Arlington Heights Park District
Winter/Spring 2024
President's Letter
Programs for All
Online Tips
Staff Directory Rentals Winter/Spring Checklist Special Events
5 6
Fitness Classes 28-29
Swim Lessons
Swim Teams
Kid Sports
Martial Arts
Early Childhood
Preschool Prep
Lake Arlington
Adult Leagues
Plan to Play
This Summer at AHPD
Camp Program Registration Dates Resident | Tuesday, March 5 Non-Resident | Tuesday, March 12
Summer Program Registration Dates Resident | Tuesday, April 2 Non-Resident | Tuesday, April 9
*Available online in mid-February
*Available in your mailbox and online in mid-March
Maryfran H. Leno President
The summer and fall seasons are officially in the books at AHPD and we are turning a new page into the winter and spring seasons! The Park Board of Commissioners is excited to share several capital project and Recreation Park updates with you. Capital Projects Update: • Pond bank stabilization and restoration at Arlington Lakes Golf Club is complete. This will prevent further erosion from occurring and protect cart paths that are in close proximity to water features. • A new playground was installed at Sunset Ridge Park over the summer and the new Happiness Park playground is expected to be installed in the spring of 2024. • Paths at Pioneer Park were replaced and it was wonderful seeing so many of you walking or riding on the new paths during the summer and fall. • Basketball court replacements at Evergreen and Virginia Terrace Parks as well as tennis court replacements at Heritage Park are expected to be completed in October. Recreation Park Updates: • The District anticipates Recreation Park Phase I construction beginning in summer of 2024 following Frontier Days and finishing in the early summer of 2025. This phase includes a fully accessible playground, outdoor fitness equipment, skate park, shelter, parking lot, new tennis courts and more. • In case you missed an update in the Fall Program Guide, the District submitted an application through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for the Park and Recreational Facility Construction Act (PARC) Grant which will go towards aquatic facility improvements at Recreation Park. Improvements will include renovation of the recreation center into a fully accessible bathhouse, complete removal of the existing 50-meter swimming pool to be replaced with a new 50-meter swimming pool, an updated children’s aquatic area and additional green space accessible to pool users. We expect to find out next year if we received this important grant funding.
Timothy A. Gelinas Vice President
Robert J. Nesvacil
Additional information and updates regarding this project and other capital improvement projects can be found on our website. Other News from the Park District: • AHPD received the “Best of the Best” in the Best Park District category recognition by the Daily Herald’s Readers’ Choice program. • The District’s Children at Play (CAP) program won an Illinois Association of Park Districts Best of the Best Award for Best Intergovernmental Cooperation in partnership with the Village of Arlington Heights and School Districts 21, 25 and 59. • The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to Arlington Heights Park District. Thank you to our residents for your continued support of the Park District over the last 98 years! We hope that we will see you at festive holiday special events, skating at the outdoor ice rinks, racing down the sled hills in the colder months and enjoying the parks, courts and playgrounds in the spring.
Brian J. Owen
John T. Supplitt
Our Park District Commissioners
Maryfran H. Leno Arlington Heights Park District Board President
The Arlington Heights Park District is governed by a Board of elected officials. The Board meets on Tuesdays at the Administration Center. Meetings begin at 6:30PM. Residents are able to attend. Visit ahpd.org for the board meeting schedule.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
REGISTRATION First Time Registering?
Park District staff can create a profile for you. Park District residents must come, in person, to either Administration Center, Camelot, Pioneer Community Centers or the Arlington Ridge Center during registration hours and provide proof of residency for all minors and household members being added to the account. Park District non-residents do not need to show proof of residency and may either create an account in person at one of the above locations or call 847.577.3000 and ask staff to create a household account over the phone. Regardless of residency status, new account holders must provide a name, address, email, phone number, and date of your birth to set up an account.
Account Creation Information
The following forms of identification will be accepted to prove residency: 1. Each adult on the profile must provide either a driver’s license or state ID with current address OR two of the following: utility bill(s), no older than 60 days, voter registration card, or a vehicle registration card listing name and household address. 2. For children who do not have a driver’s license or state ID, provide a current report card, school picture ID, birth certificate, parent insurance card listing dependents, or other form of ID a parent may have that prove guardianship or that the children reside at that address.
If the activity is full, what happens?
Complete your registration to be placed on the waiting list. We do not charge you to register for a waiting list spot and will contact you if a space opens for that activity or additional activities are added. Please be sure to have a current bank card saved to your household account as we require payment to transfer from the wait list into an activity. Please note: We recommend that, if possible, you register for a secondary activity option with openings.
Registration Resident Registration Tuesday, December 5 at 10AM Non-Resident Registration Tuesday, December 12 at 10AM
For insurance purposes, the Park District requires all participants, or legal guardians of minor participants, to sign a waiver before participating in a program. Inperson and mail-in registrants must sign the waiver on the registration form. Online registrants must agree to all waivers when checking out. • Patrons may not participate in programs if the waiver is not signed, and refunds will not be granted.
Refund Policy
Refund requests must be submitted online, and refunds will NOT be issued once a program has ended. All refunds are subject to a $5 administration service fee except under the following circumstances: • A request due to dissatisfaction that is approved by the program supervisor • Refunds initiated by the Park District • A request due to medical issues submitted with a doctor’s note • Request to refund a particular date within a program that falls on a date that the resident honors as a religious holiday. Participants may either make up the missed class, if space exists, or have the fee pro-rated to reflect the missed date. The program supervisor can assist you with either option. If you need a special accommodation to participate in any Park District function, please provide details in the Special Accommodation section on the registration form, in the Special Needs inquiry during online registration, or contact Brian Meyer, Director of Recreation and Facilities, at BMeyer@ahpd.org. Please note, the Recreation Park Community Center is not an accessible facility.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Looking for even more fun? Programs are added throughout the year and may not be featured at the time of printing. Visit ahpd.org to explore additional offerings.
Photo Policy
During Park District programs and activities, staff may photograph or record participants and nearby patrons. Program participants and anyone on Park District property thereby agrees that photographs and recordings taken by the Park District may be used by the Park District for promotional purposes including electronic and social media, brochures, flyers, and other publications without additional or prior notice or permission and without compensation to the participant.
As a Park District Resident, you:
• receive resident rates when registering for Buffalo Grove Park District recreation programs but must register during non-resident registration dates. Adult athletic leagues and special revenue facilities are excluded. • may receive discounted rates on “Learn to Skate” through Rolling Meadows Park District. • may purchase ice skating passes (valid SeptemberMay) from Rolling Meadows Park District at resident rates. • are eligible for resident rates for Renegades Hockey programs at the Rolling Meadows Park District.
