AHML Newsletter February 2023

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Stay Informed

Any change in library operations will be posted at ahml.info/StayInformed as they are available. For questions or additional information, contact us by email at questions@ ahml.info, chat with us at ahml.info, text 847-665-1491 or call 847-392-0100.

Stay Connected

View our digital newsletter at issuu.com/ahml Click on any link in the digital newsletter, and you will be taken to our website. The online version also allows you to customize your view and zoom in or out on text.

Sign up for library eNewsletters to stay up to date on library programs, as well as other news and useful resources. Sign up and receive eNewsletters delivered right to your inbox at ahml.info/form/enewsletter–signup


Library programs are subject to change. Detailed program descriptions and registration details are available on the program calendar at ahml.info. Register in-person at the library, online at ahml.info/attend/events or by calling 847-392-0100.

Registration required.

Registration begins February 1.

Makerplace programs register on February 2. For more information on culinary program registration at the Makerplace, see page 29.

Day-of ticket given on a first-come, first-served basis at the Kids’ World Desk before program begins.

NO SYMBOL Programs without a symbol do not require registration unless otherwise noted.


The library is committed to inclusion and accessibility. To request disability accommodations, call 847–392–0100, text 847-665-1491 or email us at accessibility@ahml.info


Library Texting Service p. 4-5

Families p. 6

Early Childhood p. 7

Kids p. 8–9

Tweens p. 10

Teens p. 11–12

Adults p. 13–19

Business & Nonprofit p. 20

Jobs & Careers p. 21

Genealogy and p. 22 Local History

English as a Second p. 23 Language & Literacy

Online Resources p. 24

Spotlight on p. 24 the Collection

Book Discussions p. 25

Tech Classes p. 26-27

Makerplace p. 28-29

Senior Center p. 30

Friends & Foundation p. 31



New Service Provides Quick and Easy Answers for Inquiring Customers


Is the library open today? Can you place a hold on this book for me? What time is tonight’s author program?

Got questions? The library’s Info Services team is ready with answers- by telephone, live chat and now even by text!

“It’s just like text messaging a friend,” says Jackie Moreno, Info Services Supervisor. “In an age where our phones are always at our fingertips, the new texting service is really easy and convenient since you don’t have to be on a computer to communicate and the conversation goes to your own personal messages.”

Introduced fall 2022, the new text service is available during regular library hours at 847-665-1491. Customers can send text messages and links (the service cannot receive photos), and library staff in our Call Center will respond.

“Texting provides another level of accessibility to customers with different needs,” said Jolie Duncan, Info Services Manager. “Whenever the library is open, staff are available and ready to answer.”

Staff are also available to assist via live chat, a service that has been ongoing and is available through the library’s website at ahml.info. Live chat is available 24/7 thanks to a consortium of public libraries that provide after-hours, round-the-clock coverage for each other. Customers can also add photographs to a website chat session along with their written messages and links.

“The majority of questions center around placing holds, moving hold pick-up locations and customer account related questions,” said Moreno. “We also receive a wide range of topics by chat and text including conference room reservations, program registrations, eMaterials and research related questions.”


How to Contact the Library

Call us: 847-392-0100

Text us: 847-665-1491

Chat with us: Interactive chat service available at ahml.info. Just look for the red box that says “Chat with Us.”

Send a question online: Form available at ahml.info/form/contact.

Residents also often turn to the library for information on events happening on a grander scale outside the library as evidenced by a huge spike in inquiries about how to obtain solar eclipse sunglasses in the summer of 2017 and in the early days of the pandemic when library staff fielded more than 3,800 chats from March to June 2020.

“Whatever the topic, text, chat, call us,” says Moreno. “The library is here to communicate, and we are here to help.”


Whole Lot

of Chatting Going On

3,912 – Total chats in 2022 350 – Average number of chats each month

3,800-Number of chats March-June 2020. Virtual reference supported customers during the pandemic.

10 a.m.-peak time for live chats





Do something fun together.

Homeschool Hangout

Wednesday, February 8, 1–2:30 p.m. / Hub

Drop in for hands-on activities and the chance to meet other homeschoolers.

Valentine’s Day Mini Golf

Saturday, February 11, 10:30 a.m.–noon Cardinal Room

Drop in to play Valentine’s Day-themed mini golf using our golf clubs and balls.

Bumps & Babies Resource Fair

Do you love babies? Kids’ World staff sure do! We are now planning our spring Bumps & Babies Resource Fair at the library. If you have a service or business that supports growing families, expectant mothers or bouncing babies, and would like to join us on Saturday, April 15, from 10 a.m. to noon, email Kids@ahml.info and we will provide the link to your application. There is no charge to participate.

Parents’ Turn: Creating a Healthy Home for the Whole Family

Saturday, March 4, 10:30–11:30 a.m. Hendrickson Room

Our homes influence our moods, habits and overall health. Join Sunny Amirpour of PositivelyStrong.com to learn how you can minimize toxic chemicals in your home, décor and cleaning supplies while keeping your family’s health in mind.

Get hands-on and create your own natural and inexpensive versions of common household cleaners that will get your house clean while keeping your family’s health in mind.

This session is for parents, and children are welcome as well. Teen Advisory Board volunteers will help supervise kids. Arlington Heights cardholders only.

Family STEM: Making a Board Game

Monday, February 20, 4:30–5:30 p.m. Lindsey Room

Work together as a family to create your own board game with the supplies provided. Grades K-4 with an adult



Play and learn.





Saturday, February 4, 10 a.m.–noon Hendrickson Room

Join us for a time of connection and festivity as we celebrate inclusion with activities, crafts and tools that help serve families with youth with disabilities.This celebratory event is aimed towards families of youth with disabilities, those who are considering therapy services and service providers. Presented as part of We Love Our C.I.T.Y. month.

