximum CO2 ppm allowed the calculation method take into account the CO2 pollution level allowed above the outdoor air CO2 concentration. A sensory parameter based on the people activity and the building material pollution is considered (Br15, 2017, stk. 1). Thermal As far as the thermal comfort is concerned the figures that are considered from the regulation are both related to the winter average indoor 23
PASSIVE STRATEGIES The Danish government requires all new buildings to meet nearly zero energy building (ZEB) standards by 2020, which state that the total primary energy consumption in a building must not exceed 20 kWh/m2 per year. In order to meet these standards, buildings cannot simply rely on producing a lot of energy themselves, but try to save energy wherever possible. Implementation of passive strategies into the building design is therefore necessary and is something that should be considered from the very beginning of the design process (Bejder, Knudstrup, 2014). Unlike active strategies, which are also an integral part of the design, passive strategies use ambient energy sources instead of consuming purchased energy sources such as electricity or natural gas. Since they rely mostly on natural forces, such as the microclimate to function, the building form must adapt to best exploit the potentials of passive strategies (Bejder, Knudstrup, 2014). Passive strategies go hand in hand with ensuring good indoor climate conditions. Thermal comfort is guaranteed with a highly insulated thermal envelope without thermal bridges and adequate shading system to be used in the summer. The wall can also include thermal masses, that can release heat during the night and store it during the day when the room is already heated. Shading systems include overhangs often used over southern windows, which allow the sunlight to enter the rooms in the winter, but not in the summer. Solar shading can be separated into interior, exterior and in-between panes. In general, the exterior shading is best on the sun-exposed windows, allowing less heat to enter the room. External deciduous vegetation serves the same purpose, when the plants drop their leaves in the winter. Strategically placed windows allow for solar gain and provide daylight to important indoor spaces. Their positioning also allows for effective natural ventilation options which can be separated into single-sided ventilation and cross-ventilation. A cooling method can also be ground cooling where either a part of the building envelope are 24
in contact with t ground or air or water runs in tubs under ground. The ground is isolating and keeps the air or water cool during summer and warmer during winter (Bejder, Knudstrup, 2014).
Natural ventilation
Thermal mass
Natural ventilation Natural ventilation
Thermal mass Thermal mass
Thermal bouyancy
Cross ventilation
Single sided vent.
Thermal bouyancy
Cross ventilation
Single sided vent.
Thermal bouyancy
Cross ventilation
Thermal mass absorbs heat during the day and stores it during the night heat Thermal mass absorbs
Single sided vent.
The thermal mass releases the heat during the night and evening The thermal mass releases
during the day andabsorbs stores itheat the heat during the night and Thermal mass The thermal mass releases during the night evening during the day and stores it the heat during the night and during the night evening
Shading Shading
Overhang towards souht can prevent overheating in the Overhang summer towards souht can
prevent overheating the can Overhang towards in souht summer prevent overheating in the summer
Overhang towards souht lets the sun provide passive heating in towards the winter Overhang souht lets
ill. 26: Different passive strategies thekinds sun ofprovide passive heating
Overhang towards souht lets the winter the suninprovide passive heating in the winter
Vegetation can provide shading Vegetation can provide shading Vegetation can
provide shading
In winter the vegetation will let in som In winterlight the vegeta-
tion will let the in som In winter vegetalight tion will let in som light
Exterior shading can prevent overheating and reflect the daylightshading aroundcan the prevent room Exterior
overheating and reflect the Exterior shading can prevent daylight around the room overheating and reflect the daylight around the room
More dense exterior shading can prevent overheating but will also minimize theshading view More dense exterior
can prevent overheating will More dense exteriorbut shading also minimize the view can prevent overheating but will also minimize the view
ACTIVE STRATEGIES In order to meet the government energy requirements it is not enough for the buildings to merely conserve energy, they must also actively produce it. To achieve the zero energy status, the building must produce at least as much energy as it consumes. The most common way to do that is via the use of photovoltaic panels. PV panels can be considered for the project as well. The shape and orientation of the roof and the elements on the southern facade should be optimized to position the solar panels at the optimal angle to absorb as much solar energy as possible. An alternative way of producing electricity on site is via the use of wind turbines, but their use comes with certain disadvantages. Their energy output can be very irregular, they are an eyesore especially in urban environments, and they may be quite loud. Most of the total energy spent is used for heating, which is why this is an important topic to consider when implementing renewable technologies. Hot water may be supplied with solar heat collectors, which in many ways require similar considerations and placement as photovoltaic panels. They may also be used in conjunction with heat pumps. If they are powered by a renewable energy source (e.g. electricity produced with onsite solar panels) they are considered as a renewable technology. They have to be carefully implemented to optimize the performance of the system and the best type of heat pump must be chosen (air-air, air-water, brine-water) (Bejder, Knudstrup, 2014).
PV panels Summer
Wind engergy
Heat pumps
ill. 27: Different kinds of active strategies
SURBURBAN / DENSE CITY Around 1850 people began coming to the cities due to a lack of work in the countryside. This resulted in overpopulated and very dense cities, which created an unhealthy living area with less nature and fresh air. In time people started moving out to the suburbs city to get more space and more green areas (Knudstrup, M., 1997). Today the suburbs are popular among families with children and both adults- and elderly couples. This is due to the low density, own gardens and the security of the smaller roads and local playgrounds etc. The dense city life mostly attracts young people and students who prefer to live in the city center, but also single adults and single elders tend to choose the city over the suburban life. This is mostly due to the small distance to work and activities (Christiansen, O., Kristensen, H., 2016) & (Andersen, H. T, Andersen, P., 2016). Energy distribution: The energy distribution when living in an apartment and a detached house is different. One of the biggest difference lies with the laundry. This is often because the washing machine are shared between the units in the apartment complex. Also in the apartment, the heating isn’t a part of the total energy consumption, and there is a bigger use of entertainment related energy. The last one could be to the diversity in the overall energy balance (SparEnergi, 2013).
Combining the suburbs and the city into one dwelling complex can give a lot opportunities two use qualities from the different areas, however it will also create challenges. One challenge is to provide the suburban garden when being in a dense area close to the city center. Another challenge is to create an area where the residents feel safe when living closer to traffic. It should also be considered how to combine the more horizontal suburban layout with the vertical city layout, while trying to incorporate the qualities from the suburbs in the more dense city area it is important not to create closed areas that are excluded from the rest of the city. The border between the suburb and the city is no longer as clear as it use to, as the suburbs are already implanting some of the qualities from the city and reverse. (Andersen, H. T, Andersen, P., 2016) and (Bech-Danielsen, C., 2016).
Apartment Detached house
ill. 28: Illustration showing the energy distribution between the two dwelling types
Combining suburban and dense: When combining the two lifestyles it is important to consider the pros of both without compromising neither one of the two. Nature and the security is a big part of why people choose the suburban life over the urban dense living and should be kept when designing the two combined. The same goes for the pros for the dense living, where people appreciate being close to the city activities and short distance (Andersen, H. T, Andersen, P., 2016). ill. 29: Illustration showing moving the suburban qualities to the urban dense city
OTHER 1% 1%
OPEN / DENSE TYPES The four types of types of open and dense building compositions are open-low, open-tall, dense-low and dense tall. The open-low and the dense-tall are the opposite edges of the four types. The open-low is what usually are seen as detached houses in the suburbs and the dens-tall is usually seen as closely places building blocks in the city. The other two types are equally shown in both inner city and the suburbs. There are different qualities for the different types, and they relate to different kind of people. The open-low are often used by families and elderly people and the dense-tall are usually used by young adults both singles and couples. It can however also be reversed it depends on the
ill. 30: Denselow: Tinggården - a view between the buildings (Vandkunsten Architects 2000)
persons needs, some families prefer to live in the dense-tall complex without a private garden and some singles prefer to live in a detached house. Having something in the middle is also possible with the opentall and the dense-low building complexes. Examples of the different building types are seen below. The four different examples are sustainable in different ways. The dense-low example, Tinggården is a social sustainable complex, and uses the closeness of the buildings to create a community and flexibility of the dwellings. (Vandkunsten, 2000)
ill.31: Denselow: Tinggården - layout of the area (Vandkunsten Architects 2000)
ill. 32: Opentall: Åhusene in Århus - the open area between the buildings (Åhusene-09, 2014) (Gudintz, 2012)
ill. 33: Openlow: The comfort houses - 10 different passive houses (Komforthusene, 2009)
ill. 34: Densetall: Ringgården in Århus - the buildings being placed close to each other and the streets (Ringgården, 2015)
SOCIAL ANALYSIS INTRO A new trend has started with families, singles and elderly moving together and sharing facilities. It gives the opportunity to eat together and socialize trough other activities, which can help reduce loneliness and give the people a wider social circle. A campaign called “Denmark eating together� was launched this year (2017), caused by research showing that more than 210.000 Danes feels lonely. To decrease this number people are suggested to live in shared accommodations. The interest for this kind of living is growing, and the last five years the amount of shared accommodations have gone up with 20 %. (, 2017) Living several families together has also become more popular especially among families with children, as they get more time together as a family when the daily duties are shared. It has also become popular to live with more than one generation under one roof, both to have more family closer and to use the knowledge and abilities the different generations provide. This also shows in the statistics from 2005 to 2015 where the number of both several families and generations living together under one roof went up with 26,7 %. (Ny Bolig, 2016)
Living together with other people can also be considered as a more affordable solutions, as it can help families, elderly or singles to live where they dream of but maybe cannot afford by them self. This is due to the living expenses and the maintenance of the building being lower when living together. As an example of places that become more affordable when living more than one family together, could be an estate on the country or a big apartment in the city. (, 2017) Based on this, designing a building that encounter this new trend by creating a community where families and singles socialize and share the daily tasks could be an interesting approach for the project. Having a diverse range of people and/or different kind of families living together can bring a lot of qualities such as playmates for the children and having the babysitter close, however it also creates some challenges that should be considered in the design. (Old, A. R.) - Child Care Design Guide
REDUNDANCY The concept of designing buildings with a high level of adaptability is recently becoming a main issue, especially in the face of the unpredictable effects of climate change, and energy supplies. Strategies adopted to address these issues are related to the idea of providing multiple functional choices and to exploit the users’ capacity to share and learn. Redundancy in architecture is defined as “the ability to switch between numerous available choices beyond optimal design” (Stevenson, 2016). The use of redundancy can be a fundamental tool for providing resilience to the design and achieve a long-term flexibility. Redundancy can be achieved through many different design methods: • Providing multiple energy and heat sources can create a backup system, minimizing the risk of energy-supply problems. When used correctly, it can be optimized to very effectively reduce energy costs. • Giving the users the possibility to choose between collective and individual activities can increase the flexibility by exploiting the co-living advantages such as source and know-how sharing. • The possibility to choose between multiple ventilation methods helps to optimize the indoor environment, reduces the dissatisfaction due to different preferences and could reduce the ventilation energy consumptions. • The design of “bonus” spaces, both indoor and outdoor (multipurpose rooms, patios, terraces…), can help to create flexibility; redundant rooms can be adapted to fit with the new uses over time. • Well-integrated community with a variety of communication methods, different ages, incomes, family and career stages can aid in creating “cultural flexibility” and thus improve the collective learning and problem solving (Stevenson, 2016).
