the talent management issue is out.

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北京爱见达广告有限公司 京工商印广登字 201000068 号 北京市朝阳区建国路 93 号 10 号楼 2801 第 104 期 2012 年 5 月 24 日印

Zhaopin's Jessica Ba Beijing's Coolest Jobs SearchBank's Terry Crossman James Darlington of Antal International

Get The Job!

Beijing's recruitment experts MAY 31–JUN 13, 2012



编制:北京爱见达广告有限公司 agendabeijing

A True Run Media Publication General Manager: Michael Wester Operations Director: Toni Ma Editorial Director: Jerry Chan

Editorial Managing Editor Mike Cormack Assistant Editor Rachel Chen Contributors Joana Melo, Jessica Zhang, David Kuo


Chief Art Director Jacopo Della Ragione Art Director Susu Luo Visual Planning Joey Guo Photographers Sui, Judy Zhou Designer Sun Zheng

Sales • 5820 7700 Sales Manager Ivy Wang Account Executives Carren Andreo-Winters, Lynn Cui, Ashley Lendrum, Phoebe Li, Naomi Liu, Hailie Song, Sophia Zhou, Veronica Li, Amy Sun

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Letter from the editor The job market in China is one like no other. It’s not just the numbers (though they are enormous), nor is it the opportunities for expats (though they are considerable). It’s a commonplace to say that China is developing fast, but it’s worth considering what this means: this is a country which has compressed economic changes into forty years which took the UK and the USA, for example, around a century. The implications for the job market and on us as people working in Beijing are enormous. The notion of a job for life in western countries has long since been disavowed, and the “iron ricebowl” of a job and apartment for life in China has similarly vanished. Yet the effects in China, and particularly in a more developed city like Beijing, are more pronounced: people tend to stay in jobs for shorter times, to move more often between industries, to train and retrain more frequently, and to leave posts at the drop of a hat. The implications for managers, businesspeople and directors (in other words – Agenda readers) are substantial. Similarly, the Chinese labor pool is changing extremely quickly, with Chinese universities at last starting to develop soft skills, and locals who have studied abroad far more likely to return here in the face of ongoing western economic difficulties. Rewards for expats and the frequency of obtaining an “expat package” for all but the most sought-after skills and competencies are diminishing. The trend seems to be that Chinese companies do not need expats to help with their local operations anymore, but are more likely to require experienced international managers to help with their expansion overseas. The type of expat this requires is perhaps fundamentally different. Beijing is becoming a world-class city, and this is reflected not just in its buildings and infrastructure, but also in the people it attracts and the employment possibilities it offers. With this in mind, in this issue Agenda meets a number of peple working in the recruitment and headhunting industry (the people at the coalface of the job market) operating in Beijing, both online and offline. We also look at essential aspects of employment, such as tips on recruiting, the hottest jobs in Beijing, and the best recruiters in the city; and we meet the proprieter of one of Beijng’s finest stores for foodlovers and drinkers of quality beers. Enjoy!

Mike Cormack, Managing Editor

Contents 4 Jessica Ba

Zhaopin Recruitment

8 Sean Song and Alex Chow Idealpeople

10 Beijing’s Top Recruiters 12 James Darlington Antal International

16 Top Recruitment Techniques 18 Terry Crossman

SearchBank Recruitment

22 Beijing’s Best Coffeeshops 24 Ryan Johnston

Owner, The Drive Thru

28 Ladies Nights



She’s Got Talent

Zhaopin’s Jessica Ba on digitizing job hunting Text by Jessica Zhang, photo by Judy Zhou

Emerging from the dense thicket of online recruitment companies, Zhaopin has become the pre-eminent Chinese internet jobhunting website. In a country where great emphasis is placed on connections, this may make for a more efficient and rational recruitment industry, yet there can be no discounting the human touch. Zhaopin’s Jessica Ba told Agenda how they were working to solve the conundrum. How did you get involved with Zhaopin? I got my bachelor degree and graduate degree from Peking University, majoring in social psychology. After graduation, I worked for a PR company and then in November 2005, I joined Zhaopin. At that time, Zhaopin was working with CCTV on a program called “Best Employer



of the Year”. Since I came with a social research background and experience in PR, they decided to hire me for the project. This turned out to be a great program and we selected the stories of these employers for every three years and compiled them into books. It is said that you grew popular on the internet through the job-hunting reality show “Zhi Lai Zhi Wang”. What was the message that you were trying to convey to the audience? As an expert, there were two main messages that I wanted to convey. First, job seekers should develop independent



Spotlight thinking. The fast pace of liv- “Job demands always run on the heels of soing has deprived people time cial change. This is a high-tech age, so talent to think on their own. Many job in tech-related fields, like e-commerce, moseekers have no idea what they bile internet and so on, is badly needed” are truly looking for, especially young graduates. As a result, many are dissatisfied and keep job-hopping. What are the major misconceptions that preSecond, when you know what you want, be vent people from finding their optimal jobs? devoted to pursuing your dream. Get as much Many people fail to understand the recruiter’s information about companies that you want to information, so they are not clear on the job work for as possible. Then select the ones that responsibilities. For instance, I have met people you are more likely to get hired by, and adapt who told me that they wanted to work in PR, when your resume to fit their specific needs. Many job their understanding of this job was only to comseekers use one resume to approach different municate with the media. Second, many people companies, which definitely undermines their quit their jobs on impulse. They were angry and felt that they deserved better before investigating chances. the current job situation in the market. Third, lackWhat is the mission of Zhaopin and what it ing the ability to think on their own, people are has achieved since establishment in 1997? In uncertain why they are working. Are you working 2011, we finally realised our long-term strategic to live up to your parents’ expectations, or to get goal, to be the leader in network recruiting. We enough money to support your family? A lot of are now university students’ favorite brand for people have no clue about their priority concerns job hunting. Recently, many students who vol- when searching for a job. unteered in developing western China have been finding it hard to get a job when they are back As recruitment goes both social and digital, home. So we set up a talent pool for these people with companies like LinkedIn and Zhaopin and helped to increase their job opportunities. leading the way in China, what strategies We also created a platform for the disabled to can companies use to improve their recruitget employed, because Zhaopin holds its social ment? I want to clarify the differences between them. LinkedIn is a social networking site (SNS) responsibilities in the highest importance. offering job information based on people’s What do you think about the job market in relationships, while Zhaopin shares job inforChina right now? What will be the hottest mation by using some SNS tools. There are two professions in the near future? According to things that companies can do to attract more this year’s Q1 data, China’s job market is quite job-seekers: first is to custom design websites active and hectic. A lot of companies are hiring targeting specific groups of people, so that they while a considerable number of people are are more likely to hire the right kind of people; looking for jobs at the same time, even though second is to present more detailed information many say that the economic situation this year about their jobs. In this way job seekers will is a bit unsatisfactory. Job demands always run know that this is what they are looking for when on the heels of social change. This is a high-tech they are applying and will make more effort in age, so talent in tech-related fields, like e-com- getting it. merce, mobile internet and so on, is always at a premium. People who know how to use new For more information, check media tools to do marketing and analyzing the out collected data will be very popular.






Youthful Talent

Sean Song and Alex Chow of Idealpeople recruiters Text by Mike Cormack, photo by Sui

Recruitment, like sales, is an industry which is relatively easy to enter but with its demands is also one in which it is difficult to succeed. Not everyone can handle the stresses, the pace, the constant learning, and the level of customer service. Two young British recruiters working with Idealpeople have been showing that while experience may count for a lot, desire and application will go a long way. Sean Song (left) and Alex Chow (right) have been in the industry for some years now and told Agenda how the recruitment game here worked. What was your background in recruitment prior to Idealpeople? What attracted you to the industry in the first place? Alex Chow: Recruitment is a young person’s job. I like talking and meeting people, and I’m quite social, all of which you need. I also wanted to dabble and see what it’s possible to do in Beijing. The great thing about recruitment is that you can work with and learn about so many different industries. Sean Song: I also wanted a job where I could talk and which had a strong interpersonal element. To me, recruitment is about the people, about the client side – that’s how you add value. And also it’s a mutual learning process, so I can learn about the industries that we work with. What led you to work in Beijing? What keeps you here? AC: I studied Chinese for four years, with a year in Beijing. I loved how vibrant it was so I moved here as soon as I could. SS: I studied Economics and Sociology at Manchester University, first came to Beijing in 2008 for the Olympics but moved here in 2009. I met Alex through his sister who was a friend of mine, and he suggested working for Idealpeople, so here I am.

SS: Idealpeople handles finance, tech, the tobacco industry, media, and market research. Initially IT was the main focus, but it’s branched out since then. AC: In terms of the jobs that are most needed here, it’s always the top-level, highly experienced managers and directors. What you find now in Beijing is that the middle-managers and business developers have been replaced by locals. It’s local knowledge which is most prized here now. But then, Chinese companies are going worldwide so they still need international expats to help them with that. There’s a dearth of CEOs and experienced managers in Beijing. The functions are roles like business development managers, investor relations, and even heads of international schools. SS: As Alex said, people with a lot of management or executive experience are still in high demand. Those are the kind of jobs which can get unbelievable packages, with all the perks you can imagine! How would you describe the current expat labor market in Beijing? How has this changed in the past five years? AC: Well, since the job market here has changed, with less high-paying jobs available to middlemanagers, the average person here is now someone in their 20s and 30s, who’s hungry and interested in trying things out and testing how it goes. Previously there were more people in their 30s and 40s, who maybe didn’t have a lot of management experience and were paid a lot, but that market segment is disappearing.

Is Beijing now considered a world city like Hong Kong or are there still factors which intimidate potential newcomers? SS: Beijing is considered behind Shanghai and Hong Kong. Most international companies will What industries does Idealpeople special- have branches in Beijing, but their headquarters ize in? Which job functions are the most in will be in Shanghai. In Hong Kong everyone speaks demand? English, the living quality is good, the air isn’t as pol-



luted as in Beijing, the weather is better. So Beijing for the post. Recruitment is essentially the business can be hard, especially for people who only come of relations with clients, so you have to know their business to understand what’s best for them. for the job, not for the city. What are the skills required in recruitment? SS: You have to be personable, able to read the kind of people that you encounter, and to work out their motivation. Our first contact call with clients takes about an hour, and we really focus on what makes people happy, what drives them. You have to learn not to make assumptions – sometimes people will move for a lower salary, if it’s the right job, for example – and you can’t oversell – the person absolutely has to be the right person

What services does Idealpeople offer clients and candidates? AC: For candidates, we offer “employer branding”, where we work to make a positive impression of the hiring company, educating about their business and the work they do. We also help with interviewing, as too many people don’t seem to know how to approach them correctly! For companies, we help explain the candidate base so they know what the talent pool is and to help them plan staffing in the medium term, so it’s not just a mad rush to find someone if they have someone leave.

For more information, check out



the List Good jobs are scarce and quality talent is even scarcer. Nowadays the first stop in job-hunting is to go online and send in numerous résumés, most of which appear to drop into the black hole of the internet, then deal with the HR department and get all presentable for interviews. But if I was to tell you that you wouldn’t have to send any more CVs and could entrust one person to get you the job of your dreams, wouldn’t you be interested? Here come the Beijing headhunters.

Let the hunting begin

The people seeking the talent Compiled by Joana Melo

Cáreerfocus 职业焦点 First formed in Shanghai, Cáreerfocus has blossomed to two further thriving offices in Beijing and Shenzhen, with over 60 staff on ground and 15 professional service teams. In just six years, they have placed themselves at the head of the hunt. Founded in 2000, they have their niche in IT infrastructure and services, advanced technology, automotive and electronics, as well as industrial and manufacturing areas. Mon-Fri 9.30am to 6.30pm. Suite 701, South Tower SOHO Shangdu, No.8 Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District (5869 3289; Fax 5869 6801; 朝阳区东大 桥路8号Soho尚都南塔701室 PAE Design Talent 关于Design Talent If design is your field but you’re having a hard time getting noticed in this vast city, then PAE might just be for you. PAE Design Talent is a recruitment firm that focuses mainly on Chinese creative industries. With specializa-



tions like architecture, web design, and even Interior Design, they do their best so you can make China look its best. PAE has partnerships with Lenovo, Mercedes-Benz and offices in both Beijing and Shanghai, so these guys have got you covered. Mon-Fri 9am-6pm. 01-3014 Sanlitun Diplomatic Compound No. 12 Sanlitun Dongsanjie, Chaoyang District (8532 5578; Fax 8532 5630) 朝阳区三里屯东三街12号, 三 里屯外交公寓01-3-014 SearchBank Executive Search Ltd Located in the center of all that matters in Beijing, this might just be the perfect match for you and your dream job. With offices in Hong Kong, Manila, Shanghai and Chongqing, as well as Beijing, SearchBank has nearly a decade of finding the right people for the right job, focusing mainly on executive search throughout the Asia Pacific region. They are known in the business for handling “tough-to-fill” situations, so if your

company is out on a limb, give them a call, email their managing editor, or check out their website. See page 16 for more info. Mon-Fri 9am to 5.30pm. 603, No.14 Jianwai SOHO, No.39 East Third Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District (5900 3702; fax 5900 3705) 朝阳区.东三环中路39号建外SOHO14号楼 603 Beijing RenHeLiYuan Management Consultants 北京人和利源管理顾问有限公司 The youngest of the group is Beijing RenHeLiYuan Management Consultants, a Beijing company founded in the beginning of 2010; but just because they are green doesn’t mean they don’t have the right amount of contacts. They cover over twenty of the most important work areas in China, such as management, marketing, education, translation and IT. They have already placed several individuals doing what they love best and would welcome you to drop by. Plus, they ‘re never out of reach. You can use phone, email or MSN (use for both or for email only), QQ (924067472) or even Skype (laura189825). Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm. No.733, C Building, Studio, No.218 Tangli Road, Chaoyang District (8260 8642/182 1008 9165) 朝阳区汤立路218号明天 生活馆C座733 Antal International Antal is headquartered in London, from which vantage point they realized there was a gap in the market when it came to the globalized recruitment industry. From that point on, Antal International has

helped clients in 75 countries to get the person they are looking for to make their company the best it can be. They now have offices in almost every part of the world, with clients offering positions to match, whether you’d like to work in the US, India, Dubai, one of their twenty locations in Europe, or just around the corner in Shanghai. Specializing in accounting, finance, sales, marketing, HR and IT and with clients like BMW, this is a sure bet if you want to work internationally. See page 12 for more information. Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm. Suite 10E Block A, Gateway, No.18 Xiaguangli, Chaoyang District (6410 8866; Fax 8440 0356: Email 朝阳区霞光 里18号A座套房10E

Idealpeople Founded in March 2001 with headquarters in Buckinghamshire, Idealpeople has the aim of delivering candidates with positivity and as swiftly as possible. They find top people to work in areas such as marketing, communications, e-business, IT and new media sectors, and while these are their specialties, they are not afraid to go beyond into areas such as mobile technology, new media, interactive design and speech recognition technology, to name just a few. With offices in the UK, Hong Kong and Beijing, Idealpeople also operates in the United States and Canada. Email your CV or questions to or head over there yourself. See page 8 for more information. Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm. 1903, Building No.3 Wanda Plaza, No.93 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District (5128 2833) 朝阳区建国门路9号万达广场 3号楼1903




Top Recruits

Antal International’s James Darlington Text by Jessica Zhang, photo courtesy of Antal

In a rapidly growing economy, everyone is looking out for a better job, and employers are likely striving to acquire and retain their key staff. In this heady atmosphere, recruiters play a key role in the smooth functioning of the job market. Antal International is an internationally renowned recruitment and training agency, which has operating in Beijing for over ten years. Their Asia head James Darlington met Agenda to tell us how to get the best jobs and the best staff.

portunities, so I just decided to give it a go. The longer I live in Beijing, the more I like it.