Not all Village of Arlington Heights Residents are Park District Residents:
We deliver the Program Guide to everyone within the boundaries of the Park District, and individuals residing within AHPD boundaries qualify for resident rates. However, Park District boundaries do not mirror Village of Arlington Heights boundaries. To determine the Park District in which you reside, please consult your tax bill.
AHPD Mission Statement The Arlington Heights Park District enriches our community by providing quality recreation, facilities and fun.
Guest Service Hours Arlington Ridge Center
660 N. Ridge Ave 847.577.3025 Monday-Thursday: 5:30AM-9PM Friday: 5:30AM-8PM Saturday: 5:30AM-7PM Sunday: 6:30AM-7PM
Camelot Park
1005 E. Suffield Dr 847.577.3010 Monday-Friday: 9AM-5PM Saturday: 9AM-Noon
Pioneer Park
500 S. Fernandez Ave 847.577.3035 Monday-Friday: 9AM-5PM Saturday: 9AM-Noon
Administration Center
410 N. Arlington Heights Rd 847.577.3000 Monday-Friday: 9AM-2PM Website General Questions Administration Center Registration Questions Board Comments Concerns Hotline Softball Weather Hotline Outdoor Tennis Inclement Weather Hotline
www.ahpd.org comments@ahpd.org 847.577.3000 847.577.3000 847.577.3007 847.577.3003 Ext 2 847.577.3003 Ext 6 847.574.2233
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Navigating our online registration system might seem tricky at first, but using the tips and tricks below will help you find the programs that work for you and save you time in process!
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Executive Director’s Office Executive Director
Carrie Fullerton cpre
Jason Myers cprp Rosaria Gallina Alli Siamis cprp Janna Witt cprp
jmyers@ahpd.org rgallina@ahpd.org asiamis@ahpd.org jwitt@ahpd.org
Benjamin Rea cpre Sue Rohner Jennifer Rogers cprp Alex Giannikoulis Matt Turinsky cprp Jose Gutierrez Ed McMahon
brea@ahpd.org srohner@ahpd.org jrogers@ahpd.org agiannikoulis@ahpd.org mturinsky@ahpd.org jgutierrez@ahpd.org lmcmahon@ahpd.org
Department of Finance and Personnel Director of Finance and Personnel Superintendent of Human Resources Human Resources and Safety Supervisor Superintendent of Accounting
Parks and Planning Department Director of Parks and Planning Park Planner II Superintendent of Parks - Facilities Operations Supervisor Superintendent of Parks - Grounds Operations Supervisor Operations Supervisor
Marketing & Community Engagement Director of Marketing and Community Engagement Amy Lewandowski cprp
Recreation Department Director of Recreation and Facilities Superintendent of Recreation Facilities Arlington Ridge Center Manager Arlington Ridge Center Aquatic Manager Aquatics Supervisor - Swim Lessons Aquatics Supervisor - Competitive Swim Programs Golf Operations Manager Golf Course Superintendent General Manager Tennis Operations Director of Racquet Sports Forest View Asst. Manager Heritage Tennis Club Asst. Manager Superintendent of Recreation Programs Special Events, Rentals & Parties Supervisor Cultural Arts Supervisor Senior Center Supervisor CAP/Camp Manager Recreation Supervisor-CAP/Camp Museum Administrator Recreation Supervisor/Camelot/Lake Arlington Athletic/Recreation Manager Recreation/Pioneer Supervisor - Athletics Recreation/Fronter Supervisor - Athletics
Brian Meyer cprp Steve Neill Matt Healy (MH) Troy Lukas (TL) Angela Neill (AN) Rob Gussy (RG) Bryan Cox (BC) David Bibler (DB) Nancy Alfonso (NA) Russ Hadziabdic (RH) Summer Krones (SK) Madeline Paler (MP) Kristy McCann cprp Cari Boyle (CB) Kate Schwarz (KS) Abby Vombrack (AV) Katie Waszak (KW) cprp Emma O'Meara (EO) Dan Schoeneberg (DS) Kevin Keister (KK) Nick Wirth (NW) cprp Kevin Wollnik (KVW) Jackie DeLaMora (JD)
bmeyer@ahpd.org sneill@ahpd.org mhealy@ahpd.org tlukas@ahpd.org aneill@ahpd.org rgussy@ahpd.org bcox@ahpd.org dbibler@ahpd.org nalfonso@ahpd.org rhadziabdic@ahpd.org skrones@ahpd.org mpaler@ahpd.org kmccann@ahpd.org cboyle@ahpd.org kschwarz@ahpd.org avombrack@ahpd.org kwaszak@ahpd.org eo'meara@ahpd.org dschoeneberg@ahpd.org kkeister@ahpd.org nwirth@ahpd.org kwollnik@ahpd.org jdelamora@ahpd.org
cpre - certified park and recreation executive cprp - certified park and recreation professional
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
INFORMATION The Arlington Heights Park District has a variety of facilities available to rent. Consider hosting your next occasion at the Park District—we’re looking forward to working with you!
What can you reserve? • Meeting rooms at a variety of facilities. Rooms seat between 30 and 75 people. • Banquets at the Arlington Lakes Golf Course clubhouse. • Picnic shelters at Camelot, Frontier, or Sunset Meadows Park. • Athletic fields for sporting events. • Gyms at a community center or Arlington Ridge Center. • Dance Studio at Forest View Racquet Club.
How can you get more information or apply for a permit? • Visit our rental homepage at ahpd.org for details and rental guidelines. • Can’t find what you’re looking for online? Contact Cari Boyle, Special Events, Rentals, & Parties Supervisor at cboyle@ahpd.org.
Parties with the Park District
Are you looking for a party that both you and your child will love? Choose a 90-minute themed party package with games and activities run by our experienced and enthusiastic Birthday Party Hosts and Instructors.
For more information and to reserve your date, please visit our Birthday Party page at ahpd.org!
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Join our team!
Build lifelong skills and create meaningful connections while having fun and making a difference.
