51st Hong Kong French Film Festival

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Presented by: 23.11.22 ~ 13.12.22 HKFRENCHFILMFESTIVAL.COM

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The Hong Kong French Film Festival – French Cinepanorama is back for its 51st edition, for the greatest pleasure of all French cinema lovers in Hong Kong!

The Hong Kong French Film Festival is the longest running film festival in Hong Kong. With more than 50 titles, this new edition is a wonderful opportunity to discover this year’s remarkable achievements of French cinema. The French Cinepanorama is once again proud to allow cinemagoers in Hong Kong to experience, through the lens of some of our greatest filmmakers, the life and culture in France as well as French perspectives on the world and society.

Two of the most anticipated French releases of 2022 will kick off this new edition: Simone, the Journey of the Century, a gripping biopic on Simone Veil, one of France’s most important female political figures; and Notre-Dame on Fire, a remarkable account of the Paris firefighters’ heroic rescue operation to save the world’s most iconic cathedral from the flames.

For the first time, the festival will also take place in the brand new M+ Cinema, with a retrospective of 10 films by Claire Denis, highlighting the importance of women’s arthouse filmmaking.

Finally, the French Cinepanorama will pay tribute to two of France most prominent figures of the world of cinema who recently disappeared: Jean-Luc Godard, the French New Wave legend who forever changed the history of cinema, and Gaspard Ulliel, a dear friend of the HKFFF whose incredible acting talent will forever remain on film. I wish you all “bon festival”!

Since its establishment in 1953, Alliance Française has been dedicated to bringing the best and the latest French cinema to its Hong Kong audience.

The HK French Film Festival is the oldest cinema festival in town. It has been running since 1972 without interruption and we celebrated its 50 th edition in 2021. Alliance Française is proud to present for its 51st edition another exciting programme to the movie fans of Hong Kong in 2022.

This year’s selection is a mix between a large 2022-film selection and a series of retrospective + homages: 56 films of the year, the first tribute to a cinematographer, Claire Denis at M+ Cinemas and a selection around JeanLouis Trintignant, Gaspard Ulliel and Jean-Luc Godard who recently passed away. This will be a spectacular firework of French cinema in Hong Kong during the 3 weeks of our festival!

I would hereby like to take this opportunity to thank profusely our team, artists, partners, and sponsors for their unwavering support of the festival.

Whichever the films you choose, our selection this year invites you to embark on an extraordinary cinematic journey of French movies.

I wish you a most enjoyable 2022 Festival!

一年一度為香港影迷帶來無窮樂趣的香港法國電影節即將 迎來第五十一屆! 香港法國電影節是本港最具歷史的電影節。這新的一屆將 會介紹超個 50 部影片,正好展示本年度法國電影工業的非 凡成就。香港法國電影節非常榮幸能再次透過我們一些偉 大的電影製作人的鏡頭,讓愛好電影的朋友體驗法國的生 活和文化,以及法國對世界和社會的看法。 《西蒙韋伊的世紀歷程》及《巴黎聖母院:火海奇蹟》這兩 部 2022 年在法國推出的新作為本屆電影節展開序幕,前 者是以法國其中一位最著名的女政治家西蒙韋伊為題的人 物傳記,後者講述巴黎聖母院這世上最具標誌性教堂發生 大火,消防員如何爭分奪秒,不顧生命安危,冒險展開這 場史無前例的救災行動。 電影節也將首次與 M+ 戲院合作,為克麗雅丹妮舉辦回顧 展,展映她的十部作品來清楚顯示出女性在非主流電影製 作的重要性。 最後,香港法國電影節還特別向在不久前離我們遠去,法 國電影界其中兩位最傑出的人物致敬 — 改寫了法國電影歷 史,法國新浪潮傳奇導演尚勞高達和香港法國電影節的好 朋友卡斯柏烏尼奧,他的精湛演技將永存在影片中。 祝大家歡渡電影節! Christile Drulhe Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau 法國駐香港及澳門總領事
自 1953 年成立以來,香港法國文化協會便一直致力於為 香港觀衆介紹法國最新和最優質的的電影製作。 本地歷史最悠久的香港法國電影節自 1972 年起便每年定 期舉辦,2021 年我們慶祝它的第五十屆。2022 年,香港 法協非常榮幸在第五十一屆再度為香港影迷介紹新一系列 的精彩節目。 今年選映的 56 部電影,當中包括多部 2022 年的電影新作, 以及向多位電影人致敬,回顧一系列經典電影 — 與 M+ 合 作,為香港觀衆首次献上女導演克麗雅丹妮的電影回顧展, 還有一系列回顧電影,向尚路易杜寧南、卡斯柏烏尼奧及 尚盧高達這幾位不久前離我們遠去的法國著名電影藝術工 作者致敬。在電影節的三星期間,法國電影將在香港綻放 精彩絕倫的火花! 本人藉此機會向我們的工作團隊、電影藝術工作者、合作 夥伴和各贊助機構表達衷心的謝意,感謝他們一直以來對 本電影節的堅定支持。 無論您喜歡哪一類的電影,我們今年的精選作品都會帶您 來一次非凡的法國電影之旅。 2022 年香港法國電影節,祝大家歡渡愉快的觀影時光! Mr. Edouard Ettedgui President, Alliance Française de Hong Kong 香港法國文化協會主席 FOREWORD 前言
HKFRENCHFILMFESTIVAL.COM HOW IT STARTED 源起 Alliance Française de Hong Kong has been committed to the promotion of French cinema since its establishment in 1953, the same year it organized the first French Film Festival. That pioneering makes this the oldest film festival in the Hong Kong. 自 1953 年創立至今,香港法國文化協會一直透過法國電影節堅負推展法國電影的重任。在同一 年,法協舉辦了第一屆法國電影節,是香港電影節的先驅,亦因此是香港歷史最悠久的電影節。 OVER 5 DECADES 跨越五世紀的電影節 Since 1972, in collaboration with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (formerly known as Urban Council), the festival has become a regular annual event and has screened more than 1,600 French films, attracted a wide audience ranging from cinema lovers to the public. 自 1972 年起,香港法國電影節與康樂及文化事務署(前稱市政局)合作,成為每年舉辦的年度電 影盛事。香港法國電影節至今已放映超過一千六百齣法國電影及紀錄片,吸引了無數電影發燒友 及普羅大眾入場觀賞。 DYNAMISM, DIVERSITY, QUALITY 充滿活力、多元化及高質素 The festival always promotes and accompanies the evolution of French cinema, from the prominent and influential New Wave period to today’s latest films. Each festival is a new challenge for the team that brings you the continuing renewal and invigorating diversity of French cinema. From first works to multi-awarded movies the festival programme is accessible and truly representative of what French cinema is today. 從具深遠影響的法國電影新浪潮時代到現代電影,香港法國電影節一直緊貼法國電影發展的步伐。 每一屆的電影節對我們來說都充滿挑戰。從新晉導演的高質素首作到榮獲多個獎項的電影,電影 節為香港大眾搜羅豐富的法國電影,讓大家能輕易欣賞真正代表法國電影的精彩作品。 CINEPANORAMA
DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THE FRENCH CINEPANORAMA? 香港法國電影節背後的機構您知多少? The festival is founded and proudly presented by Alliance Française de Hong Kong, the official French language and cultural centre established in 1953. The festival would not be a success without the support of our long-term partners such as Leisure and Cultural Services Department, UniFrance, French Consulate, local theaters, film distributors, and sponsors. 成立於 1953 年,香港法國文化協會是法國語言和文化的官方機構。同年創 辦了香港法國電影節。電影節的成功亦有賴多個機構的支持,包括康樂及 文化事務署、法國電影聯盟、法國駐港澳總領事館、本地電影院、電影發行 商、贊助商等合作夥伴多年來的支持。 • 3 Centres: Wan Chai, Jordan, Sha Tin • More than 70 years of expertise in teaching French as a foreign language • 6,000 students per year • 12,000 plus items in our Library • 120 cultural events per year • 1 dedicated team ready to share their passion for French language and culture with you • 3 個中心 : 灣仔、佐敦、沙田 • 超過 70 年的法語教學經驗 • 每年報讀我們的課程的學員超過 6,000 名 • 多媒體圖書館提供的資源超過 12,000 份 • 每年舉辦超過 120 個文化活動 • 1 個專業並充滿熱誠的團隊, 致力於香港推廣法國語言及文化 FIND OUT MORE: AFHONGKONG.ORG



Opening Film 開幕電影:

Simone: The Journey of the Century 07 西蒙韋伊的世紀歷程 (Simone – Le Voyage du siècle)

Opening Film 開幕電影:

Notre-Dame on Fire 巴黎聖母院:火海奇蹟 08 (Notre-Dame brûle)

One Fine Morning(片名待譯)(Un beau matin) 09

Return to Seoul 回首爾後 (Retour à Séoul) 10


About Joan 珍妮的人生 (À propos de Joan) 12

Angry Annie 暴走安妮 (Annie colère) 12

Babysitter 保姆 13 Bootlegger 走私客 13

Brother and Sister 姐弟 (Frère et sœur) 14

The Colour of Fire 燎原之火 (Couleurs de l’incendie) 14 Diary of A Fleeting Affair 偷情日記 (Chronique d’une liaison passagère) 15 Driving Madeleine 美好走一回 (Une belle course) 15

Everybody Loves Jeanne 萬千寵愛 16 (Tout le monde aime Jeanne)

Farewell Mr Haffmann 赫夫曼先生,您好走不送 16 (Adieu Monsieur Haffmann)

Final Cut 煞科! (Coupez !) 17

Forever Young 杏仁劇院 (Les Amandiers) 17 Freestyle 橫衝直撞環法自由行 (En roule libre) 18

Heart of Oak 橡樹 (Le Chêne) 18

Incredible But True 不可思議的真相 19 (Incroyable mais vrai)

The Innocent 清白的人 (L’Innocent) 19 Kompromat 黑材料

Little Nicholas - Happy As Can Be 20 小淘氣尼古拉:快樂方程式 (Le Petit NicolasQu’est-ce qu’on attend pour être heureux ?)

Mascarade 虛情假意

The Night of the 12th 十二號晚上 (La Nuit du 12) 21 November 驚天十一月 (Novembre)

One Year, One Night 那一年,那一夜 (Un an, une nuit)

Paris Memories 再會巴黎 (Revoir Paris)

Ride Above 乘風破浪 (Tempête)

Rise 舞魂 (En corps)

Rosy, the Forbidden Journey

亮麗人生:不可能之旅 (Rosy)

The Sixth Child 第六個孩子 (Le Sixième enfant) 25

The Super-8 Years 超八米厘年代 25 (Les Années Super-8) Shoot or Die 為電影而生 (Tourner pour vivre) 26

Umami 鮮味之謎 26

Uman - The Perfect Man 完美的男人 27 (L’Homme parfait)

The Velvet Queen 雪國王者:雪豹 27 (La Panthère des neiges)

Waiting for Bojangles 等待快樂 28 (En attendant Bojangles)


Opening Film 開幕電影: Both Sides of the Blade 心身雙刃(暫譯) 30 (Avec amour et acharnement) 35 Shots of Rum

(35 rhums)

Bastards 仇人的情婦 (Les Salauds)

Beau travail 軍中禁戀

Bright Sunshine In 巴黎眾色相 (Un beau soleil interieur)

Chocolat 巧克力

I Can’t Sleep

Nénette et Boni



(J’ai pas sommeil)



A Man and A Woman

(Un homme et une femme)

A Very Long

兄兄妹妹 35 Trouble
血盤大口 36 White
白鬼 36
ULLIEL 愛上尚路易杜寧南、尚盧高達及卡斯柏烏尼奧
男歡女愛 39
Engagement 美麗緣未了 39 (Un long dimanche de fiançailles) The Best Years of A Life 最美年華 40 (Les Plus belles années d’une vie) Breathless 斷了氣 (À bout de souffle) 40 Confidentially Yours 情殺案中案 (Vivement dimanche !) 41 It’s Only the End of the World 愛到世界盡頭 41 (Juste la fin du monde) Love 愛.慕 (Amour) 42 My Night at Maud’s 我在溫柔鄉 (Ma nuit chez Maud) 42 Pierrot le fou 狂人彼埃洛 43 FILM SCHEDULE 放映時間 50 TICKETING INFORMATION 購票須知 55
香 港 首 映

She recounts her life in the limelight.