What industries does Antal specialize in? We cover 21 industries in China, including manufacturing, industrial, chemical, healthcare, FMCG [Fast Moving Consumer Goods], luxury goods, IT, automotive, airspace, rail, machinery, legal, banking and investment. The idea of our business is to be able to work with every customer, and that’s one of the reasons why the business is quite big, because it is known for covering What was your background in recruitment most areas. We call it our MPM: Matrix Portfolio prior to Antal? How did you get into the Management. Most of the areas we cover reindustry in the first place? My career actually main very buoyant. starts with Antal. After graduating, I was recommended for recruitment, as I’m interested in What positions are most in demand with communications and sales. I started at the very local employers? Pretty much everything is in bottom level in Antal and worked my way up. demand. The key roles are still in middle manWhen I was 22, our founder and CEO Tony Good- agement. There is a very interesting debate on win talked about working in the Dutch market whether local Chinese will fill the gap in the job with me. We were still a small company at that market and I think the answer is yes. Eventually time and we only operated in four countries, they will make it, but education, company, govso the idea to open the market there sounded ernment, everybody plays a role in how people really challenging and intriguing. After that, I develop. I’ve heard that younger people find it worked for a startup and then started my own hard to look for jobs, yet, you hear from global business. During that time, I fell in love with a girl companies that many jobs cannot be filled. So and decided to move back to the UK, so when the problem is that there is a skill shortage. The my old boss heard me that I was looking for a job problem remains a huge challenge, but eventually China will get there. My guess is that they will there, he invited me to go back to Antal. make it within the next decade. What led you to work in Beijing? This idea didn’t sound attractive to me in the beginning, “It is important to be engaged in every social but I am very interested in new networking site, to create professional prothings, especially new markets. files and be mindful of your personal brand Europe wasn’t doing great and online. A lot of jobseekers don’t really think we all know Asia has more op- about how they appear online”





Spotlight What sets Antal apart from “There is a very interesting debate on whether other firms, in your opin- local Chinese will fill the gap in the job market ion? Nearly two years ago, we and I think the answer is yes. Eventually they started Antal training solutions will make it” because of the demand from managers. We not only train management skills, but we also do language think about how they appear online, but your training, with many more Chinese companies employer might check your Facebook page, now dealing more with the west. It has been a for example. Jobseekers should always be clear great success and we believe that it will prosper about what skills they have and what accomin the next few years. A year ago we officially plishments they have made. They should be started to offer Antal RPO solutions, focusing proactive, going out and meeting people. They on volume recruitment solutions, on-site spe- also should think about how to approach their cialists, full process outsourcing and employer next job and be realistic in connecting your past branding. The demand is massive and we now experiences in an official way to the ones you have a lot of Chinese customers - they make up are aiming for. about half our customers, whereas just a few What do you want to take Antal in Asia, and years ago they were only about 10%. We are different because we are not just how do you intend to do that? Our vision is recruitment; we offer more services. We have to be in line with the changes in the Chinese been established in China for 14 years and we market and offer companies full HR solutions, like are a very well-known brand. A lot of companies outsourcing, training, transactional recruitment that used us for recruitment before are now us- services and so on. This year our strategic plan is to settle into more middle-sized cities and to ing us for training and outsourcing. build up more localized capabilities. Our next There’s been talk of “the end of the expat target city is Xi’an. The foremost thing is to earn package”, with Chinese and western salaries people’s trust, to become more professional, to converging. Is this so? Is Beijing still an exotic keep on building our service quality and conlocation for most employees? For expats to tinue to be well known. Antal International has leave a job here and work for a new company, been in Beijing for 14 years, starting from a time it is unlikely that they will maintain an expat when it was illegal to compete with state-owned package, because they will be seen as local. The businesses. How long a company has existed in opportunities for expats have shrunk, though China is important for people’s confidence in it, they still do exist. I wouldn’t say that Beijing is still and we work hard to maintain our brand. Yesan exotic location anymore; it is not unknown terday we won “Best International Recruiters” in and there are so many eyes on China these days, London, which is very cool. This recognition point though it is still a long way from home. I would is very important for both staff and customers. say China is everywhere right now; everyone is Other than that, our future growth will be also rely on offering good service. I meet five to ten talking about China. companies every week and travel a lot to get to What advice would you give to ambitious know what is really needed. jobseekers? It is important to be engaged in every social networking site, to create profesFor more information, check sional profiles and be mindful of your personal out brand online. A lot of jobseekers don’t really





the List Finding and keeping talent is a constant struggle for any company that wishes to stay competitive, but a particular challenge here in Beijing. Going from job posting to signing a contract can be a lengthy and tiresome process, but with a few quick tips you can navigate potential candidates and land the perfect hire. Agenda takes a look at some tactics that recruiter agencies and companies are using, with a Beijing twist.

Effective Recruitment Techniques

How to keep ahead of the game Compiled by David Kuo

Always be recruiting A competitive company or team will always be on the lookout for great talent, even if there is not a current job opening. Managers and HR should be accepting and reviewing applications at all times to make sure that there is a constant pool of qualified candidates to choose from when the time comes, to minimise what can often be a lengthy hiring process. Know what you’re looking for Work with your HR department to write a detailed job description, clearly stating responsibilities, measures of success, and what personality traits and characteristics you are looking for. Keep your description practical in that the candidate will not be a “superman” with a flawless record. That’s probably the swiftest way to bogus or padded CVs, and you don’t want to be caught out like a Yahoo! CEO.



Soft skills Don’t overlook the importance of soft skills in a candidate. While it is important that your candidate have all the requisite experience and industry knowledge, you should still keep in mind their managerial style, people skills, and overall attitude as this will make their transition to your company all the smoother. Network Having a large network of people to recruit from is vital. Let everybody from trade associations, current and former employees to job and trade fairs know you are hiring. Online job search sites are also a great place to get started, but remember that often those qualified, high level candidates are probably not actively looking for a new job. Consider posting ads out-of-town (or overseas) to make sure you are drawing on the largest talent pool possible. Recruiting can be a numbers game, so cast a wide net.

Make hiring a team effort Having a group of people both write the job description and look over possible job candidates will bring different perspectives to help analyze potential hires. Make up a team of people who hold or have successfully held similar positions, have experience in the area, and managers to make sure candidates meet all of your qualifications and expectations.

References Most positions require professional references and list of industry related accomplishments. Most people have embellished on a resume [although not, of course, your humble author] so it is important that all candidates are thoroughly investigated. If the applicant says that a reference “does not speak English”, then find someone on your staff that can conduct a reference check in Chinese.

Career path People switch jobs for all sorts of reasons; higher pay is only one of them. Demonstrate to the candidate how a job at your company can lead to prosperous career path with the possibility for a lot of upward mobility and experience. This will not only help you land talented and competent people, but will help you retain them and keep staff turnover to a minimum.

Corporate culture It is a term that causes some to cringe a little, but as far as the intangible aspects of a job or employee are concerned, it is highly important. In China, the saying goes that corporate culture is really just the bosses’ culture. Chinese managerial techniques have quite a bit of regional variety, especially between the north and south. Whether it is a local foreign hire, local hire, or expat, consider how the candidate will fit in with your managerial style.

Patience Finding the perfect candidate will take time and you should have a realistic schedule for hiring. The time from job posting to offer letter could be as much as three months or even more. Avoid settling on a candidate that is not right, as a bad hire will waste considerably more time, resources and energy in training. No doubt you are also looking for someone with a specific skill set with industry experience and finding time to even set up an interview can take a while. Remember, candidates are busy too and setting up high level interviews with your regional manager, global manager, HR department, or CFO could take some time.

Recruitment agencies If you don’t have the time to do all the legwork, employ a recruitment agency or headhunter to help. These people have vast networks and databases of qualified candidates. Some charge a flat rate while others work off of commission ranging from 20-30% of annual pay. For more information on some of the best recruiting agencies in Beijing, check out page 10.



SearchBank Helps Compute Great Recruits

Terry Crossman on sourcing the talent Text by David Kuo, photo by Sui

Terry Crossman of SearchBank is an old hand in the China scene. A graduate in Chinese Studies from the University of Pennsylvania, Terry first began his Chinese odyssey after graduating from high school, on a Taiwanese coal freighter bound for Japan. Since then he has had time to gain insider insight on numerous industries and recruitment tactics. Agenda sat down to pick his brain on just what it takes to be successful in the talent sourcing industry. What was our background in recruitment prior to SearchBank? I started working in recruitment in Arizona where I received training. I made a lot of cold calls and did a lot of grunt work. I was sent to Beijing because I spoke fluent Mandarin and got to China just as it was opening up in the mid-90s. I’ve worked for a number of search firms and I had my own company for eight years prior to my current job. I’ve been in Asia for 30 years now - Taiwan, Hong Kong, Beijing and Singapore. Over the years I’ve developed a lot of relationships and a strong network.

current positions, a good salary is only a part of it. Potential candidates are also interested in career progression, learning opportunities and a good fit with the team. Clients who choose SearchBank to help locate candidates are guaranteed a pre-screened shortlist of qualified candidates. SearchBank also does reference checks, helps in salary negotiations, and schedules interviews. I work hard in making a value-added product. There isn’t a more complicated product than ours. Our product is people.

What do you have to say about the competition? The recruitment industry has a low entrance barrier but it is very difficult to be successful. It takes a deep understanding of clients’ business that can only be acquired through years of business experience and many agencies just don’t have that. Some agencies are very commission driven or deal driven. As a result, they are only interested in closing deals and may not have the client’s best interests in mind. Most of SearchBank’s clients are repeat business. Websites like LinkedIn are great recruitment tools to What services does SearchBank offer? Search- network and source potential candidates, but I Bank is client based which means we really focus don’t consider them competition. on our clients’ needs. Companies approach us to help them locate qualified candidates for mid to What changes have you noticed over the high level job positions. SearchBank methodology years? There have been a lot of changes in my is very comprehensive and includes sitting down 17 years in Beijing. There are fewer people here with our clients to coach them. Often, they do on expatriate packages as the availability of expenot yet have a job description so we help them rienced fully bilingual Chinese managers has income up with one. Other times, they have one creased. The value of seconded expats is not only but it is more like a wish list and they are looking one of experience but also a matter of trust and for someone who can walk on water. We help familiarity with the home office. Their perceived develop a “selling” job description for the purpose value to local employees was that familiarity and ability to make changes or demands at the home of recruitment. Often companies fail to realize that they are office. Now that Chinese managers are becoming selling themselves to candidates. Actually, both more experienced, there is less of a need to have company and candidate are screening each other. as many foreign employees. Many top Chinese Almost all candidates have jobs in which they are managers have become quite expensive and very comfortable. To entice them away from their local foreign hires are sometimes a cheaper al-



ternative. It really boils down to what is the company’s return on investment from any given hire. The talent pool here in Beijing has certainly increased.

“I work hard in making a value-added product. There isn’t a more complicated product than ours. Our product is people”

Are there any differences between recruiting in China or Asia versus the west? I would say there is no major differences as people are people, wherever you are. A more noticeable cultural aspect of recruiting that differs from the west would be the involvement of the candidate’s extended family and social network. I have had situations after many interviews and the extension of an offer letter where at the last minute a family member objects and the offer is rejected. In one instance the candidate’s father did not give his approval. He was worried that his son would not make a successful transition to a new field. Approval from the family is very important here. Another time, I sat down with the wife of a candidate who had concerns about the client. She was understandably concerned about how her husband changing employers would affect their life – income, benefits, children’s education, etc. What advice would you give jobseekers in Beijing or considering relocating? Target companies you are interested in and meet people in the industry. Only go with the job if it feels right. If it is a good stepping stone, then go for it. Personal chemistry with the people involved is very important. For foreigners who are considering relocating, an education stipend or reimbursement is often necessary. International school here in Beijing is expensive!

For more information, check out



the List You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your family and friends. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. So what are the jobs that people here in Beijing would most love to do? Agenda humbly offers a sampling of the hottest and most sought-out positions in the city.

Work Your Passion

The hottest professions in Beijing Compiled by Jessica Zhang

Model As we discussed in the last issue of Agenda, Beijing cannot yet compare with New York or Tokyo, but the fashion industry is growing rapidly in this fast-rising metropolitan city. Models, including those from the west, are in great demand when it comes to major events, such as car exhibitions, corporate presentations, and fashion shows. Chinese fashion labels are often fond of using Caucasian models, while western (or mixed race) babies of sufficient cuteness are in great demand to illustrate products in the booming Chinese market for children’s products. It might not be a great long-term career with a pension, but modelling can be a great temporary earner, if you’ve got the looks! Five-star hotel chef Any job charged with providing people great food and drink is definitely blessed. And the most coveted of all should be that of a five-star hotel chef.



These fine men and women may have been scarce in Beijing a decade ago, yet China’s fast growing economy has attracted more and more world-class hotel groups here, such as Hilton, Sheraton, Marriot, and Westin. Chefs are popular because of the simple truth that appetizing food is always a major draw. Being a chef allows you not only to be the first one to taste all kinds of fresh food, but also to change the menu at will. When you have the power of controlling everyone’s stomach, you are granted the authority to control the world! New media startup We all know that the new media industry is prospering in China, the country with the largest number of internet users. If you could just know how to make full use of this new media trend, you could become a member of the super rich elite. Yet starting a business in new media is tough work, with lots of great ideas and startups in Zhongguancun jostling

for cash and attention. Also, an entrepreneur won’t achieve much if he or she is not creative, persistent and hard-working. But despite all the challenges, many people find the allure and potential rewards of creating the next Facebook in this vast internet market irresistible. (Just make sure you don’t get harmonized).

act as a gatekeeper to great career opportunities and it is you who makes the hire happen. In sum, your words have power and can be converted into paychecks. Isn’t that magic?

Media editor English language media in Beijing is already substantial, with numerous magazines, newspapers, websites, radio stations and even CCTV9 requiring people with Business developers Shanghai might have great English skills. Perhaps the most fun or more business headquarters, but Beijing’s most desired job in media is being in charge position as the centre of Chinese power and of the entire product. Sitting at a computer government means it cannot be ignored. The major companies here have remarkable poten- screen in the office may sound dull, but tial, and are focusing on expanding internation- that’s not all an editor is about. You get great opportunities to meet all kinds of interesting ally, giving ample opportunity to international people and to keep updated with what is business developers form the world over. The happening in Beijing and the world. There are charm of being a business developer is that endless events to attend, and you will never you are paid to travel the world, meet highbe guilty of going out too much! What could powered people, live in five-star hotels and get first-class services. Sounds pretty alluring, if be better than trying all the new places and products while getting paid for it? Your brain you’re relatively young and fancy-free. is constantly being challenged and you’ll have a phone filled with excellent PR manager Exceptional talent is going to be contacts for whatever you in high demand in a society of high mobility. choose to do next – if In China, 关系 (relations) is essential to doing businesses, as you doubtless know, and there is you can ever leave! a huge gap between the demand and supply of high-level PR managers. Working in Public Relations offers more benefits than just building new contacts. Opportunities to demonstrate your communication abilities and to work with all kinds of industries and businesses are always popular. We are social animals and we love to be engaged in social networking – and let’s face it, where better to work in PR than in the land of guanxi? Talent recruiter These days, as Chinese companies are determined to compete in the international market, they realize that it’s crucial to invest money and energy to attract the real A-players. If you are a talent recruiter working here in Beijing, you can focus on building relationships, tapping into new sources of candidates, learning the needs and issues facing a plethora of businesses and industries, and learn to be an acute resume scanner. You



the List Tea may be pleasant and tranquil but coffee is what really you really need to keep up with the hectic pace of this frenetic city. Happily, Starbucks and UBC are not your only options when you’re craving the caffeine buzz. Beijing has left behind green-tea tranquility and now boasts myriad unique coffee shops offering styles and flavors from nearly every corner of the globe. Here’s a list of Beijing’s most distinguished coffee shops to you from Agenda.

When You’re Feeling Brew

Beijing’s top coffee spots Compiled by Jessica Zhang

Unconditional Love Coffee This small cafe gives customers a bohemian ambience and some of the best coffee in town. Natural ingredients and pure flavors are married into deliciously balanced beverages. Here you can also find hand crafted to order trans-fat free coffees. Some of the customers’ favorites are Italian soda, Momo’s Iced Tea and the iced caramel mocha freddo. 8am-2am, Today Art Museum, Pingod, 32 Baiziwan Lu, Chaoyang District (5826 3652) 朝阳区百子湾路32号苹果社 区今日美术馆往东100米

Café de Sofa Café de Sofa offers coffees of various origin, including those from America, Italy and Japan to Vietnam. Unlike other coffee shops, its mocha is made with cake cream milk which gives it a rich, outstanding flavor. Other than that, the Iced Dripped Coffee is strongly recommended, because it is made with cold water (just 5°C) and painstaking pa-



tience: each cup takes eight hours of dripping. On top of all this, anyone ordering coffee gets free handmade cookies to sweeten up the deal. 11am-12am (closed Mondays), 12 Yindingqiao Hutong, Xicheng District, Xicheng District (6203 2905) 西城区银锭桥胡同12号 Backyard Café Backyard Café is built on the desire to offer Beijingers organic food and drinks. Its menu contains all the types of nutrients your body needs for healthy living. They also serve homemade whole wheat sandwiches, baked vegetables, frittata and smoothies. As the public’s faith in healthy food items has been shaken, Backyard Café stands out with wholesome food options and high-quality coffee beverages. Whole wheat wraps for RMB35 are a popular option for customers. Mon-Fri 8am-9:30pm, Sat-Sun 10am-9:00pm. 2 Sanlitun Beixiaojie, Chaoyang District (6464 7642) 朝阳区三里屯北小街2号

Beiluo Café & Bar Located in a hutong, Beiluo Café & Bar offers a quiet refuge from busy Beijing life. Besides Italian coffees, they offer a variety of fine Belgian imported draughts as well as French wines; the daily happy hour for these beverages lasts from 5-8pm. Beiluo is a great spot to enjoy a nice cup of coffee and finish up some work during the day, then enjoy live music, movie projections, and rotating photo exhibitions during the night! Special performances are held every Friday and Saturday, so don’t forget to check their website before you go. 10-2am, 70 Beiluogu Xiang, Dongcheng District (8402 1126) 东城区北锣鼓巷甲70号

Bocata Since its grand opening, Bocata has been highly praised for its scrumptious sandwiches. Top sandwich options are sausage with mustard (RMB 26), beef with pepper (RMB 28), and tuna with salad (RMB 28). Besides caffeinated beverages, cocktails are also served. After a nice workout in the early morning, this cozy cafe is a great choice to catch a bite to eat and relax. 11.30am-12:00pm, Sanlitun Lu (opposite 3.3 Shopping Center), Chaoyang District (6417 5291) 朝阳区三里屯路3号3.3大厦对面

Café Zarah Owned by a German and Chinese couple, Café Zarah delicately integrates the German/Austrian-style café into Beijing hutong life. Sitting in the red armchairs next to the large window either admiring the hutong street life or reading a magazine with an appetizing cup of coffee in hand makes

a perfect day. Not only is coffee served, but a generous selection of European food and drinks also. What’s more, Café Zarah shows photo exhibitions, changing monthly. 10am12am, 42 Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District (8403 9807) 东城区鼓楼东大街42号 Crepanini Situated in the center of Sanlitun, this French style coffee shop is a popular spot during spring and summer to sit down in the terrace and enjoy good food. While enjoying a European coffee, be sure to order from the great variety of popular crepes and waffles that Crepanini is known so well for. With a French owner, the decoration is truly of Gallic descent and the waiters offer great service. Sun-Thu 9am-12am, Fri-Sat 9am-2am. Unit A1104, 1/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Beijie, Chaoyang District (5208 6093) 朝阳区三里屯北街81号那里花园A1104

