March 2016 agSPROUTS

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*#Fun#on#the#Farm## (page#2)# #

*#The#Bee’s#Needs## (page#4)# #

*#Skipper#&#Scooter:# The#Battle#of#the# Bantam## (page#6)# #

*#Class#Inside#the# CAVE## (page#8)# #

*#Show#Me#Your#Goat## (page#10)# 1"

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agSPROUTS March Word Search Puzzle Each%word%in%the%puzzle%below%comes%from%a%story%in%this%issue!%The%answers%will%be%published%in% April%on%our%social%media%and%blog.%Use%a%highlighter,%pen%or%pencil%to%find%all%the%words%from%this%list:% A% G% R% I% C% U% L% T% U% R% E% V% E% V% L% F% D% R% N% C%

G% Q% I% P% N% E% W% O% A% R% G% A% R% Q% O% G% U% O% H% O%

R% R% U% O% K% A% I% L% Q% Y% H% R% W% E% O% G% L% A% O% L%

I% V% J% B% E% E% H% I% V% E% K% R% T% Z% A% I% A% D% Z% O%

C% T% Z% A% M% N% Q% E% O% G% I% O% U% C% V% X% M% T% A% N%

U% Z% Q% N% E% F% Z% W% I% H% N% A% I% E% Q% A% P% R% F% Y%

L% E% S% T% A% O% G% F% N% N% S% O% S% M% E% S% U% N% B% C%

T% H% F% A% T% I% P% G% C% Z% A% T% O% L% K% H% Y% Q% I% O%

U% J% B% M% R% L% M% A% X% Q% O% K% P% I% P% O% O% Y% P% L%

R% B% G% R% F% T% K% M% Z% C% W% F% P% O% L% W% I% F% L% L%

A% Q% F% O% V% B% D% T% K% C% M% P% N% I% K% M% E% A% E% A%

L% M% B% O% E% C% J% E% O% O% E% L% V% T% K% A% C% R% M% P%

E% L% N% S% C% O% O% T% E% R% O% Y% E% Y% M% N% B% M% T% S%

D% C% S% T% W% E% V% N% P% A% Y% M% T% U% I% S% R% I% Y% E%

U% V% X% E% B% G% A% K% L% T% T% I% S% P% A% H% Y% N% G% Q%

C% S% A% R% E% O% B% I% M% V% F% N% C% L% C% I% U% G% E% R%

A% A% M% N% V% N% I% L% F% S% G% Z% I% U% B% P% S% I% O% G%

T% N% K% A% A% T% K% S% J% L% B% A% E% U% X% E% N% M% R% R%

I% R% L% V% C% H% I% C% K% E% N% R% N% N% P% B% G% H% G% I%

O% Y% E% C% J% O% B% L% E% N% I% Z% C% E% O% P% D% C% I% E%

N% A% T% I% O% N% A% L% F% F% A% E% E% M% I% I% L% O% A% A%

Agricultural%Education% Agriculture% Bantam%Rooster% Beehive% Boer% CAVE% Chicken% Colony%Collapse% Eggs% Farming% Georgia% Goats% Livestock% National%FFA% Scooter% Showmanship% Skipper% Varroa% Vet%Science% %

MRS. ASHLEY’S DEVILED EGGS | Recipe&courtesy&Andria&Ashley&of&Evans Ask%an%adult%to%help%you%make%this%delicious%family%recipe!%Even%if%you%don’t%have%to%fight%a%bantam%rooster%to% get%your%eggs,%these%are%a%tasty%treat%full%of%protein%for%snacks%and%lunch.% INGREDIENTS 7%eggs% 1.5%tablespoons% mayonnaise% HalfOteaspoon%yellow% mustard% 1.5%tablespoon%pickle% relish% Salt%


INSTRUCTIONS 1.%Place%eggs%in%water%and%turn%on%the%stove.%As%soon%as%they%come%to%a%% %%%%%boil,%turn%the%heat%to%medium%and%let%them%cook%for%10%minutes.%% %%%%%Remove%from%water%and%cool.% 2.%Remove%the%shells%and%slice%eggs%in%half%to%give%14%halves.% 3.%Remove%the%yolks%and%place%them,%along%with%one%egg%white%half,%in%a%small%% %%%%%bowl.%Combine%with%mayonnaise,%mustard,%relish%and%salt.%% 4.%Stir%yolk%mixture%until%thick,%but%not%soupy.%Add%more%seasoning%if%needed.% 5.%Spoon%a%generous%amount%of%the%yolk%mixture%back%into%each%egg%half.%Sprinkle%% %%%%with%paprika%and%serve.%

