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Vol 6 Issue 10
African Community News
U.S. to Begin Ebola Screenings at 5 Airports
Pg. 39
Afrikan Post
October 2014
Ghana’s Ambassador To The US Arrives in Washington DC to Assume Duty
From the Editor
O u r G r ea tes t G lor y is n o t in n ever f a llin g b u t in r is in g ever y time we f a ll . We ar e committted to b r in gin g th e commu n ity th e bes t in N ews f r om Af r ica a n d th e D ia s p or a . Yo u may als o vis it o u r webs ite a t r ik an po s f or d a ily n ews u p da tes o n Af r ica . D is cla imer : Th e o p in ion s ex pr es s ed in ar ticles a n d s to r ies in th is N ews pa per ar e th os e o f th e a u th o r s a n d d o n o t n eces s ar ily r ef lect th e views o f Af r ik an Po s t . All co mmen ts a n d s u g g es tio n s a r e welcome.
Page 2
bodies, including; the Cabinet of Ghana, the Armed Forces Council, the National Security Council, the Africa Union Security Council, the Presidential Transitional Committee of Ghana and the ECOWAS Mediation and Security Committee.
As an excellent military officer, astute politician and a fine diplomat, Lt. Gen. Smith CV, LM (USA) brings to Washington DC, his exceptional rich experience in his many fields of endeavour. It is also much to his credit that he is the first Ghanaian, ever, to be appointed to the position of Ghana’s Ambassador to the USA, who has previously served as the Defence, Military, Naval and Air Attaché (DMNAA) in Washington.
George Bright-Abu Publisher and Editor
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Hail Shatta Wale For His Actions Instead Of Chastising Him" Pg. 36
Branding Nigeria: MasterCard-backed I.D. is also a debit card and a passport Pg. /
Ondo State Governor, Olusegun Mimiko Dumps Labour Party For PDP Pg. 7
Fall Back In Trust Pg. 20
SPORTS DC United Star Samuel Inkoom Pg. 39
Pastor Turns Fuel Into Juice As Members Rush To Drink Pg. 6
Lieutenant General JH Smith CV, LM (USA) has a personal resolute determination to keep an open door policy, to be extended to various stake holders spanning the Ghanaian Diaspora Community; a vision in His Excellency, Lt Gen, (Rtd) Joseph Henry Smith, line with the country’s foreign policy and the “Better Ghana Agenda” of the Government of Ghana, i.e. to CV, LM (USA) arrived in Washington DC on promote and deepen strategic partnership, security Saturday, October 11, 2014 to assume duty as and economic co-operation between Ghana and the Ghana’s Ambassador to the United States of USA. America (USA).
He was appointed Ghana’s Ambassador to the US by his Excellency Mr. John Dramani Mahama, President of the Republic of Ghana in September, 2014.
Lieutenant General JH Smith CV, LM (USA) is married with five (5) children. Lt. Gen. Smith’s political career began on his retirement from the Ghana Armed Forces in 2002 and was appointed Minister for Defence in 2009 by the Late President John Evans Atta Mills’ administration. He also served as member of various important
October 2014
Afrikan Post
October 2014
Page 4
We Have Mobile Phones You can Use in Ghana
Afrikan Post
African-Born U.S. Residents Now Total 1.6 Million
The Foreign-Born Population from Africa: 20082012
American Community Survey Briefs, ACSBR/12-16
By Christine P. Gambino, Edward N. Trevelyan, and John Thomas Fitzwater
According to the 2008-2012 American Community Survey (ACS), 39.8 million foreignborn people resided in the United States, including 1.6 million from Africa, or about 4 percent of the total foreign-born population. In 1970, there were about 80,000 African foreign born, representing less than 1 percent of the total foreignborn population (Figure 1). During the following four decades, the number of foreign born from Africa grew rapidly, roughly doubling each decade.
About three-fourths of the foreign-born population from Africa came to live in the United States after 1990. The timing of this movement was driven in part by historical changes. Outmigration from Africa increased rapidly after World War II, as migrants responded to the pull of educational opportunities and jobs abroad. While the first waves of postwar migrants went to other African countries and former colonial powers of Europe, migration to the United States increased in the 1970s as economies faltered and new restrictions were placed upon immigration in Western Europe.
More immigrants from Africa were admitted to the United States after the U.S. Immigration Act of 1965, which replaced the national origin quota system favoring immigration from Europe with a new law prioritizing skilled labor, family unification, and humanitarianism. In addition, nearly a quarter of all immigrants from Africa to the United States in 2010 entered as refugees or received asylum as a result of ethnic conflict or civil war, particularly in countries such as Somalia, Liberia, and Sudan. The rate of Africanborn immigrants arriving and staying in the United States accelerated further as immigrant networks grew and pathways were established.
This brief discusses the size, place of birth, geographical distribution, and educational attainment of the foreign born from Africa. Data are presented at the national, state, and metropolitan levels based on the 2008-2012 ACS 5-year file.
African Regions and Countries of Birth
Of the 1.6 million foreign born from Africa in the United States, 36 percent were from Western Africa, 29 percent were from Eastern Africa, and 17 percent were from Northern Africa, followed by Southern Africa (5 percent), Middle Africa (5 per- cent), and other Africa (7 percent) (Figure 2, Table 1). Since 2000, the foreign born from Africa increased by over 700,000 persons, up from a total of 881,300. Over 490,000, or about 70 percent of that growth, has been from coun-
tries in Western and Eastern Africa.
The largest African-born populations were from Nigeria and Ghana in Western Africa; Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia in Eastern Africa; Egypt in Northern Africa; and South Africa in Southern Africa. Of these seven, the four largest were Nigeria (221,000 or 14 percent of the African-born population), Ethiopia (164,000 or 10 percent), Egypt (143,000 or 9 percent), and Ghana (121,000 or 8 percent), together constituting 41 percent of the Africanborn total.
Geographic distribution of the foreign-born population from Africa
Four states had more than 100,000 foreign born from Africa: New York (164,000), California (155,000), Texas (134,000), and Maryland (120,000) (Table 2). When combined, these four states represented over onethird (36 percent) of the foreign born from Africa.
Among states with at least 2,500 foreign born from Africa, Rhode Island had the highest percentage of the African born from Western Africa (82 percent), while over half of the African born in Massachusetts and New York (each 52 percent) were from this region. Over half of the foreign born from Africa in three states—Minnesota, Nevada, and Washington— were from Eastern Africa. Minnesota's Eastern African born represented 61 percent of its African-born population, over double the national percentage and included a Somaliborn population of 21,000. Florida and New Jersey (each 33 percent) and Iowa (30 percent) were among the states with the highest percentage of their African-born populations from Northern Africa. California's large Egyptianborn population (31,000) contributed to its Northern African representation (29 percent), notably higher than the national percentage (17 percent).
The states with the highest percentage foreign born from Africa in their foreign-born populations included North Dakota and Minnesota (both 19 percent), South Dakota (17 percent), Maryland and the District of Columbia (both 15 percent) (Figure 3). Arkansas, California, Florida, Hawaii, and New Mexico each had less than 2 percent foreign born from Africa in their foreign-born populations. Of the ten states with the largest African-born populations, five had percentages of African born in their foreign-born populations that were at least twice the national percentage: Minnesota (19 percent), Maryland (15 percent), Virginia (9 percent), and Georgia and Massachusetts (both 8 percent).
Distribution by Metropolitan Statistical Area
Metropolitan areas with the largest Africanborn population included New York, NY (212,000); Washington, DC (161,000); Atlanta, GA (68,000); Los Angeles, CA (68,000); and
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN (64,000) (Table 3). In addition to having a high number of African born, the percentage of the foreignborn population from Africa in the Washington, DC, metro area (13 percent) was more than three times the national percentage (4 percent), and Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN (20 percent), was five times the national percentage.
In several metropolitan areas with relatively small African-born populations, the African born nevertheless represented a high proportion of the total foreign born. These included Columbus, OH (23 percent); Baltimore, MD (13 percent); and Providence, RI (11 percent), with between 20,000 and 35,000 African foreign born. Most metropolitan areas with a high percentage of African born in their foreign-born populations were in the Midwest and Northeast regions in states such as Minnesota, Ohio, and Maine (Figure 4). It is notable that in many metropolitan areas in the western half of the country, the concentrations of African born were well below the national average. These included Los Angeles (1.5 percent), San Francisco (1.8 percent), and San Diego (2.2 percent).
With the exception of Nigeria, there was considerable variation in the top countries of birth in metropolitan areas with the largest African-born populations (Figure 5). For example, both Dallas-Ft. Worth and Houston showed large numbers of Nigerians and Ethiopians. Chicago, Columbus, and New York had significant Ghanaian populations, while foreign born from Cabo Verde figured prominently in Boston and Providence (half of the African born in Providence). The largest African-origin countries for Washington, DC, were Ethiopia and Nigeria. The largest African-born populations in Minneapolis-St. Paul were from Somalia and Ethiopia. In Los Angeles and San Francisco, leading African countries of birth included Egypt, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. The largest African-origin countries in the New York metropolitan area were Egypt and Ghana, each composing just under 20 percent of the total African born.
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Nearly one-third of the overall foreign-born population (32 percent) had less than a high school education. This contrasts with only 12 percent for the African-born population, as represented by such countries as South Africa (3 percent), Nigeria (4 percent), and Egypt and Kenya (each 5 percent).
The difference in educational attainment among the populations from different African countries in part reflects how they immigrated to the United States. A relatively high proportion of immigrants from Africa entered the United States on diversity visas (24 percent as compared with 5 percent of the overall foreign born), which require a high school diploma or equivalent work experience. The foreign born from Somalia, who mostly entered the United States as refugees or asylees (82 percent in 2010), not as diversity migrants (1 percent in 2010), were an exception to this overall pattern. Forty percent of the Somali born had less than a high school education.
The foreign-born population from Africa is small relative to other foreign-born groups, but has experienced rapid growth in the last 40 years. Among the African- born population, the majority were born in Western Africa (36 percent), Eastern Africa (29 percent), or Northern Africa (17 percent). While traditional immigrant destinations such as New York and California have attracted the largest number of African immigrants, they account for a relatively small percentage of the total foreign born in those states. Higher concentrations of the African born in a state's total foreign-born population are instead found in North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. Compared with the overall foreign-born population, a higher proportion of African born have completed a bachelor's degree or higher level of education.
Educational Attainment
Compared with the overall foreign- born population, the foreign born from Africa had higher levels of educational attainment (Figure 6). High levels of educational attainment among the African born are in part due to the large number of educated Africans who have chosen to emigrate and to many who come to the United States to pursue academic studies. Forty-one percent of the African-born population had a bachelor's degree or higher in 2008-2012, compared with 28 percent of the overall foreign born. Egypt (64 percent) and Nigeria (61 percent) were among the African countries of birth with the highest proportion of bachelor's and higher degrees.
Founder of First Lady Lordina Ali Mazrui, Top Kenyan Kingslight Chapel Mahama honoured Academic, Dies In The International (KLC) US by City of Newark Elevated to the Office of Apostle October
2014 Page 6
Renowned Kenyan academic Ali Mazrui has died in the US aged 81 after being ill for several months.
The Presbytery, and the entire leadership of Kings Light Chapel International family and Churches world-wide wish to congratulate Apostle Dr. Daniel Ahia-Armah for his ordination into the office of Apostleship. This conferment was done by Rev. Dr. Robert Ampiah-kwofie at the spirit-filled historic Doxa Convention 2014, which coincided with the Church’s 5th Anniversary grand celebration held at the Shebah Temple . During the ordination and conferment of Apostleship, Rev. Dr. Robert Ampiah Kwofie also launched the Daniel Dedrich AhiaArmah Ministries simply known as DDA Ministries. A personal ministry of Apostle Dr. Armah by the insipiration of the Holy Ghost. DDA ministry is raised by God to touch the World with POWER and the body of Christ with fire. DDA ministries will be holding once a month all-believers interdenominational all-night services for the tri-states to bring Revival to our cities and beyond. The first edition will take place on friday November 7th at the Shebah Temple and followed subsequently other editions on the first friday of every month. Dr. Daniel Ahia-Armah, preacher, teacher, motivator and entrepreneur is a Pharmacist by profession and a Pastor by call. He has been in ministry for about twenty two (22) years and carries an infectious burden for soul winning, integrity and holiness. He carries a strong unadulterated message from God with obvious emphasis on faith, hope, character and evangelism. Pastor Daniel Ahia-Armah is well sought after speaker in revivals, conferences and conventions around the world. In the US, his packed schedule of speaking engagements has taken him to many states and cities with tremendous testimonies and deep seated impact following. Doctor Daniel Armah is a prolific writer of international dimension and recognition. He has so far authored sieven (7) powerful inspiring books with a readership fan base dotted around the globe. These books are: “VICTORY TECHNIQUES’’, “GOLIATH CAN FALL”, “RIDING THE WINDS OF CHANGE,” STONE SEAL & SOLDIERS’’ “SEVEN EFFECTS OF PRAYER” and “THE VISITATION OF THE LORD’’ and “Lessons of Christmas”. Doctor Daniel Armah is married to Rev. Barbara Ahia-Armah an anointed and hardworking woman of God also a Pharmacist and blessed with a child by name Charis. Dr. Ahia-Armah currently co-pastors the church in Woodbridge, Virginia with Barbara, the first lady of Kingslight chapel churches worldwide. Once again, we say Congratulations!!
Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta said Africa had been robbed of one of its greatest scholars.
Mr Mazrui had been "towering" academic whose "intellectual contributions played a major role in shaping African scholarship", he added.
The Mayor of the City of Newark, Ras J. Baraka has honoured the First Lady of Ghana, Lordina Mahama, with an award and citation for her philanthropic work and dedication to Ghanaians and the Ghanaian community in the City of Newark, the State of New Jersey, USA.
The award to the First Lady by the City of Newark was to applaud her for her work as National President of the Alternative Source of Income Programme (ASOIP), now Lordina Foundation, which is devoted to assist orphan children and vulnerable persons.
The award was also in recognition of her dedication to humanity, most especially orphaned children and for her immense support to the people of Newark. As part of the award, she was presented with the keys to the City of Newark through the State of New Jersey which allows her an unfettered access to Newark.
He had been a professor at Binghamton University in New York at the time of his death.
Leading pan-Africanist His body will be flown to Kenya for burial, said Khelef Khalifa, chairman of Kenya's Muslims for Human Rights group.
"His nephew, Alamin Mazrui, has confirmed that the professor's wish was to be buried in Kenya," he is quoted by the local Daily Nation newspaper as saying. Mr Mazrui has been a household name in Kenya and beyond.
His writings, though embedded in history, still resonate because he talks about the need to recognise national heroes, without worshipping them.
They also give insight into some of the greatest concerns currently facing the world as he wrote about terrorism and Islam.
In one of his books, Islam between Globalisation and Counter Terrorism, he explained how the religion was entrapped in the danger of rising extremism.
A citation accompanying the plaque acknowledges the dedication of Lordina Mahama to humanitarian issues and to the Ghanaian residents of Newark who have also contributed to Kenya's Ali Mazrui: Death of a towering intellectual Newark’s transformation, by uniting to support educational, line cultural, and economic projects at Newark and their homeMr Mazrui was a leading pan-Africanist whose academic research land. focused on African politics, north-south relations and political The award which was presented by the mayor of the city of Islam. He had authored numerous books, including The Africans: A Newark Ras J. Baraka was received on her behalf by the Triple Heritage and Christianity and Islam in Africa's Political Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Experience: Piety, Passion and Power. Development, Hon. Kwakwo Adjei Agyekum and the Mayor of Accra, Dr. Alfred Okoe Vanderpuije. In 2005, the US journal Foreign Policy and British journal Prospect listed him as among the world's top 100 public intellecThe award was presented as part of celebrations of the 3rd tuals. Anniversary of the naming of a street, “Ghanaian Way”, in the city of Newark dedicated to the Ghanaian community Mr Mazrui is survived by his wife and six children. for their contribution to the development of the city.
Ondo State Governor, Olusegun Mimiko Dumps Labour Party For PDP
Olusegun Mimiko has finally decamped to PDP, just like former Ogun Sate Governor, Gbenga Daniel recently did. He was received by Vice President Namadi Sambo on behalf of President Goodluck Jonathan at a brief ceremony held inside the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa. Mimiko was joined by members of his cabinet, LP lawmakers from the state in the National Assembly and 25 members of the state House of Assembly.
The Governor who said he decided to join PDP because of the interest of Ondo people and Nigerians at large said that, his immediate target was to ensure that President Goodluck Jonathan was re-elected. He promised to spearhead the process by creating “a solid and robust platform of involvement in the re-election of the president”.
Ondo State, Nigeria was created on 3 February 1976 from the former Western State. It originally included what is now Ekiti State, which was split off in 1996. Akure is the state capital.
The state contains eighteen Local Government Areas, the major ones being Akoko, Akure, Okitipupa, Ondo, and Owo. The majority of the state's citizens live in urban centers. The big government universities in Ondo state are the Federal University of Technology Akure, Akure and the Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba/Akoko. The ethnic composition of Ondo State is largely from the Yoruba subgroups of the Akoko, Akure, Ikale, Ilaje, Ondo, and Owo peoples. Ijaw minority (such as Apoi and Arogbo) and Ilaje populations inhabit the coastal areas; while a sizable number of the Ondo State people who speak a variant of the Yoruba language similar to Ife dialect reside in Oke-Igbo. These people are also Yorubas.
Ondo State contains the largest number of public schools in Nigeria over 880 primary schools and 190 secondary schools. Olusegun Mimiko (Yoruba: Ọlúṣẹ́gun Mímikò; born 3 October 1954) is the current governor of Ondo State, Nigeria.
Dr. Olusegun Mimiko competed in gubernatorial elections on April 14, 2007, against the incumbent Olusegun Agagu and lost the contest in April 2007 according to the result released by the Independent Electoral Commission INEC. Mimiko contested this decision at the election tribunal and Agagu lost office on February 23, 2009 following an AppealCourt ruling which cited irregularities in the 2007 election, and was replaced by Mimiko as governor. Mimiko is currently the first and only member of the Labour Party to win gubernatorial office in Nigeria.
Governor Olusegun Mimiko was said to have won the election on October 20, 2012 enabling him to continue in office for a second term making him the first Governor in Ondo State to win a second term election. On october 2nd he officailly left the labour party for peoples democratic party
Branding Nigeria: MasterCard-backed I.D. is also a debit card and a passport October 2014
Page 7
cards and an identity card issued by a sovereign authority," he says. "Even if Mastercard was needed to ensure a good payment system, there is nothing that says it must be heavily embossed on the card. It could guarantee the card without necessarily getting this free advert from 170 million Nigerians." There should be difference between everyday credit or payment cards and an identity card issued by a sovereign authority. Lead Director at the Centre for Social Justice Eze Onyekpere Onyekpere has also criticised the way the Nigerian government partnered with the international payments provider. "The choice of Mastercard did not undergo a competitive selection process," he claims. "It was clearly an abuse of Nigeria's public procurement process and the selection should have been open to all companies that can provide the service. A MasterCard spokesperson denied the payments company was turning the I.D. card project into a branding exercise. In an emailed statement the company said "the brand mark is not MasterCard's corporate logo, nor is it an advertisement for the company. The MasterCard brand displayed on the card is what makes the electronic payment component of the eID card accepted as a means of payment." NIMC spokesperson Umar Abdulhamid rejected any allegation of foul play in partnering with MasterCard. "It's a level playing field," he said In a phone interview. "Other payment providers have been invited to get involved, but were apprehensive." And Daniel Monehin, president of MasterCard's Sub Saharan Africa division, joined Abdulhamid in dismissing this claim. In a phone interview he said that "the collaboration went through all the highest levels of government." Previous attempts This is not the first time Nigerian authorities have tried to implement such a card. The idea of a national identity card scheme for Nigeria was first initiated in 1978, according to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. But successive governments and coups meant the idea did not become a reality. More recently, progress on the provision of identity cards for Nigerians took shape in early 2003, when some 60,000 centers were set up to register citizens. While the approach to take photographs and fingerprints sought to avoid fraud, an article on the U.N. refugee agency's website reports that irregularities in the roll-out of the I.D. cards meant that by 2008 the government was planning a new card. A month into this latest identity project there remains no fixed timetable for when the roll out of the initial 13 million cards will be completed.
CNN Marketplace Africa is a weekly show offering a unique window into African business on and off the continent. (CNN) -- What does it mean to be Nigerian? That's the question on the lips of many in Africa's most populous country as new national identity cards are being rolled out. But this is an I.D. with a difference. The card, which fits into a wallet and comes with a creditcard style chip, can also be used to make electronic payments. Nigerians can use it to deposit funds, receive social benefits, pay for goods and withdraw cash at ATMs across the country, according to MasterCard, which provides the card's prepaid payment technology. The company also claims that by providing proof of identity, the card solves one of the biggest problems people face when trying to open a bank account. "To all Nigerians, I say, remember the National Identification Number, is your identity," Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan said at the launch of the National Identity Smart Card, or NeID, at the end of August. "The card is not only a means of certifying your identity, but also a personal database repository and payment card, all in your pocket." Why the face of reform is slow Can Nigeria reduce oil theft? The card could also be used for voting in the future, while Chris Onyemenam, director general and CEO of the Nigerian Identity Management Commission (NIMC), said that citizens will have "the potential to use it as an international travel document." Earlier this week, finance minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala said 3,000 people had received cards. In order to get the document, Nigerians have to register at one of the NIMC enrollment centers around the country and provide 10 fingerprints, a picture of their face and iris, as well as information about their age and place of birth. Once registered, the NIMC official issues an I.D. number and then the card. Growth opportunity Nigeria produces more oil than any other African nation, but the World Bank says only about 30% of the population have a bank account. Given 170 million people live in the country, Mastercard claims to have spotted an opportunity for growth.Research conducted by MasterCard's consultancy arm says that cash dependency in a country like Nigeria can cost up to 1.5% of Gross Domestic Product. Given Nigeria has recently recently recalculated it's 2013 GDP to a figure of $488 billion, making it Africa's biggest economy, that's certainly an amount the government is keen to keep a hold of. By Alex Court, for CNN Card controversy But not everyone is happy with this pocket-sized onestop-shop. Human Rights Activist Shehu Sani attacked the scheme on Facebook:While Eze Onyekpere, lead director at the non-governmental organisation Centre for Social Justice, said the collaboration was not appropriate. "There should be difference between everyday credit or payment
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U.S. Airports to Screen Travelers for Ebola Symptoms
UPDATE Oct. 8, 3:40 p.m. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Wednesday that five U.S. airports will screen all travelers from Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, where the Ebola outbreak has hit the hardest.
secretary of Homeland Security. “CBP, working closely with The UK announced it would not screen for Ebola at the airCDC, will continue to assess the risk of the spread of Ebola port — even if a passenger had just arrived from Liberia. into the United States, and take additional measures, as necessary, to protect the American people.” Temperature screenings at points of entry are not necessarily effective for identifying those sick with the disease. Ebola has After passport control, travelers from those countries will be UPDATE Oct. 8, 12:50 p.m. Temperature screenings will a two- to 21-day incubation period, meaning a traveler could taken to a special area in the airport. CBP staff will observe begin this weekend for passengers arriving from West African show no symptoms until weeks after contracting it. The World them for signs of illness, take their temperature, and ask quescountries to John F. Kennedy International (JFK) in New Health Organization does not recommend entry screening. tions related both to their current health and any potential expo- York, according to White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest. sure. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recNext week screenings will begin at four additional airports, ommends against all non-essential travel to Guinea, Sierra If travelers exhibit signs of illness, a CDC quarantine station including Newark (EWR) in New Jersey, Washington Dulles Leone and Liberia. public health officer will evaluate them and determine if further (IAD) in D.C., O'Hare (ORD) in Chicago, Illinois, and Hartsfield-Jackson (ATL) in Atlanta, Georgia. monitoring is required, at which point they will be referred to the appropriate public health authority. Travelers who do not Travelers arriving to the United States will be observed for show any signs of illness will be given a fact sheet explaining any signs or symptoms of Ebola, Homeland Security what to do if they develop symptoms later. BY JESSICA PLAUTZ Department officials announced Wednesday. Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas did not elaboScreenings at JFK airport in New York, which received more than half of the travelers from the three countries in 2014, will rate on when new measures would go into effect, but a source told CNN screenings could begin as early as this weekend. begin Saturday. Screenings at IAD, ORD, ATL and EWR will begin next week. Previously, travelers entering the U.S. from areas hit by the recent Ebola outbreak have received a fact sheet about the “We work to continuously increase the safety of Americans,” said CDC Director Tom Frieden. “We believe these new meas- disease. The White House has resisted calls from some memures will further protect the health of Americans, understanding bers of Congress to instate a travel ban; more than 3,400 peothat nothing we can do will get us to absolute zero risk until we ple in West Africa have died in the outbreak. Travelers leaving Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are end the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.” screened as they exit, both by temperature scans and by answering a questionnaire about recent contact with sick indi“CBP personnel will continue to observe all travelers entering the United States for general overt signs of illnesses at all U.S. viduals. However, Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person to ports of entry and these expanded screening measures will pro- fall ill with Ebola while in the U.S., had also gone through vide an additional layer of protection to help ensure the risk of such a screening when he left Liberia. Ebola in the United States is minimized,” said Jeh Johnson, the
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Page 12
October 2014
October 2014
20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Never Knew About Twins
There are more twins being born in the US now than ever before. One of the main reasons is ongoing trend of waiting to have children. Also, milk. Yes, milk. Aside from the special circumstances that give way to twins, their development is incredibly unique from the womb to adulthood. These are some of the most interesting things there are to know about twins.
