Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2012/13

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Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2012/13

Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb Yearbook 2012/13

Impresum / Impressum Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2012./13. / faculty of architecture, zagreb yearbook 2012/13 Nakladnik / published by Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Arhitektonski fakultet / University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture Kačićeva 26, Zagreb Za nakladnika / for the publisher prof.mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak, dekan Arhitektonskog fakulteta / Faculty Dean Glavni i odgovorni urednci / editors in chief v.pred. Vjera Bakić Maroje Mrduljaš Izvršna urednica / executive editor pred. Tajana Jaklenec Urednički odbor / editorial board prof. Nenad Fabijanić prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić doc. Siniša Justić doc.mr.sc. Leo Modrčin v.pred. Zorana Protić prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil Voditeljica povjerenstva za nakladničku djelatnost / head of publishing committee doc. Mia Roth-Čerina predstavnici Kabineta – suradnja na prikupljanju grafičkih materijala / section members – cooperation on collecting graphic materials Marina Bertina, Alan Braun, Kristina Careva, Ivan Cetinić, Sanja Gašparović, Aleksandar Homadovski, Tajana Jaklenec, Siniša Justić, Luka Korlaet, Dunja Mandić, Tamara Marić, Berislav Medić, Vesna Mikić, Petar Mišković, Ivan Mlinar, Vanja Rister, Karin Šerman, Marija Šimić Horvath, Nino Virag, Dina Vulin Ileković

Recenzenti / reviewers izv.prof.dr.sc. Alenka Delić, prodekanica za nastavu / Vice Dean for Education prof. Tonči Žarnić Lektura / croatian language proofreading Nina Kuljiš Prijevod / translation Tamara Budimir Ivana Bertić Dizajn i prijelom / design & layout doc. Damir Bralić Andrija Mudnić i Luka Reicher Fotograf / photo by Marko Mihaljević Tisak / printing and binding Printera Grupa d.o.o Tipografija / typography Nikola Đurek, Typonine ISsN 1848-7416 Ovaj broj je zaključen na sastanku uredničkog odbora održanom 12.12.2013. Zagreb, prosinac 2013 © Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2012/13

Sveučilište u Zagrebu Arhitektonski fakultet University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture

Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb Yearbook 2012/13

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

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Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB



Predgovor Organigram Arhitektonskog fakulteta


Nastavni program 2012./2013.

Curriculum Outline 2012/2013

Nastavni rad arhitektonskog fakulteta

teaching at the Faculty of Architecture


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department Of Architectural Design

18 28 40 52 62 66 76

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja Kabinet za stambene zgrade Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda Kabinet za javne zgrade Kabinet za interijer Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje Kabinet za primjenu računala

Section of Architectural Design Basics


Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science


Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije Kabinet za instalacije zgrada Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu

Section of Architectural Technology, Building


Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

Department Of history And theory Of Architecture


Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu

Section of Architectural History and



Organisational Structure of the Faculty of Architecture


90 92 94 96

108 112

Section of Residential Buildings Section of Educational and Community Facilities Section of Public Buildings Section of Interior Design Section of Drawing and Visual Design Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design

Physics, Materials and Building Technology Section of Building Structures Section of Building Services Section of Planning and Project Management Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective

Architectural Heritage Protection Section of Architectural Theory Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

120 128 134

Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje Kabinet za prostorno planiranje Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma

Section of Urban Design


Terenska nastava – hrvatski prostor i arhitektura

Field studies – Croatian Space and Architecture


Ljetne škole i radionice

Summer Schools and Workshops


Mobilnost u okviru programa Erasmus

Mobility within the Erasmus programme


Diplomski radovi

diploma thesis


Diplomska radionica

Diploma Thesis Studio


Doktorski studij arhitektura i urbanizam

phd programme architecture and urbanism

znanstveni i istraživački rad nastavnika

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Architectural Design


Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions


Nastavnici Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Teaching Staff of Faculty of Architecture


Kronika Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za akademsku godinu 2012./2013.

Chronicle of the Faculty of Architecture,



192 194 198 201

Section of Physical Planning Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science Department of History and Theory of Architecture Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

University of Zagreb in Academic Year 2012/13

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

dekan arhitektonskog fakulteta u zagrebu / dean of faculty of architecture in zagreb Boris Koružnjak, prof.mr.sc.

glavni urednici / editors-in-chief Vjera Bakić, Maroje Mrduljaš

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB



Lokalno i univerzalno

Neupitna je potreba redovitoga publiciranja nastavne i znanstveno-stručne aktivnosti u pravilnom ritmu na visokoškolskim institucijama. Naročito je to slučaj sa školama arhitekture jer je riječ o disciplini koja se oslanja na kreativnost i istraživački pristup, kao i na strukovnu tradiciju, te na već potvrđene dosege koje je nužno uključiti. Utoliko su svake godine odgovori na nastavne i znanstvene izazove koji su uvijek novi, drukčiji i originalni, ali se jednako tako odmjeravaju s najboljim dosezima prethodnih generacija. Godišnjak istovremeno treba afirmirati i novine i proboje, kao što u kvaliteti prezentiranih radova odražava kontinuitet trajnih estetskih i etičkih vrijednosti. Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za akademsku godinu 2012./13., drugi u nizu novopokrenutog ciklusa, potvrđuje spremnost škole da se hvata ukoštac s izazovima koje donosi civilizacijski trenutak, kao što se neosporno može osloniti na tradiciju od gotovo jednog stoljeća. Dok rad prethodnih generacija škole nije bio dovoljno dokumentiran nego se implicitno iščitava iz dosega arhitekture u Hrvatskoj i hrvatskih arhitekata u svijetu, realizirani Godišnjaci detaljno svjedoče o znanjima usvajanim i kultiviranim na Fakultetu i to kako u edukacijskoj dionici rada sa studentima, tako i u znanstveno-istraživačkom radu nastavnika i zaposlenika Fakulteta. To znanje, nesputano, ali ne i neinformirano, o brojnim preprekama koje pred arhitektonsku disciplinu neminovno postavlja realnost građenja, temelj je iz kojega se razvija arhitektonska kultura. Upoznavanje edukacije sigurno omogućuje i bolje razumijevanje ‘konkretnog građenja’, a autonomna kvaliteta projekata kultiviranih na Fakultetu sigurno je poticajna i za arhitektonsku praksu i ‘svakodnevicu’ arhitektonske discipline u Hrvatskoj. Duboka ukorijenjenost edukacije i znanstvenoga rada u lokalnom kontekstu jedno je od temeljnih metodskih opredjeljenja Fakulteta. Ispituju se realistični i društveno korisni zadatci, projektira se na konkretnim i izazovnim lokacijama u Hrvatskoj, tehnička elaboracija projekata podudarna je s aktualnim kapacitetima građevinske industrije, a teorijskoistraživački rad usmjeren je prema lokalnim problemima i dosezima. Rezultati su neosporno utemeljeni na lokalnim hrvatskim kontekstima (ističemo raznolikost konteksta i njihovu kulturološku širinu koja nadilazi nacionalne granice) i spremni smo ustvrditi da su dosezi koji su ostvareni, također, i dio univerzalne, internacionalne kulture. Godišnjak cilja



Local and Universal The necessity to regularly, and in according rhythm, publish the educational and scientific activity of the high education institutions is unquestionable. That particularly applies to the schools of architecture, a discipline leaning on creativity and research approach, as well as on the professional tradition, the acknowledged achievements which need to be included. Every year the answers to educational and scientific challenges are new, different and original, but they are also always compared to the best accomplishments of previous generations. Therefore the Yearbook at the same time has to affirm both novelties and breakthroughs, in the same way it reflects, through the quality of the works represented, the continuity of permanent aesthetic and ethical values. The Yearbook of the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb for the academic year 2012/13, second in the newly initiated cycle, confirms the school’s readiness to deal with the challenges brought by the civilizational moment, as well as its possibility to rely on an almost century-long tradition. And while the work of previous generations hasn’t been documented enough and can instead be implicitly seen in the acheivements of Croatian architects in Croatia and the world, the realized Yearbooks indicate in details the knowledges adopted and cultivated at the Faculty, both in educational work with the students and in scientific research activity of the Faculty’s employees. This knowledge, unrestrained (but not uninformed) of numerous obstacles the reality of construction puts before the architectural discipline, is the foundation from which the architectural culture develops. Knowing the education assurdley enables a better understanding of ‘concrete construction’, and the autonomous quality of the projects cultivated at the Faculty is encouraging for both the architectural practice and the ‘everydayness’ of the architectural discipline in Croatia. The firm establishment of educational and scientific activity in the local context is one of the Faculty’s fundamental methodical engagements. Realistic and socially useful tasks are being studied, projects are being planned on concrete and challenging locations in Croatia, technical elaboration of projects corresponds to actual capacities of the construction industry, with the theoretical research work focusing on local problems and achievements. The resultes are undoubtedly established in local Croatian contexts (we emphasize the diversity of those contexts and their cultural width which surpasses national borders) and we are ready to determine that the accomplished achievements are also a part of universal, international culture. The Yearbook therefore aims to affirm such, already confirmed, direction, where the local needs to be understood as ‘realistic’, directed towards deep understanding and reasonable reaction to different yet precisely defined contexts; the universal will


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

na afirmaciju već potvrđenog usmjerenja gdje lokalno treba shvatiti kao ‘realno’, usmjereno prema dubinskom razumijevanju i razumnoj reakciji prema različitim, no precizno definiranim kontekstima, a univerzalno će se ostvariti kroz intenzivno sudjelovanje u internacionalnoj arhitektonskoj debati, nadajmo se i kroz operativnu internacionalizaciju samog Fakulteta.

be realized through intensive participation in international architectural debate, and hopefully also through the operative internationalization of the Faculty itself.

Boris Koružnjak Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Vjera Bakić and Maroje Mrduljaš Faculty of Architecture’s Yearbook editors

Boris Koružnjak dekan Arhitektonskog fakulteta Vjera Bakić i Maroje Mrduljaš urednici godišnjaka Arhitektonskog fakulteta




godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Organigram Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Organisational Structure of the Faculty of Architecture


Prof.mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak


Prodekan za znanost / vice dean for science

Prodekan za nastavu / vice dean for education

Prodekan za poslovanje / vice dean for business

Doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač

Izv.prof.dr.sc. Alenka Delić

Izv.prof.dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman


Prodekan za međunarodnu suradnju / vice dean for international relations Izv.prof.dr.sc. Feđa Vukić


Izv.prof. Stipe Brčić


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / department of architectural design Prof. Miroslav Geng Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja / Section of Architectural Design Basics Prof. Tonči Žarnić Kabinet za stambene zgrade / Section of Residential Building Prof. Ljubomir Miščević Kabinet za zgrade društevnog standarda / Section of Educational and Community Facilities Prof. Veljko Oluić Kabinet za javne zgrade / Section of Public Buildings Prof.dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt Kabinet za interijer / Section of Interior Design Izv.prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje / Section of Drawing and Visual Design Prof. Renata Waldgoni Kabinet za primjenu računala u arhitekturi / Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design Prof.dr.sc. Bojan Baletić


Katedra za Arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo / Department of Architectural technology and Building science

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture Izv.prof.dr.sc Karin Šerman

Doc. Mateo Biluš Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja / Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology Doc. Mateo Biluš Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije / Section of Building Structures Izv.prof.dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja / Section of Planning and Project Management

Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa / Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection Doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical planning and Landscape Architecture Prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje / Section of Urban Design Prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić

Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture / Section of Architectural Theory Izv.prof.d.sc. Karin Šerman

Kabinet za prostorno planiranje / Section of Physical Planning Prof.dr.sc. Srečko Pegan

Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu / Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture Prof.dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski

Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma/ Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History Prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci

Doc. Gordana Žaja Kabinet za instalacije zgrada / Section of Building Services V.pred.mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu / Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective V.pred. mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta

organigram arhitektonskog fakulteta

Organisational structure of the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Zavod za arhitekturu / Institute of Architecture Prof. Mladen Jošić

Zavod za zgradarstvo i fiziku zgrada / Institute of Building Construction and Building Physics

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Zavod za graditeljsko naslijeđe/ Institute of Architectural Heritage V.pred.mr.sc. Alan Braun

Doc.dr.sc. Zoran Veršić

Zavod za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Institute of Urban Planning, Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture Izv.prof.dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat


Deanka Hirjan, dipl.iur.


Ivan Bulian, Ana Horvat, David Volarević, Frana Dulibić, Marko Mihaljević, Kristina Perkov, Igor Pavlović, Ivo Žarko, Ivana Šajn, Ivona Lerga, Ivo Brozina, Lucija Kolarić, Marija Rupa

Povjerenstvo za reformu studija i upravljanje kvalitetom / Reform of Study Programmes and Quality Assurance Committee

Povjerenstvo za odabir studenata za mobilnost u okviru programa ERASMUS / Selection of Students for Participation in the ERASMUS Programme Committee

Povjerenstvo za praćenje nastave / Curriculum Development Committee Povjerenstvo za terensku nastavu / Field Studies Committee

Povjerenstvo za utvrđivanje dodatnih uvjeta Fakultetskog vijeća za izbor u umjetničko-nastavna zvanja / Determining Faculty Council's Additional Requirements for the Assignment of Academic Titles (artistic fields) Committee

Povjerenstvo za E-learning / E-learning Committee

Etičko povjerenstvo / Ethics Committee

Povjerenstvo za izložbe i predavanja / Exhibitions and Lecture Committee

Povjerenstvo za razredbeni postupak / Enrolment Policy Committee

Povjerenstvo za dodjeljivanje studentskih nagrada / Student Awards Committee

Povjerenstvo za izdavanje zbornika ‘Facta Architectonica’ / Publishing of Collection of Papers ‘Facta Architectonica’ Committee

Povjerenstvo za diplomski ispit / Final Examination Committee Povjerenstvo za nakladničku djelatnost / Publishing Committee Povjerenstvo znanstvenog časopisa ‘Prostor’ / Scholarly Journal ‘Prostor’ Committee

Povjerenstvo za ljetne škole i radionice / Summer Schools and Workshops Committee Povjerenstvo za stalno stručno usavršavanje / Continuing Professional Development Committee

Povjerenstvo za stručnu praksu / Professional Practice Committee


Prof.dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić, Prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić, Izv.prof.dr.sc. Karin Šerman, Prof.dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt, Professor emeritus dr.sc. Nikola Filipović, Doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, Prof.dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, Prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, Prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, Pred. mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić (pridruženi član)


Pred. Luka Korlaet


Dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić



organigram arhitektonskog fakulteta

Organisational structure of the Faculty  Architecture of

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Nastavni program 2012/2013

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Curriculum Outline 2012/2013


Kolegij / Course predavanja | vježbe | seminari | ects / classes | exercises | seminars | ects

i. semestar / i. semester

ii. semestar / ii. semester

iii. semestar / iii. semester

Arhitektonsko projektiranje 1 / Architectural Design 1 1 | 3 | 0 | ects 5

Arhitektonsko projektiranje 2 / Architectural Design 2 1 | 3 | 0 | ects 5

Studio 1 / Architectural Urban Design Studio 1 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 13 Nastavnici Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu sudjeluju s 2 sata / Teaching Staff of Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture participate with 2 hours

Crtanje 1 / Drawing 1 0 | 3 | 0 | ects 3 Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department of Architectural Design

Uvod u primjenu računala u arh. / Introduction to Computer Aided Arch. Design – 0 | 1 | 0 | ects 1.5 Osnove nacrtne geometrije / Basics of Descriptive Geometry 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 3.5

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture

Arhitektonske konstrukcije i materijali 1 / Architectural Technology and Materials 1 2 | 3 | 0 | ects 6

Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada / Introduction to Design of Residential Buildings 1 | 1 | 0 | ects 2 Crtanje 2 / Drawing 2 0 | 3 | 0 | ects 3

Primjena računala u arhitekturi 1 / Computer Aided Architectural Design 1 – 0 | 1 | 0 | ects 1.5

Plastično oblikovanje 1 / Visual Design 1 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 2.5

Arhitektonske konstrukcije i materijali 2 / Architectural Technology and Materials 2 2 | 3 | 0 | ects 6

Primjena računala u arhitekturi 2 / Computer Aided Architectural Design 2 1 | 1 | 0 | ects 2.5 Arhitektonske konstrukcije i materijali 3 / Architectural Technology and Materials 3 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Nosive konstrukcije 1 /Building Structures 1 2 | 1 | 0 | ects 3.5

Instalacije zgrada 1 / Building Services 1 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Matematika / Mathematics 2 | 1 | 0 | ects 3.5

Interkatedarski kabinet / Interdepartmental Course


Stambene zgrade 1 / Residential Buildings 1 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Nacrtna geometrija i perspektiva / Descriptive Geometry and Perspective 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 3.5

Nosive konstrukcije 2 / Building Structures 2 2 | 2 | 0 | ects 4

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

Nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade sudjeluju s 2 sata / Teaching Staff of Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science participate with 2 hours

Nosive konstrukcije 3 / Building Structures 3 2 | 2 | 0 | ects 3

Povijest arhitekture 2 / History of Architecture 2 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Povijest arhitekture 1 / History of Architecture 1 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Urbanizam 1 / Town Planning 1  – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Hrv. prostor i arhitektura – Zagreb / Cro. space and architecture – Zagreb – 0 | 0 | 1 | ects 0.5

Hrv. prostor i arhitektura – sz Hrvatska / Cro. space and architecture – sw Croatia  – 0 | 0 | 2 | ects 2

Engleski jezik za arh. 1 / English language for Arch. 1 Njemački jezik za arh. 1 / German language for Arch. 1 –  0 | 1 | 1 | ects 1.5

Engleski jezik za arh. 2 / English language for Arch. 2 Njemački jezik za arh. 2 / German language for Arch. 2  – 0 | 1 | 1 | ects 1.5

Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 1 / Physical Training 1  – 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 0

Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 2 / Physical Training 2 –  0 | 2 | 0| ects 0

nastavni program 2012/2013

Povijest arhitekture 3 / History of Architecture 3 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Urbanizam 2 / Town Planning 2  – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1 Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 3 / Physical Training 3 – 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 0

curriculum outline 2012/2013

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

iv. semestar / iv. semester Stambene zgrade 2 / Residential Buildings 2 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1 Plastično oblikovanje 2 / Visual Design 2 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 2.5

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

v. semestar / v. semester

vi. semestar / vi. semester

Studio 3 / Architectural Urban Design Studio 3 0 | 9 | 0 | ects 13

Studio 4 / Architectural Urban Design Studio 4 0 | 11 | 0 | ects 15

Nastavnici Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu sudjeluju s 1 satom / Teaching Staff of Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture participate with 1 hour

Nastavnici Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu sudjeluju s 1 satom / Teaching Staff of Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture participate with 1 hour

Tehnički studio / Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 12

Nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade sudjeluju s 1 satom / Teaching Staff of Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science participate with 1 hour

Zgrade društvenog standarda / Educational and Community Facilities 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 5

Instalacije zgrada 2 / Building Services 2 – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Planiranje i organizacija građenja / Planning and Project Management 3 | 2 | 0  | ects 5

Održiva arhitektura / Sustainable Architecture 1 | 0 | 1 | ects 2

Fizika zgrade / Building Physics 1 | 1 | 0 | ects 2

Povijest arhitekture 4 / History of Architecture 4 2 | 0 | 0  | ects 2

Tehnologija građenja / Building Technology 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Studio 2 / Urban Architecutral Design Studio 2 0 | 6 | 0 | ects 6.5 Nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje sudjeluju s 2 sata / Teaching Staff of Department of Architectural Design participate with 2 hours

Zgrade za rad i trgovinu / Office and Commercial Buildings – 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Moderna i suvremena svjetska arhitektura 20. st / Modern and Contemporary Architecture in the 20th century – 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Zaštita grad. naslijeđa / Conservation of Built Heritage – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Hrvatska arhitektura 20. st. / Croatian Architecture in the 20th Century 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Uvod u teoriju arhitekture / Introduction to Theory of Architecture – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1 Osnove prostornog planiranja i zakonodavstva / Introduction to Physical Planning and Legalisation 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Planiranje grada / Comprehensive Town Planning 0 | 4 | 0 | ects 4

Urbanizam 3 / Urban Planning 3 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Sociologija okolice / Environmental Sociology 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Perivojno oblikovanje / Landscape Design 0 | 3 | 0 | ects 3

Perivojna arhitektura / Landscape Architecture 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1 Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Slavonija / Cro. space and architecture – Slavonija – 0 | 0 | 3 | ects 1

Suvremena perivojna arhitektura / Contemporary Landscape Architecture – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1 Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Istra / Cro. space and architecture – Istra – 0 | 0 | 3 | ects 1

Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 4 / Physcial Training 4 – 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 0


nastavni  program 2012/2013

curriculum  outline 2012/2013

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department of Architectural Design

i. semestar / i. semester

ii. semestar / ii. semester

iii. semestar / iii. semester

Radionica AP1  – suvremeno stanovanje / Architectural Design Studio – Contemporary Housing – 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 12

Radionica AP1  – suvremeno stanovanje / Architectural Design Studio – Contemporary Housing – 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 12

Interijer / Interior Design – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Radionica interijera / Interior Design Studio 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 2 Auditorna radionica / Auditory Design Studio 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Zdravstvo i turizam – zpb / Health Care and Tourism – fta – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Zgrade za rad i kulturu / Work and Culture Facilities – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Teorija arhitekture 2 / Theory of Architecture 2 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 3

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

Radionica AP2  – sport + / Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport + 0 | 7 | 1 | ects 12

Radionica AP2  – sport + / Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport + 0 | 7 | 1 | ects 12

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Radionica ap3 / Architectural Design Studio 3 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture

Radionica graditeljskog naslijeđa / Architectural Heritage Design Studio 7 | 2 | 1 | ects 16 Suvr. stanovanje / Cont. Housing – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Suvr. stanovanje / Cont. Housing – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Zgrade za sport / Sport Facilities – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Zgrade za sport / Sport Facilities – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Održivo građenje 1 / Sust. Building 1  – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5

Održivo građenje 2 / Sust. Building 2 – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5

Prost. planiranje / Physical Planning – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

Interkatedarski kabinet / Interdepartmental Course


Urbane preobrazbe/Urban Transform. – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Teorija arhitekture 1 / Theory of Architecture 1 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Povijest europskog urbanizma / History of European Urban Design – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Urbanistička radionica 1: Preobrazba grada / Urban Design Studio 1: Transformation of the City 0 | 4 | 0 | ects 6

Urbanistička radionica 2: Planiranje naselja / Urban Design Studio 2: Town Planning 0 | 4 | 0 | ects 6

Hrv. prostor i arhitektura–Dalmacija / Cro. space and architecture –Dalmatia – 0 | 0 | 4 | ects 2

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

nastavni program 2012/2013

Radionica urbanizma / Urban Design Studio 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16 Radionica prostornog planiranja / Urban Planning Design Studio 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16 Radionica pejsažne arhitekture / Landscape Architecture Design Studio 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16 Studenti biraju jednu od ponuđenih radionica / Students choose one of the following Studios

curriculum outline 2012/2013

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


iv. semestar / iv. semester

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department of Architectural Design

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture

Diplomska radionica / Master Thesis Studio 0 | 12 | 2  | ects 30

Arhitektonika svjetla / Light in Architecture

Autorski pristupi hrvatskih arhitekata / Croatian Architects Author's Approaches

Crtanje i arhitektonska grafika / Drawing and Architectural Graphics Hrvatska arhitektura u regiji – Hiper Croatia / Croatian Architecture in the Region – Hyper Croatia Japanska prostorna koncepcija / Japanese Spatial Concept

Graditeljsko naslijeđe 2 / Architectural Heritage 2 Industrijska arheologija / Industiral Archeology Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

Kritika u arhitekturi / Criticism in Architecture Ljetna škola: Tradicija, kreativnost i održivost – Motovun / Summer School: Tradition, Creativity and Sustainability – Motovun

Hrvatska tradicijska arhitektura / Croatian Traditional Architecture Povijest hrvatskog urbanizma / History of Croatian Urbanism

Metodologija arhitektonskog projektiranja / Methodology of Architectural Design

Primjena materijala i konstrukcija u perivojnoj arhitekturi / Use of Materials and Structures in Landscape Architecture

Računalno oblikovanje pejsažne arhitekture / Computer Aided Design of Landscape Architecture

Prostorno planiranje 2 – zaštita prirode i okoliša / Physical Planning 2 – Nature and Environment

Radionica AF/SC / AF/SC Workshop

Revitalizacija dvoraca / Revitalisations of Manors and Castles

Visokotehnološka arhitektura / High-tech Architecture

Rurizam / Ruralism

Vizualne komunikacije u arhitekturi / Visual Communication in Architecture

Sociologija kulture / Sociology of Culture

Zgrade za visoko obrazovanje / High Education Facilities Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

Suvremena perivojna arhitektura / Contemporary Landscape Architecture Turizam u urbanističkom i prostornom planiranju / Tourism in Urban Planning and Regional Planning Urbana sociologija / Urban Sociology

Geometrija u graditeljstvu / Geometry in Architecture Urbanistička kompozicija / Urban Composition Inženjerske konstrukcije / Engineering Structures Urbanistička teorija / Urban Planning Theory Matematičke strukture / Mathematical Structure Zaštita i obnova povijesnih perivoja / Historic Parks and Gardens Metode i praksa nosivih konstrukcija u arhitekturi / Methods and Practice of Building Structures in Architecture Oblik zgrade i termotehničke instalacije / Building Form and Thermotechnical Installations Uvod u znanstvenoistraživački rad / Introduction to the Research Work Zvuk u arhitekturi / Architectural Acustics


nastavni program 2012/2013

History of Making American City by the End of 19th Century / Američki grad do kraja 19. st. Urban Transportation Design Issues / Urbanistički aspekti prometa Interkatedarski kabinet / Interdepartmental Course Engleski jezik za arhitekturu 4 / English for Architecture and Urban Planning 4

curriculum outline 2012/2013

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Nastavni rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Teaching at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja / section of Architectural Design Basics Voditelj / Head of section

redoviti profesor / professor

docent / Assistant Professor

viši predavač / senior lecturer

pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching

vanjski suradnik / Teaching Associate

prof. Tonči Žarnić

Tonči Žarnić

Petar Mišković mr.sc. Leo Modrčin Helena Paver Njirić

Vjera Bakić

Veljko Oluić Mia Roth-Čerina Marina Bertina Vanja Rister Mojca Smode Cvitanović

Juraj Glasinović

Kabinet za stambene zgrade / section of residential buildings Voditelj / Head of section

redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors

docent / Assistant Professor

predavači / lecturers

znanstveni novak – asistent / Junior Researcher and teaching assistant

prof. Ljubomir Miščević

Teufik Galijašević Mladen Jošić Ljubomir Miščević dr.sc. Lenko Pleština Dragomir Vlahović

Ivana Ergić Branimir Rajčić

Luka Korlaet Nino Virag

Boško Opalić

dr.sc. Alenka Delić

Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda / Section of Educational and Community Facilities Voditelj / Head of section

redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors

docenti / Assistant Professors

viši predavači / senior lecturers

pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching

vanjski suradnici / Teaching Associates

prof. Veljko Oluić

Veljko Oluić

Vladimir Kasun Vanja Rister Mia Roth-Čerina

Marina Bertina

dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil Tonči Žarnić mr.sc. Leo Modrčin Helena Paver Njirić Petar Mišković Vjera Bakić Melita Čavlović

Darko Latin

Igor Franić


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za javne zgrade / section of public buildings Voditelj / head of section

redoviti profesori / professors

docenti / assistant professors

viši asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant

pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching

prof.dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt

Nenad Fabijanić dr.sc. Sanja Filep Miroslav Geng dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak dr.sc. Vesna Mikić dr.sc. Boris Morsan dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt Goran Rako

Tin Sven Franić mr.sc. Sonja Tadej-Vončina

dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik

dr.sc. Dražen Juračić dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković Gordana Žaja

Kabinet za interijer / section of interior design Voditelj / head of section

izvanredni profesori / assoc. professors

docent / assistant professor

pridruženi nastavnik / Cross-departmental Teaching

vanjski suradnik / Teaching Associate

prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković

dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković

Neda Cilinger

dr.sc. Vesna Mikić

Lovorka Prpić

Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje / section of drawing and visual design Voditelj / head of section

redoviti profesor / professor

docent / assistant professor

viši predavači / Senior Lecturers

predavač / lecturer

znanstveni novak – asistent / Junior Researcher and teaching assistant

prof. Renata Waldgoni

Renata Waldgoni

Siniša Justić

Ana-Martina Bakić Ivana Tutek

Roberta Pavlović

Tihana Hrastar

Kabinet za primjenu računala / Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design Voditelj / head of section

redoviti profesor / professor

viši asistenti / senior researchers and teaching assistants

asistenti / teaching assistants

Demonstratori / student assistants

prof.dr.sc. Bojan Baletić

dr.sc. Bojan Baletić

dr.sc. Kristina Careva dr.sc. Rene Lisac

Morana Pap mr.sc. Roberto Vdović

Tin Čop, Helena Ferkula, Tomislav Grabar, Mario Grgurev, Janko Kralj, Nikolina Lončar, Andrija Matotan


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja  osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 i 2 / Basics of Architectural Design 1 & 2 Godina / year


Bazični dio obrazovanja u arhitekturi, posebno arhitektonsko projektiranje, izdvaja se kroz specifična pitanja, procedure i edukativni format u zasebno tematsko područje.

semestar / semester

1. &2.

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja problematizira i istražuje formativni dio obrazovanja u disciplini arhitekture. Određuje svoje područje edukativne akcije u srazu arhitektonske kompozicije, percepcije u arhitekturi i arhitektonskoga gradiva. Kabinet za oap svjesno pojednostavnjuje i tretira temeljnu podlogu arhitektonske edukacije te promišlja specifičnost sredstava i inteligencije u arhitekturi. Početno arhitektonsko obrazovanje nalazi se u labilnom procijepu između dviju suprotstavljenih namjera: sačuvati neočekivanost misli i interpretacije početnika te istovremeno uvesti u specifična sredstva i procedure discipline. Obrazovni program prihvaća prividno stabilne kategorije arhitekture i promjenljive, datumom obilježene, naglaske i suvremena pitanja u izrastanju. Jezgru čine zadaci kojih je problemski okvir univerzalan, ali izložen stalnoj provjeri kroz izmjene hijerarhije sadržanih aspekata kako bi se dobili generacijski raznoliki arhitektonski odgovori. Dio zadataka je promjenljiv i koristi se kao oblik eksperimenta u nastavi. Kratkotrajne vježbe brzih reakcija izvedene su iz procesa i pojmova koji su izraz ili izazov suvremenosti. Edukativna namjera je suočavanje studenta/ice s osobnom interpretacijom problema, odlučivanjem u stvaranju i otkrivanje smisla pojmova imanentnih arhitekturi, kolebanje i provjera vlastite pozicije kroz arhitektonski projekt. Kolegiji Arhitektonsko projektiranje 1 i 2, za koje je odgovoran Kabinet za oap, provode se kroz predavanja i vježbe. Studenti, vođeni logikom zadataka, kroz vlastiti rad spoznaju proces projektiranja te razvoj i artikulaciju arhitektonskog konstrukta unutar ograničenog broja osnovnih parametara arhitekture (prostor, vrijeme, tektonika).


Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Architectural Design Basics  The essential part of architectural education can be characterized as an individual thematic field made as such by specific issues, procedures and form of education. The Section of Basics of Architectural Design explores the formative part of architectural education. It determines its own field of educational action in the midst of conflicting relationship between architectural composition, perception in architecture and architectural teaching material. The Section consciously simplifies and treats the essential foundations of architectural education and examines specific tools and intelligence in architecture. The initial architectural education finds itself variably rifted between two opposing intentions: to preserve unpredictable thoughts and interpretations of beginners and, simultaneously, to introduce them to specific tools and procedures of the discipline. The educational programme accepts the seemingly stable categories of architecture and changeable, dated highlights and emerging contemporary issues. The core is comprised of assignments whose problematic framework is universal but exposed to continual re-examination through alternating hierarchy of the existing aspects in order to achieve generationally diverse architectural solutions. Part of the assignment is transformative and is used as a form of experiment in classes. Short-term exercises of quick responses arise from the processes and terminology which reflect or challenge modernity. Educational intent is to face students with a personal interpretation of a problem, decision making in creating and discovering meaningful terminology immanent in architecture, oscillations and testing of the personal position through an architectural project. Following the logic of the assignment and their personal work, students acquire knowledge of the design process and of the development and articulation of an architectural structure within a limited number of basic architectural parameters (space, time, tectonics). Architectural design as an insightful process reveals architecturally characteristic topics, immanent problems, essential tools and limitations. It helps understand the determinants of architecture: lines, planes, space, structure, function, communication, position, light, measure, scale, material. Exercises are always based on students’ ideas which are presented through drawings and working models. Discussions relate to spatial

Section of Architectural Design Basics

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kroz arhitektonsko projektiranje, kao spoznajni postupak, otkrivaju se za arhitekturu karakteristične teme, imanentni problemi, osnovna sredstva i ograničenja. Razumijevaju se odrednice arhitekture: linearnost, plošnost, prostornost, konstrukcija, funkcija, komunikacija, položaj, svjetlo, mjera, mjerilo, materijalnost.

ideas which students developed in the course of the previous week.

Vježbe su radne i konzultacijske, uvijek temeljene na studentskim zamislima koje se prikazuju crtežom i radnim modelom. Raspravlja se o prostornim idejama koje su studenti razvili tijekom prethodnog tjedna. Rezultat je bitno određen osobnim angažmanom studenta/ ice, premda studentski rad neizostavno svojim komentarima prate nastavnici – voditelji vježbi.

Results are essentially determined by the personal interest and involvement of individual students, although the student work is invariably supervised and commented by teachers. With their own projects, students should demonstrate understanding of architectural design through 1) developing a spatial concept and 2) presenting the concept by way of tools characteristic for architecture: technical drawings (floor plans, cross-sections), spatial representation (perspective view and axonometric projection) and models (real and virtual).

Svojim projektima student/ica treba pokazati razumijevanje procesa arhitektonskog projektiranja, i to kroz 1razvijanje prostorne zamisli i 2prezentaciju zamisli putem za arhitekturu karakterističnih načina: tehnički crtež (tlocrti, presjeci, pogledi), prostorni prikaz (perspektivni, aksonometrijski) i model (realni i virtualni).

Niz maketa izrađenih za šesti zadatak na vježbama Osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 / Series of models created for the sixth task at the course Architectural Design Basics 1 and 2


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Uvodna vježba

student Dora Gorenak Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić


student Dora Gorenak

student Ian Kruezi

Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić

Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja

Section of Architectural Design Basics

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

student Ivan Jaković

student Marcela Ostroški

Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić

Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

student Lucija Raffanelli

student Sara Blekić

Voditelji / supervisors Juraj Glasinović, Mojca Smode Cvitanović

Voditelj / supervisor Mia Roth-Čerina


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

student Sebastian Bogi Voditelj / supervisor Mia Roth-Čerina

student Mateja Rogulj Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković


student Dora Gorenak

student Kristina Radunović

Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić

Voditelji / supervisors Juraj Glasinović, Mojca Smode Cvitanović

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja

Section of Architectural Design Basics

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

student Dora Gorenak

student Sara Blekić

Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić

Voditelj / supervisor Mia Roth-Čerina

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

student Lea Majzec Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić

student Mia Kos

student Jana Horvat

Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina

Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

student Ivana Lazar

student Ian Kruezi

Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina

Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina

student Ian Kruezi

student Mateja Rogulj

Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina

Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković

student Darija Rubeša

student Ian Kruezi

Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković

Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja

Section of Architectural Design Basics

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

student Dora Gorenak

student Mia Martinović

Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić

Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić

student Roman Krajcarz

student Sara Nasić

Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina

Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić

student Ivana Lazar

student Rudolf Martinović

Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina

Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

student Mia Martinović

student Marija Mihaljević

Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić

Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić

student Paula Petrović

student Sara Blekić

Voditelji / supervisors Juraj Glasinović, Mojca Smode Cvitanović

Voditelj / supervisor Mia Roth-Čerina

student Kristina Radunović

student Paula Petrović

Voditelj / supervisor uraj Glasinović, Mojca Smode Cvitanović

Voditelji / supervisors Juraj Glasinović, Mojca Smode Cvitanović

student Rudolf Martinović

student Lucija Raffanelli

Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić

Voditelji / supervisors Juraj Glasinović, Mojca Smode Cvitanović

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja

Section of Architectural Design Basics

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Sobe Radionica AF/SC

U travnju 2013. godine u Galeriji SC održano je četvrto izdanje Radionice AF/SC, vanfakultetske radionice Kabineta za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja. Radionicu su pokrenuli Petar Mišković i Mia Roth-Čerina kao poligon za testiranje nestandardnih oblika izvođenja redovne nastave projektiranja: koncentrirani blok vježbi, cjelodnevni/višednevni rad u izdvojenom studiju, ravnopravnost studenata svih dobi, kontinuirano sudjelovanje gostujućih predavača i kritičara. Za održavanje radionice odabran je specifičan prostorni i simbolički okvir Galerije SC. VODITELJI / supervisors Petar Mišković i Mia Roth-Čerina GOSTI PREDAVAČI I KRITIČARI / guest lecturers and critics Tonči Čerina, Ivana Ergić, Juraj Glasinović, Vanja Ilić, Siniša Justić, Darko Latin, Iva Letilović, Leo Modrčin i Tonči Žarnić

Na Radionici se promišlja prostor bez zadanih programa i funkcija ili pretpostavljenog rješenja. Tijekom Radionice promoviran je katalog koji objedinjuje rad proteklih, s temama ‘toranj’, ‘polje’ i ‘depresija’. Tema ovogodišnje radionice bila je ‘soba’: stvaranje specifičnog ambijenta unutar definiranog prostornog okvira.

STUDENTI / students Robert Barbir, Korina Barišić, Julijana Bočkaj, Juraj Božić, Aleksandar Ćelović, Krešimir Damjanović, Viktorija Jagodić, Iva Jelinčić, Dora Jerbić, Dora Kljenak, Luka Krstulović, Lucija Megla, Tamara Relić, Šime Sarić, Frane Stančić i Ivan Zaninović

Od prvog susreta s temom do završne prezentacije i izložbe projekata studenti su imali na raspolaganju jedan tjedan. Radionica se odvijala kroz cjelodnevni rad na projektima i večernje razgovore, predavanja i radne prezentacije kroz tjedan te završnu prezentaciju i izložbu za vikend.


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Rooms AF / SC Workshop The fourth AF / SC Workshops, the extramural workshops of the Section of architectural design basics were held in April 2013 at the SC Gallery. The workshop was initiated by Peter Mišković and Mia Roth Čerina as a testing ground for non-standard forms of running regular classes in design, a concentrated block of exercises, all day / multi-day work on separate studies, the equality of students of all ages, the continuous participation of guest lecturers and critics. The SC Gallery was chosen to be the specific spatial and symbolic framework for the holding of workshops. At the workshop space was considered without set programmes and functions or ulterior solutions. During the workshops a catalogue combining work from previous workshops to the topic ‘tower’, ‘field’ and ‘depression’ were promoted. The topic of this year’s workshop was ‘room’; creating a specific atmosphere within a defined spatial framework. Starting with their first encounter with the topic to the final presentation and exhibition of projects students had a week at their disposal. The workshop took place throughout the entire day with work on projects and discussions, lectures, presentations in the evenings through the week and a final presentation and exhibition on the weekend.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za stambene zgrade  Kabinet za stambene zgrade bavi se tematsko-problemskim horizontom pitanja i odgovora vezanih uz stanovanje: od aktivnosti do artefakta ili tehnologije, od tradicijskih oblika stanovanja do suvremenosti, od sobe do grada. Unutar tako opsežnog područja nastavnici se kroz obavezne i izborne kolegije fokusiraju na predmetne teme. Organizacija nastave u preddiplomskom dijelu studija polazi od funkcionalističkih premisa, ideje da se može projektirati iznutra prema van, od manjeg prema većem, a podučavati od jednostavnijih do složenijih zadataka i vještina. U nastavi na diplomskom studiju polazi se od aktivnog promišljanja društvenog konteksta i suvremenosti. Kroz istraživački način rada razvija se vještina stečena tijekom studija, sposobnost samostalnog rješavanja složenih zadataka i stvara specifično novo znanje. Teorijski kolegiji preddiplomskog studija obrađuju teme koje se nastavljaju i preklapaju. Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada podučava osnove problematike stanovanja, odnos mjera, predmeta, prostorija i grupa, prostornu organizaciju, dispoziciju, prostorne i zdravstvene standarde, te odnos stambene jedinice, vanjskog prostora i pripadajućih čimbenika (mikroklima, osunčanje). Na kolegiju Stambene zgrade 1 obrađuju se sve teme bitne za projektiranje slobodnostojeće obiteljske kuće i ostalih tipova individualne stambene izgradnje (vrijednosti, potrebe i zahtjevi; okolnosti pri projektiranju; funkcionalna svojstva), objašnjavaju raznovrsni pristupi projektiranju (moduliranje, oblikovanje) te unapređuju znanja o karakterističnim i antologijskim primjerima. Kroz teme na kolegiju Stambene zgrade 2 među kojima su obilježja stambene zgrade i stana; funkcionalna organizacija; tipologija i morfologija; posebni životni stilovi; kriteriji za vrednovanje stambene sredine i druge podučava se projektiranje stambenih jedinica, zgrada i naselja. Tempo i teme predavanja teorijskih kolegija usklađeni su sa radom na vježbovnim kolegijima, radi se prema precizno određenim zadacima (uvodne vježbe, individualno stanovanje, kolektivno stanovanje) što omogućuje postupno savladavanje i razvijanje odslušanog gradiva.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Residential Buildings  The Section of residential buildings deals with topical and issue-oriented questions and answers related to housing: from activities to artefacts or technology, from traditional to contemporary forms of housing, from rooms to cities. Within such an extensive area professors focus on the subject matter through compulsory and elective course. During undergraduate studies teaching is organised based on functionalist premises, the idea that design starts from the inside and then spreads outwards, from the small to the large, and teaching begins with the simple and then moves on to cover more complex tasks and skills. At a graduate level courses include active consideration of the social context and modernity. Research helps develop skills acquired during studies, and the ability to independently solve complex tasks and create specific new knowledge. Theoretical courses during undergraduate studies deal with topics that continue and supplement each other. The introduction to the design of residential buildings introduces the basic issues of housing, relationship of measures, objects, spaces and groups, spatial organisation, disposition, spatial and health standards, and the relationship between housing units, outer space and associated factors (microclimate, sunlight). The Residential Buildings 1 course includes all issues relevant to the design of a detached family house and other types of individual residential housing (values, needs and requirements; circumstances during design, functional properties) are covered, various approaches to design are explained (modulation, shaping) and knowledge on characteristic and anthological examples is supplemented. The course topics discussed at Residential Buildings 2, including the characteristics of a building and an apartment, functional organisation, typology and morphology, specific lifestyles, criteria for the evaluation of the residential environment and others, aid in the teaching of design of housing units, buildings and settlements. The tempo of lectures and the lecture topics at theoretical courses are aligned to the work done during practical courses; work is completed to specific tasks (introductory practice, individual housing, collective housing) which allows for the gradual mastering and further development of material covered.

Nagrada za nabolju obiteljsku kuću / award for the best family house Selektor / selector: prof. emer. dr.sc. Nikola Filipović Studenti / students: Neva Horvat i Mirna Mezulić

Individualno stanovanje obrađuje se u sklopu integralnog kolegija Studio 1, koji je organiziran kroz urbanističku, arhitektonsku i dionicu arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Arhitektonsko projektiranje (projekt obiteljske kuće) kao okosnica kolegija, simultano se nadograđuje kroz urbanističku komponentu (planiranje stambenog naselja) i kao niz tehničkih zna-

Individual housing is dealt with as part of the integrated course Architectural Urban Design Studio 1, which is organised through the urban, architectural and section of architectural structures. Architectural design (project for a family house), as the basis of the course, is simultaneously extended through the urban component (the planning of a housing estate) and additional technical knowledge and details as part of the sections on architectural structures. Collective housing is dealt with as part of the integral course Urban Architectural Design Studio 2. At the urban section a housing estate is planned, and the architectural section


Kabinet za stambene zgrade

Section of Residential Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Nagrada Zdenko Strižić / Zdenko Strižić Award Selektor/ Selector: Branko Kincl Studenti / students: Sara Jurinčić, Tamara Hladki, Ivona Ivanek, Ivona Krnjaić

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

nja i detalja u sklopu dionice arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Kolektivno stanovanje radi se u sklopu integralnog kolegija Studio 2. U urbanističkoj dionici planira se stambeno naselje, a arhitektonska dionica je (projekt manje stambene zgrade po programu i normativima socijalnog stanovanja) povezana sa urbanističkim rješenjem.

(a project of a smaller residential building based on the programme and norms of social housing) is linked through an urban solution.

Kolegij Suvremeno stanovanje, kroz primjere novoizgrađenih i postojećih obnovljenih stambenih cjelina promišlja stanovanje kao društveno pitanje i osnovni čimbenik razvoja grada. Proširenje tradicionalnih oblika stanovanja novim načinima života u gradu traži istraživanje novih stambenih tipologija. Evolucija u socijalnom ponašanju uvjetuje promjene u konceptu dizajna suvremenog stanovanja i nove zamisli odnosa između stanovanja i okoliša. Teme koje se predaju na kolegiju su: novi (eksperimentalni) prostorni sustavi sukladni promjenama potreba i težnjama korisnika, multifunkcionalnost, individualizacija, participacija, implementacija ICT i suvremene tehnologije, ‘inteligentni’ prostori stanovanja i okoliš, održivi razvoj i ekološki pristup. Na vježbama u sklopu kolegija R AP1 unutar slične programske složenosti, opsega zadatka i gradske ‘ambicije’, voditelji postavljaju različite teme pomoću kojih propituju nove načine stanovanja i suvremenost. Kolegij Održiva arhitektura upoznaje studente s temeljnim pojmovima i postavkama energetski učinkovitog i ekološkog pristupa arhitekturi i urbanizmu. Cilj predmeta je postizanje potrebnih znanja na razini europskih standarda energetske učinkovitosti, zaštite okoliša, tehnologije materijala i sustava u okviru održivog razvitka. Kolegij Visokotehnološka arhitektura obuhvaća temeljno definiranje pojmovnika, povijesni razvoj teme, suvremeni razvoj visokih tehnologija relevantnih za arhitektonsku misao i praksu. Kolegij Japanska prostorna koncepcija na temelju analize japanskog jezika, literature, filozofije, religije i umjetnosti, tj. putem povijesnih i suvremenih paradigmatskih primjera japanskih arhitekata nastoji pokazati da postoji prostorna koncepcija koja je izrazito japanska, odnosno koja se bitno razlikuje od zapadnjačke – europske prostorne koncepcije. Kolegij Metodologija arhitektonskog projektiranja bavi se nekonzistentnim variranjem i spajanjem neočekivanih vrijednosti i pojmova koju utječu na nastank arhitektonske kvalitete. Poznavanje jasnih kriterija vrednovanja arhitekture i odnosa u prostoru ne jamči istovremeno i znanje projektiranja kvalitetne arhitekture i urbanih prostora. Niz daljih faktora utječe na stvaranje dobre arhitekture, kao što su poznavanje psihologije međuljudskih odnosa, poznavanje ekonomskih parametara, spremnost na timsku suradnju, licenciranje znanja i drugo.


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Based on examples of existing and newly reconstructed housing units the course Contemporary housing, reflects housing as a social issue and a basic factor in the development of a city. The expansion of traditional forms of housing through new city lifestyles requires research into new housing typologies. The evolution of social behaviour results in changes in the design concept of modern living and new ideas concerning the relationship between housing and the environment. Topics taught at this course are: new (experimental) spatial systems in accordance with the changing needs and aspirations of users, multifunctionality, individualisation, participation, implementation of ICT and modern technology, ‘intelligent’ housing space and environment, sustainable development and environmental protection. During practical work which are part of the ADS1 course within similar software complexity, the scope of the task and the city ‘ambitions’, the principals set various topics with the aid of which new ways of living and modernity are examined. The Sustainable architecture course introduces students to the fundamental concepts and notions, to an energy-efficient and ecological approach to architecture and urbanism. The aim of the course is to achieve the required level of knowledge in view of European standards for energy efficiency, environmental protection, technology, materials and systems within the framework of sustainable development. The High-tech architecture course covers the basic definition of the glossary, the historical development of the topic, the modern development of high technologies relevant to architectural theory and practice. The aim of the course is to achieve the required advanced understanding of recent materials, systems and structures that allow the concept, design and execution of high-tech architecture. The Japanese spatial concept course is based on an analysis of the Japanese language, its literature, philosophy, religion and art, that is, it seeks to show that there is a spatial concept that is distinctly Japanese, that is, which is significantly different from Western – European spatial concepts through historical and contemporary paradigmatic examples of Japanese architects. The course Methodology of architectural design deals with the inconsistent and varying merger of unexpected values and concepts that influence the emergence of architectural quality. Having insight to the clear criteria for the evaluation of architecture and relationships in space does not necessarily guarantee knowledge in the design of quality architecture and urban space. A number of additional factors affect the creation of good architecture, such as knowledge of the psychology of interpersonal relationships, knowledge of economic parameters, readiness for team work, licensing knowledge, etc.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada / Introduction to Design of Residential Buildings preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada

Semestar / semester

1. 2.

Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada podučava osnove problematike stanovanja, odnos mjere čovjeka, predmeta i prostora, prostorija i grupa prostorija. Izučava se prostorna organizacija, dispozicija i međuodnos funkcionalnih grupa, prostorni i zdravstveni standardi, odnos stambene jedinice i pripadajućeg vanjskog prostora te utjecaj prirodnih čimbenika, mikroklime i osunčanja.

Zadaci •  Čovjek kao osnovni faktor arhitektonskog projektiranja Stan i njegove funkcije Namještaj i uporabni prostori •  Grupa prostorija za kretanje •  Grupa prostorija za spavanje •  Grupa gospodarskih prostorija •  Grupa prostorija za dnevni život •  Sklop



Iva Cavar

Luka Korlaet


Kabinet za stambene zgrade

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Introduction to the Design of Residential Buildings Introduction to the design of residential buildings presents the basic issues concerning housing, measures in relation to man, objects and space, rooms and groups of rooms. Spatial organisation, disposition and the interrelationship of functional groups, spatial and health standards, the ratio of housing units and the corresponding outer space and the impact of natural factors, microclimate and insulation are taught at the course.

TASKs •  Man as the essential factor in architectural design The apartment and its functions Furniture and usable space •  Group of rooms for moving •  Group of rooms for sleeping •  Group of commercial premises •  Group of rooms for daily life •  Complex

Section of Residential Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Studio 1 / architectural Urban design Studio 1 preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

2.3. Nagrada za nabolju obiteljsku kuću / award for the best family house: Neva Horvat i Mirna Mezulić Selektor / selector: prof. emer. dr.sc. Nikola Filipović


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Studio 1

Architectural Urban Design Studio 1

Obiteljska kuća i stambeno naselje na Gornjem Bukovcu, Zagreb

Family Home and Residential Development at Gornji Bukovac, Zagreb

Studio 1 je integralni kolegij organiziran kroz tri simultane dionice: urbanističku, arhitektonsku te dionicu arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Tema je individualno stanovanje koje se proučava kroz slojevite zadatke i različita mjerila. Tako se na urbanističkoj dionici istražuju općenite karakteristike tipologija individualnog stanovanja, a cilj je izrada rješenja stambenog naselja niske izgradnje i male gustoće. Arhitektonska dionica je okosnica kolegija i fokusirana je na mjerilo kuće. Funkcionalistički pristup u projektiranju arhitekture stanovanja, apsolviran na ranijim kolegijima, nadograđuje se kroz propitivanja kontekstualnih, tipoloških, morfoloških i prostornih karakteristika koje utječu na kvalitetu stanovanja / življenja. Rezultat je izrada autorskog projekta obiteljske kuće. Idejno rješenje upotpunjuje se kroz slijed tehničkih aspekata u sklopu dionice arhitektonskih konstrukcija, a to su nosiva struktura kuće, upotreba materijala, razrada specifičnih detalja, rješenje instalacija itd. Konačni rezultati kolegija provjeravaju se kroz završne prezentacije na razini svih dionica. Svi radovi prikazuju se kroz različite medije: grafičke priloge, završne modele/makete te slide-show projekciju u vidu obrane i diskusije sa mentorima i gostima kritičarima. Odabrani radovi dodatno se predstavljaju na javnoj izložbi, a prof. emer. dr.sc. Nikola Filipović tradicionalno dodjeljuje nagradu za najuspješniji projekt.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Architectural Urban Design Studio 1 is an integrated course organised through three simultaneous sections: urban, architectural and section architectural structures. The topic is individual housing which is studied through layered tasks and different scales. Thus, at the urban section the general characteristics of individual housing typologies is investigated, and the aim is to produce a solution for a lowrise, low density housing estate project. The Architectural section is the fundament of the course and is focused on the scale of the house. The functionalist approach to the designing of housing architecture, absolved at earlier courses, is supplemented by questioning contextual, typological, morphological and physical characteristics that affect the quality of housing/ living. The result is the creation of an author’s project of a family house. Conceptual design is additionally supplemented through a series of technical aspects within the framework of the section of architectural structures, such as the load-bearing structure of the house, the use of materials, the elaboration of specific details, solution for installations, etc. The final results of the course are validated through final presentations at the level of the section. All works are displayed through various media: illustrations, final models / model and a screening as part of the reading of the paper and discussions with mentors and guest critics. Selected papers are additionally presented at a public exhibition, and Prof emeritus Nikola Filipović, PhD, traditionally awards a prize for the most successful project.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Mirna Mezulić

Luka Korlaet Nino Virag Jesenko Horvat Ana Mrđa Stanka Raič Egon Lokošek Ivan Cetinić Tihomir Rengel

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

urbanistička dionica / Urban section

arhitektonska dionica / architectural section

dionica arhitektonskih konstrukcija / Building technology section


Kabinet za stambene zgrade

Section of Residential Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Neven Vlahović

Ivana Ergić Tihomir Jukić Damir Petric Ivica Plavec Zorana Protić Miljenko Haiman Ivan Cetinić Tihomir Rengel

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

urbanistička dionica / Urban section

arhitektonska dionica / architectural section

dionica arhitektonskih konstrukcija / Building technology section


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Radionica Arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 / Architectural Design studio 1 diplomski studij / Graduate study programme Godina / year


Semestar / semester

1. &2.

Nagrada Zdenko Strižić / Zdenko Strižić Award Selektor/ Selector: Branko Kincl Sara Jurinčić, Tamara Hladki, Ivona Ivanek, Ivona Krnjaić

POPIS TEMA RADIONICE U akademskoj godini 2012./2013. postavljene su slijedeće teme Radionice arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 / In the academic year 2012/2013 the following topics of Architectural Design Studio 1 are set: •  Dom – To je mjesto snova (Gaston Bachelard) / A Home – It is a Place of Dreams (Gaston Bachelard) •  Stanovanje u postojećim izgrađenim cjelinama / Housing in Existing Built Complexes •  Fleksibilan (promjenjiv) stan u višestambenoj zgradi / A Flexible (changeable) Apartment in Multi-Family Residential •  Slojevita jednostavnost / Complex Simplicity •  Zavrti Zavrtnicu / Spinning Zavrtnica •  Vile u zraku s pogledom na (jedan novi još neizgrađen) Savski most/ Villas in the Air with a View of (A New Still Unbuilt) Bridge Over the River Sava. •  Praznina / Voids •  Promjena granice / Boundaries Changes


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Suvremeno stanovanje / odnos stanovanja i grada

Contemporary Housing / The Relationship Between Housing and the City

Na vježbama u sklopu kolegija Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 unutar slične programske složenosti, opsega zadatka i gradske ‘ambicije’, voditelji postavljaju teme pomoću kojih propituju suvremenost i nove načine stanovanja. Studenti biraju voditelja i temu i kreiraju vlastiti zadatak. Rad je podijeljen je na analitički i radni dio te prezentaciju. U analitičkom dijelu promišlja se odabrana literatura, relevantni primjeri, kontekst, metoda rada, istražuje i odabire zadatak. Rad na projektantskoj dionici završava javnom prezentacijom po grupama, izložbom, prezentacijom odabranih radova i nagradom ‘Zdenko Strižić’ koju dodjeljuje prof. Branko Kincl. Naglasak je na istraživačkom načinu rada, pa su očekivani rezultati osim razvijanja vještina stečenih tijekom studija, niz vrlo specifičnih projekata i novo znanje koje se može dijeliti.

Kabinet za stambene zgrade

During practical work at the Archicetural Design Studio 1 course, within similar software complexity, the scope of the task and the city ‘ambitions’, Principals set topics that help to question modernity and new ways of living. Students elect a principal and topic and create their own task. The work is divided into analytical and research and a presentation. The analytical part includes selected literature, relevant examples, context, methods, and exploring and selecting task. Work on the design project ends with a public presentation by groups, an exhibition, a presentations of selected works and the presenting of the ‘Zdenko Strižić’ Award given by Prof Branko Kincl. The emphasis is on research and the expected results, aside from developing the skills acquired during studies, are a number of very specific projects and new knowledge that can be shared.

Section of Residential Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Lea Kovač

Teufik Galijašević

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Stanovanje u postojećim izgrađenim cjelinama Stanovanje kao najrašireniji i najstariji oblik arhitekture formira i stvara uz ostale sadržaje urbane ambijente, cjeline, naselja i gradove. U postojećim mješovitim urbanističko arhitektonskim cjelinama – gradovima jedan od češćih slučajeva je interpolirana stambena ili stambeno poslovna izgradnja, koja predstavlja nepresušni poligon za permanentno istraživanje raznih vrsta, tipologija i morfologija stanovanja, kao i istraživanje prostornih cjelina, prilagođenih novim oblicima stanovanja. Preko analize gradskih prostora i postojeće interpolirane stambeno-poslovne izgradnje u različitim cjelinama i vremenskim razdobljima, te analize donjogradskih zagrebačkih blokova vrši se istraživanje i predlaganje tradicionalnih i novih stambenih tipologija i drugih sadržaja i cjelina, na postojećoj situaciji donjogradskog bloka Petrinjska – Mrazovićeva – Hatzova – Palmotićeva ulica u Zagrebu. Predloženim projektima istražuje se suživot starog i novog, stambenog i poslovnog, fiksnog i promjenjivog, privatnog i javnog, tradicionalnog i modernog, užeg i šireg, lokalnog i globalnog, fleksibilnog privremenog i trajnog; u stanu, zgradi, bloku; unutar i van okvira pravne regulative, imovinsko pravnih i ekonomskih odnosa i potencijala.


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Housing in Existing Built Complexes Housing, as the most common and oldest architectural typology, forms and produces, among others, urban environments, settlements and cities. Within the existing urban architectural entities – cities, residential or mixed use interpolations are a frequent and inexhaustible possibility for the exploration of various kinds, types and morphologies of living, as well as for the exploration of spatial entities, adapted to new forms of housing. A mindful analysis of existing urban spaces and interpolated residential and commercial buildings in various parts of the city throughout different periods of time, as well as an analysis of downtown Zagreb blocks is the basis for research and the first design proposals for traditional and new housing typologies and other facilities and units, in the current Downtown housing block between the streets Petrinjska, Mrazovićeva, Hatzova and Palmotićeva in Zagreb. The proposed projects explore the coexistence of old and new, residential and commercial, fixed and variable, public and private, traditional and modern, local and global, flexible, temporary and permanent; in the apartment building, block; inside and outside of the legal frameworks, property rights and economic relations and potential.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Pero Vuković

Lenko Pleština

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Vile u zraku s pogledom na (jedan novi još neizgrađen) Savski most

Villas in the Air with a View of (A New Still Unbuilt) Bridge Over the River Sava

Hommage: Le Corbusier: Immeuble Villas. Tribute: svim lijepim mostovima.


Kabinet za stambene zgrade

Hommage: Le Corbusier: Immeuble Villas. Tribute to: all beautiful bridges.

Section of Residential Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Ivona Krnjaić Tamara Hladki Ivona Ivanek

Luka Korlaet Nino Virag

Nagrada Zdenko Strižić / Zdenko Strižić Award


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Zavrtiti Zavrtnicu

Spinning Zavrtnica

Gradski predio Zavrtnica proteklih desetak godina doživljava intenzivnu transformaciju – nekadašnja industrijska zona postaje novi city. Studenti su istraživali potencijale posljednje velike neizgrađene čestice, omeđene stambeno-poslovnim zgradama na istoku, prugom na sjeveru, Radničkom cestom na jugu te bivšim sklopom Plinare na zapadu.

During the last decade, the city area of Zavrtnica has undergone intense transformation – a former industrial zone is being turned into a new city. The students explored the potentials of the very last undeveloped parcel, bounded by a residential – business building to the east, a railway track to the north, Radnička Street to the south and the former gasworks complex to the west.

U uvodnom, istraživačkom dijelu proučavale su se kontekstualne, prostorno – infrastrukturne, gospodarske i socijalne datosti; predloženi su razni scenariji i programi. Tijekom rada izrađeni su brojni probni modeli, (pre)ispitani parametri definirani GUP-om i isprobani morfološki i tipološki obrasci, na nivou urbane matrice i zgrade. Projekti su nastojali biti sugestivne vizije ambijenata koje odgovaraju suvremenom trenutku; arhitektura kao condenser socijalne i gospodarske interakcije.

In the introductory part of the research, they explored contextual, spatial – infrastructural, economic and social conditions and proposed various scenarios and programmes. During the research, several test models were designed, the parameters set by the Municipal (Spatial) Plan were (re)examined, and morphological and typological patterns were tested, at the level of a new urban matrix, as well as the building. The projects strived to serve as suggestive visions of environments in line with the contemporary moment; architecture as a condenser of social and economic interaction.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Nikola Arambašić

Branimir Rajčić


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB



Stan, zgradu, naselje, grad može se promišljati od jedinice kojom se gradi cjelina; preko sustava komunikacija kojima se do jedinice dolazi / odlazi; do praznine (negativnog prostora) koji se uokviruje. Ovaj put smo promišljali prazninu. Praznina nije bez svojstava. Određena je rubnim uvjetima. Može se iznova označavati. Dio je veće cjeline. Posjeduje rubne uvjete: jasno čitljivu granicu, meku membranu; niz datosti, okoliš; nešto što vrlo intenzivno utječe na i oblikuje ili nešto što čuva. Tražili smo pravila u odnosu praznine, granice i okoliša. Kako nije određena ili ispunjena programom, svaki put se nanovo o / od značava. Propitivali smo koji programi, kako i koliko označavaju / odznačuju prazninu. Vrlo je vitalna. Javlja se u različitim mjerilima / gustoćama. Mijenja se. Kao npr. prostor između dvije osobe koje komuniciraju. Istraživali smo kako se odnose mjerilo, gustoća i praznina. Veza između načina korištenja i fenomenoloških karakteristika prostorije je arhitektonična. Promišljali smo fenomenološke karakteristike praznine.

An apartment, a building, a settlement or a city can be constructed from or reflected upon units that make up a whole, from a communication system for approaching and departing from the units and from a void (negative space) that is being framed. This time we explored voids. A void is not featureless. It is determined by marginal conditions. It is open to signification. It is a part of a greater whole. It possesses marginal conditions: a clearly legible boundary, a soft membrane; a number of givens, the environment; something that influences and shapes it or something that is protected. We were searching for rules in relations among emptiness, boundary and environment. Since a void is not determined or filled by a programme, each time it is de/signified anew. We explored which programmes signified and de-signified a void, how, and to which degree. A void is very vital. It appears in different measures/densities. It changes. Like a space between two persons who communicate. We researched how measure, density and void interact. The connection between modalities of use and phenomenological characteristics of a room is architectonic. We explored phenomenological characteristics of the void.

Kabinet za stambene zgrade

Section of Residential Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Sara Jurinčić

Ivana Ergić

Nagrada Zdenko Strižić / Zdenko Strižić Award


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Promjene granica

Changing Boundaries

Pravila u arhitekturi stanovanja sustavno su organizirana u okvirima normativa i kao takva mogu se razmatrati kroz unaprijed zadane granice prostora (minimalno, maksimalno, optimalno) i uvriježene prostorne odnose (u stanu, izvan stana). Realnost stambenog resursa ukazuje na masovno odstupanje od tako postavljenog seta pravila. Stanovi su poddimenzionirani ili prenaseljeni (nedostatni prostorni okviri), a funkcionalnost je podređena kompromisu (poremećeni prostorni odnosi). Promišljanje suvremenog stanovanja u realnim okolnostima otvara pitanja: Koje granice uvjetuju stambeni prostor? Na koji način je moguće redefinirati uvriježene granice? Mogu li promjene granica stvoriti drugačije prostorne i ne samo prostorne kvalitete?

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Architectural regulations within the domain of housing are organised within a framework of norms and as such they can be considered through pre-defined boundaries of space (minimum, maximum, optimum) and standard spatial relations (inside and outside the apartment). The reality of housing indicates a massive deviation from ingrained regulations. Apartments are undersized or overcrowded, (insufficient spatial frameworks) while functionality is subordinated to compromise (disturbed spatial relations). Considerations concerning contemporary housing in realistic circumstances pose numerous questions: Which boundaries determine housing space? In which way can established norms be redefined? Can changes in boundaries generate different spatial as well as non-spatial qualities?

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda  Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda obuhvaća kolegije u preddiplomskom (Studio 3) i diplomskom studiju (Radionica ap 2–Sport +). Tema je kabineta upoznavanje i istraživanje arhitekture funkcionalnih tipologija. Specifičnost zadatka – logika i važnost aspekta ‘društvenog standarda’ stvaraju pretpostavku da studenti kroz proces projektiranja, usvojenih novih spoznaja i senzibiliteta precizno smjeste arhitekturu u društveni kontekst i vrijeme. Komponenta racionalnosti neupitan je segment procesa projektiranja zgrada društvenog standarda i rezultat jasnoga projektantskog diskursa.

Section of Educational and Community Facilities  The Section of Educational and Community Facilities includes the pre-graduate course (Architectural Urban Design Studio 3) and graduate course (Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport +). The theme of the cabinet is an introduction to and research into the architecture of functional typologies. The specific quality of the task – logics and the importance of the ‘social standard’ aspect assume that students are able to place architecture accurately within a social context and time through the process of planning and with the help of adopted new insights and their own sensibility. Rationality and cost-effectiveness are an undeniable segment of the process of planning a socially supported building and the result of clear-cut planning discourse.

Architectural Urban Design Studio 3

Tema Studija 3 jest upoznavanje i istraživanje arhitekture funkcionalnih tipologija u području predškolskog i školskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Istraživanje zadane tipologije i sadržaja kroz analize relevantnih arhitektonskih realizacija postupak je kojim studenti otkrivaju složenost prostornih i funkcionalnih odnosa te njihovu međuovisnost, ali i imanentne probleme i ograničenja. Studio se temelji na angažiranomu, cjelodnevnom, individualiziranom radnom procesu. Izravan ‘neformalni’ odnos student – profesor fokus je intenzivnog učenja. Razvijanje potencijalnog talenta studenta primarno je polazište i fokus obrazovnog procesa na Studiju. Studio je okvir unutar kojeg student obvezno prolazi ukupni proces i sadržaj arhitektonskog projektiranja u kojem se prostor i građevina razvijaju kroz kontekst, formu, funkciju, pedagoški program, tehnologiju i materijale. Važan vid edukacijskog procesa neupitno je i vještina prikazivanja arhitektonske zamisli. Projekti se u semestru provjeravaju kroz prezentacije u različitim formatima i medijima: studije (u grafičkom formatu, radnom modelu i kroz izložbu), međufaze (u radnim modelima), idejno rješenje (u grafičkom formatu, završnom modelu, Powerpointu i kroz izložbu). Cilj je nastave razviti sposobnost kreativnog reagiranja, pronaći vlastite metode u postupku projektiranja i razumijevanje konceptualne, pedagoške, oblikovne, urbanističke i tehničke komponente, od arhitektonskog elementa, konstrukcije i detalja do grada i krajolika. Arhitektonsko obrazovanje zahtijeva kontinuirano preispitivanje arhitektonskih stajališta u svrhu potrage za novim alatima koji će otvoriti prostor promjenama i izazovima ubrzane svakodnevice.

The theme of Architectural Design Studio 3 is an introduction to and research into the architecture of functional typologies within the field of pre-school and primary school education. The research of a set typology and content through an analysis of relevant architectural realisations is an approach which helps students discover the complexity of spatial and functional relations, as well as their interrelatedness, but also immanent problems and limits. Work at the Studio is engaged, full-day and individualised. The ‘informal  student-professor relationship provides for intensive learning and transfer of experience and knowledge. The development of potential talent among students is the primary focus in the Studio’s educational process. The Studio offers a framework which enables students to experience the entire process and content of architectural planning where space and building is developed through context, form – shaping, function, educational programme, technology and materials. The complexity of the task demands that, alongside the support of specialists from similar fields, the student apply knowledge acquired during earlier study courses. An important aspect of the educational programme is unquestionably the skill to present the architectural concept envisioned. Projects are monitored through presentations in a variety of formats and media: studies (graphic in format, a working model and format exhibition), an inter-phase (in the working models), the conceptual solution (in graphic format, final model, Powerpoint and exhibition format). The aim of the course is to invoke and develop the ability to react creatively, to discover unique methods in the planning process and to comprehend the conceptual, pedagogical, configurative, urban and technical components, from the architectural element, construction and detail to the city and landscape. An education in architecture requires that one continuously question one’s viewpoints as an architect in the aim of creating better and more complex spaces, and so as to search for new tools which will open to doors to changes and challenges within the ever-changing reality of everyday life.

Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda

Section of Educational and Community Facilities

Studio 3


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Studio 3 / architectural urban design Studio 3 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Osnovna škola u Knežiji

Primary School in Knežija

Semestar / semester

3. 5.



Luka Cindrić

Petar Mišković


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Knežija je tipično novo naselje u najvećoj gradskoj četvrti Trešnjevka. Izgrađena je, uglavnom, 70-ih godina prošloga stoljeća, dovršena početkom ovoga stoljeća, na prostoru između Save i Zagrebačke avenije. Lokacija predviđena za osnovnu školu kapaciteta 480 učenika, jednodjelnom dvoranom i vanjskim igralištima. Okružena je ulicama s četiri strane, omeđena i definirana heterogenim tkivom različitih urbanih tipologija, od usitnjenoga prostora individualnih obiteljskih kuća do višestambenih blokova, izgrađenih u posljednjih pedesetak godina. Zadatak je istražiti kako unutar jasnih funkcionalnih zahtjeva i pravila definirati i artikulirati prostore koji istovremeno mogu biti racionalni i nekonvencionalni, ordinarni i uzbudljivi, ekonomični i poticajni. Na taj način izlazimo izvan okvira jednodimenzionalnih i rigidnih funkcionalnih režima. Projektom se istražuju i utjecaji specifičnoga karaktera konteksta, u prostornom i sociološkom aspektu, na mogući izbor arhitektonske tipologije kao i na artikuliranje prostora i sadržaja koje škola može ponuditi lokalnoj zajednici. Vrlo je važno istražiti utjecaj škole u redefiniranju i uravnoteženju zatečenoga urbanog konteksta.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Knežija is a typical new settlement in the largest city quarter Trešnjevka. It was built mainly in the 1970s and completed at the beginning of this century in the space between the River Sava and Zagrebačka Avenija. The location was intended for an elementary school with 480 students, with one gym and outdoor play areas. It is surrounded on all four sides by streets, bounded and defined through a heterogeneous fabric of various urban typologies, from a segmented area of individual family houses to multi-storey blocks built within the last fifty years. The task is to explore how to define and articulate spaces that can simultaneously be rational and unconventional, ordinary and exciting, cost-effective and stimulating within clear functional requirements and regulations. In this way, we go beyond one-dimensional and rigid functional regimes. The project investigated the effects of the specific character of the context, the spatial and sociological aspect, the possible choice of architectural typologies, as well as the articulation of space and facilities that the school can offer to the local community. It is important to examine the impact of the school in the redefining and balancing of the current urban context.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Irma Šmuc

Veljko Oluić

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda

Section of Educational and Community Facilities

Pohvala kolegija / course award



Matea Antunica

Marina Bertina


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Bojan Peponik

Petar Mišković



Larisa Čisić

Mia Roth-Čerina Darko Latin


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + U doba kada funkcionalne tipologije mutiraju ili se relativiziraju, kolegij Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + istražuje arhitekturu sportskih objekata. Edukativni motiv je razumijevanje fenomena koji mijenjaju funkcionalni tip i njemu pridružene arhitektonske posebnosti. Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 sport + jest oblik istraživanja kroz projekt kojim se problematizira arhitektonski program u kontekstu suvremenosti, izrastajućih pojava u društvu, disciplini i prostoru, kao i tehničkim i tehnološkim otkrićima. Istražuje se izrastanje novoga modela sportskih objekata u kojima se zadani sportski sadržaj transformira, kroz projekt i dodatni program, u novi tip društvenog centra. Program +, koji student/ica samostalno definira, mora biti rezultat provedenoga istraživanja mnogostrukih konteksta zadatka. Tematski okvir uključuje jednoprostornost, retoričnost konstrukcije, odnos opslužujućih i opsluženih prostora, održivo građenje, prostorna vs. materijalna organizacija, cross/trans/disprogramming, konfrontaciju mjerila i druge teme koje ovise o pojedinom zadatku. Zadaci se provode u dvosemestralnim ciklusima. Projektom se istražuje kako jezik arhitekture artikulira i opisuje specifičnu funkciju/e, karakter prostora i koreografiju korištenja prostora, javnu pojavu objekta, aspekte održivosti, stalnu iskorištenost u socijalnom smislu, prilagodljivost itd. Radionica, kao otvoreni oblik rada i nastave, omogućava i ohrabruje studenta/icu da razvije kritičnost u odnosu na program, medij kojim se služi i kulturološku situaciju. Student/ica razumijeva složene parametre, u rasponu od konceptualnih do tehničkih, iz kojih arhitektura izrasta te uz projekt razvija i argumentaciju za svoje odluke. Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + zasniva se na intenzivnom studiranju projektantskog problema i istraživačkom pristupu arhitektonskom projektiranju. Radionica uključuje ciljane seminare, zajedničke prezentacije i diskusije tijekom semestra, kao i završnu prezentaciju i obranu projekta. Provodi se kroz sljedeće korake: studija tematskog konteksta –  seminar, idejna studija, idejno rješenje, te izložba i prezentacija radova. Određena autonomija arhitektonske interpretacije stvarnosti usmjerava arhitektonske zamisli prema dire­ktnom suočenju sa sadašnjicom i slutnjom budućnosti.


Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport + In an age in which functional typologies mutate or are relativised, the course: Architectural Design Studio 2 – sport+ seeks to research the architecture of sports objects. The motive is educational and offers an understanding of a phenomenon which changes the functional type and associated architectural specifics. Architectural Design Studio 2 – sport+ is a form of research through a project which brings up the issue of the architectural programme within the context of contemporaneity, emergent phenomena in society, within the discipline and space through technical and technological innovations. What is researched is the emergence of a new model of sports objects in which the set content is transformed, through the project and an additional programme into a new type of social centre. Programme +, which the students define for themselves, must be the result of research carried out within multiple task contexts. The thematic framework includes single space, rhetorical constructions, a correlation between served and serving space, sustainable building, spatial vs material organisation, cross/trans/disprogramming, confrontation of measures and other topics which depend on individual tasks. Tasks are carried out in cycles over a period of two semesters. The aim of the project is to research how the language of architecture articulates and describes (a) specific function(s), the character of the space and the choreography applied within the space, the appearance of the object, the aspects of its sustainability, its regular exploitation in the social sense, its adaptability, etc. Studio as an open form of work and course motivates students to develop a critical eye in relation to the programme offered, the medium used and the cultural situation. Students understand complex parameters, ranging from the conceptual to the technical which lead to the development of architecture, and the project also helps them to develop argumentation for their decisions. Architectural Design Studio 2 – sport + focuses on an intensive study of planning problems and the development of a research approach to architectural planning. The Studio includes goal-specific seminars, joint presentations and discussions during the semester, alongside a final presentation and discussion of the project chosen. It is implemented through the following steps: study of thematic context – seminar, proposal of idea, solution, and exhibition and presentation of works. There is a certain autonomy in the architectural interpretation of reality which directs the architectural concepts towards direct confrontation with the present and allows for conjectures about the future.

Section of Educational and Community Facilities

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Radionica Arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + / Architectural design studio 2 – Sport + diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Gradski stadion /+ kultura svakodnevice, Zadar

Semestar / semester

1. 1.

Teme istraživanja / Research Topics: suradnja / collaboration: Zrinka Barišić Marenić •  Retoričnost konstrukcije / The Rhetoric Aspect of Construction A Chronological Overview and Classification from the Antique and up to the 20th Century: A Classification of Examples from the Past Decade •  odnos opslužujućeg i opsluženog prostora / The Correlation Between Servant and Served Space: 20th Century, Various Functional Types: Kahn, Gregotti, Price •  Crossprogramming; transprogramming; disprogramming; Bernard Tschumi:‘Architecture and Disjunction’, Bow-Wow: ‘Made in Tokyo’ •  heterotopija / Heterotopia: Michel Foucault: ‘Of other Spaces’ •  društvo spektakla / the Society of the Spectacle; Guy Debord: ‘La Société du Spectacle’ •  kultura svakodnevice / the Culture of Everyday and Everydayness: Henri Lefebvre: ‘The Everyday and Everydayness’ •  grad – situacionisti; grad – fluxus / City – Situationists; City – Fluxus: Overview of Ideas and Actions by Situationists and Artists of the Fluxus Movement, it’s Influence on Contemporary Interpretations of the City •  metabolizam / Metabolism •  urbani ili pejsažni artefakt, prirodnost u urbanom kontekstu / Urban Or Landscape Artefact, Naturalness Within the Urban Context: Sport and the City •  Aldo Rossi: ‘The Architecture of the City’ •  Leon Krier: ‘I Nuovi Centri Rionali’ and ‘The City as a Federation of Quarters’ •  Cedric Price: Potteries Thinkbelt, Fun Palace, Inter-Action Centre •  andrea Branzi: ‘Towards a New Athens Charter’ •  Gordon Matta-Clark •  Olafur Eliasson •  Rachel Whiteread


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Pitanje što stadion – građevina u koju ulaže i gradi je lokalna zajednica – daje odnosno vraća toj istoj zajednici, ulazna je premisa teme sport + svakodnevica. Stadion, koncipiran kao suvremena građevina, nije isključivi prostor korištenja sportaša (igrača), posjetilaca (navijača), već kao društveno uvjetovan prostor može artikulirati fenomene svakodnevnog života lokalnih stanovnika, stvoriti nove aktivnosti i scenarije korištenja. Kritičko sagledavanje svakodnevice stanovništva presudno je u definiranju budućega kreiranog konteksta. Svakodnevica – izražena ravnomjernim opetovanim ritmom ili kao festival događanja u širokom spektru navika, običaja, rutina, rituala, životnih stilova, kultura i supkultura, kulturološki i sociološki zanimljivih značajki – kreativnim se procesom iščitava kao potencijal i ishodište transformacije urbanoga prostora i stvaranja mjesta. Zadatak je istražiti novi model sportskog objekta koji umjesto standardiziranog stadiona otvara nove obrasce susreta tijela i pokreta, gledatelja i igre, te generira nove forme socijalnih kontakata. Projektom se istražuje kako jezik arhitekture artikulira i opisuje specifičnu funkciju, iznimno mjerilo, dramaturgiju korištenja, arenski prostor. Stoga se razvoj postojećega nogometnog stadiona koristi kao okvir za redefiniranje dijela grada u kojem javni sportski sadržaj može postići ravnotežu u načinu korištenja prostora i potaknuti dijalog zatečenih vrijednosti konteksta.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

City Stadium / + The Culture of Daily Life, Zadar The question as to what a stadium – a building into which investments are made and which is built for the local community – provides, that is, returns to the same community, is the starting point and premise for the topic sport + daily life. A stadium, conceived as a modern building, is not exclusively a space to be used by sportspeople (players), spectators (fans), but also a socially conditioned space which can articulate the phenomenon of the daily life of local inhabitants and create new activities and scenarios for its application. The critical consideration of the daily life of inhabitants is decisive when defining the creation of a future context. Daily life – expressed as a steady repetitive rhythm or as a festival of events encompassing a broad spectrum of habits, customs, routines, rituals, lifestyles, cultures and subcultures, culturally and socially interesting traits – is discerned through the creative process as a potential and source for the transformation of urban space and the creation of place. The aim is to explore a new model for a sports object which, unlike standard stadiums, allows for new frameworks incorporating body and motion, spectator and sports event, and so generates new forms of social contact. This project researches how the language of architecture articulates and describes the specific function, extreme criteria, the dramaturgy of usage, and the arena as space. Therefore, the development of the existing football stadium is used as a framework for the redefinition of a part of the city in which public sports contents may achieve a balance in the manner in which the space is applied and so initiate a dialogue with existing contextual values.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Marija Barović

Tonči Žarnić


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda

Section of Educational and Community Facilities

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Nikola Brlek

Tonči Žarnić

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

nagrada kolegija / course award


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Radionica Arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + / Architectural design studio 2 – Sport +

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Sportski centar Pećine

Sports Centre on Pećine

diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

1. 2.

Teme istraživanja / Research Topics: suradnja / collaboration: Zrinka Barišić Marenić •  otvorenA/zatvorena forma / open/closed form c.n.schulz: ‘intencije u arhitekturi’ /c.n.schulz: intentions in architecture oskar hansen •  stereotomija i tektonika (masivno tijelo ili filigran), ovojnica (ploha ili prostor?) i njene uloge (zaštita, reprezentacija, informacija), nutarnje pročelje dvoranskih prostora, interieur kao exterieur / Stereotomy and tectonics (massive body and filigree), membrane (surface or space?) and its role (protection, representation, information) inner facades of halls, interiors as exteriors •  kultura svakodnevice / the Culture of Everyday and Everydayness: henri lefebvre: ‘the everyday and everydayness’ •  bodytheatre, odnos prema tijelu, voajerizam i egzibicionizam, psihološki prostor (prozirnost, poroznost, ekstrovertiranost) / Bodytheatre, relating to the body, voyeurism, exhibitionism, psychological space (transparency, porosity, extrovertedness) •  junya ishigami / sou fujimoto ‘another scale of architecture’ / primitive future •  gordon matta-clark / gregor schneider •  olafur eliasson


Gradska, pretežno stambena, četvrt Pećine u Rijeci proteže se od središta Sušaka do istočnog ruba grada, razapeta između mora i željezničke pruge. Karakteriziraju je stambene vile u zelenilu izgrađene prije Drugoga svjetskoga rata, te poslijeratne stambene zgrade nanizane duž dviju paralelnih ulica: Šetališta 13. divizije i Ulice Janka Polića Kamova. ‘Donja’ i ‘gornja’ ulica poprečno su povezane nizom karakterističnih stubišta – škala. Obalni pojas s dvije veće plaže, te dva hotela i dvije sportske lučice, do danas je ostalo popularno kupalište i zona rekreacije. Veličina i visoki standard postojećeg riječkog bazenskog kompleksa na Kantridi (pet otvorenih i zatvorenih bazena s gledalištima) ipak ne mogu kompenzirati nedostatak plivališta u gradu. Koncentracija svih sadržaja na jednom mjestu, na rubu grada, problem čini još očitijim; čitavo područje Sušaka i središnjeg dijela grada ostaje bez plivačke infrastrukture. Prijedlogom novog bazena adresira se ovaj problem, a riječko plivanje simbolički vraća svom ishodištu. Neopterećen funkcijom centralnog gradskog objekta novi bazen može biti po mjeri susjedstva. Umjesto infrastrukture za sportski spektakl, okvir za svakodnevne sportske aktivnosti lokalne zajednice. Sportski centar na Pećinama dom je planiranog lokalnog sportskog kluba. Uz bazen je predviđena manja višenamjenska dvorana (za gimnastiku, borilačke vještine, ples, jogu), te prostrani vrt. Plivalište je dio veće cjeline uz susjedni teniski klub, te neizgrađeni teren uz more na kojem se predviđaju sadržaji za sportove na vodi (moru).

Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda

The mostly residential neighbourhood Pećine in Rijeka extends from the centre of Sušak to the eastern edge of the town, stretching between the sea and the railway tracks. It is characterised by villas surrounded by greenery built before WWII and of post-war housing terraced along two parallel streets: the 13th division Promenade and Janko Polić Kamov Street. ‘Donja’ and ‘gornja’ Street are crossconnected by a series of characteristic stairs. The coastal stretch with two larger beaches (and two hotels and two sports harbours) has remained a favoured bathing and recreational area to this day. The size and high standard of the existing pool complex in Rijeka at Kantrida (5 outdoor pools and 1 indoor pool with a viewing area) cannot compensate for the chronic lack of swimming pools in the town. The concentration of all facilities in one place, at the edge of the town, makes this problem all the more evident: the entire area of Sušak and the central part of the town has no bathing infrastructure. The proposal for a new pool addresses this issue, and returns swimming in Rijeka to its source. Divested of the function of the central town object, the new pool can be made to the measure of the neighbourhood: instead of an infrastructure for sports spectacles, it can be adapted to the everyday sports needs of the local community. The sports centre on Pećine is home to a planned local sports club. Aside from the pool a multi-purpose hall is also planned (for gymnastics, martial arts, dancing, yoga) as well as a extensive garden. The pool is part of a larger whole, including an adjacent tennis club and sports grounds yet to be built by the sea where facilities for water sports are foreseen.

Section of Educational and Community Facilities

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Sara Jurinčić

Veljko Oluić

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

Nagrada kolegija / course award


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Maja Milojević

Mia Roth-Čerina Marina Bertina


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda

Section of Educational and Community Facilities

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Nika Dželalija

Tonči Žarnić Vjera Bakić


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za javne zgrade  Kabinet za javne zgrade nudi specifični korpus znanja i umijeća iz područja gradotvorne arhitekture javnih institucionalnih društvenih namjena, te stvaranja radnih i proizvodnih prostora uz spoznavanje visokih razina integracijskih procesa arhitektonske prakse sadašnjosti i budućnosti na početku trećeg milenija. Kabinet se fokusira na društvene, gospodarske, kulturne, znanstvene i tehnologijske čimbenike i njihov utjecaj na organizaciju i oblikovanje prostora javnih institucija svih domena, te radnih prostora u upravnim i administrativnim zgradama, komercijalnim kompleksima, robnim kućama, trgovačkim i višenamjenskim centrima, kao i proizvodnim prostorima. Analiza prostora javnih potreba, radnoga mjesta i radnog prostora u pojedinim radnim procesima prethodi projektantskoj definiciji zadanog problema i umijećima harmoniziranja vizualne i estetske komponente u oblikovanju čovjekovoga okruženja sa složenim uvjetima, kako kulturologijskim, urbanističkim i regulativnim tako i fizikalnim, globalno poželjnim principima održivosti životnoga okruženja. Razvoj arhitektonskih programa, koji su u fokusu kabineta za javne zgrade, zavisi dijelom od posebnosti kulturnih fenomena današnjice i odnosa lokalnoga i gobalnoga u okviru supremacije digitalnog doba. Proizlazi arhitektura radnog i stvaralačkog okruženja koja se profilira između realnih i virtualnih prostora, unutar razumijevanja prirodoznanstvene paradigme svijeta i optimalne primjene bitnih energija i ostalih primjesa koje zajedničkim djelovanjem i međusobnim utjecajima formiraju nove vrijednosti i realitete arhitekture informacijskog doba. Kabinet je prisutan unutar nastavnog procesa fakulteta kroz veći broj kolegija, provodeći nastavu na preddiplomskoj, diplomskoj i doktorskoj razini s iskusnim nastavničkim timovima i predstavlja sveobuhvatnu nastavno-istraživačku cjelinu s fokusom na sklopove višefunkcionalne arhitekture urbanih centara. Unutar Kabineta razvijene su ekspertize tima nastavnika iz četiri problemska područja: područje komercijalne i javne arhitekture kroz kolegije Zgrade za rad i trgovinu, Zgrade za rad i kulturu, Zdravstvo i turizam te pripadajućih vježbovnih kolegija Studio 4 i Radionice arhitektonskog projektiranja 3, područje urbanih javnih prostora kroz kolegij Budućnost gradova i pripadajućih radionica, područje regionalnog razvoja kroz kolegij Suvremena arhitektura u regiji i radionicu Arhitektonska topografija identiteta, te područje teorijske arhitekture kroz kolegije Unikatne posebnosti suvremene arhitekture, Fenomeni suvremene arhitekture u prostorima biblioteka, Vizualne komunikacije u arhitekturi i Kritika u arhitekturi.


Kabinet za javne zgrade

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Public Buildings  Section of Public Buildings offers a specific body of knowledge and skills related to the urban architecture that serves important institutional and social purposes, as well as the design of workspace and production space, with insights into the high-level integration processes in the architectural practice now and in the future, at the beginning of the third millennium. The lab focuses on the social, economic, cultural, scientific, and technological factors and their impact on the organization and design of space in public institutions of all profiles, as well as workspaces in administrative buildings, commercial complexes, department stores, shopping malls, mixed-purpose centres, and production facilities. An analysis of space, public needs, workplace, and workspace in specific working processes is followed by an architectural definition of the given task and the development of skills needed for harmonizing visual and aesthetical components in designing complex human environments. The students are familiarized with the physical, globally desirable principles related to culture, urban planning, legal regulations, and sustainability of the living environment. The development of architectural programmes that the Section of Public Buildings focuses on partly depends on the specificities of the present-day cultural phenomena, as well as the relationship between the local and global aspects with regard to the supremacy of the digital age. The result is an architecture of workspace and creative environment that finds its profile between real and virtual spaces, within an understanding of the natural and scientific paradigm of the world, and an optimal use of essential resources and other elements that create new values and realities in the architecture of the information age in collaboration and interaction. The Section participates in the curriculum of the Faculty with a considerable number of courses on the BA, MA, and doctoral levels, offered by experienced teams of lecturers, and thus forms a comprehensive teaching and research unit focusing on the constellations of multifunctional architecture in urban centres. The Section is based on the expertise of teams of professors in four different spheres: the field of commercial and public architecture (with courses on Buildings for Work and Commerce, Buildings for Work and Culture, Health and Tourism, a corresponding practical course called Studio 4, and the workshop called Studying Rare Architectural Types; the field of urban public space with a course on the Future of the Cities, and the corresponding workshops; the field of regional development with a course on Contemporary Architecture in the Region and a workshop on the Architectural Topography of Identities; and the field of theoretical architecture, with courses on the Unique Specificities of Contemporary Architecture, the Phenomena of Contemporary Architecture in Libraries, Visual Communication in Architecture, and Criticism in Architecture.

Section of Public Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kolegij Zgrade za rad i trgovinu problematizira znanja i umijeća iz područja stvaranja radnih i proizvodnih prostora, uredskih i upravnih zgrada, te trgovačkih, odnosno višenamjenskih zgrada i polivalentnih urbanih centara, dok kolegij Suvremena arhitektura u regiji promišlja u kontekst autentične arhitekture i to na njena dva osnovna vida: na razumijevanju mjesta i na tektonici. Kolegij koristi teoriju kritičkog regionalizma koja nastoji gubitak mjesta u modernoj arhitekturi nadoknaditi snagom konteksta u smislu osjećaja za mjesto i njegovim značenjem.

The course on Buildings for Work and Commerce imparts knowledge and skills related to the production of workspace and production space, office and administration buildings, and commercial or multifunctional buildings and polyvalent urban centres. The course on Contemporary Architecture in the Region deals with the autochthon architecture, particularly two of its aspects: understanding the locality and tectonics. The course is based on the theory of critical regionalism, which answers to the absence of place in modern architecture by using the power of the context in order to develop a feeling for the place and its significance.

Edukativni cilj kolegija Zgrade za rad i kulturu razvija i doseže specifične stručne kompetencije akumuliranjem znanja i vještina o arhitekturi putem izlaganja i raščlambe tema, zdanja i fenomena kako poslovne, tako i arhitekture kulture i to na visokoj diplomskoj razini analize arhitektonskih predložaka koji ocrtavaju civilizacijsku nadgradnju integriranih specifičnosti prema sadržajima, metodologiji, značenju i lokacijama. Kolegij obuhvaća arhitekturu megastruktura suvremenih višenamjenskih arhitektonskih kompleksa, radnih i komercijalnih ambijenata i terminala.

The educational goal of the course on Buildings for Work and Culture develops and imparts specific professional competences by accumulating architectural knowledge and skills through the presentation and analysis of various topics, buildings, and phenomena related to both commercial and cultural architecture. It takes place on a more advanced, MA level, where the students analyze examples of architecture that represent the civilizational superstructure of integrated specificities according to the topics, methodology, meaning, and location. The course focuses on the architecture of mega-structures characteristic of modern, multifunctional architectural complexes, business and commercial ambiences and terminals.

Kolegij Zdravstvo i turizam – Zgrade za povremeni boravak osigurava znanstvenu i stručnu metodologiju za studentski rad na projektantskim radionicama. Cilj je kolegija upoznavanje studenata s osnovnim povijesnim, tipološkim i morfološkim odlikama zgrada za povremeni boravak zdravstvene i turističke namjene. Okosnica predavanja jesu funkcionalnoorganizacijski parametri i suvremene tendencije u projektiranju zgrada turističke i zdravstvene namjene, a studenti stječu znanje o dvjema koncepcijski i tehničko-tehnološki kompleksnim tipologijama. Na kolegiju Vizualne komunikacije u arhitekturi otvara se pitanje što je arhitektura i kojim pojmovnim aparatom i disciplinama se dolazi do određenja arhitekture te otvara rasprava o odnosu arhitekture spram drugih likovnih umjetnosti i vizualnih komunikacija, o prostornim odnosima i odnosima u kompoziciji. Dok kolegij Kritika u arhitekturi obuhvaća područje urbane ekologije i problematiku medijske prezentacije arhitekture. Istraživanja i nastava se odvijaju na preddiplomskoj, diplomskoj i postdiplomskoj razini. Metodološki okvir istraživanja specifičan je za svako pojedino područje, a naglasak je na suvremenost i pristup problemu kroz paralelnu analizu povijesnog razvoja i anticipaciju budućeg razvoja proučavanih procesa uz poštovanje načela arhitektonske struke i specifičnosti zagrebačke škole arhitekture i kontinuiranu analizu trendova u svijetu. Na svim se kolegijima od rane faze preddiplomskog studija snažno potiče i preporuča problemski pristup uočenim trendovima, problemima i procesima kako bi se poticao znanstveni pristup.


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

The course on Health and Tourism – Buildings for Sporadic Use offers scholarly and professional methodology for student research in design workshops. The aim is to familiarize the students with the basic historical, typological, and morphological features of buildings for sporadic use intended for health and tourism. Lectures are based on functional and organizational parameters and on modern tendencies in designing buildings for health and tourism, and the students learn about two typologies of complex conceptions and technologies. The course on Visual Communications in Architecture focuses on what architecture is and which terminological apparatus and disciplines can be used to define it. It also encourages debate on the relationship between architecture and other fine arts and visual communications, as well as spatial relations and relations in a composition. The course on Criticism in Architecture focuses on the field of urban ecology and the issue of presenting architecture in the media. Research and teaching take place on the BA, MA, and doctoral levels. The methodological framework of research is specific for each individual field, while the emphasis is on modernity and on approaching the problem through the analysis of historical development and the parallel anticipation of the future development of the researched processes, while taking into account the principles of architectural profession and the specificities of the Zagreb school of architecture, as well as the continuous analysis of global trends. All courses, beginning with those in the early phase of the BA programme, strongly encourage and recommend a critical stance towards the identified trends, problems, and processes in order to promote the scholarly approach.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Studio 4 / architectural urban design Studio 4 preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Poslovna zgrada u Središću

Semestar / semester


Zadaća završnoga rada je u simulaciji zaokruženoga procesa arhitektonskoga projektiranja s kakvim će se studenti susretati u budućem kompetitivnom okruženju arhitektonskog poslovanja. Težište rada je u vještini snalaženja u projektantskom procesu i regulativnom okruženju, s potpunim poznavanjem svih produkcijskih segmenata projekta. Teorijsko-filozofske izvedbe postavki projekta su poželjni, no fakultativni su za prvostupanjsku razinu edukacije. Oslanjajući se na urbanistički pristup, s analitičkim pregledom svih nadležnih planova i dokumenata zadanoga prostora, rezultati se predočuju na razini situacijskih rješenja i pratećih urbanističkih priloga dokumentacije za lokacijsku dozvolu. Simultano, arhitektonsko-misaonim procesom, student dokazuje umijeće koncipiranja prostorne organizacije i nastavno, njezine materijalizacije u traženju konstrukcijskoizvedbene logike nastajućeg arhitektonskog korpusa. Student pokazuje vladanje principima sustava instalacijskih mreža i uređaja. U konačnoj fazi pojavnosti projekta, a o čemu ovisi čitkost prenošenja arhitektonskih značenja, zgradu treba domisliti s osnovnim arhitektonskom detaljima, definicijama ključnih materijala i obrada, opisima, grafičkim prilozima i dijelovima troškovničkih odredbi. Završni rad je zajednički nastavni pothvat triju katedri: urbanističke, projektantske i arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Projektantsko geslo jest iskonsko A=K, dakle nerazdvojnost arhitekture i konstrukcije. Cordemoy 1706. — Konstrukcija je bit arhitekture, arhitektura je bit konstrukcije. Zadatak je projektirati multifunkcionalnu poslovnu zgradu na lokaciji Središće u odabranoj insuli koja je dio neizgrađenog urbanog tkiva. Širi urbanistički zadatak smješten je unutar većeg obuhvata – insule neizgrađenog urbanog tkiva Središća. Sa sjeverne, istočne i južne strane omeđen je novoformiranim koridorom ceste, a zapadno od njega je površina planirana kao javni gradski park. Arhitektonski zadatak nalazi se na istočnom dijelu navedene insule, površine cca 6350 m2, koje se mogu podjeliti na dvije parcele (sjeverna i južna). Projekt multifunkcionalne poslovne građevine s komplementarnim javnim sadržajima.


Kabinet za javne zgrade

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Commercial Building in Središće The task of the final work is to simulate the entire process of architectural design which students will have to face within a competitive architectural business environment in the future. The focus of this paper is the art of managing within the planning and design process and the regulatory environment, with full knowledge of all the production segments of the project. A theoretical and philosophical implementation of the project settings is preferable, but optional for the initial level of education. Relying on an urban approach, with an analytical examination of all relevant plans and documents for the given area, results are presented on the level of situational solutions and supporting documentation for urban planning permission. Simultaneously, through architectural deliberations and processes, the student confirms his ability to conceive and design spatial organisation and its materialisation through education processes by seeking out the constructive logic of the emerging architectural corpus. The student demonstrates mastery of the principles for the installation of networks and devices systems. In the final stage of the incidence of the project, which determines the readability of the transferral of architectural significance, the building needs to be reinvented with its basic architectural details, definitions of key materials and processing, descriptions, graphic supplements and estimate provisions measures. The final work is the joint venture of three educational departments: urban planning, design and architectural design. The architectural motto is the primordial A = C, that is, the inseparability of architecture and construction. Cordemoy 1706 – Construction is the essence of architecture, architecture is the essence of construction. The task is to design a multifunctional commercial building at the Središće site within select insulae, which are part of the undeveloped urban fabric. The broader urban task is situated within a larger scope – insulae of undeveloped urban fabric at Središće. To the north, east and south this site is limited by the newly formed thoroughfare corridor, and to the west there is an area planned as a public city park. The architectural task is the site on the eastern part of the aforementioned insula, an area approx. 6350 m2, which can be divided into two parcels (a north and a south parcel). The project is a multifunctional commercial building with complementary public facilities.

Section of Public Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Valentina Benčić

Aleksandar Homadovski Zlatko Karač Zrinka Barišić Marenić Marino Šneler Berislav Medić Ivan Cetinić Thomir Rengel


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Viktorija Jagodić

Miroslav Geng Tin Sven Franić Lovorka Prpić Ivan Mlinar Darko Užarević Miljenko Haiman Ivan Cetinić Tihomir Rengel


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za javne zgrade

Section of Public Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 3 / Architectural Design Studio 3

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Hotel / Art Blok #18

Hotel / Art Block #18

Predloženo rješenje je strukturalni koncept interakcije različitih sadržaja (hotela, boravka, prolaza, parkinga, stanovanja, izlaganja) u kontekstu urbanog života te objedinjavanja različitih interesa/ spoznaja u ‘zajedničkim mjestima’ i ‘označenim mjestima’. Organizacija vanjskih i unutarnjiih prostora pruža mogućnost različitog korištenja i različitih aktivnosti – koncentracija kulture i bivanja (poput one u Chelsea Hotel NY).

The proposed solution is a structural concept based on the interaction of various facilities (hotel, occupancy, passageways, parking, housing, exhibitions) within the context of urban life and the integration of various interests/ insights within ‘communal spaces’ and ‘designated spaces’. The organisation of inner and outer space provides the possibility for a variety of applications and activities – a concentration of culture and being (like that at the Chelsea Hotel NY) .

diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

2.3. student


Damir Mamić

Miroslav Geng Tin Sven Franić


Sadržaji koji omogućavaju susret, boravak, odmor, kulturu, prezentaciju, omogućuju zajedničko djelovanje te brisanje granica između vanjskog i unutarnjeg prostora. U strukturi tvore kontinuirani ‘labirint’ – otvoreni horizontalni i vertikalni meandar vanjskog i unutarnjeg prostora. Zajedničkim radom u grupi istražuje se modalitet arhitektonske edukacije, oslobađanje misli uz razvoj rada kroz skice, planarne i prostorne prikaze (simulacije i modele), provjera kroz afirmativnu sumnju, uz promišljanje i argumentaciju. To je nastavak kontinuiranog promišljanja i očuvanja karaktera radionice, rješavanje atipičnih funkcija, morfoloških i tipoloških izazova te kontekstualnih odnosa, akcija i reakcija kroz kreativni proces, koncipiranje kompleksnih prostornih odnosa i višestrukih ‘refleksija’.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Facilities that allow for meetings, stays, holidays, culture, presentations, allow for joint operations and the erasing of the line between indoor and outdoor spaces. The structure forms a continuous ‘maze’ – an open horizontal and vertical meander of outer and inner space. The modus of architectural education, the freeing of trains of thought and the development of work through sketches, planar and spatial representations (models and simulations), verification through affirmative doubt, alongside considerations and founded arguments were investigated by students working together in groups. This is a continuation of ongoing deliberations and attempts at preserving the character of the workshop, addressing atypical functions, morphological and typological challenges and contextual relationships, actions and reactions through a creative process, the designing of complex spatial relationships and multiple ‘reflections’.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Arhitektonska topografija identiteta

Architectural Topography Identity

Općina Pisarovina Zadatak je prostorna cjelina Pisarovina, naselje i sjedište općine u Zagrebačkoj županiji. Nalazi se između Vukomeričkih gorica, rijeke Kupe i Draganićke šume.

Studenti / students Goran Denk, Lovro Gorupec, Jurica Luetić, Dejan Matić i Boris Vidaković



Boris Vidaković

Vesna Mikić


Sam naziv projekta sugerira višeslojnost procesa u okviru očuvanja tradicijske baštine u suvremenim okolnostima. Na globalnoj razini postoji svijest o ireverzibilnosti tih procesa, odnosno o nemogućnosti povratka na izvorno stanje u cjelovitosti prirodnog i ekonomsko-političkog konteksta. Ključni korak u pripremnoj fazi ovog istraživanja jest prepoznavanje vrijednosti, razlikovanje elemenata i čimbenika koji su bitni, od onih nebitnih. Bitni su oni elementi koji uz sebe vežu više procesa i generiraju nove.

The Pisarovina Municipality The task was the spatial whole of Pisarovina, a village and the centre of a municipality in the Zagreb municipality. It lies between Vukomeričke gorice, the River Kupa and Draganićka šuma. The title of the project as such suggests the multilayered process applied for the preservation of traditional heritage under modern conditions. At a global level, there is awareness of the irreversibility of these processes, that is, the impossibility of reverting back to the original state within the current natural and economic-political context. A key step in the preparatory phase of this research is to recognise the values, to differentiate elements and factors that are important and those that are not. Elements that are important include a number of processes and generate new ones.

Promišljali su se projekti koji predstavljaju europske vrijednosti i potencijale prostora općine Pisarovina: Ornitološki i limnološki centar, Centar za permakulturu i burza poljoprivrednih proizvoda općine, turistički i sportski sadržaji te novi hotel kao afirmacija izvornih funkcija – Lječilište Jamnica kiselica.

Projects considered as being of value at a European level alongside being a potential for the entire area of the municipality of Pisarovina: Ornithological and limnological centre, Centre for permaculture and an agricultural exchange for products raised within the municipality, tourist and sports contents and a new hotel as the affirmation of source functions – the Jamnica Kisleica Spa.

Kabinet za javne zgrade

Section of Public Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Božidar Šušnjar

Dražen Juračić Gordana Žaja


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Zdravstvena i socijalna skrb u gradu

Health and Social Welfare in Town

Starački dom u Preradovićevoj, Zagreb

The Home for Senior Citizens in Preradovićeva Street

Tema zadatka jest idejno rješenje socijalne ili zdravstvene ustanove u formiranom gradskom tkivu na području Zagreba. Student bira zadatak jednu od dviju ponuđenih tematskih cjelina te lokaciju. Tematske cjeline čine socijalna namjena (domovi za starije osobe koji pružaju različite vrste skrbi za stare i nemoćne, centri za privremeni smještaj kronično bolesne djece) i zdravstvena namjena (individualne i grupne prakse, zdravstveni centi i poliklinike). Ustanove za skrb o starijim građanima obuhvaćaju od dnevnih bolnica do hospicija. Takvih zgrada kronično nedostaje u gradskim centrima, iako su za većinu oblika skrbi centralne lokacije vrlo poželjne jer omogućuju stalni kontakt obitelji i pacijenata, poznati okoliš, itd. Najveće liste čekanja u staračkim domovima upravo su u centru (Klaićeva, Iblerov trg). Posebno je povećana potreba za hospicijskom skrbi zbog redukcije bolničkog liječenja, koje više ne obuhvaća kronično i terminalno bolesne. Tema ove radionice jest projektantski zadatak dvostruke kompleksnosti: ne samo da se radi o projektiranju sadržajno, značenjski i tehnološki složene zgrade nego je ona i smještena u izgrađenom, urbanistički i kulturno-povijesno slojevitom gradskom kontekstu.

The topic of the task is to produce a solution for a healthcare and social welfare institution within the formed city fabric in Zagreb. The student chooses the task, one of two offered thematic wholes and the location. Thematic wholes are: social purpose (homes for senior citizens offering a variety of care for the old and immobile, centres for temporary accommodation for chronically ill children) and for medical purposes (individual and group surgeries, healthcare centres and policlinics). Institutions offering care to the aging and immobile include a range from day hospitals to hospices. These kinds of buildings are often lacking in city centres, even though centrally based facilities are desirable for guardians as they enable constant contact between family members and the charge/patient; the environment is familiar, etc. Waiting lists for homes are longest for those in the centre (Klaićeva Street, Ibler Square). There is especially an increased need for hospice care due to reduced hospital treatment, which does not include the chronically or terminally ill. The topic of this workshop is a design project that is doubly complex; not only does it require the planning and design of a technologically complex building, but it also means that it needs to be located in a built-up area with a cultural, historical layered city context.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Hostel Šavrić

Hostel Šavrić

Na lokaciji ‘nedovršenog’ donjogradskog bloka, Jukićeva – Kačićeva – Kršnjavog, projektirao se hostel. Ciljano na brojnu studentsku populaciju i neposrednu blizinu niza edukacijskih ustanova, program je proširen na dodatne sadržaje jazz klub i knjižnicu. Površina parcele iznosila je 2120 m2, dok je tražena površina građevine iznosila okvirnih 2500 m2. Metodologija rada uključivala je istraživanje, analize, propitivanje konteksta prostora i vremena s ciljem integralnog sagledavanja i uvažavanja pitanja iz domene arhitekture, urbanizma, kulture, sociologije, prometa, ekonomije. Osim istraživanja i postavljanja teorijskog okvira svog djelovanja, studenti su morali uvažiti sve tehničke i funkcionalne aspekte tražene (hibridne) tipologije, lokacije i urbanih pravila, tehničkih sklopova, konstrukcije, detalja, pješačkih, automobilskih i dostavnih pristupa, integracije s postojećom izgradnjom. Krajnji produkt semestralnog rada prezentiran je knjižicom nacrta i plakatom, 3D vizualizacijama, maketom i prezentacijom popraćenom konstruktivnim kritikama arhitekta Hrvoja Njirića.



Nikola Arambašić

Goran Rako


Kabinet za javne zgrade

A hostel is planned at the site of the ‘unfinished’ housing block Jukićeva – Kačićeva – Kršnjavi in the city centre. Targeted at the large student population and due to its proximity to a string of educational institutions, the programme has been expanded to include additional content – a jazz club and a library. The plot size is 2120 m2, while the required area of the building is approximately 2500 m2. The work methodology included research, analyses, an examination of the context, space and time in the aim of an integrated observation and appreciation of issues within the domains of architecture, urbanism, culture, sociology, traffic, economy. In addition to research and the establishment of a theoretical framework of activities, students had to take into account all the technical and functional aspects of the required (hybrid) typology, the location and the urban policy, technical issues, constructions, details, pedestrian, automobile and delivery accessibility, integration with existing buildings. The end product of a term paper was presented in the form of a draft booklet and poster, 3D visualisations, a model and presentation accompanied by constructive criticism provided by architect Hrvoje Njirić.

Section of Public Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Međugeneracijski centar u bloku

The Intergenerational Centre within the City Block

Blok Ilica – Kačićeva – Deželićeva – Medulićeva, Zagreb Međugeneracijski centar je novi model socijalnog stanovanja starijih tj. populacije treće dobi. Taj suvremeni model proizašao je iz antropologije, psihologije, gerontologije i drugih humanističkih istraživanja. Njegova ideja se temelji na preporuci da na kvalitetu čovjekova razvoja utječe prisutnost sve tri generacije. Cilj međugeneracijskog centra je povezati boravak starijih s mlađim generacijama pomoću prostornih i programskih koncepata, kako bi na spontani način preklopili znanja, iskustva, energiju, znatiželju... prednosti svake od tri generacije.



Dušan Tomaš

Sanja Filep


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Ilica – Kačićeva – Deželićeva – Medulićeva Street, Zagreb

The Intergenerational Centre is a new model of social housing for the elderly, that is, for senior citizens. This contemporary model is derived from anthropology, psychology, gerontology and other humanities research. The idea is based on the recommendation that the quality of human development is affected by the presence of all three generations. The aim of the centre is to connect intergenerational housing for older generations with that for younger generations by using spatial and programming concepts in order to spontaneously merge the knowledge, experience, energy, curiosity... the advantages of each of the three generations.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za interijer  Arhitekt, zgrada, interijer

Kabinet za interijer sudjeluje u nastavi trećeg semestra Diplomskog studija u sklopu dva redovna i jednog izbornog kolegija. Redovni kolegiji su Interijer i Radionica interijera, a Arhitektonika svjetla je izborni kolegij. Kolegij Interijer koncipiran je kao niz predavanja kojima se analiziraju arhitektonske vrijednosti interijera kao ishodišta arhitektonske kompozicije, uz primjere ostvarenja arhitekata 20. i 21. stoljeća. Polazi se od elemenata forme koji u jednostavnijim međuodnosima artikuliraju prostor, a tijekom semestra teme se obogaćuju složenijim i detaljnijim pristupom odabranim primjerima. Cilj kolegija je razviti poimanje interijera kao temelj arhitektonske kompozicije te razviti percepciju arhitektonskih vrijednosti interijera sustavnom analizom elemenata oblikovanja prostora. Nastava je obogaćena organiziranim i individualnim posjetama značajnim zagrebačkim interijerima (stan arhitekta V. Kovačića, Palača Burze, Arheološki muzej, Caffè Argentina, Lauba i drugi). Nositeljica kolegija je prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković. Kolegij Arhitektonika svjetla upoznaje studente s ulogom svjetla u arhitekturi te odgovornošću, uz projektiranje funkcionalne dispozicije i oblikovanja, u projekt inkorporiraju svjetlo u odnosu na forme, boje, teksturu, atmosferu i psihološke zahtjeve. Nositeljica kolegija je doc. Neda Cilinger.


Kabinet za interijer

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Interior Design  Architect, building, interior The Section of Interior Design is part of the study programme in the third semester of undergraduate studies and consists of two regular and one elective course. Regular courses are Interiors and Interior Design Studio and Light in Architecture is elective. The interior design course is conceived as a series of lectures at which the architectural qualities of interiors are analysed as the starting point for architectural composition, with examples of realisation by architects from the 20th and 21st century. It introduces elements of form which articulate space in simple interrelations, and during the semester topics are enriched through a more complex and detailed approach with case studies. The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of interiors as the foundation of architectural composition and to develop a perception of the architectural value of interiors with the help of a systematic analysis of the elements used for spatial design. The curriculum is enhanced through organised and individual visits to significant interiors in Zagreb (the apartment of architect V. Kovacic, the Zagreb Stock Exchange building, the Archaeological Museum, Caffè Argentina, Lauba and others). The course is run by Professor Dina Vulin Ileković, PhD. The architectonic lighting course introduces students to the role played by light and lighting in architecture and the responsibility, alongside the designing of functional layout and design, of incorporating light in relation to form, colour, texture, atmosphere and psychological demands in a project. The course is run by docent Neda Cilinger.

Section of Interior Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Radionica interijera / Interior design studio diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester


Interijer lokala u Miškecovom prolazu

Kolegij Radionica interijera predstavlja individualan praktičan rad studenata na projektu interijera.Teme su prostori različitih namjena u postojećim zgradama na području užeg ili šireg središta grada Zagreba. Odabiru se lokacije značajne za formiranje vizualnog doživljaja pješaka u gradskoj jezgri. Prostori smješteni u objektima značajnijih arhitektonskih karakteristika, nerijetko upisanih u registar zaštićenih spomenika kulture, te ona mjesta koja su u doticaju s javnim pješačkim površinama. Svake akademske godine mijenjaju se teme. Studenti odabiru prostor od nekoliko ponuđenih, te u dogovoru s voditeljima, predlažu ili prihvaćaju sadržaj za koji smatraju da bi odgovarao karakteru lokacije. Nakon istraživanja konteksta i formalnih karakteristika zgrade te analize programa, izrađuje se projekt interijera u odgovarajućem mjerilu. Moguća je oblikovna intervencija i na obodnim pješačkim ulicama i trgovima vezanim uz pročelja i izloge. Cilj zadatka je da studenti pri projektiranju interijera, a krećući se raznolikim mjerilima (od 1:500 do 1:5), pokušaju uzeti u obzir da se prednost arhitekture ne sastoji u tome što ona banalno zaklanja ili štiti prazan prostor, već u tome što konstruira jedan unutarnji svijet u kojem se podešavaju parametri vremena, svjetla, prostora, građe po zakonima neke logike... (Henri Focillon: Život oblika) Kreativni napor studenata nastoji se usmjeriti na konstataciju da svaka zgrada mora unutrašnjošću pružiti puno više nego što nudi izvana – poput knjige... (Steven Holl) U akademskoj godini 2012./13. ponuđene su sljedeće lokacije: uređenje prizemlja pasaža u zgradi Matice hrvatskih obrtnika arhitekata A. Freudenreicha i Z. Požgaja (1937.g.) u Ilici 49 te uređenje Miškecovog prolaza s kinom Europa i obodno smještenim lokalima graditelja S. Florschütza (1924.g.), Varšavska 3 – Masarykova 10.


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

The Interior of a Shop in Miškec’s Passage The Interior Design Studio includes individual practical work done by students on an interior design project. The topic is spaces for different purposes within existing buildings in the centre and central area of Zagreb. Locations significant to the formation of visual experience for pedestrians in the city centre are selected. These include spaces located in buildings of significant architectural features, often registered in the register of protected cultural monuments and those places that are in contact with public spaces. The topics change every academic year. Students choose an area among several offered and, in consultation with their principal, propose or accept contents considered as matching the character of the site. After researching the context and the formal characteristics of the building and an analysis programme, the interior project is drafted to scale. Formal intervention along peripheral pedestrian streets and squares connected with facades and shops are also possible. The aim of the task is for students, whilst designing an interior and including various scales ( from 1:500 to 1:5), to attempt to take into consideration that the advantage of architecture does not consist in the fact that it banally obscures or protects an empty space, but in the fact that it constructs an inner world in which the parameters of time, light, space, material are set according to certain laws of logic ... (Henri Focillon : The Life of Forms). The focus of the creative efforts of students is channelled towards the statement that a building should always be much more about the interior experience than the exterior – like a book ... (Steven Holl) In the academic year 2012/13 the following locations were offered: the ground level of the passage at the Matica Hrvatskih Obrtnika building by architects A. Freudenreich and Z. Požgaj (1937) at Ilica 49 and Miškec’s Passage and Kino Europa and adjoining shops by builders S. Florschütz (1924), between 3 Varšavska Street – 10 Masarykova Street.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Nikolina Pavlović

Dina Vulin Ileković



Dora Stipaničić

Dina Vulin Ileković Lovorka Prpić


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za interijer

Section of Interior Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Dunja Naerlović

Dina Vulin Ileković



Mirka Škudar

Dina Vulin Ileković Lovorka Prpić


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje  Akademska godina 2012./13. u Kabinetu za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje započela je odlaskom u mirovinu v. pred. Marije Rendić-Miočević. Kabinet ima pet članova i jednog znanstvenog novaka (Waldgoni, Justić, Bakić, Tutek, Pavlović i Hrastar). Odlučili smo pozvati (nažalost samo kao volontere) likovnog umjetnika Davida Maljkovića i arhitekta Roberta Šimetina. Maljković je, po upoznavanju s načinom i sadržajem našeg rada na vježbama, predložio svoju vježbu: VJEŽBA 01 ‘K.K’. Tema je bila kompozicija i kretanje. Vježba je održana 17. prosinca 2012. u satnici nastave Crtanja I sa svim studentima, u svim crtaonicama III. kata. Nakon usmene upute, brucoši su vrlo aktivno kroz tri sata provodili Maljkovićeve upute, a na kraju je svatko svoj rad fotografirao. U ljetnom semestru organizirali smo ciklus predavanja ‘Arhitekt o crtežu arhitekta’ u sklopu satnice Plastičnog oblikovanja II, ali i izbornog kolegija Crtanje i arhitektonska grafika na diplomskom studiju. Osiguran nam je veći prostor, predavaonica 317, zahvaljujući v.pred. Sudeta u kojoj su se studenti, uz projekcije i predavanja, upoznavali s crtežima arhitekata, profesora našeg fakulteta. Akademik Kovačić je predstavio svoje radove i crteže nastale za prezentaciju istih.Arhitekt Robert Šimetin je na paralelnim projekcijama pokazao i objasnio razloge nastanka mnogobrojnih crteža profesora Nevena Šegvića. Profesor emeritus Nikola Filipović predstavio je osobno viđenje nekih aspekata arhitektonskog crteža počevši izlaganje podjelom razglednica (crteži M. Gravesa ). Profesorica Vulin Ileković pokazala je crteže akademika i profesora našeg Kabineta Ante Vulina, nastale u razdoblju od studentskih dana do 2011. Uz studente, predavanjima su prisustvovali i zainteresirani profesori našeg fakulteta.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Drawing and Visual Design  The academic year 2012/13 in the Section of drawing and visual design began with the retirement of senior lecturer Marija RendićMiočević. The office has five members and one research assistant (Waldgoni, Justić, Bakić, Tutek, Pavlović and Hrastar). We decided to invite (unfortunately only as volunteers) artist David Maljković and architect Robert Šimetin. Upon becoming familiar with the content and form of our practical work, Maljković proposed his own practical work: EXERCISE 01 ‘KK’. The topic was composition and movement. The exercise took place on 17 December 2012 during the scheduled course Drawing 1 and all students took part in all the drawing classrooms on the third floor. After receiving oral instructions, freshman college students actively took part over a three-hour period and followed Maljković’s instructions; upon completion of the task, each student photographed their work. In the spring semester we organised a series of lectures entitled ‘Architect on the drawing of an architect’ as part of the scheduled course Visual design II, but also the elective course Drawing and architectural graphics held at a graduate level. We were provided with larger venues, classroom 317, (thanks to senior lecturer Sudeta) where students were familiarised with drawings of architects, professors of our university, alongside screenings and lectures. Academician Kovačić presented his works and sketches made in lieu of the presentation of the same. Architect Robert Šimetin presented and explained the reasons for the creation of the many drawings by Professor Neven Šegvić using parallel projections. Professor Emeritus Nikola Filipović presented his personal view of certain aspects of architectural drawing and started his presentation by handing out postcards (drawings by M. Graves). Professor Vulin Ileković presented drawings by the academic and professor of our Section, Ante Vulin, completed during over a period since his student days and up to 2011. Aside from students, interested professors at our university also attended the lectures. Due to the positive response among students, but also the interest of other speakers, a cycle will also be organised during the following academic year.

Pozitivan odjek među studentima, ali i zainteresiranost drugih predavača, obvezuje nas na organizaciju ciklusa i u sljedećoj akademskoj godini.


Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje

Section of Drawing and Visual Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Vježba 01 ‘K.K.’

Excercise 01 ‘K.K.’

crtanje 1 / drawing 1 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

David Maljković

Semestar / semester

1. 1.

Stolovi se kroz crtaonice povezuju i čine kontinuitet u prostoru. Nakon pozicioniranja stolova na površine se lijepi pakpapir/natron. PET ELEMENATA (FORMI) Izvodi se pet elemenata tj. formi od bijelog A4 papira. Pri modeliranju mogu se koristiti škare i selotejp. Može se izvesti forma i samim presavijanjem papira. Forme se izvode slobodno i po osobnom nahođenju. U ovoj vježbi forma ima sekundarnu ulogu i proizvoljna je. Koristi se isključivo za dobivanje elemenata koji će se kasnije slagati u kompoziciju. CRTANJE Nakon što su izvedeni elementi, mogu se probno pozicionirati po papiru prije crtanja ugljenom. Crtanje ima ulogu naznačavanja odnosa između elemenata, a linije njihovih odnosa mogu se odvijati u svim smjerovima. U samoj se vježbi ne bavimo toliko ljepotom crteža, već iscrtavanjem međuodnosa. Crtež ovdje ima ulogu svojevrsnog ‘razmišljanja na glas’. Kad se odluči gdje će pojedini element biti stavljen, površinu na koju se pozicionira treba zatamniti. Zatamnjena ploha mora biti dovoljno velika da se na nju može smjestiti element. KOMPOZICIJA i KRETANJE Slaganje kompozicije s pet elemenata je slobodno. Ono na što treba obratiti pažnju pri pozicioniranju je kretanje. Moramo uzeti u obzir susjedne stolove i one strane na koje se naša površina papira veže. Zajednički zadatak vježbe je paziti na kretanje. Prohodnost između elemenata kroz sve stolove je konstanta. Nije moguće zatvoriti stranu stola koja se spaja sa susjednim stolom. Poželjno je da se u procesu crtanja smjerova međuodnosa dogodi interakcija sa susjednim stolom, ali nije neophodno. Nakon završene vježbe radi se fotodokumentacija. ZAKLJUČAK Iako je ova vježba u naravi crtačka, uključuje i niz drugih postupaka kao što su pozicioniranje crtaćih ploha kroz prostor i modeliranje elemenata. Crtež, kao što je već napomenuto, u samom postupku ima ulogu iscrtavanja procesa i donošenja odluke. Koliko god se koncentrirali na rješavanje kompozicije na svojoj površini stola, toliko smo, cijelo vrijeme, dio šire slike. Ako je potrebno svesti ovu vježbu na neki nazivnik, onda je ona poligon za rješavanje kompozicija i kretanja između njih.


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Tables are connected in the drawing rooms, thus creating a continuity in space. After having positioned the tables, a cardboard or other type of thick paper is glued to the table surface. FIVE ELEMENTS (FORMS) Five elements (forms) are made from a white A4 paper. Scissors and scotch tape can be used in modelling. The form can also be produced by simply folding the paper. The forms are made freely. The form in this excercise is arbitrary and has a secondary role. Its sole purpose is to obtain elements which will later form a composition. DRAWING Once the elements are produced, they can be test-positioned on the paper prior to the drawing with a charcoal. The role of drawing is to designate the relations between the elements, and the lines of their relations can be carried out in all directions. The excercise itself doesn’t focus so much on the beauty of the drawing as it does on outlining the relations. Here, the drawing carries the role of ˝thinking out loud˝. Once an element is positioned, the surface upon which it’s positioned needs to be darkened. The darkened surface has to be big enough to position an element on it. COMPOSITION AND MOTION The composition with five elements is created freely. In positioning it’s necessary to pay attention to the motion. The adjacent tables and the sides to which the paper surface continues have to be considered as well. The mutual task of this excercise is to pay attention to the motion. The passability between the elements through all tables is constant. It’s impossible to close the side of one desk that connects to the neighbouring desk. An interaction to occur with the adjacent desk while drawing the relations’ directions is desirable, but not indispensable. The completed excercise is later photo-documented. CONCLUSION Although this is a drawing excercise, it also includes a series of other actions such as positioning the drawing surfaces in space and elements modelling. The role of drawing, as mentionded above, is to outline the process and to make a decision. As much as we concentrate to solve the composition on our table surface, we are equally, all that time, part of a bigger image. If it’s necessary to summarize this excercise, then it represents a training ground for composition solving and moving among them.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje

Section of Drawing and Visual Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Domaća zadaća, rad, uradak

Homework, Work, Artwork

Opaženo je da student arhitekture nema naviku crtanja, tj. bilježenja pojava, problema, misli crtežom. Na satu, grupno usvajanje velike količine novoga gradiva mnogima je naporno, te jednom tjedno nedovoljno. Stoga je uveden novi oblik vježbi: rad kod kuće, domaći rad, domaća zadaća. Student sam odabire kada i koliko dugo će crtati zadanu, na početku vrlo jednostavnu temu, problem, a povećanjem crtačke zrelosti i sigurnosti sve složenije. Uvijek se crta na pola lista bloka br. 5, te običnom drvenom HB olovkom kako bi crtež veličine dlana zadržao intimnost nastanka. Tijekom zimskog semestra crta se u toplom okruženju doma, dok ljetni semestar dozvoljava crtanje u eksterijeru. 21. stoljeće donijelo je svima pristupačnu tehnologiju – fotoaparat. Fotografija crtaču služi dvojako: bilježi činjenice iz stvarnosti i prvi je korak u odabiru kadra, kako bi veličina i smještaj crteža na papiru bili optimalni. Ujedno, student uočava razliku i autonomnost, zasebnost crteža i fotografije. Kod složenijih tema, uz fotografiju i skicu na terenu, potrebno je u miru doma učiniti crtež-studiju gdje se promišljeno ispravlja, naglašava. Kod nekih tema potiče se studenta da u likovnoj umjetnosti pronađe istu temu te uoči razliku između arhitektonskog pristupa i onog slikarskog. Uz fotografiju, crtež olovkom, skicu, crtež-studiju, primjere iz likovne umjetnosti, student može zadanu temu izvesti i u tehnici koja je njemu bliska; npr. ugljen, gvaš, akvarel, kolaž…


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

It has been observed that students of architecture are not in the habit of drawing, that is, recording phenomena, problems, thoughts ... through drawings. At school and in class, learning large quantities of something new in a group is difficult for many people, and once a week is not enough. This is why a new form of practice was introduced: work at home, home work, homework.The student chooses when and for how long he will draw what is set; at first a very simple topic, problem, and once he matures and becomes more certain of his abilities then increasingly more complex topics and problems are set. A line on a half-sheet of block no. 5 is always used for drawings and a plain wooden HB pencil to sketch a palm-sized sketch to retain the intimacy of origin. During the winter semester drawings are done within a warm home environment, while the summer semester allows for drawings to be done outside. The 21st century has brought technology accessible to everyone: everyone has a camera! A photograph serves two functions: it records facts from reality and is the first step towards selecting a shot, in order for the size and positioning of the drawing on the piece of paper to be optimal. At the same time, the student notices the difference and autonomy, the distinctive quality of the drawing and the photograph. For more complex topics aside from a photograph and a sketch made in the field, it is necessary to take time at home to create a drawing – study where one can deliberately correct, highlight. When dealing with certain topics the student is encouraged to find the same subject in examples of fine art, and to perceive the difference between the architectural approach and that applied in painting. Aside from photographs, pencil drawings, sketches, sketch-studies, examples from the visual arts, the student can produce the set topic in a technique that is close to him, such as in charcoal, gouache, watercolours, in the form of a collage...

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB



crtanje 2 / drawing 2 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

1. 2.


List papira iz bloka broj 5, format koji se redovito koristi na vježbama iz crtanja, razrezan je na osmine. Studenti se upućuju u obilazak dijela grada koji okružuje zgradu Arhitektonskog fakulteta. Svaki student treba nacrtati osam skica vizura koje mu se putem otvaraju. Vježbom se potiče na pažljivije motrenje i bilježenje oblika i odnosa u prostoru kao što su: vertikala, visina horizonta u odnosu prema visini čovjeka, odnosi veličina unutar objekta, struktura, ritam, promjena oblika uslijed promjene pozicije… Zadatak je studenta da skicira HB olovkom na malom papiru koji leži u dlanu ruke njegova bitna obilježja.

Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje

A sheet of paper from block number 5, a format regularly used for exercises in drawing, is cut into eighth pieces. Students are instructed to tour the part of the city that surrounds the building of the Faculty of Architecture. Students are asked to draw eight sketches of vistas that they encounter. This exercise encourages careful monitoring and recording of forms and relations in space, such as: the vertical, the horizon height in relation to human height, relations of size within an object, structure, rhythm, changes in shape as a result of changes in position... The student’s task is to draw a sketch of essential characteristics on a small piece of paper that fits in the palm of their hand using an HB pencil.

Section of Drawing and Visual Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

Skica i studija na nastavi / Sketches and studies on course

Domaća zadaća / Homework


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB



Plastično oblikovanje 1 / visual design 1 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

2.3. SKUPLJANJE OTISAKA KROZ 14 DANA U džep dim. 29 × 29 cm, napravljen od hamer i paus papira, ubaciti dva grubo zdrobljena štapića ugljena i zatvoriti džep sa svih strana. Rad nositi dva tjedna sa sobom u mapi i na karti bilježiti dnevno kretanje. Fotografirati postupak. / COLLECTION OF PRINTS OVER 14 DAYS In a 29 × 29 cm sized pocket made of poster board and tracing paper; insert two roughly crushed sticks of charcoal and close the pocket from all sides. wear the work for two weeks in a folder and record daily movements on a map. Photograph the proceedings.


Student jednostavnim i repetitivnim postupkom izvodi strukturu tijekom vježbe. Realizirane strukture imaju različite pojavnosti. Nastaju kao serije tragova, crteža ili fotografija, poistovjećene su i obrazložene postupkom kojim su nastale. Serija repliciranih elemenata nacrtanih na isti način ili ujednačeno provedenih jediničnih postupaka, omogućuje promišljanje odnosa istog i različitog, koncepta i slučaja. Oblikuje se objedinjujuće obilježje ili princip koji jednostavne dijelove povezuje u uređenu cjelinu. Istražuje se potencijal serije kao alata za prikazivanje malih razlika, praćenje tijeka i bilježenje traga projektirane ili uočene akcije. Promatra se izražajna snaga istog i potencijal jednostavno uređenog u generiranju kompleksnog. Osobita pažnja usmjerena je na početak rada koji može biti autorski samovoljan ili zatečen iz čega slijedi logika postupka. U postavljenom okviru vježba omogućuje individualni odabir teme i tijek istraživanja. Student prepoznaje i realizira potencijal vlastite ideje koju likovno optimalnim prikazom prevodi u zadovoljavajuće estetičko iskustvo. Oprema svoj program grafičkim prilozima i konceptom napisanim u obliku jednostavne upute za izvođenje. Uputa nedvosmisleno potvrđuje projektirani postupak dok ideju na odgovornijoj razini postavlja pred anonimnu interpretaciju. Postignuće se dogodi ako zadovoljavajućim utiskom kojeg ostavlja realizirani rad, potvrdi i dopuni svoj koncept.

Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje

During the exercise the student applies a simple and repetitive procedure to produce a structure. Upon their realisation, the structures are different in appearance, they occur as a series of clues, drawings or photographs, they are identified and explained through the procedure by which they were incurred. The series of replicated elements drawn in the same way or through uniformly implemented procedures allows for deliberations on the relationship between what is the same and what is different, between the concept and the case. A unifying characteristic or principle is formed that links the simple parts into an orderly whole. The potential of the series as a tool for displaying small differences is investigated, the process is monitored and the process and recording of the designed or perceived action is tracked. The expressive power of the same and the potential of the simply designed that generates the complex is observed. Special attention is paid to the commencement of work that can be arbitrary or a given which provides the logic to the procedure. Within such a framework this exercise allows individual selection of topics and course of research. The student recognises and realises the potential of his idea which is visually optimally depicted and translated into a satisfactory aesthetic experience. The programme is equipped with graphic charts and a concept written in the form of simple instructions for implementation. The instructions unambiguously confirm the designing process whilst an anonymous interpretation is provided for the idea at a more responsible level. The task is achieved if the impression left by the realised work is satisfactory and certifies and amends its concept.

Section of Drawing and Visual Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Objekt u proširenom polju

An Object in the Expanded Field

Plastično oblikovanje 2 / visual design 2 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester



Tijekom vježbe student promišlja, pokreće i bilježi proces nastanka uređenog prostora. Svaki student izvodi jednostavan prostorni sklop sastavljen od jediničnih elemenata i prostora kojeg jedinični elementi aktiviraju. Projektirane i oblikovane nedovršenosti, jednostavno geometrijski konstituirani jedinični elementi iziskuju kontakt, dovršavaju se aktivnim sudjelovanjem i percepcijom promatrača. Mjesta u kojima zatečeni prostor postaje projektirani, uočavaju se, odabiru, bilježe i prezentiraju. Pozicije su okupljene u ‘oblak točaka’ koji se pokazuje interpoliran u prostor crtaonice. U okviru zadanih osnovnih postavki, početak i kraj vježbe su otvoreni i promjenjivi kako bi se u fokus zadatka postavili tijek i struktura postupka koji ih povezuje. Uloga studenta je višeznačna. U dionicama koje se uzastopce mnogo puta izmjenjuju, student oblikuje i percipira; bilježi i prikazuje. Vježbom se propituje odnos arhitektonskog crteža, modela i fotografije. Crtež u isto vrijeme prikazuje i biva prikazan. Student se upućuje u moguću slojevitost i nelinearnost kreativnog procesa u kojem su povratak i ispravak mogući. Inventivnim vođenjem repetitivnog procesa, pokrenutog u prostoru svakodnevice, student istražuje strukturu u nastajanju oblikujući njezin vizualni identitet. Uređeni prostor, tijek procesa kojim je nastao i njihova prezentacija su u ‘povratnoj sprezi’.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

During the excercise the student reflects, intiates and notes down the process of creating an arranged space. Every student works on a simple spatial assembly, composed of elementary units and the space those elements activate. The designed incompletness and the geometrically simply constructed units demand a contact, they complete themselves through the observer’s active participation and perception. The points where the space becomes designed are perceived, selected, noted and presented. The positions are gathered in a ˝cloud of points˝, which is interpolated to the space of the drawing room. The beginning and the end of the excercise remain open and changeable, within the frame of basic settings, in order to set the procedure’s course and structure connecting them as the focus of the task. The student’s role is multiple. Through the constantly alternating stages the student forms and perceives; notes and presents. The excercise questiones the relation between an architectural drawing, a model and a photograph. The drawing at the same time presents and is being presented. The student is referred to the possible layerness and nonlinearity of the creative process, where it’s possible to return and to correct. Through inventive conduction of the creative process, initiated in a quotidinian space, the student examines the evolving structure, forming its visual identity. The arranged space, the course of its creation process and their presentation are reciprocal.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje

Section of Drawing and Visual Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Crtanje i arhitektonska grafika / Drawing and Architectural Graphics diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

1. 2.

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Crtanje i arhitektonska grafika

Drawing and architectural graphics

Kolegij ‘Crtanje i arhitektonska grafika’ danas se, kao i ostali izborni kolegiji, izvodi u diplomskome studiju. Studenti su sada, nakon Crtanja i Plastičnog oblikovanja koji se odvijaju tijekom prve dvije godine studija, ozbiljniji i zreliji, crtačko iskustvo traži dopunu, stečena znanja sintezu te proširenje novim spoznajama. Kao i ostalim izbornim kolegijima, previđena satnica je skromna – jedan sat tjedno. Nastava se izvodi putem predavanja o crtežu kroz tumačenje zadatka koji se radi kod kuće, te prezentira kolegama. Dovršeni zadatak sadrži i grafičke i tekstualne dijelove. Za stjecanje novih znanja i iskustava, obvezna je prisutnost na ciklusu predavanja ‘Arhitekt o crtežu arhitekta’ u organizaciji Kabineta za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje. Završni kontakt sa studentom je razgovor o predanim radovima i konačna ocjena.

Today the course ‘Drawing and architectural graphics’, as well as other elective courses, is part of a graduate course of studies. Now the students, after Drawing and Visaul design in the first two years of programme, are more serious and mature; experience in drawing seeks to be supplemented, acquired knowledge seeks synthesis and expansion through new insights! As for other elective courses, the number of foreseen lectures is modest: one hour of lectures per week. Therefore, classes are held as lectures on drawing through the interpretation of the task which is completed at home and presented to colleagues in phases. The completed task includes graphical and textual components. To acquire new knowledge and experience attendance at the cycle of lectures ‘Architect on the architect’s drawing’ is compulsory and is organised by the Section of drawing and visual design. The final contact with students is a discussion on work handed in and a final mark.

Cilj ovog Kolegija je podsjetiti, uputiti, osvijestiti studentu zašto i kako nastaje crtež, koje sve uloge i značenja ima te koji su kriteriji odabiranja. Nazivi pojedinih zadataka su: Crteži različitih struka, Jaje, Crteži drugih arhitekata, Izbor iz grafičkih priloga vlastitih projekata te Crtački zadatak. Zadatak je promišljeno, likovno skladno formiranje cjeline.

The aim of this course is to remind, instruct and raise the student’s awareness as to why and how a drawing is created, its roles and importance, and how selection criteria are established. The individual tasks are: Drawings for various professions, Egg, Drawings by other architects, Selection from graphic material used in their own projects and a drawing task. The task is a whole created through deliberation and artistic harmony!

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

Jaje, početak života, objekt je kojeg u ovo vrijeme često ‘imate pred očima’: ukrašavate ga, poklanjate/ primate, pečete, miješate, kuhate, skidate ljusku i potom jedete! Cilj je ovog zadatka da jaje percipirate kao (budući) arhitekt koji analizira i formu i funkciju i konstrukciju, izražavajući se linijom i plohom, poštujući ravnotežu, proporciju, sklad! Stvorite u formatu 29 × 29 cm, tehnikom koja Vam je bliska i odgovarajuća Vašem senzibilitetu, izbjegavajući suvišno i dekorativno, dvotjedni zadatak kojim ćete se ponositi! Sretan Uskrs! / The egg, The beginning of life, an object often ‘right before your eyes’ at this time of year: you decorate it, gift / receive it, bake it, mix it, cook it, remove the shell and then eat it! The aim of this task is for the egg to be perceived as a (future) architect who analyses both form and function and structure, expressing himself through lines and surfaces, respecting balance, proportion, harmony! Create it in a 29 × 29cm format, use whichever technique appeals to your sensibility, whilst avoiding the superfluous and the decorative; work completed in two weeks that you will be proud of! Happy Easter!


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za primjenu računala  Primjena suvremenih informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija unutar svekolikog arhitektonskog područja djelovanja predmet su interesa Kabineta za primjenu računala u arhitekturi. Kroz više od 15 godina postojanja djelatnici kabineta prate suvremena kretanja u ovom području kao i promjene koje se intenzivnim razvojem tehnologije mogu uočiti u struci. Ovakav, iznimno dinamičan razvoj potrebno je ne samo postojano i kvalitetno pratiti, već i predvidjeti te vrednovati njegove utjecaje kako bi se studente, buduće arhitekte, unaprijed pripremilo za što kvalitetniji rad u struci. Način edukacije i njegov sadržaj prilagođava se sve višim polaznim vještinama studenata koji upisuju studij arhitekture i urbanizma kao i činjenicom da ih većina pri upisu na fakultet posjeduje vlastito računalo. Iz tih razloga strategija dosadašnjeg, ali i budućeg razvoja kabineta teži tumačenju širokog raspona i sve složenijih vještina potrebnih budućim arhitektima. Težište edukacije stavljeno je na savladavanje alata i vještina u virtualnom 3D prostoru te usvajanje koncepta virtualne gradnje (BIM, Building Information Modeling) kao osnove za kvalitetno korištenje računalnih programa kojima se mogu stvarati računalne simulacije svih aspekata održivosti arhitektonskog prostora. Obavezni kolegiji Kabineta na prva tri semestra preddiplomskog studija arhitekture i urbanizma su ‘Uvod u primjenu računala’, ‘Primjena računala u arhitekturi I’ i ‘Primjena računala u arhitekturi II’. Prva dva kolegija odvijaju se kroz praktični rad, a u trećem su uz praktični rad obavezna i predavanja. Praktični rad obuhvaća korištenje 2D i 3D računalne grafike, od stvaranja jednostavnih modela u virtualnom prostoru kroz I semestar do svjetlosnih, energetskih i konstruktivnih računalnih simulacija u III. semestru. Kroz predavanja studentima se nudi upoznavanje sa suvremenim razvojem informatičkih tehnologija, njihovim utjecajem na znanstveni uvid i kreativni senzibilitet, te njihov utjecaj na promjenu načina rada u arhitekturi i srodnim strukama. Kabinet na diplomskom studiju arhitekture i urbanizma nudi izborni kolegij ‘Računalno oblikovanje pejsažne arhitekture’ te drži obvezne kolegije na drugim sastavnicama Sveučilišta u Zagrebu – interfakultetskom studiju dizajna i diplomskom studiju Šumarskog fakulteta. Kao osnovu komunikacije sa studentima Kabinet koristi Virtual Af, nastavni portal fakulteta razvijen od strane Kabineta.


Kabinet za primjenu računala

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design  The application of modern information and communication technologies within the field of architecture in general is a subject of interest of the Section of computer aided architectural design. Over more than 15 years of its existence, members of the cabinet have pursued current trends as well as changes brought on by the intensive development of technology within this field and profession. This extremely dynamic development should be steadily and thoroughly monitored and predicted and its impact should be evaluated so that students, future architects, are prepared in advance for successful work within the profession. Education and its content are adapted to ever-higher initial skills of students enrolling Studies in architecture and urban planning, as well as the fact that most of them have their own computers. For these reasons the current strategy, but also the future development of the cabinet, aims towards the interpretation of a wide range of increasingly complex skills necessary for future architects. The focus of training is the mastering of tools and skills in virtual 3D space and the adoption of the concept of virtual building (BIM, Building Information Modeling) as the basis for quality use of computer programs that can create computer simulations of all aspects of the sustainability of architectural space. Core subjects of the Section undergraduate degree programme in architecture and urbanism in the first three semesters are: ‘Introduction to Computer Aided Architectural Design ‘, ‘Computer Aided Architectural Design I’ and ‘Computer Aided Architectural Design II’. The first two courses are conducted through practical work, and the third includes attendance of compulsory lectures. Practical work includes the use of 2D and 3D computer graphics. From the creation of simple models in virtual space in the first semester to light, energy and constructive computer simulations in the third semester. Students are also offered an introduction into with the development of modern information technologies, their impact on scientific insight and creative sensibility and their impact on changing modes of work in architecture and related professions. At a graduate level the architecture and urbanism course of the section offers an elective course: ‘Computer design of landscape architecture’ and compulsory courses are held at other institutions of the University of Zagreb – inter-college studies in design and graduate studies at the Faculty of Forestry. The cabinet uses Virtual Af, the university teaching portal developed by the section, as its basis of communication with students. The dynamic development of information technology is constantly opening up new topics of interest to architectural education. Each year the Section explores modern applications that are transmitted to students through informative lectures or demonstrations. After the introduction of digital fabrication topics during the academic year 2011/2012 and aug-

Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

uvod u primjenu računala u arhitekturi / Introduction to Computer-aided architectural Design Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Dinamičan razvoj informatičkih tehnologija neprestano otvara nove teme zanimljive i za arhitektonsku naobrazbu. Tako kabinet svake godine istražuje i suvremene primjene koje se studentima prenose kroz informativna predavanja ili demonstracije. Nakon što su tijekom ak. god. 2011./2012. uvedene teme digitalne proizvodnje (digital fabrication) i sustava proširene stvarnosti (augumented reality), u ak. god. 2012./2013. a na inicijativu Kabineta osnovana je udruga FabLab, prva takva u Hrvatskoj sa ciljem povezivanja svih zainteresiranih sudionika u istraživanju i razvoju digitalne fabrikacije i 3D ispisa u arhitekturi, dizajnu i šire. Ova inicijativa slijedi svjetskih trendove osnivanja FabLab radionica na inicijativu ili u okrilju arhitektonskih fakulteta, a koji su povezani u međunarodno udruženje takvih organizacija.

mented reality systems during the academic year 2012-2013, the FabLab association was established at the initiative of the Section, the first of its kind in Croatia, with the aim of linking all those interested in the research and development of digital fabrication and 3D printing in architecture, design and further afield. This initiative coincides with world trends in the establishment of FabLab workshops at the initiative of or under the auspices of architectural colleges, which are linked through an international association among such organisations.

Stvaranje virtualnog prostora istraživanjem zadanog volumena

Semestar / semester

1.   1.

Propitivanjem / oblikovanjem / istraživanjem zadanog volumena u virtualnom prostoru, analizira se određeni prostorni fenomen koji, u dogovoru s asistentom, bira sam student. Osnovni prostor zadan je odnosom stranica u varijabilnim omjerima pri čemu zadana jedinica nije metrički određena tako da veličina i položaj volumena ovisi o rješenju.

Creating Virtual Space Through the Exploration of a Set Volume Certain spatial phenomena chosen by the student in cooperation with the assistant are analysed by questioning/shaping and exploring a set volume in virtual space. The basic space is set through the correlation of its sides with variable ratios whereby the set unit is not metrically set so that the size and position of the volume depends on the solution. During this semester the student focuses on conceptual 3D modelling in virtual space, and on creating and analysing a 2D and 3D model and presenting it.

U ovom semestru student se bavi konceptualnim 3D modeliranjem u virtualnom prostoru, te izradom i obradom 2D i 3D prikaza modela do prezentacijskog nivoa.



Amadea Finek

Kristina Careva Bojan Baletić


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

primjena računala u arhitekturi 1 / Computer-Aided Architectural Design 1 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Stvaranje virtualnog modela i njegova transformacija

Semestar / semester

1. 2.

Zadatak je osmišljen u dvije individualizirane i međusobno povezane faze. U prvoj student, uz pomoć asistenta, bira jedan poznati predmet te ga, što je moguće vjernije, prenosi u 2D i 3D virtualni prostor. U drugoj fazi student istražuje mogućnosti transformacije karakterističnog segmenta izrađenog modela te se bavi osnovama vizualizacije produkata svog rada. U ovom semestru student se bavi složenim 3D modeliranjem u virtualnom prostoru, transformiranjem virtualnog modela, te izradom i obradom 2D i 3D prikaza modela do prezentacijskog nivoa.



Karla Tavić

Rene Lisac Bojan Baletić


Kabinet za primjenu računala

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Creating a Virtual Model and its Transformation The assignment has two individual and interrelated phases. In the first phase, with the aid of the assistant, the student opts for a well-known object and transfers it into 2D and 3D virtual space. In the second phase the student explores the possibilities for the transformation of a characteristic segment of the model produced and focuses on the basics concerning the visualisation of the product of his work. In this semester the student produces complex 3D models in virtual space by transforming the virtual model and by producing and analysing a 2D and 3D model and presenting it.

Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013 primjena računala u arhitekturi 2 / Computer-Aided Architectural Design 2 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

2.3. studenti / students


Hana Marisa Mohar Marijan Rotim Matija Sedak

Morana Pap Bojan Baletić

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Stvaranje virtualne kuće kao osnove za tehničku dokumentaciju, simulacije i vizualizaciju Kroz rad u grupi od po tri studenta izrađuje se virtualni model obiteljske kuće na osnovu publiciranog, vrijednog arhitektonskog ostvarenja. Nakon zajedničke izrade virtualnog modela i stvaranja tehničke dokumentacije, studenti individualno pristupaju vizualizaciji modela pri čemu svaki student kuću prikazuje na drugi način (realistični prikaz, maketarski prikaz, različita godišnja doba i sl.). Virtualni model predstavlja osnovu i za druge simulacije, npr. analizu energetske efikasnosti građevine, simulaciju konstrukcije i opterećenja, simulacije dnevnog osvjetljenja i dr. što predstavlja dopunski, neobavezni dio istraživanja o kući. U ovom semestru studenti se bave stvaranjem BIM-a modela građevine kao osnove za jednostavne simulacije i vizualizaciju, te dinamičnom prezentacijom svog rada.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Creating a Virtual House as the Foundation for Technical Documentation, Simulation and Visualisation In small groups of three, students produce the virtual model of a family house based on a published, architectural foundation. Upon creating a joint virtual model and the technical documentation, students work on their own to produce a visual model; each of them represents the house in their own manner (realistic model, replica, various times of the year, etc.) The virtual model is the basis for all other simulations, for example, the analysis of the energetic efficiency of the building, a simulation of the construction and load, daylight simulation which is an additional, facultative part of the research on the house. In this semester students create a BIM model of the building as the basis for a simple simulation and visualisation, and for a dynamic presentation of their work.


