Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2013/14

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2013 14 / SveuÄ?iliĹĄte u Zagrebu Arhitektonski fakultet University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture



Nastavni program 2013./2014.

Curriculum Outline 2013/2014

8 9 10 12 15 16 18 20

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja Kabinet za stambene zgrade Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda Kabinet za javne zgrade Kabinet za primjenu računala Kabinet za interijer

Department Of Architectural Design

24 25 26

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu Kabinet za instalacije zgrada Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja

Department of Arch. Tech. and Building Science

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu

Department Of history And theory Of Arch.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje Kabinet za prostorno planiranje Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma

Department of Urban and physical


29 30 31 32 33 36 38 40 41 44 46

48 50 5227 60 64 74

Terenska nastava i Erasmus Ljetne škole i radionice Diplomski radovi Doktorski studij Znanstveni istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta Publikacije i izložbe

Section of Drawing and Visual Design Section of Architectural Design Basics Section of Residential Buildings Section of Educational and Community Facilities Section of Public Buildings Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design Section of Interior Design

Section of Building Structures Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective Section of Building Services Section of Planning and Project Management

Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection Section of Architectural Theory Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture

Planning and Landscape Architecture Section of Urban Design Section of Physical Planning Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History Field studies and Erasmus programme Summer Schools and Workshops diploma thesis phd programme Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Arch. Publications and Exhibitions

Organigram Arhitektonskog fakulteta / Organisational Structure of the Faculty of Architecture


Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2013/14

Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb Yearbook 2013/14

Organigram Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Organisational Structure of the Faculty of Architecture



mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak, red.prof.


Prodekan za znanost / vice dean for science dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, doc.


Stipe Brčić, red.prof.

Prodekan za nastavu / vice dean for education Dr.sc. Alenka Delić, izv.prof.

Prodekan za poslovanje / vice dean for business Dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman, izv.prof.

Prodekan za međunarodnu suradnju / vice dean for international relations Dr.sc. Feđa Vukić, izv.prof.

Katedra za Arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo / Department of Architectural technology and Building science Mateo Biluš, doc.

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture dr.sc Karin Šerman, izv.prof.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical planning and Landscape Architecture dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit, izv.prof.


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / department of architectural design Miroslav Geng, red.prof. Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja / Section of Architectural Design Basics Tonči Žarnić, red.prof. Kabinet za stambene zgrade / Section of Residential Building Mladen Jošić, red.prof. Kabinet za zgrade društevnog standarda / Section of Educational and Community Facilities Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Kabinet za javne zgrade / Section of Public Buildings dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt, red.prof. Kabinet za interijer / Section of Interior Design dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković, izv.prof. Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje / Section of Drawing and Visual Design Renata Waldgoni, red.prof. Kabinet za primjenu računala u arhitekturi / Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design dr.sc. Bojan Baletić, red.prof.

Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja / Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology Mateo Biluš, doc. Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije / Section of Building Structures dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman, izv.prof. Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja / Section of Planning and Project Management Gordana Žaja, doc. Kabinet za instalacije zgrada / Section of Building Services mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić, v.pred. Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu / Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective dr.sc. Marija Šimić Horvath, doc.

Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa / Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić, doc.

Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje / Section of Urban Design dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, red.prof.

Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture / Section of Architectural Theory dr.sc. Karin Šerman, izv.prof.

Kabinet za prostorno planiranje / Section of Physical Planning dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, red.prof.

Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu / Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, red.prof.

Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma/ Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof.


Zavod za arhitekturu / Institute of Architecture Mladen Jošić, red.prof.


Deanka Hirjan, dipl.iur.

Zavod za zgradarstvo i fiziku zgrada / Institute of Building Construction and Building Physics Dr.sc. Zoran Veršić, doc.

Zavod za graditeljsko naslijeđe/ Institute of Architectural Heritage Mr.sc. Alan Braun, v.pred.

Zavod za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Institute of Urban Planning, Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture Dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat, izv.prof.


Ivan Brozina, Ivan Bulian, Ivan Haiman, Lucija Kolarić, Mario Kralj, Ivona Lerga, Igor Pavlović, Feni Sušić, David Volarević, Josipa Vujević

Povjerenstvo za reformu studija i upravljanje kvalitetom / Reform of Study Programmes and Quality Assurance Committee

Povjerenstvo za odabir studenata za mobilnost u okviru programa ERASMUS / Selection of Students for Participation in the ERASMUS Programme Committee

Povjerenstvo za praćenje nastave / Curriculum Development Committee Povjerenstvo za terensku nastavu / Field Studies Committee

Povjerenstvo za utvrđivanje dodatnih uvjeta Fakultetskog vijeća za izbor u umjetničko-nastavna zvanja / Determining Faculty Council's Additional Requirements for the Assignment of Academic Titles (artistic fields) Committee

Povjerenstvo za E-learning / E-learning Committee

Etičko povjerenstvo / Ethics Committee

Povjerenstvo za izložbe i predavanja / Exhibitions and Lecture Committee

Povjerenstvo za razredbeni postupak / Enrolment Policy Committee

Povjerenstvo za dodjeljivanje studentskih nagrada / Student Awards Committee Povjerenstvo za diplomski ispit / Final Examination Committee Povjerenstvo za nakladničku djelatnost / Publishing Committee Povjerenstvo znanstvenog časopisa ‘Prostor’ / Scholarly Journal ‘Prostor’ Committee

Povjerenstvo za ljetne škole i radionice / Summer Schools and Workshops Committee Povjerenstvo za stalno stručno usavršavanje / Continuing Professional Development Committee Diplomsko povjerenstvo / GraduateThesis Committee

Povjerenstvo za obranu diplomskog rada / GraduateThesis Defense Committee


Dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, red.prof.; dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić, prof.em.; Dr.sc. Karin Šerman, izv.prof.; Dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, red.prof.; Dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, red.prof.; Dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, red.prof.; Dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić, izv.prof.; Dr.sc. Nikola Filipović, prof.em.; Dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, doc.


Luka Korlaet, pred.


Dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, doc.

Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2013/14

Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb Yearbook 2013/14

Sveučilište u Zagrebu Arhitektonski fakultet University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Nastavni program 2013/2014

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Curriculum Outline 2013/2014


Kolegij / Course predavanja | vježbe | seminari | ects / classes | exercises | seminars | ects

i. semestar / i. semester

ii. semestar / ii. semester

iii. semestar / iii. semester

Arhitektonsko projektiranje 1 / Architectural Design 1 1 | 3 | 0 | ects 5

Arhitektonsko projektiranje 2 / Architectural Design 2 1 | 3 | 0 | ects 5

Studio 1 / Architectural Urban Design Studio 1 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 13 Nastavnici Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu sudjeluju s 2 sata / Teaching Staff of Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture participate with 2 hours

Crtanje 1 / Drawing 1 0 | 3 | 0 | ects 3 Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department of Architectural Design

Uvod u primjenu računala u arh. / Introduction to Computer Aided Arch. Design – 0 | 1 | 0 | ects 1.5 Osnove nacrtne geometrije / Basics of Descriptive Geometry 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 3.5

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture

Arhitektonske konstrukcije i materijali 1 / Architectural Technology and Materials 1 2 | 3 | 0 | ects 6

Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada / Introduction to Design of Residential Buildings 1 | 1 | 0 | ects 2 Crtanje 2 / Drawing 2 0 | 3 | 0 | ects 3

Primjena računala u arhitekturi 1 / Computer Aided Architectural Design 1 – 0 | 1 | 0 | ects 1.5

Plastično oblikovanje 1 / Visual Design 1 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 2.5

Arhitektonske konstrukcije i materijali 2 / Architectural Technology and Materials 2 2 | 3 | 0 | ects 6

Primjena računala u arhitekturi 2 / Computer Aided Architectural Design 2 1 | 1 | 0 | ects 2.5 Arhitektonske konstrukcije i materijali 3 / Architectural Technology and Materials 3 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Nosive konstrukcije 1 /Building Structures 1 2 | 1 | 0 | ects 3.5

Instalacije zgrada 1 / Building Services 1 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Matematika / Mathematics 2 | 1 | 0 | ects 3.5

Interkatedarski kabinet / Interdepartmental Course


Stambene zgrade 1 / Residential Buildings 1 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Nacrtna geometrija i perspektiva / Descriptive Geometry and Perspective 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 3.5

Nosive konstrukcije 2 / Building Structures 2 2 | 2 | 0 | ects 4

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

Nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo sudjeluju s 2 sata / Teaching Staff of Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science participate with 2 hours

Nosive konstrukcije 3 / Building Structures 3 2 | 2 | 0 | ects 3

Povijest arhitekture 2 / History of Architecture 2 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Povijest arhitekture 1 / History of Architecture 1 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Urbanizam 1 / Town Planning 1  – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Hrv. prostor i arhitektura – Zagreb / Cro. space and architecture – Zagreb – 0 | 0 | 1 | ects 0.5

Hrv. prostor i arhitektura – sz Hrvatska / Cro. space and architecture – sw Croatia  – 0 | 0 | 2 | ects 2

Engleski jezik za arh. 1 / English language for Arch. 1 Njemački jezik za arh. 1 / German language for Arch. 1 –  0 | 1 | 1 | ects 1.5

Engleski jezik za arh. 2 / English language for Arch. 2 Njemački jezik za arh. 2 / German language for Arch. 2  – 0 | 1 | 1 | ects 1.5

Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 1 / Physical Training 1  – 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 0

Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 2 / Physical Training 2 –  0 | 2 | 0| ects 0

nastavni program 2013/2014

Povijest arhitekture 3 / History of Architecture 3 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Urbanizam 2 / Town Planning 2  – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1 Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 3 / Physical Training 3 – 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 0

curriculum outline 2013/2014

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

iv. semestar / iv. semester Stambene zgrade 2 / Residential Buildings 2 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1 Plastično oblikovanje 2 / Visual Design 2 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 2.5

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

v. semestar / v. semester

vi. semestar / vi. semester

Studio 3 / Architectural Urban Design Studio 3 0 | 9 | 0 | ects 13

Studio 4 / Architectural Urban Design Studio 4 0 | 11 | 0 | ects 15

Nastavnici Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu sudjeluju s 1 satom / Teaching Staff of Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture participate with 1 hour

Nastavnici Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu sudjeluju s 1 satom / Teaching Staff of Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture participate with 1 hour

Tehnički studio / Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 12

Nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo sudjeluju s 1 satom / Teaching Staff of Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science participate with 1 hour

Zgrade društvenog standarda / Educational and Community Facilities 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 5

Instalacije zgrada 2 / Building Services 2 – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Planiranje i organizacija građenja / Planning and Project Management 3 | 2 | 0  | ects 5

Održiva arhitektura / Sustainable Architecture 1 | 0 | 1 | ects 2

Fizika zgrade / Building Physics 1 | 1 | 0 | ects 2

Povijest arhitekture 4 / History of Architecture 4 2 | 0 | 0  | ects 2

Tehnologija građenja / Building Technology 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Hrvatska arhitektura 20. st. / Croatian Architecture in the 20th Century 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Uvod u teoriju arhitekture / Introduction to Theory of Architecture – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Studio 2 / Urban Architecutral Design Studio 2 0 | 6 | 0 | ects 6.5 Nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje sudjeluju s 2 sata / Teaching Staff of Department of Architectural Design participate with 2 hours

Zgrade za rad i trgovinu / Office and Commercial Buildings – 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Svjetska arhitektura 20.st / Architecture in the 20th century 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Zaštita grad. naslijeđa / Conservation of Built Heritage – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Osnove prostornog planiranja i zakonodavstva / Introduction to Physical Planning and Legalisation 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Planiranje grada / Comprehensive Town Planning 0 | 4 | 0 | ects 4

Urbanizam 3 / Urban Planning 3 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Sociologija okolice / Environmental Sociology 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Perivojno oblikovanje / Landscape Design 0 | 3 | 0 | ects 3

Perivojna arhitektura / Landscape Architecture 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Suvremena perivojna arhitektura / Contemporary Landscape Architecture – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Slavonija / Cro. space and architecture – Slavonija – 0 | 0 | 3 | ects 1

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Istra / Cro. space and architecture – Istra – 0 | 0 | 3 | ects 1

Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 4 / Physcial Training 4 – 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 0


nastavni  program 2013/2014

curriculum  outline 2013/2014

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department of Architectural Design

i. semestar / i. semester

ii. semestar / ii. semester

iii. semestar / iii. semester

Radionica AP1 – suvremeno stanovanje / Architectural Design Studio – Contemporary Housing – 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 12

Radionica AP1 – suvremeno stanovanje / Architectural Design Studio – Contemporary Housing – 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 12

Interijer / Interior Design – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Radionica interijera / Interior Design Studio 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 2 Auditorna radionica / Auditory Design Studio 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Zdravstvo i turizam – zpb / Health Care and Tourism – fta – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Zgrade za rad i kulturu / Work and Culture Facilities – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Teorija arhitekture 2 / Theory of Architecture 2 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 3

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

Radionica AP2 – sport + / Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport + 0 | 7 | 1 | ects 12

Radionica AP2 – sport + / Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport + 0 | 7 | 1 | ects 12

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Radionica graditeljskog naslijeđa / Architectural Heritage Design Studio 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 16

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture

Radionica ap3 / Architectural Design Studio 3 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16

Suvr. stanovanje / Cont. Housing – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Suvr. stanovanje / Cont. Housing – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Zgrade za sport / Sport Facilities – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Zgrade za sport / Sport Facilities – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Održivo građenje 1 / Sust. Building 1  – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Održivo građenje 2 / Sust. Building 2 – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Prost. planiranje / Physical Planning – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

Interkatedarski kabinet / Interdepartmental Course


Urbane preobrazbe/Urban Transform. – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Teorija arhitekture 1 / Theory of Architecture 1 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Povijest europskog urbanizma / History of European Urban Design – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2

Urbanistička radionica 1: Preobrazba grada / Urban Design Studio 1: Transformation of the City 0 | 4 | 0 | ects 6

Urbanistička radionica 2: Planiranje naselja / Urban Design Studio 2: Town Planning 0 | 4 | 0 | ects 6

Hrv. prostor i arhitektura – Dalmacija / Cro. space and architecture –Dalmatia – 0 | 0 | 4 | ects 2

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0

nastavni program 2013/2014

Radionica urbanizma / Urban Design Studio 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16 Radionica prostornog planiranja / Urban Planning Design Studio 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16 Radionica pejsažne arhitekture / Landscape Architecture Design Studio 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16 Studenti biraju jednu od ponuđenih radionica / Students choose one of the following Studios

curriculum outline 2013/2014

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


iv. semestar / iv. semester

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department of Architectural Design

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture

Diplomska radionica / Master Thesis Studio 0 | 12 | 2  | ects 30

Arhitektonika svjetla / Light in Architecture

Autorski pristupi hrvatskih arhitekata / Croatian Architects Author's Approaches

Crtanje i arhitektonska grafika / Drawing and Architectural Graphics Hrvatska arhitektura u regiji – Hiper Croatia / Croatian Architecture in the Region – Hyper Croatia Japanska prostorna koncepcija / Japanese Spatial Concept

Graditeljsko naslijeđe 2 / Architectural Heritage 2 Industrijska arheologija / Industiral Archeology Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

Kritika u arhitekturi / Criticism in Architecture Ljetna škola: Tradicija, kreativnost i održivost – Motovun / Summer School: Tradition, Creativity and Sustainability – Motovun

Hrvatska tradicijska arhitektura / Croatian Traditional Architecture Povijest hrvatskog urbanizma / History of Croatian Urbanism

Metodologija arhitektonskog projektiranja / Methodology of Architectural Design

Primjena materijala i konstrukcija u perivojnoj arhitekturi / Use of Materials and Structures in Landscape Architecture

Računalno oblikovanje pejsažne arhitekture / Computer Aided Design of Landscape Architecture

Prostorno planiranje 2 – zaštita prirode i okoliša / Physical Planning 2 – Nature and Environment

Radionica AF/SC / AF/SC Workshop

Revitalizacija dvoraca / Revitalisations of Manors and Castles

Visokotehnološka arhitektura / High-tech Architecture

Rurizam / Ruralism

Vizualne komunikacije u arhitekturi / Visual Communication in Architecture

Sociologija kulture / Sociology of Culture

Virtualnost u stambenoj arhitekturi / Virtuality in residential architecture Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

Suvremena perivojna arhitektura / Contemporary Landscape Architecture Turizam u urbanističkom i prostornom planiranju / Tourism in Urban Planning and Regional Planning Urbana sociologija / Urban Sociology

Geometrija u graditeljstvu / Geometry in Architecture

Urbanistička kompozicija / Urban Composition

Inženjerske konstrukcije / Engineering Structures

Urbanistička teorija / Urban Planning Theory

Matematičke strukture / Mathematical Structure

Zaštita i obnova povijesnih perivoja / Historic Parks and Gardens

Metode i praksa nosivih konstrukcija u arhitekturi / Methods and Practice of Building Structures in Architecture

History of Making American City by the End of 19th Century / Američki grad do kraja 19. st.

Oblik zgrade i termotehničke instalacije / Building Form and Thermotechnical Installations

Urban Transportation Design Issues / Urbanistički aspekti prometa

Uvod u znanstvenoistraživački rad / Introduction to the Research Work

Interkatedarski kabinet / Interdepartmental Course

Zvuk u arhitekturi / Architectural Acustics

Engleski jezik za arhitekturu 4 / English for Architecture and Urban Planning 4

Praktična fizika zgrade / Practical Building Physics


nastavni  program 2013/2014

curriculum  outline 2013/2014

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Department of Architectural Design

Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje / section of drawing and visual design Voditelj / Head of section: Renata Waldgoni, red.prof.

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja / section of Architectural Design Basics Voditelj / Head of section: Tonči Žarnić, red.prof.

Kabinet za stambene zgrade / section of residential buildings Voditelj / Head of section: Mladen Jošić, red.prof.

Kabinet za primjenu računala / Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Bojan Baletić, red.prof.

Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda / Section of Educational and Community Facilities Voditelj / Head of section: Veljko Oluić, red.prof.

Kabinet za javne zgrade / section of public buildings Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt, red.prof.

Kabinet za interijer / section of interior design Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković, izv.prof.


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje  / Section of Drawing and Visual Design Voditelj / Head of section: Renata Waldgoni, red.prof. redoviti profesor / professor: Renata Waldgoni docenti / Assistant Professors: Siniša Justić Viši predavači / senior lecturers: Ana-Martina Bakić, Ivana Tutek Predavač / lecturer: Roberta Pavlović znanstveni novak – asistent / Junior Researcher and teaching assistant: Tihana Hrastar

Kompozicijski dijagrami Vježba Kompozicijski dijagrami u četvrtome semestru kolegija Plastično oblikovanje logično se nastavlja na zadatak iz trećega semestra Kompozicija. Ova nastavna dionica tematizira četvrtu dimenziju, vrijeme, kao bitan faktor suvremene prostorne kompozicije. U prvome dijelu vježbi studenti kreiraju skladnu kompoziciju sastavljenu od apstraktnih geometrijskih formi, kocki i kvadara, koji svojim postavom artikuliraju prostorni centar definiran presječnim ravninama x-y-z. Rezultat je kompozicijski dijagram gdje je odnos između apstrakcije i subjekta prikaza definiran – maketa 3D. Na kompozicijskome modelu analiziraju se prostorni međuodnosi i djelovanja elemenata. Dodatni stupanj apstrakcije karakterizira drugi dio zadatka kada elementi postaju polje sila. Formira se drukčiji kompozicijski dijagram koji nije jasno definiran, već sudjeluje u kreativnome procesu te možemo reći da se radi o proto prikazu.

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje  KOMPOZICIJA U RAVNINI, KOMPOZICIJA U PROSTORU Tradicionalna vježba, kućnoga radnog naziva Maketa, provodi se kontinuirano (s povremenim osuvremenjivanjem u tehnologiji izrade) od osnutka kolegija Plastično oblikovanje. Postići sklad i ravnotežu postavom geometrijskih tijela (kocka i kvadri međusobno različitih proporcija) na ravninu kvadrata (28/28 cm) složen je, osjetljiv, zadatak koji od studenta podjednako zahtijeva senzibilnost i racionalnost. Svladavanje zadatka uključuje i izradu radne makete, na kojoj se provjeravaju donesene odluke, i sklopive završne makete čije fotografije i drugi grafički prikazi čine cjelinu u mapi. Predajom je rad, u ovoj paraleli kolegija Plastično oblikovanje 1, završen.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Drawing and Visual Design  TWO-DIMENSIONAL AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL COMPOSITIONS A traditional exercise, popularly known among the staff and students as Model, has continuously been carried out (with occasional modernisation of execution technology) ever since the course Visual Design became part of the curriculum. Achieving balance and harmony by positioning geometric shapes (parallelepipeds and a cube of different proportions) onto a square plane (28/28 cm) is a complex and sensitive task which requires students to equally possess sensitivity and rationality. Accomplishing the task entails the creation of a work model which serves for decision testing and a final folding model whose accompanying photos and other graphic material make the map complete. By submitting the final project students fulfil the requirements of the course Visual Design 1.

Novo u ovoj paraleli bitno je složeniji zadatak kolegija Plastično oblikovanje 2, kompozicija geometrijskih tijela u prostoru kocke. Zanemaruje se gravitacija te kvadri i kocka lebde u maketi 14/14/14 cm. Studenti ovim radom utvrđuju stečeno znanje pokazujući razumijevanje skladanja prostornih odnosa tijela oslobođeni zahtijeva funkcije i konstrukcije. Cijeli niz grafičkih priloga u mapi ilustrira postupak.

The course Visual Design 2 gives students a much more complex task – a composition of three-dimensional geometric shapes within a cube. Gravitation is disregarded and the parallelepipeds and the cube float within the model whose dimensions are 14/14/14 cm. This task enables students to affirm previously acquired knowledge by showing they understand the balance of spatial relationships between geometric shapes freed from function and structure. Numerous illustrations within the map demonstrate the entire procedure.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

/ Compositional Diagrams The Exercises of Compositional Diagrams in the fourth semester course Visual Design 1 logically follow the Exercises of Composition in the third semester of the course Visual Design 2. The topical focus of the course is related to time as the fourth dimension and an important factor in contemporary spatial compositions. In the first part of the exercises students create a harmonious composition of abstract geometric forms, cubes and parallelepipeds whose position articulates the spatial centre determined with the x-y-z planes. The result is a compositional diagram which defines the relationship between the abstraction and the presented subject – the 3D model. The compositional model serves as the basis for the analysis of spatial interrelationships and interaction of the elements. The additional degree of abstraction is the second part of the assignment in which the elements become a field of forces. This is followed by the formation of a different compositional diagram which is not clearly defined but which participates in the creative process. Therefore, we can say that this is a proto-presentation.


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja / section of Architectural Design Basics Voditelj / Head of section: Tonči Žarnić, red.prof.

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Architectural Design Basics

redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professor and assoc. professors: Tonči Žarnić; mr.sc. Leo Modrčin, Helena Paver Njirić docent / Assistant Professor: Petar Mišković viši predavač / senior lecturer: Vjera Bakić pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching: Veljko Oluić, Mia Roth-Čerina, Marina Bertina, Vanja Rister, Melita Čavlović, Marina Smokvina vanjski suradnik / Teaching Associate: Juraj Glasinović

Bruno Lang-Kosić, Nika Žagar, Maja Močibob

Ivona Šimunović, Nika Žagar

Nika Žagar, Ivona Šimunović

Dora Gržin, Leila Nanuk, Tijana Škrivanek


Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja

Section of Architectural Design Basics

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

Nika Žagar, Leila Nanuk

Katarina Mustać, Luka Ilić

Katarina Mustać, Luka Ilić

Bruno Lang-Kosić, Katarina Mustać, Valentina Cafuk


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za stambene zgrade / section of residential buildings Voditelj / Head of section: Mladen Jošić, red.prof. redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors: Teufik Galijašević, Mladen Jošić, Ljubomir Miščević, dr.sc. Lenko Pleština, Dragomir Vlahović; dr.sc. Alenka Delić, docenti / Assistant Professors: Ivana Ergić, Branimir Rajčić Predavači / lecturers: Luka Korlaet, Nino Virag znanstveni novak – asistent / Junior Researcher and teaching assistant: Boško Opalić

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za stambene zgrade

Section of Residential Buildings

Studio 1 – Individualno stanovanje Studio 1 integralni je kolegij koji obrađuje temu individualnoga stanovanja. Organiziran je kroz tri dionice: urbanističku, arhitektonsku te dionicu arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Svaka dionica pokriva određen raspon mjerila. Autorski projekt obiteljske kuće razvija se u sklopu arhitektonske dionice te predstavlja okosnicu kolegija, što se simultano nadograđuje kroz urbanističku komponentu koja obrađuje temu planiranja stambenoga naselja niske izgradnje, zatim tehničku razradu u sklopu dionice arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Lokacija se nalazi u Zagrebu, na Bijeniku, tipičnom fragmentu grada u kojem se preklapaju slojevi suburbane arhitekture obiteljskih kuća s novonastalim strukturama hibridnih stambenih tipologija, ali i neuništivim fragmentima netaknute prirode.

architectural Urban design Studio 1 – Individual Housing Studio 1 is an integrative course which deals with the topic of individual housing. It is organized through three simultaneously developed course strands related respectively to urbanism, architecture and architectural structures, each of them dealing with a specific range of scales. Family house design is developed within the architectural strand and forms the backbone of the course. It is further developed in the urban planning strand that covers the topic of planned areas with low-rise residential buildings, and is then technically elaborated within the architectural structure strand. This year’s site is Bijenik in Zagreb, a typical part of the city which unites the overlapping layers of former suburban architecture of family houses with new structures of hybrid residential types in addition to indestructible fragments of untouched nature.

Studio 1 / architectural Urban design Studio 1 preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3 student: Lucija Raffanelli mentori / Mentors: Ivana Ergić, Zorana Protić, Damir Krajnik, Marko Rukavina, Berislav Medić, Ivan Cetinić, Ivica Plavec Nagrada Nikole Filipovića / Nikola Filipović Award


Kabinet za stambene zgrade

Section of Residential Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Radionica Arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 / Architectural Design studio 1 diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 1;  semestar / semester: 1 student: Mario Kralj

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Promjene granica – promjene tipologija

Changes of Boundaries – Changes of Typologies

Što su granice stambenih prostora? Mogu li se izmijeniti? Što nastaje – nestaje u odnosima prostorije i prostorije, stana i zgrade, zgrade i grada, intimnog i zajedničkog, privatnog i javnog, otvorenog i zatvorenog, artificijelnog i prirodnog, stambenog i nestambenog ...? Kako utjecati na promjene intimnosti, na socijalnu dinamiku?

mentor: Ivana Ergić Nagrada Zdenko Strižić / Zdenko Strižić Award

Radionica Arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 / Architectural Design studio 1 diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 1;  semestar / semester: 1 student: Martina Zeljko

Otvaranje pitanja metodološka je osnova za istraživanje mogućih koncepata suvremenoga stanovanja i propitivanje promjena stambenih tipologija kroz različite scenarije realnih situacija.

Fleksibilan (promjenjiv) stan u višestambenoj zgradi Fleksibilnost (neutralnost) prostora, autentično, tijekom povijesti japanska je, npr. Katsura carska palača, pa je ova predložena tema ujedno kompatibilna s izbornim predmetom Japanska prostorna koncepcija, koji se kroz povijesnokulturološki sloj ekskluzivno bavi fleksibilnošću tj. neutralnošću prostora.

mentor: Dragomir Vlahović, Nino Virag

What are the boundaries of residential spaces? Can they be altered? What appears/disappears in the relationship between two rooms, between an apartment and the building, a building and the city, intimate and shared, private and public, open and closed, artificial and natural, residential and non-residential…? How to impact the change of intimacy, social dynamics? Posing questions presents a methodological basis for exploration of possible concepts in contemporary housing and inquiries into the changes of residential typologies through different scenarios of real situations.

Flexible (Changeable) Apartment in Residential Building The authentic flexibility (neutrality) of space in the history of architecture is represented, for example, by the Japanese Katsura Imperial Villa. This proposal is therefore thematically compatible with the elective course Japanese Spatial Concept which deals with spatial flexibility or neutrality in historical and cultural contexts.

Nagrada Zdenko Strižić / Zdenko Strižić Award


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Radionica Arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 / Architectural Design studio 1 diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 1;  semestar / semester: 1 student: Marko Galić mentor: Branimir Rajčić predavači i gosti kritičari / lecturers and guest critics: Dafne Berc, Iva Marčetić, Bojan Mucko Tema radionice usklađena je s temom dvogodišnje međufakultetske suradnje između AF-a Zagreb i TU-a Beč. / The workshop topic was defined so as to match the topic of the two-year long cooperation between the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb and the Vienna University of Technology.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB



Prostori zajedništva nalaze se u svim mjerilima stanovanja. Pomoću njih se, okupljanjem stambenih jedinica (soba, stan, zgrada…), gradi veća cjelina. Za razliku od zajedničkih prostora, prostori zajedništva potiču društvene odnose.

Communal spaces can be found in housing of all scales. With the help of such spaces, residential units are built into a larger whole (room, apartment, building). As opposed to common spaces, communal spaces stimulate social interaction.

Stambena jedinica normira se, tipizira i prilagođava zahtjevima investitora. Možemo pratiti odnos zahtjeva investitora, organizacije stambenih tipova i pratećih oblika javnih prostora. Premda su prostori zajedništva dio cjeline, često su marginalizirani, površno programirani, a tijekom korištenja prisvajani ili loše održavani. Kroz projekt stambene zajednice na apstraktnoj lokaciji trebalo je pokušati kritički odgovoriti na suvremene trendove komercijalizacije, monetizacije i kontrole javnih prostora, tražeći nove načine njihove uspostave.

Residential units are standardized and refined according to investors’ demands. We can follow the relationship between the investors' requirements and the organization of residential types and the accompanying forms of public spaces. Although communal spaces form part of a whole, they are frequently marginalized, they have superficially planned programmes, and are often usurped or poorly maintained. The housing community project at an abstract location was to provide a critical analysis and to respond to the contemporary trends of commercialization, monetization and control of public spaces by attempting to find new ways to establish them.

Kabinet za stambene zgrade

Section of Residential Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za primjenu računala / Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Bojan Baletić, red.prof. redoviti profesor / professor: dr.sc. Bojan Baletić viši asistenti / senior researchers and teaching assistants: dr.sc. Kristina Careva, dr.sc. Rene Lisac asistenti / teaching assistants: Morana Pap, mr.sc. Roberto Vdović demonstrator / student assistant: Tin Čop, Helena Ferkula, Mario Grgurev, Luka Jecić, Petra Kovačić, Andrija Matotan

primjena računala u arhitekturi 2 / Computer-Aided Architectural Design 2 preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za primjenu računala

Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design

Rad Kabineta za primjenu računala u arhitekturi usmjeren je upoznavanju studenta s većim brojem programskih aplikacija te osposobljavanju za aktivan rad s njihovim specifičnim mogućnostima u arhitekturi. Nakon svladavanja osnova 2D tehničkoga crtanja (u tri razine mjerila: urbanistička situacija, arhitektonski nacrt, konstruktivni detalj) i rada na konceptualnome 3D modeliranju u prvome semestru, studenti se u drugome bave 3D modeliranjem složenih formi, a u trećemu, kroz rad u grupama, modeliraju Informacijski model građevine (Building Information Modeling) prema podlozi izvedene i publicirane kuće. Grupa zajednički izrađuje 3D model građevine i susjedstva kao osnovu za dobivanje tehničke dokumentacije (2D) te za individualni rad na prostornim prikazima i vizualizaciji (3D). Informacijski model, nadalje se koristi za izradu različitih simulacija, od energetskih preko osvjetljenja prostora, do analiza nosive konstrukcije. Završna prezentacija, osim prethodno navedenoga, uključuje i neke od interaktivnih prikaza virtualne stvarnosti.