Twins Can Have Different Biological Fathers
Twins interact with each other in the womb
In 2009, Mia Washington gave birth to twins with two different fathers, a one-ina-billion occurrence. One month, Mia released two eggs instead of one. Her two sexual partners each fertilized one of the eggs, resulting in two babies with two dads. In 2011, there were only 3 known cases of this occurrence. Source:
The University of Padova recently discovered that twins are as close in the womb as they are outside of it. At 14 weeks of gestation, twins were seen reaching for each other. Four weeks later, twins in the womb touched each other more often than they touched their own bodies. The twins were gentle to each other and made distinct gestures toward each other. Source:
Although it may be hard to believe, Kian and Remee are twins. This is the result of a one in a million combination of their parents’ genes, who are mixed race. If parents are mixed race, their eggs or sperm contain the genetic code for both black and white skin and in very few cases this results in twins of different skin colors. Source:
Krista and Tatiana Hogan are attached at the head and share a thalamus - the part of the brain that controls physical sensations and motor functions. As a result, the girls can see through each other’s eyes and hear each other’s thoughts. They can also feel and see what the other one does. Source:
In Rare Cases, Twins Can Be Different Races.
Separated Twins Can Live Similar Lives
Jim Lewis and Jim Springer were four weeks old when they were separated, with each of the twins going to different adoptive families. It was later discovered that their lives shared some truly remarkable similarities. Both had a dog named Toy as kids. Both married twice, first to women named Linda and second to women named Betty. Both drove Chevys, smoked Salem cigarettes, and drank Miller Lite. Source:
If A Pair Of Identical Male Twins Marry A Pair Of Identical Female Twins, Their Children Will Legally Be Cousins But Genetically Be Full Siblings. Two children are genetic siblings if the chromosomes both children received were derived from the same pool. Since the genetic pool of identical twins are identical, these two sets of parents would produce children from identical pools.
Women Who Give Birth To Twins May Live Longer
Some conjoined twins can hear each other’s thoughts and see through each other’s eyes
One of the easiest ways to tell identical twins apart is their belly buttons
Belly buttons are scars from the detachment of the umbilical cord, so they aren’t caused by genetics and each one is slightly unique.
A Woman Is More Like To Give Birth To Fraternal Twins If She Is One Herself, Has Already Given Birth To Fraternal Twins Or Has A Sibling Who Is A Fraternal Twin. Left-Handedness Is Nearly Twice As Common In Twins Than In Single Individuals.
Twins can be born weeks or months apart
Amy and Katie are twins that were born 87 days apart. Their mother's water broke a mere 23 weeks into pregnancy. Amy was born four months premature, weighing little more than one pound and fighting for her life in an incubator while Katie was struggling to survive in the womb. While not common, the previous record for separate births was 85 days.
Identical twins can make master criminals
Women who give birth to twins are generally healthier and stronger to begin with than those who don’t. Some believe that twins are an evolutionary adaptation, where the healthiest of mothers take the chance to pass on double the genes at once. Source:
Apart from their fingerprints, identical twins are 99.99% identical on a DNA level. In January, 2009, $6.8 million worth of jewelry was stolen in Berlin. The single suspect (who was wearing gloves) left behind sweat beads, which police extracted DNA from and tracked down to two people - Hassan and Abbas O. - identical twins. Both denied responsibility, accused the other, and because police couldn’t identify which of the twins the DNA belonged to, both ended up walking free. Source:
The Long Island Jewish Medical Center discovered that taller women have more insulin-like growth factor (IGF) - a protein that increases a woman’s chance of ovulating. The more IGF a woman has, the greater the chance that she will become pregnant with twins. Other research found that women who gave birth to twins were on average one inch taller than other mothers. Source:
Babies that are extremely close have been known to form autonomous languages that only they can understand. Since the babies must be extremely close, autonomous languages are far more common in twins, with around 40% of twins forming their own languages before they learn one that we can understand. Below is an adorable example…
Tall Women Are More Likely To Have Twins
Women Who Eat A Lot Of Dairy Are Also More Likely To Have Twins
A study in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine compared twin birth rates from vegan and non-vegan mothers. Those who consumed dairy were five times more likely to have twins. Cows, like humans, also produce IGF and release it into their milk, which the women consume. Source:
Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints
Fingerprints are not solely shaped by DNA. Although they start with the same fingerprints, during weeks 6 to 13 of pregnancy, when the twins start to move, they touch the amniotic sac which forms unique ridges and lines.
Nearly half of twins invent their own languages
Customers were confused how a Chinese couple could run their busy restaurant for 21 hours a day without getting tired. It turned out that the restaurant was run by two sets of identical twins.
Top Nigerian Actors Who Have Turned Pastors
October 2014
No doubt, fans love and adore movie stars. However, despite the love, the personal life of some of these stars is far from decent. Actresses, especially those who are stereotyped as cheap, promiscuous, money hungry, greedy and selfish are worst hit. On the other hand, the men are seen as gigolos, party animals, womanisers, and all sorts. These features do not necessarily apply to all of them, as some people have argued that there are still decent ones among them. And in this era of many claiming to have “become new creatures,” these stars also have proclaimed a new life, with some even going as far as claiming they have given their lives to Christ.
Zack Orji
Actor, Zack Orji, has been ordained a full-time evangelist by Bishop Emma Isong of Christian Central Chapel International (CCCI). In fact, the veteran actor has engaged in various evangelical activities in Abuja, Nasarawa and Makurdi with the church.
Zack has hardly been linked to any scandal. Only close friends know that he goes to a bar in National Stadium in Lagos, where he usually takes a particular brand of drink. Zack Orji is married to Ngozi Orji and they have three children.
Pat Attah
Where is Pat Attah? From what we gather, the once-upon-a-dreadlock-turned clean cut actor has left his life in the country behind. Pat, currently, is based in Hamburg, Germany and has turned a preacher. Though he does not preach in churches, he is now very much a bornagain.
Many knew him before he left the country to be close to the ladies and in love with the bottle. Today, reading his posts online, one would know things have changed in his life. Pat often uses social network sites including Facebook to deliver his sermon and messages to all who care to read.
Kanayo O. Kanayo
Veteran Nollywood actor, Anayo Modestus Onyekwere, popularly known as Kanayo.O.Kanayo, is now a pastor. He has been preaching in some churches in recent times. He is mostly seen teaching the word of God at Christ Mission Worldwide Church, Egbeda. Though he does not preach there regularly, it is said that the number of church members has grown since the day he first preached there. That is not the only church he has ministered in at. His face has also graced banners and posters of other churches’ programmes.
Rita Nzelu
Not much has been heard much from this popular 90s actress for some time. Now, we hear that the former actress, who has been in the UK for over 10 years, has become a born-again Christian and has been ordained an evangelist in a UK-based Nigerian church. She is said to be very active in church, as she keeps posting invitation to churches on her social media handle.
She still acts in Nigerian movies shot in London.
Eucheria Anunobi
Ernest Asuzu
Do you remember Ernest Asuzu? The Imo State-born actor was the toast of movie lovers some years ago. He took on the role of the lover boy with great skills, and was indeed the ladies’ man in real life. But not long after, he disappeared from the radar. Before his withdrawal from the movie scene he was engulfed in scandals and controversies, which got him negative media attention.
During his hiatus, it was rumoured that he was down with mental illness while some even said he was dead. However, he resurfaced with a turn-around in more ways than one. In a chat, he told some reporters that the world rejected him, and he had to go back to Christ.
With this discovery, he underwent a period of rebranding and soul-searching, coming out strong as a gospel artiste. He now calls himself El Cream. With his new musical identity, he has released a music video for his single, ‘Go Under’. The new single is coming off his forthcoming album, Return of the Don.
Liz Benson
Elizabeth Benson, popularly known as Liz Benson, began acting when she was just a kid. Her journey to stardom began when she appeared on the set of the popular television soap opera, Fortunes, in 1993. Liz Benson played the part of Mrs. Agnes Johnson in the soap, which ran for about two years on the Nigerian Television Authority network. After that, she acted in various TV series and many movies. In 1994, her role in Glamour Girls, a very successful home video that focused prostitution as the theme, literally changed her fortunes. The movie shot her into prominence and gradually she wormed her way into the heart of millions of Nigerian movie fans. As popularity came, so did media scrutiny. Several media reports linked her with different men and she was said to be dating some men in power. However, after a quiet court ceremony in Abuja, she got married to a Bishop Great Emeya in 2009 at the Rainbow Christian Assembly in Warri, Delta State. She too was ordained an evangelist in the church. Presently, she runs the church with her husband.
Probably, the most publicised conversion to Christ is that of Eucheria Anunobi. The actress fondly called UK by her friends has been the subject of various controversies and scandals, topmost of which bordered around her relationships, broken marriage and eventually her demand for her exhusband to keep providing for the only son of their union, whom she has in her custody. After many years of being in the news for all the wrong reasons, many were surprised when she announced she had given her life to Christ. Few months after the news broke, UK was ordained at the Fresh Oil Ministry, Egbeda, Lagos, as an evangelist. The ordination was performed by Pastor Psalm Okpe, who anointed the top Nollywood actress, accompanied by other men of God. Some of her close colleagues like Susan Peters and Clarion Chukwurah were on hand to support their friend during the ceremony. With her ordination, Eucharia can fully preach as a pastor. In fact, it is said that she already counsels youths in the church. This, however, has not taken away some of the traits that made her fans term her “a bad girl” before now. UK is still flashy. Just weeks after the ordination, she got a BMW X5. It is not clear if it’s a gift or a personal purchase. UK has, however, vowed to use her fame to win souls for Christ. She also assured her teeming fans that she would not abandon her acting career, pointing out that she would be choosier in accepting roles in movies.
Peter Bunor
This veteran actor missed death by the whiskers last year. It took the intervention of the Delta State Government to keep him alive. The actor suffered a stroke that left him almost totally paralysed. Since he recovered, Peter has turned a new man.
In a chat with journalists, he said: “All I can say now is to thank God that I am alive. I have also given my life to Jesus Christ as you can see that I am now a pastor.” The man is known to attend Winners Chapel.
Big Girls Roll With Big People – Nigerian Actress Now Working With Queen Of England
Deletable Nollywood actress, Stephanie Okereke Linus is currently working with The Queen of England on a youth empowerment initiative. The Imo State born actress was recently chosen as the official spokesperson for the 2014 Queen of England’s “Queens Young Leaders Awards” campaign. The dark and beautiful entertainer was specially chosen alongside revered South African Archbishop, Desmond Tutu for the global initiative. Mrs. Linus disclosed that the Queen’s Young Leaders Awards seeks to discover, celebrate and support young people from every corner of the commonwealth nations by helping to transform their own lives and the lives of others around them. “Exceptional young men and women aged between 18 and 29 who are taking the lead in their communities and using their skills to transform lives are invited to apply for a Queen’s Young Leaders Awards, in honour of Her Majesty The Queen,” she stated. “This will support winners to develop the amazing work they are already doing in their communities,” she said. The actress is responsible for creating awareness in Nigeria for the initiative and equally hopes that Nigerian young people will apply in droves to win the awards.
Nigeria Donates $3.5M To Liberia, Sierra Leone And Guinea To Help Fight Ebola October 2014
Nigeria has lend a helping hand to Ebola-torn West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
In support of Ebola eradication effort in West Africa, Nigeria had already donated $3.5 to the affected countries.
This was made known by Nigeria’s health minister Prof Onyebuchi Chukwu.