case of LILAC in Leeds (UK) show benefits of useful extra redundancy in housing and community development to accommodate varied user preferences, increase occupant learning and their ability to cope resiliently with unexpected failures and challenges (Lilac, 2017). Designing for redundancy requires establishing a particular ownership type: a fully mutual home ownership society. Consequently, rents are higher than for social housing, yet permanently below market levels. Even though the costs of implementing redundancy solutions are usually higher than a traditional approach, the overall balance should be evaluated in context of savings made through greater resilience achieved. In order to make the system work, both architects and tenants must act accordingly: • The designer must identify the appropriate extent of redundancy to implement and adopt a co-production approach to develop it, • The issues for the users is to ensure familiarity with all aspects of physical and social redundancy available in the community to help develop greater resilience (Stevenson, 2016).
The implementation of a general redundancy strategies could be generally justified by the improvements in term of flexibility and overall use quality, but may bring up economic issues. Results from the study 31
CO-LIVING HOUSING COMMUNITY CO-LIVING (collaborative-living) is a housing development with self-organized shared facilities, where occupants have group intention to live together with shared values. The design process in the co-housing is mainly led by the residents and their goal to satisfy their needs. This system presents extra capacities compared to traditional housing. One of these is the redundancy, that allows to adapt and keep control of the home environment in a more resilient way. CO-living comprehends typically between 10 – 40 dwellings. With less than 10 dwellings there is not enough critical mass to speak about co-habitation, while with more than 40 there is the feeling that the community becomes diluted and fragmented (Stevenson, 2016). QUALITIES CO-housing offers new qualities to the everyday life like common areas and shared facilities. Common areas such as kitchens and dining rooms offer more possibility of redundancy, since occupants have the choice to cook individually or collectively. Kitchen tools and resources can be shared, avoiding waste of excessive food and limiting the need of equipment. Common allotments can be made to offer the user a different choice instead of the usual shopping outlets. CO-living is a great chance for new opportunities, for example it has a strong inspirational impact on the occupants, since people can observe and learn from others’ work and at the same time help each other. Diversities of age, income and careers are key aspect of CO-living, since residents commit different amounts of time at different times for different functions. (Stevenson, 2016).
CO-LIVING DESIGN In the design of the building complex CO-living is an interesting and present topic to work with. The design description states that two units must be designed. One of these units have to be designed for a family with a requirement of a gross area of maximum 115 m2, including at least 3 bedrooms. This project will focus on a way to integrate the family unit with the CO-living concept, splitting the dwelling in private functions and shared functions, which at the same time gives a direct access to an outdoor area of at least 20 m2.
USER DEFINITION Aalborg consist of several different population groups. In 2016 the biggest group with children were married couples while the biggest groups without children were single men and single women. When doing dwellings it could therefore be considered designing for these groups, as they cover the majority of the population in Aalborg. The age range of the different groups are not defined and therefore it could be necessary to define the user groups more specific and working with a flexible layout in the apartments to do the most suitable dwelling design (Aalborg Kommune, 2016). As the population in Aalborg has a huge range of diversity the most ideal solution is to stay flexible on the user group, and not to have one strict target group. Therefore the project will focus on building for both families and single persons, and at the same time considering the many different types and sizes of families together with the couples that cannot be forgotten either. WITHWITH CHILDREN CHILDREN
No children
With children
Single men
Single women
Married couple
Couple living in consensual union
Cohabiting couples
ill. 35: Statistics of the Inhabitants of Aalborg
4 % 44% % 4%
1% 1% 11%11%
22 %22 %
31 %31 % ill. 36: Shows the ratio of families with children
ill. 37: Shows the ratio of families without children
FAMILIES DESCRIPTION In the complex at least two units must be designed. The first unit is the one for the family with 3 bedrooms. A family can be in many different sizes and a second family unit is therefore designed as well. This is a unit for a single parent with one child or two parents with one child. The unit will be like the first one but with only two bedrooms instead of 3. This is to make room for a bigger range of families and get more flexibility into the layout. The children’s age are not defined and therefore the layout should give space for both families with young and older children. This will attract different families and make it possible for people to live there over several years. A flexible layout is also necessary when considering the modern family which can include children from different marriages, that maybe not live in the dwelling all the time, and that the children’s needs might change over the years. DAILY ROUTINE Different families will have different habits and needs. The average Danish adult is working from 8 to 16 while the children’s presence in the apartment is very much depending on the age and different leisure activities. Depending on the social activities in the cluster, the children could also be more at home if some other persons from the cluster is around to take care of them while the parents are out.
others. The bedrooms are more private and therefore the families needs a master bedroom and one for each child. In a family with members of different age people often have different hobbies, which often results in a lot of different items. Storage possibilities for both indoor and outdoor articles should therefore also be considered in the layout. The apartment should have access to an outdoor area. For a family with children the space should be designed as a safe area for the children to play in, maybe in a distance where the parents can see it from the apartment. ENERGY CONSUMPTION An average Danish family consisting of four persons in a single-family house will consume approximately 5.181 kWh energy pr year with an average energy use. It should be considered, that when building zero energy buildings the energy consumption should be minimized as much as possible and therefore the energy consumption could be brought down to 4.300 kWh.
DWELLING LAYOUT Members of a family are often home more or less at the same time, especially if the family involves small children. This resolves in a need for both common and private spaces. The common spaces can be a large and open kitchen area or a living room and which could be shared with ill. 38: Four Members Family
ill. 39: Two -three Members Family
SINGLE / COUPLE - USER DESCRIPTION Besides from the family units, another dwelling or non-dwelling function is defined. It is chosen to focus on a dwelling for both a single user and couples. This type of dwelling needs to be flexible as the target group is large and can be both students, adults and elderly. The students are the keenest of getting affordable dwellings due to low income. For the elderly and the singles with a low-income or the singles not currently being at the job market the interest in a more affordable living situation is smaller. For the working adults it can be associated with a higher income than the students, yet still not a very high income, while the elderly often live relative modest and don’t have so many high-quality demands for their dwelling. All the groups can however, profit from a CO-living community across different residents. DAILY ROUTINE An overall daily routine for the single-user and couples is way more difficult to define than for the family. The couples will properly more or less be home at the same time during the day but it still differs from couple to couple. For the students, both singles and as a part of a couple, the daily routine is often related to the individual study. Some students use a lot of time at home reading and some use the whole day at school. The adults can have the same working hours as the parents in the family, however, when not having children, they are more flexible for working in the earlier hours in the morning and later in the evening. The elderly will often be at home a longer period of the day. The elderly is therefor a good combination to the families because they may be able to assist with the children if necessary.
living there and therefore there isn’t the same need for at separation between private and common spaces. Regular single dwellings are typically smaller and with less separated functions, for instance a living room and bedroom can be combined in the same room. For the students, which are often using a lot of time on studying at home, there should be made space for an area to concentrate in. Overall the single and couple units have very flexible demands for the layout. A shared common room could therefore be well integrated with the singles and couples as long as they have a bedroom and a place to study. When living in an urban dense context the need for an outdoor area should also be considered in the single and couple units. The need is however different than for a family with children, and a balcony with the possibility for seating or a terrace could be a solution. ENERGY CONSUMPTION An average Danish single living person in an apartment block will consume approximately 1.610 kWh energy pr year with an average energy use. However it should also here be considered, that when building zero energy buildings the energy consumption should be minimized and therefore the energy consumption could be brought down to 1.300 kWh.
DWELLING LAYOUT The dwellings for the single and couples are often more open than the family dwelling. This is because that there are only one or two persons ill. 40: Single User
ill. 41: Couple
AGGREGATION GROUPS CO-living doesn’t consist only in the aggregation of the same user typologies, but it can consist also in a mixed aggregation. Two different typologies, with different habits, needs and schedules, such as families and singles, can CO-live in the same aggregation.
The cluster with singles and couples can be both elderly, students and working adults. The cluster could be equally mixed between the different groups, however, if one cluster shelter for instance a lot of students there is a big possibility that more students will follow.
When building a CO-living society it’s important to consider the people living there. This involves who will get most from living together. When combining the family and the single-user in a CO-living community, there will automatically be created diversity and the spaces will be activated more throughout the day and the year. Some disadvantages can be related to the social interaction: for example there is the problem of students making parties in the apartments. (Stevenson, 2016). The students and the families could be too different in their ways of living to benefit from living together and especially if the families are outnumbered. The needs from the families and the students may be too diverse to create a community where everyone will thrive. The students may need more privacy for studying and more quality time with their friends at night, where the families with children can be noisy during the day but need sleep in the night.
