Disabled Rights are Human Rights, by Alix, Judey, Alejandro, Ameer, Vedant

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Disabled Rights are Human Rights By: Alix, Judey, Ameer, Alejandro, Vedant

Table of Contents:

1. Disabled humans should have the same rights.​ ​By: Alix D’Hooghe

This article is about how disabled people don’t always have access to everything because they are different. This article is about how that is completely unfair.

2. Disabled Rights are Human Rights By: ​Judey Shafiek

Disabled people should have the rights to act like any human play like any human

3. Don’t Turn Them Away. By ​Ameer Beitelmal Don’t turn away disabled people because of what you think they can’t do. Think of what they can do.

4. Blind People Get a Chance. ​By: Vedant Dani My article is about blind people getting a chance to drive.

5. Disabled People Should Have Every Right By: ​Alejandro Tatis This article is about giving disabled athletes a chance to compete.


​ ne billion people, or 15% of the world's population, experience some type of disability. O That is a huge amount of people. Disabled people also have to apply for 60% more jobs than non-disabled people, before finding one. How is it fair that disabled people have to try so much harder to be able to apply for a job while non-disabled people can easily apply for one? The fact that so many disabled people have to try triple as hard to get something while other people get it so easily, is just unfair. This doesn’t only occur in jobs it also occurs in sports, technology, and others. Disabled people should have the same access to anything as any other non-disabled person. FINDING A JOB; EASY OR HARD? Disabled people have so much difficulty finding a job, they would love to get it as easily as others. According to BBC, a disabled person states, “For hearing people they get that opportunity, you know, disabled people in a wheelchair whatever they get those type of opportunities,but for some of us with disabilities or deafness, that’s a barrier.” This person was in a group of people who have had the same experiences as him. This person was talking about how he was denied many jobs while he was perfectly capable, mentally and physically. He said this because he wants to let other people know how disabled people feel. He wants people to see how hard it is for handicapped people to find a job. The group of the disabled people all went through job difficulty and nobody ever offered a job due to deafness, blindness or physical disabilities. The fact that they are being chosen due to how they look and not what their mental capabilities are, is completely unfair. Every single person should be able to find and get a job, especially when they had a good education. Disabled people have huge stereotypes, which causes people to have limited expectations for those who look incapable of doing anything. People don’t look what’s behind all their physical difference. ​A study from DuPont held in 1981 showed that employees with disabilities do an average of 95% of accuracy and work time. The average of people without disabilities was only 90%. The fact that disabled people are working much better than non-disabled people and they have to work harder to get the job, is pure insanity. Disabilities should not stop people from doing something that they are good at.

EXERCISE FOR DISABLED PEOPLE Sports facilities are almost nowhere disability friendly. According to The Guardian, tons of gyms in the UK are in-accessible for disabled people. They claim that it is not only in the UK but also in many other countries. The gyms and other sports facilities are almost impossible for disabled people to get some exercise. Especially when the Paralympics are going on, it is almost impossible for disabled people to reach a sports facility because so many gyms are built for non-disabled people. According to The Guardian, There are 11 million disabled people in the UK that are struggling to find exercise with the beginning of the Paralympics. So many people don’t think about all the people who are different that also want to use a facility. So many people have to do so much more for something that can easily be accessible for any non-disabled humans. Since that many people have to struggle, communities should start coming together and making facilities that are friendly for all mentally and physically disabled people. It is unfair that people who are different try to do what they like to do, but something is stopping them because they are not like everyone else.

TECHNOLOGY SHOULD BE ACCESSED BY DISABLED PEOPLE Technology should be given to disabled people as well. Andrew Entecott says,“Most of the people who come here have never touched a computer before. Confidence that the whole thing’s not going to blow up when they touch it, is what people struggle with in the beginning.” Andrew Entecott is a person who works at a university named Cambridge. He works to help for charity and helping people learn how to use a computer since some people aren’t always given the opportunity. He says that most of the people that come in who have never touched a computer before are people who suffer from some type of disability. According to the Guardian, Elaine is a 50 year old woman who suffers from depression and anxiety. She had never been given the opportunity to work with a computer because nothing had been offered until now because she was partially disabled. This is unacceptable because everyone should get the same right just as anyone else. We were taught to think that everyone had different things about themselves to make them different which causes people to think that they are worthless. But really, we are all the same and we eventually are all one family. All the people that are making fun of others are because they don’t look like or act like the people around them, this is unacceptable.

In conclusion, rights should apply to any person in the world even if they are disabled. Everyone should have the same benefit as anyone else. No one should ever have to be afraid to go outside

because of how they look like or act like. If you see someone who is being treated differently because they aren’t like anyone else, it may sound hard, but go up to them and tell them that everyone is the same and everyone has their own right, because nobody should be accused because they are different. Everyone has freedom and everyone has their own power with their own liberty. It’s a simple thing, but it can make a big difference. PICTURES​. https://www.seatmaestro.com/seats-assigned-to-disabled-people/ https://www.disabilityaids.co.nz/resources-2/disability-support/sport-opportunities-for-people-with-disabilities/

Disabled Rights are Humans Rights By: Judey Shafiek Jake Olson is a 12 year old boy. He is blind, and he has one dream. That dream is he wants to be football player and play in a team, but he always thought it would be impossible. Until one day he thought of the idea of him being a long snapper since he doesn't see the players or the ball. Near the end of 2012 he went to a coach of a football team and asked him if he can play in the team. So the coach said, “Come and meet me at the end of the month”. Then he thought “ I didn’t want to kill the kid’s spirit, so I just said ‘Oh, OK’… and thought I’ll probably never hear about this again,’” But Jake did come back. After a couple of months Jake was able to play well as all the other players. In fact one of his teammates said, “We didn’t see him as a blind person — we saw him as a football player.” I believe that every disabled person should be treated as a normal person.

I believe every disabled person can do anything as a normal Person such as swimming. People may think it’s impossible for a person without arms or has disability to swim in a swimming pool. Well It’s possible. Ismail Zulfic was born without arms. But that didn’t stop him from conquering his dream… Swimming. Three times a week Ismail’s parents drive him to a swimming camp called Sarajevo. He learned to swim thanks to his coach who helps disabled kids. He also believes they could do anything. His coach is called Amel kapo he started the swimming club after he noticed Disabilities kids are starting to come to the pool to swim. So he decided to help them. Which he really did, because

now the kids who go to camp are more confident. Now Zulfic is starting to learn swim. Even though it’s harder for him then for others without disability he is still confident in himself. This shows that disabled people can do anything as normal person because Zulfic didn’t have arms and yet he was taught how to swim. Even though it seems he may take longer than others to swim he still believed himself and he was probably more confident than any other non disabled person. This brings me back to that every disabled person should be treated as a normal person. Also people with disability can run in cross country teams. It may seem unusual

because you think that people with disability have to rest and not play​ sports. That’s wrong because they can. Michelle is a 16 Year old girl. She has been attending Cross country and track and field team for the past 3 years. She won three bronze medals at a state championship. When Michelle falls, she just gets back up and pushes on herself, her mother said. "She never complains about the workouts or the weather." Said her Coach,Dennis Kelly. In 2016 Michelle’s family heard of a competition in Clovis,California to run track and field. Her family was there cheering her. Michelle won Bronze for all three events. Michelle said she feels like she can "handle more things than other people can because I have to work harder for it. I know I have a lot of hard work to do, so I'm just going to hang in there." This shows that every disabled person should have the rights to be treated as a normal person. In conclusion disabled people deserve to be treated as a normal person because at the end they are all humans and should be treated as normal Person. Disabled people can swim even if they don’t have hands, legs or there blind they can still do anything. Disabled people should be able to do anything as normal people. I know that It’s hard to believe that they could do the same thing as other people. But some People don’t even give them a chance so if you see someone

acting rude to a disabled person stick up for the disabled person make their day by for example saying “ She can do anything just like you just because she seems a little more unique doesn't mean anything.”

Don’t Turn Them Away By: Ameer Beitelmal “If you had a Disability Don’t let people Diss your Ability”. Though no one knows who said this, it speaks only the truth. Disabled people are humans, like us. People spend so much time thinking about what other people can’t do, they forgot about what they can do. They turn people away from things like jobs, sports, technology, art and much more. Here are examples of why disabled people are just like us and should not be turned away for these reasons.

High Schooler with no legs wins 37-0 I believe that disabled people should not be turned away by what people believe they can’t do. Many disabled people are turned away for many reasons. But Hassan Hawthorne, an 18 year old high schooler with no legs beneath the knees, proved that disabled people can do anything an average human can do. Newsela stated that “He was born without tibias, the large, lower leg bones that allow humans to stand. His fibulas were without muscles or nerves. Fibulas are the two bones between the knee and ankle.” When he was only 4 months old, his parents had a choice, either let his legs grow and become useless, or cut them off. They made the heartbreaking decision of cutting them off. He had won 37-0 beating all his opponents in a wrestling match and becoming the winner. Just because he has no legs, doesn’t mean he's not like anyone else. He’s just like us, but more unique/special. Don’t judge people on the outside, judge them by the inside. Their body is not them, but like a car, they drive in

Boy with Autism’s lunch date with FSU Football Player Another example would be, a sixth-grader named Bo who had autism, a condition that makes it hard to make friends and communicate with others. Travis Rudolph had been visiting a

Tallahassee, Florida, middle school Tuesday. He played football Florida State University (FSU). He noticed Bo eating lunch alone, so he grabbed a few slices of pizza and sat next to him. “We just had a great conversation. He started off telling me his name was Bo, telling me how much he loves Florida State. We went from there," says Rudolph, who plays wide receiver for FSU. "It was really easy. You'd never think anything was wrong with him. He had a nice smile on his face. Just a really warm person". The next day his table was crowded with people, and Bo was happy. Just because he had autism, doesn’t mean he can’t make friends. Once people realized how much of a friend he can be, many people wanted to be his friend. This proves that everyone is the same, having a Disability is an obstacle. A famous quote “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” The phrase is attributed to a 1944 edition of the African journal American Speech: “You can't judge a book by its binding”. “We humans have been judging others too often, thinking how others should live their life, we forgot about our own.” we don’t know who quoted this, but it rings the truth. Don’t judge them by the outside, judge them by the inside. In conclusion, disabled people deserve to be treated the same as normal people no matter what disability they have. They get turned away from sports, jobs, art, technology and much more. Imagine you were a disabled person, how would you like it if people judged you and turned you away? If you happen to see a disabled person, don’t turn them away, be their friend and support them because just that little bit of support may make their day! Disabled people should not be turned away because they're disabled. Don’t bully them. Remove the Dis from disability, it's not a bad thing, sometimes it'S a good thing. Imagine it as an ability and don’t Dis their ability. It’s a unique thing and you should make them feel unique.

Pictures: https://newsela.com/read/teenage-wrestler/id/15187/ https://newsela.com/read/football-player-lunch-buddy/id/21322/

Blind people get a chance By Vedant Dani

Did you know that the estimated amount of blind people in the world is 285 million? Thats a lot of blind people. This means that these people can’t drive or do many other things since they can’t see.This does not seem fair to me. I think that blind people should be able to do everything that non blind people can do. In general no one should have to worry about everyday problems like not being able to see or not being able to walk properly by yourself. I believe that everyone should be able to do the same things with no worries because, everyone should be treated equally because everyone is equal.

However Google stopped this from happening and made blind people do something that before, only non blind people could do. This is all because of Google's new self driving car. Google's self driving car allows you to get from point A to point B without having to drive it. This means that blind people can go in a car ride by themselves with worries. This gives blind people a chance to do something that non blind people can do. The reason I support this is because most blind people would love to be able to ride in a car by themselves with no worries. Now thanks to google blind people have hope and they can finally do something they could never do before in life.

Luckily google had some empathy for blind people. That's why they asked a blind person to drive their new self driving car. Till this day we humans have gotten so selfish that we only care about our self. Like a typical person would refuse to help a blind person cross the road. We need to also have empathy for blind people because being blind is not something easy to deal with. I think that when ever we see a blind person that wants to cross a road or just any help that they need we should help them. We should help them because it is tough to be a blind person because they need help for so many things. So we should respect them and help them and show empathy to disabled people so then we can form a great community or even a great world. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1309&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=xJCfWte zL4HjvAS817nYDQ&q=google+self+driving+car&oq=google+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i67k1j 0j0i67k1j0l3j0i67k1l2j0l2.188404.190437.0.194440. psy-ab..0.7.464.0...118.IMky04zZpbk&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=faQsso4CNafrsM​: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1309&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=iJGfWsa xGoHavASV0bKoDQ&q=google+self+driving+car+interior&oq=google+self+driving+c ar+in&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0l2j0i24k1l6.54961.55670.0.57098. ...1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.3.432...0i8i30k1.0.Fhx-FzcAxvI&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=YxQ 0PIkFYpq9tM​:

