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K-Food Story

K-Food Story

Healthy Herbal Honey Preserved, Admired by the World

ウェルビ―イング健康食品の韓方 エキス?世界市場で人氣


The Gagopa Healing Food CO., established in 2013. It exports LTD. was herbal ingredients, herbal tea, and simple samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) materials to 18 countries around the world, using major domestic herbs. While being recognized as a well-being health food, it exported more than USD 500,000 in 2020.

The Gagopa Healing Food CO., LTD. produces and distributes Herbal Honey Preserved along with simple samgyetang ingredients as flagship products. There are six types of honey preserved, including ginseng, bellflower, omija, jujube, ginger, and burdock. As it contains herbal ingredients such as ginseng, honey, and oligosaccharides, it is evaluated as useful for human body and exports are growing. Ingredients for samgyetang were made with a tea bag containing mulberry, kalopanax, ogapi, oriental raisin tree, Mongolian milk vetch root, and Korean angelica. It is globally popular since it is easy to cook and tricky menus like samgyetang and suyuk(boiled pork slice) can be effortlessly consumed. The company also runs an R&D research center that continuously studies the efficacy of wild plants, focusing on eco-

(株)カゴパヒ―リングフ―ドは?2013年に設立された? 韓國を代表する藥草を材料として?韓方食材と韓方茶?イ ンスタントの參鷄湯の材料などを世界の18ヶ國·地域へ 輸出している?ウェルビ―イング健康食品として認められ るとともに?2020年には50万ドル以上の輸出を行うなど の成果をあげた? (株)カゴパヒ―リングフ―ドは韓方エキス(Honey Preserved)とインスタント參鷄湯の材料を輸出の主力商 品として生産している?韓方エキスは高麗人參?桔梗?五 味子?ナツメ?生姜?ゴボウなどの6種類だ?高麗人參と 蜂蜜?オリゴ糖などと韓藥材の成分が含まれ?人體に有用 であるとの評價を受けるとともに?輸出量が增えている? インスタント參鷄湯の材料は?クワ?ハリギリ?五加皮? ケンポナシ?黃耆?當歸の成分を入れたティ―バッグとし た?これで簡單に參鷄湯?スユク(ゆで肉)などを調理して


friendly agricultural products. After releasing the products that have been researched for several years at the research center, positive feedbacks were given that they are now supplied to hypermarkets and department stores on a steady level.

A healthily made sugar-free herbal honey preserved

The six honey preserved that Gagopa Healing Food exports are made with 100% fresh Korean ingredients. It is also sugar-free stored only with honey and oligosaccharides without adding sugar. This product is particularly popular in Southeast Asia due to the fact that it contains

食べることができるため?海外で人氣がある?親環境農産 物を中心に?繼續的に山野草の效能に對して硏究する R&D硏究所も直接運營している?硏究所で數年間硏究し た製品は發賣とともに好評を博し?大型マ―トや百貨店な どへ繼續的に納品している?


(株)カゴパヒ―リングフ―ドが輸出する6種の韓方エキス は?100%が新鮮な韓國産の原材料で作られている?ま た?砂糖が入っておらず?蜂蜜とオリゴ糖のみで作った砂 糖不使用のエキスだ?特に?東南アジアで高い人氣を誇る 高麗人參がそのまま入っており?茶として簡單に飮むこと ができることから大好評だ?また?安全性の高い韓國産の 高麗人參がそのまま入っており?ホットやアイスなど年間 を通して飮める点も强みだ?何より砂糖が入っておらず?

the original ginseng, and can be easily enjoyed as a cup of tea. In addition, it contains highly reliable Korean materials and is safe to take all year round as hot or lukewarm. Above all, it is a product that does not contain sugar and is made only of honey and oligosaccharides, which is an attractive point for buyers.

Youn Geum-jeong, CEO of Gagopa Healing Food CO., LTD. said, “We were able to meet overseas buyers with no trouble by participating in the aT’s K-Food Fair, thereby improving export performance. We will continue to actively join a range of K-Food Fair organized by aT to further develop exports.”

Expand export markets with participation of overseas exhibitions

The Gagopa Healing Food have been actively participating in the aT’s K-Food Fair. The project was started in 2013, and the company has been participating every year to establish more export networks. The participation of large overseas exhibitions such as Jakarta International Premium Consumer Goods Exhibition in 2018

蜂蜜とオリゴ糖のみで作った製品である特長により?バイ ヤ―も繼續的に關心を示している? 尹錦貞(ユン·クムジョン)代表は「aTが開催するK-Food Fairに參加して?海外のバイヤ―により容易に出會うこと ができ?輸出成果を高めることができる?今後も?aTが 進める樣?な「K-Food Fair」に積極的に參加し?輸出を さらに擴大していきたい?」と明かした?


(株)カゴパヒ―リングフ―ドは?aTが運營する「aT KFood Fair」へ積極的に參加した?2013年に始まった同事 業に參加し?每年海外の博覽會へ參加している?輸出のネ ットワ―クを着實に構築してきた?特に?2018年のジャ カルタ國際プレミアム消費財展と2019年のベトナムプレ ミアム消費財展など大規模な海外博覽會へ參加し?バイ ヤ―に製品をアピ―ルした? aTが 主 催 し た「 K-Food Fair」で は ウ ェ ビ ナ ― (Web+Seminar)を通して?非對面の事前說明會とB2Cの オンラインの消費者體驗イベントも行われた?特に?トコ ペディア?Qoo10などのインドネシアの主要オンライン モ―ル內のK-Food Fairの總合的な販促と輸出業者の マ―ケットテスト品目のユ―チュ―バ―によるプロモ―シ ョン?マ―ケットテスト評價團の運營など?樣?な消費· プロモ―ション活動を推進した?

and Vietnam Premium Consumer Goods Exhibition in 2019 were such a great opportunity to inform buyers of their products.

In the K-Food Fair hosted by aT, non-face-toface presentations and a B2C online consumer experience events were also held through a webinar(web+seminar). In particular, it supported various activities for consumption, such as comprehensive advertising of K-Food Fair in major online malls in Indonesia’s Tocopedia and Qoo10; YouTubers’ promotion for market test items of exporter and operation of market test evaluation teams.

The Gagopa Healing Food CO., LTD. obtained ISO9001 and ISO14001 certifications in 2016 as a result of its efforts to improve product quality. The company continues to strive harder by acquiring ISO22000 and Halal certifications in 2017, and Kosher certification in 2018. Furthermore, they achieved direct exports at international fairs hosted by aT.

CEO Youn said, “Jakarta’s 2020 K-Food Fair was held as an online expo with an untact method last year, we explained in depth to local interpreters so that they could fully understand our products. With the hard work, we could expand exports and raise product awareness in Southeast Asia.”

(株)カゴパヒ―リングフ―ドは?製品の品質向上のために 努力した結果?2016年にISO9001?ISO14001認證を獲 得した?これらに續いて?2017年にはハラ―ルと ISO22000?2018年にはコ―シャ認證を獲得するなど?製 品の品質向上にも万全を期した?aTが主管する國際博覽會 に參加し?直接輸出までつながるという成果を殘した? 尹錦貞代表は?「昨年の非對面方式のオンライン博覽會とし て開催されたジャカルタ『2020 K-Food Fair』に參加し?現 地の通譯が製品を十分に知ることができるように?說明し た?これにより?東南アジア地域での輸出擴大と製品の認 知度を高めることができた?」と明かした?

Gagopa Healing Food CO., LTD.

+82-55-295-1611 Kangwon-han@hanmail.net +82-55-295-1671

aT K-Food Fair Business

aT K-Food Fair事業

Shin Dam-ho the Assistant Manager of New Southern Business Department at Overseas Business Office of aT

The Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) organizes K-Food Fair, which is an integrated marketing business that combines B2B export consultations and B2C consumer events. Initiated in 2013, it was prepared to create a Korean agricultural exports network and build up the local consumption base. Last year, a series of online and offline businesses were conducted along with COVID-19, and online video conference(B2B) and non-face-to-face, smallscale consumer experience(B2C) were carried out in five countries.

