Dear Colleagues,
• 27 FEBRUARIE 2015 •
Pray for South Africa, its Leaders and Future: Sunday, 5 November 2017 The National Office Bearers (NOB) of the AFM resolved to issue the statement below. I kindly request that pastors read this statement to their assemblies on Sunday, the 5th of November– confirming the AFM’s position regarding leadership and South Africa. Let us then collectively pray for our country, its leaders and its future. The Apostolic Faith Mission church (AFM) of SA, has noted with increasing concern the rise of political factionalism, unemployment, violent crime, self- enrichment based on greed, inequality and polarization in our country which could potentially jeopardize the rule of law, constitutional democracy and socio-political stability in South Africa. The AFM commends the Judiciary for its stance and role in upholding the rule of law. We regret the failure of the National Prosecuting Agency (NPA) and the Hawks to act decisively against the crime including corruption. Our country urgently needs leaders who put our country first, and respect the principles for which many people have fought and died, first. We call upon our leaders to lead with integrity, to truly serve our country and its future and to respect the rule of law, our constitution and the lives of all the citizens of South Africa. At the same time, we strongly encourage or members to vote representatives into government structures who support and embody the principles mentioned above. We are calling on our members and all God-fearing people, to earnestly pray for our country, its future and our leaders on Sunday 5 November 2017. This statement is also available from the following page on the AFM website: 1.
Census 2017
Please find a link to an Assembly Census Form, as well as a Regional Census Form for 2017: The church need the information requested on the census forms for various reasons: In the first place for internal use. As a church with a national footprint we need to know for our own future planning and strategic alignment how many assemblies, ordained pastors, assembly leaders, etc. we have. It is also important for us to know how many members we
have and how their number is made up age wise. This will enable us to plan for future ministry development and growth. Secondly for external reasons. We are regularly involved in discussions with other churches, organizations and government structures where specific statistics and information determine our participation and input. Please note that the Assembly Census form must be completed and send to your Regional Secretary/Administrator by 15 November 2017. The Regions will then compile the information and forward it to Head Office by 30 November 2017. We are making the forms available in both Word and PDF format to enable easier response. 2.
Retirement of Pastors
We have noted with concern that a number of our pastors have insufficient provision for retirement. Although I am aware of the fact that this is not always easily attainable, I am calling on Governing Boards and Regional Committees to take a serious look at and act on retirement provision for the pastor/s in your assembly and Region. According to Appendix 10 A.9.1.1 of the AFM Constitution “Retirement provision in accordance with the provisions of the Pensions Fund Act and the Income Tax Act, to be implemented and serviced by the relevant local assembly/region/department/institution.” Many times, Governing Boards and pastors say that they “cannot afford” to make provision while they spend money on other things. The truth is that pastors cannot afford not to do something timeously and continuously in this regard. Too many pastors retire into circumstances of total insufficiency, or simply have to continue working, because they cannot afford to retire. Governing Bodies are co-responsible to assist pastors in making provision for their retirement. I am counting on you to really make an effort. 3.
National Office Closure for the Year-end Holidays
Please take note that the national office will close on Friday 15 December and will open again on Tuesday 9 January 2018. You are welcome to also download the AFM annual program for 2018 from the following link: Blessings! M.G. Mahlobo
THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL OFFICE Building no.14, Central Office Park, Jean ave. 257, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa P.O. Box 9450, Centurion, 0046 Tel: +27 12 644 0490 / Fax: +27 12 644 0732/4 / Newsletter Editor: Past. M.G. Mahlobo (President of the AFM)
Enquiries: Chantalle Schutte (Internal Communication Specialist)