• Life Insurance • IMRF Pension • Paid Time Off
• Medical, Dental and Vision Coverage
Park District Perks include*:
• Discounts on Programs • Free Membership to Arlington Ridge Center *Varies by full-time/part-time positions. The AHPD is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing equal opportunities to all qualified persons without regard to race, religion, creed, color, national origin, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, genetic information, associations with members of a protected class, or any other protected status consistent with local, state, or federal law.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Ice Skating & Hockey
The Park District provides unsupervised ice skating and ice hockey rinks throughout Arlington Heights. Winter 2023 Ice Skating and Ice Hockey Locations: • Legacy Park at Arlington Ridge Center • Camelot Park • Frontier Park • Heritage Park • Hickory Meadows • Pioneer Park • Recreation Park For the most up-to-date location and if skating is available, please visit ahpd.org
Unsupervised sled hills are located at four locations. Use of plastic sleds and tubes are allowed on the sled hills. Snowboards or sleds with wood or metal rails are prohibited. Sledding at all sites is at your own risk. Heritage Park, Green Slopes, and Sunset Meadows feature open sledding areas and the hills are lighted. Nickol Knoll sledding is allowed only in the designated area on the east side of the park near the ball diamond. Please look for signs marking the proper location.
Inclement Weather
Stay up to date on program & class cancellations as well as facility closures due to inclement weather by checking ahpd.org and following the Park District on social media. Decisions to run or cancel programs scheduled in the afternoon or evening will be made throughout the day as weather conditions change.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Winter/Spring Checklist HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING FREE! Friday, November 24 North School Park
Team Trivia* Sunday, February 25 4-7PM Arlington Lakes Golf Club
Winter Frostival
Tell Us Your AH Story FREE! Sunday, March 3 3-5PM Historical Museum
Saturday, December 9 10AM-1PM Historical Museum Teen Night Pure Imagination* Friday, February 2 7-9:30PM Arlington Ridge Center Preschool Open house Wednesday, February 7 Frontier & Pioneer Thursday, February 8 Camelot & Recreation 7-8PM Sweetheart tea* Saturday, February 10 12:30-2PM Historical Museum Valentine's Day Dance & Dessert* Saturday, February 17 6:30-8:30PM Pioneer Park
Community Egg Hunt Extravaganza* Saturday, March 23 Hunt times: 10AM, 11AM, 12PM, 1PM Historical Museum POOL EGG HUNT* Sunday, March 24 | 1-4PM Arlington Ridge Center Stroll & Roll: Walk for Autism Saturday, April 20 | 10AM Lake Arlington Arbor Day Friday, April 26 | 9:30-11AM Rand Berkley Park Mother's Day Tea* Saturday, May 11 | 12:30-2PM Historical Museum Community Bike Ride Saturday, May 18 Ride: 9:30-11:30AM | Event: 11AM-2PM North School Park
Sneak peek at Summer Events Picnic in the Park FREE! Friday, June 7 | 5:30-8PM North School Park
Farmer's Market Begins Begins Mid-May | 8AM-12PM Historical Museum
*Requires Registration
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
SPECIAL EVENTS Holiday Tree Lighting
Winter Frostival
Friday, November 24
Saturday, December 9 | 10am-1pm
Kick off the holiday season with the Arlington Heights Park District and the Village of Arlington Heights Special Events Commission at our annual tree lighting ceremony!
Visit with our Ice Princess, Ice Queen, and Santa Claus, and celebrate Winter Jack Frost style with cookies and cocoa, carolers, crafts, story time, and more—it’s free, frosty, family fun!
Enjoy holiday-inspired music and dance performances and join the countdown at North School Park as we flip the switch on over 80,000 tiny lights. Take a trolley to Harmony Park for more photo ops and lots of family-friendly entertainment! Trolleys with Dickensian characters loop between the two parks, so catch a ride and see it all.
Chilly Open Saturday, January 13 Tee Times starting at 9:30am
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Preschool Open House Preschool February 7 & 8 | 7-8pm Open House
Meet our teachers, learn about our curriculum and classroom environment and visit our large, bright child-centered classrooms. Meet our teachers, learn about our curriculum and classroom environment and visit our large, bright child-centered classrooms. Camelot & Recreation Frontier & Pioneer
February 7 & 8 | 7-8pm February 7
February 8
February 7
February 8
Frontier & Pioneer
Camelot & Recreation
DANCE & DESSERT Saturday, February 17 | 6:30-8:30pm Parents and kids celebrate Valentine's Day with a fun night out at Pioneer Park! Come dressed to impress or in your favorite Valentine outfit. Our DJ will lead games and dancing, and kids you'llcelebrate finish theValentine's night withDay a stroll Parents and withthrough a fun Candyland take Park! homeCome sweetdressed treats! All childrenormust night out atand Pioneer to impress in be accompanied by a registered adult. your favorite Valentine outfit. Our DJ will lead games and dancing, and you'll finish the night with a stroll through | $50 treats! | #76492 Candyland and Adult/Child take home sweet All children must Additional Guests | $25 | #76498 be accompanied by a registered adult.
Saturday, February 17 | 6:30-8:30pm
Adult/Child | $50 | #76492 Additional Guests | $25 | #76498
Due to the nature of special events and for the safety of animals and patrons, pets of any kind are not allowed. Due to the nature of special events and for the safety of animals and patrons, pets of any kind are not allowed.
Teen Night Pure Imagination Teen Night Pure Imagination Friday, February, 2 | 7-9:30pm
Calling all 6th-8th graders - we're opening the ARC just for you! Join us for a night of open swim, open gym, food, and a movie! Registration is required - $12 in advance or Calling 6th-8th opening the ARC just $15 all at the door.graders Space is- we're limited, so register early! for you! Join us for a night of open swim, open gym, food, and a movie! Registration is required - $12 in advance or $15 at the door. Space is limited, so register early!
Friday, February, 2 | 7-9:30pm
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Team Trivia Sunday, February 25 | 4-7pm
Arlington Lakes Golf Club Gather up your team and join us for an evening of fun and challenge to test your knowledge on a variety of topics! Sandwiches and snacks are provided and a cash bar will be available. Register one person per team (team captain)—teams can have up to six players. This event supports the Arlington Heights Historical Society to preserve your community's history. The cost is $120 per team. Code: 76765
Tell your AH Story: Open Mic Night
Sunday, March 3 | 3-5pm Historical Museum Gather with local residents and friends and share your memories of Arlington Heights. Did you grow up in Arlington Heights? New to town? Join us for a fun filled evening sharing stories of our home town. Code: 76770
Spring Egg Hunts Community Egg Hunt Extravaganza
Pool Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 23 Hunt times : 10am, 11am, 12pm, and 1pm
Sunday, March 24 Hunt times: 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm
Bring the family and join us for the Annual Egg Hunt on the Museum grounds! Children 10 and under are invited to race around our grounds for treat-filled eggs starting promptly at the reserved timeslot. Following the egg hunt, families are invited to stay and explore the Museum with a scavenger hunt and take a picture with the Bunny! $10/child
Join us in the ARC Family Activity Pool for the splashiest egg hunt in town! The Easter Bunny stops by and turns the pool into a sea of floating eggs filled with surprises for children ages 2-7 to collect and take home! Space is limited and registration required $12 R/$15 NR
Historical Society members receive $6 registration discount. Join the society and save!