French feminist leader Simone Veil is the first elected president of the European parliament and the former French health minister. She had a tough childhood: a survivor of the Holocaust who rose to become the most respected and influential politician in 20th century France. With an epic image, this extraordinary and controversial lady who subverted social values and perceptions in political struggles brings Europe out of hate and barbarism.

07 開 幕 電 影 OPENING FILMS Simone: The Journey of the Century Simone - Le Voyage du siècle 西蒙韋伊的世紀歷程
鎂光燈下,她娓娓道來。 法國猶太裔女權領袖西蒙韋伊(Simone Veil)是歐洲 議會首位民選議長和法國前衛生部長,歷經悲慘的納 粹大屠殺,最後成為了國內最德高望重、20 世紀最具 影響力的女政治家。這位史詩般非凡的女士童年波折 重重,一生命運多舛,在政治鬥爭中捍衛人文主義的 她顛覆當時社會的價值觀和認知,帶領歐洲走出仇恨 和荒蠻。 2022 | 140 mins | Biopic 人物傳記 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Olivier Dahan Cast 演員:Elsa Zylberstein, Rebecca Marder, Élodie Bouchez, Judith Chemla 23 NOVEMBER THEATRE, HK CITY HALL | 4 DECEMBER PREMIERE ELEMENTS | 11 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE Co-presented by: Sponsored by:

by Jean-Jacques Annaud, Notre-Dame on Fire offers a blow-by-blow recreation of the gripping events that took place on April 15, 2019, when the cathedral suffered the biggest blaze in its history. The film retraces how heroic men and women put their lives on the line to accomplish an awe-inspiring rescue.

08 開 幕 電 影 OPENING FILMS Notre-Dame on Fire Notre-Dame brûle 巴黎聖母院:火海奇蹟 Directed
2019 年 4 月 15 日,巴黎聖母院發生大火,震撼世人。 陰差陽錯,星星之火迅速蔓延,教堂結構、維修工程 及擠塞交通,令救火行動困難重重,眼看屹立 850 年 的聖母院大教堂即將被烈焰吞噬,聖物耶穌荊棘冠亦 被困教堂之內,英勇的消防員、警方、聖母院建築師、 策展人及神父只能與時間競賽,面對考驗勇氣與信仰 的無情大火,誓要拯救聖母院大教堂及當中的珍貴 文物。 2021 | 110 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with Traditional Chinese & English subtitles 法語對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director 導演:Jean-Jacques Annaud Cast 演員:Samuel Labarthe, Jean-Paul Bordes, Mickaël Chirinian, Jules Sadoughi 25 & 27 NOVEMBER THEATRE, HK CITY HALL | 10 DECEMBER PALACE IFC Film presented by:

Sandra is a widowed young mother raising her daughter on her own, while also caring for her sick father. She’s dealing with the loss of the relationship she once had with her father, while she and her mother and sister fight to get him the care he requires. At the same time, Sandra reconnects with Clément, a friend she hasn’t seen in a while and, although he’s married, their friendship soon blossoms into a passionate affair.

09 香 港 首 映 HONG KONG PREMIERE One Fine Morning Un beau matin(片名待譯)
與女兒相依為命的年輕寡婦桑迪娜,在照料神經退化 症的老父同時,還得為療養安排與家人周旋。心力交 瘁之際,桑迪娜偶遇失聯多時的朋友克萊蒙,不能自 已地與這位有婦之夫發展出熾熱的關係…… Label Europa Cinema – Diretor’s fortnite, Cannes International Film Festival 2022 2022 | 112 mins Drama, Romance 浪漫劇情片 Colour 彩色 France, Germany 法國,德國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Mia Hansen-Løve Cast 演員:Léa Seydoux, Pascal Greggory, Melvil Poupaud, Nicole Garcia 24 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE | 10 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE Film presented by:

Born in South Korea and raised in France by French foster parents, 25-year-old Freddie gets a chance to visit her motherland when she is rerouted by a typhoon. Stepping on Korean soil for the first time as an adult with little knowledge of her native language and culture, Freddie begins an unpredictable journey in search of her biological parents. In his follow-up to the acclaimed Diamond Island, Cambodian-French director Davy Chou drew from the experiences of other Korean adoptees to craft this engrossing voyage of a restless wanderer in search of the roots she left behind.

被領養的孩童終於尋覓到自己的身份後,該如何自 處?韓國經濟起飛前,貧窮戶將兒女送給外國人撫養 不甚罕見。當年因此而被送到世界各地的孩童,不少 都希望找回自己的身份和歷史。然而,在法國成長的 她,與親生父母有著全然不同的文化,使得這趟遠赴 韓國的尋根之旅引發出更深層的身份思考。當中的黑 色幽默,亦娓娓道出主角的格格不入和倔強。歷時八 年製作,導演延續前作的主題,細膩入微地探討著在 大起大落的時代下,不同人物內心的瓜葛。 To be released 快將公映 | 119 mins Drama 劇情片 | Colour 彩色 France, Germany, Belgium, Qatar, Cambodia 法國,德國,比利時, 卡塔爾,柬埔寨 In English, French and in Korean with Traditional Chinese & English subtitles 英語,法語及韓語 對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director 導演:Davy Chou Cast 演員:Park Ji-min, Oh Kwang-rok, Guka Han, Louis-Do De Lencquesaing 7 DECEMBER PALACE IFC | 12 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 12 DECEMBER | 特別場 SPECIAL SCREENING at MOViE MOViE PACIFIC PLACE Online Q&A with the director Davy Chou 導演周戴維將主持網上答問會 Return to Seoul Retour à Séoul 回首爾後 Film presented by: With the support of:
電 影 節 精 選

About Joan

Joan has always been an independent and loving woman with a free and adventurous spirit. She runs into her first lover after years of his absence. She decides to not tell him the fact that they have a son together - it’s time for her to revisit her life: her youth, her accomplishments, her love stories and her relationship with her son. She seems to have a fulfilling life: yet, she has to face the secret she has been hiding.

A countryside village in France, January 1974. When she accidentally becomes pregnant, Annie, a working mother of two teenagers, meets with the Movement for the Liberation of Abortion and Contraception (MLAC); doctors and women who perform illegal abortions in the public eye, practicing a free, safe and respectful method. Gradually Annie will join their battle, which will bring a new meaning to her life.

À propos de Joan 珍妮的人生 Angry Annie Annie colère 暴走安妮
性格自由奔放的珍妮向來獨立自主且和藹多 情。闊別多年,這天珍妮在巴黎街角碰見了初 戀情人。事實上,他是珍妮兒子彌敦的父親, 然而男人卻懵然不知。珍妮決定繼續把男人 蒙在鼓裡,並藉此機會重新回顧自己的一生:她 的青春、她的成就、她的愛情故事,以至她與兒 子的親子關係。珍妮的生命看似完好無缺,然而 此時此刻,她定當要面對埋藏已久的秘密。
1974 年 1 月,法國郊外小村落:已育有兩個青 少年的工人安妮意外發現自己再次懷孕。她尋求 「墮胎和避孕解放運動(MLAC)」組織幫助,並 由醫生操刀人工流產。儘管此舉非法,但起碼是 免費、安全且讓安妮感到受尊重。安妮將會成為 組織的一份子,讓她的生命煥發新光彩。 2022 | 101 mins | Drama, Romance 浪漫劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France, Germany, Ireland 法國, 德國,愛爾蘭 | In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Laurent Larivière Cast 演員:Isabelle Huppert, Lars Eidingber, Swann Arlaud, Freya Mavor 2021 | 119 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Blandine Lenoir Cast 演員:Laure Calamy, Zita Hanrot, India Hair, Pascale Arbillot 3 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 7 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 4 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 9 DECEMBER PALACE IFC


Sexist Cédric is suspended from work after drunkenly kissing a female reporter on live TV. Stuck at home with his long-suffering girlfriend, Nadine and their incessantly crying baby, Cédric teams up with his brother, JeanMichel, to co-author a book apologising for their past misogyny. Enter Amy: a mysterious and provocative young babysitter who, like a Mary Poppins of the libido, forces the trio to confront their sexual anxieties while turning their lives upside down.

Mani returns to her community in Northern Quebec. She gets involved in the debate surrounding a referendum to allow the free sale of alcohol on the reserve. Laura, a bootlegger, pockets profits, covered by the tribal council. As secrets are revealed and the community grows apart, the two women face each other as they decide which path to independence is best.

保姆 Bootlegger 走私客
初為人父,中年漢塞德里克是個不折不扣的大男 人。一次電視直播期間,醉醺醺的他強吻了女記 者,使他紅遍全網又被公司停職。為了贖罪,在 哥哥莊密修協助下,他決定寫一本研究自己厭女 症根源的書。與此同時,長期飽受抑鬱症煎熬的 老婆納丁決定縮短產假,獨自一人待在家裡的塞 德里克還得面對哭鬧不停的寶寶。這時,一位調 皮又魅力四射的保姆來到三人家中,使他們不得 不面對自己的性焦慮,並徹底顛覆了他們的生活。
學生瑪尼回到魁北克北部的原住民保護區。當居 民們正為應否允許在區內自由買賣酒精飲品而準 備進行公投。蘿拉則是一位販賣私酒的走私客, 賺來的錢在區委會掩護下袋袋平安。隨著越來越 多秘密被揭發,社區日漸撕裂,兩個勢成水火的 女人將把保護區領到何處去? 5 DECEMBER | 特別場 SPECIAL SCREENING at MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE Online Q&A with the director Caroline Monnet 導演 Caroline Monnet 將主持網上答問會 2022 | 88 mins | Comedy 喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France, Canada 法國,加拿大 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Monia Chokri Cast 演員:Patrick Hivon, Steve Laplante, Monia Chokri, Nadia Tereszkiewicz 2021 | 81 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | Quebec, Canada 加拿大魁北克省 In French and in English with English subtitles 法語及英語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Caroline Monnet Cast 演員:Devery Jacobs, Samian, Brigitte Poupart, Jacques Newashishe 25 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 29 NOVEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 30 NOVEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 5 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE Film presented by: Film presented by:

Brother and Sister


never forgive Louis,” says Alice in front of her critically ill father. She could no longer hold back her persisting hatred against her brother. Resentment has invaded the everyday life of Alice, and they have never seen or spoken a word with each other ever since. The more successful Louis becomes, the more tormented and drug addicted Alice is. But at the final days of their parents, they are nevertheless forced to cross paths.

Paris, 1927. After the death of her father, Madeleine Péricourt should have inherited the familial financial empire. But she has a son, Paul, who with an unexpected and tragic gesture will place her on the path to ruin and social decline. After a while, she decides to take back her life, to have it under control. It is time for her to have her vengeance. This magnificent movie is the sequel of the story started in See You Up There (2017).

Frère et
姐弟 The Colours of Fire Couleurs de l’incendie 燎原之火 “I’ll
「我永不原諒路易。」在病重父親床前,愛麗絲 無法掩飾對弟弟的怨恨。多年來,愛麗絲每天都 活在憎恨中無法自拔,姐弟倆多年來從未見面, 甚至從未對話。愛麗絲無法接受弟弟的光芒蓋過 自己,活在痛苦的她對藥物的依賴更日益嚴重。 即使路易在街上偶然碰到愛麗絲,就算四目交 投,她也不會跟他打招呼,甚至驚惶失色地直接 跑開。然而父母臨終之時,他們不得不再聚首 一堂。
1927 年,巴黎:瑪德蓮是位銀行帝國千金,正 準備繼承亡父馬塞爾的家族生意。但瑪德蓮兒子 保羅的一個出其不意且悲劇的舉動,使她步入崩 壞。面對男人競爭,環境腐朽,旁人野心,命懸 一線的瑪德蓮只能施展渾身解數,重建自己的生 活。隨著法國即將捲入吹襲歐洲整片大陸的這場 風暴,瑪德蓮能自保求存嗎?本片是 2017 年開 始的一個故事《來生再見》的續集。 2022 | 108 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Arnaud Desplechin Cast 演員:Marion Cotillard, Melvil Poupaud, Golshifteh Farahani, Patrick Timsit 2022 | 133 mins | Drama, Historical 歷史劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Clovis Cornillac Cast 演員:Léa Drucker, Alice Isaaz, Benoît Poelvoorde, Fanny Ardant 24 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 29 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 3 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 26 NOVEMBER THEATRE, HK CITY HALL 2 DECEMBER PREMIERE ELEMENTS 9 DECEMBER PALACE IFC

you still love her?”


you are not cheating on her.”


single mother and a married man fall in love. They have pledged to see each other only for an affair and not to expect a loving relationship, knowing very well that this bonding has no future. However, they are more and more bewildered by their consensus, their complicity and the well-being they feel together…

years old Madeleine calls herself a taxi to the nursing home where she will live the rest of her life. She asks Charles, the slightly disillusioned driver to take her on a tour to the places of paramount importance in her life for the very last time. As she makes her way through the streets of Paris, some exceptional flashes of the past emerge to Charles’ eyes.

a taxi ride could be life-changing.

