• 4th QUARTER 2016 • THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL OFFICE Building no. 14, Central Office Park, 257 Jean Avenue, Centurion, Gauteng, Suid-Afrika P.O. Box 9450, Centurion 0046 Tel: 27 12 644-0490 | Faks: 27 12 644-0732/4 www.afm-ags.org https://issuu.com/afm_ags Dear Colleague,
CONTENTS • Dear Colleague - 1 • Cohesion of The Apostolic Faith Mission - 3 • Wellbeing of Pastors - 4 • Strategic Leadership Development - 5 • One AFM Game Plan - 5 • Closing- 7
It’s a privilege to greet you in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Once again let me express my sincere appreciation to all of you that attended the General Business Meeting in September. It was a historical moment as we celebrated 20 years of unity in the church and elected National Office Bearers. Let me also congratulate my fellow office bearers on their election and wish them all of the best: Dr. Japie La Poorta (Deputy President), Dr. H.J. Weideman (General Secretary) and Past. Barend Petersen (General Treasurer).
From left to right: Past. B. Petersen, Dr. J.J. La Poorta, Past. M.G, Mahlobo, Dr. H.J. Weideman
I would like to use this Pastoral Letter to share the priorities that will be important for the AFM church moving forward into the future. These are the issues that I and my fellow office bearers carry on our hearts for the next term.
COHESION OF THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION The South African society in its broadest form is reflected in the Apostolic Faith Mission and societal developments will therefore continue to impact the church. I am concerned about the turmoil and uncertainty the country is facing and I ask that we continue to pray for South Africa. Jesus called on us in Matthew 5:13-16 to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We celebrated 20 years of unity at the 2016 Conference and GBM. We all participated in the unity journey with widely different expectations and fears informed by our varied experiences. We can all agree that the unity journey was not easy, at times frustrating and painful and we all learned a few things about each other. The AFM’s unique journey towards unity was shared at the GBM by means of a video clip that is now available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fI5ylB5GKw. (Upon the request of various pastors this video clip will also be made available in DVD format. Pastors will be able to place an order from the National Office soon.) At the GBM we had the opportunity to share relevant content regarding the unity process itself as was presented by Past. Antionette Erasmus. We also honoured the individuals who played a key role in this process: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Dr. I.S. Burger Dr. J.J. La Poorta Past M.G. Mahlobo Past B. Petersen Past E.J. Gschwend Past F. Chikane Dr. J.L. Langerman Past G.L.R. Kinnear Mr. D. Alie Dr. M. Hendricks Past F. Joseph Past R. Naidoo Past S. Pillay Past P. Murugen Past J.G. Jacobs Past V. Dorasamy Prof. W.J. Hattingh
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Past P.J.H. De Witt Mr J. Erikson Mr M.J. Mashinini Past T.W. Herbert Dr F.P. Moller Snr (late) Past F.H. Cronje (late) Past S. Seipei (late) Past J.D. Meiring (late) Past P.J. Gerber (late) Past J.A. Wort (late) Past D. James (late) Past A.S. Nxumalo (late) Past V. Pieterse (late) Past M. Chinnappan (late) Past J.H. van der Bank (late) Past A. Jacobs (late) Past S.J. Scheffers (late) Past G.S. Erasmus (late)
“ ... our members and pastors must and ought to have a deep sense of belonging in the AFM.”
Having reflected on our journey I strongly believe that we need to build on the achievements to date and develop the cohesion of the AFM to a deeper level. Without a deeper level of cohesion, we will not be able to fulfil our calling as a church optimally. It is essential that all our members and pastors must and ought to have a deep sense of belonging in the AFM, our spiritual home, and that we must start to move actively beyond tolerating each other to embracing our diversity and making an impact in our communities. Our church’s unity and cohesion should have a regard for our confession of faith, the authority of the Bible, celebration of our God-given diversity and inclusiveness. The interest of all the members of our church are important to me and the hopeful future of our children and youth are close to my heart. I am therefore committed to ensure that in my term of office as President the development of cohesion of the AFM across all barriers of race, class, gender, language, ethnicity, economic status, rural or urban settings, will be a high priority as we strive to make an impact and face the challenges of the present day South Africa.
WELLBEING OF PASTORS Having been in ministry for thirty-eight years I am very much aware of the need to ensure that our pastors are equipped to face the increasing challenges of our ministry. The wellbeing of pastors is broader than being healthy in a physical sense. It includes financial wellness, spiritual wellness and sound relationships.