ill. 42: Families + Couples + Single Users
The consideration has resulted in two types of clusters, one with only singles and couples, and another with families and a few singles or couples. The ration between the different units in the clusters can be explained as shown in the illustrations. When dividing the clusters into family-orientated and single-orientated clusters, the singles and couples whom choose to live in the cluster with the families will typically be more engaged in the family life. If only a smaller number of singles and couples live in the family-orientated cluster, the residents while show a bigger consideration for each other. People choosing to live in the single and couple apartment in this type of cluster could be elderly people. 36
ill. 43: Single Users + Couples
REFERENCES LILAC in Leeds, England. LILAC is a CO-living community build from 2006 to 2013. LILAC is based on the Danish CO-housing model and led by the residents. The design mixes private dwellings and shared facilities placed in a common house giving both places for socializing, cooking and other activities, while the residence still have their own dwellings. LILAC is build based on a sustainable view focusing on the environment. This focus is visible in the construction, where local materials are used and the CO2 production reduced during the construction phase, in the social approach where they are sharing meals twice a week and by the use of passive solar heat. The complex is designed with an affordability model build from an equity based leaseholder scheme, where the costs are shared among the members. (Lilac 2017) Svanholm Svanholm is placed in Denmark and is an estate which was converted into a big shared housing unit in 1978. Currently it houses 85 adults with different ages and different backgrounds plus 56 children. The shared housing is placed in the countryside, and has both farming and cows that needs to be looked after. (Svanholm 2017) The complex offers different kind of dwellings, from a large house shared by many people having both kitchen, living room and bathrooms as shared functions, to the smaller houses having their own functions and just the opportunity to use common functions. All the dwellings are placed close to each other and they share a big kitchen where they are provided with daily supplies and meals 6 days a week. This means that each family only has to do the dishes and cook once or twice a month. The whole concept is durable due to an arrangement where all residents pay a deposit when they move in and their salary is given to the housing complex from which the single resident is payed an allowance of 20 % of their own salary. (GrønForskel 2016) The community is very focused on nature and ecological farming, and have renewable energy productions in the form of solar cells and a windmill to reduce the CO2 production. (Svanholm 2017)
ill. 44: Photo Lilac (Lilac, 2017)
ill. 45: Photo of co-living in Lilac (Lilac, 2017)
ill. 46: Photo Lilac (Lilac, 2017)
ill. 48: Svanholm by Camilla Stephan (Stephan, 2017)
ill. 47: Co-living at Svanholm (Svanholm ,2016)
ill. 49: Daily life by Camilla Stephan (Stephan, 2017)
MIXED USE DEFINITION AND POTENTIAL MIXED USE Mixed use in architecture is the practice of integrating different kinds of functions in the same building or area. The idea behind this solution is to concentrate public and private spaces in small distances from each other in order to provide qualitative and quantitative benefits.
Environmental benefits in energy consumption terms may be possible considering both the transportation savings and the potential of sharing the energy sources between the different uses (especially when condensed in the same envelope).
Many types of functions can be mixed (dwellings, hotels, offices, shops, restaurants, public facilities, etc.) but to different extents, since some combinations could result in counterproductive solutions, especially due to privacy or functional concerns (Stevenson, 2016).
On the other hand, issues concerning privacy could come up (acoustic and visual discomfort…), especially in case of mixing of dwellings and public facilities. In this case, consideration about people flows and layout should be done, for instance by promoting floor separation (public ground floor, private upper floors) and providing separate accesses.
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES The choice of the mixed use path consequently brings up several advantages and disadvantages. As far as the social benefits are concerned, it is quite obvious that the mixing of public, working and living space contributes to creating a strong communal atmosphere - the presence of facilities generates a self-sufficient “village-like” area that may improve quality of life, as opposed to vast zones devoted to a single purpose.
An analogical problem is the risk of mixing functions that can clash among themselves for spatial or usage reasons; acoustic and visual problems should be avoided during the layout design, for instance, a function that requires a certain acoustic comfort (conference room, relaxation spaces...) should not be mixed or placed close to a function that operates with a different noise levels (leisure buildings, auditoriums) (Stevenson, 2016).
The potential of this solution is the chance to create social and stimulating spaces, such as parks and restaurants, which are strongly connected with the private sphere. Furthermore, a sort of “Social Control” is generated from this kind of spaces, since the 24/7 use makes them continuously occupied.
POTENTIAL OF SEMI-PUBLIC SPACES The potential of the integration between public and private mixed use stands in the semi-public functions, a topic that is easy to integrate with the co-living theme. The aim of the mixed-use diagram is to analyze what kind of mixed-use spaces can be integrated in our project case, in such a way to exploit the potential and advantages that the method has, while avoiding the common disadvantages.
The possibility to condense the functions in short distances results in a decrease of mobility needs with advantages both in term of energy consumptions and time usage; for instance, the possibility to have the working place and the leisure facilities in the same building or in the same neighborhood drastically reduces the time that the user “wastes” moving and commuting, with positive results in increasing the free time and the consequently decreasing stress. 38
The mixed use is applied both in a strictly private sphere (closed community), in a semi-private sphere (open community) and in an only public sphere (public community) (Stevenson, 2016).
Living Eating Relaxing
Closed Community Garden Playground Veg. Garden
Reunion Room Work/Creativity Coworking (coll.)
Utility Spaces
Storage Laundry Living Spaces
Education Leisure Sport Worship Work
Open Community Garden/Park Playground Veg. garden Gym Outdoor gym Conference room Cinema room Showroom Coworking Study room/Library Storage Parking spaces Grocery
ill. 50: Mixed Use diagram
OWNER TYPOLOGIES Real estate can be owned by either a person/persons or a legal entity, which results in few different ownership models, the main ones being: private resident ownership, privately owned by an individual and rented out, or rented out by companies, organizations or municipalities.
come with benefits, as many of city-owned apartments may be classified as social housing. The profit margin for the owners is often lower, which results in rent prices which are similar or lower compared to privately owned rented apartments.
Private resident ownership is the most common, accounting for 62% of the cases in Denmark (2015), which is below the EU average of around 70%. This is a trend seen throughout the developed countries such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland, which have an even smaller percentage of owner-occupied dwellings, while in countries such as Romania, Croatia, and Bulgaria approximately 90% of the dwellings are privately owned. It is hard to say which is better and why, especially since most of the people who are renting an apartment would say they would prefer to own one (Stevenson, 2016).
This model also has the highest potential when it comes to creating and maintaining a co-living community. The tenants do not buy or rent an apartment per se, but take an equity-based leaseholder approach an own the building cooperatively. It could be compared to buying a membership in the community and in return be given an apartment and the access to common spaces. If the building is managed by the board of tenants or an overlooking organization or municipality, there is usually less conflict among the occupants and the building is better maintained.
As an ownership model, private occupant ownership is most appealing for families, where the parents already have a stable and somewhat well-earning job. They usually tend to stay as long-term residents and own the house or apartment for decades. On such a time scale, private ownership usually proves to be cheaper compared to other models, but requires very high initial investments, which can be inaccessible to many. It allows for almost full control of the owner’s apartment, but at the same time it can distance the occupant from the co-living community. Students or young families without a stable high-earning income or savings generally gravitate towards renting a privately-owned apartment. These require a very low initial investment, but may prove expensive in the long-term. The occupant often has little control over the apartment, which may lead to conflicts between the owner and the tenant. A similar alternative is renting an apartment from a company, organization or the city council, which owns the building or a part of it. This may 40
In this project the focus has been decided to be on the students and families as potential demographics. A single ownership model would not be optimal in this use case, since the difference in the tenants’ financial capabilities are too great. This could be solved with a combination of both privately owned dwellings for families and dwellings owned by the municipality or the university, which would then be rented out to students and other singles or not having any privately owned dwellings at all. The challenge with having both rented and owned lies in incorporating them into a single cooperating community where the differences would not matter. The main problem is the private owners’ right to use the common spaces. A possible solution would be a small mandatory membership fee, which would cover the usage of common spaces and the maintenance of the building. This problem will however not exist when having just rentable dwelling units and this solution is therefore chosen. (Stevenson, 2016)
CONCLUSION This report is the product made of the main project of the 1. Semester on the Architecture Master at Aalborg University. The task for the project is to design a energy and climate optimized dwelling complex with innovative housing qualities in HĂĽndvĂŚrkerkvarteret in Aalborg. The focus throughout the project has been to design a CO-living community with a wide range of residents, which at the same time is a sustainable zero energy complex. To achieve this a focus has been on affordabilty, which is also a way to make the community more attractive to a bigger range of people. These approaches results in a dwelling complex with a high percentage of shared facilities. The end result is based on both analysis of the given area, the city and the user group. Micro-climatic considerations has been used to place and shape the buildings in the complex. Different considerations are made to define the shape, as an example the facade is shaped to define niches in the shared space on the inside and to create diversity in the exterior so that the different interior functions are expressed on the outside. In the design passive and active strategies are used to integrate the sustainable approach in the buildings. Both the technical, functional and social aspect of sustainability is considered in the design, which has created a cohesive sustainable dwelling complex.
ill. 51: Function Diagram
ROOM PROGRAM Common room Quantity Area
m^2 BR15 demands Atmospheric quality Co2, ppm Tmean Thermal
100 hours above 25 hours above Transmittance Window area/floor area Daylight factor Need of light
Acoustic Ventilation Tectonic
Outside Reverberation time Effect on room Mechanical Natural Construction
Atmosphere Experience of room Aesthetic
Dwelling Master bedroom Bedroom Kitchen 14 99 119 11,7 7,28 40,53 0,3 l/s per m^2 20 l/s <850 Winter 20-25 °C Summer 23-26 °C 27 °C 28 °C >0,75 ≥15 % ≥2%
Bathroom 14
Dayligt + artificial lightning
0,6 Comfortable for speaking Supply air Supply air Cross ventilation Single sided Wooden Beams and colums Living room, place More private area, to relax, children bed, desk, play area, Study wardrobe area Relaxed, community, warm, room for all in the cluster Wooden floor , white plasterboard walls, carpet, acoustic panels Common room divided into different niches one for children and others more private
Culture 168
4,16 15 l/s
Not Dwelling Cafe 1 340 166 0,35 l/s per m^2 <900 Winter 20-24 °C Summer 23-26 °C 26 °C 27 °C >0,75 ≥15 % ≥2%
Grocery 1
1 105
Dayligt + artificial lightning
Artifical light
≤58 Supply air Single sided
Club room 1
≤63 Exhaust Cross ventilation
Exhaust Mechnical only
Wooden prefabricated modules More private area, bed, desk, wardrobe
Common space, place for eating and cooking
Quiet, relaxed, private
Quiet, relaxed, private
Community, warm
Wooden floor, plasterboard walls. Simple interior.
Wooden floor, plasterboard walls. Simple interior.
Wooden floor , white plasterboard walls
Brick construction Private space
Display of culture and a study room Open and inviting, public
A place to buy the most need grocery and fresh fruit
A small cafe People can rent the room for parties etc. Relaxed, public, inviting
The public spaces has brick on the outside which is also used some places on the inside
The kitchen is a part of the common room
ill. 52: Room Program
ic st he t
ca l hn i
Te c
Fu n
According to the problem definition and the resulting analysis phase the main design criteria for technical, aesthetic and functional aspects have been defined.
