The Top & How To Stay There
Regardless of your role, your experience, where you work and your position we can help.
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
Effective training solutions Agent Dynamics provides valuable support to the One Agency Group and I am very comfortable endorsing their tailored programs.
They have a true understanding of our brand and business model and this is clearly demonstrated by the results reported by members in this brochure. I look forward to a continued
relationship with Agent Dynamics.
— Paul Davies
The One Agency Member rate provides us all with extremely cost effective training solutions specifically relevant to our businesses.
We come to you and work with YOU, one on one, to address the concerns and individual issues that you are experiencing at the coal face of your business!
“Agent Dynamics is now heading into our second year of providing specialist support for One Agency Clients across Australia.� With thanks, Julie Davis & Neil Williams - Agent Dynamics
One Agency & Agent Dynamics We have a clear understanding and practical solutions for those who have made the decision to take control of their destiny and who are now part of the One Agency Group. At Agent Dynamics we see our role as being available to assist business owners if they start to stall or are looking for some much needed need arm’s length advice. We know how to best address individual issues and can help find the right answer to the most asked question “where to from here?� Whether it be recruiting, skill enhancement or development of future strategies Agent Dynamics is here to help, guide and support. We offer a range of services all individually tailored to suit your specific requirements and an ever increasing number of One Agency business owners are now utilizing our servces. If you need to know more you only have to call or shoot us an email. We look forward to hearing from you. Julie Davis and Neil Williams
Online Tel: 0412 752 366 Julie 0417 249 688 Neil
Social Media:
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
Has the fog of uncertainty left you unsure of what to do next in your business? It is a common problem for Principals and Agents alike and you are definitely not alone. The symptoms of “stalling” can often be identified as: W H AT D O E S A S TA L L I N G B U S I N E S S L O O K L I K E ?
• Disunity and unrest within your team
• Difficulty recruiting the “right” people
• Lack of momentum and or growth.
• Experiencing varying degrees of feeling overwhelmed
• General apathy • Static or even falling revenues
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
It was like the fog of uncertainty just lifted Working with Julie and Neil has seen my business go from ground zero to now being an attraction agent for million dollar plus properties in my market place.
y $160k one month from the sale of four properties. Julie and Neil have taught me how to leverage my inherit skill set and harness the power of being in flow.
— Greg Vincent
Greg Vincent, One Agency The Hawkesbury has successfully positioned himself as expert in the $1million plus market place in his area.
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
Sometimes, despite your best efforts things just don’t go as expected or as you would like. With the right help, getting back on track can be easier than you might think.
Getting the most out of real estate? Sadly, an increasing number of Agencies and Agents aren’t realising their potential.
About You
• Sometimes, despite your best efforts things just don’t go as expected or as you would like. • Each day you face another unique set of challenges and without the right tools to handle each situation you can sometimes feel lost or overwhelmed and even end up in a worse position. • In this day and age, finding the right tools is the easy part - go to any conference or training session and you’re certain to get one or two. But how do you put them to use, consistently and properly, in your business?
Regardless of your role, your experience, where you work and or the uniqueness of your position - we can help.
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
Imagine how productive an Agent, Agency or a Team could be when the right people are doing the right jobs that they enjoy doing. That is what is called “in flow”.
Have you ever wondered why some sales people make it and others don’t? How many business owners have placed new staff on a three month trial only to have them exit as being “no good”?
Essential Tools Agent Dynamics Profiling is an essential tool for increasing performance, profitability and team culture in Real Estate Agencies and is very, very cost effective
A C C O U N TA B L E & A W A R E
Performance Profile — Agent Dynamics Performance Profile Report is specifically designed to be used by Real Estate professionals.
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
Agent Dynamics Performance Profile is specifically designed to be used by Real Estate business owners and managers to assist them in recruiting new team members and to increase the performance and harmony of the existing team.
Solutions for you
Manage your success, your business and or your team. Identify and recruit the right people for you.
It is not a “pass or fail” assessment but one used to identify the inherent capabilities and traits of individuals so as to better manage them in the Real Estate environment.
• Why do I do some real estate tasks really well and some not so well?
• Identify the best methods of generation to suit your intrinsic talents or the talents of your team
• What current methods of business generation are bringing me the best results and why is this so?
• Know how to best manage yourself or your team
• Each individual team member will have an understanding of their individual innate talent allowing them to be happier and more productive.
• What is the reason that some of my clients are disconnecting when I present to them? • Should I work in a smaller agency or a larger one? • Will I be a better agent after I complete a performance profile?
