24 November

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• 4th QUARTER 2017 • THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL OFFICE Building no. 14, Central Office Park, 257 Jean Avenue, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa P.O. Box 9450, Centurion 0046 Tel: 27 12 644-0490 Fax: 27 12 644-0732/4 www.afm-ags.org https://issuu.org/afm_ags Dear Colleague,

IN THIS EDITION: Pg 1 - Greetings Pg 2 - AFM will be 110 years old in 2018 Pg 4 - A Story of True Unity Pg 6 - An AFM Spesialised Ministry Pg 8 - Seasonal Greetings

Greetings in Jesus’ Name. For me the 2017 AFM annual Conference was unique in three aspects. It was the first AFM National Conference to be convened in an area which is predominantly South African Indian. Secondly it was the first conference to intentionally reflect on the AFM President’s sermon and on trending issues in the public domain. Thirdly it was the first conference whose evening services were live-streamed via social media on Facebook. Those who attended would agree with me that we had an excellent team! The conference planning committee and the AFM National Office staff contributed greatly to the smooth running of the event. Our host, Past Ronnie Naidoo and his staff provided exceptional hospitality. In this letter we share some last thoughts for the year 2017...


THE AFM OF SA TURNS 110 YEARS OLD IN 2018 Past. M.G. Mahlobo – President

2018 will mark a significant milestone in the history of the AFM. The AFM will be 110 years old on the 25th of May 2018. The AFM is one of the classical Pentecostal churches in South Africa. The birth of the AFM was through the ministry of John Graham Lake, Tom Hezmalhalch from the United States of America who arrived in Cape Town on 1 May 1908. From Cape Town they travelled by train to Pretoria and then proceeded to Johannesburg where they were met by Mrs. Goodenough who provided them with accommodation. Within five days they had started a revival at the Little Chapel in Doornfontein which was used by the Zionists church.

“The AFM will be 110 years old on the 25th of May 2018.” There was a great wave of conviction, and hunger for God. The Doornfontein Chapel was filled with people from all shades of color and all degrees of social status. Many more people who heard about what was happening in the Little Chapel flocked there. Within a week the space in the little Chapel was full. As a result hereof, services were held simultaneously in fifteen houses of the former Zionist members and a Schumann house was used for the ‘big’ prayer meeting where all the house churches met.

“There was a great wave of conviction, and hunger for God.”

I think it is fair to say that the AFM grew from smallsupernatural beginnings to be what it is today. The AFM has had its share of challenges. It went through theological disputes, splits, conforming to the ideology of the day which resulted in it being racially segregated into Black, Colored, Indian and White divisions. As we will be celebrating the AFM’s 110th anniversary let us reflect on the dream of the pioneers of the AFM. They dreamed of a church which looks like the one in the Book of Acts, during the days of the apostles.

“...let us reflect on the dream of the pioneers of the AFM. They dreamed of a church which looks like the one in the Book of Acts.” The church in Acts was characterized by powerful witness (through the Holy Spirit), persecution (yet without abandonment of the Christian witness), fervent prayer (that caused the prison doors to be flung open), unity, devotion to sound apostolic doctrine and the sharing of material possessions. Let it be our dream that the AFM will once more be a transformation agent in God’s hand. Our world, our nation and our communities can be transformed through the church that is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Let us endeavor to deepen and keep our unity in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3). One of the ways in which we can deepen our unity and promote cohesion is to engage in honest and courageous conversations. Some of the key themes


THE AFM OF SA TURNS 110 YEARS OLD IN 2018 cont. of such deliberations should be our collective mission, our shared values (integrity, relationships, accountability and excellence) and the creation of an atmosphere that enhances our sense of belonging to the AFM brand.

“One of the ways in which we can deepen our unity and promote cohesion is to engage in honest and courageous conversations.” Let us also be thankful to God who has caused the AFM brand to be embraced beyond the South African borders. The AFM has a presence in five continents of the world, namely Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe and North America. This translates into more than thirty-four (34) countries. Some of the planting of the AFM churches beyond South Africa happened because of the witness of mine workers who came to work in the South African mines and gone back to their respective countries. Other AFM churches were founded by missionaries and others through expatriates who had left their countries due to economic challenges. Indeed, 2018 is the time for us to celebrate God’s providence and God’s sustaining power. I pray that fresh anointing will come upon God’s servants and that the borders of our congregations and specialized ministries will be enlarged.


A STORY OF TRUE UNITY: THE AFM ROCK REVIVAL CENTRE, FICKSBURG Another challenge we had was criticism from inside, Past. Neels Kock and Louise Kock – Pastoring

In December 1999 we received a call to the AFM assembly in Ficksburg, a farming community at the foot of the Imperani Mountain in the Free State province. At the time the assembly’s services were mainly presented in Afrikaans. With the border of Lesotho less than 1 km away from the location of the assembly, and the fact that many different languages were spoken in the community, the first thing we had to consider was adapting the language. The issue of language on its own was a huge challenge to overcome, with Afrikaans being our home language and the language that we have been preaching in all our lives. As different cultures started worshiping together we took up the challenge and started to preach and worship in English only. For us the language is merely a tool to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people.

“For us the language is merely a tool to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people.”

initially, but this subsided eventually. Yes, some of the current members left the assembly but we released and blessed them and by the grace of God many more came to the church. Later even some of those that left came back. Another hurdle or challenge we had to overcome was the issue of race. A complex issue in the South African context that requires the utmost sensitivity and understanding. A key factor we focus on is respect for one another. Some people had the misconception that certain people have more money than others and the financial issue was a big threat but God has proven Himself in this matter (we have even seen the income increase over the years). Some asked us “What about weddings and funerals?” and our answer...We learn!