Comptoirs de France In case you missed it, the macaroons used by the famous Taiwanese magician Liu Qian in his Chinese New Year show on CCTV1 came from here! Having been acclaimed with several distinctions and in media articles over the years, Comptoirs de France is famous for its highly regarded chocolate desserts and sandwiches. This cafe prides itself in providing high-quality goods using premium ingredients and maintaining the traditional techniques that have made French pastries world renowned. Ten shop locations are available throughout Beijing and further information can be found on its website



A Flavor of Beijing

The Drive Thru’s Ryan Johnston stirs the pot Text by Mike Cormack, photo by Judy Zhou

Beijing can be a paradise for “The Drive Thru is trying to be more upscale foodies, but finding good and to educate people about good quality quality ingredients can be a beer and about great herbs and spices. It’s challenge. Ryan Johnston, really quite unique” formerly of The Brick bar, has Beijing’s only quality beer, herbs and spices, and fixed-gear bike store in where with a neat clean look which would just Beijing - and perhaps the world! With a zest for be a nice place for people to come. flavor and a yen for great ales, Ryan is delivering where it counts for the discerning food and How do you do your sourcing? How do you drink buff. He told Agenda how he does it. ensure quality? We work with fifteen beer disWhat was your business background prior to The Drive Thru? I started The Brick bar in Shuangjing in July 2009. That was my first business, and was all done with my own money. I got help from people around me but it was basically a solo venture with my wife, who’s from Beijing. I learned all kind of things about running a business and making connections, and who not to deal with! My wife does the accounting and scouting and sourcing items while I do the ideas and strategy, so it works out well. You get worried about working with your partner if you’re with them 24/7, but we really work well as a team.

tributors in China. They recommend stuff and I also ask for things. Some we can’t get but we keep pushing and trying to keep it updated with new brands. Beer can have a limited shelf life so I always make sure it’s fresh. If you see a good beer and the price is too good to be true, there will be a reason for that. For the herbs and spices, we work with farmers and suppliers. It’s about knowing the supplier and being able to trust them. How do you do your marketing in Beijing? How much is in Chinese media (whether traditional or social media)? I guess you’d call it “guerilla marketing”. We don’t have a lot of money to spend on it so we have to get a personal touch. I hand out flyers myself, I do most of the deliveries myself, since I’m quite recognizable as a foreigner with tattoos. We use weibo, and we’re in the classified ads, but most of our marketing is word-of-mouth or from media writing about us. We also do things like tastings, where people can get a small glass of different beers, so they know if they don’t like one, they can try another!

What was the inspiration for The Drive Thru? I wanted to do something completely different, something that wasn’t here in Beijing already. Not pizza or burgers or another bar! I’m a chef by trade and I really wanted to work with herbs and spices, to dry and grind them like I know how to. There’s a place called Louiseville Beer Shop in Kentucky (which is where I’m from), and they’ve got around 400 beers, with draft, microbrew, and local stuff. That was such an inspiration for What are the major administrative hurdles the beer side of The Drive Thru. I wanted some- for someone setting up a business in Beijing? I didn’t really have any big problems, but that was down “I wanted to do something completely differ- to my wife, who is from Beijing ent, something that wasn’t here in Beijing al- and helped me get through ready. I’m a chef by trade and I really wanted all the hurdles. Without her, I to work with herbs and spices” wouldn’t have managed!



As a somewhat niche store, do you have any direct competitors, or have you something unique to Beijing? The Drive Thru is trying to be more upscale and to educate people about good quality beer and about great herbs and spices. It’s really quite unique. We stock things like mace, juniper, Jamaican allspice, vanilla beans from Papua New Guinea, and we’re the only place in China to do Himalayan rock salt for cooking, though other places do use it in spas or for saltlick. Do you keep tabs of the types of customers you get? Can you give a roundhouse figure? To start with, the herbs and spices brought in most people, but now it’s more of the beer customers. Currently with the warmer weather, we’re getting more people in for the bikes, so it’s roughly equal now. What’s your customer breakdown, in terms of local/expat, or by age? The customers I deliver to tend to be families, naturally enough. In the store it tends to be a slightly older, more discerning person – we don’t get so many young English teachers. We get quite a few women in their 30s and 40s, as they can come here for a drink and know they won’t get hounded as they might in Sanlitun. The bikes draw in an older clientele, people in their 40s with kids. And the herbs and spices bring in chefs, foodies, mothers looking for quality ingredients for their kids, and people planning to do a dinner party. Where would you ideally like to take The Drive Thru in the next few years? We’re going to have some draft beer available soon and we’ll do some pop-up events, where we bring along some samples of different beers to things happening around town. Our aim is to educate people about quality beer, how to buy it, how to store it, how to pour it, how to drink it, in a pleasant and elegant environment. Same with the herbs and spices, and the bikes – to provide quality stuff that people really appreciate. For more information, check out



the List Everyone raves about the summer when we have subzero temperatures but we all tend to forget what the hot season in Beijing actually means. By now all your winter clothes should be neatly packed away for next year and you are probably rehydrating in the coolest corner of your office or living room. Everyone knows how hot Beijing can get but how can you handle it when there are places to go and people to meet? Here are some tips to help you get through it.

Tips To Handle Beijing Heat

Helping you handle the summer in style Compiled by Joana Melo

Ditch the skinnies Let’s leave all those skinny items in the closet shall we? Say goodbye to everything from second-skinned blouses to jeans, and say hello to looser flowing items. Ladies, forgo the power suit and pair a flowing dressed-up skirt with a blazer for those work occasions; and men, thank god the fashion gurus now say that suit-shorts are in! But remember to play it safe if you happen to have a company meeting, just in case. Same goes for super short-shorts: after a certain point in your life, these should only be worn indoors, to walk the dog or go to the beach. Your skin might love the sunlight, but do we all need to see it? Lighten up There is nothing worse than turning your office into a high school playground with bellies showing, sleeveless shirts and milky arms and legs as far as the eye can see. Truth is, the weight of your clothing is actually more important than how much



skin it shows. Opt for linens or pure cottons and, if work location permits, a t-shirt can be dressed up in various ways. For your own sake, stay away from manmade materials like polyester, Lycra and nylon. If you have to face the summer rain, grab a wind-breaker, and even if your mascara is running down your face, you will stay dry without having to fuss with umbrellas. Drink up The best way to try to fight the heat is to hydrate. Make ice in your freezer since you will be using it to accompany all those sodas and juices already comfortably chilling in their new house. While outside you have lots of options: whether you are a coffee aficionado, a natural juice freak or if bubbles are your thing, take advantage of all the drinking locations available on the street. Also, from Starbucks to Element Fresh and Time To, pleasant places within walking

distance are always to hand. What better way to break up a journey?

mend you discuss your idea for spending the next few months indoors with your boss first.

Outdoors Beijing has more than a few places that you can go to in order to stay cool. Qiaobo Ice and Snow World offers indoor skiing and snowboarding with its 150m and 260m slopes, and The Water Cube at the Olympic Park is also a perfect destination. This world-class water park imported attractions from all over the globe, such as a wave pool, a speed slide, a lazy river, and more. If you’re just looking to enjoy some time with friends, Beijing offers courtyard resorts where you will experience traditional Beijing life, and from where you will be able to take a break from the bustling city atmosphere and acclimate yourself to nature.

Go shopping If you are outside and the heat is really starting to get to you and there’s no refreshing swimming pool in sight, you better step into a shop. Make it a shop you don’t really enjoy, as to not spend all your money since you will be probably stuck there for quite some time. Most stores have nice cool air-conditioning, so that’s a great way to cool off quickly. Shopping for new items may also distract you from the torrid heat outside, so grab some fancy new clothes you’ve been considering and head over to the changing room. What does it matter that you couldn’t fit your credit card into your shorts pocket?

Beijing delivers If, on the other hand, you like to claim that you are in “energy saving mode”, just stay indoors as far as possible. Beijing delivers pretty much everything to your doorstep if you know where and how to look: even places that don’t have in-store delivery can be brought to your apartment, thanks to sherpas. Put down your blinds, arm yourself with refreshments and if you have one, just fill your bathtub in water and there you go - a perfect way to spend Beijing summer for those who really don’t like the heat! Although we recom-

Avoid public transport If Beijing subways and buses are horrible during the winter months, imagine summer! That’s an awful amount of sweat glands in the same place at the same time, and reaching out to grab a damp sweaty handrail is not really what you want to deal with first thing in the morning. If it’s managable, walk, take your bike or even rent a rickshaw that will take you where you need to go in a tourist style - but don’t forget to haggle the price! Cabs are also an option, if you manage to find one, or you can start a car pool schedule at work!



the List If you are a professional woman who’s frazzled from the nine to five daily office routine and who’s looking for a perfect getaway night in town with your bestest buddies, here are the hottest options to call out your best girl friends to party the night away. It doesn’t matter how old you are, these are definitely the places for you to have fun and become “single and fabulous” again.

Single and Fabulous

The best places to have a ladies night party Compiled by Rachel Chen

Xiu 秀, Park Hyatt Beijing Go to Xiu on a Thursday night and get the most out of their Thursdays Ladies Night Theme Party. Enjoy getting high dancing with their amazing band performances and live music. 6/F, Park Life (entrance across from the Park Hyatt hotel lobby), Yintai Center, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (8567 1108) 朝阳区建国门外

highest bar in the capital city, Atmosphere Bar of China World Summit Wing Hotel offers you the best skyline view of the city. Located in the CBD area, this is absolutely that one place that will take your breath away. 80/F, China World Summit Wing, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 2299 ext 6433) 朝阳区 建国门外大街1号北京国贸大酒店80层


Migas Restaurant and Lounge Located in Nali Patio, Migas Restaurant and Lounge offers authentic Spanish and Portuguese cuisine and a significantly different dish in Tex-Mex cuisine. Their newly renovated Migas roof top is now opened for a fabulous ladies night out. 6/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (5208 6061) 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园6层 Atmosphere Bar, China World Summit Wing Hotel Dare to go higher? Try this one. As the



Centro炫酷酒吧Kerry Hotel Centro Bar offers some of the best live jazz performances, wines and cocktails in town. Their cozy but classy ambience definitely makes them one of the coolest places for ladies to spend the perfect night time catching up. 1/F, Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District (6561 8833) 朝阳区 光华路1号北京嘉里大饭店1层炫酷

異 elements Club Inside the west gate of Worker’s Stadium, the newly opened Elements night club has soon become the next

hot spot in town providing the best music and party décor to international party goers. It’s another must-go place for ladies to get glammed up and feel like a star. 58 Gongti Xilu, Chaoyang District (20m north of the west gate of the Workers’ Stadium) 朝阳区工体西路 58号工人体育场西门向北20米 (138 1112 3770)

This 65th floor bar located in Park Hyatt Beijing will get you all the lights. With a breathtaking view of night time Beijing, you and your girlfriends will have a great time and be impressed by what you see from there. 65/F, Park Hyatt, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (8567 1838/40) 朝阳区建国门外大街2号 柏悦酒店65层

V-Plus V-Plus is another high end lounge by Vics Group. Not aiming at people-watching and dancing, V-Plus is more about their classic interior design and decent cocktail list. Ladies can surely have fun sticking to their own crowd and not worrying about the uninvited. 14/F, Bldg 3, China View, 2 Gongti Donglu, Chaoyang District (8587 1233) 朝阳区工体东路

D Lounge Located in the quiet backyard of Sanlitun SOHO, D Lounge is a place to call your secret garden. Beautiful ladies have one more option to spend the night. The taste of their signature cocktails will get you carried away. Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu (across from Rock and Roll Club), Chaoyang District (6593 7710) 朝阳区



GT Banana GT 巴那那 Want to add a little twist to your dancing routine? GT Banana night club will surely thrill you with their moving dance floor. All you need to do is just watch out when you dance. Scitech Hotel, 22 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6528 3636)

Glamour Bar, Capital M 前门M餐厅 Located on the legendary Qianmen Street, Glamour Bar of end high Capital M offers not just a classic European vibe, but also great cocktails and wines in town. Facing ancient Chinese buildings, this bar will make you feel lost and transcending space and time. 3/F, 2 Qianmen Pedestrian Street (southeast of Qianmen), Chongwen District (6702 2727) 崇文区前门步行街2号3层


China Bar 北京亮酒吧 The name says it all.



Try this Restaurant

Bars and Cafes

Alba As with many others in Gulou, if you don’t know what you are looking for, you will probably pass this relaxed eatery. Alba’s low key exterior hides a small foyer with comfortable couches, vintage décor and a window view, while the inside boasts one big open space bathed in natural light from the skylight above. Featuring comfort food such as home made pancakes, lasagna and sandwiches, here you can also get fresh juices and some of the best wines, whiskies and beers in Beijing. JM Daily 8am-2am. 70 Gulou Dongdajie (east of Nanluogu Xiang), Dongcheng District (6407 3730) 东城区鼓楼东大街70号

Perfect for grabbing a pleasant brunch or a snack in the middle of the afternoon. Signature dishes include their Caesar Salad (RMB 25), English breakfast (RMB 38) and homemade Ginger Ale (RMB 20) While in the neighborhood check out the thrift store Underground Kidz or get a new piece at Plastered T-shirts.



Wifi √ Parking × Fapiao √ Private Room ×



Try this Restaurant


Dali Courtyard 大理院子 Yunnan cuisine is becoming more and more popular in the capital these days and Dali Courtyard has a well established reputation for authentic cuisine and a great prix fixe menu that starts at RMB 100 with RMB 200 and RMB 300 options. With warmer weather on the way, be sure to book a table in advance for the outdoor terrace tucked away in this quiet hutong and uncork a bottle from their great wine menu. DK Open daily 12pm-10:30pm. 67 Xiaojing Chang Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District (8404 1430) 东城区鼓楼东大街小经厂胡同67号 Perfect for a fresh taste of Yunnan cuisine or tea with friends on the patio. Signature dishes include Lotus leaf wrapped mushrooms, grilled goat cheese, and grilled chili fish. While in the neighborhood get lost among the hutongs or pop into many of the hip or touristy shops that line the street.



Wifi √ Parking × Fapiao √ Private Room ×

Try this Restaurant


Aroma 香溢 The winner of sister magazine the Beijinger’s restaurant award for “Outstanding Brunch” measures up to its title. With exquisite décor and a great view, Aroma welcomes you with the Foie-gras Station, followed by an amazing selection of sushi and oyster. If you like it spicy, go for Indian and pair with a dragon fruit smoothie to calm things down, or go western with pasta made especially for you. Don’t forget to save some space for the dessert station, since the cakes will make everyone jump for joy. JM Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm (Brunches Saturday and Sunday 11.30am-3pm) The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (5908 8161) 朝阳区华贸中心建国路甲83号丽思卡尔顿酒店 Perfect for spoiling yourself with a lazy weekend brunch.

Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √

Signature stations include the Sushi, Lobster and BBQ Stations as well as their fresh fruit juices While in the neighborhood go clothes-shopping in the glamorous stores in CBD.



Try this Restaurant

Italian food and wine

Fratellifresh True to its motto “Eat Fresh, Eat Healthy”, this contemporary Italian restaurant features fine Italian and organic produce. Its understated sophistication produces a relaxed atmosphere throughout the 80-seat restaurant, which also features a ten-person private dining room. With a passionate chef, Fratellifresh is dedicated to in-season food, changing its menus monthly. Events include weekly Italian cooking classes and monthly wine dinners. JZ Mon – Sun (11:30am-2:30pm and 5:30pm-10:30pm) 1/F, Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel, 61 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (5863 8203) 朝阳区东三环中路61号北京富力万丽酒店1层 Perfect for high-quality Italian dining Signature treatments include Heirloom cherry tomato with buffalo mozzarella (RMB 68), Pinot Fratelli fresh pasta with heirloom tomato and buffalo mozzarella (RMB98), slow cooked salmon with potato leek sauce and summer salad crostini (RMB188), Soave Classico (RMB75). While you are in the neighborhood check out Renaissance’s bars D Bar and The Lounge.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √

Try this SHOP

Chocolate Shop

Valentino Chocolatier Who doesn’t like chocolate? Valentino Chocolatier from Belgium might just be your new favourite. This brand has more than 87 different kinds of chocolates and fruit jellies to satisfy your sweet tooth. Their flavours include pure chocolate, truffles, nuts, fruit cream, liqueurs, ganache, marzipan, fresh cream, hazelnut cream, and sugar free chocolate. They are proud to say there is a gift for every reason and every season. RC Mon – Sun 9.30am–10pm. B1067, Shin Kong Place, Huamao Centre, Chaoyang District (5166 8211) 朝阳区华贸中心新光天地地下一层B1067

Perfect for a lovely birthday gift.

Wifi × Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room ×

Signature features include Desafinado Ganache, sugar free Pharaoh Dark Crispie Hazelnut Filling Chocolate, Truffles Cacao, and Bellina Nuts (RMB 98/100g each). While in the neighbourhood check out Shin Kong Place for luxury boutique shopping and dining.



