13 minute read
The Sciences Grades 4–12
This workshop covers the concepts as they would be understood by learners in the classroom.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS • understand the methodology behind teaching learners how to solve circuit problems involving current, poten al diff erence and resistance for circuits containing arrangements of resistors in series and in parallel • understand that a real ba ery has internal resistance • understand that the sum of the poten al diff erence across the external circuit plus the poten al diff erence across the internal resistance is equal to the emf: ε = Vload + Vinternal resistance or ε = IR ext + Ir Dura on: 2 hours
• solve circuit problems involving: – the internal resistance of the ba ery – series-parallel networks of resistors.
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 Physical Science teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop covers the concepts as they would be understood by learners in the classroom.
Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: 2 hours By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • explain what equilibrium is • explain the meaning of terms such as forward/reverse reac on; reac on rate; closed/ open systems; reactants/products; extent of a reac on • dis nguish between sta c and dynamic equilibrium • write equilibrium reac on equa ons correctly • iden fy any misconcep ons that your learners may have and address these.
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 physical science teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop covers the concepts as they would be understood by learners in the classroom.
Outcomes of Workshop
Learn more about: ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS • understand the methodology behind teaching learners how to solve circuit problems involving current, poten al diff erence and resistance for circuits containing arrangements of resistors in series and in parallel • understand that a real ba ery has internal resistance • understand that the sum of the poten al diff erence across the external circuit plus the poten al diff erence across the internal resistance is equal to the emf: ε = Vload + Vinternal resistance or ε = IR ext + Ir Dura on: 3 days
• solve circuit problems involving: – the internal resistance of the ba ery – series-parallel networks of resistors. WORK, ENERGY AND POWER • understand that only the components of the applied force that are parallel to the mo on do work on an object • understand that forces perpendicular to the object’s displacement do not work on the object • understand that forces that are parallel to the object’s displacement do posi ve work on the object • understand that forces that are an -parallel to the object’s displacement (e.g. fric on) do nega ve work on the object. EQUILIBRIUM • explain what equilibrium is • explain the meaning of terms such as forward/reverse reac on; reac on rate; closed/ open systems; reactants/products; extent of a reac on • dis nguish between sta c and dynamic equilibrium • write equilibrium reac on equa ons correctly • iden fy any misconcep ons that your learners may have and address these.
Prescribed experiments • set up all the prescribed experiments for your Grade 12 learners • conduct all the experiments, collect all relevant data and reach the expected conclusions • assess the learners using the correct tools.
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 physical science teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop covers the concepts as they would be understood by learners in the classroom.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • set up all the prescribed experiments for your Grade 12 learners • conduct all the experiments, collect all relevant data and reach the expected conclusions • assess the learners using the correct tools. Dura on: 2 hours
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 physical science teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop covers the concepts as they would be understood by learners in the classroom.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • understand that only the components of the applied force that are parallel to the mo on do work on an object • understand that forces perpendicular to the object’s displacement do not work on the object Dura on: 2 hours
• understand that forces that are parallel to the object’s displacement do posi ve work on the object • understand that forces that are an -parallel to the object’s displacement (e.g. fric on) do nega ve work on the object.
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 physical science teachers, HODs and SESs
Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of gene cs. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, refl ec on and progression.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply skills, knowledge and values related to the following: • introduc on to gene cs • concepts in inheritance • inheritance and varia on • Gregor Mendel • monohybrid crosses – complete dominance • monohybrid crosses – incomplete dominance and co-dominance • blood groups • pedigrees • dihybrid crosses • sex chromosomes • sex determina on • sex-linked-inheritance. Dura on: 2 hours
Target Audience
FET life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs We need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning.
Elliot Masie
Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of gene cs. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, refl ec on and progression.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply skills, knowledge and values related to the following: • muta ons • gene muta ons • chromosomal aberra ons • gene c disorders • gene c engineering • biotechnology and gene c engineering • gene c modifi ca on • using human DNA • methods of tracing ancestors • the human genome project. Dura on: 2 hours
Target Audience
FET life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs
Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of gene cs and human evolu on. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, refl ec on and progression.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply skills, knowledge and values related to the following: • evidence of common ancestors of living ancestors including humans • diff erences and similari es in the anatomy of great apes and humans • fossil evidence • gene c evidence Dura on: 2 hours
• cultural evidence • the Out of Africa hypothesis • mitochondrial DNA and the Out of Africa hypothesis • Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Homo and the Out of Africa hypothesis • alterna ve views to evolu on.
Target Audience
FET life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs
Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of human impact on the environment. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, refl ec on and progression.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply skills, knowledge and values related to the following: • atmosphere and climate change • water • food security • loss of biodiversity • solid waste disposal. Dura on: 2 hours
Target Audience
FET life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs
In mes where small instructor-led classrooms tend to be the excep on, electronic learning solu ons can off er more collabora on and interac on with experts and peers, as well as a higher success rate than the live alterna ve. Keith Bachman, Corporate eLearning Execu ve, W.R. Hambrecht and Assoc.
Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of various life science concepts. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, refl ec on and progression.
Outcomes of Workshop
Learn more about: Dura on: 3 days
MODULE 1 – Human impact on the environment • atmosphere and climate change • water • food security • loss of biodiversity • solid waste disposal
MODULE 2 – Prac cal work • hypothesis tes ng • methodology • wri ng a report on a scien fi c inves ga on • carrying out an inves ga on • observa on • dissec on • microscope work • conduc ng an experiment
MODULE 3 – Gene cs and inheritance • introduc on to gene cs • concepts in inheritance • inheritance and varia on • Gregor Mendel • monohybrid crosses – complete dominance • monohybrid crosses – incomplete dominance and co-dominance • blood groups • pedigrees • dihybrid crosses • sex chromosomes • sex determina on • sex-linked inheritance
MODULE 4 – Gene cs (2) • muta ons • gene muta ons • chromosomal aberra ons • gene c disorders • gene c engineering • biotechnology and gene c engineering • gene c modifi ca on • using human DNA • methods of tracing ancestors • the human genome project
MODULE 5 – Human evolu on • evidence of common ancestors of living ancestors including humans • diff erences and similari es in the anatomy of great apes and humans • fossil evidence • gene c evidence • cultural evidence • the Out of Africa hypothesis • mitochondrial DNA and the Out of Africa hypothesis • Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Homo and the Out of Africa hypothesis • alterna ve views to evolu on.
Target Audience
Grade 10–12 life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs
Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of prac cal work. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, refl ec on and progression.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • hypothesis tes ng • methodology Dura on: 2 hours
• wri ng a report on a scien fi c inves ga on • carrying out an inves ga on • observa on • dissec on • microscope work • conduc ng an experiment.
Target Audience
FET life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs
MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help teachers to have a be er grasp of Energy and Change.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • recognise the diff erent sources of energy • defi ne poten al and kine c energy • explain the diff erence between poten al and kine c energy in systems • understand the heat transfer concept • use appropriate insula on materials • understand the na onal electricity supply system. Dura on: 1 hour
Target Audience
SP natural science teachers, HODs and SESs
MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help teachers to have a be er grasp of ma er and material.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • understand physical proper es of materials Dura on: 1 hour
• explain the boiling point of substances • understand proper es of materials • recognise the diff erent methods of physical separa on • demonstrate understanding of the impact on the environment.
Target Audience
IP and SP natural science and technology teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop focuses on School Based Assessment in natural sciences and technology in the Intermediate Phase.
Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: 2 hours This workshop will enable you to: • iden fy the four stages in the assessment process • allocate assessment ac vi es to the various stages in the assessment process • recognise the forms of assessment used in natural sciences and technology • iden fy the major process skills required for natural sciences and technology • recognise the diff erence between assessment FOR and assessment OF learning • apply various assessment strategies for assessment for learning • apply various strategies for planned and unplanned informal assessment • design a mark sheet for natural sciences and technology • apply cogni ve ques oning techniques when se ng a test or ac vity • design a prac cal assessment task for natural sciences • design a prac cal task for technology.
Target Audience
Grade 4–6 natural sciences and technology teachers, HODs and SESs
When it comes to eLearning, content means everything. If eLearning content is not masterfully designed, all the rest will just go down the drain. Christopher Pappas
This course is aimed at empowering you, the teacher, to assist your learners when it comes to strengthening, reinforcing and joining materials.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to facilitate learners to: • join materials using various methods • reinforce materials using diff erent methods • strengthen materials using diff erent methods. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
Grade 4–9 technology teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop gives teachers an opportunity to prac cally engage with wheels and axles to be er understand how to construct them as part of a model.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • be able to make a centre fi nder • be able to indicate which grades are specifi cally assessed on wheels and axles • be able to iden fy which grades use skills about wheels that have been previously acquired, to demonstrate other skills and competencies • be able to tell the diff erence between fi xed and moving axles and when each of these is most eff ec ve in a model • be able to make a model, using waste materials, that shows examples of diff erent fi xed and moving axles • be able to make an example of a set of wheels from waste materials and mount them on your axle model. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
Grade 4–9 technology teachers, HODs and SESs
This workshop focuses on teaching drawing techniques required in the graphic communica on component of technology in the Intermediate and Senior Phases.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to be er understand and teach: • 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional drawing • the MESS principle • freehand drawings • talking drawings • isometric drawings • oblique drawings • orthographic projec ons • making 2D and 3D drawings • making the MESS principle • making freehand drawings • making talking drawings • making isometric drawings • making oblique drawings • making orthographic projec ons • how to work neatly • how to work accurately • how to do something well as a ma er of principle. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
Grade 4–9 technology teachers, HODs and SESs