Human Rights
“The ma be ti w e we ar po l to p e n in t e, bu t e mu ne be a ti w e we fa to p o s .” – Eli Wi s Works Cited “Equality.” Comprehend , Accessed 7 Mar. 2018. Equality . WP Clipart ,
Table of Contents eir Rights are our Rights, by Sam Waddell In this article I talk about how black people are considered criminals before they commit a crime Facing Daily Challenges, by Carla Dos Ramos Hernandez In this article I talk about how people with disabilities are getting discriminated and bullied because of their looks. Disabilities In Sports, by Lamis Vattoth People are being discriminated against just for their disabilities, and the abilities they do have are being ignored. Article, by Samuel Perilla In this article I talk about sportsmanship. Disabilities, by Ahmad Hassan In this article I talk about disabilities African-Americans, by Yara Zorkot
Their Rights Are Our Rights By Sam Waddell
“Achievement has no color,” Abraham Lincoln the sixteenth president said in a public speech against racism. He said this meaning that people of any color have the right to succeed. If they can’t succeed; we are not succeeding. People of any color should at least think they can succeed, however it is not uncommon for people to think they can or can’t succeed based on their color.
A Universal Right African American children should have the right to think they can succeed. Black people are often seen as criminals and are often falsely accused of something they haven’t done yet. If they have done something wrong the judge or police will be firmer than if it was a white who committed the same crime. Teachers may also think that they are criminals even though they haven’t done anything wrong this can lead to less participation and/or worse grades. People who have self‐confidence and think they can succeed usually do, however when they don’t they are more likely to fail and that weakens their school experience. Teachers often lower their confidence by acting as if they are criminals and they are judged by actions they haven’t taken yet. In a newsela article Morris states "The criminalization of Black girls is much more than a street has extended into our schools, disrupting one of the most important protective factors in a girl's life: her education." Overall, we can’t just take these people’s educations away because their color tells of crimes in store for their future. That's not how whites are judged in school, and it shouldn’t be how blacks are judged in school. Education is a basic right for anyone of any color. People with no education will not have opportunities that most people would call a right. If everybody had the opportunity to expand their idea; we would have many more good ideas.
Are Police Helping? The thought of all black people will commit crimes within their lifetime is inhumane and not fair. Because of this common stereotype court is harder on blacks than whites. A newsela article states this about black lives matter an activist group “The activist group has drawn the nation's attention to the stories of African‐American men killed by police. Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and other victims have become symbols of discrimination.” We cannot allow this to continue because we know the problem of discrimination, and knowing the problem is the first step of solving it. The police cannot be showing racism if they are representing America. We should be more carefully choosing our law enforcement; they are supposed to be showing values that we want to represent our country.
Conclusion Someone of a different race than you has the same rights as you. Taking their rights and freedom for being different cannot be tolerated. The fall of discrimination starts with us all going out of our way to meet someone in a different race and the getting to know them well.
Facing Daily Challenges By Carla Dos Ramos Hernandez Disabilities Over one billion people in the world live with some sort of disability. 50% of disabled people cannot afford health care. They have to apply for 60% more jobs than nondisabled people before finding one. The fact that it takes so much longer for disabled people to find jobs than others is very unfair. Many disabled people also get discriminated in sports, and art. They are also bullied very often . They should not be treated differently than non disabled people, and they should have the same access to things. People with disabilities very often get discriminated against in different sports. According to newsela , 6year old Rosie McRackan is missing her left forearm and her entire right leg. To play baseball, she wears a prosthetic leg specially made for running. Rosie has always believed that life is about beating the odds. She is in a team where kids with disabilities are welcome to play. Her team, the Blue Jays, are part of an Inclusion Services program, in which children with disabilities play on traditional teams. What the Blue Jays did was a very good idea because it helps people with disabilities feel like any other person, it makes them feel like they are not any different than anyone else. It also makes them realize that even though they are disabled, they can still follow their dreams and they can still do what they have always wanted to do. Women, men , young girls , and young boys, often go through a lot and think that they can never do what they have always wanted to do. Little 7 year old Shah Bibi from Afghanistan loved art but the only problem was that she was missing her right arm. She decided to go to the doctors and started to see a therapist. The doctors decided to give her an artificial arm that would change her life, but what they didn't know was that just a few weeks after strapping on her new arm she would be holding a paintbrush and making amazing paintings. She also has a missing eye and has many scars because of an explosion that hit her face. Along with that her brother that was also killed. The doctors are hoping to see her again the following year to give her a prosthetic eye. It is amazing how a 7 year old can go
through a war and be hit by an explosion and have her brother killed and still be okay. I know that if I were her age I would not be as strong as her while going through all of the things that she has been through. It is great that she has a lot of people supporting her and helping her. Bullies People with disabilities face bullying every single day. In these cases, bullying is not just serious, it can mean life or death. They get called names, made fun of how they look , and sometimes even get beat up. It is not okay that kids wake up in the morning already knowing what is going to happen that same day and once they get to school they start to get made fun of or even beat up. Every day they get home crying because of everything they were told by the bullies and the school still doesn't do anything about it. Imagine how you would feel if you were the one getting bullied and you didn't know what to do or who to tell. Every child should not have to live a life not wanting to go to school because they know the that they are going to be made fun of by the same people just like every other day. Disabled people should not be treated different than non disabled people, and they should have the same access to things. Many of them also get discriminated in sports, and art. They also very often get bullied and this is not okay. If you were to be walking around and you happen to see somebody getting bullied and getting made fun of or being discriminated you should say something and don’t ignore it . If you walk away and ignore think of it as if the person getting made fun of is somebody that you are very close. What would you do now? Would you say something or not? Although even if they are not close friends or if you don't even know them you should still step up and say something. If you see something, you must stop something. If you see something, must say something.