FESTIVAL EXCLUSIVES 電 影 節 精 選 15 Driving Madeleine Une belle course 美好走一回 Diary of A Fleeting Affair Chronique d’une liaison passagère 偷情日記 92
此時此刻,92 歲的瑪德蓮要到護老院渡過餘生, 於是她給自己召來一台的士。負責接載她的司機 是對人生理想有點幻滅的查理斯。瑪德蓮讓查理 斯在市內到處穿梭,好讓自己有生之年能再次到 訪那些自己一直縈繞心頭,在生命裡舉足輕重的 地方。在巴黎遊走時,一些似曾相識的景象在查 理斯眼前掠過。 看似平淡無奇的一程車,卻能改變一個人的 認知。 2022 | 100 mins | Romantic Comedy 浪漫喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Emmanuel Mouret Cast 演員:Sandrine Kiberlain, Vincent Macaigne, Georgia Scalliet 2022 | 91 mins | Comedy 喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Christian Carion Cast 演員:Line Renaud, Dany Boon, Alice Isaaz, Jérémie Laheurte “Do
「你還愛她嗎?」「當然!」「那就好啦,你並 沒有背叛她!」 一位單親媽媽和一位已婚男性墮入愛河:二人原 本只求萍水相逢,從不期許長相廝守,認定這只 是一段沒有將來的關係。然而,他們之間的共識 慢慢變得模糊,愛情和友情間的界限遠比想像中 複雜,二人在歡愉中藕斷絲連。情感此事,豈真 的如此乾脆俐落? 28 NOVEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 3 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 9 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 27 NOVEMBER THEATRE, HK CITY HALL 4 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 9 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE

Everybody Loves Jeanne Tout le monde


loved Jeanne when she was young. Even though she is now forty years old, she is still always surrounded by praising voices. However, Jeanne knows very well that she is over-indebted, broke and becomes cynical. She, now, has to return to Lisbon to sell the flat of her recently deceased mother. At the airport, high school classmate Jean recognises Jeanne, whose impression has totally slipped Jeanne’s mind. Jean, who has a peculiar mindset would not let Jeanne go…

aime Jeanne 萬千寵愛 Everyone
在里斯本長大的珍妮從小就是萬人迷,在法國國 際學校讀書的她深得所有人的萬千寵愛。即使今 天的她已屆不惑之年,耳邊總是傳來頌讚的聲 音。然而珍妮自知陷入財困,亦變得憤世嫉俗。 宣布破產的她唯有回到里斯本出售亡母的公寓。 在機場時,高中同學莊認出了珍妮,不過,珍妮 卻對他毫無印象。只不過,想法奇特的莊卻從始 如貼身膏藥般跟在珍妮後面…… 2021 | 95 mins | Comedy, Drama 劇情喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France, Portugal 法國,葡萄牙 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Céline Devaux Cast 演員:Blanche Gardin, Laurent Lafitte, Maxence Tual, Nuno Lopes 25 NOVEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 29 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 6 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE
Mr Haffmann Adieu Monsieur Haffmann 赫夫曼先生,您好走不送 2020 | 116 mins | Drama, Historical 歷史劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Fred Cavayé Cast 演員:Daniel Auteuil, Gilles Lellouche, Sara Giraudeau, Nikolai Kinski 27 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 4 DECEMBER PREMIERE ELEMENTS Paris 1941. Mr Haffmann is a talented Jewish jeweller. Under the invasion of the German army, in a hurry to leave Paris, he and his employee François are forced to strike a deal which, over the following months, will upend the fate of our protagonists. 1941 年巴黎:哈夫曼先生是一位饒有才華的猶太 裔珠寶商,在德軍入侵佔領下,正準備匆忙逃離的 哈夫曼孤注一擲,與伙計方士華達成一項大膽的協 議。誰知哈夫曼最後趕不及上火車,滯留巴黎:接 下來幾個月,此舉將徹底顛覆幾位故事主人翁的 命運。 Supported by:


a disused factory, a Z-grade horror film shoot is in full swing. Jaded technicians, uninvolved actors… only the director seems to possess the necessary energy to give life to this extremely low-budget zombie movie. During the preparation of a particularly difficult shot, filming is disrupted by an eruption of the real living dead. In front of the camera, everything looks more-orless normal. Behind it, the crew is freewheeling to save the film while following their one and only watchword: DON’T CUT!

the end of the 1980s, Stella, Victor, Adèle and Etienne are 20 years old. They take the entrance exam to the famous acting school created by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Romans at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. On their journey towards becoming actors, they immerse themselves in a demanding world. Launched at full speed into life, passion, and love, together they will experience the turning point of their lives, but also their first tragedy.

FESTIVAL EXCLUSIVES 電 影 節 精 選 17 2022 | 125 mins | Comedy, Drama 劇情喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France, Italy 法國,意大利 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Valeria Bruni Tedeschi Cast 演員:Nadia Tereszkiewicz, Sofiane Bennacer, Louis Garrel, Micha Lescot 2021 | 111 mins | Comedy, Horror 驚慄喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Michel Hazanavicius Cast 演員:Romain Duris, Bérénice Bejo, Grégory Gadebois, Finnegan Oldfield
Cut Coupez ! 煞科! Forever Young Les Amandiers 杏仁劇院 In
廢棄工廠內,一部垃圾得不知所謂的恐怖片正在 開拍。技術人員和演員都意興闌珊,只有導演一 人仍有精力繼續完成這部極低成本喪屍片。正當 眾人準備當中一場特別難拍的戲時,一個真正的 喪屍闖入片場!在鏡頭前,一切彷彿如常。但背 後,整個團隊都不知所措,只懂繼續 roll 機,互 相打著暗號:「咪嗌 cut !」 At
八十年代末,剛滿 20 歲的斯黛拉、維多、阿黛 爾和埃蒂安一同報考南特著名演藝學院杏仁劇院 的入學試。為了成為演員,他們沉浸在嚴苛的訓 練過程中。初出茅廬的四人將在熱情和愛火下迎 來人生的轉捩點:他們的第一齣悲劇。 26 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 2 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 8 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 30 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 4 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 8 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE

Heart of Oak Le Chêne 橡樹

The crazy story of Louise, 45, who gets trapped in her own car one morning... she is having an unexplainable panic attack. Unable to put a foot outside the car, she drives aimlessly in panic. Hence, her adventures begin! A young lad, Paul, who is only interested in stealing the car and driving it to the ocean, has no choice but to kidnap Louise as well, given she physically cannot alight the car. Behold, a voyage of two strangers crossing paths.

Once upon a time, there was a 210-year-old oak tree that became a pillar in its kingdom. This spectacular adventure film brings together an extraordinary cast: squirrels, weevils, jays, ants, field mice... This vibrant, humming and marvellous little world seals its destiny around this majestic tree that welcomes them, feeds them and protects them from its roots to its top. A poetic ode to life where nature alone expresses itself.

「不好意思,你們能幫我下車嗎?」四十五歲的 露易絲一天早上驚恐症發作,困在了座駕上,下 不了車!陷入恐慌之中的她雙腳無法掂地,唯有 歇斯底里地把車子到處亂開。由此展開了她的瘋 狂旅途!偷車賊保羅本只對車子感興趣,但既然 露易絲無法下車,只好「順道」綁架了動彈不得 的她,並強行把她帶到心心念念的海邊。兩個陌 生人的偶遇,能擦出怎樣的火花呢? 2022 | 89 mins | Comedy 喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Didier Barcelo Cast 演員:Marina Foïs, Benjamin Voisin, Jean-Charles Clichet, Albert Delpy Freestyle En roue libre 橫衝直撞環法自由行 25 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 30 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC
許多人愛稱橡樹為森林之王:它象徵著權力和長 壽,代表著對未來的期許,亦是北半球最高最宏 偉的樹。這部蔚為奇觀的紀錄片主角正是一棵 210 歲的橡樹,帶領觀眾欣賞圍繞這棵森林之王的各 種生命足跡:松鼠、象蟲、松鴉、螞蟻、田鼠等等。 這棵橡樹的每一塊樹葉,每一條根莖,都孕育和 保護著一個充滿生氣的小世界。本片以最詩意的 方式,讓大自然向我們展示它的本領和美態。 2 DECEMBER | 特別場 SPECIAL SCREENING at PREMIERE ELEMENTS Online Q&A with the directors Laurent Carbonnier & Michel Seydoux 兩位導演 Laurent Carbonnier 及 Michel Seydoux 將 主持網上答問會 2022 | 80 mins | Documentary 紀錄片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 | No dialogue 無對白 Director 導演:Laurent Charbonnier, Michel Seydoux 27 NOVEMBER THEATRE, HK CITY HALL 2 DECEMBER PREMIERE ELEMENTS 10 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE

Alain and Marie move to a quiet suburb. A mysterious tunnel in the cellar of their new home will turn their lives upside down. In this film Quentin Dupieux plays the surprise card. What is in the cellar? Why and how does it shake up the couple’s lives? The answers can only be found in the darkness of the movie theatre. But it is another crazy and resourceful story from Dupieux who has more than one trick up his sleeve!

Sylvie is a 60-years-old tutor who runs drama workshops at the prison. As time goes by, she fell in love with one of the inmates, Michel and is about to marry him. Yet her son Abel freaks out and disapproves, knowing that her relationships with inmates will always cause problems. With the help of his best friend, Clémence, he will do whatever it takes to protect her. Yet, meeting his new step-father offers him some new perspectives.

FESTIVAL EXCLUSIVES 電 影 節 精 選 19 Incredible But True Incroyable mais vrai 不可思議的真相 The Innocent L’Innocent 清白的人
法國鬼才導演 Quentin Dupieux(Oizo 先生)又一 怪誕狂想力作! 這晚,幾個人圍在一起吃飯聊天。「你想聽一件 好痴線的事嗎?」事緣亞蘭和瑪麗搬到恬靜的近 郊。新家地窖有條隧道,而這條耐人尋味的通道 徹底逆轉二人的生活。「我敢打賭,你一定不會 信我。但這一切千真萬確!」 (良久...) 「說實話,還是不要說比較好...」
在獄中開辦話劇工作坊的兆菲兒今年 60 歲。隨 著時間過去,她與囚犯米歇爾漸生情愫,甚至到 了談婚論嫁的地步。得知此事的兒子阿貝爾慌 了,因為他知道母親跟囚犯的每段關係均會悲劇 收場,於是歇斯底里地希望阻止這樁婚事。幸得 好友克萊夢思相助,阿貝爾竭盡所能保護母親。 然而,當他真的與這位新繼父見面時,似乎又有 了新看法。 2022 | 100 mins | Drama, Comedy 劇情喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Louis Garrel Cast 演員:Roschdy Zem, Noémie Merlant, Louis Garrel, Anouk Grinberg 2022 | 74 mins | Comedy 喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Quentin Dupieux Cast 演員:Alain Chabat, Léa Drucker, Benoît Magimel, Anaïs Demoustier 26 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 30 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 27 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 10 DECEMBER PALACE IFC

by a true story. 2017: Matthieu is a French diplomat based in Russia. When he is taking care of his daughter as usual today, a few masked men force their way into his home and captured him. With false documents, the Russian Security Service charge him with distribution of children pornographic materials. This literary man will have to be reborn as a man of action in order to flee the tragic fate awaiting him in the cold and hostile Siberia frost.

