Afrikan Post

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Vol 4 Issue 5

African Community News

Pg. 21

Egypt Conducts First Democratic Elections In History


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Afrikan Post

June 2012

Page 2

List of all African countries and their Independence Days, colonial names and former colonizers.

From the Editor

O u r G r ea tes t G lor y is n o t in n ever f a llin g b u t in r is in g ever y time we f a ll . We ar e committted to b r in gin g th e commu n ity th e bes t in N ews f r om Af r ica a n d th e D ia s po r a.  Yo u ma y a ls o vis it o u r web s ite a t www.a f r ik a n po s f or d a ily n ews u p da tes f o r Af r ica . D is cla imer : Th e o p in ion s ex pr es s ed in ar ticles a n d s to r ies in th is N ews pa per ar e th os e o f th e a u th or s a n d do n o t n eces s ar ily r ef lect th e views o f Af r ik an Pos t . All co mmen ts a n d s u g ges tion s ar e welco me.

Brief History of colonization: In the 17th century AD, European countries scrambled for and partitioned Africa. This continued until around 1905, by which time all the lands and resources of the continent of Africa had been completely divided and colonized by European countries. The only country that couldn't be colonized due to strong resistance by the indegines was Ethiopia, and Liberia which was a place for freed slaves from the Americas.

George Bright-Abu Publisher and Editor

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Call 703- 725- 6968 or E-mail: Address: Bright House Productions 6236 Oscar Court Woodbridge VA 22193 D E PA R T M E N T S Vol. 4 Issue 3


Chris Attoh Profile Pg. 36

Secretary Napolitano Announces Deferred Action Process for Young People Who Are Low Enforcement Priorities Pg. 15

HEALTH *Pregnancy Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy *Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy Pg. 13


Is it a Set Up or a Hook Up? Pg. 20


Ghana Crowned Champions of 2012 ECOWAS Games Pg. 38


Ashanti People From Ghana Install Their New York Chief Pg. 5

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Independence: The struggle for independence started after world war II. This led to the independence of the Union of South Africa in 1931 through negatiations with the British empire and Libya in 1951 from Italy; followed by others in the late 1950s. The road to African independence was very hard and tortuous often through bloody fights, revolts and assasinations. For example; Britain unilatearlly granted "The Kingdom of Egypt" independence on Feb. 22nd 1922 after a series of revolts, but continued to interfere in government. More violent revolts led to the signing of the Anglo-Egyptian treaty in 1936 and a coupe detat tagged Egyptian Revolution in 1952 finally culminated in the Egyptian Republic declaration of June 18th; 1953. The peak year for independence came in 1960 when about 17 countries gained independence. These independence days are now celebrated as national day holidays in most countries of Africa. COUNTRY

Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde C.A.R Chad Comoros Congo Congo DR Cote d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypt Eq Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea Bissau

Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda SaoTomePrincipe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia Italian Italy South Africa

Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe




July 5th, 1962 France November 11th; 1975 Portugal August 1st; 1960 French September 30th, 1966 Britain August 5; 1960 France July 1st; 1962 Belgium January 1st; 1960 French-administered UN trusteeship July 5th; 1975 Portugal August 13th; 1960 France August 11th, 1960 France July 6th; 1975 France August 15th; 1960 France June 30th; 1960 Belgium August 7th; 1960 France June 27th; 1977 France February 28th, 1922 Britain October 12; 1968 Spain May 24th; 1993 Ethiopia over 2000 years, Never colonized (formerly)Kingdom of Aksum -August 17th; 1960 France February 18th; 1965 Britain 6 March 1957 Gold Coast Britain October 2nd; 1958 France 10 September 1974 24 September 1973 Portugal December 12th, 1963 Britain October 4th; 1966 Britain July 26th; 1847 American colonization Society December 24; 1951 Italy June 26th; 1960 France July 6th; 1964 Britain September 22nd; 1960 France November 28th; 1960 France March 12th, 1968 Britain March 2nd; 1956 France June 25th; 1975 Portugal March 21st; 1990 South African mandate August 3rd; 1960 France October 1st, 1960 Britain July 1st; 1962 Belgium administered UN trusteeship July 12th; 1975 Portugal April 4th; 1960 France June 29th; 1976 Britain April 27th; 1961 Britain July 1st; 1960 British Somaliland Somaliland Britain 11 December 1931, April 1994(end of apatheid) Union of South Africa Britain January 1st; 1956 Egypt, Britain September 6th; 1968 Britain April 26th, 1964 Britain April 27th; 1960 French administered UN trusteeship March 20th; 1956 France October 9th; 1962 Britain October 24th; 1964 Britain April 18th; 1980 Britain

June 2012





June 2012


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June 2012


With Fanfare, Ashanti People From Ghana Install Their New York Chief relative youth to attract young Ghanaians and Ghanaian-Americans to the organization. “They think we are stuck in the past,” Mr. Ampah Sahara said. “They think once we are here, we should move on.”

Low membership, in fact, almost scuttled the ceremony. Mr. Acheampong-Tieku was elected chief in December 2010 and, according to tradition, he should have been sworn in within six months. But the association had little money, and the budget for the two-day ceremony was about $25,000, including airfare and accommodations for a high-ranking chief from Ghana and his entourage.

It took more than a year for Mr. AcheampongTieku, as the chief designated by the association, to raise enough money.

“Our goal now is to get 2,000 members.” he said. “It’s very much a challenge.”


The elders had poured libations, the holy men had delivered invocations, and all had sworn allegiance to the Ashanti kingdom. A battery of percussionists, glistening with sweat, started pounding out waves of rhythm that brought hundreds of guests, draped in elaborate kente cloth, to their feet.

He also leads a fund-raising effort for scholarships and for a children’s hospital in Ghana among New York’s growing Ghanaian population, the largest African immigrant group in the city, which numbers more than 22,000, up from about 14,900 in 2000, according to the Census Bureau.

Mr. Acheampong-Tieku’s most pressing challenge, however, is the survival of his very Mr. Acheampong-Tieku, who goes by Michael organization. He serves under the aegis of the Asanteman Association of U.S.A., an Ashanti in his civilian life, works in the Bronx as an cultural group formed in 1982. But even as the accountant. population of Ghanaians and their subgroups has grown in the New York region, the associaA scrum of men formed at one end of the hall and hoisted to their shoulders a wooden litter. It tion’s membership has plummeted. It has about bore the newly inaugurated chief, wearing gold 70 dues-paying members, down from about jewelry and a gold-studded leather crown, who 1,000 in the 1990s. bobbed above the celebrants and flicked a Many of the association’s original members, horsetail whisk and a golden scarf in a studied most of them immigrants, have moved back to regality. Ghana or died, but they have not been replaced by their assimilated, American-born offspring And so, just before dawn the last Sunday in May, one of the most elaborate rituals in immi- or newly arrived Ghanaians. This is a pattern grant New York reached its apogee. The man at familiar to many immigrant diasporas: the center was Nana Acheampong-Tieku of the Organizations formed by early waves of immiBronx, New York regional chief of the Ashanti grants struggle to remain relevant as the needs and desires of later generations and more recent people from Ghana in West Africa. newcomers shift. The inauguration was part of a quadrennial, Nana Kofi Appiah, 74, who helped create the two-day ceremony in the Bronx that is a high organization, said none of his five children livpoint in the Ashanti diaspora’s calendar, serving to strengthen traditions and community ties ing in the United States were interested in takin New York. “This is gorgeous, this makes me ing part. happy,” said Kojo Ampah Sahara, a community “They are more American than Ghanaian,” he leader who helped organize the event. “This is said. “They think it’s an old person’s organizawho we are.” tion.” Nominated by a 10-member council of regional Mr. Acheampong-Tieku, 52, has felt this tenAshanti elders, and voted on by community members, the regional chief has a range of cer- sion in his own home. He has four children, but only one — Vera, 20 — has decided to particiemonial and practical duties. He mediates pate in the association’s activities, and only familial and business disputes, including fracafter being lobbied by Mr. Ampah Sahara. At tured marriages, before they reach the courts. 34, Mr. Ampah Sahara is one of the youngest He helps Ghanaian immigrants find employmembers of the group and is trying to use his ment, lodging, medical care and legal help.

Mr. Acheampong-Tieku was interviewed before the ceremony in an undecorated office where he works as an accountant for a firm that provides services to developmentally disabled young adults. The office is in an unmarked building facing Interstate 95, on a semi-industrial patch of the Bronx. (In his civilian life, he uses the given name Michael. Nana is an honorific accorded to tribal chiefs.)

He was soft-spoken, and wore an awkwardly matched navy pinstripe suit jacket and brown slacks. He bore little resemblance to the glorious figure feted two days later.


Roman Catholic church in the Tremont section of the Bronx. Chiffon bunting in the colors of the Ghanaian flag — green, yellow, red and black — hung from the ceiling. Hundreds of folding chairs arrayed in long rows on each side of the room formed a wide alley down the middle. At the far end was a wooden thronelike seat for the king’s delegate.

Guests began arriving after 10 p.m. — taxi drivers, bankers, teachers, business administrators, entrepreneurs and laborers. The men were draped loosely in kente cloth, the women wrapped in gowns and topped by ornate hair styles and elaborately fashioned head scarves.

Amid thundering drums, delegation after delegation made grand entrances, shaking hands and taking their seats. At 12:45 a.m., two hours behind schedule, Mr. Atwenewa Ampem, surrounded by a large retinue and backed by his own percussionists, swept into the hall. “Very powerful,” said a church security guard who was looking on. “You can tell they’ve been doing this a long time.”

And the event had only just begun. There were several more hours of music and dance, ritual and ceremony until 4:30 a.m. The second-night party was yet to come, but the Ashanti population of New York had a new chief. Source:

“What we want is unity, to bring ourselves together and help the needy people,” he said.

Throughout the week, chiefs and prominent Ashantis from around the United States and abroad arrived in New York, including Nana Adusei Atwenewa Ampem I, an Ashanti chief and foreign minister of the court of Otumfuo Nana Osei Tutu II, king of the Ashanti empire, based in Kumasi, Ghana. Mr. Atwenewa Ampem stayed at a Marriott Hotel in Yonkers, where he received a stream of acolytes and Ashanti royalty.

“Why are we here?” Mr. Atwenewa Ampem asked rhetorically in an interview in a thirdfloor suite. He wore an elegant white robe and sipped Hennessey.

“The king,” he explained. “is very keen to bring the Ashanti community together in every country and, second, to come and support them.”

The event consists of two consecutive nights of ceremony; the first is the inauguration, and the second celebrates the first. On a Saturday late last month, the day of his inauguration, Mr. Acheampong-Tieku spent the day racing around the Bronx, greeting tribal elders and briefing them on the ceremony and news from the local Ashanti population. The inaugural ceremony was held in an all-purpose room at a

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Vice-Prez (John Dramani Mahama) Warns: Ghana Risks More Death From Breast Cancer If…

J u n e 2 0 1 2 Page 6

The second in the series of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure has successfully been held in Kumasi, in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.

It was on the theme : “Africa, Get Involved, Together we race for the cure".

Held annually, the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® Series raises significant funds and awareness of the fight against breast cancer, celebrates breast cancer survivorship and honours those who have lost the battle with the disease.

There were survivors of the disease from Ghana, the United States of America, Zambia, South Africa, France, and Ivory Coast among others.

Vice President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama, led the over 17,000 participants that converged at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium for the pioneering walk/race through some principal streets of Kumasi as they raised awareness by providing information on Breast Cancer.

The walk/race which attracted some Ministers of State, Chiefs and Opinion leaders, women groups and some schools finally ended at the same venue.

Speaking at the function, the Vice President observed most women who die from breast cancer often report their condition to the hospital when the situation has become very acute.

He blamed this on the tendency of such victims to resort to herbal and spiritual treatment instead of seeking orthodox care and also blaming incidence of breast cancer and other diseases on the activities of witches and wizards.

“The time has come for us to stop attributing the outbreak of diseases to witches and wizards and rather work hard to change our lifestyles that were creating so many health challenges for us on daily basis,” he said.

Whiles assuring of government’s support for any initiative that aims at finding a cure for breast cancer, the Vice President warned that Ghana risks more death from breast cancer if such attitude to the disease persists.

Mr John Mahama however expressed satisfaction at the initiatives of Breast Care International in the fight against the disease and added that since the health of the people was crucial in building a sound nation, issues bordering on fighting breast cancer must be taken seriously by all.

The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® Series is the world’s largest and most successful education and fundraising event for breast cancer ever created. Started in 1983, the Komen Race for the Cure Series has grown from one Race with 800 people in Dallas, to a global series of more than 140 Races with 1.6 million people participating on four continents.

The Ghana Race, presented by leading Breast Cancer Awareness Creation and Research Organization in Ghana, Breast Care International (BCI), which is headed by Dr. (Mrs.) Beatrice Wiafe-Addae, is aimed at educating women on the dangers of the disease which is said to kill one woman in every 69 seconds the world over.

On her part, the President of BCI, local organizers of the event, Dr. Beatrice Wiafe Addae, appealed for the inclusion of breast cancer screening to the list of diseases under the health insurance scheme.

According to her, deaths resulting from breast cancer disease was decreasing in the developed countries than in developing nations because of the high level of awareness, and called on government and other corporate bodies to support them to reach out to more people across the country.

The Omanhene of Goaso Traditional Council, Nana Kwesi Bosomprah I, who addressed the gathering on behalf of the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, urged married women to share their health challenges with their husbands.

Available statistics indicate that more than 1,300,000 women died from breast cancer globally in 2010, and 2062 women were diagnosed with the disease in Ghana, a country which ranks 10th in the burden of the disease in Africa (Globacan sources). Source:

Susan G. Komen Race In Kumasi Theme : “Africa, Get Involved, Together We Race For The Cure"

June 2012

Picturess: Courtesy of

Page 7

May 2012


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Christians Celebrate 220 Years of Existence in Sierra Leone

Christians from all denominations on Saturday June 9th celebrated 220 years of Christianity in Sierra Leone.

Rev. Solomon W. Campbell said this day marks an historic event in the life of Christianity in this country, as he rapped further that the Body of Christ is grateful to the Almighty God for affording them the opportunity to witness such celebration. He noted that the great heritage of the religion has been handed over to them by their forefathers, and as disciples of the faith they must guard it and deliver it safely to the next generation of worshippers.

Mr. Campbell emphasized to all Christians that the great auction and commission is a mandate for all and not only the few, as he said that no single individual or denomination can boast of evangelizing alone to the nation.

He rested his speech by saying that the task of winning souls is a challenge to all Christians in the faith and will be accomplished if all work together for the good in the glory of God.

General Secretary Council of Churches

in Sierra Leone Ebun James said Christianity has been a pillar of light to this country, and pointed out that Christians must prepare themselves to proclaim the holy gospel.

He also revealed that the Church has been active in promoting Education and Civil Engagement through providing social benefit and addressing health issues.

The ceremony ended with a church service conducted at the heart of the capital of Freetown followed with light refreshments at the Ebenezer Church, Circular Road, Freetown. Source:

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Mattsson Takes On Full-time Deal As Leone Stars coach

The Sierra Leone Football Association has confirmed Lars Olof Mattsson as full-time coach in charge of the national side Leone Stars.

The Swede is now tasked to qualify Leone Stars for both the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations and 2014 World Cup tournaments.

Speaking shortly after his confirmation, the 57 year old said: “I’ve accepted the job and am delighted about it”.

Mattsson handled Sierra Leone’s last four 2012 Africa Cup of Nations qualifying matches at home against Egypt, Niger, and South Africa on both leg basis despite working in the midst of fierce opposition from the SLFA at the time.

SLFA were keen for local coach Christian Cole to be given the job above the Swede, who was being employed by the Sports Ministry on a match-by-match basis and was not then recognized by the local FA.

“This time the SLFA and sports ministry are working together and the decision was taken by the two bodies,” said Abdul Rahman Swarray, the SLFA’s Acting Secretary General.

Under Mattsson’s guidance, Sierra Leone has

improved in the FIFA world rankings, occupying 61 spots higher than former African champions Nigeria. On Saturday, Leone Stars opened their 2014 World Cup campaign in a game they won by 2-1 against Cape Verde in Group B.

Their next encounter would be away at Equatorial Guinea on 9-10 June. Tunisia, a side that has represented Africa four times at the World Cup, are also part of the teams playing against Leone Stars in the group stages.

