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Adult Leagues
The Park District offers adult leagues at a variety of competitive levels to accommodate players and teams with a range of recreational interests and abilities. All players must be 18 years or older.
Registration One player registers an entire team and all fees are due at registration. Register for your preferred level and, if that level is full, register for the waitlist. Do NOT register for the wrong competitive level to get into a league. If you are a player looking to join a team, please contact the league supervisor.
Bracketing and Scheduling Once registration closes, brackets and season schedules are created. Final brackets are determined by a variety of factors including the number of teams registered and past season records. • We try our best to evenly assign game time slots and cannot accommodate special schedule requests. • Once schedules are finalized, we will email a schedule link, season information, and team roster/ waiver instructions to the captain.
Rosters and Waivers Your team roster also serves as the individual waiver for all players and a new roster with all players’ signatures must be submitted before the start of your first game EVERY season.

Men’s Basketball Leagues
Games are played on Thursday evenings. Each team will play 10 regular season games, followed by a single elimination playoff based on regular season standings. Awards are paid out to the winners of the regular season and playoffs. (NW)
Code League Day(s) Time Date(s) Fee
65607 A Th 6:30p-11p 9/15-12/22 $850 65608 B Th 6:30p-11p 9/15-12/22 $850
For more information about programs on this page contact Nick Wirth, Recreation Supervisor, at nwirth@ahpd.org.