3 minute read
July 20, 2023
Bid Date: North Life Sciences Replacement Project
2:00 PM
San Diego
The Project approximately consists of: The project will construct a new laboratory/lecture/research building to be named the New North Life Sciences Building located on a hillside site location on the main campus. This project willprovide a 38,000 ASF/67,000 GSF STEM research and instructional facility. The project will include lower division teaching labs, upper division teaching labs interdisciplinary lecture, faculty/administrative offices, research spaces, conference rooms, mechanical, electrical and telecom support spaces. This facility will include lab spaces, core facilities with major instruments, and experimental fabrication space for collaborative work with public and private partners. This project partially replaces the existing NLS building with a new building and equivalent academic program to the new project site on campus, while mothballing a portion of the existing North Life Science facility for some future use.
AGC #:
Ref#: 6987
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Susan Romero 619-594-3965, sbromero@sdsu.edu
Owner: San Diego State University (619) 594-3965
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Sidewalk Replacement Group 1903 – SE & CH
2:00 PM
San Diego
1. Work will involve furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, services and construction, including but not limited to demolishing, hauling and disposal of the existing asphalt and concrete, removal and replacement of damaged sidewalk including root removal where applicable, curb and gutter, PCC Residential Driveways, cross gutter removal and replacement, installation of curb ramps to meet ADA standards, excavation of unsuitable base materials and asphalt pavement, tree trimming, tree root relocation, tree root pruning, sidewalk bridging, stump removal, installment of root barriers, tree removal and replacement, storm drain inlet protection, traffic control drawings and permits.
23-02979 AGC #:
Ref#: K-23-2032-DBB-3
Project Type: Est:
July 20, 2023
MCH South Wing Re-Roof Medical Center - Hillcrest (PreQualified Bidders)
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Diego
5562 Medical Center Hillcrest (MCH) - South Wing Re-RoofThis project entails the removal and replacement of approximately 11,000 sq. ft. of existing roof system. The location of this project is the roof level of the South Wing of the Patient Care Tower, UC San Diego Health System Medical Center, Hillcrest – 200 W. Arbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92103.
23-03134 AGC #:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A or C8 or C12 – Direct Inquiries to Rosa Riego 619-533-3426 rriego@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting, Public Works (619) 533-3426
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 6, 2023, beginning promptly at 7:00 A.M. Only bidders who participate in the Pre-Bid Conference/Job Walk in its entirety will be allowed to bid on the Project as prime contractors.
Ref#: 5562
Project Type:Building Est:
Prebid Conf: $1,000,000
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class B - Direct Inquires to Brady Isaacson, bisaacson@ucsd.edu
Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program Management
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 21, 2023
Design Build of New Casa De Oro Branch Library
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Spring Valley
The County of San Diego (County) is requesting proposals from design-build entities (D-BE)qualified to design and construct the new Casa De Oro Branch Library (the “Project”) to betterserve the community of Casa de Oro. The proposed site is on County-owned parcels in Casa DeOro located approximately at 9610 Campo Road. APN: 500-170-57, as well as a leased parcelsbelonging to the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District. APN: 500-170-10 (Western Portion ofLMSVS operations area) and 500-170-11(stormwater conveyance area). Combined these parcelswill set the boundaries of the new library site.
23-02709 AGC #:
Ref#: RFP 12531
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct inquiries to Carlos Santiago, Sr. Procurement Contracting Officer, Department of Purchasing and Contracting, Carlos.Santiago@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Owner: County of San Diego 858-537-2505
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org