He said the sum was made up of $500,000 to each of the countries and the balance to the common ECOWAS Fund for the disease.
Leone and Guinea to help in the containment of the Ebola Virus Disease.
Nigeria is the first country to contain Ebola in West Africa.
Few days ago, US sent officials to Lagos state to learn the strategy Nigeria employed in eradicating the killer virus. Source:
NATIVE DOCTOR He also said 591 health practitioners had volunteered to join the international force that would go to Liberia, Sierra
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October 2014
10 Black Celebrities You May Not Have Known Were of Ghanaian Descent
Actor Boris Kodjoe’s father is Ghanaian
Actor Idris Elba is half Ghanaian and half Sierra Leonean.
Color Purple actress Akosua Busia was born in Ghana.
Fashion designer Ozwald Boateng has parents from Ghana.
Wrestler Kofi Kingston is from Ghana
Doctor Who star Freema Agyeman’s father is from Ghana.
Comedian Michael Blackson is from Ghana
NFL running back Joseph Addai has parents from Ghana
Model/actor Jaye Davidson’s father is Ghanaian
Actor Peter Mensah was born in Ghana.
9 Most Richest African Presidents 2014
October 2014
The very rich and populous continent of Africa is the second largest continent in the world. It is also world’s second most populous continent and regarded as the poorest continent. There are 47 nations in Africa, led by different leaders who have been ruling for several decades. Some of these leaders and their families are very rich and their wealth are considered ill-gotten. They make their wealth from natural resources of these nations through the creation of companies under the names of their families. Here is a brief overview of the richest Presidents in Africa. The 9 Richest African Presidents and Kings as of 2014:
9. Robert Mugabe – Net Worth: $10 Million
8) Idriss Deby – Net Worth: 7) Goodluck Jonathan – Net Worth: $100 Million $50 Million
Robert Mugabe is the President of Zimbabwe. His net worth is estimated to be around $10 million. The dictator’s family is very wealthy. Mugabe has won many elections, although frequently these have been criticized by outsiders for violating various electoral procedures.
Country: Chad, Years in Power: 23 Idriss Deby has been the President of Chad since 1990. His net worth is estimated to be $50 million. Towards the end of August 2006, he made international news after calling for his nation to have 60 percent stake in its output after receiving crumbs from foreign companies running the industry.
5) Paul Biya – Net Worth: $200 Million
4) Uhuru Kenyatta – Net Worth: $500 Million
Country: Cameroon, Years in Power: 31
Paul Biya has been the President of Cameroon since November 6 1982. His estimated net worth is around $200 million; this figure was published by the Around 48 percent of the citizens of Cameroon live below the poverty line. Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development (CCFD) and several on-and-offline media has placed him in the list of leaders with ill-gotten wealth. In 2009, French online newspaper, Rue 89, reported the Cameroon President’s vacation was the top most expensive among world leaders. More than that of the American President. He was criticized for spending 30,000 euros ($40,000) per day on renting a villa.
Country: Kenya, Years in Power: 1 Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta is the President of Kenya and the son of Kenya’s first President, Jomo Kenyatta. In 2011, Forbes estimated his net worth at $500 million. Most of his wealth comes from property. With his family, the President owns stakes in Kenya’s largest dairy company Brookside Dairies, media company Mediamax, Heritage Hotels, Commercial Bank of Africa and hundreds of thousands of prime Kenyan land. He is regarded as man of the people due to his sociability. During his inaugural speech, he promised economic transformation through Vision 2030, free maternal care and unity among all Kenyans.
Country: Nigeria, Years in Power: 4 Goodluck Jonathan is the President of Nigeria. His net worth is estimated to be around $100 million. He launched a “Roadmap for Power Sector Reform”, launched the Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria and launched the Transformation Agenda. He is a member of the ruling “People Democratic Party”.
3) Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo – $600 Million
Country: Equatorial Guinea, Years in Power: 34
Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is the President of Equatorial Guinea. He came to power in August 1979 by ousting his uncle Francisco Macias Nguema in a military coup. He has overseen the emergence of the nation as an important oil producer, beginning in 1990s. This President and his family literally own the economy, his personal fortune exceed $600 million, according to Forbes Magazine. In October 2011, the United States government seized $70 million assets of his son, Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue. Though Equatorial Guinea is Africa’s second richest nation, majority of the population actually live under the poverty line.
6) King Mswati III – Net Worth: $100 Million
Country: Swaziland, Years in Power: 28 The 15th richest royal in the world, according to Forbes Magazine. Mswati III is the King of Swaziland. He is worth more than $100 million; down $100 million of his 2012 ($200 million) fortune. The King has often been criticized for his lavish spending. In 2009 summer, several of his 13 wives reportedly spent over $6 million in a shopping spree. In the 2014 budget, parliament allocated $61 million for the King’s annual household budget, while 63 percent of Swazis live on less than $1.25 per day. His luxury car collection include a $500,000 Daimler Chrysler’s flagship Maybach 62. And has banned the photography of his cars.
2) Mohammed VI of Morocco – Net Worth: $2.5 Billion
Country: Morocco, Years in Power: 15
Mohammed VI is the current King of Morocco. He is also the country’s leading businessman. He is worth more than $2.5 billion, according to Forbes. The King ascended to the throne following his father’s death in 1999 and he immediately set about improving upon his appalling human rights record and alleviating poverty. * President Goodluck Jonathan has however denied the claim that he is worth that amount. and would not want to be included in the list of Richest Presidents as published by the online website
- Afrikan Post.
Country: Angola, Years in Power: 34
Jose Eduardo dos Santos is the President of Angola. He has held on to this post since 1979. His personal estimated wealth exceed more than $20 billion, according to Cabinda Online. While around 70 percent of Angolans live on less than two dollars a day. His daughter, Isabel dos Santos is among the Forbes Africa’s billionaires with a net worth of $3.8 billion. She’s currently Africa’s richest woman and also the world’s richest black woman.
1) Jose Eduardo dos Santos – Net Worth: $20 Billion
Some of the above-mentioned Presidents’ exact wealth and source of wealth are unknown that’s why they cannot be included in the Forbes Africa’s Rich List.
October 2014
Call to Make an Appointment
Fall Back in Trust Her Page
Dr. Miriam C. Gyimah
“And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” (Psalm 9:10)
hat is trust? Trust is a firm belief in the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing. It is confidence or reliance on someone or something. It is an expectation with assurance, an assumption that a person or thing will always be there for you. There is a common trust building exercise that many are familiar with. This exercise is often used to demonstrate the importance of team effort either in a marriage, family or close knit groups such as sororities or fraternities. The exercise requires that an individual fall back without reservation, believing and trusting that the person or persons positioned behind them will assuredly catch them so that they will not fall. Psychologically, this effort is not easy, because you really have to believe that the one assigned to catching you will indeed catch you and not let you fall. You see, you are willing yourself to fall backwards, you can’t see the person or persons behind you, but you must blindly believe, you must blindly trust that they will not let you down, that they will do what they should do, which is to catch you, so that you do not fall, so that you do not injure yourself. You have to believe that the person behind you literally has your back. It is with this assurance that we can abandon our doubts and believe that our lives can be safe in another’s hands. As thinking and feeling beings, it is so important that we are able to trust another with our words, our property, and even with our children. Trust is essential between human beings. It comes easy for some people, but for many reluctant others like me, it is awfully difficult. But even doubters can identify one or two people they can trust, at least to a certain extent. And while we can find or identify people we can trust, such trust can only take us so far; it can only take us as far as the person is able to do for us, and in the large scheme of things, what another person is able to do for you can never come close to what God can offer. God’s capacity to be
of help is endless. If ever you want to invest trust, the best security is with God. For the Bible tells us “it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8). The point is that whether it is trusting Him for guidance and help to accomplish our life’s purpose, trusting Him for deliverance, trusting Him to answer our prayers and landing us on a fertile ground or solid foundation where righteousness, peace and joy are ours to enjoy, God can be leaned on in spite of all things. The Bible tells us, “blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust” (Psalm 40:4). It has been repeatedly proven that knowing God is trusting God. If you truly know God, then you will assuredly trust Him. Like the persons positioned behind the one who is asked to fall back in the exercise illustrated above, God cannot be seen, but clearly He is there and will not let you fall. Ask any true Bible believing Christian and they will share a testimony with you. His record is spotless. Never has He failed. As long as you believe in Him and accept Him as Lord of your life, there will not be an instance in your life where God will fail you. He simply does not go against His word and His nature. For He says, “lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20). If He says He will be with you, He will. If He promises you something, anything, He is truthful enough to honor it. So go ahead; trust Him and fall back, knowing very well that He will catch you. There are many examples in the Bible that teach us that it is worth our while to trust God. Let’s take for instance how God dealt with Moses. God called Moses out of hiding and assured him that He will use him, provide him with all that he needed and accomplish a purpose. Moses’ life purpose was to be used to free the nation of Israel, God’s people, from over 400yrs of slavery and oppression. Where Moses had nothing, God gave him with a rod; where Moses was not eloquent, God provided him with a spokesperson, his own brother Aaron. After God uses him to bring ten plagues upon the Egyptians, God led them out of Egypt, even crossing the Red Sea and drowning Pharaoh’s army. Should I go on? There is more and in the end, God delivered them to the Promised Land. Take a moment here and note that Moses, like you, faced challenges which seemed insurmountable, but because he believed and obeyed the voice of God, he accomplished his objective. Where are you in accomplishing your objective or God-given purpose? Are you leaning on God? Are you falling back on Him, trusting and obeying His word? Let’s also look at a great man of faith, Abraham. Could Abraham trust God? He could and did throughout his long prosperous yet challenging life. God led Abraham. He called him apart and led him
to a land to be reserved for Israel. God promised Abraham riches and that He would make a mighty nation out of him. Even with his wife Sarah’s fertility issues, God insisted that Abraham would become a father of a great nation and that his seed could not be numbered even as the sands of the seashore (Genesis 22:17). It takes decades, but God fulfills His word. God could be trusted. He did not and does not lie. He honors His word and fulfills them. Through one miraculous birth, that of Isaac, God makes a way. Isaac was to have only two sons, Esau and Jacob, and out of these two, God is able to use one, Jacob, to begin this innumerable nation. Let’s not take these stories and examples for granted simply because we might have heard them again and again. Rather, reflecting on these machinations of God, can we take a moment here and acknowledge His awesomeness? Can we pause a second to give praise to a faithful and trustworthy God? Like Abraham, perhaps you have been praying for something that has delayed beyond your expectation and understanding. Sometimes considering your situation and the years passing by, you might doubt and wonder if God is going to honor your request, His promise, a prophesy in your life. Hold on. Don’t turn your back on God’s word. Strengthen and encourage yourself in what He has previously done for you. He will come through. Though we are tried, though fulfillment of promises appears delayed, my God lets me know that though it might tarry, it will surely come to pass (Habakkuk 2:3). My God watches over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12). Then there is David. What was his purpose? God’s promise and purpose for David’s life even transcends his death. Even in his everyday life as a king and warrior, when he was faced with a battle, David consulted God, asking,” should I go? Will I overcome?” And whenever God told him to go and that he will overcome, he did and returned the victor. Furthermore, decades after David’s death, God still mentions his name and fulfills the promises He made to him through Solomon and even the foolish Rehoboam. From David’s anointing by Samuel to his ascendance to the throne and even after his death, God can be trusted to live up to his promises to honor His word. One of God’s promises to David is that David will never lack a descendent sitting on the throne. Do we not behold that Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, a descendent of David, sits on the throne as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah forever and forever? Let’s continue to believe and trust in the Lord, for He is a God of truth and faithfulness. There are more accounts of God’s fulfillment of His word. Did He not honor His word that the Israelites will be liberated after 70yrs of captivity? Did He not save the three Hebrew boys from the fiery furnace? They trusted and He obliged. Did He not deliver
October 2014
Daniel from the lion’s den? Did He not answer Zachariah and Elizabeth’s prayers and provide them a child, a human only second to Jesus? Did He not say He will rise up on the third day? Did He not promise He will send the Comforter? And then even after one has sinned, God still demonstrates His grace. Consider that Ahab, a most wicked man, with all the atrocities that he and his evil wife Jezebel wrought on Israel, because he was repentant in one instance and put on sackcloth and fasted, the Lord had mercy on him and postponed his prophesied punishment until Ahab’s death. Though Jonah’s disobedience landed him in the belly of a whale, be believed that God would emancipate him should he repent and pray. God did just that. We see God honor His word with His children throughout the Bible and we continue to see this even in our own lives. So have I made my case? I believe I have. The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Peter, Paul and Mary Magdalene is an honorable God. He is trustworthy. If you put your trust in Him, you will not be disappointed. Search your life and recount your testimonies. Then as you do this, consider your present state. What are you seeking? What answers to your prayers are eluding you? Your requests may be many, but trust in Him. Believe in Him and know that if you fall back, abandoning any reservation, He will surely catch you.