Activities of the Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design focus on familiarizing students with the largest possible number of software applications and providing them with the education and training necessary for an active use of these applications and their specific possibilities in architecture. After mastering the basics of 2D technical drawing (at three scale levels: urban plan, architectural design, structural detail) and conceptual 3D modelling in the first semester, students gain knowledge in 3D modelling of complex forms in the second semester, while in the third semester, they work in groups on the creation of a building information model on the basis of a built and published house. Each group jointly produces a 3D model of the building and its neighbourhood as a basis for the creation of technical documentation (2D) and for individual work on spatial presentation and visualisation (3D). The information model can, furthermore, be used for the creation of various types of simulations, from those related to energy, lighting of space, to load-bearing structure. The final presentation also includes certain interactive virtual reality presentations.

studenti / students: Julija Budimir, Marko Blagec, Velimir Benić mentori / mentors: Bojan Baletić, Roberto Vdović


Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda / Section of Educational and Community Facilities  Voditelj / Head of section: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. redoviti profesori / professors: Veljko Oluić, Igor Franić docenti / Assistant Professors: Vladimir Kasun, Vanja Rister, Mia Roth-Čerina Viši predavači / senior lecturers: Marina Bertina pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching: Tonči Žarnić, mr.sc. Leo Modrčin, Helena Paver Njirić, Petar Mišković vanjski suradnik / Teaching Associate: Darko Latin

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Educational and Community Facilities  Elementary School in Knežija

Osnovna škola na Knežiji Lokacija je predviđena za osnovnu školu, kapaciteta 480 učenika, s jednodjelnom dvoranom i vanjskim igralištima. Okružena ulicama s četiri strane, omeđena i definirana heterogenim tkivom različitih urbanih tipologija, od usitnjenoga prostora individualnih obiteljskih kuća do višestambenih blokova. Zadatak je istražiti kako unutar jasnih funkcionalnih zahtjeva i pravila, definirati i artikulirati prostore koji istovremeno mogu biti racionalni i nekonvencionalni, ordinarni i uzbudljivi, ekonomični i poticajni.

The site has been planned to have an elementary school whose capacity is 480 pupils and which contains a gymnasium and an outdoor sport court. The site is surrounded on four sides by streets and defined by heterogeneous types of urban spaces, from individual family houses to apartment buildings. The task is to explore the possibilities of defining and articulating within the frame of functional requirements and rules the spaces which can simultaneously be rational and unconventional, ordinary and exciting, economical and stimulating.

Studio 3 / architectural Urban design Studio 3 preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year: 3;  semestar / semester: 5 student: Grgur Butigan mentor: Marina Bertina Pohvala kolegija / Course commendation


Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda

Section of Educational and Community Facilities

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + / Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport +

Sportski centar Pećine

Sports Centre on Pećine

Bazen u mirnoj sušačkoj četvrti Pećine predviđen je, nasuprot centralnome bazenskom kompleksu grada Rijeke, za rekreaciju lokalne zajednice. Bazen (25 m), manja višenamjenska dvorana i prostrani vrt planiraju se kao dio veće cjeline, uz postojeće terene za tenis i površinu za rekreativne aktivnosti uz more.

Unlike the municipal swimming pool complex in the centre of Rijeka, the pool in the quiet quarter of Pećine in Sušak, has been envisaged to be used for recreation by the local community. The pool (25 m), a small multifunctional hall and a spacious garden are planned as part of a larger complex which includes the existing tennis courts and the recreation areas located near the seashore.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 1;  semestar / semester: 2 student: Mia Andrašević mentor: Igor Franić Nagrada kolegija / Course award


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za javne zgrade / section of public buildings Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt, red.prof. redoviti profesor / professor: Nenad Fabijanić, dr.sc. Sanja Filep, Miroslav Geng, dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak, dr.sc. Vesna Mikić, dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt, Goran Rako docenti / Assistant Professors: Tin Sven Franić, mr.sc. Sonja Tadej Vončina viši asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant: dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching: dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković, Gordana Žaja

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za javne zgrade

Section of Public Buildings

Poslovna zgrada u Središću Zadaća završnoga rada je u simulaciji zaokruženoga procesa arhitektonskoga projektiranja s kakvime će se studenti susretati u budućem kompetitivnom okruženju arhitektonskoga poslovanja. Simultano, arhitektonsko-misaonim procesom, student dokazuje umijeće koncipiranja prostorne organizacije i nastavno, njezine materijalizacije u traženju konstrukcijsko-izvedbene logike nastajućeg arhitektonskog korpusa. Završni rad zajednički je nastavni pothvat triju katedri: urbanističke, projektantske i arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Zadatak je isprojektirati multifunkcionalnu poslovnu zgradu s komplementarnim javnim sadržajima. Širi urbanistički zadatak smješten je unutar većeg obuhvata – insule neizgrađenoga urbanog tkiva Središća. Sa sjeverne, istočne i južne strane omeđen je novoformiranim koridorom ceste, a zapadno od njega je površina planirana kao javni gradski park. Arhitektonski zadatak nalazi se na istočnome dijelu navedene insule, površine oko 6350 m2.

Commercial Building in Središće The objective of the final project is to experience the well-rounded process of architectural design which students will encounter in the competitive environment of architectural practice. Simultaneously developing architectural ideas and products, students prove their skills in conceptualizing spatial organisation and materialization of the ideas while searching for the structural and constructive logic of the buildings in the making. The final project is an enterprise shared among the departments in charge of urban planning, architectural design and architectural technology. The main task is to design a multifunctional commercial building with complementary public facilities. The urban planning section entails a broader scope – an unbuilt block within the urban fabric of Središće. The block is framed by newly constructed roads in the north, east and south, and by an area planned as a public city park in the west. The task of architectural design relates to the site of 6350 m2 that is located in the eastern part of the block.

Studio 4 / architectural Urban design Studio 4 preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year: 3;  semestar / semester: 6 student: Mislav Barada mentori / Mentors: Miroslav Geng, Tin Sven Franić, Lovorka Prpić, Željko Pavlović, Miljenko Haiman, Ivan Cetinić, Ivan Mlinar


Kabinet za javne zgrade

Section of Public Buildings

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Arhitektonska topografija identiteta – Kalnik Arhitektonska topografija identiteta radionica je koja ima zadatak istražiti arhitektonske intervencije u ruralnome krajoliku, kroz problem ekonomske i demografske stagnacije razvoja malih lokalnih zajednica u Hrvatskoj, zatim sagledati mogućnosti za njihov održivi razvitak kroz tipologiju hotela s dodatnim sadržajima.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Architectural Topography of Identity – Kalnik Architectural Topography of Identity is a workshop whose aim is to explore architectural interventions in a rural landscape in the context of economic and demographic stagnation of local community development in Croatia and to explore possibilities for their sustained development based on the typology of hotels with ancillary services.

Lokacija zadatka je Kalnik, mjesto podno Kalničkoga gorja u Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji. Prostor je bogat šumom i prirodnim izvorima vode, privlačan posjetiteljima zbog blizine gorja koje predstavlja bitnu planinarsku destinaciju. Fokus arhitektonske intervencije definiranje je centra mjesta kroz suptilni sloj urbanoga u ruralnoj zajednici.

The site to which the workshop assignment refers is Kalnik, located at the foot of the Hills of Kalnik in the Koprivničko-križevačka County. This area is rich in forest and fresh water resources, and it is attractive to visitors due to the neighbouring hills which are important hiking destinations. The architectural intervention entails a new definition of the town centre through the introduction of subtle urban features into a rural community.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 3 / Architectural Design Studio 3 diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3 student: Nika Dželalija mentor: Vesna Mikić


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za interijer / section of interior design Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković, izv.prof. izvanredni profesor / assoc. professor: dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković docenti / Assistant Professors: Neda Cilinger, Lovorka Prpić pridruženi nastavnik / Cross-departmental Teaching: dr.sc. Vesna Mikić demonstrator / student assistant: Boris Vidaković

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za interijer

Section of Interior Design

Croatia EXPO 2015: Projekt hrvatskog paviljona na Svjetskoj izložbi EXPO Milano 2015 Kolegij Radionica interijera predstavlja individualan praktičan rad studenata na projektu interijera. Svake akademske godine mijenjaju se teme, uzimajući u obzir aktualnost sadržaja. U akademskoj godini 2013./14. ponuđene su sljedeće lokacije: uređenje Miškecovog prolaza s kinom Europa i obodno smještenim lokalima graditelja S. Florschütza (1924.g.), Varšavska 3 – Masarykova 10 i uređenje hrvatskoga paviljona CROATIA EXPO 2015 za svjetsku izložbu EXPO MILANO 2015. Talijanski organizator ponudio je Hrvatskoj opciju sudjelovanja u tematskom Biomediteranskom clusteru unutar modula dvoetažnoga paviljona površine 250 m². U svrhu odabira projekta za idejno rješenje Hrvatskoga paviljona, Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova (MVEP) sklopilo je Ugovor o poslovnoj suradnji s Arhitektonskim fakultetom Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Fakultetom građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije Sveučilišta u Splitu. Projekte su izradili studenti diplomskoga studija oba fakulteta u okviru Radionice interijera. Studenti zagrebačkoga fakulteta izradili su 17 projekata, od kojih je 6 odabrano u uži izbor. Na finalnoj prezentaciji u MVEP-u u ožujku 2014., na nacionalnome nivou, sudjelovalo je ukupno 11 studentskih projekata (šest zagrebačkih i pet splitskih). Prvonagrađeni rad odabran za realizaciju u Milanu je projekt Živi organizam autora, studenata, Arhitektonskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu Maje Cindrić i Tina Čopa, pod mentorstvom doc. Lovorke Prpić. Nakon završenoga natječaja, u Studijskome centru Motovun održana je, tijekom kolovoza, izložba studentskih projekata.


Kabinet za interijer

Croatia EXPO 2015: Design for the Croatian Pavilion at the World Exposition EXPO Milan 2015 Interior Design Studio provides students with an individual and practical assignment related to interior design. Each academic year has another topic that is chosen according to contemporary issues and trends. In the academic year 2013/14 the studio offered the following sites for projects: Miškec Passage with the Europe Cinema flanked by the buildings designed by architect S. Florschütz (1924) and located at 3 Varšavska and 10 Masarykova Streets, and the Croatian Pavilion CROATIA EXPO 2015 for the World Exposition in Milan in 2015. The Italian organizer offered Croatia an opportunity to participate in the thematic BioMediterranean Cluster within the twostorey pavilion of 250 m². Since it was decided that conceptual designs for the Croatian pavilion were going to be created by students the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs signed a collaboration contract with the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, University of Split. Designs were made by MA students from both faculties within the course Interior Design Studio. Students from the Zagreb faculty created 17 project designs, 6 of which were selected for further evaluation. In March 2014, the final presentation at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs included the participation of altogether 11 students’ projects (six from Zagreb and five from Split). The first award went to Maja Cindrić and Tin Čop from the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb for the project Living Organism which will be executed in Milan. The students were supervised by Assistant Professor Lovorka Prpić. After the final competition at the Motovun Study Centre, students’ works were presented at an exhibition which was on show during August 2014.

Section of Interior Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Živi organizam

Living Organism

Odgovarajući na temu izložbe Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life., projekt se temelji na bioraznolikosti Hrvatske te međuovisnosti koja postoji unutar simbiotičkih krugova prirode. Sustav živog organizma smjestio se unutar paviljona kroz koji posjetitelji prolaze, doživljavajući svijet tog organizma (prostorno, vizualno, auditivno, olfaktivno i taktilno). Puninu doživljaja omogućuje uravnotežena videoprodukcija (informacijski medij) na rastezljivome platnu koje teleskopima stalno formira različite prostorne ambijente (osjetilni medij), ovisne o interakciji posjetitelja.

Responding to the exhibition theme Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life., the project is based on biodiversity in Croatia and interdependence which exists in symbiotic relationships in nature. A living organism system is situated in the pavilionthrough which visitors passexperiencing the world of the organism (byspatial, visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile senses). The fullness of the experience is enabled by a harmonized video (information medium) projected onto a stretchablecanvas which,through telescopes,forms different spatial environments (sensory medium)depending on visitors' interaction.



Tema paviljona je hrvatsko otočje kao prirodna datost. Radi povećane protočnosti posjetitelja, paviljon je zarotiran za 180 stupnjeva i time postaje novi otvor klastera. Primjenjuje se koncept redukcije i otvaranja vanjske opne – paviljon kao suvremena gradska lođa karakteristična za mediteranske trgove postaje mjesto susreta, hladovine, izmjene informacija, odmora te platforma za raznovrsna događanja. Izložbeni prostor definiran je rasterom ovješenih sondi, šljunčanim podom, platnima i mobilnim kubusima.

The topic of the pavilion is the Croatian archipelago as a natural entity. Due to an increased fluctuation of visitors, the pavilion is rotated 180 degrees which transforms it into a new opening of the cluster. The design of the pavilion is grounded in the concept of reduction and opening of the exterior wall – the pavilion as a modern city lodge characteristic of Mediterranean squares becomes a place of encounters, shade, information exchange, rest and a platform for various events. The exhibition space is defined by a grid of hung probes, pebbled floor, linen screens and mobile cubes.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Department of Architectural Design

Radionica interijera / Interior design studio diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3 studenti / students: Maja Cindrić, Tin Čop mentor: Lovorka Prpić Suradnik za multimediju: Goran Goldin prvonagrađeni rad/winning project

Radionica interijera / Interior design studio diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3 studenti / students: Aleksandar Ćelović, Petar Novak, Zvonimir Prusina mentor: Vesna Mikić


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Život iz kamena

Life from Karst

Naizgled grubi i negostoljubivi krški predjeli Hrvatske najbogatiji su hranom, specifičnom upravo područjem iz kojega proizlazi. Interijer zamišljene spilje karakteristične za krš grade dva osnovna elementa, kamen i voda, interpretirani u vidu reljefa kroz koji teku svjetlosni tokovi, a doživljaj upotpunjuje zvuk vode koja teče, kapa i žubori. Svjetlosni tokovi reagiraju na dodir posjetitelja te mu osvjetljavaju put do pukotina u zidu spilje. Tamo se upoznaje s autentičnim hrvatskim jelima prostora u kojem su nastali.

Seemingly rough and hostile Croatian Karst is in fact the area richest in food whose peculiarity is determined by its place of origin. The interior of an imaginary Karst specific cave is built from two basic elements –stone and water, interpreted as a relief with streams of projected light on it. The experience is augmented by the sound of running, dripping and gurgling water. The light streams react to visitors' touch and light up the way leading to the cracks in the cave wall. There the visitors are introduced to Croatian dishes specific for the area.



Predstavljaju se četiri polja – četiri regije Hrvatske (SI, SZ, J Hrvatske i otoci), različitih matrica i granica. Kolažiranjem i superponiranjem njihovih elemenata nastalo je SUPERPOLJE u kojem je uspostavljen međuodnos: nebo (strop) – zemlja (pod). Superpolje je zrcalo (strop) s pukotinama koje predstavljaju metafizičke granice između polja. Pukotinama prolazi svjetlost koja se projicira na podnu plohu – raster štapova koji pokazuju rast i promjenjivost polja. Varijabilna visina štapova stvara niz prostora različitih karaktera. Zrake svjetlosti u podu stvaraju virtualne granice između polja, a zrcalo u stropu omogućava simultani doživljaj stropa i poda.

The work presents four fields – four Croatian regions (NE, NW, Southern Croatia and the islands) of different shapes and layouts. Connection and superpositionof their elements creates a SUPERFIELD which defines the relationship between the sky (ceiling) and earth (floor). The superfield is a mirror (ceiling) with cracks which represent metaphysical boundaries between the fields. The cracks release light which is projected onto the floor – a grid of poles showing the growth and transformation of the fields. The variable height of the poles creates a number of different features. The rays of light on the floor create virtual boundaries between the fields and the mirror on the ceiling enables a simultaneous experience of the ceiling and the floor.

Kabinet za interijer

Section of Interior Design

Radionica interijera / Interior design studio diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3 studenti / students: Hrvoje Magdić, Mia Mikula, Andrea Mušić mentor: Neda Cilinger

Radionica interijera / Interior design studio diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3 studenti/ students: Luka Bekavac, Tihana Buljan, Vanesa Busija mentor: Vesna Mikić


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Morski začin

Sea Spice

Radionica interijera / Interior design studio diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3 studenti / students: Jakov Fatović, Nika Radatović, Antun Stahor mentor: Vesna Mikić

Okosnica EXPO-a 2015. prehrana planeta, energija života, i zadana podtema korijen prošlosti – sjeme budućnosti, nađena je u morskome kamenu. Uz kamen kao novi začin, Hrvatska se predstavlja s onim po čemu je najpoznatija – Jadranskim morem. Tema kamena i mora pokazuje se u dvjema prostorijama. Ulaznom prostorijom gdje se posjetitelji upoznaju s morskim začinom te glavnom prostorijom gdje je priča o kamenu prepričana kroz njegovu prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost.


Sea stone has been chosen as the representative of the topic Roots of the Past, Seed of the Future determined by the Croatian National Committee for the 2015 EXPO’s thematic framework Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. With stone as a new spice, Croatia is representedbywhat makes it widely recognizable – the Adriatic Sea. The topic of stone and sea is shown in two spaces – the entrance space where visitors are introduced with the sea spice and the main room whichtells a story about stone, its past, present and future.


Radionica interijera / Interior design studio diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3 studenti / students: Ana Bjelić, Dora Kodrić, Dora Stipaničić, Ema Gerovac mentor: Neda Cilinger


Zemlja simbolizira začetak, plodnost i porijeklo. Paviljon je oblikovan kao niz prostornih sekvenci u kojem posjetitelj boravi koristeći osjetila sluha, dodira, mirisa i vida. Svim svojim osjetilima privikavaju se na novu okolinu – podzemlje, mjesto gdje iz sjemena izrasta nova biljka. Vertikalnim prolaskom kroz slojeve zemlje, pomoću platforme, posjetitelji izbijaju na površinu maslinika. Prostor obložen zrcalima stvara iluziju beskrajnoga vrta. Nakon promotivnoga filma, zrcala se otvaraju i propuštaju posjetitelje u infozonu gdje dobivaju vrećicu zemlje i sjeme kojim sami započinju isti ciklus.

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje

Soil symbolizes the beginning, fertility and origin. The pavilion is designed as a spatial sequence in which visitors spend time using the senses of hearing, touch, smell and sight. All of their senses are adapted to this new environment – the underground, the space where a seed starts growing into a plant. Passing vertically through the soil layers by going down a platform, visitors arrive onto the surface of an olive grove. The space covered in mirrors creates an illusion of an endless garden. After the screening of a promotional film, the mirrors open up and let the visitors pass into an info area where they receive a bag of soil and a seed and with which they can launch the same growing cycle again.

Department of Architectural Design

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije / Section of building structures Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman, izv.prof.

Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja / Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and building Technology Voditelj / Head of section: Mateo Biluš, doc.

Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu / section of Mathematics, descriptive geometry and perspective Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Marija Šimić Horvath, doc.

Kabinet za instalacije zgrada / section of building services Voditelj / Head of section: mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić, v.pred.

Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja / Section of Planning and Project Management Voditelj / Head of section: Gordana Žaja, doc.


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije / Section of building structures Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman, izv.prof. izvanredni profesor / assoc. professor: dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman docent / Assistant Professor: dr.sc. Josip Galić Viši predavač / senior lecturer: mr.sc. Berislav Medić predavači / lecturers: Nenad Turčić

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije

Section of building structures  pedestrian bridges

PJEŠAČKI MOSTOVI Studenti projektiraju čelični ili drveni pješački most raspona 20 m. Od njih se očekuje izrada idejnoga rješenja kao i analiza i dimenzioniranje osnovnih konstrukcijskih elemenata. Kroz dimenzioniranje potvrđuju ispravnost oblikovnoga koncepta.

Students design a steel or wooden 20 m span pedestrian bridge. They are expected to create a conceptual design as well as an analysis and dimensions of the basic structural elements. Defining dimensions substantiate the precision of the conceptual design.

asistenti / teaching assistants: Davor Andrić, Andrej Marković, Hrvoje Vukić

student: Dario Urban

mentor: Hrvoje Vukić

student: Kristina Kozina

mentor: Hrvoje Vukić

student: Niko Grbčić

mentor: Nenad Turčić

student: Stipe Gašpar

mentor: Berislav Medić

student: Dora Rubin

mentor: Nenad Turčić

student: Sven Došen

mentor: Berislav Medić

student: Sven Földing

mentor: Berislav Medić

student: Luka Ilić

mentor: Nenad Turčić

student: Mihovil Posinković

mentor: Berislav Medić


Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja / Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and building Technology Voditelj / Head of section: Mateo Biluš, doc. izvanredni profesor / assoc. professor: dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja

docenti / Assistant Professors: Mateo Biluš, dr.sc. Iva Muraj, Ivica Plavec, dr.sc. Zoran Veršić

Polivalentni paviljon, Travno, Novi Zagreb

Viši predavači / senior lecturers: Zorana Protić, Marino Šneler

Kabinet, kroz niz zasebnih kolegija, razlaže temu materijalizacije arhitektonske ideje. Okosnicu takvog pristupa čini Tehnički studio. Sumiranjem prethodno stečenih znanja, Studio objedinjuje sve osnovne procese razrade projekta s naglaskom na integralnom pristupu projektiranju. Uz suradnju komplementarnih sastavnica Katedre, Studio je strukturiran tako da simulira timski rad unutar biroa. Tijekom semestra studenti razrađuju arhitektonski projekt, od idejnoga rješenja do izvedbenih nacrta, uz integralnu razradu projekata fizike zgrade, nosive konstrukcije i instalacija zgrade kao preduvjeta u realizaciji projekta. Posebna pozornost posvećuje se prostorno-tehničkim zahtjevima kao što su: sinergija programa i konstrukcije, racionalnost njezina odabira, mogućnost prilagodbe prostora različitim zahtjevima i njegove prenamjene, optimalno rješenje ovojnice zgrade i aktivne zaštite od sunca, a sve uz integraciju primjerenih instalacijskih sustava.

predavači / lecturers: Marin Binički, Vedran Duplančić, Dunja Mandić, Željko Pavlović, Stanka Ostojić, Darko Užarević pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić, Teodor Cvitanović, Tajana Jaklenec, Damir Mance Vanjski suradnici / Teaching Associates: Tomislav Petrinjak Demonstratori / student assistants: Lorena Belošević, Ivan Bulian, Nikola Kašić, Valentina Krekić, Toni Lončar, Hrvoje Magdić, Karlo Seitz, Matija Veleglavac, Vedran Vuletić, Vjeran Lokošek, Matija Sedak, Frane Stančić

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and building Technology  Multifunctional Pavilion, Travno, Novi Zagreb Materialization of architectural ideas has been dealt with through a number of individual courses within the section, the backbone of which is the Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio. Summing up previously gained knowledge, the studio consolidatesall the basic steps in project elaboration and gives a special emphasis on an integral approach to design. In collaboration with the complementary sections within the department, the studio is structured in a way so as to provide a simulation of the team work process and activitiesthat resemblethose in any architectural office. In the course of one semester, students work on an architectural project elaborating it from the initial idea to working drawings with an integral development of the building physics design, the designs of the load-bearing structure and building installations, which is a precondition for the complete project realization. Special attention is given to the spatial and technical requirements such as: possibilities for multifunctional uses and future conversions of the space, synergy of the uses and the structure, and its rationality, adequate heating and cooling systems, the building envelope design congruent with logically chosen materials that facilitate heat energy saving, active sun protection and optimal design of execution details.

Tehnički studio / Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 4 student / student: Matija Jurković, Denis Rubinić, Tea Truta, Lucija Zaninović mentori / mentors: Iva Muraj, Zorana Protić, Andrej Marković, Ivan Cetinić, Tihomir Rengel


Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja

Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and building Technology

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

Tehnički studio / Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 4 student / student: Tin Jakopec, Ivica Keršić, Karla Jambrešić, Martina Markulin mentori / mentors: Dunja Mandić, Tajana Jaklenec, Davor Andrić, Darko Užarević, Ivan Cetinić, Tihomir Rengel


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Gljive kao izolacijski materijal

Fungi as Insulation Material

Održivo građenje 1 / Sustainable Building 1 diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 1;  semestar / semester: 2 student / student: Mirta Atlija mentor: Mateo Biluš

Studenti Eben Bayer i Gavin McIntyre uočili su kako pojedine gljive imaju nevjerojatnu sposobnost brzoga rasta bez utjecaja svjetlosti, pritom tvoreći gustu i čvrstu vlaknastu strukturu. Takva struktura ima dobra toplinsko-zvučna izolacijska svojstva. Vrste poput Armillaria solidipes, čiji razgranati korijen – micelij raste ispod zemlje u Modrim planinama Oregona i može zauzimati površinu od 8,5 km2, zbog čega se smatra najvećim živućim organizmom na Zemlji. Bayer i McIntyre iskoristili su te karakteristike gljiva za stvaranje inovativnoga izolacijskog materijala pod nazivom Greensulate. Za njegovu proizvodnju, kao sirovinu, koristi se biootpad i micelij gljive Pleurotus ostreatus. Prednosti ovoga sustava potpuna su biorazgradivost, lakoća ugradnje, reciklabilnost, negorivost, iskorištavanje biootpada, te mali utrošak energije za proizvodnju. Paul Stamets, botaničar specijaliziran za uzgoj gljiva, otkrio je brojne alternativne načine upotrebe gljiva, poput sinteze lijekova za malariju, te eliminiranja toksičnih plinova iz tla, čime je dokazao da je uz pomoć tih organizama moguće uvelike smanjiti koncentraciju štetnih tvari u (tlu) prirodi. Ono što je relevantno za graditeljstvo je otkriće entomopatogene gljive, sposobne za onesposobljavanje, te u konačnici, ubijanje insekata koji se njome hrane, čime se dobiva potpuno prirodan i trajan repelent.

Phil Ross: Mycotecture

Prvi takav primjer primjene gljiva kao toplinsko-izolacijskoga materijala umjetnička je instalacija Phila Rossa iz 2009. godine pod nazivom Mycotecture. Početna zainteresiranost materijalom započela je kada je Ross primijetio kako je micelij ‘živ’ materijal, podatan za oblikovanje s mogućnošću zapunjavanja različitih oblika. Njegova namjera bila je ponuditi rješenje bivka, odnosno skloništa. Prototip simboličnog imena Mushroom Tiny House prvi je realizirani projekt izgrađen od Greensulate kompozitnih panela. Kuća je u cijelosti montažna s drvenom konstrukcijom obloženom panelima. Ima sve navedene prednosti Greensulate i unatoč manjku realističnosti, pokazuje način ugradnje i mogućnosti izgradnje kompozitnih panela na bazi vlaknaste strukture gljiva.

Eben Bayer and Gavin McIntyre, young investors, noticed that certain types of fungi possess an incredible capability of growing fast without light whereby producing densely packed and strong fibre structures. Such a structure has great thermal and acoustic insulation properties. Types of fungi such as Armillaria solidipes, found in Oregon's Blue Mountains, has the mycelium that grows in the ground and can spread over the surface of 8.5 km2 which makes it the biggest living organism on the planet. Byer and McIntyre used the properties of fungi for creating an innovative insulation material which they called Greensulate. Its production as a raw material was based on biowaste and the mycelium of the Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom. The advantages of this system lie in the fact that it is biodegradable, easy to install, recyclable and inflammable, it uses biowaste and needs low energy consumption in the production process. Mycologist Paul Stamets discovered numerous alternative ways of fungal use, such as synthesis of antimalarial drugs, removing toxins from soil, with which he pointed out that fungi can help considerably in reducing the concentration of toxins in (soil) nature. The relevance for architecture lies in the discovery that entomopathogenic fungi possess disabling properties and can kill insects which feed on them. The fungi therefore help in creating a completely natural and long-lasting repellent. The first usage of fungi as thermal and acoustic insulation material is the artistic installation Mycotecture created by Phil Ross in 2009. His interest in this material began when he realized that the mycelium is a ‘living’ material which can easily be acted on and shaped into or used to fill various forms. His intention was to offer a design of shelter. The prototype with the symbolical title Mushroom Tiny House was the first project built from Greensulate composite boards. The house is completely prefabricated with the boards wrapping the wooden structure. It has all the advantages of Greensulate and despite it being based on imagination it shows a way of using the fungus-based composite boards and the construction possibilities of this material.

Daljnjim eksperimentalnim istraživanjima, vlaknasta struktura izolacije na bazi gljiva mogla bi u budućnosti zamijeniti uobičajene toplinsko izolacijske materijale i time napraviti još jedan korak ka održivosti. Svojim optimalnim mogućnostima prilagodbe različitim oblicima i uvjetima okoliša, putem inteligentnih rješenja postati jedan od gradbenih elemenata buduće biomimetričke arhitekture.

Further experimental research can discover ways for the fungal fibre structure insulation to replace the commonly used thermal insulation materials and make in this way another step towards sustainability. With their optimal possibilities of adapting to various environmental forms and conditions these fibre structures can become one of constituent elements of the biomimetic architecture in the future.

Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja

Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and building Technology

Mushroom Tiny House


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu / section of Mathematics, descriptive geometry and perspective Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Marija Šimić Horvath, doc. docent / Assistant Professor: dr.sc. Marija Šimić Horvath viši predavači / senior lecturers: mr.sc. Božica Hajsig, Zlatko Klanac, mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta Asistent / teaching assistant: Gordana Aras-Gazić Demonstratori / student assistants: David Ceilinger, Helena Ferkula, Luka Jecić, Andrea Mušić, Karlo Seitz, Matija Solomun

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu Kosa aksonometrija i kosa projekcija U sklopu kolegija Osnove nacrtne geometrije studenti izrađuju dva programa sa zadatcima primjenjivima u arhitektonskoj praksi (prvi program iz područja ortogonalne aksonometrije te drugi program iz područja kose aksonometrije i kose projekcije). Na primjeru programa studenta Ivana Mimice pokazan je zadatak drugog programa. Studenti se s pravilnim (Platonova tijela) i polupravilnim poliedrima (Arhimedova tijela) upoznaju na samome početku akademske godine kad izrađuju 3D model zadanih poliedara. Prikazuju ih metodom ortogonalnog projiciranja te u kosoj aksonometriji i kosoj projekciji. Na programu je prikazano pola dodekaedra u kosoj aksonometriji, izometriji s pogledom odozdo te u kosoj projekciji s pogledom odozgo s desna (u ovom slučaju je dodekaedar postavljen na kružnu ploču). Dodekaedar je položen jednim bridom paralelno s nacrtnom ravninom što je olakšalo prikaz dodekaedra u ortogonalnom i u kosom tlocrtu i nacrtu, te je primijenjeno znanje iz područja rotacije i perspektivne afinosti.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Mathematics, descriptive geometry and perspective  oblique axonometry and oblique projection Basics of Descriptive Geometry is the course which trains students in the creation of twoprogrammes with assignments which can be used in architectural practice (the first programme belongs to the fieldof orthogonal projection and the second to the field of oblique axonometry and oblique projection). Students are familiarized with regular polyhedrons(Plato’s bodies) and semi-regular polyhedrons(Archimedes’ bodies) in the very beginning of the academic year when they create 3D models of the givenpolyhedrons. The models are represented by using the methods of orthogonal projection,oblique projection and oblique axonometry. The programme shows a half ofdodecahedroncreated in oblique axonometric view, isometrictop view, and in oblique projection with the top right direction (in this case the dodecahedron is placed on a circular panel). One edge of the dodecahedron is placed parallel to the drawing plane which facilitates the orthogonal projection of the dodecahedron and its plan and elevation views. The projections are made by drawing on the knowledge ofrotation and affine perspective.

Nacrtna geometrija i perspektiva / Descriptive Geometry and Perspective preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year: 1;  semestar / semester: 1 student / student: Ivan Mimica mentori / mentors: Nikoleta Sudeta, Marija Šimić Horvath


Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za instalacije zgrada / section of building services Voditelj / Head of section: mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić, v.pred. Viši predavač / senior lecturer: mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić predavač / lecturer: Tihomir Rengel

Studio 4 / Architectural Design Studio 4 preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year: 3;  semestar / semester: 6 student / student: Denis Hrvatin

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kabinet za instalacije zgrada

Section of building services

STUDIO 4 – INSTALACIJE Zadatak u okviru kolegija Studio 4 uključuje sve dionice razrade jednoga projekta; urbanizam, arhitekturu i sve popratne tehničko-tehnološke aspekte. U zaokruženome procesu arhitektonskoga projektiranja poslovne građevine, student primjenjuje pojedine sustave instalacija koji osiguravaju tehnička svojstva bitna za građevinu: sigurnost u slučaju požara, zaštita od ugrožavanja zdravlja ljudi, zaštita od vibracija i stvaranje mikroklimatskih stanja u zgradi. Na taj način, tijekom razrade svojega projekta, stiče uvid u sve mogućnosti njihove primjene tijekom projektiranja i izvedbe. Na temelju osnovnih volumnih oblika zgrade odabire sustave s potrebnim elementima instalacija koje osiguravaju mikroklimatska stanja, funkcioniranje protupožarne zaštite, pomoću dijagrama-nomograma aproksimativno određuje veličinu tehničkih prostora za smještaj pojedinih uređaja kao što su klima strojarnice, rashladno postrojenje, toplinsko postrojenje i optimalno ih pozicionira u zgradi. Projektirana rješenja instalacija prikazuje u tlocrtima i integralnim funkcionalnim shemama. Tako stečena znanja i vještine za donošenje odluka u korištenju različitih tehnologija gradnje i očuvanja okoliša, moći će primjenjivati jednog dana u praksi.