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Stroll & Roll:
Walk for Autism Saturday, April 20 | 10am Lake Arlington Please join us as we walk to celebrate, support and bring awareness during National Autism Awareness Month. This event is free and open to all ages. Proceeds benefit the Northwest Special Recreation Association. Shirts will be available for purchase at ahpd.org. If it rains, Stroll & Roll will move to Arlington Ridge Center.
Arbor Day
Friday, April 26 / 9:30-11am Rand Berkley Park The first Arbor Day took place on April 10, 1872. It was the brainchild of Julius Sterling Morton, a Nebraska journalist and politician. Throughout his long and productive career, Morton worked to improve agricultural techniques but his most important legacy is Arbor Day.
Due to the nature of special events and for the safety of animals and patrons, pets of any kind are not allowed.
Historical Museum Teas Sweetheart Tea
Saturday, February, 10 | 12:30-2pm Enjoy an afternoon with your favorite date. Parents or a special family member plus one child can enjoy this festive event with food, drinks and fun.
Mother's Day TEA
Saturday, May 11 | 12:30-2pm
Celebrate Mom in the beautiful setting of the Historic Banta House, a century-old arts and crafts inspired home. Join us in a relaxed celebration featuring steaming pots of tea and light refreshments. Mom will surely enjoy a tea party she doesn't have to clean up afterward!
Swing into Spring & Community Bike Ride Saturday, May 18 Registration: 9:30am Swing into Spring event: 11am -2pm
Join the Village of AH Commissioners for a bike ride in Arlington Heights, and celebrate spring/with crafts, games, rides, live music and entertainment. This dual event is free fun for all ages. More info at www.vah.com/explore/events.php Presented by the Village Special Events Commission
Tea details on page 70.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
This interactive class has everyone on their feet! We all learn together while engaging in active, creative, musicbased activities, while using rhythm instruments and movement props. All class procedures are designed to keep staff and students safe. Activities are age appropriate by class and include songs and rhymes, rhythm and coordination, fine and gross motor, imagination and sensory, listening and following directions skills. Sing, dance, play, learn and imagine with us! www.rockitkids.com (EO)
Kid Rock I Pioneer
Code Age 76504 2 yrs 76505 2 yrs 76506 2 yrs
Kid Rock II Pioneer
Code Age 76507 3-5 yrs 76508 3-5 yrs 76509 3-5 yrs
Kid Rock III Pioneer
Code Age 76510 1-6 yrs 76511 1-6 yrs 76512 1-6 yrs
Tot Rock Pioneer
Code Age 76513 1 yr 76514 1 yr 76515 1 yr
Kindermusik Level 1
Hear squeals of delight as your baby anticipates the next zoom lift and giggles while dancing and socializing. Babies enjoy wide-eyed excitement with tummy tickle rhymes, massage and exploration time. Parent/ caregiver attends class. (EO)
Session 1: Nighty Night/Mama Goose Pioneer
Day(s) Time M 10:00a-10:40a M 10:00a-10:40a M 10:00a-10:40a
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/8-2/5 $55/$67 2/19-3/18 $55/$67 4/8-5/20 $78/$92
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee M 11:30a-12:10p 1/8-2/5 $55/$67 M 11:30a-12:10p 2/19-3/18 $55/$67 M 11:30a-12:10p 4/8-5/20 $78/$92
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76869 6m-1yr 4m W 11:15a-12:00p 1/31-3/20 $180/$200 76871 6m-1yr 4m Th 11:15a-12:00p 2/1-3/21 $180/$200 76872 6m-1yr 4m Th 11:15a-12:00p 4/4-5/23 $180/$200
Session 2: Busy Days/ Zoom Baby Pioneer
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76870 6m-1yr 4m W 11:15a-12:00p 4/3-5/22 $180/$200
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee M 10:45a-11:25a 1/8-2/5 $55/$67 M 10:45a-11:25a 2/19-3/18 $55/$67 M 10:45a-11:25a 4/8-5/20 $78/$92
Day(s) Time M 9:15a-9:55a M 9:15a-9:55a M 9:15a-9:55a
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/8-2/5 $55/$67 2/19-3/18 $55/$67 4/8-5/20 $78/$92
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Kindermusik Level 3
Carefully integrated curriculum of music, pretend play, literature and a lot of movement. Children reflect, compare, make choices, express opinions, solve problems and interact with peers while letting their imaginations soar. Parent/ caregiver attends the last 15 minutes of class. (EO)
Session 1: All Keyed Up/ Dance With Me Pioneer
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76881 3-5 yrs W 12:30p-1:15p 1/31-3/20 $180/$200 76883 3-5 yrs Th 12:30p-1:15p 2/1-3/21 $180/$200
Session 2: Under the Rainbow/Giggles Pioneer
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76882 3-5 yrs W 12:30p-1:15p 4/3-5/22 76884 3-5 yrs Th 12:30p-1:15p 4/4-5/23
R/NR Fee $180/$200 $180/$200
Kindermusik Level 2
Imagine twirling around the room, marching with happiness and singing out with joy to the music! Led by licensed teachers who cherish your child’s blossoming social skills, children practice “turn taking” activities and finger games and play simple instruments. Parent/ caregiver attends this class. (EO)
Session 1: Hello Day/Playtime Pioneer
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76873 1.5-3 yrs W 9:15a-10:00a 1/31-3/20 76874 1.5-3 yrs W 10:15a-11:00a 1/31-3/20 76877 1.5-3 yrs Th 9:15a-10:00a 2/1-3/21 76878 1.5-3 yrs Th 10:15a-11:00a 2/1-3/21
R/NR Fee $180/$200 $180/$200 $180/$200 $180/$200
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76875 1.5-3 yrs W 9:15a-10:00a 4/3-5/22 76876 1.5-3 yrs W 10:15a-11:00a 4/3-5/22 76879 1.5-3 yrs Th 9:15a-10:00a 4/4-5/23 76880 1.5-3 yrs Th 10:15a-11:00a 4/4-5/23
R/NR Fee $180/$200 $180/$200 $180/$200 $180/$200
Session 2: Big Red Barn/Rain or Shine Pioneer
For more information about programs on this page contact Emma O'Meara, Recreation Supervisor, at eo'meara@ahpd.org.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
PREP Time Together
This is the perfect class for the on-the-go curious toddler with a mixture of open play and structured time. Toddlers will love exploring our play areas: kitchen, puzzles, large motor tunnels, slide and rotating play sets. Miss Tracy will share a special hands-on activity every week! We conclude class with a brief music and story time. (KW) Heritage Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76699 1.5-3.5 yrs W 9:30a-10:15a 1/17-2/21 76700 1.5-3.5 yrs W 9:30a-10:15a 3/6-4/17 76701 1.5-3.5 yrs W 9:30a-10:15a 5/1-5/22
Fee $62 $62 $62
On My Way- Preschool Transition Class Is your child ready to attend class by themselves? In this gentle and gradual transition class, children have an opportunity to practice independence while knowing their parent is close by. Class time includes an introduction to the preschool setting with playtime, music/movement, story time and a simple craft. Children must be 2 years old by the start of class. (KW) Heritage Code Age 76702 2-3 yrs 76703 2-3 yrs 76704 2-3 yrs 76705 2-3 yrs 76706 2-3 yrs 76707 2-3 yrs
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee T 9:30a-10:20a 1/16-2/20 $55/$75 T 9:30a-10:20a 3/5-4/16 $55/$75 T 9:30a-10:20a 4/30-5/21 $55/$75 T 10:40a-11:30a 1/16-2/20 $55/$75 T 10:40a-11:30a 3/5-4/16 $55/$75 T 10:40a-11:30a 4/30-5/21 $55/$75
Tot Lot Drop-In Play Time NEW!