Little NicholasHappy As Can Be

Somewhere in Paris, Jean-Jacques Sempé and René Goscinny work on a large white sheet of paper and bring to life a mischievous and endearing boy, Little Nicolas. From schoolyard games and fights, to summer camp pranks and camaraderie, Nicolas lives a merry and enriching childhood. The boy slips into the workshop of his creators, and questions them with humour. Therefore, they tell him their own story.

FESTIVAL EXCLUSIVES 電 影 節 精 選 20 Kompromat 黑材料 Inspired
真人真事改編:2017 年,馬竇是法國駐俄外交 官。這天他如常在家照顧女兒,突然,幾個蒙面 飛虎隊破門而入。他被俄羅斯聯邦安全局憑空捏 造,指控他在網上發布兒童淫褻物品,並將被判 處長達 15 年監禁。面對淒慘下場,馬竇只能在 冰天雪地和危機四伏的西伯利亞躲避。如要活 命,並逃離敵人精心策劃的悲慘命運,這位文人 將要為人所不能為。 2022 | 127 mins | Thriller, Romance 驚慄愛情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jérôme Salle Cast 演員:Ausra Giedraityte, Michael Gor, Joanna Kulig, Gilles Lellouche 25 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 3 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 10 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE
Le Petit Nicolas - Qu’est-ce qu’on attend pour être heureux ? 小淘氣尼古拉 — 快樂方程式
在巴黎一隅的工作室,漫畫家戈西尼和插畫家桑 貝二人在白紙上埋頭苦幹:一個充滿歡笑又頑皮 的小男孩在筆尖下誕生。他叫小淘氣尼古拉。從 校園裡的嬉笑打鬧,到夏令營的跳皮搗蛋以及與 營友間友誼,小淘氣尼古拉的童年寓學於樂。這 天,紙上的尼古拉溜進了兩位創作人的工作室, 幽默地調侃他們。戈西尼和桑貝於是向尼古拉講 述他們自己的故事。 Cristal for a Feature Film – Annecy International Animation Film Festival, 2022 2022 | 85 mins | Animation, Family 合家歡動畫 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Amandine Fredon, Benjamin Massoubre Cast 演員:Laurent Lafitte, Alain Chabat, Simon Faliu 26 NOVEMBER THEATRE, HK CITY HALL 30 NOVEMBER PREMIERE ELEMENTS 11 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE


Adrien, an attractive dancer whose career was shattered by a motorbike accident, wastes his youth in the laziness of the French Riviera, where he is looked after by Martha, a former movie star. Adrien’s life is turned upside down when he meets Margot, a captivating beauty who lives for the thrill of scams and romantic entanglements. Together, they fantasise about a better life and set up a diabolical scheme, an emotional masquerade.

The Night of the 12th La Nuit du 12

is the catalyst.

At the Criminal Investigation Department, it is said that all investigators come across a crime that they are unable to solve and that haunts them. For Yohan, it is Clara’s murder. The interrogations follow one another, there is no shortage of suspects, and Yohan’s doubts keep growing. Only one thing is certain, the crime took place on the night of the 12th.

法國蔚藍海岸有三類人:財富萬貫而百無聊賴的 人、常常幻想自己錦衣玉食但實際上沒那麼有錢 的人、和底下那些每天被嫉妒吞噬的人。雅迪安 本是位玉樹臨風的舞者,無奈一次電單車意外斷 送了他的前途,自此便留在蔚藍海岸耍廢,由過 氣影星瑪塔照顧。後來雅迪安遇上了瑪格,亭亭 玉立的她終日在詐騙和藕斷絲連的關係下度日。 二人幻想出美滿生活的模樣,為了錢萌生出邪惡 念頭:他們要設下一個十惡不赦的愛情陷阱。 2022 | 134 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Nicolas Bedos Cast 演員:Isabelle Adjani, Pierre Niney, Marine Vacth, François Cluzet 23 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 6 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 10 DECEMBER PREMIERE ELEMENTS
十二號晚上 Jealousy
嫉妒是一切的催化劑。 每位在警察局司法部工作的調查員,職業生涯中 必定會碰上一樁讓人發惡夢的棘手案件。對於佑 漢來講,最毛骨悚然的莫過於「克拉謀殺案」。 審訊一次接一次,一個又一個疑犯報到,佑漢每 天愈加茫然不解。整單謀殺案確切無誤的只有一 點:就是作案者必定是在 12 號晚行凶。 2022 | 115 mins | Crime, Thriller 警匪驚慄片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Dominik Moll Cast 演員:Bastien Bouillon, Bouli Lanners, Théo Cholbi, Johann Dionnet 1 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 11 DECEMBER PALACE IFC

On 13 November 2015, helplines ring fanatically at the report centre at night.

Everybody is overwhelmed by the series of terrorist attacks. Fear engulfed the sky of Paris. When the entire country is floating on tears, in the 5 following days, there is no room for error for the police’s anti-terrorist team to act and investigate promptly with agility. Wounds are still fresh and all eyes are on the police.

On the evening of 13 November, 2015, Céline and Ramón, a French-Spanish couple living in Paris, go to the Bataclan to attend a rock concert. After the attacks, the two survivors struggle to rebuild their existences, to find a sense of normalcy in their lives, to absolve themselves of their status of victims. Yet they must find a way to heal wounds that may never close.

FESTIVAL EXCLUSIVES 電 影 節 精 選 22 November Novembre 驚天十一月 One Year, One Night Un an, une nuit 那一年,那一夜
2015 年 11 月 13 日晚,求助熱線鈴聲突然此起 彼落,劃破了報案中心的寂靜。 一連串的恐襲擊潰了法國人民心靈,恐懼籠罩著 巴黎的天空。在舉國泣不可仰之時,警方反恐部 隊不容有失,在恐襲發生後的 5 天爭分奪秒,以 專業態度調查,並迅速部署行動。傷口還沒癒合, 所有人的目光正注視著警方。
2015 年 11 月 13 日,賽林和雷蒙這對住在巴黎 的法西跨國情侶,這晚來到了巴塔克蘭劇院參加 搖滾音樂會。恐襲過後,兩位經歷創傷的生還者 嘗試著重建正常生活,期盼能擺脫受害者身份的 包袱。然而,傷口難以癒合,要重獲新生,談何 容易? 2022 | 90 mins | Thriller 驚慄片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Cédric Jimenez Cast 演員:Jean Dujardin, Lyna Khoudri, Anaïs Demoustier, Sandrine Kiberlain To be released 快將公映 | 120 mins Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France, Spain 法國,西班牙 In French and in Spainish with English subtitles 法語及西班牙語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Isaki Lacuesta Cast 演員:Nahuel Pérez-Biscayart, Noémie Merlant, Quim Gutiérez, Alba Guilera 23 NOVEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 27 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 2 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 26 NOVEMBER PREMIERE ELEMENTS 7 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 11 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE


What happened on that autumn Saturday evening?

Mia was dining at a restaurant when terrorist bloodbath took place in Paris. It’s been 3 months, yet Mia’s memories of that night were fragmented and she is still too traumatised to live a normal life. To regain momentum to live, she revisits the scene and tries to reconstruct her memories. Could the fingerpointing and denial of others bring happiness to Mia and help her get back on track?

Born in her parents’ stud farm, Zoé grew up surrounded by horses and has only one dream: to become a jockey! Tempête, a filly she sees being born, will become her alter ego.

But one stormy night, Tempête, in a panic, tramples on Zoé’s back and shatters all her dreams. But she will hang on, whatever the cost, for years, and will try the impossible to reconnect with her destiny.

Memories Revoir Paris 再會巴黎 Ride Above Tempête 乘風破浪
秋天那週六的晚上,究竟發生了甚麼事? 巴黎被恐襲血洗的那晚,蜜雅正在餐廳進餐。三 個月過去,精神受創的蜜雅始終無法正常生活, 腦海裡只浮現著當日的零碎片段。為了找到活下 去的動力,蜜雅重訪案發現場,嘗試重拾記憶。 面對眾人責備和否定,心神俱疲的蜜雅能回到正 軌嗎?回憶真的能帶來幸福和快樂嗎?
祖兒在父母的馬場出生,自小在馬群中長大。馬 匹圍繞著祖兒每天的生活,甚至當初是馬兒教曉 了她走路。耳濡目染下,祖兒只有一個夢想:她 要成為跟父親一樣的騎師!後來祖兒與她看着出 生的小馬駒暴風建立了深厚友誼,並看出了暴風 奪冠的潛質。然而一個風雨交加的晚上,受驚的 暴風意外地令祖兒永久傷殘,更使她騎師夢碎。 可是堅毅不屈的祖兒絕不會向命運低頭。 2022 | 105 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Alice Winocour Cast 演員:Virginie Efira, Benoît Magimel, Grégoire Colin, Maya Sansa 2022 | 108 mins | Comedy 喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France, Canada 法國,加拿大 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Christian Duguay Cast 演員:Mélanie Laurent, Pio Marmaï, Kacey Mottet Klein, Carmen Kassovitz 24 NOVEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 28 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 2 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 26 NOVEMBER THEATRE, HK CITY HALL

had the perfect life: an ideal boyfriend and a promising ballet dancer career. Everything falls apart when she catches her boyfriend cheating on her; and then suffers an injury on stage. It seems like she might be unable to dance again. The path to physical and emotional recovery will lead her away from Paris to Brittany where new connections and the freedom of contemporary dance will open a new world to her.

is 21 when she is diagnosed with a multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease without any treatment. This illness threatens her ability to move. She may become partially or fully paralyzed. Determined and full of life, she is ready to go beyond the medical advice, travelling the world for nine months with one thing in mind: reconnect with herself and learn to live with her scleROSIS, her “ROSY”.

FESTIVAL EXCLUSIVES 電 影 節 精 選 24 Rise En corps 舞魂 Élise
愛麗絲的生活本來羨煞旁人:她有位堪稱理想的 男友,更是位前途無可限量的芭蕾舞蹈家。好景 不常,男友背著她偷食,自己亦在一次演出期間 不幸受傷,悲傷得知自己可能無法再跳舞了。 身心受創的愛麗絲從巴黎來到了布列塔尼休養, 讓她找回愛情、友情和親情,亦找到了自己。 機緣巧合下,現代舞將為愛麗絲煥發新生。 24 NOVEMBER | 特別場 SPECIAL SCREENING at HONG KONG CITY HALL Pre-screening talk with HK Ballet 放映前與香港芭蕾舞團就電影作公開討論 2022 | 120 mins | Drama, Comedy 劇情喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Cédric Klapisch Cast 演員:Marion Barbeau, Hofesh Shechter, Denis Podalydès, Muriel Robin 2021 | 86 mins | Documentary 紀錄片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Marine Barnérias Cast 演員:Marine Barnérias 24 NOVEMBER THEATRE, HK CITY HALL 1 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 5 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE Rosy, the Forbidden Journey Rosy 亮麗人生:不可能之旅 Marine
瑪琳 21 歲時確診了多發性硬化症:要知道這是 一個沒法治療的自體免疫性病症。此病讓她日漸 喪失行動能力,最終可能導致半身或全身癱瘓。 可是這一切都沒有讓意志堅定且朝氣勃勃的瑪琳 退縮:她決定不聽從醫生建議,用九個月時間環 遊世界。她一鼓作氣,要重新認識自己,並要與 絕症共存,絕不輕易認命。 11 DECEMBER | 特別場 SPECIAL SCREENING at PREMIERE ELEMENTS Q&A session in presence of the director Marine Barnérias 導演 Marine Barnérias 親臨主持答問會 30 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 11 DECEMBER PREMIERE ELEMENTS

The Sixth Child

Sixième enfant

Franck is a scrap dealer who lives with Meriem in the outskirts of Paris. They have five children, a sixth on the way, and serious money problems. Julien and Anna are lawyers and can’t have children. Faced with the irrepressible and desperate desire to start a family on one hand, and the need to protect one on the other, the two couples choose to make an arrangement. An unthinkable arrangement that could cost them everything.

re-viewing our super eight films, shot between 1972 and 1981, it occurred to me that they comprised not only a family archive but a testimony to the pastimes, lifestyle and aspirations of a social class in the decade after 1968. I wanted to incorporate these silent images into a story which combined the intimate with the social and with history, to convey the taste and colour of those years.”

