Article__ Aineias, Tyler, Salma, Angelina Block 2 - Google Docs
One Tribe, With Empathy Salma, Aineias, Tyler, Angelina
http://bigthink.com/21st-century-spirituality/the-case-against-empathy-2 https://booktrib.com/2015/10/race-relations-in-america-3-books-to-grow-your-empathy-muscles/
Article__ Aineias, Tyler, Salma, Angelina Block 2 - Google Docs
Table of Contents 1. Animals are humans, Treat them Right; B y Angelina Saba why do we think that animals are just another one of our toys that get old and sick?
2. How Memes Helped The World; By Tyler Gueco An Explanation on how memes played an important role in the world.
3. Disabilities Rights By ; Salma Megahed Disabled people should have the same privileges as any other human.
4. People with disabilities should be treated as our equals; By Aeneas Oikonomidis-Doumpas Disabled people are our equals
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Animals are humans, Treat them Wright By Angelina Saba “If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.” This was said by James Herriot, who is a veterinary surgeon and a writer. Just because humans are smarter than animals, why do we think that animals are just another one of our toys that get old and sick? Then you think it is acceptable to throw him/her on the streets, and nobody will get hurt? People think that they can do whatever they want to do to animals and nothing bad will happen to them. But actually, animals are humans in a different form,. So why do we do deplorable actions to them, and not care for them? First, people should understand that some animals need help to become better. For example, Inky the black cat was wild, and the animal shelter that tried to save him had to use a net. Cats like this are hard to adopt, but Inky was given a job. Inky’s job was to catch mice, he enjoyed his job and it made him be a better cat. Once all the mice were gone, Inky became like a different cat. His job changes, and he turns into being a normal pet, and giving his “boss” company. Once the shelter knew this was an option for the cats that people didn’t want to adopt, they started doing the same thing more often. Humans also need to be in a comfortable place for them to be themselves, and be a better a better person. As stated in newsela, “ A new school year just started. And not just for kids! It is a new school year for a special group of puppies, too.” Hero dogs have a special job, which is to help veterans. Michael Harris has a hero dog named Gracie; Gracie helps him when he is worried or is having a bad dream. Michael loves Gracie and Gracie loves him. This proves that animals help humans just like humans help each other. Lots of other people have been helped by animals, and maybe if you have a pet, she/he might have helped you in some way. This means that animals are humans but they look like animals; they do the same thing as humans, but in a different way. Also, people should look up to Kathy Woods. Ms. Woods has four pets and helps animals heal quickly. Inside her home, there is lots of wildlife. Ms. Woods like to take care of the animals, and she likes to be busy. She takes care of any animal that needs her help, racoons, birds, owls, turtles, anything! Her center is about to be full of all the animals. Kathy Woods is a kind person and welcomed many animals into her home. She made the animals feel loved, just like lots of people do. She helps lots of animals, just like a human doctor helps lots of humans. If
Article__ Aineias, Tyler, Salma, Angelina Block 2 - Google Docs
you care for an animal, love him/her, and stay with them as much as possible, then they will do the same for you. A dog called Hachikō lived with Hidesaburo Ueno since he was a puppy. One day Ueno died at work, and didn’t come back to see Hachikō. Every day Hachikō would go to the train station to see if his owner would come back. He did this for almost ten years. When Hachikō died people made a statue of him. I think that Hachikō did this because his owner cared for him, and they loved each other. This shows that animals can get hurt and can be confused while having hope. This means that animals aren’t perfect, just like humans. Animals also need to cross roads, they do cross roads, but without knowing the rules of the road. Adam Ford wanted to know how animals cross the road, he is a scientist who studies wildlife. One animal that crosses the road are bears. Bears are big and slow, so they are easy to hit. The park helped Adam build paths over a road, and tunnels under the road. What they did helped the animals, although it costs lots of money. The bears want to cross the roads just like us. Why did the grizzly bear want to cross the road? Almost the same reasons as humans, to get food, to explore, find new homes, and more. Some animals need to do things that humans do, but others can do things that humans wouldn’t expect them to. For example, scientists wanted to figure out how smart racoons are. They put water in a tube, then put marshmallows on top. The scientists put rocks in the water, until the marshmallows were high enough to reach. The racoons did what the scientist did, and grabbed the marshmallow. Another racoon had another idea, she jumped on the tube, then tipped the tube over to grab the marshmallow. Racoons are very intelligent, humans aren’t the only ones who are really smart. Racoons are like humans, in animal form. In conclusion, humans are not the only ones who can improve. People should think about how an animal feels, and how it would be like if you were an animal. How would you feel in a cage with nobody wanting to adopt you, or if you needed help but people just walk by. What would you feel if you don’t know the rules of the road, but have to cross it. You don’t have to take in so many animals like Kathy Woods, you can be a foster home. It doesn’t take much effort to take care of an animal if you be nice to one. If you can’t be a foster home, then you can do something like giving a stray animal a plate of food.