Mattsson is tasked to also negotiate a 2013 Nations Cup tie against Sao Tome and Principe next month, as the Leone Stars look to overturn a 2-1 deficit from the first leg. The Swede was in charge of that game in February, with the approval of the SLFA for the first time in a competitive fixture. Expressing happiness for his post, Mattsson promised he will do his best as he tries to steer Sierra Leone to a first Nations Cup qualifier since 1996.

“I’ve been given the mandate to guide Leone Stars to both the NATIONS cup and World Cup finals but I must admit that it’s a difficult task,” he told BBC Sport recently.



June 2012



June 2012

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Page 10



Finalists in the prestigious CNN MultiChoice African Journalist 2012 Competition were announced by Ferial Haffajee, Chair of the independent judging panel. The competition is now in its 17th year.

This year the competition received entries from 42 countries across the continent, including French and Portuguese speaking Africa.

There are 34 finalists from 12 countries:


Tunde Akingbade, Freelance, The Guardian on Sunday, Nigeria * Joshua Anny, Joy FM, Ghana * Manar Attiya, Ahram Hebdo, Egypt * Adriaan Basson & Piet Rampedi, City Press, South Africa * Najlae Benmbarek, 2M TV, Maroc * Demelza Bush, Craig McKune & Verashni Pillay, Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa * Ramusel Graça,Televisão Santomense, São Tomé e Príncipe * Arsénio Henriques, Soico - STV, Moçambique * Edward Echwalu, Freelance for The Observer, Uganda * Teresa Sofia Fortes, A Semana, Cabo Verde * Isabel João, Novo Jornal, Angola * Ahaoma Kanu, National Daily Newspaper, Nigeria * Tom Mboya & Evanson Nyaga, Citizen TV, Kenya * Andrew Mulenga, The Post Newspaper, Zambia * Nimrod Taabu Mwagamoyo & Charles Kinyua Kariuki, NTV, Kenya * Waihiga Mwaura & Jephitha Mwai Mwangi, Citizen TV, Kenya * John Muchangi Njiru, The Star, Kenya * Peter Nkanga, Elor Nkereuwem, Musikilu Mojeed & Idris Akinbajo, NEXT on Sunday, Nigeria * Antoine de Ras, The Star, South Africa * Megan Small & Clive Mtshali, 3rd Degree,, South Africa * Stephen Ssenkaaba, New Vision, Uganda * Joy Summers, Carte Blanche, South Africa * Gerald Tenywa, Saturday Vision, Uganda * Nelson Wesonga, Daily Monitor, Uganda

The winners of the competition will be announced at an Award Ceremony and Gala Evening in Lusaka, Zambia on Saturday 21 July, 2012.

The hosts for the evening will be Isha Sesay, host of CNN International's NewsCenter and Franklin Tembo Jnr, ZNBC presenter.

Announcing the finalists, Ferial Haffajee said: "The growing quality of the entries we pored over is a reflection of a growing continent claiming its place in the sun. We were impressed by the enhanced quality and competitiveness of the work before us; by the heart and soul poured onto pages and into pixels; by the adventurist spirit of the entries which came from more countries than ever before. In print, in radio, in television it is clear that African journalism is in a growth spurt, claiming its stake as world-class and globally competitive. A bit like our continent."

The independent judging panel, chaired by Ferial Haffajee, Editor-in-Chief, City Press, South Africa

includes: Ikechukwu Amaechi, Editor, Daily Independent, Nigeria; Amadou Mahtar Ba, CEO, African Media Initiative; Jean-Paul Gérouard, Editor-in-Chief, France Télévisions; Joel Kibazo, journalist and media consultant; Arlindo Lopes, General Manager, Regulatory & Corporate, Angola and Mozambique, MultiChoice Africa Ltd; Judge Arlindo lopes, General Manager, Regulatory & Corporate, Angola and Mozambique, MultiChoice Africa Ltd Judge Arlindo lopes, General Manager, Regulatory & Corporate, Angola and Mozambique, MultiChoice Africa LtdZipporah Musau, former Managing Editor, Magazines, The Standard Group Ltd, Kenya; Kim Norgaard, CNN Bureau Chief, South Africa. Bruno Manteigas, UK Correspondent, Agência Lusa assisted in the judging of the Portuguese General News Category.

Freelance journalist Paul McNally assisted the judging panel and carried out the first round of pre-selection, removing the entries that didn't meet the required journalistic standards to be put forward to the judging panel for the next stage of judging. Paul was the winner of the Health and Medical Category at the 2009 CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards, and a runner-up in the HIV / AIDS Reporting category of the same year.

This year the competition welcomes Nokia on board to sponsor the Digital Journalism Award, joining a list of sponsors who continue to lend their valuable support to the awards: African Development Bank (AfDB); The Coca-Cola Company; Ecobank; Ericsson; IPP Media, Tanzania; Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), UNICEF and A24 Media.

An all expenses paid five day programme of workshops, media forums, networking has been set up for the finalists during the run up to the award ceremony on 21 July 2012 Tony Maddox, Executive Vice-President and Managing Director of CNN International said: "This year has seen a record number of entries for the CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards from a diverse array of countries across the continent. The quality and excellence of the work submitted continues to rise year on year, ensuring that the 2012 competition maintains its place as the most prestigious Pan African Awards for journalists".

Nico Meyer, CEO of MultiChoice Africa, said: "The CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards are an investment we truly believe in, as journalists are one of the cornerstones of a nation. We need to continue to recognise them as they tell real stories that reflect the fabric of our diverse societies. The standard of entries continues to grow and the quality of submissions is testimony to the great levels of talent our continent holds. We are honoured once again to be a part of these awards which contribute immensely in shaping freedom of speech and a healthy and vibrant media."

Collins Khumalo, CEO of MultiChoice South Africa, said: "It is very important to us to help Africa not only find its voice but also to make that voice heard around the world. The CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards gives a voice to journalists across the continent. We look forward to celebrating their stories and achievements." Submitted by: Oral Ofori

June 2012


What Type Of Fruit Are You?


What type of fruit are you? 1.Mango - happily married

2.Orange - single and looking

3.Lemon - having relations with no strings attached

4.Strawberry - In a relationship but in love with someone else

5.Pear - still inlove with your ex

6.Cherry - In a relationship for wrong reasons, you just don't know why you are still with the person 7.Grapes - single and happy

8.Pineapple - I like the person who sent me this.

9.Banana - in a relationship with the person you love, the love of ur life. Source: Facebook

Kenya: 10 Dead, Dozens Injured in Multiple Church Attacks

By: Catherine Karongo

Garissa — At least 10 people have been shot dead and dozens others seriously injured in two separate attacks on churches in Garissa town during Sunday morning services.

The attacks were carried simultaneously on Catholic Church and the AIC Church as the faithful was in the morning sermons.

"At the AIC church 10 people were shot dead within the church compound and three were injured in a Catholic Church," Philip Ndolo Deputy police boss said

"We condemn this act in the strongest terms possible."

"We have not arrested any suspects but we have reports that five suspects were involved at the AIC attack which was a combination of grenade and shooting while two suspects were involved in the Catholic Church grenade attack," he said.




June 2012



Pregnancy Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy



Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy June 2012



Pregnancy is such a precious time and one where the new mother really wants to take extra care of herself, her growing baby and their diet.

Of course it is important to eat what you like and fancy, but there are certain foods that really do need to be avoided during pregnancy.

The main foods to avoid during pregnancy are the groups that could cause Salmonella, listeria or toxoplasmosis. What you eat during pregnancy is so important, that making sure you do not eat these is a must!

Drinking enough Water is one of the most important ways to keep yourself hydrated during pregnancy and can help no end with constipation and skin elasticity. Drinking 3 - 4 pints of clean filtered water per day is highly recommended.

Tip 2) Cutting down on foods that contain Caffeine, Salt, Sugar and processed empty calories is a also a safe way to avoid nutritional problems and cravings during this time.

Tip 3) Excellent foods to eat during pregnancy include Essential Omega 3 Oils that come from Flax (Linseed), Fish (not shellfish or shark or all fish though), Nuts and Seeds will enhance your pregnancy and babies development no end.

Foods that could cause Salmonella include: Raw or Runny Eggs, Mayonnaise made with Raw Egg and Raw or Undercooked Meat. apricots, molasses, pumpkin seeds, parsley, Salmonella Bacterium can cause food almonds and sesame seeds (tahini). poisoning. It's a risk to both you and your baby as the food poisoning causTip 6) Taking a good pregnancy supplement es high temperature, vomiting, diarthat is suitable for pregnancy will help to make rhoea and dehydration. This could sure that you have the correct balance of vitapotentially cause a miscarriage or mins and minerals to support you and your preterm labour. baby, and to make sure that your system can effectively break everything down. Foods that could cause Listeria include: Liver and Liver pate, Tip 7) Exercise! - Movement! For a healthy Unpasteurized Dairy Products pregnancy Walking, Swimming and prenatal (ripened soft cheeses like brie, yoga are great ways to keep in shape and precamembert and blue veined cheeses), pare for a more natural birth. Unpasteurized Milk and Unheated Cooked foods. Make sure that reheatTip 8) Rest and Relax! If you are practising ing is thorough if you are eating ready prenatal yoga then you probably love the meals! relaxation part at the end! TRY and give this to Listeriosis is a bacteria that causes a yourself at home by playing gentle and soft mild flu like illness in the mother. music to relax to. Always rest on your left side This could lead to a miscarriage or to make sure the baby is receiving optimum stillbirth. oxygen supplies!

Tip 4) Eating an Organic diet where possible and including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables would be recommended, as is steaming your vegetables to retain as much goodness as possiTip 9) Oil your Belly, Boobs and Bum! Make ble. sure you keep these areas nice and oiled to Tip 5) Getting enough Iron During Pregnancy. avoid stretch marks and dry itchy skin! Iron rich foods are a must especially in the later Coconut Oil is a lovely choice. stages of pregnancy, and good examples of these are watercress, dark leafy greens, dried Sourcce:

Foods that could cause Toxoplasmosis include: Raw or Undercooked Meat, Raw Cured Meats such as Parma Ham and Salami. Toxoplasmosis is caused by the toxoplasma parasite. It is usually symptomless apart from a mild flu like

symptom. Toxoplasmosis can cause serious problems for your baby.

Caffeine and Alcohol also need to be watched and limited!

It is recommended (Food Standards Agency), that you stop drinking Alcohol altogether. If you choose to continue then please limit alcohol consumption during your pregnancy to only 1 or 2 units per week, and never ever get drunk, 1 unit of alcohol = half a pint of beer, lager or cider, or a pub measure of a spirit; A glass of wine measures approximately 2 units.

As for Caffeine, this also needs to be limited if not avoided. As we know it is found in tea, coffee, chocolate, cola drinks and energy drinks, but it can also be found in cold and flu rememdies! Excessive caffeine can result in a low birth weight baby or even a miscarriage.

Other Foods That Should Be Avoided include: Shellfish, Peanuts (peanuts could increase the risk of your baby developing an allergy to nuts, especially if it is in your family) and Buffet foods (the reheating thing again!)

Eating too much tinned fish, especially Tuna, can be harmful due to the mercury levels (high levels can harm a baby's nervous system). Therefore, I would avoid tinned tuna and if you can and limit tuna steaks to only 1 or 2 per week. Other fish to avoid is swordfish, shark and marlin. Sourcce:

The Five Steps Of A Breast Self-Examination

Step 1: Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips.

Step 3: While you're at the mirror, look for any signs of fluid coming out of one or both nipples (this could be a watery, milky, or yellow fluid or blood).

fingers up and down vertically, in rows, as if you were mowing a lawn. This up-and-down approach seems to work best for most women. Be sure to feel all the tissue from the front to Here's what you should look for: the back of your breasts: for the skin and tissue just beneath, • Breasts that are their usual size, shape, and color Step 4: Next, feel your breasts while lying down, using your right use light pressure; use medium pressure for tissue in the mid• Breasts that are evenly shaped without visible distortion or hand to feel your left breast and then your left hand to feel your dle of your breasts; use firm pressure for the deep tissue in the swelling right breast. Use a firm, smooth touch with the first few finger back. When you've reached the deep tissue, you should be pads of your hand, keeping the fingers flat and together. Use a cir- able to feel down to your rib cage. If you see any of the following changes, bring them to your doc- cular motion, about the size of a quarter. tor's attention: Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side — from Step 5: Finally, feel your breasts while you are standing or sit• Dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit ting. Many women find that the easiest way to feel their • A nipple that has changed position or an inverted nipple (pushed to your cleavage. breasts is when their skin is wet and slippery, so they like to inward instead of sticking out) Follow a pattern to be sure that you cover the whole breast. You do this step in the shower. Cover your entire breast, using the • Redness, soreness, rash, or swelling can begin at the nipple, moving in larger and larger circles until same hand movements described in Step 4. you reach the outer edge of the breast. You can also move your Source: Step 2: Now, raise your arms and look for the same changes

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Page 14

Secretary Napolitano Announces Deferred Action Process for Young People Who Are Low Enforcement Priorities



WASHINGTON— Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano today announced that effective immediately, certain young people who were brought to the United States as young children, do not present a risk to national security or public safety, and meet several key criteria will be considered for relief from removal from the country or from entering into removal proceedings. Those who demonstrate that they meet the criteria will be eligible to receive deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal, and will be eligible to apply for work authorization.

obtained a general education development certificate, or are honorably discharged veterans of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States;

4. Have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, multiple misdemeanor offenses, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety; 5. Are not above the age of thirty.

Only those individuals who can prove through verifiable documentation that they meet these criteria will be eligible for deferred action. Individuals will not “Our nation’s immigration laws must be eligible if they are not currently in the United States and cannot prove that be enforced in a firm and sensible they have been physically present in the manner,” said Secretary Napolitano. United States for a period of not less “But they are not designed to be than 5 years immediately preceding blindly enforced without consideratoday’s date. Deferred action requests tion given to the individual circumare decided on a case-by-case basis. stances of each case. Nor are they designed to remove productive young DHS cannot provide any assurance that all such requests will be granted. The people to countries where they may not have lived or even speak the lan- use of prosecutorial discretion confers guage. Discretion, which is used in so no substantive right, immigration status, or pathway to citizenship. Only the many other areas, is especially justiCongress, acting through its legislative fied here.” authority, can confer these rights. DHS continues to focus its enforceWhile this guidance takes effect immement resources on the removal of individuals who pose a national secu- diately, USCIS and ICE expect to begin implementation of the application rity or public safety risk, including immigrants convicted of crimes, vio- processes within sixty days. In the meantime, individuals seeking more lent criminals, felons, and repeat information on the new policy should immigration law offenders. Today’s visit USCIS’s website (at action further enhances the Department’s ability to focus on these, ICE’s website (at, or DHS’s website (at priority removals. Beginning Monday, indiUnder this directive, individuals who viduals can also call USCIS’ hotline at 1-800-375-5283 or ICE’s hotline at 1demonstrate that they meet the following criteria will be eligible for an 888-351-4024 during business hours with questions or to request more inforexercise of discretion, specifically mation on the forthcoming process. deferred action, on a case by case basis: For individuals who are in removal pro1. Came to the United States under ceedings and have already been identified as meeting the eligibility criteria the age of sixteen; and have been offered an exercise of discretion as part of ICE’s ongoing case2. Have continuously resided in the United States for a least five years by-case review, ICE will immediately begin to offer them deferred action for a preceding the date of this memoranperiod of two years, subject to renewal. dum and are present in the United States on the date of this memorandum; Source: 3. Are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have

June 2012








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Secretary Clinton Hosts Young Africans At Innovation Summit June 2012




Science and Technology.

There are people here publishing books in Ethiopia, producing shoes in Ghana, promoting foreign investment in Tanzania, monitoring high school students in Nigeria, supporting agricultural diversity in Guinea-Bissau, making bead and paper craft products in Cameroon, and on and on. You get the idea. You are amongst high achievers. You are amongst people who are already making their marks. The initiative and ingenuity that you all share cannot be taught or imparted; it does come from within. You have a drive, a desire, to do something with your lives and to make that difference. But that can be nurtured, and that is what we hope to do in the next few weeks.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Innovation Summit and Mentoring Partnership With Young African Leaders, Washington, D.C.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, good morning, and it is wonderful to see all of you here today, and I’m delighted to welcome you to the State Department and to the United States. And I hope this is the beginning of what will be an unforgettable three weeks.