• Where are the gaps in the natural skill set that team members bring to the table? • How to communicate with the team in a far more effective way. • Have a strategy to re-connect with clients if things go wrong • How to identify the difference between Innate Talent versus Learned Skill
• Improved office culture as each team member has a better understanding and respect for their colleagues.. • Reduced turnover as members quickly adapt and enjoy working in their “zone”. • Re-allocate tasks to team members better suited to it. • Understand and communicate more effectively with the team.
Shifting focus and working on strengths
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
We come to you and work with YOU, one on one, to address the concerns and individual issues that you are experiencing at the coal face of your business!
Once you have a true appreciation for what working ‘in flow’ means you and your business can only go on to be better. From team dynamics, to being more productive your focus is the clearest it will ever be.
...The insight that their approach gives you on how you work best is second to none
— Sally Absalom
One of Illawarra’s best, Sally runs a highly successful - and the fastest growing - team around.
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
Dreams can come true
Working with Agent Dynamics has seen me create a working life better than I ever dreamed possible.
UP 33% ... I have just passed the 12 month
mark and even I am astounded with my results!! At a recent strategy session, it was realised I am up 33% on the goals we had set for my first year! I am ecstatic and very excited about the future!
— Shiree Kay
Going from a home based business to opening the doors on her high street office Shiree has captured plenty of attention in the Dandenong Ranges for all the right reasons.
Special thanks to some of the One Agency agents and offices that we have worked with recently. Sandy Morris - One Agency Sandy Morris
Understanding comes from communication and we know that the best way to communicate is face to face. That’s why we prefer to be in your environment, to get a feel for and to experience, your issues first hand...
Julie Davis & Neil Williams
Sally Absalom - One Agency Sally Absalom
Michael Potter - One Agency Michael Potter
Greg Vincent - One Agency The Hawkesbury
Brenden Blewitt - One Agency Blewitt Property
Want to learn more?
Click here and learn just how we can help you, your business, your team get the most out of real estate!
Kate Maday - One Agency Maday Property
Annette Pinkerton - One Agency Pinkerton Properties
Shiree Kay - One Agency Shiree Kay
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
A full day of really working on your business and establishing the best way forward will have a lasting impact on both your business and your thinking.
Imagine being able to attend a business strategy seminar where you were the only attendee allowed in the auditorium and the two presenters responded only to your questions and your challenges.
One of a kind Agent Dynamics’ Strategic Planning Day is a one of a kind offering that is as, unique and as individually focussed and crafted, as you are. For all Real Estate professionals.
Strategic Planning Day — It’s YOUR day and your day only. Our strategic planning day is on your terms, addressing your issues in a location of your choosing.
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
Agent Dynamics Strategic Planning Day is a full eight hour day or working on your business. Dissecting the past and planning for the future together we will establish the best way forward and identify who and what you need to make it all happen.
The best way forward for your business with a full day of strategy that ends with a proper plan of attack.
By taking a thorough look at your business, your team and your issues we will help you produce a purposeful plan of attack for the next 12 months, identify the best methods for increasing revenues, work on the most suitable way to generate more business for your and address any of the challenges you are experiencing.
Clarity • Identify what is holding you back and where those blockages to progress are ‘hiding’. • A look back at the the previous 12 months and what worked, what didn’t work and why. • In the past what have been the most wasteful tasks in time, effort and money? • Is the current team the right team to get the absolute best results? • A snapshot of where you sit in the current market and what the market thinks.
• What tasks can be delegated or passed off to free up more time.
• A clear plan to take your business forward.
• Where do you need (to) focus?
• Improved team morale, interaction, and productivity that comes with a clear agenda for success.
• Who do I need in my business to enable me to work more efficiently and help it grow? • The best methods of business generation to suit you and the team? • The most suitable team members, in the right roles and a plan for how to best grow your team? • Improve communication within the team with the right systems.
• Frameworks and systems that everyone understands and accepts clearing for progress - no more barriers and blockages. • Proactive marketing plan for the next 12 months. • Productive processes, purposeful projects and no more wasted investment.
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
Painting a clearer picture. During our strategy session Neil and Julie gave me key dialogue(and a shift in mindset) that has significantly increased the profit in my business.
...following the strategy day I had with Julie and Neil I was quickly able to implement changes that saw me increase my fee for service by $3,000 - $5,000.
— Sandy Morris
As an experienced agent Sandy was accustomed to helping her clients make great moves but was new to the role of Principal and managing her own real estate business. Now on a success path to a very profitable future of growth she can add ‘Successful Principal’ to her list of growing skills.
