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July 31, 2023
Land Surveying, Mapping and Aerial Mapping On-Call Services
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
The purpose of this RFQ is to develop a list of pre-qualified Respondents willing to provide the requested surveying and mapping services that are needed to support planning studies, master plans, alignment studies, preliminary design, final design, right-of-way engineering, and property acquisition work on an on-call basis and to set forth project-specific agreement award procedures for work that falls within the solicited program. The potential projects are primarily located in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange Counties.
AGC #:
Ref#: RFQ-AM-1354
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Direct Inquiries to Contract Analyst: ALICIA MESTASE-mail Address: amestas@mwdh2o.com
Owner: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California/Eng Construction Dept (213) 217-6515
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 31, 2023
2023/2024 On-Call Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer Repair Services (RFQual)
Bid Date:
1:30 PM
San Bernardino
Pre-qualification of contractors to provide on-call and sanitary sewer repair construction services. Contractors will be reviewed based on qualifications and placed on an on-call list for emergency water and sewer repairs, and planned /scheduled water and sewer repairs. When a project is identified, emergency on-call work will be solicited from the top three contractors on the on-call list and awarded to the low bidder.Each Bidder shall show that he/she has completed at least five (5) similar water distribution and sewer collection system emergency repairs, and five (5) similar planned/scheduled sewer repairs within the last three (3) years.Each Bidder's Project Manager/Superintendent shall have a minimum of ten (10) years of applicable experience individually, as described in Section 2, Scope of Services. The Project Manager/Superintendent may not be removed from the Project without the expressed written consent of the Department and will not be considered without significant extenuating circumstances.Each Bidder's business shall have been in existence for at least ten (10) years providing the type of services specified under this RFQ .
23-03254 AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Juan Capistrano
Work consists of clearing and grubbing of vegetation, rock rip rap, corrugated metal pipe, unsuitable soil, and other debris within the work area, remedial grading, backfill and compaction, rock rip rap stabilization placement, landscaping improvements, and precise grading.
23-03229 AGC #:
Project Type:Engineering
San Juan Creek Stream Bank Restoration Project & San Juan Creek Arizona Crossing Removal Project 0
Ref#: 2023-08 (20203 & 20202)
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's
License Class A - Direct inquiries to Jeremy Hohnbaum: jhonbaum@sanjuancapistrano.org
Owner: City of San Juan Capistrano
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors License Class C-34 or C-42 or A - Direct Inquiries to 9093845393 sydney.morrison@sbmwd.org
Owner: San Bernardino Municipal Water District (909) 384-5393
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org