Try this bar


Fez Bar Once located in Qianmen, Fez Bar downsized when moving, but the great view from their rooftop makes up for it. Now located in Sanlitun’s Nali Patio, they have said farewell to the booths where one could chill, and now welcome the more traditional tables and chairs to their layout. Drinks are hand picked from the group’s other venues in Hong Kong and London, but regular cocktails and drinks are readily available, with finger food and tapas to accompany them. JM Sun - Thu 5pm-1am, Fri - Sat 6pm-2am. 6/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (5208 6138) 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园6层

Perfect for a summer drink while enjoying the view. Signature drinks include the Piña Colada (RMB 65), their Mango & Pineapple smoothie (RMB 55) and the Pinord “Frizzante Moscato Mediterraneo” white wine (RMB 280/bottle, RMB 45/glass). While in the neighborhood go for dinner at Agua before partying or take it to LAN if you are still hungry for more after closing time.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room ×

Try this bar


Kokomo Come for the rooftop terrace, and stay for the well-mixed cocktails. Kokomo offers patrons a relaxing Caribbean-themed terrace overlooking busy Sanlitun with occasional live music. The dining menu has met with mixed reviews, but Kokomo is a great place to start or end a night out on the town. Bring a group of friends and watch the sun set over Beijing while relaxing amongst the beachy décor and let steel drum vibrations wash away the day. DK Open daily 6pm–4am. 4/F, Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang District (6413 1019) 朝阳区 三里屯后街同里4层

Perfect for summertime lounging while listening to steel drum beats.

Wifi √ Parking × Fapiao × Private Room ×

Signature features include a stellar Long Island Ice Tea and beer pong for the masses. While in the neighborhood dine, shop or dance the night away in the Village.



Try this health and beauty

Tanning Salon

Luxura Tanning & Wellness Centre 乐晒日光浴中心 As summer heats things up, it always helps to have a healthy and sexy tan. Luxura Tanning & Wellness Centre is the number one professional tanning chain in China. They use Hapro’s top end ultra power tanning devices from the Netherlands. Moreover, they also offer Hapro’s secret red light collagen anti-aging device which they claim activates the body’s own collagen and elastic production so that you can say goodbye to fine lines, wrinkles and cellulite. RC Daily 11am-9pm. 1) 5005, 5/F, 3.3 Clothing Plaza, 33 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (5136 5186) 朝阳区三里屯33号3.3大厦5层5005号 2) 4-4307, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (5900 0427) 朝阳区东三环中路39号建外SOHO4号楼4307

Perfect for a fabulous tanning experience. Signature features include tanning from RMB 560 for 70 minutes (RMB 8 per minute) to RMB 2500 for 500 minutes (RMB 5 per minute). While in the neighborhood get an outfit to match in 3.3 Clothing Plaza or in Jianwai SOHO.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √

book review

Read this Book

It’s Rising Time by Kim Kiyosaki

It’s Rising Time is aimed at women who have a vision for what they want in life who are willing to do what it takes to turn it vision into reality. Kim Kiyosaki shares candid stories from women and men who have been through the good, the bad and the ridiculous - and the lessons they learned. Kiyosaki is married to Robert Kiyosaki, of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books, and It’s Rising Time take a similar slant in helping ordinary people be financially independent, though this time from a woman’s perspective. This is a timely book for today’s post-boom world where we all need to understand our finances better than ever, providing a solid grounding in financial statements, formulas, and vocabulary. The information within is current and applicable for women of all ages.

10am-9.30pm. Shop 3B201, Zone 3 ChinaWorld Mall, 1 Jianguomen Wai Avenue,Chaoyang District (8535 1055) 朝阳区建国门外

gt h

It’ is iss s u at Risi e an Pa ng d ge T get On im 10 e. e %





Kim Kiyosaki, author of the bestselling Rich Woman, is a successful entrepreneur and seasoned investor with a lifetime of experience in business, real estate and investing. Kim is a selfmade millionaire and sought-after speaker who works to provide a positive learning environment for the financial education of women.


My Perfect Day in Beijing

Iris Yee, marketing and brand development strategist Photos by Judy Zhou

My perfect day starts with a not-so-subtle wake up call. Opening my eyes, I see my sweet but demanding foster cat Flash (rescued by adoption network LingYang Xiaopu) perched on my stomach, staring down at me with an accusing glare. Heeding his silent demand, I get up. After the coffee has kicked in, I bike through the hutongs past smiling neighbors cradling their dogs to the wide streets of the Chaoyang Park area. A collaborative work brunch at The Rug awaits! Its tranquil ambiance, strong Wi-Fi signal and sunlit interiors provide a great setting to meet and share professional advice over a healthy meal. The blue sky day lures us to the patio where we eat, then flip open our laptops to present and exchange solutions about our challenges. Three and more minds are always better than one! Appetite satisfied, it is time for a feast for the eyes. Feeling invigorated after a 14 km bike ride north dodging slow sanluches and unpredictable drivers, I roll into Caochangdi. Soaking in contemporary Chinese art, I gallery hop from F2 Gallery to Chambers Fine Arts with a pause in the quiet grassy courtyard of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre’s for a moment of reflection. Noticing the sun slipping lower down the sky, I return towards the city center. The Fourth, Third and Second Ring Roads pass by—this city is huge! Since my perfect day is pollution free, I arrive in Andingmen free of dust and grime from my return ride. I visit my friend Charlene,



the founder of tea and teaware social enterprise Tranquil Tuesdays. Twilight is my favorite time of day when the streets are aglow and humming with activity. This is a great time to try their tea from their spring harvest while catching up and people-watching from her office on Fangjia Hutong. After sunset, I join ten friends for dinner at the nearby Ningxia Provincial Government Restaurant. This restaurant is located at the top of the grand sweeping staircase of the Ningxia Hotel. It’s simple and hearty flavors hit the spot after a long day crisscrossing the city. Dinner is lively with conversation ranging from latest smartphone apps we have tried, stories we are researching to quirky trends we have noticed here and abroad – food for my brain! A few of us will work off our food coma at the intimate music venue, MAO Livehouse. Miraculously, MAO Livehouse’s air conditioning will be working properly and dancing to the triple line-up of Rainbow Danger Club, SUBS and Hanggai leaves me refreshed rather than wrung out. Getting my second wind from those energetic performances, I would end my day at Mai Bar with a cocktail – one of their off-menu specials with passionfruit or hawthorn – just before heading home. This bar may be hard to find, but worth the trip for their creative menu, interesting crowd and courtyard setting. This is my long, but perfect, day in Beijing! LingYang Xiaopu

Rug Bagel and Café, Bldg 4, Lishui Jiayuan, Chaoyang Gongyuan Nanlu (opposite South Gate of Chaoyang Park), Chaoyang District (8550 2722) 朝阳区朝阳公园南路丽水嘉园4号楼(朝阳 公园南门对面)

F2 Gallery, 319 Caochangdi, Chaoyang District (6432 8831) 朝阳区朝阳区草场地319号F2画廊 Chambers Fine Art, Red No.1-D, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District (5127 3298) 前波画廊,朝阳 区草场地红一号D座

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, 155 East End Art, Caochangdi Village (next to Platform China), Chaoyang District (6432 2663) 三影堂摄影艺术中心, 朝阳区 草场地艺术东区155号(站台中国旁)

Tranquil Tuesdays, 71 Fangjia Hutong, Dongcheng District (6407 1938) 东城区方家 胡同71号

Ningxia Provincial Government Restaurant, No.13 Fensiting Hutong, Dongcheng District (6400 9999) 东城区安定门内大街 分司厅胡同13号 MAO Livehouse, 111 Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District (6402 5080) 东城区鼓楼 东大街111号

Mai, 40 Beiluogu Xiang, Dongcheng District (138 1125 2641) 东城区北锣鼓巷40号



The agenda Thursday, MAY 31

Friday, JUN 1

Beer Fest at Villa Castanea

3-5PM Fan Gang on China’s Economy in the Next Decade

Join the Fragrant Hill German Beer Festival at the terrace of Villa Castanea within the scenery of the Fragrant Hills. Relish cold beers with friends and cool down in this hot summer. With interactive games, drinking competitions, drum beats from German bands and fabulous performances . For more information visit or email Melina_bamberg@villacastanea. com. Villa Castanea, 266 Wan’an Donglu, Pu’an Dian, Haidian District (6272 0130; 6272 0131) 七叶香山, 海

Dr. Fan Gang will give a presentation entitled “China’s Economy in the Next Decade: The Role of Foreign Invested Companies.” He will share observations on China’s economic development in the next decade. Contact Wenya Zhang (8519 0864) wenya.zhang@ AmCham China Conference Center, The Office Park, Tower AB, 6/F, 10 Jintong Xilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区金桐西路10


Tuesday, JUN 5 7.30PM Green Drinks Join Beijing’s green community at their monthly meet-and-greet. Happy hour promotions apply. Free. 7.30pm. The Bookworm. Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District (6586 9507) 朝阳区工体北路4号院

Sunday, JUN 10 Flowing to Proportion - Exposition of Anibal Maillo “Flowing to proportion” combines powerful contrasts and hypnotizing curves, these pieces vary according to mood and interpretation while keeping an organic, yet urban style. These painting were done by talented Spanish artist Anibal Maillo. Free to attend. (136 9142 5744) Modernista, 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大 街宝钞胡同44

号 (汉威大厦北) 远洋光华国际AB座 6层中国美国商会办公室 会议室

Wednesday, JUN 6 5-9PM AustCham Beijing Annual General Meeting 2012 AustCham Beijing cordially invites its members to attend the AGM & Member Appreciation Dinner. All Foundation, Corporate, Corporate Nominee and Individual members whose membership fees are paid up-to-date may attend the AGM free of charge. Voting members are FREE. Guests of voting members may attend at a cost TBC. RSVP essential. (6595 9252) Please RSVP to: rsvp@ with “2012 AGM RSVP” in the subject line.

Monday, JUN 11 10AM-11PM Opening Special Winejoy Wine Bar and Cellar is specialized in providing quality imported Australian and New Zealand wine – hard to find products in Beijing. They are now offering a special opening promotion. Shop wide 20%, daily house wine buy one glass get the 2nd glass free. (6416 0523) Vinejoy Wine Bar and Cellar VINEJOY Beijing, Unit 108-109, World Residence No.8 Shizipo Street, Dongcheng District 东城区十字坡街 8号铂晶豪庭108-109室

Tuesday, JUN 12 7PM Praktikantenstammtisch Beijing The “Praktikantenstammtisch“ is an informal meeting of the German Chamber of Commerce for interns, students, trainees and young professionals in Beijing. The purpose of this meeting is the mutual exchange of information among young and future business people. The next meeting will take place in a casual setting at Schindlers “Anlegestelle”, inclusive 10% discount on food and beverages. (6463 1108) 10 Sanlitun Beixiaojie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区 三里屯北小街10号



Highlights for the weeks of Thu, MAY 31 – Wed, JUN 13 Saturday, JUN 2 Indulge in German White Asparagus Raffles Beijing Hotel invites you to discover German “White Asparagus”, which is also referred to as “White Gold”. Enjoy Chef Laia’s special a la carte and set dinner menu featuring Crab and Asparagus Tartar; Asparagus Soup with Scallop; Steamed Cod Fish Wrapped in Spinach with Buttered Asparagus, Riesling Emulsion; Cooked Ham with buttered Asparagus and Baby Potatoes. (6526 3388 ext 4186) Raffles Beijing Hotel, 33 Dong Chang’an Dajie, Dongcheng District 东城区东长安大街33号

Thursday, JUN 7 8.30-10AM Breakfast Seminar on VAT (Valued Added Tax) Pilot Program in Beijing Join AustCham Beijing and guest speakers Lachlan Wolfers, Tax Partner of KPMG China and Martyn Huckerby, Partner of King & Wood Mallesons for a seminar on the Valued Added Tax (VAT) pilot program in Beijing. (6595 9252) RSVP is mandatory for this seminar. This event will be co-hosted with the Swiss Chamber and German Chamber of Commerce. Please email Candice Lever at

Sunday, JUN 3

Monday, JUN 4

1-5PM Beijing Guardians American Football Practices

7.30PM Harvard Krokodilos at Dulwich College Beijing

The Beijing Guardians American Football Club is holding practices every Sunday from 1pm-5pm at the newly established American Football Center in Tongzhou about 20 minutes drive from the CBD. Everyone is welcome to join in and experience this sport and each practice includes basic beginner training and more advanced drills so no matter what level you are at, you will be able to participate. At the China American Football Center in Tongzhou.

Harvard University’s oldest a cappella singing group will arrive to Beijing to perform at Dulwich College Each year, the Krokodiloes continue to travel around the world on an eleven-week, six-continent tour. To date they have recorded 31 albums. Please contact Xu Guoqing at Dulwich College Beijing, 89 Capital Airport Road, Legend Garden, Shunyi District 北京德威英国学校

Friday, JUN 8

Saturday, JUN 9

10AM-5PM Red Road - Chen Ke first Solo Exhibition


Chen’s rich red paintings describe the utopia of the late 50’s and early 60s when the republic was emerging from the revolution and building a New China. brian@redgategallery. com Red Gate Gallery, 1/F and 4/F, Dongbianmen Watchtower, Chongwenmen Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区崇文门东大街东便门

Sports Beijing and Basketball World are co-organizing the Spring 2012 basketball program at Beanstalk International Bilingual School. This is a community program that follows the curriculum and structure of the already successful Home League program at Shunyi. All programs organized by Coach David Gros with qualified coaches. RMB 1,500. (6430 1370 / 1176) Beanstalk International Bilingual School, 10 Anhua Jie, Shunyi District



Wednesday, JUN 13 9PM-MIDNIGHT Windy Barnes at MIX Indulge yourself with the smooth and luxurious vocals of jazz singer Windy Barnes. For more information & reservations, please contact 5922 8880 or visit westinbeijingdining. com. Mix. Westin Chaoyang 1/F, Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8888) 朝阳区东三环北路7号金 茂北京威斯汀大饭店

Get listed! Email

Events Deadlines June 28 issue: June 7 July 12 issue: June 21





ThurSDAY 8-11AM

Direct Leadership After a 20 year career revolving around leadership development, Danish author Karin Zastrow MBA (INSEAD 1983) has created a matrix model that addresses the ”everyday leadership deliverables”. During this short seminar Karin will outline the model’s three core elements: 7 generic leadership roles, 4 contemporary leadership styles and how to catch the everyday leadership opportunities. RSVP before May 30. BLU Hotel Beijing , 6A Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北 三环东路甲6号北京皇家大饭店 dccc. Radisson

9AM-5PM Strategic Financial Management The Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a 2-day training. To succeed as a non-financial manager, knowledge of basic financial principles and budgeting process is critical. This course transforms financial and accounting concepts into decision-making tools you can use successfully every day. They will teach you how to apply the fundamentals of finance to improve budget management, increase potential profits, and assess the financial viability of projects. CCIFC Beijing, Conference Room, C512, 5/F, Office and Apartment Building, Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区亮马桥路50号凯宾斯基 酒店公寓楼5层C512会议室 bencham. org/web/B20120531Strategic_FInancial_Management.aspx

11AM-10.30PM Bene Italian Restaurant Bene tantalizes your taste buds with our seasonal special white asparagus this month. (5957 5184) Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng Hotel, 36 Dongcheng Beilu, Global Trade Center, Dongcheng District. 东城区东城区北三环路36号环球 贸易中心北京金隅喜来登酒店

6.30-9.30PM Hilton Wine Club Every Thursday sommelier Julia Zhu hosts wine tastings where guests can enjoy five dif-



Beer Fest at Villa Castanea Join the Fragrant Hill German Beer Festival at the terrace of Villa Castanea within the scenery of the Fragrant Hills. Relish cold beers with friends and cool down in this hot summer. Interactive games as well as drinking competitions will be organized to amuse local and foreign visitors alike. Don’t miss the drum beats from German bands and fabulous performances that will get your feet moving. For more information visit or email to Villa Castanea, 266 Wan’an Donglu, Pu’an Dian, Haidian District. (6272 0130; 6272 0131) 七叶香山, 海淀区万安东路普安店266号

ferent wines from a variety of regions. RMB 150 per person For RMB 88 per person for in-house guests. The Hilton Beijing. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5865 5000) 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号

8.45PM-LATE Windy Barnes at MIX Indulge yourself with the smooth and luxurious vocals of jazz singer Windy Barnes. Call 5922 8880 or visit for more information. Free. Mix, Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8888)朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北 京威斯汀大饭店

TIMES VARY It’s time to Spa’rty Fairmont Beijing is celebrating with special fun events and great room-night offers until May 31. When you and three or more of your friends get together for a spa party, you will each receive a 60-minute Spa treatment, free bento box lunch

and gift. You can join their Spa Season special event: Spa Season Sparty includes 90-minute deep cleansing facial, 60-minute Jane Iredale makeup, coffee breaks. Fairmont Beijing, 8 Yong'an Dongli, Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街 永安东里8号北京华彬费尔蒙酒店

Beer Fest at Villa Castanea Join the Fragrant Hill German Beer Festival at the terrace of Villa Castanea within the scenery of the Fragrant Hills. Relish cold beers and cool down in this hot summer. Interactive games as well as drinking competitions will be organized to amuse local and foreign visitors alike. Don’t miss the drum beats from German bands and fabulous performances that will get your feet moving. For more information visit or email Melina_bamberg@ Villa Castanea, 266 Wan’an Donglu, Pu’an Dian, Haidian District (6272 0130; 6272 0131) 七叶香 山, 海淀区万安东路普安店266号