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja / Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and building Technology Voditelj / head of section

izvanredni profesori / assoc. professors

docenti / Assistant Professors

Viši predavači / senior lecturers

predavači / lecturers

pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching

Vanjski suradnici / Teaching Associates

doc. Mateo Biluš

dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer

Mateo Biluš dr.sc. Iva Muraj Ivica Plavec dr.sc. Zoran Veršić

Zorana Protić Marino Šneler

Marin Binički Vedran Duplančić Dunja Mandić Željko Pavlović Stanka Raič Darko Užarević

mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić Teodor Cvitanović Tajana Jaklenec Damir Mance

Tomislav Petrinjak

Demonstratori / student assistants Ante Đerek, Marija Krajnović, Katica Krnjić, Petra Franić, Janko Kralj, Tamara Jeger, Matija Pajić, Valentina Benčić, Mia Andrašević, Ivan Haiman, Pietro Biluš, Domagoj Osrečak, Viktorija Jagodić, Luka Krstulović, Marko Gusić

Kabinet za nosive konstrukcijE / Section of building structures Voditelj / head of section

izvanredni profesor / assoc. professor

docent / Assistant Professor

Viši predavači / senior lecturers

predavač / lecturer

Asistent / teaching assistant

prof.dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman

dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman

dr.sc. Josip Galić

Egon Lokošek Berislav Medić

Nenad Turčić

Davor Andrić Andrej Marković


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja / Section of Planning and Project Management Voditelj / head of section

redoviti profesor / professor

docent / Assistant Professor

viši predavači / senior lecturers

predavači / lecturers

doc. Gordana Žaja

dr.sc. Dražen Juračić

Gordana Žaja

Damir Mance

mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić Teodor Cvitanović Tajana Jaklenec

Kabinet za instalacije zgrada / section of building services Voditelj / head of section

Viši predavač / senior lecturer

predavač / lecturer

v.pred. mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić

mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić

Tihomir Rengel

Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu / section of Mathematics, descriptive geometry and perspective Voditelj / head of section

viši predavači / senior lecturers

docent / assistant Professor

Demonstratori / student assistants

v.pred. mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta

mr.sc. Božica Hajsig Zlatko Klanac mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta

dr.sc. Marija Šimić Horvath

Ante Đerek, Helena Ferkula, Marko Gusić,AndreaMušić, Karlo Seitz, Matija Solomun


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja Materijalizacija arhitektonske ideje Kabinet obuhvaća brojne, temama u procesu materijalizacije, ideje kroz niz kolegija na preddiplomskom i diplomskom studiju. Upoznavanje studenata s osnovnim komponentama razrade ideje i arhitektonskog projekta započinje na prvoj godini preddiplomskog studija na kolegijima Arhitektonske konstrukcije i materijali 1 i 2. Na predavanjima se kroz konkretne primjere i smjernice razvijaju osnovna znanja o materijalima i elementima zgrade te o sustavima građenja s različitim materijalima. Vježbe kolegija AKM1 koncipirane su kao niz manjih zadataka, klauzura, radnih maketa i programa pomoću kojih studenti uvježbavaju vještine iščitavanja i razumijevanja pojedinih elemenata, primjene istih u procesu projektiranja te njihovo spajanje u cjelinu, uz usvajanje grafičkog izražavanja – od idejnog rješenja do izvedbenog projekta. Kolegij AKM2 ima za cilj razvijanje znanja o odnosima oblika, izbora, funkcije i fizikalnih svojstava materijala lagane konstrukcije (drvo i čelik). Težište interesa je postavljanje i rješavanje skeletne konstrukcije i slojevito slaganje oplošja zgrade uz osnove projektiranje detalja. Kolegij AKM3 nadogradnja je na kolegije godine koji studente upoznaje s materijalima oplošja zgrade, završnim oblogama i njihovom primjenom.


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

The Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology Materialization of Architectural Concept

The section includes a number of topics in the process of materialisation of ideas through a series of courses at an undergraduate and graduate level. Students are familiarised with the basic components of development of ideas and architectural projects during the 1st year of undergraduate studies at courses on Architectural design and materials 1 and 2. Basic knowledge of materials and building elements and construction of systems with different materials is acquired and developed at lectures through concrete examples and guidelines. The practical AKM1 course is designed as a series of smaller tasks, enclosures, working models and programmes through which students practise the skills of analysing and understanding individual elements, their application in the design process and their combination into a whole, as well as the acquisition of graphic expression – from concept to detailed design. The course AKM 2 aims at developing knowledge about the relationship between form, selection, function and physical properties of lightweight construction materials (wood and steel). The focus of interest is setting up and solving skeletal structures and layered stacking building shells along with basics concerning design details. The AKM3 course is a continuation of courses held during the first year and introduces students to building shell materials, final coatings and their application.

Integracija osnovnih komponenti razrade arhitektonskog projekta provodi se u sklopu kolegija Studio 1, analizom i razradom projekta obiteljske kuće, te na kolegiju Studio 4 na razradi projekta poslovne zgrade s ciljem sagledavanja integralnog pristupa projektiranju. Na oba zadatka studenti trebaju pokazati razumijevanje osnovnih elemenata i njihove primjene na konkretnom projektu. Projekti se simultano

The integration of the basic components for the elaboration of an architectural project is conducted during the Architectural urban design studio 1 course, on an analysis and building project for a family house, and during the Architectural urban design studio 4 course on a project for the development of an office building in the aim of understanding the integral approach to design. Whilst performing both of the tasks, students need to demonstrate an understanding of basic elements and their application to a specific project. Projects are simultaneously elaborated beginning with the conceptual spatial concept, which is an integral part, and the concept of supporting structures and the basic installation system, to a definition of basic elements of design, materials used and details of the facade. This integrated approach is then further practised extensively at the Architecture and integrated disciplines studio course. The Building Technology course introduces students to the subject of modern technologies in construction, new materials and their application, especially within the field of sustainable construction. The aim of the course is to develop an individual relationship with the integration

Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja

The Section of Architectural Technology, BuildingPhysics,MaterialsandBuildingTechnology

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

razrađuju od etape prostorno-idejnog koncepta, kojeg je sastavni dio i koncept nosive konstrukcije te osnovni instalacijski sustav, do definiranja osnovnih elemenata oblikovanja, upotrijebljenih materijala i detalja pročelja. Poslije se takav integralni pristup intenzivno uvježbava u sklopu kolegija Tehničkog studija. Kolegij Tehnologija građenja uvodi studente u temu suvremenih tehnologija u graditeljstvu, novih materijala i njihovoj primjeni, pogotovo u sferi održivog građenja. Cilj kolegija je razvijanje individualnoga odnosa prema integracijskome procesu projektiranja i planiranja metoda građenja. Ovim kolegijem zaokružuje se osnovni edukacijski proces u sklopu Kabineta koji za cilj ima pripremiti studente za jednostavne zadatke koje će kao prvostupnici obavljati u okviru arhitektonske prakse.

process of designing and planning of construction methods. This course rounds off basic education offered by the Section, which aims to prepare students for simple tasks which they will perform as part of architectural practice at a bachelor level.

Diplomski studij je nastavak edukacije studenata. Studenti uče osnovne principe održivog građenja kao dodane vrijednosti. Kolegij Održivo građenje 1 bavi se koncepcijom građenja sa stajališta primjene metodologije održivosti. Studenti se upoznaju s temom certificiranja, primjenom suvremenih ekoloških materijala i tehnologije ugradnje, sanacijom postojećih konstrukcija po principima održivosti, naprednih instalacijskih sustava, te primjene obnovljivih izvora energije. OG2 bavi se zaštitom korisnika zgrade, same zgrade i njezina okoliša temeljem proučavanja fizikalnih svojstava i funkcionalne dispozicije elemenata zgrade i u nju ugrađene opreme. Izbornim kolegijima u sklopu Kabineta studentima se daje mogućnost proširenja osnovnih znanja. Na kolegiju Zvuk u arhitekturi usvajaju se proširena znanja o zvuku, njegovu utjecaju na čovjeka i pojavama prilikom širenja zvuka u otvorenom i zatvorenom prostoru. Predavanjima se kroz niz primjera studente uvodi u tematiku, a redovito je organiziran i posjet studijima Hrvatske radiotelevizije kao relevantnim primjerima prostorne akustike. Izborni predmet Uvod u znanstvenoistraživački rad upoznaje studente s osnovama rada i metodologijom pisanja te obrade stručnih i znanstvenih radova. Svi kolegiji u sklopu Kabineta nastoje pojasniti važnost projektanta kao kreativne osobe koja ima ključnu ulogu u oblikovanju i koordiniranju kontinuiranog procesa projektiranja do konačne izvedbe, te presudnu važnost obrazovanosti i tehničke upućenosti u sve segmente projekta. Članovi Kabineta redovito se bave arhitektonskom praksom, što čini bitan doprinos tako koncipiranoj nastavi, a okviru vannastavnih stručnih aktivnosti ove je godine u organizaciji Kabineta i Katedre održano i predavanje Ivane Diminić, dipl. ing. arh. pod nazivom Uvod u Building Information Modeling (BIM) – Integracijski proces u projektiranju i građenju. Predavanje je dalo pregled perspektive i moguće uloge arhitekta u procesu projektiranja i izvođenja zgrada u skoroj budućnosti, a koji već kao obavezu uvode zemlje EU.


Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Graduate studies are a continuation of student education. Students learn the basic principles of sustainable construction as added value. The course Sustainable Building 1 deals with the concept of building from the standpoint of the application of sustainability. Students are introduced to the topic of certification, application of modern ecological materials and installation technology, rehabilitation of existing structures based on the principles of sustainability, advanced installation systems, and the application of renewable energy sources. OG2 deals with the protection of the users of a building, the building itself and its environment based on the study of the physical properties and functional disposition of the elements of the building and equipment installed in it. Elective courses within the Section give students the option of extending basic knowledge. At the Architectural Acustics course extensive knowledge on sound is explored, its impact on man and phenomena during the propagation of sound outdoors and indoors. Lectures introduce students to the topic through a series of examples and visits to the studios of Croatian Radio and Television are organised regularly as relevant examples of spatial acoustics. The elective course Introduction to scientific research introduces students to the basics of work and the methodology of writing and processing scientific and research papers. All courses within the Section seek to clarify the importance of the designer as a creative person who plays a key role in the shaping and coordinating of the continuous design process and its final product, and the crucial importance of education and technical familiarity with all aspects of the project. Members of the Section regularly engage in architectural practice, which provides an important contribution to the teaching process, and extracurricular professional activities organised by the Section and the Department this year included a lecture held by architect Ivana Diminić BSc entitled Introduction to Building Information Modelling (BIM) – The integration process in design and construction. The lecture offered an overview of the perspective and possible role of the architect in the design and construction process of buildings in the near future, which is already being introduced in EU countries as mandatory.

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Tehnički studio / architecture and integrated disciplines studio preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester



Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Polivalentni paviljon u novozagrebačkom naselju Travno Tehnički studio koncipiran je kao simulacija rada u stvarnom arhitektonskom uredu s naglaskom na integralni pristup projektiranju. Studenti u timovima rade na projektu polivalentnog prostora koji svojim rješenjima omogućuje unaprijed neodređeni, varijabilni sadržaj. Parcela se nalazi unutar prepoznatljive urbane strukture Novog Zagreba. Tema istraživanja polivalentnog paviljona tehničke su mogućnosti fleksibilnosti prostora namijenjenog promjenjivom sadržaju, koje se očituju kroz niz oblikovnih i tehničkih rješenja na razini primarne konstrukcije, tehnološke opremljenosti i instalacijskih sustava. Pri razradi projekta od ideje do izvedbenih nacrta i detalja izvedbe (arhitektonski projekt, projekt fizike zgrade, projekt nosive konstrukcija i projekt instalacija zgrade), posebna se pozornost posvećuje prostorno tehničkim zahtjevima kao što su: redukcija površine bez prostornih barijera s mogućnošću provedbe promjenjivog sadržaja i daljnje prenamjene prostora, sinergija programa i konstrukcije te čitljivost konstrukcije u gotovoj formi, racionalnost konstrukcije, optimiziranje orijentacije i primjena tehničkih rješenja prirodnih sustava, rješavanje ovojnice zgrade s obzirom na logičan izbor materijala u odnosu na toplinu, vlažnost i aktivnu zaštitu od sunca, te optimalno rješenje detalja izvedbe.

Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Multifunctional Pavilion in Travno, Novi Zagreb The Architecture an Integrated Disciplines Studio is designed as a simulation of work done in a real architectural bureau with focus on an integrated approach to design. Students work in teams on a project on polyvalent space that allows for in advance, undefined, variable content through its solutions. The plot is located within a distinctive urban structure of Novi Zagreb. The research topic concerning the polyvalent pavilion is the technical possibilities for flexibility of space reserved for variable content, which is manifested through a variety of formal and technical solutions at the level of primary construction, technological equipping and systems installation. When developing a project from concept to a working drawing and detailed design (architectural design, building physics project, project on supporting construction and project on building installations), special attention is paid to spatial technical requirements such as: reduction of surface without spatial barriers with the possibility of introducing variable content and the further implementation of conversion of space, synergy of programme and structure and readability of the structure in the finished form, rationality of structure, optimisation of orientation and implementation of technical solutions of natural systems, addressing the building envelope due to the logical choice of material in relation to heat, moisture and active protection from the sun, and an optimal solution for detailed design.

The Section of Architectural Technology, BuildingPhysics,MaterialsandBuildingTechnology

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Matija Veleglavac Šime Viduka Neven Vlahović Dominik Zdenković

Iva Muraj Zorana Protić Andrej Marković Ivan Cetinić Tihomir Rengel


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Jakov Matas Marin Mišan Krešimir Petric Adrijano Steć

Vedran Duplančić Dunja Mandić Davor Andrić Ivan Cetinić Tihomir Rengel


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja

The Section of Architectural Technology, BuildingPhysics,MaterialsandBuildingTechnology

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Antonija Anđelić Marija Bačeković Luka Barković Lucija Megla

Iva Muraj Zorana Protić Andrej Marković Ivan Cetinić Tihomir Rengel


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

tehnologija građenja / Building Technology preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

3D printanje arhitekture

3d Print Architecture

Semestar / semester

3.5. student


Tea Kufrin

Marino Šneler

Trodimenzionalni ispis, izvornog imena ‘3d printing’, odnosi se na stvaranje predmeta zahvaljujući kompjutorskoj tehnologiji koja zamišljeni oblik ‘printa’ u slojevima. 3d printeri grade gotovi element od sirovih materijala. Prednost takve metode je bolja iskoristivost materijala, a time i manju potrebu za zbrinjavanjem otpada. Smanjenje troškova i vremena proizvodnje, ostavlja prostor za veća financijska ulaganja u razvoj same tehnologije. Digitalne modele za ispis lako je preoblikovati i potom ponovno ispisati. Vrijeme potrebno za razvoj prototipa je vrlo kratko. Moguća primjena je vrlo široka – od arhitekture i građevinarstva, preko industrijskog dizajna, mode (posebice nakita), oružja, medicinskih potrepština, sve do hrane. Iako uporaba 3d printera u arhitekturi još uvijek nije zaživjela, u posljednje se vrijeme radi na nekoliko eksperimentalnih projekata koji ukazuju na tendenciju češćeg korištenja 3d printera u budućnosti. Izrada maketa u odabranom mjerilu vrlo je popularan oblik prezentiranja idejnog rješenja zgrade, no još uvijek nije proizveden dovoljno veliki stroj za ‘printanje’ zgrade u stvarnoj veličini. Uglavnom se radi o proizvodnji pojedinih elemenata koji međusobnim spajanjem čine dio ili cijelu građevinu. Rijetko se koriste 3d printeri za izradu različitih vrsta ploča, opeka i sl., ali je veliki korak u razvoju gradbenih elemenata jedne zgrade. Šire gledano, razvoj 3d printera otvara nebrojene mogućnosti korištenja reciklirane plastike, čime bi se, donekle, riješio problem zbrinjavanja dijela otpada. 3d printeri su svakako jedan od tehnoloških noviteta arhitekture i građevinarstva te nešto čime će se, ako zaživi, sadašnja generacija studenata zasigurno baviti u budućoj karijeri.


Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja

Three-dimensional printing , originally termed ‘3D printing’ refers to the creation of objects thanks to computer technology, which ‘prints’ the envisioned shape in layers. 3D printers produce a finished element from the raw materials. The advantage of such a method is the better utilisation of materials, and thus less need for waste disposal. Reducing cost and production time leaves room for greater financial investments in the development of the technology itself. Digital models for print are easy to reshape and can then be re-printed. The time required for the development of the prototype is very short. Potential applications are diverse from architecture and engineering to industrial design, fashion (especially jewellery), weapons, medical supplies and including food. Although the use of 3D printers in architecture has still not been realised, as of late it has been applied on several experimental projects that indicate that is a tendency for 3D printers to be used more frequently in the future. Creating models in the selected scale is a very popular form of presentation of the conceptual design of a building, but as yet there is no machine large enough to ‘print’ the building in its actual size. Mainly it is used for the manufacture of certain elements which, when connected, form part of or the entire building. 3D printers are rarely used to create different types of boards, bricks, etc., but a major step has been taken in the development of embedded building elements. Broadly speaking, the development of 3D printers opens up endless possibilities for the use of recycled plastics, which would, to some extent, solve the problem of disposal of part of the waste. 3D printers are definitely one of the technological innovations of architecture and civil engineering, and something which will, if implemented, be topical for the current generation of students in their future careers.

The Section of Architectural Technology, BuildingPhysics,MaterialsandBuildingTechnology

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Održivo građenje 1 / Sustainable Building 1 diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

1. 2. student


Damir Mamić

Zorana Protić

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Učionica s bibliotekom i multifunkcionalna dvorana u Ithuba Skills College u Južnoafričkoj Republici

Classroom with Library and MultiPurpose Hall Project as Part of The Ithuba Skills College in South Africa

Akademske godine 2009./10., Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Ljubljani postao je dio internacionalne mreže institucija za gradnju škola i zdravstvenih ustanova u zemljama koje su u razvoju. Glavni pokretač ove mreže je austrijska fondacija SARCH (Social Sustainable Architecture) iz Beča. Povezana je s mnogim europskim školama arhitekture kao što su TU Wien, TU Innsbruck, Kunstuni Linz, RWTH Aachen, TU München, ETH Zürich, itd. Osnovna ideja je da studenti u sklopu svojih vježbi na fakultetima projektiraju i grade građevine u ciljanim zemljama. Sveučilište u Ljubljani je dvije godine zaredom sudjelovalo u izgradnji Ithuba Skills College edukacijskog kompleksa u Južnoafričkoj Republici. Godine 2010. studenti su projektirali i izgradili učionicu s bibliotekom i sanitarijama, a 2011. multifunkcionalnu dvoranu. Prolazili su kroz cjelokupan proces arhitekture, od crtanja nacrta do različitih faza izvođenja građevina. Studenti planiraju građevine s održivog i socijalnog aspekta te uzimaju u obzir lokalne prilike i materijale. Na kraju zajedno s lokalnim stanovništvom grade te građevine. Projekt učionice i biblioteke obrađen je kroz osnovne teme i principe s aspekta održivosti kao što su ekonomski, sociokulturni, oblikovanje, materijali, strukturalni sustav, izvođenje, itd. Kod multifunkcionalne dvorane kronološki se obrađuje tijek izgradnje po tjednima. Sve građevine koje se grade imaju vremensko ograničenje gradnje do 8 tjedana. Kroz seminarski rad prepoznaje se nekoliko glavnih ciljeva ove akcije. Prvi cilj je izgradnja potrebnih javnih ustanova u nerazvijenim predgrađima zemalja u razvoju koje često imaju problema oko socijalne raslojenosti. Drugi cilj je stvaranje mreže povezanih obrazovnih institucija na europskoj razini, između mnogih sveučilišta koja sudjeluju u ovoj organizaciji,ali i na globalnoj razini više kontinenata. Treći cilj je razvijanje i unapređivanje znanja i vještina svih sudionika, počevši od europskih studenata koji dobivaju jedinstveno iskustvo življenja u zaostalim sredinama sa svojim prednostima i manama do lokalnog stanovništva koje unapređuje svoje, do tada relativno primitivne u odnosu na europske, vještine oko obrade različitih materijala i njihove što bolje primjene u gradnji. Četvrti odnosi se na istraživanje i primjenu ekonomično isplative gradnje u zemljama u razvoju.


Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

In the academic year 2009/10, the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana became part of an international network of institutions for the construction of schools and healthcare facilities in developing countries. The driving force of this network is the Austrian SARCH Foundation (Social Sustainable Architecture) from Vienna. It is associated with many European schools of architecture, such as the TU Wien, TU Innsbruck, Kunstuni Linz, RWTH Aachen, TU München, ETH Zurich, etc. The basic idea is for students at European educational institutions to provide designs and construct buildings in target countries as part of their practical work at their faculties. The University of Ljubljana participated in the construction of the Ithuba Skills College Educational Complex in South Africa for two years in a row. In 2010 students designed and built a classroom with a library and sanitary facilities, and a multifunctional hall in 2011. They passed through the entire process of architecture, from drawing sketches to various stages of structure implementation. Students planned building that were sustainable and socially appropriate whilst taking local conditions and materials into account. In the end, they constructed these buildings together with the local population. The classroom and library project was processed through the basic themes and principles in terms of sustainability, taking the economic and socio –cultural aspect, its design, materials, structural systems to be implemented, construction, etc. into account. Construction progress for the multi-purpose hall was chronologically charted each week. All the buildings being built had an 8-week time limit for construction. The seminar paper identified several main objectives of this action. The first objective is the building of necessary public institutions in underdeveloped suburbs of developing countries which often have problems with social stratification. Another objective is to create a network of affiliated educational institutions at a European level, among the numerous universities participating in this organization, but also on a global scale and across continents. The third objective is to develop and improve the knowledge and skills of all participants, starting with those of European students who gain a unique experience by living in less developed areas with all the inherent advantages and disadvantages, and to those of the local population, through which it has the opportunity to improve its, until recently, relatively primitive skills, in comparison to those in Europe, concerning the processing of various materials and their better use in construction. The fourth objective concerns the study and application of economically viable construction of buildings in developing countries.

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije

Nastava kolegija Kabineta za Nosive konstrukcije provodi se u početnim semestrima studija: Nosive konstrukcije 1 – 3 u prva tri semestra te Tehnički studio kao sinteza naučenog iz područja nosivih konstrukcija, u četvrtom semestru preddiplomskog studija. Projekt konstrukcije je važan, a nerijetko i odlučujući faktor arhitektonskog oblikovanja. Osnovni cilj nastave u okviru Kabineta je osposobiti studente da razlikuju konstrukcijske sustave i materijale i razumiju njihovo ponašanje kako bi bili u mogućnosti stečena znanja koristiti u oblikovanju vlastitih konstrukcijskih (i oblikovnih) koncepata. U sklopu kolegija Nosive konstrukcije 1 studenti uče o osnovnim konstrukcijskim elementima i sustavima, opterećenjima, načinu određivanja unutarnjih sila i naprezanja u elementima. Dva zadatka koja se rade na vježbama imaju za cilj određivanje unutarnjih sila u osnovnim konstrukcijskim elementima. Na Nosivim konstrukcijama 2 studenti se upoznaju s osnovama postave koncepta i proračuna nosivih konstrukcija, dimenzioniranjem čeličnih, drvenih, betonskih i zidanih konstrukcijskih elemenata te razradom pojedinosti betonskih konstrukcija. U prvom zadatku studenti izrađuju projekt čeličnog ili drvenog pješačkog mosta raspona 20m. Od studenata se očekuje izrada idejnog rješenja kao i analiza i dimenzioniranje osnovnih konstrukcijskih elemenata (potvrda ispravnosti oblikovnog koncepta). U drugom zadatku radi se proračun (dimenzioniranje) osnovnih armiranobetonskih i zidanih elementa.

Studenti / students Dino Begović, Karlo Firšt, Sebastian Bogi voditelj / supervisor Berislav Medić


Cilj kolegija Nosive konstrukcije 3 je upoznavanje studenata s posebnostima proračuna i oblikovanja čeličnih i drvenih konstrukcija. Također je cilj upoznati studente s vrstama konstrukcijskih sustava cjelovitih građevina (armiranobetonske, čelične i drvene konstrukcije) uključujući i oblikovanje predgotovljenih betonskih konstrukcija. U okviru ovog kolegija studenti uče i o temeljenju i zaštiti građevne jame. Prvi zadatak na vježbama uključuje proračun betonske konstrukcije. Na podlozi arhitektonskog tlocrta stambene građevine studenti izrađuju konstrukcijsku shemu te nakon analize opterećenja izrađuju proračun karakterističnih elemenata građevine (ploča, greda, zid, stubište, temelj). Drugi zadatak uključuje rad čeličnom i drvenom konstrukcijom. Studenti izabiru izvedenu ili projektiranu građevinu s kon-

Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Building Structures  Courses in the Section of Building Structures take place during the first four semesters of the BA programme: Building Structures 1 – 3 in the first three semesters and Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio in the 4th semester, as a synthesis of everything that has been learned in the field of bearing constructions. Designing the construction is an important and often crucial factor in architectural design. The main goal of the courses held at the Section are to teach the students how to distinguish various construction systems and materials, and also how to understand their behaviour in order to be able to apply these skills in their own concepts of constructions (and design). In Building Structures 1, the students learn about the basic elements and systems of construction, about the load, and the way of determining the inner forces and tensions in various elements. The two tasks included in practical exercises develop the students’ ability to determine the inner forces in basic constructional elements. In Building Structures 2, the students become familiar with the basic ways of formulating the concept and calculating the bearing constructions, dimensioning elements made of steel, timber, concrete, or masonry, and elaborating the details of concrete constructions. In the first task, the students work on a steel or timber pedestrian bridge with a span of 20 meters. They are expected to produce a preliminary design and to analyse and dimension its basic constructional elements (thus confirming the accuracy of their design concept). In the second task, they calculate (dimension) the basic elements made of reinforced concrete or masonry. The aim of Building Structures 3 is to familiarize the students with specificities in calculating and designing steel and timber constructions, as well as various types of constructional systems in whole buildings (constructions made of reinforced concrete, steel, or timber), including design with prefabricated concrete constructions. The students also learn about the excavation and protection of the construction pit. The first task is to calculate a concrete construction. On the basis of an architectural design of a housing block, the students are expected to produce a constructional scheme, analyse the load, and calculate the characteristic elements of the building (plates, beams, walls, staircases, and foundations). The second task involves working on a steel and timber construction. The students choose a completed or designed building with a large-span construction and reconstruct the scheme of its bearing construction. As the third task, the students are expected to produce a construction scheme, analyse the load, and calculate the main constructional elements (the main bearing, the secondary bearing, the torque, the column, and the foundations), and to design various details of steel or timber construction. In the course called Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio, the students produce their own project for a building, with

Section of Building Structures

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

strukcijom velikog raspona te rekonstruiraju shemu nosive konstrukcije, dok su na trećem zadatku studenti dužni postaviti konstrukcijsku shemu te nakon analize opterećenja izraditi proračun glavnih konstrukcijskih elemenata (glavni nosač, sekundarni nosač, spreg, stup, temelj) i projektirati detalje za čeličnu ili drvenu konstrukciju.

an emphasis on its constructional elements: they propose (and defend) their constructional concept, dimension the most important constructional elements, and elaborate various parts of construction designs: the design of covering for constructional elements made of concrete, or segments of production designs (and details) for constructional elements made of steel or timber.

U sklopu Tehničkog studija studenti izrađuju vlastiti projekt zgrade s naglašenim konstrukcijskim elementima: postavljaju (i brane) konstrukcijski koncept, dimenzioniraju najvažnije konstukcijske elemente i izrađuju dijelove izvedbenih nacrta: plan oplate za betonske konstrukcijske elemente odnosno dijelove radioničkih nacrta (i detalje) za čelične i drvene konstrukcijske elemente.



Karlo Firšt

Berislav Medić



Marko Friščić

Berislav Medić


Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za instalacije zgrada  Kabinet prenosi studentima znanje iz svih instalacija u zgradama. Nedostatak energije i zgrada kao potrošač cca 30% ukupne potrošnje svih vrsta energije za grijanje, klimatizaciju i pripremu tople vode nameće potrebu za smanjenjem potrošnje konvencionalnih (neobnovljivih) izvora – zamjenom obnovljivim izvorima energije. Ova zamjena i iznalaženje suvremenih tehničkih rješenja sustava instalacija opravdana je zbog energetskih, gospodarskih, ekoloških i strategijskih razloga. Primjena obnovljivih izvora energije moguća je ako je temperatura medija kao nosioca energije dovoljno viša od temperature kondicioniranih prostora (potrošača) ili temperature potrošne tople vode, te ako se poduzmu određeni zahvati u planiranju gradnje i poboljšanju toplinske izolacije građevine. Osoblje Kabineta prati suvremena kretanja u ovome području, do kojih dolazi intenzivnim razvojem tehnologije. Na nastavi se kroz različita poglavlja i cjeline obrađuju hidrotehničke instalacije, termotehničkih instalacija, različitih sustava plinskih instalacija, električnih instalacija, te instalacija vertikalnog transporta u građevinama. U nastavnom se procesu kolegiji koji pokrivaju sve instalacije zgrade bave izučavanjem tehnoloških promjena suvremenih instalacijskih sustava, analizom i sintezom mogućih rješenja instalacija u građevinama, te definiranjem uvjeta koji utječu na arhitektonska i konstrukcijska rješenja građevine, i to s ciljem optimalnog rješenja zgrade kao cjeline. Instalacije se obrazlažu s aspekta funkcije uz minimalnu potrošnju energije fosilnih goriva i supstituciju istih obnovljivim izvorima energije, položaja u građevini, potrebnih prostora za smještaj instalacijskih uređaja i opreme te njihova uklapanja u suvremena arhitektonska rješenja i tehnologije gradnje. Studenti stječu znanje o instalacijskim sustavima i elementima instalacija koje osiguravaju mikroklimatska stanja, funkcioniranje i protupožarnu zaštitu zgrada različite namjene uz minimalizaciju potrošnje primarne energije i što manju poluciju različitih štetnih tvari u okolinu. Znanje materije kolegija ovoga Kabineta pridonosi donošenju pravilnih odluka tijekom planiranja, projektiranja i gradnje zgrade te sudjelovanja u izboru i odabiru optimalnih sustava instalacija, a s aspekta korištenja različitih tehnologija gradnje i očuvanja okoliša.


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Building Services  In this section, the students learn about all installations in a building. Exhaustion of energy resources and the building as an entity that uses ca. 30% of its total energy consumption for heating, air-conditioning, and hot water requires measures that will reduce the consumption of conventional (non-renewable) sources of energy by substituting them through renewable ones. This substitution and finding modern technological solutions in installation systems is a necessity with regard to the energetic, economic, ecological, and strategic circumstances. Use of renewable energy sources is possible if the temperature of the medium that stores energy is sufficiently higher than the temperature of air-conditioned spaces (consumers) or the temperature of consumed hot water, and if certain measures are taken when planning the construction, such as increasing the thermal insulation of the building. Professors participating in the Section follow the most recent trends in this field, which are a result of intense technological advance. The course includes classes on hydro-technical installations, thermo-technical installations, various systems of gas and electrical installations, and installations of vertical transport in buildings. Courses that cover all installations in buildings focus on the study of technological changes in modern installation systems, on the analysis and synthesis of possible solutions related to installations in buildings, and on defining the conditions that determine architectural and constructional solutions, with the aim of achieving an optimal building as a whole. Installations are explained in terms of their function, with the smallest possible amount of energy won from fossil fuels and their substitution through renewable sources of energy. Further topics include the positioning of installations in a building, with the rooms that are necessary to house the installation system and equipment, and the ways in which they can be incorporated into contemporary architectural solutions and building technologies. Students acquire knowledge about the installation systems and the elements of installations that ensure micro-climatic conditions, about the fire safety of buildings with different functions, with a minimal consumption of primary energy and the minimum of emission of various harmful substances into the environment. Knowledge and skills acquired in this course should help the future architects to make accurate decisions when designing, planning, and constructing the building, and while selecting the most adequate installation systems, thereby paying special attention to the use of different building technologies and to environmental protection.

Edukacija i izučavanje instalacija u zgradama u sklopu Kabineta održava se kroz obveznu i izbornu nastavu, kako u preddiplomskom tako i diplomskom dijelu studija (predavanja, vježbe, izrada programa, seminari i ispit). Obvezni

Education and research on installations in buildings take place in this Section in the form of mandatory and optional classes on both BA and MA levels (lectures, exercises, programme making, seminar papers, and exams). According to the Faculty programme, mandatory classes on the BA level include

Kabinet za instalacije zgrada

Section of Building Services

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Filip Mikac Matija Sedak Tome Šarić Šime Sarić

Marino Šneler Tomislav Petrinjak Željko Pavlović Miljenko Haiman Ivan Cetinić Tihomir Rengel


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

predmeti terminski uklopljeni prema nastavnom planu i programu u preddiplomskoj nastavi jesu Instalacije I i II (predavanja) te konstrukcijske i auditorne vježbe kroz tehnički modul u tehničkom i projektnim studijima (S1, S4). U diplomskom dijelu studija održavaju se predavanja u interdisciplinarnom predmetu Održivo građenje 1 kao obvezatnom predmetu te izborni predmet Oblik zgrade i termotehnički sustavi. Studenti nakon uspješno odslušanih predavanja izrađuju seminarski rad.

Installations I and II (lectures), as well as construction exercises and auditory exercises within the technical module in Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio and in Architectural Design Studio (S1, S4). The MA level includes the interdisciplinary course on Sustainable Building 1, which is mandatory and consists of lectures, and an optional course called Shape of the Building and Thermo-Technical Systems. At the end of the semester, the students are expected to write a seminar paper.

Instalacije I i II predaju se prema određenim poglavljima, a studenti stečena znanja i vještine primjenjuju u konstruktivnim vježbama iz projektiranja na vlastitim zgradama. U interdisciplinarnom predmetu Održivo građenje 1 educiraju se kandidati u razvijanju vještine u projektiranju zgrada koje odgovaraju suvremenim zahtjevima održivoga građenja s aspekta optimalne potrošnje energije i onečišćenja okoline. Izborni predmeti Oblik zgrade i termotehničke instalacije te Termotehnički sustavi zgrada posebne namjene imaju za cilj izučavanje jednostavnih aproksimativnih (nomogramskh) metoda određivanja ukupnih gubitaka i dobitaka topline zgrade te određivanje sjena na pojedinim plohama ovisno o orijentaciji.

Installations I and II are taught in a series of units, whereby the students are expected to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in each of these units in construction exercises, where they work on their own buildings. In the interdisciplinary course on Sustainable Building 1, the students develop skills of design and planning that correspond to the present-day requirements of sustainable building from the viewpoint of optimal energy consumption and environmental protection. Optional courses called Shape of the Building and Thermo-Technical Installations and Thermo-Technical Systems of Buildings with Special Functions teach the students how to apply simple approximative (nomogram) methods when calculating the total loss and gain in the temperature of the building, as well as the amount of shade on particular surfaces depending on the building’s orientation.

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja  Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju specifičan je po svojem djelovanju unutar dviju katedra – Katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje te Katedre za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo, kao i unutar dvaju kabineta – Kabineta za planiranje i organizaciju građenja te Kabineta za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja. U svome djelovanju obuhvaća široku tematiku – od menadžmenta; poslova, postupaka i sudionika u procesu građenja; planiranja i organizacije građenja, kao primarnog područja, preko tehničko-tehnoloških komponenti koje se svladavaju unutar Tehničkog studija i Studija 4, do održivoga građenja i projektiranja zgrada za povremeni boravak u zdravstvu, kao najsloženijih zgrada u arhitekturi. Također se bavi arhitektonskom praksom, njenom strukturom i tehnologijom te arhitektonskom profesijom i obrazovanjem, kao i novim tehnikama življenja, novim tipovima zgrada i novim parametrima projektiranja, a sve u poslijediplomskoj nastavi. Kabinet pokriva i temu graditeljskog naslijeđa u sklopu terenskih nastava, ljetnih škola te na doktorskom studiju, a bavi se i nakladničkim djelatnostima. U takvomu svome djelovanju želi se prikazati složenost arhitektonske profesije i prakse, kao i poziciju arhitekta u koordinaciji ostalih struka te u složenom procesu materijalizacije zgrade. U nastavi se istražuje sagledavanje svih aspekata u procesu materijalizacije zgrade s ciljem svladavanje svih potrebnih znanja i vještina u cjelokupnom investicijskom ciklusu. Studenti stječu potrebna znanja za izradu predinvesticijskih studija, troškovnika građevinskih i obrtničkih radova, dokaznica i načina obračuna, izradu vremenskih i mrežnih planova, vođenje projekata, te praćenje i kontrolu radova. Naglasak cjelokupne nastave jest na integralnom pristupu u pripremi projekta i tehničko-tehnološkoj materijalizaciji zgrade. Na kolegiju Planiranje i organizacija građenja studenti na temelju projektne dokumentacije obiteljske kuće koju su pripremili u sklopu kolegija Studio 1 izrađuju troškovnik građevinskih i obrtničkih radova s dokaznicom mjera. Superponiranjem podataka iz troškovnika i normativa u graditeljstvu izrađuju terminski plan – gantogram izvođenja


Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

The Section for Planning and Project Management The Section for Planning and Project Management holds a special place in the organisation of the faculty because its courses are offered in two departments – the Department of Architectural Design and the Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science, and they also form part of the curriculum of the Section for Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology and the Section for Planning and Project Management. The courses of the Section for Planning and Project Management comprise a wide range of topics such as management; procedures, activities and participants in the building process; planning and organisation of construction through technical and technological components which are mastered in the course Architecture and Integrated Disciplines and Architectural Design Studio 4; sustainable building and design of health care temporary accommodation buildings as the most complex buildings in architecture. All these topics are covered in the doctoral study programme. The courses also examine architectural practice, its structure and technology and architectural profession and education, as well as new life technologies, new types of buildings and new design parameters. The office explores the topic of architectural heritage on study field trips, in summer schools and in the doctoral study programme. Activities of the office also include publishing. In all its activities, the goal of the office is to show complexities of architectural profession and practice, as well as the position of the architect in coordinating work of other professionals and in an elaborate process of designing and constructing buildings. The course explores considerations concerning all the aspects in the process of materialisation of a building that are taken into account in the aim of mastering all the knowledge and skills necessary within the entire investment cycle. Students gain the requisite knowledge for producing a pre-investment study, a cost estimate for construction and other building work, evidence and methods of calculation, preparation of time and network planning, project management, and monitoring and control work. The emphasis in the teaching process as such is an integrated approach to project preparation and the technical and technological materialisation of a building. The course Planning and Project Management students create cost estimates for construction work with a bill of quantities on the basis of the family house design documentation that they prepared in Architectural Design Studio 1. By combining data from the cost estimates and construction standards they create a construction schedule, Gantt chart, for the house whereby they acquire skills and knowledge about the timeline and logic of construction works. The Gantt chart is created in the project manager software MS Project.

The Section for Planning and Project Management

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

kuće kojim se želi steći vještina i usvojiti znanje o redoslijedu i logici izvođenja radova na gradilištu. Sam gantogram izrađuje se u računalnom programu za operativno planiranje – MS Projectu. Svladavanje tehničko-tehnološkog aspekta kao ravnopravnog ostalima u procesu arhitektonskog projektiranja, kao i definiranje jasne relacije funkcionalnih, tehničkih i oblikovnih kriterija projektiranja – vrijednost je kojoj Kabinet teži. U recentnom trenutku primjena novih informacijskih i produkcijskih tehnologija i načinu komuniciranja u procesu projektiranja te napuštanju dvodimenzionalnog crteža, Kabinet ima tendenciju uvođenja poznavanja koncepta BIM-a (Building Information Modeling) koji uključuje generiranje i upravljanje digitalnim prikazima fizičke i funkcionalne karakteristike zgrade. Dobiveni informatički modeli zgrade postaju zajednički izvori znanja u procesu odlučivanja o zgradi – od prvih konceptualnih faza, kroz projektiranje, izgradnju i vijek trajanja. U tome smislu Kabinet potvrđuje svoju težnju u integralnom projektiranju.


Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Achieving proficiency in technical and technological aspects, equally important as all other aspects of architectural design, and defining clear relationships between functional, technical and formal criteria of design is the goal put forward by the office. In the present widespread use of new information and production technologies, new ways of communication in the design process and abandonment of two-dimensional drawing, the office has a tendency to introduce to students the concept of Building Information Modelling (BIM). Computer developed models of buildings become shared knowledge sources in the process of decision making about buildings – from the first conceptual stages, through the design process, to the construction and life cycle of the buildings. In that sense the office affirms its tendency towards integral architectural design.

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu  Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu objedinjuje pet kolegija iz područja matematike i geometrije. Teme i ciljevi pojedinih kolegija su prilagođeni primjeni na arhitektonskom projektiranju, arhitektonskim i nosivim konstrukcijama, instalacijama zgrada te urbanističkim kolegijima. Matematika osigurava znanja potrebna za uspješno praćenje kolegija iz područja arhitektonskih konstrukcija, fizike zgrade, instalacija, te ostalih područja. Obrađuju se područja vektorske analize s primjenom na analitičku geometriju prostora, sustavi sila u mehanici te potrebni dijelovi diferencijalnog i integralnog računa. Osnove nacrtne geometrije (ONG) daju geometrijske osnove paralelnog projiciranja objekata na više ravnina (ortogonalno projiciranje) ili jednu ravninu (aksonometrije) primijenjene na konkretnim arhitektonskim primjerima. Od studenata se očekuje usporedba pogleda nekog objekta s različitih strana, da ga može virtualno rotirati, presjeći i povezati prostorne odnose različitih objekata u aksonometriji i ortogonalnom projiciranju. Koriste se metode preslikavanja prostornih objekata na ravninu, spoznavanje i opis nastajanja geometrijskih oblika s naglaskom na poliedre i rotacijske plohe, rekonstrukcija geometrijskih svojstava iz slike objekta. Nacrtna geometrija i perspektiva (NGiP) daje geometrijske osnove predočavanja objekata u arhitekturi i prostornom planiranju uz povezivanje geometrije i prakse na konkretnim arhitektonskim primjerima. NGiP služi kao medij komunikacije u projektiranju i planiranju (skice, crteži, modeli). Od studenata se očekuje usporedba pogleda nekog objekta s različitih strana, da ga može virtualno rotirati, presjeći i povezati prostorne odnose različitih objekata (u perspektivi, kotiranoj projekciji, prikazu sjena uz paralelnu rasvjetu), što mu donosi kompetencije za rad na arhitektonskom projektiranju i arhitektonskim konstrukcijama. Za provjeru učenja koriste se metode preslikavanja prostornih objekata na ravninu, spoznavanje i opis nastajanja geometrijskih oblika s naglaskom na rotacijske i pravčaste plohe, rekonstrukcija geometrijskih svojstava iz slike objekta i njegovih sjena, treniranje sposobnosti predočavanja prostora i ‘prostornog’ razmišljanja.


Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

The Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective The Section of mathematics, descriptive geometry and perspective includes five courses from the field of mathematics and geometry. The topics and objectives of individual courses are tailored to architectural design, architectural and support structures, the installations of buildings and courses in urbanism. Mathematics provides the knowledge necessary for successful completion of courses in the field of architectural construction, the physics of construction, installations, and other fields. Also covered is the field of vector analysis as applied to the analytic geometry of space, force systems in mechanics and indispensable parts of the differential and integral calculus. The fundaments of descriptive geometry (FDG) provide the geometric basics in parallel projection of buildings on more than one plane (orthogonal projection) or a single plane (axonometry) applied to specific architectural examples. Students are expected to compare views of an object from different angles, to rotate it virtually, cut and connect spatial relationships of various objects within axonometric and orthogonal projections. Methods used are mapping of spatial objects on a plane, recognition and description of geometric forms with emphasis on polyhedral and rotational surfaces, the reconstruction of geometrical properties based on an image of the object. Descriptive Geometry and Perspective (DGP) provides the basics in geometry for the representation of objects in architecture and spatial planning by connecting geometry and practice on specific architectural examples. DGP serves as a medium of communication in design and planning (sketches, drawings, models). Students are expected to compare views of an object from different angles, to be able to rotate it virtually, to cut and connect spatial relationships of various objects (in perspective, elevated projection, to depict shaded areas with parallel illumination), which provides them with the competence to work on architectural planning and design and architectural structures. To check the learning methods the mapping of spatial objects on a plane, recognition and description of the basic geometric shapes with emphasis on rotational and ruled surfaces, the reconstruction of geometrical properties based on an image of the object and its shadow, the practice of skills for presenting space and ‘spatial’ thinking are used. Geometry in Architecture (Geometrija u graditeljstvu GUG) is an elective course that was taught in English for the first time during this academic year. All materials for the lectures are in English and are available online at http://virtual.arhitekt.hr/II/GUG/. Some of the content is supported by the dynamic program GeoGebra and the 3D program Rhinocerus. Sections and rotating sleeves and ruled surfaces, reflections

The Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Geometry in Architecture (Geometrija u graditeljstvu GUG) je izborni kolegij koji se ove akademske godine prvi put izvodio na engleskom jeziku. Svi materijali za predavanja su na engleskom jeziku i dostupni su na internet adresi virtual.arhitekt. hr/II/GUG/. Pojedini sadržaji podržani su dinamičkim programom GeoGebra i 3D programom Rhinocerus. Obrađuju se presjeci i prodori rotacijskih i pravčastih ploha, zrcalne slike u perspektivi, a poseban naglasak se stavlja na mjerenje u perspektivi s horizontalnom i nagnutom osi pogleda i rješavanje različitih problema arhitektonske fotogrametrije. Student je sposoban izabrati prikaz svoje ideje ili arhitektonskog detalja, u perspektivi ili aksonometriji, te primijeniti prodore rotacijskih i pravčastih ploha u arhitektonskim i nosivim konstrukcijama, instalacijama zgrada i projektiranju.

in perspective are processed, with special emphasis on measurement in perspective with horizontal and inclined axis views and the solving of various problems relating to architectural photogrammetry. The student is able to choose the display of his idea or architectural detail, in perspective or axonometry, and to apply the finishing rotational and ruled surfaces to architectural and support structures, installations and building design. In the course Mathematical structures the invariant properties of spatial structure are studied in relation to homeomorphism as the transformation of space.

U kolegiju Matematičke strukture proučavaju se invarijantna svojstva prostornih struktura u odnosu na homeomorfizam kao transformaciju prostora.


Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Nacrtna geometrija i perspektiva / Descriptive Geometry and Perspective

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB



Prikazan je primjer programa iz kolegija Nacrtna geometrija i perspektiva, radnog zadatka na temu sjena. Objekt je predočen metodom ortogonalnog projiciranja, a predstavlja konzolu valjkastog oblika natkrivenu šesterokutnom pločom. Zadatak je konstruirati sve sjene objekta (vlastite sjene valjka i ploče, sjena objekta na zid, te sjene ploče na valjak) pri paralelnoj dijagonalnoj rasvjeti. Prikazane su sve potrebne konstrukcije te istom bojom različitog inteziteta označene spomenute vrste sjena.

An example of the programme of the course Descriptive Geometry and Perspective is presented; an assignment on the topic of shadow. The object is presented via the method of orthogonal projection and is a cylindrically shaped bracket covered by a hexagonal plate. The assignment is to construct all the shadows of the object (the cylinder’s and plate’s shadow, the shadow of the object on the wall and the shadow of the plate on the cylinder) in parallel diagonal lighting. All necessary constructions are displayed using the same colour of various intensities and indicate the above mentioned types of shadows.

Kabinet zamatematiku,nacrtnu geometrijui perspektivu

The Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective

preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester



Kristijan Mamić

Marija Šimić Horvath Nikoleta Sudeta

1. 2.


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Geometrija u graditeljstvu / Geometry in Architecture

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB



diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester



Aljoša Špaleta

Marija Šimić Horvath Nikoleta Sudeta

1. 2.


Studenti izbornog kolegija Geometry in Architecture su u okviru završnog programa rješavali probleme arhitektonske fotogrametrije. Imali su mogućnost izbora između rekonstrukcije iz perspektive s horizontalnom osi pogleda i s nagnutom osi pogleda (ptičja ili žablja perspektiva). Polazeći od fotografske snimke nekog objekta ili njegovog modela u 3D virtualnom prostoru, a uz pretpostavku da su poznati neki geometrijski podaci o objektu, metodom mjerenja u perspektivi s horizontalnom ili nagnutom osi pogleda, rekonstruiraju ortogonalne projekcije objekta. Program studenta Aljoše Špalete predočuje rekonstrukciju iz perspektive s horizontalnom osi pogleda bivše tvornice Braća Ševčik u Zagrebu. Rekonstrukcija se izvodi iz fotografske snimke pri čemu su poznate dimenzije pravokutnika ABCD koji se nalazi u horizontalnoj ravnini prikazanog u mjerilu 1:100.

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Students attending the elective course Geometry in Architecture dealt with problems concerning architectural photogrammetry as part of the final programme. They could choose between a reconstruction from a horizontal axis or inclined axis perspective (bird’s eye or frog’s eye view). Starting from a photographic image of an object or its model in 3D virtual space, and assuming that certain geometric data about the object was a given, by applying the method of measurement in perspective with a horizontal or inclined axis view, they reconstructed orthogonal projections of the object. The programme by Aljoša Špaleta presents a reconstruction from the perspective with a horizontal axis and view of the former Braća Ševčik Factory in Zagreb. The reconstruction is derived from photographic images where the dimensions of the rectangle ABCD are a given, and which is in a horizontal plane rendered in a scale of 1:100.

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa / section of the history of architecture and architectural heritage protection Voditelj / head of section

redoviti profesor / professor

docent / assistant professor

viši predavač / senior lecturer

dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić

dr.sc. Vladimir Bedenko

dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić

mr.sc. Alan Braun

Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture / section of the Theory of Architecture Voditelj / head of section

izvanredni profesor / assoc. professor

znanstveni novak – asistent / junior researcher and teaching assistant

prof.dr.sc. Karin Šerman

dr.sc. Karin Šerman

mr.sc. Igor Ekštajn

Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu / section of modern and contemporary architecture Voditelj / head of section

redoviti profesori / professors

docent / assistant professor

znanstveni novaci – asistenti / junior researchers and teaching assistants

prof.dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski

dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil

dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić

Melita Čavlović Mojca Smode Cvitanović Marina Smokvina


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa skice / sketches Sebastian Bogi

Redovni kolegiji kabineta su: Povijest arhitekture I – IV, Zaštita i obnova graditeljskog naslijeđa, Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Zagreb i Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Istra na preddiplomskom studiju te Radionica graditeljskog naslijeđa i izborni kolegiji Graditeljsko naslijeđe I – III na diplomskom studiju. Na kolegijima Povijest arhitekture I – IV stječu se osnovna znanja o arhitekturi pojedinog povijesnog razdoblja – posebno se osvrćući pritom i na primjere u Hrvatskoj – kao rezultatu različitih tehničkih, funkcijskih i umjetničkih zahvata. U nastavi se posebno usredotočilo na razumijevanje (1) teorije i prakse u arhitekturi, (2) funkcijske tipologije arhitekture kao osnove za kreativnu interpretaciju (3) povijesnih ograničenja okoliša i raznih prilagodba (klima, građevni materijali) te utjecaja razvoja društva na arhitekturu, (4) međusobnih odnosa materijala, konstrukcije, tehnologije i oblikovanja arhitekture, te konačno (5) razumijevanje arhitektonskih nacrta kao dvodimenzionalnih prikaza trodimenzionalne stvarnosti, izradom grafičkih studija pojedinih građevina i bitnih arhitektonskih elemenata. Kolegij Povijest arhitekture I uvodi studente u proučavanje povijesne arhitekture te oni stječu osnovna znanja o arhitekturi starog vijeka analizama konstruktivnog, funkcijskog i oblikovnog aspekta arhitekture toga razdoblja. Kolegij Povijest arhitekture II propituje odnos duhovnog, liturgijske funkcije i oblikovanja sakralne arhitekture u pojedinim razdobljima od ranog kršćanstva do kraja srednjeg vijeka, posebno analizirajući sintezu ideje, tehnologije i konstrukcije u gotici. Kolegij Povijest arhitekture III omogućuje studentima uvid u ideje klasične arhitekture kako su definirane u renesansi i praćenje njihove transformacije kroz baroknu arhitekturu. Tema ovog kolegija su kontinuitet i varijacije arhitekture od početka ranog modernog doba do sredine XVIII. st. s osvrtom na specifičnosti nacionalnih arhitektura. Studenti stječu znanja o odnosu realne arhitekture i ciljanog doživljavanja


Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection Regular courses at the section are: History of Architecture I–IV, Protection and restoration of architectural heritage, Croatian space and architecture–Zagreb and Croatian space and architecture–Istria at an undergraduate level and Workshop on architectural heritage and elective courses Architectural Heritage I–III at a graduate level. At the History of Architecture i–IV courses– basic knowledge about the architecture of each historical period is acquired, with special reference to examples from Croatia, as a result of a variety of technical, functional and artistic interventions. The classes are specifically focused on understanding (1) the theory and practice of architecture , (2) functional typology of architecture as a basis for creative interpretation (3) historical environmental constraints and various adjustments (climate, building materials) and the impact of social development in architecture, (4) interpolation of materials, construction, technology, architecture and design, and finally, (5) understanding architectural plans as a two-dimensional display of three-dimensional reality, creating graphic studies of individual buildings and important architectural elements. The History of Architecture I course introduces students to the study of historic architecture, and they acquire basic knowledge on the architecture of the antique through analyses on structural, functional and design aspects of architecture of that period. The History of Architecture II course examines the relationship between the spiritual, the liturgical function of and design of religious architecture during certain periods of early Christianity up until the end of the Middle Ages, especially by analysing the synthesis of ideas, technologies and structures in the Gothic style. The History of Architecture III course provides students with insight into the ideas of classical architecture as defined during the Renaissance and they monitor their transformation through baroque architecture. The topic of this course is continuity and variation of architecture from the beginning of the early modern era to the middle of the 18th century with regard to the specifics of national architecture. Students gain knowledge on the relationship between architecture and the targeted experiencing of architectural space, on architecture as a carrier of messages and the outcome of various social, functional and artistic demands. The History of Architecture IV course analyses the architecture of the 19th century from the industrial revolution to the emergence of modern architecture in the early 20th century. Students acquire basic knowledge in the architecture of the mid-18th to the late 19th century

Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

arhitektonskih prostora, o arhitekturi kao nositelju poruka i rezultatu različitih društvenih, funkcijskih i umjetničkih zahtjeva.

by exploring functional typologies of architecture as a basis for the creative interpretation of the abundance of types at the end of the 19th century, with special stress on the roots of modern architecture.

Kolegij Povijest arhitekture IV analizira arhitekturu XIX. st. od industrijske revolucije do pojave moderne arhitekture početkom XX. st. Studenti stječu osnovna znanja o arhitekturi od sredine XVIII. st. do kraja XIX. st. upoznavanjem funkcijske tipologije arhitekture kao osnove za kreativnu interpretaciju bogatstva tipova na kraju XIX. st s posebnim osvrtom na korijene moderne arhitekture. Kolegij Zaštita i obnova graditeljskog naslijeđa predstavlja uvod u teoriju i praksu zaštite i obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa i daje studentima osnovna znanja o problematici zaštite graditeljskog naslijeđa, potrebna svim arhitektima, bez obzira na njihov interes za povijesnu arhitekturu. Kolegij ima tri cjeline. Prvu predstavljaju pojmovi iz domene obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa: što je to i koje su vrste kulturnih dobara, što je to registar kulturnih dobara i koje su kategorije zaštite kulturnih dobara, UNESCO-va lista svjetske baštine i hrvatska kulturna dobra na listi, kategorije vrijednosti baštine i uzroci propadanja te metode zaštite i obnove kulturnih dobara (restauracija, rekonstrukcija, konzervacija, dislokacija…). Drugu cjelinu čini pregled povijesnog razvoja zaštite kulturnih dobara od početka XIX. stoljeća pa do danas s posebnim osvrtom na hrvatske primjere te upoznavanje s postulatima međunarodnih konvencija (povelja) o zaštiti i obnovi graditeljskog naslijeđa. U trećoj cjelini predavanja na konkretnim se i aktualnim primjerima elaborira svaki od problema zaštite koji su tema kolegija. Izborni kolegij Graditeljsko naslijeđe II obrađuje teme vezane uz metode znanstvenog istraživanja, metode obnove i kriterije prezentacije nepokretnih kulturnih dobara. Studenti se podučavaju kako samostalno istraživati i analizirati povijesnu arhitekturu. Na pojedinom primjeru, kojeg odabiru u dogovoru s voditeljem kolegija, studenti izrađuju seminarski rad – konzervatorski elaborat – koji se sastoji iz sljedećih cjelina: prostorno-povijesnog razvoja građevine ili sklopa (odgovor na pitanje zašto štitimo?), analizu postojećeg stanja i valorizaciju te prijedlog obnove kroz novu namjenu i smjernice za prezentaciju (odgovor na pitanje kako štitimo?). U svom radu studenti koriste publiciranu znanstvenu literaturu vezanu uz odabrano kulturno dobro, proučavaju sačuvanu arhivsku građu i – što je i najvažnije – obilaze povijesnu arhitekturu i analiziraju je na licu mjesta. Izrada takvog seminarskog rada daje studentima osnovna znanja o metodama istraživanja povijesnih građevina te im pojašnjava metode obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa što predstavlja temelj za rad arhitekta na obnovi i zaštiti graditeljske baštine.


Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

The course Conservation of Built Heritage is an introduction to the theory and practice of protecting and restoring the architectural heritage and provides students with basic knowledge on the issue of protection of architectural heritage needed by any architect, regardless of their interest in historical architecture. The course has three parts. The first consists of concepts from the domain of architectural heritage renewal; what it is and the kinds of cultural goods, what the register of cultural property is and what categories of protection of cultural heritage are, UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites and Croatian cultural heritage on the list, heritage value categories and causes of deterioration as well as methods for protection and restoration of cultural property (restoration, reconstruction, conservation, dislocations...). The second group is an overview of the historical development of the protection of cultural property from the beginning of the 19th century to the present, with special emphasis on Croatian examples and an introduction to the postulates of international conventions (Charter) on the protection and restoration of architectural heritage. The third part includes lectures at which each of the protection problems is elaborated on concrete and actual examples, which is the subject of the course. The elective course Architectural Heritage II covers topics related to methods of scientific research, restoration methods and criteria for the presentation of immovable cultural property. Students are taught how to explore and analyse historical architecture on their own. Based on particular examples, which they choose in consultation with the principal of the course, students prepare a seminar paper– a conservation study–which consists of the following units: spatial and historical development of the building or complex (the answer to the question ‘Why do we protect ?‘), an analysis of the current situation and an evaluation and a proposal for renewal through conversion and guidelines for the presentation (the answer to the question ‘How do we protect?’). In their work, students use published scientific literature related to selected cultural heritage, they study preserved archival materials and, most importantly, visit historic architecture and analyse it on the spot. The writing of such a term paper gives students a basic knowledge of research methods, historical buildings and an understanding of the methods used for the reconstruction of architectural heritage which forms the basis for work done by the architect during the restoration and protection of architectural heritage.

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Radionica graditeljskog naslijeđa / Architectural Heritage Design Studio diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester




Martina Stjepandić

Nataša Jakšić Alan Braun


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Obnova i prenamjena Kaštela Stafileo u Kaštel Štafiliću i palače Lukaris na Peristilu u Splitu Cilj Radionice graditeljskog naslijeđa jest teoretsko i praktično upoznavanje studenata sa svim fazama i dijelovima istraživačke i projektne dokumentacije u složenom interdisiplinarnom procesu rada na obnovi graditeljske baštine. Na odabranim zadacima studenti se bave istraživanjem nepokretnog kulturnog dobra i predlažu idejno projektantsko rješenje obnove i buduće namjene. U ljetnom semestru akademske godine 2012./2013. studentima su ponuđena dva zadatka: obnova renesansnog Kaštela obitelji Stafileo u Kaštel Štafiliću i prenamjena u turističke svrhe te obnova palače Lukaris na Peristilu u Splitu i prenamjena u muzej sakralne umjetnosti. Radionicu je upisalo 6 studenata koji su pokazali izuzetan interes za problematiku obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa i, sukladno tome, postigli izuzetno dobre rezultate u svom radu. Pored metode projektiranja u povijesnoj arhitekturi, studente se, kroz auditorne vježbe, upoznaje i s metodama izrade arhitektonskog snimka postojećeg stanja, recentnim primjerima obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa kao i s posebnostima problematike obnove povijesne nosive konstrukcije, fizike povijesne zgrade i sl. Studenti su obavezni upisati izborni kolegij Graditeljsko naslijeđe II, u sklopu kojeg izrađuju konzervatorski elaborat izabranog nepokretnog kulturnog dobra, kako bi detaljnije upoznali i tu dionicu u procesu rada na obnovi graditeljskog naslijeđa.

Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Renovation and Conversion of Kaštel Stafileo at Kaštel Štafilić and Lukaris Palace at Peristil in Split The aim of the architectural heritage design studio is to teach students both theoretically and practically about all the phases and parts of research and project documentation within the complex interdisciplinary process of working on the restoration of architectural heritage. Students research immovable cultural property on selected tasks and propose a design solution for renewal and future conversion. In the summer semester of the academic year 2012–2013 students were offered two tasks: the restoration of the Renaissance castle belonging to the Stafileo family in Kaštel Štafilić and its conversion for tourism purposes, and the restoration of the Lukaris Palace at the Peristil in Split and its conversion into a museum of sacral art. The studio was enrolled by six students who showed great interest in the issue of restoration of architectural heritage and, accordingly, achieved very good results for their work. In addition to design methods in historical architecture, students are also introduced to methods applied for conducting an architectural survey of the current situation through auditory exercises and recent examples of restoration of architectural heritage, as well as learning about the specifics of the issue of reconstruction of historic loadbearing structures, physics, historic buildings, etc. Students are required to enrol the elective course Architectural heritage II, within which they produce a conservation study for a selected immovable cultural property, in order to gain more insight into the stages in the process of working on the restoration of architectural heritage.

Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Goran Rukavina

Nataša Jakišić Alan Braun


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

GRADITELJSKO NASLIJEĐE 2 / Architectural Heritage 2 diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester



Marija Barović

Alan Braun


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Sklop samostana i crkve svetog Mihajla, Ston

Monastery and Church Complex of St Mihajlo, Ston

Povijesni razvoj Na brijegu Gradac, smještenom na južnom kraju Stonskog polja na poluotoku Pelješcu, nalazi se sklop s crkvicom sv. Mihajla i samostanom dominikanki. Važnosti lokacije svjedoči i povijesni kontinuitet od prapovijesnog gradinskog naselja, zatim antičkog i kasnoantičkog Stagnuma (2.–3. stoljeće) koji se razvijaju u blizini. Srednjovjekovni Ston, središnje mjesto oblasti Zahumlja, razvija se u 9. stoljeću kada na spomenutom brijegu nastaje crkvica posvećena knezu Mihajlu Viševiću (o. 910.–930.), ktitoru i tadašnjem vladaru Zahumlja. Početkom 14. stoljeća u sklopu Dubrovačke Republike planski nastaje današnji Ston, Mali Ston, kompleks solane i snažni fortifikacijski sustav. Od razdoblja Republike, zbog stalnih opasnosti od neprijatelja, brijeg Gradac dugo je bio napušten. Tek je u 16. stoljeću na toj lokaciji podignut samostan dominikanki trećoretkinja koje su tu živjele do 1981. godine. Današnje stanje Jednobrodna trotravejna sakralna građevina sv. Mihajla, longitudinalnog tlocrta, s izuzetno vrijednim fresko slikarstvom i bogatom ornamentikom pripada redu predromaničkih dalmatinskih crkvenih građevina i najvrijednija je građevina sklopa. U tijeku je drugi restauratorski postupak nakon što je konstrukcija 90-ih godina obnovljena betonom. Pojava vlage dodatno je uništila vrijedne freske iz 11. stoljeća pa se trenutno skida sloj betona i mijenja krov. Sklop malenog samostana sastoji se od središnje građevine-stambene zgrade, gospodarstva i staje koji su danas u porušenom stanju. Dugogodišnje zanemarivanje i zapuštenost lokacije kao i obnova crkve, bez strategije uređenja čitavog sklopa, sprječavaju adekvatnu prezentaciju i iskoristivost njenog potencijala.


Historical Development The complex including the Church of St Mihajlo and a Dominican monastery is located on Gradac Hill, on the southern part of the Ston Field on Pelješac. The importance of the site is due to the fact that it has been continuously settled since prehistoric times when it was a hillfort settlement, later becoming ancient and late antique Stagnum and then medieval Ston, the centre of Zahumlje, which developed in the 9th century, when the church dedicated to Prince Mihajlo Višević (about 910 – 930), the owner and the ruler of Zahumlje at the time, was built on the aforementioned hill. The planned construction of present-day Ston, Mali Ston, the salt pans complex and the fortification system began in the early 14th century whilst it was part of the Dubrovnik Republic. Since the period of the Republic, due to the constant threat of enemy attacks, Gradac Hill was abandoned over a long period of time. Only in the 16th century was the monastery of the Dominican Tertiary built at this site, which was then inhabited until 1981. The present state The single-naved tri-vaulted Church of St Mihajlo, with a longitudinal layout and with extremely valuable frescoes and rich ornaments, belongs to the order of pre-Romanesque religious buildings and is the most valuable building at the complex. A second round of restoration is underway after construction work in the 1990s during which parts were reconstructed in concrete. The emergence of additional moisture has destroyed valuable frescoes from the 11th century, so that a layer of concrete is currently being removed and the roof is being changed. The complex of this small monastery consists of a central residential building, outbuildings and barns, which are now in ruins.

Valorizacija i prijedlog obnove Projektom je ponuđeno rješenje cjelovite obnove i oživljavanja graditeljskog sklopa na brijegu Gradac. Uz neupitno dovršenje, već započete obnove crkvice sv. Mihajla, potrebno je uključiti sve povijesne slojeve sklopa kao i cijeli kultivirani okoliš i adekvatno ga prezentirati. Arhitektonska intervencija odnosi se na obnovu najbolje očuvanog stambenog dijela samostana u izvorno stanje i njegovu prenamjenu u turističku. Zatim, sanaciju i prenamjenu staje s gumnom u ugostiteljski sadržaj. Radi očuvanja ambijentalne vrijednosti sklopa kao i radi stvaranja nove atraktivnosti – urušena gospodarska zgrada ograničenog arhitektonsko – oblikovnog dosega, po projektu se ruši i zamjenjuje novogradnjom u istim gabaritima i uz poštivanje konteksta u oblikovanju i izboru materijala. Graditeljsko naslijeđe bi tako cjelovitom obnovom, arhitektonskim oblikovanjem i adekvatnom prezentacijom doživio potpunu rehabilitaciju, pridonio razvoju lokalne zajednice i obogatio turističku ponudu regije.

Evaluation and proposal for renewal The solution proposed is the complete reconstruction and rehabilitation of the architectural complex on Gradac Hill. Aside from the completion of the reconstruction of the Church of St Mihajlo, all the historical layers of the complex, as well as the entire culture environment, need to be presented. Architectural interventions include the restoration of the best preserved residential part of the monastery to its original state and its conversion into a tourist facility as well as the adaptation and redevelopment of the barn with a threshing floor into a catering facility. In order to preserve the ambient value of the complex, as well as to create new values, the collapsed outbuilding of limited architectural value will be demolished and replaced by a new building of the same size that will be suitable with respect to the context both in design and choice of materials. Through its complete renovation, its architectural design and appropriate presentation this heritage would thereby undergo complete rehabilitation, contribute to the development of the local community and enrich the tourist offer.

Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa

Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Jelena Bule

Alan Braun

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Sklop Zagrebačkog velesajma

The Zagreb Fair Complex

Povijesno-prostorni razvoj Tradicija sajmova na zagrebačkom prostoru traje još od 13. stoljeća, ali povijest Zagrebačkoga velesajma započinje 1850. godine kada se ujedinjenjem Gradeca i Kaptola ujedinjuju i njihovi sajmovi. Sajam je nekoliko puta izmješten na lokacije u nekonsolidiranom dijelu grada kako bi se potaknuo razvitak, a na današnju lokaciju premješten je odlukom iz 1955. godine na inicijativu gradonačelnika Većeslava Holjevca. Iduće godine započela je izgradnja i tekla je u nekoliko etapa. Pedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća podignuto je nekoliko većih paviljona, šezdesetih veći broj manjih paviljona, a sedamdesetih godina gradnja se nastavila, ali je karakterizira manja arhitektonska vrijednost izgradnje. Devedesetih godina dograđen je južni ulaz i zgrada carine. Autor urbanističke osnove Zagrebačkoga velesajma je Marijan Haberle koji je također autor dogradnje Velesajma na njegovoj prijašnjoj lokaciji u Savskoj ulici, kao i nekoliko paviljona na današnjoj lokaciji. Među ostalim renomiranim hrvatskim arhitektima koji su sudjelovali u projektiranju paviljona su: Božidar Rašica, Ivo Vitić, i Miroslav Begović. Haberle, Rašica i Begović radili su i kao profesori na Tehničkom, odnosno Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Valorizacija Najvrjedniji dio sklopa Zagrebačkoga velesajma zacijelo su paviljoni čiji su autori najpoznatiji arhitekti hrvatske moderne kao i specifični nacionalni paviljoni. S druge strane, uslijed povećane potražnje za kvadraturom, dogodile su se i brojne neplanske dogradnje i pregradnje. Nekoliko paviljona preuzele su privatne tvrtke i modificirale ih sukladno svojim potrebama, ogradivši ih od ostatka sklopa. Slično tome, pojedini paviljoni spojeni su međusobno na neadekvatan način, u smislu oblikovanja i prekidanja pješačkih veza i vizura. Sklop Velesajma obiluje napuštenim kioscima i nakupinama građevinskog i ostalog otpada.


Historical and spatial development The tradition of trade fairs in the Zagreb area dates back to the 13th of the Zagreb Fair begins in 1850 with the unification of Gradec and Kaptol and so also their fairs. The fair has been relocated several times to locations in unconsolidated parts of the city to encourage development and was moved to its current location by a decision made in 1955 on the initiative of Mayor Većeslav Holjevac. The following year saw the commencement of construction and it was conducted in several stages. In the 1950s several major pavilions were built, in the 1960s a number of smaller pavilions were built and in the 1970s construction continued, but is characterised by construction that is not so architecturally valuable. The south entrance and customs building was built additionally in the 1990s. The author of the urban basis of the grounds of the Zagreb Fair is Marijan Haberle and he is also the author of the additions built at the Fair at its previous location in Savska Street, as well as of several pavilions built at the current location. Other prominent Croatian architects who participated in the design of the pavilion include: Bozidar Rašica, Ivo Vitić, and Miroslav Begović. Haberle, Rašica Begović also worked as professors at the Technical Faculty or the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. Valorisation The most valuable part of the Zagreb Fair complex are certainly the pavilions designed by the most famous architects of the Croatian modern, as well as specific national pavilions. On the other hand, due to an increased demand for square footage, there have been numerous unplanned additions and remodelling. Several pavilions have been taken on by private companies that have modified them according to their needs, fencing them off from the rest of the complex. Similarly, some pavilions are connected in an inadequate manner, in terms of design and interruptions to pedestrian connections and vistas. The Fair complex is full of abandoned kiosks and the remains of building materials and other waste.

Prijedlog obnove Prva faza prijedloga obnove uklanjanje je otpada i propale zaostale izgradnje s lokacije. Druga je uklanjanje paviljona bez naročite arhitektonske vrijednosti s ciljem ostvarivanja boljih pješačkih veza i vizura u skladu s inicijalnim konceptom Velesajma arhitekta Haberlea. Važan je povratak javne namjene u sve paviljone. Geometrija paviljona pogoduje većini sadržaja pa bi proširivanje aktualne ponude sportskih i kulturnih sadržaja moglo vratiti značaj prostoru Velesajma.

Proposal for renovation The first phase of the proposal for renovation is the removing of waste and residual collapsed buildings from the site. The second is the removal of pavilions of no particular architectural value in order to achieve better pedestrian connections and vistas in accordance with the initial concept of the Fair by architect Haberle. It is important that pavilions once again serve a public purpose. The geometry of the pavilions is appropriate for most contents and so the extension of the current sporting and cultural events offers might restore importance to the space of the Fair.

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture Mapiranje teorije Kroz nastavu na kolegijima ovog kabineta – Uvod u teoriju arhitekture u preddiplomskom ciklusu studija, Teorija arhitekture 1 i 2 u diplomskom ciklusu, te nizu teorijskih kolegija u sklopu doktorskoga studija – prezentira se i diskutira čitav spektar teorijskih koncepata razvijenih tijekom povijesti s ciljem da objasne produkciju i recepciju arhitekture, sagledavajući pritom i problematiku samih povijesnih okruženja koji su potaknuli i omogućili nastajanje promatranih koncepata. Pritom se izdvajaju dva temeljna fokusa na koje se rasprava u okviru ovog kabineta usmjerava: pitanje na koji način arhitektura tumači i prihvaća svoju ulogu u određenom društveno-povijesnom trenutku, te koje zadatke i poziciju u takvom povijesnom previranju preuzima arhitektonska teorija kao njezina zasebna i središnja grana. Taj složeni odnos – aktivnog participiranja arhitekture u izgrađivanju vlastitog trenutka, pa sve do konkretnih metoda i strategija primijenjenih u procesu arhitektonskog projektiranja – predmet su bavljenja ovog kabineta. Pritom se problematizira i samo naslijeđeno viđenje arhitekture kao discipline – pitanja njezina identiteta, zadataka, sredstava, potencijala i strategija – te preispituje njezina pozicija i uloga danas. Te se teme, kroz nastavnu i znanstvenoistraživačku aktivnost kabineta, promišljaju na nizu konkretnih arhitektonskih primjera iz svjetske i hrvatske arhitektonske povijesti i sadašnjice. Nastavno djelovanje Kabineta za teoriju arhitekture u protekloj se akademskoj godini, uz redovnu nastavu na kolegijima Kabineta, usmjerilo pojačanom teorijskom radu sa studentima i poticanju individualnog studentskog znanstvenog istraživanja, kao i međunarodnoj nastavnoj suradnji.


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of the Theory of Architecture Mapping Theory The Architecture Theory Section offers a selection of courses pertaining to the field of architectural theory, among which are: Introduction to Architectural Theory in the undergraduate programme, Theory of Architecture 1 and 2 in the graduate programme, and a number of theoretical courses in the doctoral programme. Courses elaborate and discuss a wide range of theoretical concepts generated through history with the aim of explaining the production and reception of architecture. Discussions thereby also examine the historical backgrounds that prompted and enabled such concepts. Two fundamental questions are addressed that way: how architecture explains and understands its role in a certain social and historical moment, and what tasks and responsibilities in such specific circumstances are given to architectural theory proper, as architecture’s central if specific segment. This complex relationship between an active participation of architecture in the construction of its own context, and concrete methods and strategies applied in the process of architectural thinking and design, are the main research interests of the Architecture Theory Section. The discussions thereby necessarily question and re-examine the inherited notions of the discipline of architecture, such as its identity, responsibilities, potentials, strategies and tools, just as its role and position today. These complex issues are examined on a variety of selected concrete architectural examples. In the previous academic year, aside from regular courses of the section, the teaching activities of the Section of the Theory of Architecture were directed at theoretical work with students and at encouraging individual student academic research, as well as international educational collaboration.

U ljetnom semestru 2012.–2013., u sklopu diplomskog studija po prvi se puta odvijala ‘Teorijska sekcija’, kao eksperimentalni format nastave pokrenut na inicijativu studenata zainteresiranih za problematiku arhitektonske teorije. U ‘Teorijskoj sekciji’ čitali su se izabrani ključni teorijski tekstovi iz tematskih područja koja su bila obrađivana na predavanjima kolegija Teorije arhitekture, a koji su se potom intenzivno i detaljno analizirali i diskutirali te istraživali u pisanoj formi i kroz direktnu raspravu. Obrađivani su tekstovi Waltera Benjamina, Theodora Adorna, Rolanda Barthesa, Claudea Lévi-Straussa, Alda Rossija, Petera Eisenmana, Jacquesa Derridae te Gillesa Deleuza i Felixa Guattarija. Teorijska sekcija pokazala se iznimno produktivnim i korisnim formatom, pružajući mogućnost da se složeni misaoni koncepti

In the summer semester of 2012–2013, a ‘Theoretical section’, an experimental format of classes initiated by students interested in issues concerning architectural theory, was organised within the graduate programme for the first time. Select key theoretical texts on topics that are covered during course lectures on Theory of architecture were read at the ‘Theory section’, which were then intensively and thoroughly analysed and discussed and explored in writing and through direct discussions. Texts by Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Roland Barthes, Claude Levi- Strauss, Aldo Rossi, Peter Eisenman, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari were covered. The theoretical section proved to be an extremely productive and useful format, allowing students to familiarise themselves in depth with complex cognitive concepts and then discuss them through direct contact with copyright texts and manuscripts. Student requirements for participants at the section, aside from regularly reading assigned texts, consisted in writing a review on the theoreti-

Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture

Section of the Theory of Architecture and Architectural Heritage Protection

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

detaljnije upoznaju i propitaju, i to kroz direktni kontakt s autorskim tekstom i rukopisom. Obaveze studenata polaznika sekcije, osim redovitog čitanja zadanih tekstova, sastojala se i u pisanju osvrta na pročitane teorijske jedinice, kroz koje su se vježbali precizni načini argumentacije i logičnog izlaganja misli.

cal unit covered, which helped them practise precise modes of argumentation and logical presentation of thoughts.

Međunarodna nastavna aktivnost Kabineta odvijala se kroz predavanja prof. dr. Karin Šerman internacionalnim studentima. Održano je predavanje studentima arhitekture s ETH Zürich i njihove katedre Architektur und Konstruktion pod vodstvom prof. dr. Annette Spiro, o opusu hrvatskog arhitekta Viktora Kovačića i njegovu značenju za profiliranje karaktera zagrebačkoga Donjega grada ali i za cjelokupni razvoj hrvatske moderne arhitekture. Izlaganje je bilo segment programa unutar semestralnog studijskog putovanja studenata ETH Zürich pod nazivom Modernism / Socialism. Međunarodna nastavna aktivnost Kabineta nastavljena je i predavanjem studentima arhitekture s Tehničkog univerziteta Darmstadt u sklopu njihove semestralne istraživačke i projektantske radionice Wohnen in Zagreb, Entwurf B20 / M09, u kojoj su obrađivali problematiku stanovanja te sagledavali ulogu stambene arhitekture i njezinih tipologija u izgradnji i definiranju grada. U okviru individualnog rada sa studentima u prošloj je godini izrađen i zapaženi samostalni studentski znanstvenoistraživački rad. Rad je izradila Anna Kocsis, studentica diplomskog studija arhitekture i urbanizma pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Karin Šerman, a nagrađen je Rektorovom nagradom za akademsku godinu 2012./2013. godinu. Zbog kompleksnosti arhitektonske teorije, koja zahtijeva široki interdisciplinarni pristup i razvijeni rigorozni konceptualni i metodološki instrumentarij, studentski radovi u ovom području izuzetno su rijetki, što dodatno ističe ovaj napor i originalno istraživačko postignuće. Rad Anne Kocsis propituje neke od najrelevantnijih teorijskih problema u sferi arhitekture, u čije se istraživanje Kocsis upušta primjereno opremljena razvijenim preciznim mislilačkim i teorijskim aparatom, koji stječe i paralelnim studijem filozofije. U radu se oslovljava kapitalno pitanje odnosa etike i estetike u arhitekturi, sagledava izražena moralna ambicija arhitekture i ideja da angažirano djeluje u okviru svoje društvene sredine, te rezolutno analiziraju potencijali, opravdanosti, mogućnosti, kao i moguće pogreške takvih ambicija. Ta središnja i za arhitekturu odsudna pitanja u radu se propituju na konkretnom primjeru velikog nizozemskog arhitekta 20. stoljeća Alda van Eycka i njegove specifične strukturalističke metode.


Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

The international educational activity of the Section proceeded through lectures held by prof. Karin Šerman, PhD, for international students. A lecture was held for students of architecture from ETH Zurich and their departments Architektur und Konstruktion under the guidance of prof. Annette Spiro, PhD, on the opus of work by the Croatian architect Viktor Kovačić and his importance for the profiling of the character of Zagreb’s Lower Town but also for the overall development of Croatian modern architecture. The presentation was part of the programme of the study trip during the semester made by students from ETH Zurich entitled Modernism / Socialism. International educational activities of the Section continued with a lecture for students of architecture from the Technical University of Darmstadt as part of their semester research and design workshops Wohnen in Zagreb , Entwurf B20 / M09 , where issues concerning housing were examined and the role of housing architecture and its typology in the construction and definition of a city. Within the framework of individual work with students in the past year there was a noteworthy example of independent student research work. The work was produced Anna Kocsis, a graduate student of architecture and urbanism under the supervision of prof. Karin Šerman, PhD, and it was awarded the Rector’s Award for the academic year 2012–2013. Due to the complexity of the architectural theory, which requires a broad interdisciplinary approach and developed and rigorous conceptual and methodological instruments, student work in this field is extremely rare, which further emphasises this effort and the original research achieved. The work of Anna Kocsis examines some of the most relevant theoretical problems in the field of architecture, and in her research Kocsis is properly equipped with an advanced and precise contemplative and theoretical apparatus, acquired through a parallel study of philosophy. This paper addresses the capital issue of the relationship between ethics and aesthetics in architecture, it examines the expressed moral ambitions of architecture and ideas to function in an engaged manner within the framework of their social environment, and resolutely analyse potentials, justifications, possibilities, and the possible errors of such an ambition. This central and crucial issue for architecture is examined in the paper on the concrete example of a great Dutch architect of the 20th century, Aldo van Eyck, and his specific structuralist method.

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Teorijska sekcija, eksperimentalni nastavni okvir u 2012.–2013. U sklopu diplomskog studija, u ljetnom semestru 2012.–2013. unutar Kabineta za teoriju arhitekture odvijala se ‘Teorijska sekcija’, novi eksperimentalni format nastave pokrenut na inicijativu studenata zainteresiranih za problematiku arhitektonske teorije. U okviru ‘Teorijske sekcije’ čitali su se izabrani ključni teorijski tekstovi iz tematskih područja koja su bila obrađivana na predavanjima kolegija, a koji su se potom intenzivno i detaljno analizirali i diskutirali, istraživali u pisanoj formi i kroz direktnu raspravu. Obrađivani su bili tekstovi Waltera Benjamina, Theodora Adorna, Rolanda Barthesa, Claudea Lévi-Straussa, Alda Rossija, Petera Eisenmana, Jacquesa Derridae te Gillesa Deleuza i Felixa Guattarija. Teorijska sekcija pokazala se izuzetno produktivnim i korisnim formatom, pružajući mogućnost da se složeni misaoni koncepti precizno propitaju i upoznaju, i to kroz direktni kontakt s autorskim tekstom i rukopisom. Obaveze studenata polaznika sekcije, osim redovitog čitanja zadanih tekstova, sastojala se i u pisanju osvrta na pročitane teorijske jedinice, kroz koje su se vježbali precizni načini argumentacije i logičnog izlaganja misli.



Anna Kocsis

Karin Šerman

Nagrađeno Rektorovom nagradom za 2013. / Received the Rector’s Award for 2013.


Odnos normativnog i deskriptivnog u arhitekturi: Van Eyckov strukturalizam i naturalistička pogreška Etika i estetika, baveći se vrijednosnom sferom svakodnevice, dijele područje interesa i djelovanja. Etički je relevantno svako područje koje doprinosi uspostavi određenih tipova odnosa među pojedincima unutar zajednice. Arhitektura, shvaćena kao vrsta umjetnosti, ima naglašenu ulogu u društvenom životu, dakle ona je u određenom smislu neizbježno etički relevantna. Unutar etike pak, bitna je distinkcija između deskriptivne i normativne razine. Deskriptivnu razinu sačinjava činjenični opis stvarnosti, dok normativna sadrži vrijednosnu komponentu. Drugim riječima, normativnim stavovima propisujemo ponašanja za koja vjerujemo da su u skladu s određenim vrijednostima. Arhitekturu je ta-

Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Theoretical Section, Experimental Curriculum Framework in 2012–2013 As part of the graduate programme in the summer semester of 2012/2013, within the section for the theory of architecture, a new experimental format of teaching was introduced at the initiative of students interested in issues concerning architectural theory. Within the Theoretical section selected key theoretical texts from topic fields were read and were covered at course lectures, which were then extensively and thoroughly analysed and discussed, explored in written form and through direct discussion. Texts by Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Roland Barthes, Claude LeviStrauss, Aldo Rossi, Peter Eisenman, Jacques Derrida and Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari were analysed. The Theoretical section proved to be an extremely productive and useful format, providing the possibility for complex cognitive concepts to be precisely considered and introduced, through direct contact with copyright texts and manuscripts. Student requirements for those attending the section, aside from the regular reading of set texts, consisted in writing reviews on theoretical units that had been read, with the aid of which precise modes of argumentation and logical presentation of thought were practised.

The Relation between Normative and Descriptive in Architecture: Van Eyck’s Structuralism and Naturalistic Fallacy Ethics and aesthetics share a common interest in the sense that they are both concerned with values in everyday life. From the standpoint of ethics, a type of action is relevant if it works toward the establishment of certain relations within a community. As an art form, architecture has a significant role in social life. Therefore, in some sense architecture is necessarily morally relevant. The discipline of ethics differentiates between two distinct levels: normative and descriptive. When speaking on the descriptive level, we are giving a factual account of reality. On the other hand, the normative level includes values. In other words, by normative judgments we prescribe behaviors for which we believe are in accordance with certain values. The distinction in question is applicable to architecture. It is possible to give a precise factual account of a work of architecture and conclude that it is morally relevant because it prompts behavior which

Section of the Theory of Architecture and Architectural Heritage Protection

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

kođer moguće promišljati s obzirom na navedene razine. Primjerice, moguće je ponuditi precizan činjenični opis arhitektonskog djela, no također je moguće govoriti u evaluativnim terminima i tvrditi kako je arhitektonsko djelo moralno angažirano jer potiče određene obrasce ponašanja za koje vjerujemo da su dobri i poželjni. Problem takvog evaluativnog opisa je u tome što mnogi etičari smatraju kako je on neopravdan. Naturalistička pogreška naziv je koji označava neopravdani prijelaz s deskriptivne na normativnu razinu. U tom se slučaju događa da je određeni skup činjeničnih tvrdnji jedina dokazna građa za određenu vrijednosnu tj. normativnu tvrdnju. No, naturalistička pogreška upozorava kako je zbog logički različitih priroda deskriptivnih i normativnih tvrdnji nemoguće ono normativno opravdati deskriptivnim. Prema tome, nije jasno na temelju čega bi bilo opravdano tvrditi kako su obrasci ponašanja koje arhitektura potiče dobri, a ponajmanje kako je sama arhitektura time dobra ili preporučljiva.

we see as good or desirable. Such a conclusion is problematic because many ethicists see it as unjustified. Drawing a normative conclusion based on solely descriptive premises is called naturalistic fallacy. Normative and descriptive statements do not share the same logical nature so the former cannot be justified by the latter. It is not completely clear how is it justified to claim that the behavioral patterns promoted by architecture are good. Even more lacking in clarity is the claim that architecture itself is good or desirable by the virtue of promoting those patterns.

Strukturalist Aldo van Eyck vjerovao je kako je arhitektura idealan medij za bavljenje problemima društva. Prihvaćanjem postavki antropološkog strukturalizma i njihovim korištenjem u procesu projektiranja, van Eyck svoju arhitekturu određuje kao bitno deskriptivnu jer koristi antropološku dokaznu građu kao opravdanje svake projektantske forme. Prema njemu, postoji određena podudarnost između arhitektonske forme i obrazaca ponašanja koje ona provocira. No ujedno, van Eyckova arhitektura ima iznimno naglašenu ambiciju formativne uloge u socijalnoj svakodnevici. Eksplicitnim predmetom njegove arhitekture tako postaju vrijednosni obrasci ljudskog ponašanja prema kojima arhitektura zauzima normativnu poziciju, potvrđujući time svoju normativnu ulogu. Van Eyckovu metodu moguće je stoga optužiti za naturalističku pogrešku, jer uključuje prijelaz s deskriptivne na normativnu razinu. Međutim, prihvaćanjem strukturalističkog argumenta suvremenog američkog filozofa Johna Searlea u radu se odbacuje navedena optužba. No problem je pritom što Searleov argument nužno podrazumijeva i obvezuje na neku vrstu pristanka korisnika, što je zbog prirode arhitekture iznimno visok zahtjev. Štoviše, pokazuje se kako prešutan pristanak nije dovoljno snažan uvjet da diskriminira one faktore koji su relevantni za opravdanja etičkih ambicija van Eyckove arhitekture. U svjetlu navedenoga, čini se kako deskriptivna analiza uistinu ne može ponuditi adekvatno opravdanje za normativne ambicije arhitekture.


Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

Aldo van Eyck, a structuralist, believed that architecture is the ideal medium through which the problems of society should be tackled. By integrating anthropological structuralism into the process of architectural design and justifying form by anthropological evidence, van Eyck defines his architecture as a crucially descriptive undertaking. The form of van Eyck’s architecture is congruent with patterns of behavior it seeks to provoke. On a different note, van Eyck’s architecture aspires to have a formative role in everyday social life. In light of such aspirations, van Eyck’s architecture takes a normative stance towards morally relevant patterns of behavior and sees them as its explicit subject. Considering that van Eyck’s method includes a transition from the normative to the descriptive level, accusation of committing the naturalistic fallacy may be raised. By accepting the structuralist argument of contemporary American philosopher John Searle, it is possible to neutralize this objection. When applied to architecture, Searle’s argument, however, suffers from an unfortunate weakness. It supposes that users can and will give their consent to the theoretical principles underlying the work of architecture in question. Furthermore, the implied consent is not strong enough to discriminate between features which are relevant for the justification of van Eyck’s ethical ambitions and those that are not. It seems that descriptive analysis cannot offer adequate justification for the normative ambitions of architecture.

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti pri Kabinetu za suvremenu arhitekturu svojim se interkatedarskim djelovanjem i angažmanom razvija duž cijelog nastavnog programa Arhitektonskog fakulteta. Pedagoški proces integrira preddiplomsku, diplomsku i poslijediplomsku razinu nastave u jedinstvenu grupu 14 srodnih curriculuma. Posebno težište u stjecanju znanja studenata usmjereno je spram razumijevanja tipologije arhitektonskih formata, planova, povijesnih i arbitriranih događaja te posljedično, mogućnostima oblikovanja arhitektonskih kompozicija. Kolegij Moderne i suvremene svjetske arhitekture 20. stoljeća, smješta arhitektonski fundus 20. stoljeća u njegov socijalni, kulturni, tehnički i povijesni okvir. Obrazlažu se glavni smjerovi razvoja arhitektonskog stvaralaštva od početaka druge industrijske revolucije do refleksija arhitekture u fenomenu okolinske održivosti na prijelazu u 3. milenij. Kolegij Hrvatska arhitektura 20. stoljeća temelji se na kronološki sistematiziranoj prezentaciji antologijskih djela i specifičnih tematskih cjelina razmatranog perioda. Polazišta arhitektonske analize uz arhitektonski uključuju i širi prostorni, topografski ili urbanistički aspekt, stilski i likovni kontekst vremena, autohtone posebnosti, te poziciju pojedinačnog djela unutar razvojnog luka pojedinog autora. Teorijski kolegij Autorski pristupi hrvatskih arhitekata temelji se na pregledu, analizi i tumačenju izuzetnih autorskih opusa, antologijskih djela i stvaralačkih postupaka istaknutih hrvatskih arhitekata od devetnaestog stoljeća do danas. Slijed predavanja strukturiran je s obzirom na školovanje, područje djelovanja i generacijsku pripadnost arhitekata. Antologijski radovi analiziraju se iz rakursa koncepcijskih, funkcionalnih, formalnih i strukturalnih svojstava djela s ciljem razumijevanja problematike arhitektonske sinteze.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture Contemporary architectural explorations dealt with by the Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture penetrate the entire curriculum of the Faculty of Architecture. Teaching activities integrate undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels into a single group of 14 related programmes. Special focus in the acquisition of knowledge is given to the comprehension of architectural formats, plans, historic events and consequently, possibilities of creating architectural compositions. Modern and Contemporary Architecture in the 20th Century is the course which sets 20th century works of architecture into their social, cultural, technical and historical contexts. It analyzes the main directions of architectural development from the second industrial revolution to the consideration of architecture in the light of environmental sustainability at the turn of the third millennium. Twentieth Century Croatian Architecture Chronologically presents classical works of architecture and specific topics within the examined period. The starting point of architectural analysis includes architectural, but also a wider spatial, topographic or urban aspect, stylistic and artistic contexts of a period, authentic characteristics, and the position of an individual work within an architect’s professional development. Individual Approach of Croatian Architects examines, analyzes and interprets oeuvres of remarkable architects, classic works and creative approaches of prominent Croatian architects from the 19th century to the present day. Lectures are structured according to the architects’ education, area of expertise and generational affiliation. Classic works are analyzed from the perspective of conceptual, functional, formal and structural characteristics of the works with the aim of understanding architectural synthesis. Industrial Archaeology is a course which deals with the issues of industrial heritage (plants and industrial areas) and related structures such as train stations, markets and the like. The aim of the course is to assert this category of architectural heritage in the context of social and technical history and in urban and architectural contexts as well.

Kolegij Industrijska arheologija obrađuje problematiku naslijeđa industrijskih zgrada i industrijskih područja te drugih zgrada tzv. ‘tehničke kulture’ (kolodvori, tržnice, itd.) s ciljem afirmacije te kategorije arhitektonskog naslijeđa u kontekstu društvene i tehničke povijesti kao i u urbanističko-arhitektonskom kontekstu.


Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu

Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Moderna i suvremena svjetska arhitektura 20.st. / Modern and Contemporary Architecture in the 20th century

Promišljati arhitekturu

Considerations on Architecture

Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester



Monika Prinčić

Aleksandar Homadovski


Vizija arhitekture francuskog dvojca Lacaton&Vassal i shvaćanje njihovog stava i pristupa arhitekturi pruža inspiraciju dok arhitektura vođena posebnom metodologijom daje nesvakidašnje prepoznatljive strukture sličnih funkcionalno tehničkih karakteristika. Od početaka poznati po inovativnom pristupu u području obiteljskog stanovanja kroz tipološka istraživanja i odvažno korištenje materijala i tehnologija njihov rad je evoluirao u smjeru projekata šireg opsega. Razumijevanje i vrednovanje konteksta stvara ideju, novi početak generiran zatečenim, duh mjesta, evocira poznate osjećaje, budi maštu, briše direktan odnos projekta sa vremenom i jasne granice novog na svojstvenoj postojećoj lokaciji. Forma staklenika, primjer maksimuma prostora i minimuma materijala je za franc. arhitekte omiljen uređaj interpretacije datih uvjeta. Ovojnica kohabitira sa vanjskim prostorom, zagrijava, zaustavlja vjetar, ventilira, zasjenjuje, izolira. Umjesto da zgrada većinu vremena biva preizolirana ili pak preizložena stvoren je dinamičan i fleksibilan sustav koji se lako prilagođava situaciji, može ‘svući i obući’ u nekoliko minuta. Korisniku daje odgovornost i slobodu da samostalno baratajući elementima prilagodi životni prostor svojim potrebama. Jednostavni sistemi otvora i prolaza, kliznih elemenata, filtera, zastora i mobilnih izolirajućih materijala stvaraju mogućnost direktnog kontakta interijera i eksterijera ili indirektnog kroz prostor između. Što je nosiva struktura laganija i elegantnija više energije je iskorišteno, a omjer dobivenog i uloženog u aspektu efikasnosti i cijene, realnog i često ograničujućeg čimbenika veći dok pritom dobiveni volumen omogućuje povećanje aktivnosti u građevini i fleksibilnost. Ukoliko neki od faktora nije ispunjen u željenim okvirima znači preispitivanje i pronalaženje boljeg rješenja. Cijenjeni su upravo zbog te želje za održavanjem visokog standarda ne dopuštajući mogućnost disproporcije između estetike, etike i potražnje ekonomije pod cijenu kvalitete. Iako manje, bave se i urbanističkim pitanjima. Grad je za francuske arhitekte otvoreni sistem koji ima mogućnost primiti aglomerirajući heterogeni mehanizam koji se konstantno razvija i mijenja. Zadatak arhitekta je u njemu prepoznati najbolje i tranfsormacijom stvoriti viziju grada koja razbija političke, estetske i kompozicijske komponente jer je egzaktnu budućnost nemoguće predvidjeti uslijed kompleksnosti konstantnih mutacija i nepredivosti razvoja. Neovisno o mjerilu svoj stav temelje na etičkoj koncepciji koja podupire ideju društvene odgovornosti arhitekta daleko od proste formalnosti, naoko jednostavan diskurs koji obuhvaća svu složenost suvremene stvarnosti.


Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

The vision of architecture of the French duo Lacaton&Vassal and understanding their attitude and approach, provides inspiration to architecture whereas architecture guided by special methodology provides extraordinary recognisable structures with similar functional and technical characteristics. Known, right from the beginning, for their innovative approach within the field of family housing based on typological research and a daring use of materials and technology, their work has evolved in the direction of a broader range of projects. Understanding and evaluating the context gives rise to an idea, a new beginning generated by the existing, it evokes familiar feelings, awakens the imagination, deletes the direct relationship between the project and time and the clear boundaries of the new at a characteristic, existing location. The form of a greenhouse, an example of maximum space and minimum material is, for the French architects, a favoured device for the interpretation of set conditions. The envelope coexists with outdoor space, it heats, stops the wind, ventilates, overshadows, isolates. Instead of the building being isolated or exposed, most of the time a dynamic and flexible system has been created that easily adapts to every situation, it can be ‘taken off and put on’ in minutes. The user has the freedom and responsibility to independently adjust the elements to create a living space that suits his needs. Simple systems of openings and passages, sliding elements, filters, curtains and mobile insulating materials create the possibility of direct contact between the interior and the exterior, or indirectly through the space in between. The lighter and more elegant the load-bearing structure is, the more energy is used, and the ratio obtained between the gained and the invested as far as the aspect of efficiency and cost is concerned, is a realistic and often limiting factor. The resulting volume allows for an increase in activities in construction and flexibility. If some of the factors are not met within the desired framework, they should be reviewed and a better solution should be found. They are valued precisely because of this desire to maintain high standards, not allowing the possibility of discrepancies between aesthetics, ethics and the economics of demand at the cost of quality. Although to a lesser degree, they also deal with urban issues. For the French architects the city is an open system that has the ability to receive an agglomerating heterogeneous mechanism that is constantly evolving and changing. The task of the architect is to recognise the best in it and to create a vision of the city through a transformation that breaks political, aesthetic and compositional components because it is impossible to predict the exact future due to the complexity of constant mutation and the unpredictability of development. Regardless of the scale, they base their opinions on an ethical concept that supports the idea of the social responsibility of the architect very removed from mere formality, a seemingly simple discourse that encompasses all the complexities of contemporary reality.

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Moderna i suvremena svjetska arhitektura 20.st. / Modern and Contemporary Architecture in the 20th century

Victor Gruen

Victor Gruen

Začetnik modernih trgovina Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

3.5. student


Mirta Rusan

Aleksandar Homadovski

Victor David Grünbaum rođen je 1903. godine u Beču,u Austriji. Arhitekt koji se školovao na bečkoj Akademiji primijenjenih umjetnosti najpoznatiji je po svojim shopping centrima diljem Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i obnovama gradskih jezgri. Nakon završetka studija neko je vrijeme radio u uredu Melcher and Steiner, a potom osnovao svoj arhitektonski ured. Tih je godina radio nekoliko uspješnih projekata za dućane bečkog Ringa. Međutim,budući da je bio Židov i po političkim stavovima socijalist, 1938. je,nedugo nakon njemačke okupacije Beča,emigrirao u SAD i svoje prezime promijenio u Gruen. Tamo je karijeru započeo iznova, a jedan od prvih značajnijih projekata bilo je uređenje dućana Lederer de Paris i Ciro’s Jewelry, nakon čega su uslijedili i projekti poput onih za lanac trgovina Grayson-Robinson. Nakon uspješnog shopping centra Milliron’s iz 1947. uslijedila su značajna ostvarenja poput shopping centara Northland,Southdale,Midtown Plaza ili Randhurst Shopping Center, te revitalizacija gradske jezgre grada Kalamazoo. U svojim planiranjima gradova,gradskih jezgri i shopping centrima Gruen je uvijek želio u Ameriku donjeti nešto europskoga. Dok je uživao u europskim gradovima,kulturi i mentalitetu,toliko je i prezirao američke gradove,kulturu i mentalitet. Bio je vrlo kritičan prema Amerikancima i žalio se kako je njihov konzumerizam upropastio njegove prvotne ideje kupovine kao zabave i ljudskog zajedništva. U svojim je knjigama kritizirao neplanirani rast američkih gradova i američki mentalitet potrošnje,iako je svoju karijeru izgradio upravo na shopping centrima. Također,upravo je njegov novi tip zatvorenog shopping centra postao zastupljen,ne samo u Americi,nego i u cijelom svijetu. Iako komercijalni arhitekt,sa svojim je projektima uvijek težio stvaranju okoliša koji bi na neki način zbližavao ljude,a jedino mu je taj nevoljeni komercijalni sektor pružio mogućnost za realizaciju svojih ideja. 1970. je osnovao Victor Gruen Foundation for Environmental Planning jer se nadao da će na taj način pomoći edukaciji Amerikanaca. Bio je uvjeren da će ljudskost,zajedno s prirodom izumrijeti,i rješenje je vidio u sistematskom planiranju gradova i ljudskog okoliša. Nakon tridesetogodišnje uspješne karijere u Americi,Gruen se vratio u voljeni mu Beč, gdje je i umro 1980. Bio je,možda ne na način na koji je on to zamišljao,no bez sumnje jedan od najutjecajnijih arhitekata 20.stoljeća i dobitnik nagrade City of Vienna award for architecture za cjelokupni doprinos.


Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu

Founder of Modern Trade

Victor David Grünbaum was born in 1903 in Vienna, Austria. An architect, he studied at the Vienna Academy of Applied Arts and is best known for his shopping centers, built throughout the United States, and the renewal of city centers. After graduating, for a while he worked in the office of Melcher and Steiner, and then founded his own architecture firm. During those years, he produced a number of successful projects for shops along the Vienna Ring. As he was a Jew, and a socialist, in 1938, shortly after the German occupation of Vienna he emigrated to the U.S. and changed his name to Gruen. There he rebuilt his career, and one of his first major projects was the design of the Lederer de Paris and Ciro’s Jewelry stores, followed by projects such as those for the Grayson – Robinson chain store. After successfully completing the shopping center Milliron‘s in 1947, his further significant achievements include the shopping centers Northland, Southdale, Midtown Plaza or The Randhurst Shopping Center, as well as the revitalization of the town centre in Kalamazoo. In his planning of cities, city centers and shopping centers, Gruen’s wish was to import something European to America. Whereas he enjoyed European cities, their culture and mentality, he despised the U.S. He was very critical of the Americans and complained that their consumerism had ruined his initial idea of shopping ​​ as a form of entertainment and human gathering. In his books he was critical of the unplanned growth of American cities and the mentality of spending, even though it was through shopping malls that he built up his career. It was his new type of indoor shopping center that became popular in America, but also worldwide. Although a commercial architect, his projects always aspired to include an environment that would in some ways bring people together. Though he hated the commercial sector, it was exactly this sector that provided him with the opportunity for implementing his ideas. In 1970 he founded the Victor Gruen Foundation for Environmental Planning in the hope of helping to educate Americans. He was convinced that humanity, along with nature, would become extinct, and he saw the solution to this in the systematic planning of cities and the environment. After a successful career in America for thirty years, Gruen returned to his beloved Vienna, where he died in 1980. He was, perhaps not in the way he imagined, one of the most influential architects of the 20th century and received the City of Vienna award for architecture for his overall contribution.

Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Industrijska arheologija / Industiral Archeology diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

ZIVT: Zagorska industrija vunenih tkanina – novi centar Zaboka

Semestar / semester

1. 1.



Mirka Škudar

Zrinka Barišić Marenić

Zabok posjeduje dvije jezgre; stariju vezanu uz župnu crkvu sv. Jelene i modernu, vezanu uz nekadašnju tekstilnu industriju uz željezničku prugu (ZIVT) koja je postupno realizirana od 1930ih. Nakon što se ugasila proizvodnja, ZIVT prelazi u ruke novih investitora i taj prostor polako postaje novi centar grada Zaboka, a što i sama gradska uprava planira kroz novi prostorni plan Centar 3. Redukcijom naknadnih dogradnji izvorna pročelja i vrijedne vizure industrijskog razdoblja dolaze do izražaja. Tvorničke hale s lučnim nosačima te hale s betonskim shed krovovima pripadaju najvišim standardima industrijske arhitekture u Hrvatskoj, te su uz radničko naselje i modernu kotlovnicu i vertikalu tvorničkog dimnjaka simbol Zaboka i element njegovog vizualnog identiteta. Industrijska baština ZIVT-a u temeljima je modernog Zaboka, koji se razvio zahvaljujući tekstilnoj industriji. Stoga osim urbanističke i arhitektonske vrijednosti ovaj sklop ima i veliko sociološko značenje. Važan je element identifikacije i povezanosti stanovnika s industrijskom baštinom kao integralnim dijelom grada. Sagledavajući jezgru modernoga Zaboka u kontekstu šireg urbanog područja, nužno je formiranje kvalitetnije poveznice preko željezničke pruge kao prostorne barijere da bi ovaj prostor postao pravim gradskim središtem. Rihard Dworžak, ovl. civilni inženjer iz Zagreba potpisuje 1935. godine prvu fazu tvornice izvornog naziva ‘Oroslavia’, koja je ubrzo preimenovana u ‘Tekstilnu industriju Milan Prpić u Zaboku d.d.’. Dogradnje postojeće predione, novu transformatorsku stanicu i druge dogradnje iz 1943. godine potpisuje ovlašteni civilni inženjer Dušan Narančić iz Zagreba. Tehnička dokumentacija postojećih hala izgrađenih tijekom 40-ih i 50-ih godina 20. st. nije sačuvana. Idejni projekt rekonstrukcije tvorničkog sklopa ZIVT 2008. ostvaruje arh. D. Boić, Arhitektonski ured Arhinatura. Urbana transformacija ZIVT-a u kojoj se čuvaju stare tvorničke zgrade u hrvatskim je okvirima rijetkost, za razliku od europskih iskustava, gdje su takvi primjeri postali opće prihvaćena mjesta. Mnogi europski gradovi iskoristili su svoje napuštene zone industrijskih pogona i skladišta za stvaranje novih urbanističkih vrijednosti, koje su postale turistički atraktivne destinacije. Primjer ZIVT-a može postati hrvatska paradigma – model koji pokazuje da je moguće očuvati baštinu i identitet te ostvariti razvitak.


Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

ZIVT: Zagorje Woollen Cloth Industry – New Centre of Zabok Zabok has two cores. An older one, linked to the parish church of St Helen, and a modern one, linked to the former textile industry by the railway line (ZIVT) which grew up gradually since the 1930s. After production was shut down, ZIVT passed into the hands of new investors and the space slowly became the new centre of Zabok, which is exactly what the city administration plans for a new spatial plan for Centar 3. After reducing the subsequent additions to the original facade, valuable perspectives from the industrial era became visible. The factory halls with arched girders and halls with concrete shed roofs belong to the highest standards of industrial architecture in Croatia. Alongside the workers’ village and a modern boiler and vertical factory chimney, it is a symbol of Zabok and an element of its visual identity. The industrial heritage of ZIVT is part of the foundations of modern Zabok which developed thanks to the textile industry. Aside from its urban and architectural value, this complex is of great sociological significance. It is an important element of identification and a link between inhabitants and the industrial heritage as an integral part of the city. When viewing the core of modern Zabok within the context of a wider urban area, it is essential that better links are formed across the railway line as a physical barrier in order for this space to become a true city centre. Rihard Dworžak, licensed civil engineer from Zagreb signed in 1935 the first phase of the factory ‘Oroslavia’, which was soon renamed ‘Milan Prpić Textile Industry in Zabok, Inc.’. Upgrade of existing spinning mill, new transformer station and other annexes from the 1943 were signed by the licensed civil engineer Dušan Narančić from Zagreb. Technical documentation of existing annexes from 1940s and 1950s has not been preserved. Conceptual design of reconstruction of ZIVT factory complex realized in 2008 architect D. Boić, Architectural firm Arhinatura. The urban transformation of ZIVT in which the old factory buildings are preserved is rare, in contrast to elsewhere in Europe, where such examples have become widely accepted. Many European cities have used their abandoned industrial plants and zones and warehouses to create new urban values ​​which have become attractive tourist destinations. The example of ZIVT can become a Croatian paradigm – a model that proves that it is possible to preserve heritage and identity and achieve development.

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Autorski pristup u hrvatskoj arhitekturi / Croatian Architects Author’s Approaches

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Arhitekt Ante Vulin

Architect Ante Vulin

diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester



Sara Vulić

Andrej Uchytil

1. 2.


Akademik Ante Vulin djelovao je preko četrdeset godina u arhitektonskoj praksi, ostvarujući projekte koji pokazuju osebujno interpretiranje modernih arhitektonskih načela, te profinjen osjećaj za, danas posebno naznačen, problem uklapanja novog u već postojeće arhitektonske i urbanističke cjeline. U svojim je djelima definirao snažnu individualnu notu likovne harmonije koja ga je uvela u red istaknutih kreatora. Usporedo s jakim naglaskom strukture u njegovim se djelima istodobno očituje i posebna nota izrazite senzibilnosti gotovo lirske poetičnosti koja najsnažnije ilustrira artističku ličnost akademika Vulina. Grad, kao i svaki artefakt, iskazuje formom svoju genezu, pa tako i kameniti Šibenik pokazuje gotovo organičko taloženje na samoj granici ergometrijskih potreba i koegzistencije žestokih ljudskih naravi, koje su kroz povijest graditeljskog djelovanja gradile taj svijet složen od ulaznih atrija malih palača, crkvenog dvorišta, terasa, balkona, portala, kamenih zidova, rizalita... U jednom takvom mjestu kao što je Šibenik geometrija prostora promjenjiva je u svakoj sekvenci slike i vremena, a događaji su jako gusti. Taj manufakturni svijet spontanosti, taktilnosti i konkretnosti čista je suprotnost apstraktnom svijetu moderne, a Vulin je suvremenik moderne. Dakle, polazi od pozitivnog iskustva moderne, negativnog iskustva aplikacije moderne kao doktrine te od oniričnog iskustva šibenskih prostora. Iz ove kontroverzne osnove, Vulin ipak izvodi metodološku i kulturološku mjeru stvari, u konkretnom odnosu prema programu i nježnom odnosu prema duhu mjesta. U tom postupku nema bilo kakve želje za funkcionalnim inovacijama, koncept je primarno motiviran odnosom prema postojećem, gradskom okolišu, u smislu kontinuiteta partera i ploha, smjerova i prostora, uvijek u prepoznatljivoj klasičnoj geometriji ulica, terasa, trgova, pasaža, stubišta...

Working for over forty years as an architect, academician Ante Vulin created projects that embody a distinctive interpretation of modern architectural principles and a sophisticated feeling for the issue on how to incorporate novelty into pre-existing architectural and urban entities. His work includes his strongly defined personal touch of visual harmony which ranked him among prominent creators. Along with a strong emphasis on structure, his works also bear a note of extreme sensitivity, almost lyrical poetics, which most compellingly illustrates the artistic personality of academician Vulin. The city, like any artefact, expresses its genesis through its form. This also applies to Šibenik which presents an almost organic deposition on the very border of ergometric needs and the coexistence of violent human natures that have, down through the history of architectural efforts, built this world made up of entrance atriums belonging to small palaces, church courtyards, terraces, balconies, portals, stone walls , projections, bays... In a place like Šibenik geometry of space is variable in each image sequence and each time sequence, and events are very dense. This artisanal world of spontaneity, tactility and concreteness stands in pure contrast to the abstract world of the modern and Vulin is a contemporary of the modern. In other words, his starting point is his positive experience of the modern, his negative experience of the application of the modern as a doctrine, as well as his oniric experience of Šibenik and its environs. From this controversial standpoint Vulin deduces the methodological and cultural measure of things, through a concrete relation to the programme and a tender relation to the spirit of the place. In this process there is no desire for functional innovation. The concept is primarily motivated by the relationship to the existing, urban environment, in terms of continuity of floors and surfaces, directions and space, always in the recognisable classical geometry of streets, terraces, squares, passages, stairs...

Profesor Vulin je posjedovao raskošan talent uz izuzetan likovni senzibilitet. Kao prof. Šegvić, arh. Vitić, i prof. Vulin nosio je kulturu dviju preklopljenih matrica: srednjoeuropsku jer je studirao i živio u Zagrebu te onu slojevitu, mediteransku po rođenju i školovanju, kojoj se stalno vraćao. Ortogonalna matrica-mreža bila je taj najdonji sloj – infrastruktura arhitektova mišljenja. Ona nije primarno nosila izabrani konstruktivni sistem, kako bi netko pomislio, već je bila bitan korekturni sustav u razrješenju neravnoteže i kontrasta različitih prostornih problema. Nosila je ono što je Le Corbusier nazivao plan generateur, kao neko sredstvo stvaranja. Na tom sloju nastali su izvrsni projekti robne kuće u Puli, natječajni projekt ‘Rotel’ u Budvi (zajedno s kolegom Mladenom Bošnjakom), muzej u Šibeniku, stambeni sklop na Šubićevcu – Šibeniku, stambeni sklop s robnom kućom u Šibeniku, hotel ‘Olimpija’ (zajedno s kolegom Igorom Kolombom) u Vodicama, stambene kuće i Dom umirovljenika u Kninu, te brojne obiteljske kuće u Primoštenu, Murteru, Brodarici, Siegenu (Njemačka)...

Professor Vulin possessed extraordinary talent along with remarkable artistic sensibility. Like Prof Šegvić, architect Vitić, Prof Vulin bore the cultures of two overlapping matrices: the Central European, as he studied and lived in Zagreb, and an additional one, layered, Mediterranean by birth and education, which kept resurfacing. The orthogonal matrix-network was the lowest layer – the infrastructure of the architect’s opinion. It was not the primarily carrier of the chosen structural system, as some might think, but was an important correction system for solving the imbalance and contrasts among different spatial problems. It was the carrier of what Le Corbusier called the plan generator, as a means of creation. This layer led to excellent projects – for the department store in Pula, the tender project ‘Rotel’ in Budva (together with Mladen Bosnjak), the museum in Šibenik, the residential complex on Šubićevac – Šibenik, the residential complex with a department store in Šibenik, Hotel ‘Olimpija’ (together with his colleague Igor Kolomb) in Vodice, residential housing and the Retirement Home in Knin, and numerous family houses in Primošten, Murter, Brodarica, Siegen (Germany)...

Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu

Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Lucija Lončar

Andrej Uchytil

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Arhitekt Josip Tešija

Architect Josip Tešija

Arhitekt Josip Tešija rođen je 21. veljače 1926. godine u Osijeku. Osnovnu školu i Realnu gimnaziju završio je u rodnom gradu, a studij arhitekture u Zagrebu na tadašnjem Arhitektonskom odjelu Tehničkog fakulteta 1954. godine, u klasi profesora Vladimira Turine. Nakon diplomiranja odmah se vraća u Osijek i prve četiri godine radi u građevinskom poduzeću ‘Gradnja’. Godine 1958. s arhitektom Franjom Mesarićem osniva projektni biro Arhitekt u kojem djeluje neprekidno do odlaska u mirovinu 1985. godine. U tom periodu projektira pedesetak zgrada, većinom realiziranih u Osijeku. Za svoj stručni rad dobio je niz društvenih priznanja, među kojima Nagrade grada Osijeka za zgradu pošte u Donjem gradu, za energanu u dvorištu Saponije u Donjem gradu i za projekt uređenja restorana Bastion u osječkoj Tvrđi (koautori arhitekti Franjo Mesarić i Dragutin Kapun). Arhitekt Tešija pripada prvoj generaciji osječkih arhitekt koji su završili studij arhitekture i počeli djelovati u Osijeku nakon II. svjetskog rata. Uz arhitekta Mesarića zapravo započinje uspostavu arhitektonske djelatnosti nakon prekida nastalog odlaskom, odnosno prestankom djelovanja najznačajnijih arhitekata koji su u Osijeku djelovali uoči i za vrijeme II. svjetskog rata: Axmanna, Domesa i Pelzera, a koji su ustvari bili prvi akademski obrazovani arhitekti u Osijeku. Mesarić i Tešija započinju djelatnost arhitekture u Osijeku nakon perioda zastoja od oko 15-ak godina nakon rata kada praktično arhitekture nije niti bilo, obzirom da je prioritet bila obnova grada i sve se svodilo na ‘građevinarstvo’. Osnivanjem projektnog biroa Arhitekt u Osijeku, kojega su osnivači upravo arhitekti Mesarić i Tešija, započinju i prvi arhitektonsko ambiciozniji projekti. Ostvarenja im uključuju Stambenu zgradu Koteks, Domove zdravlja u Drinskoj, Retfali i na Jugu II, Osnovnu školu u Školskoj ulici, Upravnu školu u dvorištu Županije, Industrijske zgrade u pogonu Saponije, Rekreacijski centar Copacabana, Sportsku dvoranu Zrinjevac, Veslački klub Iktus, Zgradu pošte u Donjem gradu, Zgradu projektnog ureda Arhitekt.


Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

Architect Joseph Tešija was born on 21 February 1926 in Osijek. He completed elementary and grammar school in his native town, and the study of architecture in Zagreb at what was then the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering in 1954 in the class of Professor Vladimir Turina. After graduating, he returned to Osijek and for the first four years he worked in the construction company ‘Gradnja’. In 1958 he founded the project office Arhitekt with architect Franjo Mesarić where he worked continuously until his retirement in 1985. During this period he worked on the design of fifty buildings, mostly realised in Osijek. He received great social recognition for his professional work, including the City of Osijek Award for the Post Office Building in the Lower Town, for a power plant in the courtyard of ‘Saponija’ in the Lower Town and for the design project for the restaurant Bastion at Tvrđa (co-authors are architects Franjo Mesarić and Dragutin Kapun). Architect Tešija belongs to the first generation of Osijek architects who completed studies in architecture and began to work in Osijek after World War II. In fact, alongside architect Mesarić he began establishing architectural activities after the work of the most important architects who had worked in Osijek before and during World War II ended: Axmann, Domes and Pelzer, who were the first academically trained architects in Osijek. Mesarić and Tešija started off as architects in Osijek 15 odd years after the war when there was practically no architecture, in view of the fact that the priority was the rebuilding of the city and it all came down to ‘construction’. Upon the establishment of the project office Arhitekt in Osijek, the founders, architects Mesarić and Tešija, initiated their first ambitious projects. Their accomplishments include the residential building Koteks the Health Centres in Drinska, Retfali and Jug II, the Elementary School in Školska Street, the Managing School in the courtyard of the County Offices, the Industrial buildings at the ‘Saponija’ plant, the Recreation Centre Copacabana, the Sports Centre Zrinjevac, the Rowing Club Iktus, the Post Office building in the Lower Town and the building of the design office Arhitekt.

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje / section of urban design Voditelj / head of section

redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors

docenti / Assistant Professors

pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching


Demonstratori / student assistants

prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić

dr.sc. Marijan Hržić dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić

dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar

dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac, dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović, dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, dr.sc. Damir Krajnik, dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković, dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ana Mrđa, Tin Oberman, Marko Rukavina

Svebor Andrijević, dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Zoran Boševski, Marko Cvjetko, Zrinka Grosek, Ivona Jerković, Bojan Linardić, Martina Ljubičić, Nikola Matuhina, Damir Petric, Ksenija Radić, Vera Ružić, Ana Sopina, Andrea Šimić, dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić, Hrvoje Vidović, Tomislav Vreš

Korina Barišić, Marija Barović, Jana Čulek, Anna Kocsis, Iva Kovačev, Jere Kuzmanić, Kristina Perkov, Igor Sladoljev, Ivana Šajn, Mirka Škudar, Alen Žunić

dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat dr.sc. Anka Mišetić

Kabinet za prostorno planiranje / Section of physical planning Voditelj / head of section

redoviti profesori / professors

DOCENT / Assistant Professor

viši Asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant

znanstveni novak – asistent / junior researcher and teaching assistant

Pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching

prof.dr.sc. Srečko Pegan

dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac dr.sc. Srečko Pegan

dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović

dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik

Ana Mrđa

dr.sc. Marijan Hržić dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat dr.sc. Zlatko Karač dr.sc. Damir Krajnik dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković Tamara Marić Tin Oberman Marko Rukavina


Demonstratori / student assistants

Svebor Andrijević, dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Zoran Boševski, Marko Cvjetko, Zrinka Grosek, Ivona Jerković, Bojan Linardić, Martina Ljubičić, Nikola Matuhina, Damir Petric, Ksenija Radić, Vera Ružić, Ana Sopina, Andrea Šimić, dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić, Hrvoje Vidović, Tomislav Vreš

Korina Barišić, Marija Barović, Jana Čulek, Anna Kocsis, Iva Kovačev, Jere Kuzmanić, Kristina Perkov, Igor Sladoljev, Ivana Šajn, Mirka Škudar, Alen Žunić


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma / Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban planning History Voditelj / head of section

redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors

docenti / Assistant Professors

viši Asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant

znanstveni novaci – asistenti / junior researchers and teaching assistants

Pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching

prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci

dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci

dr.sc. Zlatko Karač

dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković

Tamara Marić Tin Oberman Marko Rukavina

dr.sc. Marijan Hržić dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac dr.sc. Srečko Pegan dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik Ana Mrđa

dr.sc. Damir Krajnik dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci


Demonstratori / student assistants

Svebor Andrijević, dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Zoran Boševski, Marko Cvjetko, Zrinka Grosek, Ivona Jerković, Bojan Linardić, Martina Ljubičić, Nikola Matuhina, Damir Petric, Ksenija Radić, Vera Ružić, Ana Sopina, Andrea Šimić, dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić, Hrvoje Vidović, Tomislav Vreš

Korina Barišić, Marija Barović, Jana Čulek, Anna Kocsis, Iva Kovačev, Jere Kuzmanić, Kristina Perkov, Igor Sladoljev, Ivana Šajn, Mirka Škudar, Alen Žunić


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje Fizionomija gradskog prostora Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje je nastavna i znanstvena sastavnica Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu koje su osnovne djelatnosti održavanje nastave kolegija tematski pripadajućih znanstvenoj grani ‘urbanizam i prostorno planiranje’ i znanstvena istraživanja u sklopu međunarodnih znanstvenih projekata kao i znanstvenih projekata Ministarstva znanosti obrazovanja i sporta. Kolegiji Kabineta za urbanizam obuhvaćaju tematska-problemska područja urbanističkog planiranja (Urban planning) i urbanističkog projektiranja (Urban design). Bavi se aktualnim temama i procesima koji se odvijaju u gradu. U sklopu nastavne, znanstvene i stručne djelatnosti obuhvaćene su teme istraživanja urbanih područja i preobrazba grada i sveobuhvatno planiranje složenih dijelova grada kao i njihovu integraciju u postojeću, odnosno planiranu gradsku strukturu. Naglasak je dan na javnom i zajedničkom unutar urbanih područja i na aktualnoj temi preobrazbe grada i planiranju stambenih sadržaja, kao osnovne komponente urbanog područja, uz koju treba planirati i sve ostale potrebne sadržaje za određeni dio grada, od društvenih do poslovnih, proizvodnih do sportskih i rekreacijskih. Metodološki gledano složena i slojevita urbanističko-planerska materija razlaže se na problemske razine (promet, namjena, aspekti zaštite, odnosi javno – privatno) da bi se na kraju istraživačkog postupka sintetizirali u cjeloviti program. Posebna se pažnja posvećuje uređenju odabranih nekonsolidiranih dijelova grada, koji zahtijevaju rekonstrukciju, dogradnju ili novu izgradnju, kao i načelima održive gradnje uz naglašavanje zatečenih vrijednosti kulturne i prirodne baštine uz racionalno korištenje prostora i usuglašavanja interesa različitih korisnika u prostoru. Cilj je osposobljavanje studenata da rezultate analitičkog istraživanja na određenoj lokaciji znaju pretočiti u projektni zadatak za izradu urbanističkog rješenja uređenja dijela gradskog prostora. To podrazumijeva odgovorno i argumentirano dimenzioniranje i kvantificiranje programa namjene prostora, te simuliranje mogućih rezultata dobivenih na temelju definiranih urbanističkih propozicija kroz prikaz varijantnih rješenja i kontrolu nad nepoželjnim posljedicama. Koncept nastave se temelji na teoretskom i empirijskom znanju.


Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Urban Design Physiognomy of Urban Space The Section of Urban Design is an academic section of the Department for Urban Planning, Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture whose basic activities comprise teaching courses thematically pertaining to the scientific branch of urban and physical planning, and conducting research within international scientific projects, as well as scientific projects funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport. Courses organized by the Section of Urban Design comprise thematic fields related to urban planning and urban design. They deal with contemporary topics and processes that take place in urban spaces. Educational, research and professional activities comprise topics related to research of urban areas and urban transformations, and comprehensive planning of complex urban sections and their integration into the existing urban structure. Emphasis is placed on public and communal facilities in cities and the prevailing topic of urban transformation and planning of residential facilities as the fundamental component of an urban area which needs to be planned alongside all other necessary facilities – social, commercial, industrial, sport and recreational. In terms of teaching methodology, complex material concerning urban design and planning is divided into problematic levels (traffic, use, aspects of protection, public-private relationships) which are combined into an integral programme through examination and analysis. Special attention is given to the planning of selected unconsolidated urban areas which require reconstruction, extension or new construction, as well as to the principles of sustainable building emphasizing the existing values of cultural and natural heritage, a rational use of space and negotiating interest of various users of the space. The objective of the programme is to equip students with knowledge to use the results of analytical research of a particular location and turn them into an assignment – creating an urban development concept of a particular urban section. Students should responsibly and justifiably define the uses of space, that is formulate the size and number of programmes, and predict possible results on the basis of defined urban propositions through a presentation of all potential solutions and the control over unwanted consequences. The concept of the lessons is based on theoretical and empirical knowledge.

Section of Urban Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

studio 2 / Urban architectural design studio 2 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

2.4. koordinator kolegija / course coordinator Krunoslav Šmit

Stambeno naselje Topola, Zagreb Sadržaj Studija 2 jest izrada detaljnog plana uređenja gradskoga predjela predviđenog za mješovitu, pretežito stambenu izgradnju. Program se sastoji od urbanističkog i arhitektonskog dijela zadatka. Težište je na urbanističkom dijelu gdje se izrađuje detaljni plan uređenja, dok se u arhitektonskom dijelu zadatka, za parcelu iz obuhvata detaljnoga plana, izrađuje idejno arhitektonsko rješenje stambene zgrade. Studio 2 okosnica je studijskog programa jer povezuje urbanističko planiranje s arhitektonskim projektiranjem. Studenti se upoznaju s postupkom planiranja i projektiranja kojim se prostor i građevina razvijaju kroz kontekst, formu, funkciju, tehnologiju i materijal. Osim integracije znanja, potiče se individualni kreativni pristup rješavanju problema kod svakog pojedinog studenta. Unutar Studija 2 razvija se i problemska analiza, istraživanje i uporaba tradicijskih i suvremenih tehnologija. U okviru radnog procesa stječe se razumijevanje odnosa inženjera i društva, profesionalne etike, djelovanje na održivost okoliša, upravljanja planom i projektom te učinkovite komunikacije. Studio 2 zasniva se na individualnom radu, ali uključuje i posjete lokaciji, ciljane seminare, zajedničke prezentacije i rasprave tijekom semestra te završnu prezentaciju i obranu projekta.



Valentina Krekić

Krunoslav Šmit Hrvoje Vidović Branimir Rajčić


Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Housing Estate Topola, Zagreb The content of Urban Architectural Design Studio 2 is the establishment of a detailed land use plan for urban areas foreseen as being a planned mixture of construction, predominantly residential in nature. The programme consists of an urban and an architectural part to the task. The focus is on the urban section where a detailed development plan should be produced, while the architectural section of the task, the plot taken from the detailed plan, is intended as being an architectural apartment buildings project. Urban Architectural Design Studio 2 is the backbone of the study programme as it connects urban planning with architectural design. Students are introduced to the process of planning and designing whereby space and buildings are developed through context, form, function, technology and materials. In addition to the integration of knowledge, this process fosters individual creative approaches to problem solving among student. Urban Architectural Design Studio 2 also fosters and helps develop problem analysis, research and the application of traditional and modern technologies. As part of the work process students acquire an understanding of the relationship between engineers and society, professional ethics, actions targeted at environmental sustainability, and plan and project management as well as effective communication. Urban Architectural Design Studio 2 is based on individual work, but also includes site visits, targeted seminars, joint presentations and discussions during the semester and a final presentation and argumentation of the project.

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje

Section of Urban Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

planiranje grada / comprehensive town planning Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester



Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Zapadni prilaz Zagrebu

Western Approach to Zagreb

Studija urbane rekonstrukcije, revitalizacije i nove gradnje Širenje Zagreba oduvijek je pratilo prometne tokove usporedne s brježuljcima Medvednice i udaljene od naplavne savske nizine. Sredinom 19. stoljeća željeznica je prošla tim smjerom, postajući čimbenikom povezivanja, ali istodobno i prostornom preprekom između sjevera i juga. Prigradske željeznice koje tu prometuju, danas potvrđuju mnoge blagodati ‘života uz prugu’. Uz ovu komunikacijsku liniju međutim, Zagrebu nedostaju kvalitetne prometne spone sjever – jug. Jednu od njih prepoznajemo kao novu razvojnu liniju u međuprostoru najzapadnih stambenih rubova grada i nekadašnje industrijske zone Jankomir koja doživljava intenzivnu funkcionalnu preobrazbu. Područje traži programsko, sadržajno i oblikovno promišljanje i urbanu artikulaciju novim strukturama i novim sadržajima. Smisao zadatka je približavanje studentima planerskih metoda, kako u istraživačkom postupku, tako i u kreativnom promišljanju organizacije i oblikovanja prostora u dijelom neizgrađenom i urbanistički neartikuliranom području. Cilj je racionalno i funkcionalno dimenzioniranje potreba za površinama novog gradskog tkiva i javnih gradskih prostora. Programi namjena daju se iščitati iz Generalnog plana kao pretežito mješovite zone namjene s površinama javnih i društvenih sadržaja, koje treba preispitati i po potrebi prerazmjestiti, a mogu biti obogaćeni sadržajima u širokom rasponu od društvenih i javnih, trgovačkih, gospodarskih, kulturnih i rekreacijskih, pri čemu se stambena izgradnja smatra temeljnom supstancijom grada. Moguća su kritički obrazložena odstupanja od GUP-a. U kreativnom postupku promišljanja grada očekuju se rješenja (na razini Urbanističkog plana uređenja) koja će, osim u kvalitativnom smislu odrediti i kvantitativne okvire, te utvrditi optimalni kapacitet prostora. Treba odrediti također i vertikalne gabarite grada, propitati gustoću gradskoga tkiva, te predložiti osnovna urbana pravila koja će kontrolirati provedbu zamisli kroz pojedinačne arhitektonske zahvate.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

A Study of Urban Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and New Construction The expansion of Zagreb accompanied the traffic flows running parallel to the hills of Medvednica and away from the alluvial plains of the Sava. In the mid 19th century the railway ran along this route in the opposite direction becoming a factor of connectivity, but also a physical barrier between the north and south. Suburban railways that operated along this route confirm many of the benefits of ‘life by the track’. Aside from this communication route, Zagreb lacks a good north – south traffic link. One of these is a newly developing route within the space between the housing at the westernmost edge of the city and the former industrial zone Jankomir which is experiencing intense functional transformation. This area requires an urban plan, content and design as well as the urban articulation of new structures and facilities. The point of the task is to introduce students to planning methods within the research procedure, but also to a creative approach concerning the organisation and design of space in a sparsely populated part of an as yet unarticulated urban area. The aim is rational and functional sizing of needs for areas belonging to the new urban fabric and public spaces. Intended programmes are provided in the General Urban Plan (GUP) in which this is predominantly a mixed zone, including areas with public and social facilities, which need to be reviewed and, where necessary, reorganised. They can be enhanced through a wide range of amenities, from social and public, commercial, economic, cultural and recreational, whilst residential construction is considered the basic substance of the city. Justified deviations from the General Urban Plan (GUP) are possible. A creative approach to providing solutions for urban planning (the Urban Development Plan) are expected, which will, not only in qualitative terms, but also in quantitative terms, define the framework, and so determine the optimal capacity of the space. Vertical dimensions of the city need to be defined, the density of the urban fabric needs to be examined, and basic urban policies need to be proposed that will control the implementation of ideas through individual architectural interventions.

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Antonio Jakubek

Jesenko Horvat Bojan Linardić Ana Mrđa



Antonija Galac

Tihomir Jukić Damir Petric


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Urbanističkim rješenjem područja između Jankomira i Stenjevca planiran je ulazni i rubni dio grada adekvatnom postavom željezničkih i kolnih prometnih koridora te ‘parkand-ride’ sustava garaža, kao i društvenih sadržaja i površina, koje ovaj dio grada aktiviraju u novo središte urbanog življenja i novih događanja, te time podižu standard grada u cjelini. Tri glavne cjeline planiranog područja su mješovita namjena na istočnom dijelu, postojeća gospodarsko-trgovačka namjena na jugu i potez društvene namjene na zapadu te dva perivojna poteza.

Through a zoning regulation, the area between Jankomir and Stenjevac is planned as an entrance point to and the outskirts of the city with adequate rail and road transport corridors and a ‘park-and-ride’ system garage. The social facilities and surfaces of this area of the city would trigger a new centre of urban life and events, thus raising the overall standard of the city. The three major components of the planned area are of mixed-use character on the east side, the current industrial and commercial area in the south and a social purposes area in the west, as well as two extensive urban parks.

Prostor na zapadnoj periferiji Zagreba ostao je neizgrađen zbog planirane željezničke pruge. U međuvremenu su se susjedna područja intenzivno razvijala, istočno s pretežito stambenim a zapadno s gospodarskim sadržajima. Danas je vidljiva potreba za povezivanjem ta dva izgrađena područja različitih namjena. Koncept uspostavlja prometne veze i povezuje najvažnije točke okolnih područja s planiranim točkama unutar područja. Povezivanje je ostvareno preko pejsažne površine s rekreacijskim sadržajima koja se nadovezuje na pejsažne površine okolnih područja.

The area on the western outskirts of Zagreb has remained undeveloped due to a planned railway line. In the meantime, the adjacent areas have developed extensively. Eastwards there are predominantly residential areas, and westwards there are areas allotted to industries. Today it is evident that there is a need to link the two areas built for different purposes. The concept establishes transport links, connecting the most important points within the surrounding areas with planned points within the area. Landscape areas with recreational facilities are appended to existing surfaces in the surrounding areas.

Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje

Section of Urban Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Urbanistička radionica 1 / Urban Design Studio 1 Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

1. 1.



Ante Đerek

Tihomir Jukić Ivona Jerković


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Poslovno-stambena zona Radnička Gradska stambena područja sustavno su se širila od planiranog središta prema neplaniranim rubnim dijelovima. Zaobiđeni su predjeli prvih industrijskih i servisnih pogona, a dijelovi grada namijenjeni proizvodnim funkcijama doživljavaju svoju novu valorizaciju i preobrazbu. Nekada rubni dijelovi grada, procesom preobrazbe i premještanjem centralnih gradskih funkcija iz statusa statičnih središnjih gradskih predjela prema dinamičnim koridorskim potezima, postupno postaju njegovim novim središtima u čijem oblikovanju novooblikovani javni prostor i promet (javni i individualni) igraju sve značajniju ulogu.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Business and Residential Zone ‘Radnička’ Urban residential areas have been systematically expanding from the planned centretowards unplanned city limits. Once overlooked tracts belonging to the initialindustrial and service facilities zones and parts of the city intended for productionfacilities are now being perceived, evaluated and transformed. Through the processof transformation and the transferral of the status of central city functions from beingstatic central city areas and towards becoming dynamic corridor stretches what wereonce the edges and verges of the city have gradually become its new centres inwhose shaping newly formed public space and transport (public and private) are nowplaying an increasingly important role.

Urbanističko rješenje usmjereno je na rješavanje spoja donjogradskog rastera i poslovnog pročelja južne strane Radničke ceste. Preuzet je i reinterpretiran donjogradski raster pri planiranju zgrada koje modulacijom oblikuju i sjeverno pročelje Radničke ceste, te nove pješačke poteze. Zavrtnica je jedina ulica izuzeta iz rastera. Središnji dio planiranog područja povezan je upuštenom vezom koja ide ispod Branimirove ulice s kompleksom muzejskih zgrada. Željeznička pruga odignuta je na stupove, a pod njom se formira javni, pretežno perivojni prostor.

The urban solution focuses on connecting the Lower Town grid and the business facades on the south side of Radnička Street. The Lower Town grid was taken and reinterpreted during the planning of the buildings, which form the north facade of Radnička Street and the new pedestrian stretches in a modular fashion. Zavrtnica is exempt from the grid. The centrepiece of the planned area is the link below Branimir Street with a complex of museum buildings. There is open space for the laying out of a public park under the railway lines which are built on pillars.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Nika Dželalija

Tihomir Jukić Ivona Jerković



Renato Pajdek

Krunoslav Šmit Zrinka Grosek


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Planirano područje za poslovne, stambene i sportske sadržaje se nalazi južno od najistočnijih donjogradskih blokova i željezničke pruge, te sjeverno od novog poslovnog poteza. Odnos s gradom ‘iznad pruge’ uspostavljen je mjerilom bloka i izvrtanjem organizacije sadržaja. Prosječni opseg donjogradskog bloka je 400 metara, što je duljina atletske staze i zato je uveden sustav atletskih staza koje svojim izmicanjem stvaraju mikro-trgove, a uz željeničku prugu odignutu na stupove, stvaraju park. Potez uz napušteni sklop stare klaonice integrira kulturne sadržaje i ogranke sveučilišnih instituta.

The planned area offering business, residential and sports facilities content is located south of the easternmost downtown blocks, the railway lines, and north of the new business blocks.A relationship with the city ‘across the tracks’ is established and benchmarked by blocks and a reorganization of content. The average size of a downtown housing block is 400 m (the length of an athletics track), which is why the system introduces athletic paths which form micro squares, whilst they are raised on poles along the railway tracks, a creating park. The area next to the abandoned old abattoir integrates cultural facilities and branches of university institutes.

Poslovni, proizvodni i perivojni sadržaji jugoistočnog dijela Radničke se na njenom spoju s Vukovarskom ulicom dijele na tri poteza temeljena na postojećem ili započetom tipu strukture. Točka u kojoj se to odvija naglašena je trokutom sa visokom poslovnom zonom kao snažnim prostornim elementom kojim je označen ulaz u grad. Prostor je obilježen trgovačkim i rekreacijskim pješačkim površinama koje se javljaju duž glavnih poteza dok je prostor između iskorišten za postavljanje mirne stambene zone u centru grada. Povezivanje istoka i zapada grada ostvareno je kontinuiranim perivojnim potezom.

Business, manufacturing and park facilities in the southeast part of Radnička Street, at the junction with Vukovar Street, are divided into three stretches based on existing or initiated types of structures. The departure point is emphasized by a triangle with a high business zone which marks the entrance to the city. This space is characterised by commercial and recreational pedestrian surfaces extending along major thoroughfares, while the space in between has been turned into a quiet residential area lying within the city centre. By connecting the east and west of the city, a continuous stretch of parks has been created.

Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje

Section of Urban Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

radionica urbanizma 3 / urban design studio 3 Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

2. 3. Voditelj radionice / studio supervisor: Tihomir Jukić



Roko Šarić

Tihomir jukić


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Transformacija Zagrebačkog velesajma Istražuje se mogućnost urbane preobrazbe nekadašnjeg rubnog prekosavskog, izložbenog, sajamskog kompleksa, koji stalnom preobrazbom, postupno preuzima funkciju središnjeg dijela Novog Zagreba. Velesajam gubi svoj nekadašnji regionalni primat. Kako se Zagrebački velesajam našao u samom središtu grada uz tzv. Savski park, javlja se potreba njegova iznova promišljanja. Novo vrijeme i nove potrebe, kao i proces formiranja novog gradskog središta, utjecali su na alternativne prijedloge i scenarije odvijanja planirane preobrazbe kojom bi se kvalitetnije povezali dijelovi grada sjeverno i južno od Save, u jednu smislenu i funkcionalnu cjelinu. Glavne teme ove radionice su: preobrazba i dovršenje gradskog prostora, oblikovanje novog suvremenog gradskog središta, identitet prostora i slika grada, socijalne promjene i stanovanje u centru te pitanje integralnog prometnog povezivanja.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

The Transformation of the Zagreb Fair The subject being researched is the possibility for the urban transformation of the former boundary of the exhibition, trade fair complex across the River Sava, which has gradually taken over the function of being the central part of New Zagreb through its constant transformation. The Fair has lost its former regional primacy. As the Zagreb Fair is at the very centre of the city, at the so-called Sava Park, there is a need for it to be re-considered. New times and new needs, as well as the process of forming a new city centre have influenced alternative proposals and scenarios for the unfolding of a planned transformation that would provide better connectivity between parts of the city lying north and south of the Sava, and turn it into a meaningful and functional unit. The main topics of this workshop include: the transformation and completion of the urban area, the plan and design of a new modern city centre, the identity of the space and the image of the city, social changes and housing in the centre, as well as the question of an integrated transport system.

Transformacijom Zagrebačkog velesajma stvara se novi gradski kulturno-poslovni ‘Centar na vodi’ koji gradu daje novi prostorni identitet. Voda postaje novi element javnog prostora Zagreba. Stvaraju se dva nova zagrebačka simbola: vertikalni (znanstveni centar) i horizontalni (novi tehnički muzej). Struktura novog centra grada nastaje na temelju urbane mreže postojeće izgradnje Velesajma i Novog Zagreba. Unutar ‘Centra na vodi’ javljaju se mnogobrojne funkcije koje omogućavaju 24-satno korištenje prostora: stanovanje, kultura (izložba, opera, kazalište), posao, edukacija i ugostiteljstvo.

The transformation of the Zagreb Fair would allow for the creation of a new cultural business ‘Centre on Water,’ which would provide the city with a new regional identity. Water is becoming a new element of public spaces in Zagreb. Two new symbols of Zagreb are being created: a vertical (the Science Centre) and a horizontal (the new Technical Museum). The structure of the new city centre emerges from the urban network of the existing buildings of the Fair and New Zagreb. Inside the ‘Centre on Water’ there would be numerous functional facilities allowing for the space to be used 24/7 for the purposes of housing, culture, business, education and catering.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za prostorno planiranje Kabinet za prostorno planiranje obavlja nastavu kolegija tematski povezano sa znanstvenom granom ‘Urbanizam i prostorno planiranje’, znanstvena istraživanja prostornog i pejsažnog planiranja i znanstvenu međunarodnu suradnju te suradnju sa stručnim organizacijama i državnim institucijama u Republici Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Kolegiji Kabineta za prostorno planiranje, Osnove prostornog planiranja i zakonodavstva i Pejsažno planiranje, obuhvaćaju tematsko-problemska područja prostornog planiranja i zaštite okoliša na regionalnoj i široj lokalnoj razini. U sklopu kabineta su i ostali kolegiji: Prostorno planiranje, Prostorno planiranje – zaštita prirode i okoliša, Radionica prostornog planiranja, Rurizam, Turizam u urbanističkom i prostornom planiranju, Urbanistički aspekti prometa, Pejsažno oblikovanje i planiranje (Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu) te Uvod u prostorno planiranje (Šumarski fakultet i Prirodoslovno- matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu). Cilj nastave je razviti vještine planiranja zaštite i korištenja prostora te poticati usmjerena istraživanja ovog područja. Koncept nastave temelji se na svladavanju teorijskih i empirijskih znanja te posebno uvjetima njihove uspješne primjene u prostornom, društvenom i vremenskom kontekstu. Ističe se važnost razumijevanja transnacionalnih i nacionalnih promjena regionalnih procesa razvoja i uvjeta zaštite okoliša. U uvjetima promjena društvenih odnosa, korištenja prostora i dinamike razvoja, istražuju se uvjeti za strukturne promjene sustava prostornog planiranja Republike Hrvatske i očekivanih promjena koje donosi pristupanje Europskoj uniji. U edukaciju i istraživanje uključuju se nove metode planiranja koje obvezno koriste suvremenu tehničko-računalnu potporu. Teme područja prostornog planiranja istražuju se u nastavi usmjereno načelom: planiranja održivog razvoja, racionalnog korištenje i zaštita prostora, usuglašavanja interesa različitih korisnika u prostoru, uspostavljanja informacijskog sustava o prostoru, zaštite okoliša, prirode i kulturne baštine te osiguranja boljih uvjeta života. Zadane teme i problemi su određeni uz aktivno sudjelovanje korisnika prostora, a rezultati istraživanja su prikazani u obliku realnih prijedloga prostornih rješenja. Tako su uz predstavnike jedinica lokalne samouprave proteklih godina pripremljene teme i predložena prostorno-planska rješenja za administrativna područja više gradova i općina.


Kabinet za prostorno planiranje

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Physical Planning The Section of Physical Planning runs study courses thematically linked with the scientific branch of ‘Urban and Physical Planning’, scientific research in physical and landscape planning and international scientific cooperation and collaboration with professional organisations and government institutions in the Republic of Croatia and abroad. Courses run by the Section of Spatial Planning, Fundamentals of Spatial Planning and Legislation and Landscape Planning, include thematic issues related to the field of spatial planning and environmental protection at a regional and broader local level. Other courses run by the office include: Spatial Planning, Spatial Planning – Nature and Environment Protection, Spatial Planning Workshop, Regional Planning, Tourism in Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Aspects of Traffic, Landscape Design and Planning (Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb) and Introduction to Spatial Planning (Faculty of Forestry and Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Zagreb). The aim of the study course is to develop skills in planning and land protection and to encourage focused research within this field. The concept of the courses is based on the mastering of theoretical and empirical knowledge and especially the conditions for their successful application within a physical, social and temporal context. The courses highlight the importance of understanding transnational and national changes in regional development processes and the conditions of environmental protection. The conditions for structural changes within the system of spatial planning in Croatia is investigated in terms of changes in social relations, usage of space and dynamics of development and in view of expected changes brought about by Croatia’s joining the European Union. New methods of planning that unavoidably apply modern technology support – computer support are included in education and research. Topics from the field of physical planning are explored during courses according to the principle: sustainable development planning, rational usage and protection of space, harmonisation of interests of different users in space, the establishment of a spatial information system, environmental protection, natural and cultural heritage and provisions for better living conditions. The selected topics and issues are determined through the active participation of the user of the space and research results are presented in the form of realistic proposals for spatial solutions. In recent years topics and proposals for physical planning solutions for the administrative areas of a number of cities and municipalities have been prepared in cooperation with representatives of local administrative units.

Section of Physical Planning

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Teme područja zaštite okoliša istražuju se u nastavi usmjerene na pitanja i probleme: uvjetovanosti zaštite okoliša potrebama i perspektivama razvoja; sukladnost određenja Strategije održivog razvoja RH i Strategije akcijskog plana zaštite biološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti RH, provedivosti određenja Zaštite okoliša u strategiji prostornog razvoja RH itd.

Topics concerning environmental protection were explored in the classroom and were focused on the following problems and issues: the conditioning of environmental protection in view of needs and perspectives of development; regulation compliance of the Sustainable Development Strategy of Croatia and the Strategy Action Plan for the protection of biological and landscape diversity of Croatia, feasibility of implementation of regulations concerning Environmental Protection within the strategy for spatial development in the Republic of Croatia, etc.