“Now when we look around us on a Sunday, we only see people – God’s people.”


A STORY OF TRUE UNITY: THE AFM ROCK REVIVAL CENTRE, FICKSBURG cont. As the years passed God continued to add and grow the ministry. Now when we look around us on a Sunday, we only see people – God’s people. Two thirds of our leadership are people of colour and 80% of our members are people of colour. We know that transformation and true unity in the church can be accomplished through much prayer, understanding and appreciation of other people. By the grace of God 18 years later the assembly, now called the AFM of SA, Rock Revival Centre, is a fully integrated, unified, non-racial and non-cultural church. The only culture you will find in this assembly is the Jesus-culture. Although it was a challenging journey, in the end it is extremely rewarding. The testimonies of members are a true reflection of their experience and the work that God has done in our assembly. All glory to God for this outcome!

“If people can learn one thing, that we are one in Christ! God does not have white or black people, God has people. If we can see this then we will be truly blessed and free in Christ.” – Jan Lee (Member) “When two little arms hug me lovingly every Sunday morning, not matter what the colour of their skin, it reminds me of how great God is. Above all, we are all God’s people.” – Louise Kock

“The only culture you will find in this assembly is the Jesus-culture.” “Rock Revival Centre is a shining example of a place of worship that is a benchmark for this beautiful rainbow nation (South Africa). People from different races, genders and colours are accommodated. Nobody feels less important or left out. The service is conducted on a neutral platform and English is the medium of preaching and worshipping. The worship team is balanced (in terms of presentation of different race groups). This was not done intentionally but due to the conducive environment God has created in Rock Revival. I have been attending Rock Revival for the past 12 years with my family. I am home.” – David Mbiwe (Member)


AN AFM SPESIALISED MINISTRY: DEAF FRIENDLY Past. Dirk Venter – Managing Director of DEAF Friendly

As a child of deaf parents, I have been signing from the age of 12, mostly at church and religious meetings. Today, I enjoy a wide range of experience with interacting with the Deaf, at all levels of life. DEAF Friendly is a non-profit company reaching, serving and empowering the Deaf.

“As a result 8 Deaf individuals were trained and consequently ordained as pastors of the AFM of SA.”

“DEAF Friendly is a non-profit company reaching, serving and empowering the Deaf.” Since 2008 DEAF Friendly is continuously reaching out nationwide and was instrumental in the establishment of at least 13 ministry points and 5 congregations for the Deaf. DEAF Friendly, on behalf of the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa, is in partnership with Deaf Christian Ministries Africa – promoting the development, particularisation and presentation of Pentecostal Theology to the Deaf. As a result 8 Deaf individuals were trained and consequently ordained as pastors of the AFM of SA. All these pastors are active and involve in the deaf community. In the establishment of deaf-to-deaf ministry, this can be classified as pioneering work.

Meetings, such as the recent "It's Time!" prayer meeting in Bloemfontein, are seen as an opportunity to include the Deaf of the larger church and beyond. Such an opportunity is further used to update the Deaf database to enable future personal contact, assistance and evangelization. The Deaf, in a specific geographic area, forms a group (ministry point) that is visited at least every 6 weeks and served by a Deaf teacher. At this time new leaders are identified with the intention to be trained in theology as far as possible. Eventually such a ministry point should develop into a fully fledged congregation.


AN AFM SPESIALISED MINISTRY: DEAF FRIENDLY cont. More information about DEAF Friendly: "We are DEAF Friendly" An initiative whereby certificates of appreciation is issued to employers who employ the Deaf, or support DEAF Friendly's empowerment projects.

More recently, DEAF Friendly is increasingly involved in offering skills training for the Deaf. There is a strong focus on the development and sustainable support of Deaf pastors and those served by them.

DEAF Friendly's program on Kruiskyk is broadcast every Sunday at 07:30 and is the only form of ministry (church) received for many Deafs, especially in remote places. You can help by referring the Deaf to DEAF Friendly. If you want to contribute financially you are welcome to contact me directly: E-mail: dirk@deaffriendly.co.za or Cell: 082 880 2060. I also encourage you to visit the DEAF Friendly Website: www.deaffriendly.co.za.

In all these processes communication is extremely important and therefore Sign Language Interpreting Services are made available continuously and free of charge to the Deaf. These include funerals, counseling, doctoral appointments, court cases, "visiting services" in hearing congregations, weddings and various job opportunities.

“DEAF Friendly is increasingly involved in offering skills training for the Deaf.�


SEASONAL GREETINGS Dr. H.J. Weideman – General Secretary

As another year draws to a close, I want to thank all our pastors and assembly leaders, as well as their spouses and children on behalf of the National Office Bearers - for all that you have done for the advancement of God’s Kingdom during this year. Thank you as well to all Regional Leadership Forums, Assembly Governing Boards and other leadership structurers, ministry leaders and all volunteers - for the indispensable role you play in making our regions and assemblies work and to inspire our members to live as sent ones in their everyday work and life spaces. I trust that you will enjoy a well-deserved time of rest and restoration in the presence of your loved ones and wish you the best for a new year full of God’s blessings, as we continue to transform the AFM into a truly missional movement! If you are going to travel during this time, please be ensured of our prayers.


Please take note that the national office will close on Friday 15 December 2017 for the holiday season and will open again on Tuesday 9 January 2018. Blessings! M.G. Mahlobo

Closed for the holidays!


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