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How Memes Helped The World By Craig Tyler Gueco Memes have been a part of our word for a long time now. Most people look at memes and say that they’re useless and just a way to make people laugh, but little do people know that memes have been used to do things that help the world. There are problems out there that are clouded by our lives and thoughts that we don’t take awareness of. Every meme has a meaning behind it, like this meme that notifies people about discrimination to other nationalities. For years silly things like memes have helped the modern community grow in many ways and help support causes and things that we don’t even know about by changing the way we think about something.
The Election Memes The Presidential Election in 2016 was all about the people's choice, and during this time memes were used to shift the mindsets of the citizens of US. Many people have hated the election of the new president Trump. Memes have been created to help win the debates and show what being a president truly means. There have been countless numbers of people who have been against trump in the 2016 election. You might be asking what do memes have to do with politics? Like I said before, memes are used to change someone's mind about something, so many memes have been made to insult Trump. For example, the wall that Trump claims to be building along the border of New Mexico may have a negative impact on the relationship between the US and Mexico. A childhood favorite TV show has been made a meme just to help prevent this wall. Whilst Trump still continues the wall, many national citizens have been protesting against the border, if you think about it, some minds could have been changed by the memes that were created. Note that memes are images that you can find all over the web, it’s hard not to spot one when your browsing the internet or on social media pages like Facebook. Although Trump won the election, citizens world wide did not like the idea of having Trump as president, do note that only the US citizens were the only ones who were able to speak their minds about Trump. If we people as global citizens could express our feelings in the presidential election, Trump wouldn’t have been voted as
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president. Imagine you’re the president of a country, now think about how you became president. You didn’t really earn the right to be president, the people who chose YOU to be president were the ones who made you who you are and why you ran for president in the first place. Another topic on Trump is World War 3. It has been a widely explored topic by the citizens of America, especially since there is a new president. Many fear the future as they think that Trump may be the cause of world war 3 as well as the very famous president of North Korea Kim JongUn. This was an example of how memes were made to help people realize what will happen if we do certain things.
The Cruel Internet Memes are also often used to express one's feelings to the world while others across the globe can relate to the problem. Many men and women wonder why someone commits suicide, usually, suicide is caused by depression. This is when a person feels like they have no use in the world, our race is constantly being “infected” with depression. The suicide rates in America have increased from 1999 to 2014. Although some might complain that this information was over 34 years ago, suicide is still happening in countries all over the world, not just in America, but in places like Asia and Europe. Over 6000 British Citizens commit suicide in a year, and over 25% of those people are women. According to Independent Co (A news article), the rates of women suiciding in the UK are the highest in the world. Most of these cases of suicide done by women are caused by sexual harassment. The Majority of men think that women are housewives, slaves that work in the house 24/7. People made these depression and harassment memes to show that these people aren’t alone, and that they’ve been there at they can help you. Gamer Girls are constantly being sexually harassed, assaulted, cyberbullied, threatened, and much more horrible things that you can’t even imagine are occurring right now globally on the internet. As a fellow gamer, I do my best to keep peace and fun in gaming. I don’t allow someone to insult someone if they’re bad at the game, I tell them to get up and keep going. One of my friends is a gamer girl, she was harassed by other gamers. While she was on the public gaming server, a few fellow gamers joined her and started harassing her with stereotypical insults. At the time she was having an extreme mood swing due to recent events in her life. They called her inanimate, and said that the kitchen was her jail cell and they were the guards. With me and a couple of her other friends help, we were able to relieve her from all the stress she went through and help her recover from her tragic event.
