AIS Upper School Course of Study 2022-23

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The Agnes Irwin School | Empowering Girls Since 1869

Production: Direction and Practice This year-long course focuses on the collaboration process of production. This course has a heavy emphasis on design principles as well as practice. We focus on conveying a concept and historical context of productions. Running production meetings, marketing and blocking are among the areas that will be explored. Problem-solving, collaboration, and leadership are among the skills that this experience will address. Note: This course is open to all grades and is intended for students with theatre experience. Independent Music Electives We will be offering several independent courses including four-hand piano workshop, music arranging, instrumental ensemble, and performance and practice. These group and individual projects, which reflect the participants’ interests and goals, may be arranged with the music department chair. Note: These courses and activities are for one-half credit either fall or spring semester. Half Credit Options for Arts Graduation Requirement At most, one-half credit toward the Arts graduation requirement, may be one of the following options: • One season of Set Design participation • One season of Stage Crew participation • One year of US Chorus participation (including performances) • One year of Instrumental Group Ensemble participation (including performances) • Participation in one drama production (including “tech” and/or acting) • Participation in one Dance Motion production (including classes and rehearsals)

Music Performance Groups Instrumental Ensemble Students with instrumental experience are invited to participate in various small group ensembles. Pianists may participate in duo-piano workshop, string and wind instrumentalists may be combined in chamber music groups. Students with extensive piano skills are invited to accompany our choral groups for credit. Note: One-half credit is awarded for a full year of participation. It is open to all grades. US Chorus Any interested Upper School student is eligible to join this ensemble. Students perform at the annual All School Winter Concert, Winter Holiday Assembly, HaverfordBaldwin-AIS Concert, and at other school assemblies and events throughout the year. Note: One-half credit is awarded for a full year of participation. It is open to all grades. No audition is necessary. Bel Cantos This choral group performs mostly a cappella music. Consisting of approximately 20 singers, membership is by audition only. A Bel Canto requirement is participation in US Chorus. The Bel Cantos perform extensively throughout the school year at a variety of concerts, community events, schools, hospitals, interschool concerts, and winter holiday activities. Students must have at least one year choral experience and good music reading and singing skills. Prerequisite: One full year of participation in US Chorus (or equivalent). Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 are eligible to audition.


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