"" " " Each%word%in%the%puzzle%below%comes%from%a%story%in%this%issue!%The%answers%will%be%published%in% April%on%our%social%media%and%blog.%%



CLUES Across# 1.%Nickname%for%Cambridge%High%% %%%%%School’s%agriculture%building% 2.%The%type%of%rooster%Skipper%and%% %%%%%Scooter%had%to%get%past% 7.%Producing%animals%and%plants%for%% %%%%%food%and%clothing% 8.%Abbreviation%for%the%type%of%% %%%%project%Marin%Lonnie%does%for%FFA% 9.%A%young%goat% % Down# 1.%Problem%that%causes%colonies%of%% %%%%%bees%to%disappear.%The%source%of%% %%%%%this%problem%is%still%unknown.% 3.%The%food%Mrs.%Carpenter%asked%% %%%%Skipper%and%Scooter%to%serve%at%her%% %%%%party% 4.%Type%of%livestock%Melea%Baldwin%% %%%%%grew%up%showing% 5.%Breed%of%meatOtype%goat%% %%%%%commonly%shown%in%Georgia% 6.%Name%of%the%Baldwin%family’s%goat%% %%%%%farm% % %


Rules:%Artists%must%be%in%high%school%or%younger.%Entries%must%be%original%8x10Oinch%drawings%or%paintings% book%pages%will%not%be%accepted.%Deadline%for%entries%is%April%30,%2016.%Please%include%artist’s%name,%age,% grade,%city%and%school%in%the%email.%Voting%will%take%place%over%Facebook%and%Instagram%between%May%1%and%5.%% This&month’s&cover:&photo&of&chicken&at&Sebren&Farms&by&Dallas&Duncan&


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% or% Oconee% County% High% School% FFA% member% Marin% Lonnie,% an% afternoon% spent% checking% beehives% with% smoker% and% notepad% in% hand% is% just% a% typical% day% working% on% her% Supervised% Agricultural% Experience,% or% SAE,% project.% SAEs% allow% students% the% opportunity% to% explore% career% avenues% through% handsOon% work% and%experimentation%in%areas%that%interest%them.% % Marin’s% interest% in% bees% began% when% she% read%an%article%discussing%the%issues%surrounding% Colony% Collapse% Disorder% and% what% it% means% for% the% bee% population.% Colony% Collapse% Disorder% is% related% to% a% number% of% factors,% including% nutritional% issues,% disease% and% environmental% concerns.%%% % “Scientists% did% discover% the% epidemic% in% 1986,% however,% there% was% no% real% specified% cause.% % Researchers% believed% that% causes% could% include%pollution,%hive%beetles,%Varroa&destructor% mites,%and%many%other%causes.%All%these%theories% are%correct%in%contributing%to%the%collapse%of%the% bee% population,% however,% the% Varroa& destructor% mite%was%the%most%prominent%reason,%as%well%as% the%most%tactical%to%treat,”%Marin%says.%% Thirty% to% 90% percent% of% hives% are% lost% to% CCD%each%year,%often%during%the%winter%months.% It% is% a% huge% problem% that% must% be% fought% by% entomologists% —% those% who% study% insects% —% because% pollination% is% essential% to% food% production.%%% Parasitic% Varroa% mites% infect% and% can% wipe% out% entire% bee% colonies,% Marin% says.% When% bees% from% different% colonies% intermingle,% the% mites% do% substantial% damage% by% weakening% the% population%and%spreading%to%other%hives.% 4"

Oconee County High School FFA member Marin Lonnie checks beehives for her study on the effectiveness of miticides, or materials that kill the Varroa destructor mite. She is working to patent her miticide to give small farmers an affordable natural-based solution to protect their bees. Photo courtesy Marin Lonnie

Marin% studied% CCD% for% years% to% better% understand%factors%that%contribute%to%it%and%what% could% be% done% to% stop% the% growth% of% this% problem.%She%set%about%to%test%the%performance% of% homemade,% naturally% derived% miticides% —% materials% that% kill% Varroa& destructor% mites% —% to% provide%a%solution%to%farmers%who%don’t%want%to% use%a%chemicalObased%product%that%is%already%on% the%market.%% With%the%assistance%of%graduate%students% and% Extension% specialists% at% the% University% of% Georgia% Entomology% Department,% Marin% tested% her% miticide% solutions% on% hives% groups% that% she%

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Working with bees requires lots of protective gear. Oconee County High School FFA member Marin Lonnie carefully dons her gloves, coveralls and netted hood before investigating the effects of her soon-to-be-patented miticide on the county’s beehives. Photo courtesy Marin Lonnie

placed%in%a%spacious%field%in%Oconee%County.%She% monitored% the% weather% and% hive% conditions% to% test%the%effectiveness%of%each%miticide.% Her% study% found% the% homemade% miticides%worked%better%on%Varroa&mites%than%a% similar% existing% product.% Marin% feels% she% achieved%her%goal%of%bringing%awareness%to%CCD% and% finding% a% cheaper% treatment% solution% for% small%bee%farmers.% “My% overall% goal% for% this% project% is% to% help% people% that% aren't% in% this% business% to% realize% that% Colony% Collapse% Disorder% is% a% serious%problem%that%affects%all%of%us.%The%crop% pollination% by% bees% is% a% major% part% of% our% agricultural% economy,% and% their% decline% will% make% it% hard% to% get% produce% and% other% foods,”% Marin%says.% She%says%her%SAE%helped%her%single%out%a% particular% interest% within% agriculture.% Responsibility,% communication% and% leadership% skills% were% all% developed% through% this% process.% She%plans%to%continue%it%through%high%school.%

“I% enjoyed% discovering% an% alternative% to% the% chemicals% used% in% the% hives% that% keep% the% Varroa& destructor% mite% population% as% low% as% possible.% My% solution% was% indigestible% to% the% bees% as% well% as% not% destructive% to% the% honey% supply% and% human% body.% I% am% working% on% patenting% this% miticide% for% commercial% and% local% beekeeping%use,”%Marin%says.% While%she%does%not%feel%called%to%become% an% entomologist,% she% does% plan% to% pursue% beekeeping%as%a%hobby.% “I%plan%on%purchasing%my%own%equipment% to% start% my% own% beekeeping% business.% % I% am% hoping% to% promote% local% smallOscale% beekeeping% operations,”%Marin%says.%“I%have%a%different%level% of% respect% for% not% only% the% farmers,% but% the% commercial% beekeepers% that% have% to% transport% the%pollinators%in%order%to%produce%the%food%that% shows%up%on%my%table.%Oconee%being%such%a%rural% area% there% are% plenty% of% opportunities% for% beekeeping% in% neighborhoods% as% well% as% nurseries%and%farms;%it%just%needs%an%advocate.”%%% " 5"

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Meet&Jack&and&Jenny&Carpenter&and&their&children,&Samuel&(Skipper),& Scott&(Scooter)&and&Mary&Catherine.&They&are&a&thirdGgeneration& farm&family&in&south&Georgia.&Life&on&their&farm&is&hard&work&but& rewarding,&and&always&an&adventure!&

Skipper%and%Scooter%love%being%farm%boys,%but%there% are%some%things%they%do%not%like%about%farm%life.%When%it%is% time%to%clean%the%barn%and%shovel%manure,%Skipper%and% Scooter%make%themselves%scarce.%They%avoid%the%smelly% chicken%coop%with%its%flock%of%hens%and%one%mean,%nasty% bantam%rooster%who%likes%nothing%better%than%to%chase%after% farm%boys.%% % One%morning,%just%as%they%were%ready%to%go%help% their%father,%they%heard%their%mother.% % “Skipper!%Scooter!%I%need%you%two,”%she%called%from% the%kitchen.% % The%boys%glanced%at%each%other.%They%were%tempted% to%sneak%out%the%door,%but%they%knew%better%than%to%ignore% their%mother’s%voice.%%


% Their%mother%was%hard%at%work.%%She% scurried%from%the%sink,%wiping%her%hands%on%the% dishtowel%when%they%appeared.% % “Boys,%I%need%you%to%go%to%the%chicken%coop% and%gather%some%eggs.%I’ll%need%at%least%a%halfOdozen% more%for%the%pound%cake%I’m%making%for%the%lady’s% lunch%this%afternoon,”%she%said.% % Skipper%and%Scooter%frowned.%A%bird%battle% was%not%what%they%had%in%mind%when%they%woke%up% that%morning.% % Skipper%swallowed%hard.%“Um,%maybe% Scooter%and%me%can%just%watch%this%stuff%while%you% go%get%the%eggs.%“% % “Excuse%me?”%asked%their%mother,% bemused.%“You%two%don’t%walk%into%the%kitchen% except%to%plunder%through%the%refrigerator.”%% Then%her%expression%changed.%% “Wait.%Don’t%tell%me%you’re%scared%of%a%few% chickens?%Why,%your%sister%goes%out%there%every%day.% Are%you%telling%me%she’s%tougher%than%my%two% fearless%sons?”%she%teased.% % Skipper%and%Scooter%denied%her%accusation.% “We’re%not%scared%of%those%dumb%birds!”%stated% Skipper%firmly.%“They%just%stink.”%% % “Well,”%said%their%mother,%“I%suggest%you% hold%your%noses.%Now,%grab%that%basket%over%there% and%go%bring%me%those%eggs.”% % Grumbling,%Skipper%picked%up%the%basket,% and%the%boys%walked%out%the%back%door.%% % “We%need%a%battle%plan,%“%said%Skipper%as% they%ambled%toward%the%chicken%coop.% % They%caught%a%whiff%of%the%chicken%manure% that%littered%the%dirt%in%the%hen%house%and%heard%the% peeping%and%trilling%of%the%white%Leghorns%and%

" reddishObrown%Rhode%Island%Reds.%% "% “We’ve%got%to%have%a%weapon,”%Skipper%said% " firmly.%“You%never%go%into%battle%without%being%armed.%

food.%Then,%we%run%in,%grab%six%eggs,%and%get%out%before% he%realizes%we’re%in%there!”% Scooter%grinned.%“I%say%we%go%for%it!”% That’s%the%first%rule%of%war.”% He%opened%the%lid%of%the%feed%can,%retrieved%the% % %% scoop,%and%loaded%it%with%corn.%He%reached%back%and% Both%knew%who%the%enemy%was.%That%nasty% tossed%the%feed%over%the%fence.%Corn%rained%down%and% bantam%rooster%might%be%small,%but%he%packed%a%whole% scattered.%Just%as%expected,%the%birds%raced%for%the%food.% lot%of%mean%under%those%feathers.% “Open%the%gate!”%screamed%Scooter.%They%raced% % Skipper%stopped%and%began%looking%around.%He% into%the%henhouse%and%grabbed%eggs.% spied%a%shovel%leaning%against%a%fence%post.%He%picked%it% “OK,%this%is%enough,”%said%Skipper,%reaching%for% up,%thrusting%it%toward%an%imaginary%enemy.%“Yep.%This% one%more.%“Let’s%get%out%of%here.”%They%turned%around% will%be%good,”%he%said.%“I%don’t%think%you’ll%have%any% to%leave.%Blocking%their%way,%however,%was%a%brightly% trouble%distracting%that%dumb%rooster.”% feathered%bantam%rooster.%He%stared%through%coalOblack% % Scooter%got%a%troubled%expression%on%his%face.% eyes%and%thrust%what%appeared%to%be%a%dangerously% “What%do%you%mean%I%won’t%have%any%trouble%distracting% pointy%beak%in%their%direction.%He%might%as%well%have% that%dumb%rooster?%You’re%the%distracter;%I%rush%in%and% been%10%feet%tall%and%bulletproof.%% infiltrate%the%hen%house.”% Finally,%Skipper%said,%“Get%ready%to%run%when%I% % They%stood%still,%facing%each%other,%neither% tell%you,%and%take%these.”%He%reached%into%the%basket% willing%to%go%into%battle%with%the%bantam.%% and%took%out%two%eggs%and%gave%them%to%Scooter.%“On% % Skipper%said,%“Let’s%do%this%like%men.”%He%put%his% my%signal,%start%throwing%and%run.%Ready,%aim,%fire!”%% hand%in%his%pocket%and%pulled%out%a%penny.%“Heads,%you% With%that,%the%bantam%battle%was%on.%The%next% take%on%the%rooster;%tails,%I%have%to%do%it.”% 60%seconds%were%a%blur%of%flying%eggs%and%feathers;% % Skipper%flicked%it%into%the%air.%Both%boys% screeches,%screams,%and%squeals%reverberated%through% watched%it%twist%and%turn%and%land%with%a%soft%thud.%% the%henhouse.%The%hens%quickly%joined%in%the%fray.% % They%knelt%down.%“Uuugggghhh!%No%fair!”% Somehow,%Skipper%and%Scooter%managed%to% moaned%Scooter.%“Heads!%You%cheated!”% fight%their%way%through%and%escape,%leaving%behind% Skipper%picked%up%the%penny,%and%said%with%a% agitated%hens%and%one%riledOup%rooster.%% smirk,%“Did%not%and%you%know%it.”%He%picked%up%the% Unfortunately,%their%mother%was%madder%than% shovel%and%thrust%it%at%his%pouting%brother.%“Guess%you% those%hens%when%Skipper%and%Scooter%handed%over%a% get%to%take%on%the%enemy%after%all.”% single%egg.% Scooter%grabbed%the%shovel.%“Well,%it’s%a%good% “You’re%telling%me%you%checked%every%nest%and% thing%I’ve%got%guts!”% only%managed%to%find%one%egg?”%she%asked%skeptically.% Skipper%grinned.%“Yeah,%and%if%that%rooster%gets% Skipper%and%Scooter%weren’t%sure%how%to%spin% a%hold%of%you,%he’ll%be%pecking%at%your%guts!”% the%tale%so%their%mother%would%understand%the%grave% They%stopped%at%their%destination%and%peered% danger%to%which%they%had%been%exposed.% through%the%chicken%wire.%The%flock%of%hens%was%paying% “And%what%exactly%is%that%on%your%shoes,%young% no%attention%to%the%two%boys.%The%bantam%rooster,% man?”%she%asked,%pointing%to%Scooter’s%shoes.%seeing% though,%was%making%his%presence%known.%He%stared%at% the%remnants%of%a%broken%egg.%She%stormed%out%and% them%with%two%beady,%evil%eyes,%flapping%his%wings% minutes%later%with%the%eggs%she%needed,%making%it%clear% angrily,%then%threw%his%head%back%and%gave%a%mighty% they%were%prisoners%of%war.% cockOaOdoodleOdo.%It%was%as%if%he%was%daring%the%boys%to% Instead%of%riding%on%the%tractor,%they%spent%their% invade%his%territory.% afternoon%in%scratchy%dress%clothes,%ladling%soup%and% Scooter%looked%at%Skipper.%“I%don’t%think%this% pouring%glasses%of%tea%for%their%mother’s%luncheon.% shovel%is%going%to%work.%We’re%doomed.%Can’t%we%just% “You’re%doing%a%fine%job,%boys.%How%about%one% say%there%weren’t%any%eggs?”%he%suggested.% of%you%bringing%out%that%platter%of%Mrs.%Ashley’s%deviled% Skipper%looked%around%and%noticed%the% eggs,”%she%said%sweetly%before%turning%her%attention% aluminum%feed%can%outside%the%hen%house.%“Wait%a% back%to%her%friends.% minute,”%he%said%excitedly.%“What%if%we%get%feed%and% Skipper%looked%at%Scooter.%“Have%I%told%you%how% throw%it%over%the%fence?%Even%that%rooster%won’t%ignore% much%I%hate%eggs?”% " 7"

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What%hibernates%in%caves%during%winter?% Bears.% Cambridge% High% School% bears,% to% be% exact.%And%the%cave%they%have%is%really%called%the%CAVE,% which% stands% for% “Cambridge% Agriscience% and% Veterinary% Education% building.”% It’s% where% ninth% through%12th%grade%students%will%go%to%learn%the%basics% of%becoming%a%veterinarian%—%an%animal%doctor.% The% CAVE,% which% opened% this% school% year,% is% divided%into%three%sections.% “We%have%the%classroom,%which%I%do%lectures%in% and% it’s% all% AgEd% decorated.% The% vet% clinic% …% has% stainless%steel%tables,%a%small%grooming%tub%and%a%large% animal% grooming% tub,”% says% Mrs.% Sarah% Nerswick,% the% agricultural% education% teacher% and% FFA% adviser% at% Cambridge% High.% “Then% we% have% the% barn,% which% includes% two% horse% stables,% two% holding% pens,% a% goat% stand.% We% have% a% chicken% coop.% We’ll% have% a% small% greenhouse%in%the%back%with%raised%beds.”% The% CAVE% holds% her% office% and% a% workroom% equipped%with%steel%pet%cages%to%hold%visiting%animals.% It’s% also% home% to% Cambridge% High’s% FFA% chapter.% FFA,% which% stands% for% “Future% Farmers% of% America,”%is%a%national%club%for%students%in%middle%and% high%school.%It%uses%agriculture,%which%is%growing%plants% and% animals% for% food% and% clothing,% to% teach% about% science,%teamwork,%and%leadership.% There% are% lots% of% schools% in% Georgia% with% FFA% chapters% and% ag% classes,% but% having% the% CAVE% makes% for%a%different%way%of%learning.% “It’s% a% whole% different% atmosphere.% It’s% a% lot% different% than% being% in% the% building% in% a% normal% classroom,”% says% junior% Mikayla% Crenshaw.% “You% can% look%around%and%see%FFA%and%ag%stuff%everywhere.”% Mikayla%and%freshman%Lucy%Robbie%didn’t%know% about% FFA% until% the% first% day% of% class% when% Mrs.% Nerswick%told%them.%Since%then,%Cambridge%High’s%FFA%


Mikayla Crenshaw, a junior at Cambridge High School, practices giving animals shots using food coloring and an orange wrapped inside a glove. These vet skills are used in FFA competitions

chapter% grew% from% zero% to% 60% members,% excited% about% competing% in% science,% public% speaking%and%other%competitions.% “What% people% don’t% realize% is% Milton% is% pretty%agricultural.%There’s%horses%everywhere.% There’s% people% with% backyard% chickens,”% Mrs.% Nerswick% says.% “There’s% a% bunch% of% my% kids% who%have%chickens%in%the%backyard.”% That%meant%instead%of%just%teaching%vet% science,% like% her% students% thought,% she% had% to%

Left: The Cambridge Agriscience and Veterinary Education building at Cambridge High in Milton is known as the CAVE for short. It has a large classroom; a full-size veterinary clinic complete with tables, sinks and supplies; a workroom with cages to house visiting cats and dogs; and a barn that will be used for horses, goats and other livestock. Below: Mrs. Sarah Nerswick, the AgEd teacher and FFA adviser at Cambridge, shows some of the equipment available at the CAVE, like this big model dog.

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teach% the% full% vet% science% pathway.% Before% Lucy,% Mikayla% and% their% classmates% can% become% vets,% they% need% to% know% a% little% bit% about% agriculture.%% “It% was% kind% of% like% a% buildup,”% Mikayla% says.% “Everybody% is% expecting% vet% science% from% the% start,% so% when% we% found% out% it’s% basic% ag,% it% was% like,% OK% …% what% exactly% does% that% have% to% do% with% vet%science?”% A% lot% of% things,% as% it% turns% out.% To% understand% how% to% take% care% of% animals,% students% have% to% learn%why%it’s%important%to%take%care% of% them.% That% requires% knowledge% about%different%parts%of%agriculture.%

“We’ve% gone% over% like,% soil% units,% learning% about% each% layer,”% Mikayla% says.% “We’ve% done% some% with%wildlife%already.%Just%different% things%I%didn’t%know%about%before.”% The% classes% Mrs.% Nerswick% teaches%are%part%of%a%pathway.%The% first% year,% as% Lucy% and% Mikayla% learned,% is% basic% agriculture.% SecondOyear% ag% students% will% learn% about% animal% science% and% technology%and%then%the%third%year% of%classes%means%it’s%time%to%teach% vet%science.% Each% year,% students% also% become% more% involved% with% the% resources%inside%the%CAVE.% “The% more% you% take,% the% more% you% get% to% do.% Next% year% they’ll% be% taking% care% of% the% goats% and%chickens%we’ll%have%out%here%in% addition% to% the% small% animals% we% have% in% here% now.% Then% when% vet% science% comes% they’ll% be% in% charge% of% the% cats% and% dogs,”% Mrs.% Nerswick%says.% She%says%the%classes%are%not% easy,%but%the%goal%is%for%ag%students% to% graduate% from% school% as% certified% vet% assistants,% ready% to% have%a%job%after%high%school.%

That% is% the% perfect% opportunity%for%Lucy.% “I’ve% always% had% an% interest%with%animals%and%I%may% want% to% go% to% college% to% become% a% veterinarian,% so% I% thought% it% would% be% a% good% [for]% opportunities% and% experiences,”%Lucy%says.% The% classes% aren’t% just% about% science.% Mrs.% Nerswick% wants% her% kids% to% understand% through% ag% and% FFA% that% it’s% important% to% be% selfOconfident% leaders%who%are%able%to%work%in% teams.% They% practice% writing% thankOyou% notes,% professional% handshakes% and% strive% for% excellence%in%competitions.%She% thinks% the% CAVE% will% be% a% big% part%of%her%students%graduating% with%these%skills.% “I% really% want% those% kids%to%feel%that%they%can%learn% either% through% leadership% in% my% classroom% or% through% our% [FFA]% chapter,”% Mrs.% Nerswick% says.%“I%just%hope%that%they%can% go% away% and% be% like,% ‘Ag% really% taught% me% these% things,% and% I’m%thankful%for%it.’”% %


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Melea% Baldwin,% administrative% assistant% at% the% North% American% International% Livestock% Exposition%in%Louisville,%Kentucky,%is%originally%from% Dewy%Rose.%Working%at%NAILE%has%been%her%dream% job%since%middle%school,%and%she%credits%having%the% job%to%her%goat%showing%days.% “Showing% sheep% was% my% first% love,% but% the% goats% kind% of% stole% my% heart,”% Melea% says.% “I% can% contribute%my%work%ethic%and%the%way%I%see%life%to% showing%livestock.”% In% first% grade,% Georgia% kids% can% start% showing% market% goats,% breeding% ewes,% breeding% does% and% market% lambs,% says% Heather% Shultz,% livestock% program% coordinator% with% Georgia% 4OH.% For% a% long% time,% showing% sheep% was% one% of% the% most%popular%ways%for%kids%to%start%in%the%ring,%but% that%transformed%in%the%past%few%years.% Between% the% two% Georgia% youth% agricultural% clubs,% 4OH% and% FFA,% there% were% more% than%1,000%goats%entered%into%the%largest%show%last% year,%Mrs.%Shultz%says.%Georgia%is%the%perfect%place% for% kids% to% get% involved% with% goat% showing,% Mrs.% Shultz%says.%% “Georgia%is%on%the%cutting%edge%and%they’re% being% recognized% for% excelling% in% the% show% ring,”% she%says.%% Market% goats% are% judged% on% their% muscles,% and% are% usually% commercial,% or% mixed% breed.% Breeding% does% on% the% other% hand% are% judged% for% highOquality%characteristics%and%are%purebred,%Mrs.% Shultz%says.%There%are%dairy%goats,%which%are%prized% for%their%milk,%but%those%are%not%as%common%in%the% Georgia%show%circuit.% Melea’s% dad% told% her% for% the% longest% time% that% she% could% show% anything% she% wanted% except% for%a%goat.%%


GOAT GLOSSARY Kid:%A%young%goat% Boer%(pronounced%“boor”):%A%common%variety%of% meat%goat.%Many%goats%shown%in%Georgia%are%a%Boer% or%BoerOcross.% Breeding#does:%These%are%grownOup%female%goats% that%are%ready%to%have%kids.% Market#goats:%These%goats%are%ready%to%enter%the% food%chain.%They%are%judged%on%their%muscles,%which% indicates%how%much%meat%they%will%provide.% %

“At% that% point% the% goat% program% had% only% been%going%about%two%years%in%the%state%of%Georgia.% It% was% really% small% and% not% a% whole% lot% of% people% knew%about%it,”%Melea%says.% Her% dad% finally% gave% in,% and% a% friend% who% raised%goats%in%Kentucky%met%them%to%deliver%their% first%kids,%Tootsie%Roll%and%YooOHoo.% “We% started% showing% when% I% was% in% ninth% grade.%I%had%no%idea%what%I%was%doing,”%Melea%says.% “I% went% to% one% show% before% the% [Georgia% National% Fair]% and% didn’t% place% in% showmanship.% That% was% new%for%me.”% Showmanship%is%an%award%given%to%the%kids% who% show% livestock,% recognizing% them% for% their% efforts% and% performance.% Melea% learned% from% her% loss%and%practiced%for%months%until%it%was%time%for% the%Georgia%National%Fair%show,%one%of%the%largest% livestock%shows%in%the%state.% “I%won%it.%I%was%just%excited%I%made%top%10,% then% top% five,”% Melea% says.% “At% the% very% end% it% came% down% to% me% with% this% guy,% and% [the% judge]% pulled%me%out%and%said,%‘You%won%this.’%I%looked%at% him%and%I%said,%‘Are%you%sure?’%My%parents%weren’t% even%watching.%It%was%kind%of%a%surprise.”% From% that% moment% on,% goats% became% her% family’s% passion.% They% began% raising% goats% about%

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After years of begging her dad to let her show goats, Melea Baldwin’s wish finally came true. Two years later, the Baldwin family began its own Tuff Stuff Club Goats breeding farm, following a show trend in Georgia’s livestock industry.

Melea Baldwin, front, sets her goat at a North American International Livestock Exposition show. It was at her seventh grade NAILE show that she decided this was where she wanted to work after college.

two% years% after% Melea’s% win.% Her% younger% brother% is% wellOknown% for% his% success% showing% the% family’s% Tuff% Stuff% Club% Goats,% as% is% a% string% of% others% who% purchased%their%animals%from%the%Baldwin%family.% “The% goat% project% is% very% wellOliked,”% Mrs.% Shultz% says.% “They’re% smaller% animals,% ones% that% don’t%take%as%much%feed.%It’s%easier%for%youth%to%get% involved%in%the%project.”% The% best% way% to% get% involved% in% goat% showing% is% to% contact% your% local% county% Extension% office%or%an%area%agriculture%teacher,%who%can%help% match%Georgia%kids%to%goat%kids.%% Livestock%showing%is%a%good%activity%for%kids% because% it% teaches% responsibility% and% work% ethic,% Mrs.%Shultz%says.%With%goats,%younger%children%can% get% involved% and% work% their% way% up% to% showing% larger% animals% such% as% pigs,% cattle% and% horses.% It’s% also% something% the% whole% family% can% do% as% they% travel%to%different%shows.% Kids% purchase% their% goat% kids% at% the% beginning%of%the%year,%and%train%them%until%the%first% shows%in%June,%Melea%says.%She%says%it’s%important% not%just%to%find%a%cheap%goat,%but%to%find%a%quality% goat%that%looks%good,%has%good%muscles%and%walks% without%any%difficulty.%% Preparing%for%a%show%means%kids%train%their% goats%to%walk%on%a%lead,%or%leash,%and%pose%in%such%

No matter what time of the year it was, Jarrett and Melea Baldwin of Dewy Rose were always practicing to make sure their goats were the best in the show ring. Photos courtesy Melea Baldwin, Tuff Stuff club Goats

a%way%that%their%best%characteristics%are%on%display% for% the% judge% to% see.% Showmen% also% learn% how% to% feed,%water%and%groom%the%right%way.% “You% have% to% get% your% animal% to% actually% move% and% follow% directions,”% Mrs.% Shultz% says.% “When% you% get% into% the% show% ring,% you% exhibit% everything% you% learned% outside:% working% on% showmanship%and%displaying%the%animal.”% % Melea% went% on% from% her% show% days% to% attend% Abraham% Baldwin% Agricultural% College% in% Tifton,% then% the% University% of% Georgia% in% Athens.% She%remembers%that%in%seventh%grade%at%the%NAILE% show,% she% told% one% of% the% staff% members% she% was% going%to%take%his%job%some%day.%And%now%she%has.% “I% knew% this% was% the% job% I% was% meant% to% do,”% Melea% says.% “It% encompassed% everything% I’d% grown% up% with% and% ever% learned% in% livestock% showing%and%college.”% Nowadays,% instead% of% preparing% her% goats% for% the% show% ring,% Melea% is% preparing% the% national% show%ring%to%hold%goats%—%and%a%number%of%other% animals%that%kids%around%the%country%show.% “It% was% really% cool% to% be% on% the% flipside% of% things,”% she% says.% “My% livestock% background% was% what% helped% me% get% this% position.% To% have% the% experience% of% showing% in% that% show% and% growing% up% in% the% livestock% industry,% that% put% me% at% the% top.”% % 11"



Georgia%is%the%Poultry%Capital%of%the%World!% % Broilers,%or%chickens%for%meat,%make%up%more%than%39%percent%of%Georgia’s% total%agricultural%value,%known%as%the%farm%gate%value.% % A%hen%can%only%lay%one%egg%a%day.%It%takes%26%hours%for%a%hen%to%form%a%new% egg.% % There%are%more%than%210%breeds%of%goats.% % Goats%were%first%brought%to%America%by%Christopher%Columbus.%% % #AgFacts% % Sources:&University&of&Georgia&College&of&Agricultural&and&Environmental&Sciences;&Cooperative&Extension& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &



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