Disabled Should Have Every Right By: Alejandro Tatis

Did you know 1 billion people have a type of disability? 1 billion people is a lot considering that The United States and Europe together have a population of 1 billion as well. This is important because we should know to take care of these people because there are so many. We should also understand that they can do everything a non disabled person can do. People with disabilities can achieve anything whether they have a mental illness, loss of limbs or visual problems.

Wrestler with no legs People with disabilities can compete in anything they want to even if they don’t have all their limbs. Hassan Hawthorne lost both legs when he was only 4 months old, when Hassan was born he didn’t have tibias. A tibia allows humans to stand up so doctors decided to amputate his legs because they had no use. But that didn’t stop him from wrestling. So he decided to compete in his high school's tournament which was held in Alabama. In the tournament Hassan beat every opponent he wrestled, and Hassan went a perfect 37-0 and won the tournament. This is really important because although he didn’t have limbs he was able to compete. The reason that he able to do it is because he was passionate, consistent and always believed in himself. Hassan’s parents would never help Hassan get back up. If he fell they would say, “Nope leave him alone, he knows how to get up.” He was able live that way and that is why he could compete with non disabled people because he didn’t get everything given to him or had everything done for him, he had to earn it.

Blind football player People should be allowed on any team they want to even if they are blind. In 2015 Jake Olson tried out for his football team and made it to the team. Jake Olson lost his left eye due to cancer when he was only 10 months old when he turned 12 doctors said they had to take his right eye as well. Jake Olson wanted to play long snapper which is a position that doesn't require seeing the ball or anyone. Jake Olson would ask his coach if he could play but the coach didn’t think he was serious. But Jake Olson showed that he was good and the coach gave him a chance. Jake Olson wanted to achieve his dream so he did everything so that the coach could give him a chance and when the coach gave him one he proved that he was a good player. He was given the ball and headed to the right place by his teammates to create a tie-winning play. It was 25-22 Jake Olson passed the ball to the holder and then the kicker scored it and tied the game. This is important because even when the game was tied they still trusted Olson to do the play and succeeded meaning no matter what occasion it is you should still give everybody a chance. He was able to accomplish his dream of playing American football and now he is a successful student at USC even though he has a disability, so if he could accomplish his dream you can do it.

Blind Swimmer competes People can find ways to do anything even if they have eyesight problems. Alan Brint was a swimmer who lost his eyesight when he was born. Alan loved swimming and he wanted to compete in the state meet for swimming. People might think how did he know where the wall is, what he would do is count how many strokes he has done and then he would know where he was. He loved swimming so much he would always wake up at 4:45 am and go train with his coaches. Alan would like to compete but he would always keep track of his personal best times so that he could beat them. Alan

would use the strategy of counting for everything, for example, he would know his way around the school because he would count how many steps it would take him to go to any of his classes. In this competition, Alan came 3rd and 4th. This proves that anyone can do anything because even people with disabilities can find ways to succeed.

In conclusion, disabled people should be allowed to participate in anything they want to and people shouldn’t discriminate them just because they have a disability. As you can see in all my examples these players were allowed to compete and they succeeded. If you ever see a disabled person don’t stare or treat them badly just because of their disability. Would you like it if people would judge and treat you differently because of something you were born with?, The time to start respecting and giving people with disabilities a chance has to be now.

Pictures Blind high school swimmer in Illinois gets his best times at a state meet​. newsela.com/read/blind-swimmer/id/7843/.

No legs, no problem for Alabama teenage wrestler who went 37-0​. newsela.com/read/ teenage-wrestler/id/15187/.

Going blind did not stop Jake Olson from loving football, or playing it​. ​Newsela​, newsela.com/read/usc-blindfan/id/9019/. https://www.google.com/search?q=Disability&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjz_8aX4NnZ AhVY22MKHY3PCNQQ_AUICygC&biw=1440&bih=694#imgrc=PR5wzMhVXb3ZOM:

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