Dhan Diksha Brand Guide

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Brand Guidelines

Welcome fellow creatives

Welcome to the Dhan Diksha brand guidelines.

This brand book serves as a foundational guide, providing the essential structure and key elements of Dhan Diksha’s identity. However, it is not meant to limit your creativity. Think of it as a framework that supports and inspires innovative and cohesive design solutions. We encourage you to explore and expand upon these guidelines, always keeping the core values and essence of Dhan Diksha in mind.

01. Brand Overview

1.1. Meaning of Dhan Diksha

1.2. What is Dhan Diksha?

1.3. Brand Archetype

1.4. Value proposition

1.5. Target Audience

Verbal Identity

Our Values 2.4. Key Messaging 2.5. Mission & Vision 03. Visual Identity

Tone of Voice

Our Belief System

3.1. Brand Logo 3.2. Brand Colours 3.3. Brand Typography 3.4. Graphic Assets 3.5. Creative Applications

Brand Overview




Meaning of Dhan Diksha

An initiative to prepare individuals to manage their wealth by making them financially literate. wealth preparation & initiation Dhan + Diksha ‘Dhan’ and ‘Diksha’ are words derived from Sanskrit


What is Dhan Diksha

Socio-cultural norms have relegated most women to a position of dependence for personal financial management. Low and disparate penetration of financial literacy compounds their difficulties in securing their financial future.

We focus on Imparting Holistic Financial Literacy through change

With the right tools to attain financial freedom, Dhan Diksha aims to help women compound their knowledge and wealth.

Dhan Diksha believes that financial independence is not enough - one

needs to be financially literate to be truly empowered.





Brand Archetype

Dhan Diksha is clearly a sage archetype. The Sage archetype embodies wisdom, knowledge, and enlightenment.

Dhan Diksha aims to empower individuals through education and understanding, similar to how a sage imparts wisdom to others. The brand seeks to guide people on their financial journey, helping them make informed decisions and achieve financial literacy.

The Sage archetype emphasises the importance of learning, growth, and empowerment, all of which are central themes in Dhan Diksha’s mission and values.


Value Proposition


Target Audience

Young Professionals: Individuals in their 20s and 30s who are starting their careers and seeking guidance on managing their finances effectively.

Students and Graduates: Students in school grade 9 and above to inculcate healthy habits. College students and recent graduates who want to learn about financial literacy as they transition into independent adulthood.

Parents and Families: Families looking to improve their financial well-being and teach their children about money management from a young age.

Small Business Owners: Entrepreneurs and small business owners who need assistance with personal and business finance strategies.

Women: Particularly women above 25, who may face unique financial challenges and seek empowerment through financial education.

Anyone Seeking Financial Literacy: Individuals of all ages and backgrounds who want to enhance their understanding of personal finance and improve their financial literacy skills.

Verbal Identity




Tone of Voice

Dhan Diksha’s tone of voice is friendly, approachable and empowering, designed to make financial concepts less intimidating and more accessible. It is conversational yet informative, aiming to build trust and encourage engagement.

Words We Like Empowering

Accessible Enlightening Practical Friendly Approachable Clear Inclusive Motivating Relatable Engaging

Words We Dislike Complicated Preachy Intimidating Boring Confusing Exclusive Overwhelming Arrogant Judgemental Unapproachable Daunting


Tone of Voice

Friendly and Approachable

• We communicate with warmth and empathy, making sure our audience feels welcomed and valued.

• Our language is simple and jargon-free, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their financial background, can understand and relate.

Empowering and Motivational

• We use positive, uplifting language to inspire confidence and encourage proactive financial management.

• Our tone emphasizes self-improvement and growth, reinforcing that everyone has the potential to master their finances.

Clear and Practical

• We focus on delivering clear, actionable advice that our audience can easily implement in their daily lives.

• Our content is designed to be straightforward and to the point, avoiding unnecessary complexity.

Inclusive and Non-Judgmental

• We respect the diverse financial experiences of our audience and strive to be inclusive in our communication.

• We avoid making our audience feel judged or inadequate about their current financial knowledge or situation.

Fun and Engaging

• We incorporate a touch of fun and creativity to make financial education more engaging and less daunting.

• Our content often includes relatable examples, anecdotes and interactive elements to keep our audience interested and involved.


Our Belief System

Financial independence is not enough - one needs to be financially literate to be truly empowered.

Conversations related to finances should not be intimidating and people don’t need to shy away from it.


Key Messaging


for everyone. Everyone needs to understand personal finance to navigate life’s financial challenges confidently.

Knowledge is power. Being financially literate helps in making informed and wise financial choices.

Let’s normalise conversations about money to foster transparency and better financial health for all.





Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to demystify finance and make financial education accessible to everyone, turning financial literacy into a lifelong ally.

To create a world where financial literacy is universal, enabling every individual to make informed decisions and achieve their financial goals.

We envision a future where personal finance is no longer intimidating but embraced with confidence, leading to empowered and financially secure communities.

Visual Identity

Brand Logo

Concept Note

Inspired by the idea of ‘compounding’ + D Key Idea: Knowledge compounds like wealth

Inspired by tiles & idea of compounding of knowledge & wealth. ‘D’ is formed by placing a quarter circle tile next to each other.


Brand Logo






1.1. Meaning of Dhan Diksha

1.2. What is Dhan Diksha?

1.3. Brand Archetype

1.4. Value Proposition

1.5. Target Audience 02. Verbal Identity

2.1. Tone of Voice

2.2. Our Belief System

2.3. Our Values

2.4. Key Messaging


Brand Logo

Logo Sizing

Dhan Diksha logo can use upto 40% of any creative.

