3 minute read
August 07, 2023
Request For Prequalification Of Bidders Commencing With Forthcoming Public Works Bid For Project EN22044, RP-1 Solids
Thickening and Acid-Phase
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
August 08, 2023
Center for Leadership Building
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Inland Impire
This project will improve the handling and treatment of wastewater solids by increasing the solids treatment capacity at RP-1 to allow for the future liquids treatment capacity expansion at RP-1 to 40 MGD and the future liquids treatment capacity expansion at RP-4 to 21 MGD, and by replacing aging process equipment. The major components are summarized below.• Construct a new facility to house nine (9) rotary screen thickeners (RST). This facility will also house all polymer and pumping equipment to support the operation of the RST units. Additionally, the facility will include a control room for the process units and an electrical room with SCADA controls, MCCs, and other electrical appurtenances.• Construct three (3) new acid phase digesters. The digesters will also include the pumps and piping required for mixing and conveyance and a tube-in-tube heat exchanger.RFQ-RW-23-020 Page 15• Construct a new odor control facility; which will be a multi-cell biofilter with engineered media. This construction will include the installation of foul air ducts, blowers, and an ammonia removal unit.• Install an additional boiler outside of the existing boiler facility. Includes the installation of a concrete pad, freestanding canopy, and associated pumps and piping.• Rehabilitate DAFT 1 and DAFT 2. Rehabilitation will include the removal and replacement of mechanical equipment and as-needed concrete repair.• Construct electric service and appurtenances, including a new 12 kV service from the existing PRB to the new facilities, transformers, and a 480-V standby generator.• Demolition of DAFT 3.• Demolition of 3 gravity thickeners and sludge blending tank.• Demolition of the existing biofilter south of the centrifuge building.• Site and utility construction to support the proposed construction activities.
AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
Ref#: RFQ-RW-23-020
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquiries to Jordan Villalobos 909-9931961jvillalobos@ieua.org
Owner: Inland Empire Utilities Agency
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
The Project generally consists of a new 19,300 GSF donor funded building for Leadership Training will to be located on Folino Drive, at the northeast corner of Mihaylo Hall. The building is to feature an Auditorium, Library and Archive, TV Studio, Boardroom, Training Room, and guest and staff offices. It will accommodate the center's initiatives including: visiting speakers, awards ceremonies and professional consulting, as part of a broader vision for the next chapter of the College of Business and Economics as it continues to serve the community through transformative education, research and engagement.
23-02173 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFQ
*Changed to May 15, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (was 5/12/23 @ 10:00AM: via Zoom. )
Ref#: SY23004 (Project Number: FL-2293 )
Misc. Notes: Respondents must be prequalified with the Trustees. Submit the prequalification applications no less than ten business days prior to SOQ submittal due date. Respondents shall go to the following PlanetBids website to register, log in and then select the Prequalification tab to apply.“California State University, Office of the Chancellor, Vendor Portal” (https://www.planetbids.com/portal/portal.cfm? CompanyID=15331) Direct any prequalification questions to the Trustees’ Prequalification Administrator at cocm.prequal@calstate.eduThe Trustees shall give a small business a bid advantage of five percent to contracting firms that have been certified
Owner: California State University/Fullerton (657) 278-5492
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
NE Annexation Water & Sewer Main Improvements
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Santa Ana
Scope of work includes construction of approximately 660 linear feet of sewer main and sewer laterals at the street right-of-way. related work under this contract includes mobilization/demobilization, manholes services, pavement markings, and all appurtenant work related to sewer main construction.
23-02779 AGC #:
Ref#: 21-6453 & 21-6619
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A -or- C34 - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org