11 minute read

Mathema cs Grades 4–12


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to teaching addi on and subtrac on of frac ons.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • provide a comprehensive meaning of the term frac on • use diagrams to promote the understanding of frac ons • conceptualise the addi on and subtrac on of common frac ons • solve problems involving addi on of frac ons. Dura on: 1 hour

Target Audience

Grade 7–9 maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide on teaching common frac ons

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • understand what is meant by common frac ons and be able to use equivalent frac ons to compare diff erent frac ons • add and subtract frac ons including mixed numbers • choose the correct opera on when doing contextual problems involving common frac ons • see the equivalence of common frac ons, decimal frac ons and percentages • work with decimal frac ons. Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience

Senior Phase Maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide on teaching Geometry of 2D and 3D Shapes Dura on: 3 hours

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • name and describe diff erent triangles • solve problems involving triangles • name and describe diff erent quadrilaterals • describe the proper es of quadrilaterals • iden fy triangles that are either similar or congruent • classify 3D shapes. • describe the fi ve platonic solids • build 3D models using nets.

Target Audience

Senior Phase Maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides prac cal ideas on teaching Probability to Senior Phase learners, focusing mainly on methodology and assessment.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • be exposed to current and eff ec ve assessment prac ces • develop some confi dence in probability and data related to Senior Phase learners • be able to use hands-on techniques to set quality probability tasks with diff erent grades • be able to use prac cal ideas to assess data and probability topics • be able to eff ec vely transfer your understanding of assessment-related concepts to your learners. Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience

Grade 7–9 maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to teaching appropriate formulae to calculate surface area and volume of rectangular prisms.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • be able to explain the meaning of the terms ‘surface area’ and ‘volume’ • be able to use appropriate formulae to calculate surface area and volume of rectangular prisms • be able to solve problems involving surface area and volume of rectangular prisms • develop confi dence in teaching the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms in

Grade 7 • be able to eff ec vely transfer your understanding of surface area and volume-related concepts to your learners. Dura on: 1 hour

Target Audience

Grade 7–9 maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop covers transforma on of geometric shapes as well as algebraic concepts of the transforma ons.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to facilitate learners to: • be able to demonstrate knowledge of the transforma on of shapes • be able to use geometric pa erns to develop algebraic concepts • be able to draw the next frame of a geometric pa ern • be able to draw up a table to illustrate the rela onship between the input and output values • be able to illustrate the rela onship on a graph • be able to determine the rule that describes the rela onship. Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience

Grade 7–9 maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop covers a wide range of transforma ons of the geometric shapes using grid paper.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • be able to translate a shape on a grid • be able to refl ect a shape in a ver cal, horizontal or slant line • be able to turn a shape through 90 or 180 degrees • be able to design shapes and border pa erns. Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience

Grade 7–9 maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will enable you to represent func onal rela onship into its three representa ons.

Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: 2 hours By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • extend a growing pa ern by drawing the next frame • complete a table to indicate the rela onship between input and output numbers • fi nd the general rule that describes the func onal rela onship • draw a graph to illustrate the func onal rela onship • describe the rela onship between distance and me from a given graph • dis nguish between the independent and dependent variables • refl ect on the teaching and assessment of func onal rela onships.

Target Audience

Mathema cal Literacy teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide on how to teach number pa erns using mathema cal terminology.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • be able to introduce number pa erns to Grade 10 learners • be able to dis nguish between diff erent types of number pa erns • be able to describe number pa erns using the necessary mathema cal terminology • be able to do more complex calcula ons. Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience

FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs


MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help your learners understand triangles, circles and parallelograms.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • iden fy diff erent quadrilaterals and triangles • answer ques ons using quadrilaterals and triangles • prove the cyclic theorems • use and answer ques ons involving cyclic quadrilaterals • know and use circle geometry with all converse theorems • solve problems and prove riders using the proper es of parallel lines, triangles and quadrilaterals. Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience

Grade 12 maths learners, FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs


MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help your learners understand triangles, circles and parallelograms.