Tuesday, February 14, 9:30–11:30 a.m. Lindsey Room

An inclusive drop-in playgroup for children who receive or are considering therapy services, ages 0-5. Children play while families meet and find support. Siblings welcome. Facilitated by Beth Deiter, C.I.T.Y. of Support.


kids’ time

Mondays, 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.

weekly storytimes for February

Storytimes will meet in the Lindsey Room unless otherwise noted.

DAY-OF TICKETS will be distributed on a firstcome, first-served basis shortly before storytime begins. Caregiver attendance and supervision is required in all storytimes.

Please visit the online calendar at ahml.info for more information about each storytime.

wednesday fun night

Ages 3–6. Arlington Heights cardholders only.

baby time

Wednesdays, 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.

Infants 0–18 months. Arlington Heights cardholders only.

Kids’ Playgroup

10–11:30 a.m. / Kids’ World

Drop in on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays when morning storytimes are scheduled.

Wednesdays, February 1, 8, 15 and 22, 6:30–7 p.m. Ages 0–6.

toddler time

Thursdays, 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. Ages 19–35 months. Arlington Heights cardholders only.

family time

Saturdays, 10 a.m. Ages 0–6. Arlington Heights cardholders only.



Read and grow.

Fun and Learning in Kids’ World

A great big world of puzzles, games, books and more awaits in Kids’ World. Just ask Divish Goel, a first grader at Ivy Hill Elementary School in Arlington Heights, who has a penchant for solving Rubik’s Cubes – four types in all –and has this advice on what kids can do at the library.

“If they like to play games, they can play games. There are lots of games to play like Jenga. If they like puzzles, there are puzzles like Rubik’s Cubes. If they like math, they can check out the addition machine. If they like books…”

The list goes on and on for Divish who also includes “division, multiplication, spelling, soccer, swimming and the solar system” among the many things this six-year-old likes to do or learn about.

“Because he has so many interests, we can’t buy everything,” says Divish’s mother Komal Jindal. “The library has been really great. We visit at least once a week, and it has been a big help.”

On a recent visit to the library, Divish brought along some Rubik’s Cubes and solved them, one right after the other, in all shapes and sizes.

“He does as many as you’ll give him,” said Jindal. “He needs a lot of focus, and the library is great for that.”

Next time you visit the library, remember puzzles are just one of the many cool things you can do and learn. There are also games, books, STEM kits, craft projects and all kinds of interactive items to check out to take home or play with in the library. Visit Kids’ World and see all the library has to offer, and don’t hesitate to ask a staff member to help show you around all of the library’s special items.


Globetrotters: Papua New Guinea

Thursday, February 9, 4:15–5:15 p.m. Lindsey Room

Get to know a new country every month by singing songs, playing games and making crafts.

Grades 1 –3. Who Would Win?

Monday, February 13, 4–5 p.m. Lindsey Room

Get ready to debate the strengths of fierce predators and crown the champion of the animal kingdom.

Grades 2-3.

LEGO® Club

Friday, February 17, 1:30–2:30 p.m.

Hendrickson Room

Drop in to make incredible models using LEGO® bricks.

Ages 4 and up.

Monday, February 20, 1–2 p.m. Lindsey Room

Create an abstract work of art using sand and Mod Podge. Wear old clothes; this could get messy!

Grades 3–4.

Boredom Busters

Friday, February 24, 4:15–5:30 p.m. Cardinal Room

Looking for something to do? Drop in for a variety of crafts and games. Ages 5 and up.

I Can Read

Sunday, February 26, 3–4 p.m. / Kids’ World Calling all Beginning Readers! Come in and get your picture taken with a book you can read all by yourself! Your photo will be displayed in the I Can Read area. Sign up and bring a familiar book to read aloud to a librarian any time within the hour.

Grades K–3.

Youth Book Me

Looking for your next favorite book? Fill out a Youth Book Me request form with your reading preferences and library staff will put together a list of recommended titles. For kids, tweens and teens.

Book Me for Youth ahml.info/content/youth-book-me

Book Me for Parents, Caregivers and Adults ahml.info/book-me



Create and explore.

Sew a Winter Ear Warmer at the Makerplace

Wednesday, February 22 5:15–6:45 p.m.

Makerplace Sewing Area 112 N. Belmont Ave.

Learn how to use a sewing machine and make a cozy winter headband to keep your ears warm throughout the winter and into the spring.

Arlington Heights cardholders only. Grades 4–6.

Tween DIY Kit

Starting February 1 / Kids’ World

Create a unique cardboard string art heart for your special Valentine! Stay and make your string art heart or grab a Tween DIY Kit to take home. Pick up supplies at the Kids’ World Desk or request to pick them up at the drive-up window or bookmobile by contacting kids@ahml.info or 847-392-0100.

Grades 4–6.

Saying Yes to Your Story with Kwame Alexander

Wednesday, February 8, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom

See page 15.

Chocolate Olympics

Wednesday, February 8, 4:30–5:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room Compete against other tweens in challenges and games to see who will take home the gold medal. Grades 4–6.

Tween Advisory Group (TAG)

Friday, February 24, 4:15–5:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room

Join like-minded tweens to work on service projects, plan programs and play games. Grades 4–6.



Meet up or try something new.

Friday Flicks

Fridays, 6–9 p.m. / Hub

Drop in, hang out and watch a movie on the big screen. Come in early to cast your vote on what to watch.

Grades 7–12.