Edukacija se pretežito temelji na radu u radionicama u kojima se u praktičnoj nastavi istražuju zadane teme, a prijedlozi komentiraju na razini studijskih grupa. Rezultati rada prezentiraju se na izložbi svih radova i detaljnijoj prezentaciji odabranih radova. Težište studentskoga rada je na upoznavanju prostorne uvjetovanosti razvoja i zaštite okoliša na transregionalnoj i regionalnoj razini, kao i uvjetovanost uspješnosti prostornog planiranja i uređenja učinkovitim i usklađenim zakonskim dokumentima. Metoda izrade studentskih zadataka sukladna je stručnom postupku u izradi prostorno-planske dokumentacije uz kritičku novelaciju metode sukladno međunarodnim stručnim i znanstvenim dostignućima. Najbolje radove prezentiraju studenti na javnim izlaganjima pred predstavnicima lokalne vlasti i stanovništvom uz prigodne izložbe i rasprave. Time se simulira poželjan postupak izrade i donošenje prostornoplanske dokumentacije, a prijedlozi programskih rješenja postaju doprinos promišljanju razvoja istraženih gradova i općina. Metoda edukacije omogućuje istraživanje tema i problema razvoja u realnim uvjetima određenog prostornog, vremenskog i društvenog konteksta. Kritički odmak od recentne planerske prakse postiže se primjenom novih teorijskih saznanja koja prijedlozima potičuunapređenje stručnog pristupa i nadogradnju važećih zakonskih određenja. Posebnapozornost usmjerena je na pojašnjenje i prijedloge unapređenja sustava prostornog planiranja u RH, komentara i kritičkog pojašnjenja zakonodavstva područja prostornoguređenja te prijedloga stručnih određenja kao polazišta za donošenje prostornog reda.


Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Education is mainly based on work done at workshops at which the set topics were explored through practical courses, and proposals were commented at the level of study groups. Results of this work were presented in the form of an exhibition of all student work and a detailed presentation of selected works. The focus of student work was on introducing conditions governing space pertinent to the development and protection of the environment at a trans-regional and regional level, as well as the success of spatial planning and design based on efficient and corresponding legal documents. The method applied for student assignments complies with professional procedures for the establishment of spatial planning documentation – with a critical re-evaluation concerning the method so that it complies with international professional and scientific achievements. The best papers were presented by students in public before representatives of local authorities and residents at exhibitions and discussions to mark the occasion. In this way the preferred method of decision-making and passing of spatial planning documents are simulated and proposals for software solutions become a contributing factor to deliberations on the development of the explored cities and municipalities. This method of education allows the topics to be researched under real conditions within a particular spatial, temporal and social context. Critical departure from recent planning practice is achieved by the application of new theoretical insights that encourage the improvement of a professional approach and upgrade the existing legal regulations through proposals. Special attention is paid to clarifications and proposals for the improvement of the system of spatial planning in the Republic of Croatia, to comments and clarification of the legal side to spatial planning and to proposals including expert regulations as the starting point for establishing spatial order.

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Urbanistička radionica 2 / Urban Design Studio 2 Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

1. 2.

Urbanističku radionicu osmislio i koordinirao / The urbanism workshop conceived and coordinated by: prof.dr.sc.Tihomir Jukić

Uvodna predavanja na Urbanističkoj radionici Vir održali su / Introductory lectures on Urban Design Studio on Vir: Saša Borić Poljanec (Sociološki i ekonomski aspekti razvoja otoka / Sociological and Economic Aspects of the Development of the Island), Tihomir Jukić (Otok i regija / The Island and the Region), Ana Mrđa (Turizam i prostorni kapaciteti / Tourism and Spatial Capacities), Srečko Pegan (Turizam kao jedan od činitelja razvoja otoka / Tourism as a Factor of the Island’s Development), Feđa Vukić (Identitetski sustav naselja / The Identity System of the Settlement) U provedbi Urbanističke radionice Vir sudjelovali su / The following participated at the urban design studios on Vir: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / The Faculty of Architecture, Općina Vir (načelnik Općine Kristijan Kapović) / The Municipality of Vir (Mayor of the Municipality: Kristijan Kapović), Županijski zavod za prostorno uređenje (ravnateljica Nives Kozulić) / The Institute for Spatial Planning (Director: Nives Kozulić), Zadarsko društvo arhitekata (Darko Franceschi) / The Zadar Society of Architects (Darko Franceschi)

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Prostorno uređenje otoka Vira i urbanističko rješenje dijela naselja Tema kolegija Urbanistička radionica 2 – planiranje naselja bila je istraživanje, preobrazba i unaprjeđenje prostora otoka Vira te ispitivanje mogućnosti planiranja, razvoja i uporabe prostora u vremenskoj projekciji od 10 do 15 godina. Odabir teme Urbanističke radionice potaknut je aktualnošću legalizacije bespravne izgradnje u Hrvatskoj. Pretpostavka je da će proces legalizacije bespravno izgrađenih zgrada na otoku Viru biti uskoro završen, a da se u prostoru time ništa ne će značajnije promijeniti što bi ukazalo da je taj proces uspješno zamišljen i dovršen. Želeći dati svoj doprinos toj temi, nastavnici i studenti Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu organizirali su urbanističku radionicu na temu otoka Vira. Cilj zadatka bio je izraditi koncept prostornog uređenja i razvoja otoka. Studenti su u svojim radovima predložiti varijantna prostorna rješenja razvoja otoka i naselja Vir. Održivost i unaprjeđenje prostora i istodobni razvoj otoka bili su glavni ciljevi i prioriteti koji su potaknuli različite vizije budućnosti i različite prostorne scenarije razvoja otoka. Te bi ideje i rješenja mogli pridonijeti kvalitetnijem životu na otoku za današnje i buduće stanovnike, ponuditi dodatne sadržaje i atrakcije kojima bi se stvorile nove mogućnosti razvoja i privući različite kategorije gostiju i posjetitelja, omogućavajući napredak otoka i šireg utjecajnog prostora do Nina, Zadra i okolnih otoka. Prilikom obilaska otoka Vira studenti su se upoznali s postojećim stanjem i problemima, kao i neželjenim situacijama u prostoru. Pokazujući veliko zanimanje za unaprjeđenje bespravno izgrađenih područja i senzibilitet za procese koji će se odvijati u budućnosti, a skrbeći za razvoj i istodobnu zaštitu prostora, studenti su predložili različita rješenja. Ona se kreću od šireg regionalnog promišljanja mogućeg utjecaja otoka Vira na okolno područje, ali i obrnuto, do promišljanja urbanih ambijenata, detalja u prostoru i razvoja neizgrađenoga zapadnog dijela otoka Vira.


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Physical Planning of the Island of Vir and Urban Solution for Part of the Settlement The topic of the course Urban Design Studio 2 – town planning was the research, transformation and improvement of the space of the Island of Vir, and the exploration of the possibilities of planning, development and usage of space within a time projection of 10 to 15 years. The topic selected for the workshops on urbanism was influenced by the topical issue of the legalisation of illegal construction in Croatia. The assumption is that the process of legalising illegally constructed buildings on this beautiful island will soon be completed, and that nothing will change significantly, indicating that this process has been successfully planned and completed. With the intention of contributing to this topic, teachers and students at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, organised a workshop on urbanism on the Island of Vir. The aim of the task was to produce a concept for the spatial planning and development of the island. In their work students proposed spatial planning solutions for the development of the island and the village of Vir. The sustainability and further improvement of this space and the concurrent development of the island were the main objectives and priorities which prompted different visions of the future and various spatial development scenarios for the island. These ideas and solutions may contribute to a better standard of living on the island, offer additional amenities and attractions that will create new development opportunities. It should attract different categories of guests and visitors, enhance the island’s advancement as well as the island’s surrounding environs, including Nin, Zadar and the adjacent islands. While visiting the island of Vir, students were acquainted with the current situation and problems, as well as the problematic issues within this space. In proposing different solutions students showed great interest in improving illegally constructed areas, and were sensitive to processes that will take place in the future, whilst simultaneously taking into account the development and protection of the area. They considered the broader regional context and the possible impact of the Island of Vir on the surrounding area, as well as considering the urban environment, details within this space and the development of the undeveloped western part of the Island of Vir.

Održane su četiri izložbe i prezentacije studentskih radova: na otoku Viru, Narodnom muzeju u Zadru, Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu i na Kongresu arhitekata u Osijeku.

There were four exhibitions and presentations of student work: on island of Vir, the National Museum in Zadar, Architecture Faculty in Zagreb and at the Congress of Architects in Osijek.

Kabinet za prostorno planiranje

Section of Physical Planning

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Mladen Ileš

Jesenko Horvat Tomislav Vreš



Tamara Hladki

Jesenko Horvat Tomislav Vreš


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Vir tokom ljetne sezone višestruko povećava broj stanovnika, čime bi ga mogli svrstati i u grad srednje veličine. Takvom gradu potrebni su javni prostori i sadržaji kakvi se trenutno ne mogu pronaći. Ovaj projekt nastoji pomiriti zahtjeve srednje velikog turističkog mjesta sa interesima lokalnog stanovništva. Povećanje trga ostvaruje se na račun građevina u vlasništvu općine, a ne na račun stanovništva.Time se omogućuju koncerti i ostala kulturna zbivanja na površini trga. Plaže također doživljavaju promjene ukidanjem prometnica uz njih, te uvođenjem sadržaja u paviljonima i kućama na obali. Kuće koje se nalaze uz plažu u svojim dvorištima bi nudile domaću gastroponudu dajući time posebnost turizma na Viru- otoku dobrog susjedstva.

During the summer season there is a multifold increase in the number of inhabitants in Vir and it becomes medium-sized town. This type of town requires public areas and facilities that it currently does not have. This project seeks to reconcile the demands of a medium-sized tourist destination with the interests of the local population. Enlarging the square may be achieved at the expense of buildings owned by the municipality, and not those owned by the inhabitants. This would allow for various facilities on the square. Beaches could be changed by abolishing the roads running along them and through the introduction of content in the form of pavilions and local gastronomic delicacies being offered at the existing houses by the beach thus providing a special slant to tourism on the island of Vir – an island with good neighbourly love.

Otoku Viru nedostaju sadržaji, ali i infrastruktura koja bi povezivala otok. Iz toga je proizašao koncept kružne veze koja bi obuhvatila interesne točke na otoku. Kao interesna točka zanimljivo je područje između rta Kozjak i Kaštelina gdje se pojavljuju različiti ambijenti. Ti ambijenti povezani su šetnicom u kojoj se javljaju javni sadržaji smješteni u modularne jedinice koje odgovaraju potrebama sadržaja i služe kao novi identitet prostora. Šetnica završava u točki gdje se nalazi tvrđava Kaštelina koja postaje kulturni centar, te dobiva trg pogodan za različite scenarije.

Vir lacks facilities and infrastructure to connect it. Based on this fact emerged the concept of circular connections that would link points of interest on the island. The area between Cape Kozjak and Kaštelina, where there are different ambiences connected by a promenade in which public spaces are located in the modular units, is interesting and it also corresponds to the needs for content as well as serving as a new spatial identity. The promenade would end at the fortress Kaštelina and would become a cultural centre with a multifunctional square.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

radionica prostornog planiranja / urban planning Design Studio Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Urbana pročelja obale

Urban Waterfront

Semestar / semester

2. 3. Voditelj radionice / studio supervisor: Prof.dr.sc. Srečko Pegan



Aljoša Špaleta

Srečko Pegan


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Cilj zadatka ove radionice je predložiti koncept uređenja užeg obalnog područja na temelju pretpostavljenih scenarija prostornog razvoja. Tema obalnih pročelja istražena je na prostornoj (regionalnoj) i urbanoj (lokalnoj) razini uz objedinjujući uvjet određenja prostora akivnim vodotokom. Očekivani rezultat su prijedlozi rješenja usmjerujućih uvjeta oblikovanja, građenja i zaštite obala u gradovima (‘urban waterfront’-a) s detaljnijim programom uređenja odabrane prostorne cjeline. Metoda rada obuhvaća očitavanje konteksta i vrednovanje potencijala prostora te izradu varijantnih prijedloga preobrazbe dijela obalnog područja i kontaktne zone. Rad na zadatku prezentira se po etapama dovršenja te na završnoj javnoj prezentaciji. Prikaz provedenih istraživanja prostornog razvoja obalnog područja uključuje istraživački seminar, provođenje SWAT analiza odabranog dijela obalnog područja – očitanje konteksta (identitet, ambijent, krajolik, zaštita...) te prijedloge koncepta uređenja prostora sukladno stupnjevanim scenarijima razvoja te program uređenja.

Urbanističko rješenje središta grada Solina uz rijeku Jadro

The aim of the task of this studio is to propose a concept for the planning of the narrow coastal stretch based on proposed scenarios for spatial development. The topic of coastal fronts is explored on a spatial (regional) and urban (local) level under the condition of providing an active water flow within this space. Expected results are proposals for a solution to the conditions of the design, construction and protection of the coast in towns (‘urban waterfront’) with a detailed programme for the design of select spatial entities. The methodology includes analysing the context and evaluating the potential of the area as well as the development of a proposal for the transformation of part of the coastal area and ​​the contact zone. Work on the task is presented in stages and at a final public presentation. A display of the research conducted on spatial development in coastal areas includes providing a research seminar, conducting a SWAT analysis of select parts – analysing the context (identity, environment, landscape, protection... ), providing ideas for the concept of spatial design proposals according to graded development scenarios and a planning programme.

Urban Solution for the City Centre of Solin along the River Jadro

Aljoša Špaleta istražuje posebnosti prostora duž vodotoka splitskog područja (od Trogira do Omiša) te uvjete prostornog razvoja, zaštite prirode, okoliša i graditeljske baštine. Za istraživanje odabire se razvojno, prirodno i povijesno vrijedno područje vodotoka rijeke Jadro. Prezentira se različitosti uređenja, korištenja i zaštite prostora šireg obuhvata riječnih obala te se usredotočuje na prikaz urbaniziranog dijela prostora Solina. Prepoznaje ga se kao središnji prostor povijesnih i prirodnih vrijednosti s potencijalom afirmacije prilaza arheološkoj zoni Salone, korištenja i uređenja središnjeg dijela grada Solina te regulacije kontaktnih područja rubnih naselja Splita.

Aljoša Špaleta explores the specific areas along the watercourses in the Split area (from Trogir to Omis) and the conditions for spatial development, the protection of natural, environmental and architectural heritage. For his research he has chosen the developmentally, naturally and historically valuable area of the watercourse of the River Jadro. Aside from presenting a diversity of planning, usage and protection of the area wider of the riverbanks, he focuses on a presentation of the urbanised area Solin. He sees it as the centrepiece of historical and natural value with a potential for the approach to the archaeological zone of Salona, the application and regulation of the central part of Solin and the regulation of contact areas belonging to the marginal settlements of Split.

Kabinet za prostorno planiranje

Section of Physical Planning

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

radionica urbanizma / urban Design Studio Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

2. 3. Voditelj radionice / studio supervisor: Krunoslav Šmit

Polaznici radionice / workshop participants: Nikolina Pavlović, Maja Martinić, Dunja Naerlović, Sara Jurlin, Iva Kreković, Matija Novak



Nikolina Pavlović

Krunoslav Šmit


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Centar oko Grada

Centre Around the City

Tema zadatka je strukturalna i funkcionalna preobrazba grada. Istraživanja urbanističkih tema razvoja grada Dubrovnika zamišljena su kao nastavak rada na temama koje su otvorene i problematizirane na međunarodnoj urbanističkoj radionici Dubrovnik – Centar iza grada: Urbana transformacija fose uza zidine. Tematsko područje urbane transformacije fose uza zidine prošireno je na promišljanje širega gradskog područja i razmišljanja o mogućnostima aktivne zaštite povijesnog grada i njegove okolice implementacijom principa disperziranja turističkih atraktora izvan povijesne gradske jezgre s ciljem njena rasterećivanja. U svakom je istraživačkom radu provjeravana mogućnost implementacije planerskih odluka do razine urbanističkih projekata jasno artikuliranih urbanističkih teza za koje se propituje opravdanost zahvata.

The topic of the task was the structural and functional transformation of the town. Research into topics concerning the urban development of the city of Dubrovnik was conceived as a continuation of work on topics that were discussed at the international urban planning workshop held in Dubrovnik – Centre behind the city: Urban transformation of the fossa along the walls. The topic of the urban transformation of the fossa running along the walls has been extended to include suggestions for the extended metropolitan area and deliberations on the possibilities of actively protecting the historic city and its environs through the implementation of the principle of dispersal of tourist attractorsoutside the historic city centre in the aim of reducing tourist traffic in the centre. In each research thepossibility of implementing planning decisions up to the level of urban projects was examined and clearly articulated through urban theses that scrutinize whether or not the intervention is justified.

Oživljavanjem trase postojeće uskotračne željeznice te uklapanjem novog oblika javnog prijevoza lake željeznice u postojeći sustav, omogućava se povezivanje definiranih atraktora unutar gravitirajućih naselja. Potencijalni atraktor predstavlja i kamenolom Dubac. Svojim položajem predstavlja točku koja povezuje grad Dubrovnik, Srđ, Komolac i Mokošicu, te Župu dubrovačku. Uređenjem šetnice uz Orsulu ostvaruje se pješačka veza, na koju se nadovezuje novi atraktor na području hotela Belvedere, te povezuje s istočnim ulazom u Stari grad. Obuhvat ovog atraktora podijeljen je na dvije cjeline. Prva predstavlja područje bivše asfaltne baze, te park and ride građevina koja se terasastim oblikovanjem prilagođava konfiguraciji terena, a područje kamenoloma razlaže se na kulturno-društvenu i stambenu funkcionalnu cjelinu.

Reviving the route of the existing narrow gauge railway and the incorporation of a new form of public transport within the existing system enables the connection of defined attractors within gravitating settlements. One such potential attractor is the Dubac quarry. Through its position it connects the City of Dubrovnik, Srđ, Komolac and Mokošica, as well as Župa dubrovačka. The creation of a promenade along Orsula would provide a pedestrian link with a new attractor in the environs of ​​Hotel Belvedere and a link with the eastern entrance to Old City. The coverage of this attractor is divided into two parts. The first is the area of the former asphalt base, and park of buildings that would be adapted to the terrain through terraces, whilst the area of the quarry would be divided into a cultural and functional housing unit.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za pejzažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma Kabinet pokriva dva tematska područja – pejsažnu arhitekturu te povijest gradogradnje i perivojnoga stvaralaštva. Povezivanje tih dvaju tematskih područja nastaje zbog znanstvenoistraživačkog projekta koji se godinama bavio temama urbanističkoga i pejsažnoga naslijeđa u Hrvatskoj i Europi, a i nastavnici svojim istraživačkim i stručnim temama i projektima najčešće obuhvaćaju oba područja. Kroz obvezne i izborne kolegije i radionice potiče se senzibilitet za kulturni krajolik i naslijeđe (urbano i pejsažno), za odčitavanje i prepoznavanje vrijednosti u prostoru, kao i njihovo unaprjeđenje kroz uvažavanje naslijeđenog identiteta, ali i kreiranje novih vrijednosti suvremenim gradograditeljskim, arhitektonskim i perivojnim zahvatima u prostoru. Projektiraju se i planiraju prostori za razne svrhe – očuvanje i obnavljanje područja, perivoji, povijesni prostori, turistički prostori, spomen-obilježja, pejsažna infrastruktura, močvare i rijeke, potoci i kanali, prostori rekreacije, stambeni predjeli, urbani javni prostori i dr. Promovira se pejsažna arhitektura te urbano i kulturno naslijeđe što stvara znanje o svijetu u kojem živimo kroz praksu planiranja i projektiranja. Znanje i uloga arhitekta i urbanista u tom je području nezaobilazna i uloga izobrazbe uključuje razvoj kritičkog uvida u prostor i stvaranje novih znanja. Kabinet intenzivno radi na stvaranju tih novih znanja primjenjujući interdisciplinarni pristup, afirmirajući povijesno i kulturološko, prirodno i ekološko, arhitektonsko i pejsažno, urbano i društveno aktivno. Povijest urbanizma važna je sastavnica izobrazbe jer pridonosi razvijanju svijesti o važnosti povijesnog i kulturnog naslijeđa. Osim općeg znanja povijesti i kulture te važnosti spoznaje prošlosti za sadašnjost i budućnost izobrazba iz povijesti urbanizma želi ukazati na trajna urbanistička načela primjenjiva u prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti te razviti senzibilitet za očuvanje i unaprjeđenje nacionalnoga urbanističkog naslijeđa, budući da Hrvatska baštini ima 25 stoljeća urbane tradicije i kulture. Perivojna arhitektura kroz kompoziciju i povijest nastoji pokazati kako su kroz umjetnost perivojne arhitekture iskazani ne samo ideal ljepote nego i filozofski koncept koji mijenja i oblikuje prirodu. Perivojna je arhitektura u tom smislu prostor u kojem čovjek nadopunjava pejsaž, u duhu misli Michela Carajouda – Le paysage c’est l’endroit où le ciel et la terre se touchent (Pejsaž je prostor gdje se dodiruju nebo i zemlja).


Kabinet za pejzažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History The section covers two subject areas – landscape architecture and history of city planning and laying of parks. Linking these two thematic areas of scientific research has led to a project that has been concerned with issues concerning urbanism and the landscape heritage in Croatia and Europe for years, and the research and professional topics and projects of teachers usually include both areas. Compulsory and elective courses and workshops encourage sensitivity to cultural landscape and heritage (urban and landscape), to exploring and identifying values ​​in space, as well as their enhancement through appreciation of inherited identity, but also the creation of new values through modern cityscapes, architectural and city park projects in space. Space is designed and planned for various purposes – conservation and restoration of areas, parks, historic spaces, tourist spaces, memorials, landscape infrastructure, wetlands and rivers, streams and canals, recreation areas, residential areas, urban public spaces, etc. Landscape architecture is promoted as well as urban and cultural heritage which provides knowledge about the world in which we live through practical planning and design. The knowledge and role of the architect and town planner in this field is unavoidable and the role of education includes the development of critical insight into the space and the acquisition of new knowledge. The section is intent on facilitating the acquisition of these new skills by applying an interdisciplinary approach, by affirming the historical and the cultural, the natural and the ecological, architecture and landscape, the urban and the socially active. The History of Urban Planning is an important component of education as it contributes to raising awareness of the importance of historical and cultural heritage. In addition to general knowledge on history and culture, and the important influence of past education on present and future education in the history of urban planning, the aim is to stress the enduring urban planning principles applicable in the past, present and future, and to develop sensitivity to the preservation and enhancement of the national urban heritage, as the Croatian heritage has an urban and culture tradition which is 25 centuries old. Landscape Architecture employs composition and history in the aim of presenting how the art of landscape architecture signified not only an ideal of beauty, but was also a philosophical concept that changed and shaped nature. Park architecture in this sense is a space in which man complements the landscape, in the spirit of a thought by Michel Carajouda – Le paysage c’est l’endroit où le ciel et la terre se touchent (Landscape is where heaven and earth meet).

Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Perivoj i javni prostori višestambenog naselja Branovečina – Prešnica, Zagreb

Parks and Public Areas of Multihousing Settlements of Branovečina – Prešnica, Zagreb

perivojno oblikovanje / landscape design predDiplomski studij / undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

3. 5. student


Jelena Šardi

Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Ana Sopina


Kolegij Perivojno oblikovanje obuhvaća idejnu razinu urbanističko-perivojnog rješenja javnog prostora stambenog naselja. Razrada zadatka odnosi se na vlastito urbanističko rješenje stambenog naselja izrađeno u prethodnom semestru na kolegiju Studio 2. Izradom idejnog rješenja perivojnog oblikovanja stambenog naselja, odnosno odgovarajućega javnog prostora, svladavaju se oblikovno-konceptualne i urbanističko-tehničke metodološke osnove urbanističkog, perivojnog i arhitektonskog projektiranja, te se stječu vještine cjelovite spoznaje konteksta prostora i njegova uređenja kroz kontekst, koncept i ideju, ovisno o urbanističkim, arhitektonskim, tehničkim, pejsažnim, administrativnim i drugim činiteljima.

The course Landscape design incorporates the conceptual level of urban and public space solutions for the public space of housing estates. The task is an extension of work done towards providing a solution for an urban housing project produced in the previous semester at the course: Urban Architectural Design Studio 2. In providing a conceptual solution for the park design of a housing project, or an appropriate public space, the formative conceptual and urban-technical and methodological foundations of urban, park and architectural design are acquired, as well as skills for full insight into the context of space and its design through context, concept and idea, depending on urban, architectural, technical, landscape, administrative, and other factors.

Tema istraživanja bila je komunikacija: vizualna, kretanjem, bukom, mirovanjem, dodirom… Sve su one povezane i međusobno se nadopunjuju. U naselju su analizirana najraznovrsnija kretanja i njihov doživljaj, a potom je stablo stvorilo doživljaje u prostoru; ‘drvo kao dio’, ‘drvo kao dio trga’, ‘drvo kao dio šume’ stvarajući tako perivojno uređenje naselja i urbanu šumu.

The research topic was communication: visual, motion, noise, standing still, touch... They are all interrelated and supplement each other. In the settlement many diverse motions and how they are experienced are analysed, and then the tree created experience within space; ‘wood as a part’, ‘a tree as part of a square’ , ‘a tree as part of a forest’, thus creating a city park and an urban forest.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Viktorija Jagodić

Ivan Mlinar Kristina Lukačević


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Koncept perivoja sastoji se od artikulacije krovnih površina na koje je moguće, zbog urbanističkog i projektantskog rješenja, pristupiti izravno s partera parcele, ali i stubištima zgrade koja vode na vrh. Ideja je da parter ostane kao netaknuta priroda. Isključivo oblikovan prirodnim materijalima (kamen, drvo, šuma) dok su krovne površine apsolutna suprotnost (sintetički materijali, beton u boji, tartan...). Artikulacijom površine krova teren gubi smisao, pri čemu je svaka zgrada zamišljena kao jedna vrsta umjetnosti i ovisno o tome određeni su sadržaji te interesi dobnih skupina. Ako je sve gore, neka ništa nije dolje. Ako su perivoji na krovovima, neka je na terenu šuma.

The concept of the parks and garden consists of the articulation of the roof surfaces which, due to urban development and design-oriented solutions, may be accessed directly from the ground plots, and building staircases leading to the top. The idea is that the ground remains as untouched nature. Exclusively designed with natural materials (stone, wood, forest) while the roof surfaces are the absolute opposite (synthetic materials, coloured concrete, tartan...). The articulation of the roof surface makes the ground redundant, and each building is conceived as a form of art, and depending on this specific contents and age-group interests are defined. If everything is above, let nothing be below. If gardens are on rooftops, let there be forests on the ground.

Kabinet za pejzažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma

Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

radionica pejsažne arhitekture / Landscape Architecture Design Studio Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

2. 3. Polaznici radionice / workshop participants: Josip Miklec, Marina Palfi, Vinka Saleta, Mirka Škudar.

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Emanacija urbanog pejsaža

Emanation of Urban Landscape

Radionica je vježbovni kolegij koji primjenjuje sva znanja o prostoru stečena tijekom studija. Ona se razvija kroz temu Emanacija urbanog pejsaža, razotkrivanje prostora – impresije, modifikacije spoznaje i ispitivanje značenja vremena i strukture u prostoru. Glavna pitanja koja se postavljaju jesu: znati kako i znati zašto. Pojam emanacije promatra se kao: emanacija – utjecaj koji jedinica ili sustav i/ili biće ima na svoj okoliš, te emanacija – čin izlaženja, ono što omogućava napredovanje. Način projektiranja jest koreografija kretanja, vizualnih iluzija i osjetilni pejsaž iščekivanja. Cilj radionice jest stvoriti paradigmu koja je neovisna o lokaciji, sadržaju, mjerilu, vremenu i tehnologiji. Njome se prikazuje mreža ključnog termina i koncepta, uzimajući u obzir položaj, kontekst i program, te se integrira klasifikacija, struktura i analize. Radionicom se promovira i rasprava o ostvarivanju cjelovitosti prostora respektirajući postojeće, o kreiranju slike prostora te o otkrivanju kroz analize kako se prostor može mijenjati u odnosu na vrijeme. Rezultati rada jesu istraživački rad i urbanističko-pejsažni/perivojni projekt. U Radionici pejsažne arhitekture istraživane su se teme: Green Loop_Samobor Data-scape, Zagreb Medvednica / Sustav Podgorje – Prigorje, Zagreb Medvednica / Interakcija prirodnog i antropogenog krajolika, Potoci Medvednice, Mreža Medvednice / Staze – Vi dikovci – Mostovi, Tuneli svjetlosti Labina, Mostar – Grad na Rijeci, Farytale scape Slavonski Brod, Emanacija povijesnih slojeva grada Zagreba, Meandriranje pejsaža, Naselja – nositelji transformacije zadarskog zaleđa, Pazinčica, Urbana topografija Zagreba 20m.i.t +


The workshop is a practical course at which all the knowledge on space acquired during studies is applied. It is developed through the topic: Emanation Of Urban Landscape, exposing space – impressions, modification of insights and examining the import of time and structure within space. The main issues raised are: Knowing how and knowing why. The concept of emanation is seen as the impact of the unit or system and/or being on its environment, and what allows progress, as an instance of departure. The design mode is the choreography of motion, visual illusions and the sensory landscape of anticipation. The aim of the workshop is to create a paradigm that is independent of location, content, scale, time and technology. It presents a network of key terms and concepts, taking into account the location, context and programme, and classification, structure and analysis are integrated. The workshop also promotes discussion on achieving unity of space by respecting existing space, creating an image of space and on discovering, through analyses, how space can change with time. Results of the work done are research and an urban-landscape/ park project. At the Landscape architecture workshop the following topics are researched: Green Loop_Samobor Data-scape, Zagreb Medvednica / System Podgorje – Prigorje , Zagreb Medvednica / Interaction of natural and anthropogenic landscapes, Streams of Medvednica Medvednica Network / Paths –  Belvedere – Bridges, Tunnels of light in Labin, Mostar – a City on the River, Fairytale scape of Slavonski Brod, Emanation of historical layers of the City of Zagreb, Meandering landscapes, Settlements – carriers of transformation in the Zadar hinterland, Pazinčica, the Urban topography of Zagreb 20m.it +

Zajednička tema zimske radionice je oblikovanje zelene petlje / green loop. Uspješnost rada radionice potvrđena je, ne samo očekivanim rezultatima, nego i sudjelovanjem studenata na dva znanstvena kongresa: 3rd global conference 2013: ‘Urban Popcultures’, Inter-disciplinary.net, Prague, Czech Republic – studentica Marina Tolj; Znanstveni skup 2013: ‘Zelenilo grada Zagreba’, HAZU, Zagreb, Hrvatska.

The common topic of the winter workshop is the Design of the green loop. The success of the workshop is confirmed, not only through expected results, but also through the participation of students at two scientific conferences: 3rd Global Conference 2013: ‘Urban Popcultures’, Interdisciplinary.net, Prague, Czech Republic – student Marina Tolj; Scientific Conference 2013: ‘Zelenilo grada Zagreba’ (Green surfaces in Zagreb), HAZU, Zagreb, Croatia.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Katja Vasiljević Jeromela

Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Pazin nazivamo ‘srcem Istre’, a Pazinčica je bila žila kucavica cijelog područja. Rad se bavi načinima reaktivacije ovog prostora kako bi se ujednačio razvoj središnje Istre te približio nivou razvijenosti obale. Pazinčica nastaje spajanjem Borutskog potoka, Lipe i Rakovog potoka. Prostori čvorišta uzeti su kao točke od važnijeg značaja za istraživanje i interpolaciju u završno rješenje. Rješenje se zasniva na modelima zasnovanim na karakteristikama prostora i načinom korištenja doline rijeke. Nastaju četiri modela intervencija unutar tema naselja i kretanja te povezivanja s vodom. Prvi, u kojemu se uređuju postojeći elementi, drugi u kojemu se, uz uređenje postojećih elemenata, uvode i novi, treći zadržava postojeće stanje, a kod četvrtog modela, zbog izostajanja važnijih značajki prostora uvode se novi elementi i načini korištenja, kao i funkcije. Rezultat su mikroambijenti povezani elementom vode koji čitav prostor homogenizira.

Pazin is called the ‘Heart of Istria’, and Pazinčica was the lifeblood of the entire area. This paper deals with ways in which to reactivate this area in order to balance the development of central Istria and for it to approach the level of development of the coast. Pazinčica is the merging of the Borutski stream, the Lipa and Rakov potok. Spaces where they intersect were taken as points of greater significance for exploration and interpolation and providing a final solution. The solution is based on models based on the characteristics of the space and the manner in which the river valley is used. There are four models of intervention within the topic of settlements and motion, and their connection through water. The first, in which the existing elements are designed, the second where, alongside the designing of existing elements, new ones are introduced, and a third, new model which retains the existing situation, whilst a fourth model, due to the absence of major features of space introduces new elements and ways in which it is used, as well as functions. This results in micro-ambients linked through the element of water that homogenises the entire space.

Kabinet za pejzažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma

Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Povijesni prostor grada

Historic Space of a City

radionica urbanizma / urban design studio Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

2. 3. student


Alen Žunić

Zlatko Karač


Radionica je usmjerena na specifične urbanističko-kozervatorske te dijelom i projektantske probleme u povijesnim gradskim prostorima. Iznimna vrijednost, no i česta zapuštenost te nedovoljna afirmiranost povijesnih ambijenata i sklopova urbanističke baštine otvaraju cijeli niz mogućih istraživačkih i planersko-projektantskih zadaća – od bavljenja globalnim strategijama revitalizacije gradskih cjelina, do problema urbane arheologije, detalja dizajna povijesnih javnih prostora… ili pristupa temi arhitektonske interpolacije i izgradnje u kontekstu gradske strukture. Kao mogući poligoni za istraživanje i kreativno rješavanje devastiranih i neartikuliranih povijesnih prostora ponuđene su dvije delikatne lokacije u Zagrebu: • Vranicanijeva poljana – problem ‘južnog pročelja’ Gradeca • Južni pristup Kaptolu – ‘poljana’ Bakačeva / Cesarčeva / Trg bana J. Jelačića Radionica je otvorena i za zadatke u drugim našim povijesnim gradovima, prema individualnim prijedlozima studenata, pa su u ovoj generaciji, uz Zagreb, formulirani i problemski zadaci za Osijek, Rijeku i Dugo Selo.

Urban Design Studio is focused on specific urban conservation, and partly, planning problems which occur in historic city spaces. The exceptional value and frequent neglect, as well as the insufficient awareness of historic ambiences and urban heritage complexes, open a series of potential research and planning tasks; from global strategies of revitalizing citiy units to urban archeology questions, design details of historic public spaces or the approach to the topic of architectural interpolation and development in the urban structure context. Two delicate locations in Zagreb are offered as possible training grounds to research and creatively solve the issue of devastated and unarticulated historic space: • Vranicanijeva poljana – the problem of the ‘southern facade’ of Gradec • Southern access to Kaptol – Bakač street /Cesarec street/J. Jelačić square The workshop is open to tasks in other Croatian historic cities, according to students’ individual suggestions. In this generation, alongside Zagreb, problematic tasks have also been formulated for the cities of Osijek, Rijeka and Dugo Selo.

Glavna zadaća pri projektiranju Vranyczanyeve poljane, koja je ostavljena prazna i neriješena nakon rušenja povijesnog bloka sredinom 20. stoljeća, bilo je rješenje ‘južnog pročelja’ Gradeca. Umjesto izgradnje novih objekata koji bi potpuno zatvorili prazninu, ili isključivo perivojnog uređenja, rješenje je spoj dosadašnjih težnji i tradicija korištenja tog prostora. Pročelje je zatvoreno vodenim ‘zastorom’, fontanom koja visinom poštuje okolnu izgradnju, tvoreći lagano zamagljenu sliku prema gradu i ujedno postajući nova senzacija u urbanoj slici. Na površini poljane je predviđen arheološki park s prezentacijom srušenoga kapucinskog i pavlinskog sklopa. Rubno, uz neoblikovani zabat DHMZ projektirana je nova, ostakljena građevina muzeja Gornjega grada s vidikovcem.

The main task when planning Vranyczanyjeve poljane, which has empty and in disarray since the mid 20 century after the demolition of the historic block, was to provide a solution for the ‘south facade’ of Gradec. Instead of constructing new buildings which would completely close off the space of the park, the solution was to join current trends and the traditional use of this location. The façade is closed off by a water ‘curtain’, a fountain that respects the adjoining buildings as far as height is concerned, thereby creating a hazy picture view of the city and so becoming a new sensation in the urban picture of the city. An archaeological park is foreseen on the surface of the poljane with the demolished Capuchin and Pauline complexes. A new glass building for the Upper Town Museum with a belvedere is foreseen on the verge, by the amorphous lateral facade of DHMZ.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Tradicionalna hrvatska arhitektura / croatian traditional architecture Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

1. 1. student


Goran Rukavina

Zlatko Karač

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Retkovci – osnovni tipovi slavonske tradicijske kuće Seminarski rad bavi se terenskim istraživanjem načina izgradnje obiteljskih kuća u selu Retkovci, koje se nalazi u istočnoj Slavoniji, u općini Ivankovo. Uz opći prikaz povijesnog razvitka tradicionalnog slavonskog sela, te modela tradicijske kuće ističu se i problemi novije izgradnje obiteljskih kuća. Prostorna organizacija seoskih naselja u istočnoj Slavoniji i Baranji rezultat je višestoljetnog razvitka, funkcijonalnih prilagodbi i klimatskih karakteristika ovog područja, po principu predajnog graditeljstva. Sve ovo doprinijelo je stvaranju općeprihvaćenog prostornoga koncepta ‘ušorenog sela’ s izduženim parcelama, okomito postavljenim na ulične koridore. Na sjecištima tih koridora najčešće se nalaze središta naselja, koji jednoličnom nizu obiteljskih kuća daju potrebnu prostornu protutežu i akcent. Narodno graditeljstvo je stvorilo i model tradicijske slavonske kuće s trijemom, koji je gotovo uvijek orijentiran prema jugu pa sve do istoka, te tako zadovoljava osnovne biološke i ekološke zahtjeve stanovanja. Postava kuća na parcelama organizirana je tako da su sve građevine postavljene uz rub parcele, a orijentirane su na stambeno i gospodarsko dvorište. U stambenom dvorištu nalazi se troprostorna kuća za stanovanje, a unutar gospodarskog dvorišta nalaze se gospodarske zgrade. Zbog svog ruralnoga karaktera, danas su slavonska sela pogođena negativnim promjenama, koje su proizvele nove prostorne uzorke u njihovoj slici. Oni nisu u skladu s nasljeđenim vrijednostima, niti su njihova suvremena interpretacija. Takav način izgradnje potpuno negira elemente kvalitetne prostorne organizacije tradicijske kuće, koja bi trebala biti osnova u razvitku slavonskih naselja. U prilog tome najbolje govore bioekološke karakteristike tradicijske slavonske kuće s trijemom koja može poslužiti kao polazište za stvaranje novoga suvremenog modela obiteljskog stanovanja, koji će zadovoljiti današnje potrebe, ali i ponuditi rješenje ekoloških i energetskih zahtjeva budućnosti.


Kabinet za pejzažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Retkovci – Basic Types of Traditional Slavonian Houses This seminar paper deals with field work research on the construction of family houses in the village Retkovci, located in eastern Slavonia, in the municipality of Ivankovo. The historical development of the traditional Slavonian village and a model of traditional houses are presented in a general overview and issues concerning newly built family houses are highlighted. The spatial organisation of rural settlements in Eastern Slavonia and Baranja is the result of centuries of development, functional adaptations and the climatic characteristics of the area, according to the principle of transmitted architecture. All of this has contributed to the creation of a generally accepted spatial concept termed ‘ušoren village’ with elongated plots, vertically placed along thoroughfares. The centres of the villages are usually located at the intersections of these thoroughfares and uniform family houses provide the necessary spatial counterbalance and accent. National construction has created a model for traditional Slavonian houses with a porch that is almost always oriented in a south-east direction, and thus meets the basic biological and ecological requirements of residence. The layout of houses on the plots is organised so that all buildings are placed along the edge of their plots, and are gravitate towards the residential and husbandry yard. In the residential part of the yard there is a three-room house and the farm yard has outbuildings. Because of their rural character, Slavonian villages have been affected by negative changes that have produced new spatial patterns. They are not in accordance with inherited values, nor are they their contemporary interpretation. This manner of building completely negates elements of the high-quality spatial organisation of traditional houses that should be the basis for the development of Slavonian villages. This is best supported by the biological characteristics of the traditional Slavonian house with a porch that can serve as a starting point for the development of a new model for modern family housing which will meet today’s needs, but also provide a solution for environmental and energy demands of the future.

Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Povijest hrvatskog urbanizma / History of Croatian Urbanism Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester

1. 2. student


Iva Kreković

Zlatko Karač


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Prostorni razvoj Lovrana i okolice

Physical Development of Lovran and its Surrounding Area

Ključna značajka urbanizma gradskog prostora Lovrana, nizanje je samostojećih građevina s uređenom parkovnom površinom, što karakterizira naselje kao ljetovalište, odnosno mjesto za odmor. Soliterni razmještaj građevina rezultirao je kvalitetnom obradom svih pročelja, a glavna fasada, u pravilu orijentirana prema morskoj strani, naglašena je dominantnošću glavnog ulaza. Zajednička karakteristika najvećeg dijela građevina, postignuti je sklad s okolnim parkovnim okolišem koji se hortikulturno obogaćuje, a same građevine opremljene su plemenitim materijalima. Unutarnji prostori vila, su adekvatno reprezentativnoj vanjštini, jednako pažljivo i maštovito uređeni. Tlocrtna dispozicija bazira se na reprezentativnom centralnom prostoru u prizemlju, a piano nobile zajednički je element velikog broja zgrada. Pogodna klima i mediteranski ugođaj, bili su idealna podloga za oblikovanje brojnih terasa, trijemova i raskošnih stepeništa koje se stapaju s parkom u kojem su podignute. Širenje planirane gradnje praćeno je hortikulturnim oblikovanjem okoliša, kako privatnog tako i javnog, te čitavo područje postaje arboretum prepun različitog bilja, kako autohtonog tako i egzotičnog, a dominantna je karakteristika lovranske vrtne arhitekture uzorak geometriziranog partera koji je rasprostranjen na cijelom tom području krajem 19.st i početkom 20. st. Najznačajnija i najvrijednija prostorna intervencija cijele rivijere, pa tako i područja Lovrana, je vrhunski poduhvat društva Quarnero, izgradnja obalnog puta (lungomare) koji se prostire neposredno uz obalu i namijenjen je isključivo pješačkom prometu. Osim široke dostupnosti korištenja obale, odnosno omogućavanja svakome da pristupi moru, trajno je spriječena mogućnost privatizacije, uzurpacije i zaposjedanja mora i to cijelom dužinom od Lovrana do mjesta Volosko.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

The key feature of Lovran’s urban planning is the juxtaposition of individual buildings with parks, which charaterizes this city as a seaside resort. The solitary arrangement of buildings has resulted in good quality facades; the dominance of the main entrance accentuates the front facade, usually oriented to the sea. The mutual characteristic of a major part of buildings in Lovran is the harmony attained with the surrounding park environment. The park environment is being horticulturally enriched, while the buildings are equipped with precious materials. The interiors of the villas, just like their exteriors, are meticulously and creatively decorated. The ground-plan disposition is based on the representative central space on the ground floor, with piano nobile being a mutual element to many buildings. Favorable climate conditions and the mediterranean atmosphere made an ideal foundation to design numerous terraces, porches and sumptuous stairsways blending with the park. Horticultural design of both public and private environment accompanies the planned development, transforming the entire area into an arboretum filled with various native and exotic plants. The dominating feature in Lovran’s park architecture is a pattern of geometricized parterre, which extended over the entire area of Lovran in the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The most significant and the most valuable space intervention of the riviera and the area of Lovran is the development of lungomare, an exquisite venture of Quarnero, which extends alongside the coast and is strictly reserved for pedestrians. Beside enabling the access to the sea to everyone, the possibility of privatization, usurpation and sea occupation is permanently prevented along the entire coast from Lovran to Volosko.

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Terenska nastava naziv / title

nositelj kolegija / Course Supervisor

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Zagreb / Croatian Space and Architecture – Zagreb

v. pred. mr.sc. Alan Braun

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska / Croatian Space and Architecture – North-west Croatia

doc.dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Slavonija / Croatian Space and Architecture – Slavonia

doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Istra / Croatian Space and Architecture – Istria

v. pred. mr.sc. Alan Braun

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Dalmacija / Croatian Space and Architecture – Dalmatia

prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Field Studies

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura Terenska nastava kolegija Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura omogućava opći uvid u arhitektonsku i urbanističku baštinu Hrvatske. Unutar osnovne podjele arhitektonske discipline na urbanizam, povijesnu i suvremenu arhitekturu te arhitektonsko projektiranje kao okosnica nastavnom programu prisutne su teme: prostorni resurs, gradska struktura, arhitektura u urbanom ili prirodnom kontekstu, arhitektura turističke namjene, autorsko arhitektonsko djelo. Itinerar obilaska koncipiran je tako da se naglaskom na specifične vrijednosti pojedinih lokaliteta (u rasponu od kulturološkopovijesnih okolnosti, datosti konfiguracije terena, morfologije gradske strukture..., do posebnosti izraza pojedinoga autorskog rukopisa i aktualne recentne arhitektonske i društvene problematike) pojasne ishodišta nastanka i valoriziraju vrijednosti arhitektonskih djela. Terenska nastava kao edukativna metoda podučava ponajprije o načinu sagledavanja gradova i građevina u konkretnom prostoru. Stručno vodstvo odabranim programom, kriterijima selekcije i ekspozeima in situ nastoji studentima približiti jedan vid komunikacije u arhitekturi koji se temelji kako na povijesnim slojevima i specifičnostima hrvatskog prostora i arhitekture, tako i na biti autorskog arhitektonskog prosedea kao takvog. Terenska nastava za studente I. semestra prezentira urbanistički i arhitektonski razvoj Zagreba kroz ciklus predavanja i dva vođena obilaska u kojima je obuhvaćena povijesna jezgra (Kaptol i Gornji grad) i Donji grad. Terenska nastava za studente II. semestra preddiplomskog studija Arhitektonskog fakulteta omogućava opći uvid u arhitektonsku i urbanističku baštinu sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Obilazak Istre namijenjen je studentima VI. semestra. Tijekom trodnevnog obilaska studente se upoznaje s fenomenom istarskog i primorskog prostora sa stanovišta prostorno-povijesnog razvoja te kulturne, graditeljske i urbane baštine, a ujedno i sa specifičnostima zaštite i obnove graditeljske baštine. Uz nastavnike Arhitektonskog fakulteta u terensku nastavu Dalmacija su uključeni i meritorni stručnjaci drugih disciplina, kao i autori-arhitekti koji su kvalitetom svoga rada posebno obilježili prostor Dalmacije. Tijekom obilaska studenti grafički bilježe, fotografiraju i analiziraju vizitirane gradove i građevine. Nakon putovanja iz dnevnika je potrebno odabrati niz relevantnih priloga te ih reproducirane, uz popratni stručni komentar, u vidu autorski dizajnirane knjižice predati kao seminarski rad  – Dnevnik terenske nastave.


Terenska nastava

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Croatian Space and Architecture Field study trips as part of the Croatian Space and Architecture course allow for general insight into the architectural and urban heritage of Croatia. Within the basic division of architecture disciplines into urban planning, historical and contemporary architecture and architectural planning as the framework to the course of studies, the following themes are included: Spatial resources, urban structure, architecture within an urban or natural context, architecture for tourism purposes, architects author’s approach. The itinerary of visits is conceived in such a manner that specific valuable buildings at individual sites (ranging from cultural and historical circumstances, the configuration of the terrain, the morphology of the urban structure, etc. to the specific expression of individual authors and topical architectural and social issues) are highlighted and clarify the evolutionary emergence of the architectural work and its evaluation. Field study trips as an educational method primarily offer the chance to view and comprehend cities, towns and buildings within concrete space. In providing professional guidance to a set programme, and according to selection criteria with exhibits in situ, the student is exposed to one aspect of communication in architecture based on historical layers and the specific qualities of Croatian space and its architecture, as well as to the quintessence of the architectural procédé as such. Field study trips for students attending semester I include the presentation of the urban and architectural development of Zagreb through a cycle of lectures and two guided tours which include the historic core (Kaptol and the Upper Town) and the Lower Town. Field study trips for students attending semester II of the pre-graduate studies include general insight into the architectural and urban heritage of northwest Croatia. A guided tour of Istria is organised for students during semester VI. During the three-day visit students gain insight into the phenomenon of spaces in Istria and Littoral Croatia from the aspect of spatial and historical development, as well as through its cultural, architectural and urban heritage. In addition they gain knowledge concerning the specifics of preservation and conservation of architectural heritage. Aside from professors from the Faculty of Architecture, other meritorious experts from other fields, as well as authorsarchitects, who have marked Dalmatian space with the quality of their work, are also included in the field study trips to Dalmatia. During the tour, students sketch, photograph and analyse the sites, towns and buildings visited. After the trip, students choose a series of relevant pieces from their study trip diaries and to reproduce them with an appended commentary in the form of a personally designed booklet which they hand in as their seminar paper – Field Study Diary.

Field Studies

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Terenska nastava

Field Studies

Itinerar Zagreb / Itinerary zagreb Kaptol i Gornji grad – povijesna jezgra Zagreba / Kaptol and Upper Town – historic core of city Donji grad – 12 konstitutivnih primjera arhitekture i prostora grada / Down Town – 12 constitutive examples of Architecture and city areas Predavanja / lectures doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić, pred.mr.sc. Alan Braun: Zagreb – grad i arhitektura od njegovih početaka do kraja 19. stoljeća / Zagreb – the City and Architecture from its Origins to the Late 19th Century prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić: Urbanistički razvoj Zagreba u 20. i 21. stoljeću / Urban Development of Zagreb in the 20th and 21th Century prof.dr.sc. Karin Šerman: Virtualna šetnja –  Donji grad i moderne interpolacije / Virtual Tour – Down Town (Donji grad) and the modern interpolations prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil: Moderna i suvremena arhitektura Zagreba / Modern and Contemporary Architecture of Zagreb

Stručno vodstvo / guidance v.pred.mr.sc. Alan Braun (nositelj kolegija / head of course), prof. Tonči Žarnić, doc.dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, prof.dr.sc. Karin Šerman, doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić, doc. Petar Mišković, v.pred. Vjera Bakić, v.pred. Marina Bertina, doc. Vanja Rister, zn.novak Melita Čavlović, doc. Mia Roth-Čerina, Juraj Glasinović


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Terenska nastava

Field Studies

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Terenska nastava

Field Studies

Itinerar Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska / Itinerary north-west croatia 1. dan / day: Zagreb – Gornja Bistra – Gornja Stubica – Krapinske Toplice – Krapina – Trški Vrh – Trakošćan – Lepoglava – Varaždin –  Koprivnica – Zagreb 2. dan / day: Zagreb – Samobor – Karlovac – Lijevi Štefanki – Sela kod Siska – Sisak –  Lonjsko Polje – Čigoč – Zagreb Predavanja / lectures doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić: Povijesni slojevi / Historical Layers doc.dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić: Arhitektura i urbanizam 20. i 21. st. / Architecture and Urbanism of the 20th and 21th Century Stručno vodstvo / guidance doc.dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić (nositelj kolegija / Head of course), v.pred. Marina Bertina, pred. Dunja Mandić, pred. Luka Korlaet


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Terenska nastava

Field Studies

Itinerar Slavonija / Itinerary slavonia 1. dan / day: Novi Mikanovci – Vinkovci –  Ovčara– Ilok – Vukovar – Aljmaš 2. dan / day: Osijek (Tvrđa, Donji i Gornji grad, te novi dijelovi) – Valpovo – Donji Miholjac  – Našice 3. dan / day: Đakovo – Slavonski Brod  – Požega – Pakrac – Daruvar Stručno vodstvo / guidance doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač (nositelj kolegija /head of course), doc.dr.sc. Iva Muraj, znan. nov. Morana Pap, znan. nov. Boško Opalić


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Terenska  nastava

Field Studies

Itinerar Istra / Itinerary istria 1. dan / day:  Rijeka–Trsat – Motovun ; 2. dan / day: Poreč – Sv. Lovreč – Dvigrad –  Rovinj – Bale; 3. dan / day: Pula – Svetvinčent – Beram – Pazin – Gračišće – Raša – Labin – Mošćenice. Stručno vodstvo / guidance v.pred.mr.sc. Alan Braun (nositelj kolegija / head of course), doc. Vanja Rister, pred.mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić, pred. Tajana Jaklenec


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Terenska nastava

Field Studies

Itinerar Dalmacija / Itinerary dalmatia 1. dan / day: Zadar-hotelski sklop Solarij (hotel complex Solaris)–Šibenik – Primošten 2. dan / day: Trogir – Split – Brela 3. dan / day: Makarska–Vid/Narona – Ston – Trsteno – Dubrovnik 4. dan / day: Dubrovnik Stručno vodstvo / guidance prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil (nositelj kolegija / head of course), zn.nov. Melita Čavlović, zn.nov. Marina Smokvina, zn.nov. Mojca Smode Cvitanović


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Ljetne škole i radionice Studentska urbanističko-arhitektonska radionica Obala Orebića (01.– 10.10.2012.) / Student Urban-architectural Workshop Orebić Coast 12. Međunarodna radionica arhitekture fortifikacija Brijuni (01.– 10.09.2013.) / 12th International Fortification Architecture Workshop Brijuni Radionica arhitekture Široki Brijeg (25.– 31.08.2013.) / Architecture Workshop Široki Brijeg Međunarodna urbanistička radionica Centar iza Grada (09.– 12.10.2012.) / International Urban Workshop Centre behind the City Anatomija otoka (01.– 07.10.2012.) / Island Anatomy


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Summer Schools and Workshops

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Studentska urbanističkoarhitektonska radionica ‘Obala Orebića’ Voditelji radionice / workshop supervisors: Krunoslav Šmit, Ivona Jerković, Hrvoje Vidović Projektni tim / project team: Slaven Letica (Udruga Croatica), Marta Lozo, Gosti i predavači / lecturers: Silvija Laković i Dujam Ivanišević (koFAKTOR), Davora Bušnja (Nona), Antun Baće i Zehra Laznibat (Konzervatorski odjel u Dubrovniku), Vjeran Piršić (Udruga Eko Kvarner), Hrvoje Carić (Institut za turizam), Tomislav Vreš (mikelić vreš arhitekti), Aron Roland (TU Darmstadt), Krunoslav Ivanišin (ivanišin. kabashi.arhitekti), Vladimir Bogoje (Općina Orebić), Jesenko Horvat (Arhitektonski fakultet Zagreb), Marina Oreb (Zavod za prostorno uređenje Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije). Studenti / students: Luka Cindrić, Larisa Čišić, Mario Gudelj, Dora Jerbić, Dora Kodrić, Bruno Kostanić, Hrvoje Magdić, Andrija Matotan, Marija Medoš, Tea Ivana Medvidović, Mia Mikula, Ines Mravunac, Andrea Mušić, Nikolina Pavlović, Vedrana Pecotić, Marko Skoblar, Luka-Ante Šarić, Natalija Šarlija, Mirka Škudar

U suradnji Općine Orebić, Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Katedrom za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu i udruge Croatica, a putem sredstava Europske unije iz Programa Mladi na djelu, u Orebiću je u razdoblju od 1. do 7. listopada 2012. godine održana studentska urbanističko-arhitektonska radionica ‘Obala Orebića’. Tema radionice ‘Obala Orebića’ u najširem se smislu naslanja na prepoznatu potrebu uređenja obalnog poteza naselja Orebić. Interdisciplinarni, istraživački i kreativni postupak promišljanja prostora rezultirao je rješenjima, prijedlozima, konceptima, skicama, razmišljanjima i zaključcima koji mogu pomoći u kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom smislu odrediti okvir budućih aktivnosti u prostoru. Radionica je koncipirana na modelu otvorene suradnje svih sudionika u prostoru, što se prepoznaje kao mogući smjer unapređenja participacije korisnika u procesima izrade dokumenata prostornog uređenja. Tematski se nastavlja na dvije već organizirane radionice u Orebiću i predstavlja nastavak rada na uvijek aktualnoj temi primarnih javnih prostora urbane cjeline Orebića. Kroz istraživanje i analizu stanja na terenu te sintezu prikupljenih i obrađenih podataka nastojalo se utvrditi i prezentirati značenje i mogućnosti uređenja, ali i prikrivenih potencijala ovoga prostora za širu zajednicu, pa tako utvrditi smjernice i ulazne podatke za predstojeću izradu prostornoplanske dokumentacije. Sukladno navedenom, u sklopu projekta provedene su sljedeće aktivnosti: • Grupni rad studenata pod mentorstvom voditelja na izradi koncepta uređenja obalnog poteza • Stručna predavanja pozvanih gostiju • Javne diskusije o konceptima • Anketiranje građana • Izložba radova, otvorena 6. listopada 2012. u Orebiću • Izdavanje publikacije koja će trajno prezentirati proizvode radionice

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Student Urban-architectural Workshop Orebić Coast In cooperation of Orebić , Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb , Department of Urban Planning, Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture and the Association Croatica, through EU funds from the Youth in Action program , in Orebic , in the period from 1st to 7th October 2012 year , held Student Urbanarchitectural Workshop ‘Orebić Coast’. Topic Workshop ‘Orebić Coast’ in the broadest sense, rests on the need to develop waterfront moves settlements Orebic. Interdisciplinary research and creative process of spatial reasoning resulted in solutions , suggestions , concepts, sketches , thoughts and conclusions to be qualitatively and quantitatively determine the framework for future activities in space. The workshop is designed on the model of open collaboration of all stakeholders in the area , which is identified as a possible way to improve user participation in the process of spatial planning documents. Theme continues at two workshops organized in Orebić and represents a continuation of work on the always topical issue of primary public space urban areas Orebic. Through research and analysis of the situation on the ground and in the synthesis of collected and processed data , we tried to identify and present the meaning and possibilities of decoration , but also hidden potential of this area for the wider community and thus establish guidelines and input to the upcoming production of planning documents. The project included the following activities: • Group work of students under the supervision of the Head on a concept design coastal moves • Lectures by invited guests • Public discussion of the concepts • Citizen survey • Exhibition of works , opened on 6th October 2012 in Orebic • Issuing publications that will permanently present products workshops. The workshop explored and offered programs and planning proposals that transcend seasonality and unambiguous use of space. It is necessary to offer solutions that will harmonize and conflicting requirements: the needs of the local population and the tourist economy , protecting the coast from erosion and the protection of nature , the introduction of new content and design of the space and the preservation of cultural heritage.

Radionicom su istraženi i ponuđeni programi i prijedlozi uređenja koji nadilaze sezonalnost i jednoznačnost korištenja prostora. Pritom je bilo potrebno ponuditi rješenja koja će harmonizirati međusobno dijelom i oprečne zahtjeve: potrebe lokalnoga stanovništva i turističkoga gospodarstva; zaštitu obale od erozije i zaštitu prirode, unošenje novih sadržaja i uređenja u prostor te očuvanje kulturne baštine.


Ljetne škole i radionice

Summer Schools and Workshops

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

12. Međunarodna radionica arhitektura fortifikacija, Brijuni 12. Međunarodna radionica arhitektura fortifikacija na Brijunima održana je od 1. do 10. rujna 2013. godine u organizaciji Uprave za zaštitu kulturne baštine Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske i Javne ustanove Nacionalni park Brijuni, a pod pokroviteljstvom Nacionalnog odbora ICOMOCS-a. Sudionici radionice bili su studenti i nastavnici Arhitektonskih fakulteta iz Graca, Krakowa, Lavova i Zagreba, zatim Geodetskog fakulteta iz Zagreba te polaznici Tehničkog veleučilišta iz Zagreb. Radionica je započela uvodnim razgledavanjem brijunskog otočja i otvorenjem izložbe radova prošlogodišnje 11. Međunarodne radionice arhitekture fortifikacija u izložbenom prostoru Čamčarnice. Teme zadataka radionice bile su analize, zatim geodetsko i arhitektonsko snimanje fortifikacija te urbanističke studije pojedinih brijunskih lokacija s fortifikacijama. Aktivnosti na radionici bile su podijeljene na svakodnevne organizirane obilaske, skiciranje i snimanje fortifikacija s okruženjem, zatim popodnevnu obradu prikupljenih podataka te terenska i večernja predavanja i diskusije voditelja, gostujućih predavača i studenata. Rezultati rada na radionici su prikazani na završnim prezentacijama studentskih radova, nakon kojih još slijedi dorada radova za godišnjak radionice i izložbu radova. Sudionici radionice s Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu bili su studentice Mia Andrašević i Dora Habijanec te voditelj doc.dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar s Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu. Studentice su uspješno obradile i prezentirale Urbanističku studiju uređenja lokacije Glavina na Malom Brijunu. Na izložbi prošlogodišnje 11. Međunarodne radionice arhitekture fortifikacija izložen je rad Urbanistička studija lokacije Pisak na Malom Brijunu studentica Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Ivane Šajn, Korine Barišić i Ele Prižmić koje je vodio doc.dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar.


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

12th International Workshop on Fortification Architecture, Brijuni The 12th International Workshop on fortification architecture on Brijuni was held 1–10 September 2013 and organised by the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage at the Croatian Ministry of Culture and the Public Institution ‘Brijuni National Park’, and under the auspices of the ICOMOCS National Committee. Workshop participants were students and teachers from Faculties of Architecture in Graz, Krakow, Lavov and Zagreb, the Faculty of Geodesy and students of the Zagreb Polytechnic. The workshop started with an introductory tour of the Brijuni Islands and the opening of an exhibition of works from last year’s 11th International Workshop on Fortification Architecture at the exhibition venue Čamčarnica. Workshop topics included analyses, surveys and architectural surveys of the fortifications and urban studies of individual sites with fortifications on Brijuni. Activities at the workshops were divided into daily organised tours, sketching and recording fortifications and their environs, data processing in the afternoons and field and evening lectures, discussion led by principals, visiting lecturers and students. Workshop results were presented in the form of a final presentation of student papers, after which the papers were reviewed and completed for the annual workshop and exhibition publication. Workshop participants from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb were students Mia Andrašević and Dora Habijanec, alongside Assistant Professor Ivan Mlinar, PhD from the Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape architecture. The students successfully processed and presented An urban study on the planning of the site of Glavina on Mali Brijun. At the exhibition of the previous year’s 11th International Workshop on Fortification Architecture the work An urban study of the Pisak site on Mali Brijun by students Ivana Šajn, Korina Barišić and Ela Prižmić from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, and led by assistant professor Ivan Mlinar, PhD, was presented.

Obilježje radionice je odmjeren plan i program koji je rezultirao uspješnim radovima te njihovim prezentacijama u inspirativnom ambijentu i ugodnoj kolegijalnoj atmosferi u kojoj su se izmjenjivala nastavna i stručna iskustva međunarodnih timova. Radionica potiče kolegijalne kontakte i aktivnosti polaznika koje su rezultirale nizom izložbi, publikacija te diplomskih, znanstvenih i doktorskih radova.

The main feature of the workshop was a sound plan and programme that resulted in successful papers and their presentations within an inspirational environment and pleasant collegiate atmosphere in which educational and expert opinions and experiences were shared among international teams. This workshop encourages friendly contacts and activities among participants which resulted in a series of exhibitions, publications, and graduate, scientific research and doctoral theses.

Ljetne škole i radionice

Summer Schools and Workshops

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Radionica arhitekture Široki Brijeg Voditelji radionice / workshop supervisors: prof.dr.sc. Sanja Filep, d.i.a. AF Zagreb, prof. dr.sc. Lucija Ažman Momirski, d.i.a. AF Ljubljana, Davor Andrić, d.i.a. AF Zagreb, Erika Petrić, d.i.a. TU Graz, Pero Ćeškić, d.i.a. ALU Široki Brijeg, Boris Soldo, d.i.a. Široki Brijeg Studenti / students: af Ljubljana: Diego Umari TU Wien: Hrvoje Hrkać AF Zagreb:Ines Mravunac, Luka Cindrić, Maja Pandžić, Martina Zeljko, Natalija Šarlija, Alma Špoljarec, Mirta Rusan, Ante Đerek, Luka-Ante Šarić, Marijana Zlodre TU Graz: Luka Lipšinić, Cornelia Steiner, Johanna Regger GAF Split: Mate Skoko

Ideja o pokretanju radionice nastala je tijekom dvogodišnje suradnje Arhitektonskog fakulteta Zagreb, na čelu s profesoricom Sanjom Filep, i dvojice mladih širokobrijeških arhitekata Pere Ćeškića i Borisa Solde na projektima vezanim za rekonstrukciju franjevačkog duhovnog, kulturnog, obrazovnog kompleksa na Širokom Brijegu, koje je inicirao fra Sretan Ćurčić. Na radionici su sudjelovali Arhitektonski fakultet Zagreb, Arhitektonski fakultet Ljubljana, Arhitektonski fakultet Graz, Akademija likovnih umjetnosti Široki Brijeg te studenti s Arhitektonskih fakulteta iz Splita i Beča. Osnovni cilj radionice bio je upoznati lokalnu zajednicu s arhitektonskim djelovanjem kroz izradu projekata značajnih za grad i širu okolicu. Voditelji su sa studentima, u suradnji s domaćim arhitektima, izradili četiri idejna urbanističko-arhitektonska rješenja gorućih prostornih problema zajednice ukazavši tako na nove potencijale u prostoru koji mogu inicirati urbanističko-arhitektonski razvoj u budućnosti. Zadaci radionice: Grad na rijeci – istraživanje potencijala rijeke Lištice u urbanističko-arhitektonskom kontekstu Širokog Brijega.


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Architectural Workshop Široki Brijeg The idea of a workshop developed during the 2 years-long collaboration between the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, leaded by the professor Sanja Filep, and two young architects from Široki Brijeg, Pero Ćeškić and Boris Soldo. The collaboration dealed with projects related to the reconstruction of the Franciscan spiritual, cultural and educational complex in Široki Brijeg, initiated by the friar Sretan Ćurčić. The Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, the Faculty of Architecture in Graz, the Academy of Fine Arts in Široki Brijeg and students from the faculties of architecture in Split and Vienna participated at the workshop. The main goal of the workshop was to, by creating projects important for the city and its surrounding area, introduce the local community to architectural activity. The students and the workshop supervisors, together with local architects, created four urbanistic-architectural preliminary designs to solve the biggest community problems, thus pointing to new spatial potentials that can initiate the urbanistic-architectural development in the future. Workshop tasks: City on the river – research of the river Lištica’s potential in the urbanistic-architectural context of Široki Brijeg

Povezivanje grada i Brijega – dva glavna urbana žarišta u budućnosti iziskuju puno bolju povezanost.

Connecting the city and Brijeg – two main urban points demand a much better connection in the future

Kompleks duhanske stanice – (industrijski kompleks izgrađeni u nekadašnjim periferijama, danas središtima gradova, urbanistički su ‘problem’ svih europskih gradova.)

Tobacco station complex – (industrial complexes built on former city outskirts – city centres today, represent an urbanistic ‘problem’ for all European cities.)

Na koji način revitalizirati dragocjeni gradski prostor novim sadržajima i kao dati novu prostornu vrijednost gradu.

In what way should the valuable urban space be revitalized with new contents and how a new spatial value should be given to the city.

Studentsko stanovanje – nepostojanje osmišljenog studentskog smještaja ozbiljan je problem širokobrijeških studenata. Istražiti lokacije i prikladnu tipologiju za trenutne i buduće potrebe.

Students’ accomodation – the non-exsistant thought-out students’ accomodation represents a serious problem for the students of Široki Brijeg. Locations and suitable typology for present and future needs should be explored.

Radionica je održana u prostorima Likovne akademije, a završna izložba radova postavljena 31.08. u Narodnoj knjižnici u Širokom Brijegu. Izložba je privukla veliki broj posjetitelja, predstavnika lokalnih vlasti i gospodarstvenika, koji su s velikim zanimanjem pogledali te podržali novopredložena rješenja. Radionicu su potpomogle lokalne vlasti (općinska i županijska) i gospodarstvenici, te su ovakav događaj spremni i u budućnosti podržavati.

The workshop took place at the Academy of Fine Arts and the closing exhibition was presented on August 31st at the National Library in Široki Brijeg. The exhibition drew a large number of visitors, local authorities’ representatives and businessmen, who observed and supported the proposed solutions with great interest. The workshop was supported by the local authorities and businessmen, ready to support this type of event in the future as well.

Ljetne škole i radionice

Summer Schools and Workshops

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Međunarodna urbanistička radionica ‘Dubrovnik – Centar iza Grada: urbana transformacija fose uza zidine’ Voditelji / supervisors: Krunoslav Šmit, Jaime F. Furest Koordinatorica / coordinator: Nataša Ivanišević Mentori / mentors: Marcos P. Blanch, Jordi E. Roma, Benjamin I. Wikcsteed, Carlos D. Carmona, , Jordi P. Comas Studenti / students: Barcelona Laura B. Noreña, Elena C. Soucheiron, Victor V. Pages, Carles E. Julia, Marco M. Sivila, Marta M. Mas, Jan M. de la Prida, Pablo N. Garcia, Oscar S. Valiente, Gabriel C. Serrano, Gerard C. Delgado, Sergi S. i Collado, Alejandra T. Recoder, Bc Ricard P. Ribas Zagreb Sara Jurlin, Iva Kreković, Maja Martini, Dunja Naerlović, Matija Novak, Nikolina Pavlovi, Ines Brezeti, Ivana Lukend, Jelena Miljanovi, Marijela Svilarić

Tijekom 2011. proveden je međunarodni urbanističko-arhitektonski natječaj za izradu idejnoga urbanističko-arhitektonskog rješenja za Centar iza Grada u Dubrovniku. Na natječaj su pristigla 52 rada natjecatelja iz mnogih dijelova Europe. Nagrađeni su radovi autorskih grupa iz Španjolske, Nizozemske i Hrvatske. Prva nagrada dodijeljena je autorskoj grupi profesora i studenata la Salle University – School of Architecture iz Barcelone. Rezultati natječaja ukazali su na potrebu za širim sagledavanjem prostora njegova obuhvata i postavljanjem cjelovite urbanističke koncepcije razvoja pros­ tora oko povijesne jezgre u odnosu na njegovo uže, ali i šire okruženje, a to je bio poticaj za organizaciju međunarodne urbanističke radionice. Međunarodna urbanistička radionica pod nazivom ‘Dubrovnik – Centar iza Grada: urbana transformacija fose uza zidine’ or­ganizirana je u Dubrovniku u Interuniverzitetskom centru (IUC-u) od 9.-12.10.2012. pod pokroviteljstvom Grada Dubrovni­ka i IUC-a, na kojoj su sudjelovali studenti La Salle University – School of Architecture iz Barcelone i studenti Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Na Radionici su se problema­tizirali i analizirali mogući scenariji urbane transformacije pros­tora oko povijesne jezgre Dubrovnika, poput mogućnosti preo­brazbe područja Centra iza Grada, utjecaj uspostavljanja nove prometne veze – tunela koji povezuje Grušku luku s povijes­nom jezgrom te proširenje turističkih atraktora izvan područja jezgre s ciljem njena rasterećenja. Na Radionici su sudjelovala dvadeset i dva studenta završnih godina diplomskog studija fakulteta iz Barcelone i Zagreba. Studenti su tijekom borav­ka u Dubrovniku razrađivali projektni zadatak kroz zajednička analitička istraživanja i terenski rad na razini grupe, te potom kroz individualni planersko-projektantski rad svakog studenta.


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

International Urban Planning Workshop ‘Dubrovnik – Centar iza Grada (Centre behind the City): Urban Transformation of the Cavities along the Walls’ During 2011 an international urban and architectural contest was held for the and architectural design for the Centre behind the City in Dubrovnik. The contest received 52 entries from contestants from many parts of Europe. Awards went to works by author groups from Spain, the Netherlands and Croatia. First prize was awarded to the author group of professors and students from La Salle University - School of Architecture from Barcelona. Competition results indicated the need for a broader reassessment of space and viewing the entire urban concept of space development around the historic centre in relation to its immediate but also broader environment, which was the impetus for the organisation of international urban workshops. International Planning Workshop entitled ‘Dubrovnik–Centre behind the City: the urban transformation of fossa along the walls‘ was organised in Dubrovnik at the Inter-University Centre (IUC), 9–12 October 2012 under the auspices of the City of Dubrovnik and IUC, which was attended by students from La Salle University–School of Architecture from Barcelona and students of Architecture, University of Zagreb. Issues discussed and analysed at the workshop were possible scenarios of urban transformation of the space around the historic Old Town, such as the possibilities of transforming the area Centar iza Grada, the impact of the establishment of new transport links – the tunnel linking Gruška port with the historic centre and the expansion of tourism attractors outside the nucleus in the aim of dispersal. Participants included twenty-two students in their final year of graduate studies at the faculties in Barcelona and Zagreb. During their stay in Dubrovnik students elaborated the topics of their project tasks through joint analytical research and field work at a group level, and then through individual planning-designing work done by each student.

Tijekom Radionice održana su predavanja, diskusije i izlaganja u IUC-u, na kojima su sudjelovali arhi­tekti Marko Dabrović (3LHD), Slobodan Vuković (DAD), Borka Bobovec (Europan Hrvatska) i Ivan Viđen (povj.umj.). Istraživanja i promišljanja prikazana su na završnoj javnoj prezentaciji radova koja se održala 12.10.2012. u Gradskoj vijećnici u prisutnosti gradonačelnika, gostiju kritičara i ostalih posjetitelja. Stu­denti su prezentirali važnost lokacije za stvaranje sadržaja i ambijenata koji nedostaju gradu Dubrovniku i prikazali načine uređenja zapuštenih prostora, građevina i površina, uz uvođenje suvremenog standarda opremljenosti radi poboljšanja sva­kodnevnog funkcioniranja Grada.

During the workshop lectures , discussions and presentations were held at IUC, with the participation of architects Marko Dabrović (3LHD), Slobodan Vuković (DAD), Borka Bobovec (Europan Croatia) and Ivan Viđen (art hist.). Research and considerationswere presented at a final public presentation of works which was held on 12 October 2012 at the City Hall in the presence of the Mayor, alongside critics and other visitors. Students presented the importance of the location in the creation of content and environments that are missing in Dubrovnik and showed ways in which the derelict space, buildings and land surfaces could be improved, alongside the introduction of modern standards of equipment to improve the daily functioning of the City.

