Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 01. Cutlery AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri SILVERWARE mm162
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 02. Table Agnese Guerrieri
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 03. Lamp AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri The texture applied on the base is from a green quartz combined with the stone material
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 03. Lamp
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced
Agnese Guerrieri The Butterfly sea The sea Urchin The sea Comet The marine Cone
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 05. Columns AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri TEMPLESAND A set of 6 userandomicgeneratedcolumnsfromtheandsimmatricalofmesh.
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 05. Columns AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 06. Periodic Pattern - FIORE AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri FIORE FIORE is a periodic pattern generated with the student Barbara Giordani and printed in 3D in the FABLAB with a support material.
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 06. Periodic Pattern - FIORE AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 07. Animals AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri GIORGIO ALFREDOE Giorgio and Alfredo are two heavy rubber animals, very useful in case of wind for paper sheets and for doors.
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 07. Animals AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri Alfredo Giorgio
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 08. Organic Connection AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri SPIDERWEB Spiderweb is a table mad out of resin that comes from the organic connection of the tool leardes
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 09. nCloth AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri ROOMLIVING An open space living room, generated with the tool nCloth.
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 09. nCloth AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 09. nCloth AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri
Digital Design: 3D CAD Advanced 10. Headphones AS 2021/22 | Agnese Guerrieri BAT PLUG Bat headphones to have access to an entire new experience of music