However the minimum sizes for print and digital creatives are given below.


for print creatives






Brand Logo

Logo Positioning

Dhan Diksha logo can be placed in following ways in a layout

• In all four corners of a creative- Inside a margin equal to the height and witdth of the D

• In the centre of a creative which offers ample negative space and needs to highlight the logo

• In the upper or bottom half of a creative in case there needs to be content that needs to be highlighted




Brand Logo

Logo - Usage

Whenever using the Dhan Diksha logo on images, please keep the following factors in mind:

• It should never overlap or overpower with the subject of the photograph.

• It should always be clearly visible on the photograph.

• It should have enough contrast to stand out in the photograph.

• It should never be on the centre of the photograph and should always be placed consciously.

• It should always be placed considering its padding in mind.


Brand Logo

Logo - Dont’s

Always use the Dhan Diksha logo as defined in the manual. Here are a few common errors to avoid.

The wordmark should never be tampered with and should be used as given

The wordmark should never be used in any other colour combination other than as described in the manual The wordmark should not be cropped in any way

stretch the wordmark unproportionately





Brand Colours

Primary Colour Palette

This palette is inspired by the nurturing and dependable aspect of Dhan Diksha

Dhan Diksa nurtures individually to think thoughtfully about their finances and take responsibility for themselves and their future.

Dhan Diksha is simple in its methods and comforting towards its audience ( not intimidating) Its warm, its premium and its mature. The colour palette encapsulates the personality of Dhan Diksha..


HEX: #AA2E38

RGB: (170,46,56)

CMYK: (0,73,67,33)

antone 1807 C


RGB: (224,186,110)

CMYK: (0,17,51,12)

P antone 7508 C


RGB: (240,221,186)

CMYK: (0,8,23,6)

P antone 7506 C

HEX: #9A2B3A

RGB: (154,43,58)

CMYK: (0,72,62,40) P antone 201 C

HEX: #E6C88B

RGB: (230,200,139)

CMYK: (0,13,40,10)

P antone 7500 C

HEX: #F2E5C8

RGB: (242,229,200)

CMYK: (0,5,17,5)

#AA2E38 RGB: (170,46,56)


antone Black 7 C HEX: #AA2E38

RGB: (170,46,56)

CMYK: (0,73,67,33)

P antone Cool Gray 10 C

HEX: #852B3A

RGB: (133,43,58)

CMYK: (0,68,56,48)

antone 202 C


RGB: (237,213,168)

CMYK: (0,10,29,7)

P antone 155 C


RGB: (246,235,214)

CMYK: (0,4,13,4)

HEX: #AA2E38

RGB: (170,46,56)

CMYK: (0,73,67,33)

P antone 877 C



Brand Typography

Dhan Diksha is a platform which empowers every individual to take control of their personal finances. www.dhandiksha.com

Mulish Extralight

Mulish Light

Mulish Regular

Mulish Medium

Mulish Semibold

Mulish Bold

Mulish Extrabold

Mulish Black

Mulish Extra Black

Mulish Extralight Italic

Mulish Light Italic

Mulish Regular Italic

Mulish Medium Italic

Mulish Semibold Italic

Mulish Bold Italic

Mulish Extrabold Italic

Mulish Black Italic

Brand Typography

Secondary Typeface

Cormorant Garamond

Finessed | Personalised | Delicate





Dhan Diksha is a platform which empowers every individual to take control of their personal finances. www.dhandiksha.com

Cormorant Garamond Light

Cormorant GaramondRegular

Cormorant Garamond Medium

Cormorant Garamond Semibold

Cormorant Garamond Bold

Cormorant Garamond Light Italic

Cormorant GaramondItalic

Cormorant Garamond Medium Italic

Cormorant Garamond Semibold Italic

Cormorant Garamond Bold Italic

Graphic Assets


Pattern 1 | Compounding

This is the primary brand pattern and it originates from the same idea of compounding as the logo.

This pattern can be used in the following ways

• Broken into seperate parts

• Broken into seperate shapes

• Extended in width

• Elongated on both sides

• Have multiple colour combinations



Graphic Assets




This pattern has been made by using the logomark repetitively, it showcases the idea of possibilities that can happen once someone learn their finances correctly.


Graphic Assets

Graphic Assets

Illustration Style

Dhan Diksha as a brand allows usage of stock illsutrations to build their creative content. However all stock illustrations should be customized to the Dhan Diksha brand.

All illustrations for Dhan Diksha should

• be a combination of solid (filled) illustrations with some usage of stroke in it

• the key colour of the illustration should be based on the primary colour palette

• the illustration can add in other family of colours, but it should synchronise well with the primary palette

• the illustration should not be too intricate or too plain

• the illustration should have enough contrast with the background to make it stand out.


Graphic Assets


The iconography of Dhan Diksha is made of intricate custom stroke icons.

A few things to keep in mind when making/using these icons are:

• The edge/corner of the stroke will always be rounded

• The cap of the stroke will always be rounded as well

• The stoke weight should always be uniform

• Make sure the legibility of the icon is never copromised

Graphic Assets

Inforgraphic Style

Infographics serve as a key element for Dhan Diksha as a lot of financial concepts that the brand intends to explain shall be with the help of inforgraphics.

On right are examples of how to creatively use infographics to show key information.

Note that infographics for Dhan Diksha will always

• be in solid shapes

• be in Dhan Diksha Colours

• have enough contrast between the background and foreground

• should be easy to understand for the target audience

Graphic Assets

Using logo shapes as a graphic element Dhan Diksha logomark is made of 4 quater circles, which allows Dhan Diksha to play with the quaters as a brand element. The examples on right showcase how we can play with the Dhan Diksha logo elements to create an interesting visual language.

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