Teen Advisory Board

Sunday, February 5, 1–2:30 p.m. Lindsey Room

Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is a high school volunteer group that involves service projects, making your voice heard at the library and having fun. Plan and prepare this year’s projects while earning service hours.

Fill out an application to join TAB at ahml.info/teens/volunteer. Questions?

Email Teen Librarian, Alejandria Galarza at agalarza@ahml.info

For high school students only.

Saying Yes to Your Story with Kwame Alexander

Wednesday, February 8, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom

See page 15.

Teen Sip & Paint: Anime/Manga Glass Painting

Tuesday, February 14, 4:30–6 p.m. Cardinal Room

Learn the art of glass painting by painting your favorite character from an anime or manga while sipping on a tasty drink!

Examples of characters will be provided or visit the registration page for instructions on painting a specific character.

Grades 7–12.

Thursday, February 23 4:40–6 p.m. / Lindsey Room

Book it to the library and create new projects from old books! Their fate is up to you! Will they become secret storage, page art, origami designs, or used for blackout poetry?

Grades 7–12.



Meet up or try something new.

FourScore High School Reading Program

Twenty books are in the running to be named the top teen book and awarded the 2023 Lincoln Award, and Illinois high school students (like you) are the ones who choose. Join FourScore and read four (or more!) nominated titles for the 2023 Lincoln Award, vote for your favorite and score amazing giveaways.

• Sign up at ahml.beanstack.org and score a snazzy tote bag!

• Read four nominated books and score a free book!

• Read at least four nominated books and score the ability to join other Illinois high school students to vote for your favorite.

• Voting scores you a Bluetooth speaker!

Voting starts February 15 and ends March 15 so make sure you’ve read four nominated books!

Sign up online at ahml.beanstack.org or learn more at the Hub Desk.



Tuesday, February 28, 6–8 p.m. / Hendrickson Room

Getting a job can be intimidating. Learn how to make your best impression by receiving tips on crafting resumes, filling out applications and interviewing.

Actual bosses will be there to answer questions and ask you some, too, in a practice interview.

For high school students only.


Tuesday, March 7, 6–7:30 p.m.

Arlington Ridge Center, 660 N Ridge Ave.



High school teens looking for part-time work, come to the Teen Job Fair! Local businesses will be offering jobs with flexible hours for teen students, and area organizations will have volunteer, internship and other opportunities for teens. This program is in partnership with the Arlington Heights Youth Commission and the Arlington Heights Park District.

For high school students only.



Experience and discover.

Closed-captioning is available for all virtual adult programs.

Civics & Voting at AHML

Are you prepared for the upcoming consolidated election on April 4? See how the library can help you get election-ready for this and all elections at ahml.info/research/civics. Here, you’ll find key dates for upcoming elections, information about registering to vote, tools to help you with a sample ballot and highlighted local resources that can help you learn about candidates.

Visit this page for upcoming programs, including anticipated Candidate Forums in February presented in partnership with the League of Women Voters.

Parliamo Italiano (Let’s Speak Italian)

Wednesdays, February 1 and 15, 7–8 p.m. Room I

Interested in learning, improving or maintaining your spoken Italian? Join our Italian teacher to grow your language abilities! All levels welcome.

new series


Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant? Navigating Family Dynamics

Wednesday, February 1, 7:30–8:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room

Join Debra Torres for an interactive presentation on how to approach family conversations around challenging subjects such as illness, end-of-life options and aging with dignity.

MONDAY in the heat of the night

Monday, February 6, 6:30–8:30 p.m. / Hendrickson Room

Join us for this new series and enjoy one of the most enduring Hollywood films of the civil rights era. Black police detective Virgil Tibbs from Philadelphia becomes embroiled in a murder case and forges an uneasy alliance with a bigoted Southern sheriff after a wealthy Chicago businessman is murdered in a small Mississippi town. This 1967 film won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

Rated PG-13, 109 minutes.



Experience and discover.

Meditation Love for

Meditation for Love

Tuesday, February 7, 2–3:15 p.m. Hendrickson Room

When it comes to cultivating and strengthening relationships with the people we love, some elements are beyond our control. By meditating, we create the space and conditions in our mind that are conducive to developing healthy, kind relationships.

Learn how to calm both mind and body through the practices of meditation and mindfulness with instructor Mark Zelkowitz. Explore proven methods to increase self-awareness and improve concentration in a relaxed and supportive environment.

Hablemos Español

(Let’s Speak Spanish)

Monday, February 6, 6–7 p.m. / Room H Monday, February 20, 6–7 p.m. / Zoom

A conversation club to improve and practice your Spanish en la Biblioteca! Meet other Spanish learners and speakers in your community and brush up your skills. All levels welcome.

Writer’s Ink

Wednesday, February 8, 7–9 p.m. / Zoom

Start the novel, short story or poem you always meant to write and join instructor Jacob Knabb for this facilitated meetup. All skill levels and writing styles are welcome.

Tuesday, February 7, 7–8:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room

Looking for a beautiful hand-made gift for your Valentine? Learn how to make your own hand lettered Valentine’s Day cards with artist Rebecca Smith. Supplies provided by the library. Space is limited. Arlington Heights cardholders only.


Saying Yes toYour Story

Wednesday, February 8, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom

Join us for an evening of inspiration with award-winning children’s and young adult author and poet, Kwame Alexander. In this special Illinois Libraries Present event for young people and their families, Alexander will share ways to say yes to your story and persist in the face of rejection, through sharing his own journey.

Kwame Alexander is a poet, educator, publisher and New York Times bestselling author of 36 books, including Newbery Awardwinning The Crossover, Newbery/Caldecott Medal-winning, The Undefeated, and most recently, An American Story. A regular contributor to NPR’s Morning Edition, Alexander is the recipient of numerous awards, including The Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award, The Coretta Scott King Author Honor, three NAACP Image Award Nominations, and the 2017 Inaugural Pat Conroy Legacy Award.

This event is made possible by Illinois Libraries Present, a statewide collaboration among public libraries offering premier events.

Resource Hour

Thursday, February 9, 1–2 p.m. / First floor

Staff from the Village of Arlington Heights Health and Human Services Department will provide information and get you connected to resources. Drop in during this hour to meet them.

Community Blood Drive

Thursday, February 9, noon–5 p.m. Hendrickson Room

Donate blood to Versiti Blood Center and save a life. Bring a photo ID. Donors must wear a mask and comply with social distancing recommendations. Appointments are strongly recommended.

Any donor related questions can be directed to 1-800-7To-GIVE.



Experience and discover.

Dann & Raymond’s Movie Club: Social Issues on Film

Thursday, February 9, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room

Dann & Raymond’s Movie Club will explore one of the post-WWII trends in Hollywood, the “Social Problem Films,” explorations into American social issues of the day that were not touched previously, including alcoholism (The Lost Weekend), antisemitism (Crossfire and Gentleman’s Agreement), racism (Pinky), prison reform (Brute Force) and other formerly taboo topics. Many of these groundbreaking pictures went on to win an Oscar® and were the platform for modern social dramas.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

Sunday Musicale: Alloy Horn Quartet

Sunday, February 12, 2–3 p.m. Hendrickson Room

The Alloy Horn Quartet is a fusion of artistry and advocacy whose performances are powering their rise to the top of the chamber music scene. Comfortable in classical and contemporary genres, the quartet offers charismatic dialogue to disarm the rigidity of a traditional classical music experience. They will perform their special “Women Up Front” program.

Sponsored by Friends of the Library.

Parlons Français (Let’s Speak French)

Tuesdays, February 14 and 28, 7–8 p.m. Zoom

Join a resident native speaker and grow your language abilities. All levels welcome.

Wider Lens: Summer of Soul

Thursday, February 16, 6:30–8:45 p.m. Hendrickson Room

In his acclaimed debut as a filmmaker, Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson presents a powerful and transporting documentary—part music film, part historical record created around an epic event that celebrated Black history, culture and fashion. Over the course of six weeks in the summer of 1969, just one hundred miles south of Woodstock, The Harlem Cultural Festival was filmed in Mount Morris Park (now Marcus Garvey Park). The footage was largely forgotten until now. The feature includes concert performances by Stevie Wonder, Nina Simone, Sly & the Family Stone, Gladys Knight & the Pips, Mahalia Jackson, B.B. King, The 5th Dimension and more. Screening will be followed by a discussion.

Rated PG-13, 118 minutes.


Discovery Magic of with William Pack

The Discovery of Magic

Friday, February 24, 7–8 p.m. / Hendrickson Room

William Pack, “The Chicago Magic Expert,” reveals a secret world of colorful characters, amusing adventures and arcane knowledge. Meet astonishing magicians, explore incredible behind-thescenes stories and wonder at recreations of the baffling magic tricks behind those stories. Pack is a magician, storyteller and author who performed close-up magic at the famous Schulien’s restaurant and demonstrated magic for 13 years at Chicago’s Navy Pier.

Investing Made Simple

Thursday, February 16, 7–8:30 p.m. / Zoom

Financial educator Karen Chan will make stocks, bonds and mutual funds crystal clear using the story of a young company called Freddie’s Finest Furniture. You’ll learn how to put that information into use as she explains index funds and target date retirement funds and how they can simplify your investing decisions.

Creative Aging: Art with Alayne

Watch the Art with Alayne Arctic Fox class on video and do this month’s project. Then, join Alayne and fellow art students in a meet up to share your work inspired by the class, or get advice from Alayne to complete your project.

Visit ahml.info/virtual_art to watch this month’s video class and register for a meet up.

Art with Alayne Meet Ups

Tuesdays, February 21 or 28, or Friday, February 24, 2:30–3:30 p.m. / Zoom

Meet up registrants will be notified by email when they can pick up their Create Kits with supplies at the drive-up window. All February Meet Ups cover the same project. Register for only one. Arlington Heights cardholders only.



Experience and discover.

Wednesday Cinema: SOUL

Wednesday, February 22, 1–3 p.m. / Hendrickson Room

Jamie Foxx leads an all-star cast in this hilarious, heart-filled adventure. Pixar’s SOUL introduces Joe, who lands the gig of his life at the best jazz club in town. But one misstep lands Joe in a fantastical place: The Great Before. There, he teams up with soul 22 (Tina Fey), and together they find their answers to some of life’s biggest questions.

Rated PG, 100 minutes.

So You Want to Buy an Electric Car?

Thursday, February 23, 6–7 p.m. / Zoom

Electric cars are dropping by the dozen, yet a majority of consumers still aren’t taking the plunge. This virtual class from Chaya Milchtein of Mechanic Shop Femme is a roadmap to making an educated decision, the pros and cons, and purchasing, buying and maintaining an electric car.

Favorite Things: Debut Authors

Monday, February 27, 7–7:45 p.m. / Zoom

Looking for writers who speak with powerful, fresh voices? Discuss debut authors worth having on your radar in 2023. Grab your favorite beverage and meet library staff as they share the very best debut books and leave with a great list of recommendations. Share your own favorites with us in the discussion that follows.

Tuesday, February 21, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom

Ileana Serrano, U.S. Census Bureau Data Specialist, will teach users how to use data.census.gov to access the most current and relevant demographic, socioeconomic and housing statistics about your community. Learn about the American Community Survey and other Census Bureau programs and datasets available. Learn to use the search and navigation features in data.census.gov as well as how to download tables and create thematic maps.

18 42,790 workers Your Community
14,867 enrolled in school 2,150 carpool to work 4,814 kids under age 5
$127,008 mean household income
34,767 bachleor’s degrees


The Weird and Wonderful World MAR Y ROACH with

Wednesday, March 1, 7-8 p.m. / Zoom

Don’t miss this virtual evening with New York Times bestselling author, Mary Roach. Annalee Newitz will join her in conversation to discuss Roach’s frank approach to science, the importance of humor, and explore the weird, wonderful world in which we live.

Dubbed “America’s funniest science writer” by the Washington Post, Roach has explored topics from the curious lives of human cadavers, packing to visit space, the afterlife, the alimentary canal and more. Roach claims to have no hobbies, but enjoys bird-watching, hiking, playing scrabble and watching late-night Animal Planet

Annalee Newitz has a Ph.D. in English and American Studies from UC Berkeley and is one half of the hilarious podcast, Our Opinions are Correct. On their show, Newitz delves into the weird, wonderful and nerdy framework of science in pop culture.

This event is made possible by Illinois Libraries Present, a statewide collaboration among public libraries offering premier events.



Start something big.

Small Business Coffee & Connect

Tuesday, February 7, 9–10:30 a.m. / Cardinal Room

Get connected with members of your local small business community. Every other month, drop in to network and connect with other entrepreneurs and those in small businesses of all kinds: startups, microbusinesses, solopreneurs, influencers, nonprofits and more. Coffee and donuts provided. Ask questions, share ideas, make connections and get inspired.

SCORE Business Mentoring

Thursdays, February 2, 23 and March 2 9 a.m.–noon

Monday, February 13, 6–8 p.m.

First floor appointment room

Get advice about your business or business idea from a SCORE Business Mentor. SCORE is the nation’s largest network of volunteer business mentors, a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Virtual and in-person appointments available.

Your Community by the Numbers

Tuesday, February 21, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom

See page 18.

Bumps & Babies Resource Fair

Kids’ World staff are now planning our Bumps & Babies Resource Fair at the library on Saturday, April 15, from 10 a.m. to noon. If you have a service or business that supports growing families, expectant mothers or babies, and would like to join us, email Kids@ahml.info for the link to apply. There is no charge to participate.

Wednesday, March 1, 7–8:30 p.m. / Cardinal Room

Learn about the main leasing, operational and legal considerations for small businesses looking to lease, buy or relocate their business. Benna Hermanson of BRH Real Estate Consulting and Frank Portera and Kelly Anderson of Lavelle Law will share insights and answer questions about finding and securing the perfect space.



Take the next step.


The library’s Interview Prep Kit has all the essentials you need to ace your interview. Preparing for the job interview can be one of the most stressful parts of the job search. The key to any interview is being well prepared. You want to make a great first impression and convince the hiring committee that you are the best candidate.

From strategizing about how to tackle the toughest questions to printing directions, we’ve got you covered with tips to make sure you bring your A-game.

What’s inside includes:

• Interview Prep Checklist

• 15 Common Interview Questions and Answers

• Interview Worksheet

Take Home Jobs Kit

Overwhelmed with your job search? The library’s Take Home Jobs Kit has all the essentials you need to help in your search for a new job. The kits include a variety of information focused on job searching, skill building, resume writing and overall career exploration. Kits now include interview prep materials. From strategizing about how to tackle the toughest questions to printing directions, we’ve got you covered with tips to make sure you bring your A-game in your next interview. Call 847-392-0100 or email questions@ahml.info to request your kit starting Wednesday, February 1. Take Home Jobs Kits will be available while supplies last. One per customer.

• Interview Settings

• Questions to Ask the Hiring Committee

For more resources and information, visit ahml.info/services/careers

Your Remote Workspace

Thursday, February 2, 7–8:30 p.m. / Zoom

Learn how to source and set up the necessities for a home office, especially on a budget. In this webinar, Lauren Milligan from ResuMAYDAY will also discuss remote work, zoom interviews, and how to effectively work from home.

Resume Reviews and LinkedIn Profile Reviews

Schedule an appointment today to have your resume or LinkedIn profile reviewed by a professional and get tailored tips on how to optimize your LinkedIn network so that you get noticed by recruiters and hiring managers. Available free of charge to Arlington Heights cardholders. Daytime and evening sessions are available at ahml.info/form/schedule-an-appointment


Free Tax Prep Help

The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program offers free tax preparation help to anyone, with special attention to those over the age of 50, who cannot afford a tax preparation service. Appointments are required and run from early February through mid-April.

Schedule your appointment in person at the Info Desk, Second Floor Desk, online or call 847-392-0100. If you have brokerage statements, please make your appointments for late March or early April. All returns will be e-filed, and you will receive a paper copy of your return. If filing a joint return, both spouses must be present, or bring a signed Power of Attorney.


Discover your roots.

Swedish Genealogy Research Help

Wednesday, February 15, noon.–7 p.m. Zoom

Sign up for a Zoom appointment with genealogist Kathy Meade to get help with your Swedish genealogy research. Half-hour appointments available. Register at ahml.info/attend/events

Get the Facts: Vital Records

Monday, February 20, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom

Beginning Genealogy

Friday, February 17, 6–7:30 p.m. Cardinal Room

Discover the basics of researching your family history. We’ll discuss techniques for finding your ancestors and essential genealogy databases.

Gathering birth, marriage, death records, known collectively as vital records, is the most basic way to make a connection between generations in a family. Genealogist Jane Haldeman will look at the information that can be gathered from each of these records and where to find them.



Practice and learn.

Tea & Talk

Wednesday, February 8, 1:30–3 p.m. Hendrickson Room

Monthly social conversation group for ESL adults; children welcome.

New Friends Network

Tuesday, February 21, 10–11 a.m. Cardinal Room

If you are new to the area, please join us for an informal get together. Meet others, make new friends and enjoy interesting conversations. Everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be provided.


Social Hour

Friday, February 10, 10–11 a.m. ESL & Literacy Office

Drop in to chat or play a board game and practice speaking and listening skills.

ESL Conversation Lab

Saturday, February 11 and 25, 10–11 a.m. ESL & Literacy Office or Zoom

Join other adult English language learners to practice conversation around different topics with interactive activities.

ESL Book Discussion

Tuesday, February 21 , 1-2 p.m. ESL & Literacy Office or Zoom

Books are available near the Info Desk and discussion questions are available in the ESL & Literacy Services Office.

Inglés para Hispanohablantes

Wednesdays, February 1 and 15, 11 a.m.–noon ESL & Literacy Office

Una clase conversacional para Hispanohablantes que buscan mejorar su Inglés.

Esta clase es en persona en la oficina de ESL

English Language Review

Wednesdays, February 1, 15 and 22, 1–2 p.m. ESL & Literacy Office or Zoom

Join other adult English language learners to study English.

Citizenship Interview Practice

Wednesday, February 15, 7–9 p.m. / Zoom

Sign up for a 30-minute time slot to practice the interview portion of your citizenship test. Provided in partnership with HIAS Immigration & Citizenship.

Culture Conversation &

Culture and Conversation

Mondays, 1–2 p.m.

February 6 and 20 / Room I February 13 and 27 / Zoom

Fridays, 1–2 p.m. / Zoom February 3, 10, 17 and 24

Join other adult English language learners to talk about a new topic each week.


New Online Resources

The library has added several new online products for researchers and kids, all available to library cardholders from home.

Black Life in America and Hispanic Life in America

These research tools focus on the experiences and impact of African Americans and Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media. Each database includes millions of articles and primary sources from thousands of publications covering hundreds of years. They also feature a browsable guide through time periods and significant topics and events to help users quickly locate articles of interest. Find them in the Research > Databases > All Databases section of the library’s website, as well as on the Youth > Teens > Study page of the library’s website.

ABC mouse

Interactive online lessons for learners ages 2-8. Features over 10,000 interactive books, educational games, puzzles and other learning activities—over 1,000 of which are in Spanish. Find it on the library’s website under Youth > Kids > Learning Resources

For assistance with these or other online resources, contact the library.

Painting spotlight on...

There’s no better time than in the heart of winter to learn a new skill (making gourmet pastries and desserts, perhaps?) or to get your legal house in order, all from the comfort of home. The Arlington Heights Memorial Library offers a robust selection of Great Courses on DVD and audiobook CD covering a wide range of topics, from world languages to mathematics, from the stars (astronomy) to the earth (paleontology). Explore the world’s greatest paintings; learn how to read Shakespeare, invest your money or play chess. Great Courses are instructor-led, college-level courses you can work through in your own time, at your own pace. Lessons in myths, medicine, and music await; search “Great Courses” under “series” in our catalog at ahml.info to discover your next lesson.



Join the conversation.

Register to attend a book discussion. Stop by the Info Desk to pick up a copy of any of the books or contact us at 847-392-0100 to request a copy. Book discussion titles are also available as an eBook and eAudiobook.

NEW: BEYOND THE BOOK Hooked: How Crafting Saved My Life by Sutton Foster Book Discussion and Craft

Wednesday, February 15, 6–7:30 p.m. Makerplace, 112 N. Belmont Ave.

Are you someone who loves to craft and read? Join us for a special book discussion with a craft where we will discuss Hooked: How Crafting Saved My Life by Broadway star Sutton Foster as we create a cross-stitch bookmark to take home! Come to the Info Desk to pick up a copy of the book or call 847-392-0100 to reserve a copy to pick up. Books are also available as an eBook and eAudiobook on cloudLibrary.


The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb

Monday, February 13, 7–8 p.m. / Cardinal Room or Thursday, February 23, 10–11 a.m. / Conference Room H

The Violin Conspiracy is about a black classical musician’s desperate quest to recover his stolen family heirloom violin on the eve of the most prestigious musical competition in the world. Throughout this lyrical debut whodunit, Slocumb confronts privilege, racial discrimination, complex family relationships, the strain of success and the struggle of upholding a family legacy.



All in-person tech classes are held in the Training Center, unless otherwise noted.

Register for Tech Classes starting February 1. More information available at ahml.info.

Basic Computer Skills

Monday, February 6, 1:30–3 p.m.

Learn the components of a window, how to use a mouse and open and close files.

Let’s Photoshop: Fixing Photos

Monday, February 6, 7–8:30 p.m.

Learn to improve everyday and digitized photos by editing colors, fixing blemishes and more.

Excel: Basics

Wednesday, February 8, 10–11:30 a.m.

Learn about spreadsheets and how to move within them and the basics of Excel including rows, columns, tabs and more.

Beginning Computing with Windows 10

Wednesday, February 8, 1:30–3 p.m.

Learn how to launch programs; create, rename and delete files as well as folders; organize your desktop and more.

Using Your Mac: Basics

Thursday, February 9, 10–11:30 a.m.

Learn all about the Mac operating system, from the keyboard and your Apple ID, to launching apps, organizing files and changing settings.

How to Use Your Android Device

Thursday, February 9, 1:30–3 p.m.

Learn how to install apps, manage your device settings and more. Bring your Android device

How to Use Your iPad/iPhone

Friday, February 10, 10–11:30 a.m.