韓國農水産食品流通公社(aT)が運營する「aT K-Food Fair」は B2Bの輸出商談會とB2C消費者イベントをつなげた統合マ― ケティング事業だ?2013年に始まり?韓國の農食品輸出ネッ トワ―クの造成および現地の消費の龕野擴大のために準備され た?昨年は?新型コロナによりオンライン―オフライン事業が 同時に行われ?5ヶ國でオンラインの商談會(B2B)?非對面· 小規模直結の消費者體驗(B2C)で進められた? How satisfied were the exporters participating in the K-Food Fair? The overall satisfaction of exporting companies was generally high. The purpose of their participation includes strengthening existing business partners, discovery of new markets, raising awareness of existing products, market tests, and acquiring local market information. Among which, it was found that the satisfaction with the promotion of existing products and raising awareness by strengthening existing customers was particularly high. However, in 2020, it was conducted as a hybrid fair combined with online and offline because of COVID-19, but due to the nature of the food industry’s preference to offline gathering, the satisfaction level was slightly decreased compared to the previous year.

Please explain the achievements of Gagopa Healing Food by participating in the K-Food Fair project. The Gagopa Healing Food CO., LTD. is a company that handles samgyetang ingredients, ginseng honey preserved, and plum tea extract. We established our relationship through the 2020 Jakarta K-Food Fair; during the consultation period, they achieved USD 424,200 in consultation and signed an on-site contract of USD 150,200. In addition, the brand awareness was raised through the promotion of ‘K-Food Fair Special Sale Week’ in Tokopedia and Qoo10, the largest online shopping malls in Indonesia. Through the consultation, it was possible to grasp data on the marketability of samgyetang ingredients, which can brew thick soup without adding meat; this was essential information as Indonesia is based on a halal culture.

Please give a piece of advice to exporters who are preparing to enter overseas markets. As there is a saying, ‘only those who are ready will snatch a good luck’; we could learn that the prepared companies eventually lead to positive results as we prepared for the event. The K-Food Fair project provides customized support in three stages before and after the fair is held, from preparation work to on-site support, and followup management. During the preliminary period, corporate promotional materials and local market information are supported. On-site stage offers export consultations and market tests. Finally, in post-management step, promotional activities by influencers and inviting buyers to Korea are supported. In most cases, recruitment announcements are posted from late January to early February, so please pay close attention.

K-Food Fairに參加した企業の滿足度はいかがでした か?

輸出企業の全體的な滿足度は相對的に高い結果となった? 輸出企業の參加目的は旣存の取引先との關係强化?新規市 場の發掘?旣存製品の認知度向上?マ―ケットテスト?現 地市場の情報收集などだ?このうち?旣存の取引先との關 係强化を通した旣存製品の販促および認知度向上の滿足度 が特に高くなった?ただし?2020年は新型コロナによりオ ンライン·オフラインで進められたが?食品業の特性上? オフラインが好まれるため?前年比の滿足度はやや低くな った?

カゴパヒ―リングフ―ドの場合?K-Food Fair事業に參 加してどのような成果を收めたのか說明をお願いします?

カゴパヒ―リングフ―ドは參鷄湯の材料?高麗人參エキ ス?梅茶液などを取扱う企業で?2020のジャカルタKFood Fairを通して?初めて面識ができた?期間全體で42 万4,200ドルの商談實績と15万200ドルを現場で契約する という成果を收めた?また?インドネシア最大のオンライ ンショッピングモ―ルのtokopedia(トコペディア)と Qoo10で「K-Food Fair Special Sale Week」の販促活動 を通して?ブランドの認知度を高めることができた?さら に?輸出商談會を通してハラ―ル文化圈のインドネシアで肉 類を加えなくても濃いス―プができる參鷄湯の材料が?市場 性があるという情報も把握できた?


「準備した者だけが幸運をさらっていく」という言葉のよう に?イベントを準備するとともに?準備した輸出企業がよ い成果が續くことを知ることができた?K-Food Fair事業 は事前?現場?事後管理までフェア開催前後の三段階で狀 況にあった支援を行っている?事前段階では企業のプロ モ―ション資料と現地市場情報を支援している?また?現 場では輸出商談會とマ―ケットテスト?事後管理としては インフルエンサ―のプロモ―ションとバイヤ―の國內招請 支援を行っている?1月末~2月初めまで募集廣告を出して いるので?たくさんの募集をお願いしたい?

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