"Bullying and Handicap Children." Bully Buster , 11 Sept. 2012. Accessed 7 Mar. 2018.
Rogers, John. "Afghan Girl Who Lost Arm Paints with Prosthetic." Medical Press , 3 Apr. 2014, 201404afghangirllostarmprosthetic.html. Accessed 7 Mar. 2018.
Disabilities in Sports
By Lamis Vattoth
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” Albert Einstein is widely credited for saying this quote, though it is likely he never said it. Nonetheless, this quote can relate to many things, but disabilities is one of them. If disabled people are judged merely for their disabilities, and not appreciated for their abilities, then they will potentially live out their lives believing the abilities they do have aren’t good enough. These abilities that they have make them fully capable of doing most of the things non disabled people can do such as sports. Some people might think being “good” at sports requires having legs and being able to see, but that is just simply not true; people with disabilities are fully capable of doing the things nondisabled people can do, and sports is an area where they can prove it. One sport where disabled people have shown their potential in is wrestling. Hassan Hawthorne was born without lower leg bones, which would enable him to stand. Both of his legs were amputated when he was at the mere age of four months old, and replaced with prosthetics. He loved wrestling and started doing the sport when he was in 6th grade. Despite his legs not being real, at the age of 18 years old, he was still able to pull through and beat every wrestler he competed against in a school competition in Huntsville, Alabama. In 2016, he was named Alabama’s most valued wrestler. Some might argue that he had an advantage over his opponents since he had no legs and it would be harder for them to grab him, however, due to his lack of real legs, he can not arch his back in an attempt to avoid being pinned by his opponent. This story is important because it is just one of many proving the amazing things people with disabilities can do. A boy with nubs for legs was named Alabama’s most valued wrestler. Another example of disabled people showing their talent in sports is Jake Olson. He lost his sight due to cancer while he was in high school. However, he always had a dream to play football. His mom and his coach had their
doubts, but he proved them wrong. After he was finally chosen to play as the Orange Lutherans’ long snapper, he tied a game against Servite High. His snap and kick were perfect, as a result of all of his hard work. Olson’s story is also important because it is an example of a disability not holding someone back from doing what they love. Some people might say him playing is dangerous. Afterall, 53% of American adults surveyed by the Washington Post and the University of Massachusetts Lowell “ feel tackle football before high school is not a safe activity”, and it can only be assumed that 53% would be even more against a blind boy playing. However, as stated in Newsela, “T eammates guide Olson onto the field. Then they help him line up with the ball. Other than that, Olson is no different from any other player ”. Despite his disability, he has the same chance of getting hurt as any other player on his team, but that slim chance probably doesn’t bother him. In conclusion, people’s disabilities should not restrain them from doing what they love and are good at. If you ever see a disabled person trying to do something such as a blind man about to run into something or a person in a wheelchair not being able to get through a door help them out. The littlest things can brighten a person’s whole day, even if it is something as small as holding open a door or even giving them a quick smile. Even if you’re in a public setting, don’t assume someone else will do it. What if no one does? If you’re ever having trouble, wouldn’t you want someone to step in and help you? Not just that, but helping people raises dopamine levels and overall boosts your mood. Let people know that they’re not alone. Sources (for images): Hassan Hawthorne Wrestling . People , hasaanhawthorneteenwhohadbothlegsamputatedwinsstatewrestlingtitle/. USC’s Jake Olson tried to suppress his emotions during game . EBL News , uscsjakeolsontriedsuppresshisemotionsduringgame198657.