Learn to use your device’s settings, apps, web browser and more. Bring your iPad or iPhone if you have one.

Digitize It: VHS and 8mm Tapes

Friday, February 10, 2–3 p.m.

Learn how to digitize your VHS, 8mm, Hi8, VHS-C and Mini DV tapes using the equipment and software in the Studio.

Word: Basics

Monday, February 13, 7–8:30 p.m.

This class will introduce you to all the tabs, especially the File and Home tabs, and how to change words on the page.

PowerPoint: Basics

Tuesday, February 14, 1:30–3 p.m.

This class covers the basics for developing an interesting presentation.


Excel: Intermediate

Wednesday, February 15, 10–11:30 a.m.

Learn about charts and graphs and commonly used functions for working with data.

Making One Minute Videos

Thursday, February 16, 7–8:30 p.m.

Learn to shoot, edit, upload and share short format videos on TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts.

How to Use Your

iPad/iPhone’s Apps

Friday, February 17, 10–11:30 a.m.

Explore many of the default apps available on your iPad or iPhone. Bring your device.

PowerPoint: Intermediate Tuesday, February 21, 1:30–3 p.m.

Learn how to enhance your presentations with creative effects.

Digitize It: Reel to Reel Film

Tuesday, February 21, 7–8 p.m.

Learn how to digitize your 8mm and 16mm film reels utilizing the equipment and software in the Studio.

Excel: Charts and Graphs

Wednesday, February 22, 11 a.m.–noon

Take an in-depth look at how to use Excel to display data using charts and graphs.

Cord Cutting 101: Exploring Cable Alternatives

Wednesday, February 22, 7–8:30 p.m. Zoom

Learn how to save hundreds of dollars annually by cutting your cable and phone cord and instead use cost-effective alternatives.

Using Apple’s iCloud

Thursday, February 23, 10–11:30 a.m.

Learn the ins and outs of iCloud and work seamlessly between your iPhone, iPad and Mac computer with synchronized contacts, calendars and more.

Make a Photo Slideshow with iMovie

Thursday, February 23, 7–8:30 p.m.

Learn how you can use iMovie on your Mac computer or mobile device to turn existing photos into a movie you can share with your friends and family.

Digitize It: Audio and Slides/Photos

Friday, February 24, 11 a.m.–noon

Learn how to digitize your vinyl records, audio cassettes, 35mm slides and photos utilizing the specialized equipment and software in the Studio.

Word: Intermediate Monday, February 27, 7–8:30 p.m.

Learn how to change margins, use bullet points, formatting, tables, templates and more.

PowerPoint: Transitions and Animations

Tuesday, February 28, 2–3 p.m.

Take an in-depth look at how to work with transitions and animations in your PowerPoint presentations.

Tips for Buying Online

Tuesday, February 28, 7–8:30 p.m. / Zoom

Learn tips for buying items on sites such as Craigslist, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp and Etsy. No accounts needed; this will be an overview.


Discover the place where you can be a maker.

The Makerplace provides visitors ages 12 and up a unique opportunity for making and creating using the latest technology and equipment, along with flexible workspaces and a commercialgrade kitchen. Visit anytime to explore the space, try something new or bring a project from home and use the open workspaces. All users must sign a waiver before using equipment or participating in Makerplace classes. Makerplace classes are for Arlington Heights cardholders only, unless otherwise noted.

Registration for February classes at the Makerplace begins at 9 a.m. on February 2.


Sunday, February 5, 1–2 p.m. / Makerplace Flex Space 1


Tuesday, February 14 6–7:30 p.m. / Makerplace Creative Arts

Join us for an evening of creating art inspired by famous artists and art styles. Create a masterpiece and chat with your neighbors. Supplies provided.

For ages 18 and up. Arlington Heights cardholders only.


Tuesday, February 21, 2–3 p.m. and 4:30–5:30 p.m. Makerplace Creative Arts

Create an adorable owl out of wool with this fun class! Join Natasha Lehrer Lewis as you learn how to transform fibers into animals with this magical technique. Supplies provided.

This program is designed for ages 12 and up. Arlington Heights cardholders only. Both sessions are the same; register for only one.


Wednesday, February 22, 5:15–6:45 p.m. / Makerplace Sewing Area

Learn how to use a sewing machine and make a cozy winter headband to keep your ears warm throughout the winter and into the spring.

Arlington Heights cardholders only. Grades 4–6.



Essentials classes are designed for ages 12 and up and adults. Arlington Heights cardholders only. Registration for February classes at the Makerplace begins at 9 a.m. on February 2.


Thursday, February 9, 1–2:30 p.m. Makerplace Flex Space 2


Sunday, February 19, 1–2:30 p.m. Makerplace Flex Space 2


Wednesday, February 22, 1–2:30 p.m. Makerplace Flex Space 2


Sunday, February 26, 1–2:30 p.m. Makerplace Sewing and Quilting Room


Culinary classes are designed for adults 18+, unless otherwise noted. Arlington Heights library card required. Limit one culinary class every month, per cardholder.

Culinary program attendees are selected monthly through a lottery system. Register any time from February 2 at 9 a.m. to February 3 at 8:59 a.m. to join the lottery for a chance to attend. Individuals will be chosen at random and notified by email on February 3.

All classes take place in the Makerplace Kitchen, unless otherwise noted. Please note: The Makerplace Kitchen is not a nut-free, gluten-free or other allergy-free environment.


Saturday, February 11 11 a.m.–1 p.m. or 2:30–4:30 p.m.

Food writer and cookbook author Emily Paster returns to share recipes and techniques for adding fresh, homemade pastas to your table.