STUDIO 4 – INSTALLATIONS The assignment of the practical course Studio 4 comprises all elements necessary for the elaboration of a project: urban planning, architectural design and the accompanying technical and technological aspects. In the well-rounded process of residential building design, students make use of individual installation system which sucure the existence of important technical properties of a building: fire safety, protection from health endangerment, protection from vibration and the creation of proper microclimatic conditions in the building. Through the process of project elaboration students get an insight into possible uses of the installation systems in the course of design and execution. On the basis of fundamental building forms they select the systems with the installation elements that ensure microclimatic conditions and protection against fire. With the help of nomograms they determine an approximate size of mechanical rooms which house equipment such as air handling units, thermal and refrigeration plants and other HVAC systems, and they find an optimal position of the rooms in the building. Installation designs are shown in ground-floor plans and integral functional diagrams. The knowledge and skills of making decisions on building technology and environment protection that are acquired through the course can be applied by students in their future practice.

mentori / mentors: Sanja Filep, Jesenko Horvat, Lea Petrović-Krajnik, Teodor Cvitanović, Nenad Turčić, Ivan Cetinić


Kabinet za instalacije zgrada

Section of building services

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja / Section of Planning and Project Management Voditelj / Head of section: Gordana Žaja, doc. docent / Assistant Professor: Gordana Žaja Viši predavač / senior lecturer: Damir Mance predavači / lecturers: mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić, Teodor Cvitanović, Tajana Jaklenec

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja Gantogram Studenti na temelju projektne dokumentacije obiteljske kuće, koju su pripremili u sklopu kolegija Studio 1, izrađuju troškovnik građevinskih i zanatskih radova s dokaznicom mjera. Na temelju izrađenoga troškovnika pristupa se formiranju popisa logičnoga slijeda aktivnosti koje će se odvijati na gradilištu obiteljske kuće. Na temelju troškovnika i normativa u graditeljstvu, određuje se trajanje pojedine aktivnosti iz čega proizlazi terminski plan – gantogram za izvođenje obiteljske kuće. Sam gantogram izrađuje se u računalnome programu za operativno planiranje – MS Projectu. Stiče se vještina i usvaja znanje o redoslijedu i logici izvođenja radova na gradilištu.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Planning and Project Management The Gantt chart Family house design documentation which students prepare in Architectural Design Studio 1 forms the basis for the creation of the cost estimates for construction work with a bill of quantities. The cost estimates is a starting point for the following step which entails the creation of a list of logically ordered activities which are performed on a family house construction site. The cost estimates and construction standards determine the duration of individual activity from, which, in turn, produce construction schedule, or Gantt chart, for the construction of the family house. The Gantt chart is created in a project management software program such as MS Project. The course develops skills and knowledge of the timeline and the logic of construction works.

Studio 1 / Architectural Design Studio 1 preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year: 3;  semestar / semester: 5 student / student: Mislav Barada mentori / mentors: Damir Mance


Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo

Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa / section of the history of architecture and architectural heritage protection Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić, doc.

Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture / section of the Theory of Architecture Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Karin Šerman, izv.prof.

Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu / section of modern and contemporary architecture Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, red.prof.


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa / section of the history of architecture and architectural heritage protection Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić, doc.

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa

pridruženi nastavnik / Cross-departmental Teaching: mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić

GRADITELJSKO NASLIJEĐE 2 / Architectural Heritage 2 Godina / year: 2; semestar / semester: 3 studenti / students: Ivan Križić, Damjan Odeljan mentor: Alan Braun Nominacija za Rektorovu nagradu / Rector's award nomination

Pionirski grad – grad mladih u Zagrebu Pionirski grad, danas Grad mladih u Zagrebu, zaštićena je kulturno-povijesna cjelina posebne urbanističke i arhitektonske vrijednosti. Izvorno je osmišljen kao mjesto u prirodi namijenjeno za smještaj, igru i učenje djece i mladih. Smješten je u južnome dijelu gradske četvrti Gornja Dubrava. Autor urbanističkoga rješenja sklopa, građenoga od 1948. do 1951. godine, je Josip Seissel, a autori arhitekture grada su Ivan Vitić i Marijan Haberle. Program sadržaja, koji za potrebe četiristotinjak djece i mladih, između ostalog uključuje smještajne kapacitete, restoran, domove kulture i tehnike, sportske sadržaje, hotele za posjetitelje te paviljone umjetnosti, bilo je potrebno uklopiti u prirodni krajolik spoja Medvednice sa zagrebačkom ravnicom. Želja za stvaranjem dječjega grada i organizacijom sadržaja, uobičajenih za veliki grad u oblikovnome smislu, nije provedena doslovno. Naprotiv, kao urbanističko rješenje razvija se koncept paviljona koji se razmješta u većem dijelu zadanog obuhvata. Sklop koji nastaje u skladu je s terenom i morfologijom okolnih sela. Gradski paviljoni oblikovani su u skladu s različitim funkcijama koje su udomljavali. Stambeni paviljoni, njih ukupno dvadeset i dva, podijeljeni su u pet tipova. Arhitektonsko rješenje paviljona neodvojivo je od urbanističkoga rješenja grada. Kvaliteta pozicioniranja paviljona na prirodne platoe, u osunčane otoke autohtone Medvedničke šume, s pažljivo usmjerenim pogledima prema krošnjama, padinama ili prema gradu podržana je arhitektonskim oblikovanjem kojim se u lokalnome materijalu podcrtava i naglašava vrijedni prirodni krajolik. Na osnovu arhivskoga i terenskoga istraživanja, za svaku građevinu ovoga zaštićenog kulturnog dobra izrađen je identifikacijski karton, sukladno usvojenoj konzervatorskoj praksi, što je omogućilo njihovu sistematizaciju, kategorizaciju i valorizaciju po kojoj su definirane konzervatorske smjernice za obnovu ovoga kulturnog dobra.


Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection PIONEER CITY – THE CITY OF YOUTH IN ZAGREB

docent / Assistant Professor: dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić viši predavač / senior lecturer: mr.sc. Alan Braun

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Pioneer City, or as it is known today as the City of Youth in Zagreb, is a protected cultural and historic complex of special urban and architectural value. It was originally conceived as a place in nature which would serve for accommodation, play and education of children and youth. It was built on one of the south slopes of Medvednica, in the southern part of the Gornja Dubrava quarter. The urban design of the complex, built in the period 1948–1951, was the work of Josip Seissel while the architectural design of its buildings was the work of Ivan Vitić and Marijan Haberle. The facility provision programme took into consideration the needs of about four hundred children and youth and comprised accommodation facilities, a restaurant, culture and science centres, sports facilities, guest hotels, and art pavilions. All these structures were supposed to fit in with the natural setting which is a transitional zone between the mountainous parts of Medvednica and the urban planes of Zagreb. The idea to model this children's city and the organisation of its facilities on a large city was not fully realized. On the contrary, the urban plan was developed around the concept of pavilions which were scattered across the largest part of the designated area. The layout of the complex was formed according to the terrain and morphology of the neighbouring villages. The pavilions in the City of Youth were designed according to the function they were intended to serve. Altogether twenty two accommodation pavilions were divided into five types. The architectural design of the pavilions was closely related to the urban plan of the city. The position of the pavilions on plateaus and sunny islands of the natural forest areas of Medvednica and their carefully planned orientation towards tree tops, mountain slopes or the city are even today reflected in their architectural design and the choice of the local material for their construction which emphasizes the valuable natural environment. Based on archival and field research, each building of this protected cultural property has its own identification card created according to the standard conservation practice. This enables the systematization, cataloguing and valorisation of the buildings and helps to define conservation guidelines for the renovation of the entire complex.

Grad mladih relativno je dobro očuvan primjer specifične tipologije arhitekture i urbanizma zrele moderne. Građevinsko stanje ovoga sklopa danas je prihvatljivo, pogotovo ako se u obzir uzme njegova starost, nedovoljno korištenje, a posebno neodržavanje. Sklop ubrzano propada zbog nedostatka sadržaja. Zaključuje se da je nalaženje pravoga sadržaja koji će rehabilitirati ovaj vrijedan prostor prava i jedina mjera zaštite ovoga sklopa.

The City of Youth is a relatively well preserved site which shows a specific type of architecture and urban planning characteristic of the high modern period. The architectural condition of the complex is today satisfactory, especially considering its age, insufficient use and maintenance. However, the complex is rapidly deteriorating because of a lack of content. The conclusion is that appropriate future uses which could rehabilitate this valuable space are the sole and the most proper measure for the protection of the complex.

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Radionica graditeljskog naslijeđa / Architectural Heritage Design Studio diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year: 2; semestar / semester: 3 studenti / students: Igor Radek, Ana Rukavina mentor: Dubravko Bačić Pohvala kolegija / Course commendation

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB



Izradom projekata obnove i prenamjene nacionalnih paviljona nekadašnjega Zagrebačkog zbora u sklopu Studentskoga centra Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, studenti su upoznati sa specifičnom problematikom projektiranja obnove graditeljske baštine i sa svim segmentima ovoga složenog procesa – izradom arhitektonskoga snimka postojećeg stanja, strukturom konzervatorskog elaborata, konzervatorsko-restauratorskim istraživanjima te naposljetku metodama obnove graditeljskoga naslijeđa – konzervacijom, rekonstrukcijom, restauracijom. Na primjeru Francuskoga paviljona, čija se obnova upravo završavala, mogli su na licu mjesta provjeriti svoja promišljanja u vezi obnove graditeljskoga naslijeđa, ali i približiti se konkretnim problemima koji se susreću na ovakvim gradilištima. OBNOVA I PRENAMJENA UTILITARNE POVIJESNE ARHITEKTURE U ljetnome semestru Radionica graditeljskoga naslijeđa ponudila je zadatak rehabilitacije utilitarne povijesne arhitekture. Iako su povijesno imale različite namjene, karakter korištenja i tipološka sličnost nekadašnje tvorničke hale u sklopu riječke Hartere i konjušnice pri dvorcu obitelji Sermage u Sv. Križu Začretje, predstavljali su zajedničko polazište u studentskim prijedlozima obnove i prenamjene u kojima su se posebno obrađivale teme obnove industrijske baštine i ambijentalne arhitekture.


Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa

In the course of creating renovation and conversion designs for national pavilions of the former Zagreb Fair, presently located on the site of the University of Zagreb's Student Centre, students are introduced to specific problems related to renovation of architectural heritage and with all the segments of this complex process – architectural surveys of the existing state, conservation reports, conservation and restoration research and finally, renovation methods – conservation, reconstruction, restoration. The French Pavilion, whose renovation was in the final stages of completion when this design studio took place, enabled students to become familiar with a concrete example on which could test their own ideas related to architectural heritage renovation. They could also become more familiar with specific and concrete issues which commonly occur on renovation sites. RENOVATION AND CONVERSION OF HISTORICAL UTILITARIAN ARCHITECTURE The Architectural Heritage Design Studio offered in the summer semester the assignment related to rehabilitation of historical utilitarian architecture. Although they were used in different ways throughout history, the typological similarity and the purpose of the former plant in Rijeka and the stable of the Sermage Castle in Sv. Križ Začretje were taken as a common denominator of students' renovation and conversion projects within which individually focus was placed on the topics of industrial heritage and atmospheric architecture.

Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Radionica graditeljskog naslijeđa / Architectural Heritage Design Studio diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year: 2; semestar / semester: 3 studenti / students: Ivona Ivanek, Iva Kovačev mentor: Alan Braun Pohvala kolegija / Course commendation


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

parafinka rijeka

parafinka rijeka

Zadatak obnove i prenamjene nekadašnje Tvornice Parafinka u sklopu riječke Tvornice papira Hartere, studenti našega fakulteta radili su usporedo s kolegama s Građevinskoga fakulteta u Rijeci, Arhitektonskoga fakulteta Tehničkog sveučilišta u Delftu i Arhitektonskoga fakulteta Oxford Brookes, a rezultati ove međunarodne radionice prezentirani su na zajedničkoj izložbi u Društvu arhitekata Rijeke u listopadu 2014. goidne.

The assignment of the renovation and conversion of the former Parafinka Plant within the complex of the Hartera Paper Plant in Rijeka, was a collaboration between Zagreb students and their colleagues from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka, Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology and the School of Architecture at Oxford Brookes. The results of this international cooperation were presented at the exhibition organized at the Rijeka Association of Architects in October 2014.

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture / section of the Theory of Architecture Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Karin Šerman, izv.prof. izvanredni profesor / assoc. professor: dr.sc. Karin Šerman znanstveni novak – asistent / junior researcher and teaching assistant mr.sc. Igor Ekštajn

Fotograf / photo by: Marko Mihaljević


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture Teorijski laboratorij: Konceptualizacija arhitektonskih operacija Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture u svomu se temeljnome zadatku istraživanja raznorodnih slojeva kompleksne i inkluzivne discipline arhitekture, u akademskoj godini 2013./14., uz redovitu nastavu i rad sa studentima, posvetio specifičnome tematskom segmentu – istraživanju odnosa autonomije i angažiranosti arhitekture na primjeru projektantskih praksi hrvatskog arhitektonskog modernizma. U sklopu pripreme hrvatskoga nastupa na 14. venecijanskom bijenalu arhitekture, posvećenoga prezentaciji hrvatske arhitektonske kulture u razdoblju 1914.– 2014. kroz specifično problemski intonirano i sintezno čitanje, oslovljene su konkretne arhitektonske operacije kojima se postižu željeni širi društveni, politički i kulturni ciljevi. Kako se Kabinet kontinuirano bavi propitivanjem uloge, zadaće i potencijala medija arhitekture u odnosu na sferu širih društvenih pitanja, tako i tumačenje nacionalne arhitekture nadilazi valorizaciju njezinih formalnih i osnovnih gradbenih aspekata i nužno sagledava domenu implicitnih širih kulturnih ambicija i učinaka. Pritom je važno razotkriti na koji se način te ambicije provode uz pomoć konkretnih arhitektonskih operacija, mobiliziranjem specifičnih projektantskih znanja i vještina angažiranog arhitekta. Snalažljivost i primjena projektantske inteligencije, upravo je ono što dokazuje potentnost i otpornost ovoga medija i pokazuje snagu njegovih konkretnih prostornih praksi i alata. Tako se afirmira arhitektura kao disciplina u cjelokupnome spektru svojih potencijala te potvrđuje da je njezina inherentna autonomija ne sprječava u oslovljavanju puno širih ambicija i ciljeva. Tom se tezom rukovodila hrvatska izložba na Bijenalu, gdje su kroz specifične konceptualne makete bile prikazane upravo autonomne arhitektonske operacije kojima pojedini arhitektonski primjeri ostvaruju šire vrijednosti i ciljeve.

Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of the Theory of Architecture Theory Lab: Conceptualization of Architectural Operations The fundamental task of the Section of Theory of Architecture is the research into the multiple and diverse layers of the complex and inclusive discipline of architecture. In the year 2013/14, besides its regular teaching program and work with students, the Theory Lab was specifically devoted to a particular thematic segment: research into the topic of architecture’s autonomy and engagement in case of Croatian architectural modernism. Within the work on the Croatian exhibition for the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale, dedicated to a focused presentation of Croatian architecture culture in the period 1914-2014, addressed were specific architectural operations were addressed by which architecture accomplishes broader social, political, and cultural goals. As the Theory Lab in it's work studies the role and potentials of architecture as a medium with respect to the sphere of broader social issues, so its approach to the interpretation of national architecture also included the assessment of its implicit broader cultural ambitions and effects. What we are also interested in is how this can be achieved by using concrete architectural operations and by mobilizing concrete design knowledge and skills of an engaged architect. Creative resourcefulness and application of concrete design intelligence, even outside the frames of a given program, is precisely what proves the potency and resilience of this medium and confirms the strength of its concrete spatial tools and practices. This is the proper way to promote architecture as a discipline with the entire spectrum of it's specific potentials and verify that its inherent autonomy does not prevent it to address much broader issues. We have tried to show this in the Biennale exhibition by creating conceptual models of precisely such autonomous architectural operations through which the desired broader values and objectives were successfully achieved.

Section of the Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Rad u kabinetu posvetio se analizi takvih arhitektonskih operacija te njihovoj konceptualizaciji i 3D modeliranju. Rezultat su makete kao konceptualni prikazi arhitektonskih operacija, koje pojedini arhitektonski primjeri primjenjuju u postizanju zacrtanih širih vrijednosti, svojevrsni materijalni prikazi nematerijalnih projektantskih postupaka. Rad se provodio u uskoj suradnji sa studentima i mladim arhitektima. Istraživanje su vodili prof. dr. sc. Karin Šerman i mr. sc. Igor Ekštajn, a konceptualizacije operacija promišljao je interdisciplinarni tim: Marija Barović, apsolventica arhitekture, Mislav Kuzmanić, arhitekt, i Ana Bedenko, apsolventica povijesti umjetnosti. U same razrade uključeni su bili i studenti Karlo Seitz, Matija Solomun i Marko Mihaljević, prvostupnik arhitekture. Izradu konceptualnih maketa proveli su maketari Arhitektonskog fakulteta, apsolventi arhitekture: Nikola Brlek, Aleksandar Matijašević, Dino Mišković, Sven Sorić i Hrvoje Spudić. Sve makete izrađene su u maketarnici Arhitektonskog fakulteta.

The work within the Theory Lab progressed through analyses of such potent architectural operations and their subsequent conceptualization and 3D modelling. The outcome was an array of conceptual models which depict specific architectural procedures engaged in achieving broader social goals, thus confirming the potency of autonomous architectural tools. In form of specific built diagrams, they are a sort of material presentations of nonmaterial architectural operations. The work progressed through a close cooperation with students and young architects. The research leaders Prof. Karin Šerman and Igor Ekštajn worked with the young interdisciplinary team: Marija Barović, architecture graduate, Mislav Kuzmanić, MArch, and Ana Bedenko, graduate in art history. They collaborated further with architecture students Karlo Seitz, Matija Solomun, and Marko Mihaljević, BArch. The models were constructed by the team of expert model makers – all architecture graduates from the Zagreb Faculty of Architecture: Nikola Brlek, Aleksandar Matijašević, Dino Mišković, Sven Sorić and Hrvoje Spudić. The models were constructed in the workshop of the Zagreb Faculty of Architecture.

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu / section of modern and contemporary architecture Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, red.prof.

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture National Museum of Architecture, Oslo

redoviti profesori / professors: dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil docent/ assistant professor dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić znanstveni novaci – asistenti / junior researchers and teaching assistants Melita Čavlović, Mojca Smode Cvitanović, Marina Smokvina

svjetska arhitektura 20.st. / Contemporary Architecture in the 20th century Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year: 3; semestar / semester: 5 student: Ana Oršiček mentor: Aleksandar Homadovski

Sverre Fehn – Nacionalni muzej arhitekture, Oslo Najvažniji dio Fehnove arhitekture muzeja predstavlja gradnja u drvetu ili betonu; svjetlo te iskrenost u korištenju materijala, koji niti u jednom segmentu ne konkuriraju izložbenome postavu. Nacionalni muzej arhitekture ogranak je Nacionalnog muzeja za umjetnost, arhitekturu i dizajn. Sastoji se od zgrade nekadašnje Norveške banke izgrađene 1830. godine, arhitekta Christiana Groscha, i novog paviljona. Interakcija između dva stručnjaka odvija se na principu sličnosti i različitosti. Fehn koristi slične materijale u različitim situacijama i stvara zaseban paviljon koji je, ujedno, dio cjeline s Groschovom zgradom banke. Staru zgradu vraća izvornome karakteru, naglašavajući njezinu strukturu u interakciji s novim elementima prostora. Ideja novoga paviljona temelji se na interakciji dnevnoga svjetla, pogleda u nebo i okruženja u doživljaju prostora. Nasuprot longitudinalnosti prostora banke, kvadratni Fehnov prostor odgovara suvremenim načelima organiziranja izložbenih prostora, a pritom se ne postavljaju predominantno inicijalnoj građevini. Paviljon je okružen betonskim zidovima koji predstavljaju ekstenziju doživljaja prostora, kontroliraju vizure i referiraju se na okolinu. Muzeju se pristupa kroz historicistički dio zgrade sa svim javnim i servisnim sadržajima, a južno pruža izlaz u park. Privremene izložbe odvijaju se u paviljonu, a stalna izložba smještena je u starome dijelu muzeja. Osnova konstrukcije nad kvadratnim tlocrtom paviljona su četiri masivna stupa koji nose visok strop izveden od laganoga betona u koji se prelazi iz niskoga drvenog polubačvastog stropa 19. stoljeća. Staklena fasada s brisolejima stvara tanki sloj između otvorenoga i zatvorenoga prostora te je ujedno građevni element i ornament. Projektom Nacionalnoga muzeja arhitekture, Fehn ponovno stvara arhitekturu individualnoga stila koja ne slijedi suvremene trendove nego uvijek teži napretku. Značaj i kvaliteta djela postignuta je upravo logičnom organizacijom i pristupom koji uvažava zatečeni okoliš.


Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu

The most important aspect of Fehn's architecture of the museum is the construction in wood or concrete; light and honestly used materials which do not compete in a single segment with the exhibition. The Museum of Architecture is a branch of Oslo's National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design. It comprises the former premises of the Norwegian Central Bank, designed by Christian Grosch and completed in 1830, and a new pavilion. The interaction between two architects is one of similarity and difference. Fehn uses the same materials for similar situations and creates and individual pavilion which at the same time forms part of Grosch's bank complex. He gives an original appearance to the old building highlighting its structure which comes alive in the interaction with the new spatial elements. The concept of the new pavilion is based on the interaction between daylight, view of the sky and the experience of the surrounding space. Unlike the longitudinal body of the bank, Fehn's cube complies with the contemporary principles of exhibition spaces without dominating over the older structure. The pavilion is framed with concrete walls which extend the spatial experience, control the vistas and form references to the surrounding space. The museum is approached through the historicist part of the building that contains all public facilities, while on its south side it provides an exit into a park. Temporary exhibitions are organized in the pavilion while the permanent exhibition is mounted in the older part of the museum. The basic structure over the pavilion’s square plan is formed by four massive pillars which carry a high and light concrete ceiling connected to the short 19th-century wooden half-round barrel ceiling. The glass façade with brise soleils creates a thin layer between the open and closed spaces in the double role of a construction element and decoration. The design of the National Museum of Architecture is another of Fehn’s idiosyncratic works of architecture which does not follow the contemporary trends but is progress-directed. The significance and quality of the work is achieved by logical organisation and an approach respectful of the existing environment.

Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Autorski pristup u hrvatskoj arhitekturi / Croatian Architects Author’s Approaches diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year: 1; semestar / semester: 2 student: Mirna Udovčić mentor: Andrej Uchytil

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Autorski pristupi hrvatskih arhitekata – Ninoslav Kučan

Individual Approach of Croatian Architects – Ninoslav Kučan

Arhitekt Ninoslav Kučan svojim je djelovanjem obilježio vrijeme prijelaza ideja zagrebačke škole arhitekture u postmodernistički pluralizam. Kučana zanima kakva će biti arhitektura novoga stoljeća i kako uspješno izraziti sadašnjost u arhitekturi.

The work of architect Ninoslav Kučan marked the period which witnessed the transition from the ideas characteristic of the Zagreb School of Architecture into a postmodern pluralism. Kučan was interested in what the architecture of the new century would be like and how to successfully express the present moment in architecture.

Ninoslav Kučan rođen je 1927. godine u Brezi kraj Sarajeva. Arhitektonski fakultet upisuje 1945. Tijekom studija pokazuje se njegova darovitost te sudjeluje s V. Turinom na antologijskome projektu sportskoga centra na Delti u Rijeci. Diplomirao je 1951. god. s projektom velike bolnice Medicinskoga fakulteta.

Ninoslav Kučan was born in Breza near Sarajevo in 1927. He enrolled in the Faculty of Architecture in 1945. During his student days his talent became apparent and he collaborated with V. Turina on the esteemed, now classical, project of the sports centre in Delta, Rijeka. He graduated in 1951 with the thesis on the Faculty of Medicine's large hospital building design.

S arhitektom Radovanom Nikšićem radi projekt Doma Radničkoga sveučilišta u Zagrebu 1955. god. koji se konceptom bitno razlikovao od tadašnje arhitektonske prakse. Najpoznatije Kučanovo samostalno djelo je Palača pravde u Zagrebu (A. Kučana). Građena od 1961. do 1970., označava kraj zagrebačke škole arhitekture i početak drukčijih ideja. 1970. prihvaća ponudu za posao tvrtke Rijeka projekt i ubrzo postaje vodeći riječki arhitekt. Iste godine nastaje projekt Robne kuće Ri (surađivao je s B. Babićem i V. Kučanom) – megalomanski projekt, gradski prioritet.

In 1955, Kučan worked with Radovan Nikšić on the house of the Workers' University in Zagreb whose concept was significantly different from the architectural practice of the period. The most famous Kučan's individual work was the Palace of Justice building in Zagreb which was built from 1961 to 1970. This building marks the end of the Zagreb School of Architecture and the beginning of different ideas.

Projekt stambenog naselja Krnjevo kraj Rijeke, pokazuje arhitektovu socijalnu osjetljivost i težnju humaniziranja životnoga prostora. Kučan stječe magisterij temom Krnjeva 1987. i od tada je mentor kod prof. Miroslava Begovića. Senzibilitet arhitekta najbolje se očituje u njegovim projektima telefonsko-telegrafskih centara od 1974.– 82. Na Kozali u Rijeci uski neboder je prvi gradski arhitektonski signal. Ona u Puli ima naglašeno modularno i kontrastno pročelje – postala je Kučanova amblematska slika. Centar na Sušaku je kompaktan raster limenih ploča sa skulptorskim plasticitetom, a ona u Umagu djeluje montažno i krhko poput svemirske letjelice. Ostatak svojega života provodi u Rijeci, gdje je napravio niz projekata za stambene tornjeve koji su materijalizirani u Vulkanovom neboderu, a od sportskih objekata Rijeka je dobila otvoreni bazen na Kantridi s karakterističnim lukom. Umro je 1992. godine. Kučanova ostvarenja su na tragu da je tehnološka, ali humana komponenta bitna i da ona uvelike određuje arhitekturu. Taj sustav vrijednosti dovodi do arhitektonskoga jezika koji ga izdvaja od ostalih arhitekata.


Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture

In 1970 he accepted the offer to work for the Rijeka Project company and soon became the leading architect in Rijeka. In the same year he worked on the designs for the Ri Department Store (in collaboration with B. Babić and V. Kučan) – a megalomanic projects, the priority of the city. The project of the Krnjevo residential estate near Rijeka shows Kučan's social sensitivity and the aspirations to humanize living spaces. Krnjevo was the topic of his master thesis with which he obtained an MA degree in 1987. In the same year started working as supervisor under Prof Miroslav Begović. His architectural sensibility can best be shown in the designs for telephone and telegraph centres on which he worked in 1974-82. The narrow skyscraper in Kozala, Rijeka is the first urban architectural signal. The centre in Pula with a markedly modular and contrastive facade became Kučan's emblematic illustration. The centre in Sušak is a compact grid of sheet metal boards with sculpture-like roundedness and the one in Umag seems prefabricated and fragile, like a space ship. Kučan spent the rest of his life in Rijeka where he finished several designs for residential buildings which were materialized in Vulkan's skyscraper. Among sports facilities, Kučan created the outdoor swimming pool in Kantrida with a characteristic port. He died in 1992. Kučan's accomplishments come close to the view that technological side is equally important as the human side which considerably determines architecture. Such a value system led him to the architectural language which differentiated him from other architects.

Department of History and Theory of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje / section of urban design Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, red.prof.

Kabinet za prostorno planiranje / Section of physical planning Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, red.prof.

Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma / Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban planning History Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof.


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje / section of urban design Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, red.prof. redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors: dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić; dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit, dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat, dr.sc. Anka Mišetić docent / Assistant Professor: dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar VANJSKI SURADNICI / TEACHING ASSOCIATES: Svebor Andrijević, dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Maja Bilušić, Zoran Boševski, Marko Cvjetko, Zrinka Grosek,Klara Gržin, Konstantina Kralj, Bojan Linardić, Martina Ljubičić, Irena Matković,Nikola Matuhina, Kristina Perkov, Damir Petric, Marin Piršić, Marija Premužić Ančić, Ela Prižmić, Ksenija Radić, Vera Ružić, Sandra Smiljanić, Ana Sopina, Ivana Šajn, Andrea Šimić, dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić, Hrvoje Vidović

URBANISTIČKA RADIONICA 1 / Urban Design Studio 1 diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 1;  semestar / semester: 1 student: Martina Zeljko mentori / mentors: Tihomir Jukić, Kristina Perkov


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje AFIRMACIJA ZADARSKOG POLUOTOKA – preobrazba gradskog središta Urbanistička radionica Afirmacija zadarskog poluotoka pokrenuta je na inicijativu Društva arhitekata Zadra (ZDA). Tema je suvremena jer su aktualni procesi iseljavanja stanovnika iz povijesnih jezgri gradova i naselja i njihovo pretvaranje u jednonamjenske turističke sadržaje (primjer Dubrovnika, Splita, Zadra,....). Studenti su, uz gostovanje meritornih gostiju predavača i rad na terenu, pokušali istražiti tu temu i predložiti projekte kojima bi se ti procesi usporili, a sve na primjeru afirmacije Zadarske povijesne jezgre. U detaljnome analitičkom djelu istražene su karakteristike zatečene urbane strukture Zadra i ispitane mogućnosti afirmacije nekih vrijednih prostora gradskoga središta.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of urban design  AFFIRMATION OF THE ZADAR PENINSULA – transformation of the city centre Urban Planning Workshop Affirmation of the Zadar Penninsula was launched at the initiative of the Zadar Association of Architect (ZDA). The emigration of people from historic city centres and the transformation of these areas into single-function tourist services have been occurring in Croatia (in cities such as Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar etc.) which makes this topic a contemporary issue. Alongside attending lectures of esteemed guest lecturers and participating in field work, students were supposed to explore the topic and make proposals for projects which could slow down the tourism-driven processes taking as their case study the affirmation of the historic centre of Zadar. The analytical part of the assignment comprised a research of the existing urban structure of Zadar and its characteristics, which was followed by an exploration of possibilities for the affirmation of certain valuable spaces of the city centre.

Zelene površine zadarskoga poluotoka nalaze se, uglavnom, uz rub antičkoga rastera čineći tako zeleni prsten, dok su one u izgrađenomu tkivu, uglavnom, unutar neuređenih i zanemarenih blokova. Zbog nedostatka površina za parkove, nove javne površine i vrtovi penju se i šire vertikalno. Takvi vrtovi imali bi društvene sadržaje kao što su radni prostori, ugostiteljski sadržaji, spremišta, dječji vrtići te sportska i dječja igrališta, parkovi, vrtovi ljekovitoga bilja, vidikovci i slično. Odabrane lokacije za vertikalne vrtove postojeće su prostrane površine (parkirališta, proširenje ulica, neuređena dvorišta, zelene površine s mogućnošću preuređenja) te mjesta na kojima bi se intervencijom vertikalnoga vrta postigla nova kvaliteta života te definirala gradnja na poluotoku (prolazi i nedovršeni dijelovi bloka).

The greeneries of the Zadar peninsula are mainly located along the urban grid defined in the period of Antiquity thus forming a green ring, while those situated within the built fabric can mostly be found in neglected city blocks. Due to a shortage of spaces planned for parks, new public gardens started to spread vertically. Vertical gardens could have various uses such as work spaces, cafes and restaurants, storage units, kindergartens, sport courts and playgrounds, parks, medicinal plants garden, belvederes and the like. The sites chosen for vertical gardens are the existing areas (car parks, street extensions, courtyards, green areas with renovation potential) and places to which vertical gardens could provide a new quality of life and define future construction on the peninsula (passages and unbuilt parts of city blocks).

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

PREOBRAZBA GRADSKOGA PROSTORA – Poslovno-stambena zona Remiza – Trešnjevka

TRANSFORMATION OF URBAN SPACE – Commercial and Residential Area Remiza – Trešnjevka

Gradovi su se širili od planiranoga središta prema neplanski nastalim rubovima, a preskakani su predjeli prvih industrija i servisa. Njihovim se napuštanjem danas otvaraju kaverne, samim time postaju prilika za urbanističko-arhitektonskim sređivanjem. Takva je i lokacija spremišta tramvaja na Trešnjevci čijim se preseljenjem oslobađa izrazito vrijedan gradski prostor. Istražuje se predominantno programsko, sadržajno ili fizionomsko značenje širega prostora. Cilj je kvalitetno osmisliti budući podcentar te strukturalno i sadržajno uklopiti ga u cjelinu širega gradskog središta – kroz reprogramiranje i aktivaciju izgrađenoga, a neprimjereno korištenoga ili neizgrađenoga prostora, te njegovu rekonstrukciju i dograđivanje s pažnjom posvećenome novom javnom prostoru i prometu. Rješenja se traže na razini urbanističkoga plana uređenja za širi obuhvat i urbanističko-arhitektonskoga projekta za uži dio zadatka.

The expansion of cities took the direction from the planned urban centre towards the unplanned peripheral areas while industrial zones were circumvented in the process. The abandonment of a large number of plants led to the creation of gaps which have opened up opportunities for urban and architectural development. One such example is the former site of the tram depot in Trešnjevka, an exceptionally valuable urban space. The main focus of the studio is to explore the meaning of a wider space in terms of its programme, content or physiognomy. The aim is to create a concept of the future sub-centre and integrate its structure and content in a wider city area – by reprogramming and activating the existing structures and an improperly used or unbuilt space and its reconstruction and renovation, while giving special attention to a new public space and traffic. Solutions are searched for on the level of urban regulation plan for a wider area as well as urban and architectural design for a more narrowly defined part of the assignment.

URBANISTIČKA RADIONICA 1 / Urban Design Studio 1 diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 1;  semestar / semester: 2 student: Ivana Ivić mentor: Jesenko Horvat


Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje

Section of urban design

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Zagreb_Univerzijada 2016. – prostori između

Zagreb European University Games 2016 – Spaces in Between

Inicirana planiranim odvijanjem Europskih omladinskih sportskih igara UNIVERZIJADA 2016. u Zagrebu, Urbanistička radionica 3 pod nazivom Zagreb_Univerzijada 2016. – prostori između, trebala je dati odgovor na pitanje kako u kratkome vremenu odabrati i realizirati manje projekte uređenja javnoga prostora u gradu. Najčešće se radi o zapuštenim, neadekvatno valoriziranim javnim prostorima čijim bi se uređenjem sustavno mijenjala slika grada i omogućavao kvalitetniji život. Taj se proces može promatrati i kao početak sustavne preobrazbe grada s posebnim osvrtom na uređenje postojećega i oblikovanje novoga javnog gradskog prostora.

radionica urbanizma/ urban design studio diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3 student: Radovan Sević mentori / mentors: Tihomir Jukić, Kristina Perkov


Initiated by the planned hosting of the European University Games in Zagreb in 2016, the Urban Planning Workshop 3, under the title Zagreb_Universiade 2016 – Spaces in Between, was organized so as to provide answers to the question how to select and realize small urban design projects in the city in a short period of time. The projects are related to neglected, inappropriately valorised public spaces whose renovation could systematically change the image of the city while at the same time providing a better quality of life. This process can be considered as the beginning of a structured transformation of the city with a special attention given to the design of the existing and new public urban spaces.

Ideja uređenja prostora uz ŠRC Šalata bazira se na potenciranju identiteta Šalate kao svojevrsne oaze i zelene zone u gradskome tkivu centra grada. Prostor zapadno od prilaza ŠRC Šalata uređuje se u niz javnih prostora različitih sadržaja kako bi se stvorio cjelovit sklop u prostoru koji za to daje odlične prostorne predispozicije. Javni prostori konceptualno se dijele ne prostore aktivnosti i okupljanja te na prostore zelenih površina, a kriteriji određivanja položaja određenih tipova prostora su kontakt sa ŠRC Šalata, vizure, reljefna konfiguracija te potrebe širega prostora.

Physical planning of the space adjacent to the Šalata Sports and Recreation Centre is based on the idea to enhance the identity of Šalata as a certain oasis and green are in the very heart of the city centre. The space west of the centre's entrance is planned for a series of public facilities in the area which is spatially well predisposed to contain an integral complex of public spaces. These spaces are conceptually divided into those dedicated to activities, gathering and green areas. The criteria for determining the location of these types of spaces include the contact with the centre, vistas, relief configurations and requirements which are necessary to meet in a wider space.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za prostorno planiranje / Section of physical planning Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, red.prof. redoviti profesori / professors: dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac, dr.sc. Srečko Pegan docent / Assistant Professor: dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović viši Asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant: dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik znanstveni novak – asistent / junior researcher and teaching assistant: Ana Mrđa VANJSKI SURADNICI / TEACHING ASSOCIATES: Svebor Andrijević, dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Maja Bilušić, Zoran Boševski, Marko Cvjetko, Zrinka Grosek,Klara Gržin, Konstantina Kralj, Bojan Linardić, Martina Ljubičić, Irena Matković,Nikola Matuhina, Kristina Perkov, Damir Petric, Marin Piršić, Marija Premužić Ančić, Ela Prižmić, Ksenija Radić, Vera Ružić, Sandra Smiljanić, Ana Sopina, Ivana Šajn, Andrea Šimić, dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić, Hrvoje Vidović

URBANISTIČKA RADIONICA 2 / Urban Design Studio 2 diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 1;  semestar / semester: 2 studenti / students: Igor Radek, Ana Rukavina mentor / mentors: Ivan Mlinar, Lea Petrović Krajnik


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za prostorno planiranje PROSTORNO UREĐENJE NASELJA KOSTRENA I URBANISTIČKO RJEŠENJE DIJELA NASELJA Tema kolegija Urbanistička radionica 2 – Planiranje naselja, istraživanje je prostornih mogućnosti razvoja koje podrazumijeva daljnje zadiranje u prostor, ali i zaštitu stečenih vrijednosti u antropogenom i prirodnom okružju. Planska projekcija odnosi se na razdoblje od 10 do 15 godina. Cilj zadatka izraditi je koncept prostornoga uređenja naselja Kostrena, njegovoga kontaktnog područja te izdvojenih prostornih cjelina u službi turističke, rekreacijske, ali i gospodarske aktivnosti. Prilikom obilaska terena studenti su se upoznali s postojećim stanjem i problemima u prostoru. Svojim su radovima predložili varijantna rješenja prostornoga razvoja, kako cijelog poluotoka tako i njegovih pojedinih naselja ili dijelova naselja. Zamišljeni scenariji razvoja kreću se od širega regionalnog promišljanja mogućeg utjecaja Kostrene na okolno područje i grad Rijeku, ali i obrnuto, od stvaranja i oblikovanja novih urbanih ambijenata pojedinih naselja.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of physical planning PHYSICAL PLANNING OF KOSTRENA AND THE URBAN DESIGN OF ONE PART OF THE TOWN Urban Design Studio 2 – Town Planning is the course that deals with possibilities of spatial development which entails deeper examination of space but also the protection of the existing values in anthropogenic and natural environments. The plan covers the projected period of 10 to 15 years. The aim of the assignment is to create a physical plan concept for the town of Kostrena, its contact areas and isolated spatial areas which serve for tourism, recreational and economic activities. A field trip to the town provided the students with the insight into the existing state and spatial problems. In their projects, students proposed different options for the spatial development of the entire peninsula, its towns and parts of towns. The conceptual development scenarios include wider, regional perspectives on the impact of Kostrena onto its surrounding area and the city of Rijeka, as well as the creation and design of new urban environments within individual towns.

Predloženo rješenje predviđa formiranje linearnoga poteza novih sadržaja uz postojeću magistralu kako bi se aktivirao veći dio Kostrene te očuvao vrijedan prirodan prostor. Sadržaji su grupirani oko četiri dominantne programske teme (žarišta), određene posebitostima prostora u kojem se nalaze. Žarišta objedinjuju teme poduzetništva (manje i srednje poduzetništvo uz brodogradilište Viktor Lenac), turizma (u zoni pod najmanjim negativnim utjecajima duž obalne šetnice), znanosti (Zavod instituta očuvanja prirode i okoliša) i adrenalinskoga sporta (u zoni zaštitnoga zelenila prema rafineriji nafte Urinj).

The proposed project envisages the creation of new facilities along the existing trunk road which can serve to activate the biggest part of Kostrena and help preserve a valuable natural environment. The facilities are grouped according to four dominant topics (focal points), determined by the particularities of the space for which they are planned. The topics include economy (small and medium-sized enterprises next to the Viktor Lenac Shipyard) tourism (the walking area along the shore line which is minimally inflicted with negative influence), science (an office of the Institute of Natural and Environmental Protection) and adventure sports (in the area of protective greenery close to the Urinj Oil Refinery).

Kabinet za prostorno planiranje

Section of physical planning

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

URBANISTIČKA RADIONICA 2 / Urban Design Studio 2 diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 1;  semestar / semester: 2 studenti / students: Mihaela Goluža, Ana Grgurač mentor / mentor: Sanja Gašparović, Marija Premužić Aničić


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Koncepcijsko rješenje predviđa intervenciju na dvije razine. Uz postojeću rafineriju Urinj predlaže se novi tehnološki park s istraživačkim centrima, poslovnom zonom te proizvodnjom obnovljivih izvora energije koji imaju za cilj poticanje promjena, osuvremenjivanje i održivi razvoj same industrijske zone.

The conceptual design envisages an intervention on two levels. The present Urinj Refinery is proposed to be extended with a new technological park which contains a research centre, business area, and a production plant of renewable energy sources whose objective is to stimulate changes, modernisation and sustainable development of the industrial zone.

Postojeća naselja dopunjavaju se novim sadržajima – formiranjem pejsažnoga rekreacijskog prstena oko naselja i poprečnih veza s javnim i društvenim sadržajima. Između njih formira se nova mreža javnih prostora (parkova, trgova i urbanih vrtova). Na taj način unaprjeđuje se kvaliteta života, ali i proširuje ponuda u smislu turističkih, ugostiteljskih i rekreacijskih prostora u funkciji naselja i širega prostora grada Rijeke.

The existing residential areas are given new content – by forming a green ring as a recreational space and transversal connections with public and social facilities. A new network of public spaces (parks, squares and urban gardens) is formed between them. This not only improves the quality of life but enriches the tourism offer of the city of Rijeka with restaurants and recreational spaces which are simultaneously used by people from both the residential areas and the wider urban area.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma / Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban planning History Voditelj / Head of section: dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof. redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors: dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci; dr.sc. Damir Krajnik, dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci docent / Assistant Professor: dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković znanstveni novaci – asistenti / junior researchers and teaching assistants: Tamara Marić, Tin Oberman, Marko Rukavina VANJSKI SURADNICI / TEACHING ASSOCIATES: Svebor Andrijević, dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Maja Bilušić, Zoran Boševski, Marko Cvjetko, Zrinka Grosek,Klara Gržin, Konstantina Kralj, Bojan Linardić, Martina Ljubičić, Irena Matković,Nikola Matuhina, Kristina Perkov, Damir Petric, Marin Piršić, Marija Premužić Ančić, Ela Prižmić, Ksenija Radić, Vera Ružić, Sandra Smiljanić, Ana Sopina, Ivana Šajn, Andrea Šimić, dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić, Hrvoje Vidović

Perivojno oblikovanje / Landscape Design preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year: 3;  semestar / semester: 5 student: Nikola Kašić mentori / Mentors: Bojana Bojanić Obad Ščitaroci, Ana Sopina


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma Perivoj i javni prostori višestambenog naselja Topole, Zagreb Kolegij Perivojno oblikovanje obuhvaća idejnu razinu urbanističko-perivojnog rješenja javnog prostora stambenog naselja. Razrada zadatka odnosi se na vlastito urbanističko rješenje stambenog naselja izrađeno na kolegiju Studio 2. Izradom idejnog rješenja perivojnog oblikovanja stambenog naselja, odnosno javnog prostora, svladavaju se oblikovnokonceptualne i urbanističko-tehničke metodološke osnove urbanističkog, perivojnog i arhitektonskog projektiranja, te se stječu vještine cjelovite spoznaje konteksta prostora i njegova uređenja kroz kontekst, koncept i ideju, ovisno o urbanističkim, arhitektonskim, tehničkim, pejsažnim, administrativnim i drugim činiteljima.

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History Park and Public Areas of Multihousing Settlements of Topole, Zagreb The course Landscape Design incorporates the conceptual level of urban and public space solutions for the public space of housing estates. The task is an extension of work done towards providing a solution for an urban housing project produced at the course: Urban Architectural Design Studio 2. In providing a conceptual solution for the park design of a housing project, or an public space, the formative conceptual and urban-technical and methodological foundations of urban, park and architectural design are acquired, as well as skills for full insight into the context of space and its design through context, concept and idea, depending on urban, architectural, technical, landscape, administrative, and other factors.

Perivoj stambenoga naselja definiran je kao urbana šuma. Razlog tog odabira uređenja prostora između, namjera je stvaranja prostora i ambijenta koji je specifičan prirodnoj šumi, poput Medvednice sjeverno od naselja, ali koji odišu urbanim ugođajem i određenom pravilnošću. Osim toga, postiže se dojam boravka u prirodi koji je prisutan u svim stanovima stambenih zgrada – pogled na drveće koje raste, cvjeta, mijenja boju, živi, i prisutnost terasa u prizemlju koje su izravna poveznica privatnoga prostora i prostora ugode.

Parks in residential areas are defined as urban forests. The reason for choosing to develop the space between lies in the intent to create spaces and environments which are characteristic of a natural forest such as Medvednica north of the residential area, but which also exude an air of urban atmosphere and certain regularity. Additionally, the impression that they achieve is the one typical of a stay in the nature and it is present in all building apartments – a view of the growing, blossoming, colour-changing and living trees, and the terraces on the ground floor which directly form a link between the private space and the space of comfort and pleasure.

Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma

Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Emanacija urbanog pejsaža

Emanation of Urban Landscape

Radionica razvija temu Emanacije urbanog pejsaža, razotkrivanje prostora – impresije, modifikacije spoznaje i ispitivanje značenja vremena i strukture u prostoru. Način projektiranja jest koreografija kretanja, vizualnih iluzija i osjetilni pejsaž iščekivanja. Cilj radionice jest stvoriti paradigmu koja je neovisna o lokaciji, sadržaju, mjerilu, vremenu i tehnologiji.

Radionica pejsažne arhitekture / Landscape Architecture Design Studio diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year: 2;  semestar / semester: 3 student: Ivona Ivanek mentor: Bojana Bojanić Obad Ščitaroci


The workshop develops the topic: Emanation Of Urban Landscape, exposing space – impressions, modification of insights and examining the import of time and structure within space. The design mode is the choreography of motion, visual illusions and the sensory landscape of anticipation. The aim of the workshop is to create a paradigm that is independent of location, content, scale, time and technology.

Savska cesta treba postati više od linije koja samo spaja točku A s točkom B, u ovom slučaju Novi Zagreb i centar grada. Ona treba postati područje (space) koje je dio zajednice i prostora kroz koji prolazi. Novim sadržajima, aktivnostima i načinima kretanja u prostoru cilj je stvoriti novi streetscape koji će obogatiti okolni prostor i pružiti ljudima, prvenstveno mladima koji najviše prolaze kroz njega, razlog da se u njemu zadrže i uživaju. Cilj je od ceste stvoriti ulicu, javni prostor koji će se aktivno koristiti i postati katalizator razvoja i aktivacije okolnoga prostora i četvrti koje spaja i kroz koje prolazi.

Savska cesta (Savska Road) Street should become more than just a line connecting point A with point B, or in this case, Novi Zagreb with the city centre. It should become the space that belongs to the community and the environment which surrounds it. The aim of introducing new facilities, activities and movement patterns in the space is to create a new streetscape which can enrich the surrounding space and offer people the reason for prolonged stay and enjoyment in it which primarily concerns young generations as its most frequent users. The aim is also to turn the road into a street, an actively used space which will become a catalyst of development and activation of the surrounding space and the quarters which it connects and through which it passes.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu

Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Terenska nastava i Erasmus

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Field Studies and Erasmus Programme

terenska nastava / field studies

erasmus / erasmus programme

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska / Croatian Space and Architecture – North-west Croatia dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, doc.

Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura e Societa Politehničko sveučilište Milano, Škola za arhitekturu i društvo / Polytechic University of Milan, School of architecture and society

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Slavonija / Croatian Space and Architecture – Slavonia dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, doc.

Ecole National Superieure d'Architecture Paris La Villette Visoka nacionalna škola za arhitekturu Paris La Villette / College of Architecture Paris La Villette

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Istra / Croatian Space and Architecture – Istria mr.sc. Alan Braun, v. pred.

Techische Universität Braunschweig, Fakultät für Architektur Tehničko sveučilište Braunschweig, Arhitektonski fakultet, Njemačka / Techical University Braunschweig, Faculty of Architecture, Germany

Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Dalmacija / Croatian Space and Architecture – Dalmatia dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, red.prof.

Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo Sveučilište u Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturu, Slovenija / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia Techische Universität Graz, Fakultät für Architektur Tehničko sveučilište Graz, Arhitektonski fakultet, Austrija / Techical University Graz, Faculty of Architecture, Austria Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur Tehničko sveučilište München, Arh. fakultet, Njemačka / Technical University Munich, Faculty of Architecture, Germany


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Terenska nastava / Field studies

Zagreb 27.10.2013., 16–17.11.2013. Itinerar Zagreb / Itinerary Zagreb Kaptol i Gornji grad – povijesna jezgra Zagreba / Kaptol and Upper Town – Historic core of City Donji grad – 12 konstitutivnih primjera arhitekture i prostora grada / Down Town – 12 Constitutive Examples of Architecture and City Areas

Slavonija / slavonia 14.–16.04.2014. Itinerar Slavonija / Itinerary Slavonia Novi Mikanovci – Vinkovci – Ovčara – Ilok – Vukovar – Vučedol – Aljmaš Osijek (Tvrđa, Donji i Gornji grad, te novi dijelovi / Tvrđa, Down Town, Upper Town, new parts) – Valpovo – Donji Miholjac – Našice Đakovo – Slavonski Brod – Požega – Pakrac – Daruvar

Predavanja / lectures: dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić, doc., mr.sc. Alan Braun, v.pred.: Zagreb – grad i arhitektura od njegovih početaka do kraja 19. stoljeća / Zagreb – the City and Architecture from its Origins to the Late 19th Century dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, red.prof.: Urbanistički razvoj Zagreba u 20. i 21. stoljeću / Urban Development of Zagreb in the 20th and 21th Century dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, red.prof.: Moderna arhitektura Zagreba / Modern Architecture of Zagreb Stručno vodstvo / guidance: dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, doc. (nositelj kolegija / Head of Course), Petar Mišković, doc., Mia Roth Čerina, doc., Vanja Rister, doc., Marina Bertina, v.pred., Melita Čavlović, zn.nov., Mojca Smode,zn.nov., Marina Smokvina, zn.nov.

Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska / North-west Croatia 14.–15.04.2014. Itinerar Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska / Itinerary North-West croatia Samobor – Otruševec – Stari grad Dubovac – Karlovac – Velika Mlaka – Šćitarjevo – Sela kod Siska – Sisak – Lonjsko Polje (Čigoč) Donja Bistra – Gornja Bistra – Gornja Stubica – Krapinske Toplice – Trški Vrh – Krapina – Trakošćan – Lepoglava – Varaždin – Koprivnica Predavanja/lectures: dr. Nataša Jakšić, doc.: Povijesni slojevi / Historical Layers dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, doc.: Arhitektura 20. i 21. st. / Architecture and of the 20th and 21th Century Stručno vodstvo / guidance: dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, doc. (nositelj kolegija / Head of Course), Marina Bertina, v.pred., Luka Korlaet, pred., Dunja Mandić, pred.

Erasmus / Erasmus Programme

Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura e Societa Politehničko sveučilište Milano, Škola za arhitekturu i društvo / Polytechic University of Milan, School of architecture and society Antonia Asturić, Valentina Benčić, Anja Madunović, Melkior Serdarević Ecole National Superieure d'Architecture Paris La Villette Visoka nacionalna škola za arhitekturu Paris La Villette / College of Architecture Paris La Villette Korina Barišić, Marija Barović

voditelji / supervisors: Grigor Doytchinov, Lea Petrović Krajnik student: Stefan Wetscher


Techische Universität Braunschweig, Fakultät für Architektur Tehničko sveučilište Braunschweig, Arhitektonski fakultet, Njemačka / Techical University Braunschweig, Faculty of Architecture, Germany Julijana Bočkaj Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo Sveučilište u Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturu, Slovenija / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia Iva Jelinčić, Iskra Krznarić

terenska nastava i erasmus

Stručno vodstvo / guidance: dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, doc. (nositelj kolegija / Head of Course), dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar, doc., Morana Pap, asist., Boško Opalić, znan. nov.

Istra / istria 14.–16.04.2014. Itinerar Istra / Itinerary Istria Rijeka – Trsat – Motovun – Novigrad Poreč (povijesna jezgra / historical core) – Poreč (hotelska naselja / hotel complexes) – Sv. Lovreč – Dvigrad – Rovinj – Bale Pula – Svetvinčent – Beram – Pazin – Gračišće – Raša – Labin – Mošćenice Stručno vodstvo / guidance: mr.sc. Alan Braun, v.pred., (nositelj kolegija / Head of Course), mr.sc. Sonja Tadej, doc., mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić,pred., Tajana Jaklenec, pred.

Dalmacija / dalmatia 14–18.04. 2014. Itinerar Dalmacija / Itinerary Dalmatia Zadar – Šibenik Trogir – Split – Brela Krvavica – Opuzen – Vid /Narona – Ston – Trsteno Dubrovnik Stručno vodstvo / guidance: dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, red. prof. (nositelj kolegija / Head of Course), dr.sc. Iva Muraj, doc., Melita Čavlović, znan. nov., Tin Oberman, znan.nov., Marina Smokvina, znan. nov.

Techische Universität Graz, Fakultät für Architektur Tehničko sveučilište Graz, Arhitektonski fakultet, Austrija / Techical University Graz, Faculty of Architecture, Austria Damjan Kolundžić, Morana Mažuran Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur Tehničko sveučilište München, Arh. fakultet, Njemačka / Technical University Munich, Faculty of Architecture, Germany Martina Markulin

Razmjena nastavnika u akademskoj godini 2013/14 / Staff Mobility in the Academic Year 2013/14 dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik, v.asist. Technische Universitat Graz, Fakultät für Architektur, Institut für Städtebau, Entwerfen 3 (kod Ao.Univ. Prof. Dr.Techn. Grigor Doytchinov) Tamara Marić, znan.nov. Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Institute of Sustainable Urbanism (kod prof.dr.sc. Vanesse Miriam Carlow)

field studies and erasmus programme

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Ljetne škole i radionice

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Summer Schools and Workshops

ljetne škole / summer schools


Međunarodna ljetna škola arhitekture Motovun 2014 – Tradicija, kreativnost i održivost / International Summer School of Architecture Motovun 2014 – Tradition, Creativity and Sustainability 2014 04.–11.08.2014.

Prostori učenja u tranziciji / Learning Spaces in Transition 24.–27. 10.2013.

Ljetna škola Ambientura Pučišća / Ambientura Pučišća Summer School 01.–09.08.2014. Zagreb Rooms – Međunarodna ljetna škola Zagreb 2014 / Zagreb Rooms – International Summer School Zagreb 2014 21.– 26.07.2014.


Radionica Zagreb na Savi / Zagreb on the Sava Workshop 07.12.2013. AF SC / AF SC 05.–11.05.2014. Akupunktura grada Split / City Acupuncture Split 07.–11.10.2013.

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Međunarodna ljetna škola arhitekture Motovun 2014 – Tradicija, kreativnost i održivost / International Summer School of Architecture Motovun 2014 – Tradition, Creativity and Sustainability 04.–11.08.2014.

Prostori učenja u tranziciji / Learning Spaces in Transition 24.–27. 10.2013.

voditelj / supervisor: Ljubomir Miščević gostujući predavači / Guest Lecturers: Gerald Gaigg (Arhitektonski fakultet Innsbruck), Antonio Monaco, Giuseppe Tomassi, Giuseppe Ballestini studenti / students: Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Ljetna škola Ambientura Pućišća / Ambientura Pučišća Summer School 01.–09.08.2014. organizator / organizer: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Arhitektonski studio Marinović voditelj / supervisor: dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar asistentica / assistent: Klara Gržin predavači / lecturers: akademik Dinko Kovačić, dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar, Jasna Josipovski, Bojan Linardić, Boris Ljubičić, Mario Lipovac, Hrvoje Marinović, Mario Španja, Ana Tomšić studenti / students: Dora Habijanec, Jelena Hajdinjak, Viktorija Jagodić, Antonijo Jakubek, Dora Kljenak, Aleksandar Matijašević, Maja Milojević, Matija Pajić, Samra Rahmanović, Ana Rukavina, Željko Sović

Zagreb Rooms – Međunarodna ljetna škola Zagreb 2014 / Zagreb Rooms – International Summer School Zagreb 2014 21.–26.07.2014. organizatori / organizer: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i ETH Zürich voditelji iz Züricha / supervisors from Zürich: Luka Piškorec, Nemanja Zimonjić, Josip Jerković, Marta Lozo koordinatorica i voditeljica s AF / coordinator and supervisor FA: Tamara Marić studenti / students: Irena Bakić, Eugen Čanic, Nikola Kašić, Mia Kos, Roman Krajcarz, Marina Krčalić, Tamara Lukić, Matija Romić, Dora Sipina, Ivana Slavnić, Frane Stančić i Mirna Udovičić ostali polaznici / other participants: Irvin Ahatović(Tu Wien), Ivana Stanić, dipl.ing.arh.

voditelji / supervisors: Carlos Vasquez, Ivana Fabrio, Zlatko Kapetanović, Mia Roth Čerina, Vanja Rister gostujući predavač / guest critic: Carlos Vasquez studenti AF / students FA: Dora Lončarić, Maja Milojević, Samra Rahmanović, Viktorija Jagodić, Pero Vuković, Nikola Arambašić, Nika Dželalija, Aleksandar Matijašević, Nikola Brlek, Iva Martinis, studenti SD / students sd: Petra Vrdoljak, Ana Armano Linta, Lucija Ničeno, Niko Crnčević, Ana Šolić, Ivan Vukmanić, Ivona Miloš, Petra Jelaska, Stanislav Kostić, Marta Birkić, Ena Priselec

Radionica Zagreb na Savi / Zagreb on the Sava Workshop 07.12.2013. voditelji AF / supervisors FA: Mladen Josic, Luka Korlaet, Kremišmir Ivaniš, Sandra Perić studenti AF / students fa: Irma Alii, Josip Barišić, Iva Gotovac, Tamara Jeger, Luka Matošević, Tea Ivana Medvidović, Maja Milojević, Ana Miljan, Dorotea Novak, Ana Oršolić, Renato Pajdek, Matija Pajić, Vedrana Pecotić, Tena Petrović, Luka Ante Šarić, Ivo Žarko studenti GF / students FCE: Mia Martinović, Romana Veiner, Ivan Vrca voditelji Agronomski fakultet / supervisors Faculty of Agriculture: Branka Ančić, dr.sc. Iva Rechner Dika, dr.sc. Petra Pereković, Stanko Stergaršek studenti Agronomski fakultet / students Faculty of Agriculture: Andrea Baus, Andreja Benčić, Ivana Bunjak Pajdek, David Kramarić, Matea Leljak, Nikolina Malbaša, Mihaela Meštrović, Mate Rupić voditelji FER / supervisors FEEC: dr.sc. Slavko Krajcar, dr.sc. Nenad Debrecin studenti FER / students FEEC: Tina Bautović, Marko Išlić, Štefan Ivičić, Maja Katić, Lara Topol, Renato Tošić

AF SC / AF SC 05.–11.05.2014. voditelji / supervisors: Juraj Glasinović, Iva Martinis, Petar Mišković, Mia Roth Čerina gosti kritičari / guest critics : Nikola Arambašić, Saša Begović, Dario Crnogaća, Igor Franić, Maroje Mrduljaš, Helena Paver Njirić, Goran Rako, Pero Vuković, Tonči Žarnić studenti / students: Nika Bralić, Ella Cahunek, Marko Gusić, Ivan Haiman, Ana Horvat, Damjan Kolundžić, Valentina Krekić, Lucija Megla, Hana Marisa Mohar, Ana Mušćet, Borna Pavičić, Samra Rahmanović

Akupunktura grada Split / City Acupuncture Split 07.–11.10.2013. organizator / organizer: Društvo arhitekata Splita voditelji / supervisors: dr.sc. Kristina, Careva, dr.sc. Rene Lisac sudionici i studenti / participants and students: Ivana Lukenda, Nika Bralić, Andrea Čeko


ljetne škole i radionice

summer schools and workshops

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Diplomski radovi Središte susjedstva / Neighbourhood Hub Interpolacija u suburbanom dijelu Ilice u Zagrebu / Infill Building in Suburban Part of Ilica Street in Zagreb Programsko-idejna studija i projekt – kapelica od Mirova / Chapel of Mirovo – Architectural Design and Programme and Concept Study Revitalizacija Retfalačkog rita u Osijeku – pasarela kroz polje svakodnevice sporta i agrikulture / Revitalization of Retfala's Rit in Osijek – Runway through the Field of Leisure and Agriculture


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Središte susjedstva

The Neighbourhood Hub

student: Pero Vuković mentor: Tonči Žarnić

Nominacija za nagradu Piranesi / Piranesi award nomination


Prostor obuhvaća bivše vojarne na Trešnjevci, koji je u Zagrebu prostornim planom uređenja parceliran na pravilan raster stambenih zgrada prosječne veličine. Kako je provođenje tog plana počelo s istoka (uz Selsku cestu), predlaže se zaustavljanje u trenutnom stanju i njegovo preispitivanje. Projektnim zadatkom želi se značajno utjecati na šire područje Trešnjevke i postaviti model, moguće primjenjiv i na nekoj drugoj lokaciji. Novi program sastoji se od: bazena, višenamjenske sportske dvorane, galerije, poduzetničkih inkubatora, kazališta, kina, knjižnice, škole, uprave gradske četvrti i vrtića.

Diplomski radovi

The space comprises the facilities of the former military complex in Zagreb’s quarter of Trešnjevka, which was divided according to the physical plan into a regular grid of lots with residential buildings of an average height. Since the implementation of the plan began from the east (along Selska cesta Street), the project proposal suggests that the present state should be kept as the last stage of the process and its further implementation re-examined. The aim of the project is to exert a considerable influence on a wider territory of Trešnjevka and set up a model which could be applied to some other location. A new programme comprises a swimming pool, multifunctional sports hall, gallery, entrepreneurial incubator, theatre, cinema, library, school, kindergarten and an administrative centre of the quarter.

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Interpolacija u suburbanom dijelu Ilice u Zagrebu

Interpolation in the Suburban Part of Ilica Street in Zagreb

student: Iva Martinis mentor: Petar Mišković

Interpolirana zgrada prislanja se uz veliki potporni zid kojim je sanirano klizište Grmošćica. S jedne strane je mirno stambeno susjedstvo (obiteljskih kuća na obroncima), a s druge prometna gradska ulica.

Nominacija za nagradu Piranesi / Piranesi award nomination


The inserted building leans onto a large retaining wall which was used to prevent landslide at Grmošćica. It is flanked with a quiet residential area (of family houses situated on the mountain slopes) and a busy city street.

Otvoreni parter zgrade (ulična niša) nadsvođen je tijelom izduženoga plivačkog bazena, a ostakljeni prostor bazenske dvorane premošten kolosalnim Vierendeel nosačima. Oslonjeni su na zaglavne jezgre: jednu s javnim gradskim stubištem, drugu sa servisnim sadržajima bazena. Stambeni niz, red malih stanova složenoga presjeka, ugrađen je u nosače. Uličnom nišom i bazenskom dvoranom afirmira se uzdužni smjer i ritam ulice, a stambenim nizom poprečni smjer i mjerilo stambenoga susjedstva.

The open ground-floor space of the building (street niche) is covered with the body of an elongated swimming pool, while the glazed space of the swimming pool hall is spanned with colossal Vierendeel trusses. They lean against two spaces: the public stairwell and the pool’s service facilities. The residential row formed by small apartments of complex cross-sections is built into the trusses. The street niche and the swimming pool hall affirms the elongated direction and rhythm of the street, while the residential row emphasises the transversal direction and affirms the scale of the residential neighbourhood.

Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Kapelica od Mirova

The Chapel of Mirovo

student: Martina Stjepandić mentor: Nenad Fabijanić

Lokacija Mirova nalazi se na Velebitu, gordome planinskom masivu koji je kroz dugu povijest bio poznat kao velika mistična planina. Odabirom lokaliteta nekadašnje planinske crkvice, prostorom dominira sakralni moment u duhu kršćanstva. Mjesto je to susreta čovjeka s transcendentnim, naposljetku, čovjeka s čovjekom u bliskom doticaju s prirodom. Stavljen je naglasak na prostornosti te materijalnosti kapelice i njezinog okruženja, stavljajući po strani neizostavni kontakt s profanim. Profano ostaje neznatno u odnosu na važnost sakralnoga. Urbanistička koncepcija sklopa zasniva se na križanju glavnih osi položenih u smjeru sjever-jug i istok-zapad, glavnih nositelja svih elementa u prostoru – kapele, baptisterija, narteksa, zvonika. Korpus kapelice usijeca se u kršoviti teren te lebdi nad Mirovom, nekadašnjim velikim pašnjakom, danas prekriven travom, blago zakošen s vidljivim ostacima suhozida i starih stanova. Skladnim dijalogom betona i drveta, kao primarnih materijala kapele, stvoreno je svojevrsno utočište koje čovjeku pruža osjećaj zaštićenosti u surovim velebitskim uvjetima.


Diplomski radovi

Mirovo is a plateau in Velebit, a big mystical mountain, as it has been known throughout history. The choice of Mirovo, as the site of formerly used mountain church, creates a dominant Christian, sacral atmosphere in the space. It is a place of encounter between the human and the transcendental, and a place where people interact among themselves and with nature. The emphasis is placed on the spatiality and materiality of the chapel and its surroundings, leaving on the side the inevitable contact with the profane. The profane is inconsiderable is comparison with the significance of the sacral. The urban concept of the complex is based on the intersection of the north-south and east-west axes as the two main determining directions of all spatial elements – the chapel, baptistery, narthex, bell tower. The body of the chapel is carved into the karst rock surface and it hovers over Mirovo, a former pasture, today merely a grass-covered land, gently sloped and containing visible remains of dry-stone walls and old dwellings. A harmonious dialogue between concrete and wood as the primary building material of the chapel, create a sort of shelter which provides people with the feeling of security in the harsh conditions of Velebit.

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Revitalizacija Retfalačkog rita u Osijeku – pasarela kroz polje svakodnevice sporta i agrikulture

Revitalization of Retfala's Rit in Osijek – Runway through the Field of Leisure and Agriculture

Retfala, nekadašnje selo do grada imalo je dinamiku – kupanje i rekreiranje na Pampici, trgovanje na trgu, kulturnu spoznaju u prostorima retfalačkoga dvorca i kina. Retfala je danas naselje bez trga, bez Pampike i nekadašnjega aktivnog života koji je tu egzistirao. Potrebno je vratiti nestali život ovom prostoru, stvoriti prostor grada i Retfalčana koji će sustavno objediniti fenomene šume, vode, polja, obale rijeke i one gradske – ulice, trga, tržnice, parka i rekreacije. Intencija je očuvati i naglasiti zatečeno – lokalni način kolonizacije prostora te aplicirati suvremenu suprastrukturu neinvanzivne pasarele sadržaja. Na njih reagira prostornim proširenjima i događajima – akvaponski vrt s ribnjakom/klizalištem i tržnicom, platforma vježbališta/scene u šumi, parking sa solarnom elektranom te sportska igrališta s poljima, sve u mjeri čovjeka i grada. Gradu se tako formira nova poprečna os, temeljena na infrastrukturi i evociranju doživljaja, reakcije i emocije ljudskoga susreta. Elementi ekološke i ekonomske održivosti, implementirani su nizom tehnoloških procesa u korelaciji s urbanim programom. Uz ovakvu implementaciju procesa, na mjerilu teritorija, gradimo i socijalne prostore u kojima se generiraju novi odnosi čovjeka i prirode, prirode i grada.

Retfala, a former village to the city of Osijek, used to be a dynamic place – swimming and recreation at Pampika, shopping on the square, cultural awareness in the Retfala Castle and a cinema. Today, the urban quarter of Retfala has no square, no Pampika and no more active life which it used to witness. It is necessary to breath a new life into this space, create an urban space for Retfala citizens which can systematically unite the natural phenomena such as forests, water, fields and river banks with the urban ones such as streets, squares, market, park and recreation. The intention is to retain and emphasize the existing state with aquaponic garden with a fish pond/ice-skating ring and market, a forest platform for exercises or stage performances, a car park with a solar energy plant and sports courtyards with fields, all to the human and urban scale. The city receives a new transversal axis, based on the infrastructure and evocation of experience, reaction and emotional instances of human encounters. The elements of ecological and economic sustainability are implemented through numerous technological processes in correlation with the urban programme. With such an implementation we can build social spaces which generate new relationships between the man and nature, nature and the city.

Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

student: Goran Rukavina mentor: Veljko Oluić

Pohvala dekana / Dean commendation


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Student, Mentor Tema / topic

Popis diplomanata 2013/14



Paula Anđelić, Mentor: Neda Cilinger, doc., Dom za starije i nemoćne u Dubrovniku / Home for the Elderly and Disabled, Dubrovnik

Dalia Colić, Mentor: Ivana Ergić, doc. Sportski hostel Borik, Zadar / Borik Sports Hostel, Zadar

Nikola Arambašić, Mentor: Tonči Žarnić, red.prof. Hidroelektrana Zagreb / Zagreb Hydroelectric Power Plant


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

List of Master Thesis Projects 2013/14

Ivana Frkin, Mentor: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Transformacija prostora sajmišta u Samoboru / Transformation of Flea Market Area in Samobor


Andrea Bačić, Mentor: Igor Franić, red.prof. Prezentacija arheološkog nalazišta antičke rimske vile u Ninu / Presentation of the Archaeological Site of an Ancient Roman Villa in Nin Matea Baković, Mentor: mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak, red.prof. Plivački centar Livno / Swimming Centre Livno

Mihaela Čapo, Mentor: Teufik Galijašević, red.prof. Studentski dom Šalata / Šalata Hall of Residence Marita Čikić, Mentor: Goran Rako, red.prof. Dječji vrtić, Novska / Kindergarten, Novska

Tina Galešić, Mentor: Petar Mišković, doc. Gradska tržnica u Prijedoru / Farmers Market in Prijedor Lovro Gorupec, Mentor: dr.sc. Alenka Delić, izv.prof.; Mateo Biluš, doc. Razvoj i primjena sustava prefabricirane gradnje na primjeru zagrebačke Savice / Zagreb's Savica Quarter – Development and Application of a Prefabricated Construction System


Asja Barić, Mentor: Igor Franić, red.prof. Trgovina s knjižnicom na Trsatu, Rijeka / Shop with a Library in Trsat, Rijeka

Antonia Ćurić, Mentor: Renata Waldgoni, red.prof. Brestovac – odmaralište / Brestovac – Rest Area

Nikolina Gradečki, Mentor: dr. sc. Krunoslav Šmit, izv.prof. Urbanističko-arhitektonsko rješenje turističkog naselja Saladinka – Sv. Martin, Poreč, Hrvatska / Urban and Architectural Development Plan for the Saladinka – Sv. Martin Tourist Settlement, Poreč, Croatia

D B Damir Divković, Mentor: Mia Roth-Čerina, doc. Montessori škola i vrtić, Zagreb / Montessori School and Kindergarten, Zagreb

Ivan Bekavac, Mentor: Goran Rako, red.prof. Nogometni stadion u Vinkovcima / Football Stadium in Vinkovci Katarina Bistrović Matoković, Mentor: dr. sc. Vesna Mikić, red. prof., Centar za razvoj lokalnih djelatnosti, Novigrad, Dalmacija / Local Development Centre, Novigrad, Dalmatia Lena Blajić, Mentor: Renata Waldgoni, red.prof. Tema: Toranj za blok / / Tower for the Block

Samanta Dudović, Mentor: Goran Rako, red.prof. Hotel, Virovitica / Hotel, Virovitica

Dž Nika Dželalija, Mentor: Tonči Žarnić, prof. Model radnih prostora u staroj jezgri Zadra / Working Space Model in the Old City of Zadar

Julijana Bočkaj, Mentor: Ivana Ergić, doc. Novo novozagrebačko stanovanje / New Housing in Novi Zagreb

Ivan Grubišić Tasić, Mentor: Tonči Žarnić, red.prof. Gradska tržnica pred Dioklecijanovom palačom u Splitu / City Market in Front of Diocletian's Palace, Split

H Tamara Hladki, Mentor: dr. sc. Sanja Gašparović, doc. Urbanističko-arhitektonsko rješenje središta Sesveta / Urban and Architectural Design Proposal for Sesvete City Centre

I Mladen Ileš, Mentor: Goran Rako, red.prof. Regionalni kulturni centar / Regional Culture Centre


Petra Bolf, Mentor: Igor Franić, red.prof. Dječji vrtić Gredice / Gredice Kindergarden

Eva Erjavec, Mentor: Miroslav Geng, red.prof. Idejno arhitektonsko rješenje pogona za proizvodnju laboratorijskoga stakla / Conceptual Design of Laboratory Glassware Plant

Uroš Brkić, Mentor: mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak, red.prof. Tema: Privremeni multifunkcionalni sportski centar / Temporary Multifunctional Sports Centre

Karlo Ivančić, Mentor: mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak, red.prof. Sportsko-kulturni centar u Buzetu / Sports and Cultural Centre in Buzet Olja Ivanović, Mentor: dr. sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, red.prof. Centar udruženja obrtnika grada Zagreba / Zagreb's Craftsmen Association Centre

F Nikola Brlek, Mentor: Petar Mišković, doc. Gradsko plivalište u Krapini / Public Swimming Pool in Krapina Jelena Bule, Mentor: dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof. Reafirmacija zagrebačkih povijesnih naselja / Reaffirmation of Zagreb's Historical Settlements Ana Burić, Mentor: Goran Rako, red.prof.; dr. sc. Nataša Jakšić, doc. Prenamjena zgrade Dalmacijavino u Muzej suvremene umjetnosti u Splitu / Conversion of the Dalmacijavino Building into the Museum of Modern Art in Split


Jakov Fatović, Mentor: mr. sc. Leo Modrčin, izv.prof. Privremeni kulturni centar u Božavi, Dugi otok / Temporary Cultural Centre in Božava on Dugi otok Sven Franc, Mentor: Teufik Galeijašević, red.prof. Interpolacija u bloku Kranjčevićeva-Tratinska-Badalićeva / Interpolation in the City Block framed by Kranjčevićeva, Tratinska and Badalićeva Streets Valentina Frater, Mentor: Ljubomir Miščević, red.prof. Poslovno-stambeni hibrid s javnim sadržajima / Commercialcum-Residential Hybrid with Public Use

Diplomski radovi

J Dora Jerbić, Mentor: Tonči Žarnić, red.prof. Toranj kao model privremenog stanovanja radnika u Našicama / Tower as a Temporary Workers' Housing Model in Našice Jasna Josipovski, Mentor: mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak, red.prof. Prenamjena, rekonstrukcija i dogradnja zgrade strojarnice i kotlovnice Tvornice ulja Zagreb / Conversion, Reconstruction and Extension of the Engine and Boiler Buildings of the Zagreb Oil Factory

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Sara Jurlin, Mentor: Neda Cilinger, doc. Revitalizacija samoborskoga starog grada / Revitalization of the Old Town of Samobor

K Tanja Kalac, Mentor: Neda Cilinger, doc. Centar za skrb o malim životinjama / Small Animal Care Centre

Iva Martinis, Mentor: Petar Mišković, doc. Interpolacija u suburbanom dijelu Ilice u Zagrebu / Infill Building in Suburban Part of Ilica Street in Zagreb Nina Martinuš, Mentor: dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof. Turističko naselje na poplavnome području Dunava kod Batine / Wetland Resort on Danube in Batina Ivica Marušić, Mentor: Goran Rako, red.prof. Multifunkcionalni turistički centar / Multifuncional Tourist Centre

Matija Kalčić, Mentor: dr. sc. Ivan Mlinar, doc. Dino park Brijuni / Dino Park in Brijuni Anna Kocsis, Mentor: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Infrastruktura i laboratorij za praćenje poljoprivrednoga sustava doline rijeke Neretve / Infrastructure and Laboratory for Monitoring the Agricultural System of the Neretva River Basin Bojana Komšo, Mentor: Vanja Rister, doc. Sportski centar Zelenjak, Ivanić Grad / Zelenjak Sports Centre, Ivanić Grad Tomislav Konjevod, Mentor: dr. sc. Tihomir Jukić, red.prof. Urbanističko rješenje turističkoga naselja Klek, Neum / Urban Design Proposal for Tourist Resort Klek, Neum Snježana Kopejtko, Mentor: Teufik Galijašević, red.prof. Interpolacija studentskog doma u bloku Savska-VodnikovaRunjaninova-Crnatkova / Interpolation of the Student Housing in the Block Savska-Vodnikova-Runjaninova-Crnatkova Katarina Kozlović, Mentor: Mladen Jošić, red.prof. Studentski dom kampus Borongaj / Borongaj Campus Residential Hall Iva Kreković, Mentor: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Prenamjena stambene palače s početka 19. stoljeća u kulturnoedukativni centar u gradu Cresu na otoku Cresu / Conversion of an 19th Century Residential Palace into a CulturalEducational Centre in the Town of Cres Ivana Krstinić, Mentor: Vanja Rister, doc. Hotelijerska i ugostiteljska škola na Rabu / Hotel Management and Catering School in Rab Mario Kvež, Mentor: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Obnova i revitalizacija područja starog kupališta u Donjoj Šemnici / Renewal and Revitalization of the Old Bathing Area in Donja Šemnica

Dejan Matić, Mentor: dr. sc. Lenko Pleština, red.prof. Kulturni i edukacijski centar, Ljubuški / Cultural and Educational Centre, Ljubuški Iva Mesić, Mentor: Gordana Žaja, doc. Multigeneracijski centar sa stanovanjem za stare u Đurđevcu / Multigenerational Centre with Housing for Seniors in Đurđevac Ivana Mihaljević, Mentor: Helena Paver-Njirić, izv.prof. Permeabilni psihijatrijski centar / The Permeable Psychiatric Centre Monika Milić, Mentor: Mia Roth-Čerina, doc. Pučko otvoreno učilište Slavonski Brod / Public Open Learning Centre in Slavonski Brod Nataša Milobara, Mentor: dr. sc. Dina Vulin Ileković, izv.prof. Gradska knjižnica i kulturni centar mladih u Križevcima / City Library and Youth Cultural Centre in Križevci Josip Miklec, Mentor: Vladimir Kasun, doc. Rimokatolička Crkva i pastoralni centar / Roman Catholic Church and Parish Centre Marija Moretić, Mentor: Teufik Galijašević, red.prof. Adaptacija i dogradnja učeničkog doma – hostela u Dubrovniku / Adaptation and Addition to the Pupils' Dormitory – Hostel in Dubrovnik Maria Antonia Mrčela, Mentor: dr. sc. Krunoslav Šmit, izv.prof. Urbanističko-arhitektonsko rješenje industrijske zone Mlaka, Rijeka / Urban and Architectural Development Plan for an Industrial Area Mlaka, Rijeka Romana Musić, Mentor: Mia Roth-Čerina, doc. Kiparska kolonija u Vrsaru / Sculptors' Colony in Vrsar



Lucija Lončar, Mentor: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Prenamjena kovačnice OLT-a (Osječke ljevaonice željeza i tvornice strojeva) u multifunkcionalni scenski prostor / Repurposing the OLT Factory into Performance Centre

Dunja Naerlović, Mentor: dr. sc. Krunoslav Šmit, izv.prof. Urbanističko-arhitektonsko rješenje turističkoga naselja Gradiški jug (Krapinske Toplice) / Urban and Architectural Development Plan for Gradiški jug Tourist Settlement in Krapinske Toplice, Croatia

Lina Löw, Mentor: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Kuća za odgoj i obrazovanje u Brelima / House for Upbring and Education in Brela Juraj Luetić, Mentor: mr. sc. Leo Modrčin, izv.prof. Gornja stanica žičare Sljeme / Upper Cable Car Station Sljeme

M Mirna Malez, Mentor: Goran Rako, red.prof. Kulturni centar u Šibeniku / Cultural Centre in Šibenik


Klara Nikšić, Mentor: Goran Rako, red.prof. Škola suvremenoga plesa i smještaj za mlade Ana Maletić / Ana Maletić Contemporary Dance School and Student Accommodation Božidar Novak, Mentor: Helena Paver-Njirić, izv.prof.; Mateo Biluš, doc. Glazbena akademija u Dubrovniku / Music Academy in Dubrovnik

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Petra Novosel, Mentor: Teufik Galijašević, red.prof. Tema: Stanovanje za osobe starije životne dobi / Housing for Elderly

P Marina Palfi, Mentor: Vanja Rister, doc. Rehabilitacija prostora kamenoloma Bizek, kulturno– edukacijski park / Rehabilitation of Bizek Quarry, Cultural – Educational Park Iva Pauzar, Mentor: Mia Roth-Čerina, doc. Lovački dom / Hunter's Lodge Ivan Pavičić, Mentor: dr. sc. Sanja Gašparović, doc. Arhitektonsko-pejsažno uređenje arheološkoga područja rimskoga grada Fulfinuma / Roman City of Fulfinum – Architectural and Landscape Design of the Archaeological Site Nikolina Pavlović, Mentor: dr. sc. Krunoslav Šmit, izv.prof. Urbanističko-arhitektonsko uređenje turističke zone Kupari / Urban and Architectural Development Plan for Kupari Tourist Zone Dora Perković, Mentor: mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak, red.prof. Novi stadion na Kantridi u Rijeci / New Stadium in Rijeka Ivan Peršić, Mentor: mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak, red.prof. Atletsko-velodromska dvorana / Athletics and Velodrome Arena Lana Petrak, Mentor: Helena Paver-Njirić, izv.prof. Revitalizacija napuštenih sela Bukovice na modelu zaseoka Šunići / Revitalisation Plan for Abandoned Villages in Bukovica Modelled on the Šunići Settlement Miroslav Posavec, Mentor: Mladen Jošić, red.prof. Dom za djecu s posebnim potrebama / Day Care Centre for Disabled Children Paula Prkačin, Mentor: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Istraživački laboratorij na Institutu Ruđer Bošković u Zagrebu – Zavod za istraživanje mora i okoliša / Research Laboratory at Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb – Division for Marine and Environmental Research Jelena Prokop, Mentor: Goran Rako, red.prof. Teatar Gradec / Gradec Theatre Lovro Prpić, Mentor: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Interpolacija u zagrebačkom bloku; projekt srednje škole prema specifičnom programu / Interpolation in a Zagreb City Block: Design for a High School with a Special Program

R Nika Radatović, Mentor: Branimir Rajčić, doc. Mjesna lođa i vodosprema na otoku Sestrunju / Local Loggia and Water Tank on Island Sestrunj Matej Raič, Mentor: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Sportsko-obrazovno područje Lenije u Vinkovcima – trodjelna sportska dvorana / Sports and Educational Area Lenije in Vinkovci – Tripartite Sports Hall

Matija Novak, Mentor: Petar Mišković, doc. Centar za sportove na vodi / Water Sports Centre

Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Maja Šurjak, Mentor: dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv. prof. Očuvanje starogradskog polja na otoku Hvaru / Preservation of Stari Grad Plain on the Adriatic Island of Hvar

Ema Rožić, Mentor: Petar Mišković, doc. Jaslice i dječji vrtić u Kastvu / Nursery and Kindergarten in Kastav Goran Rukavina, Mentor: Veljko Oluić, red.prof. Revitalizacija Retfalačkog rita u Osijeku – pasarela kroz polje svakodnevice sporta i agrikulture / Revitalization of Retfala's Rit in Osijek – Runway through the Field of Leisure and Agriculture

S Marina Sabljić, Mentor: mr. sc. Sonja Tadej, doc. Kulturni centar Bjelovar / Cultural Centre Bjelovar Martina Salavarda dr. sc. Krunoslav Šmit, izv.prof. Urbanističko-arhitektonsko rješenje obale jezera u Vrapčićima, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina / Urban and Architectural Development Plan for Vrapčići Lake Waterfront, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ana Sarić, Mentor: mr. sc. Sonja Tadej, doc. Pogon Jedinstvo – Zagrebački centar za nezavisnu kulturu i mlade / Pogon Jedinstvo – Zagreb Centre for Independent Culture and Youth Melkior Serdarević, Mentor: Nenad Fabijanić, red.prof. Integrirani grad – urbana preobrazba ulaza u Trešnjevku / Integrated City – Urban Transformation of Entrance to Trešnjevka

Martina Stjepandić, Mentor: Nenad Fabijanić, red.prof. Programsko-idejna studija i projekt – kapelica od Mirova / Chapel of Mirovo – Architectural Design and Programme and Concept Study Hana Šenjug, Mentor: Ivana Ergić, doc. Otok, zid, kuća – povremeno življenje na Olibu / An Island, a Wall, a House – Temporary Residence on the Island Of Olib Lucija Šišević, Mentor: mr. sc. Sonja Tadej, doc. Prenamjena končaonice u kreativni inkubator / Thread Factory Conversion into Creative Incubator

Š Maja Škripelj, Mentor: dr. sc. Lenko Pleština, red.prof. Mreža – modularni sustav razvoja hibridnoga naselja / The Net – Modular Development System of Hybrid Settlement Lovre Šoda, Mentor: Helena Paver-Njirić, izv.prof. Tema: Preobrazba kamenoloma Meterize / Meterize Quarry Transformation

Josip Zadro, Mentor: dr. sc. Sanja Filep, red.prof. Studentski dom, Lanište, Zagreb / Lanište Residence Hall, Zagreb


Joel Zuppa, Mentor: Nenad Fabijanić, red.prof. Zgrada Međunarodnog kulturnog centra Hrvatske glazbene mladeži, Grožnjan / Building of the International Cultural Centre Jeunesses Musicales Croatia, Grožnjan

Dušan Tomaš, Mentor: dr. sc. Sanja Filep, red.prof. Gradska plaža Lanterna u Starom gradu na otoku Hvaru / Lanterna City Beach in Stari grad on the Island of Hvar



Iva Žaja, Mentor: Renata Waldgoni, red.prof. Dom studentske kulture – dogradnja nedovršenog bloka u povijesnoj jezgri Karlovca / Students’ Cultural Centre

Katja Vasiljević-Jeromela, Mentor: mr. sc. Sonja Tadej, doc. Edukativni centar na prostoru nekadašnje vojarne u Pazinu / Educational Centre in a Former Military Base, Pazin Ana Veron, Mentor: mr. sc. Sonja Tadej, doc. Integralni hotel. Prenamjena, adaptacija i nadogradnja postojećih stambenih objekata u sklopu turističke namjene / Integral Hotel. Adaptive Reuse, Repurpose and Extension of Residential Buildings for Tourist Purposes

Janja Vidović, Mentor: dr. sc. Tihomir Jukić, red.prof. Urbanističko rješenje dijela središta Širokog Brijega / Urban Design Proposal for Široki Brijeg City Centre Hrvoje Višnjarić, Mentor: Tonči Žarnić, red.prof. Poduzetnički inkubator u Varaždinu / Varaždin Entrepreneurial Incubator Saša Vlajo, Mentor: mr. sc. Sonja Tadej, doc. SC+ – revitalizacija Studentskog centra / SC+ – Revitalization of Student Centre Boris Vranješ, Mentor: dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof. Urbanističko-arhitektonsko rješenje potoka Glogovice u Slavonskom Brodu / Glogovica River in Slavonski Brod – Urban Planning and Architectural Design Anja Vratarić, Mentor: dr. sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof. Urbana topografija Zagreba na primjeru preobrazbe ulice F. Andrašeca / Urban Topography of Zagreb: Transformation of F. Andrašec Street: Case Study Ivana Vrlec, Mentor: Tin Sven Franić, doc. Dječji vrtić i jaslice u Ivanić Gradu / Kindergarten and Nursery in Ivanić Grad Andrej Vuk, Mentor: dr. sc. Ivan Mlinar, doc. Reafirmacija željezničke trase Samoborček u biciklistički pravac i bike-n-ride stanica / Samoborček Railway Reactivation as a Cycle Path & Bike-N-Ride Station

Petra Špilj, Mentor: Igor Franić, red.prof. Kulturno-edukacijski centar, Nova Mokošica / Cultural and Educational Centre, Nova Mokošica

Sara Vulić, Mentor: Ivana Ergić, doc. Najamno stanovanje na području bivše vojarne Palacin, Šibenik / Collective Housing in the Former Palacin Military Complex, Šibenik

Paula Štefan, Mentor: Goran Rako, red.prof. Ronilački centar Koločep / Koločep Diving Centre

Pero Vuković, Mentor: Tonči Žarnić, red.prof. Središte susjedstva / Neighbourhood Hub



Boris Vidaković, Mentor: Tonči Žarnić, red.prof. Kulturni i društveni centar u Trnskom / Cultural and Social Centre in Trnsko

Dora Stipaničić, Mentor: Vanja Rister, doc. Adaptacija i dogradnja Tvornice braće Šeučik – Kampus studija dizajna / Remodelling of the Former Braća Šeučik Factory – Design School Campus

Aljoša Špaleta, Mentor: Miroslav Geng, red.prof. Kulturno-kongresni centar Dobri, Split, Hrvatska / Dobri Cultural and Conference Centre, Split, Croatia

Božidar Šušnjar, Mentor: dr. sc. Sanja Filep, red.prof. Zgrada mješovite namjene / Mixed Use Building

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Diplomski radovi

Diploma Theses

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Doktorski studiji Arhitektura i urbanizam

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism voditelj Doktorskog studija Arhitektura / PhD Programme Architecture Supervisor

koordinatorica doktorskih studija / PhD Programme Coordinator

dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, red.prof.

Paula Šimetin

Nastavni program – kolegiji Doktorskog studija Arhitektura i urbanizam 2013/14 / Curriculum – Courses in the Doctoral Programme in Architecture and Urbanism 2013/14 obavezni predmeti / Compulsory Courses sati / hours: 15; ects: 5

istraživanje kroz projekt / Project-Based Research – workshops sati / hours: 40; ects: 10

Uvod u znanstveni rad / Introduction to Scientific Research dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer, izv.prof.

Studijski program Arhitektura / Doctoral Programme in Architecture

Studijski program Arhitektura / Doctoral Programme in Architecture Struktura i tehnologija arhitektonske prakse / Architectural Structures and Technologies dr.sc. Hiledgard Auf-Franić, prof.em., dr.sc. Dražen Juračić, red.prof. Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti / Contemporary Architectural Explorations dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt, red.prof. Arhitektonska misao / Architectural Thought dr.sc. Karin Šerman, izv.prof. Studijski program Urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažna arhitektura / Doctoral Programme in Urbanism, Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture Perspektive razvoja i zaštite prostora / Spatial Development and Protection Perspectives dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, red.prof. Teorija i projektiranje pejsažne arhitekture / Theory and Design of Landscape Architecture dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof. Suvremene urbane preobrazbe / Contemporary Urban Transformations dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, red.prof.

Istraživanje povijesnih funkcionalnih i oblikovnih karakteristika razvoja većih urbanih aglomeracija na tlu Hrvatske / Historical, Functional and Formal Characteristics of Urban Agglomerations in Croatia dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt, red.prof. Istraživanje fenomena suvremene svjetske arhitekture / Contemporary World Architecture Phenomenon dr.sc. Nikola Filipović, prof.em., dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, red.prof. Nove tehnike življenja, novi tipovi zgrada, novi parametri projektiranja / New Living Techniques, New Building Types, New Design Parameters dr.sc. Hildegrad Auf-Franić, prof.em., dr.sc. Dražen Juračić, red.prof. Arhitektonska misao – arhitektonski diskurs i produkcija / Architectural Thought – Architectural Discourse and Production dr.sc. Karin Šerman, izv.prof. Istraživanje složenih morfologija arhitektonskih planova / Complex Morphologies of Architectural Plans dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, red.prof. Antologijska djela suvremene hrvatske arhitekture / Anthology of Contemporary Croatian Architecture dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, red.prof. Studijski program Urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažna arhitektura / Doctoral Programme in Urbanism, Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture Regionalni koncept prostornog razvoja – utjecaj na prostorne promjene funkcionalne i fizičke urbane strukture / Regional Concept of Spatial Development – Impact on Spatial Changes in Functional and Physical Urban Structure dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, red.prof. Grad u tranziciji – postupci i modeli preobrazbe grada u tranzicijskim uvjetima kraja 20.st / City in Transition – Urban TransformationProcedures and Models in 20th-century Transitional Circumstances dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, red.prof. Suvremenost u povijesnom i prostornom kontekstu / Contemporary Aspects of Historical and Spatial Contexts dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, akademik prof., dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof.


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

prijedlog teme istraživanja / research topic proposal ects: 5

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

razrada teme istraživanja / description of research topic ects: 5

znanstveni rad / scientific activities ects: 5 – 10

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

sinopsis doktorske disertacije / doctoral thesis synopsis ects: 10

doktorska disertacija / doctoral thesis ects: 60

izborni predmeti / elective courses sati / hours: 15; ects: 5 Studijski program Arhitektura / Doctoral Programme in Architecture

Studijski program Urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažna arhitektura / Doctoral Programme in Urbanism, Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture

Područje Arhitektonska misao / Architectural Thought Module Arhitektonska teorija od 1960. do danas / Architectural Theory Since 1960 dr.sc. Karin Šerman, izv.prof. Suvremena hrvatska arhitektura i europski kontekst / Contemporary Croatian Architecture and European Context dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, red.prof. Popularna kultura – Topografije identiteta / Popular Culture – Topography of Identity dr.sc. Feđa Vukić, izv.prof. Područje Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti / Contemporary Architectural Explorations Module Održivost urbanog krajolika / Urban Landscape Sustainability dr.sc. Ivo Čović, prof. Unikatne posebnosti suvremene arhitekture / Unique Features of Contemporary Architecture dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, red.prof. Fenomeni suvremene arhitekture u prostorima biblioteka / Contemporary Architecture Phenomena and Libraries dr.sc. Vesna Mikić, red.prof.


Područje Perspektive razvoja i zaštite prostora / Module in Spatial Development and Protection Perspectives Suvremena urbana istraživanja/Contemporary Urban Explorations dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit, izv.prof. Područje Urbanističke teorije / Urban Planning Theory Module Povijesna hrvatska arhitektura i urbanizam u europskom kontekstu / Croatian Historic Architecture and Urbanism in European Context dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, doc. Područje Teorija i projektiranje pejsažne arhitekture / Module in Landscape Architecture Theory and Design Sintaksa prostora/Space Syntax dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, izv.prof.

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Teme istraživanja – Radionica Istraživanje kroz projekt 1 – 2013/14 Research Topics – Project-Based Research – Workshop 1 – 2013/14

Doktorati / PhD Theses

Studijski program Urbanizam R1 / Doctoral Programme in Urbanism W1 mentor: dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, red.prof.

Studijski program Arhitektura R1 / Doctoral Programme in Architecture W1 mentor: dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski, red.prof.

Martina Gudac: Demografske promjene Bakarskog zaljeva / Demographic Changes in the Bay of Bakar

Dunja Mandić: Projektiranje za sva osjetila,doprinos kvaliteti arhitektonske kompozicije / Designing for All Senses, Contribution to Architectural Composition Quality

Ivica Barišić Urbanistički parametri pri planiranju kružnih raskrižja / Urban Parameters in the Planning of Roundabouts mentor: dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac, red.prof., dr.sc. Tomaž Tollazzi, prof. 24.01.2014.

Tin Hršak: Istraživanje značenja pojma interpolacija u arhitekturi i urbanizmu iodređenja urbanističko arhitektonskih parametara za interpolacije u donjogradskoj strukturi Zagreba / Interpolation in Architecture and Urbanism – Meaning of the Term and Interpolation Parameters for the Lower Town in Zagreb Hrvoje Marinović: Urbanističko-arhitektonski kriteriji određivanja gradskih projekata / Architectural and Urban Planning Criteria for Determining City Projects Davor Silov: Koridori – istraživanje mogućnosti / Corridors – Exploration of Possibilities Ana Tomšić: Istraživanje urbane transformacije dubrovačke povijesne jezgre / Urban Transformation of Dubrovnik's Historic Centre

Studijski program arhitektura R1 / Doctoral Programme in Architecture W1 mentor: dr.sc. Velimir Neidhadt, red.prof. Iva Gredelj: Neplanska zagrebačka stambena naselja / Unplanned Residential Areas in Zagreb Damir Mance: Arhitektonski detalj / Architectural Detail Darko Užarević: Analiza strukture arhitektonske prakse u Hrvatskoj kroz statističke pokazatelje / Statistical Analysis of Architectural Practice in Croatia

Zorana Protić: Projektivne prakse dodane vrijednosti drukčijih oblika djelovanja / Projective Practices – Added Value of Different Forms of Action Stanka Ostojić: Transformacija arhitektonskih ovojnica /Transformation of Building Envelopes

Studijski program Arhitektura R1 / Doctoral Programme in Architecture W1 mentor: dr.sc. Nikola Filipović, prof.em. Bernarda Cesar: Urbanističko arhitektonsko uređenje centralnog javnog prostora u Donjoj Dubravi – inicijativni projekt kao primjer cjelovite participacije dionika u stvarnim prostornim potrebama gradske četvrti / Urban and Architectural Design of a Central Public Space in Donja Dubrava – Initiative Project as an Example of Comprehensive Participation of Stakeholders in Actual Spatial Requirements of a City Quarter

Hrvoje Bartulović Artikulacija Ulice Domovinskog rata i integracija u gradsko tkivo Splita / Articulation of Domovinskog rata Street and its Integration into the Urban Fabric of Split mentor: dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, red.prof. 22.07.2014. Sanja Matijević Barčot Utjecaj društveno organiziranih modela stambene izgradnje na arhitekturu Splita 1945.–1968. / The Impact of Socially Organized Housing Strategies on the Architecture of Split 1945–1968 mentor: dr.sc. Karin Šerman, izv.prof. 01.07.2014. Dujmo Žižić Industrija cementa u splitskoj regiji – Arhitektura, infrastruktura i utjecaj na kulturni krajolik / Cement Industry in the Split Region – Architecture, Infrastructure and Impact on Cultural Landscape mentor: dr.sc. Katja Marasović, prof. 28.08.2014.