As Assistant Secretary Carson just said, we believe strongly in the future of Africa, of you as individuals, of your communities, and your countries. And our goal is to be a partner and a friend as you lead the way into the kind of future that is so well deserved. You’ve traveled here from more than 40 nations, and you are here because of what you have already achieved. You are leaders in many fields: the arts and business, technology, education, journalism, and civil society. And so we have a bet on you. And that bet is that you will use your talents and your skills to help bring greater prosperity, progress, and a better future to all of the people whose efforts so desperately need to be supported.

You are here because of your potential. And as President Obama has said, Africa is not a world apart; it is a fundamental part of our interconnected world. And we want to do a better job of making those interconnections and then supporting and nurturing them, because we believe to strengthen the global economy we should look to Africa, one of the fastest growing regions in the world. There are so many opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses, for trade and investment that would be beneficial for Africans and for Americans.

We want to support the rise of democracies and give more people the chance to live under governments of their own choosing. And to do that,

Hillary Clinton

we look to Africa, where new democracies are growing stronger every day and where citizens have found innovative methods to promote good governance and hold leaders accountable.

And to make progress on the defining challenges of our time, like climate change and clean energy, global health and education, preventing violent extremism, defending human rights, once again, we look to Africa, because African communities have been on the frontlines of these issues for years.

For all these reasons, President Obama and his Administration has made building strong partnerships with the nations and people of Africa a key element of our foreign policy, because we are convinced that the story of the 21st century will be written in large part by you and your fellow citizens. So we want to be of help to you on your journeys and to support you as you chart that new future.

And the fact is you are young leaders at a time when young people are increasingly at the heart of world events. In Africa, 60 percent of the population is under 25. Now, that can either be a daunting statistic or a cause for celebration. It will be daunting if they are not educated, if they don’t have healthcare, if there are no jobs, if they cannot participate in the political lives of their societies. But it will be cause for celebration if young people can begin to have their voices heard, their votes counted, and help to chart a new beginning. And we think success will depend upon whether or not the youth of Africa, like many places around the world, have a chance to contribute to their own countries.

Now, we have benefited greatly in the United States because of Africans who have left Africa to come here, who have then been business leaders, doctors and nurses and teachers, academics and have given so much to the United States. But we hope that that kind of emigration

will reverse and that more and more people will return home. When I had my daughter many years ago, the midwife who worked with my doctor was from Ghana, and I remember talking to her about why she would come so far away. And she said, “I can have a better opportunity for myself and my children.” Just recently, she returned to Ghana. We want to see that happen throughout the continent, where people with skills and education and experience and expertise go back home to join you in making a difference.

There are many people here who have already made a difference. One of the people here, just to cite a few examples, is Refiloe from South Africa – where is Refiloe? Ah, Refiloe – who created a nonprofit organization called 18twenty8, which provides young women from poor backgrounds with educational and personal development so they then can have the confidence and the skills to have the kind of future they deserve.

Erikson is here from Namibia. Where is Erikson? He started making homemade chili and barbeque sauces – I’m getting hungry. (Laughter.) – then created a company to market them. Now they’re sold in stores throughout your hometown, and soon, if all goes well, across your country.

Thierno is here from Guinea. Where is Thierno? Aww, Thierno. As a radio journalist, his investigations of drug trafficking made him known throughout the country. Now he is creating a farm radio station to broadcast the voices of Guinea’s many farmers.

Clarisse has joined us from Rwanda. Clarisse, hello. She is the CEO of HeHe Limited, one of East Africa’s leading mobile development companies, which Clarice helped found while she was a student at the Kigali Institute of

In Washington, Chicago, and other cities you will visit, you’ll have the chance to form relationships with each other and with professional mentors, and you’ll have the chance to see more of America. And I hope that you take it all in, because we want to see this group of young leaders turn into a thriving network that stretches across Africa, across the Atlantic, to America.

And we also want to learn from you. What can we do better to help you, to help your communities, to help your countries? Assistant Secretary Carson is a man of great wisdom and long experience. It has been an honor for me to be working with him as his colleague. We are very open to hearing what you believe we need to hear. This is not a one-way broadcast. We’re looking for the opportunity to get feedback at all levels, from the Assistant Secretary and myself to everyone with whom you will interact.

So let me close by saying this: In your time here in America, you’ll meet many Americans who have never been to Africa, let alone your home countries. Many of them will not know anything about what has been happening in Africa, all the changes that have been occurring, everything that you and so many others have worked so hard to achieve. They will not know about the rising prosperity, the explosion of new businesses and technologies, the new and more secure freedoms, the opportunities for women and girls. But they should know.

So in effect, I am deputizing you for the next three weeks to be ambassadors, to help educate those with whom you come into contact. As you learn, help others to learn so that we break down the walls of ignorance and indifference, because whether we like it or not, we are all in this together. And I believe strongly that you represent the promise and possibility of Africa’s present and future, and I believe that what we can do together truly will make the world a better place. Thank you and Godspeed. Source:


U.S. & South Africa Sign Trade & Investment Agreement In Wahsington

United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk and South Africa Minister of Trade Rob Davies signed a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA). Today’s Agreement amends the TIFA signed in 1999 in order to deepen the U.S.-South Africa trade and investment relationship. The TIFA also provides a forum to address trade issues and will help enhance trade and investment relations between the two countries.

“This amended agreement will provide a forum to better exchange views on improving the trade and investment climate and promoting new U.S. investment that is critical to South Africa’s economic development,” said Ambassador Kirk. “It will not only help to increase and diversify trade between the U.S. and South Africa, but it will also provide for a regular dialogue on the full spectrum of trade and investment topics.”

Total two-way trade between South Africa and the United States was valued at $22 billion in 2011. America’s exports to South Africa grew to $7.3 billion in 2011, up 29.5 percent from 2010. Primary exports include machinery, vehicles, precious stones (gold), mineral fuel, and electrical machinery. U.S. imports from South Africa reached $9.5 billion in 2011, a 15.7 percent increase from 2010. Primary imports

include vehicles, machinery, iron, steel, platinum, diamonds, ores, slag, and ash. Last year, $4.6 billion worth of U.S. imports from South Africa entered duty-free under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), an increase from $1.5 billion in 2010. The primary goods imported under AGOA were mineral fuel, machinery, vehicles and parts, iron and steel, and fruits and vegetables.

After the signing, Deputy United States Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis and Minister Davies co-chaired the first TIFA Council meeting under the new agreement. The meeting examined the two governments’ work together on a number of trade and investment-related issues, including tariffs, the business and regulatory environment, implementation of AGOA, export diversification, energy, trade facilitation, and enhancing the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in trade and investment.

The United States-South Africa Council on Trade and Investment will meet annually under the TIFA to establish an ongoing dialogue, which will help increase commercial and investment opportunities by identifying and working toward removal of impediments to trade flows.


June 2012


Ethiopia: Govt Signs U.S.$3.2 Billion Railway Deal Addis Ababa — Ethiopia has signed two agreements with Chinese and Turkish companies to construct a 3.2 billion dollar railway network.

According to the Ethiopian Railways Corporation (ERC), a Turkish firm Yapi Merkezi will build a $1.7 billion section of the project, while a Chinese company, China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) will build the remaining portion.

The Horn of Africa country plans to construct 5,000 km of railway lines by 2020. Some 1,808km of it is expected to be completed by 2015.

The railway network in northern part of the country will run from Mekele-Woldiya Hara Gebeya-Semera-Dicheto-Elidar, ultimately linking northern regions with Port Tadjourah in neighbouring Djibouti allowing an alternative route to land locked Ethiopia.


port potash, metals and other products from northern mines to Djibouti's Port Tadjourah for international market.

The nationwide massive railway network will enable passengers to easily travel to every corner of the country. The government hopes the railway will further boost trade across nation. India has granted Ethiopia a $300 million loan which will cover 665km of rail line.

Since Ethiopia launched the 5-year growth and transformation plan (GTP) in 2010, the country is investing billions for infrastructure and industries. Source:

The northern railway project will have an extension which runs from Woldiya-Awash joining the Addis Ababa-Djibouti line.

Upon completion, Ethiopia hopes to trans-

Only The Elite Can Afford Nigerian Christian Universities Our religious leaders have certainly established the fact that education is a solid building block for a stable and successful future in a child’s life; they have gone as far as building Universities to physically state their point.

We applaud the congregation of these churches who offered their tithes, donations and weekly offering to see this vision come to light; in turn expecting that their widows might pay off when their children can acquire a decent education through these schools. Not an unreasonable assumption I must add.

On the bright side, these universities have long been completed unlike most projects in Nigeria, the downside is you need to have bagged some cash to afford sending one child let alone two to the now termed ‘Nigerian Elite Universities‘. Here are a list of these universities and an approximate fee that you need to pay to attend.

1. BOWEN University owned and operated by a Baptist Convention, charges ₦650,000 as tuition fees per session. 2. COVENANT University established by Bishop Oyedepo of Winners Chapel ₦640,000 as tuition fees per session.

3. BENSON IDAHOSA University charges ₦500,000 as tuition fees per session.

4. BABCOCK University established by The Seventh Day Adventist, charges ₦450,000 as tuition fees per session.

5. REDEEMERS University owned by The Redeemed Christian Church of God , charges ₦450,000 as tuition fees per session. 6. AJAYI CROWTHER University established by The Supra diocesan board of the church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), charges ₦350,000per session.

7. MADONNA University a Catholic University charges ₦350,000 as tuition fees per session.

All of these universities were built from tithes and offerings of the people who now cannot afford to send their children there to study. Where has the moral of the church gone?

These schools were all built by the efforts of their congregations who kept sowing seeds; special offering seeds,

first fruit seed, redemption seed, thanksgiving seed, harvest seed, tithes, pastor’s birthday seed, church building seed, evangelism seed, father’s day seed, mother’s day seed, children’s day seed, pastor’s cake seed, olive oil seed, insecticide seed, indomie seed, ground nut seed, miscellaneous seed, etc seed. These schools are now elite schools, only for the children of the rich. The gainers then use the proceeds to buy private planes and jets to fly up high in luxury while their members sleep hungry and next Sunday, they will read and preach Malachi 3:6-12. EYES ARE CRYING O…!! Source:



June 2012



Written By: Amy Ansong

June 18, 2012 - A bottle of jam, externally, can look like a plain bottle. However, internally, the jam is sweet, lively, and full of flavor. Just like a bottle of jam, the GHANA SUMMER JAM , which was presented by Boogie Down Nima (BDN) Productions on Saturday June 16, 2012, was full of flavor and quite lively. The contents of the Ghana Summer Jam provided a nice blend of Ghanaian music and performers.

The GHANA SUMMER JAM took place in the Armenia Ballroom on Saturday June 16, 2012 in New York , New York (U.S.A). From the outside, everything looked calm, however, internally, the Armenia ballroom was abuzz with excitement and anticipation. The Ghana Summer Jam, which was slated to start at 9 pm, opened up with a fashion show. At 12:40 a.m, the artist by the name of King David, a.k.a Microphone Julor, was the first musician to appear on stage. As the first musician granted access to the stage, he energized the crowd and sang a selection from his collection of tunes, including “Buway”, “I’m the Business”, and “ SL Boys We Love”. “SL Boys We Love” was a catchy tune which seemed to be well known among the concert crowd. At 12:45 am, Sunday morning, Kojo Baafi, who was introduced as a “hometown boy” by MC Papa Linc, performed on stage as the second performer. Dressed simply in a white shirt and a pair of Adidas sneakers, he sang a variety of tunes which included lyrics like,” K.O.J.O….move your body even though you pretty, shake your body”. By the time Kojo Baafi performed his third song, he was joined on stage by another equally energetic performer, still encouraging the crowd to “clap (their) hands” and “shake (their) bodies”.

At 1:00 am, Prince Doggy Dawg took to the stage. Prince Doggy Dawg took his performance to a whole different level by jumping into the crowd with two other performers and dancing with two people randomly. The crowd was entertained by his energy movements. At 1:05, the crowd was introduced to a different kind of performanace, a.k.a K5! K5 !contains a group of four guys, named Cliff Owusu, Nana Boateng, Quazi Boateng, and WK Boateng. K5! appeared on stage looking like 4 neatly dressed businessmen, but then they started dancing in a non-traditional way, which provided massive comic relief. K5! was unpredictable- just when it was assumed that they would be performing in a certain way, they would flip the script and dance in an unexpected way. For those out of town guests who had been invited to the Ghana Summer Jam , including Ms. Virginia Plus America, A.G Ansong, they were quite thrilled to discover the uniqueness and humorous nature of K5! (Prior to the Ghana Summer Jam event, many hilarious short promos were created to market the event, and members of K5! appear in some, including the one entitled, “Teach You How To Azonto”, under the user name kliff444). Once K5! departed the stage, DJ 14k and DJ Ronny played hits by Zigi,

Ruff N Smooth, Sarkodie, D’Banj, and Edem to keep the crowd entertained. While the crowd was dancing, was busy interviewing guests and Odufent Photos was rapidly taking photos of the crowd which grew immensely as the morning progressed. After the intercession, a female artist by the name of Yaa Dakwaa (YouTube user name : YaDaQua) took the stage and sang her gut wrenching songs which were heartfelt and well written. Immediately following her performance, at 2:00 am, Nana NYC performed. Immaculately dressed in a dark suit, Nana NYC, the host of iRap TV and an artist internationally known for his musical versatility, gave an intense performance of a variety of hits including “Me Da Ase” and “Oh Nana”. Never one to disappoint, Nana NYC poured his heart and soul into his performance and the audience was quite grateful to receive it. Intercession II followed the performance of Nana NYC, and after twenty minutes, Tiffany appeared on the stage.

Itz Tiffany, the artist formerly known as Tiffany, was dressed quite simply in a coral orange blazer, turquoise shirt, stone washed blue jeans, and sky-high golden platform shoes, but her stage etiquette was strategic and exact. Itz Tiffany started her segment by singing one of her earlier hits, “Fake London Boy”, while hundreds of women in the crowd naturally sang along with her. After introducing “Fake London Boy” to the audience, Itz Tiffany picked four girls from the crowd to join her on stage in an “Azonto” contest. Itz Tiffany, who is highly capable of doing the Azonto dance, at one point asked the girls to stop dancing because according to her, they were not doing the Azonto accurately. Eventually, Itz Tiffany, with the help of the crowd’s cheers, picked the night’s Azonto dance champion, and as a gift, gave the participants a copy of her promo CD which included the singles ”Carry Go” and “Agyekoom”. Once the Azonto winner was picked around 3:00 am, Itz Tiffany sang “Last One” and transitioned into her latest song,”Agyekoom”. During the performance of “Agyekoom”, Castro ran onto the stage, and together, Itz Tiffany and Castro performed “Agyekoom”, the first live performance of the song since the release of the official video, under the same name. Just like “Fake London Boy”, the crowd went crazy and proudly sang every word to “Agyekoom” as Castro and Itz Tiffany performed their hit song, providing a magical performance. As “Agyekoom” ended, Itz Tiffany gracefully exited the stage as part of the act, leaving Castro to take over.

Castro, just like Itz Tiffany, got the crowd involved in his performance by initiating a “call and response” chant. “When I say Castro you say New York (Castro-New York-Castro- New York)..when I say Ghana you say America (Ghana – America- Ghana-America)”. By 3:15 a.m the crowd, especially the women, were going crazy for Castro. Women were reaching out just to touch him and at times Castro would allow them to touch him, garnering more screams and cheers from the eager crowd. Even after being showered by dollars while on stage, Castro continued singing all his hits. When he asked the crowd at 3:25 a.m if they wanted him to leave,

they all uniformly shouted ,”no”, and when he asked, “are you sure?”, they all shouted , “YES” and he took that cue and kept on singing, dancing, swinging his hips, and keeping the crowd engrossed in his performance. By 3:30 am, Castro was still performing strongly before he even decided to sing two of his most recent hits, “African Girls” and “Do Da Dance”, two songs featuring Baby Jet (Asamoah Gyan).

