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Augmented reality and virtual reality
by Karen Walstra Both virtual reality and augmented reality are appealing, innova ve technologies that immerse users in a personal, engaging and interac ve manner. Virtual reality (VR) immerses people in experiences, with headsets. Augmented reality, on the other hand, usually begins with a real-life view of something through the camera of a smartphone, then an applica on projects or inserts images onto the phone’s screen. Let’s explore further.
What is Augmented Reality (AR)?
Augmented reality is an interac ve experience where when using an applica on, the digital content and informa on overlays onto the physical real-world: it may be mul ple sensory experiences, including visual, auditory, tac le and even smell. If you have played Pokémon, for example, you can play and catch the creatures using AR, you can see the Pokémon digitally, and you see the real environment through your smartphone’s camera. Download the AR applica ons you select on your smartphone or tablet. The range of augmented reality scenarios assists in building context and content, such the WWF Free Rivers augmented reality app, Mathema cs AR apps, such as Geogebra AR, literacy apps such as Narrator AR, reading stories such as in Bookful.
What is virtual reality (VR)?
Virtual Reality is a sensory experience using an immersive technology that allows the user to “believe” they are in a real environment, even though it is in a virtual experience. If using VR goggles powered by a smartphone, the VR applica ons are downloaded onto the smartphone. The applica on’s image is split into two screens, and once the phone is placed inside the VR goggles, the lenses merge the images into a 360°, three dimensional (3D) experience. Applica ons such as YouTube, Google Spotlight Story, Google Arts and Culture, or Solar VR are examples.
You can also make use of VR headsets, with audio, and hand controls such as Oculus Quest, Sony PlaySta on VR or HTC Vive. These devices are fully immersive and par cipants easily believe they are in a new environment, and are able to interact with the environment. Educa onal VR experiences cover a range of topics, such as Human Anatomy VR, explore various human organs from inside the body; Wonders of the World, explore various historical places around the world; Anne Frank House and so much more. Using virtual reality and augmented reality in lessons could be used to provide diff eren ated and personalised learning experiences for learners. It captures learners’ a en on and engages them, and experiences can assist in developing knowledge of content being taught, as well as providing an unusual perspec ve, e.g. inside a human body or travelling in the solar system. The experiences could assist with explaining concepts and informa on in a more realis c manner.
● h ps://www.evolveschool.co.za/post/2019/10/23/virtual-reality-in-your-lessons ● h ps://www.evolveschool.co.za/post/2019/01/21/use-virtual-reality-in-your-classroom ● h ps://www.evolveschool.co.za/post/2019/01/07/augmented-reality-for-learning-teaching
Simply put, we believe augmented reality is going to change the way we use technology forever. We’re already seeing things that will transform the way you work, play, connect and learn. Tim Cook