I Love You, Sweetheart!!!
Joke Center
The men were asked, "How many of you love your wife?"
All the men raised their hands. Then they were asked, "When was the last time you told your wife you love her?" Some men answered today, some yesterday, majority didn’t remember.
Then the men were asked to exchange phones so one can read the other wife's response to the love message…
Here are some of the replies from their wives: 1. Have you impregnated someone again. 2. That was then, not now. 3. You wan borrow money abi? 4. What did you do again? I won’t forgive you this time! 5. Meaning? 6. Is that a new song? 7. Am I dreaming! 8. If you don’t tell me who this message is actually for, you will die today! 9. You this man! I asked you to stop drinking! 10. Abeg na who be this? Source:
In Sunday School,they were teaching how God created everything,including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs. Later in the week,his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill,and said,'Johnny what is the matter?'Little Johnny responded,'I have a pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife.'
A group of Nigerian husbands gathered at a conference on "How to live in a loving relationship with your wife".
The men were then told to take their cell phones and send the following text to their respective wife: I love you, sweetheart.
October 2014
Only in Africa
A couple had two little boys, ages 8 and 10, who were excessively mischievous. The two were always getting into trouble and their parents could be assured that if any mischief occurred in their town their two young sons were in some way involved. The parents were at their wits end as to what to do about their sons' behavior. The mother had heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in disciplining children in the past, so she asked her husband if he thought they should send the boys to speak with the clergyman.
The husband said, 'We might as well. We need to do something before I really lose my temper!' The clergyman agreed to speak with the boys, but asked to see them individually. The 8 year old went to meet with him first. The clergyman sat the boy down and asked him sternly,'Where is God?'
The boy made no response, so the clergyman repeated the question in an even sterner tone, 'Where is God?' Again the boy made no attempt to answer. So the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face, 'WHERE IS GOD?'
At that the boy bolted from the room and ran directly home, slamming himself in the closet. His older brother followed him into the closet and asked what had happened. The younger brother replied, 'We are in BIG trouble this time. God is missing and they think we did it.'
Kingslight Chapel Int. Inc. Celebrates 5th Anniversary
October 2014
Kingslight Chapel Int. Inc Has Celebrated An Anointed 5th Anniversary With A Spirit-Filled Doxa Convention 2014. Special Guest Speakers For This All-Important Convention Was The Renown Rev. Dr. Robert Ampiah Kwofie, General Overseer Of Global Revival Ministries And Prophet Samuel Addison of Eagle's House Chapel Both From Ghana-West Africa. The Five(5) Day Convention Under The Theme: "Signs And Wonders" Brought A Great Revival To The Christian Community With Great Deliverance., Healings And Miracles. The Celebrations Was Climaxed With The Ordination And Conferment Of Apostleship On The General Overseer Of The Church, Rev. Dr. Daniel Armah, Congratulations To Apostle Dr. Daniel Armah For His exemplary Leadership Of Integrity. Happy Anniversary To KLC On Occassion Of This 5th Anniversary. To God Be The Glory!! KLC-Where All Needs Are Met!
Rev. Dr. and Rev. Mrs. Ahia-Armah-Hosts
The Ordination And Conferment Of Apostleship
The Ministerial team of KLC
Rev. Dr. Robert Ampiah Kwofie, General Overseer Of Global Revival Ministries And Prophet Samuel Addison of Eagle's House Chapel
Some members and Children of the Church
The drama Group of KLC doing a special performance
Springs of Melody Choir Ministering
Cutting of Anniversary Cake
Dr. Robert Ampiah Kwofie
The Children’s Department Performing
Flowing of the Anointing
Shebah Temple, 14348 Jefferson Davis Highway,Woodbridge, VA 22191 Website ; Www.Kingslightchapel.Org Email Kingslightchapelva@Yahoo.Com Tel: Tel. 571 337-9185
Meet The Ghanaian Designer Who Styles Beyonce
Ghana is blessed with many talents when it comes to football, music, acting, fashion and so on. We have several of these talented Ghanaians who are putting the country on the international map.
One such person is Aisha Ayensu. She is a fashion designer and the owner of label Christie Brown, an allfemale fashion line. Her fashion line is a representation of the understated, sophisticated, and modern African woman, who is savvy, self-assured internationally exposed, inspired, empowered, confident, and most of all an African woman. Though her clothing line is proudly African, it also speaks to the world.
Aisha Ayensu has always had a passion for fashion. At a tender age when she didn’t even know how to operate the sewing machine, she had her mind full of fashion ideas. Her grandmother, who is actually called Christie Brown, inspired her label. In an interview she said her grandmother was a seamstress who never wore any dress from any glamorous fashion house but her own.
Aisha, after a Degree in Psychology at the University of Ghana, moved from one fashion house to the other for apprenticeship until she finally enrolled in Joyce Ababio School of Creative Design (formerly Vogue Style School Of Fashion And Design).
She has showcased her designs on various fashion platforms like the Paris Fashion Week in 2013. She loves African prints and has revamped the look of African
prints. Though she loves the international recognition she is enjoying, she still wants her label to look African.
Alicia Keys Celebrities like Alicia Keys have worn her fashion line, and she was the stylist of Beyoncé’s Mrs. Carter World Tour in April 2013. She made a mark on the world stage by styling the dresses Beyoncé’s dancers wore during the tour. Aisha’s fashion house collaborated with Katrina Hernandez and created outfits characterized by colourful prints.
The outfits were inspired by the Dure collection by Christie Brown. Speaking on her experience on working with Aisha, Katrina Hernandez said: “Working with the design team at Christie Brown for Beyoncé’s the Mrs.Carter World Tour was an absolute dream come true.”
Aisha has this advice for the upcoming designers. “Don’t see your talent as a craft or hobby but as a business. Be patient and dedicated and know your craft.” Her story will inspire you, whether you are just starting to nurture your talents or are already an established entrepreneur.
Linda Stephanie Laryea
October 2014
African Diasporas at the Crossroad
By: Wilmot N. Adekoya ABD
At the dawn of the 21st Century, SubSaharan Africa faced continuous challenges despite enormous possibilities for sustainable development. Consequently, developmental objectives continue to elude most countries in the sub- region.
For example, capacities in human capital and holding leadership accountable for effective resources management are otherwise. One trip to Africa, gives one the need to return to make valuable contributions in areas of building capacity and to engage with the socio-economic discourse in a respective country. However, the question now why is all it takes to create a compulsion, an urgent desire, to return to Africa to contribute somehow to the exciting and noble efforts of nation building. Diasporas find themselves at the cross road of going back to those societies they have left many years ago and assimilating in those societies are one of many challenges. Integration, access to funds and public policies to venture into economic actives remain unclear. “Africa is Rising” and “Africa is the next frontier for economic growth” are encouraging news for the
diaspora’s communities around the globe. But how these slogans resonate with diaspora Africa will be how their respective countries engaged with them to make their transition back to Africa welcoming. Policy makers and stakeholder will have to put in place measures to level the playing field for Diasporans to participate. Access to major financing from African banks is a critical issue that needs to be addressed, and government must identified and set aside specify percentages of major projects for Diasporans.
These views are not isolated concerns. There are those who in fact succeed on the continent in their respective businesses but success or failure is based too often on blind luck or “connections” with the inner core establishment.
Howbeit, there is a need to bring stakeholders to the table to build capacity here in the diaspora for a regional solution for a clear policy to include diaspora Africans in major oil deeds, mining and agricultural projects.
Designing an integral process to minimize selling off oil blocks, mines and large agriculture productions out are not always profitable in the long term. Diasporans with the technical knowhow, with banking systems to provide loans, Africa can take ownership of some of their resources.
Germany Makes University Tuition Free
Imagine attending university and not having to pay tuition fees of any kind. Wouldn’t that be fabulous? Well, this is the case in Germany.
Germany’s higher education institutions have traditionally been free. However, in 2006, Germany decided to start charging tuition fees.
And now, the country has had a change of heart again. Government officials recently announced that tuition for public universities will once again be free – and this law also applies for international students. Source: The Independent
1) David Oyedepo – Net worth: $150 Million (Nigeria) Bishop David Oyedepo is the richest pastor in Nigeria and the world. He is the founder of the Living Faith World Outreach Ministry. Ever since he founded this ministry in 1981, it has grown to become one of Africa’s largest congregations. He hosts three services every Sunday in The Faith Tabernacle. This prosperous pastor owns private jets and homes in the US and the UK.
5) Billy Graham – Net worth: $25 Million (United States) Billy Graham is a southern Baptist. He earned celebrity status when his sermons were broadcast on radio and TV stations all over the USA. He founded the Billy Graham Evangelist Association in 1950.
10 World Most Richest Pastors 2014
2) Chris Oyakhilome – Net worth: $50 Million (Nigeria) Chris Oyakhilome’s church Christ Embassy has more than 40,000 members, several of whom are successful entrepreneurs and politicians. This pastor’s diversified interests include magazines, newspapers, a TV station, a record label, hotels, satellite TV and real estate.
6) T. D. Jakes – Net worth: $18 Million (United States) Bishop T. D. Jakes is the apostle/bishop of The Potter’s House, a non-denominational American mega-church that has over 30,000 members. His ministry’s annual revival MegaFest draws more than 100,000 people.
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3) Benny Hinn – Net worth: $42 Million (United States) This Israeli-American televangelist earned wealth through his ministry and evangelical program. He is well-known for his regular miracle healing crusades, which are held in large stadiums in major cities and broadcasted in the TV.
4) Creflo Dollar – Net worth: $27 Million (United States) This American televangelist, pastor is also a Word of Faith teacher. He is a founder of the non-denominational World Changers Church International. He has built a multimillion dollar ministry on the message “It is the will of God for you to prosper in every way.”
7) T.B. Joshua – Net worth: $15 Million (Nigeria) Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua is Nigeria’s most powerful, controversial and philanthropic preacher. He heads the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), a congregation he founded in 1987. The christian minister, televangelist and faith healer is a big giver; his humanitarian works include education, healthcare and rehabilitation programs. He is the owner of Emmanuel TV, a Christian television network.
8) Matthew Ashimolowo – Net worth: $10 Million (Nigeria) Matthew Ashimolowo’s Kingsway International Christian Center is the largest Pentecostal church in the United Kingdom. It has assets worth more than $40 million and earns profit of more than $10 million.
A pastor is an ordained leader of a Christian congregation. Many pastors worldwide are serving humanity by providing guidance to people belonging to the community. Some of them have become very rich through their churches and other investments. These millionaire men of God are known all over the world. This list is based on Celebrity Net Worth and Forbes‘ evaluation. 8) Chris Okotie – Net worth: $10 Million (Nigeria) Chris Okotie was a pop musician in the 1980s. He embraced the Bible and set up the Household of God Church, one of Nigeria’s most flamboyant congregations. He is an automobile lover and owns several posh cars which include a Mercedes S600, Rolls-Royce, Hummer and Porsche
10) Joseph Prince – Net worth: $5 Million (Singapore) Annual salary of this Singaporean pastor is $550,000. Pastor Joseph Prince is the senior pastor of the New Creation Church in Singapore. The New Creation Church’s financial income was reported at $44.7 million US dollars in 2008. He hosts a religious program called “Destined to Reign.” He has addressed many congregations worldwide.
October 2014
Program Overview
The congressionally mandated Diversity Immigrant Visa Program is administered annually by the Department of State. Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provides for a class of immigrants known as “diversity immigrants,” from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States. For fiscal year 2015, 50,000 diversity visas (DVs) will be available. There is no cost to register for the DV Program. Applicants who are selected in the lottery (“selectees”) must meet simple, but strict, eligibility requirements in order to qualify for a diversity visa. Selectees are chosen through a randomized computer drawing. Diversity visas are distributed among six geographic regions and no single country may receive more than seven percent of the available DVs in any one year. For DV-2015, natives of the following countries are not eligible to apply, because more than 50,000 natives of these countries immigrated to the United States in the previous five years: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China (mainland-born), Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, South Korea, United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland) and its dependent territories, and Vietnam. Persons born in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan are eligible. Changes in eligibility this year: For DV-2015, natives of Nigeria are no longer eligible.