廢料承辦商法蘭克與瑪莉艷同住巴黎郊區。捉襟 見肘的他們有多達五個小孩,但瑪莉艷此刻還懷 著第六個。另一方面,朱利安和安娜則是一對不 育的律師夫婦。一方是對建立一個完整家庭無法 抑制的渴望和絕望,另一方卻是為了保衞家庭 而不惜一切,因此,兩個家庭決定作出一個安 排。一個令人難以置信,可能讓他們失去一切的 安排。 “In
Annie Ernaux 安妮·艾諾是法國當代最重要的作家之一。1972 年,她丈夫買了一部超八米厘攝影機,並在往後 的 9 年裡拍下不少家庭片段。當安妮再次翻看這 些錄像時,她發現這些影片不只是一幀幀家人共 聚天倫的時光,更代表著 1968 年法國五月風暴 往後 10 年某個社會階層的嗜好、生活方式和對 未來的期許。安妮把這些無聲影像包裝成一個包 涵私密、社會和歷史層面的故事,饒有那年代的 色彩和韻味。 2022 | 92 mins | Thriller, Drama 驚慄劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Léopold Legrand Cast 演員:Sara Giraudeau, Benjamin Lavernhe, Judith Chemla, Damien Bonnard To be released 快將公映 | 62 mins Documentary 紀錄片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Annie Ernaux, David Ernaux-Briot 2 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 6 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 10 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 2 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 12 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE The Super-8 Years Les Années super-8 超八米厘年代

Shoot Or Die Tourner pour

For 7 years, Philippe Azoulay follows the tireless Claude Lelouch in his voyages and film shoots in Paris and around the world. In this documentary, you will discover Lelouch’s sense on film sets like Salaud, on t’aime and Un plus une . As a love letter to cinema and its actors, Tourner pour vivre shows a Lelouch brimming with creativity whose only regret is that he will surely never have the time to shoot even half of his projects.

Carvin, a starred chef, receives his third crystal star from a culinary critic. The same evening his wife leaves him. The emotional overflow triggers a stroke that forces him to stay away from his kitchen for a while. He decides to go to Japan, where he will embark on a journey to discover the mysteries surrounding the taste a Japanese chef who defeated him used a long time ago: umami, the fifth taste.

vivre 為電影而生
7 年來,導演步影隨跡,與法國名導李勞治 (Lelouch)走訪巴黎以至世界各地拍戲。這部 紀錄片到訪多部電影的拍攝現場,包括被稱為 「法國貓王」阿利代有份參與的《Salaud, on t’aime》,以及法國著名演員尚杜加丹參演的《Un plus une》,帶你發掘李勞治的觸覺。導演以本片 向電影行業和演員寄意,並向觀眾介紹這位創意 洋溢,點子多到一輩子都拍不完的法國名導。 2016 | 109 mins | Documentary 紀錄片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Philippe Azoulay Siritzky To be released 快將公映 | 92 mins Dramatic Comedy 溫馨劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France, Japan 法國,日本 In English, French and in Japanese with English subtitles 英語,法語及日語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Slony Sow Cast 演員:Gérard Depardieu, Kyôzô Nagatsuka, Pierre Richard, Rod Paradot 26 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 3 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE Umami 鮮味之謎 Gabriel
加比奧是法國名廚,這晚他喜獲食評指南三星。 然而同一晚,老婆突然離自己而去。兩件同時發 生的大事瞬間擊潰了加比奧的情感,更觸發了心 臟病,使他不得不暫別廚房。這時的他憶起年少 時曾被一位日本大廚擊敗,於是決定到日本一 趟,尋覓一直縈繞在他腦海裡的第五種味道: 鮮味。 25 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 5 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 13 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE

Perfect Man

Florence, a lawyer overwhelmed by her family life, decides to buy a humanoid robot with a perfect physique. The robot meets all her expectations: maintain the house, take care of the children, and more… By maliciously disrupting their daily routine, the robot also arouses the jealousy of her self-centred careless husband, Franck, a second-class actor who suddenly realises he must make some efforts not to lose the love of his wife.

up on the Tibetan plateau. Amongst unexplored and inaccessible valleys lies one of the last sanctuaries of the wild world, where rare and undiscovered fauna lives. Vincent Munier, one of the world’s most renowned wildlife photographers, takes the adventurer and novelist Sylvain Tesson with him on his latest mission. Searching for unique animals and try to spot the snow leopard, one of the rarest and most difficult big cats to approach.

FESTIVAL EXCLUSIVES 電 影 節 精 選 27 UmanThe
L’Homme parfait 完美的男人
律師佛羅倫斯快被家庭生活擠壓得喘不過氣來。 這天,她決定買一個身材誘人的人形機械人: 「他」有求必應,打理家頭細務、湊細路範範掂! 相反,她的演員老公法蘭克失業而且好食懶飛, 甚至開始嫉妒這甚得老婆歡心的機械人。正當機 械人開始有意識破壞這對夫妻關係時,此刻的法 蘭克猶如熱鍋上的螞蟻,著急如焚想要討回老婆 歡心。 2022 | 85 mins | Comedy 喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Xavier Durringer Cast 演員:Didier Bourdon, Pierre-François MartinLaval, Valérie Karsenti, Philippe Duquesne 2021 | 91 mins | Documentary 紀錄片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Marie Amiguet, Vincent Munier Cast 演員:Vincent Munier, Sylvain Tesson 23 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 27 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC The Velvet Queen La Panthère des neiges 雪國王者:雪豹 High
西藏高原山谷渺無人煙,遙遠偏僻,孕育出許多 稀有且尚待發現的動植物,是野生世界的最後避 難所。在這部紀錄片裡,世界上其中一位最著名 的野生動物攝影師 Vincent Munier 帶領冒險家兼 作家 Sylvain Tesson 到訪西藏這人跡罕至的地帶, 尋找最獨一無二的野生物種,特別是貓科類動物 中最罕有且最難捕捉的雪豹。 26 NOVEMBER THEATRE, HK CITY HALL 9 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE

Waiting for

front of their little boy, Camille and Georges dance on their favourite song Mr Bojangles. With them, there is only place for fun and fantasy. The one who shows the way is the mother, an unpredictable wisp. She leads them into a whirlwind of poetry so that the party continues again and again, no matter what happens. Mad love has never lived up to its name so well. Until the day when the mother goes too far…


of the latest news,


anywhere Brought to you by The Standard The Standard Digital 2021 | 124 mins | Drama, Romance 浪漫劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France, Belgium 法國,比利時 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Régis Roinsard Cast 演員:Romain Duris, Virginie Efira, Grégory Gadebois, Solan Machado Graner
Bojangles En attendant Bojangles 等待快樂 In
在幼子面前,加繆和佐治隨著他們最愛的樂曲 《 Mr Bojangles》翩翩起舞。正因有着加繆這個 思緒不可預知,仿似小精靈的母親,三人終日沉 浸在詩歌的漩渦裡,因此他們家是個充滿歡樂、 幻想和朋友的地方。無論發生何事,派對總是繼 續下去。佐治深深愛著這位奇思妙想的妻子,然 而當加繆的精神狀態急轉直下,父子倆只能千方 百計阻止她慢慢步上不歸路。 28 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 2 DECEMBER PALACE IFC
Presented by Alliance Française de Hong Kong and M+ 香港法國文化協會與M+聯合呈獻 熾 夢 人 間 :

Claire Denis (b. 1946, France) began her career working on set in Dusan Makavejev’s Sweet Movie (1974). Her years working alongside Wim Wenders and Jim Jarmusch were crucial to her growth as a filmmaker before she directed her debut Chocolat (1988). Her next films I Can’t Sleep (1994) and Nénette et Boni (1996) interweave narratives inspired by the urban culture of Paris. Denis’s elliptical narrative and visual style received widespread acclaim with Beau Travail (1999) while Trouble Every Day (2001) made a shocking presentation in which Denis, regarded as an arthouse director, turned to the horror genre. The 2000s were significant for her career, which saw the release of Friday Night (2002), 35 Shots of Rum (2008), and White Material (2009). In 2022, Both Sides of the Blade and Stars at Noon won prizes at the Berlinale and Cannes respectively. Working closely with her longtime collaborators, such as cinematographer Agnès Godard and the rock band Tindersticks, Denis has contributed a diverse body of work to contemporary cinema.

Both Sides of the Avec amour et acharnement


Jean, a former professional rugby player, and Sara, a radio personality, have been happily together for a decade. A chance encounter leads Sara to her ex-boyfriend François, who was once good friends with Jean. A visceral feeling awakens inside of Sara that is bound to push her relationships with both men to the brink.

Both Sides of the Blade reunites Claire Denis with stars Juliette Binoche, Vincent Lindon, and Grégoire Colin. The film is a slow-burning drama that possesses immense empathy for characters who experience the intensity of love like a blade cut to the heart.

克麗雅丹妮(1946年生於法國),職業生涯始 於杜尚馬卡維耶夫《甜蜜電影》(1974)的片場。 其後她數度與雲溫達斯和占渣木殊共事,獲益 匪淺,直到1988年個人導演處女作《巧克力》 問世。其後兩部長片《不眠夜》(1994)和《兄 兄妹妹》(1996)探索了巴黎的都市文化;《軍 中禁戀》(1999)中丹妮省略的敘事和獨特的 影像風格在國際影壇備受矚目,而《血盤大口》 (2001)則打破雅俗界線,以恐怖片模式作出種 種慾望與情感的思考。進入千禧年後她佳作迭 出,如《荒唐週五夜》(2002)、《巴黎日和》 (2008)及《白鬼》(2009)。今年上映的《心 身雙刃》(暫譯)與《正午之星》分別獲得柏林 影展最佳導演獎和康城影展評審團大獎。丹妮 帶領她長期合作的創作夥伴 — 如攝影師艾麗 絲高達和搖滾樂隊 Tindersticks — 屢屢奉上不 容忽視的當代電影佳作。 Film presented by:

Shots of Rum

operates a commuter train in Paris, where he lives with his daughter, Josephine. Their life together is simple and blissful, as they are content with each other’s company. While Lionel, a widower, is reaching the age of retirement, Josephine is making her way into the adult world as an university student. The caring father begins to realise that his child is no longer a child, and that the dynamic between them is bound to change when Josephine’s bond with their neighbour Noé deepens.

THE CINEMA OF CLAIRE DENIS 31 克 麗 雅 丹 妮 回 顧 展 開幕電影 • OPENING FILM 開幕電影 • OPENING FILM 開幕電影 • 退役欖球運動員尚與電台節目主持人莎拉相愛十 年,一次偶遇,莎拉與前男友、亦是尚的當年好友 法蘭索瓦重逢。內心洶湧而起的情感不斷考驗着 莎拉與兩個男人的關係,彷彿把眾人推至懸崖的 邊緣。 克麗雅丹妮與前作愛將茱麗葉庇洛仙、雲遜林頓和 格力哥瓦哥連再度攜手,默契盡在不言中。熾熱的 愛火如刀刃刺心,影片徐徐道出主角愛之深痛之切 的故事,那份同理心感人至深。 Silver Bear for Best Director – Berlin International Film Festival 2022 2009 | 100 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Claire Denis Cast 演員:Alex Descas, Mati Diop, Nicole Dogué, Grégoire Colin 35
35 rhums 巴黎日和 Lionel
利奧萊爾是一名巴黎通勤火車司機,與女兒約瑟 芬同住,樂也融融。喪妻的利奧萊爾已近退休之 年,約瑟芬即將以大學生身分進入社會。父親開 始意識到女兒已不再是小孩,二人關係也隨着約 瑟芬與鄰居諾亞愈走愈近而產生變化。 3 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA 24 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA Blade 心身雙刃(暫譯) 2021 | 116 mins | Drama, Romance 浪漫劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with Traditional Chinese & English subtitles 法語對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director 導演:Claire Denis Cast 演員:Juliette Binoche, Vincent Lindon, Grégoire Colin, Mati Diop PALACE IFC


Captain of a container-ship Marco returns to Paris upon hearing that his sister’s husband has committed suicide. He finds out that his sister’s family business is in tatters, while her teenage daughter is hospitalised with mysterious injuries. Wishing to discover what happened, Marco rents an apartment near his brother-in-law’s creditor — a shady businessman with unspeakable secrets — and begins to seduce the man’s lover Raphaëlle.