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In conclusion, memes play an important role in both our daily and social lives, we do not realize how careless we are in terms of our actions and how they have consequences. So many people are suffering out there in the world and then look at our lives. We live in a world that is so easy to thrive and do well while others have limits to their resources, if you ever see someone being harrassed for being racially discriminated, walk up to that person and say that it’s ok and that you aren’t alone.
Article__ Aineias, Tyler, Salma, Angelina Block 2 - Google Docs
Disabilities Rights By; Salma Megahed ‘’ I wish for the world that views disability, mental or physical, not as hindrance but as unique attributes that can be seen as powerful assets if given the right opportunities.’’ Oliver Wolf Sacks said this and was a British neurologist, naturalist, historian of science, and author. He was born in Britain, he said this so disabled people understand that they are not alone, and are humans just like nondisabled people. Nondisabled people should have no right to see a disabled person and laugh at the situation they cant even help. People with disabilities can't help that they are disabled, and people don't understand the situation they are in. Disabled people should have the same privileges as any other human.
Disabilities in sports The word disability means a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities. But to nondisabled people, it means that they are stronger than them, and they have a right to do everything they want. While the disabled people think they can't do what they dream of doing. According to Newsela, Ismail Zulfic who is 6yearold was born without arms. But that did not stop him from doing his favorite thing, swimming Because he believed that being disabled wasn't an excuse for doing your favorite thing. Thanks to his coach which was the kind of person that fought against public inaction over Bosnia's people who are disabled. This example shows that disability is something a person can forget about and focus on what they love. Disabled people are usually the noticed for being disabled but they know that they are still human beings. Disabled people should have the same exclusive rights as others.
Disabilities with others ‘’Disabilities don't handicap you unless you let them to,’’ said unknown which shows disabled means you are still free. In the article On Tball team, Rosie McRackan plays just like the other kids. Rosie another 6 years old missing a part of her left arm and all of her right leg wears a manmade leg for running her parents want her to feel like
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other kids. Rosie loves Tball even though she was missing parts of her body. She joined the Blue Jays a team for kids from 57 year old. The Blue Jays team is a special program it helps kids with disabilities join sports teams that way they could play with nondisabled kids. Judy Newsome helps disabled kids join the right sports team she hopes to teach the children that it's ok to be different and to look past each other's differences and play along. “Everyone wants to belong,” she said. This matters because it shows that disabled people could do anything this story matters because it shows that there are people out there that support the disabled people that are
How you can help In conclusion, people should appreciate the difference in each other in a positive way, not a negative way. Imagine you were the person disabled would you like others to treat you like that ?... me neither so do me a favor do everyone a favor and speak up for someone and others will follow you and do the same because that's a brave thing to do I am sure they would appreciate it.
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PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES SHOULD BE TREATED AS OUR EQUALS Steve Mahan, who is legally blind, was the first nonGoogle employee to ride alone in the Google gumdroppedshaped driverless car. There are times a disability isn’t an obstacle. But there are other times where a disability makes someone depressed and very sad. Everyone should ask themselves what similarities and differences do I have with people who have disabilities? They shouldn’t be excluded for something they don't have control over. People with disabilities face many problems. They have to live with their disabilities and at the same time they are discriminated, excluded from society and treated unfairly. It shouldn't be like that! People with disabilities should be treated as our equals. After all , like any other person they are human beings with needs and feelings. A person with a disability is not just somebody on a wheelchair, it is someone who is unable to do certain things in the same way most of us can, so he has to adapt and usually needs help. Disabilities can be physical or mental. They may have to do with movement, with deformities, with learning, with hearing or seeing, with mental functions. They may be immediately obvious, or not. People with physical disabilities, which are instantly obvious are usually stigmatized in our society in a culture where how one looks is very important, disabilities ar not easily accepted. Although it is not openly admitted , silently there is discrimination, intolerance and disrespect towards people with disabilities. It is not correct to treat them like idiots and show them that we pity them. So what can we do to help those people? All you have to do is when you see someone in that situation don't avoid him, if he walks past you don't look disgusted. That makes their life better!