EligibilityRequirement #1: Individuals born in countries whose natives qualify may be eligible to enter. If you were not born in an eligible country, there are two other ways you might be able to qualify. Was your spouse born in a country whose natives are eligible? If yes, you can claim your spouse’s country of birth—provided that both you and your spouse are named on the selected entry, are issued diversity visas, and enter the United States simultaneously. Were you born in a country whose natives are ineligible, but in which neither of your parents was born or legally resident at the time of your birth? If yes, you may claim nativity in one of your parents’ countries of birth if it is a country whose natives are eligible for the DV-2015 program. For more details on what this means, see the Frequently Asked Questions. Requirement #2: In addition, to meet the education/work experience requirement of the DV program, you must have either: a high school education or its equivalent, defined as successful completion of a 12-year course of elementary and secondary education; OR two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years of training or experience to perform. The U.S. Department of Labor’s O*Net Online database will be used to determine qualifying work experience. For more information about qualifying work experience for the principal DV applicant, see the Frequently Asked Questions. Do not submit an entry to the DV program unless you meet both of these requirements. Entry period Entries for the DV-2015 DV program must be submitted electronically at between noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Tuesday, October 1, 2013, and noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Saturday, November 2, 2013. Do not wait until the last week of the registration period to enter, as heavy demand may result in website delays. No late entries or paper entries will be accepted. The law allows only one entry by or for each person during each registration period. The Department of State uses sophisticated technology to detect multiple entries.
If you submit more than one entry you will be disqualified. Completing your Electronic Entry for the DV-2015 Program Submit your Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form (E-DV Entry Form or DS5501), online at Incomplete entries will be disquali-
fied. There is no cost to register for the DV Program. You are strongly encouraged to complete the entry form yourself, without a “Visa Consultant,” “Visa Agent,” or other facilitator who offers to help. If somebody else helps you, you should be present when your entry is prepared so that you can provide the correct answers to the questions and retain the confirmation page and your unique confirmation number. It is extremely important that you retain your confirmation page and unique confirmation number. Without this information, you will not be able to access the online system that will inform you of the status of your entry. Think carefully if someone else offers to keep this information for you.
See the Frequently Asked Questions for more information about Diversity Visa scams.
After you submit a complete entry, you will see a confirmation screen containing your name and a unique confirmation number. Print this confirmation screen for your records. Starting May 1, 2014, you will be able to check the status of your entry by returning to, clicking on Entrant Status Check, and entering your unique confirmation number and personal information. Entrant Status Check will be the sole means of informing you of your selection for DV-2015, providing instructions on how to proceed with your application, and notifying you of your appointment for your immigrant visa interview.
Please review the Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the selection process.
You must provide the following information to complete your E-DV entry: 1. Name – last/family name, first name, middle name – exactly as on your passport. 2. Birth date – day, month, year. 3. Gender – male or female. 4. City where you were born. 5. Country where you were born – Use the name of the country currently used for the place where you were born. 6. Country of eligibility for the DV Program – Your country of eligibility will normally be the same as your country of birth. Your country of eligibility is not related to where you live. If you were born in a country that is not eligible, please review the Frequently Asked Questions to see if there is another way you may be eligible. 7. Entrant photograph(s) – Recent photographs of yourself, your spouse and all your children listed on your entry. See Submitting a Digital Photograph for compositional and technical specifications. You do not need to include a photograph for a spouse or child who is already a U.S. citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident, but you will not be penalized if you do.Group photographs will not be accepted; you must submit a photograph for each individual. Your entry may be disqualified or visa refused if the photographs are not recent, have been manipulated in any way, or do not meet the specifications explained below. See Submitting a Digital Photograph for more information. 8. Mailing Address – In Care Of Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City/Town District/Country/Province/State Postal Code/Zip Code Country 9. Country where you live today. 10. Phone number (optional).
E-mail address – An e-mail address to which you have direct access. If your entry is selected and you respond to the notification of your selection through the Entrant Status Check, you will receive follow-up e-mail communication from the Department of State notifying you that details of your immigrant visa interview are available on Entrant Status Check. The Department of State
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will never send you an e-mail telling you that you have been selected for the DV program. See the Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the selection process. 12. Highest level of education you have achieved, as of today: (1) Primary school only, (2) Some high school, no diploma, (3) High school diploma, (4) Vocational school, (5) Some university courses, (6) University degree, (7) Some graduatelevel courses, (8) Master’s degree, (9) Some doctoral - level courses, and (10) Doctorate. See the Frequently Asked Questions for more information about educational requirements. 13. Current marital status – Unmarried, married, divorced, widowed, or legally separated. Enter the name, date of birth, gender, city/town of birth, country of birth of your spouse, and a photograph of your spouse meeting the same technical specifications as your photo. Failure to list your eligible spouse will result in disqualification of the principal applicant and refusal of all visas in the case at the time of the visa interview. You must list your spouse here even if you plan to be divorced before you apply for a visa. A spouse who is already a U.S. citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident will not require or be issued a DV visa, though you will not be penalized if you list them on your entry form. See the Frequently Asked Questions for more information about family members. 14. Number of children – List the Name, date of birth, gender, city/town of birth, and country of birth for all living unmarried children under 21 years of age, regardless of whether or not they are living with you or intend to accompany or follow to join you should you immigrate to the United States.
Submit individual photographs of each of your children using the same technical specifications as your own photograph. Be sure to include: all living natural children; all living children legally adopted by you; and, all living step-children who are unmarried and under the age of 21 on the date of your electronic entry, even if you are no longer legally married to the child’s parent, and even if the child does not currently reside with you and/or will not immigrate with you. Married children and children over the age of 21 are not eligible for the DV. However, the Child Status Protection Act protects children from “aging out” in certain circumstances. If your DV entry is made before your unmarried child turns 21, and the child turns 21 before visa issuance, he/she may be treated as though he/she were under 21 for visa-processing purposes.
A child who is already a U.S. citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident is not eligible for a Diversity visa, and you will not be penalized for either including or omitting such family members from your entry. Source:Statedepartment
Association Of Ghanaian Lawyers (Agla)-Dc Metro Chapter Presents Law Day At The Ghana Embassy In Washington DC
October 2014
Panel Discussion by a group of expects Dr. Aaron Adade, Mr. Williams Ampofo,Mr. James Cudjoe, Ms. Evelyn Latse and Mr Ebenezer Adjirakor
On September 20, 2014 the Association Ghanaian LawyersDC Metro Chapter, in collaboration with the Embassy of Ghana, Washington D.C. presented a free legal seminar to Ghanaians in the DC Metro area. Members of the community who were in attendance had the opportunity to interact with the attorneys and ask them questions regarding the presentations and their individual legal interest. The seminar was open with opening remarks from the President of AGLA, Mr. Kwaku Ofori. Mr. Ofori reiterated the mission statement of AGLA as “promoting freedom and justice in Ghana and the United States of America, serving the needs of members of the Ghanaian and American communities in their understanding of and access to the law, and educating and assisting member attorneys in the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood”. The seminar featured individual presentations on family law, immigration, real estate, and social security retirement among other topics.
There was also a panel discussion on finding recourse when family members and friends back in Ghana have squandered your financial resources in undertaking building projects and other projects on your behalf. The panelists were Dr. Aaron Adade, a college professor, Mr. William Ampofo, a real estate broker, Mr. James Cudjoe, a consultant, Ms. Evelyn Latse, an attorney and Mr. Ebenezer Adjirakor, Trade Attaché at the Ghana Embassy. The panelist encouraged the audience that the best solution is to do due diligence through a professional entity in Ghana rather than trusting family members and friends. Many people in the audience shared their personal experiences of how their financial resources have been squandered or know of someone who have lost money through family members.
The Head of the Consular Services at the Embassy of Ghana also took the opportunity to explain the various services available to all Ghanaians living On family law matters, Attorneys in the United States about the Ena Richter and George Aduhene Embassy’s functions in the U.S. spoke on issues pertaining to mar- not just issuing passports and riage, divorce, child custody visas. among others. Attorney Jonell Afterwards, the audience Ocloo addresses issues pertaining engaged the panelists and the to ways of obtaining permanent other presenters in questions and residency (green card), citizenship, answers about the presentations removal or deportation, while and their individual topics of Attorney Evelyn Latse spoke on interest. how to take precautions in buying This seminar marks the beginor building a house in Ghana. ning of an ongoing partnership Attorney Ofori told the audience between the Embassy of Ghana that if you wish to retire in Ghana, and the Association of Ghanaian you could receive your social Lawyers to be more present in security retirement benefits in the Ghanaian community in the Ghana through the American Washington Metro area. Embassy in Accra if you qualify.
Kwaku Ofori Esq. Speaking about Retirement Benefits
Lawyer Ena Juvardo Richter giving a Presentation on Family Law
Lawyer Janelle Ocloo Speaking on Immigration Law
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October 2014 Page
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Ohio Welcome the Birth of Deliverance FM USA
Deliverance FM USA a Ghanaian community online radio station dedicated to providing a platform to aggressively pursue redemption through spiritual warfare as well as providing diverse, stimulating and high quality programming to the Ghanaian Diaspora was launched at Fairfield, Ohio on Sunday September 28, 2014.
The online radio station is the brain child of Ohio based couple, Rev. Harry Dumfeh and Rev. Bertha Safo who have dedicated their lives to intercede and redeem the lost to the Kingdom of God.
Within a month of conducting test transmission the listenership soared to an average of 500 listeners per day. With a wide variety of Christian music infused with ministry programming, its audience is set to reach thousands of listeners worldwide.
Bishop Wilson Owusu Tweneboah of ICFC Assemblies of God who dedicated the station at an impressive and well attended ceremony in Fairfield Cincinnati admonished the couple not to allow any setbacks to derail and distract them for the course they have taken. He also commended them for availing themselves to used by God in this capacity. Rev. Harry Dumfeh used the opportunity to express his appreciation to God for sustaining him and his family since they embarked on this venture and went on to say “ I consider the undertaking a leap of faith, adding that deliverance fm USA offers gospel music and can’t miss talk programs but above all prayer is the bedrock of the station. He therefore urged to the gathering to invite all friends and loved ones to join them through the various media being, tune in, Ghanaweb or call in to listen on the phone. There was unending applause when Rev. Bertha Safo an acclaimed prayer warrior took the mic to address the gathering. She has earned a reputation for herself as a fire brand with a deep passion for prayer which translates into testimonies. A paralyzed New Jersey based woman who recently started praying with the couple has been healed and abandoned her wheel chair. Others are also testifying how their prayers on various issues have been answered since they joined the daily prayer service on the station.
The new station, can also be liked on Facebook and followed on Tunein.