“The development of pastors and their wellbeing need our urgent attention.” I am concerned about the increasing rates of pastoral fatigue, ill health and lack of pastoral wellness. The development of pastors and their wellbeing need our urgent attention. We need to bring into existence mentorship and coaching programmes specifically aimed at the wellbeing of our pastors. The prayer for Gaius in 3 John 1- 2 also speaks to the wellbeing of pastors: “To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (New Kings James Version). -4-
STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT The development of leaders at all levels of the church is a key factor in the future success of the AFM. In March 2012, the NLF appointed a Committee to consider the question of how the need for internal leadership development could be addressed at the different levels within the church. In July 2012, the framework for leadership development was accepted by the NLF in principle but it was not taken further. This issue has remained one of the unfinished business issues of the NLF.
“I plan to ensure that the National Office Bearers actively engage our AFM stakeholders to ensure that during my term of office leadership development programs for the AFM are initiated.” It is imperative that holistic training and development programs be instituted to actively contribute to the development of future leaders and thereby increase the pool from which future leaders can be elected. I am of the view that this would also contribute to the issue of succession planning at all church levels. I plan to ensure that the National Office Bearers actively engage our AFM stakeholders to ensure that during my term of office leadership development programs for the AFM are initiated.
ONE AFM GAME PLAN The AFM is a missional movement with a passion for soul winning. This missionality is the foundation and underlying motivation of everything we do as a church. The “One AFM Game Plan” is the name we use for a process that aims to re-focus the church on all its leadership levels, with the original calling of the AFM. At the heart of its intent lies the Great Commission, a desire to see the AFM returning back to its missional roots, where every AFM member is a powerful witness and soul-winner in their community and on the market-place. Up to this point the following has been achieved among all leadership levels of the church: (i) awareness, (ii) opinions of goodwill and positivity and (iii) a basic understanding into the meaning of missionality together with its five focus areas or drivers. Based on the feedback the National Office Bearers picked up from this year’s NOB Regional Empowerment visits, the issues of language and understanding were again highlighted as priorities requiring attention.
“... issues of language and understanding ...” The NOB commissioned the development of a multi-lingual DVD Training Resource, presenting the AFM Missional Strategy in 4 languages (Afrikaans, English, isiZulu & Sesotho) and various formats: short articles, video clips and a digital photo album . This training resource has been sent to all our regional/network -5-
ONE AFM GAME PLAN cont. committees with the intention that every AFM pastor should have one. If you have not yet received your resource, kindly contact your regional/network committee to enquire. I trust that this resource will help you to deepen your understanding into the biblical meaning of missionality and its supporting drivers. I also trust that it will add to your confidence when communicating these concepts to other leaders and members.
EXAMPLE: Digital Photo Album
EXAMPLE: Videos EXAMPLE: Articles During the GBM a questionnaire was filled out by all the attending delegates, measuring opinions regarding Game Plan progress on grass-roots level. I would like to use this opportunity to share some of the most important feedback with you:
semblies to a large extent, 35% of delegates rated moderate support and only 17% rated very little support. • The top 3 barriers to progress were indicated as: (i) language, (ii) understanding and implementation.
• All regional and network structures were represented at the GBM. • Presiding Pastors and Governing Body Members represented 80% of the total sample. • 56% of delegates confirmed that the Game Plan was facilitated with the Governing Body. • 41% of delegates indicated that the Game Plan has not yet been facilitated with the Governing Body, but they are still planning to do so. • The feedback shows that 41% of delegates are of the view that committees are supporting local as-
“... I want to encourage the remaining Pastors and Governing Bodies to complete the Game Plan facilitation as soon as possible.” -6-
ONE AFM GAME PLAN cont. In light of the above, I want to encourage the remaining Pastors and Governing Bodies to complete the Game Plan facilitation as soon as possible. In the process do not hesitate to call on the support of your regional/network committee. I also want to extend a word of appreciation to our regional structures for their efforts, support and investment in the Game Plan process thus far. We are looking forward to 2017 where the focus of the Game Plan will transition from understanding the concepts to implementation and application within a local AFM assembly.
“We are looking forward to 2017 where the focus of the Game Plan will transition from understanding the concepts to implementation and application within a local AFM assembly.�
I would like to take this opportunity to wish our pastors and their families and all members of the AFM a blessed, value adding and happy Christmas and New Year. I pray for travelling mercies for those who will be travelling by road, sea and air. May the coming recess rejuvenate you for your ministry in 2017. Blessings MG Mahlobo
THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL OFFICE Building no.14 | Central Office Park | 257 Jean Ave | Centurion Gauteng South Africa P.O. Box 9450 Centurion 0046
Tel: 27 12 644 0490 | Faks: 27 12 644 0732/4 | www.afm-ags.org Newsletter Editor: Past. M.G. Mahlobo (President of the AFM) mmahlobo@afm-ags.org Additional Enquiries: Chantalle Schutte (Internal Communication Specialist) chantalle@afm-ags.org
The WHOLE church taking the WHOLE Gospel to the WHOLE world. -7-