Ljetne škole i radionice

Summer Schools and Workshops

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Voditelj / supervisor: Boško Budisavljević mentori / mentors: Keio University, Tokyo, Japan – mentor prof.dr. Darko Radović University of Tokyo, Japan – mentor prof. Kengo Kuma Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana, Slovenija – mentor prof. Tadej Glažar Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Hrvatska – mentor doc. Tin Sven Franić Građevinsko-arhitektonsko-geodetski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Hrvatska – mentor prof. Neno Kezić Studenti / students: University of Tokyo, Japan, Kengo Kuma Lab Guangfeng Chen, Ryan Moroney, Bojan Koncarevic, Xuhao Lin, Kaoru Yamaoka, Hanh Nguyen, Eugene Kiang Keio University, Japan, Darko Radovic Lab Ayako Ishikawa, Katsuhito Komatsu, Kumiko Natsumeda, Moe Suzuki, Daisuke Sato, Yoshiaki Kato, Ken Akatsuka Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana, Slovenija, Tadej Glažar Lab Blaž Učakar, Gašper Skalar Rogič, Jure Sadar, Matej Gruden, Ada Finci Terseglav, Luka Ločičnik, Aleš Gabrijelčič, Tina Javornik Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Arhitektonski fakultet, mentor: Tin Sven Franić Ana Bjelić, Krešimir Damjanović, Jure Živković, Nika Dželalija Sveučilište u Splitu, Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije, mentor: Neno Kezić Lorena Posinković, Pjero Peša, Antonia Vuletić, Antun Stahor, Nina Stipančević, Duje Kovačević, Marina Bakarić


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Anatomija otoka

The Anatomy of an Island

Udruga ‘Lavurat za poja’ pokreće niz aktivnosti za promociju otoka Visa na kulturnom i turističkom planu. Program pod nazivom ‘Anatomija otoka’ planira se za razdoblje od pet godina. U ciklusu seminara svake godine bit će obrađena po jedna relevantna tema vezana za razvoj otoka. Uz će biti organizirana po jedna radionica na kojoj će se izrađivati prijedlozi i projekti koji će operacionalizirati zadanu temu. Program je otvorio simpozij Uvod u anatomiju otoka Visa s predavanjima 14 eminentnih stručnjaka raznih područja. U ovoj akademskoj godini tema radionice bila je Nova Issa – mogućnosti uklapanja lokaliteta grčke Isse u kulturnu i turističku sliku grada Visa. Radionica se održavala od 1. do 7. listopada 2012. u prostorima veleučilišta VERN Vis, a sudjelovalo je pet timova studenata arhitekture s profesorima mentorima.

The association ‘Lavurat za poja’ has launched a series of activities to promote the island of Vis as a cultural and tourist destination. The programme entitled ‘The anatomy of an island’ is planned over a five-year period. During the cycle of seminars each year one relevant topic related to the development of the island will be processed. In addition, one workshop will be organised at which proposals and projects will be developed that will provide an operational aspect to a given topic. The programme was opened with the symposium Introduction to the anatomy of the Island of Vis with lectures held by 14 eminent experts from various fields. This academic year the topic of the workshop was New Issa – opportunities for the integration of Greek Issa sites within the cultural and touristic image of the town of Vis. The workshop was held 1–7 October 2012 at the premises of the polytechnic Vern Vis, and was attended by five teams of students of architecture and mentoring professors.

Svrha radionice je proučavanje lokaliteta grčke Isse, polisa osnovanog u 4. stoljeću prije Krista. Specifičnost lokaliteta je njegova gotovo potpuna neizgrađenost, za razliku od drugih sličnih primjera kod nas i u svijetu. Trebalo je istražiti na koje se načine taj lokalitet može uklopiti u kulturnu i turističku ponudu grada Visa te njegovu atraktivnost dovesti na svjetsku razinu. Prikazani studentski radovi na temu ‘Nova Issa’ pokazuju da su mogućnosti uklapanja grčke Isse u ukupnu sliku grada Visa te oživljavanje samog lokaliteta vrlo raznovrsne, originalne i izvedive, bez velikih financijskih ulaganja. Zanimljivo je da niti jedan rad nije predvidio niti jednu građevinu, već se sve odvija različitim vrstama jednostavnih ali korisnih i efektnih intervencija na i oko lokaliteta te na zapuštenim prostorima grada Visa. Na radionici su sudjelovali i gosti: Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira, voditelj United Nations University – Institute for Advanced Studies, profesorica Davisi Boontharm s Deakin University iz Melbourna, Australije te Kazuyo Sejima, arhitektica svjetskog glasa, izbornica Venecijanskog bijenala arhitekture 2010. godine.

The purpose of the workshop was to study the site of Greek Issa, a polis established in the 4th Century BC. The specificity of the site is its incomplete development, unlike similar examples in Croatia and abroad. The manner in which the site might become part of the cultural and tourist offer of the town of Vis and how its attractiveness might be raised to a global level was investigated. The student works to the topic ‘New Issa’ presented show that the possibilities of adapting Greek Issa to the overall picture of town of Vis, and the revival of the site itself are very diverse, original and feasible without major financial investment. It is interesting that none of the works submitted foresaw any structures; all of them provided different types of simple, but useful and effective interventions to the site and to the neglected spaces of the town of Vis. The workshop was attended by guests: Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira , head of the United Nations University – Institute for Advanced Studies, Professor Davisi Boontharm from Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia and Kazuyo Sejima, a world-renowned architect, commissioner of the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2010.

Ljetne škole i radionice

Summer Schools and Workshops

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Mobilnost u okviru programa Erasmus

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Mobility within the Erasmus Programme

U akad. god. 2012./13. odvijala se razmjena na sljedećim fakultetima europskih Sveučilišta: / In 2012/2013 the exchange took place at the following faculties of European Universities: Szent István Egyetem, Ybl Miklós Építéstudományi Kar Szent István University Sveučilište Szent István,Fakultet arhitekture i građevine Miklósa Ybla / Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering Technische Universität München, Fakultät fÜr Architektur Tehničko sveučilište München, Arh. fakultet, Njemačka / Technical University Munich, Faculty of Architecture, Germany Politecnico di Milano, Scuola de Architettura e Societa Politehničko sveučilište Milano, Škola za arhitekturu i društvo / Polytechnic University of Milan, School of architecture and sociaty Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo Sveučilište u Ljubljani,Fakulteta za arhitekturu, Slovenija / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας, Σχολή Ανθρωπιστικών Σπουδών, Κοινωνικών Επιστημών και Νομικής στο Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας, Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών

Sveučilište u Nikoziji, Filozofski fakultet i fakultet za društvene znanosti i pravo, Odsjek za arhitekturu / University of Nicosia, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law at the University of Nicosia, Department of Architecture


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Međunarodna suradnja AF u sklopu europskog programa Erasmus Program Erasmus dio je EU Programa za cjeloživotno učenje (LLP – Life Long Learning Programme), osmišljen radi jačanja europskog prostora visokog obrazovanja. Sveučilište u Zagrebu sudjeluje u programu Erasmus od 2009. godine, i to u segmentu mobilnosti kako studenata (studijski boravak i stručna praksa) tako i nastavnog osoblja. Program se provodi dodjeljivanjem novčane potpore (400–450 € mjesečno). I u protekloj akademskoj godini Arhitektonski fakultet nastavio je suradnju sa arhitektonskim fakultetima sveučilišta u Brnu, Budimpešti, Chietiju-Pescari, Grazu, Ljubljani, Madridu, Milanu, Münchenu, Nicosiji i Rzeszowu. Na pojedinim fakultetima studiralo je dvanaest studenata. To su: Iva Pauzar, Dora Perković, Jelena Prokop i Paula Štefan (Milano), Ana Grgurač, Lovro Prpić i Maja Roić (München), Tatjana Cafuk, Ida Ister i Kristina Škrokov (Ljubljana), Boris Dundović (Budimpešta) i Saša Vlajo (Nicosia). Stručnu praksu u inozemstvu u istom periodu obavilo je devetnaestero studenata: Ana Burić (Cannatà e Fernandes, Porto), Sandra Dvorščak (Plankreis, München), Anna Kocsis (Toni Gironès, Barcelona), Bojana Komšo (Nickl und Partner, München), Jere Kuzmanić (Cie., Rotterdam), Ana Lisonek (Cie., Rotterdam), Dora Lončarić (Anne Holtrop, Amsterdam), Mateja Markešić (Bad, Innsbruck), Marija Medoš (Design international, London), Mario Novak (Daneshgar, Beč), Borna Pavičić (JDS, Bruxelles), Lana Petrak (ZZDP, Amsterdam), Monika Prinčić (Delugan Meissl, Beč), Karla Sršen (Transform, Aarhus), Bruna Stipaničić (Dominique Perrault, Pariz), Natalija Šarlija (OFIS, Ljubljana), Cvijeta Franka Šarić (Arriola & Fiol, Barcelona), Monika Tomić (Kuehn Malvezzi, Berlin), Petra Visković (Design international, London). U okviru akademske mobilnosti nastavnog osoblja prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković i dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić gostovale su na uglednom talijanskom sveučilištu Politecnico di Milano, sudjelujući u nastavi i kao predavači i kao gosti voditelji vježbi.


Mobilnost u okviru programa Erasmus

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

International Cooperation of the Faculty of Architecture within the European Erasmus Programme The Erasmus Programme is part of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), designed to strengthen the field of higher education in Europe. The University of Zagreb has been participating in the Erasmus programme since 2009 in the segment of student (study sojourns and professional practice) and teaching staff mobility. The programme is implemented by allocating financial support (€ 400–450 per month). In the past academic year, the Faculty of Architecture continued to collaborate with the Faculties of Architecture in Brno, Budapest, Chieti-Pescara, Graz, Ljubljana, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Nicosia and Rzeszow. A total of twelve students studied at various colleges. These were: Iva Pauzar, Dora Perković, Jelena Prokop and Paula Štefan (Milan), Ana Grgurač, Lovro Prpić and Maja Roić (Munich), Tatjana Cafuk, Ida Ister and Kristina Škrokov (Ljubljana), Boris Dundović (Budapest) and Saša Vlajo (Nicosia). Professional practice abroad during the same period was awarded to nineteen students: Ana Burić (Cannatà e Fernandes, Porto), Sandra Dvorščak (Plankreis, Munich), Anna Kocsis (Toni Gironès, Barcelona), Bojana Komšo (Nickl und Partner, Munich), Jere Kuzmanić (Cie., Rotterdam), Ana Lisonek (Cie., Rotterdam), Dora Lončarić (Anne Holtrop, Amsterdam), Mateja Markešić (Bad, Innsbruck), Marija Medoš (Design international, London ), Mario Novak (Daneshgar, Vienna), Borna Pavičić (JDS , Brussels), Lana Petrak (ZZDP, Amsterdam), Monika Prinčić (Delugan Meissl, Vienna), Karla Sršen (Transform, Aarhus), Bruna Stipaničić (Dominique Perrault, Paris), Natalija Šarlija (OFIS, Ljubljana), Cvijeta Franka Šarić (Arriola & Fiol, Barcelona), Monika Tomić (Kuehn Malvezzi , Berlin), Petra Visković (Design international, London). As part of the academic mobility of faculty members Prof Dina Vulin Ileković, PhD and Marina Šimunić Buršić, PhD visited the prestigious Italian university Politecnico di Milano, and participated as lecturers and guests and practical training principals. For the first time, five incoming students: Sara Blonda, Silvia Giannuzzi, Mariangela Capozio, Mail di Simone (all from the Faculty of Architecture, University ‘G. d’ Annunzio’ in Chieti/Pescara, Italy), and Pavle Marčić from the Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Architecture in Graz, Austria spent the summer semester at the University of Zagreb.

Mobility within the Erasmus Programme

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Po prvi puta, na našem fakultetu ljetni semestar provelo je petero dolaznih studenata: Sara Blonda, Silvia Giannuzzi, Mariangela Capozio, Maila di Simone (sve s Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta ‘G. d’Annunzio’ u Chietiju/Pescari, Italija), te Pavle Marčić s Arhitektonskog fakulteta Tehničkog Sveučilišta u Grazu, Austrija.

Due to the increased workload of the Erasmus and other exchange programmes, an Office for International Cooperation was established this year and run by teaching assistant Marina Smokvina and administrator Vesna Šarčević.

Zbog rastućeg opsega posla u Erasmus i drugim programima razmjene, ove je akad. godine osnovan Ured za međunarodnu suradnju koji čine i zn.nov. Marina Smokvina te administrator Vesna Šarčević.



Iva Pauzar Paula Štefan Dora Perković Tanja Haraminčić Dino Kotlar

Mario Scaglia


Mobilnost u okviru programa Erasmus

Mobility within the Erasmus Programme

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Boris Dundović Bence Gál Anikó Kúthy Zsófia Szontágh

Aurél Benárd Ferenc Makovényi Miklós Szűcs



Maja Roić Ana Grgurač

Robert Marino


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Mobilnost u okviru programa Erasmus

Mobility within the Erasmus Programme

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Diplomski radovi Uglovnica / Building on the Corner Gradsko središte Varaždinske Toplice / Town Center –Varaždinske Toplice Sinagoga i Židovski kulturno-društveni centar u Zagrebu / Jewish Cultural and Social Center in Zagreb Revitalizacija izvora Sveta Jana / Revitalization of the Wellspring St Jana Krešićeve livade / Krešić Meadows Višenamjenski terminal gradske željeznice Borongaj u Zagrebu / Multipurpose Railway Station Borongaj in Zagreb Oltremare Rovinja: Aktiviranje arhipelaga u javni krajolik / Rovinj’s Oltremare: Activation of the Archipelago in the Public Landscape


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Diplomska radionica Diplomskim radom student pokazuje objedinjeno kompleksno znanje stečeno tijekom studija i potvrđuje osposobljenost samostalnog rada na stručnim zadacima. Prijedlogom teme pokazuje se sposobnost prepoznavanja i izoliranja relevantnog arhitektonskog problema. Odobrena i prihvaćena tema diplomskog rada postaje okosnicom simultanog istraživačkog, stručnog i kreativnog projektantskog ili planerskog rada kojim nastaje diplomski projekt. Tijek i rezultate istraživanja odabrane teme i razvoj koncepta arhitektonsko- urbanističkog projekta student prezentira mentoru, prema potrebi komentoru i konzultantima i usmeno izlaže tijekom semestralne radne prezentacije. Vrijednosni profil i razina uspješnost arhitektonske škole temelji se na skladu ciljane, edukativne usmjerenosti, na stvarnoj i djelatnoj kompetentnosti učitelja unutar usklađene i provjerene dokimološke principijelnosti i, najvažnije, na diplomi i za diplomante omogućenoj afirmaciji kontinuiranog i završno potvrđenog znanja.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Master Theses Studio Graduate student work shows unified complex knowledge acquired during studies and confirms the capability to work independently on professional tasks. The proposal of a topic demonstrates the ability to identify and isolate relevant architectural issues. An approved and accepted thesis topic becomes the fundamental point for research, professional and creative work on design or planning tasks that lead to a graduate project. The student presents the course and results of the selected topic and the development of the concept of his architectural and urban project to a mentor, and where appropriate, to a co-mentor and consultants and presents work orally during the semester at presentations. The value profile and level of success of the architectural school is based on the harmony of the target, educational orientation, on the actual and active competence of the teacher within aligned and tested docimological principles and, most importantly, on the diploma and on continuous affirmation of the graduating student and the confirmation of his knowledge. Prof. Nenad Fabijanić

Prof. Nenad Fabijanić

Život se ubrzava, arhitektura ne? / Life accelerates, architecture does not?


Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Igor Sladoljev

Petar Mišković

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Building on the corner

Na doticaju zagrebačkog Donjeg grada i Trešnjevke, na šiljastom uglu specifičnog prometnog križanja, smješta se uglovnica Odsjeka novih medija ALU. Odizanjem volumena zgrade čitava parcela postaje javna pješačka površina, odnosno predvorje fakulteta – mjesto susreta i razmjene. Eskalator nas uvodi u zgradu, izravno na drugi kat s referadom i dva auditorija. Plitka AB jezgra s vertikalnim komunikacijama i servisnim prostorima zatvara postojeću (i planiranu) blokovsku izgradnju u drugom planu. Na nju se vežu svi sadržaji; od izdvojenog podzemnog izložbenog prostora – galerije (temelja zgrade), auditorija, ateljea i studija animacije na višim etažama do kafića i krovne terase te arhiva u nadgrađu.


Diplomski radovi

The corner building of the Department of New Media Academy ALU is situated on the corner of a specific traffic intersection where Zagreb’s Lower Town and Trešnjevka meet. By lifting the entire volume of the building, the plot becomes a pedestrian zone or faculty lounge – a place for encounters and exchanges. An escalator takes us into the building, directly to the second floor with the Students’ Office and two auditoriums. The shallow AB core with vertical communication and service areas encloses the existing (and planned) the block of buildings in the background. All facilities are linked to it; from isolated underground exhibition space – a gallery (the foundations of the building), auditoriums, studios and animation studios on the upper floors to roof terrace cafes and archives in the superstructure.

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Kristina Škrokov

Tonči Žarnić

nominacija za nagradu piranesi / piranesi award nomination


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Gradsko središte Varaždinske Toplice Kao posljedica depopulacije (1700 stan./2011.) posljednjih 20 godina, degradiran je javni prostor i povijesna urbana struktura Varaždinskih Toplica. Projekt ‘Gradsko središte’ predlaže rušenje napuštene izgradnje (19.st), formiranje novih ulica i trga te povezivanje povijesnog perivojnog poteza i kulturnih sadržaja na sjeveru s budućim sportsko-rekreacijskim prostorom na jugoistoku grada. Kao nadogradnja postojeće distribucije termalne vode (kupališno-lječilišni turizam), projektom je osmišljena ekološka eksploatacija (hlađenje termalne vode prije ispusta u okoliš). Drveni trijem transparentnog pokrova natkriva tržnicu i autobusno stajalište. Prostor trga grijan je termalnom vodom zimi, a hlađen akumuliranom kišnicom ljeti.

Diplomski radovi

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Town Centre –Varaždinske Toplice As a result of depopulation (1700 inhabitants in 2011) within the last 20 years, the public spaces and historic urban structure of Varaždinske Toplice has been degraded. The ‘Town Centre’ project foresees the removal of abandoned buildings (19th cent.), the forming of new streets and squares and the linking of the historic gardens and cultural contents to the north with a future sports and recreational facility in the southeast of the town. In addition, there is a project for the existing distribution of thermal waters (bathing-spatourism) to be ecologically exploited (cooling of thermal waters before being released into the environment). The wooden porch with a transparent roof would cover the market and the bus station. The space of the square would be heated by thermal waters in winter, and cooled by accumulated rainwater in summer.

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Goran Mraović

Ivan Mlinar

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Višenamjenski terminal gradske željeznice Borongaj u Zagrebu Izgradnjom snažnog prometnog čvorišta tramvaja–vlaka– autobusa–taksija– P&R–bicikla, stvara se spojište na gradskoj razini koje briše komunikacijske ‘rupe’ u prostoru. Razvojem će terminal dobiti konotaciju podcentra koji, prostorima promjenjivih režima korištenja, stvara snažan okvir javnih sadržaja aktivnima 24/7. Direktna tranzitna vertikala udovoljava potrebi brze izmjene prometnih sustava. Nova parkovno-rekreativna traka formira jasnu podjelu na prostor rezerviran za minimalne intervencije, utilitarne i društvenokulturne namjene, koji nudi mnogostruke mutacije sadržaja u razini partera.


Diplomski radovi

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Multipurpose Terminal of the City Rail Borongaj in Zagreb The building of a strong traffic junction tram–train–bus–taxi–Q&A–bikes has created a junction at the town level that erases communication ‘holes’ in space. With its development the terminal gains the connotations of being a sub-centre which, through venues with changing regimes of use, creates a strong framework of public facilities which are busy 24/7. The direct transit vertical is sufficient for the needs for rapid changes in the transport system. A new a park and recreation track forms a clear division into space reserved for minimal interventions, for utilitarian and socio-cultural purposes, which offers multiple mutations of content at ground level.

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Alen Žunić

Nenad Fabijanić

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Sinagoga i Židovski kulturno-društveni centar u Zagrebu Lokacija uz novozagrebački potez ‘središnje osi’, organizirana je u tri glavne zone: sjevernu, s izgrađenim sklopom ŽKD centra; središnju, s deniveliranim trgom i južnu, s paviljonom Galerije ‘Edo Murtić’ te pristupnim rampama. Kompozicija sklopa temelji se na kontrapunktu lebdećega horizontalnog volumena i vertikale nebodera koji daje novi akcent silueti grada. Niski dio s naglašenim ‘trakama’ etaža, sadrži sve kulturno-društvene prostorije centra. Artikulacija mu je suzdržana i svedena na unutarnje atrije i otvorene niše (‘perforacije u masi’). Vertikalni volumen nebodera crni je monolit poslovne namjene s oplošjem od reflektirajućega stakla. Glatkoći staklene prizme kontrastira visoka etaža sinagoge na 14. katu, izbačena volumenski iz glavnog korpusa i obložena crnim mat perforiranim limom.


Diplomski radovi

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

The Synagogue and Jewish Cultural Community Centre in Zagreb The location along the New Zagreb stretch ‘central axis’ is organised into three main zones: the northern, with the built complex of the ŽKD (JCCC) centre, a central zone, with an uneven square and a southern, with the pavilion and Edo Murtić Gallery and access ramps. The composition of the complex is based on counterpoint of a floating horizontal volume and verticals of the skyscraper which emphasises the silhouette of the city. The lower part with pronounced ‘strip’ floors includes all the socio-cultural rooms of the centre. The articulation is restrained and restricted to the inner atrium and open niches (‘perforations in the mass). The vertical volume of the skyscraper reminiscent of a black monolith is for business purposes and has surfaces of reflecting glass. The smoothness of the glass prism stands in contrast to elevation of the synagogue on the 14th floor, with a volume protruding from the main corpus and coated in matte black perforated sheet metal.

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Marija Rupa

Petar Mišković

nominacija za nagradu piranesi / piranesi award nomination


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Krešićeve livade

Krešić Meadows

Krešićeve livade ‘skrivene’ su u park-šumi Tuškanac nadomak samog centra grada Zagreba. Okružene su krošnjama nad kojima, kao jedini orijentir, proviruje toranj crkve Sv. Marka. Postojeći betonski platoi objedinjuju se u jedan veći, višenamjenski, s definiranim rubom – parapetom – kojim se naglašava dojam lebdenja u krošnjama. Ispod prepuštenih rubova platoa formiraju se dva trijema: zapadni, s pogledom na šumu, kao dio staze koja započinje iznad platoa i proteže se preko novoformiranog bioretencijskog jezera te južni, s nišama i pogledom na jezero. U jezeru se prikuplja i zatim koristi voda s platoa. Ansambl zaokružuje nagnuti toranjvidikovac. Toranj je usidren pred trijemom, a nadvija se nad središtem platoa. U svojoj bazi povezuje trijem i plato, u sredini je ‘naseljiv’, a na vrhu omogućuje nedostajući pogled na grad. Toranj je istovremeno i nosač rasvjete. Projektom se gotovo ne mijenja postojeće stanje, tek afirmiraju i potenciraju već prisutne ambijentalne vrijednosti.

Diplomski radovi

Krešić meadows lie ‘hidden’ in the parkwoods of Tuškanac close to the centre of Zagreb. They are surrounded by treetops above which, as the only landmark, peers the church tower of St Mark’s. The existing concrete plateaus are integrated into a larger, multi-purpose – parapet – with a defined edge which emphasises the impression of floating in the treetops. Below the abandoned edges of the plateau there are two porches: a western porch, overlooking the woods, as part of the trail that begins above the plateau and extends through the newly formed bio-retention lake and a southern porch, with niches and a view of the lake. The lake collects water from the plateau which then reused. This ensemble is rounded off by a leaning tower-belvedere. The tower is anchored in front of the porch, and hangs over the centre of the plateau. At its base it connects the porch and plateau, in the middle it is ‘habitable’, and the top it offers the missing views of the city. The tower is also the holder of lighting. The project almost does not change the current situation, it only affirms and emphasises the current ambient value.

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Mauro Milli

Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Oltremare Rovinja – Aktiviranje arhipelaga u javni krajolik Grad Rovinj, turističko središte u najvećem razvoju na istočnom Jadranu, trenutno očekuju velike promjene. Radi njegove prirodne i kulturne baštine, te dobre prometne povezanosti oko pola milijuna turista godišnje dolazi u ovaj gradić od jedva 14,000 stanovnika. Pitamo se kako to opterećenje utječe na njegovu osjetljivu prirodu – arhipelag netaknutih otočića. Odnos između grada i otoka neprestano se mijenja. Na povijesnim prikazima otoci su ‘nestajali’ i ponovno se ‘pojavljivali’. Služili su kao sklonište, skladište, zaklon, resort. Međutim, grad i otoci bili su oduvijek jedan organizam. U današnje vrijeme, taj je organizam raspolovljen nekontroliranim razvojem turizma. Prostori prirodnog, javnog i turističkog značaja raspoređeni su uz obalu. Taj rovinjski lungomare će se ubuduće proširiti prema sjeveru, a prema jugu nastavljaju ga otoci koji su, u nedostatku javne komponente, ‘zaboravljeni’ od strane grada. Ako lungomare povezuje javne prostore na obali, Oltremare definira javni prostor na moru i preko njega. Projektom se predlažu arhitektonski i pejsažni zahvati koji upotpunjuju gradsku ‘kralježnicu’ Rovinja. Zauzećem akvatorija razvija se infrastruktura koja podnosi ljetna opterećenja i omogućuje cjelogodišnje aktivnosti – od zabave i sporta do proizvodnje hrane i energije. Oltremare ukazuje gradu, ili ga samo podsjeća na prisutnost mora. Tijekom vremena, Oltremare postaje analogan povijesnom središtu – novi javni prostor grada prošlosti spremnog za izazove budućnosti.


Diplomski radovi

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Oltremare Rovinj – Activating the Archipelago in the Public Landscape The town of Rovinj, a tourist centre in the largest development on the eastern Adriatic coast, is currently expecting great changes. Because of its natural and cultural heritage, and good transport links, about half a million tourists a year visit this city which has barely 14,000 inhabitants. The question is how this affects its sensitive nature – the pristine nature of its archipelago of small islands.The relationship between the city and the island is constantly changing. Historical depictions show the islands ‘disappearing’ and then ‘reappearing’. They served as a shelter, for storage, a refuge, a resort. However, the town and the islands were always one organism. At present this organism has been divided by the uncontrolled development of tourism.Spaces of natural, public and tourist interest are situated along the coast. This lungomare in Rovinj will continue to expand to the north, and to the south it continues as islands that are, in the absence of a public component, ‘forgotten’ by the town. If the lungomare links the public spaces on the coast, then the Oltremare defines public space, at sea and beyond it. The project proposes architectural and landscape interventions that complement the ‘backbone’ of the town of Rovinj. The occupation of the waters develop the infrastructure which sustains the summer load and allows for year-round activities – from entertainment and sports to food production and energy consumption.Oltremare prompts the town, or it is just a reminder of the presence of the sea. Over time, Oltremare becomes analogous to the historic centre – a new public space from the past ready for future challenges.

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Tina Rukavina

Igor Franić

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Revitalizacija izvora Sv. Jane

Akupunkturom jednog manjeg mjesta u okolici Toplica, pored Jastrebarskog, kroz minimalne arhitektonske intervencije dobiva se kvaliteta prostora, potencijal za daljnji razvoj seoskog turizma, te jedna aktivna točka novog kulturno-prirodnog centra jaskanskoga kraja. Na mjestu starog bazena aktiviraju se dva nova koja sa sobom nose cijeli niz novih sadržaja; poput izložbenog prostora vinskih svečanosti, ljetnog kina ili male ljetne pozornice. Selo Toplice podijeljeno je na sjeverni i južni dio, a spaja ga šljunčana cesta i potok, uz koji se javljaju novi maleni drveni objekti namijenjeni za smještaj planinara, biciklista i ostalih izletnika. Pojedini postojeći objekti reaktivirani su u restoran, muzej ili privatni smještaj. Ledine su uređene za sportske igre, a postojeće biciklističke i planinarske staze preusmjerene su.


Diplomski radovi

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Revitalization of the Wellspring St Jana Acupuncture of a smaller location in the surrounding area of Toplice next to Jastrebarsko, through minimal architectural interventions, brings a new space quality, a potential for further development of rural tourism, and an active point of the new cultural natural centre in the Jastrebarsko area. At the place where an old pool used to stand, two new pools are activated, carrying a whole new series of content:an exhibit space for wine festivities, a summer cinema or a small summer stage. The village of Toplice is divided into northern and southern part, connected by a pebbly road and a creek next to which are situated new little wooden facilities for accomodating hikers, cyclists and other tourists. Some of the existing facilities have been reactivated to a restaurant, museum or a private accomodation. The lawns have been arranged for sport activities, and the existing cycling and hiking routes have been redirected.

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Popis diplomanata 2012/13

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

List od Master Thesis Projects 2012/13

Student / student Mentor i domentor / Mentor and co-mentor Tema / topic

A Dora Anić Doc. Petar Mišković Društveni centar na Srebrnjaku u Zagrebu / Community Centre Srebrnjak in Zagreb Andrea Anić Prof. Miroslav Geng Novi zagrebački hipodrom / New Zagreb Hippodrome B Mateja Babić Doc. dr. sc. Damir Krajnik Urbanističko-pejsažno rješenje Parka Jakuševac / Landscape Park Jakuševac Iva Batina Prof. dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Nova vizija Kaštela – primjena ekološkog urbanizma / New Vision for Kaštela – Implementation of Ecological Urbanism Ivana Benković Doc. Gordana Žaja, prof. dr. sc. Dražen Juračić Dnevni centar za starije osobe u Pazinu Ž / Day Care Centre for Senior Citizens in Pazin Nikolina Bošnjak Prof. mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak Sportski centar u Velikoj Gorici / Sports Center in Velika Gorica Dora Bilandžija Doc. Tin Sven Franić Kulturni centar Omiš / Cultural Center Omiš

Ana Blagus Prof. Miroslav Geng Dječji vrtić Kajzerica / Kindergarten Kajzerica Andrea Bušić Doc. Branimir Rajčić Suživot u gradskoj praznini Đakova / Co-housing in the Urban Void of Đakovo C Tatjana Cafuk Doc. Branimir Rajčić Varaždinski hibrid / Varaždin Hybrid Marko Chiabov Prof. Tonči Žarnić Poljana u Šibeniku – Suvremeni mediteranski trg / Poljana in Šibenik – Contemporary Mediterranean Square

Luka Di Capua Prof. Goran Rako, doc.dr.sc. Zoran Veršić Hotel Saccorgiana, Pula / Hotel Saccorgiana, Pula Ana Dobrotinić Doc. mr. sc. Leo Modrčin Vinarija Vinodol u Bribiru / Vinodol Vinery in Bribir Andrej Došen Prof. Teufik Galijašević Ploveći hotel / Mini Cruiser Andrea Dujić Prof. Teufik Galijašević Stambeno-poslovni neboder u Splitu / Mix Use Tower in Split

Č Marin Čalušić Prof. dr. sc. Sanja Filep Centar za mlade s hostelom / Youth Center with Hostel

Mia Dundara Prof. dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Industrijski park Labinštine / Industiral Park of the Labin Area Dž

Ana Čeović Doc. Branimir Rajčić Socijalno stanovanje u Zagrebu (Zagorska ulica) / Social Housing in Zagreb (Zagorska Street) Jana Čulek Prof. Renata Waldgoni Tehničko-tehnološki centar /Center for Engineering and Technology D

Kristina Bišćan Doc. Tin Sven Franić Studentski dom u Zagrebu, kampus Borongaj / Student Housing in Zagreb, Campus Borongaj

Darija Deranja Doc. mr. sc. Sonja Tadej Vončina Obnova ljetnikovca Skočibuha na Boninovu, Dubrovnik / Renewal of Villa Skočibuha, Boninovo, Dubrovnik

Krešimir Damjanović Prof. Tonči Žarnić Tržnica na Kustošiji / Market Hall at Kustošija

Vedrana Biškup Prof. dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Urbanističko-pejsažno rješenje sjevernog ruba Varaždina. Integracija urbanih oblika i riječnog pejsaža (Landscape and Urban plan of Varaždin Nortern edge. Integration of Urban Forms with the River Landscape)

Nina Delač Doc. Tin Sven Franić Aktiviranje javnog prostora u selu Topići / Activating Public Space in Village of Topići


popis diplomanata 2012/2013

Marija Džapo Prof. mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja hotela Krka u Šibeniku / Reconstruction and Annex of Hotel Krka in Šibenik Đ Ivana Patricia Đilas Prof. mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak Društveni centar i sportska dvorana u Vukomercu / Community Centre and Sports Facility in Vukomerec Zoran Đuričić Prof. dr. sc. Dražen Juračić, doc. Gordana Žaja Centar za starije / Centre for Elderly F Diana Filipović Prof. dr. sc. Sanja Filep Kulturni centar ‘Sveta Nedjelja’ / Cultural Centre ‘Sveta Nedjelja’

list of master thesis projects 2012/2013

godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012

Maja Francuz Prof. Veljko Oluić Transformacija prostora Prisavlje od Kockice do Mosta slobode – Biotehnološki Park / Transformation of the Prisavlje Area – Biotechnological Park) Petra Franić Doc. mr. sc. Sonja Tadej Revitalizacija dubrovačkih Lazareta / Revitalisation of Lazaretto in Dubrovnik)

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Vedran Hubicki Prof. Tonči Žarnić Savica Šanci – Regenerativni vodeni biotop / Savica Šanci – Regenerative Water Biotope


Sanja Huić Doc. Tin Sven Franić Društvena točka na obroncima Zagreba / Social Point on the Slopes of Zagreb I

G Iva Grgić Prof. dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Preobrazba rubnog prostora grada Virovitice / Transformation of the Adjacent Area of Virovitica ) Andriana Grubelić Prof. dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Urbanističko-pejsažno rješenje turističkog predjela Bristak između Tribunja i Vodica / Landscape and Urban Plan of Touristic Area Bristak in Between Tribunj and Vodice) H Hrvoje Hanže Hanzlin Prof. Veljko Oluić Centar za slijepe i slabovidne / Center for the Blind and Visually Imapaired) Dajana Hercigonja Doc. Neda Cilinger, doc. Mateo Biluš Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja stambene zgrade – Zapruđe, Zagreb / Refurbishment and Retrofit of a Residential Building – Zapruđe, Zagreb) Iva Horvatić Prof. dr. sc. Sanja Filep Benediktinski samostan u Zagrebu / Benedictine Monastery in Zagreb Jasna Hrga Doc. Mateo Biluš Niskoenergetska obiteljska kuća u Splitu / Energy Efficient Family House in Split


Ida Ister Prof. Tonči Žarnić Trg bana Jelačića u Varaždinu, Triptih ruba / Ban Jelačić Square, Varaždin, Edge Triptych

Sonja Kadija Prof. Goran Rako Centar za zaštitu djece u Zagrebu / Child Protection Centre In Zagreb Daniela Keča Prof. mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak Sportska dvorana s medijatekom na križanju nove Branimirove i Heinzelove ulice u Zagrebu / Sports Hall with Mediatheques at the Crossing with New Branimirova – Heinzelova, Zagreb Renata Klarić Doc. Neda Cilinger Studentski dom unutar donjogradskog tkiva Zagreba / Student Dormitory within Urban Fabric of Downtown Zagreb

Janja Ivanec Prof.dr.sc. Sanja Filep Interaktivni centar Varteks – Centar za dizajn / Varteks Interactive – Design Center

Ljudmila Klasić Doc. mr. sc. Leo Modrčin Autobusni kolodvor u Krapini / The Bus Terminal in Krapina

Davor Ivelić Prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić, doc. Gordana Žaja Dom za starije / Nursing Houme for Senior Citizens

Marija Knez Prof. Goran Rako Terme Zelina / The Zelina Spa


Goran Kordić Prof. Miroslav Geng Obiteljsko-poljoprivredno gospodarstvo / Family Farm

Davor Jerčinović Doc. mr. sc. Sonja Tadej Revitalizacija tvornice Torpedo / Revitalization of the Rijeka Torpedo Factory Emil Jira Prof. mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak Gradski stadion Slavonski Brod / Slavonski Brod Stadium Tena Jurić Doc. Mia Roth-Čerina Muzejsko-dokumentacijski centar Vinkovci i Arheološki park / Museum and Documentation Center Vinkovci and Archaeological Park) Vedrana Jurković Doc. dr. sc. Zlatko Karač, doc. mr. sc. Sonja Tadej Vončina Model revitalizacije Borova naselja u Vukovaru (Bata Ville) / Urban Remodelling of Borovo Neighbourhood in Vukovar (Bata Ville)

popis diplomanata 2012/2013

Marija Krajnović Doc. Branimir Rajčić Dom studenata na prostoru sveučilišnog kampusa u Osijeku / Student Housing within the Osijek University Campus Janko Kralj Prof. Tonči Žarnić Gradska knjižnica Varaždin: obnova i prenamjena robne kuće Va-Ma / Varaždin City Library: Refurbishment and Conversion of Department Store Va-Ma Juraj Kralj Prof. Veljko Oluić Turističko naselje na otoku Silbi / Holiday Resort on the Island of Silba

list of master thesis projects 2012/2013

godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Konstantina Kralj Doc. dr. sc. Ivan Mlinar Obnova žičare ‘Sljeme’ / Reconstruction of Cable Car ‘Sljeme’

Petra Matošin Doc. Vanja Rister Umjetnička srednja škola u Novom Zagrebu / High School for the Arts Located in Novi Zagreb

Kristina Perkov Prof. dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić Urbana transformacija prostora vojarni grada Šibenika / Urban Transformation of Barracks in the City of Šibenik

Luka Milas Prof. Goran Rako Prenamjena skladišta duhana u hotel / Convesion of the Tobacco Warehouses into Hotel

Marina Petrač Prof. Tonči Žarnić Terme Sutinska Vrela / Sutinske Baths

Valentina Kranjec Doc. Neda Cilinger Hostel u zagrebačkom donjogradskom bloku / Hostel in Downtown Block of Zagreb Katica Krnjić Prof. mr. sc. Sonja Tadej Vončina Obnova Novih dvora, Zaprešić / Renewal of Novi dvori, Zaprešić Vedran Kršek Doc. Neda Cilinger Centar za kulturu skandinavskih zemalja / Scandinavian Culture Center L Martin Laškarin Prof. mr. sc. Sonja Tadej Vončina Dom za nezbrinutu djecu, Šalata, Zagreb / Orphanage, Šalata, Zagreb Toni Lazarić Prof. mr. sc. Sonja Tadej Vončina, doc. Mateo Biluš Hotel u staroj gradskoj luci / Hotel in the Old Harbour Suzana Lepanović Prof. Veljko Oluić Agrikulturni inkubator na prostoru Müllerove Ciglane, Zagreb / Agricultural Incubator, Transformation Of the Müller Brick Factory, Zagreb Tea Lisak Doc. Neda Cilinger Turističko naselje Milna / Holiday Resort Milna Željka Valentina Lukić Prof. Teufik Galijašević Hostel apartmani u osječkoj Tvrđi / Hostel Apartments in Osječka Tvrđa (Baroque Fortress Tvrđa in Osijek) M Vanja Magić Prof. Tonči Žarnić Poljoprivredno spremište kao turistički smještaj – Transformacija obalnog poljoprivrednog zemljišta / Agricultural Warehouse as Turist Accommodation – Transformation of the Coastal Agricultural Area

Mauro Milli Prof. dr. sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci; prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Oltremare Rovinja: Aktiviranje arhipelaga u javni krajolik / Rovinj’s Oltremare: Activation of the Archipelago into a Public Landscape) Jelena Miljanović Prof. dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Aktivacija antropogenog pejsaža Konavala / Activation of Anthropogenic Konavle Landscape Aleksandar Saša Misirača Doc. mr. sc. Leo Modrčin Preobrazba gradskog bloka u kontaktnoj zoni luke Porto Baroš / A Transformation of a City Block in the Contact Zone of the Porto Baroš Harbour Goran Mraović Doc. dr. sc. Ivan Mlinar Višenamjenski terminal gradske željeznice Borongaj u Zagrebu / Multipurpose Railway Station Borongaj in Zagreb

Aleksandra Poljanec Prof. dr.sc. Alenka Delić Interpolirana stambena izgradnja – Petrova 93 / Attached Housing – Petrova 93 Igor Popočovski Prof.mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak ‘Škola na crvenom’ Centar za izobrazbu ski i snowboard instruktora / ‘Red Slope School’ Ski and Snowboard Instructors Education Center) Lana Puljić Prof. Igor Franić Terapijsko rehabilitacijski centar ‘Hipodrom’ / Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Center ‘Hippodrome’ R

Danijela Oraščanin Prof. dr. sc. Alenka Delić Dogradnja okružnog zatvora u zagrebačkom naselju Remetinec / Extention of a County Prison in the Remetinec Settelment in Zagreb)

Bojan Radošević Doc. Mateo Biluš Energetski efikasna i neovisna stambena zgrada u Karlovcu / Energy Efficient and Independent Apartment Building in Karlovac

P Marina Paša Doc. dr. sc. Krunoslav Šmit Reurbanizacija područja centralne gradske osi Zagreba – Mogućnost urbanističkih intervencija u Trnjanskoj ulici / Reurbanisation of Zagreb’s Central Axis–Opportunities of Urbanistic Interventions in Trnjanska Street Borjan Paun Prof. dr. sc. Alenka Delić Samoodrživo vertikalno susjedstvo / Sustainable Vertical Neigbourhood Filip Maro Pavičić Prof. dr. sc. Sanja Filep Mali hotel sa zdravstvenim turizmom / Familly Hotel with Health Tourism)

Mateja Markešić Doc. Vanja Rister Sportsko-društveni sklop na Trgu hrvatskog sokola u Bjelovaru / Sports and Comunitiy Complex, Trg Hrvatskog Sokola, Bjelovar

Igor Perhoč Prof. dr. sc. Marijan Hržić, doc.dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar Turistički centar ‘Mura’ u Podturenu / Tourist Centre ‘Mura’ in Podturen


Ana Dunnia Pol Cezareo Prof. Goran Rako Stanovanje za starije – Dom umirovljenika u Opatiji / Senior Citizen Housing – Retirement Home in Opatija


Bojana Marčićev Doc. Vanja Rister Vinarsko gospodarstvo, Reka, Plešivičko vinogorje / Winary in Reka, Plešivica Vineyards

Marina Marušić Prof. Mladen Jošić Zelena tržnica i vrtovi za najam / Green Market and Allotment Gardens

Sabina Pleše Doc. Mia Roth Čerina Sportski centar Delnice / Sports City-Centre in Delnice

Sandra Perić Prof. Mladen Jošić Zračni poligon, Sajmišna cesta bb / Air Drive Iva Peručić Prof. Goran Rako Prefabricirana koliba S-Klon / Prefabricated Cottage S-Klon

popis diplomanata 2012/2013

Ana Rako Prof. Miroslav Geng, doc. Mateo Biluš Dječji vrtić ‘Šumska jagoda’ / ‘Šumska Jagoda’ Kindergarten Marko Rebić Izv.prof.dr.sc. Alenka Delić Revitalizacija zagrebačkog donjogradskog bloka – Studentsko stanovanje / Revitalisation of a Block in Central Zagreb District (Donji Grad) – Student Housing Dijana Resler Prof. Veljko Oluić Izletničko-rekreacijski centar na Virovitičkim jezerima – planinarski dom i skloništa / Recreational Excursiions Center at Virovitica Lakes – Mountain Refuges Maša Rihtarić Prof. Teufik Galijašević Planinarski turizam Ivanščice: prenamjena vojnog objekta ‘Piramida’ u edukacijsko-rekreacijski centar / Mountain Tourism of Ivanščica: Conversion of Military Facility ‘Piramida’ into Educational and Recreational Center Krešimir Romić Prof. dr.sc. Boris Morsan Rimokatolička crkva u Plitvicama / Roman Catholic Church In Plitvice Tina Rukavina Prof. Igor Franić Revitalizacija izvora Svete Jane / Revitalisation of the Wellspring St. Jana

list of master thesis projects 2012/2013

godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Marija Rupa Doc. Petar Mišković Platoi Krešićevih livada / Krešić’s Field Plateaus


Ivana Tuđman Prof. dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Urbanističko-pejsažno rješenje novog centra Zaprešića / Landscape and Urban Plan of New Zaprešić Center

S Vinka Saleta Doc. dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit Revitalizacija potoka Medvednice – Linearni gradski perivoji: ‘Potok Črnomerec’ / Stream Revitalization of Medvednica – Linear City Parks: ‘Črnomerec Stream’ Mislav Salitrežić Prof. dr.sc. Sanja Filep Idejni projekt objekta mješovite namjene s naglaskom na integraciju coworkinga i stambenog prostora / Concept Design of Mixed Use Building with Emphasis on Integration of Co-working and Living Spaces Tomislav Samardžić Prof.dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, doc. Gordana Žaja Nove terme Sisak. Zdravstveno-rekreacijski centar / New Thermal Bath – Sisak. Health and Recreation Center

Ivana Šajn Prof. Goran Rako Centar Trešnjevke – Artikulacija prostora trga i tržnice / Trešnjevka Center – Square and Market Redesign Irena Šapit Prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić, doc. Gordana Žaja Omladinski hostel / mjesna tržnica Baška Voda / Youth Hostel/Town Market Baška Voda Barbara Adela Šečković Prof. Igor Franić Zajednica za umirovljenike / Retirement Community Marina Šimac Doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić, doc.mr.sc. Sonja Tadej Obnova zgrade ‘Teatrina’ (u sklopu ‘Rikard Benčić’ u Rijeci) / Reconstruction of the ‘Teatrino’ (Part of the ‘Rikard Benčić’ Complex in Rijeka)

Josipa Samardžija Prof. Teufik Galijašević Hostel ‘Novalja’ / ‘Novalja’ Hostel

Željka Širanović Doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač Model revitalizacije Žumberka na primjeru sela Bratelji / Revitalization Model of Zumberak on the Example of the Village Bratelji

Josipa Sarić Prof. Igor Franić, doc. dr.sc. Josip Galić Umreženi Ilovik – Transferni centar za otok Ilovik / Linking Ilovik – Island Transfer Point)

Kristina Škrokov Prof. Tonči Žarnić Gradsko središte Varaždinske Toplice / Civic Center Varaždinske Toplice

Sonja Sić Prof. dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Lipik – prostorno – urbanistički plan razvoja turizma / Master Plan of Lipik’s Tourism Development

Roberta Škugor Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, doc.dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar Četiri obale i jedan bivak / Four Banks and One Shelter

Igor Sladoljev Doc. Petar Mišković Uglovnica na križanju Tratinske i Ulice F. Andrašeca u Zagrebu / Building on the Corner Marko Slaviček Prof.dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski Dramsko kazalište u Zagrebu / Drama Theatre in Zagreb Sandra Smiljanić Doc. dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar Arhitektura groblja – tema prijelaza / Cemetery Arhitecture – Passing Through Josipa Smoljo Prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Urbanističko perivojni projekt gradske galerije – Zagreb Artscape / Zagreb Artscape Ante Sušić Doc. Vladimir Kasun Revitalizacija šibenske povijesne jezgre – Prenamjena prostora kontaktne zone / Šibenik Old City Revitalization – Repurposing Contact Zone Space) Marijela Svilarić Prof. dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Revitalizacija Dubrovačkog primorja / Revitalization of Dubrovačko Primorje


Jakov Špirić Doc. Mateo Biluš ‘Pik Umag’ prenamjena industrijskog kompleksa / ‘Pik Umag’ Refurbishment of an Industrial Complex Vlatko Štampar Doc. Mateo Biluš, Silvio Bašić Autobusni kolodvor Čakovec / Bus Terminal Čakovec Marko Štuhec Prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić Sustav javnih prostora u Varaždinu – Prijedlog intervencije u prostoru industrijskog kompleksa ‘Varteks’ / Public Spaces in Varaždin – Case Study for Industiral Complex ‘Varteks’ T Ena Tadej Doc. Mia Roth-Čerina, doc.dr.sc. Zoran Veršić Plesna akademija, Šibenik / Dance Academy, Šibenik Tamara Trumbić Doc. dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit Revitalizacija podsljemenske zone: urbana afirmacija transverzalnih sustava javnih prostora / Medvednica Foothills Revitalization: Urban Affirmation of Transversal Public System)

U Danijel Uršić Prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić, doc. Gordana Žaja Gradska kuća – Hostel; Utjecaj gradske kuće na formiranje slike grada; Lokacija: Zagreb, Donji grad / Influence of a City House on an Urbanscape Form V Zdravka Vlainić Prof. Mladen Jošić Revitalizacija riječnog ušća / Revitalization of the River Mouth Ana Vračarić Prof. dr. sc. Marijan Hržić, Doc. dr. sc. Ivan Mlinar Revitalizacija i transformacija cementare u Podsusedu / Revitalization and Transformation of the Old Podsused Cement Plant Zrinka Vrkić Prof. dr. sc. Marijan Hržić Prenamjena zgrade ‘Genio Civile’ u hotel, plaža Kolovare, Zadar / Refurbishment of the ‘Genio Civile’ Building, Kolovare Beach, Zadar Iva Vucković Doc. Helena Paver Njirić Gradski vinograd / Urban Vineyard Stipe Vučemilović Prof. Nenad Fabijanić Novi život – nove rive u Zadru / New Life – New Seafront in Zadar Z Ivan Zloušić Doc. Mia Roth-Čerina, prof. dr. sc. Tihomir Jukić Sportsko-edukacijski centar Cvjetno naselje / Centre for Sports and Education Cvjetno naselje Ž Jure Živković Prof. Tonči Žarnić Prostor za socijalne poduzetnike Šibenik / Communal Space for Social Entrepreneurs Šibenik) Vlatka Žunec Prof. dr. sc. Dražen Juračić, doc. Gordana Žaja Dnevni i terapijski centar za starije, Preradovićeva Ulica, Zagreb / Day and Healthcare Centre for Senior Citizens, Preradovićeva Street, Zagreb) Alen Žunić Prof. Nenad Fabijanić Židovski kulturno društveni centar / Jewish Cultural and Social Center)

Marina Tolj Prof. Mladen Jošić Knjižnica i kino Samobor. Kuća digitalnih i tiskanih informacija / Library and Movie Theatre Samobor. House of Digital and Printed Data

popis diplomanata 2012/2013

list of master thesis projects 2012/2013

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Doktorski studiji

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

Arhitektura i urbanizam voditelj Doktorskog studija Arhitektura / PhD Programme Architecture Supervisor

koordinatorica doktorskih studija / PhD Programme Coordinator

prof.dr.sc Dražen Juračić

Paula Šimetin

nastavni program–kolegiji doktorskog studija arhitektura od osnivanja 2007–2013 / curriculum–courses in the doctoral programme since in the period 2007–2013 obavezni predmeti / Compulsory Courses sati / hours: 15; ects 5

istraživanje kroz projekt / Project-Based Research – workshops sati / hours: 15; ects 5

Struktura i tehnologija arhitektonske prakse / Architectural Structures and Technologies dr.sc. Dražen Juračić

Voditelji / supervisors

Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti / Contemporary Architectural Explorations dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt Arhitektonska misao / Architectural Thought dr.sc. Karin Šerman

dr.sc. Dražen Juračić Branko Kincl dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt dr.sc. Nikola Filipović dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić dr.sc. Karin Šerman

Uvod u znanstveni rad / Introduction to Scientific Research dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer

prijedlog teme istraživanja / research topic proposal ects 5


razrada teme istraživanja / description of research topic ects 5

znanstveni rad / scientific activities ects 5 – 10

sinopsis doktorske disertacije / doctoral thesis synopsis ects 10

doktorska disertacija / doctoral thesis ects 60

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

izborni predmeti / elective courses sati / hours: 15: ects; 5 modul Arhitektonska misao / Architectural Thought module

Modul Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti / Contemporary Architectural Explorations Module

Modul Arhitektonska praksa – struktura i tehnologija / Architectural Practice – Construction and Tech. module

voditelj modula / module coordinator dr.sc. Karin Šerman

voditelj modula / module coordinator dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt

voditelj modula / module coordinator dr.sc. Dražen Juračić

Urbana ekologija / Urban Ecology dr.sc. Boris Morsan

Programsko-prostorni multifunkcionalni sustavi sveučilišta / Multifunctional University Systems Programmes and Space dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić

Energetski učinkovito građenje / Energy Efficient Building dr.sc. Jasenka Bertol-Vrček

Sociologija kulture, odabrane teme / Sociology of Culture, Selected Topics dr.sc. Ivan Rogić

Održivost urbanog krajolika / Urban Landscape Sustainability dr.sc. Ivan Čović

Svjetlo i toplina u arhitekturi / Lighting and Heating in Architectural Design dr.sc. Benedetto Tardozzi

Arhitektonska teorija od 1960. do danas / Architectural Theory since 1960 dr.sc. Karin Šerman

Unikatne posebnosti suvremene arhitekture / Unique Features of Contemporary Architecture dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski

Suvremena hrvatska arhitektura i europski kontekst / Contemporary Croatian Architecture and European Context dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil

Suvremene urbane preobrazbe / Contemporary Urban Transformations dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić

Uvod u problematiku interveniranja u povijesnim sredinama / Introduction to Interventions in Historic Environments doc.dr.sc. Katja Marasović

Fenomeni suvremene arhitekture u prostorima biblioteka / Contemporary Architecture Phenomena and Libraries dr.sc. Vesna Mikić

Popularna kultura–Topografije identiteta / Popular Culture–Topography of Identity dr.sc. Feđa Vukić

Projektiranje i oblikovanje održive arhitekture / Sustainable Building Design Ljubomir Miščević Problemi modernosti obiteljske kuće / Family Houses and Modernity dr.sc. Lenko Pleština

Nosivi sklopovi budućnost / Load-Bearing Structures of the Future dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman, dr.sc. Zvonimir Žagar Arhitekt – profesija i obrazovanje / Architect – Profession and Education dr.sc. Dražen Juračić Baština i transformacija / Heritage and Transformation dr.sc. Snješka Knežević Konstruktivne logike prostora / Structural Logic of Spaces dr.sc Ivo Podhorsky Inovacije suvremenih konstruktivnih sustava / Innovative Contemporary Structural Systems dr.sc. Marta Sulyok Selimbegović

Antropologija čovjekove okoline / Human Environment Anthropology dr.sc. Igor Toš

Zvuk u arhitekturi / Sound in Architecture dr.sc. Edo Šmidihen

Muzeji u Hrvatskoj – prostor i postav / Museums in Croatia – space and exhibition design dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić

Održivost baštine – dvojbe zaštite / Heritage Sustainability – Dilemmas of Protection dr.sc. Snješka Knežević

Planiranje morskih obalnih područja / Coastal Area Planning dr.sc. Srečko Pegan

Arhitektura i održivi razvoj / Architecture and Sustainable Development dr.sc. Nenad Starc, mr.sc. Irena Đokić

Prostorno planiranje i urbanizacija / Physical Planning and Urbanization dr.sc. Srečko Pegan

Inovacije suvremenih konstruktivnih sustava – Oblikovanje metalnih, drvenih i konstrukcija iz posebnih materijala / Innovative Contemporary Systems – Design of Metal, Wooden or Special Material Structures dr.sc. Marta Sulyok Selimbegović Stari pristup – obrat paradigmi – obnova baštine / Old Approach – Paradigm Shift – Heritage Renovation dr.sc. Snješka Knežević


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Doktorski studij Arhitektura i urbanizam

Doctoral Studies in Architecture and Urban Planning

Doktorski studij Arhitektura i urbanizam odvija se po novom studijskom programu u kontinuitetu od ak. god. 2006./2007. Doktorski studij Arhitektonskog fakulteta inovativan je i ambiciozan studijski program koji se redovito osvježava i novelira u skladu s novim teorijskim i praktičnim spoznajama u području arhitekture i urbanizma. Svrha studija je školovanje i priprema mladih znanstvenika za odgovorno i kompetentno bavljenje složenim i zahtjevnim aspektima arhitektonsko-urbanističke discipline. Nastava je koncipirana s ciljem uvođenja doktoranada u teorijska znanja brojnih raznorodnih pratećih disciplina, poticanjem i razvijanjem sposobnosti intelektualnog reagiranja i razmišljanja, upoznavanjem s temeljima i metodama znanstvenoistraživačkog rada. Visoki standard nastave na doktorskom studiju kontinuirano se održava i unaprjeđuje. Za svaki se kolegij izrađuje sinopsis s popisom literature, te odgovarajući nastavni materijali – sažetci i prezentacije predavanja, upute, čitanke i sl., koji su doktorandima dostupni i u digitalnom obliku preko fakultetske intranetske mreže (virtualAf). Doktorandima je omogućeno da dovršene radove postavljaju na intranetske stranice doktorskog studija, čime se osigurava transparentnost nastavno-istraživačkog rada, obaviještenost o tekućim radovima i istraživanjima, kao i kontinuirano podizanje kvalitete i vrsnoće istraživanja te standarda nastave. U sklopu mnogih kolegija gostujuća predavanja održavaju ugledni znanstvenici, istraživači, nagrađivani i renomirani arhitekati i gospodarstvenici. Od doktoranada se očekuje da demonstriraju kreaciju i interpretaciju novih znanja kroz izvorno istraživanje i publiciranje rezultata vlastitih istraživanja, te sustavno razumijevanje biti znanstvenog i primijenjenog znanstvenog istraživanja u području arhitekture i urbanizma. Provjerava se sposobnost primjene znanja i istraživanja za izradu problemskih koncepata, izradu i implementaciju projekata koji će generirati nova znanja, primjene i razumijevanje, te tako doprinijeti korpusu znanja arhitektonsko-urbanističke discipline, što se sve verificira kroz publiciranje u nacionalno i međunarodno priznatim publikacijama.


Doctoral studies in architecture and urban planning have been carried out according to the new programme continually since the academic year 2006/ 2007. Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Architecture is an innovative and ambitious programme of studies that is regularly refreshed and updated in accordance with new theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of architecture and urban planning. The purpose of the studies is the education and preparation of young researchers so that they may deal with complex and challenging aspects of architectural and urban planning disciplines responsibly and competently. Classes are designed with the aim of introducing doctoral students to theoretical knowledge from many diverse supporting disciplines, by encouraging and developing their ability to respond and their intellectual thinking, aiding learning about the foundations and methods of scientific research. The high standard of teaching within the doctoral programme is continuously sustained and improved. A synopsis with a referent list of literature is prepared for each course, and appropriate teaching materials – abstracts and lecture presentations, instructions, readers, etc., which are available to doctoral candidates in digital form via the university intranet network (virtualAf). Doctoral students have the opportunity to paste their completed works on doctoral studies intranet sites, thereby ensuring transparency of teaching and research, being informed on current work and research, as well as continuously improving the quality and excellence of research and teaching standards. Many of the courses include guest lectures held by prominent scientists, researchers, award-winning and renowned architects and businessmen. Doctoral candidates are expected to demonstrate the creation and interpretation of new knowledge through original research and the publication of independent research and to systematically understand the essence of scientific and applied scientific research in the field of architecture and urban planning. The ability to apply knowledge and research to create problem-solving concepts, to develop and implement projects that will generate new knowledge, understanding and application, and thus contribute to the body of knowledge of architectural and urban planning disciplines are all verified, also through publications in nationally and internationally recognised publications.

Doktorandi se posebno potiču da razviju sposobnost samostalnog istraživačkog rada, kritičke analize, evaluacije i sinteze novih i kompleksnih ideja, stvaranja sudova o zahtjevnim

Doctoral students are particularly encouraged to develop their capacity for independent research, critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas, holding opinions on challenging topics that include relevant social, scientific and ethical responsibility.

Doktorski studiji

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

temama koje uključuju relevantnu društvenu, znanstvenu i etičku odgovornost. Pisanim radovima i javnim izlaganjima provjerava se sposobnost prezentacije zaključaka i rezultata originalnog istraživanja na jasan i efektivan način. Kroz studijske obveze propisane za pojedine kolegije, vježbaju se generičke i transferne vještine, te kontinuirano napredovanje u teorijskom i primijenjenom istraživanju i razvoju novih tehnika, ideja i pristupa u području arhitektonsko-urbanističke discipline.

The ability to present conclusions and results of original research in a clear and effective way is checked through writing tasks and public presentations. Generic and transfer skills are practised as part of the study requirements prescribed for individual courses and afford continuous progress in theoretical and applied research and the development of new techniques, ideas and approaches in the field of architectural and urban planning disciplines.

Okosnica učenja i razvijanja samostalnog istraživačkog rada je istraživačka radionica koja je najvažniji oblik nastave u II., III. i IV. semestru nastave. Radionica je obavezan oblik nastave, a upisuje se kod voditelja po izboru, odnosno prema temi predloženog istraživanja. Na studiju se njeguju otvoreni, interdisciplinarni i raznovrsni koncepcijski i metodološki pristupi istraživanjima: historiografski, teorijski, kritički, fenomenološki, sustavni, problemski, tipološki, kvantitativno-analitički, itd. Istraživačke radionice ujedno su i radni okvir za izradu i prezentaciju vlastitog istraživanja za potrebe doktorskog rada. Vijeće doktorskog studija potiče polaznike da svoj rad u istraživačkoj radionici od početka usmjere prema problemskom području budućeg doktorskog rada i razvijaju ga tijekom triju semestara.

The basis for the acquisition and development of independent research is the research workshop which is the most important form of teaching at courses held during semesters II, III and IV. The workshop is compulsory and students may choose their principals, or enrol according to the topic of research proposed. This course of studies fosters open, interdisciplinary and diverse conceptual and methodological approaches to research: a histographic, theoretical, critical, phenomenological, systemic, issue-related, typological, quantitative and analytical, etc. Research workshops are also the framework for the preparation and presentation of individual research leading towards a doctoral thesis. The council governing doctoral studies encourages students to focus their work at the research workshop on the problematic area of the doctoral thesis right from the start and to develop it over the course of three semesters.

Na završetku svakog semestra održava se skupna prezentacija na kojoj svaki student izlaže svoje jednosemestralno istraživanje pred Vijećem, nastavnicima i svim polaznicima doktorskoga studija. Nakon prezentacije slijedi kolegijalna rasprava, razgovor, komentari, savjeti i preporuke za nastavak ili dopunu istraživanja. Dovršena istraživanja objavljuju se na intranetskoj stranici Fakulteta (virtualAf), gdje su, kao radni materijal, dostupna na uvid polaznicima i nastavnicima doktorskog studija. Dosadašnje iskustvo je pokazalo da su zajedničke prezentacije i kolegijalne diskusije u atmosferi koja više podsjeća na format simpozijskog izlaganja nego na ‘nastavu’ izvrstan način razvijanja vlastite istraživačke samosvijesti i sposobnosti kritičkog ocjenjivanja drugih (u ovom slučaju, svojih kolega sa studija). Mnoga od provedenih istraživanja imaju značajan potencijalima za primjenu u javnom i poslovnom sektoru (udruga Dragodid.org, projekt ‘suhozid.hr’, i dr.).

At the end of each semester, a group presentation is held at which each student presents work completed during one study semester before the council, teachers and all students attending doctoral studies. The presentation is followed by collegial debates, discussions, comments, tips and recommendations for the continuation or supplementation of research. The completed research is published on the intranet site of the Faculty (virtualAf), where it may be viewed and used as study material by learners and teachers of doctoral studies. Experience to date has shown that joint presentations and peer discussions within an atmosphere which is more reminiscent of a symposium than ‘classes’ are an excellent way for developing one’s own self-awareness and research skills and for critically evaluating others (in this case, colleagues). Many of the studies conducted have significant potential for application in the public and the business sector (the project of the Dragodid.org organisation ‘suhozid.hr’, etc.).

Suradnja s drugim visokim učilištima i znanstvenim institutima u RH zasad se uglavnom razvija u zadovoljavajućim okvirima, s obzirom na mali broj takvih ustanova čiji djelokrug dotiče područje arhitekture i urbanizma. Uspješna suradnja ostvarena je sa sljedećim institucijama: Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije Sveučilišta u Splitu, Agronomski i Geodetski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Institut za povijest umjetnosti (Zagreb), Institut Ivo Pilar (Zagreb), Ekonomski institut (Zagreb). Suradnja se odvija kroz sudjelovanje djelatnika ovih institucija u nastavi i istraživanju na doktorskom studiju.

Cooperation with other universities and research institutes in Croatia has been developing satisfactorily so far given the small number of such institutions whose scope touches upon the field of architecture and urban planning. Successful cooperation has been established with the following institutions: the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Split, the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Institute for the History of Art (Zagreb), the Ivo Pilar Institute (Zagreb), the Institute of Economics (Zagreb). Cooperation takes place through the participation of employees of these institutions in teaching and research at the level of doctoral studies.

Doktorski studiji

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Važno je napomenuti da se iz generacije u generaciju kontinuirano povećava broj doktoranada koji dolaze iz zemalja neposrednog okružja (Slovenija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Makedonija, Kosovo), što također držimo važnim aspektom međunarodne suradnje i potvrdom liderske pozicije ovog Fakulteta i doktorskog studija u regiji.

It is important to note that the number of doctoral students coming from countries in the immediate vicinity (Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo) has been increasing continuously from generation to generation, which is also an important aspect of international cooperation and the acknowledgment of the leading position of the faculty and doctoral studies in the region.

U zimskome semestru akademske godine 2012./13., treća generacija polaznika završila je IV. semestar nastave, čime je dovršen nastavni ciklus treće generacije polaznika ovog studija. Tijekom ljetnoga semestra proveden je natječajni postupak za prijem novih polaznika studija. Na 1. semestar doktorskog studija u ak. god. 2013./14. primljeno je 22 polaznika, a nastava I. semestra 4. generacije započela je u listopadu 2013. S obzirom na povećani interes za istraživanje urbanističkih tema, od ak. god. 2013./14. nastava je organizirana u dva programska smjera. Uz smjer Arhitektura odvija se nastava i na smjeru Urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažna arhitektura. U administrativnom pogledu, tijekom ak. god. 2012./13., uložen je velik napor u sređivanju financijskih i organizacijskih aspekata vođenja studija, s obzirom da se od 2007. godine broj studenata kontinuirano povećava, u prosjeku dvadesetak studenata svake druge godine. Nadalje, tijekom proljeća 2013. izrađen je opsežni Elaborat periodičkog unutarnjeg vrednovanja studija u kojem su analizirana dosadašnja iskustva nastave i provedenih istraživanja. Od ak. god. 2013./14. vođenje studija povjereno je prof. dr. sc. Aleksandru Homadovskom, a članovi Vijeća doktorskog studija su: prof.emerita dr.sc.Hildegard Auf-Franić, prof. emeritus dr.sc. Nikola Filipović, akademik prof.dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt, prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, prof.dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof.dr.sc. Karin Šerman i doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač.


Doktorski studiji

In the winter semester of the academic year 2012/13, a third generation of participants completed classes held during the IV. semester, thereby marking the completion of the teaching cycle for a third generation of students attending this course of studies. During the summer semester new students were admitted. A total of 22 students enrolled the 1st semester of doctoral studies in the academic year 2013/14, and classes in the I. semester for a fourth generation of students began in October 2013. Due to increased interest in exploring urban topics, as of academic year 2013/14 classes are organised within two programmes. Aside from courses in Architecture, there are now also courses in Urban planning, spatial planning and landscape architecture. In terms of administration, during the academic year 2012/13 great effort was invested into resolving the financial and organisational aspects of running the programme, since student numbers have been steadily increasing since 2007; on average, about 20 students every alternate year. Furthermore, during the spring of 2013 an extensive study was carried out: Study on Periodic Internal Evaluation of Studies which evaluated the teaching and research conducted. As of the academic year 2013/14 the course of studies has been entrusted to Prof emeritus Alexander Homadovski, PhD and members of the council include: Prof emeritus Hildegard Auf-Franić, PhD, Prof Nikola Filipović, PhD, academician Prof Velimir Neidhardt, PhD, Prof Tihomir Jukić, PhD, Prof Srečko Pegan, PhD, Prof Andrej Uchytil, PhD, associate professor Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, PhD, associate professor Karin Šerman, PhD and assistant professor Zlatko Karač, PhD.

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Moduli Doktorskog studija Arhitekture i urbanizma

Arhitektonska misao / Architectural Thought

Modul Arhitektonska misao doktorskog studija Arhitektura posvećuje se naprednom istraživanju arhitektonske discipline s aspekta teorijskog sagledavanja i razmatranja. Modul se stoga okreće prezentaciji i diskusiji nekih temeljnih pitanja arhitektonskog djelovanja: pitanje generalne pozicije i uloge arhitekture u širem društvenom kontekstu; pitanje potencijala arhitektonskog medija i odgovornosti koje on u određenom društvenom trenutku preuzima; pitanja pozicije i zadaće arhitektonske teorije u usmjeravanju i informiranju same prakse i produkcije; osnovni tipovi i zadaci arhitektonske teorije; odnos kritičke teorije i projektivnih praksi; pitanje mogućnosti daljnjih putova istraživanja i smjerova razvoja cjelokupne arhitektonske discipline. Modul se pritom fokusira ponajprije na recentno doba i aktualan društveni trenutak koji svojim intenzivnim dinamikama i transformacijama postavlja nesvakidašnje izazove pred arhitekturu, upućujući je na pojačanu introspekciju i analizu. S posebnom se pozornošću istražuju recentni fenomeni i njihove manifestacije – izazovi promijenjenoga grada, dominantne infrastrukture, izmijenjenog krajolika, efekti intenzivnog protoka informacija, gibanja, nestalnosti i nesigurnosti – te se shodno tome problematiziraju naslijeđena viđenja arhitekture kao discipline: pitanja njezina identiteta, zadataka, sredstava, diskursa i strategija. Preispituje se pritom i pozicija arhitektonske teorije unutar cjelokupne arhitektonske discipline te utvrđuju njezini potencijali i zadaci kao kreativne i kritičke ‘prakse medijacije’ – kritički otvorene prema saznanjima iz drugih kulturnih grana, analitički spremne da relevantne eksterne koncepte i kategorije adekvatno prevede i transkodira, da kreativno konstituira alate i metode vlastitoga mišljenja, te da svojom sposobnošću istodobnog sagledavanja iskustva povijesti i projiciranja budućnosti odgovorno otkriva putove mogućih daljnjih arhitektonskih kretanja. Modul na taj način ujedno afirmira arhitektonsku misao i kritiku kao relevantan modalitet formiranja javnog mišljenja te podizanja društvene i kulturne percepcije o važnosti i ulozi arhitektonskog djela i oblikovanja prostora. Modul se sastoji od središnjega obveznog kolegija Arhitektonska misao te niza tematski i problemski uže profiliranih izbornih kolegija.

Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti / Architectural Research of the Contemporary

Modul Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti odvija se u prvom semestru prve godine. Predstavlja svojevrsno kaleidoskopsko pomagalo pregleda materije i metoda cjelokupne nastavne ponude tema studija u kasnijim semestrima, od-


Doktorski studiji

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Module of the Doctoral Study Programme Architecture As one of the modules of the doctoral study programme at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, Architectural Thought focuses on advanced research into the architectural discipline from the aspect of theoretical assessment and analysis. The module is therefore dedicated to interrogation and discussion of fundamental aspects of architectural practice: the issues of a general position and role of architecture in a wider social context; potentials of architecture as a medium and the responsibility that it assumes in a given social moment; the position and tasks of architectural theory in guiding and informing the architectural practice and production; basic types and concerns of architectural theory; the relationship between the critical theory and architectural design; the issue of possible future research and directions of development of architectural discipline in general. The module primarily focuses on recent periods and the current social moment, whose intense dynamism and transformations pose significant challenges to architectural practice proper, directing it into deeper introspection and analysis. Special attention within the module is given to recent phenomena and their manifestations – challenges of a contemporary city, dominant infrastructure, transformed environment, effects of intensive information flows, movements, flux and instability – which all necessarily lead to the intense re-examination of inherited views of architecture as a discipline, and raise the questions of its identity, potentials, instruments, discourses and strategies. The module also investigates the position of architectural theory within the broader disciplinary boundaries and determines its potentials and tasks as an engaged and consequential ‘practice of mediation’ – critically open to insights from other spheres of cultural production, ready to adequately transcode and implement relevant external concepts and paradigms, to creatively construct instruments and tools of its own operation and reasoning, and to responsibly investigate potential directions for architecture’s possible future developments. By so doing, the module also affirms architectural thought and criticism as a relevant means of public practice, engaged in raising social and cultural awareness about the role of architecture, its operations and its spatial consequences. The module consists of the obligatory course Architectural Thought and a series of more profiled and thematically more narrowly defined elective courses.

The Module: Architectural Research of the Contemporary is a course in I. semester of the first academic year. It is a kaleidoscopic tool of kinds offering an overview of the material and methods offered during the entire course of studies and in later semesters, that is, it is a focused presentation including the

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonska praksa – Struktura i tehnologija / Structure and Technology of Architectural Practice

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

nosno fokusiranu prezentaciju uz participaciju studenata u probiranju raznolikih izbornih predmeta za nastavak studija koji se definicijski mogu podvesti u široki obzor arhitektonskog istraživanja suvremenosti. Naziv modula odražava iskorak u rasponu arhitekture iz tradicionalnih okvira programsko-planerske, procesnostvaralačke, tehničko-realizacijske i društvene kategorije, uz bitno otvaranje prema globalnim fenomenima kretanja u svijetu, kako filozofijskim, tako i znanstvenim iskoracima; dominantnim tehnologijskim utjecajima kao i dinamikama u sustavima društvenih vrijednosti; fenomenima komunikacija, te kulturno antropologijskim i socijalno antropologijskim strukturama; čovjekovim životnim stilovima, kao i participaciji i mogućnostima izbora; kozmičkim impulsima, simbolici, te ikonografiji suvremenosti mijena karaktera umjetničkog izražavanja; dakako i ostalim komplementarnim sastojcima svijeta suvremenosti unutar i oko arhitekture. Modul je otvoren svim utjecajima suvremenosti bez doktrinarnosti, ideologizacije, odnosno supremacije u tretiranju određenih izvorišta. Na studiju jest da se s vremenom mijenja u propitkivanju suvremenih pojava i pritom konvergira k optimalnom.

participation of students and their selection of various optional courses for the continuation of studies which can be broadly defined as the architectural research of contemporaneity. The title of the module reflects a shift outside the traditional framework of programmed and planned, process-oriented and creative, technical and realisational and social categories of architecture, and towards global phenomena and trends in the world, both philosophical and scientific, towards dominant technological influences, as well as the dynamics inherent to social values systems, communications phenomena and cultural-anthropological and social-anthropological structures, humankind’s lifestyles, including participation and the possibility of choice; towards cosmic impulses, symbolism and the iconography of the contemporary character of changing artistic expression, as well as other complementary components of the contemporary world within and around architecture. The module is open to all kinds of contemporary influences without doctrinism, ideology, that is, supremacy in the treatment of defined sources. It is a given that the course of studies needs must changes in its investigation of contemporary phenomena and so converge towards the optimal.