October 2014
October 2014
Dodge, Chrysler and Jeep
October 2014
October 2014
Nutrition Corner
ports heart health. Walnut oil doesn’t stand up to high heat, so its rich, nutty flavor is best used as a dressing or flavor enhancer rather than for cooking. • Coconut Coconut oil is extracted from the fruit of mature coconuts and is a saturated fat. Research has shown that this oil may have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. Coconut oil has a sweet flavor and is often substituted for shortening or butter. It gives off a tropical flavor to vegetables, fish, and meat dishes. • Sesame Sesame oil is rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Sesame oil is typically used in Asian cuisines and has a sweet, nutty flavor. Toasted sesame seed oil has a more intense flavor. • Pumpkin Seed Valerie Agyeman, Dietetics Student Pumpkin seed oil has a deep color and rich, nutty flavor. This oil can be used as a sauce, or into a dressing. With thanksgiving right around the corner, we have to start • Grapeseed thinking about what entrees we are putting on the menu this Extracted from grape seeds this oil is rich in polyunsatuyear. After all, it would be great to get a head start, right? This rated fatty acids, which lowers total cholesterol. year, how about trying something new? Perhaps some new Grapeseed oil has a high smoke point which makes it recipes, or maybe some deserts prepared from scratch. On Thanksgiving alone, we tend to use a lot of fats and oils to add great for frying foods. • Sunflower flavors to our meal. By doing that, we set ourselves and our families up with high fat entrees that will sometimes have nega- Standard sunflower oils are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. You can use it for dressings. Refined sunflower oil tive effects on our body. has a higher smoke point and neutral flavor and color, An average American consumes approximately 4,500 calories making it ideal for high-heat cooking such as baking, fryand 230 grams of fat on Thanksgiving Day according to the Calorie Control Council. What a shock! That’s about two times ing or sautéing. Olive the amount of calories an individual should consume in one day. • Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which This year, think outside of the box and try healthier oils which may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Extra-virgin will bring you twice as much flavor than the stick of lard and olive oil has a fruitier flavor and stronger aroma than palm oil that you add to your entrees. pure or virgin olive oil. Use olive oil in dressings, sautés, There are two kinds of fats, the “good fats” and the “bad fats”. cakes, for dipping and to fry vegetables and meat. Let’s take a look. Bad fats are called Saturated fats. You can avoid them by cutting back on dairy products that are labeled As you can see, the majority of these healthier oil ver“whole” and “2 percent”. Limit the amounts of red meat and other animal products that you consume. The second bad fat are sions come straight from tree nuts. You can purchase called Trans fats . You can eliminate trans fats from your diet by them from any local grocery store. It is also possible to staying away from foods that contain hydrogenated or partially make these oils from scratch. By choosing healthier oils hydrogenated oils. Shortening and stick margarine contain trans to cook with this holiday, you will be saving yourself from all those calories and fats that can easily be confat. sumed. This year try something new for you and your A good fat is monounsaturated fat which comes from olives, family. A new recipe won’t hurt! Get creative with which avocados, and nuts. Olive oil is great oil for cooking, while oils to use for each entrée. Especially for that ten pound canola oil can be used for baking. The second “good fat” is polyunsaturated fats which come from fish such as salmon, and turkey! Happy Holidays. nuts like walnuts. They are known to have a lot of great health Do you have a nutrition related topic you would like to benefits. see in Nutrition Corner? Email topics to Now that you are aware about the two different kinds of fats, let’s a look at some healthier varieties of oils that you can use to enhance the flavors in your Thanksgiving Dinner this year:
October 2014
Don’t Let The Flu Get You
Get Creative with Healthier Oils
• Flaxseed Very high in omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids. Flaxseed oil has a low smoke point, so it’s not ideal for cooking. Instead, combine it with herbs and vinegar to make a salad dressing. • Avocado With a buttery nutty flavor and a composition of more than 70percent monounsaturated fat, avocado oil is a heart-nourishing choice. With its high smoke point, avocado oil is ideal for sautéing and frying fish or chicken, but can also be used for a salad dressing. • Peanut Peanut oil is a common monounsaturated fat and contains vitamin E. This oil is often used in deep frying because of its high smoke point, while its distinctive flavor. Get creative! You can use it to make anything! • Walnut Walnut oil has a high concentration of omega- 3s, which sup-
Cold and flu season is here, and it's a rough one. The cold and flu cause sneezing, coughing, and runny noses. Flu symptoms are often more severe and can include fever, fatigue, and body aches. Just because people around you are sick, you don't have to get sick, too. You can keep yourself healthy by practicing simple things. And if you do catch a cold or flu, be mindful to help protect others. Simple Tips for staying healthy
1. Wash your hands often. Frequent hand washing helps protect you from whatever bug that is going around. Simple soap works just as well as antibacterial soap.
2. Use hand sanitizer. The alcohol sanitizer gels and wipes helps kill cold and flu viruses you pick up from any surface you touch. 3. Keep your hands off your face. Try not to rub your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs can enter your body this way, or may spread from your hands to others. 4. Cover your mouth. Cough or sneeze into your upper arm or elbow to avoid spreading germs If you get sick, be kind to yourself and others
1.Stay home and rest. Limit your exposure to others especially Children, elderly adults, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of getting sick. 2. Drink lots of fluids. Hot tea, warm water, and chicken soup are especially good for congestion (runny or stuffy nose).
3.Treat your aches and fever. Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol*) or ibuprofen (such as Advil*) can help provide relief. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label, especially for children. Stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone without using feverreducing medicine. 4. Cover your sneeze or cough. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your sleeve to trap the germs. If you cough into your hands, wash them as soon as you can. Use disposable tissues and throw them Viruses – not bacteria – cause colds, flu, and chest colds. Antibiotics don't kill viruses, so they don't work for colds or flu. Don't let a cold or flu tie you down. Stay well this season !!! Mrs. Esi Gyenin America School of Nursing (ASNAT)
Most importantly, before you decide to take the plunge and buy a home, consider these questions first:
Accelerate To Glory with Emelia Adjei October 2014
1.How much mortgage payment can I afford? Considering price, can I handle monthly mortgage payments?
2.Does my budget allow me to take on extra expense such as paying utilities such as gas, electric, phone bills, internet, cable ? 3.What is my strategy for closing cost? Do I have money saved? How will closing costs be, and do I have the money to pay the fees?
4.After making the down payment, is there money left for new furniture or moving costs? These are reasonable things to keep in check so that your dream of homeownership does not become a stressful one or a burden to you and your loved ones. However, if you currently paying higher rent and utilities then you are already in the territory of owning your own home as your current situation is no different from purchasing a house. Contact me and I will conduct a thorough financial assessment to determine your eligibility to purchase a home.
~ Author, Coach & Motivational Speaker
Emelia Adjei is a mom-preneur, self-development coach, author, motivational speaker and philanthropist. She emigrated from Ghana, West Africa to America in pursuit of a better life. She overcame many challenges, including near homelessness and a health condition which lead her depressed and suicidal. She overcame many challenges with her love, hope and faith in God. She’s a Christian; very kingdom minded and passionate about spreading the goodness and greatness of God.
Despite the challenges she faced, Emelia earned an Associate Degree in Computer Information Systems, a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Business Administration/Global Management. She’s worked for major corporations and Fortune 500 companies Anita A. Bediako- REALTOR® –Licensed in the Common gaining extensive and innovative business skills. She decided to Wealth of Virginia walk in her purpose as a self-development coach and mentor helpPrince William County-Local Expert ing people reach their fullest potential, make their dreams a reality. CONTACT 571-229-6694; Email: Emelia is thankful and humbled by the opportunities and blessings God has given her. Her goal is to inspire, inform, transform and For more information about your real estate needs (buyIf you have been toying with the idea of homeownership, the ing, selling, leasing/renting a house) call me at 571-229- make a difference in the lives of others. Emelia is excited and optimistic about the future and you should be as well. first step is to contact a Realtor to give you insight as to the 6694 and I will help you get started. Her debut self-development book Accelerate To Glory: A to Z steps to take in making your dream a reality. Your local Principles To Success in Life and Business was released in April Realtor would guide you through this process so you are not Thank you. 2014. This powerful and insightful book offers a lifetime worth of overwhelmed. tools and information within fifty-two principles. These practical tools (principles starting with letter A through Z, two principles per Most Realtors work with specific lenders who may be lenient letter) will re-ignite your passion to pursue your purpose in life. on credit scores and may offer to lend you even if you may Are you feeling hopeless? have less than favorable credit score compare to what regular Does your life seem stagnant with no progress? banks may give. Do your dreams and goals seem to be fading away? Do you need to jumpstart your life and business? Do you want to excel, to be more, do more and have more?
Through careful planning and number crunching, you can easily determine whether or not you can safely afford to purchase a home and make the dream a reality. For more information about your real estate needs (buying, selling, leasing/renting a house) call me at 571-2296694 and I will help you get started. Thank you.
You need a fresh start; a new beginning, a paradigm shift. This book will guide and equip you with the tools needed to transform and revolutionize your life, make your dreams and goals a reality. • This book offers a lifetime worth of principles and practical tools that will re-ignite your passion to pursue your goals and purpose in life. • You will catapult to success and your life will be more meaningful. • The principles go from letters A through Z, making it easy to remember and apply them daily. • The writing is concise and straight to the point with actionable samples.
Book is available on Amazon in the following formats ~ Soft paper: $14.95| E-book/Kindle: $3.99 | ISBN-13: 978-1491849637
Contact Information Emelia Adjei Tel: 1-888-980-1361Email: Website: |
Popular Nollywood Star, Ini Edo And Her Husband Divorce
O c t o b e r 2014
Congratulations to Wendy and Nana Adu Acheampong
Ini Edo has confirmed rumours flying about her separation from husband of five years, Philip Ehiagwina on her Twitter handle.
Hail Shatta Wale For His Actions Instead Of Chastising Him"
Ghanaian-based America female radio presenter, Tulip real name Naa Ameley Tagoe has also thrown her support for Shatta Wale for his fight.
The reigning artiste of the year in a series of videos posted on social media networks has expressed his dissatisfaction on how the entertainment company treats Ghanaian According to the Sankofa Radio presenter, Shatta artistes. Wale should be hailed for his actions other than He alleged that an insider at the television chastising him. station, GHOne has revealed that they have blacklisted him that none of his videos She dedicated minutes of her show 'Mmaa Mbre should be shown on their station. Nepa Nkoaa' to celebrate the 'Dancehall King' hit- This allegation has raised lots of issues as maker. Tema-based rapper Criss Waddle also recorded himself in a video supporting Dancehall artiste Shatta Wale within the week Shatta Wale on how bad Ghanaian acts are wants to tell the world how angry he is at treated in their homeland. Charterhouse and their TV station, GHOne.
Nana Adu Acheampong and his bride exchanged their vows before Rev. Yaw Nkansah on Saturday October 11th at the Ebenezer Presbyterian Church in Woodbridge, Virginia. Nana is the Kyidomhene of Effiduase Mponua and a community leader and Wendy is an enterpreneur. The couple who are Woodbridge residents shared the beautiful event with friends, family and well wishers from all over the nation. In attendance were a good number of Ashanti Chiefs who proudly paraded around in their beautiful array of Kente cloths and gold ornaments.Accompanying them were the queen-mothers, umbrella bearers, which all together provided an admiringly beautiful display of the rich and deep rooted culture Ghanaian Chieftancy still represents. The wedding reception which was held at the Dunya Banquet Hall in Alexandria, Virginia was attended by over 350 guests. Congratulations !!!!!!
Virgins In Swaziland Being Offered R200 A Month
Virgins in Swaziland are being offered close to R200 a month to abstain from sex, it has been reported.
The Daily Mail reports, that King Mswati III approved the benefits scheme which will is hoped will curb HIV in one of the poorest countries on the continent. But critics claim the flamboyant ruler, who already has 15 wives, is trying to ensure any future brides are disease free.
Thabsile Dlamini, a health care worker in the city of Manzini, told IOL: 'The government will pay girls the allowances so they will have money to purchase necessities and can turn down money offered to them for sex.'
HIV transmission rates in Swaziland currently
stand at 26 per cent, one of the highest in the world. But teenagers say the money is not enough to stop them from accepting gifts and money in exchange for sex. Thandi Tfwala, 17, said: 'A girl could get R200 for just one sex act.
'You don't know Swazi girls. If they don't get more money, they will keep on doing what they do now.' 'Our king will have to go to Cape Town for his brides.' Source:
Pastor Turns Fuel Into Juice As Members Rush To Drink
After making headlines, albeit for the wrong reasons of making his congregants eat grass, South African Pastor, Lesego Daniel, has a new trick.
In a 26-minute video, he claims to turn petrol into drinkable pineapple juice.
O c t o b e r 2014
The girl takes the bottle from the main stage area, off the camera while the man brings out a match box to light the ‘petrol.’
The petrol is lit and burns quickly before Pastor Lesego storms to the stage and says: “So, I am turning it (the liquid) into a pine apple juice.”
The video, which has been truncated to show the most relevant parts, starts with an unidentified man quoting faith Immediately a couple of congreverses while holding a bottle contain- gants -mostly women- storm the stage, staggering like drunks and ing a yellowish liquid. snarling at the pastor like the “This is fuel,” he says before pouring ghosts in the late Michael South African Pastor, Lesego Daniel giving the congregation fuel The congregation rushing to taste the fuel turned orange Jackson’s Thriller video, the liquid into a bowl. tuned orange juice juice demanding to take a sip of the In a well-choreographed manner, converted juice. typical of what is shown on Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed TV Show, the man then hands the fuel to Those who drink confirm on microphone that it is sweet. a standby usher girl wearing a jersey with sleeves long and big enough to conceal another bottle.
Pastor With Full Blown AIDS Confesses He Slept With Several Church Members
56-Year Old Pastor Claims He Wanted To Use His Robbery Funds To Build A Church
A Pastor and two others who specialises in hijacking and diverting trucks transporting goods within Lagos and Ogun States have been arrested by Operatives of Federal Antirobbery Squad, FEDSARS after a tip-off that a group of robbers had hijacked a 25ft container bearing 25units of heavy duty outdoor split air conditioners worth over N25m.
