*Este programa estรก sujeto a cambios
Horario 7:30 – 9:00
Registro Cuarto Nivel, Apertura Sala de Exhibición (511 Torre II)
9:00 – 9.40
Palabras de Bienvenida Presidente ICBL Andreas Pester IAOE Palabras de Bienvenida Comité Organizador ICBL ICBL/Welcome ICBL
9:40 – 10:40
Keynote: Dr. Rob Reilly, President IEEE Education Society “The Educational Pedagogy and there is Educational Pedagogy.”
10:40 – 11:10
Coffee Break
Experiencias de E-Learning Ing. Rocael Hernández – Universidad Galileo
Round Table Discussion: “The Role of Technology in Education for Developing Countries” Moderador: John Glasgow, AmCham Education and Training Committee
12:00 – 13:00
Keynote: Dr. Hermann Maurer, TU-Graz “Why long range predictions are difficult, particularly for Educational concerns.”
13:00 – 14:30
14:30 - 15:00
Deserción: Adversario Silencioso del E-Learning Ing. Nidia Giorgis, UMG
15:00 – 15:30
El papel de las Redes Avanzadas en la Educación Ing. Luis Furlán/RAGIE -UVG
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:20
Experiencias de e-Learning
16:20 – 16:50
Experiencias de aprendizaje – E-Learning, UCC Nicaragua
Cierre de Sesión Plenaria
* (Traducción Simultánea de sesiones) Español-Inglés
Building Communities of Learning via Blended Course Redesign. Dr. Mathew Russell, UNI-Wisconsin, EEUU Cupo limitado
GILBT-L Geoinformation and Location-based Technologies for Learning. -LBS apps for Android -Matlab mobile Dr. Victor García, Dr. Andreas Pester, CUAS, Austria Cupo limitado
15:00 - 17:00
Diseño de un módulo instruccional en Línea. Licda. Heydi Vásquez
15:00 - 17:00
Diseño de objetos de aprendizaje en línea. Lic.Daniel Contreras Cupo limitado
Room I
Room II
8:30 – 9:00
Registration & Opening
Keynote: Dr. Alfred Essa – Innovation in Education
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break
Session 11:00 – 12:30
Enhancing Wikis with Visualization Tools to Support Groups Production Function and to Maintain Task and Social Awareness Christian Guetl, Austria
Los Estilos de Aprendizaje y las Teorías Cognitivas como fundamento de un Sistema Tutor Adaptativo Darling Solano Oviedo,Colombia
Desarrollo e Implementación de Constructivism Based Blended Learning Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje, para Ciencias no Tradicionales, Un in Higher Education reto en la Educación Superior Jeanne Schreurs, Belgium Mónica de la Roca, Guatemala Using On-Line Platform to Teach Logic Ambientes Híbridos de Aprendizaje Moris Polanco, Guatemala Luz Osorio, Colombia
12:30 – 14:00
Launch Break
14:00 – 15:00
Round table discussion Location-Based Learning – Technology-Enhanced Learning and Blended Learning Moderator: Dr. Victor García-Barrios Dr. Herman Maurer, Dr. Christian Guetl, Dr. Rob Reilly, Dr. Alfred Essa
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ICBL 2011 Horario Session 15:00 – 17:00
Room I
Room II
Graduate Students’ Critical Online Discourse: Sharing Insights on Social Class, Gender, and English Education Lori Elene Fredricks, Egipto
Workshop: GILBT-T Geoinformation and Location-based Technologies for Learning
ARU: Integrating social networking and simulation based dynamics in on-line language learning communities John Glasgow, Canadá
Moderator: Dr. Víctor García-Barrios
Online Graduate Courses: Teachers’ Engagement with Multimodal Projects Jayoung Choi, USA
Poster session and demonstrations
Horario 8:30 – 9:00
Session 9:00 – 10:30
Room I Registration - Opening Multimedia software as support for a self-explaining visit path in science museum: the “Domus Archimedea” experience Silvia Merlino, Italy Promoting and teaching “hard” science in an amusing way: the “Domus Archimedea” approach to Greek mathematics Marco Bianucci, Italy An application of Tandem Learning: the 3xC project Catherine Lockhead, Poland
10:30 – 11:00
Session 11:00 – 12:30
12:30 – 14:00
Room II
Master Degree Modules in Nanotechnologies for Electronics Slavka Tzanova, Bulgaria Measures to Increase the Percentage of Female Students in Computer Science Robert Pucher, Austria
Teaching European Studies: A Blended Learning Approach Alina Christova, Belgium
Coffee Break Trends in Web-Based Education towards Adaptivity Katerina Georgouli, Grecce
Enhancing student motivation and academic performance with Video Games-Based Learning: a practical approach José Luis Soler, Spain
The extension of computer based assessment acceptance model with Perceived Importance Anastasios Economides,Grecce
Web 2.0 – An Editor’s Perspective: New Media for Knowledge Co-Creation Emin Aydin, Turkia
Dynamic Difficulty Adaptation in Therapeutic Serious Games after Stroke Nadia Hocine, Francia
The Role of Edublogs in Next Generation Classes Masoud Hashemi, Iran
Launch Break
Horario Session 14:00 – 16:00
Room I
Room II
Model of the Interaction in iLearning Ontology-based architecture in pervaenvironments and its usage for Smart sive computing systems Lab concept Roghayeh Tavakolian, Iran Yuliya Lyalina, Germany Tools for Enhance Text Based Distance Proposed Interactive MAP (Modular AcLearning Courses tivity packet): A Tool for Competency David Lewis, USA Based Computer Fundamentals Rosanna Villapando, Filipinas KM and Learning: The case of Tele- The Work of Art in the Digital Age Centers in the Texas-Mexico border Emin Aydin, Turkia Blanca García, USA Sharing e-Learning Resources – Social Networks – Success and Failure Contributions to an Infraestructure in in Education Thuringia Pedro Castellanos, Marco Rodriguez, Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke, Germany Ali Lemus, Guatemala
16:00 – 16:30
Closing Session: Dr. Andreas Pester - IAOE