Join us in the Camelot gym on Tuesday mornings this winter for Tot Lot Drop-In Play Time. Tot equipment will be available for you and your little one to play with. Fee is per visit, per-child. Adult stays and plays along! Meet new friends and have fun! Camelot
Age Day(s) Time 5 and under T 9:30-11a
Dates 1/9-3/19
Fee $3/Child Each Visit
All On My Own
This class is the next step up from On My Way and is a great introduction to the preschool setting or can be an additional class to take alongside preschool. Each class will have a combination of structured and unstructured play. Children will enjoy participating in theme oriented art projects, musical games, stories, circle time and much more. This is a great opportunity for parents to run errands while your child makes new friends and enjoys time with Mrs. Tracy and Mrs. Marie. If your child is not potty trained you will need to stay in close proximity in case we need assistance with a diaper change. Prerequisite: Child must have taken any class without a parent prior to attending this class and be comfortable attending class by themselves. (KW) Heritage Code Age 76708 2-4 yrs 76709 2-4 yrs 76710 2-4 yrs 76711 2-4 yrs 76712 2-4 yrs 76713 2-4 yrs
Day(s) Time W 10:30a-12:00p W 10:30a-12:00p W 10:30a-12:00p Th 10:00a-11:30a Th 10:00a-11:30a Th 10:00a-11:30a
Date(s) Fee 1/17-2/21 $113 3/6-4/17 $113 5/1-5/22 $113 1/18-2/22 $113 3/7-4/18 $113 5/2-5/23 $113
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
2023/2024 SCHooL YEAR Enrollment in the current 2023/2024 school year will close on Friday, January 26, 2024.
Age-Appropriate Curriculum to develop a child’s love of learning.
Our play-based curriculum is provided in a safe, nurturing environment which allows the children opportunities to grow socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically. Children participate in a variety of activities everyday including art, music, movement, dramatic play, math, science, block play, story time and group discussions. We strive to prepare children for kindergarten. Our program is designed to give your child the tools and experiences they need to assure a positive transition from preschool to kindergarten. Some ongoing skills emphasized throughout our twoyear program are recognition and printing of first name with upper- and lower-case letters, naming basic colors and shapes, finding upper and lower cases letters when named, and reciting numbers 1-20.
3-4 year olds
Students must be 3 by September 1, 2023 One teacher and one teacher aide (16 students max) Tuesday and Thursday Location Time Camelot 9-11AM Frontier 9-11AM Pioneer 9-11AM Recreation 9-11AM
4-5 year olds
Students must be 4 by September 1, 2023 One teacher and one teacher aide (20 students max) Monday / Wednesday / Friday Location Time Camelot 9-11:30AM Frontier 9-11:30AM Pioneer 9-11:30AM Recreation 9-11:30AM
About the Instructors
Skilled professionals schooled in early childhood and/ or elementary education teach the preschool program. Our instructors are kept informed of current trends in education by attending early childhood workshops and conferences throughout the year. Our teachers help the children develop new interests, learn good work habits, follow directions, socialize, share, and establish selfdirection.
Preschool Tuition
• Children must be toilet trained; pull-ups are not allowed. • Children in the 3-4 year old program must be 3 by September 1; those in the 4-5 year old program must be 4 by September 1. Proof of age is required at the time of registration. Please provide a birth certificate for registration.