They were later arrested at their respective homes when the FEDSARS men where able to trace one of the robbers to his base in Ijora, after they had successfully hijacked the goods and transported it to their warehouse in Ibadan. The 4th man, one Oliver is however still on the run.
22 units of the airconditioners have so far been recovered, while two had already gone missing and one damaged.
One of the suspects, who claims he is a Pastor and 56 narrates why he partook in the operation; “My name is Peter Iyesele, 56year-old, I am married and I have four children. I am a pastor and I have a church along Badagry expressway.
“I was arrested at Igando bus-stop for participating in hijacking and diversion of goods worth over N25 million. I have been engaging in these operations for years but after a while I stopped and invested proceeds from the operations in transportation.
“For about nine years, I didn’t participate in any of these operations because I had made enough from the operations until I received a call from God to serve him. I was doing well in my transportation business before I was duped by a woman.
“The reason I went back into robbing was to get money to expand the church of God where I pastor. If I had succeeded, I would have used the proceeds to build a house for God.”
The three men have been charged to court while police are still making efforts to arrest Oliver.
Former Montgomery, Ala., pastor, Juan Demetrius McFarland, who had led his church for 23 years, walked up to the pulpit and told his congregation that he has full-blown AIDS and that he had slept with church members who never knew his health status.
“He confessed to the entire membership and then to the city of Montgomery, because as soon as he got done confessing, it went all over Montgomery anyway,” Deacon Nathan Williams Jr. told WSFA 12 News. “So it’s nothing we [are] making up. It’s coming out of his mouth.”
According to the news station, McFarland’s announcement has continued to shake the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church to its foundation. Church members told the news station that they were stunned to learn, from McFarland’s admission, that he found out he was HIV-positive in 2003 and has had AIDS since 2008. But that wasn’t all. According to the news station, McFarland also acknowledged that he had used drugs and misused church funds. According to WSFA, “McFarland was removed as church pastor on Oct. 5.”
Several members of the church told the news station that the revelation not only has stunned the church but also has several women concerned for their safety.
“I know a young lady who is a member of the church who says she has slept with him and that she didn’t want this to go public, and she running out now trying to find out if there is anything wrong with her,” a church member, who didn’t want to be named, told the news station. “And my heart goes out to her because she’s been a wonderful church member, and then for something like this to happen. The fact that he didn’t tell them at all, that’s a crime in itself.”
Very sad.
The African Community Resource Center
(Serving the Needs of Community)
Investing in the next generation African Community Resource Center is non-profit organization that is aimed at counseling, mentoring, and educating the community and young people in order to increase their access to higher education, leadership, and entrepreneurship and with a systematic plan geared towards equipping the elderly with necessary skills. Today, education is the only means through which individuals can achieve success and can be an effective member of society. However, individuals require guidance and mentoring in order to achieve that goal. I am impressed with the conviction that the African Community Resource Center will be the nerve center to promote education and progress for stable posterity and will allow us to raise a generation of young people that are prepared to assume leadership of the future. The African Community Resource Center (ACRC) fulfills its mission by offering a wide variety of social and cultural activities to its target population which includes families, local civic organizations, and businesses. ACRC offers classes, special events and seasonal activities for all ages. Our year round programming will provide educational enrichment, technical awareness and training aimed at enhancing the well - being of our community. The wellbeing and the development of the youth and the future leaders of tomorrow are globally essential. The strength of the objective and business model, the aspiration of our target population to empower the African community in accessing resources available and building capacity for socio-economic development, improve opportunities and become more self-suffi-
cient in a growing economy is unquestionable. It’s time to look ahead of what needs to be done for the next generation; educating the kids, getting them ready for the work force and the real life ahead. Creating opportunities for the elderly so they will be influence the continent of Africa. The focus we have, the management, and the mission to empower and inspire the next generation. ACRC gives the opportunity to bring sustainability to the average citizen. The center is truly a worldclass architectural designed. Everything about the center is concentrated with the community in mind. The center provides various services with the intention to improve social mobility and thereby reducing poverty. As continent, the key to our success is unity. When the people flourish the continent will thrive. We will benefit from a generation of leaders that will serve with integrity, and work together for the needs of the people and a compelling manner. We are impressed with the conviction that the African Community Resource Center will be the nerve center to promote education and progress for stable posterity and will allow us to raise a generation of young people that are prepared to assume leadership of the future.
Kwame Appiah Making Strides with Philadelphia Fury O c t o b e r 2014
Kwame Appiah works up the sideline
and scored the equalizer to end the first match at 1-1. Kwame was born in Ghana but his family later migrated to the United States and settled in the state of Maryland . Behind their back yard in the Gaithersburg community was a community soccer pitch he usually trained with his brothers and father who were all Soccer enthusiasts. Kwame came from a family of soccer players to reach this level of success in the sport.
Kwame’s early experiences with youth soccer helped shape his unique playing style, marked by his remarkable touch and close control on the ball.
Speaking to Afrikan Post from his Philadelphia base he said “ As a Christian I have been guided by my faith and My parents gave me some of the best advice I've ever had. They always coached me to do the right thing, be honest and stay focused.
A look at the past shows the key role immigrants have played in many of US soccer's successes. Kwame Appiah the son of former Ghanaian soccer star Joe Appiah who played for BA United soccer club in the 70s is making strides as a mid fielder in the America Soccer League (ASL).
As a new sign on for Philadelphia Fury Kwame has proved beyond doubt that he is worth every penny the club spends on him. In a recent game with a select team from New York the impressive Fury-signed player Kwame Appiah continually broke through the New Yorkers line of defense
Ghanaian Muslims In The Northern Virginia Celebrate The Annual Eid Festival
Eid al-Adha (Arabic: ىحضألا ديعʿīd al-aḍḥā [ʕiːd ælˈʔɑdˤħæ] meaning "Festival of the sacrifice"), also called the Feast of the Sacrifice (Turkish: Kurban Bayramı; Bosnian: Kurban Bajram; Persian: دیع نابرق, Eid-e qorban), the "Major Festival",the "Greater Eid", Baqr'Eid (Urdu: ) دیع رقب, or Tabaski (West Africa), is the second of two religious holidays celebrated by Muslims worldwide each year. It honors the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his promised son, Ishmael (Ismail)a, as an act of submission to God's command, before God then intervened to provide Abraham with a lamb to sacrifice instead.The meat from the sacrificed animal is preferred to be divided into three parts. The family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is given to the poor and needy. In the lunar-based Islamic calendar, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah and lasts for three days.In the international Gregorian calendar, the dates vary from year to year, drifting approximately 11 days earlier each year.. The Ghanaian moslem community in Northern Virginia celebrated the day with moslem prayers at the Veterancs Park in Woodbridge. In his Hutba (sermon) sheik Abdul Razak advised the Muslims about importance of Sacrifice. He said one doesn't have to be married to qualify for sacrifice during Eid al adha. He advised the youth on the need to focus on education and respect for their parents. He advices parents to bring or register their children with the newly established Islamic school in Woodbridge called Rashadiyya Islamic and Arabic school led by Sheik Abdul Razak. On their part, Hajia Suwaiba and Sister Suad advised the ladies to be part of Janna ladies by registering with the association . Sheihk Rashid Lamptey blessed the Eid with his presence and advised all to be united. The Ghana government was represented by Christian Narh from the Ghana embassy in Washington DC . He took the opportunity to answer questions and assured the congregation that there is going to be a big change in the way transactions are carried out at the embassy . He mentioned that People will be able to make payments by credit and debit Cards and the information technology infrastructure would be upgraded for efficiency .The president of the Haskay association Brother Majeed Akoll advised Muslims to be good ambassadors of the Prophet Mohammed S.A W by reaching out to the poor and needy .
Muslims ready for prayer
Imam Abdul Razak leading the Eid al adha prayer
Takbir being recited by Rayhan and students of Rashadiyya Islamic School , Woodbridge VA.
Brother Awal interview Janna ladies
Brother Awal, Imam Abdul Razak (middle ) and Alhaji Issah Yaw Akuoko Sarpong in pictures
Spokesperson of Haskay Mohammed Awal interacting with Hajia Amira
Imam Abdul Razak leading the prayers
Janna Ladies celebrate in happiness
Janna Ladies
October 2014
Africa can win next FIFA World Cup says Samuel Inkoom
Samuel Inkoom of Ghana is one of the newest signings to join USA Major League Soccer (MLS) side DC United this year. We recently visited the Ghanaian soccer player and had a chat about his new club in the Washington DC area, his expectations for the season and take on American soccer.
The DC United player says for now he just wants to help his American team win trophies. United is at the top of the Eastern Conference of the US Major League Soccer table which is something Inkoom is really excited about. He says he is proud of his fellow African teammates in the team and all the support and welcome he is getting from the entire team, its administrators and fans.
25 year old Samuel Inkoom credits his present success to every single Ghanaian coach he has worked under, both local and foreign but he strongly believes he is who is today because of all the love and support he gets from his fans wherever he has played in the world. ‘This is why I feel Africa owes soccer fans on the continent a great duty to win the FIFA World Cup — and soon.
Tel : (703)725-6968 E-mail:
A gn es Ow u s u - Brigh t CEO
Inkoom is to left of writer
Amy AnsongA s s ociate Editor
C h arles N t iam oah N im oMen s ah ( M r. CN N ) Co- P ublis her
‘I must must confess Ghana and indeed Africa had had a bad World Cup in Brazil 2014 but Africa as a continent must look forward with hope and positivity because our present generation of Africans are living in exciting times where a lot of great feats have been achieved by people simply coming together in solidarity to pursue a cause, watch the news yourselves’.
‘My greatest dream growing up as a child in Ghana (west Africa) was to play in the FIFA World Cup. As we speak today I have already lived that dream, twice. My new dream is to now win the world cup or at least see an African country win it in the next two events’. Inkoom believes as a continent, Africa must not limit herself with any thoughts of impossibility and Ghana must lead the way in that thought process as the eye of Africa.
6236 Oscar Court Woodbridge VA 22193
Man agin g Ed it or G eorge Br ight- A bu Email:editor @af r ikanpos
The Ghanaian player who is a two time World Cup graduate with the Ghana national team the Black Stars is now plying his trade at DC United in the Major League Soccer of the USA. Inkoom tells this reporter that Ghana’s amazing performance in the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa where she became the only third African team to reach the World Cup quarter-finals shows the potential of the continent.
‘Africa really needs to get her acts together and clean up the football administrations across the continent because players have always been ready to win trophies, they just need professional support from their nation’s soccer authorities who must also understand the seriousness of the modern business of soccer, or as we call it in Africa — football’.
Afrikan Post
Pu b lis h ed By Brigh t Ho u s e Prod u ct io n s
Ghanaian international professional soccer player Samuel Inkoom says Africa can win the next FIFA World Cup if the continent does its home work well and learns from mistakes of the past two World Cups because there is an abundance of talent and experience on the continent.
When asked about the ongoing process of his native Ghana to select a new coach and whether he preferred a foreign coach to a local one, the DC United player explained that he personally does not care what coach the Ghana Football Association ends up picking for the Black Stars because he is ever ready to work with who ever if they invite him to join the team.
By Oral Ofori
‘We have a lot of quality talents and experience in Africa, all we need to do is to die a little more for our respective nations, be more professional in our handling of soccer administration and start to respect the fans a lot more because they are the reason we have careers as soccer stars’ Inkoom says.
October 2014
Correspondents Ohio
Samuel Inkoom Interacting with fans in Virginia
Cincinnati - Frank Adjei-Mensah Columbus- Big Ben Photos
Georgia - Frank Amponsah Maryland - Fred Nnoma -Addison Florida - Samuel Kissiedu Worcester- Patricia Sagoe New York - Kwaku Kyei/ Francis Boanoh New Jersey-Juliana Asante Delaware-Edmund Kwakye Accra- Eric Bright Kumasi- Gloria Bright UK-Regina Bright
Affiliates-Kumasimail Newspaper
C o n t rib u t in g C olu m n is t s M ir iam G yimah, P H D S amuel K is s eadu F r ed N noma- A d dis on ( A mipnew s .org) O r al O f or i A my A ns ong Rev. G eorge A nnan
Ed it orial C o n s u lt an t s F r ed N noma- A d dis on S amuel K is s eadu
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6415 Little Ox Road, Fairfax Station, VA 22039