Friday 9AM-5PM

Strategic Financial Management The Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a 2-day training. To succeed as a non-financial manager, knowledge of basic financial principles and budgeting process is critical. This course transforms financial and accounting concepts into decision-making tools you can use successfully every day. They will teach you how to apply the fundamentals of finance to improve budget management, increase potential profits, and assess the financial viability of projects. CCIFC Beijing, Conference Room, C512, 5/F, Office and Apartment Building, Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区亮马桥路50号凯宾斯基 酒店公寓楼5层C512会议 bencham. org/web/B20120531Strategic_FInancial_Management.aspx

11AM-12.30PM Yoga Yard Community Classes Do good, do yoga. Class fees operate on

a donation basis. Proceeds go to the Surmang Foundation and the Migrant Children’s Foundation. RMB 50 (minimum requested). Yoga yard, 6/F, Bldg 17 Gongti Beilu (across from the north gate of Workers' Stadium), Chaoyang District (6413 0774) 朝阳区工体北路17号 楼6层瑜珈苑(工人体育场北门对面)

3-5PM Fan Gang on China’s Economy in the Next Decade In this second event of AmCham China’s Chinese Thought Leader Series, Dr. Fan Gang will give a presentation entitled "China’s Economy in the Next Decade: The Role of Foreign Invested Companies." Dr. Fan is one of China’s most prominent and influential economists. During his presentation, he will share his observations on China’s economic development in the next decade, explaining why the China story will continue against all odds, and describing future challenges and reasons why China will nevertheless remain a better place to be compared to other major economies. For more information, please contact Wenya Zhang (8519 0864) AmCham China Conference Center, The Office Park, Tower AB, 6/F, 10 Jintong Xilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区金桐西路 10号 (汉威大厦北) 远洋光华国际AB座6 层中国美国商会办公室 会议室

5PM Pink Fridays LGBT-friendly evening showcasing pink Piscos, Cosmos and daiquiris. Free. Terra, 1 Sanlitun Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6591 9148) 朝阳区 三里屯南路1号

7-9.30PM Nordic After Work The Nordic Chambers are hosting the next Nordic After Work event, so leave your briefcase at home and join them for a spectacular night at the Press Club Bar at the marvelous 5-star St Regis Hotel. Bring along your good mood, social spirit and all your friends to mingle with fellow Scandinavians. Price is RMB 150 net per person for 2 hours of free flow of wine, local beer and soft drinks with cold canapés. RSVP before May 31. (6460 6688) Press Club Bar, St Regis Hotel Beijing, 21, Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北京国际俱乐部 建国门外大街21 号


9PM-MIDNIGHT Milonga Emoción 阿根廷探戈周五 舞会 Enjoy a fabulous Tango night and meet Argentine Tango fans. RMB 50 (includes one drink). John Hawkins, B1/F, Workers' Gymnasium, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District. TangoChinoClub@ (13911201872, 65512971, 65525905 朝阳区工体北路工人体育馆北 门(右侧)B1层E02室,北京创意之窗

Jazz and Funky Soul with the Anna Stamburg Band Ciro's Pomodoro is proud to have songstress Anna Stamburg grace its stage every Friday night. Anna's voice accompanied by her fantastic band brings an amazing energy that helps jump start the weekend. Anna performs both classics and contemporary hits giving every listener what they want to hear. Free to attend. (5208 6008) 81 Sanlitun Lu, Nali Patio, Chaoyang District. 朝阳区那里花园三里 屯路81号波莫多洛意大利餐厅


Jazz and Funky Soul with the Anna Stamburg Band Ciro’s Pomodoro is proud to have songstress Anna Stamburg grace its stage every Friday night. Anna’s voice accompanied by her fantastic band brings an amazing energy that helps jump start the weekend. Anna performs both classics and contemporary hits giving every listener what they want to hear. Free to attend. (5208 6008) 81 Sanlitun Lu, Nali Patio, Chaoyang District. 朝阳区那里花园三里屯路81号波莫多洛意大利餐厅

Borderline by Ke Han Mr. Han Ke is one of the famous war artists. Under the direction of Mr. Xu Beihong, in 1947 he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. His works were collected by Tibetan Art Museum of China, The Military-Historical Museum of China, and his work "An Yu-Ji" was selected as a present for Korean President Kim Il Sung., (5978 4821) B09-2, 798 Art District, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区酒仙桥路2 号门798艺术区797路706北三街-B09-2






9:30am-5.00pm Family Sailing Weekend Is being landlocked getting you down? Try the family sailing weekend at the Beijing Sailing Centre. While you and the older kids are out on the water, there are also activities for toddlers and infants, with an ayi to entertain them. Sailing courses for all levels. Original Price: RMB 2,768 per person. Special package RMB 2,480 per person. Includes: 2-day sailing course, BeijingQinhuangdao transportation, two nights 4 star hotel accommodation, 2 lunches and 1 dinner at sail base, IYT Certificate. Contact Beijing Sailing 5900 0276 /1500 118 9580 or email to book.

Indulge in German White Asparagus The renowned French Restaurant, Jaan, at Raffles Beijing Hotel invites you to a gastronomic joyride of finest German “White Asparagus”, which is also referred to as “White Gold”. Enjoy Chef Laia’s special a la carte and set dinner menus featuring crab and asparagus tartar, asparagus soup with scallop, steamed cod fish wrapped in spinach with buttered asparagus, Riesling emulsion, cooked ham with buttered asparagus and baby potatoes. (6526 3388 ext 4186) Raffles Beijing Hotel, 33 Dong Chang’an Dajie, Dongcheng District东城区东长安大街33号

10-11.30AM Beanstalk-Home League Spring 2012 Sports Beijing and Basketball World are co-organizing the Spring 2012 basketball program at Beanstalk International Bilingual School. This is a community program that follows the curriculum and structure of the already successful Home League program at Shunyi. All the programs are organized by Coach David Gros with support from a team of qualified and enthusiastic coaches. Coach David is a professional basketball coach with more than 19 years coaching youth basketball in China, Spain, and Serbia. RMB 1,500. Registrations should be completed online at or at SB office: 2nd Floor, Lido Country Club, 6 Jiangtai Lu. (6430 1370 /1176)

11.30am-10pm Dragon Boat Festival @ The RitzCarlton, Beijing In celebration of Dragon Boat Festival, the Ritz-Carlton Beijing has crafted a variety of rice pudding delights during the month of June, with traditional and authentic recipes by Chef Ku. With so many delicious rice puddings to choose from, why not create your own package for family and business associates to share this joyful festival! For enquiries or reservations, please call 5908 8111. The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, 83A Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District (5908 8958) 朝阳区华贸 中心建国路甲83号北京丽思卡尔顿酒店



2PM Backstreet Beijing Walk: Red Building & Northern Cathedral Get some cultural and historical information while rediscovering some of Beijing's old districts and lanes. RMB 150. 2pm. China Culture Center. Kent Center, 29 Anjialou, Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6432 9341) 朝阳区亮马桥路29 号安家楼肯特中心院内

7PM The International Festival Chorus Gala Dinner British Chamber of Commerce of China is having a dinner party at Capital M. RMB 1,000 includes delicious gourmet dinner with paired wines and entertainment. Capital M, 3/F, 2 Qianmen Pedestrian Street (southeast of Qianmen), Chongwen District (6702 2727) reservations@ 崇文区前门步 行街2号3层

138A, B1/F, The Place, 9 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District (6587 2999) 朝 阳区光华路9号世贸天阶地下1层138A

7.30PM-9.30PM China Through Cinema Every Saturday Culture Yard’s Chinese Movie Night series introduces important directors and major trends in Chinese cinema of the last three decades, as well as its depiction of different aspects of modern and contemporary life in different parts of the Chinese speaking world. (Chinese with English subtitles). Reservation required. RMB25 (including soft drinks and popcorn). Culture Yard, 10 Shique Hutong, Dongcheng District (Beixinqiao Line 5, Exit C, 400m to your left) (8404 4166) 东城区北新桥石雀胡同10号(地铁 5号线C出口往左400米)


Dinner and Bollywood Dancing All new Bollywood performances at Ganges! Beautiful dancers dressed in colorful traditional dresses dancing to routines from famous Bollywood performers such as Sheela Ki Jawani and Munni Badnam Hui. Enjoy authentic Indian food while enjoying live dance performances. Bollywood Performances from 7:00PM to 9:00PM every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Ganges “The Place” location. To reserve a table call 6587 2999

Grand Marnier Cooktail at Aria Aria proudly invites Nicolas Boussin to present for cocktail and dessert lovers in Beijing with a selection of innovative and unique Grand Marnier Cooktails. He has since been travelling the world exploring new flavours he can use to create original desserts with Grand Marnier®, and thereby promote France’s pastries. (6505 2266 ext 36). Aria, 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大 饭店二层阿丽雅




10.30AM-NOON HeyRunning in Chaoyang Park Tenweek running camp with professional instruction for runners of all levels. Chaoyang Park. 朝阳公园 (heyrobics. com,

11AM-4PM S.T.A.Y. Sunday Brunch with Louis Roderer Champagne Selection Let the kids enjoy the weekend playroom while the adults enjoy family style appetizers, including Angus Beef tartar, sea urchin scrambled eggs, and egg white and black truffle omelet. Continue to enhance the afternoon with a selection of Louis Roderer champagnes free flow. RMB 468+15% service charge. (6841 2211 ext. 6727) Valley Wing 1/F, Shangri-La Hotel, 29 Zizhuyuan Lu, Haidian District 海淀区紫竹院路29号北 京香格里拉饭店新阁一层

11.30AM-3PM Grand CRU Brunch Luxuriate in extravagant brunch favorites including

caviar, corn fed foie gras, winter black truffle, 12 selected cheeses and 12 kinds of imported wines and wagyu beef. CRU Steakhouse. 2/F, JW Marriott Hotel, China Central Place, 83 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District. (5908 8530) 朝

RMB 158 per person; Dinner RMB 188 per person (subject to 15% surcharge. Children of 12 years and below pay half the price. Renaissance Café. Renaissance Beijing Hotel, 36 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. (6468 9999 ext.3121) 朝阳区朝阳


区霄云路36号 北京国航万丽酒店

Healthy Bubbalicious The usual fun of the buffet brunch, with interactive games and nutritional information to help you give your health a kick. RMB 498+15% (includes free-flow champagne). Seasonal Tastes. 2/F, Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8880) 朝阳区东 三环北路7号金茂北京威斯汀大饭店2层

Spring Fizztastic Sunday Brunch Enjoy the FIZZtastic Sunday Brunch at Vasco’s complemented with free-flowing premium champagne and music. Vasco's. 5/F, Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Dongjie, Dongcheng District. (5812 8888) 东城区王府井东街 8号希尔顿北京王府井酒店5层

Renaissance Egyptian Buffet A tenday Egyptian culture and food festival kicks off in the Grand Ballroom at the Renaissance Beijing Chaoyang Hotel with a huge array of authentic Egyptian treats, Sufi dance performances and an exhibition of traditional Egyptian garments, handicrafts and drawings. Lunch

1-5PM Beijing Guardians American Football Practices The Beijing Guardians American Football Club is holding practices every Sunday from 1pm-5pm at the newly established American Football Center in Tongzhou about 20 minutes drive from the CBD. Everyone is welcome to join in and experience this sport and each practice includes basic beginner training and more advanced drills so no matter what level you are at, you will be able to participate. At the China American Football Center in Tongzhou.

6PM-2AM Winding Dragon, Walking Man Exhibition of Painted Photography by Daniel Finn & Hank Klein. Part of all proceeds will help build a traditional Jingpo bamboo house as a project center for Prop Roots! (8402 1126) Beiluo Cafe and Bar, 70 Beiluogu Xiang, Dongcheng District 东城区北锣 鼓巷甲70号北锣咖啡

6-10PM Summer Pleasure Garden BBQ Are you staying in town this summer? You can still manage to escape the city chaos by visiting Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing on the weekends for its traditional garden BBQ starting May till September. Come and enjoy an extensive buffet highlighting BBQ with meat, seafood and other healthy options along with an array of salads, cold dishes and desserts, plus a two-hour flow of soft drinks to go with the meal. (5922 3152). RMB 160 per person. Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing, 6A Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号北京皇家大饭店


Summer Pleasure Garden BBQ Stay in town this summer? You can still manage to escape from city chaos by visiting Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing on the weekends for its traditional garden BBQ starting May till September. Come and enjoy an extensive buffet highlighting BBQ with meat, seafood and other healthy options along with an array of salads, cold dishes and desserts, plus a two-hour flow of soft drinks to go with the meal. (5922 3152). RMB 160 per person. Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing, 6A Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号北京皇家大饭店

Barolo Family Sunday Chef Gianluca and his offer a uniquely Italian experience every Sunday with exquisite antipasto, a wide selection of handcrafted pasta with paring sauce, traditional risotto, authentic dessert and unlimited fine Italian wines will be on display for your own choice. A la carte menu is also available. RMB 388 per person (plus 15% surcharge). Barolo. Ritz-Carlton Beijing, China Central Place, 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (5908 8151) 北京丽嘉 酒店,朝阳区华贸中心建国路甲83号






10AM-9PM New Flamenco Course Casa Flamenco will start new flamenco dance and guitar courses for the complete beginner students. flamencobeijing@ (8532 1915, 139 1091 4251) Qijiayuan Diplomatic Compound, 3 Jianguomenwai Jianhualu, 朝阳区建国 门外建华路3号齐家园外交公寓

SALT Spring Evenings Enjoy Paulo's twists on SALT favourites. Check out the new seasonal wine and drinks list to complement your dining. Reservations encouraged. Two courses RMB 198, three courses RMB 228. SALT, 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (opposite the Japanese School, west of Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang District (6437 8457) 盐,朝 阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边)

10am-11pm Aromasoul Therapy The Spa at Hilton Beijing Wangfujing offers a unique body ritual for an intimate connection with the aromasoul massage, which reflects ancient traditions of Oriental, Mediterranean, Indian and Arabian cultures. This ritual massage releases stress and tension while bestowing a complete state of harmony. RMB 980. Hilton Hotel Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Dongjie, Dongcheng District (5812 8888) 东城区

Aromasoul Therapy The Spa at Hilton Beijing Wangfujing offers a unique body ritual for an intimate connection with the aromasoul massage, which reflects ancient traditions of Oriental, Mediterranean, Indian and Arabian cultures. This ritual massage releases stress and tension while bestowing a complete state of harmony. RMB 980.Hilton Hotel Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Dongjie, Dongcheng District (5812 8888) 东城区王府井希尔顿酒店王府井东街8号




High Tea @ROOM Enjoy six kinds of Chinese tea and nine varieties of tea cakes for your afternoon relaxation. A pot of tea and two tea cakes is RMB 68. ROOMbeijing. Rm 301-302, 3/F, Park Life, Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (8517 2033) 朝阳区建国门外大街2号银泰中心 301-302室

Harvard Krokodilos at Dulwich College Beijing Harvard University’s oldest a cappella singing group will arrive to Beijing to perform at Dulwich College Each year, the Krokodiloes continue to travel around the world on an eleven-week, six-continent tour. To date they have recorded 31 albums. Please contact Xu Guoqing at Dulwich College Beijing, 89 Capital Airport Road, Legend Garden, Shunyi District 北京德

7-8PM Absinthe Green Hour Come to meet the Green Fairy and taste authentic Boheme flavor. They have made bigger their Absinthe collection. Now more than 20 excellent new kinds of Absinthe are served in a European traditional way. (136 9142 5744) Modernista, 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区 鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号




7.30-11PM Beijing Writers Group Meet fellow scribes and trade tips on improving your writing. Just show up or contact Jonathan 186 1139 6194 or e-mail Bridget at The Bookworm. Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu,

Chaoyang District (6586 9507) 朝阳区工 体北路4号院

TIMES VARY Spring Essentials Start with a 90 minutes refreshing fruity full body polish, coupled with a deep tissue massage or begin with a 90-minute traditional coupled with a foot massage. Runs until May 31, 2012. RMB 780 plus surcharge (original price is RMB 1260 plus surcharge). Hilton Beijing Wangfujing. 6/F, Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing East Street, Dongcheng District (5812 8888 ext 8560) 东城区王 府井东大街8号北京王府井希尔顿6层

Temptation Mondays Get over the Monday blues with 30% off any bottle of wine. Mosto (5208 6030). Mosto. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (5208 6030) 朝阳区三里屯路81 号那里花园3层




11am-10.30pm Rice dumpling gift box at Sheraton Dongcheng Sheraton Dongcheng’s Yue Chinese restaurant is presenting two rice dumpling gift boxes. Six Pieces RMB 168, Eight Pieces RMB 208, Rice dumpling with abalone is available at RMB 108 per piece. Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng Hotel, 36 North Third Ring Road East, Dongcheng District. (5798 8888) 东城区北三环东路 36号北京金隅喜来登酒店

6-11PM Casino Nights at Modernista Every Tuesday they hold a night for those ready to play poker & mahjong. Advanced and Beginners are welcome. Try your luck and exchange your chips for drinks at closing, or any other day of the month. (136 9142 5744) modernistabj@, Modernista, 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

7-9PM Exploring Chinese Social Trends Explore the new trends in modern Chinese society and improve your

topic based conversational Chinese (in Chinese). June 5th: Internet-MicroBlog. Price: RMB 40. Registration is necessary, please contact their office on 8404 4166 or email workshop@ Culture Yard, 10 Shique Hutong, Dongcheng District (8404 4166, 东城区石雀胡同10号