Mirna Ivić: Sportska arhitektura 20. stoljeća u Splitu / 20th-century Sports Architecture in Split Anja Kostanjšak: Neiskorišteni potencijal za proširenje postojećeg stambenog fonda zagrebačkih donjogradskih potkrovlja / Unused Potential of Attics in Lower Town for Extending the Present Housing Stock in Zagreb Nino Virag: Suvremeni prostorni standardi stana u europskim zemljama / Contemporary Housing Space Standards in European Countries Boris Vukičević: Arhitektica Zoja Dumengjić – opus u Crnoj Gori / Architect ZojaDumengjić – Montenegrin Oeuvre


Doktorski studiji

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Projektivne prakse – dodane vrijednosti drukčijih oblika djelovanja

Projective Practices – Added Value of Different Forms of Action

student: Zorana Protić mentor: Aleksandar Homadovski

Mobilni Pompidou centar / Thomas Raynaud, Berger&Berger / Paris, Francuska / 2009.

Projektivne prakse zajednički su naziv za progresivna djelovanja u prostoru, podrazumijevaju istraživački pristup s ciljem otkrivanja njihovih nepredvidljivih mogućnosti1. Recentna usporavanja postojećih paradigmi pretpostavljaju jačanje drukčijih metoda djelovanja. Djelujući na rubu društveno-političkoga konteksta, projektivne prakse reinterpretiraju postojeće obrasce, stvarajući produkciju nepredvidive pojavnosti. Cilj ovog istraživanja prepoznavanje je suvremenih projektivnih procesa unutar prostornoga okvira zapadnih europskih regija, uvažavajući zatečeni vremenski i kulturološki kontekst naslijeđa. Kulturološka pripadnost europeizmu pitanje je identiteta u nadnacionalnom kontekstu, nekonvencionalnome pristupu suvremenim pitanjima, ideje o socijalnoj pravednosti, te pluralizma jezičnoga, etničkoga i rasnoga društva. Istraživanje je provedeno kroz dva nivoa; analizom rezultata tematski relevantnih istraživanja2 i preglednom sistematizacijom mnoštva različitih metoda djelovanja projektivnih praksi, s fokusom na definiranje mogućega komparativnog diskursa za razumijevanje njihove relevantnosti. Koristeći se znanjima i vještinama drugih disciplina, projektivne prakse svojim proaktivnim djelovanjem stvaraju jedinstvenu produkcijsku cjelinu nepredvidivog ishoda. Pri tome ključna pitanja nisu više što ili kako, već gdje i zašto. Na tragu promišljanja Hedwiga Heismana arhitektura svega razvija metode izvan vlastitog okvira djelovanja, šireći se na područja drugih disciplina.3

Stop City For a Non-Figurative Architecture of the City / DOGMA / Bruxelles, Belgija / 2007.

ReDane – projekt novo selo / New Village Project, Powerhouse Company, Danska, 2014. Isječak iz filma / Clip from the film: Bessard, C., (2014), ReDane, Powerhouse Company, Elk Film, Kopenhagen, Danska


Unutar obrasca svakodnevne prakse, putem načela da je stvari moguće promijeniti čineći ih, zbiva se anonimna revolucija nove pragmatičnosti. Neposredni poticaj njihovome djelovanju nema jasnog razloga. Propitujući vlastitu suvišnost, projektivne prakse nalaze moguće niše za generiranje dodane vrijednosti, uspostavljajući jedinstvene vrijednosne sustave.4 1 Speaks, M. 2003. Design Intelligence: 109 Provisional Attempts, Hunch the Berlage Institute report No. 6/7, episode publishers, Rotterdam, Nizozemska. str. 421. 2 shifts: The Economic Crisis and its Consequences for Architectur, Powerhouse Company, Hans Ibelings, 7.2.–25.5. 2014., Danish Architecture Centre (DAC). Kopenhagen, Danska. Creative Practice Conference – Mediators, 27.–29.8. 2014., Leuven University Faculty of Architecture Campus Sint-Lucas, Brussels, Belgium. Dedicated to Architecture – institutions as drivers of change, 17.–19.04. 2013., Danish Architecture Centre (DAC), Kopenhagen, Danska Apsorpcija moderniteta 1914.–2014. 14. Venecijanski bijenale arhitekture, 07.6. 2014.–23.11. 2014. Venecija, Italija. West-Arch, The architecture of a new generation, Ludwig Forum Aachen, 2010., Rotterdam, Berlin, Oslo 3 Heinsman, H. 2013. The Architecture of Everything, The Future of Architecture, nai010 publishers, Rotterdam. str. 91. 4 Filmski zapis Lynn, G. (2013.), It's bringing into physical form the values of a culture, Innsbruck, Švicarska: http://www.whatisarchitecture.cc/greg-lynn/

Doktorski studiji

Projective practices is a common term for progressive activities related to space which entail a research approach that aims to discover their unpredictable possibilities.1 Recent abandonment of the existing paradigms leave room for the development of different methods of action. Functioning of the margins of social and political contexts, projective practices reinterpret the existing patterns by creating unpredictable manifestations. The aim of this research is to acknowledge contemporary projective processes in the space of western European regions while respecting the existing chronological and cultural context of their heritage. The cultural affiliation to Europeanism is a question of supranational identity, unconventional approach to contemporary issues, the ideal of social justice, pluralism of linguistic, ethnic and racial society. The research comprise two level – result analysis of thematically relevant research2 and comprehensive systematization of numerous different action methods pertaining to projective practices which focus on finding a definition of possible comparative discourses which can help in bringing understanding of their relevance. By drawing on the knowledge and skills of other disciplines, and through their proactive approach, projective practices create unique production without predicable outcomes. The key questions are no longer what and how but where and why. Following the ideas of Hedwig Heisman the architecture of everything develops methods beyond its activity framework and spreads to the areas of other disciplines.3 An anonymous revolution of new pragmatism is occurring within everyday practices and according to the principle that things can be changed merely by making them. The immediate impulse for their realisation have no clear reasons. By questioning their own redundancy, projective practices find possible niches where they can generate added value and establish unique value systems.4

1 Speaks, M. 2003. Design Intelligence: 109 Provisional Attempts, Hunch the Berlage Institute report No. 6/7, episode publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands. pg. 421. 2 shifts: The Economic Crisis and its Consequences for Architectur, Powerhouse Company, Hans Ibelings, 7.2.–25.5. 2014., Danish Architecture Centre (DAC). Copenhagen, Denmark. Creative Practice Conference – Mediators, 27.–29.8. 2014., Leuven University Faculty of Architecture Campus Sint-Lucas, Brussels, Belgium.; Dedicated to Architecture – institutions as drivers of change, 17.–19.04. 2013., Danish Architecture Centre (DAC), Copenhagen, Denmark; Absorbing Modernity 1914–2014 – 14th Venice Architecture Biennale 2014, 07.6.2014.–23.11. 2014. Venice, Italy. West-Arch, The architecture of a new generation, Ludwig Forum Aachen, 2010., Rotterdam, Berlin, Oslo 3 Heinsman, H. 2013. The Architecture of Everything, The Future of Architecture, nai010 publishers, Rotterdam. str. 91. 4 Movie clip Lynn, G. (2013.), It's bringing into physical form the values of a culture, Innsbruck, Switzerland: www.whatisarchitecture.cc/ greg-lynn/

PhD Programme Architecture and Urbanism

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta Kratkoročni znanstveni projekti 2013./14. s perspektivom trogodišnjeg financiranja / Short term research projects in 2013/2014 possibly eligible for three-year funding Arhitektonskom fakultetu odobreno je 6 kratkoročnih znanstvenih projekata koji pokrivaju sva matične grane znanstvenog područja arhitekture i urabnizma i to: arhitektonske konstrukcije (1), nosive konstrukcije (1), arhitektonsko projektiranje (1), urbanizam (1), teorija i povijest (2).

The Faculty of Architecture obtained funding for 6 short-term research projects which cover the topics relevant for all the key areas pertaining to the scientific fields of Architecture and Urbanism – architectural structures (1), load-bearing structures (1), architectural design (2), urban planning (1) and architectural theory and history (2)

Razvoj sveučilišnih kampusa kao laboratorija za održivo društvo / Development of the University Campus as a Laboratory for Sustainable Society voditelj istraživanja / head of research: dr.sc. Bojan Baletić, red.prof. Procjena ponašanja priključaka konstrukcijom elemenata od FRP-a / Behaviour Evaluation of the FRP Product Fittings voditelj istraživanja / head of research: dr.sc. Josip Galić, doc. Određivanje modela referentnih višestambenih zgrada iz različitih razdoblja gradnje u Hrvatskoj u svrhu energetske analize / Determining a Model of Reference Multi-apartment Buildings from Different Periods of Construction in Croatia for the Purpose of Energy Analysis voditelj istraživanja / head of research: dr.sc. Zoran Veršić, doc. Prostorni aspekti razvoja turizma u obalnom području jadranske Hrvatske / Spatial Aspects of Tourism Development in Coastal Croatia voditelj istraživanja / head of research: dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit, izv.prof. Korpus hrvatske urbanističke baštine u europskom kontekstu: topografija i kritička antologija / Croatian Urban Heritage in European Context – Topography and Critical Anthology voditelj istraživanja / head of research: dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, doc. Operativno istraživanje fenomena Zagrebačke škole arhitekture / Operative Research on the Phenomenon of the Zagreb School of Architecture voditelj istraživanja / head of research: dr.sc. Karin Šerman, izv.prof.


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department Of Architectural Design

voditelj istraživanja / Head of Istraživači / Researchers: dr.sc. Bojan Baletić, red.prof. suradnici/associates: dr.sc. Kristina Careva, dr.sc. Rene Lisac, Morana Pap, mr.sc. Robeto Vdović

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Razvoj sveučilišnih kampusa kao laboratorij za održivo društvo

Development of the University Campus as a Laboratory for Sustainable Society

Unutar znanstveno-istraživačkih projekata Stambeni prostor u informatičkome dobu i Tipologija digitalne kuće pod vodstvom glavnog istraživača dr.sc. Baletića, prof., tijekom 10-ak godina proveden je niz istraživanja koja su rezultirala doktorskim disertacijama, objavama znanstvenih članaka i poglavljima u knjigama. Tijekom istraživanja uočeno je da sveučilišni kampusi i njihovi novi oblici, predstavljaju najsuvremeniju prostorno-funkcionalnu strukturu za provođenje kvalitetnih edukativnih, znanstveno-istraživačkih i stručnih aktivnosti. Stvaranjem kampusa kao grada u malome provjeravaju se nove tendencije i potencijali u razvoju urbanih sredina. Aktualni procesi prostornoga razvoja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, primarno oni vezani za novi kampus na Borongaju, predstavljaju priliku za implementaciju i provjeru dobivenih saznanja te istovremeno otvaraju nova pitanja kao motiv za pokretanje dodatnih istraživanja. Za ak. god. 2013./2014. članovima Kabineta na čelu s dr.sc. Baletićem, prof., odobrena je kratkoročna financijska potpora istraživanju Razvoj sveučilišnih kampusa kao laboratorij za održivo društvo s ciljem razvijanja interaktivne baze koja na učinkovit i pregledan način povezuje europska sveučilišta, potiče interakciju na temu održivosti kampusa, omogućuje uspoređivanje i unaprjeđivanje održivih strategija. Istraživanja se nastavljaju kroz projekt Innovative Green Building Research in the Campus Living Lab, ugovoren 10. srpnja 2014. između AF-a i Hrvatske zaklade za znanost pod brojem 8596. Cilj ovoga trogodišnjeg projekta je istražiti i razviti inovativni model zelene gradnje na kampusu (na primjeru studentskoga stanovanja) energetske učinkovitosti A+, koristeći pritom nove materijale i tehnologije, projektantski pristup osjetljiv na klimatske uvjete, testirajući moguće alternative uz pomoć budućih korisnika potičući nove oblike društvenih inovacija, a sve u skladu s the Living laboratory principima.

Autori / authors: Roberto Vdović, Morana Pap izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / paper presented at the international conference: 1st International Academic Conference Places and Technologies 2014, Keeping up with Technologies to Improve Places Beograd, Srbija, 3.–4.4. 2014.


Digitalna proizvodnja u području arhitekture Digitalne tehnologije (DT) mijenjaju ideju proizvodnje, kao i stvaranje arhitekture. Digitalna proizvodnja (DP) postaje sve prisutnija i predstavlja izazov našoj percepciji onoga što je izvedivo, proširuje naše razumijevanje o tome kako se informacije u projektu stvaraju i način na koje ih se koristi. Obrazovne institucije predstavljaju važnu kariku u procesu pripreme budućih generacija stručnjaka za nove prakse digitalnoga doba. Neophodno je educirati buduće arhitekte kako bi razumjeli i prihvatili proces izgradnje pod utjecajem DT-a. Na razini procesa projektiranja i arhitektonske prakse, DP primjenjiva je u različitim fazama ciklusa projekta, podržavajući proces projektiranja (3D ispis varijantnih rješenja), ali i proces proizvodnje (stvaranje građevinskih elemenata). Rad nudi

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Research activities conducted in a ten-year long period within the scientific and research projects Housing Space in the Age of Informatics and Typology of Digital Houses, headed by Prof Baletić resulted in a doctoral dissertation and published scientific papers and book chapters. In the course of research university campuses and their new forms were considered to represent the most modern spatial and functional structures that serve well for conducting educational, research and professional activities. The creation of a campus as a small city in itself helps ascertain new tendencies and potentials of urban development. The current projects of spatial development of the University of Zagreb, primarily those related to the new campus in Borongaj, present a new opportunity for the implementation and verification of previous discoveries and at the same time raise new questions as a motive for new research campaigns. The members of the section, headed by Prof Baletić, were approved a short-term financial support in the academic year 2013/2014 for the research project Development of the University Campus as a Laboratory for Sustainable Society whose aim was to develop an interactive database which could establish in an effective and straightforward manner links among European universities, entice interaction concerning campus sustainability, and facilitate comparison and improvement of sustainability strategies. Research activities have been continued within the Innovative Green Building Research in the Campus Living Lab project for which the Faculty of Architecture and the Croatian Science Foundation signed a contract (No 8596) on 10 July 2014. The goal of this three-year long project is to explore and develop an innovative model of green building with the A+ energy efficiency rating on the campus (with student housing serving as the case study) through the use of new materials and technologies and climate sensitive design approach. In addition, testing of possible alternatives will be performed with the help of future users by stimulating new forms of social innovations in accordance with the Living Laboratory principles.

Digital Fabrication in the Field of Architecture Digital technologies fundamentally transform the very idea of production which reflects on architecture as well. Becoming more present in architecture, digital technology challenges our perception of what is possible and expands our understanding of how project information is created and used. Educational institutions are an important link in preparing future generations of professionals for emerging practices in a digital age. It is necessary to educate future architects and make them understand and accept the building processes influenced by digital technology. On the level of design and architectural practice, digital fabrication can be used during different phases of the project lifecycle, supporting both design activities (3D printing of design options)

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Autori/authors: Rene Lisac, Kristina Careva, Bojan Baletić izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / paper presented at the international conference: Becoming Local, Ion Mincu, University of Architecture and Urbanism (UAUIM) Bucharest, Romania, 11.–14.6. 2014.

Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science

VODITELJ / head of research: dr.sc. Josip Galić, doc. Istraživači / Researchers: dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman, dr.sc. Davor Skejić, dr.sc. Ivan Kalafatić, dr. Goran Periškić, Hrvoje Vukić


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

skup ideja o mogućnostima i učincima ove nove revolucije na projektiranje i praksu, sljedeće nove oblike, strukture i izgradnju. Arhitektura i DP ne mogu se promatrati odvojeno, a DP može imati značajan utjecaj na arhitekturu i mijenja način na koji živimo.

and production process (creating building elements). The paper provides a set of ideas on the possibilities and impact of this new revolution on architectural design and practice, new future forms, structures and construction. Architecture and digital fabrication are interrelated, and digital fabrication can have a significant impact on architecture by changing the way we live.

Akupunktura grada – nove metodologije za javne prostore

City Acupuncture – New Methodologies for Public Spaces

Svaki grad sastoji se od osnovnih struktura – fizičke i socijalne. Kvaliteta urbanoga života izravno ovisi o intenzitetu i načinima preklapanja tih dvaju struktura. Hipoteza metodologije Akupunkture grada kazuje da se kvaliteta urbanoga života može učinkovito poboljšati malim i preciznim intervencijama osmišljenima kroz interdisciplinarni diskurs uz participaciju građana i lokalne vlasti. Do sada se metodologija aktivno primjenjivala na interdisciplinarnim radionicama s timovima mladih stručnjaka koji su kreativno reagirali na zatečenu prostornu situaciju predlažući male intervencije osmišljene u suradnji s lokalnim kapacitetima. Iskustva stečena u realizaciji odabranih intervencija u Skopju, Beogradu, Zagrebu, Sarajevu i Splitu pokazala su bitnu raznolikost društveno-prostornih struktura, problema i potencijala u urbanome prostoru te političkoga i administrativnoga okvira.

Procjena ponašanja priključaka konstrukcijskih elemenata od FRP-a Polimeri armirani vlaknima (FRP – fibre-reinforcedpolymer) kompozitni su materijali koji se koriste u proizvodnji zrakoplova, automobila i brodica. Glavne prednosti FRP-a velika su čvrstoća, trajnost i izrazito mala zapreminska težina. Osim jačanja postojećih konstrukcija, FRP se počeo istraživati i primjenjivati u proizvodnji novih konstrukcijskih elemenata kao što su: krovni paneli, međukatne konstrukcije, revizijska okna, zatege, konstrukcijski profili, fasadni paneli. Osnovni problem svih proizvoda od FRP-a je spajanje. Zbog anizotropnosti i elastičnosti FRP-a, spajanje konstrukcijskih elemenata i proizvoda moguće je provoditi vijčano ili lijepljenjem. Cilj istraživanja objedinjavanje je istraživanja priključaka FRP proizvoda kao ojačanja, kako bi se oblikovali optimalni priključci proizvoda od FRP-a. Na temelju parametarske analize pojedinih numeričkih modela odredili bi se optimalni priključci s obzirom na otpornost i praktičnost. Temelj istraživanja numerička je analiza i određivanje oblika priključaka. Za modeliranje koristili bi se postojeći kompjutorski programi uz potrebne dogradnje i programiranja, a za numeričku analizu nužno je provesti ispitivanje svojstava FRP-a koja nisu provedena u dosadašnjim ispitivanjima (energija loma u smjeru vlakana i okomito na smjer vlakana te vlačna, tlačna i posmična čvrstoća okomito na smjer vlakana).

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Each city is comprised of two basic structures – physical and social. The quality of urban life directly depends on the intensity and the ways these two structures overlap. The hypothesis of the City Acupuncture methodology states that the quality of urban life can be effectively improved by small and precise interventions conceived in an interdisciplinary discourse which includes the participation of citizens and local authorities. The methodology has thus far been actively adopted in interdisciplinary workshops organized in cooperation with local young professionals. The experiences that resulted from the realizations of interventions in Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Split have shown a considerable diversity of socio-spatial structures, problems and potentials that exist in the urban space and within political and administrative frames.

Short Description of the Research Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are materials used in the production of airplanes, cars and ships. The main advantages of FRPs are their great strength, durability and exceptionally small unit weight. In addition to strengthening structures, FRP materials have begun to be explored and used for the production of structural elements such as roof panels, mezzanine structures, structural profiles, facade panels. The main problem of all FRP products is related to joining with other elements. Due to anisotropy and elasticity of the FRPs, connections between structural elements and products can be bolted or glued. The aim of the research is to explore and form optimal fittings of FRP products. The analysis of parameters of individual numerical models would facilitate determination of the shape of fittings. The modelling would be done with the help of computer programmes with necessary upgrading and programming, while the numerical analysis should be performed on the FRP materials and their properties which should include experiments which have not been done in the past researches (fracture energy parallel and perpendicular to the fibres orientation, and the tensile, compressive and shear strength perpendicular to the orientation of the fibres).

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

autori / authors: Miljenko Haiman, Krunoslav Pavković, Nenad Turčić, Boris Baljkas izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / paper presented at the international conference: World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTW 2014, Quebec City Canada, 10–14.08.2014.

voditelj istraživanja / Head of Research: dr.sc. Zoran Veršić, doc. Istraživači / Researchers: dr.sc. Iva Muraj, doc., dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer, izv.prof. autori / authors: Iva Muraj, Zoran Veršić, Ariana Štulhofer Izlaganje na skupovima / International symposium: Energy Efficient Solutions for Multi-apartment Buildings in Croatia, 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SEE SDEWES, Ohrid, Makedonija, 29.6.–4.7. 2014. Multi-apartment Buildings in Croatia: Methods and Techniques of Protection in the Process of Energy Renovation, International Scientific Conference Protection of Cultural Heritage from Natural and Manmade Disasters, Zagreb/Šibenik, 8.–10.5. 2014.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Čvor sa spajalom velikog promjera konstruiranog za rešetkaste nosače velikih raspona

Joint with Large Diameter Fastener Constructed for Large Span Truss Girders

U radu se predstavlja rešetkasti nosač sa hibridnim čvorom. Hibridni čvor se spaja iz lijepljenih čeličnih šipki u lokalno ojačan pojas rešetke i čeličnu cijev koja prenosi teret na pojas rešetke. Lijepljene čeliče šipke su korištene kako bi se prenijela sila na dijagonale čvorova rešetke. Lokalno ojačanje pojasa rešetke se provelo koristeći tekstil od fiberglasa koji se lijepi između drvenih slojeva u procesu spajanja. Spajalo promjera 49 m i vijci za učvršćivanje spajala i ulijepljenih čeličnih cijevi su korišteni za prenošenje tereta na dijagonale pojasa rešetke. Rezultati dobiveni eksperimentalnim testiranje čvora i rezultati dobiveni metodom analize konačnih elemenata (FEM) uz korištenje programa ABAQUS su izvedeni. Testirana su četiri modela rešetkastog nosača, visokih 2 m s rasponom od 6 metara, s prethodno opisanim čvorovima. Tijekom testiranja mjerili su se globalno ponašanje rešetkastog nosala i deformacije lokalnih čvorova. Rezultati pokazuju kako se otpornost spajala koju je dala EC5 analiza treba mijenjati te da je otpornost spajala koja se dobila testiranjem puno veća nego otpornost koju je dala EC5.

In this paper the truss girder with hybrid joint was presented. Hybrid joint is combined from glued-in steel rods in local reinforced chord and steel tube (fastener) that transmits the load into the chord. Glued-in steel rods were used to transmit forces in diagonals of truss girder. Local reinforcement of truss chord was carried out using fiberglass textile glued between the timber layers in the bonding process. Fastener 49.0 mm in diameter and Allen bolts for making connection between fastener and glued-in steel rods, were used for transferring the load from the diagonals into the chord. Four models of truss girder, 2.0 m high and 6.0 m in span, with previous described joint were experimentally tested. Global truss girder and local joints deformations were measured. The results show that equation for fastener embedment strength given by EC5 needs to be changed, and that the fastener resistance obtained by tests is much higher than resistance given by EC5.

Određivanje modela referentnih višestambenih zgrada iz različitih razdoblja gradnje u Hrvatskoj u svrhu energetske analize

Determining a Model of Reference Multi-apartment Buildings from Different Periods of Constructionin Croatia for the Purpose of Energy Analysis

Zgrade su najveći pojedinačni potrošači energije pa europske direktive nalažu predviđanje mjera poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti u zgradarstvu. Sve zemlje članice Europske unije dužne su napraviti analizu energetskih svojstava postojećega fonda zgrada različitih namjena i izraditi troškovno optimalne mjere energetske učinkovitosti.

Since buildings are the biggest energy consumers European Union directives require measures for improving energy efficiency in building construction. All European Union member states are required to conduct energy performance analyses of the existing building stock of various uses and create cost-effective energy efficiency measures.

Projektom su analizirani i sistematizirani podatci postojećega fonda višestambenih zgrada u RH koji su poslužili za određivanje arhitektonsko-građevnih modela referentnih višestambenih zgrada za pojedino razdoblje gradnje. Definirani modeli bili su polazište za nastavak analize energetskih karakteristika zgrada, a sve u u svrhu provedbe Direktive 2010/31/ EU Europskoga parlamenta i vijeća, od 19. svibnja 2010. godine, o energetskim svojstvima zgrada i predviđanja mjera poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti. Predložene arhitektonskograđevne mjere u svrhu povećanja energetske učinkovitosti, predviđaju zahvate na vanjskoj ovojnici zgrade i dijelovima ovojnice prema negrijanome prostoru i tlu te predstavljaju osnovni preduvjet za predviđanje ostalih mjera u svrhu postizanja energetske učinkovitosti zgrada. U sklopu istraživanja, I. Muraj zajedno s A. Štulhofer i Z. Veršić, izlagali su na skupu u Ohridu s temom Energetski efikasnih rješenja za višestambene zgrade u Hrvatskoj. Isti autorski tim sudjelovao je na skupu u Zagrebu s temom Metoda i tehnika zaštite u procesu energetske obnove višestambenih zgrada u Hrvatskoj.

The project includes an analysis and systematization of data pertaining to the existing stock of apartment buildings in the Republic of Croatia which served for determining design and construction models of referential apartment buildings for individual construction periods. The defined models were the starting point of a further energy performance analysis conducted as part of the implementation of the Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings and energy efficiency improvement measures. The proposed design and construction measures determined for the purposes of increasing energy efficiency envisage interventions on the building envelope and the parts of the envelope adjacent to unheated space and on the ground. They form the fundamental precondition for other measures for achieving energy efficiency of buildings. Research activities included participation of I. Muraj, A. Štulhofer and Z. Veršić at the conference in Ohrid where they presented a paper on Energy Efficient Solutions for Multi-apartment Buildings in Croatia. The same authors participated at the conference in Zagreb with a paper Protection Methods and Techniques Used in Energy Renovation of Apartment Buildings in Croatia.

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Autori/authors: Stanka Ostojić, Iva Muraj, Zoran Veršić izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / paper presented at the international conference: 1st International Academic Conference Places and Technologies 2014., Beograd, Srbija, 3.–4.4. 2014.

Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical Planning and Landscape Architecture voditelj istraživanja /Head of Research: dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit, izv.prof. Istraživači / Researchers: dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović, Ana Mrđa, Tin Oberman, dr. sc. Hrvoje Carić (Institut za turizam/Institute for Turism)

Sveučilište u Zagrebu dodijelilo je Nagradu Fran Bošnjaković, za 2014. godinu, dr. sc. Srečku Peganu, prof. za njegov izniman doprinos znanosti, velikom unaprjeđenju struke i nastave na AF te za prijenos znanja u području tehničkih znanosti / In 2014, the University of Zagreb presented Dr SrećkoPegan, full professor, with the Fran Bošnjaković Award for his exceptional scientific contribution, great advancement of the profession, his academic work at the FA and his efforts in the education of young professionals in the field of technical sciences.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Energetska analiza i strategija za sanaciju zgrada Sveučilišta u Zagrebu na primjeru zgrade nekadašnjeg Tehnološkog fakulteta arhitekta Alfreda Albinija

Energy Analysis and Refurbishment Strategy for Zagreb University Buildings: Former Faculty of Technology in Zagreb by Alfred Albini

Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2012. godine započinje proces provođenja energetskih pregleda i energetskoga certificiranja zgrada sastavnica Sveučilišta s ciljem poboljšanja njihovih energetskih karakteristika. Sveučilište u Zagrebu obuhvaća oko 130 zgrada (465.000 m2). Jedna od najvećih zgrada kompleks je nekadašnjega Tehnološkog fakulteta u Zagrebu građenoga od 1958. do 1964. Projektirao ga je istaknuti hrvatski arhitekt 20.st. Alfred Albini. Zgrada je posljednji izveden Albinijev projekt i zaštićena kao kulturno dobro. Članak obuhvaća rezultate energetskoga pregleda i certificiranja Albinijeve zgrade uz određivanje postojećega energetskog stanja u suvremenim uvjetima korištenja. Konačno, predložene su mjere poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti s proračunom njihove isplativosti.

Prostorni aspekti razvoja turizma u obalnome području Jadranske Hrvatske

In the year 2012 the University of Zagreb started the process of energy audits and energy certification of all university buildings with the intent to improve their energy performance. As a property owner, the University of Zagreb encompasses approximately 130 buildings (465.000 m2). One of the largest buildings, audited in the first phase, is the building of the former Faculty of Technology in Zagreb built from 1958 to 1964 and designed by the esteemed 20th century Croatian architect Alfred Albini. This classic work is the last of Albini's accomplishments and is a protected cultural heritage monument. The paper presents results of the energy audit and energy certification of Albini's modern architecture building and determines the energy balance in contemporary usage. The paper also suggests possible energy efficient improvement measures and profitability calculations.

Spatial Aspects of Tourism Development in Coastal Croatia

Prva iskustva prostornoga planiranja turizma u Hrvatskoj započela su 1959. godine kada je utvrđeno da postoji potreba za planiranjem Jadranske obale kako bi se iskoristili postojeći prostorni potencijali i izbjegli konflikti potaknuti izostankom urbanističke vizije razvoja područja uz jadransku obalu. Planerskim tezama tvrdilo se da ‘buduća turistička izgradnja mora se podrediti postojećim prirodnim privlačnostima i urbanističko-arhitektonskim obilježjima obalnoga područja Jadranskoga mora, s naglaskom da čuvanje i isticanje prirodnih vrijednosti u uvjetima sve jače urbanizacije, postaje posebna prepoznatljivost turističke ponude.’ U istraživanju želi se provesti urbanistička analiza i terensko istraživanje planiranoga od 1967. do 1972. i ostvarenoga do 2013. u prostornim planovima nastalim na temelju Regionalnoga prostornog plana Južni Jadran i Koordinacijskog regionalnog prostornog plana Gornji Jadran. Urbanističkom analizom želi se utvrditi koje su planerske teze, danas opravdane i primjenjive, koje se trebaju propitati i prilagoditi novim okolnostima, a koje su se u provedbi planova pokazale pogrešnima i trebalo bi ih izbjegavati. Prikupljena je i digitalizirana arhivska građa koja sadrži prostorne i urbanističke planove Južni Jadran i Gornji Jadran. Realizirana je tehnička obrada arhivske građe. Pripremljeni su podatci za objavu znanstvenoga rada u CC časopisu Landscape and Urban Planning. Pripremljen je radni materijal za sudjelovanje na Međunarodnom znanstvenom kongresu. Realizirano je sudjelovanje na stručnom skupu Uključivanje arhitekture u planiranje turističkog razvoja Republike Hrvatske (moderator panel diskusije: K. Šmit), Apolitika – Prostor i arhitektura, 1. lipnja, Zagreb.

The first experience of physical planning in Croatian tourism began in 1959 when it was determined that there was a need for the spatial development of the Adriatic Coast which could facilitate the use of the existing spatial potentials and avoid conflicts that could arise due to the lack of urban vision for the development of areas along the Adriatic Coast. According to the planning propositions the future tourismbased construction projects had to be adapted to the existing natural attractions and urban and architectural features of the Adriatic Coast. The propositions also stressed the fact that the preservation and enhancement of natural values in the conditions of increased urbanization were becoming special and recognizable characteristics of the tourist offer. The aim of the project is to conduct an urban analysis and field research of the activities planned in 1967–1972 or executed until 2013 on the basis of the Physical Development Plan for the South Adriatic Region and the Physical Development Plan for the Upper Adriatic Region. The urban analysis aims to determine which of the planning propositions are justified and usable in the present situation, which need to be examined and adjusted to new circumstances which have proved wrong in the execution of the plans and therefore necessary to avoid. Archival material containing physical and urban plans for the South and Upper Adriatic Regions was collected, digitised and technically processed. Data has been prepared for the publication of a scientific paper in Landscape and Urban Planning, a CC journal. Working material has been prepared for the participation in an international scientific conference. A paper presentation has been held at the professional conference Including Architecture in Planning of Tourism Development in the Republic of Croatia (moderator of the panel discussion: K. Šmit), Apolitics – Space and Architecture, 1 June, Zagreb

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Autori / authors: Tihomir Jukić, Lea Petrović Krajnik izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / paper presented at the international conference: Smart urbanism – Teaching sustainability, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana Ljubljana, 19.–21.06.2014.