After witnessing the performances of King David, Kojo Baafi, Prince Doggy Dawg, K5!, Yaa Dakwaa, Nana NYC, Tiffany, and Castro, Boogie Down Nima Productions had one more set of performers for the audience to witness: V.I.P. Vision in Progress, known as V.I.P, includes 3 members who are known by the names Promzy, Prodigal, and Lazzy. In August 2010, V.I.P came to America to perform, but one person from the group was missing. At the Ghana Summer Jam, all three members were present and the performance dynamics were incredible. Similar to their 2010 performance, Lazzy showed the crowd how to dance to their new song. In 2010, during a show in Maryland, Lazzy showed the crowd how to dance to “Away”, and at the Ghana Summer Jam, Lazzy lead the way in showing the crowd how to dance to V.I.P’s new hit song, “Change Position”. After giving instructions, the whole crowd participated in enjoying and dancing to “Change Position” with their newly acquired knowledge. Later, a group member from F.O.I joined the stage with V.I.P to perform their song, ”One More Time”, and then V.I.P closed the show with their hit smash, “Away”. “Away” caused the crowd to go crazy, as audience members were inching for an opportunity to touch the hands of V.I.P or sing while Promzy was allowing audience members to sing pieces of V.I.P’s songs into his microphone. The intimacy of the stage setup allowed concert goers to touch and grab at the performers, causing one performer to temporarily lose his shoe due to a fans excitement. One girl in the audience looked as if she was going to faint when Prodigal threw his “ I Love Ghana “ hat into the crowd and she surprisingly caught it and held on to it tight, leaving other fans jealous with envy. At one point during the show, Eli Fantauzzi, the media director for Boogie Down Nima Production, was prodded by Prodigal to join Promzy and Lazzy on stage, and impressed the crowd with his Azonto dancing skills, inserting his “camera” Azonto move. As the concert wrapped up, V.I.P thanked Hashim, the CEO of Boogie Down Nima productions, the DJs,the media men, and everyone involved in making the night a success, including Phresh Boy PK and others.

The Ghana Summer Jam was attended by Caucasians, Africans, Hispanics, and several other ethnic groups. The Ghana Summer Jam concert brought together a variety of Ghanaian music genres and anyone who loves music, regardless of race, enjoyed themselves thoroughly because the Ghana Summer Jam concert successfully represented Ghana music. Just like a bottle of jam on a hot summer day, the Ghana Summer Jam “spread” itself accordingly


and provided a “tasty” visual and audible treat for all those who attended. The elements of the Ghana Summer Jam easily “melted” together, forming an unforgettable night.

Contestants competing in the Azonto dance contest with Itz Tiffany

The crowd enjoying the Ghana Summer Jam concert in New York

V.I.P performing on stage

Boogie Down Nima members

Itz Tiffany allowing the crowd to sing along with “Fake London Boy”

June 2012



At the Threshold of the Fountain Her Page


Dr. Miriam C. Gyimah

s the young mother ended her day, feelings of tiredness and sadness hovered all over her. The sadness in particular was mixed with guilt she couldn’t shake off although she had tried. Another stressful day had again managed to turn her into something she didn’t want to become, a frustrated, impatient, hollering lunatic. As the shameful images of herself at these weak moments flashed through her mind, another shock of guilt shot through her heart, leaving it heavier. She felt the burden of her heart’s weight and sighed almost in resignation. She was afraid of the impact her behavior and lack of control would have on her children, the innocent and vulnerable ones who unfortunately receive the brunt of her anger. Then she remembered the lyrics: “fill this vessel with Your Holy Spirit and draw from me to feed your saints….” How could any good be drawn from her and how could she possibly be a source of blessing to another, even to those little ones? She knew she was losing herself, her sanity and any worth of goodness in her. Does the above sound familiar? Do you share the experiences of the mother above and feel her very sentiments? Does living such moments cause you to shake your head in disappointment at yourself, to see that you are losing grasp of the self-control you believe you have? Do you feel as if any virtue in you is being overshadowed and buried beneath so much noise and contending forces? Do you feel highly bothered and short-tempered although you were not always like this? Do you wonder both silently and audibly what is happening to you and how you can avoid getting to this point? If so, know that you are not alone. If not, consider the following: The attentive yet hurried driver steered his wheel to get in the appropriate lane so that he would be positioned to make a left turn and merge onto the road that would lead him towards his

destination. Matters at home had delayed his commute and although he was quite a few minutes behind and had numerous items to accomplish before the end of the day, the most pressing being the meeting he was rushing to attend, he had been gracious enough to allow a vehicle from another lane merge in front of him. But he was in a hurry and would not allow another. In the press of the heavy traffic, another driver, also hurried and more aggressive, could not wait for the other’s generosity and forced his vehicle in the way of our driver and, in the course of this, effected a collision which resultantly halted both their progress and immediate agenda, making way for chaos and flared tempers to take over. Our driver instantly becomes outraged at what he considers the other’s brashness. Now not only is he going to miss his very important meeting, but he will have to take time out of his busy schedule to repair his vehicle. He angrily throws both hands in the air and lets them land on the wheel with force all the while shouting angry accusatory words and curses that he had long forgotten were once part of his vocabulary. Still spitting such words, with force and anger, he rushes out of his car to confront the motorist who had inconsiderately altered his day for the worse. Under the influence of frustrations, anger and the weight of life’s pressures and demands, our driver is caught in the moment, forgetting that he is a husband, father of three, professional, Christian, a church leader and even more. At this heated and insane moment, he is forgetting that the world is not safe and that even as he angrily rushes out of his vehicle to confront the other man, he does not know the reaction and force he will encounter. He risks losing all he is and has, even his life in a moment of anger and loss of control. Somewhere deep in him, he also hears the same lyrics the woman does: “fill this vessel with Your Holy Spirit and draw from me to feed your saints; draw from me, draw from me, draw from me to feed your saints…” However, it was deeply buried under a lot of outrage and as he was overtaken by this very outrage, he just wouldn’t stop in his tracks to listen, but continued to proceed in his anger. Does the man’s experience seem familiar? Even if the actual events are different for you, I am sure that the experiences of both the man and woman are recognizable and so are their sentiments and reactions. Like you, they are

hard-working and well-meaning individuals. But as well-meaning as they may be, they are imperfect and limited beings who are subject to the chaos of the world and at these moments, they are losing their battles. They need a cleansing and a refilling. The point is, because we are all vulnerable and destructible as the individuals above, we must be sure to remain close to the fountain of life at all times, otherwise we will be driven to unseemly emotional levels and to points where we are moved to commit unbecoming and perhaps unspeakable acts that can cause us to lose the respect and confidence that have been entrusted us, our sanity and even more. It is painful to experience and even watch someone go through the above situations, because it not only reveals that they are being overcome with anger, but also that they are simply being overcome. In his discussion about the war between the flesh and the spirit, the Apostle Paul says, “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand” (Romans 7: 18-21). St. Paul rightly explains the struggle that both the mother and the driver contend with. The reality is that despite our desire to do what is right and pleasing unto God, we are not perfect and neither is life, but when one is provoked to the point where they seriously lose their tempers and/or self–control, largely because of overwhelming pressure and demands from all angles, then one has to admit that cleansing and a refilling are in order. We have to acknowledge that we must draw near, stay near and drink from the fountain of life that can fill us for our own benefit and that of others. It is critical that we stay close to the fountain of life, for it is there, at the fountain, where all the impurities of life, the baggage and burdens, weighing down our minds, hearts, and souls, are washed away and a replenishing takes place. The fountain I speak of is Christ, the only Living Water that can eternally quench our thirst. Nothing else can provide the purification and refilling we need. Christ Himself says in John 7:37-38, “…If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” Christ is the living water and only He can provide such water,

June 2012



none else. The purifying water of Christ not only cleanses but also quickens, giving life. It washes away our frustrations, anger, desperation, emptiness, and our shame. It thoroughly cleanses these forces from our physical and spiritual bodies and our presence and it fills us, satisfying our thirst like nothing else can, strengthening us to move on focused and victoriously. Further, staying close to the fountain of life is the act of being present with God throughout the day, every day. That is, meditating on His word, staying in worship and fellowship with Him continuously. While it can be quite a challenge, for we are pulled here and there by so many things that rightly need to be dealt with, if we are not careful to make the space and presence of the fountain real with us, then it is likely than unlikely that we will often forget who we are and to whom we belong and then lose ourselves in such moments as witnessed above. When we stay close to this source of life, it is because we want to be renewed and filled. It is because we acknowledge that there is purifying power that can turn us around, that can make us whole again. This is not a fountain that we must occasionally turn to, but we must always be near its threshold for our sake. This is not to suggest that our lives and behaviors will be perfect, but it is to acknowledge that what comes out of us when we are filled with this living water is that good and desirable thing and not the anger and lashing out that we witnessed with the persons above. When we stay close at the threshold of the fountain, we are closer to life and it is this life that we will also be in position to give forth. Because we are purified and full, we will be in a position to fill another. As a result, we do not have to sing regretfully or be haunted by the lyrics: “fill this vessel with Your Holy Spirit and draw from me to feed your saints…” Rather, we can sing it freely in worship and without regret, because we know that we are near the fountain and are being filled and we are confident that God can draw from us to feed others.

Presidential Election Recaptures Hopes For New Egypt

June 2012

By Geoffrey Mock

In the aftermath of the 2011 Egyptian Uprising, activists there have faced a long series of disappointments and broken promises. But for two days, the spirit of Tahrir Square was again in full evidence as a large turnout of Egyptians celebrated their first free presidential elections in our lifetime.

Nehal Amer, Amnesty International Middle East Country Specialist, was in Cairo for the elections and captured the celebratory atmosphere in Nazr City. She noted “a bit of disorganization” but people remained upbeat. Amer said she couldn’t help but notice one other thing: The greater number of “women in the voting lines compared to men.” That’s significant for several reasons: After playing a leading role in the uprising, Egyptian women have been marginalized by a number of decisions by the ruling elite and by attacks on women protesters by military and security. Their turnout indicates that Egyptian women will not quietly return to their homes in the New Egypt.

But it also suggests that the relationship between Egyptian women, the Muslim

Egyptian women in Cairo show their ink-stained fingers after voting

Brotherhood and other Islamist parties is more complicated than most reports in Western media indicates. It is expected that the Muslim Brother candidate will make the two-candidate run-off set for June. The news is generally reported as offering a setback for women’s rights in Egypt, but a close reading of the voting total may indicate that the group has significant support from women voters.

On the other hand, the Muslim Brother candidate appeared to win only about 25 percent of the national vote, while a more secular surprise second candidate looks more likely to pick up support from other candidates backers in the run-off election.

Regardless of the outcome, it will be one freely chosen by the Egyptian people, one of the most significant accomplishments of the Jan. 25 uprising. What human rights activists should take away from this is that the spirit of the Egyptian people to claim their rights remains undiminished, despite the many setbacks and broken promises of the past year. Obstacles remain: The transfer of power of the military to the new civilian leader-

ship remains suspect, and having gotten a taste of using Egypt’s Emergency Laws to silence critics, the military may not stop. Just this month Asmaa Mahfouz, the young Egyptian woman who helped launch the Jan. 25 uprising, was sentenced to a year in jail for assaulting a man she says she never met. Mahfouz, who at Amnesty International USA’s Annual General Meeting described the efforts of the military to silence her criticisms, says the charges were politically motivated and that her accuser has a history of leveling criminal charges against other military critics. Then there’s the case of Mahmoud



Mohamed Amin, a young Egyptian who was detained after taking part in a May 4 protest and is being denied medical care for injuries he received after being shot in the face with shotgun pellets during the 2011 uprising. Both of these cases represent a return to the old discredited practices of the Mubarak regime. But for one week, the spirit of the Egyptian people again gives hope that a new and better future for Egypt lies ahead. Source:

June 2012

Page 22

More Than 150 Dead In Nigerian Plane Crash

African Petroleum In Talks To Sell 10 Percent Stake To Chinese Groups June 2012



New York, May 24 – To boost the funding for the development of African Petroleum’s projects, the West Africafocused oil and gas explorer is in talks with two Chinese aspirants interested in purchasing up to 10% stake in the company.

The deal estimated to be worth ‘several hundreds of millions of dollars’ if accomplished would put the development of African Petroleum’s projects on a fast track by injecting the much needed liquidity.

Officials in Nigeria say they have found no survivors after a passenger plane carrying 153 people slammed into a residential area of the country's largest city Lagos on June 3, 2012.

The McDonnell Douglas 83, operated by Indian-owned local carrier Dana airlines, burst into flames after crashing into a twostorey building.

Residents reported seeing bodies being taken out of the area as rescue workers rushed in and a helicopter landed.

Nigeria's National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) confirmed there had been no survivors among those onboard. It was not known how many people died on the ground.

BBC correspondent Tomi Oladipo said the Residents said the plane had been coming plane crashed into two buildings; a printing press and a workshop. in low, making a loud noise, when it hit the ground just outside the perimeter of the "It does seem that it was a printing press, city's airport. there were books and all sorts of things The cause of the crash was not immediate- lying around," he told ABC News Breakfast. ly clear, though an official from Nigeria's rescue agency and an aviation official said "So hopefully not too many residents [were] the cockpit recorder had been located and caught underneath that plane as it came to handed over to police. the ground." Video: Tomi Oladipo speaks to ABC News The crash started a fierce fire on the Breakfast (ABC News) ground. Thick smoke rose from the area and wreckage, including an engine and "The plane is still burning and gas coming part of a wing, was scattered amidst the out pervades the whole place, making destruction. search and rescue efforts difficult," Tunji Oketunbi, a spokesman for Nigeria's acciIt hit the building and it burst into dent investigation bureau, told AFP from flames. The head of Nigeria's aviation the scene earlier. authority has been quick to come out and say that he doesn't think there will be any "It was a Dana (airline) flight out of (the survivors. capital) Abuja to Lagos with about 153 people on board," Nigeria's head of civil aviaWhat we do not know is how many tion Harold Demuren told AFP. people on the ground may have suffered the same fate because this is a built-up A spokesman for Dana confirmed one of its area, it's on the perimeter of an enormous planes had crashed but could not immedicity, and this plane has ploughed into what ately provide further details. is a very built-up area.

So emergency crews were rushing there. It's now nightfall. They're trying to work in what is a very crowded and difficult situation with thousands of onlookers who have also come in.

It's going to be some time before everything is very clear. Africa correspondent Ginny Stein A spokesman for the airline said those on board included 147 passengers and six crew.

"We lost communication with the aircraft. We are going to issue an official statement." Chaotic scenes

The crash happened in the Iju neighbourhood on the mainland of the city, where most of the city's population lives.

After the crash thousands of onlookers partially blocked access to the site, prompting soldiers to try to clear the area out.

They used rubber whips, their fists and even threw a wood plank at those crowded around.

Looking to evade the troops, people took off in several directions, trampling their neighbours as they tried to avoid being crushed themselves.

Some locals snaked a fire hose hoisted on their shoulders from a truck parked on the road towards the impact area.

But this effort was also interrupted by the security forces, who broke up the human chain.

Some reacted by throwing stones at the troops, creating a crossfire of hailing rocks over the narrow street adjacent to the site.

The area also plunged into all-out pandemonium when a helicopter tried to land amid the crowd, kicking up clouds of ash and light debris that again scattered people in various directions.

After the crash, it appeared only a handful of rescue vehicles had managed to fight through the chaos to reach the site.

Air safety is a concern across Africa, and Nigeria, being the largest and most populous country, has got the most planes in the air.

On Saturday night a Nigerian cargo plane taking off from Ghana crashed into the airport's perimeter fence and into a bus and cars, killing at least 10 people and injuring scores more.

Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan has declared three days of national mourning and ordered "the fullest possible investigation" into the crash.


Negotiations are in an advance stage and may witness the issue of new shares to the two Chinese groups.

Anadarko Petroleum of the US, London-listed Tullow Oil and Spain’s Repsol YPF are among the companies that own interests in exploration acreage in the West Africa’s Transform Margin region,which is poised for one of the largest deepwater exploration programs in the world.

Trading on Australia’s National Stock Exchange, the stock has increased by more than three times since the beginning of the year to grow the capitalization to 2.36 billion Australian dollars, accounting for two third of the combined value of the companies which are listed on the National Stocks Exchange.

The company had a cash amount of US $152 million in the bank and an additional $19 million held in escrow accounts as a security, for the acquisition of seismic data, which is a drilling contract and a bank guarantee for the government of the Ivory Coast.

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Ghana Plane Crash: Several Killed Near Kotoka International Airport In Accra



ACCRA, Ghana — A Boeing 727 cargo plane attempting to land at the international airport in Ghana's capital crashed Saturday, slamming into a bus loaded with passengers on a nearby street, killing all 10 people inside the vehicle, emergency responders and airport officials said.

The crash occurred in Accra near Kotoka International Airport, which sits near newly built high-rise buildings and hotels. Witnesses said the plane first smashed through the fence that runs around the airport before hitting the bus.

Local television showed images of the plane lying across a road with its tail damaged as the flight crew jumped off and received help from emergency responders. Police and soldiers quickly cordoned off the neighborhood where the plane crashed.

reporters at a press conference hours after the accident, said the plane was coming from Lagos, the commercial capital of Nigeria, when it crashed after a failed landing attempt.

Witnesses said the plane was labeled as belonging to Allied Air Cargo, a fact confirmed by Anaglate. The name and symbols on the aircraft matched those of the Nigerian air freight company based out of Lagos. Telephone numbers for the company in London, Lagos and the Nigerian city of Port Harcourt rang unanswered Saturday night.

Ghana, a nation of more than 25 million in West Africa, has not had a major airplane crash in recent years. The last air emergency the country had was in June 2006, when a TAAG Linhas Aereas De Angola flight to Sao Tome hit birds during takeoff. The plane landed safely and none of the 28 people onboard were injured.

Billy Anaglate, spokesman for the Ghana Fire Service, said that all 10 passengers in the bus were killed on impact. The plane's four crew Ghana's Vice President John Dramani members survived the crash and were rushed to Mahama ordered aviation officials to launch an investigation. a local hospital for treatment.

"What happened is that the Allied (Air) Cargo plane, actually I was told, was traveling from Nigeria to Ghana. At the landing it was short of the boundary, and it went off onto the roadside. It crashed into a bus," said Anaglate, who was reached by telephone late Saturday.

"I urge you to conduct preliminary investigations as early as possible," Mahama said in front of reporters at a news conference Saturday. "And no early conclusions should be drawn to the cause of the accident," Mahama added.

"... (The plane) broke the barrier and went onto Source: the road and hit the vehicle and unfortunately in the vehicle everyone ended up dying. The poor people were killed."

Doreen Owusu Fianko, the chief executive of the Ghana Airport Co., said that operations at the airport had returned to normal after the crash Saturday. Fianko, who addressed

June 2012



A Ghanaian Osbourn Park HS Graduate Ends Grade School Career With Perfect Attendance

Seth Opuku

MANASSAS, Va. -18-year-old Seth OpokuYeboah points to Ghana on the giant map spread across the library wall at Osbourn Park High School. He has never lived in this place, but it has shaped who he is.

Opoku-Yeboah has done something very few people do. He has gone from elementary school to middle school and all the way up through high school without missing one day of classes.

"My parents were both born in Ghana so they didn't really have the chances I had to succeed here," he says. "So I think I owed it to them to do the best that I can and by showing up every day. I did that."

He just graduated from Osbourn Park High School in Manassas with a 3.8 GPA.

"Seth is one of those kids who you only get once in a career, really," says Heather Davids, one of Opoku-Yeboah's teachers.

We asked Opoku-Yeboah to tell us about his activities.

"I'm part of the school newspaper. Part of the Invisible Children Club. I'm part of the soccer team," he says.

Truth be told, Seth is Editor-in-Chief of the paper and co-captain of the soccer team. He is also an officer in the Model United Nations. A pretty modest guy.

Opoku-Yeboah's father works most of each year in Ghana, so his mom is raising five kids.

"I think a lot of the credit goes to her," says Opoku-Yeboah. "She's an amazing woman."

He will try to keep the streak going when he heads to the College of William & Mary in the fall.

Read more: rn-park-hs-graduate-ends-grade-school-careerwith-perfect-attendance#ixzz1xgABbbK1 Source:


Egypt: Verdict Revives Egyptian Anger


Cairo — If the life sentences for former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and one of his key allies were meant to placate Egyptians, they have had the opposite effect.

Shortly after the verdict, tens of thousands of Egyptians from across the politcal spectrum, with perhaps the exception of die-hard Mubarak supporters and supporters of presidential candidate and former Mubarak cabinet member Ahmed Shafik, filled the streets of Egyptian cities to voice their anger at the verdicts.

Northern Cairo criminal court Judge Ahmed Refaat convicted Mubarak and Habib Al-Adly, the former head of Egypt's interior ministry (MOI) merely of "failing to stop the killings." Many Egyptians believe Mubarak and Al-Adly together with the state's security services, were responsible for the killing of hundreds of protestors and the torture and detention of thousands more political detainees.

Senior members of the MOI, and commanders of the riot police who were seen firing on protestors from the tops of buildings surrounding Tahrir Square, were acquitted.

"We know that Mubarak and Al-Adly were not on the rooftops firing at protestors, yet somehow nobody is to blame for the shootings and killings despite forensic medical reports, witnesses, video footage and security log book evidence," protest organiser Tarek El Halaby told IPS. Relevant Links

Mubarak Sentenced to Life Mubarak Still Has His Billions Prosecutor Appeals Mubarak Verdict General Prosecutor Bans Acquitted Regime Aides From Traveling Prosecutor Orders Mubarak's Transfer to Torrah Prison Hospital

Within minutes of Saturday morning's verdicts, clashes between protestors and riot police broke out near the court. Hundreds of Egyptians began filling downtown Cairo'sTahrir Square spontaneously, despite the blistering heat of the midday sun. By nightfall those hundreds had swelled into tens of thousands of chanting protestors, a scene repeated in cities and towns around Egypt.

This was the biggest turnout of protestors since the revolution. In scenes reminiscent of those heady and eventful days, young men began barricading Tahrir Square. All pedestrians who entered were searched and forced to show ID proof by revolutionary volunteers.

Protestors formed a human chain around Tahrir with secularists, Islamists, revolutionaries, football fans, Coptic Christians, young and old uniting in a show of solidarity. Many women were among the protesters.

The protests continued throughout the night, with hundreds settling in for what many see as a long battle ahead. Sunday morning traffic was again blocked by barricades as waves of protestors returned following a call by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) to its well organised supporters to take to the streets.

The mood on the streets is one of anger but also of defiance and determination, with the realisation that the revolution Egyptians have fought so hard for, and many have died for, could be slipping away.

"If we can keep this momentum until Jun. 6, and focus our message, we might succeed in getting Shafik disqualified. Step one," said protestor Yasmine El-Rashidi.

This attitude of defiance is being echoed by other protestors who have called for a complete boycott of the run-off election due in mid-June. "The overwhelming majority of the Egyptian population will not take part in the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces' (SCAF) elections. Join us and boycott this farce," twittered activist Tarek Shalaby.

Another activist, Mahmoud Salem, expressed disappointment over the revolution's shortcomings and the inability of some revolutionaries to see through the game of the military to cling to power.

El-Halaby who lost several of his friends in a protest outside Abbasiya military headquarters in Cairo last month sees a bloody road ahead. Eleven people were killed in that protest. Several had their throats slit and others were gunned down by unidentified assailants believed to be associated with the military.

"We know the former regime will not give up without a bloody fight and we expect more bloodshed in the future. We know are prepared for this because we know our freedom will not come easily," El-Halaby told IPS.

Niger: Local Population and Malian Refugees Hard Hit By Food Crisis June 2012

Already hard hit by a poor growing season in 2011-2012, with rain at the wrong time and in all the wrong places, the population of North Tillabéry in Niger now has to share its meagre resources with the many refugees arriving from Mali.

According to the authorities in Niger, more than 30,000 Malians from the Ménaka area and an estimated 8,000 Niger nationals living in Mali have found refuge in Niger since the beginning of the year, fleeing the fighting between government forces and armed groups.

Amanita Walid, from Ménaka, arrived in Niger with nothing but the clothes on her back. Members of her family and other people she knew ended up scattered across several sites. Despite the difficulties, she had a genuine sense of security: "The real change when we arrived here was not hearing any more gunfire."

On 7 May, the ICRC and the Red Cross Society of Niger completed a food distribution operation for over 110,000 people. Each household (six people on average) in 75 villages of the Ouallam, Banibangou and Abala departments in the Tillabéry area was given 20 kg of millet - enough to cover their grain needs for four months. In addition, 20 grain banks were topped up to make an additional supply available if needed.

Between January and March, the ICRC had already distributed food to approximately the same number of people and had supplied agricultural seed to 60,000 people (each household received 20 kg of improved millet seed and five kilos of cowpea seed). The rainy season, expected to begin in June, is awaited with impatience.


Some of this footage was shot in Garbey, a village about 50 km from the Malian border. Here, the food crisis meant that people and livestock had almost no food at all. The most vulnerable people - residents and refugees alike - take desperate measures, such as reducing the number of meals they eat each day, selling off their animals for next to nothing, and moving to places less affected by the crisis. Others are forced to eat baobab leaves. The people of Niger are showing great solidarity with the Malian refugees, but this cannot possibly enable everyone to eat.

As well as making vital deliveries of food and other emergency aid, the ICRC and the Red Cross Society of Niger have launched a number of innovative joint programmes.

Tizégorou (another location appearing in the footage, also in the Tillabéry area) is a farming village, lying 207 km from Niger's capital Niamey. Here, a "cash for work" programme aims to restore degraded soil, cut back invasive trees, and build weirs on rivers to catch rainwater, making it easier to grow fodder for livestock. In return for this work, people are given cash that they can use to meet their basic needs and settle the debts they have run up during this very difficult period.

According to the Niger authorities, almost 35 per cent of households in the country over 5.4 million people - are affected to varying degrees by food insecurity. The grain shortage is put at 692,000 tonnes.

Somalia: Fighting Hits on Outskirts of Mogadishu

The explosive situation in the street and anger of the protestors is expected to escalate when an appeal by Mubarak and Al-Adly's lawyers against their life sentences is filed. Many Egyptians, including lawyers for those killed in Tahrir last year as well as Mubarak and Adly's lawyers believe the Mogadishu — Fierce fighting between Somali government forces along with AU peaceappeal will be successful. keepers and Al shabab fighters took place overnight at Laanta-Buur area, just 25 Km away north-west Mogadishu, witnesses said. But despite events signalling that Egypt's revolution is far from over, Egyptians haven't lost their A local resident told Shabelle Media under anonymity that the battle started after Al sense of humour. A current joke circulating in shabab agents staged attacks on Somali and AMISOM forces in the area. No death or Tahrir Square is that Syrian President Bashar AlAssad would happily give up power if he could be wounds reported so far during the attack. tried in an Egyptian court. Neither Somali government officials nor Al shabab commented on the combat, but the area is one of the locations beyond Mogadishu that captured by TFG and AMISIOM Source: troops this week after three-days of offensives with the militants. Source: Allafrica.coom





Pastor George Annan

Pentecost is a prominent feast in the calendar of Ancient Israel celebrating the giving of the Law on Sinai, and also later in the Christian liturgical year commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the remaining disciples which occurred fifty days after the Resurrection and ten days after the ascension of Jesus Christ baptizing them and endowing them with supernatural power to go into the uttermost part of the world preaching the gospel to every creature. Pentecost in the Old Testament era was marked by the gathering of the Jews for celebrating the giving of the Law. In the New Testament however Jesus fulfilled Pentecost with a mandate for the church to share the Law with every creature even unto the uttermost part of the world Old Testament Pentecost was the celebration of the letter of the Law. The New Testament church and believer is to celebrate the Spirit of the Law of Pentecost which is to “go ye into all the world and share the word i.e. the Good News with every creature”. Among Christians, Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the twelve apostles and other followers of Jesus as described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:1-31. For this reason, Pentecost is sometimes described as the "Birthday of the Church." The church was born with a mandate “and ye shall receive power and ye shall be witnesses unto me”. The church is an organism and has to grow. The

only way the church grows is through Evangelism. Evangelism therefore is the life blood of the church. An anemic church will lose weight: growth, effectiveness, glory, soundness, peace, and cutting edge. Are we far from saying therefore that any church that has become dull, indifferent and lost the passion for evangelism fits the description the angle told the church in Sardis that you have a name to be alive but are dead? Revelation 3:1-3. The church might have a number of activities which are relevant anyway but time and space will have to be giving to the sole reason for the birth of the church: Evangelism! Jesus spent time training, teaching and engaging the disciples on Evangelism. Yet the church today is not seen doing the same. How wonderful do you think it will be if every Church dedicates Sunday school for the consistent teaching, training and equipping saints to do evangelism? I choose Sunday school because all the stuff we hear in Sunday school we also hear them on church Services, women, men, youth and cell meetings just to mention a few whiles evangelism is left to the background. Also the founder of Sunday School Robert Raikes had a vision for poor and wayward kids, prisoners and kids of single mum and all kids whose parents could not afford tuition fees during the 18th century in Glouester England. In as much as the concept is a great one with great benefits, the content can always be tailored to meet the need of today’ Church. Let’s live out the call which God has called us. Living as an ambassador doing the ministry of reconciliation and obeying the great commission is obeying the spirit of the Law of Pentecost: “and ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you (on the day of Pentecost) and you shall be witnesses unto me (living out the spirit of Pentecost) Acts 1:8” Evangelism is not just an option for any New Testament Church but is “THE LIFE BLOOD OF THE CHURCH”. Cell meeting is not one of the generated departments in the church when needed but is the “BED ROCK OF THE CHURCH”.

Our Gifts For His Kingdom

Many people hear the word "serve" and feel that they do not have the necessary qualities to make a difference in others' lives. This is true--apart from God. But He has gifted each of us in unique ways with a purpose in mind. His plan for us involves using these talents to serve Him for the good of others. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7

Satan would like us to believe otherwise. Our Enemy wants us to notice what others are doing and then to feel inferior. For instance, I have heard women say, "I am just a homemaker." They see people preaching and singing in the choir and wish they could accomplish something so great for God. Friends, there could be nothing further from the truth. An enormous responsibility rests with those who train their children in righteousness.

In fact, the Holy Spirit has gifted each believer for specific work in God's kingdom. Scripture explains this idea by a comparison with a human body: each person has gifts and purposes that make the entire system function well. But if the heel wants the eye's role, the whole being will lose balance.

Each part is crucial, even though some are less noticeable than others. Truthfully, those with less apparent talents have an advantage because pride and self-sufficiency may be less of a temptation.

Notice how Peter defined himself: "a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ" (2 Pet. 1:1). He was no longer a man motivated by self-interest. Once He followed Jesus, he saw himself as a servant of God. We, too, are called to serve the King of Kings with whatever abilities we are given. Source:

Standing Before God’s Open Door

June 2012 Page 26

The apostle Paul had passion and vision to reach the world with the good news about salvation. As he followed the Spirit’s leading, his determination proved effective. There’s no telling how many lives the Lord transformed through this man. And his influence is still impacting people today. 1 Corinthians 16:8-9

Paul knew that Jesus had instructed His followers to “make disciples of all the nations,” teaching them to observe everything He had commanded (Matt. 28:19). God led and enabled the apostle to do his part in carrying out this divine mission.

But think about life back then—that was a big task for a time when there was no mass communication. Paul could only teach, write, or train others to share the truth. In spite of limited means, however, he obeyed fervently and effectively.

God’s command is still relevant for us today. He has given us the work of telling all nations about redemption through Christ’s blood and resurrection. Compared to Paul, we have an abundance of communication capabilities—including radio, television, Internet, and cell phones—which provide easy access into countries all over the world. We could make more disciples by better utilizing these technologies. But how tragic if we get busy and fail to obey God’s command.

We stand at a critical moment in history for the church. The door of opportunity is wide open for us to share the gospel through a variety of methods. As believers, we are obligated to carry out Christ’s Great Commission. Be careful that neither busyness nor apathy keeps you from obedience.


Third World Network (TWN) Hosts African CSOs

Despite the long history of mining in Africa, the continent is yet to fully optimize the potential of mineral resources to catalyze economic transformation.

It is in an effort to encourage local stakeholders in Africa’s mining sector to pursue this objective that Third World Network (TWN), in collaboration with the African Initiative on Mining, Environment and Society (AIMES) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Africa, will host an African civil society networks conference in Accra from June 26-29, 2012.

Yao Graham, Executive Director of TWN, addressing the media Wednesday in Accra, said the meeting will facilitate as well as deepen understanding of the processes and substantive content of the reform agenda, especially in relation to the AMV, its action

plan and the ISG Report.

According to him, since the late 1980s, governments in Africa have undertaken series of reforms aimed at optimizing contribution to national economic development of mineral-producing and exporting countries which have aided the revival of foreign investment in Africa’s mining sector.

“While the revival of foreign investment has expanded mineral production and exports, its contribution to social and economic development objectives has been far less certain and has even been contested in many countries across the continent.