7-9.50pm Musical Man Of La Mancha: A Broadway Fable Man Of La Mancha, a timeless tale of hope, love and dreams, is told through the person of one of the world’s greatest writers, Don Miguel De Cervantes. In jail, awaiting death under the savage sentence of the Spanish Inquisition, Cervantes and his trusty servant, Sancho, must first face a trail for their lives by their fellow prisoners. Convincing his bloodthirsty inmates that he can tell them a story that will change their lives for the better, Cervantes cleverly draws them into his comedic literary masterpiece, Don Quixote. Joseph Graves, an internationally regarded director and actor, was chosen to lead the Chinese premiere. Casting native Chinese actors performing in English, Joseph Graves will steer this production from its initial English language engagement, to a Chinese language run of La Mancha, a few months hence, using the same cast. Call 18810381206 for tickets. Trojan House Theater, 22 International Art Street, Pingod, 32 Baiziwan Lu,

Chaoyang District, Chaoyang District (5711 0860/2128) 木马剧场,朝阳区百 子湾路32号22院街艺术区

7-10.30PM Rotisserie All You Can Eat As well as freshly home-brewed beers, Hopfenstube of Crown Plaza Beijing Chaoyang U-Town has prepared a Rotisserie All You Can Eat at RMB 138 per person. Spend your night with a lot of fun at Hopfenstube and enjoy their Whole BBQ Chicken, Mixed German Sausage Skewer, Greek Style Rotisserie Lamb Beef Churrasco and a lot more as much as you can. Crowne Plaza Hotel Chaoyang U-Town, 3 Sanfeng Beili, U-Town, Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (5909 6688, 400 886 2255) 北京朝阳悠唐皇冠假日酒店,朝 阳区三丰北里3号

7.30PM Green Drinks Join Beijing’s green community at their monthly meet-andgreet. Happy hour promotions apply. Free. 7.30pm. The Bookworm. Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District (6586 9507) 朝阳区工体北路4号院

9-11PM Temple of Laughter Comedy Night Six of Beijing's finest Comedians making you laugh at Temple Bar in Gulou for another night of Stand-Up Comedy brought to you by Comedy Club China. Hosted by Beijing funny-man, Toby Jarman. Free. Temple. B202, 206 Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District (131 6107 0713) 东城区鼓楼东大街206号B202

9-11.30PM Jazz Jam Session So you think you can play jazz? Come to Jianghu Bar for the Jam Session! Every Tuesday, they have different musicians coming for Jam, and no only Jazz, but also Blues, Fushion, Avant-Gard, Progressive, Experimental, etc. Just grab your musical instrument and come prove it. This jam session welcomes all musicians. Free to attend. (186 1008 7613) site., JincanZh@ Jianghu Bar, 7 Dongmianhua Hutong, Jiaodaokou Nandajie, Dongcheng District 东城区交道口南大 街东棉花胡同7号江湖酒吧

Jazz Jam Session So you think you can play jazz? Come to Jianghu Bar for the Jam Session!Every Tuesday, Here they have different musicians coming for Jam, and no only Jazz, but also Blues, Fushion, Avant-Gard, Progressive, Experimental, etc. Just grab your musical instrument and come prove it. This jam session welcomes all the musicians. Free to attend. (186 1008 7613), Jianghu Bar, 7 Dongmianhua Hutong, Jiaodaokou Nandajie, Dongcheng District 东城区交道口南大街东棉花胡同7号江湖酒吧

9.30PM-MIDNIGHT Bolero Music Cuban love songs performed live. Buy-one-get-one-free mojitos all night long. Modernista. 44 Baochao Hutong, Dongcheng District (136 9142 5744, modernistabj@yahoo. com) 东城区宝钞胡同44号





Wednesday 5-9PM

AustCham Beijing Annual General Meeting 2012 AustCham Beijing cordially invites its members to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Member Appreciation Dinner. All Foundation, Corporate, Corporate Nominee and Individual members whose membership fees are paid up-to-date may attend the AGM free of charge. Voting members are FREE. Guests of voting members may attend at a cost TBC. RSVP is essential. (6595 9252) Please RSVP to: with “2012 AGM RSVP” in the subject line.

6-9PM Q Bar Springing into Summer Special Summer is on the way, and Q Bar's outdoor terrace is officially open for the season. Paired with the spectacular views are spectacular deals on our ever-expanding line of quality cocktails. Q Bar has long been known for our summery spirits, from refreshing Q Bar Mintinis to Lychee Ginger Caipirinhas and seductive Passion Fruit Mojitos. (6595 9239) Top floor of Eastern Inn Hotel, 6 Baijiazhuang Lu (the south end of Sanlitun Nanlu), Chaoyang District 朝阳区百家庄6号( 朝阳门医院北门东100米)三里屯南路逸 羽连锁酒店顶楼

6PM-MIDNIGHT Ladies’ Night at Ciro’s Two-for-one cocktails and Gypsy Kings covers from The Ismat Band. Free. (band starts 9.30pm). Ciro's Pomodoro, 81 Sanlitun Beilu, Chaoyang District (5208 6008) 波 莫多洛, 朝阳区三里屯北路81号

7.30PM-9.30PM Balboa Style Swing Classes Come to learn to swing with the best Swing Dance Teachers, Josh Dominick and Leru. RMB50/60 per class., 44 Baochao Hutong, Dongcheng District (13691425744) 东 城区宝钞胡同44号

8-10PM Open Mic Night Musicians, singers, poets, rappers and ventriloquists all welcome. No need for advanced registration, but you will need some discernible talent. Bring your own instruments. Free. 12SQM. Corner of



AustCham Beijing Annual General Meeting 2012 AustCham Beijing cordially invites its members to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Member Appreciation Dinner. All Foundation, Corporate, Corporate Nominee and Individual members whose membership fees are paid up-to-date may attend the AGM free of charge. Voting members are FREE. Guests of voting members may attend at a cost TBC. RSVP is essential. (6595 9252) Please RSVP to: with “2012 AGM RSVP” in the subject line. Nanluogu Xiang and Fuxiang Hutong, Dongcheng District (6402 1554) 东城 区南锣鼓巷福祥1号

8PM-MIDNIGHT Wine Fever Buy a bottle and get free-flow tapas. RMB 200. 8-10pm. Enoterra, D405, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (5208 6076) 朝阳 区三里屯路81号那里花园D405室

8.30-10PM Pudao Wines Master Class: Bordeaux and Burgundy Learn about wines, then drink them. Reservations essential: email RMB 500 (non-members), free (members). 8.30pm. Pudao Wines. Unit F1-01, Tower AB, The Office Park, 10 Jintong Xilu, Chaoyang District (8590 3020) 朝阳区金 桐西路10号远洋光华国际AB座F1-01

9PM-MIDNIGHT Divas’ Wednesday Buy-one-get-onefree on bottles of Moët & Chandon and champagne cocktails. Free. 9pmmidnight. Xiu, 6/F, Park Life (entrance across from the Park Hyatt hotel lobby), Yintai Center, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (8567 1108)

秀,朝阳区建国门外大街2号柏悦酒店6 层银泰中心悦生活6层

TIMES VARY “Tomahawk” at Grange Grill A new signature dish-Tomahawk will bring guests renewing experience of tasting steak, which will be a great choice for a delight group dining. The beef “Tomahawk” is a rib fillet with a long rib bone left attached. Resembling an Indian tomahawk this specification can be packed off grain fed young beef 70 days. (59228880) The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8888) 朝阳区 东三环北路7号金茂北京威斯汀大饭店

Aria Bar Classic and Modern Cocktail Come to Aria Bar for an exciting and unique opportunity to journey through a selection of classic and modern cocktails such as Perfect Manhattan, Mojito, Asian Mary and Bajito. For reservation, please call 6505 2266 extension 36. Aria, 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街 1号中国大饭店二层阿丽雅




8.30-10AM Breakfast Seminar on VAT (Valued Added Tax) Pilot Program in Beijing Join AustCham Beijing and guest speakers Lachlan Wolfers, Tax Partner of KPMG China, and Martyn Huckerby, Partner of King & Wood Mallesons for a seminar on the Valued Added Tax (VAT) pilot program in Beijing. (6595 9252) RSVP is mandatory for this seminar. This event will be co-hosted with the Swiss Chamber and German Chamber of Commerce. Please email Candice Lever at

10AM-7PM Exhibition, Capturing ARCO: 25 years of photography in Spain The exhibition portrays some of the best

photographic productions complied over the 30 years of existence of ARCO Madrid, Spain’s most important contemporary Art Fair and amongst the top European Artistic events. Free to attend. (5879 9666) Instituto Cervantes, 1A Gongti Nanlu, Chaoyang District 朝 阳区工体南路甲1号北京塞万提斯学院

Art (Zone A), Caochangdi Village (take the Airport Service road one exit past Wuhuan Lu, take the first right and turn north on the road opposite the Chang Jian Driving School), Chaoyang District (6432 0169/0091) 朝阳区草场地村319-1 艺术东区A区内 (机场辅路由南往北五环 外第一个路口路东, 长建驾校对面路口)



Life Most Intense---Ma Ke’s Solo Exhibition Curated by well-known UK curator Karen Smith, Platform China is delighted to present the solo exhibition of Ma Ke. “Life Most Intense” is Ma Ke’s first major solo exhibition and for anyone who owns a particular appreciation of painting, the exhibition will have been well worth the wait. His paintings explore the ugly, occasionally distasteful, side of reality and human nature, in a way that is compelling. The paintings are visualisations of the feelings when experiencing ‘life most intensely, before routine, time and distance dull the shock and veil the memory.’ Platform China, 19-1 East End

Paulaner "Biergarten" is open It’s summer time again and Paulaner Bräuhaus opens the BBQ season in Biergarten! Come enjoy their gourmet delights and the Bavarian grills and wake your health up with our Chef Ranninger’s healthy and hearty German salads in this summer. Kempinski Hotel, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6465 3388) 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

6.30-9.30PM Hilton Wine Club Every Thursday sommelier Julia Zhu hosts wine tastings where guests can enjoy five different wines from a variety of regions. RMB 150 per person, RMB 88 per person for in-house guests. The Hilton Beijing. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5865 5000) 朝 阳区东三环北路东方路1号

7-9PM Beijing Aardvarks Rugby Training The Beijing Aardvarks Rugby Club welcomes you to join their weekly Rugby Training sesions near CBD on Thursdays at 7.20pm (please call for specific location) as they gear up for the 2012 Beijing Cup and the 2012 Shanghai 7's tournament, accompanied with team tours to Xiamen, Chengdu and more. Contact Stu (134 3670 1915,, Italian Products Tasting Night This might be one of the most impressive tastings you can find in Beijing. BCG is bringing Salami, Parmigiano, Gorgonzola, Italian wines and much more for a superb dinner. RMB 180 for a big, big plate. (136 9142 5744) 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街 宝钞胡同44号

9PM-2AM Italian Products Tasting Night This is one of the most impressive tastings you can find in Beijing. BCG is bringing Salami, Parmigiano, Gorgonzola, Italian wines and much more for a superb dinner. RMB 180 for a big, big plate. (136 9142 5744) 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区 鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

Ladies Night at Zeta Bar Great music, free MULATA Rum cocktails and a “girl-zone” exclusive for ladies. Zeta Bar, 2/F, Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5865 5050) 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1 号希尔顿饭店2层颐达吧






10AM-5PM Red Road - Chen Ke first Solo Exhibition Red Gate Gallery is pleased to present its first solo show of Chen Ke’s oil paintings. Chen was nominated by Wang Yuping as part of the Two Generations exhibition celebrating Red Gate’s 20th Anniversary in 2011, which is now touring Australia. Chen’s rich red paintings describe the utopia of the late 50’s and early 60s when the republic was emerging from the revolution and building a New China. Red Gate Gallery, 1/F and 4/F, Dongbianmen Watchtower, Chongwenmen Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区崇文门东 大街东便门角楼楼上红门画廊

5PM Pink Fridays LGBT-friendly evening showcasing pink Piscos, Cosmos and daiquiris. Free. Terra, 1 Sanlitun Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6591 9148) 朝阳区 三里屯南路1号

5-11PM 'The Invisible City': A Photography Collection by Craig Kirk 'The Invisible City', a collection of photographic works taken by Craig Kirk around Beijing will be shown at both Hot Cat Club and Yes Bar on Fangjia Hutong. Craig has collected a vast array of cheap, second hand and toy cameras that he uses on an almost daily basis. His photos are simple and colourful, a result of using cross processed slide film on sunny days, and aim to portray the world in a way that is normally unseen; to create a real life cartoon of the cities we live in. Craig draws inspiration from signs, blue skies and regular trips to less developed provinces in China where often unique opportunities for photography can develop. He often double exposes film to create two unpredictable, overlapping images, a technique that works with both 120 and 35mm film and can yield startling results. Craig currently lives and works in Beijing. Hot Cat Club, 46 Fangjia Hutong (just south of Guozijian Jie), Dongcheng District (6400 7868) 东城区 方家胡同46号艺术园区(国子监南临)

6-11PM MEAT Me! Australian tenderloin features in this meat-heavy buffet.



2012 China International Luxury Exhibition Hosted by China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), supported by China-Britain Business Council, the 2012 China International Luxury Exhibition, which will be held at China World Trade Center from 8 to 10 June, 2012, will serve as an ideal occasion for international and domestic luxury brands to meet the right consumers. Please contact Ms.Renfei at 8221 7805 or China World Trade Center, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号 RMB 328+15%, RMB 108 extra for free-flow house wine and Stella Artois. Elements, Hilton Beijing 2/F, Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Chaoyang District (5865 5020) 朝阳区东方路1号希尔顿酒 店2层元素阁

9PM-Midnight Milonga Emoción Meet and mingle with fellow Tango lovers. RMB 50 (includes one drink) John Hawkins. B1/F, Workers' Gymnasium, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District (139 1120 1872, 6551 2971, 6552 5905, 创意之窗, 朝阳区工人 体育馆工体北路

9PM-2AM Milango at Vida Mia Tango Club Meet local tango lovers and share a drink with the owner and make new friends. RMB 30 includes one drink. Vida Mia Tango Club. 58 Dongzhongjie, Meihui Dasha, Unit 1, 203, Dongcheng District (186 0114 3498, 东城 区东中街58号美惠大厦 一单元 203室, 东四十条桥附近

9.30PM-12.30AM Anna Stamburg Band Blues, jazz and soul. Free. Ciro’s Pomodoro. 81 Nali Patio, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District (5208 6008) 朝阳区那里花园三里屯路81号

TIMES VARY Slow Boat Beers dock at Terra Enjoy a selection of Slow Boat craft brews at Terra for RMB 45 a pint. Terra. 1 Sanlitun Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6591 9148) 朝阳区三里屯南路1号 2012 China International Luxury Exhibition Hosted by China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), supported by China-Britain Business Council, the 2012 China International Luxury Exhibition, which will be held at China World Trade Center from 8 to 10 June, 2012, will serve as an ideal occasion for international and domestic luxury brands to meet the right consumers. Please contact Ms.Renfei at 8221 7805 or China World Trade Center, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门 外大街1号



saturday 9AM-3PM

French Brunch at Le Petit Gourmand Start off your Saturdays and your Sundays with a generous French brunch of eggs, bacon, potatoes and sausages, fresh fruit salad and French pastries. RMB 98. (6417 6095) Le Petit Gourmand, 3/F, Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang District. 朝阳区三里屯后街同里3层小美食家

10-11.30AM Beanstalk-Home League Spring 2012 Sports Beijing and Basketball World are co-organizing the Spring 2012 basketball program at Beanstalk International Bilingual School. This is a community program that follows the curriculum and structure of the already successful Home League program at Shunyi. All the programs are organized by Coach David Gros with support from a team of qualified and enthusiastic coaches. RMB 1,500. (6430 1370 / 1176) Beanstalk International Bilingual School, 10 Anhua Jie, Shunyi District 顺义区安华街10号顺义国际学校

4PM-MIDNIGHT Summer Party in Beijing Danish

Chamber of Commerce in China is hosting a summer party in Den Danske Ambassade. RSVP before Jun 07. Den Danske Ambassade, 1 Sanlitun Dongwujie 朝阳区三里屯东五街1号

5.15pm-6.30pm Acrobatics World Features a wealth of dazzling performances, combining dance, sound and light, stage art and literature and advanced technology in a peaceful, artistic, and ornamental way. Tickets: 880/680/480/380/280/180. Email:, phone: 132 6123 0912. Chaoyang Theater, 36 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳剧场, 朝阳区东三环北路36号

5.30PM-10PM Mexican Saturdays at Kranzler’s Kranzler’s is delighted to welcome a Mexico-inspired addition to its Saturday buffet. Eat your fill from freshly-rolled chicken, beef and fish tortilla wraps, cured salmon quesadillas, rustic guacamole and chicken & corn soup, washed down with zingy lime margaritas. RMB 98 in addition to regular buffet charge of RMB 268. All prices are subject to 15% surcharge. (6465 3388 ext.4222) Kempinski Hotel, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6465 3388) 朝阳区 凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

7-9pm Ladies Night Unwind in the evening with a Renaissance signature cocktail, or choose from our selection of fine wines from all over the world. For information, please call at 646899993129. Renaissance Hotel, 36 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区霄运路36号

8.30-11.30pm Latin and Ballroom Dancing Party Sino-Chu wine bar holds Latin and Ballroom dancing parties every Saturday night. Minimum RMB 30 purchase from the wine bar is required to attend. Sino-Chu Wine Bar. 18 Liangmahe Nanlu (behind the Australian embassy), Chaoyang District (8532 2418) 朝阳区东 直门外大街亮马河南路18号