Autori / authors: Ana Mrđa izlaganje na seminaru / presentation at the seminar: U&U 2013, VII International PhD Seminar Urbanism & Urbanization, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris– Malaquais, Pariz, 3.–5.10. 2013.

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB


Urban Planning Workshop for Community Problem Solving – The Case Study of the Island of Vir

Otok Vir je kao tema Urbanističke Radionice odabran u kontekstu društvene odgovornosti – buduće rehabilitacije područja na kojem se nedavno provela legalizacija nelegalno sagrađenih građevina. Osnovni zadatak radionice bilo je istraživanje, preoblikovanje i poboljšanje područja otoka kao i razmatranje mogućnosti budućeg dugoročnog razvoja i korištenja zemljišta. Studenti su za cilj imali afirmirati obilježja otoka i iskoristiti njegove potencijale, stvoriti prepoznatljive karakteristike i omogućiti njegov održivi razvitak u budućnosti. Realizacija Urbanističke Radionice podrazumijevala je i sudjelovanje lokalne zajednice koja je doprinijela širu društvenu dobrobit radionice. Odabrani studentski radovi prezentirani su na izložbama u Viru, Zadru, Zagrebu i Osijeku te objavljeni u knjizi pod naslovom Istraživanje, preobrazba i sanacija prostora otoka Vira.

The topic of the Urban Planning Workshop, the Island of Vir, was chosen in the context of the socially responsible theme – the future rehabilitation of the areas where legalization of illegal buildings recently took place. The main tasks of the workshop were exploration, transformation and improvement of the areas on the island as well as considering possibilities of a long termfuture development and land use. Students' aim was to affirm the characteristics of the island and exploit its potentials, create its recognizable features and to enable its sustainable development in the future. The implementation of the Urban Planning Workshop included the participation of the local community which providedit with a wider social benefit. Selected students’ works were presented at exhibitions in Vir, Zadar, Zagreb and Osijek, and published in a book entitled Research, Transformation and Reconstruction of the Island of Vir.

Važnost koncepta nosivog kapaciteta turizma u prostornom planiranju

The importance of the concept of tourism carrying capacity in spatial planning

Mnoge europske zemlje uključujući Hrvatsku suočavaju se s negativnim učincima turističke industrije što se manifestira kao opterećenost okoliša, negativni utjecaj na prirodne i kulturne resurse, promjene društvenih i ekonomskih struktura, zagušenost građevinske zone, degradacija turističkih atrakcija i smanjenje kvalitete života.

Many European countries, including Croatia, have been facing negative effects from tourism industry. These effects manifest as environmental overload, negative impacts on natural and cultural resources, changes in social and economic structures, construction area congestion, degradation of tourist attractions and reduction of the quality of life.

Nužno je potrebna primjena novog adaptivnog alata planiranja kojim se mogu kontrolirati turističke aktivnosti i rast te stvoriti ravnotežu između ekonomskog dobitka i zaštite okoliša.

The implementation of a new adaptive planning tool which can control tourism activities and growth, and create a balance between economic gain and environmental protection is highly needed.

Predloženi alat čini koncept turističkog nosivog kapaciteta. Na teorijskoj razini nosivi kapacitet se može definirati kao broj turističkih posjeta u određenom razdoblju koje određena turistička lokacija može ostvariti bez trajnog prirodnog i fizičkog oštećenja područja te bez osjetnog oštećenja doživljaja posjetitelja.

voditelj istraživanja / Head of Research: dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, doc. Istraživači / Researchers: dr. sc. Mladen Obad Ščitaroci, dr. sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik, Marko Rukavina, Alen Žunić (GSD Harvard University)


The proposed tool is the concept of tourism carrying capacity. At a theoretical level, carrying capacity can be defined as the number of user-unit use-periods that a tourist area can provide without permanent natural and physical deterioration of the area’s ability to support tourism and without appreciable impairment of the visitors experience.

Korpus hrvatske urbane baštine u europskom kontekstu – topografija i kritička antologija

Croatian Urban Heritage in EuropeanContext – Topography and Critical Anthology

Uzimajući u obzir iznimno bogat, a slabo poznat, te u europskom kontekstu neafirmirani fond našega urbanog naslijeđa, zadaća Projekta je oblikovati kritički valorizirani korpus hrvatskih povijesnih gradova, opremljen informacijskom i dokumentacijskom bazom prilagođenom za standardno pretraživanje. U izvedbenome dijelu Projekt sadržava sljedeće dionice: terenske urbanološke obrade izabranih primjera gradova, arhivsko-dokumentacijska istraživanja i pribavljanje ključnih grafičkih i kartografskih predložaka, bibliografsko

Taking into consideration an exceptionally rich but poorly known corpus of Croatian urban heritage which lacks but deserves affirmation in the European context, the project aims to form a critically valorised collection of Croatian historic cities and towns accompanied by a database with a search engine which can provide standard ways of information search and retrieval. The execution section of the project includes the following activities: urban field analysis of selected cities and towns, archival and documentation research and collection

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Znanstveni i stručni skupovi, tribine, izložbe / Scientific and professional conferences, forums, exhibitions: Klasicizam u Hrvatskoj, IPU (MUO, 30.–31.5. 2014.) XVI. Dani Cvita Fiskovića: Razmjena umjetničkih iskustava u jadranskom bazenu, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Filozofski fakultet – Odsjek za povijest umjetnosti (Orebić-Korčula, 30.9.–3.10. 2014.). Galerija Milan i Ivo Steiner, Židovska općina Zagreb (30.10.–21.11. 2013.) Tribina Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (26.11. 2013. i 4.12. 2013.)

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

kolacioniranje, pripremu digitalne baze korpusa, kontinuirane objave, izradu hrestomatija ključnih tekstova iz domene historiografije hrvatske arhitekture i urbanizma. S obzirom na kratak rok trajanja Projekta, aktivnosti su tek započete, postavljeni su osnovni gabariti istraživanja koje u kontinuitetu traju i dalje. Realizirane su i prve objave među kojima treba izdvojiti knjigu Boris Magaš, Misli o arhitekturi, Izabrani tekstovi koju je uredio Alen Žunić te poglavlje Arhitektura i povijest opatijskih sinagoga u knjizi Povijest židovske zajednice u Opatiji koje je napisao Zlatko Karač. Istraživačka izložba Sinagoge u Hrvatskoj autora Zlatka Karača i Alena Žunića priređena je u Galeriji Milan i Ivo Steiner u Zagrebu. Izložba je rezultat dugogodišnjeg istraživanja sinagogalne baštine u Hrvatskoj u okviru kojega je identificirano oko sto povijesnih sinagoga nastalih na našem tlu. Za izložbu je izabrano 18 najreprezentativnijih primjera sinagoga iz razdoblja historicizma prezentiranih izvornom projektnom dokumentacijom, povijesnim fotografijama i ključnim dokumentima o izgradnji. Uz izložbu je objavljen i popratni katalog.

of essential graphic and cartographic examples, comparative analysis of bibliography, preparation of the digital database containing the urban heritage corpus, continuous publication and the creation of collection of papers in the field of the History of Croatian Architecture and Urban Planning. Due to the short duration of the project, the activities began only recently. The main framework of the research has been set and the activities have been conducted accordingly. The first publications resulting from the project include the book Boris Magaš, Thoughts on Architecture, Selected Works, edited by Alen Žunić and the chapter Architecture and History of Opatija's Synagogues written by Zlatko Karač for the book History of the Jewish Community in Opatija. The research exhibition under the title Synagogues in Croatia, curated by Zlatko Karač and Alen Žunić, was mounted at the Milan and Ivo Steiner Gallery in Zagreb. The exhibition resulted from long-term research which brought to light around hundred synagogues built in Croatia. The exhibition showcased 18 most presentational examples of synagogues from the historicist period which were represented by way of original architectural drawings, historic photographs and key documents on their construction. The exhibition was accompanied by a catalogue.

Zlatko Karač održao je izlaganje Klasicistička arhitektura Vukovara: izgradnja grada i urbane regulacije u prvoj polovini 19. stoljeća na skupu Klasicizam u Hrvatskoj, te Osmanskoislamska baština u Dalmaciji: umjetničke relacije između Jadrana i Levanta na XVI. danima Cvita Fiskovića. Također, održao je javna predavanja na temu Tursko-islamska arhitektura i urbanizam u Hrvatskoj i Tursko-islamska umjetnost i umjetnički obrt u Hrvatskoj u sklopu Tribine Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Autori / authors: Tamara Marić, Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaorci, Richard Stiles izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / paper presented at the international conference: SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Science and Art, Section Architecture and Design, Albena, Bugarska, 1.–10.9. 2014.


Paper presentations under the titles Classicist Architecture in Vukovar: Construction of the Town and Urban Plans in the first half of the 19th Century and Ottoman and Islamic Heritage in Dalmatia: Artistic Links between the Adriatic and the Levant were given by Zlako Karač at the conference XVI. Days of Cvito Fisković. He also held public lectures Turkish and Islamic Architecture and Urban Planning in Croatia and Turkish and Islamic Art and Applied Arts in Croatia at the Forum of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb.

Preobrazba ulica po mjeri čovjeka Re-Creating Human Scaled Streets

Rad se bavi problematikom stvaranja distinktivne mreže ulica prema potrebama pješaka. Ovo važno pitanje koje se tiče održivosti gradskog prostora i stvaranja mjesta predstavlja aktualnu problematiku u mnogim gradovima. Radom se nastoji istražiti sve veći broj različitih pristupa proučavanja javnog prostora i ulične mreže. Cilj je stvoriti osnovu za prostornu analizu studije slučajeva što je ujedno i glavna metodologija koja se koristi u radu, a putem koje se izgrađuje sustav za daljnje proučavanje iste teme. Javni život i ulična struktura kao teme istraživanja kategoriziraju se prema osnovnim aspektima: prostornim, značenjskim te aspektima održivosti i implementacije. Sva četiri aspekta se u konačnici dijele na karakteristike koje tvore temelj teoriji stvaranja ulice prema mjeri čovjeka. Karakteristike kojim se međusobno povezuju aspekti, komplementarne su jedna drugoj. Makro-mikro mjerilo daljnje se koristi na komparativnim studijama slučaja iz srednjoeuropskih gradova Zagreba i Beča. Zaključak rada je da se projektiranjem i teorijom mogu preobraziti ulice prema mjeri čovjeka i postići urbana i društvena održivost.

This study deals with issues of creating a vivid and pedestrian oriented street network. It is an emerging and vital question in a domain of urban sustainability and place-making for most cities. This research seeks to explore an increasing number of diverse studies regarding the public realm and streetscape. The aim is to set a background for spatial analysis of case studies. This paper uses case studies analysis as the main method through which it develops the systematization for a further study of this theme. Streets and public life as the subjects of this research are categorized through main aspects: spatial aspect, aspects of meanings, sustainability and implementation. As a result, all four aspects are then divided into attributes, which form the basis for a theory of human scaled streets. Attributes are mutually complementary and they interconnect the aspects. Macro-and micro-scale is further presented on comparative case studies of Central European cities Zagreb and Vienna. Conclusion is that through design and theory we can re-create human scaled streets and achieve urban and social sustainability.

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Autori / authors: Tamara Marić, Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaorci izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / paper presented at the international conference: Defence Heritage 2014, 2nd International Conference on Defence Sites Heritage and Future Venecija, Italija, 17.–19.9. 2014

Autori/authors: Mladen Obad Šćitaorci, Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaorci izvorni znanstveni članak u /original scientific article in: ANNALES, Series Historia et Sociologia, 24, 2014, 1, ISSN: 1408-5348

Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department Of history And theory Of Architecture Voditelj projekta / Project Leader: dr. sc. Karin Šerman, izv.prof. Istraživači / Researchers: dr.sc. Zrinka, Barišić Marenić, doc., dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić, doc., mr.sc. Igor Ekštajn


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Preobrazba ulične mreže Dioklecijanove palače

Transformation of Diocletian’s Palace Street Network

Dioklecijanova palača, urbana jezgra grada Splita, sagrađena je kao jedinstvena rimska građevina krajem 4. stoljeća. Ulice Cardo i Decumanus formirale su glavnu osnovu funkcioniranju i kompoziciji palače, a kasnije i grada. Tijekom renesansnog i baroknog razdoblja, srednjovjekovna jezgra grada zatvorena je novijom fortifikacijom koja je srušena u 19. stoljeću omogućivši redefiniranje rasta i stvaranja otvorenih gradskih prostora. Grad se u 20. stoljeću naglo razvio, a Dioklecijanova je palača sa svojim rubnim srednjovjekovnim dijelovima (1979. godine upisana na UNESCO-vu Listu svjetske baštine) postala povijesni i javni centar Splita. U radu se analiziraju preobrazbe urbane mreže ulica u kontekstu stvaranja vitalnih javnih prostora po mjerilu čovjeka. Ove preobrazbe koreliraju s povijesnim urbanim strukturama i funkcijama, posebice fortifikacijama. Otvoreni prostori na mjestima prijašnjih fortifikacija daju prostornu osnovu za urbanu preobrazbu zajedno s oživljavanjem i valorizacijom urbanog krajolika i ulične mreže. Povijesna važnost kulturne baštine tvori temelj i pruža dodatne razloge da generičke ulice postanu važna mreža suvremenih javnih mjesta gdje se ljudi susreću i provode vrijeme, prolaze i šetaju, uče i igraju se, ili na kojima se, općenito, dobro osjećaju.

Diocletian’s Palace is the urban core of the city of Split and it was built in the late 4th century AD as a unique Roman building. Cardo and decumanus streets formed the main functional and compositional basis of the palace and later of the city. In the Renaissance and the Baroque period, the medieval core of the city was enclosed by a new system of fortifications. They were demolished in the 19th century enabling the city to re-defines its growth and re-create its open spaces. In the 20th century the city rapidly developed and Diocletian’s Palace with its medieval periphery (since 1979 part of the UNESCO World Heritage list) became the historical and public centre of Split. This paper analyses transformations of the urban street network in the context of creating vital and human scaled public places. These transformations correlate with the historical urban structure and function, especially fortification. Open spaces reserved and regained from the fortifications give a spatial basis for the urban transformation along with the revival and enhancement of urban landscape and street network. The historical value of cultural heritage provides foundation and additional reasons for generic streets to become an important network of contemporary public places where people gather and stay, stroll and walk, learn and play, or generally feel comfortable.

Javni gradski perivoji u hrvatskoj u 19. Stoljeću u europskom kontekstu


Tema članka su javni gradski parkovi u gradovima, turističkim i lječilišnim mjestima u Hrvatskoj od 18. stoljeća do kraja Prvoga svjetskog rata (do 1918.). Zbog svoga zemljopisnog položaja u Hrvatskoj, oduvijek se osjećao dvojaki kulturni utjecaj; s jugozapada je dolazio preko Jadranskoga mora iz Italije, a sa sjeverozapada iz Austrije i Njemačke. Najznačajniji javni parkovi u Hrvatskoj uspoređuju se sa sličnim primjerima u europskim zemljama. Za usporedbu se odabiru javni parkovi u okruženju (Slovenija, Austrija, Mađarska, Italija), u zemljama Srednje i Zapadne Europe. Usporedba se provodi prema kriteriju vremena nastanka. Usporedba omogućuje praćenje pojavljivanja parkova i njihovih daljnjih mijena u istim vremenskim razdobljima u različitim zemljama.

The paper deals with public parks in towns and spas in Croatia in the period from the 18th century until WWI (1918). Due to its geographical location Croatia has always been under a dual cultural influence: Italian from the southeast and across the Adriatic Sea, and Austrian and German from the northwest. The most significant public parks in Croatia are compared to similar parks in Europe. Public parks in adjacent regions, that is, within countries of Central and Western Europe have been chosen for comparison (Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Italy). Comparative analysis is conducted according to the time (year) of each park’s establishment. This comparison allows for monitoring of the emergence of parks and their further development in the same periods and within different countries.

Operativno istraživanje fenomena Zagrebačke škole arhitekture

Operative Research on the Phenomenon of the Zagreb School of Architecture

Fenomen Zagrebačke škole arhitekture označava specifičnu arhitektonsku kulturu prostora koja podrazumijeva racionalnost, funkcionalnost, ekonomičnost i primjenu novih tehnologija, ali objedinjuje i kritička promišljanja elemenata tradicionalne, regionalne arhitekture, datosti podneblja i logike materijala. Suvremena hrvatska arhitektonska produkcija manifestira kontinuitet naslijeđenog arhitektonskog

The phenomenon of Zagreb Architecture School denotes specific architecture culture that relies on the notions of rationality, functionality, economy, and use of new constuction technologies, but which also encompasses critical assessments of traditional, regional architectural elements, thoughtful contextual considerations and logic of the materials. Contemporary architectural production demonstrates considerable continuity of such inherited design procedures,

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Autori / Authors: Renata Margaretić Urlić, Karin Šerman Izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji / Paper presented at the international conference: East, West, Central – Re-humanizing Architecture: New Forms of Community, 1950–70 ETH Zürich, Institute GTA – Theory of Architecture, Zürich, 16.–17.05. 2014.

Autori / Authors: Igor Ekštajn, Karin Šerman Poglavlje u međunarodnoj znanstvenoj knjizi / Chapter in the international scholarly book: Architecture and Ideology, ur. /ed. by V. Mako, M. Roter Blagojević, M. Vukotić Lazar, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2014: 256–268.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

prosedea, naravno oslonjenog na recentni arhitektonski diskurs, čime se svakako potvrđuje relevantnost i svježina toga naslijeđenog fenomena. Do sada je fenomen Zagrebačke škole arhitekture tek parcijalno obrađen, često bez dostatne kontekstualne valorizacije, te nedovoljno međunarodno prezentiran, zbog čega izostaje i adekvatna međunarodna pozornost na ovaj vrijedan sloj hrvatske arhitekture, kao i njegovo ispravno pozicioniranje u kontekstu europske arhitektonske kulture. Cilj ovoga projekta je istraživanje, analiza i interpretacija toga fenomena i njegovih pojedinih segmenata i aspekata, sa svrhom njegova boljeg poznavanja i međunarodne afirmacije. U sklopu projekta istražuju se pojedini specifični slojevi i protagonisti koji ga grade, sagledavaju u okvirima međunarodnih relacija, te kroz to artikuliraju, prezentiraju i afirmiraju posebnosti hrvatske moderne i suvremene arhitekture.

of course calibrated by the recent architectural discourse, pointing to the relevance of this historically received concept. Until now the phenomenon of Zagreb Architecture School has not been fully assessed and interpreted, and certainly not adequately contextualized within the broader international architectural production, causing the lack of international valorization and recognition of this valuable architectural heritage. The aim of this project is the research, analysis and interpretation of this phenomenon and its particular segments, with the idea of its better understanding and broader recognition. The research encompasses analyses into specific aspects of this phenomenon, its major manifestations and protagonists, and their broader contextual assessment within the network of international relations, seeking to better understand, present and confirm the qualities and specifities of Croatian modern and contemporary architecture.

Novi Zagreb. Evolucija modela i strategija socijalističke stanogradnje

Case New Zagreb. Evolution of Models and Strategies of Socialist Community Building

U radu se analiziraju promjene modela i strategija socijalističke stanogradnje, u prvome razdoblju razvoja Novoga Zagreba, prije donošenja Generalnoga urbanističkog plana 1970. godine. Sagledavaju se i procesi (socijalističke) rehumanizacije strogih funkcionalističkih načela primijenjenih u prvim naseljima koji su, istovremeno, služili i kao poligoni za eksperimentiranje s novim tehnologijama građenja, novim konstrukcijama i metodama prefabrikacije. Također, s novim načinima odlučivanja i cjelokupne organizacije procesa građenja, kao i sveukupnim urbanim i društvenim navikama. Istraživanje se fokusiralo na prva novozagrebačka naselja – Novi Savski Gaj (1957.–1961.), Trnsko (1959.–1966.), Siget (1963.–1970.), Zapruđe (1963.–1968.) i Sopot (1965.–1972.) – koje je sagledalo kroz četiri problemske razine: u pogledu planiranih programa i sadržaja, podliježući ideološkim i društvenim ambicijama, konkretnih prostornih i arhitektonskih rješenja i organizacija; kao i cjelokupnoga načina financiranja i sustava donošenja odluka. Analizom se tako demonstrirala postupna evolucija modela i strategija socijalističke stanogradnje, te sagledalo njihove ishode i posljedice.

The paper discussed the changes of models and strategies of socialist community building in the first period of the construction of New Zagreb, before the change in 1970 brought by the General Urban Plan. It investigated the processes of (socialist) rehumanization of applied strict functionalist models performed in the first settlements, which simultaneously served as polygons for experimentation with new building technologies, structural innovations and issues of prefabrication, but also with new building policies and overall urban and social habits. The research focused on first New Zagreb settlements – Novi Savski Gaj (1957–1961), Trnsko (1959–1966), Siget (1963–1970), Zapruđe (1963–1968) and Sopot (1965–1972) – and examined them through four conceptual levels: in terms of planned programs and contents; underlying ideological and social ambitions; spatial and architectural organization; and ways of financing and building policies. Such comparison revealed the gradual evolution of models and strategies of socialist community building, and observed their actual outcomes and consequences.

Ideološka paralaksa: Paviljon Jugoslavije na 13. Milanskom Triennalu

Ideological Parallax: The Yugoslav Pavillion at the 13th Milan Triennial Exhibition

Pored svoje primarne uloge da udomi i omogući život, arhitektura je uvijek implicitno upletena u sferu reprezentacije. Posebni slučajevi su paviljoni projektirani za međunarodne izložbe; umjesto udomljavanja aktualnog, oni služe isključivo reprezentaciji ideologije. Oni su arhitektura bez programa, ali s namjerama, akronimi konstruirani da prezentiraju konstruiranu stvarnost određenoga političkog ili društvenog konteksta. Kroz specifični i posebno intrigantni slučaj,

Besides its primary role of facilitating life, architecture is always implicitly engaged in representation. Quite particular cases are pavilions designed for international exhibitions; instead of housing actuality, they exclusively serve the representation of ideology. They are architecture without a program but with a purpose: acronyms constructed to represent the constructed reality of a certain political and social context. Through a particular case

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Međunarodni znanstveni skup / International symposium Autori / Authors: Karin Šerman (AF Zagreb), Igor Ekštajn (AF Zagreb), Vesna Meštrić (MSU Zagreb), Ivo Čović (Politecnico di Milano) Znanstveni skup održan u sklopu Venecijanskog bijenala, Corderie di Arsenale, Venecija, 08.08.2014. / International symposium within the frames of the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale, held at the Corderie di Arsenale, Venice, August 8, 2014


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Paviljon Jugoslavije na 13. Milanskom trijenalu iz 1964., ovaj rad otkriva višestruke slojeve inherentno prisutne u ovoj vrsti ideološki nabijene arhitekture. Jugoslavija je ovu veliku međunarodnu izložbu s temom Razonoda i slobodno vrijeme, vidjela kao mjesto predstavljanja svojega složenog političkog identiteta, specifične i krajnje orginalne ideologije samoupravljanja, kao primjenjivoga modela organizacije slobodnoga vremena. Projekt paviljona bio je naručen od Vjenceslava Richtera, istaknutoga zagrebačkog arhitekta s velikim prethodnim iskustvom u projektiranju izložbenih paviljona.

study – the Yugoslav Pavilion at the 13th Milan Triennial Exhibition from 1964, this paper seeks to reveal multiple layers inherently present in this kind of ideologically charged architecture. Yugoslavia saw the 1964 Triennial and its theme Leisure and Free Time as a venue to present the country’s ambiguous political identity and its specific ideology of ‘self-management’ as an applicable model for leisure pursuits. Design of the pavilion was commissioned to Vjenceslav Richter, a prominent Zagreb modern architect with previous experience in exhibition architecture

Nove tendencije i arhitektura: apstrakcija, ambijent, algoritam

New Tendencies and Architecture: Abstraction, Ambience, Algorithm

Nove tendencije i arhitektura: apstrakcija, ambijent, algoritam, skup u organizaciji Hrvatskog paviljona, bio je četvrti u nizu popratnih programa u sklopu ovogodišnjeg 14. Venecijanskog bijenala arhitekture. Tema Novih tendencija apostrofirana je kao jedinstveni i postojano intrigantni internacionalni umjetnički fenomen – dinamična međunarodna umjetnička mreža i platforma naprednog umjetničkog istraživanja – čije su se izložbe odvijale u Zagrebu 1961.-1973. upisujući time Zagreb i Hrvatsku na mapu najrelevantnijih umjetničkih događanja svoga vremena. Program se odvijao u formi panela i diskusije, te kroz izložbu o segmentima arhitektonskog i umjetničkog rada hrvatskog arhitekta Vjenceslava Richtera kao istaknutog protagonista grupe EXAT 51 i Novih tendencija. U panelu su sudjelovali Jerko Denegri, renomirani analitičar Novih tendencija, Francesco Poli s Likovne akademije Brera iz Milana, Margit Rosen iz ZKM-a|Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie iz Karlsruhea, te Ivan Rupnik sa Sveučilišta Northeastern iz Bostona. Moderatori panela bili su Karin Šerman i Igor Ekštajn, te Ivo Čović s Politecnica di Milano. Izložbeni segment o Richterovom eksperimentalnom radu, u sklopu kojeg je prikazan njegov projekt Sinturbanizam iz 1964. i ciklus Sistemskih grafika iz 1970., pripremila je Vesna Meštrić iz Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb, voditeljica Zbirke Richter. Nakon panela bio je prikazan dokumentarni film Nove tendencije HRT-a iz 2011. autorice Ana Marije Habjan.

New Tendencies and Architecture: Abstraction, Ambience, Algorithm was an international symposium organized by the Croatian Pavilion, held within the frames of this year's Venice Architecture Biennale. The topic of the symposiumsym was New Tendencies, a unique and permanently intriguing international art phenomenon – a dynamic international art network and platform of progressive artistic research – whose exhibitions were held in Zagreb from 1961 to 1973, placing Zagreb on the map of the most relevant art events of the times. The program consisted of a panel and discussion, and an exhibition on the segments of architectural and art work of the Croatian architect Vjenceslav Richter, a prominent member of the group EXAT 51 and New Tendencies. The participating panelists were Jerko Denegri, art historian and researcher of New Tendecies, Francesco Poli from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts from Milan, Margit Rosen from ZKM-a|Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, and Ivan Rupnik from Northeastern University from Boston. The moderators of the panel were Karin Šerman and Igor Ekštajn, and Ivo Čović from Politecnico di Milano. The author of the exhibition on Richter's experimental work – his Synthurbanism project form 1964, and his Systemic Graphic series from 1970 – was Vesna Meštrić from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, curator of the Richter Collection. The event included the documentary film New Tendencies, produced by Croatian Radiotelevision in 2011, author Ana Marija Habjan.

Znanstveni i istraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Publikacije i izložbe Grad kao identitetski sustav / The City as an Identity System Radionica Arhitektonsko projektiranje 1 – Suvremeno stanovanje – 2012/13 – odabrani studentski radovi / Architectural Design Studio 1 – Contemporary Housing 2012/13 – Selected Student Projects Prostori učenja u tranziciji / Learning Spaces in Transition O žbuci. Razvoj i izvedba površina / About Plaster. Development and Producton of Rendered Surfaces Izložba Arhitekti braća Žagar iz fundusa Muzeja grada Splita / Exhibition Architects brothers Žagar from the Archives of the Museum of the City of Split Izložba Vjenceslav Richter: Tri projekta muzeja / Exhibition Vjenceslav Richter: Three Museum Projects Remetinečki gaj – Početak sustavne urbanizacije novozagrebačkog područja / Remetinečki gaj – Beginning of Systematic Urbanization of New Zagreb Area Izložba Remetinečki gaj – prvo planirano stambeno naselje Novog Zagreba / Exhibition Remetinečki gaj – First Planned Residential Development Akupunktura grada – Poboljšanje kvalitete življenja kroz male intervencije u u gradskim tkivima / City Acupuncture – Improving the City Life Quality Through Small and Precise Interventions in Urban Structures Izložba Vojin Bakić: Svjetlosne forme / Exhibition Vojin Bakić: Lighting Forms Prostor oko mene / Space around Me Izložba Fitting Abstraction, hrvatski nastup na 14. venecijanskom bijenalu arhitekture 2014. Fundamentals – Absorbing Modernity 1914–2014, Artiglierie di Arsenale, / Fitting Abstraction, Croatian Exhibition at the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale 2014 – Fundamentals – Absorbing Modernity 1914–2014, Artiglierie di Arsenale


Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Publications and Exhibitions

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Grad kao identitetski sustav / The City as an Identity System

Knjiga Grad kao identitetski sustav nastala je slijedom teorijsko-kritičke analize zamisli o ‘brendingu’ zajednice (city branding, place branding) kojem se argumentirano kao alternativa nude pozicija i termin ‘identitetski sustav’. Ta je tema uporište za shvaćanje da će ta drukčija vizura dovesti do učinkovitijeg uočavanja i shvaćanja zatečenog identiteta te do utemeljenja sustavne metodologije projektiranja identiteta zajednice. Autor tvrdi da u lokalnim tranzicijskim uvjetima nije moguće posve prenijeti teoriju i metodiku stvaranja identitetskog sustava grada iz konteksta čije su povijesne i kulturalne pretpostavke bitno drukčije od onih prisutnih i važnih u Hrvatskoj. Predlaže novu teoriju za drukčiji metodologijski pristup lokalnim zajednicama zemalja u demokratskom razvoju, poput Hrvatske, u kojima je i stvaranje identitetskog sustava jedan od mogućih alata u poticanju i razvoju demokratskog dijaloga u društvu.

The book The City as an Identity System resulted from a theoretical and critical analysis of the concept of place branding whose well elucidated alternative is the term identity system. This topic serves as an anchorage for understanding that this different view can lead to a more efficient perception and understanding of the existing identity and to the establishment of a systematic methodology for the construction of a community identity. The author asserts that the local transitional circumstances make it impossible for the theory and methods for urban identity creation to be completely transferred from the context which is, in essence, historically and culturally different from the context present in and important for Croatia. The author proposes a new theory for a different methodological approach to the local communities of democratically developing countries, such as Croatia, where the creation of an identity system is just one of many possible tools for stimulating and developing democratic dialogues in society.

Izložba i prateća knjižica Radionica Arhitektonsko projektiranje 1 – Suvremeno stanovanje – 2012/13 – odabrani studentski radovi, nastale su u suradnji studenata diplomskog studija i nastavnika Katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje Kabineta za stanovanje na predmetnom kolegiju. Izložba i knjižica nastale su radi dokumentiranja i predstavljanja izvrsnih radova, njihova periodičkog objavljivanja zainteresiranima izvan Arhitektonskog fakulteta te promicanja tema o problematici stanovanja. Izložba je održana od 2. do 7. listopada 2013. u pretprostoru Kina Studentskog centra, u suradnji s Kulturom promjene SC-a. Radovi su izloženi pomoću plakata i maketa postavljenih na stolovima, kao u crtaonicama. Nakon kratkog uvodnog govora, izložbu je otvorio prof. Mladen Jošić. Na otvorenju je predstavljena knjižica – katalog odabranih studentskih radova.

The exhibition and the accompanying booklet entitled Architectural Design Studio 1 – Contemporary Housing 2012/13 – Selected Student Projects, resulted from the work within the course Architectural Design Studio 1 that was accomplished in collaboration between MA students and the teaching staff of the Section of Residential Buildings, Department of Architectural Design. The goal behind the exhibition and the booklet was a conscious attempt to document and present excellent works, their periodical publication to all those interested outside of the Faculty of Architecture and a promotion of housing related topics. The exhibition was held on 2–7 October 2013 in the hall of the Student Centre Cinema, and was organized in cooperation with the Student Centre's Culture of Change Project. The works, in the form of models and posters were exhibited on tables which resembled the setting of drawing classrooms. After a short introductory speech, the exhibition was opened by Prof Mladen Jušić. The booklet which contains a catalogue of the selected students' projects was also presented during the opening night.