Beau Travail is an adaptation of Herman Melville’s allegorical novel Billy Budd

On the African coast, a group of mercenaries in the French Foreign Legion are stuck in a sunbaked desert, remnants of a ghost army that punish themselves with drills and training rituals to fight boredom. Numbed by the pointless routine, Sergeant Galoup becomes obsessed with the young recruit Sentain.


THE CINEMA OF CLAIRE DENIS 32 克 麗 雅 丹 妮 回 顧 展 2013 | 100 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Claire Denis Cast 演員:Vincent Lindon, Chiara Mastroianni, Julie Bataille, Michel Subor 1999 | 90 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Claire Denis Cast 演員:Denis Lavant, Michel Subor,
Colin, Richard Courcet
Travail 軍中禁戀 Bastards Les Salauds 仇人的情婦
《軍中禁戀》改編自赫曼梅爾維爾寓言式小說 《水手比利巴德》。 在東非海岸,一群法國外籍兵團駐紮在酷熱的荒 漠。他們是殖民地駐軍的一員,以日復一日的操 練對抗苦悶。毫無意義的例行操練令中士加洛普 變得麻木,漸漸着迷於新兵森坦。 Best Cinematography César Award (French Film Industry Awards) 2001
船長馬克收到妹夫自殺身亡的消息,隨即返回巴 黎。他發現妹妹的家族生意陷於破產邊緣,其未 成年女兒亦由於不明原因受傷入院。馬克意圖查 明真相,於是在妹夫債主 —— 一位有着不可告人 秘密的奸商 —— 住處附近租下一間公寓,並試圖 引誘他的情婦拉菲雅。 27 NOVEMBER M+ CINEMA 16 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA 4 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA 28 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA

Juliette Binoche plays a divorced artist and single mother who is in an unfulfilling relationship with a married banker. She eventually breaks off with him and begins a series of flings that stop short of blossoming into full-fledged relationships. Even though Isabelle’s carousel of lovers sounds like the setup of a mainstream romantic comedy, Claire Denis moulds this deceptively accessible story into a philosophical discourse on love.


film traces a white woman’s return to her childhood home in Cameroon. She recalls life in the colonial outpost during the 1950s, a time when she was oblivious to the racism and oppression faced by her African servant. Denis examines personal past and systemic prejudice with the clear eyes of a veteran filmmaker in Chocolat. While her style has grown to become more audacious in subsequent films, this film signifies an essential chapter in the development of a singular artist.

THE CINEMA OF CLAIRE DENIS 33 克 麗 雅 丹 妮 回 顧 展 1988 | 105 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Claire Denis Cast 演員:Isaach De Bankolé, Giulia Boschi, François Cluzet, Jean-Claude Adelin
巧克力 The
克麗雅丹妮執導的處女作《巧克力》,靈感來自 她非洲成長的經歷。片中白人女主角回到童年 時在喀麥隆的居所,憶起 1950 年代在這個殖民 地生活的點滴,當時的她對家中僱用的非裔僕人 受到的種族壓迫渾然不覺。丹妮首作已盡現成 熟透徹的觀察力,反省個人往事與社會制度性的 偏見。雖然克麗雅丹妮日後的電影風格更加大膽 破格,本片仍是她傑出的導演生涯中不可或缺的 一章。 25 NOVEMBER M+ CINEMA 17 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA 2017 | 95 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with Traditional Chinese & English subtitles 法語對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director 導演:Claire Denis Cast 演員:Juliette Binoche, Xavier Beauvois, Philippe Katerine, Josiane Balasko Bright Sunshine In Un beau soleil intérieur 巴黎眾色相
康城影展「導演雙周」得獎電影,離婚媽媽伊莎 (茱麗葉庇洛仙 飾)一個人住在巴黎,外表是個 情場老手,其實幾經感情波折。伊莎寂寞苦悶, 既想追求真愛,卻又周旋在幾個男人之間,離離 合合的情感關係糾纏不清。伊莎該如何自處,找 回自我?《血洗蜜月期》、《巴黎日和》法國導演 克麗雅丹妮作品,取材自法國文學批評家羅蘭巴 特名著《戀人絮語》,由康城影后茱麗葉庇洛仙 細膩演繹女畫家尋覓真愛的心靈之旅。 SACD Award 2017 – Directors’ Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival 2017 8 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA 13 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 30 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA

We help to boost French cinema and cinematic talents worldwide


pas sommeil

et Boni

In a neighbourhood of Paris where a series of murders have taken place, aspiring Lithuanian actress Daïga strives to achieve her dream. Meanwhile, immigrant musician Théo struggles to raise his son with the intention of returning to his native Martinique. Théo’s brother, Camille, is a gay performer who makes ends meet by dancing at a cabaret.

Can’t Sleep is a period piece set in the 1980s when real-life serial killer Thierry Paulin, who — together with his lover — murdered more than twenty elderly women in Paris’s 18th arrondissement.

In the port city of Marseilles, fifteen-yearold Nénette, who is pregnant, escapes from boarding school and descends on Boni, her elder brother. Boni, a pizza vendor who spends his days fantasising about a baker’s wife from the neighbourhood, unwillingly takes her in and learns to balance his new role as a brother and protector. The estranged siblings, who were raised apart, gradually reconnect as they warily confront an unexpected journey together.

THE CINEMA OF CLAIRE DENIS 35 克 麗 雅 丹 妮 回 顧 展 1997 | 103 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Claire Denis Cast 演員:Grégoire Colin, Alice Houri, Jacques Nolot, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi 1994 | 110 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Claire Denis Cast 演員:Yekaterina Golubeva, Richard Courcet, Vincent Dupont, Laurent Grévill I Can’t
不眠夜 Nénette
在巴黎某個發生連環謀殺案的街區,住着一位立 陶宛女孩黛嘉,正追逐自己的演員夢。與此同時, 移民音樂人菲歐辛勞養育兒子,盼望重返家鄉馬提 尼克;他的同志弟弟卡米爾則在夜總會跳舞謀生。 《不眠夜》故事設於 1980 年代,當年現實中的連 環殺人犯菲爾里保林與情人在巴黎十八區殺害了 二十餘名老婦人。
在馬賽港,十五歲的妮旎懷孕後從寄宿學校逃跑 出來,投靠哥哥邦尼。邦尼以賣薄餅謀生,整天 為隔鄰麵包師之妻神魂顛倒。他最初不大情願收 留妹妹,後來慢慢進入哥哥和守護者的角色。二 人從未在同一屋簷下長大,但開始結伴面對這段 意外的人生旅程後,疏遠的關係逐漸改善。 Golden Leopard and Bronze Leopard Awards to Valeria BruniTedeschi - Locarno Film Festival – 1996 26 NOVEMBER M+ CINEMA 18 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA 26 NOVEMBER M+ CINEMA 23 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA

Trouble Every

Shane, an American doctor who travels to Paris to seek his former paramour Coré. The mysterious Coré escapes her husband's domestic confinement every day to find sex with strangers, and she ends each encounter by murdering them. Shane feels an irresistible urge to reunite with her despite the danger ahead.

The biggest shock in this unconventional vampire film is not the gore, but rather Denis’s ability to dive into the visceral nature of the characters’ desire to connect and destroy.

White Material 白鬼

Civil war and desperation have set in during the twilight of an unnamed French colonial post. A ferocious Isabelle Huppert plays the unforgettably crazed character Maria, who is a towering force of will and blindly refuses to abandon her coffee plantation before finishing the harvest. Most of the plantation’s workers have fled, while both the government army and the rebels, including a ragtag band of child soldiers, are fast approaching from different directions.

THE CINEMA OF CLAIRE DENIS 36 克 麗 雅 丹 妮 回 顧 展 2010 | 102 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Claire Denis Cast 演員:Isabelle Huppert, Christopher Lambert, Nicolas Duvauchelle, William Nadylam 2001 | 100 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Claire Denis Cast 演員:Vincent Gallo, Tricia Vessey, Béatrice Dalle, Alex Descas
Day 血盤大口
加勞飾演美國醫生尚恩,前往巴黎尋覓黛兒飾演 的舊情人歌莉。歌莉行蹤神秘,她每日逃離丈夫 的禁錮,與陌生人發生關係,繼而殺掉對方。 雖然危險重重,但尚恩渴望與歌莉重聚之心難以 遏止。 這部反常的吸血鬼電影最震撼之處不在血淋淋的 畫面,而在於丹妮直探慾望深層的刻畫 — 不斷 尋求連繫又不惜毀掉一切。
非洲某法屬殖民地飽受內戰威脅,絕望情緒瀰 漫。伊莎貝雨蓓飾演執拗無畏的瑪麗亞,即使戰 火迫在眉睫,她仍拒絕放棄收成在即的咖啡豆種 植園。種植園工人早已四散,而政府軍和包括一 隊童兵的叛軍,正迅速從四方八面迫近。 Office Selection – Venice International Film Festival 2009 27 NOVEMBER M+ CINEMA 18 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA 4 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA 17 DECEMBER M+ CINEMA
愛 上 及卡斯柏烏尼奧

A Man and A Woman

Very Long

man and a woman meet by accident on a Sunday evening at their children’s boarding school, slowly finding out that they are both a widow/ widower. They prefer revealing anything personal gently so that they could hide themselves with a misperception. They become close friends gradually, then she realises that her memory of her deceased husband is too strong for her to love anyone. As they go about their day, words are heard and told in action.

1919, Mathilde, 19 years old, learns that her fiancé Manech, who had left for the front two years earlier, has died in battle. A former sergeant tells her that Manech died in the no-man’s-land of a trench, but Mathilde is not convinced and refuses to accept what is told. Mathilde therefore embarks on a real counter-investigation. She will slowly unravel the truth about the fate of Manech and his comrades. The path is full of obstacles, but that doesn’t deter Mathilde.

Un homme et une femme 男歡女愛 A
Engagement Un long dimanche de fiançailles 美麗緣未了 A
週日晚上,男人和女人在孩子們的寄宿學校偶遇, 閒談間發現對方與自己一樣喪偶。二人一方面想 與對方靠得更親近,另一方面聊天時避重就輕, 盡量避免太快透露太多私隱,讓對方沉浸在似有 若無的虛幻錯覺中,彷彿在以言語探戈。正當他 們情投意合之際,女人對離世丈夫的回憶仍然歷 歷在目,使她無法再愛其他人。隨著時間推移, 此刻無聲勝有聲。 Best Original Screenplay: Claude Lelouch, Pierre Uytterhoeven –Academy Awards,1967 Best Foreign Film – Academy Award, 1967 Palme d’Or – Cannes International Film Festival, 1966
1919 年,19 歲的瑪提爾特被告知出征兩年的未 婚夫馬奈奇已不幸戰死沙場。她從一位前中士的 口中得知馬奈奇死在了戰壕的無人區,但無論前 中士如何解釋,瑪提爾特仍然不相信這套說辭。 始終認為事件別有內情的瑪提爾特於是自行展開 了反調查,並慢慢揭開了未婚夫和同僚命運的真 相。調查之路崎嶇不平,但瑪特爾特無所畏懼。 Most Promising Actor (Gaspard Ulliel), Best Supporting Actress (Marion Cotillard), Best Cinematography (Bruno Delbonnel), Best Production Design (Aline Bonetto) – César Awards, 2005 2004 | 134 mins | Drama, Historical 歷史劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jean-Pierre Jeunet Cast 演員:Gaspard Ulliel, Audrey Tautou, Jodie Foster 1966 | 105 mins Drama, Romantic Comedy 劇情片,浪漫喜劇 Colour & B/W 彩色及黑白 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Claude Lelouch Cast 演員:Jean-Louis Trintignant, Anouk Aimée, Monica Bellucci 4 DECEMBER PALACE IFC 8 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 27 NOVEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 10 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE


knew each other long ago: a man and a woman whose dazzling and unexpected romance captured in the now-iconic film revolutionised our understanding of love.

Today, the former race car driver seems lost in the pathways of his memory. In order to help him, his son seeks out the woman his father wasn’t able to cherish but whom he constantly revisits in his thoughts and dreams. Anne reunites with JeanLouis and their story picks up where they left it...