Saturday, March 4, noon–1 p.m. or 2:30–4 p.m.


Tuesday, February 28 2–4 p.m. and 5:30–7:30 p.m.

Join Chef Grace Goudie of Scratchboard Kitchen for a culinary treat of her choice and bring her signature composed, but not complicated recipes into your kitchen.

Learn, sample and socialize at this tasting with Beer on the Wall’s Matt Geary. An Advanced Ciccerone, Geary will guide you through the flavors, aromas and mouthfeel of each selected beer and you’ll walk away with some new beer history. Must be 21 to attend.


112 N. Belmont Avenue

Visit ahml.info/makerplace for more information.

Tuesday-Thursday: 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday: noon-5 p.m. Monday & Friday: Closed



All in-person programs are held at the Senior Center, 1801 W. Central Road. Many also offer the option to attend via Zoom.

Reading Room hours: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.; Saturday, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.


Fridays, February 3, 10, 17 and 24, 10 a.m. Senior Center

Drop in and enjoy travel movies and documentaries.

Film Discussion Circle

Tuesday, February 7, 1 p.m. / Senior Center

February’s film is The Narrow Margin (1952), 71 minutes, unrated. A discussion led by staff follows a free showing of the film.

Computer Interest Group

Wednesday, February 8, 1–2 p.m. Senior Center or Zoom Novice and experienced users discuss current technology, exchange tips and offer advice for solving problems on PCs, tablets and smartphones.

Current Events Discussion

Thursdays, February 2, 9, 16 and 23, 10 a.m. Senior Center or Zoom

Register by calling 847-870-3712.

The Music and Influence of Peter, Paul & Mary and The Kingston Trio

Wednesday, February 15, 1:30–2:30 p.m. Senior Center

Drop in and join Steve Justman, Chicago area singer and musician, as he shares the story and songs of two of the most influential folk music groups that put guitars and banjos in the hands of millions.

Senior Center Book Discussions

Books available in the Senior Center Reading Room. Register to meet in-person at the Senior Center or join on Zoom.

Popular Books The Love of My Life by Rosie Walsh

Wednesday, February 8, 10 a.m. Senior Center or Zoom

Modern Classics Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield

Monday, February 27, 10 a.m. Senior Center or Zoom


Classes feature small class size and hands-on instruction. All classes are held in person at the Senior Center. Check for class openings and register online.

Full schedule and class descriptions available at ahml.info/senior/materials


Join our weekly phone discussions where we listen to and discuss short stories or share reminisces of past events and experiences. No technology other than a phone is required. Contact Senior and Accessible Services at 847-870-3712 to learn more about these programs or to register.



Support the library.

Members Night Friday, February 3, 6–8 p.m. Saturday, February 4 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Sunday, February 5 noon–3 p.m., $8 Bag Sale

Cardinal Room 25% Teacher Discount on Friday and Saturday with valid teacher ID.

No scanning or use of electronics in FOL sale areas. There is no adult sale in February.

Join the Friends at ahml.info/ friends or become a member at the door on Friday, February 3.

Arlington Heights Memorial



Meeting schedule: ahml.info/about/information

Greg Zyck • President 847-507-2336 • gzyck@ahml.info

Carole Medal • Vice President/Secretary 847-506-2683 • cmedal@ahml.info

John Supplitt • Treasurer 847-506-2685 • jsupplitt@ahml.info

Trustees: Jennifer Borrell 847-506-2680 • jborrell@ahml.info

Sarah Galla 847-506-2681 • sgalla@ahml.info

Andi Ruhl 847-506-2684 • aruhl@ahml.info

Amy Somary 847-506-2686 • asomary@ahml.info EXECUTIVE

WRITERS Pat Aichele William Tolan GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Brian Benson Colleen Mele Stephanie Battista
Mary Hastings
Scanner • Heat Press • Personal Hearing Amplifier • GoPro Dog Harness • iPad Pro • Canon EOS-Rebel • Dualshock 4 Controller • Voltage Tester • Ukulele Portable Charger • Moisture Meter • Photography Light Box • Flexible Tripod • Nintendo Switch • Noise-canceling Headphones • Codenames • Projector rophone Stand • Rechargeable Screwdriver Canon HD Camcorder • Hotspot • iPad Pro rning Kit • Theremin • Bluetooth Selfie Stick Ascension: Deck-building Game • Record Pla Player • Joy-con Steering Wheels • Heat Press • Easel • GoPro Accessories • Acoustic Guitar • Impact Socket Set • Guitar PedalReverb • Scriptalk Station Series X • Sony Bloggie Camera • Drill • Fabric Steamer • Handheld Video Magnifier • Bluetooth Speaker • Sewing Machine • Crochet Kit • Bobbin Win Winder • Light Pad • Nintendo Classic Mini • Roli Lightpad Block • Google Chromecast • Low Vision Game Kit • Craft Mat Kit • Pinking Shears • Green Screen Mouse Sander • Laser Level • Ring Light • Portable PA System • Portable Voice Recorder • Button Maker • LED UV Lamp • GoPro 360 Camera • Voltage Tester • Embroidery Machine • Engraver • Air Compressor • Paper Shredder • Playstation 4 Console • Apple TV • Heat Press • Vinyl Cutter • Currency Library of ahml.info/library _ of _ things Arlington Heights Memorial Library 500 North Dunton Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Palatine, IL Permit #591 POSTAL PATRON ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL Arlington Heights Memorial LIBRARY 847-392-0100 | Text 847-665-1491 | ahml.info HOURS Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday noon.-6 p.m. CONNECT WITH US @arlingtonheightslibrary @ahml @ahml Arlington Library

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