HOW TO GATHER A GROUP FOR PERMANENT FORMS: It is worth to provide the clearest possible message about the classes and their character, choose an interesting graphic defining the activities and competences that we will acquire during the classes. In the first place, the characteristics of the recipient at whom we direct the message are important. We must also take into account the person and style of work of the instructor. The graphics, therefore, should characterize how knowledge will be transferred and what effects the recipient will achieve. We need to know the answer to the question of what the most important goal of the classes will be, e.g. developing creativity in some area, expanding expert knowledge, preparing for an exam, spending free time in an interesting way with people of similar interests, supporting a community group, e.g. young mothers, etc. A properly constructed message should reach the environment at which it is directed. That is why it is worth looking for a variety of means of communication that best correspond to the form of communication of the recipient and thus will reach environments potentially interested in the subject of our organization's activities. In some cases, it will be social media, in others a leaflet, a poster, or an advertisement in a newsletter for seniors. A good method is to establish a network with a person who has direct contact with the recipient group, e.g. during classes addressed to seniors with the group’s supervisor.
HOW TO CONDUCT A CLASS IN A GROUP OF RECIPIENTS IN A DIFFICULT LIFE SITUATION: When conducting classes in a group of people in a difficult life situation, coming from disadvantaged environments, one should not focus on things that are related to their dysfunction or condition, or the reason for their discrimination. For example, in case of people with disabilities, we do not pay excessive attention to their disability while allowing them to carry out tasks according to their capabilities. The person conducting the classes must show empathy, the participant of the classes should feel like a full-fledged partner in the dialogue with the instructor. It happens that people from disadvantaged backgrounds are very sensitive to the assessment of their person, so during the course of conducting classes you need to clearly separate the description of the activities, activities of the participant from himself/herself. It also happens that these people treat themselves as people who need to be taken care of, have a demanding attitude, rebelling against the situation in which they find themselves. In such a situation, these attitudes should not be supported and strengthened, because they harm the participant.
HOW TO PURSUE ONE’S PASSION WITHOUT FEELING BURNED OUT: Sometimes it's hard to strike a balance between work, family life and rest. It happens that we neglect one of these areas. More and more often, work consumes our entire lives. When this happens, it's easy to burn out. Work, even the one we have been striving for, can become its source. Therefore, it is worth taking care