SWIM LESSONS General Information
• Please look closely at your class start time. Class start and end times are staggered to assist with adhering to social distancing guidelines. • Parents and spectators are allowed to watch swim lessons from the approved viewing areas on deck. Deck seating areas will be sanitized between groups. When possible, please limit the amount of spectators attending to 1 adult. • Participants will be evaluated on the last day of each session. • All class equipment will be sanitized between groups. • There are no make-ups for swim lessons however if you do not feel well, please stay home. • All participants and spectators will undergo a temperature screening upon entering the aquatic facility, in accordance with current Illinois Department of Public Health Swimming Facility Guidelines.
Session 1: March 1-21
First Day of Lessons
It is important for parents to attend the first day of the session for swim lessons to find out how the lessons operate and who to speak with if you have questions. On the first day of class, participants find out who their instructor is, who the Lesson Coordinators are, and the general operation of the lesson program for that particular pool/class. Please note: the first day of class may take longer to get started due to swimmer evaluations and level placement.
Which class is right for you?
Due to current guidelines & restrictions, we are only able to offer a limited amount of classes at this time. We offer a variety of swim programs to encourage swimming as a lifelong skill. Swim lessons are provided in a fun learning environment, encourage fitness, and teaches participants how to be safe in and around the water. Staff reserve the right to place participants in the class and level best suited to each person’s individual ability level.
Resident Registration: Feb 2, 10am Non-Resident Registration: Feb 9, 10am
Session 2: March 29-April 25
Resident Registration: Mar 2, 10am Non-Resident Registration: Mar 9, 10am
Resident Registration opens on February 2 at 10 am