By Samuel Perilla “There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more” said Robert M. Hensel. He was born with a birth defect known as Spina Bifida and is a Guinness Worlds Records holder for the longest nonstop wheelie in a wheelchair covering a distance of 6.178 miles. This quote explains that people with disabilities get a lot of hate around the world. This should not happen and these are the types of things that make people change their minds. No one should suffer from disability. What I mean is that lots of people get discriminated and judged around the world, just because they are disabled. Even disabled people do great things, that shows us that disabled people have to be treated with more respect. Being disabled is not something bad, it’s something you can use to make you stronger. Jake Olson is a blind man that plays american football for the USC Trojans and he is a long snapper. Disability is not something to suffer from, it’s something to thrive from. It’s hard to play sports when your blind but it’s not impossible, at least for Jake Olson. Jake Olson was born perfectly but he lost his left eye from eye cancer when he was ten months old. Later in his life he started supporting the USC Trojans and his right eye also had to be removed, when he was 12. He spent his last day with sight at a Trojans practice. The next day he would get his eye removed but he spent that day with hope and courage, this inspired many players in the field. Now he is a long snapper for his favorite college football team. A long snapper in american football is a player that hikes the ball in a tight spiral to the holder. The holder then plants the tip of ball on the ground and turns the laces towards the direction of the endzone. He has to do this very quickly because the kicker will be coming in his direction very quickly. The first part of a successful field goal is a good snap. That is Jake Olson’s job, he has been a very successful long snapper. His coaches say that it was first hard to teach him to be a long snapper especially because he could not be taught how to throw the ball. Jake has come a long way since that and now he is the starting long snapper. He is now living happily while blind, most people wouldn’t do that.
Alan Brint is a swimmer, not just any swimmer but he is a blind swimmer. Alan was born blind, but that has not stopped him from swimming. He started swimming at a small age, and has set his personal best at a state meeting. He is living happily and is a really good swimmer. All Alan Brint wants is to be viewed no differently than others. Alan Brint is only wants to get better and better. He did at the state meeting in New Trier.
About 12.9 of the worlds percent is suffering from disabilities. They want to be cured but they are not and the poor people who are disabled will never get cured because poverty reasons and because the hospitals don't cure them so now they just die sadly not having a goal in their life. It is important for disabled people not to lose faith. Because if they do then Then they won't try and that will lead to more problems because they aren't trying and they are thinking that they are different then other people but their not. All people with disabilities should t ry. Stephen hawking is Disabled and his advice was “ My advice to other disabled people is concentrate on what their disabilities does not prevent them from doing well, and don't regret things it interferes with don't be disabled in spirit as well physically” My thinking of the disabled people's privileges is that they are not being treated as the other people so when they want something their wheelchair driver gets it not them I think they should have faith in their self and get up and try,I know how hard it is but they should still do it. People who are disabled Are currently being treated badly due to they can't do things by themselves And their privileges are minimized for example they cant drive. You should try to be proud of yourself not just stay at home and do nothing keep trying to walk trying to do stuff that are hard because I promise you that practice makes progress, like frida kahlo she got famous by painting and that is something hard I mean if you are physically disabled you can create an electron or something that can feed the world and become famous that easy, you can create foods anything that people can use or that will help them the world and become famous. If other people like: Frida kahlo and Dr.Stephen Hawking can do it then you can do it because they tried and did something for the world just because
they were disabled they still did something that Fed the world and they did something that made them proud of themselves if they can do it then you can do it too.
African-Americans There are more African-Americans in the world that are more successful than you think there are. Janelle Monae and Misty Copeland are some of them. To be prosperous you don’t need to have a certain background. Janelle Monae is an African-American who’s a musician that began performing when she was a child. Like lots of people, her childhood was filled with poverty and her parents had blue-collar jobs. But the fact that she lived in poverty as a child and is now a worldwide superstar is just incredible. She had said some inspiring words about herself, “I feel myself becoming the fearless person I have dreamt of being. Have I arrived? No. But I’m constantly evolving and challenging myself to be unafraid to make mistakes.” said by Janelle Monae. Just like Janelle Monae, Misty Copeland is also African-American with great Talent.
Misty Copeland is a 33 year old African- American Ballerina from Kansas City, United States, that had opened herself out to the world. Her performances really talk about her background and her difficulties in being an African-American, and that’s why people adore watching her perform. As stated in Pointe, in America, the population of African- American ballerinas are 12.6, and Misty Copeland is one of them. She was discovered by a ballet instructor at the age of 13. Misty was so poor that she’d never seen ballet, heard of ballet, or even knew what it looked like. She even said it herself as stated in the New York Post, “I had no introduction to the arts in any way - definitely not the fine arts,” she said. She spent a few years living in a motel room with her mother and five siblings, hungry and afraid. But today, Misty Copeland is the first black female in two decades to be a soloist at the American Ballet Theatre. In conclusion, just be who you want, become what you want, and don’t let anyone tell you you can’t, because deep down you can. Be proud of who you are and how you look like. There are people out there who get discriminated for certain things, don’t be one of those people who stop people from doing what they like. And if you ever see someone getting cut from doing something, stop it immediately. You never know, you might become just like Janelle Monae, or Misty Copeland.