Modul Struktura i tehnologija arhitektonske prakse okuplja niz komplementarnih izbornih predmeta oko temeljnog istoimenog obaveznog predmeta. Struktura arhitektonske prakse analizira se i istražuje kroz povijesne i recentne primjere s obzirom na dva osnovna aspekta – glavne protagoniste i procese, te nastanak i evoluciju profesije i povijest strukovne edukacije. Teme koje se obrađuju obuhvaćaju povijesni i suvremeni pregled temeljnih pojmova: arhitekt (od graditelja do managera; od voditelja gradnje do kulturnih djelatnika), izvođač (od majstora i obrtnika do koordinatora), klijent (od mecena do korporacijskih i državnih investitora), kontrola (od obrambene i komunalne discipline do društvene regulacije sigurnosti i održivosti), te građevinska proizvodnja (od građenja in situ do CAD/CAM tehnika). Nastanak profesije i školovanje arhitekata tematizira različite oblike projektantskih praksi i edukacijskih modela – od neosviještenih procesa do pojave stvaralačkih ličnosti, izvore edukacijskih modela (akademije, politehnike, visoke tehničke škole, tehnički fakulteti), edukacijske modele 20. st. (Bauhaus, CIAM, moderna) i njihove vaninstitucionalne prethodnike, nove sadržaje i metode edukacije u participacijskim studijskim zajednicama (istraživački model), te nove tendencije na početku 21. stoljeća (bolonjski proces i cjeloživotno obavezno profesionalno obrazovanje). Kroz studij literature i izborne predmete posvećene pojedinačnim temama, tehnologija suvremene arhitektonske prakse upoznaje se proučavanjem 1) osobina problema koje arhitekti rješavaju (nepokorni, nestrukturirani – Archer, Jones), 2) povijesnog i suvremenog pristupa arhitekata pro-


Doktorski studiji

The module: Structure and technology of architectural practice includes a series of complementary optional subjects grouped under the basic compulsory course. The structure of architectural practice is analysed and researched through examples from the past, as well as more recent examples based on two basic aspects – the main protagonists and the processes, and the emergence and evolution of the profession and the history of education within the field. Themes that are dealt with include a historical and contemporary overview of basic terms: architect (from builder to manager; construction manager to cultural worker), contractor (from master to artisan to coordinator), client (from patron to corporate and state investors) control (from defence and communal discipline to social regulations for safety and sustainability), and building product (from building in situ to CAD/CAM techniques). The emergence of the profession and the education of architects stresses various forms of project practices and educational models – from unconscious processes to the appearance of a creative persona, sources of educational models (academies, polythechnic colleges, technical schools of higher education, technical faculties), educational models of the 20th century (Bauhaus, CIAM, the Modern) and their extra-institutional predecessors, new contents and methods of education in participational study communities (research model), as well as new tendencies from the beginning of the 21st century (the Bologne Process and permanent compulsory professional education). Through literature and optional course offered which focus on particular topics, students discover the technology of contemporary architectural practice by studying 1) the characteristics of issues that architects

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Uvod u metodologiju znanstvenoistraživačkog rada / Introduction to Scientific Research Methodology

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

jektantskom radu (Alexander, Broadbent, Kalay), 3) načela sustavnog razumijevanja zgrada, napose prostorne i tehničke podsustave (Brandt, Evans, Bachman), te 4) razvoja i dostignuća projektnih metoda (Durand, Viollet-le-Duc, CIAM, Bauhaus, Alexander, Habraken i dr.). Na nizu se primjera analizira odnos arhitektonske prakse i teorije arhitekture, te istražuje stupanj njihove međusobne kongruentnosti (područja prakse kojima se teorija arhitekture bavi) s posebnim naglaskom na: projektiranje i oblikovanje, tehnološke i produkcijske aspekte, arhitektonsku kritiku i kulturološku analizu suvremene arhitektonske produkcije. Ponuda izbornih predmeta ovog modula formira se i ažurira ovisno o specifičnim istraživačkim interesima polaznika studija, a obuhvaća odabrane specijalizirane teme i područja kao što su: sustavni pristup projektiranju, ocjena zgrade u korištenju, održivi razvoj, energetska učinkovitost, procesi transformacije graditeljske baštine i upravljanja graditeljskim naslijeđem, inovativni nosivi sustavi i materijali, itd.

resolve (unmanageable, unstructured – Archer, Jones), 2) the historical and contemporary approach of architects to projects (Alexander, Broadbent, Kalay), 3) the principles of systematic understanding of buildings, especially spatial and technical subsystems (Brandt, Evans, Bachman), and 4) the development and achievements of the project method (Durand, Viollet-le-Duc, CIAM, Bauhaus, Alexander, Habraken, and others).

Znanstvenoistraživački rad sustavna je stvaralačka aktivnost kojom se, primjenom znanstvenih metoda, stječu nove znanstvene spoznaje. Znanstvene metode skup su različitih postupaka kojima se znanost koristi u znanstvenoistraživačkom radu za istraživanje i izlaganje rezultata znanstvenog istraživanja u određenom znanstvenom području ili znanstvenoj disciplini. Svako znanstveno djelo, pa i disertacija, priprema se i uređuje prema utvrđenoj metodologiji znanstvenoistraživačkog rada. Uočavanjem problema istraživanja, koji se ne može riješiti učenjem i studiranjem već je potrebno, primjenom metodologije znanstvenoistraživačkog rada, provesti znanstveno istraživanje koje bi trebalo dovesti do novih znanstvenih spoznaja, dolazi se do objektivnog znanja o predmetu istraživanja. Iz problema istraživanja definirat će se znanstvena hipoteza. To je tek prva faza znanstvenoistraživačkog rada. Pripremne faze znanstvenoistraživačkog rada -uočavanje i oblikovanje znanstvenog problema, postavljanje hipoteze, izbor i analiza teme, izrada orijentacijskog plana istraživanja, sakupljanje, proučavanje i sređivanje građe, priprema ilustracija – uvod su u izradu znanstvenog djela. Kolegij Uvod u metodologiju znanstvenoistraživačkog rada obrađuje, uz uobičajene postupke i metode znanstvenog istraživanja, i specifičnosti metodologije, pripreme i izrade znanstvenih radova znanstvenog područja Tehničke znanosti, polje Arhitektura i urbanizam. Polaznici se osposobljavaju za znanstvenoistraživački proces koji rezultira određenim znanstvenim ili stručnim radom.


Doktorski studiji

Architectural practices and theories of architecture are analysed on a series of examples, and the level of their inter-congruence is researched (the practical field with which the theory of architecture is concerned) with special attention paid to: project planning and forming, technological and production aspects, architectural criticism and cultural analysis of contemporary architectural production. The offer of optional courses of this module is formed and updated depending on the specific research interests of students attending the course, and encompasses choice-specialised themes and fields like: a systematic approach to project planning, evaluation of buildings being used, sustainable development, energetic efficiency, transformation processes of the built heritage and managing built heritage, innovative structure systems and materials, etc.

Scientific research is a systematic creative activity which uses scientific methods in order to produce new scientific knowledge. Research methods are a group of various procedures used by a scientific discipline for the purposes of research and presentation of research results in a specific field of study. Each scientific work, including dissertations, is prepared and written according to an established methodology of scientific research. Perception of a research problem, which cannot be solved by studying but it is necessary to apply research methodology in order to conduct a scientific research, leads to new scientific insights and objective knowledge of the researched topics. The research problem is the basis for the formulation of a scientific hypothesis which is only the first stage of scientific work. Preparatory stages of research include the perception and definition of a scientific problem, formulation of a hypothesis, selection and analysis of a topic, creation of a research outline, collection and analysis of research material, preparation of illustrations. They all lead to the creation of a scientific papers or reports. Introduction to Scientific Research Methodology is a course which explores common procedures and methods of scientific research but also specific methodologies, preparation and writing of scientific papers in the domain of technical sciences, field of architecture and urban planning. Students are equipped with knowledge on the process of scientific research which results in a specific scientific or professional piece of writing.

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Marija Premužić

Dražen Juračić Dubravko Bačić

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Planiranje urbanosti

The Planning of Urbanity

‘Nove tehnike življenja, novi tipovi zgrada, novi parametri projektiranja’ je naziv ciklusa radionica u sklopu Doktorskog studija ‘Arhitekture’ u kojima se sveobuhvatno nastojalo sagledati temu vertikalno zoniranih građevina. U samom istraživanju ovakav način planiranja različitih funkcija definiran je nazivom ‘heterogene građevine’. U prve dvije radionice smo kronološki istražili razvoj heterogenih građevina do danas, s podjelom na pasaž, ‘hibrid’, socijalni kondenzator i megastrukturu. U posljednjoj radionici smo govorili o suvremenim heterogenim građevinama projektiranim u sklopu velikih gradskih projekata započetih 1990-ih godina. Kontekst iz kojeg proizlaze heterogene građevine 21. stoljeća povezuje se sa pravcem ‘Novog urbanizma’ (New urbanism) koji nastaje kao reakcija na modernistički pokret. Ovaj pravac planiranja kritizira modernistički pokret, poglavito Atensku povelju s podjelom grada na 4 zone (stanovanje, rekreacija, rad i promet) te se vrača pitanju identiteta grada i želji za stvaranjem međuodnosa. Više nije osnovni naglasak na planiranju grada, već planiranju gradskog karaktera, odnosno planiranju urbanosti. Prvi relevantni kritičari su bili bračni par Smithson na 9. CIAM-ovom kongresu. Na realiziranim primjerima istražili smo na koji način se nastojalo planerskim razmišljanjima i strategijama kreirati gradski prostor i karakter, koji su bili ciljevi, pozitivni i negativni pomaci i posljedice, te na koji način je planirana urbanost. Također je istražena ekonomska i programska održivost projekta. Odabrani primjeri Ørestad u Kopenhagenu i HafenCity u Hamburgu predmet su brojnih diskusija i reakcije kako struke tako i javnosti. Istraživanje je otvorilo brojna pitanja, a osnovno se odnosi na ideju ‘planiranja urbanosti’. S jedne strane planiranje je vrlo precizna i jasna disciplina, dok se urbanost oslanja na neplanirano i slučajno koje se u određenom gradskom prostoru može odvijati. Realizirani primjeri potvrđuju problematiku koja ukazuje na važnost javnog gradskog prostora kao glavne scene stvaranja urbanosti, te osnovnu negativnu posljedicu izostanka socijalne raznolikosti.


Doktorski studiji

‘New techniques of living, new types of buildings, new design parameters’ is the title of a cycle of workshops which are part of the doctoral studies in ‘Architecture’ in which attempts have been made to thoroughly examine the topic of vertically zoned buildings. This kind of planning of different functions is defined through the term ‘heterogeneous structures’. At the first two workshops the development of heterogeneous structures to date, were explored, chronologically, with a division into passage, ‘hybrid’, social condenser and megastructure. At the last workshop, modern heterogeneous structures designed within large urban projects initiated in the 1990s were discussed. The context from which heterogeneous structures in the 21st century are derived is associated with the ‘New Urbanism’. This trend which is a reaction to the modernist movement. This trend in planning criticises the modernist movement, notably the Athens Charter and the division of the city into 4 zones (housing, recreation, work and transport) and revisits the issue concerning the identity of the city and the desire to create a correlation. The basic emphasis is not on city planning, but on the planning of urban character, that is, on the planning of urbanity. The first relevant critics were the Smithsons at the 9th CIAM Congress. In the examples realised we investigated the manner in which considerations in planning and strategies led to the creation of urban space and character, the goals, both positive and negative developments and consequences, and manner in which urbanity was planned. In addition, the economic viability of the project and the viability of the programme were also studied. Selected examples, Ørestad in Copenhagen and Hamburg HafenCity, were the subject of numerous discussions and reactions both from experts and the public. This research gave rise to numerous questions, basically concerned with the idea of ‘urban planning’. Planning is a very precise and distinct discipline, whilst urbanity relies on the unplanned and the accidental that may occur in a certain metropolitan area. The realised examples confirm these issues which emphasise the importance of urban public space, the creation of urbanity and the basic negative consequence of the lack of social diversity.

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013



Mojca SmodeCvitanović Marina Smokvina

Branko Kincl

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Hrvatski arhitekti i urbanisti u zemljama ‘Trećeg svijeta’, 1951.–1991. Oblici transfera arhitektonske ekspertize

Croatian Architects and Urban Planners in Countries of the ‘Third World’, 1951– 1991. Forms of Transfer of Architectural Expertise

Stručna aktivnost hrvatskih arhitekata u geopolitičkom kontekstu zemalja ‘Trećeg svijeta’ zasebna je, vremenski i prostorno jasno definirana tematska cjelina. Vanjska politika tadašnje Jugoslavije, formalno učvršćena centralnom pozicijom unutar Pokreta nesvrstanih, omogućila je i oformila mrežu međunarodnih stručnih kontakata u kojoj su građevinarstvo i arhitektura imali značajnu ulogu. Oblici ulaska hrvatskih arhitekata na takvu scenu, u društvenom, ekonomskom, političkom i kulturnom smislu specifičnu, tada novoformiranih država koje su ‘nesvrstavanjem’ i simbolički istakle vrijednost vlastita suvereniteta, bili su različiti. Ambiciozni program Tehničke pomoći Ujedinjenih naroda (UN Technical Assistance) formiran je, upravo kao podrška ‘zemljama u razvoju’, u njihovom nastojanju institucionaliziranja niza društveno korisnih disciplina pa tako i arhitekture, urbanizma i prostornog planiranja gdje su, individualno ili u kolektivu, sudjelovali i brojni hrvatski arhitekti. Srodan je i s istom svrhom ustanovljen program Tehničke pomoći Jugoslavije koji je međunarodnu stručnu razmjenu poticao, razvijao i usmjeravao na bilateralnoj razini. Velika hrvatska građevinska i projektantska poduzeća s vremenom intenziviraju svoj djelokrug poslova na tržištu ‘Trećeg svijeta’, a u istom se smjeru razvija i nekoliko značajnih individualnih angažmana kao podloga vrijednih projektantskih opusa. Karakterističan oblik stručne komunikacije odvija se i kroz međunarodne arhitektonske natječaje u kojima prostorni eksperiment i vizionarstvo, za razliku od dominantno egzistencijalne problematike, pretpostavljaju bolji, ravnopravniji i razvijeniji svijet. Tako arhitekti koji polazišni sustav vrijednosti stječu unutar ‘Zagrebačke škole’ i prostora Hrvatske sudjeluju u razmjenama znanja u Etiopiji i Eritreji, Gani, Togu, Sierra Leoneu, Gvineji, Maliju, Zapadnoj Sahari, Alžiru, Tunisu, Maroku, Libiji, Egiptu, Sudanu, Keniji, Tanzaniji, Zambiji, Zimbabveu, na Kapverdskim otocima te u Siriji, Kuvajtu, Iraku, Iranu, Indiji, Bangladešu, Burmi, Maleziji i Indoneziji. Ti su projekti obuhvaćeni ovim istraživanjem. Bilo da je riječ o pojedincima ili o složenim projektnim i izvođačkim organizacijama, svima je zajednička činjenica izlaska na svjetsko tržište s prethodno stečenim stručnim znanjem i referencama kao podlogom buduće međunarodne ekspertize.


Doktorski studiji

The professional activity of Croatian architects within the geopolitical context of countries of the ‘Third World’ is a separate, temporally and spatially clearly defined thematic entity. The foreign policy of former Yugoslavia, formally substantiated through its central position within the Non-Aligned Movement, facilitated and formed a network of international professional contacts in which construction and architecture played a significant role. The manner in which Croatian architects appeared on the scene, specific in a social, economic, political and cultural sense, within the newly formed states that also symbolically emphasised the value of their own sovereignty through ‘non-alignment’, were different. An ambitious UN Technical Assistance programme was formed, as support for ‘developing countries’, in their efforts to institutionalise a series of socially useful disciplines, including architecture, urban and spatial planning in which numerous Croatian architects participated, individually or collectively. The related technical assistance programme for Yugoslavia, which encouraged international professional exchange, was developed and focussed on a bilateral level, was established for the same purpose. Large Croatian construction and planning companies eventually intensified their scope of work on the ‘Third World’ market, and a number of significant individual engagements developed in the same direction as the basis of a valuable design oeuvre. The characteristic form of professional communication takes place through international tenders in which spatial experiment and vision, as opposed to dominant existential issues, assume a better, more equitable and more developed world. So architects who acquire a starting value system within the ‘Zagreb School’ and in Croatia participate in exchanges of knowledge in Ethiopia and Eritrea, Ghana, Togo, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Mali, Western Sahara, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Egypt, the Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, the Cape Verdean Islands and Syria, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Malaysia and Indonesia. These projects were included in this study. No matter whether they are individuals or complex projects and construction organisations, they all have one thing in common, the fact that they are entering the world market with previously acquired expertise and references as a basis for future international expertise.

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department Of Architectural Design

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Iako najvećim dijelom posvećeni obimnom nastavnom i stručnom radu, nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje sudjeluju i u segmentima znanstvene djelatnosti Arhitektonskog fakulteta: znanstvenoistraživačkom projektu, održavanju nastave poslijediplomskoga znanstvenog studija i znanstvenome izdavaštvu.

Although work was primarily focussed on teaching and professional work, the professors at the Department of Architectural Design also took part in scientific work conducted by the Faculty of Architecture: scientific research projects, teaching courses at post-graduate studies and scientific publishing.

Članovi Kabineta za primjenu računala u arhitekturi, pod vodstvom prof. dr. sc. Bojana Baletića, rade na višegodišnjem znanstvenoistraživačkom projektu ‘Tipologija digitalne kuće’ koji je nastavak projekta ‘Stambeni prostor u informatičkom dobu’. Tijekom istraživanja tema je sa stambenih prostora proširena na sveučilišne kampuse, kao složene sustave istraživačkih, nastavnih i stambenih sadržaja, koji postaju uzor za gradove u kojima se nalaze. Istraživanje je rezultiralo s dva obranjena doktorska rada koja, svojim tezama i raspravama, upotpunjuju posebne tematske segmente rada na projektu, a druga dva doktorska rada su u postupku izrade. Rezultati istraživanja, također, su prezentirani na više domaćih i stranih skupova i konferencija. Zaključci istraživanja primjenjuju se u izradi programa za sveučilišni kampus Borongaj u cilju ostvarivanja kampusa za 21. stoljeće.

Members of the Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design led by Prof Bojan Baletić, PhD have already been working on a scientific research project entitled ‘Typology of digital houses’ for a number of years which is a continuation of the project ‘Housing space in the age of informatics’ During research the topic was extended from housing space to also include the university campus, as complex systems of research, educational and housing content, which have become models for the cities in which they located. The research resulted in two doctoral theses which supplement specific segments of the project topic through theses and discussions, while another two doctoral theses are being written. The results of research have also been presented at a number of conferences and congresses at home and abroad. The research conclusions are being applied in the design of a programme for the university campus Borongaj which expected to be realised during the 21st century.

Članovi Kabineta za javne zgrade, prof. dr. sc. Vesna Mikić i prof. dr. sc.Velimir Neidhardt sudjelovali su sa zapaženim izlaganjima na konferenciji ‘Kinetička arhitektura’, u organizaciji Udruge Kinetika – Kinetics Association. Konferencija je održana u travnju 2013. godine, a namjera joj je bila pokretanje interdisciplinarnog centra za proučavanje kinetičke arhitekture kao modela za slične centre u kojima različite struke proučavaju fenomene s velikim potencijalima primjene u proizvodnji. Interdisciplinarna istraživanja, navedena i u okviru strateških odrednica Europske unije, prepoznata su kao dobar odabir za razvoj konkurentnosti hrvatske industrije. Voditelj Kabineta za stambene zgrade, prof. Ljubomir Mišćević, aktivan je već niz godina kao jedan od vodećih stručnjaka u području energetski učinkovite gradnje. U studenome 2012. godine sudjelovao je kao glavni organizator i moderator na 5. danima pasivne kuće u sklopu kojih su, osim predavanja, organizirani i stručni obilasci izgrađenih primjera.


Members of the Section of public buildings, Prof Vesna Mikić, PhD and Prof Velimir Neidhardt, PhD took part at noteworthy presentations at the conference ‘Kinetic architecture’ organised by the Kinetics Association. The conference was held in April 2013 and the aim was to initiate an interdisciplinary centre for the exploration of kinetic architecture as a model for similar centres in which different professions analyse phenomena with great application potential in production. Interdisciplinary research cited within the strategic guidelines of the EU are considered to be a good choice for the development of competitiveness for Croatian industry. The principal of the Section of Residential Building, Prof Ljubomir Mišćević, has been active for a number of years as a leading expert in the field of energetically efficient construction. In November 2012 he was the head organiser and moderator at the 5th Passive House Days at which, aside from lectures, there were also organised professional tours of built examples.

Članica Kabineta za zgrade društvenog standarda doc. Mia Roth-Čerina je, u okviru aktivnosti koje obnaša u funkciji voditeljice programa Arhitektura i djeca HKA, nastavila rad na interdisciplinarnim projektima vezanim uz ranu edukaciju o kulturi prostora u suradnji s Udrugom za promicanjem vizualne kulture OPA, Društvom arhitekata Zagreba i NoThing productions s kojima djeluje pod zajedničkim nazivom Prostor i ja – Mala škola arhitekture. Cilj aktivnosti tog višegodišnjega odgojno-obrazovnog projekta je promicanje sadržaja s područja arhitekture i urbanizma među mladima. Nakon niza javnih radionica i pilot-projekta implementacije radionica u nastavu likovne kulture, program se uz pomoć učitelja

Assistant professor Mia Roth-Čerina, a member of the Section of Educational and Community Facilities and principal of the programme Architecture and Children HKA continued work on an interdisciplinary project linked to early learning on the culture of space in cooperation with OPA, the Association for the Promotion of Visual Culture, DAZ and NoThing productions with whom she collaborates under the joint name Prostor i ja – Mala škola arhitekture (Space and me - Little school of architecture). The aim of the activities of this longlasting educational project is the promotion of contents from the field of architecture and urbanism among the youth. After a number of public workshops and pilot projects the implementation of workshops in art classes, the pro-

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

likovne kulture i brojnih volontera s Arhitektonskog fakulteta, počeo provoditi u četiri zagrebačke osnovne škole prema istom metodičkom okviru te je od studenoga 2012. do lipnja 2013. održano ukupno četrnaest radionica. Doc. Roth-Čerina sudjelovala je na okruglome stolu ‘O vizualnoj edukaciji djece’ u DAZ-u te održala predavanje o metodama provedbe arhitektonskih radionica za djecu. Izložba Prostor i ja – Mala škola arhitekture 2010.–2013. održana je u prostoru Školice i predvorju Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu, a segment iste izložbe prikazan je za trajanja 4. kongresa hrvatskih arhitekata u Osijeku te su istovremeno organizirane i tri radionice koje su problematizirale konkretne teme vezane uz Osijek.

autori/authors: Velimir Neidhardt, Vesna Mikić konferencija/conference: Kinetička arhitektura / Kinetic Architecture Zagreb, 20.04.2013. Društvo arhitekta Zagreb / Zagreb Architects Society

Pokret paradigma 21. stoljeća U organizaciji udruge Kinetika (Kinetics Association) održana je 20. travnja. 2013. konferencija ‘Kinetička arhitektura’ u prostorima Društva arhitekata Zagreba. Inicijativa skupine arhitekata i stručnjaka unutar udruge Kinetike temelji se na intelektualnim i umjetničkim istraživanjima 50-ih i 60ih godina prošlog stoljeća, na pokretu Novih tendencija i ranijeg EXAT-a 51 umjetničkih pokreta međunarodnog karaktera. Inicijativa se posebno fokusira na pojam kinetičke umjetnosti kao dominantne ideje Novih tendencija (1960-ih i 1970-ih godina) da bi se ponovno iščitala i definirala hrvatska pripadnost suvremenoj europskoj umjetnosti. Umjetničko djelovanje naslanja se na promišljanja koja su se u višejezičnom časopisu ‘Bit international’1 ističe ‘uvjerenje o neophodnoj potrebi jačanja produbljivanja tokova informiranja i stvaranja unuverzalnih platformi za progresivno orijentirane akcije’,2

Program / Programme: Akademik Andrija Mutnjaković, d.i.a. • Ideja zgrade-stroja; promjena građevinskostatičke paradigme prostora za stanovanje prema zgradi koja prati promjenjive potrebe čovjeka i promjenu okoline / The idea of a building-machine, changes in the housing space construction-static paradigm according to a building that senses the changing needs of man and changes within the environment Akademik prof. dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt, d.i.a. • Razlozi za pokret, inteligentna okolina / Reasons for moving, intelligent environments (M. Petrinjak Šabotić) Prof. dr. sc. Vesna Mikić, d.i.a. • Tipologija kinetičke arhitekture – Kinetika u oblikovanju krajolika / Typology of kinetic architecture – Kinetics in shaping the landscape (M. Javorović Pehar) • Kinetička umjetnost – kako umjetnička promišljanja ostavljaju trag u tehnološkom razvoju / Kinetic Art – how artistic considerations leave their mark on technological development (M. Petrinjak Šabotić)


Autori u Hrvatskoj 1960-ih godina nosioci su svjetskih trendova u kinetici oslanjaju se na pokret Novih tendencija kao referentne točke kasnijih traženja i eksperimentiranja. Dolazi do jakog zamaha vizionarskih arhitektonskih koncepata među kojima mobilitet i kinetika imaju dominantnu poziciju, a kristaliziraju se u autorskim opusima arhitekata Andrije Mutnjakovića i Vjekoslava Richtera. Ta dva arhitekta svojim futurističkim vizijama i utopijskim projektima mobilne arhitekture traže nove i drugačije puteve arhitektonskih i urbanističkih sustava3 endemsku i bioničku arhitekturu dinamičnog prostornog koncepta krutom suvremenom urbanizmu.4 U međuvremenu razvojem ponajprije senzorike i računalnog upravljanja ostvareni su uvjeti za izvedbu takvih zamisli budući da je mehanički element bio poznat znatno ranije. Istovremeno cijene takvih intervencija znatno su se smanjile što je omogućilo njihovo lakše ostvarivanje.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

gramme has begun to be implemented in four primary schools in Zagreb according to the same methodology and thanks to art teachers and numerous volunteers. From November 2012 to June 2013 a total of forty workshops were held. Assistant professor Roth-Čerina took part at the roundtable discussion ‘On the visual education of children’ at DAZ and held a lecture on the methods of implementing architectural workshops for children. The exhibition ‘Prostor i ja – Mala škola arhitekture 2010-2013’ was held at Školica and the vestibule of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, and a segment of the same exhibition was also presented during the 4th Congress of Croatian Architects held in Osijek where three workshops were also organised that dealt with concrete issues related to Osijek.

The 21st Century Paradigm Movement The conference ‘Kinetic architecture’, organized by Kinetic Association, was held at the Zagreb Architects Society on April 20, 2013. The initiative of architects and experts within the Kinetic Association is based on intellectual and artistic researches from the 1950s and the 1960s, on the movement New Tendencies and the early EXAT 51 – an artistic movement of an international character. The intiative particularly puts focus on the notion of kinetic art as the New Tendencies’s dominant idea (in the 1960s and the 1970s) in order to reread and define the Croatian place in the contemporary European art. The artistic practice leans on thoughts on communication theory and practice, mentioned in the multilingual magazine ‘Bit international’1 Matko Meštrović emphasizes ‘the belief of the indispensible need to strenghten the deepening of the information flux and to create universal platforms for progressively oriented actions’2. During the 1960s the authors in Croatia were the leaders of the world trends in kinetics, leaning on the New Tendencies movement as a referential point for researches and experimenting that would occur later. A strong uplift of visionary architectural concepts was present, among which mobility and kinetics held a dominating position and were crystalized through the works of architects Andrija Mutnjaković and Vjenceslav Richter. Through their futuristic visions and utopic projects of mobile architecture, these two architects were searching for new and different paths of architectural and urban systems3 concept with the rigid contemporary urbanism4 computer management in particular – created the conditions for realization of such ideas, since the mechanic element had already been known. Parallely, the cost of such interventions dropped significantly which enabled an easier effectuation.

Cilj konferencije Kinetička arhitektura je pokretanje centra za proučavanje kinetike. Riječ je o interdisciplinarnom centru za koji se nadamo da će poslužiti kao model za druge

The conference Kinetic Architecture aims to establish a centre for kinetic studies. We hope this interdisciplinary centre would serve as a model for other centres and, through its activities, shape a way in which different

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Martina Petrinjak Šabotić, d.i.a. • Interdisciplinarna istraživanja – sustavski pristup, utjecaj na zajednicu, elementi multi-, inter- i transdisciplinarnosti u kinetičkoj, transformabilnoj, mobilnoj i robotičkoj arhitekturi / Interdisciplinary research – systematic approach, impact on the community, elements of multi -, inter- and transdisciplinarity in kinetic, transformable, mobile and robotic architecture Davor Andrić, d.i.a. • Biomimetičke pneubotske konstrukcije / biomimetic pneubotic constructions Doc. dr. sc. Josip Galić, dipl. ing. građ. • Konstrukcijski problemi u kinetici / Structural problems in kinetics Prof. dr. sc. Mladen Šercer, dipl. ing. stroj., Prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Filetin, dipl. ing. stroj. • Novi materijali i tehnologije / New materials and technologies Prof. dr. sc. Većeslav Čorić, dipl. ing. brodogradnje • Samopodizne platforme – radni i stambeni prostori na morskoj pučini / Self-raising platforms – working and living spaces on the open sea Prof. dr. sc. Zvonimir Žagar, dipl. ing. građ. • Geneza problema dizajna kinetičke arhitekture / Genesis of design problems in kinetic architecture Nikolina Maravić, d.i.a. • Ideja kinetike u redefiniranju ideje budućnosti / The idea of kinetics in redefining the idea of ​​ the future Mirna Javorović Pehar aps. arch. • Kinetika u vizualnoj umjetnosti; Hrvatska, sredina 20.st / Kinetics in visual art, Croatia, mid 20th Matija Cvetković, mag. ing. arch, mag. art. • Kinetička arhitektura u svijetu – primjeri realizacija i status tehnologije i materijala / Kinetic architecture in the world – examples of its implementation and the status of technology and materials

slične centre i kroz svoje aktivnosti oblikovati način na koji različite struke znanstveno i usklađeno proučavaju fenomen s velikim potencijalima primjene u proizvodnji.

professional disciplines scientifically and harmoniously study the phenomenon with big potentials for production implentation.

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science


Analizom tipologije ‘kinetike’ razabire se da je kinetička arhitektura postala nositelj inteligentnih sustava u građenju. Time pridonosi održivosti i kompleksnosti postojećih i novih programa što pretpostavlja uključivanje energetskih, kinetičkih, kibernetičkih i komunikacijskih svojstava stroja, te na taj način zgrada sama po sebi postaje stroj. S druge, strane sam krajolik je kinetičan i postavlja se pitanje o njemu primjerenoj arhitekturi. Promjenu uvjetuju estetski i korisnički razlozi, a, usmjerava se prema korištenju energije iz okoliša te prilagodbe klimatskim uvjetima ili drugim utjecajima okoline.

Analyzing the’kinetic’ typology it becomes clear that the kinetic architecture has become the leader of intelligent systems in construction. It also contributes to sustainability and complexity of the existing and new programs, which presumes incorporating the machines’ kinetic, cyberkinetic and communication features. In that way the building itself becomes a machine. On the other hand, the landscape itself is kinetic so the question arises on what kind of architecture woud suit it. The change is conditioned by aesthetic and usage reasons, and it’s being directed towards the use of energy from the environment and to the modification to climate conditions or other environmental impacts.

1 Tomislav Premerl; Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske,1, 1969. Povodom izlaska Bit-a definira fokus časopisa kao ‘dijalogu stroja i umjetnika’ 2 Matko Meštrović, Promatrani promatrač, Bit international 1. 1968. Godine 1968. objavljeni 1,2,i 3 broj Bit-a, te 1969. 4,5 i 6 broj., izdavač Galerija grada Zagreba, 3 Maroje Mrduljaš:autori iskušavaju radikalne koncepte; Arhitekt, 2097, u: Suvremena arhitektura, testiranje stvarnosti: str 108 4 Renata Margaretić Urlić, ‘Arhitektonski nestašluci u enformelističkom društvu’, Život umjetnosti , 82/2008; 52–65.

1 Tomislav Premerl; The News of Museologists and Conservators of Croatia, 1, 1969; on the occasion of the first issue of Bit, he defines the magazine’s focus as a ‘dialogue between a machine and an artist’ 2 Matko Meštrović,The observed observer, Bit international 1, 1968 1st, 2nd and 3rd issue of Bit published in 1968, 4th, 4th and 6th issue published in 1969, by the Gallery of the City of Zagreb 3 Maroje Mrduljaš: authors are testing radical concepts; Arhitekt, 2007, in Contemporary Croatian Architecture: Testing Reality; page 108 4 Renata Margaretić Urlić, ‘Architectural Pranks in the Enformelistic Society’, Life of Art, 82/2008; pages 52–56

Nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo u ak.god. 2012./13. u okviru svoje djelatnosti objavljuju znanstvene i stručne radove te sudjeluju na raznim znanstvenim i stručnim skupovima. Objavili su jedan znanstveni i dva stručna članka u časopisima, sudjelovali na tri međunarodna znanstvena skupa, održali pet javnih izlaganja na stručnim skupovima i sudjelovali na jednom okruglom stolu.

In the academic year 2012/2013 the professors of the Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science published scientific and expert papers and took part at a variety of scientific and professional conferences. They published one scientific and two professional papers in magazines, took part at three international scientific conferences, held five public presentations at professional gatherings and took part at a roundtable discussion.

Nastavnici Kabineta za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja redovito sudjeluju na International Association for Housing Science [IAHS] konferencijama: Montreal 2003., Trento 2004., Napulj 2006., Santander 2010., Istanbul 2012. i Milano 2013. Na ovogodišnjoj 39. međunarodnoj konferenciji ‘Changing needs, adaptive buildings, smart cities’, održanoj na Politecnico di Milano u Milanu od 17. do 20. rujna 2013. godine, doc. dr.sc. Iva Muraj i diplomant AF Nikola Arambašić održali su izlaganje ‘The Legalization of Illegal Buildings: Current Situation in Croatia’.

The professors of the Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology regularly take part at the International Association for Housing Science [IAHS] conferences: Montreal 2003, Trento 2004, Naples 2006, Santander 2010, Istanbul 2012 and Milan 2013. At this year’s 39th International Conference ‘Changing needs, adaptive buildings, smart cities’, held at the Politecnico di Milano in Milan, 17–20 September 2013, Assistant professor Iva Muraj, PhD and graduating student at the AF Nikola Arambašić held a presentation entitled ‘The

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Članak je recenziran i objavljen u zborniku radova skupa. Rad autora Davora Andrića, Kristine Careve i Ariane Štulhofer Primjena aluminijskih konstrukcija u gradnji obiteljskih kuća kao pregledni znanstveni objavljen je u znanstvenom časopisu za arhitekturu i urbanizam ‘Prostor’, 21 (2013.), br. 1 /45, Zagreb. Jasenka Bertol-Vrček,Mateo Biluš, i Iva Muraj objavili su stručni rad pod nazivom: Energy Certification of Buildings Training of Experts, u američkom časopisu ‘Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture’, br. 6 (6 /55/), a Zoran Veršić, Iva Muraj, Stanka Raič svoj stručni rad Analiza isplativosti optimalnog stupnja energetske obnove ovojnice višestambene zgrade objavljuju u ‘Presjeku − časopisu za detalj u arhitekturi’, br. 2 (6), Zagreb. Davor Andrić, Zorana Protić i Dunja Mandić sudjelovali su na međunarodnom skupu 6th ECCOMAS Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART2013 koji je održan na Politecnico di Torino od 24. do 26. srpnja 2013. godine (www.smart2013.com). Njihov rad ‘Koncept nove pneumatsko-strukturne speleološke opreme − Concept for lightweight structures using climbing/caving equipment’ recenziran je i objavljen u zborniku skupa. Ivica Plavec održao je predavanje ‘Rekonstrukcija i prenamjena tvornice duhana Zagreb u Hrvatski povijesni muzej’ u sklopu ciklusa Arhitektura i naslijeđe II u prostorijama DAZ-a 9. lipnja 2013., te je sudjelovao na okruglom stolu ‘Projektne strategije i alati, low tech − uradi sam’ na Kongresu hrvatskih arhitekata u Osijeku 28. rujna 2013.

Legalization of Illegal Buildings: Current Situation in Croatia’. The paper was reviewed and published in the conference papers. The work by authors Davor Andrić, Kristina Careva and Ariana Štulhofer The application of aluminium constructions in the building of family houses was published in the scientific journal for architecture and urbanism ‘Prostor’, 21 (2013), no. 1/45, Zagreb. Jasenka Bertol-Vrček, Mateo Biluš and Iva Muraj published their paper entitled: Energy Certification of Buildings Training of Experts, in the American journal ‘Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture’, no. 6 (6/55), and Zoran Veršić, Iva Muraj, Stanka Raič published their paper An analysis of feasibility of the optimal level of energetic renewal of the membrane of a multi-storey building in ‘Presjek–journal for details in architecture’, no. 2 (6), Zagreb. Davor Andrić, Zorana Protić and Dunja Mandić took part at the international conference the 6th ECCOMAS Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART2013 held at the Politecnico di Torino 24–26 July 2013. (www.smart2013.com). Their paper, ‘Concept for lightweight structures using climbing/caving equipment’, was reviewed and published in the conference papers. Ivica Plavec held a lecture entitled ‘The Reconstruction and adaptation of the Tobacco Factory Zagreb into a Croatian History Museum’ as part of the cycle Architecture and Heritage II at the venues of DAZ on 9 June 2013, and took part at the roundtable discussion ‘Planning startegies and tools, low tech– DIY’ at the Congress of Croatian Architects in Osijek 28 September 2013.

Marija Šimić Horvath i Nikoleta Sudeta, nastavnice Kabineta za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu, održale su izlaganje ‘The experience of teaching in English at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb’ na 17th Scientific-Professional Colloquium on Geometry and Graphics održanom od 4. do 8. rujna 2013. u Rastokama u organizaciji Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics. Miljenko Haiman, voditelj Kabineta za nosive konstrukcije održao je dva predavanja na skupovima: ‘Drvene lamelirane konstrukcije teniskih dvorana u Kazahstanu’ na Saboru hrvatskih graditelja u Cavtatu koji je održan od 15. do 17. studenog 2012., te ‘Lamelirana drvena konstrukcija zabavnog centra u Moskvi’ na Danima ovlaštenih inženjera građevinarstva u Opatiji od 12. do 15. lipnja 2013. godine. Na skupu ‘Kinetička arhitektura’, održanom 20. travnja 2013. u Društvu arhitekata Zagreb u organizaciji Udruge Kinetika − Kinetics Association, članovi Katedre održali su dva predavanja: Davor Andrić ‘Biomimetičke pneubotske konstrukcije’ te Josip Galić ‘Konstrukcijski problemi u kinetici’. U suradnji s nastavnicima Građevinskog fakulteta Davorom Skejićem i Borisom Androićem, Dubravko Bačić, član Kabineta za planiranje i organizaciju građenja bavio se istraživanjem primjene tensegrity konstrukcija u arhitekturi o čemu je objavljen i članak u časopisu ‘Prostor’. D. Bačić radi i na pripremi projekta: ‘Bauhaus – umrežavanje ideja i prakse’. Ovaj projekt pokrenut je u listopadu 2013.


Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Marija Šimić Horvath and Nikoleta Sudeta, professors at the Section of mathematics, descriptive geometry and perspective, held a presentation on ‘The experience of teaching in English at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb’ at the 17th ScientificProfessional Colloquium on Geometry and Graphics held 4–8 September 2013 in Rastoci organised by the Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics. Miljenko Haiman, principal at the Section of Building Structures held two lectures at conferences: ‘Wooden laminated constructions at tennis halls in Kazakhstan’ as the Conference of Croatian Builders in Cavtat held 15-17 November 2012, and ‘Laminated wooden constructions at the entertainment centre in Moscow’ at the Days of registered builders in Opatija 12–15 June 2013. At the conference on ‘Kinetic architecture’, held 20 April 2013 at DAZ and organised by the Kinetics Association, members of the Section held two lecture: Davor Andrić ‘Biomimetic pneubotic constructions’ and Josip Galić ‘Construction issues in kinetics’. In cooperation with professors Davor Skejić and Borisom Androić from the Faculty of Civil Engineering Dubravko Bačić, a member of the Section of Planning and Project Management researched the application of tensegrity construction in architecture on which a paper was published in the journal ‘Prostor’. D. Bačić is also working on the preparation of a project:

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

autor/ author: Davor Andrić predavanje na konferenciji / conference lecture: Kinetička arhitektura/ Kinetic Architecture Zagreb, 20.04.2013. Društvo arhitekta Zagreb/ Zagreb Architects Society

autori/authors: Iva Muraj, Nikola Arambašić izlaganje na skupu, sažetak / paper presentation, summary: 39th IAHS World Congress on Housing Science  – Changing needs, adaptive buildings, smart cities, Milano, Politecnico di Milano, 17.–20.9.2013.

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

a realiziran uz potporu EU fondova, vodi ga zagrebački Muzej suvremene umjetnosti.

‘Bauhaus – networking ideas and practice’. This project, initiated in October 2013 and realised through EU funding, is run by the Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art.

Bio-pneubotika u arhitekturi

Bio-pneubotics in architecture

Na konferenciji ‘Kinetička arhitektura’, održanoj 20. travnja 2013. u Društvu arhitekata Zagreb, u organizaciji Udruge Kinetika – Kinetics Association, održano je izlaganje ‘Biomimetičke pneubotske konstrukcije’. Biomimikrija pokreta u pneumatski prilagodljivim (eng. adaptable) i reagirajućim (eng. responsive) konstrukcijama, posebno je polje mogućnosti razvoja politipa bioničke pneubotske arhitekture. Primjena ove vrste konstrukcija i tehnike konstruiranja ‘mekih’ robota, omogućava visoki stupanj analogne transformacije prirodnog pokreta iz biološkog u područje arhitekture. Visoka morfodinamičnost pneubota čini ih idealnom populacijom za naseljavanje prostora promjenjivog okoliša, potrebnog privremenih i prilagodljivih rješenja: interaktivne umjetnosti i arhitekture, urgentnih situacija, prilagodbe postojećih konstrukcija, pokretne arhitekture, prilagodljivih građevnih opni, ekspedicijskih rješenja itd.

At the conference ‘Kinetic Architecture’, held on 20 April 2013 at the venues of the Zagreb Society of Architects and organised by the Kinetics Association, a lecture entitled ‘pneubotic biomimetic structures’ was given. Biomimicry of motion in pneumatically adaptable and responsive structures is a specific field of possible development opportunities for polytypical bionic pneubotic architecture. The application of these types of structures and techniques to construct ‘soft’ robots, allows for a high degree of analog transformation of natural motion from the biological to the field of architecture. The high morphodynamics of pneubots makes them an ideal population for the colonisation of space with a changing environment, necessitating temporary and customised solutions: interactive art and architecture, emergency situations, adapting existing structures, mobile architecture, flexible building membranes, expeditionary solutions. etc.

Legalizacija nezakonito izgrađenih zgrada: trenutno stanje u Hrvatskoj Zakon o postupanju s nezakonitim zgradama stupio je na snagu u srpnju 2012. godine (NN 86/12) i zamijenio Zakon iz kolovoza 2011. godine (90/11). Članak daje pregled zakonske regulative iz područja prostornog uređenja i gradnje, objašnjava postupak legalizacije bespravnih objekata i daje pregled stanja u Hrvatskoj do 31. prosinca 2012. godine. U članku se također navode polemike koje je Zakon potaknuo u široj javnosti, kao i reakcije arhitektonske struke koje je Zakon izazvao. Uslijed dugogodišnjeg nedostatka sustavnog praćenja nezakonite gradnje, u Hrvatskoj ne postoji točna evidencija nezakonito izgrađenih zgrada. Procjenjuje se da je oko 400.000 bespravno izgrađenih raznih objekata, od čega 200.000 kuća, stanova i apartmana (rok za podnošenje zahtjeva istekao je 30.06.2013. Zahtjeve za legalizaciju bespravne gradnje uputilo je 820.000 građana).


The Legalization of Illegal Buildings: Current Situation in Croatia The law on illegal buildings came into power in July 2012 (NN 86/12) and replaced the regulations from August 2011 (NN 90/11). This paper provide san overview of regulations concerning spatial planning and construction, explains the procedure of legalising illegal buildings and gives an overview of the state in Croatia up until 31 December 2012. The paper also quotes public polemics launched as a result of this law, as well as reactions by those working in the field of architecture caused by this law. After years in which there was a lack of systematic tracking of illegal construction, there is no exact data in Croatia on illegally constructed buildings. It is estimated that there are around 400,000 illegally built objects, of which 200,000 are houses, flats and apartments (the deadline for submitting a claim was 30 June 2013. Claims for the legalisation of illegal buildings have been submitted by 820.000 citizens).

Slijedom toga, jedna od osnovnih preporuka prilikom izrade novih zakona i propisa koji reguliraju prostorno uređenje jest stvaranje svih preduvjeta za donošenje zakona. U ovom slučaju: identificirati svu nezakonitu gradnju, odrediti rok (od 90 dana) za izradu popisa, utvrditi različite slučajeve, sistematizirati ih u kategorije te prema tome odrediti pro-

As a result one of the basic recommendations for the writing of a new laws and regulations regulating spatial planning is that they provide the requisite preconditions for the law to be passed. In this case: the identification of illegal construction, defining a deadline for establishing a list (90 days), the establishment of various cases, the systematising them into categories and thereby defining the procedure, dues and method of payment. In addition, the suggested law should include opinions,

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

autori/authors: Davor Andrić, Dunja Mandić, Zorana Protić izlaganje na skupu, sažetak / paper presentation, summary: 6th ECCOMAS Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART2013 Politecnico di Torino, 24.–26.06.2013.

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

cedure, kazne i metode plaćanja. Također, u izradi prijedloga Zakona, mišljenja, primjedbe i prijedlozi arhitektonske struke trebaju biti uvažena. Sve strukovne organizacije oštro su se usprotivile prijedlogu Zakona smatrajući da omogućava devastaciju prostora i njegovog planiranja, osobito prirodnog obalnog pojasa.

suggestions and comments from the field of architecture. All professional organisations are against the passing of this law believing that it allows the devastation of space and its planning, especially in view of the coastal belt.

Koncept za lagane konstrukcije korištenjem speleološke opreme i opreme za penjanje

Concept for Lightweight Structures Using Climbing /Caving Equipment

Speleolozi istražuju mnoge podzemne objekte u zabačenim, divljim i krškim predjelima Hrvatske. Nekim je objektima vrlo teško pristupiti. Lokacije za kampiranje mogu biti opremljene konstrukcijama za odmor, prijelaz ili rad. Za oblikovanje takvih prostora za vanjske i podzemne aktivnosti koriste se materijali nađeni na lokaciji i materijali koje su istraživaći donijeli sa sobom. Lagane konstrukcije bi trebale biti rasklopive, lagane i prenosive kako bi ih se lako moglo spremiti i prenijeti na drugu lokaciju. Također trebaju biti prilagodljive različitim konfiguracijama terena. Koncept se zasniva na pneumatskim cijevima, užadi, mrežama, šatorskim krilma, kukama, klinovima i drugoj speleološkoj opremi i opremi za penjanje od pametnih i čvrstih materijala dobre nosivosti i pouzdanosti. Cijevi na napuhavanje mogu poslužiti kao tlačni elementi, a užad kao vlačni elementi. Koncept je ispitan u kontekstu potreba, mikro lokacija i uporabe koje pružaju njegove oblikotvorne mogućnosti u kombinaciji različitih elemenata. Dijelovi konstrukcije različite su kakvoće i svojstava te su svakom dijelu ispitani kapacitet, pouzdanost, prilagodljivost i mobilnost. Lagani višenamjenski element, poput pneumatske cijevi velike fleksibilnosti i trajnosti, osigurao bi veću kvalitetu strukturnih oblika za njihovo korištenje u širokom spektru aktivnosti, kako na otvorenom tako i u podzemlju. Digitalni modeli ovdje istraženi pokazuju gotovo beskonačan broj mogućih kombinacija u kojima se cijev koristi s drugim prirodnim elementima i speleološkom opremom te velik oblikotvorni potencijal što se tiče mogućih oblikovanja koja se mogu postići slaganjem, savijanjem i vješanjem. Preciznu geometriju, sastav materijala, izradu i terensko testiranje prototipa tek treba ispitati.


Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Speleologists explore many underground objects in remote, wild and karst areas of Croatia. Approach to some objects is very difficult. Camp locations can be equipped with structures that serve for resting, crossing or working. In order to form such spaces for outdoor or underground activities one must use materials found on sight and ones brought on foot. Structures should be collapsible, lightweight and mobile so that they can be easily stored or moved to another location. They should also be adaptable to various site configurations. Concept is based on pneumatic tubes, ropes, meshes, tent wings, hooks, spits, and other similar caving and climbing equipment made of smart and robust materials with good load bearing capacity and reliability. Inflatable tubes can be used as compression elements for the structure and ropes as tension elements. Concept is examined in context of needs, micro locations and use provided by its morphogenic possibilities as a part of structure made as a combination of various elements. Parts for the structure are of different qualities and properties, each examined for its capacity, reliability, adaptability and mobility. A lightweight multipurpose structural element like pneumatic tube with high flexibility and durability would ensure higher quality of structural forms for hosting a large spectrum of activities in the open as well as underground. Digital models explored here have shown an almost infinite field of possible combinations using the tube with other natural elements and caving equipment and high morphogenic potential in terms of possible geometries that can be formed by folding, curving and suspending. Precise geometry, and material composition as well as fabrication and field tests of the prototype are yet to be evaluated.

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department Of history And theory Of Architecture

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Znanstvenoistraživački rad Katedre za teoriju i povijest arhitekture u protekloj se godini posvetio istraživanju istaknutih tema iz problematike moderne i suvremene hrvatske arhitekture te njihovoj interpretaciji u širem kulturnom kontekstu i globalnom arhitektonskom okviru, kao i recentnom teorijskom diskursu. Obrađene teme predstavljene su kroz niz izlaganja na međunarodnim znanstvenim skupovima, kroz poglavlja u znanstvenim knjigama te znanstvenim člancima.

The scholarly work of the Department of Architectural History and Theory in 2012–2013 focused on research of selected topics from the field of modern and contemporary Croatian architecture, assessed in a wider context and global architectural frame. The research was presented through numerous presentations at international symposia and conferences, as book chapters or publications in scholarly journals.

Izlaganjem na međunarodnom znanstvenom simpoziju ‘Bauhaus: umrežavanje ideja i prakse’ održanom u organizaciji Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb u studenom 2012. godine, autorice Karin Šerman i Nataša Jakšić analizirale su biografske pojedinosti i segmente opusa Gustava Bohutinskog, hrvatskog studenta arhitekture na Bauhausu. Hrvatskim modernističkim arhitektonskim naslijeđem te njegovim kritičkim i teorijskim propitivanjem nastavila se baviti dr. Šerman kroz svoje izlaganje na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji na venecijanskom Institutu za arhitekturu i urbanizam IUAV u siječnju 2013., u kojem elaborira fenomen apstrakcije u hrvatskoj umjetnosti i arhitekturi 1950-ih i 1960-ih godina. Teorijski intoniranim istraživanjem hrvatskog arhitektonskog modernizma kao nositelja kulturnog identiteta bavila se dr. Šerman u izlaganju na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji o zaštiti modernog arhitektonskog i kulturnog naslijeđa u svibnju 2013. u Dubrovniku. Temom pak bliskosti između arhitektonskih i urbanističkih pojava i događanja u Zagrebu u 1960-ima i ideja i teorija utjecajne međunarodne grupe Team 10 bavile su se autorice Šerman i Renata Margaretić Urlić u svome izlaganju na međunarodnom znanstvenom skupu ‘Team 10 East’ u lipnju 2013. u organizaciji Muzeja moderne umjetnosti u Varšavi. Izabranim poglavljima problematike hrvatskog arhitektonskog modernizma posvetili su se i autori Melita Čavlović i dr. Andrej Uchytil, u svom znanstvenom članku posvećenom antologijskim djelima Alfreda Albinija objavljenom u časopisu ‘Prostor’. Dr. Uchytil i dr. Šerman sudjelovali su, nadalje, u pripremi knjige ‘Misli o čuvanju moderne arhitekture’, gdje su objavili dva zapažena poglavlja – dr. Uchytil poglavlje o arhitektu Nevenu Šegviću, a dr. Šerman poglavlje o arhitektu Mladen Kauzlariću. Mr. sc. Alan Braun posvetio se pak istraživanju historicističkog sloja zagrebačke arhitekture i njegovim pojedinostima, objavivši u časopisu ‘Prostor’ znanstveni članak o ljetnikovcu Lea Hönigsberga u cottage naselju na zagrebačkom Josipovcu. Problematici modernizma okrenuo se u svom izlaganju o obnovi Francuskog paviljona na manifestaciji Dani zagrebačke arhitekture u svibnju 2013.


K.Šerman, PhD and N. Jakšić, PhD analyzed the biography and architectural work of Gustav Bohutinsky, the only Croatian student in architecture at the Bauhaus, in their presentation at the international symposium ‘Bauhaus: Networking Ideas and Practice’ held in October 2012 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb. The research on Croatian modern architecture and its critical and theoretical assessment was continued by Dr. Šerman in her presentation at the international conference at the Venice IUAV (Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia) in January 2013, in which she addressed the phenomenon of abstraction in Croatian art and architecture in the 1950s and 1960s. Theoretical approach to the potentials of Croatian architectural modernism to serve as genuine bearer of architectural and cultural identity was further addressed in the paper that Dr. Šerman delivered at the international conference on preservation of modern architectural and cultural heritage held in Dubrovnik in May 2013. The issues of proximity and correspondence between Team 10 ideas and certain tendencies in urban and architectural production in Zagreb in the 1960s were assessed in the paper presented by Dr. Šerman and Renata Margaretić Urlić, MA, at the international symposium ‘Team 10 East’, organized by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw in June 2013. A. Uchytil, PhD and junior researcher Melita Čavlović focused their investigation on the specificities and qualities of the architectural work of Alfred Albini, elaborating it in the article published in the scholarly journal Prostor. Uchytil, PhD and Šerman, PhD, further on, contributed to the book ‘Thoughts on Preservation of Modern Architecture’, in which they published two chapters – Uchytil, PhD a chapter on the architect Neven Šegvić, and Šerman, PhD a chapter on the architect Mladen Kauzlarić. Alan Braun, M.Sc. addressed in his research the historicist layer of architecture in Zagreb, on which he published a focused paper in the scholarly journal Prostor presenting a cottage designed by Leo Hönigsberg for a planned cottage estate Josipovac in Zagreb. Braun turned to the theme of architectural modernism in his lecture on the reconstruction of the noted French Pavilion, which he delivered at the manifestation Zagreb Days of Architecture in May 2013. Junior researcher Igor Ekštajn, MDesS, continued his research on the topic ‘Ontology of Territory’ within his doctoral study at Harvard University.

Znanstvene novakinje Mojca Smode Cvitanović i Marina Smokvina nastavile su svoje istraživanje o temi eksporta znanja i ekspertize hrvatskih arhitekata i urbanista u zemlje ‘Trećega svijeta’ u 1960-ima i 1970-ima, o čemu su izla-

Junior researchers Mojca Smode Cvitanović i Marina Smokvina continued their research on the topic of export of architectural knowledge and expertise of Croatian architects and planners in the ‘Third World’ countries in the 1960s

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

autor/author: Karin Šerman izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / paper presented at the international conference: ‘Yugoslavia: Architecture and Cities (1945–91), Recent Studies’ Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam IUAV (Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia), Venecija 24.01.2013.

autor/author: Karin Šerman izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / paper presented at the international conference: ‘Our Modern: Re-Appropriating Vulnerable 20th Century Heritage’ Interuniverzitetski centr Dubrovnik, Sveučilište u Dubrovniku, Centar Cvito Fisković i Umjetnička akademija u Splitu / Interuniverstity Center Dubrovnik, University of Dubrovnik, Centre Cvito Fisković Split, and Art Academy of the Split University Dubrovnik, 21–24.05.2013.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

gale na međunarodnom znanstvenom skupu u Lisabonu u rujnu 2013. Temom pak suradnje arhitekata i umjetnika, kao svojevrsnim lokalnim stvaralačkim fenomenom i tradicijom, bavila se znanstvena novakinja Tihana Hrastar u sklopu svog doktorskog istraživanja, o čemu je izlagala na skupu mladih istraživača pod nazivom ‘Zajednički temelji’ održanom u rujnu u Splitu. Znanstveni novak mr. sc. Igor Ekštajn nastavio je svoje istraživanje na temu ‘Ontologije teritorija’ na Sveučilištu Harvard gdje je uspješno završio prvu godinu doktorskog studija. Svi spomenuti radovi, osim što prezentiraju različite vidove istraživačke i znanstvene djelatnosti koji se provode na Katedri za teoriju i povijest arhitekture, povratno se svojim uvidima ugrađuju i u samu nastavu i u rad sa studentima, sve u cilju poticanja, promoviranja i daljnjeg razvoja teorijskog i kritičkog diskursa.

and 1970s, on which they reported at the international conference in Lisabon in September 2013. Junior researcher Tihana Hrastar, on the other hand, focused in her work on the topic of intense collaboration between architects and artists in Croatian architectural production, as a specific phenomenon and tradition, on which she delivered a presentation at the First conference of junior researchers held this September in Split under the title ‘Common Grounds’. All these works illustrate various modes of scholarly activity as it is practiced within the Department of Architectural History and Theory. The outcome of such research is in turn firmly embedded in the curriculum and the teaching practice of the Department, all with the aim of further stimulating, promoting and developing theoretical and critical discourse.

Uloga apstrakcije u hrvatskom poslijeratnom arhitektonskom modernizmu

The Role of Abstraction in Croatian Postwar Architectural Modernism’

Izlaganje je oslovilo specifičnu tendenciju prema čistim ‘pitanjima forme’ i rigoroznom geometrijskom istraživanju koje je snažno obilježilo umjetničku i arhitektonsku scenu u Hrvatskoj u 1950-ima i 1960-ima. U radu se ispituje izbor apstrakcije kao estetskog alata zamišljenog da primjereno služi novim društvenim idejama i prilikama. Koncept apstrakcije, sa svim pratećim teorijskim slojevima i ambicijama, izvorno je bio lansiran od umjetničke grupe EXAT 51. U radu se provjerava značenje i implikacije toga koncepta za hrvatsku poslijeratnu arhitekturu te prati kako joj je upravo on osigurao ostajanje na kursu modernizma naslijeđenog još iz međuratnog razdoblja te daljnjeg napredovanja u autonomnom istraživanju vlastitoga medija, uz istodobno predano angažiranje u građenju novog društvenog kolektiviteta. U radu se pritom provjeravaju doticaji arhitekture i drugih umjetničkih praksi.

Arhitektonski modernizam kao nositelj kulturnog identiteta Radom se oslovljavaju pitanja opravdanja valorizacije i zaštite modernog arhitektonskog naslijeđa. Što je to što modernu arhitekturu afirmira kao vrijednu kulturnu baštinu? Što definira njezin status kao kulturnog dobra i opravdava potrebu njezina čuvanja i zaštite? Koji su njezini potencijali u podržavanju onih važnih kategorija kao što su nacionalni ili kulturni identitet? Naoko, modernizam ne posjeduje takve snage: on se, naime, namjerno odmiče od tradicije i

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

The paper focused on the pronounced tendency towards pure ‘questions of form’ and rigorous geometrical research that marked the Croatian art and architectural world in the 1950s and 1960s. It examined the choice of abstraction as an aesthetic tool meant to adequately serve the new social ideas and circumstances. The concept of abstraction, with all its theoretical layers and ambitions, was most vigorously introduced by the group of artists called EXAT 51. The paper examined the significance and implications of this concept for the postwar Croatian architecture – how it enabled architecture to engage in forming the new socialist society by giving it its proper spatial setting, but at the same time to remain on the course of modernism and to advance freely in the autonomous research of their spatial discipline. The discussion thereby observed the relationships and proximities of architecture and art.

Architectural Modernism as Bearer of Cultural Identity The paper raised the questions of meaning and relevance of modern architectural heritage: What is it that makes modern architecture so valuable? What is it that justifies its status as cultural heritage and validates the need for its protection? What is its potential for sustaining and upholding such substantial categories as cultural and national identity? Seemingly, architectural modernism does not possess such strengths and promises; it namely deliberately departed from tradition and history, it negated the idea of historical

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

autor/author: Karin Šerman, Renata Margaretić Urlić izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / paper presented at the international conference: ‘Team 10 East’ Muzej moderne umjetnosti u Varšavi / Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Varšava, 08.06.2013.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

povijesti, negira ideju povijesnog kontinuiteta i nasljeđivanja, promovira funkciju, konstrukciju i tehnologiju kao svoje glavne formativne faktore i usto koristi, kao glavne alate, operacije apstrakcije, racionalizacije i krajnje autonomije, mehanizme koji ga čine duboko ne-reprezentativnim, nefigurativnim i ne-retoričkim, naoko ga lišavajući sposobnosti nošenja značenja i podržavanja identiteta. Rad nastoji otkriti slojeve modernizma koji ga afirmiraju upravo kao potentnog nositelja kulturnog identiteta.

continuity, it embraced function, construction and technology as sole formative factors, and on top of that, it employed, as its main formal tools, the operations of abstraction, rationalization and autonomous formalization, i.e. mechanisms that render it deeply non-representational, non-figurative and non-rhetorical, depriving it of the ability of carrying meaning and sustaining identity. This research elaborated the layers of modernism that nevertheless justify and confirm it as a more then potent bearer of cultural memory and identity.

Bakema i Zagreb: Team 10 i nove arhitektonske ideje ugrađene u formiranje socijalističke metropole

Bakema and Zagreb: Team 10 Ideas Shaping the Socialist Metropolis

Rad istražuje afinitet i bliskost između ideja i teorija Teama 10 i arhitektonskih i urbanističkih pojava i događanja u Zagrebu u 1960-ima. Taj se afinitet ispituje na tri primjera u trima različitim mjerilima. Zgradi Radničkog sveučilišta Nikšića i Kučana , 1956.–1961., projektu za centar Južnoga Zagreba Jacoba Bakeme iz 1965., te cjelokupnog značenja teorije Teama 10 za razvoj Novog Zagreba. Ispituju se veze Bakeme i Zagreba, prvenstveno preko Radovana Nikšića koji radi u uredu Bakeme i Van den Broekea u Rotterdamu zahvaljujući stipendiji nizozemske vlade, upravo nakon osvajanja prve nagrade za projekt Radničkog sveučilišta. Nikšić će biti pozvan predstaviti ovaj izuzetan rad na zadnjem sastanku CIAM-a, 1959. u Otterlou, kao primjer ostvarene ‘totalne plastične realnosti’ u službi socijalističkog prosvjetiteljstva.

The paper addressed the issue of proximity and correspondence between Team 10 ideas and certain tendencies in urban and architectural production in Zagreb in the 1960s. This affinity was researched and explained on three examples in three different scales: the building of the Workers’ University by Nikšić and Kučan from 1956–1961, the project for the urban center of New Zagreb by Jacob Bakema from 1965, and through overall impact of Team 10 ideas on the development of New Zagreb. The paper elaborated Bakema’s connection with Zagreb, primarily through his contacts with Radovan Nikšić, who worked in the Rotterdam office of Bakema and Van den Broek in 1956, right after winning first prize at the architectural competition for the Workers’ University. Later on, Nikšić will be invited to present this extraordinary work at the last CIAM meeting in Otterlo in 1959, as a testimony of an accomplished ‘total plastic reality’ in service of Socialist Enlightenment.

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical Planning and Landscape Architecture


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Znanstvena djelatnost Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu usmjerena je na objavljivanje istraživanja koja se provode u okviru tematskih područja Kabineta, te popularizaciju znanosti kroz autorske knjige i javna, gostujuća ili pozvana predavanja. Svi članovi Katedre aktivno su uključeni u sudjelovanja na međunarodnim znanstvenim skupovima te su objavili svoje radove u zbornicima s međunarodnom recenzijom.

Scientific activity of the Department of Urban and Physical Planninga nd Landscape Architecture in academic year 2012/13 was aimed to publication of researches taking place within the thematic field of the Department, and to popularize science through authors’ books and public, guest or invited, lectures. All members of the Department are actively involved in participation in international scientific conferences, and have published their papers in proceedings with international reviews.

Izučavanje hrvatskoga urbanoga prostora bila je jedna od osnovnih zadaća na znanstvenom projektu 054-05430893087 ‘Preobrazba, identitet i održiv razvoj suvremenog hrvatskog grada’. U razdoblju 2007.–2011. istraživanjem su se nastojala unaprijediti opća i posebna znanja te pospješiti primjenu urbanističkih metoda u postupcima izrade prostornih planova. Iako je projekt službeno završen i neka od istraživanja privedena kraju, voditelj projekta dr. sc. Tihomir Jukić zajedno s članovima Kabineta za urbanističko planiranje i suradnicima na projektu, nastavio je s radom na temi znanstvenog projekta i nedovršenim istraživanjima čiji su rezultati objavljeni ili prezentirani na znanstvenim skupovima ili javnim predavanjima tijekom 2012. i 2013. godine.

The study of the Croatian urban space was one of the principal tasks of the scientific project 054-0543089-3087 ‘Transformation, identity and sustainable development of the contemporary Croatian city’. In the period between 2007 and 2011 the reasearch strove to improve general and specific knowledges and to enhance the application of the urbanistic methods used to design physical plans. Despite the project being officially concluded and some of the researches being completed, the project team leader, professor Tihomir Jukić, alongside the members of the Section of urban design and his project associates, continued to work on the scientific project’s theme and uncompleted researches; the results were published or presented at scientific conferences and public lectures in 2012 and 2013.

Objavljene su dvije knjige ‘Vitalni gradovi: pogled iz perspektive stručnjaka zaposlenih u gradskim upravama’ (Mišetić, A.; Miletić, M.; Ursić, S.) i ‘Dubrovnik – centar iza grada: Studija urbane preobrazbe’ Šmit, K.; Bobovec, B.; Ivanišević, N.) te poglavlje u knjizi ‘Sadašnjost i budućnost Vukovarskosrijemske županije iz perspektive njezinih stanovnika’ Mišetić, A.; Franc, R.; Miletić, M.; Vrselja, I.) / Vukovarskosrijemska županija: Prostor, ljudi, identitet. U znanstvenom časopisu za arhitekturu i urbanizam Prostor, objavljen je članak ‘Program društveno poticane stanogradnje u Hrvatskoj’ (Bobovec, B.; Mlinar, I.). Na znanstvenom skupu Dani industrijske baštine 2013. u organizaciji Ministarstva kulture, prezentiran je rad ‘Industrijsko nasljeđe i prostori instalacija’ (Horvat, J i Sopina, A:), a na skupu Dani zagrebačke arhitekture prezentiran je rad ‘Južni (Novi) Zagreb i Zagrebački velesajam, 1956.–2013.’ (Jukić,T.).

Two books were published, ‘Vital cities: view from the perspective of experts working in city administrations’ (authors: Mišetić, A.; Miletić, M.; Ursić, S.) and ‘Dubrovnik – center behind the city: Study of the urban transformation’ (authors: Šmit, K.; Bobovec, B.; Ivanišević, N.) and a chapter ‘Vukovar-Syrmia County: space, people, identity’ in the book ‘The present and the future of the Vukovar-Syrmia County viewed from the residents’ perspective’ (authors: Mišetić, A.; Franc, R.; Miletić, M.; Vrselja, I.). ‘Prostor’, scientific magazine for architecture and urbanism, published the article ‘The program of socially stimulated construction of apartments in Croatia’ (authors: Bobovec, B.; Mlinar, I.). The papers ‘Industrial heritage and instalation spaces’ (authors: Horvat, J. i Sopina, A.) was presented at the scientific symposium Days of Industrial Heritage 2013, organized by the Ministry of Culture. The papers ‘Southern (new) Zagreb and Zagreb Fair 1956–2013’ (Jukić, T.) was presented at the Days of Zagreb Architecture.

Temeljem provedenih istraživanja u pripremi radova za objavljivanje, članovi Kabineta za urbanističko planiranje i suradnici znanstvenoga projekta održali su zapažena javna predavanja. U sklopu Međunarodnog projekta CUPA (Cooperative urban planning approaches International intervision institute, TINA Vienna) održana su dva predavanja ‘Rethinking a New Zagreb’ (Jukić,T.) i ‘Zagreb fair and New Zagreb’ (Jukić,T.); a u ciklusu predavanja iz područja zaštite okoliša i energetske učinkovitosti Hrvatske udruge stručnjaka zaštite prirode i okoliša (HUSZPO) održano je predavanje ‘Problem prostorne disperzije prilikom izgradnje gradskih područja’ (Jukić,T.). U organizaciji Komore arhitekata Hrvatske doc. dr. sc. Ivan Mlinar održao je predavanje ‘Nova zagrebačka stambena naselja’.Težište znanstvenoistraživačkoga rada Kabineta za prostorno planiranje usmjereno je na

Following the researches conducted during the preparation of the papers for publication, the members of the Section of urban design and the scientific projects associates held remarkable public lectures. Lectures ‘Rethinking a New Zagreb’ (Jukić, T.) and ‘Zagreb fair and New Zagreb’ (Jukić, T.) were held within the international project CUPA (Co-operative urban planning approaches International intervision institute, TINA Vienna); the lecture ‘Problem of physical dispersion in city areas’ development’ (Jukić, T.) was held as part of a series of lectures on environmental protection and energetic efficiency, organized by the Croatian Association of Professionals in Nature and Environmental Protection (HUSZPO). Associate professor Ivan Mlinar held a lecture ‘New housing developments in Zagreb’, organized by The Croatian Chamber of Architects.The scientific research work of the Section of urban design centers the

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

područje regionalnoga razvoja, urbanizacije, unaprjeđenja metoda izrade i zakonskih određenja prostornih planova te odabrane teme pejsažnoga planiranja. Cilj je doprinijeti prepoznavanju promijenjenoga konteksta planiranja i korištenja prostora nastalim ulaskom Republike Hrvatske u EU, a posebice u područjima regionalnoga i pejsažnoga planiranja te organizacije i vrsnoće života u gradovima. Međunarodna znanstvena i nastavna suradnja unaprjeđuje se aktivnim sudjelovanjem u održavanju međunarodnih i stručnih skupova te javnim nastupima s ciljem popularizacije prostornoga i pejsažnoga planiranja.

domain of regional development, urbanization, improvement of the design methods and legal definements of physical plans as well as the selected theme of landscape planning. It aims to contribute to the recognition of the transformed context of planning and space usage, which occured when Croatia joined the EU, especially in areas of regional and physical planning and organisation and quality of life in cities. The international scientific and academic cooperation is enhanced through participation in helding conferences and in public presentations with the intention to popularize physical and landscape planning.

Nastavnici Kabineta za prostorno planiranje sudjelovali su na znanstvenostručnim skupovima. Objavili su deset radova u zbornicima skupova s međunarodnom recenzijom i jedan sažetak rada te je objavljen rad u časopisu i udžbeniku. Voditelj Kabineta za prostorno planiranje prof. dr. sc. Srečko Pegan sudjelovao je s predavanjem Prostorno planiranje u funkciji razvoja na skupu 8. dani ovlaštenih inženjera građevinarstva u Opatiji, te na okruglome stolu Prostorno planiranje u okviru nacrta zakona o prostornom uređenju u organizaciji Hrvatskoga saveza građevinskih inženjera u Zagrebu. Prof. dr. sc. Nenad Lipovac objavio je udžbenik Uvod u zakonodavstvo prostornog uređenja u izdanju Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Prof. dr. sc. Srečko Pegan sudjelovao je s temom Urbanizacija i slobodno vrijeme na skupu Socijalni, kulturalni i ekonomski uzroci debljine u Zagrebu, te s temom Planiranje promjena u prostoru na skupu Transformacija prostora i kvalitete života u Hrvatskoj. Prof. dr. sc. Nenad Lipovac sa suradnicima objavio je rad Yellowfield: A sustainable Model for Land Readjustment within Residential Areas Case Study: Astoria, Queens, New York, USA u zborniku skupa Property Rights And A Changing Economy u Portlandu, SAD te rad Novi i stari zakoni u prostornom uređenju (planiranju) i gradnji (izgradnji) u zborniku skupa Novi i aktualni zakoni o uređenju prostora i njihovo sprovođenje održano u Tari, Srbija.


The members of the Section of physical planning participated in scientific conferences and published ten papers in conference proceedings with international review, one papers summary, one papers in a magazine, and an university textbook. The Head of the Section, professor Srečko Pegan, participated with his invited lecture Physical planning in development purpose at the symposium 8th Days of Authorised Construction Engineers in Opatija, and at the round-table Physical Planning within the Draft of the Law on Physical Planning which was organized by the Croatian Union of Construction Engineers in Zagreb. Professor Nenad Lipovac wrote an university textbook titled Introduction to physical planning legislature, and published by the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. Professor Srečko Pegan participated at the symposium Social, Cultural and Economic Factors in Obeisity in Zagreb, with a theme on Urbanisation and leisure. He also participated at the symposium Transformation of Space and Quality of Life in Croatia, with the theme Planning changes in space. Together with his associates, professor Lipovac published the papers Yellowfield: A sustainable Model for Land Readjustment within Residential Areas Case Study: Astoria, Queens, New York, USA in proceedings of the conference Property Rights And A Changing Economy (Portland, USA). The papers New and Old Laws on Physical Planning and Construction was published in the proceedings of the symposium New and Present Laws on Physical Planning and Their Implementation (held in Tara, Serbia)

Znanstveni rad Kabineta za povijest urbanizma i pejsažnu arhitekturu predstavljaju sudjelovanja na skupovima i objavljivanja znanstvenih članaka koji pokazuju sve aspekte suvremenoga poimanja pejsažne arhitekture i urbanizma, povijesti urbanizma, kao i očuvanje te unaprjeđenje urbanističkoga naslijeđa. Voditelj Katedre i Kabineta prof. dr. sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci glavni je istraživač na znanstvenoistraživačkom projektu ‘Urbanističko i pejsažno naslijeđe Hrvatske kao dio europske kulture’ (054-0543089-2967), koji se provodi na Arhitektonskom fakultetu od 2002. godine. Rad na projektu se nastavio i privodio kraju u ovoj akademskoj godini kroz sudjelovanje ukupno 13 zaposlenika Arhitektonskoga fakulteta, od kojih je deset članova Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu. U projektu su bili uključeni i vanjski istraživači – bivši i sadašnji doktorandi, kao i bivši i sadašnji studenti koji su bili uključeni u znanstvena istraživanja i zajedno sa svojim profesorima

The scientific activity of the Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History consisted in participation at conferences and symposiums and in publishing scientific papers, which show all aspects of the contemporary notion of landscape architecture and urban planning, urban planning history and urban heritage preservation. Professor Mladen Obad, Head of the Department and the Section, is the head researcher in the research project ‘Urban and Landscape Heritage of Croatia as Part of European Culture’ (054-0543089-2967), which has been contucted at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb since 2002. Thirteen employers of the Faculty collaborated on this project, which was continued and brought to final stage in the course of this academic year. Among 13 employers mentioned, 10 of them were members of the Department for Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture. The project also included extern research-

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

objavili radove. U akademskoj godini 2012./2013. objavljeno je ukupno pet radova u znanstvenome časopisu ‘Prostor’ u kojima su autori istraživali nove spoznaje o razvoju naselja Draguć u Istri (Huić, Šćitaroci), usporedbu mađarskih i hrvatskih historicističkih dvoraca (Dundović, Šćitaroci, Bojanić), srednjovjekovne utvrde na području Nacionalnoga parka Krka (Ninić, Bojanić, Krajnik), zaštitu krajolika (Bilušić, Šćitaroci) i perivojnu arhitekturu projekta EXPO’98 (Petrović, Šćitaroci).

ers – former and present PhD students as well as former and current faculty students who were involved in scientific researches and have published papers together with their professors. During the academic year 2012/13 five papers were published in the architectural magazine ‘Prostor’, in which the authors studied: new cognitions on development of Draguć in Istria (Huić, Šćitaroci), comparison of Hungarian and Croatian historical castles (Dundović, Šćitaroci, Bojanić), medieval fortress in the area of the National Park Krka (Ninić, Bojanić, Krajnik), landscape protection (Bilušić, Šćitaroci) and the park architecture of the project EXPO’98 (Petrović, Šćitaroci).