Outcomes of Workshop

Dura on: 2 hours

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • solve problems and prove riders using the proper es of parallel lines, triangles and quadrilaterals • be able to iden fy similar, congruent and equiangular triangles • prove and apply Similarity, Propor onality and Pythagoras’ theorems • generate ra os from similar triangles • answer ques ons related to equiangular and similar triangles • answer ques ons related to Similarity, Propor onality and Pythagoras’ theorems.

Target Audience

FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs


Solve fi nancial problems by using formulae for simple and compound growth and decay, as well as those for annui es and bond repayments.

Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: 2 hours By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • be able to work eff ec vely with simple and compound interest and decay • be able to handle interest rates that are compounded in diff erent me periods • understand the diff erence between eff ec ve and nominal rates and know how to calculate them • be able to explain how to calculate n in the compound formula • understand annui es and bond payments and know how the formulae must be used • be able to explain what a sinking fund is and know what types of calcula ons are required.

Target Audience

FET maths teachers and SESs


This workshop covers the use of maps to fi nd real direc ons. Dura on: 2 hours

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • be able to help learners to describe direc ons to familiar places and draw a map of it • use grid coordinates to describe and design a ling pa ern • fi nd loca on on a map using longitude and la tude lines • use map scale to fi nd real distances • refl ect with your colleagues on the teaching of this content.

Target Audience

FET Mathema cal Literacy teachers, HODs and SESs


MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help your learners understand the parameters of graphs. Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: 2 hours By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • determine input and output values • sketch basic graphs, given a par cular func on of y = a.f(x) + q where f(x) = x, f(x) = x2 , f(x) = b x (b > 0; b ≠ 1) and f(x) = ⁄x • describe the eff ects of changing the parameters a and q in changing the shape of graphs and shi ing them up or down • sketch graphs, given a par cular func on • inves gate the eff ect a, and q in y = a.f(x) + q where f(x) = x, f(x) = x2 , f(x) = b x (b > 0; b ≠ 1) and f(x) = ⁄x • sketch graphs, fi nd the equa ons of given graphs and interpret graphs.

Target Audience

FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs


MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help your learners understand the parameters of graphs.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • draw the graph of a straight line, parabola, hyperbola and exponen al graphs • describe the eff ects of a, p and q on the graphs of parabolas, hyperbolas and exponen al graphs as defi ned by: 1. y = f(x) = a(x + p)2 + q Dura on: 2 hours

2. y = f(x) =

a x + p + q

3. y = f(x) = a.b x + p + q • use the technique of plo ng mul ple graphs to demonstrate the eff ects of changing the parameters a, p and q • interpret the func ons and graphs of parabolas, hyperbolas and exponen al graphs • determine and sketch graphs of the inverses of the func ons defi ned by: y = ax + q; y = ax2; y = b x • state restric ons on the domain of the original func on for the inverse to be a func on too.

Target Audience

FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide on teaching trogonometry. Dura on: 3 hours

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • you will develop confi dence in using the trigonometry facts and rules to solve triangles

• you will be able to teach solving triangles to Grade 10, 11 and 12 learners • you will be able to diff eren ate between diff erent cogni ve levels of ques ons for evalua on of the sec on • you will be able to set test or exam ques ons for diff erent cogni ve levels for solving triangles.

Target Audience

FET Maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to teaching trigonometry.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • defi ne trigonometric ra os • derive values of the special angles • solve simple trigonometric equa ons • solve 2-dimensional problems involving right angles • derive and use the iden es • derive and use reduc on formulae to simplify expressions. Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience

FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to teaching trigonometry.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • determine the general solu ons of trigonometric equa ons Dura on: 2 hours

• derive and use compound and double angle iden es • solve simple trigonometric equa ons.

Target Audience

FET Maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to teaching trigonometry.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • point-by-point plo ng of basic trigonometric graphs • trigonometric graph interpreta on • derive and apply sine, cosine and area rules • solve problems in 2 and 3 dimensions. Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience

FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs

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