The 2024/2025 School year and tuition calendar will be online and available February 1, 2024. View current tuition information at www.ahpd.org/programs/preschool
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
PROGRAMS FOR ALL Amazing Minds Enrichment
Go on an incredible journey with Amazing Minds after school! Instructors will help sharpen your skills in math, science, geography, language arts and reading through fun, hands-on thematic based activities. Science will come alive through our exploration of rocks & minerals, flight weather, health and safety; explore math learning about money, geometry and shapes; travel to China, Ancient Egypt, Italy, Washington DC or Australia. Explore the Animal Kingdom and dive deep into the oceans. Take home fun topic related souvenirs too! (EO) Arlington Ridge Center
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76887 5-9 yrs W 4:30p-5:30p 1/17-3/20 $234/$254 76888 5-9 yrs W 4:30p-5:30p 4/3-5/29 $210/$230
Learn to be a super sitter! Classes will cover child development, emergency & first aid training, activities to do with young children, and how to grow your personal babysitting business. (EO) Frontier
Parent's Night Out
Drop of your little ones at Frontier Park for a night full of fun! Children will have the option to participate in games, crafts, and other activities planned by our certified babysitters. (EO) Frontier Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76499 3-6 yrs F 6:30p-9:00p 2/23 76500 3-6 yrs F 6:30p-9:00p 5/3
Chess Scholars
Develop your child's intellect through the royal game of chess! Current research has shown a strong link between chess and academic performance in a variety of areas, including mathematics and language arts. Chess has been proven to enhance children's motivation, concentration, focus, social skills, and creativity. Each class will consist of a fun, interactive reaching period and guided practice time. Both beginner and experienced players are welcome and will learn under the guidance of an experienced Chess Scholars coach. (EO) Arlington Ridge Center
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76516 5-12 yrs Th 5:30p-6:30p 1/25-2/29 $123/$143 76886 5-12 yrs Th 5:30p-6:30p 4/11-5/16 $123/$143
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76493 12-14 yrs M 4:30p-5:30p 1/22-3/18 $88/$103 76494 12-14 yrs M 4:30p-5:30p 4/1-5/20 $88/$103
Home Alone Safety
Participants will learn all about home alone safety including: safe snacks, household rules, stranger danger, house key safety, phone, fire and weather safety. They will also learn basic first aid and "what if" scenarios. Additionally, we will review emergency contacts, and knowing when to contact emergency professionals. (EO) Frontier Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76495 10-20 yrs M 5:30p-6:30p 1/29-2/12 76496 10-20 yrs M 5:30p-6:30p 4/8-4/22 76497 10-20 yrs M 5:30p-6:30p 5/6-5/20
R/NR Fee $40/$45 $40/$45
R/NR Fee $45/$53 $45/$53 $45/$53
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Glitzy Girlz: Parent/Child—Making Memories for Mom Night
Come join Glitzy Girlz for some special memories for MOM. Whether it's an adult coming with a child to make gifts for Mother's Day, or a Mom spending a evening with that special child; it's a mom's celebration! Each couple will make 3 surprises: ceramic, wooden & a beaded item with "MOM" accents and charms. A special gift wrapping station will conceal any surprises to take home and save for Mother's Day. Always a cherished time in this class! (EO) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76501 3-9 yrs F 6:15p-7:15p 5/3
R/NR Fee $33/$43
Glitzy Girlz: Peace, Love, and GLAM Dance Party
Come join Glitzy Girlz for a night of spreading LOVE & HAPPINESS with our staff! We will give each participant a pampering of GLAM with a hairdo, make-up, sparkle and nail polish application. Each person will decorate a unique craft with peace, hearts and rainbow accents, along with paints and personalization. Design a cool beaded bracelet with peace-love charm. Our night ends with a retro lights dance party to popular songs! Sign up with friends! (EO) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76502 3-9 yrs F 6:15p-7:30p 3/8
R/NR Fee $33/$43
Glitzy Girlz: Winter Fantasy Princess Glam Night
Come beat the winter slump and join Glitzy Girlz for a night of glam with a unicorn rainbow fantasy theme. Our staff will give a pretty make-over complete with hairdo, make-up sparkle and nail polish application. Decorate a unique craft with paints, stickers, embellishments and personalization. Design a beautiful beaded bracelet with a fantasy charm assortment. Staff will play music and we will have props and a backdrop to take photos before class ends for parents. A glam goodie bag goes home with each participant. (EO) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76503 3-9 yrs F 6:15p-7:30p 1/26
Magic Workshop
Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they learn a collection of fascinating and mesmerizing tricks from the "Magic Team of Gary Kantor"! Amaze family and friends with tricks that involve cards, ropes, coins, mind-reading, and more. (EO) Camelot Code Age Day(s) Time 76490 5-12 yrs T 6:30p-7:25p 76491 5-12 yrs Th 5:00p-5:55p 76885 5-12 yrs M 6:30p-7:25p
Date(s) 1/16 3/14 5/13
R/NR Fee $26/$34 $26/$34 $26/$34
Dance-Verse by NalinaPadam
Learn to move and groove to the beats of Indian dance styles. Instructed by Sudha & Nisha. (KS) Code Age 78034 6-11 78035 16+ 78037 6-11 78038 16+
Day(s) Time F 5:30p-6:30p F 6:30p-7:30p F 5:30p-6:30p F 6:30p-7:30p
Date(s) 1/12-3/1 1/12-3/1 4/5-5/24 4/5-5/24
Fee $120 $120 $120 $120
R/NR Fee $33/$43
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
American Sign Language: Learn to Sign VIRTUAL
Interested in learning the basics of American Sign Language or communicating with your young child through signing? Join us from the comfort and convenience of your living room as you learn to sign in a fun, interactive, lively environment. Each session covers new material. Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class. (EO) Code Age Day(s) Time 76988 7-10 yrs W 5:00p-5:45p 76989 7-10 yrs W 5:00p-5:45p 76990 7-10 yrs W 5:00p-5:45p
Date(s) 1/17-2/21 2/28-4/3 4/10-5/15
R/NR Fee $70/$84 $70/$84 $70/$84
American Sign Language: Mom/Dad & Me VIRTUAL
Interested in learning the basics of American Sign Language or communicating with your young child through signing? Join us from the comfort and convenience of your living room as you learn to sign in a fun, interactive, lively environment. Each session covers new material. Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class. (EO) Code Age Day(s) Time 76981 9 m-2 yrsT 5:00p-5:30p 76982 9 m-2 yrsT 5:00p-5:30p 76983 9 m-2 yrsT 5:00p-5:30p 76984 3-5 yrs T 5:45p-6:25p 76985 3-5 yrs T 5:45p-6:25p 76987 3-5 yrs T 5:45p-6:25p
Date(s) 1/16-2/20 2/27-4/2 4/9-5/14 1/16-2/20 2/27-4/2 4/9-5/14
R/NR Fee $70/$84 $70/$84 $70/$84 $70/$84 $70/$84 $70/$84
I Speak French VIRTUAL
Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the French & Italian languages via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new material. Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class. (EO) Code Age Day(s) Time 76967 7-10 yrs M 5:00p-5:45p 76968 7-10 yrs M 5:00p-5:45p 76969 7-10 yrs M 5:00p-5:45p
Date(s) 1/22-3/4 3/11-4/15 4/22-6/3
R/NR Fee $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108
I Speak Italian VIRTUAL
Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the French & Italian languages via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new material. Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class. (EO) Code Age Day(s) Time 76976 7-10 yrs W 6:00p-6:45p 76978 7-10 yrs W 6:00p-6:45p 76979 7-10 yrs W 6:00p-6:45p