U 2013. godini izdana je monografija Antologijski arhitektonski vodič Zagreba – 100 izabranih zgrada autora Zlatka Karača i Alena Žunića, te je održano plenarno predavanje istih autora pod nazivom Urbanizam grčke Isse u sustavu planiranih antičkih gradova na Jadranu (Urbanism of Greek Issa in complex of planned antique towns on the Adriatic). Članovi Kabineta za povijest urbanizma i pejsažnu arhitekturu sudjelovali su na znanstvenim skupovima održanim u Zagrebu, Parizu, Pragu i Rimu. Na međunarodnim skupovima je predstavljen jedan rad u obliku postera i ukupno jedanaest recenziranih znanstvenih radova s prezentacijama i objavama u zbornicima. Ističe se sudjelovanje na Međunarodnom znanstvenom skupu Zelenilo grada Zagreba u organizaciji Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Istraživanja su obradila jedinstvenu temu perivojnog oblikovanja Zagreba i prikazala različitosti teme: Gradotvornost perivoja i pejsaža (Šćitaroci, Bojanić), Mobilni pejsaž zagrebačke obilaznice (Gašparović), Zagrebačka perivojna potkova u europskom kontekstu (Krajnik, Petrović), Koncept zelenog Zagreba u viziji arhitekta Vladimira Antolića (Ivanković), Pejsažni potezi sjevera Zagreba kao turistički potencijal (Mrđa, Bojanić), Odnos prostora kretanja i prostora doživljaja ‘Zelenoga Grada Zagreba’ (Marić, Bojanić), Zvučni okoliš zapadnoga kraka zagrebačke perivojne potkove – akustičko oblikovanje gradskih prostora (Oberman, Bojanić), Arheološki parkovi kao pejsažni prostori grada – Andautonija u kontekstu Zagreba i okolice (Rukavina, Šćitaroci), Perivoji u kontekstu urbanističkog razvoja grada Zagreba (Sopina, Radić, Bojanić). Znanstvena novakinja Tamara Marić, pod mentorstvom prof. dr. sc. Bojane Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, sudjelovala je na dva međunarodna skupa: Urban Popcultures u Pragu zajedno sa studenticom Marinom Tolj prezentirana je tema Reinventing Urban Landscape – 21st Century Data-Scape Alteration (Case Study Samobor), dok je na skupu Planning Times-Real Corp18 u Rimu prezentirana tema Landscape As A Connection – Beyond Boundaries. Na znanstvenom skupu Landscape and Imagination u Parizu prikazan je poster s temomUrbanscape Emanation-Space vs Scape-Un-volumetric Architecture (Bojanić, Šćitaroci, Marić).


Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

The monography Anthological Architectural Guide of Zagreb – 100 Selected Buildings, by Zlatko Karač and Alen Žunić, was published in 2013. The book authors also held a plenary lecture titled ‘Urbanism of Greek Issa in complex of planned antique towns on the Adriatic’. The members of the Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History participated at conferences held in Zagreb, Paris, Prague and Rome. Eleven reviewed scientific papers with presentations and one papers in a form of a poster were presented at conferences. The reviewed papers were also published in conference proceedings. The Section members also participated at the international scientific conference The Green Areas of the City of Zagreb, organized by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The unique theme of landscape planning in Zagreb was put to research, and its diversities were presented: Parks and Landscape Urbanity (Šćitaroci, Bojanić), The Mobile Landscape of the Zagreb ring road (Gašparović), The Zagreb Green Horseshoe in the European Context (Krajnik, Petrović), Concept of the Green Zagreb Through the Vision of the Architect Vladimir Antolić (Ivanković), Touristic Potential of Northern Zagreb Landscapes (Mrđa, Bojanić), Relation Between the Movement Space and the Experience Space of the ‘Green City of Zagreb’ (Marić, Bojanić), The Sound Environment of the Zagreb Green Horseshoe’s Western Branch – Acoustic Modelling of the City Spaces (Oberman, Bojanić), Archeological Parks As the City’s Landscape – Andautonia in the Context of Zagreb and Its Surroundings (Rukavina, Šćitaroci), Parks in the context of Zagreb’s urban development (Sopina, Radić, Bojanić). The junior researcher Tamara Marić participated with her mentor, professor Bojana Bojanić Obad Šcitaroci, at two international conferences. A theme Reinventing Urban Landscape – 21st Century Data-Scape Alteration (Case Study Samobor) was presented together with the student Martina Tolj at the conference Urban Popcultures, in Prague; theme Landscape As A Connection – Beyond Boundaries was presented at the conference Planning Times-Real Corp18, held in Rome. A poster Urbanscape Emanation-Space vs Scape-Un-volumetric Architecture (Bojanić, Šćitaroci, Marić) was presented at the scientific symposium Landscape and Imagination in Paris.

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

autor/author: Ivan Mlinar predavanje na Danu arhitekata / lecture at the Architects day: ‘Budućnost stanovanja’ u sklopu 37. međunarodnog sajma graditeljstva i opremanja Graditeljstvo / ‘The future of Housing’ within 37th International Fair of Construction and Equipping Construction, Zagrebački velesajam, Zagreb, 11.4.2013.

1 Špansko-Oranice, 2 Novi Jelkovec, 3 Vrbani III, 4 Podbrežje, 5 Borovje-Tigrovi, 6 BorovjeSavica, 7 Munja, 8 Blato-istok, 9 Sopnica jug, 10 Müllerov breg

autor/author: Srečko Pegan izlaganje na simpoziju / presentation at the symposium: Socijalni, klulturni i ekonomski uzroci debljine / Social, cultural and economic causes of obesity Centar za debljinu Zavoda za endokrinologiju, KBC Zagreb, Hrvatsko društvo za debljinu Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora, Odbor za aterosklerozu HAZU/ Center for the thickness of the Institute of Endocrinology, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Croatian Society for the thickness of the Croatian Medical Association, Committee on Atherosclerosis Academy

autor/author: Sanja Gašparović izlaganje na skupu / presentation at the conference: Zelenilo grada Zagreba / Zagreb Greenery Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti / Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, 05.-06.06.2013.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Nova zagrebačka stambena naselja

New Housing Developments in Zagreb

Nova zagrebačka stambena naselja prikazana su kroz ilustrativne primjere planirane i izgrađene u 20-om stoljeću te kroz analizu primjera iz 21. stoljeća, od kojih je samo dio izgrađen. Objašnjen je postupak izrade i donošenja dokumenata prostornog uređenja stambenih naselja koja su nastavak zagrebačke planske izgradnje stambenih naselja u novim društveno-ekonomskim okolnostima. Nova zagrebačka stambena naselja planirana su na osnovi GUP-a i izgrađena su prema urbanističkim ili detaljnim planovima uređenja izrađenim nakon provedenih javnih urbanističkoarhitektonskih natječaja. U njima se nastoji skladno programirati, pozicionirati i dimenzionirati stambene, prometne i prateće površine, građevine i sadržaje s potencijalima položaja i okruženja na perifernim gradskim područjima koja očekuju strukturnu i funkcionalnu transformaciju s ciljem daljnjeg uređenja i razvoja grada.

New Housing Developments in Zagreb are presented through illustrative examples of planned and constructed housing in the 20th century and based on a case study of examples from the 21st century, of which only some have been built. The process of drafting and adopting zoning plans for housing projects that are a continuation of Zagreb’s planned construction of housing developments under new socio – economic circumstances are explained. New Housing Development in Zagreb were planned on the basis of the GUP and built according to urban planning or detailed plans made public upon completion of urban and architectural tenders. There were attempts to harmoniously programme, position and dimension housing, transport and ancillary spaces, buildings and facilities with position and environment potentials at peripheral urban areas which expect structural and functional transformation in the aim of the further planning and development of the city.

Urbanizacija i kvaliteta života

Urbanisation and Quality of Life

Gospodarska kompetitivnost potiče urbanizaciju i urbane koncentracije u EU, a to je suprotno koheziji i policentričnosti – temeljnim polazištima prostorne politike EU i RH. Posljedice u urbanom prostoru su slabija vrsnoća života, a posebito: prekomjerna izgrađenost, odustajanje od provjerenih higijensko-sigurnosnih uvjeta, otežana dostupnost, umanjenje kvalitete urbanog okoliša i dr. Smjernice unaprjeđenja kvalitete života u gradovima su: odrediti mjerljive ciljeve prostornog uređenja sukladne uvjetima zaštite okoliša i ciljevima razvoja gospodarstva; donijeti nove i uskladiti postojeće resorne zakonske propise; propisati minimalne kvalitativne i kvantitativne uvjete prostornog uređenja; jačati demokratizaciju i poticati participaciju odlučivanja u prostornom uređenju; reafirmirati interdisciplinarnost; vrednovati strukovnu odgovornost i etičnost postupanja.

Economic competitiveness encourages urbanisation and urban concentration in the EU, and this is contrary to cohesion and polycentricity – the fundamental premises of the spatial policy of the EU and Croatia. The consequences of urban space are decreased quality of life and particularly: over-development, abandonment of trusted hygiene and safety conditions, reduced access, decrease in the quality of the urban environment, etc. The guidelines for the improvement of the quality of life in cities are: defining measurable goals for spatial planning consistent with environmental protection and the goals of economic development, providing new and harmonising existing departmental regulations, prescribing the minimum qualitative and quantitative requirements for spatial planning, strengthening democratisation and encouraging participation in decision-making concerning spatial planning, reasserting interdisciplinariness, evaluating vocational responsibility and ethical conduct.

Mobilni pejsaž zagrebačke obilaznice

The Mobile Landscape of the Zagreb Bypass

Radom se ukazuje na važnost uloge prometne obilaznice Zagreba. Provedeno istraživanje potvrđuje nedostatak prepoznatljivog identiteta prostora te dojam neoblikovanih prometnih i pejsažnih sekvenci duž obilaznice. Suvremeni europski primjeri oblikovanja čvorova brzih cesta velikih gradova, ilustriraju mogućnosti uspješnog povezivanja pejsaža i infrastrukture koji pridonose prometnoj i pejsažnoj čitkosti te uspostavi svjesno oblikovanih i doživljajno- bogatih prostora. Obilaznica je linearan potez niza ulaza (gradskih portala), značajnih točaka uspostavljanja slike grada, zato ne bi trebala biti slučajno zatečena, već pomno oblikovana. Ona je prilika za promociju vrijednosti i slojevitosti krajolika. Različitim konceptima, od pejsažnih do umjetničkih, moguće

The paper points out the importance of the traffic bypass in Zagreb. The research indicates a lack of a recognisable identity of space and the sense of unstructured traffic and landscape sequences along the bypass. Modern examples of European design of bypasses forthe thoroughfares of major cities illustrate the possibilities of successful connectivity between the landscape and the infrastructure which contribute to traffic and landscape readability and the establishment of consciously designed experientially – rich space. The bypass is a linear stretch of a series of entrances (town portals), significant points for the establishing of the image of the city, and should, therefore, not be accidental, but carefully designed. It is an opportunity to pro-

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

autori/authors: Nenad Lipovac, Andrea Jandriček izlaganje na konferencije/ presentation at the conference: 7th International Conference Property Rights and Planning in a Changing Economy PLPR Međunarodno akademsko udruženje za planiranje, pravo i prava vlasništva / International Academic Association on Planning, Law and Property Rights, Portland, Oregon, USA, 12 – 15.02.2013.

autori/authors: Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, Josip Miklec, Vinka Saleta, Marina Palfi, Mirka Škudar izlaganje na skupu / presentation at the conference: Zelenilo grada Zagreba / Zagreb Greenery Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti /Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, 05.-06.06.2013.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

je stvoriti mobilni pejsaž autentičnosti i reprezentativnosti kakav Zagreb zaslužuje. Isticanjem najvažnijih vrijednosti konteksta, prometnica treba postati ‘vodič’ – pružati doživljaj.

mote the value and complexity of the landscape. Different concepts, from landscape to art, allow for the creation of the kind of mobile landscape authenticity and representativeness that Zagreb deserves. In emphasising the most important values ​​of the context, the roads should become a ‘guide’ – and provide an experience.

YELLOWFIELDS – Potencijalni održivi model za prilagodbu zemljišta unutar stambenih područja, analizirani slučaj: Astoria, Queens, New York, SAD

YELLOWFIELDS – Possible Sustainable Model for Land Readjustment within Residential Areas, Case Study: Astoria, Queens, New York, USA

U današnjoj profesionalnoj praksi svjesni smo nekoliko metoda planiranja koje mogu voditi ka dobrim rezultatima planiranja: konzervacija, očuvanje, zamjena… no svaka od njih traži dobar koncept. Ponekad koncept slijedi zahtjeve povjesničara urbanizma, a nekad se traži koncept modernističke zamjene. Oba slučaja nailaze na isti problem – vlasništvo. Zbog pitanja VLASNIŠTVA, metodologija može biti dobra samo za mali broj parcela. Proglasiti neko područje ‘područjem mješovite namjene’ ne rješava problem, jer za to pomagala pri planiranju nema. Potreban je tip modela planiranja koji će pomoći u prilagodbi zemljišta koji bi u obzir uzeo i privatni i javni interes. Bi li Model Yellowfield mogao biti odgovor na to? Model objedinjuje kućevlasnike, lokalne uprave i developere u novo društvo upravljanja zemljištem. Analiza slučaja predstavljena u ovom radu (Astoria, Queens, New York) ispitat će prostornu i ekonomsku transformaciju četvrti kroz urbanističku i arhitektonsku rekonfiguraciju, pružajući pregled ekonomske projekcije mogućeg dohotka vlasnika, developere i gradske vlasti.

Medvednica – Zagreb u sustavu Podgorje-Prigorje-Gorje Zagreb je jedna od rijetkih europskih metropola koja u svojoj neposrednoj blizini ima Park prirode veličine kao što je Medvednica. Osim što ima veliko ekološko značenje, ona predstavlja i važan šumski i rekreacijski prostor koji je potreban jednoj metropoli. Sačuvane pejsažno-perivojne prostore Grada Zagreba, bez isključivanja Medvednice, treba staviti u sastav svih aspekata promišljanja razvoja grada i programiranja njegovih komunikacijskih tokova. U radu je ispitan sustav povezivanja Medvednice i Zagreba kroz odnose perivojno-pejsažnih površina u zoni Podgorja i Prigorja te njihovo međudjelovanje i međuovisnost. U takvo promišljanje uključeno je povezivanje pješačkim i biciklističkim rutama, a bitna sastavnica je cjelokupni vodni fond Medvednice sve do rijeke Save, uključujući i nju. Prilagodbom prostora može se stvoriti cjelina gdje se zadržava ideja ‘zelenih prstiju’.

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

In today’s professional practice we are aware of several planning methodologies that could lead towards the good planning results: conservation, preservation, replacement,… but each one demands a good concept. Once, the concept will follow the demand of urban historians, the other time the replacement would be demanded by modernist. Anyway, both cases have the same problem – property. Because of the PROPERTY issues, the methodology might be only good for few lots. Pronouncing an area ‘a mixed usage area’ does not solve a problem as there are no planning tools for that. We need some kind of a planning model that will help in land readjustment that would take into account not only private, but also public interest. Could a Yellowfield Model be the answer for that? It unites homeowners, local governments and developers as owners of a new property management company. The case study we are presenting (Astoria, Queens, NY) will examine both the physical and economic transformation of a neighborhood through urban and architectural reconfiguration providing an overview of the economic projection of the possible income for the homeowners, developer and city government involved.

Medvednica – Zagreb as Part of the Podgorje – Prigorje – Gorje System Zagreb is one of the few European capitals that has a nature park the size of Medvednica in its immediate vicinity. Apart from having great ecological significance, it represents an important forest and recreational space required by a metropolis. The preserved landscapes and parks of Zagreb, including Medvednica, should be taken into consideration when reviewing all the aspects of the development of the city and the programming of its communication flows. The paper investigates the system connecting Medvednica and Zagreb through the relationship of landscaped areas and parks in the Podgorje and Prigorje zone and their interaction and interdependence. Such considerations include linking pedestrian and cycling routes, and an essential component of the overall water fund of Medvednica as far as and including the Sava River. By adapting space an entity can be created where the notion of ‘green fingers’ is retained.

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

autori/authors: Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, Tamara Marić, Josip Zaninović izlaganje na konferenciji / presentation at the conference: Planiranje vremena / Planning Times REAL CORP, Rim, 20.–23.5. 2013.

autori/authors: Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci , Tin Oberman izlaganje na skupu / presentation at the conference: Zelenilo grada Zagreba / Zagreb Greenery Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti /Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, 05.-06.06.2013.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Pejsaž kao poveznica – onkraj granica

Landscape as a Connection – Beyond Boundaries

Tema istraživanja su neki od problema suvremenog grada s naglaskom na pitanje administrativnih granica i odnosa između gradova i javnih prostora grada. Gradovi se šire, često nekontrolirano i rijetko planirano kao cjeline. Niz radionica pejsažne arhitekture i neki od diplomskih radova bave se pitanjem urbanog pejsaža i kako može pridonijeti razvijanju nove slike grada 21. stoljeća. Cilj je odbaciti administrativne granice kako bi se stvorili novi prostori grada koji proizlaze iz pejsaža. Analizirali smo trenutne trendove u urbanizmu koji uzimaju pejsaž kao glavno polazište te su studentski radovi prezentirani u okviru tog konteksta kroz tri rezultirajuća tipa novih prostora: povišene promenade, linearni parkovi s ponovnim infrastrukturnim korištenjem i prostori obala uz kanale, rijeke i mora.

Zvučni okoliš zapadnoga kraka zagrebačke perivojne potkove – akustičko oblikovanje gradskih prostora Ostvarena akustička svojstva gradskih otvorenih prostora najčešće su posljedica, a ne cilj, urbanističkog planiranja i oblikovanja. Akustički utjecaj dominantnih elemenata istražen je u odnosu prostorno-funkcionalnih obilježja i uvjeta njihova nastanka na zapadnom kraku perivojne potkove Zagreba koji se sastoji od tri perivojna trga i jednog perivoja. Iako zvučni okoliš zapadnog kraka Lenucijeve potkove nije idealan, on predstavlja iskustveni model za urbanističko planiranje i oblikovanje koje uvažava i akustički estetski aspekt prostora. Planiranje visokih nasada, orijentacije građevina i topografija prepoznati su kao osnovni urbanistički alat kojim je postignut postojeći akustički doživljaj.

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

This research deals with some of the issues of the contemporary city and special attention is paid to the question of administrative boundaries and relationship between the city and its public spaces. Cities are constantly growing, often uncontrollably and are rarely planned as a whole. A series of workshops in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism together with certain graduate theses explore the issue of urban landscape and how it can contribute to the development of the new image of the 21st century city. The aim is to reject administrative boundaries in order to create new areas of a city based on the landscape. We analysed current trends in urban planning with the landscape as a main resource and in this context students’ works are presented through three types of new public spaces: raised promenades, linear parks with infrastructural re-usage and waterfronts (along canals, rivers and coastlines).

Acoustic Environment of the Western Section of the Zagreb Parks Horseshoe – Acoustic Shaping of City Spaces The actual acoustic properties of urban open spaces are often the consequence, not the goal, of urban planning and design. The acoustic effect of the dominant elements were investigated in relation to spatial and functional characteristics and the conditions of their occurrence along the western section of the horseshoe-shaped parks in Zagreb, which consists of three park squares and a park. Although the acoustic environment of the western section of the Lenuci horseshoe is not ideal, it represents an empirical model for urban planning and design which takes into account the acoustic aesthetic aspect of space. The planning of high bushes, the orientation of buildings and topography are the basic urban tool which provides the ​​existing acoustic experience.

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

autori/authors: Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci,Tamara Marić, Marina Tolj izlaganje na skupu / presentation at the conference: Urbane popkulture 3 / Urban Popcultures 3, Prag, 12.-14.05.2013.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Ponovno iznalaženje urbanog pejzaža – alternacija data-scopea 21. stoljeća, analizirani slučaj: Samobor Suvremeni gradovi moraju biti u interakciji s ljudima kako bi njihovi javni prostori ostali i/ili postali aktivni. U radu istražujemo što je urbani pejsaž danas u 21 stoljeću kroz pojmove ‘walkspace’ i ‘walkscape’, te koje su mogućnosti njegovog povezivanja s novim tehnologijama, što je prikazano na primjeru urbanog prostora grada Samobora. Rezultat istraživanja je ‘pejsažna petlja’ kao koncept proizašao iz permutacija ruta i kretanja gradom kojim se prikazuju njegove posebnosti. Stvoreni su suvremeni javni prostori čiji se doživljaj mijenja kroz uporabu Web 2.0 tehnologije mobilnih uređaja. U vremenima naglih promjena, ‘pejsažna petlja’ spaja urbanu kulturu i grad ostvarujući urbani pejsaž Samobora koji pridonosi jačanju njegovog identiteta.

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Reinventing Urban Landscape – 21st Century Data-Scape Alteration, Case Study Samobor Contemporary cities and towns need to be in interaction with people in order for public spaces to be vivid and active. We are exploring what urban landscape is nowadays in terms of walkspace and walkscape and ways in which it is possible for this landscape to interact with new technologies. Case study deals with reinventing urban space in the town of Samobor, Croatia – located west of the state capital Zagreb. The final result of this research is a ‘Landscape Loop’ concept derived from permutations of routes and walks through urban space, displaying town’s distinct values. Existing spaces are redesigned and transformed by technology, utilizing Web 2.0 technologies via cell phones. ‘Landscape Loop’ can merge town and pop culture into contemporary urban landscape, thus making strong city branding in these times of change.

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Publikacije i izložbe 20-godišnjica časopisa Prostor / 20th anniversary of the magazine Space Primjena računala u urbanističkom i prostornom planiranju / Computers in Urban and Regional Planning Centar iza Grada / Center behind the City Arhitektonski dijalozi / Architectural dialogues Modernizam međupozicije – Posredničke arhitekture socijalističke Jugoslavije / Modernism In-between – The Mediatory Architectures of Socialist Yugoslavia Akupunktura grada / City Acupuncture Nagrađena hrvatska arhitektura 1961.–1989. / Awarded the Croatian architecture 196–1989 Misli o čuvanju moderne arhitekture / Thoughts on Preservation of Modern Architecture Škola grada Dubrovnik 2012 / School of the City Dubrovnik 2012 Izložba projekata Mia Roth-Čerina / Project exhibition Mia Roth-Čerina Istraživanje, preobrazba i sanacija prostora otoka Vira / Research, Transformation and Rehabilitation of Vir Island Obala Orebića – Studentska urbanističko arhitektonska radionica / Orebić Coast – Student urban architectural workshop Radionica af/sc 0,1,2 / Workshop af/sc 0,1,2


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Publications and Exhibitions

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

20-godišnjica časopisa Prostor / 20th anniversary of the magazine Space

U akademskoj godini 2012./13. objavljeni su 44. i 45. broj časopisa ‘Prostor’ kojima je zaokružena i obilježena 20-godišnjica redovitog izlaženja jedinog znanstvenog časopisa u Hrvatskoj koji objavljuje ponajprije znanstvene članke iz polja arhitekture i urbanizma, ali i radove iz drugih znanstvenih područja sadržajno povezane uz primarnu problematiku. Dosad najveće priznanje časopis je dobio 2007. godine, od kada se indeksira – osim u 11 drugih znanstvenih baza podataka – i u bazi Arts&Humanities Citation Index [A&HCI] , koja je jedna od tri sekcije Web od Science [WoS] , a ekvivalent je bazi Science Citation Index [SCI] za prirodne i primijenjene znanosti te Social Science Citation Index [SSCI] bazi za društvene znanosti.

The 44th and 45th issue of ‘Prostor’ were published in the course of the academic year 2012/2013 and thus marked the 20th anniversary of the only scientific magazine in Croatia that publishes scientific articles on architecture and urbanism, as well as papers from other scientific fields related to the primary issues the magazine deals with.The biggest recognition ‘Prostor’ has received so far was in 2007 since when it has been indexed – besides 11 other scientific databases – in the Arts&Humanities Citation Index [A&HCI] database. Arts&Humanities Citation Index is one of 3 sections of Web of Science [WoS], and is equivalent to the Science Citation Index [SCI], a database for natural and applied sciences, and to the Social Science Citation Index [SSCI], a database for social sciences.

Glavni urednik/ Editor in Chief: Zlatko Karač Izvršne urednice/Executive Editors: Ariana Štulhofer, Mia Roth Čerina Nakladnik/ Published by: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2013.

U broju 44/2012. objavljeno je 15 znanstvenih članaka, 5 prikaza knjiga, In memoriam akademiku Anti Vulinu te uobičajena Kronika fakulteta prethodne akademske godine sa sažetcima obranjenih doktorata. U Uvodniku glavnog urednika prof. dr.sc. Mladena Obada Šćitarocija – posvećenom jubilarnoj 20-oj godišnjici – opisani su počeci izlaženja časopisa, inicijator kojeg je bio tadašnji asistent Zlatko Karač, a prvi glavni urednik prof. dr.sc. Ante Marinović-Uzelac. U broju 45/2013., uz 14 znanstvenih članaka i 6 prikaza knjiga, objavljena je i cjelovita bibliografija svih brojeva časopisa izašlih u proteklih 20 godina, dostupnih i u digitalnom obliku na web stranicama Fakulteta. Bibliografija je opremljena osnovnim indeksnim aparatom razvrstanom prema godištima i brojevima, prema člancima, ključnim riječima, autorima i ustanovama autora. U prilogu bibliografije sumarni je 'statistički pregled' objavljenih članaka iz kojega je moguće isčitati niz brojčanih pokazatelja, a posredno i tematsku i vrijednosnu profilaciju časopisa.


In its 44th issue ‘Prostor’ published 15 scientific articles, five book overviews,In memoriam to the academic Ante Vulin and the usual Faculty Chronics of the last academic year with summaries of defended doctoral thesis. In the Introduction, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of ‘Prostor’, the editor in chief, professor Mladen Obad Šcitaroci described the magazine’s beginnings; with the then assistent Zlato Karača being the initiator and professor Ante Marinković-Uzelactaking the role of the first editor in chief. The 45th issue also brought, alongside 14 scientific articles and six book overviews, an integral bibliography of all issues published in the past 20 years, also available in digital form on the Faculty web-pages. The bibliography is classified by years and issues, articles, keywords, authors and the institutions the authors belong to. A summarized ‘statistical overview’ of published articles accompanies the bibliography, showing a series of numeric indicators as well as the magazine’s thematic and value profile.

U 20-om godištu časopisa znanstvene su članke objavili nastavnici našeg fakulteta: D. Andrić, B. Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, A. Braun, K. Careva, M. Čavlović, A. Delić, D. Krajnik, K. Marasović, I. Mlinar, M. Obad Šćitaroci, L. Petrović Krajnik, M. Šimunić-Buršić, A. Štulhofer i A. Uchytil; vanjske suradnice B. Dumbović Bilušić i J. Kranjčević, student B. Dundović te niz izvanfakultetskih autora.

The following teachers from our Faculty published scientific articles during the 20th year of ‘Prostor’: D. Andrić, B. Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, A. Braun, K. Careva, M. Čavlović, A. Delić, D. Krajnik, K. Marasović, I. Mlinar, M. Obad Šćitaroci, L. Petrović Krajnik, M. ŠimunićBuršić, A. Štulhofer and A. Uchytil; extern associates B. Dumbović Bilušić and J. Kranjčević, student B. Dundović as well as many authors outside the Faculty.

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Primjena računala u urbanističkom i prostornom planiranju / Computers in Urban and Regional Planning

Udžbenik je izrađen s ciljem prikaza osnovnih obilježja primjene računala u specijalističkomu području urbanističkog i prostornog planiranja. Udžbenikom se studenti žele upoznati s vježbama kojima će usvojiti principe potrebne za izradu urbanističkih planova i projekata, te se pretpostavlja da će studenti stečene vještine usavršavati tijekom izrade studentskih programa u sklopu vježbovnih kolegija Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu. Svi su primjeri dostupni s pomoću internetskih poveznica u svome izvornom obliku kojim se koriste interaktivne mogućnosti digitalnog oblika udžbenika. Potrebno je također naglasiti da dinamičan razvoj računalne tehnologije zahtijeva kontinuirano noveliranje i unaprjeđenje gradiva udžbenika, kao i povećanje njegove dostupnosti studentima, pa je to usmjerilo rad na izradu digitalnog oblika udžbenika.

The tutorial was created in order to demonstrate the basic features of the application of computers in the specialised field of urban and regional planning. The textbook provides students with exercises which will help them to adopt the principles necessary for creating urban plans and projects. It is assumed that they will hone the skills they have acquired during the development of student programmes which are part of the training courses at the Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture. All examples are available through web links in their original form, which use the interactive features of digital forms of books. It should be noted that the dynamic development of computer technology requires that the material of the textbook be continuously amended and improved, as well as that the textbook is increasing available to students, so work is now focused on the development of a digital form of the textbook.

Studija urbane preobrazbe objedinjuje četiri istraživanja kojima je predmet interesa bilo proučavanje mogućnosti urbane transformacije lokaliteta Iza Grada, smještenog u središnjem, sjevernom dijelu prostora uza zidine povijesne gradske jezgre Dubrovnika. Istraživanje u sklopu urbanističke radionice koju je organizirao Grad Dubrovnik provedeno je s ciljem propitivanja stručne i opće javnosti na koji se način može osigurati ostvarivanje javnog interesa aktiviranjem predjela Iza Grada i njegovom preobrazbom u Centar iza Grada. Provedbom međunarodnog natječaja u sklopu programa EUROPAN 11 Centar iza Grada pedeset dva su natjecatelja iz različitih dijelova Europe predlagala inovativna urbanističko– arhitektonska rješenja za ustroj novoga modela sklopa gradskog centra koji može dati podjednako kvalitetne odgovore i rješenja kako na kontekstualne tako i na funkcionalne probleme zahtjevne lokacije.

The study in urban transformation includes four researches focused on exploring the possibilities of the urban transformation of the site Iza Grada, located in the central, northern area along the walls of the historic city core of Dubrovnik. Research conducted at the urban workshop organised by the City of Dubrovnik was done with the aim of carrying out a survey among the professional and general public as to how the realisation of public interest could be ensured by activating the area Iza Grada and through its transformation into an Iza Grada Centre. With the implementation of an international tender as part of the EUROPAN 11 Centre Iza Grada programme, fifty- two tenders sent in from different parts of Europe provided proposals with innovative urban – architectural solutions for the design of a new urban centre model that would provide equally good answers and solutions to the contextual and the functional problems of this demanding location.

Autor/Author: Krunoslav Šmit Urednica/Editor: Mia Roth Čerina Nakladnik / Published by: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2013.

Centar iza Grada / Center Behind the City Autori/Authors: Krunoslav Šmit, Borka Bobovec, Nataša Ivanišević Urednica/Editor: Ines Brezetić Nakladnik / Published by: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Grad Dubrovnik, EUROPNA Hrvatska, Zagreb 2013.

U sklopu međunarodne urbanističke radionice ‘Urbana transformacija fose uza zidine’, koja je organizirana u Dubrovniku uz sudjelovanje studenata i nastavnika s Arhitektonskih fakulteta iz Zagreba i Barcelone, proširene su teme i razmišljanja s lokaliteta Iza Grada na cjelokupno područje oko gradskih zidina, kao i na kontaktno područje između povijesne gradske jezgre i gradskih predjela koji ga okružuju. Time su otvoreni novi aspekti sagledavanja međuodnosa gradskog centra i grada.


At the international urban workshop ‘Urban transformation of the cavities along the walls’, which was organised in Dubrovnik with the participation of students and teachers from the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb and Barcelona, topics and considerations concerning the site Iza Grada were extended to include the entire area around the city walls, as well as the contact areas between the historic city centre and urban areas surrounding it. This provided new aspects for the perception of relationships between the city centre and the city.

Na Radionici urbanizma – vježbovnom kolegiju diplomskog studija Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, problematika Centra iza grada sagledavana je u još širim okvirima proučavanjem mogućnosti unapređenja organizacije cjelokupne urbane aglomeracije afirmacijom novih žarišta razvoja i uz proučavanje mogućnosti uspostave sustava Centra oko grada kao modela kojim će se osigurati raspršivanje pritiska na

At the Urban Planning Workshop – a practical graduate course at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, the issue concerning the Center behind the City was reviewed within an even broader framework and included exploring options for the improvement of the overall urban agglomeration through the affirmation of new centres of development and it also reviewed the possibilities of establishing a system around the City as a model that would ensure that pressure on the overcrowded historic

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski dijalozi / Architectural dialogues Vol. I – Diskurs hrvatske arhitektonske teorije / Discourse on Croatian architectural theory Vol. II – Diskurs hrvatske arhitektonske prakse / Discourse on Croatian architectural practice Vol. III – Diskurs hrvatske dizajnerske prakse / Discourse on Croatian design practice (Edicija 21 | 21 | 21 / Edition 21 | 21 | 21) Urednici/Editors: Boris Dundović, Alen Žunić Oblikovanje i prijelom /Design and layout: Matea Brkić Nakladnik / Published by: UPI-2M Plus, Studentski zbor AF, Zagreb, 2013. Nagrađeno Posebnom Rektorovom nagradom, za 2013. / Received the Special Rector’s Award for 2013.

Modernizam međupozicije – Posredničke arhitekture socijalističke Jugoslavije / Modernism In-between – The Mediatory Architectures of Socialist Yugoslavia Autori/Authors: Vladimir Kulić, Maroje Mrduljaš, Wolfgang Thaler Nakladnik / Published by: Jovis Verlag, Berlin, 2012


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

prekapacitiranu povijesnu gradsku jezgru. Objedinjavanjem i sintezom rezultata svih provedenih istraživanja dobivena je slojevita i sveobuhvatna slika o obilježjima transformacije grada Dubrovnika i njegova Centra iza Grada, koja je prevedena u smjernice i zaključke o primjerenim oblicima urbane preobrazbe grada.

city core would be dispersed. By integrating and synthesising the results of all previous studies a layered and comprehensive picture of the characteristics of the transformation of the city of Dubrovnik and its Center behind the City were obtained, which were translated into guidelines and conclusions on appropriate forms for the urban transformation of the city.

Interdisciplinarni autorski tim studenata arhitekture, dizajna, kroatistike i fotografije referirajući se na naglašenu brojku 21 na naslovnici (aktualni trenutak novoga stoljeća!), u svakoj je knjižici okupio po 21 istaknutog aktera struke iz Hrvatske – 21 teoretičara i istraživača arhitekture, 21 praktičara – projektanta te 21 nezaobilaznu osobu s područja dizajna. Odabirom sugovornika pokriven je veliki generacijski luk – od mladih lavova s uspješnim praksama do nestora struke. Svima je postavljeno 21 identično pitanje (specifično formulirano za svaku knjižicu), s namjerom da se dobiju komparabilni uvidi u stavove i razmišljanja ključnih aktera hrvatske arhitektonske i dizajnerske scene danas. Propituju se trenutna stanja i problemi u struci, aktualnosti edukacije u arhitekturi i dizajnu, a ono što ovoj zbirci intervjua daje nekonvencionalnu i opuštenu razgovornu notu su i osobno usmjerena pitanjaputem kojih uvažene kolege možemo upoznati s manje znane strane.

An interdisciplinary team of student authors of architecture, design, Croatian studies and photography referring to the pronounced numeral 21 on the cover (the topical moment in the new century!) , gathered 21 prominent professionals from Croatian – 21 theoreticians and researchers of architecture, 21 practitioners – designers and 21 central figures from the field of design in each booklet. Those selected include a large generational arc – from young lions with successful practices to the Nestors within the profession. Each of them was asked the same 21 questions (specifically formulated for each booklet), with the intent of obtaining comparable insights into the opinions and thought processes concerning key proponents of architecture and design in Croatia today. What was examined was the current situation and issues in these fields, the relevance of education in architecture and design. The unconventional and relaxed chatty note in this collection of interviews is provided by the personalquestions, allowing us to become familiar with the less known side of our esteemed colleagues.

Socijalistička Jugoslavija bila je zemlja razapeta između tradicionalnih kultura, natjecateljskih modernizacijskih koncepata i hladnoratovskih rivalskih blokova. To je rezultiralo arhitekturom koja se opire jednostavnoj klasifikaciji i usložuje granice između ustaljenih kategorija modernizma. Knjiga istražuje povijesnu međupoziciju modernizm au Jugoslaviji i strategija koje su arhitekti koristili u posredovanju različitih – ponekad izravno suprotstavljenih – koncepata kulture i arhitekture. U knjizi je istražen širok raspon tema: od razvoja gradova i reprezentativne arhitekture do arhitektonskih tipova svakodnevnog života. Također je dan osvrt na rad vodećih jugoslavenskih arhitektata koji su iz stanja međupozicije stvarali novu autentičnost: Edvarda Ravnikara i njegovog stapanja raznih utjecaja poput Jože Plečnika, Le Corbusiera i Otta Wagnera; ratnih spomenika Bogdana Bogdanovića, koji su kroz leće nadrealizma filtrirali ukorijenjene kulturne arhetipove; nastojanja Juraja Neidhardta u stvaranju modernog identiteta Bosne u dijalogu s osmanskim naslijeđem te neo-avangardne eksperimente Vjenceslava Richtera, koji su rezultirali nekim od najuvjerljivijih primjera arhitekture jugoslavenskog socijalizma.

Socialist Yugoslavia was a country suspended between traditional cultures, competing concepts of modernization, and rivaling Cold War blocs. As a result, it produced a diverse body of architecture that defies easy classification and blurs the lines between the established categories of modernism. This book explores the historical ‘in-betweenness’ of Yugoslav modernism and the strategies architects used to mediate different – sometimes directly opposed – concepts of culture and architecture. Surveyed here is a wide range of topics: from city building and state representation, to the typologies of everyday life. Also discussed is the work of Yugoslavia’s leading architects, who transformed their in-betweenness into a new quality: Edvard Ravnikar’s seamless blending of such varied influences as Jože Plečnik, Le Corbusier, and Otto Wagner; Bogdan Bogdanović’s war memorials, which filtered deep-seated cultural archetypes through the lens of Surrealism; Juraj Neidhardt’s efforts at forging a modern identity for Bosnia based on the vernacular Ottoman heritage; and Vjenceslav Richter’s neo-avant-garde experiments, which provided some of the most convincing representations of Yugoslav socialism.

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Akupunktura grada / City Acupuncture

Akupunktura grada – City Acupuncture ima za cilj, kroz niz malih i preciznih intervencija u gradskim četvrtima, poboljšati kvalitetu urbanog života, povećati socijalnu koheziju zajednice i ojačati identitet četvrti. Interdisciplinarne i participativne intervencije mogu biti prostorna rješenja i umjetnička ostvarenja na detektiranim točkama u prostoru.

City Acupuncture aims at improving the quality of urban life, increasing the social cohesion of the community and strengthening the identity of the neighbourhood through a series of small and precise interventions. Interdisciplinary and participatory interventions can be spatial solutions and artistic creations at identified points in space.

Autori i programski koordinatori projekta/ Authors and project coordinators: Kristina Careva, Rene Lisac Partner/Partner: Društvo arhitekata Zagreb

Projektu, čiji je nositelj Društvo arhitekata Zagreba, Europska komisija odobrila je sufinanciranje unutar programa Kultura 2007. – 2013. Dvogodišnji projekt obuhvaća pet radionica u gradovima regije (Skopje, Beograd, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Split) na kojima sudjeluju studenti i mladi stručnjaci različitih struka te u timovima osmišljavaju male intervencije koje će se tijekom projekta i realizirati. U okviru ‘akupunkturne’ radionice na Trnjanskoj Savici u Zagrebu, u veljači 2013. održana je i dječja radionica, okrugli stol s udrugama i lokalnom upravom, te razgovori s građanima. Sedam prijedloga s radionice je odabrano, dorađeno i realizirano, te je 21. rujna otvoreno i predano na korištenje građanima na kvartovskoj manifestaciji ‘Trnjeraj!’ Cjelodnevna manifestacija počela je događanjem na potencijalnom kvartovskom trgu, nastavila se obilaskom svih izvedenih intervencija te završila druženjem na Savskom nasipu.

Nagrađena hrvatska arhitektura 1961.–1989. / Award-Winning Architecture in Croatia 1961–1989 Autorica arhivske građe / author of archive material: Zrinka Barišić Marenić Autor fotografija/photographs: Miljenko Bernfest


The project, for which the Architects Society received approved co-financing from the European Commission as part of the programme Culture 2007–2013. The two-year project includes five workshops in the cities of the region (Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Split) at which students and young professionals from different fields participated and to devised interventions that would be implemented during the project in small teams. Within the framework of the ‘acupuncture’ workshops held at Trnjanska Savica in Zagreb in February 2013 there was also a children’s workshop, a roundtable with NGOs and local authorities taking part, as well as interviews with citizens. Seven proposals from the workshop were selected, processed and implemented, and were opened and handed over to the citizens on 21 September at the public event ‘Trnjeraj!’ The all-day event began with an event on the potential neighbourhood square, continued with a tour of all the introduced interventions and ended with socialising on the River Sava embankment.

Izvedene intervencije na Savici su: revitalizacija prečki za isprašivanje tepiha (Pimp my štanga), uređenje poligona za igru (Kockica) u suradnji s djecom; čišćenje i bojanje pješačkog mosta (OTW) i pothodnika (InOut) u suradnji s kvartovskim Street Art umjetnicima; uređenje tribine pod Mostom slobode (StopBy); postava interaktivne skulpture bicikala za osvjetljavanje dijela nasipa (Dynamo ja volim); te inicijativa (Jesi li za trg?) na prostoru zapadno uz tržnicu. U sklopu projekta očekuju se realizacije u ostalim gradovima, izdavanje kataloga malih intervencija i završna konferencija.

The introduced interventions on Savica are: the revitalisation of rungs used to dust carpets (Pimp my štanga), the renovation of the training ground (Kockica) in collaboration with children, the cleaning and painting of the pedestrian bridge (OTW) and subways (InOut) in collaboration with local Street Art artists, the renovation of the space under Most slobode Bridge (StopBy), the setting up of interactive sculptures of bicycles to illuminate part of the embankment (Dynamo I love you), and initiatives (Do you want a square?) at the site west of the market. Realisations of the project are expected in other cities, as well as the publishing of a catalogue of small interventions and a final conference.

Retrospektivan pregled nagrađenih ostvarenja razdoblja šezdesetih, sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina xx. st., nadovezuje se na razdoblje obuhvaćeno izložbom i knjigom Nagrađena hrvatska arhitektura 90.– 09. (Bernfest, Mrduljaš). Uz prikaz ostvarenja nagrađenih godišnjim nagradama Saveza arhitekata Hrvatske, republičkom nagradom Vladimir Nazor, ovaj pregled donosi, i za ono vrijeme, vrlo značajne nagrade Borbe. Izvorno stanje prezentirano karakterističnim nacrtom i autentičnim izvornim fotografijama, zorno ocrtava htijenje arhitekta. Aktualne fotografije predočuju današnje stanje, vitalnost i postojanost nagrađenih ostvarenja u kategoriji vremena. Povijesna dokumentacija sakupljena je u arhivi znanstvenog projekta Atlas hrvatske arhitekture XX. st., osobnim arhivama nagrađenih

The retrospective review of awarded achievements from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s is a continuation of the period covered by the exhibition and the book Award-winning architecture in Croatia 90–09 (Bernfest , Mrduljaš). Along with a presentation of achievements awarded annual prizes by the Croatian Union of Architects, the Republic Vladimir Nazor Award, this review also received, for the times, very important awards from Borba. The original state is presented through a characteristic draft and authentic photographs, and is clearly outlined the wishes of the architect. Topical photographs depict the present state, the vitality and stability of the achievements awarded that have resisted the passage of time. Historical documents collected in the archives of the research project Atlas of Croatian

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

arhitekata i nizu drugih izvora. Izložba je postavljena u HDLU, Galeriji Kazimat u osječkoj Tvrđi, u sklopu 4. kongresa hrvatskih arhitekata Zemlja održanom 27.– 29. rujna 2013. (u organizaciji HKA i UHA).

architecture of the 20th century, the personal archives of the award-winning architects and a variety of other sources. The exhibition was staged at HDLU, at the Kazimat Gallery at Tvrđa in Osijek, as part of the 4th Congress of Croatian Architects held 27–29 September 2013 (organised by HKA and UHA).

Društvo arhitekata Splita u zimi 2012. godine organizirao je ciklus predavanja pod nazivom Misli o čuvanju moderne arhitekture. Predavanja o Nevenu Šegviću, Ivi Vitiću, Ivi Radiću, Lovri Perkoviću, Frani Gotovcu, Lavoslavu Horvatu, Mladenu Kauzlariću i Haroldu Biliniću zaključena su izložbom i prigodnom publikacijom.

In the winter of 2012 the Architects Society in Split organised a series of lectures entitled Considerations on the preservation of modern architecture. Lectures on Neven Šegvić, Ivo Vitić, Ivo Radić, Lovro Perković, Fran Gotovac, Lavoslav Horvat, Mladen Kauzlarić and Harold Bilinić were concluded with an exhibition and a commemorative publication.

Projektantski opus Nevena Šegvića, gotovo kao sudbinski cilj arhitektova poziva posvećen je urbanom nizu jadranskih gradova. Realizira ga na obalnom potezu od Opatije do Dubrovnika. Za knjigu čiji naslov evocira i fokusira problemski aspekt pristupa suvremene arhitekture u mediteranskom kulturološkom prostoru, odabrane su četiri njegove realizacije, sve ostvarene unutar dvije godine, unutar arhitektove najplodnije sintetske stvaralačke faze od 1960. do1965. Realizacije su ostvarene arhitektonskim jezikom elementarne lapidarne geometrije, kojom oblikuje organičke prostorne tokove i integracije. Osmogodišnja škola u Visu iz 1964. doprinosi poukama o interpretaciji topografskih zakonitosti Visa, dok splitske zgrade Pomorske privrede iz 1958.–63. i zgrada Lloyda iz 1965. uz funkcionalističku razradu programa, doprinose generiranju novog urbaniteta gradske luke Splita te odnosu apstraktne samodostatnosti i humaniziranja ambijenta poslovnih zgrada. Zgrada na Peristilu iz 1965. svjedoči o čistoći i kompleksnosti arhitektonskog koncepta ostvarenog nad arheološkom lokacijom u centru grada, u samoj točki križanja antičkog Carda i Dekumanusa.

Neven Šegvić's architectural oeuvre was developed from studying the urban sequence of eastern Adriatic cities. This coastal territory, spanning from Opatija to Dubrovnik was also the place of his most valid architectural realizations. Four of were presented in the book, whose title evokes and summarizes modern architecture's synthetic approach within the Mediterranean cultural space. This architecture of elementary vocabulary was during his most fruitful and creative period from 1960 to 1965. Despite its austerity, this architecture forms fluid spaces and organic ensembles. Primary school on the Island of Vis from 1964, addresses the interpretation of the specific topographical characteristics of the site. The Pomorska privreda building from 1958–1963, and the Lloyd building from 1965, both in Split, attest to a functionalist approach to the development of the architectural brief, and to the initiation of a new urbanity of the city’s port, while redefining the relationship of an abstract self-sufficiency and a human ambience of a commercial building. The Building on Peristyle from 1965 demonstrates a complex architectural approach to designing over an archeological site located at the crossing of the Roman Cardo and Decumanus streets in the centre of Split.

Rad prezentira arhitektonsku formaciju i opus Mladena Kauzlarića, jednog od najznačajnijih protagonista hrvatskog arhitektonskog modernizma, te pruža novi aspekt interpretacije i čitanja njegova djela. U pomalo reduciranom vokabularu modernističkog jezika, upravo je Kauzlarić znao konstruirati neke od najljepših arhitektonskih rečenica i izraziti najdojmljivije prostorne i oblikovne misli. Erudit i umjetnik, mislilac i estet, djelovao je plodno i podjednako posvećeno na više razina: stručnoj, pedagoškoj, umjetničkoj, društvenoj i kulturnoj. Djelo mu je bilo prožeto promišljanjem i propitivanjem, protkano čak i sumnjom, posvema

Chapter elaborates the architectural work of Mladen Kauzlarić, one of the pivotal protagonists of Croatian architectural modernism. It thereby offers a new layer of reading and interpretation of this impressive oeuvre. It is precisely Kauzlarić who knew how to use the somewhat reduced modernist vocabulary most poetically and formidably, constructing in it some of the most beautiful architectural sentences and expressing some of the most delicate spatial thoughts. An erudite and artist, intellectual and aesthete, he was equally devoted and prolific in various aspects and levels of the discipline: professional, pedagogical, artis-

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions of Architecture

Fotografije / photographs: Damir Fabijanić

Poglavlje u knjizi ‘Misli o čuvanju moderne arhitekture’ / Chapter in the ‘Book Thoughts on Preservation of Modern Architecture’ autor/author: Andrej Uchytil poglavlje /chapter: ‘Neven Šegvić’ urednica/editor: Branka Juras nakladnik/published by: Društvo arhitekata Splita, 2012

Poglavlje u knjizi ‘Misli o čuvanju moderne arhitekture’ / Chapter in the Book ‘Thoughts on Preservation of Modern Architecture’ autor/author: Karin Šerman poglavlje /chapter: ‘Mladen Kauzlarić’ urednica/editor: Branka Juras nakladnik/published by: Društvo arhitekata Splita, 2012


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Škola grada Dubrovnik 2012 / School of the City Dubrovnik 2012 Priredili / prepared by: Nenad Fabijanić i Tanja Nižetić Urednik / editor: Nenad Fabijanić Nakladnik / published by: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2012.

Radionica af/sc 0,1,2 / Workshop af /sc 0,1,2 Uredili i oblikovali / edited by and design: Petar Mišković i Mia Roth-Čerina Nakladnik / published by: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2013.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

posvećeno traganju za savršenstvom i ljepotom. U radu se posebno apostrofira njegov dalmatinski opus, prvenstveno Gradska kavana u Dubrovniku iz 1931.–1933., Arheološki muzej u Zadru iz 1964.–1972., te Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika u Splitu iz 1968.–1976.

tic, social and cultural. His work was characterized by a relentless questioning and rethinking, in constant search of perfection and beauty. This text mostly addresses his Dalmatian oeuvre, primarily the project for the City Café in Dubrovnik from 1931–1933, the Archaeological Museum in Zadar from 1964–1972, and the Museum of Croatian Archeological Monuments in Split from 1968–1976.

Nakon prvog izdanja arhitektonsko-urbanističke radionice Škola grada Dubrovnik u kojoj su se studenti bavili kompleksom samostana Sv. Marije, druga ih je suočila s ponešto drugačijim problemom: uređenjem Boškovićeve poljane okružene s jedne strane crkvom sv. Ignacija i jezuitskom školom, a s druge nekonsolidiranim malogradskim tkivom. Za trg monumentalnih dimenzija i substandardne plohe studenti su predložili niz rješenja kojima daju okvire različitim scenarijima, čineći ih manje ili više prisutnima u javnom životu grada. Intervencije koje se kreću od malih i diskretnih poboljšica, preko mobilnih urbanih scenografija, do opsežnih podzemnih zahvata, prezentirane su u Dubrovniku tijekom radnog tjedna u kojega su uključeni i brojni arhitekti i teoretičari. Na završnom tjednu radionice u listopadu 2012. svojim su predavanjima sudjelovali Ivo Babić, Josip Belamarić, Dilka Bobanović, Romano Duić, Nenad Fabijanić, Sou Fujimoto, Vedran Ivanković, Snješka Knežević, Sonja Jurković, Romano Menalo, Kruno Šmit, Matko Vetma, Slobodan Vuković i Frank Walker.

After the first edition of the architectural workshop School of the City Dubrovnik in which students tackled the St. Mary convict, the second edition introduced them to a somewhat different problem: providing solutions for Boškovićeva poljana, a large square defined on two sides by the church of St. Ignatius and the Jesuit school, and on the other side by nonconsolidated urban fabric of the old town. For a square of monumental proportion and a substandard surface, students have envisioned an array of solutions which provide a framework for various scenarios, making them more or less present in the public life of the city. Interventions which range from small and discreet improvements, through mobile urban scenes, to extensive underground incisions. They have been presented to the public during the final workshop week in Dubrovnik and many architects and theoreticians took part. The final workshop week in October 2012 offered lectures by Ivo Babić, Josip Belamarić, Dilka Bobanović, Romano Duić, Nenad Fabijanić, Sou Fujimoto, Vedran Ivanković, Snješka Knežević, Sonja Jurković, Romano Menalo, Kruno Šmit, Matko Vetma, Slobodan Vuković and Frank Walker.

Radionicu af/sc pokrenuli su 2010. godine Petar Mišković i Mia Roth-Čerina pod okriljem Kabineta za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja kao testni poligon alternativnih oblika nastave projektiranja. Na njoj su s ‘jednostavnim’ zadacima srodnim onima s prve godini studija, suočeni stariji studenti dodiplomskog i diplomskog studija. Nastava se s AF izmješta u Galeriju SC; galerija se pretvara u ‘24/7’ otvoreni studio. Katalog predstavlja prva tri izdanja radionice koje zaokružuju tematski ciklus – toranj (0), polje (1), depresija (2) – u tri zasebne cjeline koje otvaraju uvodnici Maroja Mrduljaša. Kronološkim redoslijedom prema danima radioničkog tjedna, pokazani su sažeci razgovora koji studente uvode u temu, predavanja gostiju koji su predstavljali projekte vezane uz temu radionice, radove studenata predstavljene izložbenim posterima, ilustrirani fotografijama koje prikazuju prizore s radionice i prostorni okvir galerije koji je odredio identitet radionice. Katalog je promoviran na završnoj večeri četvrtog izdanja radionice u travnju 2013. u Galeriji SC.

The af/sc workshop was started in 2010 by Petar Mišković and Mia Roth-Čerina within the Section of Architectural Design Basics as a testing ground for alternative forms of education in architectural design. In it, older students from the undergraduate and graduate levels are presented with ‘simple’ themes akin to those studied in the first year of studies. The working space is moved from the Faculty into the Student Center Gallery; the gallery is transformed into an open, ‘24/7’ studio. The catalog presents the first three workshop editions which have completed a thematic cycle – tower (0), field (1), depression (2) – in three chapters with introductory texts by Maroje Mrduljaš. Following the schedule by workshop days, summaries of opening talks which introduce the students to the theme are shown, as well lectures of guests who have presented projects related to the workshop theme and student works shown via exhibition posters. The catalog is illustrated by photographs showing scenes from the workshop as well as the spatial frame of the gallery which determined the identity of the workshop. The catalog was promoted at the final evening of the fourth edition in April 2013 in the Student Center Gallery.

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Istraživanje, preobrazba i sanacija prostora otoka Vira / Research, Transformation and Rehabilitation of Vir Island

Na diplomskom studiju u školskoj godini 2012./2013. na Urbanističkoj radionici 2: Planiranje naselja studentima je zadan zadatak prostornog uređenja otoka Vira te urbanističko rješenje dijela naselja. Studenti su tako izravno suočeni s jednim od najrječitijih manifestacija konkretnog i aktualnog problema hrvatskog prostora, područjem zasićenim kaotičnom neplanskom gradnjom. U tijeku semestra ponudili su različita rješenja urbane terapije prostora, a najbolja od njih predstavljena su u pratećoj publikaciji koja u oblikovanju komunicira nedovršenost. Katalog otvaraju sažeci predavanja koje su na radionici održali Saša Borić Poljanec, Tihomir Jukić, Ana Mrđa, Srečko Pegan i Feđa Vukić koji problem sagledavaju iz turističkog, prostornog i identitetskog rakursa. Studenti u projektima dotiču probleme infrastrukture, programa, gustoće, poljoprivrede i sezonskog ritma nudeći suvremena rješenja koja su na izložbama i predstavljena lokalnoj zajednici. Knjiga je, uz izložbu, predstavljena na živopisnoj promociji u osječkom Esseker Centru na 4. Kongresu hrvatskih arhitekata u rujnu 2013.

At the graduate study program, school year 2012/2013, the Urban Design Studio 2: Town Planning presented students with the topic of spatial rehabilitation of the Island of Vir and planning solution for a part of the town. Through such a subject students have been directly confronted with one of the most prominent manifestations of a concrete and current problem in Croatia; an area saturated by chaotic, unplanned building. During the semester they have provided various solutions for the urban therapy of Vir, and the best of them have been presented in a catalog which communicates unfinishedness even in its layout. Summaries of lectures held at the workshop open the catalog: Saša Borić Poljanec, Tihomir Jukić, Ana Mrđa, Srečko Pegan and Feđa Vukić observe and comment the situtation from perspectives dealing with tourism, planning and identity. In their projects, students were concerned with updating infractructure, programs, densities, agriculture and seasonal rythms, providing contemporary solutions which have been presented to the local community through exhibitons. The book, along with the exhibitions, was introduced at a lively promotion at the Esseker Center in Osijek at the 4th Congress of Croatian Architects in September 2013.

Radionica predstavljena u katalogu bavila se uređenjem obalnog poteza naselja Orebić kroz intenzivan rad studenata, mentora, brojnih gostujućih predavača i orebićke javnosti. Kroz otvorenu suradnju s korisnicima prostora putem javnih diskusija i anketiranja, formirala su se rješenja kojima je prvi cilj unaprjeđenje javnih prostora u Orebiću, ali i prepoznavanje skrivenih mogućnosti i oživljavanje zamrlih zona. Područja obalnog pojasa koja su se obrađivala bila su Škvar (bivše brodogradilište), Riva, Trg Mimbeli (povijesna jezgra Orebića) i Trstenica (plaža). Intenzivan sedmodnevni raspored interdisciplinarne radionice predstavljen je u katalogu pregledno, sa sažecima predavanja, kronologijom javnih diskusija, rezultatima ankete, ciljevima radionice i pojedinih projekata, te pregledom radova studenata.

The workshop presented in the catalog engaged in redesigning the coastline of the town of Orebić through intensive work by students, mentors, numerous guest lecturers and the local community. Through an open collaboration with those using the space, engaging them in open discussions and polls, solutions had the primary goal of improving public spaces in Orebić as well as detecting hidden possibilities and reviving inactive zones. The specific areas of the coastline which were studied were Škvar (the former shipyard), Riva (seafront), Mimbelli Square (the historic core of Orebić) and Trstenica (beach). The intense seven-day schedule of this multidisciplinary workshop has been clearly presented in the catalog, with lecture summaries, public discussion timetables, poll results, workshop project goals and student designs.

Nastavljanjem običaja predstavljanja radova nastavnika Arhitektonskog fakulteta prije svega studentima i kolegama,današnjoj diplomskoj a nekada izložbenoj dvorani 429 Arhitektonskog fakulteta nakratko je vraćena stara uloga uinterregnumu dvaju diplomskih rokova kako bi se transformiralau prostor izložbe radova Mie Roth-Čerine. Prikazan jeizbor projekata od 1999., od prvih natječajnih radova kojima jekao studentica započela suradnju s Tončijem Čerinom, projekatanastalih s kolegama s Arhitektonskog fakulteta, onihnastalih u uredu XYZ. Dvorana je uokvirena panelima na kojima su izloženiprojekti u dva pojasa – gornji čine blow-upovi fotografijamaketa, u donjem su uniformno prikazani projekti nacrtima,detaljima, aksonometrijama. Sredina dvorane zapunjenaje otokom dugačke nakupine bijelih blokova na kojima suizložene makete. Izložbu je pratila projekcija na jednom odpanela koja je prikazivala fragmente održanih predavanja,fotografija javnih nastupa i radionica kao dopuna prikazadjelovanja.

Continuing the practice of presenting the work of teachers at the Faculty of Architecture above all to students and colleagues, today’s diploma hall has briefly been given its old use back between two diploma semesters to be transformed into an exhibition space presenting the work of Mia Roth-Čerina. A selection of projects from 1999 were shown, beginning with the first competition projects in which she as a student began the collaboration with Tonči Čerina, projects designed with colleagues from the Faculty of Architecture, those designed within the XYZ studio. The hall was framed by panels in which projects were displayed in two continuous strips – the upper one made of blow-ups of photographs of models, the lower one uniformly presenting projects via plans, details, axonometric views. The middle of the hall was filled by an island of a long cluster of white blocks on which models were exhibited. The exhibition was accompanied by a projection which showed fragments of held lectures, photographs of public talks and workshops to complete a comprehensive overview of activities.

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions of Architecture

Urednik / editor: Tihomir Jukić Nakladnik / published by: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Općina Vir, Zagreb 2013.

Obala Orebića – Studentska urbanističkoarhitektonska radionica / Orebić Coast – Student urban architectural workshop Urednici / editors: Ivona Jerković, Hrvoje Vidović, Krunoslav Šmit, Slaven Letica Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2012.

Izložba projekata Mia Roth-Čerina / Project Exhibition Mia Roth-Čerina Izložbena / diplomska dvorana Arhitektonskog fakulteta, 6.-12.3.2013., Zagreb


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Nastavnici Arhitektonskog fakulteta


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Teaching Staff of Faculty of Architecture

Davor Andrić davor.andric@arhitekt.hr

Marin Binički marin.binicki@arhitekt.hr

Alenka Delić alenka.delic@arhitekt.hr

Dubravko Bačić dubravko.bacic@arhitekt.hr

Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci scitaroci@zg.t-com.hr

Vedran Duplančić vedran.duplancic@arhitekt.hr

Vjera Bakić vjera.bakic@arhitekt.hr

Neda Borić nedaboric@hotmail.com

Igor Ekštajn Igor.ekstajn@arhitekt.hr

Ana Martina Bakić ambakic@mail.inet.hr

Alan Braun alan.braun@arhitekt.hr

Ivana Ergić ivana.ergic@arhitekt.hr

Bojan Baletić bojan.baletic@arhitekt.hr

Kristina Careva kristina.careva@arhitekt.hr

Nenad Fabijanić nenad.fabijanic@arhitekt.hr

Zrinka Barišić Marenić zrinka.barisic@arhitekt.hr

Ivan Cetinić ivan.cetinic@arhitekt.hr

Sanja Filep sanja.filep@arhitekt.hr

Vladimir Bedenko vladimir.bedenko@arhitekt.hr

Neda Cilinger neda.cilinger@arhitekt.hr

Igor Franić igor.franic@sza.hr

Marina Bertina marina.bertina@arhitekt.hr

Teodor Cvitanović teodor.cvitanovic@arhitekt.hr

Tin Sven Franić tin-sven.franic@arhitekt.hr

Mateo Biluš mateo.bilus@arhitekt.hr

Melita Čavlović melita.cavlovic@arhitekt.hr

Josip Galić josip.galic@arhitekt.hr

nastavnici arhitektonskog fakulteta

teaching staff of faculty of architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Teufik Galijašević teufik.galijasevic@zg.t-com.hr

Vedran Ivanković vedrani_arh@yahoo.com

Sanja Gašparović sanja.gasparovic@arhitekt.hr

Tajana Jaklenec tajana.jaklenec@arhitekt.hr

Miroslav Geng miroslav.geng@inet.hr

Nataša Jakšić natasa.jaksic@arhitekt.hr

Miljenko Haiman miljenko.haiman@arhitekt.hr

Mladen Jošić mladen.josic@arhitekt.hr

Božica Hajsig bozica.hajsig@arhitekt.hr

Tihomir Jukić tihomir.jukic@arhitekt.hr

Nenad Lipovac nlipovac@arhitekt.hr

Aleksandar Homadovski aleksandar.homadovski @arhitekt.hr

Dražen Juračić drazen.juracic@zg.t-com.hr

Rene Lisac rene.lisac@arhitekt.hr

Jesenko Horvat jesenko.horvat@arhitekt.hr

Siniša Justić sinisa.justic@arhitekt.hr

Egon Lokošek egon.lokosek@arhitekt.hr

Tihana Hrastar tihana.hrastar@arhitekt.hr

Zlatko Karač zlatko.karac@arhitekt.hr

Damir Mance damir.mance@arhitekt.hr

Marijan Hržić arhitekt-hrzic@zg.htnet.hr

Vladimir Kasun vlado.kasun@gmail.com

Dunja Mandić dunja.mandic@arhitekt.hr

nastavnici arhitektonskog fakulteta

Zlatko Klanac zlatko.klanac@arhitekt.hr

Luka Korlaet luka.korlaet@arhitekt.hr

Boris Koružnjak boris.koruznjak@arhitekt.hr

Damir Krajnik damir.krajnik@arhitekt.hr

teaching staff of faculty of architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Tamara Marić tamara.maric@arhitekt.hr

Iva Muraj iva.muraj@arhitekt.hr

Lea Petrović Krajnik lea.petrovic@arhitekt.hr

Andrej Marković andrej.markovic@arhitekt.hr

Velimir Neidhardt velimir.neidhardt@zg.htnet.hr

Ivica Plavec ivica.plavec@zg.t-com.hr

Berislav Medić berislav_medic@upi-2m.hr

Mladen Obad Šćitaroci mos@arhitekt.hr

Lenko Pleština lenko.plestina@arhitekt.hr

Vesna Mikić vesna.mikic@arhitekt.hr

Tin Oberman tin.oberman@arhitekt.hr

Zorana Protić zorana.protic@arhitekt.hr

Ljubomir Miščević ljubomir.miscevic@arhitekt.hr

Veljko Oluić veljko.oluic@arhitekt.hr

Stanka Raič stanka.raic@arhitekt.hr

Anka Mišetić anka.misetic@pilar.hr

Boško Opalić bosko.opalic@arhitekt.hr

Branimir Rajčić branimir.rajcic@arhitekt.hr

Petar Mišković petar.miskovic@arhitekt.hr

Morana Pap morana.pap@arhitekt.hr

Goran Rako goran.rako@arhitekt.hr

Ivan Mlinar ivan.mlinar@arhitekt.hr

Helena Paver-Njirić info@hpnj.hr

Tihomir Rengel tihomir.rengel@arhitekt.hr

Leo Modrčin leo@ured.org

Željko Pavlović zeljko.pavlovic@arhitekt.hr

Vanja Rister vanja.rister@arhitekt.hr

Boris Morsan boris.morsan@arhitekt.hr

Roberta Pavlović roberta.pavlovic@arhitekt.hr

Mia Roth-Čerina mia.roth@arhitekt.hr

Ana Mrđa ana.mrdja@arhitekt.hr

Srečko Pegan srecko.pegan@arhitekt.hr

Marko Rukavina marko.rukavina@arhitekt.hr

nastavnici arhitektonskog fakulteta

teaching staff of faculty of architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Mojca Smode Cvitanović mojca.smode@arhitekt.hr

Nenad Turčić nenad.turcic@arhitekt.hr

Gordana Žaja gordana.zaja@arhitekt.hr

Marina Smokvina marina.smokvina@arhitekt.hr

Ivana Tutek ivana.tutek@arhitekt.hr

Tonči Žarnić tonci.zarnic@arhitekt.hr

Zorana Sokol Gojnik zorana.sokol@arhitekt.hr

Andrej Uchytil andrej.uchytil@arhitekt.hr

Nikoleta Sudeta nikoleta.sudeta@arhitekt.hr

Darko Užarević darko.uzarevic@arhitekt.hr

Karin Šerman karin.serman@arhitekt.hr

Roberto Vdović roberto.vdovic@arhitekt.hr

Marija Šimić Horvath marija.simic@arhitekt.hr

Zoran Veršić zoran.versic@arhitekt.hr

Marina Šimunić-Buršić marina.simunic@arhitekt.hr

Nino Virag nino.virag@arhitekt.hr

Krunoslav Šmit krunoslav.smit@arhitekt.hr

Dragomir Vlahović dragomir.vlahovic@inet.hr

Marino Šneler marino.sneler@arhitekt.hr

Dalibor Vračan dalibor.vracan@arhitekt.hr

Ariana Štulhofer ariana.stulhofer@arhitekt.hr

Dina Vulin Ileković dvulin@arhitekt.hr

Sonja Tadej Vončina sonja.tadej@arhitekt.hr

Renata Waldgoni renata.waldgoni@arhitekt.hr

nastavnici arhitektonskog fakulteta

teaching staff of faculty of architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

podatke pripremile / data prepared by: doc.dr.sc. Iva Muraj, Sanja Kustić

Kronika Arhitektonskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za akademsku godinu 2012/13

Chronicle of the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb in Academic Year 2012/13

Popis djelatnika Arhitektonskog fakulteta / Faculty of Architecture Employees List

REDOVITI PROFESORI / professors dr.sc. Bojan Baletić dr.sc. Vladimir Bedenko Nenad Fabijanić dr.sc. Sanja Filep Teufik Galijašević Miroslav Geng dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski dr.sc. Marijan Hržić Mladen Jošić dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić dr.sc. Dražen Juračić mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac dr.sc. Vesna Mikić Ljubomir Miščević dr.sc. Boris Morsan dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Veljko Oluić dr.sc. Srečko Pegan dr.sc. Lenko Pleština Goran Rako dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil Dragomir Vlahović Renata Waldgoni Tonči Žarnić

Helena Paver Njirić Ivica Plavec Branimir Rajčić Vanja Rister Mia Roth Čerina dr.sc. Marija Šimić Horvath mr.sc. Sonja Tadej Vončina dr.sc. Zoran Veršić Gordana Žaja

IZVANREDNI PROFESORI / associate professors dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci dr.sc. Alenka Delić Igor Franić dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat dr.sc. Damir Krajnik dr.sc. Anka Mišetić dr.sc. Karin Šerman dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković

PREDAVAČI / lecturers mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić Marin Binički Teodor Cvitanović Vedran Duplančić Tajana Jaklenec Luka Korlaet Dunja Mandić Roberta Pavlović Željko Pavlović Stanka Raič Tihomir Rengel Nenad Turčić Darko Užarević Nino Virag

DOCENTI / assistant professors dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić Mateo Biluš Neda Cilinger Ivana Ergić Tin Sven Franić dr.sc. Josip Galić dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić Siniša Justić dr.sc. Zlatko Karač Vladimir Kasun Petar Mišković dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar mr.sc. Leo Modrčin dr.sc. Iva Muraj


VIŠI PREDAVAČI / senior lecturers Ana Martina Bakić Vjera Bakić Marina Bertina dr.sc. Neda Borić mr.sc. Alan Braun mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić mr.sc. Božica Hajsig mr.sc. Juraj Hrnčević Zlatko Klanac Egon Lokošek Damir Mance mr.sc. Berislav Medić Zorana Protić mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta Marina Šneler Ivana Tutek mr.sc. Dalibor Vračan

VIŠI ASISTENTI / senior researchers dr.sc. Kristina Careva dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik dr.sc. Katja Marasović dr.sc. Snježana Perojević dr.sc. Rene Lisac dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik dr.sc. Marina Šimunić-Buršić ASISTENTI / assistants Davor Andrić Andrej Marković Morana Pap mr.sc. Roberto Vdović


ZNANSTVENI NOVACI – ASISTENTI / junior researchers and teaching assistants Melita Čavlović mr.sc. Igor Ekštajn Tihana Hrastar Tamara Marić Ana Mrđa Tin Oberman Boško Opalić Marko Rukavina Mojca Smode Cvitanović Marina Smokvina ZAPOSLENICI ZAVODA / employees of insitutes zavod za graditeljsko naslijeđe / institute of architectural heritage Mladen Cvitanović Goran Vareško Tomislav Vidović zavod za arhitekturu / institute of architecture Ivana Benković Duje Dvornik Juraj Glasinović Ema Gorički Marija Grković Višnja Matacun Nives Mlinar Zoran Nikoloski Borjan Paun Davor Pavlović Željko Pavlović Tatjana Peraković Hrvoje Podnar Ana Rigo Marinko Sladoljev Andrea Šimić Ivan Škugor Vesna Toth Martina Vujasinović Paula Žinić

SURADNICI / associates Karolina Hohnjec Boris Kostanjšak Maroje Mrduljaš Saša Relić Alan Ropac Paula Šimetin STUDENTSKA REFERADA / Student Services Vesna Mandić Milica Mudrić Vesna Šarić Nikolina Šerbula Vesna Šarčević RAČUNOVODSTVO / accountancy Vesna Božek Lianka Ištvanić Anka Kilić Ivana Robina Marija Skočir Anica Subotić TEHNIČKA SLUŽBA / technical service Mirzet Đulović Kristijan Petrović Josip Sever Zvonko Trčak SPREMAČICE / cleaning staff Darinka Babuder Marija Bobnjarić Ljiljana Braje Boženka Čunčić Dragica Gagulić Sanja Jurkin Božica Klišan Smiljka Marinčević Pavica Novak Đula Pjanić UMIROVLJENI / retired Prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić Prof.dr.sc. Boris Morsan V.pred. Egon Lokošek

zavod za urbanizam / institute of urban and physical planning and landscape architecture Maja Bilušić dr.sc. Oleg Grgurević TAJNIŠTVO / secretariat Deanka Hirjan, tajnik Fakulteta Ljiljana Loina-Hohnjec, daktilografkinja Sanja Kustić, personalni referent Ivona Cvitković Zdenko Gajšak Anton Intihar Kata Peičević


godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Doktorati / PhD Thesis

Magisteriji / Pre-Bologna M.sc. thesis

BORISLAV PULJIĆ Urbana struktura Mostara u razdoblju osmanske vladavine (15.–19. stoljeće) / Urban structure of Mostar in the Period of Ottoman rule (15th–19th century) mentor: doc. dr.sc. Zlatko Karač 19.12.2012.

IGOR GOJNIK Dnevnosvjetlosni potencijal zagrebačkog donjogradskog bloka / Daylight potential of Zagreb’s downtown housing block mentor: prof. dr.sc. Benedetto Tardozzi 18.12.2012.

SILVIO BAŠIĆ Urbanistički standardi planiranja novih stambenih naselja / Urban Planning Parameters for New Residential Areas mentor: prof. dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić 28.03.2013.

KSENIJA PETRIĆ Pejsažna i prostorno-organizacijska obilježja tradicijskih naselja na području Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera / Landscape and Spatial Characteristics of the Traditional Settlements of the Plitvice Lakes National Park mentor: prof. dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci 22.11.2012.



Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


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