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
The best way to get back in control After hearing feedback from other members of One Agency who had already worked with Julie and Neil I found that investing in a strategy day with Agent Dynamics was a ‘no brainer’.
...By the end of the day we had clarity, direction and had progressed from feeling overwhelmed to having strategies in place and being back in control of our business. Solved, sorted, job done!
— Brenden Blewitt
One Agency Blewitt Property is breaking new ground and resetting the way Real Estate is conducted in the Jerrabomberra & Queanbeyan region. Unconstrained by corporate rules and regulations they are leveraging off the One Agency brand with fantastic results.
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
A 90 day Performance Management Program (PMP) perfectly tailored for Real Estate professionals who need to hit the re-set button and get quickly into flow.
Regardless of your location, your role and or your experience the 90 Day Performance Management Program is perfect for anyone serious about getting back into flow, serious about getting to the next level, serious about getting the most out of their real estate career.
On track & fast This program is all about getting you on track in the shortest possible time and with the maximum possible return to you.
90 Day PMP — 12 consecutive weeks of one on one coaching, mentoring and planning to get the best out of YOUR business. Agent Dynamics 90 Day Performance Management Program is all about “meeting expectations”… and we mean it. A program based on mutual respect, closely aligned goals and a very clear understanding of what your future looks like.
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
Over our time together we get to know how you think, work and play better than you do. We will
Set up your success with a structured and measurable program and plan that is puspose built for you.
understand how you “tick” and be able to maximize your work time and help you get the most from your “YOU” time. As the program is heavily weighted toward accountability we will make you accountable each and every week and our expectation is that you will start, complete and submit all the required tasks and research on or before the deadlines.
• Ask yourself why you feel like your business is slowing down and you’re losing your direction.
• Re-learning and refocussing on elements of your business that you may have neglected.
• Be accountable each week to refocus how to be successful again.
• It’s time to identify a new direction and hit the reset button.
• Re-connect with your client base and start re-nurturing long term business.
• A weekly, one hour call to establish progress and monitor your results, you will never be passed to a third party.
• Why is it that the things I used to do are no longer working? • What are my competitors doing that I am not? • Where do I need to refocus my attention to allow me to increase performance and grow my wealth?
• Tweak your Listing Presentation to improve your success rate. • Understanding how to totally control negotiations to get more sales together at higher prices. • How to produce advertising copy that targets the right market and gets buyers to take action.
• Full telephone and email support. • Access to learning resources to help you fine tune your skills • All sessions are delivered in a logical, simple and stress free environment via your own private recorded interactive webinar. The program is specifically tailored for you and for you alone.
A breath of fresh air!
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
We come to you and work with YOU, one on one, to address the concerns and individual issues that you are experiencing at the coal face of your business!
Julie and Neil are passionate, and caring individuals with a deep knowledge and experience in real estate. They are also excellent value for money and I have recouped the investment I made many times over from their help.
...having re-ignited my passion for the industry, my confidence and energy levels are at an all time high and my commissions have been CONSISTENTLY the best they have ever been.
— Michael Potter
A dynamic agent and principal, Michael is a fifteen year industry veteran who is setting the bar high in the ACT. A little hard on himself at times, it is rewarding to see Michael’s business not only back on track but breaking new ground. Exciting times ahead!
The value of clarity & a plan
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
We come to you and work with YOU, one on one, to address the concerns and individual issues that you are experiencing at the coal face of your business!
Working with Julie and Neil over the past twelve months has had a massive impact on our business. They have given us a true insight into ourselves and the value of working in flow.
...from the first session onwards Julie and Neil were able to help us find an extra $400,000 in business and we have a very solid plan to take our business to the next level.
— Kate Maday
Kate’s setting new heights and standards when it comes to customer service in the NSW Southern Highlands.
Why Agent Dynamics? We are the only consultancy in Australia that can offer you the Agent Dynamics Performance Profile. Irrespective of your geographic location we will come to you. We offer 100% fully tailored highly specialised business services that work. Because it’s about you & if we don’t meet your expectations, we will refund your payment.
So what do you need to do now? Simply click on the link below, or fill in your information/details below and we will come back to you within 16 hours to discuss your individual requirements. Click on the icon to the left or here, tell us more and we’ll reach out to you
Your Name: Your Best Email: Phone: Role: Tell us about your concerns:
We come to you and work with YOU, one on one, to address the concerns and individual issues that you are experiencing at the coal face of your business!
A G E N T D Y N A M I C S : P R O B L E M S W O R T H S O LV I N G
To get more information or to book in a time to talk please contact us in one of these ways: Online Tel: 0412 752 366 Julie 0417 249 688 Neil
Social Media: