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Fascinate the World, K-SEAFOOD

Korean seafood is getting popular in the global market despite the effects of COVID-19. In fact, the export reached to USD 2.32 billion in 2020. In particular, laver was largely purchased by overseas consumers, recording the highest export value ever. The <Korea Agrafood> introduces the three representative Korean seafood products that are in worldwide demand: laver, abalone, and oyster.


The Semiconductor of the Sea, Laver

Laver is, indeed, a seafood product representing Korea as it is the most popular side dish at a Korean dining table. It goes well with any type of food, and perhaps any Korean would love it for its salty yet light taste. Likewise, laver has a decent reputation abroad. The exports of laver reached USD 100 million in 2010 and USD 600 million in 2020, which is the highest export amount so far. With such performance, laver is often referred to the ‘semiconductor of the sea’ as semiconductors are the most exported item in Korea.

While laver is produced only in Korea, China, and Japan; Korea produces the largest amount of laver, which is exported to 109 countries around the world.

As such, Korean laver is internationally desired, which is generated into various processed productskimbukak and laver snacks are the typical examples. In addition, snacks in the form of biscuits with different sauces are being released, or even toppings with almonds and coconuts to suit the taste of overseas consumers.


海苔は名實ともに韓國を代表する水産物だ?なぜかといえば? 韓國の食卓で最も人氣のあるおかずは海苔だからだ?どんな料 理にも合い?鹽氣がありながらも淡泊な味は?韓國人誰もが好 きな味だ?こうした海苔は海外でも好評だ?實際に?海苔の輸 出は2010年の1億ドル達成後?2020年には6億ドルを突破し? 歷代最高の輸出額を記錄した?こうした輸出實績により?韓國 を代表する輸出品目である半導體になぞらえて?海苔は「海の半 導體」とも呼ばれている? 海苔は韓國?中國?日本でのみ生産されるが?韓國の海苔の生 産量と輸出額が最も多い?それは世界の109ヶ國へ輸出されるこ とからもわかる? このように全世界的に愛されている韓國の海苔は樣?な加工品 に變身を遂げている?揚げ海苔や海苔スナックは代表的な加工 品だ?これに海外の消費者の味覺に合わせて?ビスケット型で 各種のソ―スを添えたり?ア―モンド?ココナッツなどを加え た製品も發賣されている? 樣?な榮養成分が豊富な点も海苔の人氣を支えている?こうし たことは?キムチとともに韓國のス―パ―フ―ドとして紹介さ れることからもわかるほどだ?

The Emperor of Shellfish, Abalone

Abalone is definitely a nutrient-rich it’s called the emperor of shellfish seafood that since it contains the highest protein. It is abundant in unsaturated fatty acids, which lowers cholesterol in the blood and prevents heart disease. Moreover, it is known to be excellent for skin care by improving immunity, promoting cell regeneration, and activating skin metabolism as abalone is rich in collagen. For this reason, it is loved by everyone, regardless of age or gender. Abalone can be cooked in a numerous ways; among which, abalone porridge is generally enjoyed.

The key producer is Wando of Jeollabuk-do in Korea, which boasts 80% of domestic abalone production. In fact, it has been designated as a national marine park, offering uncontaminated surroundings.

Lee Yu-sung, CEO of Wando Abalone CO., LTD., said, “Korea has the excellent conditions for growing abalones. As Wando and Haenam are designated as national marine parks, Korean abalones are produced in pristine waters. Therefore, when it comes to quality, I believe Korea is the best of all in the world.”


アワビは榮養學的にもすぐれている?代表的なのは?タンパク質 の含有量が貝類のなかで最も多く?貝類の皇帝とも呼ばれる?ま た?血中のコレステロ―ルを下げ?心臟疾患を予防する不飽和脂 肪酸の量が高い?これに加えて?コラ―ゲンの含有量も高く?免 疫機能の向上?細胞の再生産促進?肌の新陳代謝の活性化により 肌の美容にもすぐれていることが知られている?これらのことか ら?老若男女問わず脚光を浴びている?アワビは樣?な料理法で 脚光を浴びている?代表的なものがアワビ粥だ?お粥は白飯の代 用食として人氣があるが?アワビを入れて作ったアワビ粥は榮養 を補給するのに打ってつけだ?また?アワビのバタ―燒き?アワ ビの醬油漬けなど樣?な料理への利用も可能だ? 韓國でアワビの代表的な産地は全羅北道の莞島(ワンド)だ?莞島 は韓國のアワビ生産の80%を誇っている?特に?莞島は國立海 上地域に指定されており?クリ―ンな自然の生産條件が强みだ? 李有星(イ·ユソン)莞島アワビ株式會社代表は「韓國のアワビは 生産條件に惠まれている?特に?莞島や海南が國立海上公園に 指定されており?こうしたクリ―ンな地域で育っている?その ため?品質では世界のどの國に出しても最高の品質を誇ってい る?」と述べた?

Oysters are is rich in called many as the milk of the sea because it essential nutrients, such as protein, essential amino acids, and minerals. Oysters are also a great source of potassium and magnesium, which are known to lower blood pressure, and increase blood circulation and oxygen supply. Moreover, it contains calcium, phosphorus, and zinc, which are effective in protecting against osteoporosis. Oysters are considered to be the ultimate natural stamina food that even there is a Western proverb, ‘Eat oysters, love longer’.

In Korea, oysters are seasonal, available from November to February when the weather starts to get chilly. The main production sites are Taean, Chungcheongnam-do and Tongyeong, Gyeongsangnam-do. Fresh oysters are succulent and full of taste, while oysters served as an ingredient to making kimchi add a rich taste. It pairs well with meat such as bossam, and a bowl of soup like seaweed soup becomes tastier with oysters, too.


牡蠣は各種の榮養成分が豊富に含まれており?海のミルクと 呼ばれる?牡蠣にはタンパク質と必須アミノ酸?ミネラルが 豊富だ?また?カリウムとマグネシウムが豊富に含まれてお り?血壓を下げて血液の循環と酸素の供給を向上させるこ とが知られている?ここに?牡蠣に含まれるカルシウムと リン?亞鉛などの成分は骨粗瑪症から骨を守る效果がある? 西洋のことわざに「牡蠣を食べよ?そうすれば長く愛するだ ろう」があるほど?牡蠣は最高の自然のスタミナ食材として 知られている? 韓國では寒くなる11月から2月まで牡蠣の旬となる?主な産 地は忠淸南道の泰安(テアン)?慶尙南道の(トンヨン)だ?牡 蠣を使った料理法も樣?だ?牡蠣そのものの新鮮さを樂しも うと生牡蠣を主に食べる?さらに?キムチを漬けるときも? 牡蠣はコクをプラスする?また?ポッサムのような肉との相 性もよい?また?牡蠣は鹽辛にして食べたりもする?ワカメ ス―プのようなス―プ料理にもよく合う?

The Milk of the Sea, Oysters

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