Date(s) 1/17-2/21 2/28-4/3 4/10-5/15
R/NR Fee $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108
I Speak Italian Jr. VIRTUAL
Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the French & Italian languages via the interactive Zoom platform! Each session covers new material. Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class. (EO) Code Age 76972 3-5 yrs 76974 3-5 yrs 76975 3-5 yrs
Day(s) Time W 5:00p-5:45p W 5:00p-5:45p W 5:00p-5:45p
Date(s) 1/17-2/21 2/28-4/3 4/10-5/15
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
R/NR Fee $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108
I Speak Spanish
Expand your child's world! In this interactive class, children will be immersed in the Spanish language through fun and engaging activities. New material is covered in each session. (EO) Arlington Ridge Center Code Age 76891 3-6 yrs 76892 3-6 yrs 76893 3-6 yrs
Day(s) Time T 4:30p-5:15p T 4:30p-5:15p T 4:30p-5:15p
Date(s) 1/16-2/20 2/27-4/9 4/16-5/21
R/NR Fee $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108
I Speak Spanish VIRTUAL
Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Spanish language via the interactive Zoom platform! Younger children will learn conversational Spanish through fun and interactive activities and music while older children will also learn some Spanish phonetics to begin reading and writing in Spanish. Each session covers new material. Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class. (EO) Code Age 76897 3-5 yrs 76953 3-5 yrs 76954 3-5 yrs 76955 3-5 yrs 76956 3-5 yrs 76958 3-5 yrs
Day(s) Time M 5:00p-5:45p M 5:00p-5:45p M 5:00p-5:45p Th 5:00p-5:45p Th 5:00p-5:45p Th 5:00p-5:45p
Date(s) 1/22-3/4 3/11-4/15 4/22-6/3 1/18-2/22 2/29-4/4 4/11-5/16
R/NR Fee $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108
Vamonos Spanish Club for Kids
Expand your child's world! In this interactive class, children will be immersed in the Spanish language through fun and engaging activities. New material is covered in each session. (EO) Arlington Ridge Code Age Day(s) Time 76894 6-10 yrs T 5:30p-6:15p 76895 6-10 yrs T 5:30p-6:15p 76896 6-10 yrs T 5:30p-6:15p
Date(s) 1/16-2/20 2/27-4/9 4/16-5/21
R/NR Fee $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108
Youth Spanish VIRTUAL
Join us right from your living room as we explore new cultures and learn the Spanish language via the interactive Zoom platform! Younger children will learn conversational Spanish through fun and interactive activities and music while older children will also learn some Spanish phonetics to begin reading and writing in Spanish. Each session covers new material. Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants before the first class. (EO) Code Age Day(s) Time 76959 7-10 yrs M 5:30p-6:15p 76960 7-10 yrs M 5:30p-6:15p 76961 7-10 yrs M 5:30p-6:15p 76963 7-10 yrs Th 5:30p-6:15p 76964 7-10 yrs Th 5:30p-6:15p 76965 7-10 yrs Th 5:30p-6:15p
Date(s) 1/22-3/4 3/11-4/15 4/22-6/3 1/18-2/22 2/29-4/4 4/11-5/16
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
R/NR Fee $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108 $90/$108
Kids Life Coaching Lab-The Incredible Edible Icee Experience
This class is an avalanche of icee winter fun! Kids will create their own outrageous ICEE concoction with lots of mix-ins and then slurp it up while learning the history and science of this beloved sweet treat. There is so much cool history and science when it comes to the famous ICEE! Kids will participate in the most outrageous ICEE slurping contest in town! Who will be crowned ICEE King or Queen? Think BRAIN FREEZE! This is a drop off class. (EO) Camelot Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76517 5-12 yrs Th 4:30p-5:30p 1/11
R/NR Fee $33/$40
Bubble Gum & Beach Slime Kids Life Coaching Lab
February 2nd was National Bubble Gum Day! Let's make Beachy Bubble Gum Slime! Kids have really had to use their stretchy thinking or "Bubble Gum" thinking to not get stuck. This growth mindset will be dramatized and celebrated as we make a batch of amazing bubble gum and/or beach slime. It will look, feel, and smell like nostalgic bubble gum or get in the mood for spring break and choose a beach theme. Think sandy textures, suntan lotion scents, and the cool color of the ocean. Kids keep their slime. For the competitive kiddos in the crowd, we will have an optional “BLOW THE BIGGEST BUBBLE COMPETITION” for some good old-fashioned fun! (EO) Camelot Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76520 5-12 yrs W 4:30p-5:30p 2/21
R/NR Fee $33/$40
Valen-Slime: A Stretchy Thinking Slime Lab
Have the slime of your life making Valentine’s Day themed slime! It’s love month and we are customizing your slime in the concoction center to smell like gourmet chocolates, fresh cut roses, pink cotton candy, cake batter or dipped strawberries. Then color it to be vibrant with the colors known for Cupid’s Day. Speaking of Cupid, stop his arrow from coming your way by using your batch of slime to capture him in the act when we play a slimy Valentine game! Kids take their slime home. (EO) Camelot Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76518 5-12 yrs T 4:30p-5:30p 1/23
R/NR Fee $33/$40
Self-Esteem Through Spring STEM Ice Cream-Kids Coaching Lab
Making and eating ice cream is a fun way to introduce early chemistry teachings to children and helps build self-esteem. Kids can become experts on this billiondollar industry as they make a batch of homemade ice cream with mix ins for spring. Think marshmallow Peeps, shamrock golden nuggets, cotton candy, and rainbow sprinkles! Did you know ice cream began with the concept of the Icee? We will also explore the science, history and franchise history of the beloved amusement park treat, Dippin’ Dots. Did you know the founder is from Illinois? The waffle cone and the first novelty vanilla ice cream bar have a great story behind them! Then kids sit down for the most outrageous ice cream eating contest in town. Did anyone say BRAIN FREEZE? This is a child’s dream class and all about putting the fun back into learning. Don’t wear your Sunday best, we will get sticky! (EO) Camelot Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76890 5-12 yrs F 5:00p-6:00p 3/8
R/NR Fee $33/$40
Communication & Public Speaking Lab
Communication REALLY is more than a text, email, video game, or hanging out on social media. It is currently identified as the #1 MISSING SOFT SKILL! Through an incredibly fun and high energy workshop, kids will have the chance to improve their communication and public speaking skills via dramatizations and games like: Carbonation Communication, Drive Thru Window, Giant Extendable Ear and more. Is your child a passive, assertive, or aggressive communicator? We will find out! Don’t be surprised if they volunteer to get up in front of a crowd more, have higher confidence when test taking, and just have a bit more pep in their step! These skills are always a work in progress, but this will be a transformational kick off. (EO) Camelot Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76519 5-12 yrs T 5:30p-6:30p 1/23
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
R/NR Fee $33$40
Program Highlights
CAP is a cooperative program between the Arlington Heights Park District, Village of Arlington Heights and School Districts 21, 25 and 59. Weekly themes, arts & crafts, sports & active games, outdoor play, homework/ reading time, board & card games, team building activities and breakfast/snack time offered daily.
Hours of Operation
Opens at 7AM until school begins and after school end until 6PM. Program includes any early releases or half days. Coverage is also available on most full days off school for an additional fee $60/day (requires a separate registration).