“At the peak of the expansion in global demand and rise in the price of various minerals and metals before the onset of global

financial crisis in 2008, mineral producing and exporting countries found themselves with disproportionately marginal revenues compared with earnings of mining companies,” Dr Graham outlined.

The conference is expected to conclude with the adoption of a common position for advocacy on the reform agenda as well as a set of recommendations for improving the effective functioning and business plan of the Africa Minerals Development Centre. Source:






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South Sudan: Pressure on Land, Water as More Refugees Enter the Country


Maban — The UN refugee agency and its partners in eastern South Sudan are racing to move thousands of Sudanese refugees from the border into suitable inland sites amid increasing water shortages.

Community leaders have told UNHCR there are an estimated 20,000 refugees who fled conflict and food shortages in Sudan's Blue Nile state and converged on the Elfoj border area of South Sudan's Upper Nile state. Another 40,000 could be on their way.

Dungaz Tatalla, 56, and his family walked for 27 days from their village in Gabanid in Blue Nile. His 73-year-old mother has swollen feet and has not had a proper meal in days.

A number of new arrivals have been taken to hospitals in poor health. UNHCR is also racing to move the refugees away from the volatile border before seasonal rains render roads muddy and impassable.

"We are shifting gears to ensure the availability of more trucks and buses to move the new arrivals as quickly as possible from the border and to ensure that the basic standards of assistance such as water, food and health care are available at their point of entry," said Fred Cussigh, UNHCR's head of field office in Maban county, Upper Nile state.

Many of the new arrivals have been relocated some 30 kilometres from Elfoj to a transit site called Rum, where UNHCR and the "The bombing of our village is what pushed us World Food Programme have been distributfrom Gabanid," said Tatalla, leading the donkey ing 10-day emergency food rations for that carried his exhausted mother to safety. "Our 20,000 refugees. Water is trucked in as needed to supplement the Médecins Sans houses were burned down. People were being Frontières (MSF) water treatment system. shot. There was nothing to stay for, especially MSF is also organizing a daily mobile clinic because the whole village was leaving." in Rum. Refugees who need medical care are transported to the clinic in Jamam refugee Fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces camp. and the Sudan People's Liberation Army-North in Blue Nile has prevented villagers from farmSince May 19, several thousand refugees ing and accessing food. have been moved to UNHCR's new camp, Yusuf Batil. About 1,000 are relocated at a "We have been eating fruit from the lalob tree time, three times a week, based on the capacand cooking its leaves. Eating it on an empty ity of services such as shelter and water in stomach is not good but we have no choice," the camp. The first rains and muddy roads said Tatalla. The lalob has a bitter tasting fruit are slowing down the movements. Some that the locals say can be used to treat malaria and typhoid. "We left because of the bombings, groups are moving on their own from the border to join their communities in Doro and but right now we are hungry. Food is what we Jamam camps. need now."

The current refugee influx is putting tremendous strains on limited resources in this remote area of South Sudan. With more than 37,000 refugees already living there, "Doro has literally run out of space and any attempts to increase the number of refugees would have negative consequences on the health, hygiene and cross-cultural relations of the settlement," said UNHCR's Cussigh.

Jamam camp is still grappling with a lack of water despite efforts to drill deeper into the ground. UNHCR is in the process of relocating 15,000 refugees from Jamam to Doro and Yusuf Batil to ease congestion and the pressure on limited water supplies in Jamam.

Among the refugees moved to Yusuf Batil was 80year-old Som Komdan, who during his escape almost succumbed to diarrhoea, contracted from drinking contaminated water, and from swollen ankles from days of walking. "I am grateful to UNHCR and my son who forced me to continue our journey to safety this far," he said with a toothless grin, surrounded by his worldly belongings stuffed in three big sorghum bags.

Like all new arrivals at the new camp, the old man received food rations and relief supplies such as plastic buckets, jerry cans and sleeping mats. He ventured further, chuckling cheekily, "Now that they have provided me with a place to sleep peacefully, perhaps UNHCR can find me a set of teeth with which to enjoy my meals in my old age?"

June 2012

Page 28

BET Awards 2012: Africa

The BET Awards will be taking place this year on July 1, 2012, starting at 8pm, in Los Angeles,CA at the Shrine Auditorium. Samuel Jackson will host the event, which is scheduled to have live performances by Usher, Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj, and many others. The BET awards were established in 2001, and in less than 10 years, the new category shining a spotlight on African music was introduced. In 2011, BET introduced the BET: INTERNATIONAL ACT:AFRICA category, nominating the following acts: Nigeria: 2Face Idibia, D’Banj; Ghana: D-Black; Dr. Congo : Fally Ipupa; Benin: Angelique Kidjo ; South Africa: Teargas. In 2011, the award for Best International Act: Africa was awarded to 2Face Idibia and D’Banj. This year, the following acts have been nominated: Nigeria: Wizkid, Ice Prince; Kenya: Camp Mulla; South Africa: Lira ; Mali: Mokobe ; Ghana: Sarkodie. Good luck to all of the African nominees.

By: Amy Ansong

More than 138,000 Sudanese refugees have sought safety in South Sudan from Blue Nile and South Kordofan states since June last year. Source:

Kofi Boateng Appointed Executive Director of West Harlem Local Development Corporation, NY “The West Harlem Local Development Corporation is proud to have Mr. Boateng as our new Executive Director,” said Donald Notice, Chairman of the WHLDC. “Mr. Boateng’s vast experience and proven track record of managing large non-profit organizations will go a long way to secure WHLDC’s role in providing services to the West Harlem community.”

Mr. Kofi Boateng

The Board of Directors of the West Harlem Local Development Corporation has appointed Kofi Boateng as Executive Director. Mr. Boateng brings over 15 years of executive experience in human services, finance and non-profit management.

As Executive Director, Mr. Boateng will devise and implement long-term strategic plans for growth of the WHLDC, evaluate community projects for funding, and help implement the provisions of the Community Benefits Agreement to benefit West Harlem.

The historic agreement between Columbia University and the WHLDC will provide quality-of-life benefits to the West Harlem Community such employment and economic development, education and job training, and affordable housing programs.

“I’m thrilled to be a part of the West Harlem Local Development Corporation – an organization that will make a huge difference for the people of Harlem for many years to come,” said Kofi Boateng.

Prior to his appointment, Mr. Boateng was the Founder and CEO of Traders International, an organization that facilitated international trade and direct foreign investments between Africa and other countries. He had previously served as the Chief Operating Officer for the World Trade Centers Association, where he is credited with turning around the organization’s previous year’s reported financial loss to profitability within eight months, and bringing several African countries to WTCA. Mr. Boateng previously was the Chief Operating Officer of the Africa-America Institute (AAI) for seven years. The AAI is a government funded organization that supports scholarships for Africans seeking advanced degrees from US universities with the intention of returning to

improve the quality of life in Africa.

Mr. Boateng also served as the Executive Director of the National Puerto Rican Forum, an organization that provides adult literacy and education and job readiness programs for Latinos.

Mr. Boateng holds a B.S. in Economics and Administrative Sciences from Yale University; and a M.S. in Professional Accounting from Northeastern University. He is a Certified Public Accountant. He is working on his PhD in Finance at Walden University. Source:

June 2012

Nana Adusei Twenewaapim Visited Divine Word International

Written By: Prince Osei Bonsu

Hundreds of Christians and Traditional rulers from all walks of life were at the fully packed auditorium of Divine Word International Ministries to receive their blessings from the anointed service and witness the special event . A colorful ceremony was held in the honor of Nana Adusei Twenewaapim , the Paramount Chief of Tepa in the Ashanti Region ,who represented the Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II in Springfield, a suburb of Virginia last weekend at the Divine Word International Ministries ,led by Apostle Dr. Kofi Adoteng Boateng .

Nana Adusdei Twenewaapim noted that his Majesty ,Otumfuo Osei Tutu II , the Asantehene, tasked him to urge the church to pray for peace, as the country prepares for the upcoming December 2012 General Elections, since "it is only God's intervention that can bring peace and unity in Ghana".

The Paramount Chief of Tepa called on political parties to conduct their electioneering campaign on issues rather than attacking per-

sonalities and stated that, " you must advise your followers to be careful about their utterances , because whatever they will say will bring disturbances to divide Ghana into chaos and nothing should be done to jeopardize the unity and the stability of the country. "We are one Nation and one people with a common destiny ,and elections are not won through violence but rather a proper strategy, using decency and decorum in your activities, exhibiting a high sense of political maturity by not using insults or attacking the unity,stability and peace that the nation is enjoying now.� Nana Adusei Awenewaapim noted.

Apostle Adonteng Boateng emphasized that Ghanaians must bury the spirit of envy and seek the interest of one another, since the spirit of envy is a lethal weapon made by Satan and painted in the heart of mankind to avert the plans of God , therefore Christians must be respectful to others and rejoice in the success of others. "The church can grow in unity,team work,peace ,love and we must accommodates everyone, irrespective of their character, because Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind, did not discriminate or drive anyone away as a

result of their mutiple sins," the leader of Divine Word International Ministries noted.

Dr. Adoteng Boateng urged Christians to do away with pompous, arrogant, backbiting, character assassination, blatant lies, hypocracy, abusive activities, defamatory words, telling the congregation to " let your messages to the people be decent ,you should also try to accomodate every one, irrespective of their character, in the house of God in order to promote the growth of the Kingdom's work.

Apostle Dr. Kofi Adonteng Boateng ,the General Overseer of the Divine Word International Ministries, also spoke about the importance of praying for peace and urged Ghanaians to be followers of Christ. He encouraged Christians to support each other and seek the face of God in all aspects of their life, and at all times, through the good and bad times.

Nana Kofi Boateng - the Asantefuohene of Washington Metro Area , Nana Ama Achiaah-the Queenmother of Asnatefuohemaah of Washington Metro Area,Nana Kwame Darko-the Kontihene of Washington Metro Area,Nana Abena


Peperekese -the Ohehemaah Abadiakyire of Washington Metro Area,Mr. Kwasi Owusu Special Adviser to the Chief of Washington Metro Area,Nana Okokyeredom Teiku Acheampong - the Asantefuohene of New York, Nana Kwabena Amakye - the Akwamuhene of New York ,Nana Kofi Gyamfi - the Mawerehene of New York, Nana Akua Sefah -the Nkosohemaah of New York, Nana Kwadwo Manu -the Abusuafuohene of New York,Nana Konadu Ababio , Nifahemaah of Nkwantakesse Ashanti Regoin-Ghana also the ExAsantefuohemaah of New York,Nana Akosua Buoh Gyankromah - the Queen-mother of Okyeman Association of Washington Metro Area ,Nana Ama Gyamfuaah -the Ohemaa Abadiakyire to the Okyeman of Washington Metro Area , Pastor Isaac Narh, Pastor Kofi Gyamfi Boateng, Pastor Harry Domfeh, Minister Thomas Owuo, Mr Osei Assibey, Mrs.Bether Domfeh, Mr Samuel Osei aka Agya Osei, Opayain Kwaku Duah, Minister Prince Kissi, Minister Nana Opoku, Minister Collins Omane Boateng and Mrs Dora Asante were there to grace the occasion.

Nana Acheampong-Tieku of New York (Left)

Apostle Dr. K. A. Boateng & Nana Adusei Twenewaapim

Some Pastors of Divine Prayer Ministries

Nana Adusei Twenewaapim


Some invited guests

Some of the congregation members

Afrikan Post

J u n e 2 0 1 2 Page 30

Afrikan Post

June 2012

Page 31


Under the leadership of Reverend Seth Baah, Calvery Baptist International has been called to seek out and save the lost, and then bring them to the knowledge of truth, God’s Word. We believe that God’s will for every man is that they be born again. Once a man is born again, he must be taught how to live according to the principles that God has given us in His Word. He is then able to come to the knowledge of truth through prayer, preaching and teaching the word of God.

Apostle Seth Baah, spiritual shepherd to many, is founder and overseer of Calvary Baptist International, a ministry with a reputation for evangelism, prophecy, music and healing that has grown into three branches in Ghana, the UK and Maryland with plans for another church in Virginia shortly. Blessed with the five-fold ministry gifts, Reverand Seth Baah is also an award-winning gospel musician, recording artist, composer, arranger and producer.

Sunday Service

Join us at: 8505 Highland Lane Alexandria, VA 22309 Time 10:00 AM

Friday Jabbok Night Join us to pray Prayerline # 218-339-3600 Pin# 2300 Time: 10:00 PM

It has c ome to the attention of Reverend Seth B aah (Weapon) that his C Ds are being pirated and s old in s ome of the Afric an markets and other plac es in the c ommunity. Pleas e, if you want to buy a c opy of his C D, make s ure to get the original c opy . You may c all 1 -8 8 8 -7 7 5 -6 6 6 2 to obtain a c opy. Any unauthorized duplic ation of Rev. Seth B aah’s mus ic C Ds by any Afric an outlets is s tric tly prohibited. Pleas e put an end to pirating by purc has ing the original c opy. T hank you.

Our goal is to preac h the Gos pel to all people of all nations , bac kgrounds and c ulture. If you've never vis ited C B I, we'd love to have you attend one of our s ervic es .


June 2012


Page 32

Young Ghanaian Spearheads Establishment Of Africa's Own Wikipedia Ghana will be to embark on converting outstanding knowledge from the worldwide Wikis into Ghana's own native languages. The effort has already been started by Rexford and other like minded Ghanaian partners. You my dear reader also need to join hands in making this a major success. Become a major part of Ghana's Information age history by finding out more for yourself about Wikimedia Ghana Chapter: ana

By Oral Ofori

Rexford Nkansah

Rexford Nkansah is a self-taught and skilled Information Technology (IT) person whose knowledge in IT is mainly acquired through curiosity and research materials obtained from the internet thanks to Google and Wikipedia. Rexford tells me he did not formally attend a school that taught him his skills in IT since his urge to understand computers and what makes them work as far as programming and applications started when he was a young child playing games on computers at home.

As he grew older, so did his interest in the IT and its related field, hence he resorted to studying more about IT online by reading wikis, partaking in discussions and sometimes watching tutorials of certain technologies. He will usually sit behind his PC watching study contents he has downloaded online that helped him keep up with the IT world.

Another other reason why Rexford got into IT was because his senior brothers were into it and that was motivation enough besides the fact that the information technology age is quickly and obviously pointing to the fact that computers are taking over everything. Basically all facets of human life from education, medicine, finances, communications and politics have this or that kind of computer program or software or machine that is making it easier with the invention of new programs and applications to do things in seconds every day.

Born in Ghana's Northern regional capital of Tamale, Rexford currently lives in the country's Eastern Regional capital of Koforidua where he involves himself with IT related social work such as the Wikipedia project and other sister projects that keep him occupied

and also help him broaden his horizon and study in the IT field. Thanks to knowledge acquired from these resources, this young Ghanaian has been able to teach himself to do 3D art work and is on the brink of starting a very first of its kind business as a freelance 3D artist. See samples of his work for yourself here: Mr. Nkansah hopes to tap into the uncharted market of 3D artistry by becoming Ghana's first freelance 3D artist with the hope of providing a tremendously great opportunity to corporate organizations in Ghana who are seeking to push their products through the markets using interactive and interesting advertisements that will feature 3D. My blog will not provide me with enough space to talk about Rexford's unlimited capabilities, which is why I'll want you to find out more about him here:

When I saw this young man's work and experienced his enthusiasm first hand by talking to him, I felt a strong urge to give him what ever push I possibly could to help him get all the visibility he needs to get his ideas off the ground since he actually does not work for any well established or recognized organization. He is however part of the small Oasis WebSoft team which is seeking to launch the first Africa-made OS based on Linux and working on creating apps to serve the Ghanaian community.

Wikimedia Ghana Chapter is another brainchild of Mr. Nkansah with which he hopes to create an information portal that is for and about Ghana and Ghanaians. Wikimedia is not simply going to be relied on by Ghanaians and non-Ghanaians alike for authentic information relating to Ghana, but will also rope in Wikimedians living in Ghana to help create this information storehouse in the Ghanaian languages as well. A major objective of Rexford's dream for Wikimedia

As I blog presently, I can't honestly mention up to 5 people who I can say are very interested and dedicated to Wikimedia Ghana Chapter, with the exception of Rexford; the brain behind it, Ebenezer Frimpong; who is a Ghanaian living in Ukraine and a friend of Rexford who is also a Wikimedian and myself who is trying to blow the trumpet for this whole project by getting fellow Ghanaian Wikimedians all over to be interested and hopefully, the current government as well. To Rexford it is sad that many people are not as interested in this as there needs to be because a majority of Ghanaians do visit the Wikipedia search engine and other sister projects very often, but have not taken it upon themselves to also share in the provision of knowledge by adding contents and making edits, this is something we're hoping to change by encouraging more of the latter.