TIMES VARY Indulge in German White Asparagus The renowned French Restaurant, Jaan, at Raffles Beijing Hotel invites you to discover a gastronomic joyride of finest German “White Asparagus”, which is also referred to as “White Gold”. Enjoy Chef Laia’s special a la carte and set dinner menu featuring Crab and Asparagus Tartar; Asparagus Soup with Scallop; Steamed Cod Fish Wrapped in Spinach with Buttered Asparagus, Riesling Emulsion; Cooked Ham with buttered Asparagus and Baby Potatoes. (6526 3388 ext 4186) Raffles Beijing Hotel, 33 Dong Chang'an Dajie, Dongcheng District 东 城区东长安大街33号

Summer Party in Beijing Danish Chamber of Commerce in China is hosting a summer party in Den Danske Ambassade. RSVP before Jun 07. Den Danske Ambassade, 1 Sanlitun Dongwujie 朝阳区三里屯东五街1号






Hiking Through Hills and Water in Shuiquan Canyon Shuiquan Canyon is a rare place here where one finds water coursing in harmony with the surrounding hills and valleys. Along the road, visitors will see broken sections of the Great Wall stretching from steep ridges. You’ll arrive at Xiangtun Village, a small mountain village first built in 1623 during the Ming Dynasty.,

10AM-12PM Survival Chinese Come to one or more of these workshops to learn the essential vocabulary for surviving in China! 200 RMB (600 RMB advanced payment for all 4). (8404 4166). 10 Shique Hutong, Dongcheng District (Beixinqiao, exit C, turn left, walk 400m). 东城 区石雀胡同10号

10.30AM-6PM Du Jian: Solo Exhibition of Jiang Chao This is the first solo exhibition of Jiang Chao, a collaboration between onemoon and Yun galleries, and it includes major work since his graduation from Central Academy of Fine Arts, Printmaking Department. Du Jian is remarkable because the profundity of Jiang Chao’s idea and his corroborating skill. Each element of his creation is thoroughly conceived and integrated. Free to attend. Yun Gallery, 3818 Warehouse 798, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District

11.30AM-3PM Healthy Bubbalicious The usual fun of the buffet brunch, with interactive games and nutritional information to help you give your health a kick. RMB 498+15% (includes free-flow champagne). Seasonal Tastes. 2/F, Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8880) 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北京威斯汀 大饭店2层

Spring Fizztastic Sunday Brunch Enjoy the FIZZtastic Sunday Brunch at Vasco’s complemented with free-flowing premium champagne and music. Vasco’s. 5/F, Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Dongjie, Dongcheng



Healthy Bubbalicious The usual fun of the buffet brunch, with interactive games and nutritional information to help you give your health a kick. RMB 498+15% (includes free-flow champagne). Seasonal Tastes. 2/F, Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8880) 朝阳区东三环 北路7号金茂北京威斯汀大饭店2层

District. (5812 8888) 东城区王府井东街8 号希尔顿北京王府井酒店5层

11.30am-10.30pm Portugal and the Communities New Set Menu @ Camões Portuguese Restaurant Chef Paulo introduces you the new Portugal and the Communities Set Menu, highlighting Duo Grill Bell Pepper Mousse with Roasted Sardine; Green Vegetable Soup with Portuguese “Chouriço”; Mouth Watering Monkfish Rice with Prawns; Pan Fried Pork Tender with Razor Clams and Coriander Sauce; Duo of Portuguese tarts (Egg Tart, Cheese Tart) among many other delicacies. RMB 418+15% per person. Lunch 11:30 am–14:30 pm. Dinner 18:00 pm–22:30 pm. For reservations or inquiries, please call 8511 3388 ext. 8920. Camões , Legendale Hotel, 90-92 Jinbao Jie, Dongcheng District 东城区 金宝街90-92号励骏酒店

5-7PM Mashup Badminton Come play what the Chinese play – Badminton! Whether you’re a newbie with RMB 35 rackets (you get 2 rackets for that price) or with RMB 1,000 rackets, come on out. There are people at all skill levels. They do a rotational style, so you'll get to play with many different people.

6.30-8pm Chinese Through Songs Chinese is a language where there is always space for improvement. So why not continue your education in a new and exciting way and join the Chinese through Songs workshop? RMB 40. Register: or call 8404 4166. Culture Yard, 10 Shique Hutong, Dongcheng District (8404 4166, 东城区石雀胡同10号

TIMES VARY Sunday Brunch One of the best champagne brunches in town relies on quality rather than quantity. RMB 428+15% per person (includes freeflow champagne). VIC, 6/F, Sofitel Hotel, Tower C, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (8599 6666) 朝阳区建 国路93号万达广场C座6层VIC 国际美食

Flowing to Proportion - Exposition of Anibal Maillo “Flowing to proportion" combines powerful contrasts and hypnotizing curves, these pieces vary according to mood and interpretation while keeping an organic, yet urban style. These painting were done by talented Spanish artist Anibal Maillo. Free to attend. (136 9142 5744) Modernista, 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号



Donglu, Dongcheng District. (5798 8888) 东城区北三环东路36号北京金隅 喜来登酒店


monday 10AM-11PM

Opening Special Winejoy Wine Bar and Cellar specializes in providing quality imported Australian and New Zealand wine – hard to find products in Beijing. They are now offering a special opening promotion. Shop wide 20%, daily house wine buy one glass get 2nd glass free. (6416 0523) Vinejoy Wine Bar and Cellar, Unit 108-109, World Residence No.8 Shizipo Street, Dongcheng District 东城区十字坡街8 号铂晶豪庭108-109室

11.30AM-2.30PM Feast buffet A vibrant buffet and a la carte offerings featuring a combination of Western and Asian culinary delights. The live cooking stations allow guests to experience the action and savor the aroma. Business lunch at RMB 138 (net). Buffet dinner at RMB 288 (net). Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng Hotel, 36 Beisanhuan

Egyptian Buffet Craving An Egyptian guest chef prepares traditional Egyptian dishes, including lentil soup, stuffed pigeon, Egyptian shawarma chicken, rokak dough with ground beef, and many other fantastic dishes. RMB 158 per person for lunch and RMB 188 per person for dinner. Rate is subject to 15% surcharge. Renaissance Café, Renaissance Beijing Hotel, 36 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区 朝阳区霄云路36号 北京国航万丽酒店

2.30-6.30PM Chinese Training Coaching for Motivation Course Session 2 Unleashing the power and potential of people is critical for business success. Coaching is one of the most powerful methods that managers can use to empower and inspire their people to reach higher levels of performance and productivity. RSVP before Jun 10. Radisson BLU Hotel Beijing, 6A East Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲 6号北京皇家大饭店

3.30-7PM Unique Chinese/Western Sports Management Experience Former football world finalist and football coach Arie Haan and sports manager Ken Bai will give you their experience and views on how to deal with cross-culture management into business. RMB 398. Register at bj1421. com/seminar/introduction. Vantone Commercial Center, 27 Floor, Tower D, Vantone Center, Jia 6 Chaowai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区朝外大街甲6 号万通中心D座27层.

6-8PM MODO After-Work Happy Hour Hip up your week with an after-work wined-up. Get your hands on MODO's self service wine bar and taste eight different wine labels by the glass, half priced from Mondays to Thursdays. The eight wines are available in MODO's Enomatic wine dispenser machine, a card based piece of wine wonder. Promotion from Monday 19 March to Thursday 31 May 2012. (6415 7217) 3/F, Sanlitun Village South (close to Element Fresh), 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路19号 三里屯Village南区3楼(近新元素)

Kammerstammtisch Beijing The Kammerstammtisch is an informal meeting for exchanging news and information with other members of the German Chamber and the Board. The Kempinski Hotel is sponsoring one free beer or soft drink for each member. (6465 1188 ext 675) Paulaner Brauhaus, Beijing Lufthansa Center, 52 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝 阳区亮马桥路52号

8-10.30PM Tango Classes Mark and Annie teach the “dance of love.” Classes for both beginner and intermediate levels RMB 70 per person, RMB 60 per person if you sign up as a couple (includes a free soft drink). Hot Cat Club. 46 Fangjia Hutong (just south of Guozijian Jie), Dongcheng District (6400 7868) 东城 区方家胡同46号艺术园区(国子监南临)


Kammerstammtisch Beijing The Kammerstammtisch is an informal meeting for exchanging news and information with other members of the German Chamber and the Board. The Kempinski Hotel is sponsoring one free beer or soft drink for each member. (6465 1188 ext 675) Paulaner Brauhaus, Beijing Lufthansa Center, 52 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区亮马桥路52号

Jacques Cousteau's Birthday Bash Help celebrate this giant of the seas with a tribute party including nauticalthemed drinks. Show up in a red cap for a free shot. Hosted by your favorite Beijing ocean enthusiast- Steven Schwankert of SinoScuba. 12SQM, Corner of Nanluogu Xiang and Fuxiang Hutong, Dongcheng District (6402 1554) 东城区南锣鼓巷福祥1号






11.30AM-10PM Spice Up Your Life The Renaissance Café offers guests authentic Thai delicacies bursting with tropical flavors. Lunch Buffet at RMB 158 per person. Dinner Buffet at RMB 188 per person. (6468 9999 ext 3121) Rate is subject to 15% surcharge. Children of 12 years and below pay half price. 36 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. Renaissance Cafe, Renaissance Beijing Hotel, 36 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区 霄云路36号 北京国航万丽酒店

A Taste of Malaysia at Scene a Café Scene a Café Chef de Cuisine Kenneth Chee, a native Malaysian with more than 20 years of culinary experience, invites discerning food lovers to experience the flavors, aromas and colors of exotic Malaysian cuisine at Scene a Cafe's dinner buffet, which highlights some exquisitely crafted dishes. The dinner buffet is priced at RMB 298 plus 15% service charge per person. (6505 2266 ext 35) China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 2266 ext 33) 朝阳区建国 门外大街1号中国大饭店

6-10PM Traditional Beijing Extravaganza at Dynasty Plaza Enjoy Beijing-style dishes and time-honored local foods at Dynasty Plaza. RMB 268 net per person. (5816 8888 ext. 8298) Dynasty Plaza, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel, 50 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng District. 东城区 王府井大街50号北京天伦王朝酒店

Mashup Coed Dodgeball League Everyone signs up as an individual and gets “mashed” into different teams where you’ll meet plenty of new people and make new friends while you play 6-on-6 dodgeball. Maximum 12 players on a team. RMB 500 for the season. Dongsi Olympic Community Sports Culture Center (near Chaoyangmen Station on Line 2), 14 Chaoyangmen North Alley, Dongcheng District 东四奥林匹克社区体育文化中心, 朝阳门内北小街14号 Beijing Gaelic men and women's football club for training Tuesday 8pm in Lido at Si'de Park. Contact the club at for more information. RMB 40, free for first-timers. (6438 6093) Jiangtai Xilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路



Praktikantenstammtisch Beijing The "Praktikantenstammtisch“ is an informal meeting of the German Chamber of Commerce for interns, students, trainees and young professionals in Beijing. The purpose of this meeting is the mutual exchange of information among young and future business people. The next meeting will take place in a casual setting at Schindlers "Anlegestelle", inclusive 10% discount on food and beverages. (6463 1108) 10 Sanlitun Beixiaojie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯北小街10号

The Lounge Reward yourself a fabulous martini and cocktail night after a long working day. (5927 8888) 1/F, Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast, 26A Xiao Yun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区霄云路甲26

8-10PM Gaelic Football Training Join the




8.30-10.30PM Mashup Coed Dodgeball League Everyone signs up as an individual and gets “mashed” into different teams where you’ll meet plenty of new people and make new friends while you play 6-on-6 dodgeball. Maximum 12 players on a team. RMB 500 for the season. Dongsi Olympic Community Sports Culture Center (near Chaoyang-

men Station on Line 2), 14 Chaoyangmen North Alley, Dongcheng District 东四奥林匹克社区体育文化中心, 朝阳 门内北小街14号

9-11.30PM Free Jazz Jam at Jianghu Bring your instrument and come jam with musicians of a variety of styles – from blues, jazz, funk, fusion and more. Free. Jianghu Live Show Bar. 7 Dongmianhua Hutong, Jiaodaokou Nandajie, Dongcheng District (6401 5269) 东城 区交道口南大街东棉花胡同7号

TIMES VARY Slowboat Beers Dock at Terra Choose from American Pale Ale - a modern medium body American style pale ale or Slow Boat Red Ale - a complex malt character and nose, flavors of caramel and hints of chocolate grains evident in this medium bodied ale. Served by the pint for RMB 45. Terra. 1 Sanlitun Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6591 9148) 朝阳区三里屯南路1号



9.30pm). Ciro's Pomodoro, 81 Sanlitun Beilu, Chaoyang District (5208 6008) 波 莫多洛, 朝阳区三里屯北路81号


Wednesday 6-8PM

After-Work Happy Hour at MODO Get hands on with MODO's self service wine bar and taste eight different wine labels by the glass – half priced from Mondays to Thursdays, 6-8pm. MODO, 3/F, Sanlitun Village South, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (6415 7207) 朝阳 区三里屯路19号三里屯Village南区3楼

6-9PM The Hot Club at Modernista Following the tradition of Django Reinhardt’s Hot Club of France in the 1930’s this half Chinese, half French group performs Gypsy Jazz standards every Wednesday at Modernista. Modernista. 44 Baochao Hutong, Dongcheng District (136 9142 5744, modernistabj@ 东城区宝钞胡同44号

6PM-MIDNIGHT Ladies’ Night at Ciro’s Two-for-one cocktails and Gypsy Kings covers from The Ismat Band. Free. (band starts

Musical Man Of La Mancha: A Broadway Fable Man Of La Mancha, a timeless tale of hope, love and dreams, is told through the person of one of the world’s greatest writers, Don Miguel De Cervantes. In jail, awaiting death under the savage sentence of the Spanish Inquisition, Cervantes and his trusty servant, Sancho, must first face a trail for their lives by their fellow prisoners. Convincing his bloodthirsty inmates that he can tell them a story that will change their lives for the better, Cervantes cleverly draws them into his comedic literary masterpiece, Don Quixote. Joseph Graves, an internationally regarded director and actor, was chosen to lead the Chinese premiere. Casting native Chinese actors performing in English, Joseph Graves will steer this production from its initial English language engagement, to a Chinese language run of La Mancha, a few months hence, using the same cast. Call 18810381206 for tickets. Trojan House Theater, 22 International Art Street, Pingod, 32 Baiziwan Lu, Chaoyang District, Chaoyang District

(5711 0860/2128) 木马剧场,朝阳区百 子湾路32号22院街艺术区

7.30PM-9.30PM Balboa Style Swing Classes Come to learn to swing with the best Swing Dance Teachers, Josh Dominick and Leru. RMB50/60 per class., 44 Baochao Hutong, Dongcheng District (13691425744) 东 城区宝钞胡同44号

8-10PM Open Mic Night Musicians, singers, poets, rappers and ventriloquists all welcome. No need for advanced registration, but you will need some discernible talent. Bring your own instruments. Free. 12SQM. Corner of Nanluogu Xiang and Fuxiang Hutong, Dongcheng District (6402 1554) 东城 区南锣鼓巷福祥1号

8PM-MIDNIGHT Wine Fever Buy a bottle and get free-flow tapas. RMB 200. 8-10pm. Enoterra, D405, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (5208 6076) 朝阳 区三里屯路81号那里花园D405室

9PM-MIDNIGHT Divas’ Wednesday Buy-one-get-onefree on bottles of Moët & Chandon and champagne cocktails. Free. 9pmmidnight. Xiu, 6/F, Park Life (entrance across from the Park Hyatt hotel lobby), Yintai Center, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (8567 1108) 秀,朝阳区建国门外大街2号柏悦酒店6 层银泰中心悦生活6层

8.45PM-LATE Windy Barnes at MIX Indulge yourself with the smooth and luxurious vocals of jazz singer Windy Barnes. Call 5922 8880 or visit for more information. Free. Mix, Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8888)朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北 京威斯汀大饭店


Divas’ Wednesday Buy-one-get-one-free on bottles of Moët & Chandon and champagne cocktails. Free. 9pm-midnight. Xiu, 6/F, Park Life (entrance across from the Park Hyatt hotel lobby), Yintai Center, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (8567 1108) 秀,朝阳区建国门外大街2号柏悦酒店6层银泰中心悦生活6层

Bubbly Season at Rendez-Vous Order a bottle of award winning champagne Duval Leroy. With each bottle you order, we serve either a seafood degustation menu, including fresh imported oysters with shallot vinaigrette, smoked salmon parfait with crème fraiche, and sashimi on a shaved radish salad, or a bowl of fresh strawberries with double cream. Kempinski Hotel, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6465 3388) 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店 亮马桥路50号















Oasis Healthcare

Grace Beijing Hotel Harmonicare Beijing United Family

Radisson Blu Hotel

Beijing United Family 21st Century Healthcare International SOS

International Medical Center

Hong Kong International Medical Clinic

Hilton WangFuJing Peking Union Hospital

Vista Clinic Grand Millennium Beijing Bayley and Jackson Beijing United Family

Beijing Aier-Intech Eye Hospital

































































Line 9


Line 15

Changping Line Fangshan Line Yizhuang Line











Business Business Listings Chambers of Commerce

AHK (Delegations of German Industry & Commerce) AmCham-China (The American Chamber of Commerce) Austcham Beijing British Chamber of Commerce in China BENCHAM (Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China) Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (China-Italy Chamber of Commerce) CCIFC (French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China) DCCC (Danish chamber of commerce in China) European Chamber (European Union Chamber of Commerce in China) Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China (HKCCC) ICCCI (INDIA CHINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY) IsCham China (The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in China) Singcham (Singapore chamber of commerce and industry in China) Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China Swisscham (Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Beijing) Professional Networking