Knjiga Prostori učenja u tranziciji donosi tijek, proces i rezultate istoimene radionice koja je u organizaciji Sekcije za edukaciju UNICEF-a, Arhitektonskog fakulteta, Studija dizajna i Škole narodnog zdravlja ‘Andrija Štampar’ Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu bila održana od 25. do 28. listopada 2013. godine. Tema radionice bili su polufunkcionalni i pomalo zapušteni prostori osnovnih škola u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji. Odabrano je pet seoskih škola oko Velike (područne škole Treštanovci, Tekić, Trapari, Toranj i Skenderovci), za koje su studenti diplomskog studija arhitekture i dizajna izradili interdisciplinarne projekte vođeni mentorima s Arhitektonskog fakulteta (Vanja Rister i Mia Roth-Čerina) i sa Studija dizajna (Ivana Fabrio i Zlatko Kapetanović). Projekti su predstavljeni u Glavnom uredu UNICEF-a u New Yorku u prosincu 2013. izložbom i predavanjem, te u sjedištu Požeško-slavonske županije prezentacijom županijskoj upravi u veljači 2014. godine.

Learning Spaces in Transition is a book which presents the course, process and results of the homonymous workshop, held in the period 25–28 October 2013 that was jointly organized by the UNICEF's Education Section, Faculty of Architecture, School of Design and the Andrija Štampar School of Public Health at Zagreb's Faculty of Medicine. The topic of the workshop were semi-functional and somewhat derelict elementary school buildings in the PožeškoSlavonska County. Five village schools near Velika (district schools in the villages of Trešanovci, Tekić, Trampari, Toranj and Skenderovci) were selected as case studies for which graduate students of architecture and design had a task of creating interdisciplinary designs under the supervision of the teaching staff from the Faculty of Architecture (Vanja Rister and Mia Roth Čerina) and the School of Design (Ivana Fabrio and Zlatko Kapetanović). The designs were presented as an exhibition and lecture at the UNICEF’s headquarters in New York in December 2013, and were also presented to the administration of the Požeško-Slavonska County.

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions

Autor / Author: Feđa Vukić Dizajn / Design: Luka Reicher nakladnik / Published by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Arhitektonski fakultet, Studij dizajna, Zagreb, 2013.

Radionica Arhitektonsko projektiranje 1 – Suvremeno stanovanje – 2012/13 – odabrani studentski radovi / Architectural Design Studio 1 – Contemporary Housing 2012/13 – Selected Student Projects Urednik / Editor: Branimir Rajčić Dizajn / Design: Goran Jovanović nakladnik / Published by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Arhitektonski fakultet, Zagreb, 2013.

Prostori učenja u tranziciji / Learning Spaces in Transition Urednik / Editor: Feđa Vukić Izvršno uredništvo / Executive editors: Ivana Fabrio, Zlatko Kapetanović, Vanja Rister, Mia Roth-Čerina Dizajn / Design: Luka Reicher nakladnik / Published by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Arhitektonski fakultet, Studij dizajna, Zagreb, 2013.


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

O žbuci. Razvoj i izvedba površina / About Plaster. Development and Producton of Rendered Surfaces

UPI-2M i zagrebački Arhitektonski fakultet izdali su hrvatski prijevod knjige O žbuci: Razvoj i izvedba površina. Izvorno objavljena na njemačkom jeziku 2012. godine, knjiga je zbirni prikaz rezultata istraživanja provedenih tijekom 2009. godine u sklopu istraživačkog projekta i seminarske radionice ‘Žbuka’ na ETH Zürich, pod vodstvom Annette Spiro, profesorice arhitekture i konstrukcije s Katedre za arhitekturu. Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja prikazani su na istoimenoj izložbi održanoj na nekoliko lokacija diljem Europe, a u listopadu 2013. i na zagrebačkom Arhitektonskom fakultetu. Knjiga O žbuci. Razvoj i izvedba površina opsežno je djelo o svojstvima, pripremi, ekspresivnim mogućnostima i tehnikama izvedbe ručno i strojno spravljenih i izvedenih završnih žbuka. Koncipirana je kao iscrpna analiza 15 odabranih građevina na kojima se prikazuju nove i tradicionalne tehnike žbukanja. Odabrani primjeri razvrstani su u cjeline s obzirom na vrstu zidne konstrukcije – jednostruke zidne konstrukcije, ožbukane vanjske toplinske izolacije, dvostruke zidne konstrukcije i ventilirane zidne konstrukcije.

UPI-2M and the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb jointly published a Croatian translation of the book Development and Production of Rendered Surfaces. Originally published in the German language in 2012, the book contains results of the investigation conducted during 2009 within the research project and workshop Plaster at the ETH Zürich, whose lead investigator was Prof. Annette Spiro from the Department of Architecture. Preliminary research results were presented at the exhibition of the same title which was held at several location across Europe including the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb in October 2013. The book About Plaster. Development and Production of Rendered Surfaces comprehensively covers the features, preparation, expressive possibilities, and the techniques of manual and machine execution of plastering. It provides extensive analyses of 15 selected buildings which showcase new and traditional plastering techniques. These selected examples are divided into categories depending on the type of their wall structure – single leaf walls, thermal insulating plaster for external walls, double leaf walls and ventilated walls.

Karin Šerman i Ana Šverko sudjelovale su u pripremi izložbe Arhitekti braća Žagar iz fundusa Muzeja grada Splita održane u Splitu 25.02.–27.04.2014. u Galeriji muzeja Grada Splita. Šverko i Šerman sudjelovale u atribuciji pojedinih dijelova dokumentacije, kao i u pripremi teksta u pratećem opširnom katalogu pod nazivom Braća Eduard i Danilo Žagar i splitska arhitektura prve polovice 20. stoljeća, smještajući produkciju braće Žagar u širu sliku arhitekture Splita prve polovice 20. stoljeća. Braća Žagar na različite su načine – u svojstvu projektanata, izvođača, suradnika, sudionika natječaja ili članova žirija, zajedno ili pojedinačno– sudjelovali u većini značajnih arhitektonskih i urbanističkih zahvata u tom burnom razdoblju razvoja Splita, obilježenom društveno-političkim prevratima i velikim promjenama u građevinskoj tehnologiji i samom arhitektonskom izričaju. Premda se braća Eduard (1875.–1957.) i Danilo (1886.–1978.) Žagar spominju kao graditelji u gotovo svakom tekstu na temu splitske arhitekture od početka 20. stoljeća do Drugog svjetskog rata, o njima samima dosad je zapravo pisano relativno malo.

Karin Šerman and Ana Šverko participated in the preparation of the exhibition Architects brothers Žagar from the Archives of the Museum of the City of Split, held in Split in February 25–27, 2014, in the Museum of the City of Split. Šverko and Šerman participated in attributing certain drawings and documents, and in preparation of the text for the exhibition catalogue titled Eduard and Danilo Žagar and the Architecture of Split in the First Half of the Twentieth Century. The Žagar brothers participated in practically all architectural and urban interventions in Split in the first half of the 20th century – either as designers, constructors, participants in architectural competitions or as members of jury, working together or individually. As such, they were active participants of that tumultuous period of social and political changes, and huge transformations in construction technology and ways of architectural expression. Although Eduard (1875–1957) and Danilo (1886–1978) Žagar are mentioned in almost every text about architecture of Split from the beginning of the 20th century until World War II, there is not much work written specifically about them.

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions

Izložba i publikacija (u suradnji s ETH Zürich, Professur für Architektur und Konstruktion, Prof. Annette Spiro) / exhibition and publication (in collaboration with ETH Zürich, Professur für Architektur und Konstruktion, Prof. Annette Spiro) 25.10.2013. – 08.11.2013. Voditeljica projekta / project leader: Vjera Bakić Naslov izvornika / Title of original: Über Putz. Oberflächen entwickeln und realisiren Autori izvornika / Authors of the original: Annette Spiro, Pinar Gönül, Hartmut Göhler Urednica / Editor: Vjera Bakić nakladnik / Published by: UPI-2M Plus d.o.o, Arhitektonski fakultet, Studij dizajna, Zagreb, 2013.

Izložba Arhitekti braća Žagar iz fundusa Muzeja grada Splita / ExhibitionArchitects brothers Žagar from the Archives of the Museum of the City of Split 25.2–27.4. 2014. kustosica/curator: Tea Blagaić Januška suradnja/cooperation: Karin Šerman, Ana Šverko Galerija muzeja Grada Splita


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Izložba Vjenceslav Richter: Tri projekta muzeja / Exhibition Vjenceslav Richter: Three Museum Projects

Karin Šerman sudjelovala je u pripremi izložbe Vjenceslav Richter: Tri projekta muzeja održane u lipnju 2014. godine u Zbirci Richter Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu, analizom nacrtne dokumentacije i tekstom u pratećoj brošuri pod naslovom Vjenceslav Richter: Tri projekta muzeja i tri ambijentalna eksperimenta. Izložba je prikazala tri Richterova nerealizirana projekta: Muzej revolucije naroda Jugoslavije izrađen za Novi Beograd 1961., Muzej za prostorne eksponate iz 1963., te Muzej evolucije u Krapini iz 1966. Ti se inovativni i uzbudljivi projekti u tekstu detaljno analiziraju te primjereno kontekstualiziraju u šire Richterovo multidisciplinarno i eksperimentalno stvaralaštvo.

Karin Šerman participated in the preparation of the exhibition Vjenceslav Richter: Three Museum Projects, held in June 2014 in the Richter Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Zagreb. She delivered the text for the exhibition brochure titled Vjenceslav Richter: Three Museum Projects and Three Ambience Experiments. The exhibition presented three Richter's unrealized projects: the Museum of the Revolution of the Peoples of Yugoslavia, designed for New Belgrade in 1961; the Museum for Spatial Exhibits from 1963; and the Museum of Evolution in Krapina from 1966. The analysis examines these innovative and exciting museum projects, placing them within the broader multidisciplinary and experimental Richter's creative production.

U knjizi su na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku opisani razvoj i obilježja novozagrebačkoga područja i općine Remetinec, zatim urbanistički razvoj, arhitektonsko oblikovanje i današnje stanje Remetinečkoga gaja, razgovori s autorima i stanovnicima, nakon kojih slijede fotoalbum i kronologija Remetinečkoga gaja i novozagrebačkoga područja. Značaj i doprinos knjige nastale u okviru znanstvenoistraživačkoga projekta Urbanizam naslijeđa – Urbanistički i prostorni modeli za oživljavanje i unaprjeđenje kulturnoga naslijeđa afirmacija je i aktualiziranje problema moderne urbanističko-arhitektonske baštine.

Written in Croatian and English, the book presents the development and characteristics of the Remetinec Municipality in Novi Zagreb, and its urban growth, architectural design and the present state of Remetinečki gaj housing estate. It also brings interviews with the architects and citizens, followed by photographs and the chronology of Remetinečki gaj and Novi Zagreb. The significance and contribution of the book, which was a result of the research project Heritage Urbanism – Urban and Spatial Models for Revival and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage, is a new approach to the issue of modern urban and architectural heritage.

Na izložbi nastaloj u suradnji Centra za kulturu Novi Zagreb i Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (znanstvenoistraživački projekt Urbanizam naslijeđa – Urbanistički i prostorni modeli za oživljavanje i unaprjeđenje kulturnoga naslijeđa) sustavno je i cjelovito prikazan razvoj novozagrebačkoga područja, općine Remetinec i stambenoga naselja Remetinečki gaj, te pojedine zgrade stambenoga naselja, među kojima su najbrojnije Jugomontove stambene zgrade. U sklopu izložbe prikazani su planovi, nacrti, skice, fotografije, arhivski televizijski isječci i film Oaza limenki snimljen za izložbu.

The exhibition was organized in cooperation between the Novi Zagreb Cultural Centre and the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb (research project Heritage Urbanism – Urbanand Spatial Models for Revival and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage). It gives a systematic and comprehensive overview of the development of Novi Zagreb, the Remetinec Municipality, Remetinec housing estate and individual buildings in the estate among which the most numerous are those built by the Jugomont Company. The exhibition also showcases plans, elevations, sketches, photographs, archival television clips and the film Oasis of Sheet Metal Buildings which was specially made for the exhibition.

Publikacija objedinjuje iskustva i saznanja tima Akupunkture grada dobivena kroz projekt City acupuncture. Projekt je trajao od 2012. do 2014. godine te je sufinanciran u sklopu programa EU Kultura. Tema projekta su male intervencije, osmišljene kroz interdisciplinarni i participativni proces, a prikazani primjeri nastali su kao rezultat projekta tristotinjak nezavisnih primjera iz raznih gradova svijeta. Svrha prezentiranoga materijala služi kao izvor inspiracije i motivacije za osmišljanje malih intervencija u javnome gradskom prostoru kako bi se poboljšala kvaliteta urbanoga života.

This publication incorporates the experiences and knowledge of the City Acupuncture project team acquired during their activities. The project was conducted in the period 2012-2104 and was co-financed within the EU's Culture Programme. The project topic included small interventions conceived and organized as interdisciplinary and participative activities. The presented cases resulted from the project activities related to approximately thirty individual interventions in different cities around the world. The aim of the publication is to inspire and motivate small interventions in public urban spaces in order to improve the quality of city life.

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions

14.6.–7.7. 2014. kustosica / curator: Vesna Meštrić suradnja / cooperation: Karin Šerman Zbirka Richter, Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu

Remetinečki gaj – Početak sustavne urbanizacije novozagrebačkoga područja / Remetinečki gaj – Beginning of Systematic Urbanization of New Zagreb Area Autor / Author: Ivan Mlinar nakladnik / published by: Centar za kulturu Novi Zagreb i Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2014. Izložba Remetinečki gaj – prvo planirano stambeno naselje Novog Zagreba / Exhibition Remetinečki gaj – First Planned Residential Development 5.5. – 11.16. 2014. Autor / curator: Ivan Mlinar Galerija Vladimir Bužančić Centra za kulturu Novi Zagreb

Akupunktura grada – Poboljšanje kvalitete življenja kroz male intervencije u u gradskim tkivima / City Acupuncture – Improving the City Life Quality Through Small and Precise Interventions in Urban Structures Urednik / Editor: Kristina Careva Dizajn / Design: Minimum d. o. o. nakladnik / Published by: Društvo arhitekata Zagreb, 2014.


godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Vojin Bakić – Svjetlonosne forme / Vojin Bakić – Lightbearing forms Izložba i publikacija / exhibition and publication Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb / Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art 07.12.2013. – 02.03.2014. Kustoska koncepcija / Curatorial conception: Nataša Ivančević (MSU) u suradnji s Anom Martinom Bakić i Vjerom Bakić Autorice likovnog postava / Authors of the exhibition design: Ana Martina Bakić, Vjera Bakić

Prostor oko mene / Space around Me Autorice / Authors: Tatjana Liktar Elez, Ivana Lukenda, Kristina Careva, Ana Mrđen, Maja Dražina ilustracije / Illustrations: Ana Rako nakladnik / Published by: Društvo arhitekata Zagreb, 2014.


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

‘Čar je svega u avanturi, u traženju, u tom je smisao čovjeka. Jer po utrtim stazama lako je hodati, ali, to nije riskantno, pa nije ni interesantno.’ —Vojin Bakić, Omladinski tjednik 1975.

‘The magic of everything lies in adventure, in pursuit, that is the meaning of being human. For it is easy to walk on the well-trodden paths, but, it is not risky and therefore not interesting.’ –Vojin Bakić, Omladinski tjednik, 1975

Vojin Bakić, jedan je od najznačajnijih predstavnika hrvatskoga kiparstva, modernizma 20. stoljeća. Opus mu je bio fragmentarno predstavljen pa je retrospektivom, Svjetlonosne forme u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti, prvi puta ostvarena stručna valorizacija cjelokupnoga stvaralaštva. Izvršena je objektivna interpretacija, ponudilo se čitanje i razumijevanje geneze njegovoga apstraktnog izraza, koji je nedjeljiv dio europske modernističke tradicije. Tijekom, gotovo, 50 godina stvaranja, Vojin Bakić realizirao je velik broj radova iznimne umjetničke kvalitete, koji su već u godinama nastanka prepoznati kao inovativni i napredni, te su predstavljeni na najprestižnijm svjetskim umjetničkim smotrama: Bijenalu u Veneciji, Documenti u Kasselu, Bijenalu u Sao Paolu, Bijenalu u Aleksandriji. Kustoskom koncepcijom retrospektive u MSU prikazane su kronološki i sukcesivno sve faze njegovoga rada. Od ranih godina i figuracije preko reduciranih, zatvorenih formi kojima oblikuje u punim materijalima teme poput torza i bika, do apstrakcije: razlistanih formi, razvijenih površina i svjetlonosnih oblika. Po riječima Vojina Bakića, svjetlonosni oblici izražavaju životnu radost, bljesak i svjetlost, pojmove koji su obilježili njegovo cjelokupno stvaralaštvo. ‘Kretanje kroz mrak, traženje procjepa gdje je svjetlo, to je za mene autentičan put.’ Svjetlonosni oblici predstavljali su 1964. godine, unutar izložbe Arte d'oggi nei musei, jugoslavensku apstraktnu umjetnost na 32. Venecijanskom bijenalu, a 1972., u sklopu izložbe Skulptura u gradu 36. venecijanskog bijenala, bili su izloženi na jednom od venecijanskih trgova. Njemački povjesničar umjetnosti Udo Kultermann uvrstio je 1967. godine Svjetlonosne oblike u svoj pregled suvremene skulpture Neue Dimensionen der Plastik te nakon Michel Seuphora, Carole Giedion Welcker i Herberta Reada, pozicionirao Vojina Bakića u sam vrh europske avangarde. Izložba je proglašena kulturnim događajem u 2013. godini, stoga je u kategoriji ‘najbolje realizirane izložbe’ nagrađena godišnjom nagradom Hrvatskog muzejskog društva.

Vojin Bakić was one of the most significant representatives of Croatian modernist sculpture in the 20th century. Since his oeuvre had been presented only in fragments the retrospective exhibition Light-Bearing Forms at the Museum of Contemporary Art was the first professional valorisation of his entire oeuvre. The exhibition provided objective interpretation of his works and offered a comprehensive development of his abstract expression which cannot be separated from the wider European modernist tradition. In almost 50 year of creative activity Vojin Bakić created a great number of works of exceptional quality, recognized at the time of their production as innovative and progressive, which was the reason why they were presented at the most prestigious international art exhibitions – Venice Biennial, Kassel Documenta, the biennials in Sao Paulo and Alexandria. The concept of retrospective, chosen by the MSU curator, included a chronological and successive presentation of all Bakić's artistic phases. From the early years and figuration to reduced, closed forms shaped with solid materials into torsos and bulls, to abstraction: leafed forms, elaborated surfaces and light-bearing forms. According to Bakić’s own words, light-bearing forms express the joy of life, a flash and light. These are the terms that marked his entire work. ‘Moving around in the dark, and searching for a crack of light – that is the most authentic journey for me’. The Light-Bearing forms were shown in 1964 at the exhibition Arte d'oggi nei musei where they represented Yugoslav abstract art at the 32nd Venice Biennial. In 1972, they were shown on a Venice square within the exhibition Sculpture in City at the 36th Venice Biennial. German art historian Udo Kultermann included Bakić's Light-Bearing Forms in his 1967 overview of contemporary sculpture Neue Dimensionen der Plastik and positioned Bakić among top figures of the European avant-garde which had previously been done by Michel Seuphor, Carole Giedion Welcker and Herbert Reada. The exhibition was proclaimed a cultural event in 2013 and one of the best exhibitions which was awarded with the Croatian Museum Association’s annual award.

Priručnik je namijenjen djeci osnovnoškolskoga uzrasta koju zanimaju mogućnosti promatranja i razumijevanja izgrađene okoline. Nakon osvještavanja čovjeka kao mjerila izgrađenoga prostora, djeci su razložene teme interijera i eksterijera.

The manual is intended to be used by elementary school children who are interested in the possibilities of observing and understanding the built environment. After getting familiarized with the concept of the human as the measure of the built environment, the children are given explanations of interior and exterior space.

Publikacije i izložbe

Publications and Exhibitions

godišnjak / yearbook 2013/2014

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Izložba Fitting Abstraction, hrvatski nastup na 14. Venecijanskom bijenalu arhitekture 2014. Fundamentals – Absorbing Modernity 1914–2014, Artiglierie di Arsenale, / Fitting Abstraction, Croatian Exhibition at the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale 2014 – Fundamentals – Absorbing Modernity 1914–2014, Artiglierie di Arsenale, 07.06–23.11.2014.

Tema koja je u okviru ovogodišnjega Bijenala arhitekture raspisana za nacionalne paviljone – Apsorpcija moderniteta 1914.–2014., potaknula je specifično, ciljano i problemsko istraživanje stogodišnjega razdoblja hrvatske arhitektonske kulture. Istraživanje je bilo strukturirano tezom glavnog izbornika Bijenala, Rema Koolhaasa, o modernitetu kao eliminatoru nacionalnih arhitektonskih obilježja.

The topic of this year's Venice Architecture Biennale for the national pavilions – Absorbing Modernity 1914–2014 – prompted a specific, problem-based research into the hundred year period of Croatian architectural culture. The research was structured by the assumption proposed by the main director of the Biennale, Rem Koolhaas, which saw globalizing modernism as a necessary eliminator of national architectural features.

Izbornica hrvatskog nastupa, kuratorica / Commissioner, Curator: Karin Šerman Zamjenik izbornice / Deputy Curator: Igor Ekštajn Voditeljica projekta / Project Leader: Sanja Cvjetko Jerković Autorski tim / Curatorial Team: Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Melita Čavlović, Igor Ekštajn, Nataša Jakšić, Mojca Smode Cvitanović, Marina Smokvina, Karin Šerman Istraživanje i produkcija materijala / Research and Content Production: Marija Barović, Ana Bedenko, Mislav Kuzmanić Suradnici / Collaborators: Nikola Brlek, Aleksandar Matijašević, Marko Mihaljević, Dino Mišković, Karlo Seitz, Matija Solomun, Sven Sorić, Hrvoje Spudić, Hrvoje Višnjarić, Josip Galić Projekt izložbenog postava / Exhibition Design: Igor Ekštajn, Kristina Jeren, Simon Morasi Piperčić Grafički dizajn / Graphic Design: đukićpavlović – Zoran Đukić, Jan Pavlović Pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske uz potporu Grada Zagreba / Under the Auspices of Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia with the Support of The City of Zagreb Organizacija / organized by: Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata

Analitički pogled na arhitektonsku situaciju u Hrvatskoj u tom razdoblju, otvorio je kut drukčijega čitanja uloge modernizma u ovdašnjim prilikama, ne kao nužnog eliminatora, već kao mogućeg aktivnog i angažiranog sudionika u konstrukciji nacionalnog arhitektonskog izraza. Pri tome se preispituje tema apstrakcije kao, s jedne strane, središnje formalno i konceptualno obilježje globalizirajućeg modernizma, a s druge, kao utemeljeni oslonac konstrukcije lokalnog arhitektonskog izraza. Ta se teorijska teza u paviljonu izlagački vizualizira, iz stoljetne se arhitektonske produkcije izlučuju dominantne arhitektonske vrijednosti, njih osam, koje traju kroz cijelo promatrano razdoblje i koje su, redom, obilježene svojstvom apstrakcije, no koju one zauzvrat specifično i ciljano moduliraju i prilagođavaju. Iz toga proizlazi i sam naslov izložbe Fitting Abstraction – Podesnost apstrakcije – kao operacije koju hrvatska arhitektura vješto provodi u angažiranome postizanju svojih širih društvenih, političkih i kulturnih ciljeva. Ovakav pristup ponudio je jedno novo, sintezno čitanje hrvatske arhitekture, evidentno problemski intonirano, koje postavlja strukturu mogućega konceptualnog i teorijskog aparata za tumačenje povijesti hrvatske arhitekture, kao i smjernica potencijalnoga budućeg arhitektonskog djelovanja i stvaranja.

*Urednička napomena: Andrej Uchytil istupio je iz tima 8.4.2014. / Editorial note: Andrej Uchytil stepped out of the team on 8 April 2014


Tema apstrakcije kao središnja okosnica koja strukturira izložbu u Hrvatskom paviljonu oslovljena je kao tema i u pratećem simpoziju Nove tendencije i arhitektura: apstrakcija, ambijent, algoritam, održanog u sklopu pratećeg programa Bijenala, i koji tako komplementira i zaokružuje cjelokupni hrvatski nastup na ovogodišnjem Bijenalu.

Publikacije i izložbe

The analytical view of the architectural situation in Croatia in the designated hundred-year period offered an entirely different assessment of the role of modernism in the local cultural and political conditions: not as a necessary eliminator, but in fact as a possible active and engaged agent in construction of national architectural identity. What is thereby necessarily addressed is the issue of abstraction as, on the one hand, one of modernism's central formal and conceptual tools, and on the other, as one of persisting local architectural features. The exhibition was thus a specific visualization of this theoretical thesis: presented were eight architectural values, eight architectural fundaments, that persisted throughout the designated hundredyear period, all invariably marked by the feature of abstraction, yet abstraction that was variously modulated, fitted, and adjusted, through skillful and engaged design practices. Hence the title of the exhibition – Fitting Abstraction – in the sense that modernist abstraction fits the local architecture culture well, but also in the sense that it can, if necessary, be flexibly adapted and changed, in order to fulfill the desired cultural, political, and social interests. Such approach offered a new, problem-based reading of Croatian architecture of the last century, providing a conceptual and theoretical apparatus suited for interpretation of Croatian architectural history, much as for informing possible future practices. The topic of abstraction, as the central concept that structures the exhibition in the Croatian Pavilion, is addressed also in the symposium New Tendencies and Architecture: Abstraction, Ambience, Algorithm organized by the Croatian Pavilion and held within the complementary program of the Biennale, thus complementing the overall Croatian entry at this year’s international architecture exhibition.

Publications and Exhibitions

podatke pripremila / data prepared by: Sanja Kustić

REDOVITI PROFESORI / professors dr.sc. Bojan Baletić dr.sc. Vladimir Bedenko Nenad Fabijanić dr.sc. Sanja Filep Igor Franić Teufik Galijašević Miroslav Geng dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski dr.sc. Marijan Hržić Mladen Jošić dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac dr.sc. Vesna Mikić Ljubomir Miščević dr.sc. Boris Morsan dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Veljko Oluić dr.sc. Srečko Pegan dr.sc. Lenko Pleština Goran Rako dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil Dragomir Vlahović Renata Waldgoni IZVANREDNI PROFESORI / associate professors dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci dr.sc. Alenka Delić dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat dr.sc. Damir Krajnik dr.sc. Anka Mišetić mr.sc. Leo Modrčin Helena Paver Njirić dr.sc. Karin Šerman dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković DOCENTI / assistant professors dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić Mateo Biluš Neda Cilinger Ivana Ergić Tin Sven Franić dr.sc. Josip Galić dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić Siniša Justić dr.sc. Zlatko Karač Vladimir Kasun Petar Mišković dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar dr.sc. Iva Muraj Ivica Plavec

Popis djelatnika Arhitektonskog fakulteta

Lovorka Prpić Branimir Rajčić Vanja Rister Mia Roth Čerina dr.sc. Marija Šimić Horvath mr.sc. Sonja Tadej Vončina dr.sc. Zoran Veršić Gordana Žaja VIŠI PREDAVAČI / senior lecturers Ana Martina Bakić Vjera Bakić Marina Bertina dr.sc. Neda Borić mr.sc. Alan Braun mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić mr.sc. Božica Hajsig Zlatko Klanac Damir Mance mr.sc. Berislav Medić Zorana Protić mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta Marino Šneler Ivana Tutek mr.sc. Dalibor Vračan PREDAVAČI / lecturers mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić Marin Binički Teodor Cvitanović Vedran Duplančić Tajana Jaklenec Luka Korlaet Dunja Mandić Roberta Pavlović Željko Pavlović Stanka Ostojić Tihomir Rengel Nenad Turčić Darko Užarević Nino Virag VIŠI ASISTENTI / senior researchers dr.sc. Kristina Careva dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik dr.sc. Katja Marasović dr.sc. Snježana Perojević dr.sc. Rene Lisac dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik dr.sc. Marina Šimunić-Buršić ASISTENTI / assistants Davor Andrić Gordana Aras-Gazić Andrej Marković Morana Pap mr.sc. Roberto Vdović Hrvoje Vukić

Faculty of Architecture Employees List

ZNANSTVENI NOVACI – ASISTENTI / junior researchers and teaching assistants Melita Čavlović mr.sc. Igor Ekštajn Tihana Hrastar Tamara Marić Ana Mrđa Tin Oberman Boško Opalić Marko Rukavina Mojca Smode Cvitanović Marina Smokvina

Ivona Cvitković Zdenko Gajšak Anton Intihar Kata Peičevića

ZAPOSLENICI ZAVODA / employees of insitutes

STUDENTSKA REFERADA / Student Services Vesna Mandić Milica Mudrić Vesna Šarić Nikolina Šerbula Vesna Šarčević Daniel Srečec

zavod za graditeljsko naslijeđe / institute of architectural heritage Mladen Cvitanović Tomislav Vidović zavod za arhitekturu / institute of architecture Tea Beličev Ivana Benković Duje Dvornik Marija Džapo Ema Gorički Marija Grković Uršula Juvan Ante Katić Višnja Matacun Nives Mlinar Zoran Nikoloski Borjan Paun Branko Palić Davor Pavlović Željko Pavlović Tatjana Peraković Hrvoje Podnar Ana Rigo Marinko Sladoljev Andrea Šimić Ivan Škugor Vesna Toth Martina Vujasinović Paula Žinić zavod za urbanizam / institute of urban and physical planning and landscape architecture Maja Bilušić Marina Robina TAJNIŠTVO / secretariat Deanka Hirjan, tajnik Fakulteta Sanja Kustić, personalni referent Ljiljana Loina-Hohnjec, daktilografkinja

SURADNICI / associates Karolina Hohnjec Maja Francuz Boris Kostanjšak Maroje Mrduljaš Saša Relić Alan Ropac Paula Šimetin

RAČUNOVODSTVO / accountancy Vesna Božek Lianka Ištvanić Anka Kilić Ivana Robina Marija Skočir Anica Subotić TEHNIČKA SLUŽBA / technical service Mirzet Đulović Kristijan Petrović Josip Sever Zvonko Trčak SPREMAČICE / cleaning staff Darinka Babuder Marija Bobnjarić Ljiljana Braje Boženka Čunčić Dragica Gagulić Sanja Jurkin Božica Klišan Smiljka Marinčević Pavica Novak Đula Pjanić

UMIROVLJENI / retired Prof.dr.sc. Vladimir Bedenko V.pred. mr.sc. Božica Hajsig Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić Prof.dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt V.pred. Nikoleta Sudeta Vesna Mandić Milica Mudrić Božica Klišan

PREMINULI / deceased Boris Magaš (24. 10. 2013.) Boris Radulović (13. 07. 2014.)

Impresum / Impressum Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2013./14. / faculty of architecture, zagreb yearbook 2013/14 Nakladnik / published by Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Arhitektonski fakultet / University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture Kačićeva 26, Zagreb Za nakladnika / for the publisher mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak, red.prof., dekan Arhitektonskog fakulteta / Faculty Dean Prema uredničkoj koncepciji / editorial concept Vjera Bakić, v.pred. Maroje Mrduljaš

Prijevod / translation Željka Miklošević, dipl. anglist Dizajn i prijelom / design & layout Damir Bralić, doc. Andrija Mudnić Luka Reicher Tisak / printing and binding Tiskara Zelina d.d. Naklada / circulation 300

Izvršni urednik / executive editor Boris Vidaković

Tipografija / typography Nikola Đurek, Typonine

Urednički odbor / editorial board Nenad Fabijanić, red.prof. dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, red.prof. Siniša Justić, doc. mr.sc. Leo Modrčin, izv.prof. Zorana Protić, v.pred. dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil, red.prof.

ISsN 1848-7416

predstavnici Kabineta – suradnja na prikupljanju grafičkih materijala / section members – cooperation on collecting graphic materials Davor Andrić, Marina Bertina, Alan Braun, Kristina Careva, Ivan Cetinić, Ivana Egrić, Sanja Gašparović, Aleksandar Homadovski, Tajana Jaklenec, Siniša Justić, Luka Korlaet, Dunja Mandić, Tamara Marić, Vesna Mikić, Petar Mišković, Ivan Mlinar, Lovorka Prpić, Karin Šerman,Marija Šimić Horvath, Andrej Uchytil

Popis djelatnika Arhitektonskog fakulteta / Faculty of Architecture Employees List

Lektura / croatian language proofreading Nina Kuljiš, prof.

Glavni i odgovorni urednci / editors in chief Tajana Jaklenec, pred. Maroje Mrduljaš

Voditeljica povjerenstva za nakladničku djelatnost / head of publishing committee Mia Roth-Čerina, doc.


Recenzenti / reviewers Miroslav Geng, red.prof. dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit, izv.prof.

Ovaj broj je zaključen na sastanku Uredničkog odbora održanom 25.11.2014. Zagreb, prosinac 2014 © Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

partner u realizaciji publikacije / partner in realization of the publication

Hrvatska komora arhitekata / Croatian Chamber of Architects

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