8 minute read
Language Grades 1–12
This workshop provides foolproof strategies to teach crea ve wri ng skills to your learners.
Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Half day This workshop will enable you to: • understand and be able to apply the shared wri ng technique • understand and be able to apply the subs tu on strategy to build sentences • learn how to use a wri ng frame when teaching learners to write a transac onal text • understand and be able to apply the wri ng process as prescribed by CAPS
Intermediate Phase.
Target Audience
Grade 1–9 language teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase)
Many learners read without understanding. A end this workshop to learn how to get your learners to understand what they read.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • obtain knowledge and skills and be able to apply the seven steps involved in reading comprehension • gain knowledge and be able to use different strategies for each of the seven steps that will assist the learners’ comprehension skills.
Target Audience
All Grade 4–9 teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase) Dura on: Half day
The most profound words will remain unread unless you can keep the learner engaged. You can’t see their eyes to know if they got it so … say it, show it, write it, demo it and link it to an ac vity. James Bates
This workshop will give teachers specifi c guidance on how to increase reading fl uency by making use of the shared reading technique in the Balanced Language Approach.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • understand and be able to use the shared reading technique of the Balanced Language Approach • understand the diff erent building blocks of reading comprehension and have knowledge of diff erent strategies to aid learners with their comprehension ability • understand and be able to use the group guided reading technique of the Balanced
Language Approach • be able to use your own language experience and available printed material to create your own reading cards which can be used as resources in the classroom for homework ac vi es, remedial ac vi es or ac vi es for extended opportuni es.
Target Audience
All Grade 4–9 teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase) Dura on: Half day
This workshop will give teachers specifi c guidance on how to introduce their learners to English in a structured manner and according to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements so that learners are completely fl uent and competent readers in both their mother tongue and in English.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • be able to understand some of the debates about language as a medium of instruc on • be able to explain the process of addi ve bilingualism • know how to develop a Learning Programme for the introduc on of a second language • know how to teach learners who are learning a second language for the purpose of learning & teaching • be able to present lessons to a class of second language learners • know how to support the introduc on of a second language. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
All Grade 4–9 teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase)
Learn how to incorporate three easy steps into your planning and presenta on of work to make sure that First Addi onal Language learners are guided in the acquisi on and use of a new language.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • learn how to incorporate three easy steps into your planning and presenta on of work • ensure that First Addi onal Language learners are guided in the acquisi on and use of a new language • ensure that learners are learning the language correctly.
Target Audience
Grade 4–9 FAL teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase) Dura on: Half day
This workshop will give teachers specifi c guidance on teaching the diff erent stages of the wri ng process.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • understand the diff erence between controlled, guided and free wri ng • look at the diff erent stages in the wri ng process • learn how to s mulate crea vity by wri ng poetry • write a piece of descrip ve wri ng.
Target Audience
All Grade 4–9 teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase) Dura on: Half day
This workshop will empower teachers in all subjects to be able to apply a comprehensive comprehension strategy to enhance the reading competence of Senior Phase learners in any subject.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • iden fy reading problems in all subjects in the Senior Phase • iden fy the basic elements, reading approaches and types of reading used in the
Senior Phase • iden fy bad reading habits and a tudes learners may have about reading, and fi nd new ideas to change these bad habits and a tudes • know the important roles spelling and vocabulary play in the reading process and strategies that can be used to improve spelling and broaden vocabulary • know and be able to apply a comprehensive comprehension strategy to enhance the reading competence of Senior Phase learners in any subject. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
Grade 4–12 subject teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop is all about having fun with poetry! Use empathy when teaching poetry; set contextual ques ons on a poem using Barre ’s Taxonomy; tackle a poetry essay (Home Language) and learn about some useful electronic resources.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • use empathy as an approach to teaching poetry • set contextual ques ons on a poem using the required levels of Barre ’s Taxonomy • learn how to guide learners to tackle a poetry essay (Home Language) • know of some useful electronic resources • teach considering learners’ various learning styles • have fun with poetry! Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 language teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop will demonstrate to teachers how to obtain knowledge and skills involved in reinforcing the ability of learners to answer comprehensions.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • This workshop will demonstrate to teachers how to obtain knowledge and skills involved in reinforcing the ability of learners to answer comprehensions. Dura on: Two hours
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 language teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop gives guidance to FET teachers on teaching HL and approaching prescribed literary texts with enthusiasm.
Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Half day This workshop will enable you to: • understand the weigh ng of the teaching me for English HL • understand how the 2-week cycle works and how to apply it to your own Annual
Teaching Plan (ATP) • have clarify regarding the integra onal approach in CAPS • gain understanding of the Annual Teaching Plan • apply the cogni ve levels of Barre ’s Taxonomy when se ng exam papers • know the structure and content layout of the CAPS • be able to teach your learners how to understand and interpret the visual and verbal clues presented in cartoons, adverts and graphs • know how to teach your learners how to tackle Paper Two in the fi nal examina ons so that their learners will answer the correct ques ons and not be penalised for answering the wrong ques ons • know how to teach your learners to answer contextually-based ques ons as well as the literary essay • know the important characteris cs of the diff erent prescribed literary genres • apply literary jargon • be empowered and approach prescribed literary texts with enthusiasm and empathy.
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 HL language teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop gives guidance to FET teachers on teaching grammar in FAL.
Outcomes of Workshop
Dura on: Half day
This workshop will enable you to: • understand the weigh ng of teaching me for English
FAL • know how to integrate language teaching • know the structure and content layout of the ATP in CAPS • apply the cogni ve levels of Barre ’s Taxonomy when se ng exam papers • understand how to assess summaries • apply essay wri ng skills • be empowered and approach teaching with enthusiasm and empathy.
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 FA language teachers, HODs and SESs
Poetry need not scare the wits out of you. Dura on: Half day
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • iden fy diff erent ways of approaching a list of prescribed poems and choose the way best suited to your teaching • analyse a poem • off er a cri que of the method of analysis with other colleagues • off er construc ve advice on how to improve the suggested method of analysis • develop an apprecia on of the importance of eff ec ve and meaningful assessment and consider the best ways to assess poetry • use a checklist to ensure that you have taught the poem eff ec vely
• refl ect on your own teaching and be able to propose a plan to implement changes where necessary.
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 language teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop gives guidance to teachers on how to consider a model of teaching short stories and make changes to it that will allow you to use it in the classroom.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • iden fy diff erent ways of approaching a list of prescribed short stories and choose the way best suited to your teaching • do lesson planning for a short story • off er a cri que on lesson planning • develop an apprecia on of the importance of eff ec ve and meaningful assessment and consider the best ways to assess short stories • use a checklist to ensure that you have taught the short story eff ec vely • refl ect on your own teaching and be able to propose a plan to implement changes where necessary. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 language teachers, HODs and SESs