Speaking on the major long-term benefits to be derived from the success of Wikimedia Ghana, Mr. Nkansah says it will enhance and create commitment to the growth, development and distribution of free education materials and media which is an essential part in the education of Ghanaians and Africans at large. This is because by being able to provide free content to all, knowledge will be more abundant, thereby facilitating the amount of information our students and researchers are able to have easy access to and also share. The bigger picture will also be that the success of this project in Ghana will also see Ghana encouraging and providing expertise and where possible, funding in helping neighboring African countries to also establish their own local wiki chapters.

Growth in the global IT field is traveling at lightening speed, especially in the developed countries, the opposite however is not true in the so called third world countries which are experiencing growth at a snail's pace. Some of the reasons for this slow growth particularly in Ghana and generally in Africa in Rexford's opinion are these gigantic factors--Africa's poor and indecisive Internet connectivity and the continual fluctuating or outages of electricity supply to customers paying ridiculously high bills to both service providers.

Even though there are currently half a dozen big name telecoms/Internet service providers in Ghana today, Internet charges are so high and connectivity so poor that one needs to

struggle to get connected to the Internet which is most often than not running at a very slow speed. This problem is not only peculiar to Ghana as the same is true across most parts of Africa.

Solving this crippling problem to Africa's IT growth is going to be very vital if the continent is going to (ever) catch up with its Western counterparts, Rexford is therefore making a passionate plea to Ghana's government and those across all of Africa to ensure that Internet service providers are doing a better job and above all energy firms are up to the task and giving subscribers their money's worth. This will in the long turn bring Africa out of the doldrums in which it finds itself today and place it on the global stage of competitiveness in the information technology age.



June 2012


'And Call Upon Me In The Day of Trouble And I Will Deliver You' P's 50:15


festation of the Abrahamic Covenant. What do the Jews know and practice that some Christians are reluctant to do? The Jews have the Old Testament and use the principles therein to advance their cause. Psalm 50: 5-15 says: gather to me my saints who have a covenant with me through sacrifice. God wants us to give to causes that glorify His name. He says the cattle on the thousands hills belong to Him. He knows every bird in the mountains and the creatures of the field belong to Him. If He were hungry He will certainly not tell us. The world and everything in It. He just wants us to give, in order toshow our commitment and Rev. Kwabby Adom-Fosu trust in Him by paying our vows, and offering sacrifice of thanksgiving to Him.And if Tel: 703-498-5133 we obey and we are in trouble we should call There was this guy who had a brush with the upon Him and He will come to our aid. law for being just stupid; he drove his vehicle into somebody’s vehicle with no insurThis is where the concept of insurance came ance. Knowing fully well that, that was not from; if you show your commitment to Him, only against the law but it deprived him He will have you covered when you need of his ability to go to work, earn a living and Him. maintain his personal dignity. An insurance policy guarantees your ability to hold your Tithe: giving ten percent of your income to head up high in the event of an accident. If God shows your trust and confidence in Him you have an insurance policy, your account rather than your job that gave you the has to be current, in order to maximize your money. It says you trust God as your source chance of being covered by your insurance. and the Ultimate Provider. The bible says The insurance idea was lifted from the pages bring it to the House of God so there will be of the bible by the Jews meat in His house.

There are two gates of influence that the Jews have a stranglehold on that has made the Jewish Lobby machine so powerful: Banking and Finance as well as the Media. They control the media so they set the agenda and have the money to push it to favor Israel.

As Jewish author and political science professor Benjamin Ginsberg has pointed out: “Since the 1960s, Jews have come to wield considerable influence in American economic, cultural, intellectual and political life. Jews played a central role in American finance during the 1980s, and they were among the chief beneficiaries of that decades corporate mergers and reorganizations.

Some people say tithing is an Old Testament order that does not apply today. More so Jesus did not directly address tithing. It is also true that tithing predates the Mosaic Law. Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedek And Abraham is the father of Faith so if Abraham did something that was endorsed by God why are we reluctant to apply it and enjoy the manifold benefits of it. My friends, there are two things you do not change in life; a winning formula and a winning coach.

Abraham tithed and was wealthy and could conquer kings with his household (Gen13:14-16). Jesus said unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees; the Pharisees majored in external ceremonies to show off their commitment to God. They were fasting, praying and tithing openly to express their commitment to God but sometimes not from the heart. Jesus asked His disciples to go beyond outward display of piety. Let your actions be motivated by love.

used money. That was not a prudent decision. Truth be told, the fact is, the guy was not in covenant with his pastor. He was in covenant with God and by he not fellowshipping with the faithful he was removing himself from the Source of all power. The pastor is accountable to God as to the use he puts the Church money to, you remember the sons of Eli? They treated the offering of God with contempt and the Lord dealt with them severely. (1 Sam 2:29-32)

The tithe is your covenant connector; it reminds God of your trust in Him. And it keeps your heavenly account current. It is just like you paying your monthly insurance premium. Only that the insurance agency cannot stop you getting into accidents, but God can. He says He will rebuke the devourer for your sake. The men of old lived in the agrarian culture; they reared animals and tilled the land to make a living. God said He would protect their crops from been attacked by pests and rodents. And keep predators away from their animals.

Today if you invite God into your finances by paying your tithe He stays the hand of the enemy from your camp. You survive where others fail. What may knock others down may happen to you and you will still be on your feet. God grants you travel mercies on the highways. They may be laying people off at work but you will keep your job. God is faithful and true to His Word. The ten percent invites God’s favor and supernatural power into the ninety percent. It helps you use your money productively. So if you do not trust your pastor and as a result cannot submit to his leadership, like that guy do not stay at home. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to a church where you can submit to the leadership and pay your tithe. You cannot afford not to. The benefits are immense. God says if you tithe faithfully he will open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing for you.(Mal.3:10) He will bless the work of your hands. He will let you see success in what you do.

As narrated by Dr. Bill Bakkeby of Word of Grace Fellowship in Herndon, VA. Pastor Bill had tutored a young man in the manifold benefits of tithing. He bought into it. And started tithing faithfully, and saw abundance in the tapestry of his handiwork. Putting $10,000 in the offering bowl was not a bother to him. His clients became so many he was making one million dollars a month. That was when he started Tithes were paid so that the Levites reasoning into giving to God. Wow, how can I (Ministers) and the weak in the society could put $100,000 into the offering bowl? He eat. Ministers still have to eat. The weak in quipped. He stopped going to Church in order Vanity Fair magazine in October 2007 pub- the early Church were taken care of. We still not to tithe. How sad! And the windows of lished a list of what it calls “the world’s have to use our hearts and remember the Heaven begun to close over his assigned territomost powerful people” a lineup of the one poor. (Acts 20:35) Tithes are paid at the local ry; one by one clients refused to renew their hundred most influential media bosses, church; the cost of managing a Church is contracts and closed their accounts. Those who bankers, publishers, image makers, and so even more expensive today than the Bible owed him failed to pay up. Credit lines were forth, Jews made up more than half of the days. withdrawn. His business started going down. powerful men and women on the Vanity Fair And like the prodigal son he came to his senses list, reported a leading Israeli newspaper,The They did not have mortgages and other ever and remembered the God Who set him on the Jerusalem Post. increasing overhead costs.There was a guy road to success, and asked for forgiveness. who stopped going to Church because he This has to do more with the physical mani- said he did not appreciate how his pastor Today, though barely two percent of the nation’s population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the nation’s largest newspaper chain and one of the most influential newspaper, the New York Times. The role and influence of Jews in American politics is equally significant.


He says pay your vow and call unto Me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you.' (P's 50:15) You want the favor of God to be strong in your camp?, be a tither; it connects you to God’s unlimited provision.( Ps 23; Mal 3:10b) You want God to build His hedge of protection around you and caused you to be on your feet no matter what the enemy throws at you?( Ps.91; Mal 3:11) Give ten percent of you income to God and He will show Himself strong on your behalf.( 2Ch 16:9) Will you 'And call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you' P's 50:15

Rev. Dr. Agyeman Prempeh, The 2012 Honorary Degree Recipient

Bronx, NY On Saturday, June 23, 2012, The Ambassadors College of Ministries and Theological Seminary held its 30th Annual Holy Convocation and Conferring of Degrees and Diplomas. The ceremony took place at the New Covenant Dominion Cathedral, Bronx, New York. The 2012 Recipient of Honorary Doctor of Ministries Degree was Rev. Dr. Akwasi Agyeman Prempeh, Founder and General Overseer of the Springs of Joy Ministries International, headquartered in London, UK with several other branches in Ghana, France, Germany and the USA.

Presenting the diploma to the recipient was Rev. Mardette Alexandar, Archbishop Dr. Joseph A. Alexander, Chancellor/President of The Ambassadors College of Ministries and Theological Seminary/General Overseer of New Covenant Dominion Cathedral and Bishop Dr. Adell Whitenburg. In his acceptance speech, Rev. Akwasi Agyeman Prempeh took the opportunity to thank God, the Board of Governors and Faculty members for the honor bestowed upon him. He also offered sincere thanks to his family, partners and those who have supported his ministry. It was his wishes that the honor bestowed upon him would be a blessing to many.

Other honorary doctorate recipients were; Josephine E. Eggah and Gideon Eggah. Dr. Josephine Eggah, Founder and Presiding Bishop of New Birth Bible Church with Dr. Gideon Eggah as the Administrative General.

The Class of 2012 included; Post Graduate Degree in Theology to Ramseyer Awuku. Ramseyer Awuku is a powerful attorney and well known in the African community in the USA. Other recipients were; Garth Allen and Levi Cleare Jr. Bachelors in Theology Degree; Doreen Bowery, Ubong David, Felix Gyau/Valedictorian, Seth Nti-kye, Samuel Stobbs and Peter Tetteh Temanu. Elsie KwapongOsae, Associate Degree/Salutorian and Diploma; Joane Challenger Congratulations to all the 2012 recipients.




Culture and Arts - Profiles


Graduating students at the University of Virginia participated in the 183rd final exercises in Charlottesville, on May 20, 2012 on the lawn. This year, the University of Virginia chose Ms. Katie Couric as their finals speaker. Believe it or not, since graduating from the University of Virginia in 1979, Katie Couric had never been asked to return to her alma mater to give the graduation speak to the graduating class and their families. Excited and thrilled about speaking at her alma mater, Ms. Couric gave a riveting, hilarious, sometimes outrageous, yet entertaining speech which shall remain on the minds of many for years to come.

Katie Couric took the stage at 11:25 am and proudly shouted WAHOO WAH UNI-V-VIRGINIA! She started her speech by briefly discussing the previous men who had given speeches at UVA—1981 was Vice President George Bush; 1998 was John Paul Stevens; and 2007 was John Grisham. Yes, they had roles in the government and yes, they may have even sold millions of books at the time, but where was her call, as she waited via a rotary phone, cell phone, and now a smart phone. She finally received her call under the administration of UVA’s first female president in 193 years.

Katie Couric proceeded to tell the thousands of people in attendance about her days at UVA- her days living on the lawn, eating fried doughnuts with ice cream, and having a great time at parties thanks to a guy she knew who went by the name of Jack Daniels (joke #1). Katie Couric encouraged the Class of 2012 and reminded them that UVA graduates know the rights of man and the right way to party (joke #2). She also reminded the crowd that Tina Fey (another UVA graduate) would have been Vice President had it not been for the crushing interview with Amy Poehler ( joke # 3 – people, if you don’t get it, you don’t get it).

Katie Couric ( I know I could just say Ms. Couric but it’s fun typing out her name. After all, she waited 33 years to give this speech so the least I can do is type out her full name) encouraged the class to think of WWTJD – What Would Thomas Jefferson Do- as they progressed through life. Jefferson was an optimist, so like Jefferson, the Class of 2012 was encouraged to go through life unafraid , seeking to persevere and prevail. Katie Couric , a great story teller, shared her old journalism stories with the class, as an example of the need to persevere. She told the story of how she had her mother drive her to the ABC News Bureau in D.C. She eventually used the lobby phone to call a guy named Davie and talked about how she knew him through a girl down the street who was related to someone named Kikki, and on and on and on. It may sound a bit odd, but she was able to get in and got her first job with ABC News, and had San Donaldson jump on her desk and sing a customized song.

Katie Couric ‘s tip for the class was simple: do not look for jobs, look for people. According to Ms. Couric, it takes more than Linked In to get hooked up (joke #4). Katie Couric spoke about the 3 R’s: Risk, resilience, and rejection. In life, you have to take risks, or else you will never know the outcomes. If

June 2012

she had not gone to the ABC news room personally, who knows what she would have been doing now, 33 years after the fact. Even with risk, as Katie Couric stated, you can’t and won’t always get what you want, but it is important to try.

After ABC News, Katie Couric landed a job with CNN. As she states, she had her live interview and practiced based on the way she had practiced with her brush in front of the mirror the night before. After her live interview, the President of CNN said he never wanted to see her on TV again due to her voice/delivery. Rejection hurts. However, as Katie Couric stated, it can be humbling.

Katie Couric giving her speech

Katie Couric tip # 2: Be a traveling mug, not a teacup . According to Katie Couric, today’s youth are so fragile because they have been overcuddled and overprotected, therefore they are very sensitive, like tea cups. However, it is imperative that today’s youth “toughens up” and has humility. According to Katie Couric, if you think you are too big for the small jobs, then you are too small for the big jobs. Be sturdy. Let people know you are there and stand firm, just like a heaving travel mug. There is no substitute for hard work.

Katie Couric tip # 3: Find your passion. When Katie Couric started in the news room, harass was two words, not one ( joke # 5).However, she stuck it out and today she is one of the most famous anchors in the U.S. (No, as a UVA grad myself, I really need to do her justice )-- Katie Couric IS the most famous newsanchor in AMERICA, and perhaps in all of North America, and maybe even in the WORLD!! (That’s better).

RESILIENCE: On January 24, 1998, Katie Couric’s husband, Jay Monahan, collapsed and died as a result of battling colon cancer. A young mother, now a young widow, Katie was forced to analyze her situation and march forward. The man she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with had suddenly passed away, leaving her to fend for her and her family , while grieving at the same time. However, according to Katie Couric, Thomas Jefferson’s quote, “The earth belongs to the living “, comforted her the most. Life can deal you crushing blows but at the end of the day, it is important to find your passion. Since the death of her husband and her sister, Katie Couric has been able to educate the world about the importance of getting colonoscopies, and obtaining health checks.

Katie Couric’s summary list of advice to the Class of 2012 was simple: Do not tolerate intolerance; play fair; tip generously ; be skeptical- not cynical; have a purpose; do not give up, give back; step away from the IPhone. Human to human interaction is important.

Katie Couric’s speech was informative , hilarious, sad at times, yet inspiring. Her speech was uniquely WAHOOWA-derful!! Written By: Amy Ansong

Some of the graduating students



Gambia: Invest Gambia, Jim Ikye Ink Multimillion Dollar Deal



Cannibalism Alleged In Killing Of Ghanaian Former Master’s Degree Student June 2012



Jim Ikye

Invest Gambia, an investment company in The Gambia recently signed a multimillion dollar deal with Jim Ikye, a leading Nollywood actor at a signing ceremony held at Invest Gambia House.

The development came following the 8-day working visit to the Gambia by the Nigerian actor. The new deal which entails the production of a film to be titled 'The Coast', will probably be the most expensive Gambian film and will be shot and completed in July 2012. The film, reports added, will focus on three dynamics namely; Investment and business opportunities that exist in the country. It will also showcase various life changing opportunities that exist in The Gambia that are probably not known to many people.

According to Ebrima Sanyang, the chairman of Invest Gambia "National Branding" and "Cultural Diplomacy" is part of institutions strategic fit in their participation towards the deliverance of Vision 2020. He continued: "More and more world class films will be shot in The Gambia, if not coming weeks alone, but definitely months ahead and beyond.

ural habitat for all and sundry". The audition date, according to the release, will be announced in via the media in the coming days, whilst planned post-production premier of the movie entitled 'The Coast' will be held in Gambia, London, Stockholm and New Yorkand simultaneously later in the year and into the new year.