Building layout and landscape must follow pedestrian flows Sun path must be considered when designing the heights of the buildings Connection with the surroundings (geometric and material) Avoid noise impact in the Northeast of the site Exploit the accessibility of the Northeast of the site Shade for wind in outdoor areas Gradient between private and public Balanced affordable design Flexible layout using redundancy Stimulate CO-living (common spaces) Create semi-public and mixed use spaces Affordable renting models Translation of suburban living qualities to a dense and urban environment Net-ZEB and indoor comfort meeting BR2020 standards Combination of traditional and sustainable materials Implement passive and active renewable strategies
VISION Following the project brief, an idea of what the project should represent was envisioned. From the initial problematic, the design criteria are used to further define the vision which is to be followed. It formed a series of goal, which are going to be followed during the design process. The goal is a zero-energy building, which manages to incorporate its technologies in a form, which offers good living conditions and high aesthetic qualities to the neighborhood. The housing should be affordable to a wide variety of possible tenants via the use of a co-living model. It would provide the tenants with shared communal spaces, and offer some mixed-use functions which could connect and to some degree open the buildings to the public. The qualities of suburban living would be condensed and implemented in an urban setting. A flexible design layout would offer adaptation potential during the life span of the building, making it relevant and useful in the long-term. The overall ambition is to offer more to the area than what is to be removed from the site, both as infrastructure and as an improved functioning and better social dynamic in the neighborhood, and to kickstart a movement of positive change in the area. More greenery and new innovative programs could be introduced to the area, along with improved transportation and communication options. This would result in better communal relationships and development of the neighborhood. Placing a dynamic lively development into a currently more inert site would prove as a critically important first step in the long-term, when the neighborhood evolves into a newer, more sustainable model.
FLOOR AREA RATIO According to the design brief the Floor/Area Ratio (FAR) on the site needs to be between 100% and 200%. The above shown illustration shows the proportion between the outdoor space and the building using different FAR and considering a three stories high building as minimum requirement stated in the brief.
indoor environment (according to daylight and natural ventilation). One of the solutions in order to both save outdoor spaces and achieve a high FAR could be to build high volumes but that would cause several problems in terms of context integration and creation of shading on the surroundings.
A big FAR gives the opportunity to do more dwellings but on the other hand it is also important to consider that with a high FAR the amount of outdoor spaces will be limited and therefore it will be difficult to achieve a good
It has been chosen not to work with the greatest possible FAR due to a wish for having both functions indoor and outdoor. This solution would also be more reasonable if we consider the focus on providing green out-
FAR = 100%
FAR = 120%
FAR = 150%
door areas required in local plan and the sustainability considerations, being a lower FAR better in term of material and construction costs. A proportion between 100% and 150% is therefore chosen as target.
FAR = 180%
FAR = 200%
ill. 53: Different FAR ratios 47
BRAINSTORM - POSITIONING OF BUILDINGS In the beginning of the process the group worked with brainstorming ideas for the building volume and how to place the building on the site. Different suggestions based on the analysis phase was made focusing on: compactness, movement, connection with surroundings and daylight. COMPACTNESS The social analysis brought to the choice to separate the dwellings into clusters with different aggregation groups. Assumptions about how to translate this separation in volumes with different compactness properties have been made in the brainstorming phase. The division in several volumes (Test 3 and 4) seems to be the most optimal solution to express the cluster solution. However, according to the wished FAR, and therefore the building volume, it is not possible to split the building in too many clusters, since the outdoor spaces would consequently result limited into small parts and problems with shading could occur. The first suggestion (test 1) is the most optimal solution whether doing only one volume, but it results in a very closed outdoor space. Openings in the buildings volume, as the ones used in test 2, can connect the outdoor spaces to the context. A compromise between compact and divided building has been chosen in the end of these consideration: The compactness of the seconds solution will be broken in some points to create linear clusters while improving the connection with the surroundings. 48
ill. 54: Test 1 - Courtyard
ill. 55: Test 2 - Lines
ill. 56: Test 3 - Rectangles
ill. 57: Test 4 - Squares
MOVEMENT When working with the positioning of the building another volumetric approach was the movement design on and towards the site. The infrastructure and people flow analysis made in the analysis phase have been used as starting point for each of our proposals. Different movement paths over the site is tested together with ways to combine this with different building shapes and positioning. The illustrations shows different suggestions for solutions. From this the group determined that the main opening for cars and pedestrians should be in the upper right corner against northeast while an open line along the channel should be kept.
ill. 58: Test 1
ill. 59: Test 2
ill. 60: Test 3
ill. 61: Test 4
Some assumptions in using both several buildings and openings in a volume to create paths for the pedestrians have been made. As result all the test shown the necessity of a diagonal public flow from the north-east corner to the canal line while a freely design flow can be implemented in the western area since no strong movement are required.
CONNECTION WITH SURROUNDINGS Another focus in the beginning of the process has been the connection with the surroundings. In this phase the group worked with making suggestions that were connected to the context using heights and lines from existing buildings and streets. To achieve an urban integration, experimentations in placing the volumes integrated with the already existing lines have been made. The main focus was to follow the parallel lines from the street and the canal, while openings between the buildings are made from perpendicular lines from the surrounding buildings. In the height analysis made in the analysis phase it has been determined that the project area is located in a low height industrial district, while the new buildings being made south for the area are going to be terraced with a top height of seven stories, decreasing towards the given area. Since the area is slightly going to change in the future the focus has been on the new buildings towards south and on the influence of the design volumes on the surroundings and on the project itself (as far as shading is concerned). With the orientation of the area, the building volumes towards south should be lower than the ones toward north, which also create a height relation to the new buildings.
ill. 62: Test 1
ill. 63: Test 2
ill. 64: Test 3
ill. 65: Test 4
DAYLIGHT When working with building volumes the depth of the building needs to be considered according to the demands regarding daylight in the rooms. To study how the room depth influence the daylight factor different rooms have been analyzed in Velux daylight visualizer. In the analysis all the rooms have the same window size. The solutions 1 to 3 are the only one having windows on one facade while suggestions 4 to 6 have on two. The test shows, that when having windows on only one facade the room should not be more than 10m deep while the deepth can be increased to 15m whether windows on two side are available.
Depth (m) Width (m)
DF - half room (%)
DF- entire room (%)
ill. 66: Daylight Factor
Daylight Factor 8,00 7,00 6,00 5,00 4,00 3,00 2,00 1,00
ill. 67: Daylight Factor Simulation with Velux 51
CONCLUSION After the different suggestions made in the brainstorm phase the group got to a solutions based on the results from each topic. The solution is based on the open courtyard volume, which had the qualities of a high floor/ area ratio without getting too deep, according to daylight and cross ventilation considerations. The courtyard is open in some points to get a better connection to the context; these openings are designed to follow some of the lines from existing buildings and streets and to meet the pedestrians flow, giving them clear paths into the outdoor areas.
ill. 68: Design solution
MICRO-CLIMATE CONSIDERATIONS SHADOWS When working with two south-orientated rows of buildings it is important to consider the height of the buildings so that the one will not be shaded too much from the other, with consequent issues of low direct sunlight and limited passive solar gain in winter.
ill. 69: Test 1 - 3N and 3S
The aim of the test is to realize how the southern block has to be in order to avoid to affect the lower stories of the northern one. The diagrams are made with low winter sun angle and they all have an average of at least three stories between the two rows. The test shows that in the case of a two floor high building towards south (test 2) the northern building will still receive direct sunlight, even though the ground floor will have a lower amount in the most critical situation. Therefore the height of the southern buildings should not be higher than two stories when dwelling functions are located in the ground floor of the building behind. The southern height can be raised to three stories whether public functions are placed in the northern ground floor (test 4) since no requirements are set for buildings that are neither dwellings nor offices.
ill. 70: Test 2 - 4N and 2S
ill. 71: Test 3 - 5N and 1S
ill. 72: Test 4 - 5N and 3S 53
WIND During the following design process different solutions, both in term of volumes shape and placement, have been tested to see how the wind flow affects the site. The aim was to study how the wind flow goes through the courtyard in order to avoid turbine situations and high wind in the open ground floor. The illustrations are based on four situations tested in Autodesk Flow Design. The direction from which the wind blows has been obtained from the microclimate analysis: the main wind both in summer and winter comes from west and south west but the airflow simulation shown that the context buildings divert the wind in a similar way in both the situations. The first test is made after the shading considerations: the volumes create an open line for the wind, which creates a discomfort situation in the outdoor spaces. The further simulations try to use the transversal volume to create barriers perpendicular to the wind direction (test 2 & 3). The tests show that the outdoor spaces are sheltered in both cases but in the higher solution (test 3) problems with turbulence and shading on the northern building will occur. The last simulation investigates whether angles could be used to divert the wind away from the area (test 4). The result shows that the advantage is moderate if compared with the disadvantages in functionality and construction generated by angles. Therefore the second solution (test 2) has been chosen as optimal. 54
ill. 73: Test 1 - Original
ill. 74: Test 2 - 1 Floor buildings as barriers.
ill. 75: Test 3 - 2 Floor buildings as barriers.
ill. 76: Test 4 - Angled corners
PRIVATE VS. PUBLIC Due to the wish to create an active area, public functions that can be used by both residents and the public users have been included, such as a small grocery shop, a cafe, a gallery and a club room. Different solutions regarding location and gradient of public and private functions have been tested. In test 1 the public functions are orientated towards the canal, but the public functions could be too hidden. The majority of people will enter the site from the northeast corner. Therefore another solution could be to place the public functions along Hjulmagervej (test 2). On the other hand this solution limits the amount of public outdoor space, since it would be concentrated behind the public functions. Test 3 and 4 focuses on placing the public towards east. In test 3 the gradient is bigger allowing the public functions to reach deeper into the side, while the public functions in the 4 are more compact, allowing a greater part of the area to get a private character. Suggestion 3 was selected since it creates a more active area, allowing the public users in but still allowing a separation between the public and the more private outdoor space. As consequence the family-orientated cluster will be placed in the more private western area while the single-orientated in the east end.