Breathless A bout de souffle 斷了氣

A young, handsome Bogart wannabe rascal is on the run after killing a cop. He returns to Paris for his money and also tries to persuade his beloved American student to take flight with him. After all the indecision, she eventually betrays him. Before his “breathless” moment, he still longs for this unrequited love.

Breathless is Godard’s first feature film and was conceived by him as a break with the traditions of “quality” film-making and a return to the directness and immediacy of the American Ganster movie.

愛 上 40 IN
男人和女人相識已久:他倆的浪漫既耀眼又帶點 出其不意的韻味。這部別開生面的電影為觀眾帶 來耳目一新的愛情觀。 男人在那些年頭曾是一名賽車手,然而今天的他 似乎在記憶裡迷失路。古道熱腸的兒子為父親找 來那位他從前曾經沒法好好珍愛,使他終日心心 念念的女子:那位在父親夢裡常常若隱若現的安 妮。安妮與莊路易重遇,繼續譜寫當年的愛情樂 章。 2019 | 90 mins | Dramatic Comedy 溫馨劇情片 Colour & B/W 彩色及黑白 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Claude Lelouch Cast 演員:Jean-Louis Trintignant, Anouk Aimée, Souad Amidou, Antoine Sire The Best Years of a Life Les Plus belles années d’une vie 最美年華 26 NOVEMBER PALACE IFC 1 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 7 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE
年輕俊朗,愛模仿影星堪富里保加的小流氓因謀 殺警察而逃亡到巴黎追討欠款,又重訪深愛的美 國女學生,想說服她遠走高飛。但女學生欲還迎, 最後還出賣他。小流氓斷氣一刻,仍然眷戀這一 段捉不到的愛情。 《斷了氣》是高達的首部長片,是他對舊有電影 制度的挑戰,從選片的題旨、敘事形式、攝影機 運動,都超脫了一般傳統的範疇。 Silver Bear for Best Director: Jean-Luc Godard – Berlin International Film Festival, 1960 1960 | 90 mins | Drama, Romance 浪漫劇情片 B/W 黑白 | France 法國 In French and in English with English subtitles 法語及英語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jean-Luc Godard Cast 演員:Jean Seberg, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Daniel Boulanger, Henri-Jacques Huet 26 NOVEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 4 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE

Confidentially Yours

An estate agency owner is first implicated inone murder and then his wife is killed. As he is on the run, it falls to his long-suffering secretary to solve the crimes for him. However, this enables both of them to re-examine their past relationship and the depth of colseness that they have long forgotten about.

This is Truffaut’s last film and is based on an American novel (Charles William’s The Last Saturday Night).

After 12 years of absence, a writer goes back to his hometown, planning on announcing his upcoming death to his family. As resentment soon rewrites the course of the afternoon, fits and feuds unfold, fueled by bitterness and fear, while all attempts of empathy are sabotaged by people’s incapacity to listen, and love. The next work of Xavier Dolan after Mommy. Adapted from the play of the same name by Jean-Luc Lagarce.

Vivement dimanche ! 情殺案中案 It’s Only the End of the World Juste la fin du monde 愛到世界盡頭
一個地產經紀的朋友被殺,他為避嫌竟向警方撒 謊,也就把事情越弄越糟。他的女秘書為他到處 奔走,經過幾許的離奇曲折,終於真相大白,而 這對共經患難的男女亦因此發現對方的優點而成 為伴侶。 本片改編自美國作家 Charles Williams 的小說《激 烈的週日》,是杜魯福的最後作品。
人生快到達終點,愛是否亦已到盡頭?劇作家路 易回到闊別十二年的家,想親自宣佈他將死的噩 耗。家人嘗試表現熟絡,但因感情疏離,難掩尷 尬氣氛。隨著時間流逝,本已封存的往事再次纏 繞他們,各人再也按捺不住壓抑多年的情感,讓 這家庭埋藏已久的夙怨大爆發﹗電影改編自法國 同名舞台劇,杜蘭繼《慈母多惡兒》後又一矚目 之作。 Grand Jury Price — Cannes International Film Festival, 2016 2016 | 99 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France, Canada 法國,加拿大 In French with Traditional Chinese & English subtitles 法語對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director 導演:Xavier Dolan Cast 演員:Gaspard Ulliel, Nathalie Baye, Louis Garrel, Léa Seydoux 1983 | 110 mins | Thriller, Comedy 驚慄喜劇 B/W 黑白 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut Cast 演員:Jean-Louis Trintignant, Fanny Ardant, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Philippe Laudenbach 27 NOVEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 11 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 3 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE 12 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE

Georges and Anne are in their eighties, they are cultured people, retired music teachers. They are both happy in their peaceful little cocoon. Their daughter, also a musician, lives abroad with her family.

One day, Anne has an accident. The old couple’s sky darkens slowly. The unshakeable love that had united this couple for so many years will severely be put to the test.

My Night at Maud’s Ma nuit chez Maud

An introverted Catholic engineer recounts his interactions with a timid churchgoer he hopes to marry and a sexy, freethinking divorcee on whose bed he has slept – nothing really happens on that night, but underneath is a microscopic examination of attitudes, values and moral choices exchanged through subtle gestures and expressions. One of Rohmer’s most popular and biggest critical successes – a luminous, erotic and unerringly witty meditation on romantic and religious (in-)decisions.

退休音樂老師佐治和安妮都是年過八十的文化 人,老夫老妻倆人在愛窩裡相依相偎。同樣是音 樂人,國外的女兒亦已成家立室。 一天,意外降臨安妮身上。陰影漸漸籠罩兩老的 世界。二人經營多年的愛情,還是如此堅不可摧 嗎? Palme d’or – Cannes International Film Festival, 2012 Best Film – Cesar Awards, 2013 2012 | 127 mins | Drama 劇情片 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Michael Haneke Cast 演員:Jean-Louis Trintignant, Emmanuelle Riva, Isabelle Huppert, William Shimell Love Amour 愛.慕 5 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 12 DECEMBER PALACE IFC
溫香軟肉睡在身旁,哪個男人能按捺着坐懷不 亂?質疑巴斯卡哲學的虔誠天主教徒,欲憑信仰 指引及數學邏輯,判斷愛情的必然,卻在自制與 放縱之間心猿意馬:在教堂已邂逅認定是結婚對 象的純真美女,還要不要與風情萬種的離婚少婦 共度一宵?「六個道德故事」第四部,是盧馬最 性感又最感性的作品,在國際聲名大噪。在慕德 家的一夜心緒剪不斷理還亂;下注於正統與正確, 遺憾往往是錯過的選擇。 French Syndicate of Cinema Critics – Cannes International Film Festival, 1969 1969 | 100 mins | Drama 劇情片 B/W 黑白 | France 法國 In French and in English with English subtitles 法語及英語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Éric Rohmer Cast 演員:Jean-Louis Trintignant, Marie-Christine Barrault, Françoise Fabian 7 DECEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 13 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE


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Pierrot Le Fou

Ferdinand gives up his cozy but boring bourgeois life, and hits the road with Marianne, a woman whom he had an affair five years ago. Their adventure turns dangerous (Marianne obviously is linked to the gangster world), and soon, boring. They are more and more alienated.

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費迪南放棄了安逸沉悶的中產生活,跟五年前的 女友瑪莉安踏上一段冒險的旅程(瑪莉安明顯與 黑社會有點轇轕),但旅程很快便變得同樣沉悶, 二人也越來越貌合神離。 本片是高達的第二部「三色(藍、白、紅)電影」 (首部是《女人就是女人》)。 Critics Award – Venice International Film Festival, 1965 1965 | 105 mins Drama, Comedy, Thriller, Romance 浪漫驚慄喜劇 Colour 彩色 | France 法國 In French and in English with English subtitles 法語及英語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jean-Luc Godard Cast 演員:Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anna Karina, Graziella Galvani, Dirk Sanders 26 NOVEMBER BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 3 DECEMBER MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE

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M+ 戲院 M+ Cinema 多媒體中心 Mediatheque ADD+ 餐廳 ADD+ Restaurant
SCHEDULE 放 映 時 間 表 50 SCHEDULE 放映時間表 Date THEATRE, HONG KONG CITY HALL PALACE IFC MOVIE日期 香港大會堂 劇院 23/11 Wed(三) 7:45pm Opening Film 開幕電影: 7:00pm Mascarade 虛情假意(134’) 8:00pm Simone, the Journey of the Century 西蒙韋伊的世紀歷程(140’) 24/11 Thu(四) 7:30pm Rise 舞魂(120’) 7:40pm Brother and Sister 姐弟(108’) 7:35pm 25/11 Fri(五) 7:50pm Opening Film 開幕電影: 7:25pm Kompromat 黑材料(127’) 7:45pm Notre-Dame on Fire 9:50pm Babysitter 保姆(87’) 9:40pm 巴黎聖母院:火海奇蹟(110’) 26/11 Sat(六) 11:00am The Velvet Queen 6:25pm The Best Years of A Life 2:10pm 雪國王者:雪豹(91’) 最美年華(90’) 1:30pm Little Nicholas - Happy As Can Be 8:15pm Incredible But True 小淘氣尼古拉:快樂方程式 不可思議的真相(74’) (85’) 9:45pm Final Cut 煞科!(111’) 4:00pm The Colours of Fire 燎原之火(133’) 8:00pm Ride Above 乘風破浪(108’) 27/11 Sun(日) 11:00am Heart of Oak 橡樹(80’) 5:40pm Farewell Mr Haffmann 赫夫曼 1:20pm 1:30pm Notre-Dame on Fire 先生,您好走不送(116’) 3:10pm 巴黎聖母院:火海奇蹟(110’) 7:55pm Uman - The Perfect Man 4:00pm Driving Madeleine 完美的男人(85’) 5:20pm 美好走一回(91’) 28/11 Mon(一) 7:40pm Paris Memories 再會巴黎 7:30pm (105’) 29/11 Tue(二) 7:55pm Everybody Loves Jeanne 7:45pm 萬千寵愛(95’) 30/11 Wed(三) 7:55pm Freestyle 8:00pm 橫衝直撞環法自由行(89’) 9:40pm Forever Young 杏仁劇院 9:45pm (125’) 1/12 Thu(四) 7:30pm Rise 舞魂(120’) 7:35pm 2/12 Fri(五) 7:55pm November 驚天十一月(90’) 7:45pm 9:45pm Waiting for Bojangles 等待快樂(125’) 9:50pm 3/12 Sat(六) 6:00pm Brother and Sister 姐弟(108’) 3:40pm 8:05pm Diary of A Fleeting Affair 偷情日記(90’) 5:30pm 7:30pm
SCHEDULE 放 映 時 間 表 51 MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE PREMIERE ELEMENTS百老滙電影中心 Uman - The Perfect Man 8:00pm November 驚天十一月(90’) 完美的男人(85’) One Fine Morning 7:35pm Paris Memories 再會巴黎 (片名待譯)(112’) (105’) Umami 鮮味之謎(97’) 8:00pm Everybody Loves Jeanne Freestyle 萬千寵愛(95’) 橫衝直撞環法自由行(89’) Shoot or Die 為電影而生 5:50pm Pierrot le fou 狂人彼埃洛(105’) 3:00pm One Year, One Night (105’) 7:50pm Breathless 斷了氣(90’) 那一年,那一夜(130’) November 驚天十一月(90’) 5:05pm A Very Long Engagement Confidentially Yours 美麗緣未了(134’) 情殺案中案(110’) The Innocent 清白的人(100’) Waiting for Bojangles 8:00pm Diary of A Fleeting Affair 等待快樂(125’) 偷情日記(90’) Brother and Sister 姐弟 8:00pm Babysitter 保姆(87’) (108’) Rosy, the Forbidden Journey 7:50pm Bootlegger 走私客(95’) 8:00pm Little Nicholas - Happy As 亮麗人生:不可能之旅(86’) 8:00pm The Best Years of A Life Can Be Incredible But True 最美年華(90’) 小淘氣尼古拉:快樂方程式 不可思議的真相(74’) (85’) The Night of the 12th 十二號晚上(114’) Paris Memories 8:25pm The Super-8 Years 7:40pm Heart of Oak 橡樹(80’) 再會巴黎(105’) 超八米厘年代(62’) Final Cut 煞科!(111’) 9:45pm The Sixth Child 第六個孩子 (92’) It’s Only the End of the World 5:40pm Shoot or Die 為電影而生 1:30pm The Colours of Fire 燎原之火 愛到世界盡頭(95’) (105’) (133’) Pierrot le fou 狂人彼埃洛(105’) 7:45pm About Joan 珍妮的人生(101’) Kompromat 黑材料(127’)
SCHEDULE 放 映 時 間 表 52 SCHEDULE 放映時間表 Date PALACE IFC MOVIE MOVIE PACIFIC PLACE日期 4/12 Sun(日) 1:20pm Driving Madeleine 美好走一回(91’) 1:40pm Breathless 斷了氣(90’) 3:10pm A Man and A Woman 男歡女愛 5:30pm Angry Annie 暴走安妮(119’) (105’) 5/12 Mon(一) 7:50pm Umami 鮮味之謎(97’) 7:20pm Bootlegger 走私客(95’) 9:45pm Rise 舞魂(120’) 6/12 Tue(二) 7:50pm The Sixth Child 第六個孩子(92’) 7:50pm Everybody Loves Jeanne 萬千寵愛(95’) 7/12 Wed(三) 7:35pm Return to Seoul 回首爾後(119’) 7:50pm The Best Years of A Life 最美年華 9:50pm About Joan 珍妮的人生(101’) (90’) 9:40pm One Year, One Night 那一年,那一夜(130’) 8/12 Thu(四) 7:35pm Final Cut 煞科!(111’) 7:30pm Forever Young 杏仁劇院(125’) 9/12 Fri(五) 7:20pm The Colours of Fire 燎原之火(133’) 8:00pm Driving Madeleine 美好走一回 9:50pm Angry Annie 暴走安妮(119’) (91’) 9:50pm Diary of A Fleeting Affair 偷情日記 (90’) 10/12 Sat(六) 3:20pm The Innocent 清白的人(100’) 1:30pm A Very Long Engagement 7:35pm Notre-Dame on Fire 美麗緣未了(134’) 巴黎聖母院:火海奇蹟(110’) 5:30pm The Sixth Child 第六個孩子(92’) 11/12 Sun(日) 7:40pm The Night of the 12th 十二號晚上 1:20pm Simone, the Journey of the Century (114’) 西蒙韋伊的世紀歷程(140’) 8:00pm Little Nicholas - Happy As Can Be 小淘氣尼古拉:快樂方程式(85’) 12/12 Mon(一) 7:25pm Love 愛.慕(127’) 7:35pm The Super-8 Years 超八米厘年代 (62’) 9:00pm Return to Seoul 回首爾後 (119’) 13/12 Tue(二) 7:50pm My Night at Maud’s 我在溫柔鄉 (100’)