Beijing Entrepreneurs 2/F, Annex to Sunjoy Mansion No. 6 Ritan Road, Chaoyang District (6569 1321) 朝阳区北京市朝阳 区日坛路6号新族大厦2层

Viva Beijing Professional Women’s Network Meets last Wednesday of every month. Entrepreneur’s Organization Beijing Chapter Serviced offices

Vantone Commercial Center 万通商 务中心 1) 26-27/F, Tower D, Vantone Center, A6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie,



Chaoyang District (5905 5905) 朝阳区 朝阳门外大街甲6号万通中心D座26-27 层; 2) 8/F, Tower A, 2 Fuchengmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (8804 7288) 西 城区阜城门外大街2号A座8层 vantone-

The Executive Centre Level 15 Yintai Office Tower C, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6563 7888) 朝阳区 建国门外大街2号 银泰中心银泰 写字楼15层

Servcorp Rm 601, Bldg W2, Oriental Plaza, 1 Dongchang’an Jie, Dongcheng District (8520 0000) 东城

区东长安街1号东方广场W2办公楼601室 Servoffice International Centre 世 鳌商务中心 1) 5/F, CBD International Tower, 16 Yongan Dongli, Chaoyang District 朝阳区永安东里16号 CBD国际 大厦5层; 2) 4/F, Teda Times Center, 15 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳 区光华路15号泰达时代中心4层; 3) 12/F, Oversea Plaza, 8 Guanghua Dongli, Chaoyang District 朝阳区光华东里8 号中海广场南楼12层; 4) 10/F, SOHO Nexus Center, A19 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路甲 19号 SOHO嘉盛中心10层; 5) 9/F, Tower A West, Tianyin Mansion, A2 Fuxingmennan Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区 复兴门南大街2号 天银大厦A座西9层; 6) 1 Sanfeng Beili, Chaoyang District 朝阳 区三丰北里1号 SBC Business Serviced (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 11/F, Tower A, Gateway, 18 Xiaguangli Beilu, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District (59231166) 朝阳区 东三环霞光里北路18号佳程广场A座11层 APBC Offices 1) 16/F Gemdale Plaza Tower A, 91 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District (5920 8333) 朝阳区建国路91 号金地中心A座16层; 2) 10/F, World Financial Center, East Tower, 1 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环中路1号环球金融中心东 塔10层 (5920 8336); 3) 17/F Ping An

International Financial Plaza, Tower B, 1-3 Xin Yuan Nan Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区新源南路1-3号平安国际 金融中心B座17层 (5829 1888) Regus 12 locations available in Beijing: China World Tower 3, Zhongguancun Metropolis Tower, NCI Centre, China Life Tower, IFC, Parkview Green (Opening Soon), Financial Street Excel Centre, Prosper Center, Kerry Centre, Pacific Century Place, China Central Place, Lufthansa Center (400 120 1205) 国贸三期,中关村欧美汇大厦,北京新华 保险大厦中心,北京中国人寿大厦,财源 国际中心, 芳草地,雷格斯卓著中心,雷

格斯北京世纪财富中心,嘉里中心,盈科 中心,华贸中心,燕莎中心

InnoBiz 27/F Tower C, Office Park, 5 Jinghua Nanjie, Chaoyang District (8535 0888) 朝阳区景华南街5号远洋· 光华国际C座27层


Country Holidays Rm 2804, Bldg 11, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (+21 3222 0616, cn) 朝阳区东 三环中路39号建外Soho11号楼2804

Kingdom Travel Specializes in corporate and holiday travel planning and offers airline, hotel, car, and cruise reservation services. Staffed by professional travel consultants. Apt 718, Bldg 2, Guanghualu Soho, 22 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. (5870 3388, fit@ kingdomtravel. 中侨国旅, 朝阳区光华路22号光 华路SOHO 2号楼718室

Sunflower Travel Specializes in leisure and business travel, offering international and domestic trips, and customized trips to create a unique travel experience. 22D, Bldg B, Ginza Mall, 48 Dongzhimenwai Dajie (8447 6361), Dongcheng District. (8447 6361) 东城 区东直门外大街48号东方银座B座22D)

TUI China Travel Co. Ltd. Travel services from an international team. Offers city tours, tour packages with special interest groups and individual travel arrangements all over China, as well as to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other Asian countries. Unit 921-926, Bright China Chang An Bldg, Tower 2, 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng District. (8519 8800, 途易, 东城区建国门 内大街7号光华长安大厦2座921-926 Airlines

Air Canada Rm C201, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (400 811 2001) 加拿大航空, 朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎中心C201

Air France Rm 1609, 16/F, Bldg 1, Kuntai International Mansion, 12A Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (400 880 8808) 法国航空, 朝阳区朝阳门外大街甲12号昆泰国际大厦 1号楼1609室

Korean Air 901-3, Hyundai Motor Towers, 38 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. (8453 8137, 40065 88888) 朝阳区霄云路38号现 代汽车大厦901-3号

Phillipine Airlines Unit 1621, Tower 2, Bright China Chang An Building, No. 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng District (6510 2991) cn.airphillipineairlines. com 菲律宾航空,东城区建国门内大街7 号光华长安大厦2座1621室

Turkish Airlines W103, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 1867) 土耳其航 空, 亮马桥路50号燕莎中心W103

United Airlines C/D1, 15/F, Tower A, Gateway Plaza, 18 Xiaguangli, Dongsanhuan Lu, Chaoyang District. (8468 6666) 美国联合航空, 朝阳区东三 环路霞光里18号佳程广场A座15层C/D1 Hotels

Grace Beijing Unit 1, 706 Houjie, 798 Art District (enter from north gate), 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (64361818) 酒仙桥路2号院798艺术区 706后街1号

Westin Beijing Financial Street, 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District., Xicheng District (6606 8866) 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Shangri-La Hotel Beijing, 29 Zizhuyuan Lu, Haidian District (6841 2211) 海 淀区紫竹院路29号北京香格里拉饭店

Kempinski Hotel, Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6465 3388) 朝阳区亮马桥路50 号凯宾斯基饭店

Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel, 61 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (5863 8888) 朝阳区东三环中路 61号北京富力万丽酒店

Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing 6A Dongbeisanhuan Road, Chaoyang District. (5922 3388) 北京市朝阳区北三

Serviced apartments

Ascott 1) Ascott Beijing, 108B Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (6567 8100) 朝 阳区建国路108B; 2) Ascott Raffles City Beijing, 1-2 Dongzhimennan Dajie, Dongcheng District (8405 3888) 东城 区东直门南大街1-2 3) Somerset Grand Fortune Garden Beijing, 46 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (8451 8888) 朝阳区亮马桥路46号; 4) Somerset ZhongGuanCun Beijing, 15 Haidian Zhongjie, Haidian District (5873 0088) 海淀区海淀中街15号; 5) Luxury Serviced Residence Beijing, 17 Jianhua Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6566 2200) 朝阳区建华南路17号,, The Millennium Residences @ Beijng Fortune Plaza Bldg 6, Fortune Plaza, 7 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (8588 2888) 朝阳区 东三环中路七号院六号楼 Oakwood Residence Beijing No. 8 Dongzhimenwai Xiejie, Chaoyang District, Beijing (5995 2888)北京市朝阳 区东直门外斜街8号 oakwood-residence-beijing Fraser Residence CBD Block B, Ocean International Centre, 58 Dongsihuanzhonglu, Chaoyang District (5870 9188, 40088 16988, sales.frbeijing@ 朝阳区东四环中


The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8888) 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂 北京威斯汀大饭店

DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing, 168 Guang’anmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (6338 1999) 西城区广安门外大 街168号希尔顿逸林酒店

Marriott Beijing Northeast, 26A Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District (5927 8888) 朝阳区霄云路甲26号海航大厦万 豪酒店

Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5865 5000) 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1 号北京希尔顿酒店

中心, 朝阳区新源里16号琨莎中心1座 105室

Beijing Puhua International Clinic Mon-Sun 9am-6pm. 54 Wusheng Beilu, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District. (8773 5522, 8911 6665 (24hr hotline)) 北京普华门 诊, 朝阳区东三环武圣北路54号

Beijing United Family Shunyi Clinic Mon-Thu 9:30am-7:30pm, Fri-Sun 9.30am-4.30pm. Unit 818, Pinnacle Plaza, Tianzhu Real Estate Development Zone, Shunyi District. (8046 5432, fax 8046 4383) 北京和睦家医院诊所, 顺义区天竺开发 区荣祥广场818号

Beijing United Family Hospital Mon-Sat 8.30am-5.30pm. 24-hour emergency care. 2 Jiangtai Lu (in the Lido area), Chaoyang District. (5927 7000, 5927 7120 (ER ), fax 5927 7200) 北京和睦家 医院, 朝阳区将台路2号

Cosmetic Surgery Center 38 ShangdixinxiLu, Haidian District. (8289 0216) 北医三院上地门诊部医学美

路58号远洋国际中心B座北京辉盛庭国际 公寓

容中心, 海淀区上地信息路38号上地数 码大厦B座

Embassy House 18 Donzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District (8449 9000) 东城区东直门外小街18号万国公寓 embassyhouse.comHospitals

Hong Kong International Medical Clinic Daily 9am-9pm. 9/F, office tower of the Swissotel, 2 Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Dongcheng District. (6501 4260, 6553 2288 ext 2345/6/7) 北京港澳国际医务诊所,



Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Dongjie, Dongcheng District (5812 8888) 东城区王府井东街8号北京

Beijing International SOS Clinic Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 8am-6pm. Suite 105, Wing 1, Kunsha Building, 16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District. (Clinic: 6462 9112, 24hr hotline 6462 9100, 北京国际救援


21st Century Health Care - Beijing Glory Clinic Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat-Sun 9am - 6pm; 24 hour house call service. 40 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (84446168 (English/Chinese)8444 6160 (Japanese) 6468 6021(Korean)) 朝阳区亮马路40号 Bayley & Jackson Medical Center Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-5.30pm. 7 Ritan Donglu, Chaoyang District. (8562 9998, after-hours emergencies 8562 9990, bjhealthcare. com 庇利积臣医疗中心, 朝阳区日坛

东城区朝阳门北大街2号港澳中心瑞士酒 店办公楼9层

International Medical Center (IMC) Daily 24hrs. S106, S111 Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmahe Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 1561/2/3, 6465 1384/28, 北京国际 医疗中心,朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎中心 写字楼1层S106


OASIS Healthcare Beijing’s fullservice international luxury hospital. 9 Jiuxianqiao North Road Chaoyang District, Beijing,100015 China 北京市朝 阳区酒仙桥北路9号 +86 400 UR OASIS

Beijing Intech Eye Hospital Daily 8.30am-4.30pm. 1/F, 4-5/F, Panjiayuan Plaza, 12 Panjiayuan Nanli, Chaoyang District. (6771 5558, customerservice@ 英智眼

Vista Medical Center Daily 24hrs. Level 3 Kerry Center Shopping Mall , No.1 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District (8529 6618, fax 8529 6615, vista@ 维世达

科医院, 朝阳区潘家园南里12号潘家园 大厦1层,4-5层

诊所, 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心B29



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Beijing Service Apartment for Rent Daily/Monthly/Yearly @ Sublet.CN FULL SERVICE: 24H Hotline: 008610-6493-8285, 6491-2993 Email: Website: Dongzhimen/Sanlitun Area: Harbor City, Studio, 40m², ¥300/night or ¥3,900/month; Seasons Park - 海晟名苑: Studio, 47m² with open kitchen, ¥399/ night or ¥5,800/month; 1 Br, 75m², ¥580/night or ¥7,900/month; 2 Br, 100m², ¥10,000 2 Br, 128m², ¥13,000 2+1 Br, 140m², ¥14,000 3 Br, 160m², ¥15,000 4 Br, 250m², ¥25,000 East Avenue – 逸盛阁: 1 Br, 85m², ¥ 10,000 1 Br, 100m², ¥ 12,000 2 Br, 130m², ¥ 15,000 Shimao Gongsan Plaza – 世茂工三: Studio, 64 – 90 m², from ¥ 7,500 1 Br, 103 – 112 m², from ¥ 14,000 2 Br, 144 m², from ¥18,000 Tunsanli/Yongli International – 屯 三里/永利国际 Studio, 64 – 70 m², from ¥ 7,000 New MOMA - 万国城: Studio, 100m², ¥8,500 2 Br, 140m², ¥14,000 3 Br, 245m², ¥20,000 Sanlitun SOHO - 三里屯SOHO: 1 Br, 120m², ¥14,000 2 Br, 150m², ¥19,500 2 Br, 170m² ¥20,000 3+1 Br, 245m², ¥30,000 3+1 Br, 260m², ¥33,000 International Wonderland - 首开 幸福广场: 1 Br, 95-120m², ¥7,500 2 Br, 125 - 140m², ¥10,000 Regentland/Worker Stadium/DongsishItiao - 瑞士公寓: 1 Br, 80 - 95m², ¥9,500 2 Br, 125m², ¥14,000 3 Br, 140m², ¥17,000 Guangcai Int’l Apartment - 光彩 国际: 3 Br. 217m², ¥20,000 4 Br. 270m², ¥25,000



Lufthansa Area: Beijing SOHO Residences - SOHO北 京公馆: 1 Br. 80m², ¥13,000 3 Br. 245m², ¥ 25,000 Gemini Grove - 星源汇 1 Br. 80m², ¥11,000 1 Br. 90m², ¥12,000 CBD Area: Central Park - 新城国际: Studio, 75m², ¥9,000 1 Br. 90m², ¥12,000 2 Br. 125m², ¥16,000 2 Br. 130m² duplex, ¥16,000 3 Br. 190m², ¥20,000 3 Br. 220m², ¥ 23,000 4 Br. 265m², ¥33,000 Windsor Avenue - 温莎大道: 1 Br. 90m², ¥9,500 2 Br. 158m², ¥14,500 3 Br. 300m², ¥25,000 Fortune Plaza - 财富中心: 1 Br. 70m², ¥8,500 2 Br. 140m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 205m², ¥19,000 Global Trade Mansion - 世贸国际: Studio. 80m², ¥9,000 2 Br. 170m², ¥17,000 3 Br. 260m², ¥19,000 CBD Private Castle - 圣世一品: 2 Br. 115m², ¥10,000 2 Br. 148m², ¥12,000 3 Br. 170m², ¥15,000 Dawanglu Area: China Central Place - 华贸中心: 2 Br. 125m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 165m², ¥16,000 Gemdale Int’l Garden - 金地国际: 2 Br. 148m², ¥15,000 3 Br. 199m², ¥20,000 Chaoyang Park Area: Palm Spring - 棕榈泉: 2 Br. 138m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 192m², ¥20,000 3 Br. 218m², ¥24,000 Park Avenue - 公园大道: 2 Br. 174m², ¥16,000 3 Br. 180m², ¥18,000 3 Br. 193m², ¥26,000 Oceanwide Int’l Residential District - 泛海国际: 3 Br. 185m², ¥15,000 4 Br. 245m², ¥22,000 Greenlake Place - 观湖国际: 3 Br. 173m², ¥13,000 3 Br. 192m², ¥15,000 4 Br. 260m², ¥25,000 Beijing Golf Palace - 高尔夫公寓: 3 Br. 270m², ¥29,000 Star River - 星河湾: 3+1 Br. 260m², ¥26,000 Courtyard for Lease: Jiaodoukou 2+2 Br. 200m², ¥32,000 Lama Temple 2 Br New Renovate. 130m², ¥26,000

Forbidden City, 2 Br Modern Style, 131m², ¥26,000 Dongsi Courtyard Office, 350m², ¥55,000 Services - Car Rental & Driver

Beijing CYTS car rental service group Luxury car rental promotion Big car rental brand, unbeatable price   Brand new vehicle fleet, full insurance Professional, experienced staff, local trained English-speaking driver   Multi-language tour guide   Tailor-made solution   24*7 standing by Contact us for more discount information   T: 57458067, 13718943926 Beijing Executive Services Car service - Van and car rental with English speaking drivers; Fair price with long term contract and short term sightseeing. Buick Honda Audi etc. Many choices. Email: Cell: 138 0122 7668 Web: General

Lily’s Antiques Specializing in high-class antique furniture (mainly from northern China, in walnut and Elmwood) and cus­ tom-made furniture, for the local market. Also wholesale for antique and newly made furniture. Excellent service for international transportation of furniture. Furthermore a wide selection of acces­ sories is offered. 1) Daily 8.30am-6pm. Gaobeidian Showroom, 6 Gaobeidian Furniture Street, Chaoyang District. Con­tact Lily Quan (6572 9746, 138 0139 6309), (8579 2458, www.lilys-antiques. com); 2) Visit by Appointment, Factory and Ware­house Address, Baimiao industry area, Songzhuang town, Tongzhou District. Contact Lily Quan (6572 9746, 138 0139 6309) (138 0139 6309) 华伦古 典家具, 1) 朝阳区高碑店家俱一条 街69号; 2) 通州区工厂地址, 通州 区宋庄镇白庙村工业大院 The best Tattoo studio in China Creation Tattoo is the first professional body art studio in Beijing. We provide service below: Tattoo, Personal body art design, piercing, microdermal ,Tattoo removal. We  has created the perfect platform to satisfy the needs for body art with professional equipments and personnel. welcome to custom. Add: 4309, Bldg 4, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District Tel:010-58691886 Website:www. 地址:北京市朝阳 区建外SOHO东区4楼4309号

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