Meanwhile, Invest Gambia has committed to three simultaneous films deal with Jim Iyke whilst establishment of a Joint Venture Gambian Film Production company (Musketeers Production) has also been agreed and inked. "The movie is also in support of the visions, policies and practical initiatives of His Excellency Professor Alh Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh towards the deliverance of Vision 2020 and beyond in making Gambia a world class destination, to invest, work and live.

Indeed this achievement should also be shared by all Gambians and friends of The Gambia. The Gambia is a beautiful nation that deserves the best; and we should all be proud of development milestones," the release further stated.

The other benefits, is that, it will also be an opportunity to expose our local Source: Gambian talents into global movie industry. It will also showcase extraordinary beautiful hinter and hidden natural spectacular country that has not always been shown like the Fauna and Flora will be explicitly documented."

He further posited that the movie will no doubt showcase the moral and traditional fabrics of this beautiful country as well as retain the nation's "nat-

Alexander Kinyua (left) and Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie (right)

A Harford County, Md., murder case took a macabre turn this week when the suspect, a Morgan State University electrical engineering major, allegedly told detectives that he hadn’t just killed the victim but had also eaten the man’s heart and parts of his brain.

The victim’s severed head and hands were found in the man’s Harford County home; more remains were left in a trash container outside a church. Alexander Kinyua, 21, a former member of Morgan State’s’ ROTC program, was charged with firstdegree murder in the death of Kujoe Bonsafo AgyeiKodie, 37, a Ghanaian national and former master’s degree student who had been living with Kinyua’s family.

Kinyua’s father reported that Agyei-Kodie disappeared last Friday after going for a jog, but the investigation eventually led back to the family home. Kinyua was being held without bond, and authorities were exploring whether others participated in the crime or knew about it, based on what they called inconsistencies in statements made by the suspect’s family.

“I’ve been with the agency 40 years, and I would say this is the first time I can remember . . . where someone was placed under arrest in Harford County and as part of his crime he consumed the victim,” Harford County Sheriff Jesse Bane said of the allegations against Kinyua.

“I’ve not encountered that in this county, and I hope we never encounter it again,” he said.

Despite Kinyua’s alleged confession, which a spokeswoman described as “matter-of-fact,” police said they did not know of a motive for the crime and said they would not speculate on his mental state or whether drugs played a role. They were consulting with the

FBI’s behavioral analysis unit for guidance.

But accounts from Morgan State officials and classmates, as well as social media postings by Kinyua, suggest that he was growing increasingly troubled as his third year of school came to a close. In January, he was dismissed from the ROTC program after an outburst, and in May, he was arrested after allegedly fracturing the skull of a classmate with a baseball bat. The classmate was blinded in one eye as a result of what campus police called a “random” attack.

Kinyua’s Facebook page includes commentary about the “destruction of the black family” and “mass human sacrifices.”

“THIS IS THE BRUTAL BASIS, AN EVIL & TERRIFYING METHOD OF THIS DEATH CULTS,” he wrote in one message. Students familiar with Kinyua said he was well known on campus but was regarded as odd.

Jasmine Bloomfield said he was “always in his own little world, preaching everywhere he went and talking about how he was writing a book.” Source:

Afrikan Post

Chris Attoh is a television show host, actor and meteoric master of ceremonies (MC). He is popularly known on stage as Chris but his real name is Christopher Nii Attoh.

Chris Attoh

Nollywood’s Finest Actress, Oge Okoye, Promotes Peace In Ghana Via Concert June 2012

All fans of one of Nollywood’s finest and United Nations Peace Ambassador, Oge Okoye, will have another chance to celebrate tranquility as their idol storms Ghana this month for the Africa Peace Festival, taking place from June 30 to July 7, 2012, in Accra.

The multi- talented TV personality has steadily risen into stardom to become one of the finest promising actors Africa can boost of. Chris describes himself as a young entrepreneur, whose key objective is to continually strive to put Ghana’s name on the entertainment map worldwide.

Okoye, one of Nigeria and Africa’s most respected film professionals, also an amazing actress with an unmatched in-depth knowledge of her craft will lead series of activities including an International Peace Conference with a Peace Concert, Business and NGO Executives Conference, Peace Education Workshop, Youth Leadership Workshop, Exhibitions, Peace Durbar and an Africa Peace Award/Banquet, to highlight the importance of peace in the sub-region, and the need to safeguard the relatively stable environment the continent enjoys.

He started from Groove Fm where he did his national service after which he went to Choice Fm and was later poached by Metropolitan TV popularly known as Metro TV, where he hosted the show dubbed “Links”. He also hosted few episodes of Smash TV as well as a very popularly show then on GTV called the “Show Time”. He was later at Capital Radio in Kumasi where he presented the Jazz nite.

Chris Attoh attended Achimota High School and did his Sixth form at the Accra Academy School. He later went to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology where he read painting and later moved to London to study Banking and Security. In London where he furthered his education he presented a show called “One touch” on OBE TV in the United Kingdom.

Aside hosting TV productions: ‘Stars of the Future’ and ‘Rhythms’, Chris has also stared in Mnet’s production, Tinsel, which is the first multi camera soap to be done in West Africa, specifically Nigeria. He plays the role of a paralyzed man confined to a wheel chair, which he describes as very challenging and different from the many other roles he had played.

Although entertainment has been part of his life right through childhood where he used to act in school plays, what he had really wanted to do is direct feature films. “Acting was not on my agenda,” he intimated.

Thanks to Shirley Frimpong Manso, a film maker and director, he will be living that dream soon, co -directing her next movie. He says his acting career begun when his icon, Kwaku Sintim-Misa (KSM) starred him and Shirley FrimpongManso in a TV series called ‘Choices’.

However, the production could not come out, because the sponsors pulled out after filming about sixteen episodes. Having seen the potential in him, KSM invited him again with Shirley to play a role of a husband and wife in ‘divorce court’, another TV series. “We kissed live on TV, to the surprise of everyone” he recalls. After that stint in acting, he got lots of encouragement which made him to take acting more seriously.

He, however, never accepted any scripts due to the low quality movies being produced then, until ’Life and Living It’, which was his first Ghanaian feature movie, came along.

He intimated that he accepted to act in that production because he shares the same ideals with Shirley Frimpong Manso, who directed it. ‘Scorned’, the second production, he starred in was another instant hit but can not be compared with the hit ‘The Perfect Picture’ which broke box office records in Ghana.

Asked how he manages his fame, Chris said he is naturally social and jovial. He likens the life of a celebrity to a politician saying, it’s a full time job that calls for being there for the people because they make you. “My fans give me a sense of purpose and without them, there will be no one to share my creativity with”.

Page 36

Oge Okoye

The week-long festival is being put together by the African Centre for Peace Building (AFCOPB) and brings together over one thousand participants spread across civil society, the business community, academia, media and diplomats from across the globe.

The June 30 to July 7 events will be held at the Mensvic Hotel, East Legon, under the theme, “Promoting Global Peace through Culture of Diplomacy”.

The festival is being organized in partnership with Global Educators for All Initiatives-Nigeria, Metissia ArtsGermany, Uniting for Peace-UK, Climax Travel and Tours-Nigeria, Compassionate Journeys-USA; with support from over 30 organizations across the globe including the Ministry of Tourism-Ghana, Music for PeaceSwitzerland, Peace for People-Nepal among other corporate bodies.

Born in London, United Kingdom, Okoye is a Theatre Arts graduate of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University. With numerous film titles to her credit, an affectionate and sociable lady who has great respect for her peers. Her exploits earned her a United Nations Ambassadorial role this year. As a UN Ambassador, she joins hands with other domestic and international Ambassadors to propagate national and world peace through her actions and words.

Okoye’s ability to interpret her roles with so much deftness and poise has placed her among the best rated actresses in Africa.


Sexy Actress, Genevieve Nnaji Officially Unveiled Range Rover Ambassador This is the best times for top Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji as she has officially been slapped with a juicy car deal.

The single mother of one was officially unveiled yesterday night, Thursday, June 14 at a private event in Lagos as the brand ambassador of Range Rover's Evogue new brand of cars.

The event took place at Ocean View, Victoria Island, Lagos. She was presented with the new brand of SUV, Range Rover Evogue.

The presentation was done by Coscharis Motors, which is the brand owners of Range Rover car brands in Nigeria. The deal, as earlier reported, would see Genevieve pocket about 100,000 US dollars for the first six months.

Genevieve is one of the highest paid actresses in Nigeria.


June 2012

Afrikan Post





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African Post

Sulley earns $2.2m a year from new Milan deal

June 2012

Page 38

Ghana Borrowed My Money In 1976 And Never Paid - D.K. Poison

the money as that was in accordance with the Kwame Nkrumah “Ghana first” principle.

After this gesture of extraordinary generosity, the one-time world boxing featherweight champion is now regretting; wishing he had not lent the nation his money because successive governments who came after General I.K. Acheampong have all neglected his contribution towards fighting the economic crisis in Ghana in 1976. D.K. Poison has been so embittered that he has vowed never to encourage any of his children to get involved in the sport of boxing.

As reported by 90minutes some weeks back that the purported new deal Sulley Muntari is supposed to sign to make him a permanent AC Milan player has already been signed long ago, Corriere dello Sport has released a list of earnings by Milan players which confirms the Ghanaian international has indeed signed the contract long before people thought he’d do so.

The list reveals Muntari earns a wage €45,000 which culminates to €2.2m annually, and thereby eclipses Ghanaian compatriot, Kevin Prince Boateng’s by €200,000. Just as was reported by 90minutes, Muntari against the odds, was approached with a contract just 2-weeks into his loan deal at Milan, having been loaned out by Inter Milan in some very bizarre circumstances.

It will be recalled the 28-year old was going to exhaust the remainder of his Inter contract during the 6-month loan stint yet Inter did not mind sending him out. In that period, he repaid the confidence shown by Maxi Allegri by netting 3 times in 13 outings. As is evident on the list, Muntari was offered a 4-year deal in January which expires in 2015, contrary to schools of thought he was going to be made to justify reasons he should be offered a contract during the loan period.

The deal makes Muntari the 7th highest paid in Milan, tieing with new boy Ricardo Montolivo. Only Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Robinho, Phillippe Mexes, Thiago Silva, Alexandre Pato and Antonio Cassano earn more than he does on the 24-man team list.


D.K. Poison Ghana’s first world boxing title holder, David Kotey, popularly called D.K. Poison, says he has been betrayed by Ghana – a country he trusted and reposed a lot of confidence in.

D.K. Poison said he lent Ghana the entire $45,000.00 he obtained in his fight against Fuku Yama upon the request of then head of state I.K. Acheampong.

According to him, the head of state said the money would be used to buy Mackerel (tinned fish) to help alleviate the terrible hunger that the country was facing in 1976.

“They needed foreign currency in order to buy the fish for Ghana which they did not have. So the president sent me a telex to release the said money for the good people of Ghana. Over thirty years down the line, this money has not been paid by any government no matter how many petitions I wrote,” D.K. Poison told Blakk Rasta on Hitz FM’s Taxi Driver show.

The pioneering Ghanaian boxing champion was grateful for a gift of an estate at Teshie-Nungua he received from the head of state at the time in the wake of winning the world title but was quick to add that money borrowed from him should have been promptly paid as agreed.

“I am just waiting patiently to die as there is nothing more to live for considering the neglect and disrespect we as pioneer sports people get from authorities who should know better,” D.K. Poison closed the interview.

He was being celebrated in the BLACK SENSE segment of Blakk Rasta’s award-winning TAXI DRIVER show which airs on HITZ FM in Accra from 10am to 1pm,Monday to Friday. Source:

As a Young Pioneer, D.K.Poison said he never hesitated to release

Ghana Crowned Champions Of 2012 ECOWAS Games Ghana emerged champions at the just ended Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Games held 16-22 June with a staggering 35-medals.

The host nation scooped the highest number of medals at the second edition of the subregional games aimed at promoting integration amongst member states.

Ghana led the medal table with 17 Gold, 11 Silver and nine bronze and was decorated with the honor of the most successful team at the six-day event that saw participants battling for honors in disciplines such as Athletics, Boxing, Handball, Volleyball and

the Traditional Wrestling.

Perennial rivals Nigeria finished second with 13 Gold, 16 Silver and six Bronze. The Nigerians participated in all disciplines but Handball and Volleyball.

Senegal occupied third place four gold, four silver and two bronze, whilst Niger pulled out two gold, two silver and three bronze to claim the fourth position.

Cote d’Ivoire grabbed only two gold medals, with Benin in that order with one gold and two bronze. Togo also

managed one gold medal.

Burkina Faso totaled three silver and three bronze, and Liberia with only one medal - silver

There were five bronze medals for Mali whilst Sierra Leone accumulated a solitary bronze to finish at the depth of the medals table.

The venues for the games were the ElWak Stadium and Accra Sports Stadium. Source: Ghanaweb


Africa: Heavy Weights Begin World Cup Qualifiers well

Matches counting for the first day of play of the qualifying series for the 2014 World Cup took place in stadiums across the continent over the weekend with heavy weights in African football securing victories. Ghana, Egypt, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal and Cameroon all obtained victories on the first day of play.

However, the qualifiers began with some up set on the apple cart of African football with the reigning champions, Zambia stunned 2-0 by little known Sudan in a group D encounter. Meanwhile the Central African Republic recorded their first win in a World Cup qualifier, 48 years after joining the world football governing body, beating Botswana 2-0 in Bangui. In group B, Africa Cup of Nations co-hosts

Equatorial Guinea took a surprise lead in Tunisia before going down 31 to a side bidding to reach its fifth World Cup tournament. In group C, , new Cote d'Ivoire coach, Sabri Lamouchi led his new side to a 2-0 win over Tanzania in Abidjan just five days after taking charge. Despite home advantage in group E, Burkina Faso could only draw 0-0 with the Republic of Congo in Ouagadougou.

In group I, five-time World Cup qualifiers Cameroon put the disappointment of missing this year's Africa Cup of Nations to one side as they beat DR Congo at home. Elsewhere, Senegal and Algeria, who have both qualified for previous World Cups, were among teams that got their group campaigns off to a winning start.

Michael Essien Grateful To Ghanaians

Senegal conceded an early goal at home to Liberia but recovered to win 3-1 in a first competitive match in charge for caretaker coach Joseph Koto. Egypt beat Mozambique 2-0 while Ghana obtained the best results of the day, walloping Lilliputians, Lesotho 7-0. Full Results

June 2012

Afrikan Post

6236 Oscar Court Woodbridge VA 22193 Côte d'Ivoire vs Tanzania 2-0 Sierra Leone vs Cape Verde Islands 2-1 Gambia vs Morocco 1-1 Kenya vs Malawi 0-0

Cameroon vs Congo DR 1-0

Algeria vs Rwanda 4-0

Central African Republic vs Botswana 2-0

Senegal vs Liberia 3-1

Ghana vs Lesotho 7-0

Burkina Faso vs Congo 0-0 Sudan vs Zambia 2-0

Tunisia vs Equatorial Guinea 3-1

Page 39

Egypt vs Mozambique 2-0 Source:

I Didn't Quit The Black Stars - Gyan

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Michael Essien has written to the Ghana Football Association (GFA) to express his gratitude to the people of Ghana for their support following his UEFA Champions League win with Chelsea.

The GFA sent a message to the midfielder this week, on behalf of the people of Ghana, to congratulate him after his club clinched the top prize in European football.

Essien has responded by dedicating the title to the people of his country.

Below is the full text of the message Essien sent to the GFA:

Many thanks for your kind words.

It is indeed a great moment for me and my team mates, one that we have worked for as a team for many years.

I share this special moment with all my fans especially in Ghana, who have supported me with prayers and well wishes through the good and bad times. Many thanks to the GFA for all your support over the years.

This is a medal for all Ghanaians, they are all champions in my heart and I dedicate this to them.


I only took a break

Al-Ain striker Asamoah Gyan has denied quitting the Black Stars. He told Kumasi-based FOX FM that he only asked for permission to take a break from international football for psychological reasons, adding that several events that took place after Ghana’s loss to Zambia at the 2012 African Nations Cup left him emotionally wrecked ‘I would never quit the Black Stars. I only asked for a break from international football because of several events that left me mentally shattered. I will soon return.’ Gyan also told FOX FM that he was aiming to return to the Black Stars, if Ghana lands a friendly in August, noting that most of his memorable moments occurred on national duty. ‘About 90% of my memorable moments and achievements have been with the Black Stars. I will definitely return and hopefully, I should have psyched myself by August so that if Ghana has a friendly match, I can return to the team.’


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