SCHEDULE 放 映 時 間 表 53
PREMIERE ELEMENTS百老滙電影中心 7:30pm Forever Young 杏仁劇院(125’) 3:30pm Simone, the Journey of the Century 西蒙韋伊的世紀歷程(140’) 5:45pm Farewell Mr Haffmann 赫夫曼先生,您好走不送(116’) 7:25pm Love 愛.慕(127’) 7:20pm Mascarade 虛情假意(134’) 7:45pm My Night at Maud’s 我在溫柔鄉(100’) 7:45pm A Man and A Woman 男歡女愛(105’) 8:00pm The Velvet Queen 雪國王者:雪豹(91’) 3:35pm Heart of Oak 橡樹(80’) 5:30pm Mascarade 虛情假意(134’) 5:15pm One Fine Morning(片名待譯)(112’) 7:25pm Kompromat 黑材料(127’) 5:20pm Confidentially Yours 情殺案中案(110’) 1:25pm Rosy, the Forbidden Journey 7:25pm One Year, One Night 那一年,那一夜(130’) 亮麗人生:不可能之旅(86’) 7:50pm It’s Only the End of the World 到世界盡頭 (95’) 7:50pm Umami 鮮味之謎(97’)
SCHEDULE 放 映 時 間 表 54 SCHEDULE 放映時間表 FEVER DREAMS: THE CINEMA OF CLAIRE DENIS 熾夢人間:克麗雅丹妮回顧展 Date M+ Cinema PALACE IFC日期 M+ 戲院 24/11 Thu(四) 7:30pm Opening Film 開幕電影: Both Sides of The Blade 心身雙刃(暫譯)(116’) 25/11 Fri(五) 8:00pm Chocolat 巧克力(105’) 26/11 Sat(六) 5:00pm I Can’t Sleep 不眠夜(110’) 8:00pm Nénette et Boni 兄兄妹妹(103’) 27/11 Sun(日) 5:00pm Beau travail 軍中禁戀(90’) 8:00pm Trouble Every Day 血盤大口 (100’) 3/12 Sat(六) 4:45pm 35 Shots of Rum 巴黎日和 (100’) 4/12 Sun(日) 4:45pm White Material 白鬼(102’) 8:00pm Bastards 仇人的情婦(100’) 8/12 Thu(四) 8:00pm Bright Sunshine In 巴黎眾色相 (94’) 10/12 Sat(六) 5:20pm Both Sides of the Blade 心身雙刃(暫譯)(116’) 13/12 Tue(二) 7:50pm Bright Sunshine In 巴黎眾色相 (94’) 16/12 Fri(五) 8:00pm Beau travail 軍中禁戀(90’) 17/12 Sat(六) 5:00pm Chocolat 巧克力(105’) 8:00pm White Material 白鬼(102’) 18/12 Sun(日) 5:00pm I Can’t Sleep 不眠夜(110’) 8:00pm Trouble Every Day 血盤大口 (100’) 23/12 Fri(五) 8:00pm Nénette et Boni 兄兄妹妹(103’) 24/12 Sat(六) 5:30pm 35 Shots of Rum 巴黎日和 (100’) 28/12 Wed(三) 8:00pm Bastards 仇人的情婦(100’) 30/12 Fri(五) 8:00pm Bright Sunshine In 巴黎眾色相 (94’)

Regular Price

Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening)

$93 BC VIP & MOViE MOViE Member (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心及 MOViE MOViE VIP

$95 Concession 優惠票 Full time student / elderly / children 全日制學生/ 長者/ 兒童

$110 Regular Price 正價

$99 Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening)

$93 BC VIP & MOViE MOViE Member (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心及 MOViE MOViE VIP 會員(每場限購票兩張)

$95 Concession 優惠票 Full time student / elderly / children 全日制學生/ 長者/

$95 Regular Price 正價

$85 Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening)

$76 BC VIP & MOViE MOViE Member (maximum 2 tickets per screening)

$75 Concession 優惠票

time student / elderly / children


Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online (HK$10/ ticket)



Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online (HK$10/ticket)

Enquiry Hotline

Online Ticketing


Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone (HK$8/ticket & HK$10/ticket for Weekdays & Weekends Screenings

Enquiry Hotline

Online Ticketing

Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone

& HK$10/ticket for Weekdays & Weekends Screenings

Enquiry Hotline

55 購 票 須 知 TICKETING INFORMATION TICKETING INFORMATION 購票須知 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 24 October, 2022 由 2022 年 10 月 24 日起親臨票房或自動售票機購票 PALACE ifc Podium L1, ifc Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central 香港中環金融街 8 號 國際金融中心商場 1 樓 MOViE MOViE PACIFIC PLACE Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Hong Kong 香港金鐘道 88 號 太古廣場 L1 樓 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 百老匯電影中心 Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Kowloon (Yaumatei MTR-Exit C) 九龍油麻地眾坊街 3 號 駿發花園 (港鐵油麻地站 C 出口) PREMIERE ELEMENTS 2/F, Elements, 1 Austin Road West, West Kowloon 西九龍柯士甸道西 1 號 圓方 2 樓 $110
正價 $99
香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人 (每場限購票兩張)
香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人 (每場限購票兩張)
香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人 (每場限購票兩張)
百老匯電影中心及 MOViE MOViE VIP 會員(每場限購票兩張)
全日制學生/ 長者/ 兒童 $95 Regular Price 正價 $85 Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人 (每場限購票兩張) $80 BC VIP & MOViE MOViE Member (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心及 MOViE MOViE VIP 會員(每場限購票兩張) $75 Concession 優惠票 Full time student / elderly / children 全日制學生/ 長者/ 兒童 Online
網上購票: www.cinema.com.hk
網上購票會收取手續費(每張 $10) Enquiry
查詢熱線: 2388-6268 (PALACE ifc) Online
網上購票: www.cinema.com.hk
網上購票會收取手續費(每張 $10)
查詢熱線: 2388-0002
respectively) 網上及電話購票均會收取手續費 (星期一至五每張 $8,週末每張 $10)
查詢熱線: 2388-0002
網上購票: www.cinema.com.hk
respectively) 網上及電話購票均會收取手續費 (星期一至五每張 $8,週末每張 $10)
查詢熱線: 2388-0002

students, senior citizens aged 60



above, people with disabilities and the minder

Security Assistance (CSSA)

for full-time

TICKETING INFORMATION 56 購 票 須 知 TICKETING INFORMATION 購票須知 THEATRE, HONG KONG CITY HALL • 香港大會堂 劇院 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環愛丁堡廣場 5 號 Tickets available from 24 October, 2022 onwards at URBTIX 門票由 2022 年 10 月 24 日起於城市售票網發售 Remarks 備註: • Patrons can only enjoy either one of the above discount schemes for purchase of the same ticket. Please inform the box office at the time of purchase which discount scheme you wish to enjoy. 訂購每張門票,最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠,請於購票時先向票務人員說明欲使用之優惠。 • Discount for Alliance Française membership cardholders and Broadway Cinematheque VIP members is not available for internet booking and credit card telephone booking. 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人及百老匯電影中心 VIP 會員優惠不適用於網上購票及信用卡電話購票。 • $8 handling fee will be charged for each ticket purchased from internet booking, credit card telephone booking and mobile ticketing app service. 網上購票、信用卡電話購票及流動購票應用程式購票服務手續費為每張門票 $8。 $68 Regular Price 正價 $60 Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心 VIP 會員(每場限購票兩) $50 Full-time
recipients (Tickets
students and
recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis) 全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人及綜合社會保障援助受惠人 (全日制學生及綜援受惠人士優惠票 先到先得,額滿即止) $50 Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張) Special Package 特惠套票: $270 For 5 tickets of any five screenings at the HK City Hall 任選五場放映,每場一張(只適用於香港大會堂) Ticketing Enquiries 票務查詢:3761-6661 Credit Card Telephone Booking 信用卡電話購票:2111-5999 Internet Booking 網上購票:www.urbtix.hk Mobile Ticketing App 流動購票應用程式:MY URBTIX Programme Enquiries 節目查詢:2527-7825 Websites 網址:www.hkfrenchfilmfestival.com


M+ 戲院

Special Notes 特別注意事項:

At the time of this programme goes to print, some of the films have not been submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article administration. In the event that a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years old (with the original tickets intact, from 24 November to 13 December 2022) at the Alliance Française de Hong Kong, 2/F, 123 Hennessy Road, Wanchai.

The content of the programme does not represent the views of the presenter and sponsors. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme and the schedule should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.

M+, West Kowloon Cultural District, 38 Museum Drive, Kowloon, HK 香港九龍博物館道 38 號西九文化區 M+ Tickets available from 24 October, 2022 onwards at Ticket counter, Moving Image Centre, M+ 門票由 2022 年 10 月 24 日起於 M+ 流動影像中心售票處
本節目表付印時,部份影片未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查。將來如有影片被分類為第三級者,未滿 18 歲的持票人 可帶同完整門票由 2022 年 11 月 24 日至 12 月 13 日到灣仔軒尼詩道 123 號二樓法國文化協會辦理退票手續。 本節目的內容並不反映主辦機構及贊助者的意見。如遇特殊情況,主辦機構保留更換節目或時間的權利。 $85 Regular Price 正價 $76 Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張) $68 Concession 優惠票 M+ Members and Patrons, Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (T ickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis) M+ 會員及贊助人、全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人及綜合社會保障 援助受惠人(全日制學生及綜援受惠人士優惠票 先到先得,額滿即止) Online Ticketing 網上購票:mplus.org.hk/cinema(No handling fees 網上購票不另收手續費) Hotline 電話:2200-0022 (10:00-21:00)

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