Peter Stedman, Chiquita on reducing CO2 through fertilizer and energy:
“If we can crack those two, we are there” “Simply put, we are facing global climate changes that affect us all and we feel the need to join our voice with those calling for greater action.” This is how Sustainability Director Peter Stedman explains Chiquita’s focus on creating sustainable change. One of the ways this takes shape is through the implementation of science-based targets.
arlier this year we announced our gies to inhibit the ‘30by30’ Carbon Reduction program- release of nitrous me, a major initiative that aims to reduce oxide from fercarbon emissions across our operations tilizer. Tests will by 30 percent by the end of 2030. Chiquita run between 2023 has become the first global fruit compa- and 2026. “These ny to put in place an emissions reduction will be random strategy that is validated by the Science controlled trials in Based Targets initiative (SBTi).” Peter all four the of our explains that this extends throughout the operating counentire supply chain that will have set their tries. We are going own reduction strategies by 2025. The to do this proper‘30by30’ target will result in a removal of ly. If we are going around solar power and anaerobic digest30.000 tons of carbon dioxide. “The really to make such a big change, we want to be ers as a source of energy. “We are develbig source of our emissions is nitrous oxi- fairly sure of what the implications of that oping a capital plan to support the reducde from fertilizer. So, we are left we the change will be.” Peter expects technol- tion, always thinking where we need to very interesting challenge on how to redu- ogy to play a key role in that process. “It get to. Sometimes opportunities surpass ce carbon emissions without compromi- will be guiding our actions, because every that because there is a basic business case sing on yield and quality of bananas.” grain of fertilizer is not just expensive, but for doing so. If we can crack those two, precious in a carbon sense.” Chiquita aims we are there. 2030 gives us time to do it PRECIOUS to be rolling out the techniques of choice properly.” Peter mentions the advantage Chiquita aims to define by the end of 2022 across the farms by 2027 so that by 2029 of a family company where it comes to what will be trialled in terms of alterna- measurements can start. a long-term view. “We are taking a very tives for the use of fertilizer. The banana long-term view, it’s not about quarterly producer is looking into a combination of RENEWABLE ENERGY results.” Despite the fact that it will be a different nutrition regimes which have Another focus is renewable energy, spe- lengthy process, Peter remains positive. elements of sustainable agricultural cifically in Honduras and Guatemala. The “It is not a doomed view; we can do somepractices as well as the use of technolo- banana producer sees good opportunities thing, and we will do something.” In that