ill. 77: Test 1
ill. 78: Test 2
ill. 79: Test 3
ill. 80: Test 4 Public Private 55
COMMON SPACE LAYOUT When working with Co-living, the common areas are an important part of the plan layout. To decide the amount of space required for the shared functions, it is necessary to define which rooms should be shared between the residents. The illustrations show examples of hypothesis of different amounts and different solutions depending on how the rooms are shared between the residents. In test 1 and 2 the common spaces are shared between two floors. In test 1 the common rooms are places on a level between the two floors while the common rooms are placed on their own floor in test 2. In suggestion 1 and 2 every apartment is supposed to have its own small private living area. Later on a higher extent of co-living have been chosen: only the bedrooms and bathroom should be kept private, while all kitchen and living room functions should be shared. This has been recognized as the most sustainable and social solution. According to the amount of common area needed and the consequent distribution issue, solution 1 and 2 was discarded. In test 3 and 4 a common space is created on each floor. In these solutions the private bedrooms are orientated towards north and the common spaces towards south. In test 3 the distribution spaces are placed towards south allowing space for more bedrooms. This solution is optimal for the private space layout but generates problems in the shared spaces since the corner towards south-east and south-west are completely closed by the distribution system. Suggestion 4 has eventually been selected. Even though the number of dwellings are decreased, the stairs are now moved to the northern facade allowing the morning and afternoon sunlight to enter the shared spaces. Furthermore the use of some northern facing spaces allows cross ventilation and helps to create separation in the big common area. Further considerations about cross ventilation have been used during the process as shown in Annex 5. 56
ill. 81: Test 1
ill. 82: Test 2
ill. 83: Test 3
ill. 84: Test 4
Distribution Shared space Dwelling
After the decision concerning the placement of the shared functions was taken a further design regarding the building shape was done. When placing nearly all functions as one big room orientated towards south, the room can easily become undefined (test 1). Therefore the group tried to use different shapes to form the facade in order to obtain interior niches that could be used as more private spaces (e.g. for concentration and relax), and that could create a playful facade. The tests show how different shapes, such as triangles, squares and hexagons, have been used to create interior niches The hexagon has been chosen as the best solution, since it has been considered the most harmonic shape to create a useful divisions in the interior space. The hexagon also gives the best visual sight from the inside and allows more sunlight into the building, having three different orientations.
ill. 85: Test 1 - Original
ill. 86: Test 2 - Squares
ill. 87: Test 3 - Angles
ill. 88: Test 4 - Hexagons
Shared space Dwellings 57
sh liv are in d g 6m 2,
6m 2,
ill. 90: Test 2
4m ill. 91: Test 3
sh liv are in d g
sh liv are in d g
After the full co-living choice have been taken, the small living space have been reduced to a hallway (test 3 and 4). The length of the private space has therefore been decreased and different solutions to make it fit in different grids have been made. These test allow the entrance and the bathroom to be pushed back in the apartment, helping to create several niches in front of the entrance in the common space. The fourth solution has been chosen since uses a regular grid and avoids waste of space in the hallways.
ill. 89: Test 1
In the first test the family apartment is located in the corner to give the possibility to place rooms towards different orientations. On the other hand this layout brought up general location problems since the family apartments should have been placed only in the corner of the clusters and therefore the amount of them would have been low. The layout was then changed by placing all the rooms towards the same facade (test 2).
sh liv are in d g
The process of design of the apartments layout focused mostly on the family apartment, being this the most critical one. The layout of the apartment has been developed in parallel with the common space design, therefore the first apartment tests have their own small living area which has later been removed. In most of the solution a common width of the rooms have been kept in order to create a structural grid and make the rooms more flexible and easily built.
ill. 92: Test 4 Bedrooms Bathroom
SINGLE-SIDED VENTILATION When placing rooms only towards one facade, the windows should be designed in a way to provide the needed ventilation during summer from single-sided natural ventilation.
150 cm
150 cm
In order to have an efficient ventilation the width of the room has to be lower than twice the height of the room. Different window openings have been tested to calculate the possible air change rate. The calculation are based on a room height of 2,4m and a room depth of 4,5m, which can be considered as the size of the master bedroom in a family apartment. The air change rate required in the chosen situation is 3,3 h-1, as shown in the Annex 6.
ill. 93
ill. 94 Opening: 80 cm2 ACR: 9 h-1
Opening: 100 cm2 ACR: 11,2 h-1
150 cm
All of them fulfill the air change rate requirement but since the opening affect the amount of window sill used as seat the second option has been chosen since allow both a reasonable amount of seating space and a sufficient dimension to place two type of openings.
ill. 95
150 cm
As far as the opening typology is concerned two solution have been proposed in order to have natural ventilation in : a standard vertical opening and a smaller top opening, for security reasons and to ventilate at night and when nobody is home.
Opening: 60 cm2 ACR: 6,7 h-1
Opening: 40 cm2 ACR: 4,5 h-1
ill. 96
ACTIVE STRATEGIES ANGLE To keep up the energy frame 2020 the total energy consumption the total energy consumption for at dwelling building must not exceed 20 kWh/ m2 year. That means, that when working with solar cells, the maximum needed amount of solar cells will be 20 kWh/m2 to perceive the nearly zero energy standard. When placing solar cells for a buildings, the most optimum angle is an important thing to consider. In summer the sun is high while itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s low in the winter, this also means, that the optimum angle change over the year. In the summer a building gains a lot of heat from the sun, therefore the energy consumption will be less. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chosen to focus on the winter and the equinox, where the need for energy is biggest, even though this is not the best solution when looking annually.
SUMMER = 27,8 C
SUMMER = 27,8 C
EQUINOX = 54,5 C
EQUINOX = 54,5 C
WINTER = 80,3 C
EQUINOX = 54,5 C
WINTER = 80,3 C ill. 97: Solar Cells Angles
SUMMER = 27,8 C
RAILING AND ROOF Different placement solutions, both integrated and not, have been considered when designing the solar cells position. The solar cells are integrated in the roof and in the railings on the buildings southern facade. A general assumption for the energy consumption that the tests can cover has been calculated using a Honeybee simulation and then compared between each other. The most efficient design is the regular panels placed in rows on the roof (test 1) and therefore this has been kept as the basic situation to which the efficiency of the other ones has been compared. Even though this suggestion had the best efficiency, it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t an integrated solution in the building design and therefore solutions to integrate solar cells in the roof and in the railings have been considered. In test 2 the roof has been cut off in an angle on the facade.Even though this was a more integrated solution, problems in the interior spaces occurred since the space is drastically reduced in the upper stories.
ill. 98: Test 1 - 100 %
ill. 99: Test 2 - 86%
ill. 100: Test 3 - 91%
ill. 101: Test 4 - 96%
In test 3 the regular row from test 1 is kept by shaping the roof. The efficiency is very close to the test 1 but the shape of the roof itself could cause some construction issues since its disconnected from the walls below. In test 4 the roof has been shaped as a combination between the hexagons of the facade and the required slope. The resulting shape is structurally connected to the walls below and â&#x20AC;&#x153;followsâ&#x20AC;? the sun path, having panels orientated towards east, south and west. This solutions has been picked because of the highly integrated design and due to the closest efficiency to the optimal solution.
MECHANICAL VENTILATION In the winter period the natural ventilation needs to be supplemented by a mechanical ventilation system to avoid heat loss. Therefore design considerations on the topic have been made, such as the location of the ventilation units and the integration of the pipes. According to the building shape the ventilation units could have been placed both in the basement and under the roof since they require a big space. The dwellings floors have not been considered due to the noise produced by the units. The space under the roof have been chosen since it has enough space and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s available in every cluster while only three of them are located on the underground parking. As far as the pipes are concerned, it has been decided to hide them in order to avoid the â&#x20AC;&#x153;industrial alikeâ&#x20AC;? character that visible pipes could give. Two solutions to integrate the pipes in the building were considered: - the integration within the walls that would not affect the story height but at the same time would require thicker partitions in the length of the cluster. - the integration within the ceiling, would increase the overall story height but produce a more flexible plan.
ill. 102
ill. 103
ill. 104
ill. 105
The integration within the ceiling have been chosen since it was better applicable to the shape and the structure of the clusters plan.
As far as the amount of ventilation units and the pipes layout are concerned, some different plan solutions have been considered. The illustrations are made as schematic drafts of a floor plan in the critical building. In the first suggestion (test 1), the building has been split into 3 parts with one ventilation unit each that supply the given part on all the floors. In the second hypothesis (Test 2) the building has been split in the same way as in the first case but two units are provided for each part - one supplying the common areas and one supplying the dwellings. The third proposal explore the case in which one unit serves the entire plan. This way each floor would have its own unit directly connected and accessible in the eventuality of maintenance needs but the dimension of the pipes would be drastically big.
ill. 106: Test 1
ill. 107: Test 2
In test 4 two ventilation units covers one floor, split after the function in the same way as test 2. In the last suggestion (test 5) the common area would be supplied by one big ventilation unit while each apartment have its own individual unit. This solution is the most efficient one but, on the other hand, is the most expensive in term of affordability. When deciding the placing and number of units, the size of the pipes have a huge influence. The less units, the higher air flow rates the single unit has to cover which results in bigger pipes. Some different rough calculations are made to examine the dimension of the pipes, as shown in annex 7. The chosen solution has been to split each building into units covering the same section on each floor since it would minimize the amount of units compared to the decentralized one and result in a more functional pipe layout.
ill. 108: Test 3
ill. 109: Test 4
ill. 110: Test 5 63
LANDSCAPE As consequence of the previous phases, the middle building has been used to separate the outdoor spaces into a more private courtyard in the west and a more public area on the east. The starting point of the landscape design has been the idea to use it to control the micro-climate by reducing the noise level caused by the street Sønderbro at east. Therefore a hill was designed both as a device to reduce the noise and as an entrance to the underground parking. Based on that a solution for the path definition in the area has been made by using natural shapes (test 1), to integrate the courtyard with the design of the hill. A further solution explored the use of different hills in the courtyard to relate with the entrance hill (test 2). Since the outdoor functions donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really need any further separations out of the existing one, it is chosen to keep the landscape flat. Furthermore a free form landscape doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t relate to the facades.
ill. 111: Test 1 - Free form
ill. 112: Test 2 - Free form with hills
ill. 113: Test 3 - Hexagons and straight angles
ill. 114: Test 4 - Hexagons and organic lines
The test 3 has been based on the hexagon shape to define the landscape. This solution generated a very artificial and not human-related drawing and has been therefore abandoned. Another suggestion has been a more geometrically inspired drawing shaped by the hexagons used on the terraces (test 4); the hexagons are combined with organic lines, while the paths are based on the movement in the area. This solution has been picked since it relates both to the building facade and to the natural shapes. 64
MATERIALS As far as the materials are concerned the choices were made considering sustainability criteria such as: - local availability; - integration with the context; - good thermal properties; - affordability both in term of construction and maintenance costs. From these considerations wood and bricks have been chosen as the main materials for the exterior design. Two different materials have been picked to reflect the difference in the internal functions containing both mixed-use function and dwellings. As the mixed-use functions have been placed on the ground floor these spaces have been covered with bricks to recall the traditional buildings having heavy construction in the bottom and a lighter structure on top, while the wood has been chosen for the dwellings spaces. Charred wood has been used for the dwellings, as the dark gray color is an optimum solution to be aesthetically integrated with the solar panels and at the same time it requires very low maintenance. Yellow bricks have been chosen for the public functions, since the yellow brick can be highly related to the context buildings. STRUCTURE For the structure it has been considered to build all the buildings as a whole wooden structure and afterwards apply the bricks on the facade for the public functions. However, this will require a structural system and a cladding, causing a higher amount of material used. Due to a wish to build in a structurally honest way, a brick and a wood structure have been combined where the two constructions meet at the top of the ground floor. The use of connections between brick load-bearing walls and lighter wooden structures is widely used in Danish traditional buildings.
ill. 115: Wood and Bricks Textures
d o o WOOD W
o o WOOD W
ill. 116: Wood Structure - Bricks Cover
k ic r BBRICKS
ill. 117: Wood Structure - Bricks structure 65
CONCEPT Smaller units of private areas are unified and shared to allow inhabitants greater access to multi-functional spaces, giving them more room and improving social interactions.
Socialize Children needs Living Privacy
Socialize Children needs Living Privacy ill. 118: Concept Diagram 67
ill. 119: Definition of the Volumes
ill. 120: Definition of the Openings
ill. 121: Definition of the Heights According to the Sun
ill. 122: Definition of the Open Spaces
ill. 123: Carving of the Niches
ill. 124: Volume Shaped by the Sun
INDOOR COMFORT In order to achieve a good indoor comfort different parameters have been considered in the design and evaluation process. Indoor climate digital simulations have been used to simulate different situations in the design (see annex 8+9): - The overheating situation and the daylight factor in the common spaces (Living spaces, kitchen and Children/Study room) using BSim, to estimate the amount of hours above 27°C and 28°C, and Velux Daylight visualizer to calculate the daylight factor. - The average temperature and the CO2 level in the family bedrooms and in the single user/couple apartment have been simulated in Bsim. The north-west family oriented cluster has been assumed as a critical situation since overheating issues are logically the most likely to happen according to the shape and orientation of the buildings. On the other hand both one family oriented cluster and one single oriented cluster have been tested in Velux since different niches were created by the aggregation of the apartments and the facade composition. Both the software have been used in a combined way for the design of size, location and shading of the common space windows to both achieve an optimal daylight factor and to avoid overheating. The common space proposal had been originally designed with a 40% percentage of glazed surfaces on the overall wall area on the southern facade. Even though the daylight simulation showed that the niches towards south were optimally lit, some smaller areas was in lack of enough daylight and overheating problems occurred in the common space resulting in a huge amount of hours above 27°C.
From this starting point the south oriented windows have been moved in the inclined walls, so that they could more efficiently lit the central spaces of the cluster, and resized until they reached a total dimension of about 20% of the overall surface, dimension that generated an amount of overheating hours acceptable (also considering the shading contribution that comes from the overhang, the terraces and the roller shutter). In this connection the calculated ventilation rate (se annex 10) is also decreased as this is calculated to cover the needed ventilation to have the desired CO2 and sensory pollution, but could be raised further to increase the indoor temperatures during the summer. In the final version of the simulation a better daylight situation can be seen: the whole common spaces have at least 1% of daylight factor and the average is far above 2%. The Bsim results shows that the indoor climate requirements concerning CO2 levels, average temperature, overheating hours and Air change rate have been fulfilled. After the design of the common spaces was completed a further simulation have been done on two dwellings units (family rooms and single user room) with a focus on the average temperature, the air change rate and the CO2 level. Also here the final results is fulfilling the requirements (see annex 11+12).
Daylight Factor 8,00 7,00 6,00 5,00 4,00 3,00 2,00 1,00
ill. 125: DF in family cluster
Average daylight factor
Common spaces (Family Cluster)
Common spaces (Single user Cluster)
Single Bedroom
Master Bedroom
ill. 127:
ill. 126: DF in sinlge cluster Hours above 28°C
Hours above 27°C 250
120 200
100 150
80 with 40% of south windows
with 40% of south windows
with 20% of south windows with shading
with 20% of south windows 60
with shading
40 50
0 Living Spaces
ill. 128: 70
Common Kitchen
Living Spaces
Children Room
ill. 129:
Common Kitchen
Children Room
Energy frame Buildings 2020
As far as the energy consumption is concerned Be15 have been used to calculate the energy requirement.
Total energy requirement Contribution to energy requirement
Net requirement
To achieve the zero energy building requirement a simulation using Be15 has been done. Once again the north-west orientated building has been used as a critical situation. The simulations in BSim and Be15 was done parallel, however the focus was first to achieve a Bsim simulation proving that no overheating problems occurred, and therefore the Be15 simulation focused on the study of the transmission loss from the envelope and from the northern facade, which only caused minor changes in the BSim simulation.
Room heating
Excessive in rooms
The passive strategies adopted, such as the use of an envelope with low U-values, the reduction of windows according to the BSim simulations, and the compactness of the building shape, brought the building to an yearly consumption of 19,2 kWh/m2, below the Energy frame BR2020 for dwellings. The heating requirements shows, that the building have a total heat supplement on 170 MWh yearly. Some of the biggest posts lowering the heating supplement is the heat loss and the transmission and ventilations loss caused by line-loses and especially the big areas of windows. The heating supplement is increased by a big internal supply and solar radiation especially from the windows in the common spaces orientated towards south, south-east and south-west.
Total energy frame
20 kWh/m2 19,2 kWh/m2
Selected el. requirements
Heat loss from installations
Room heating
Heating of rooms
Heating of DHW
Heat pump
Output from special sources
Solar heat
Heat pump
Solar cells
Wind mills
ill. 130: Result from Be15 MWh 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Trans.- and Vent. VF vent.loss (total)
Vent. VGV down reg.
Heat loss
Incident solar radiation
Internal supply
From pipe and VVB const.
ill. 131: Heating requirements 71
PASSIVE STRATEGIES ENVELOPE IMPROVEMENT A compact shape combined with a highly insulated light weight construction help to reduce the heat loss. NATURAL VENTILATION Crossed ventilation in the common spaces allow to have an optimal indoor air change rate and to reduce cooling consumptions. The openings have been designed to allow night single sided ventilation in the bedrooms during summer through a burglar-proof transom window.
OVERHANGS Terraces and overhangs allow to provide summer shading.
ill. 132: Passive Strategies Applied to the Project 72
WINDOW RECESS The completely recessed window allow the reduction of both the linear loss , due to the insulation of the frame, and the summer solar gains, thanks to the extra overhang provided.
ACOUSTIC DESIGN To achieve a good indoor comfort acoustic considerations in the interior space have been implemented. Soft wooden claddings and acoustic panels have been designed to control the reverberation time.
ACTIVE STRATEGIES In the project it is chosen to work with the sun and thereby using solar cells as an active strategy to achieve the zero energy building. Ladybug has been used during the design process of the solar panels. Since the group in the beginning of the design process didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the precise values for the buildings energy frame, the maximum energy aloud for the buildings were used to design the amount of solar panels. According to the Danish building regulation the energy frame 2020 for dwellings need to be below 20 kWh/m2 while other functions, such as mixed-use, should be below 25 kWh/m2. Ladybug is used to calculate the possible amount of energy gained from the solar panels when placing them on the roof and the railing.
Area (m2)
Without shading (kWh)
With shading (kWh)
Needed energy (kWh)
ill. 133:
Mono crystalline photo voltaics are used as these have a higher efficiency and can easier be integrated in the design due to the black color.
2 2
From the later Be15 simulation the needed energy to supply the dwelling is calculated to 19,2 kWh/m2 , as this is considered a critical building, this value has been used to assume the needed energy in all the buildings, and therefore the needed energy to cover were decreased according to the earlier calculations. When looking at the buildings separate, not all the buildings produce the amount of energy it needs, this is the case for building 2 and building 5. Building 2 has a big area of solar panels, however itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more shaded than some of the other buildings and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the tallest building, which means it needs to cover energy consumption for extra floors. Building 5 is different orientated than the rest, and therefore the solar panels are not as efficient as in the other buildings. However when looking at the building complex, the needed energy is covered with reserves of energy, causing the building complex to reach the nearly zero energy goal.
- 0 ,26 kW
/m 2
ill. 134:
Needed energy (kWh)
Profit (kWh)
+ 12.298
- 19.295
+ 25.208
+ 15.194
- 341
ill. 135: 73
MECHANICAL VENTILATION The buildings mechanical ventilation system is split into different units. The solution is shown on a typical plan, which at the same time is a critical building as it has the biggest floor area, and therefore the result from this can be used on the remaining buildings, as the systems are just becoming smaller and less units are necessary. It is chosen to use 3 units to cover the building. Each unit therefore covers 4 floors, which all have the same floor plan. In the building with mixed-use functions, the public functions have a separate unit placed in the ground floor. It is calculated how big the distribution channel needs to be for one unit in the dwelling buildings. See annex ??? for air flow rates. Furthermore the pipes running in the floor is dimensioned for unit 1 and 2 as these are the same size and has to distribute a bigger air flow rate than unit 3. To balance the system it is chosen that the bathroom exhaust has to be balanced with the bedrooms air supply. For the common space, the kitchen has to have a certain exhaust to fulfill the demands from the atmospheric comfort, while additional exhaust is needed to balance the air supply. Therefore it is chosen that all three units have to have an exhaust in the common room, causing the maximum distribution pipes to be smaller, and thereby having a maximum diameter of 250mm before reaching the smaller distribution and connecting ducts.
2 1
ill. 138: Pipe layout 74
Distribution channel for one unit
Total airflow rate (m3/s)
Max. air speed (m/s)
Pipe diameter
ill. 136:
2 Unit 1+2
Total airflow rate (m3/s)
Max. air speed (m/s)
Pipe diameter
ill. 137:
Outlet 3
ACOUSTIC Problems with acoustic can easier appear in bigger rooms. As the dwellings do not have their own kitchen and living room, while these instead are combined in one big room, some considerations are made recording the reverberation time in the shared space, due to a big volume and noise from many people.
tition walls are used to separate the rooms into smaller niches, these should be padded with acoustic minimizing materials. With this solution the room have a high reverberation time, especially for the high frequencies, and therefore acoustic panels are used in different ways, to reduce the reverberation time.
The goal was to have a reverberation time no higher than 6 seconds, as the room then can be considered as comfortable for people to be and talk in (DS, 2007). However, the reverberation time can nor get to low as this can cause an uncomfortable environment.
Using acoustic plaster in the ceiling is effective if one want to lower the reverberation time, especially for the high frequencies. However, adding too much (for instance on the entire ceiling), results in a too low reverberation time. Also it was preferred to combine the use of acoustic panels with functionality. Therefore carpet is placed in the childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s area, as this is considered as a more critical area for sound producing, and at the same time can be used as a soft base for children to play on. In addition to that acoustic boards are placed on the walls to be used as decorations and for bulletin boards. After working with balancing these elements, 10 m2 of carpet, 20 wall decorations and 58 m2 of acoustic panels for the ceiling is placed in the room, resulting in a reverberation time between 5,8 and 6,1 seconds. See Annex 13 for further process calculations.
When working with the reverberation time, the used materials, the furniture and the people in the room is important parts of the acoustics environment. Also the dimensions of the room pays a role, however, at this point the dimension was already set and the focus was therefore on using materials to do the final improvements. From the beginning it was decided that the walls and ceiling should be plasterboard, while the room should have wooden floor. Different par-
125 Hz
250 Hz
500 Hz
1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz 0,58s
ill. 139: Reverberation time ill. 140: Noise spreading
Dwellings Public Activities Shared Functions
Family Clusters Single / Couple Clusters
ill. 141: Masterplan Top View 1:500 76
DWELLINGS OVERVIEW 1:500 Size of the plot (m2) Gross area of the buildings (m2)
8.400 12.531
Parking basement (m2) FAR (see annex 14 for parking) Area of public functions (m2) Amount of public (see annex 15 for groundfloor) Amount of clusters Residents per cluster Total number of residents Number of units Area of shared space (m2) Area of private space (m2) Private spaces: Family - big (m2) Family - small (m2) Average single/couple unit (m2) Parking spaces Cars Bikes Cars per unit Bikes per person
2.967 167%
ill. 142: Masterplan Typical Dwelling Floors 78
979 8%
14 20-27 317 168 4.200 7.352 80,1 60,4 41,2 72 333 0,51 1,05
CROSS SECTION A-Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 1:500
ill. 143 Section from south 80
CROSS SECTION B-Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 1:100
ill. 144 Section from west 82
ill. 145: Single Cluster Plan 84
ill. 146: Family Cluster Plan, sections and elevations in annex 16-18. 86
ill. 147: South elevation 88
ill. 148: North elevation 90
ill. 149: Section from south 92
DETAILS 1:20 Wooden Roof
5 6 7
CLT Wall
2 1
4 5
8 7 6
ill. 151: Roof construction
CLT Roof slab 1 3 4
2 5
CLT Slab 3
4 6 5
ill. 150: External wall and constructual floors
Wooden Roof 1 - Solar cells/Shingles 2 - Plywood panels 6cm 3 - Waterproof layer 4 - Rockwool 30cm 5 - Vapor barrier 6 - Rockwool 10cm 7 - Plaster board
CLT Roof Slab 1 - Cement screed 7cm 2 - Impact insulation 3cm 3 - Bearing CLT slab 14cm 4 - Rockwool 6cm 5 - Plaster board 1,25cm
Brick Wall Brick Wall 1 - Plaster board 1,25cm 2 - Rockwool 6cm 3 - Bearing brick 22,5cm 4 - Vapor barrier 5 - Rockwool 30cm 6 - External bricks 11,2cm
2 1
CLT Wall 1 - Plaster board 1,25cm 2 - Rockwool 6cm 3 - Bearing CLT wall 10cm 4 - Vapor barrier 5 - Rockwool 36cm 6 - Plaster board 1,25cm 7 - Waterproof layer 8 - Larch cladding 3cm
CLT Slab 1 - Parquet 2cm 2 - Cement screed 7cm 3 - Impact insulation 3cm 4 - Bearing CLT slab 14cm 5 - Rockwool 6cm 6 - Plaster board 1,25cm 7 - Suspended ceiling 8 - Wooden beam 9 - Metal bracket 10 - Concrete
UNIT TYPOLOGIES 1:100 Four different unit typologies have been designed according to the type of dwellings: a 3 bedrooms family unit, a 2 bedrooms family unit, a single user unit and a couple user unit, all of them with private bedrooms and bathroom. In every bedroom of each unit there are wardrobes and desk or armchair. The composition is made following a module that 3 Bedrooms Family
allows to easily assemble the different units and to define a structural system. The walls following the vertical greed are load bearing, while the horizontal ones are simply internal partition and so this system is flexible in case of changes in the layout.
2 Bedrooms Family
ill. 152: Typology plans 95
AXONOMETRIES The layout of the clusters is defined by a big common area, facing prevalently the south side, and the private units on the north side. All the private units have bedrooms and bathroom, and they are accessible from the common area. Every cluster has a big common kitchen that is directly connected to the shared space and where the dwellers can cook, eat and spend time together. The shape of the units and the facade define the common niches in the shared space, that are furnished with sofas, tables, shelves and panels that can be used to have more closed spaces. Furthermore, common terraces can be reached from here.
All the buildings have the same interior layout according the big common space with terraces, kitchen and private units. The difference between the family oriented blocks and the single / couple is only in the unit typologies and in the function of one part of the shared space, that in the first case is a space for the children and in the second one is a study area.
ill. 153: Internal axonometry of part of the family cluster with kitchen 96
ill. 154: Internal axonometry of part of the sIngle / couple cluster with study are
EXTERNAL VIEWS Being outside in the courtyard and enjoying the fresh air. Family, couples and singles of different age groups, interacting and relaxing in peaceful harmony. Happy sounds from the playground at the end of the courtyard combined with the calm voices from the adults sitting around creates a warm atmosphere with a lot of life.
ill. 155: This render shows the courtyard seen from the east side. It shows the landscape and the diversity in activities. On the right the southern facade of the building the solar cells and the terraces are displayed.
Walking home, passing the canal, birds are twittering and the sun is shining. Alongside the canal people are enjoying the day, sitting laughing and filling the area while a greeting welcoming atmosphere is spreading throughout the area. The building complex creates niches with green areas along the canal. When walking there a felling of calm and peacefulness comes quickly.
ill. 156: The render shows the building complex seen from the canal. It displays the different seating areas and the flow of this area. 97
INTERNAL VIEWS Getting home from a long day and entering the shared space. Instantly the inviting scent of dinner cooking is caught by the nose and the friendly faces from the other residents are seen around. The warm color of the wood surrounds the kitchen and when walking through the area hearing the gentle voices from the residents around, creates the atmosphere of a warm and welcoming home.
ill. 157: The picture shows the shared kitchen and the dining area. On the right one of the niches is displayed together with the terrace.
Its early in the day and the children is already playing. They bring life and sound to the niche and their smiles light up the faces of the residents walking by. The room is bright and the acoustic partitions frames in the room creates a safe and enclosed area for the children to fill with play and fairytales.
ill. 158: The render shows a view from the childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s corner with a view of the terrace and the outside. 98
Its weekend, getting up from a comfortable rest on the couch and moving towards the more open space from the peaceful corner of the niche. The sun shines through the window from the terrace and warms up the skin when walking by. In the wider space the residents are talking and laughing, that brings a joy to the room, at the same time the niches have a more calm and quiet atmosphere, which creates a complete and diverse home. ill. 159: The picture shows one of the niches with a view of the terrace in the background. It shows the different atmospheres across the room.
REFLECTION Throughout the project different choices have been made resulting in the final building design. Finally, the group have reflected on these choices and the result they have given. During the design process the group worked with many different topics, both from the technical and architectural approach. These resulted in many different and interesting aspects in the project. The process was well structured, which meant that the topics worked with during the process gave some beneficial results, that could be used further on when working towards a more integrated design solution. In this project a big focus was put on the social aspect with the shared spaces, and in getting a co-living community to work. The final design has a large shared space for each cluster which have a big shared kitchen and niches in different sizes which provide more private areas in the large space. This spatial concept was nicely implemented in a way that connects the interior and the exterior. However, when looking at the plans it becomes apparent, that the arrangement of the buildings could be further improved. The resulting solution works well functionally, but does not appear as very well integrated. One thing that the group would have liked to focus more on is the outdoor areas. When converting an area from industrial to residential, a big quality to introduce is greenery. To some extent this is done by placing green areas in the landscape, but further detailing could have improved the final design. In general, the building relates to the context with the use of materials and the building heights, however the building complexâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relation to the canal could be further developed. The vision of what to do with area facing the canal should have been more specific. The hill towards the east was placed there to absorb the noise from the street, while also functioning as the entrance to the parking basement. Although the solution works, it would be desired to better integrate it 100
to the rest of the landscape, as well as the landscapeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relation to the interior space. The hexagonal shape was used to define the common space, creating interior niches and giving a more playful facade. In addition to that, the shape also gives the opportunity to profit from the sun during several hours in the day when using solar panels. In general, a good result is achieved from the integrated solar panels, supplying the building complex with more energy than needed to fulfill the nearly zero energy criteria. However, the panels may be perceived as quite massive when looking from a more architectural standpoint. In the end, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s successfully combined a high floor area ratio with different outdoor spaces. The high FAR relates to the affordability idea, which is also supported by the high number of residents as a direct result of the implementation of plentiful shared spaces while reducing the amount of private areas. A dense population is also beneficial socially. Unfortunately, a lot of time was used developing the co-living functions due to their high importance in the concept, resulting in a need to compromise with the time used for other aspects of the design, such as mixed-use areas. All things considered, the resulting final design is a complex project, covering and combining many different aspects and approaches. The group considered the concept of co-living as an interesting approach, which could have been researched and exploited further, for instance by including some studies of the psychological perception of different shapes and materials used in the design.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Throughout the program the lections from the course have been used. Aalborg bibliotekerne, 2007. Aalborg leksikon. [online] Available at: [Accessed 09-11-2017] Aalborg Kommune, 2017. + Bus. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12-12-2017] Aalborg kommune, 2015. Håndværkerkvarteret -debatoplæg. [online] Available at: Referater/Pdf.aspx?pdfnavn=16455271-13770743-1.pdf&type=bilag&pdfid=36190 [Accessed 09-11-2017], 2017. [online] Available at [12-12-2017] Botin, L. 2005. Rekonstruktion. Naturvidenskabelig og fænomenologisk metode i design. i Pandoras Boks. Aalborg; Aalborg Universitetsforlag BR15, 2017. Bygningsreglementet. [online] Available at: [Accessed 09-11-17] Center for boligforskning 2011, Bolig bade i byen og på landet, [online] Available at: [Accessed 07-112017]
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ICONOGRAPHY I 1-5: Own illustrations 6: Andersen, A. E. 1943, In front of the Danish distillery in Aalborg, photograph, viewed December 13, 2017 7: Andersen, A. E. 1943, Production of snaps at the Danish distillery Aalborg Akvavit, photograph, viewed December 13, 2017
44-46: Lilac, 2017, viewed December 15, 2017 47-48: Stephan, C. 2017, Sådan er det at bo i et grønt bofællesskab, viewed December 15, 2017 49-159: Own illustrations
8: Kirkegård, J. A. 1942, Traffic regulation at Vesterbro in Aalborg, photograph, viewed December 13, 2017 saadan-saa-aalborg-ud-i-gamle-dage#slide-3 9-29: Own illustrations 30-31: Vandkunsten Architects 2000, Village inspiration and access to the landscape, viewed December 13, 2017 32: Åhusene-09 2014, 9 high-rise buildings in Århus, viewed December 13, 2017 33: Komforthusene 2009, Skibet, 10 sinlge family houses, viewed December 13, 2017 34: Ringgården 2015, viewed December 13, 2017 35-43: Own illustrations 105
ANNEX 1 - Serial Vision A series of picture shows the visual impact during on the main paths bringing to the project site. There are two paths (one from the through the street and one through the river) from west, where there is the station and one access to the city center, passing through a mainly industrial area, one from north, towards the city center, and one from east, from a more residential area. The divergent serial visions show differences in the paths in terms of building typologies and materials, giving different point of views towards the area according to the direction where people are coming from. Coming from west, there is a path passing through all the industrial area, and one path passing along the river, through a green area, giving so two different visions coming from the same direction. The path from east crosses the residential area, and the site appears behind a fuel station on the other side of the street. From the north path, there is a sense of surprise approaching the site, because it is not visible before turning the corner of the last building. The project site is right in the middle of the industrial and the more residential area and it could therefore be used as a buffer-zone transitioning from one place to another. This could bring the areas on both sides more together and help create a more uniform area. From this analysis the main entrances are also more clear and how the area should be changed to be more welcoming from the outside.
Map of the serial vision routes
FROM WEST (river side)
FROM WEST (street side)
ANNEX 2 - Noise 50-55 dB 55-60 dB 60-65 dB 65-70 dB 70-75 dB >75dB
ill. 32: Noise during the day (Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet, 2012)
Noise during the night
(Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet, 2012)
Car Noise Protection
ANNEX 3 - Shadows
Winter solstice
Shadows at 15.00
Shadows at 12.00
Shadows at 09.00
Shadows during winter solstice
Shadows at 18.00
Shadows at 12.00 Shadows during the equinox
Summer solstice
Shadows at 07.00
Shadows at 21.00
Shadows at 12.00
Shadows at 05.00
Shadows during summer solstice
10% 120
20% 210
Map of how the wind meets the site
20% 150
> 11 m/s
5-11 m/s
2-5 m/s
Windrose of Aalborg, Summer (Danish Meteorological Institute, 1990)
> 11 m/s
5-11 m/s
2-5 m/s
Windrose of Aalborg, Winter (Danish Meteorological Institute, 1990)
ANNEX 5 - Cross ventilation During the summer, when natural ventilation is used, the kitchen is ventilated by cross ventilation to get a bigger air change rate in the kitchen. It is calculated how big openings are needed to achieve different air change rates. When calculating the air change rate for respectively thermal buoyancy, wind and thermal buoyancy combined with wind following the below listed values are used. Pressure coefficients:
The air flow rate is calculated from pressure difference caused by height difference for thermal buoyancy and the pressure coefficients for the wind. For the different ventilation methods these can be calculated using: Thermal: Wind:
where the internal pressure is calculated:
Thermal + wind:
When knowing the air flow rate, the air change rate is calculated from:
ANNEX 6 - Single sided ventilation Ventilation through vertical opening due to thermal buoyancy and wind. Calculation based on window opening in the master bedroom. The air flow rate is given by:
Vertical openings: Opening area (m2) Opening area Solution 0,2 Room 1 (m2) Solution 2 0,4 Solution 1 0,2 Solution 3 0,6 Solution 2 0,4 Solution 4 0,8 Solution 3 0,6 Solution 5 1 Solution 4 0,8 Solution 5 1 Opening area Horizontal openings: Room (m2) Opening area Solution 0,2 Room 1 (m2) Solution 2 0,4 Solution 1 0,2 Solution 3 0,6 Solution 2 0,4 Solution 4 0,8 Solution 3 0,6 Solution 5 1 Solution 4 0,8 Solution 5 1 Room
Discharge coefficient Cd Discharge coefficient Cd
0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7
0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 Discharge coefficient Cd Discharge coefficient Cd
0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7
Eff. Areal A (m2) Eff. Areal A 0,14 (m2)
0,28 0,14 0,42 0,28 0,56 0,42 0,7 0,56 0,7
Eff. Areal A (m2) Eff. Areal A 0,14 (m2)
0,28 0,14 0,42 0,28 0,56 0,42 0,7 0,56 0,7
(m) Ht
(m) Hb
2 2 22 22
2 2 2 2 Ht (m) Ht
1,6 (m) 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6
0,5 (m) 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Hb
(m) Hb
0,5 (m) 0,9 0,5 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9
Ti C Ti 22 o C
Tu o C Tu 12 o C
22 22 22 22 Ti o C Ti 22 o C
12 12 12 12 Tu o C Tu 12 o C
22 22 22 22 22
22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
12 12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
AFR = q (m3/s) AFR = q
0,018 0,035 0,018 0,053 0,035 0,070 0,053 0,088 0,070 0,088
AFR = q (m3/s) AFR = q
0,015 0,026 0,015 0,039 0,026 0,052 0,039 0,065 0,052 0,065
Floor area (m2) Floor area 11,7 (m2)
Room height
11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 Floor area (m2) Floor area 11,7 (m2)
2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 Room height
11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7
11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7
(m) Room height
2,4 (m) 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4
(m) Room height
2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4
Air exchange rate (h-1) Air exchange rate 2,2 (h-1) 4,5 2,2 6,7 4,5 9,0 6,7 11,2 9,0 11,2 Air exchange rate (h-1) Air exchange rate 2,0 (h-1) 3,3 2,0 5,0 3,3 6,7 5,0 8,3 6,7 8,3
ANNEX 7 - Pipe dimension Based on the calculated air change rate, different pipe dimensions are calculated relating to the different suggestions for placement of the ventilations units in the process. The size of the pipes are depending on the air flow rate and the allowed speed in the pipes. Below the biggest dimensions for a distribution channel to the different suggestions are shown, all the examples i based on a balanced system where the exhaust air is increased to the amount of the supply air.
The calculated examples are split into three parts. The first part split the building into 3 sections. Each sections then have its own units. Here the size of the distribution pipes are dimensioned as if each section should be split into apartments and common space, and if each sections is supplied by one unit. The second part is calculated for separated floors, and gives the results for the distributions channel if they are split between the apartments and the common room, and if i floor i supplied by one unit.
The third part is the decentralized units, where each apartment have itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own unit, and each common space (1 per floor), has itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own unit.
ANNEX 8 - Indoor Comfort Three different models have been simulated in Bsim: one model for the shared spaces, one for the simulation of the family apartment and one to test the single room apartment.
Shared spaces model
The common space has been geometrically simplified in rectangular shapes that have almost the same wall surface and heated area as the real one. The south-west and south-east windows have consequently been distributed on south, east and west orientated openings, the dimension has therefore been increased according to that.
Family apartment model
As far as the user schedule is concerned some assumptions have been used to define the internal loads. The cross and single sided ventilation data have been obtained from the calculations previously made.
Single apartment model
Average Temperature (°C)
CO2 Level (ppm)
800 700
Living spaces
Common Kitchen 10
Children Room
400 300 Living Spaces Common Kitchen Children Room
100 0
0 Jan
ANNEX 9 - People load schedule BSim T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
2 people 1 person
1 person
Private Rooms Occupancy Schedule
% 50%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Master Bedroom Single Bedroom
2 people 1 person
1 person
Common Kitchen Children Room
24 people 5 people
Living Spaces
20 people
Shared Spaces Occupancy Schedule
Master Bedroom Single Bedroom
50% %
ANNEX 10 - Air Change Rate To determine the needed air change different calculations are made for olf pollution and CO2 pollution, and afterwards these results are compared to the demands from the Danish building regulations to determine the dominating value. OLF pollution The olf pollution in a room can be calculated by: When having the pollution q the needed air change rate can be determined by:
CO2 pollution The CO2 pollution in a room can be calculated by: When having the pollution q the needed air change rate can be determined by:
Dominating ventilation demand After calculating the needed air change rate from each room, the associated air flow rate are compared between olf pollution, CO2 pollution and the demands from the Danish building regulations. By using the biggest value the needed air change rate is calculated by:
The below shown table shows the dominating air flow rate (blue), from which the air change rate is decided.
ANNEX 11 - Indoor Comfort: Family Rooms Hours above 27°C
Average Temperature (°C)
16 24 14
23 22,5
10 Master Bedroom
Single Bedrooms 6
22 Master Bedroom
Single Bedrooms
20 19,5
0 April
CO2 Level (ppm)
Air Change Rate (h-1)
600 25 500 20 400 15 300 10
200 Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom 5
Single Bedrooms
0 Jan
Single Bedrooms 0 Jan
ANNEX 12 - Indoor Comfort: Single User Rooms Hours above 27°C
20 18
Average Temperature (°C)
16 14
10 23
Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom
0 Apr
19 Jan
Air Change Rate (h-1) 7
CO2 Level (ppm)
3 2
200 Master Bedroom Bathroom
0 Jan
Master Bedroom
ANNEX 13 - Acoustics The reverberation time in the common space is calculated using Sabineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s formal:
Below different results for the reverberation time at different frequencies are listed. The different results are based on the process working with the acoustics. On the next page a more detailed calculation is shown of the final result.
Detailed calculation of the final result:
Absorption from objects
T = reverberation time (s)
ANNEX 14 - Underground Parking 1:500
ANNEX 15 - Ground Floor Overview 1:500
ANNEX 16 - Family Cluster Block South Elevation - 1:100
ANNEX 17 - Family Cluster Block North Elevation - 1:100
ANNEX 18 - Family Cluster Block Section - 1:100