Spring Break Camp
This all-day camp is a mini-version of the Park District's Summer Day Camp program. Each day we'll have sporting activities, crafts, movies and go outside-weather permitting. Come have fun with us! This camp is for children in grades K-5th. (KW) Pioneer Code Age 76694 5-11 yrs 76695 5-11 yrs 76696 5-11 yrs 76697 5-11 yrs 76698 5-11 yrs
Day(s) Time M 8:00a-6:00p T 8:00a-6:00p W 8:00a-6:00p Th 8:00a-6:00p F 8:00a-6:00p
Date(s) 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/28 3/29
R/NR Fee $75/$95 $75/$95 $75/$95 $75/$95 $75/$95
This quality recreational before and after school program is available on-site at Dryden, Greenbrier, Ivy Hill, Juliette Low, Olive-Mary Stitt, Patton, Poe, Riley, Westgate and Windsor Schools for Kindergarten-5th grade. Kindergarteners are eligible to participate on a limited basis at District 25. Recreation Park is the overflow site for Olive and Pioneer is the overflow site for Westgate and Windsor. Those two remote sites are only a 5-day option.
Registration and Fees
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is ongoing, provided we have openings at the location. Registration can be found on our CAP webpage online. A $75 NonRefundable Registration fee is due at registration. For more information on the registration process or to check the program availability at your school, call 847.577.3000 or visit our website at ahpd.org/ programs/cap-registration
CAP 2023-2024 Registration
Currently enrolled families for the 23/24 school year will have priority registration from February 1- March 1. Anyone still on the waitlist can register from April 1- April 26. General registration for those not enrolled, on the waitlist, or forgot to register can register for our first lottery draw on May 1-June 14, with the lottery draw on June 17. For more information including fees, please visit ahpd.org/programs/cap-registration Discount Available
Check out the Historical Museum Spring Break Camps on page 70!
Register two or more children and save 10%. For more information on the registration process or to check the program availability at your school, call 847.577.3000. Enrollment Options and Fees coming soon!
Please visit our CAP website at ahpd.org/programs/ cap-registration for more information.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
O N S ’ E E THERMonday, March 4 /I 10am K L R E M M SU T A R E M M U S AHPD Community Gardens are available! Registration starts:
Community Gardens are a great way to get your green thumb working again! Rent a garden plot at Forest View or Frontier Park for the growing season.
Saturday, April 6 / 9-10am Pioneer Park Community Center Build a birdhouse to take home for your feathered friend. This mini spring workshop is designed for kids with adult supervision. Registration is limited. $5 – non refundable
Learn more by scanning the QR code with your smartphone.
SAVE THE DATES! Picnic in the Park | June 7 Frontier Days | July 3-7 l Unplug Illinois | July 16 as Movie Night at ALGC | July 19 a 2:30-2pmNational Night Out | August 1 te. Parents or d can enjoy Irish Fest | August 9 and fun. Heritage Fest | August 10 R $25 BBQ, Bands & Brew | August 10 A
Scan to learn more
Community Gardens are available! Registration starts:
Monday, March 4 / 10am
Community Gardens are a great way to get your green thumb working again! Rent a garden plot at Forest View or Frontier Park for the growing season.
Learn more by scanning the QR code with your smartphone.
of the Historic inspired home. teaming pots of ely enjoy a tea fterward!
R $25
Historical Museum Teas Sweetheart Tea Mother's Day Tea
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring
2024 Mom in the beautiful setting of the Historic Banta| www.ahpd.org House, a Saturday, February, 10Celebrate | 12:30-2pm century-old arts and crafts inspired home. Join us in a relaxed celebration 24
featuring steaming pots Enjoy an afternoon with your favorite date. Parents orof tea and light refreshments. Fee is for one adult and child. Additional participants register with class code 76818. (DS)
Facility Features
Fall Hours
Monday–Thursday 5:30AM-9PM Fridays 5:30AM-8PM Saturday 5:30AM-7PM Sunday 6:30AM-7PM
• Open swim, adult lap swim and water exercise classes • Use of track/open gym
Get fit. Stay fit.
Make the most of your memberships! Check out our 3 levels and sign up today!
Visit ahpd.org/arc
• Use of the Ridge Fitness Center • ARC group exercise • Use of track/open gym
• Includes ALL benefits of annual SPLASHPass AND FITPass
• 2 basketball courts • 4 youth basketball courts • 4 volleyball courts • 6 pickleball courts
Indoor Walking/ Running Track
• Basketball open gym • Classes include: basketball, volleyball, soccer and more!
Fitness Center
• 5,000 square feet of state of the art equipment • Functional fitness • Personal training • Small group training • Personal training
Scan below for the most up-to-date fitness class schedule.
Aquatics Center
• 25 yard, 6 lane lap pool • 12 foot deep diving well • Zero depth activity pool • 92 degree wellness and instructional pool
to learn more
Reserve Reserve the the ARC ARC Poolside Poolside Party Party Room Room for your for your openopen swim swim poolpool party. party.
ARC ARC Gym Gym Rentals Rentals Perfect Perfect for team for team practices, practices, end end of season of season celebrations celebrations and and birthday birthday parties. parties. Setup Setup includes: includes: Basketball Basketball • Volleyball • Volleyball • Pickleball • Pickleball Note: Note: 1 Hour 1 Hour Minimum Minimum Rental Rental Designated Designated Party Party Room Room Saturday Saturday and and Sunday Sunday Availability Availability
Contact: Matt Healy, ARC Manger at mhealy@ahpd.org to book your rental spot today!
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
ARC A DIEM 45 The ARC’s signature group fitness class utilizes multiple stations and rotations using a variety of both strength and cardiovascular equipment to provide you with a HIIT workout that will get your heart rate UP, build lean muscle, AND increase your cardiovascular endurance all simultaneously!
CXWORX 30 Get a stronger core in just 30 minutes! All moves have options so it's challenging but achievable for your own level of fitness.
BARRE* 45 A high-energy, full-body workout set to upbeat music. It is an exciting body and mind workout that bridges the worlds of dance and Pilates.
REPS 45 A total body workout class for all fitness levels designed to enhance your body on ALL levels. R-Resistance, E-Endurance, P-Power, S-Speed.
BODY COMBAT 45 A high-energy martial-inspired workout. It’s non-contact and there are no complex moves to master.
STRENGTH & BALANCE YOGA 60 A well-rounded class that promotes a balance between strength and flexibility.
BODY PUMP 60 Using light to moderate weights with plenty of repetition, BODYPUMP gives you a total body workout that burns lots of calories.
TABATA CHALLENGE 45 Complete 4-minute exercise sequences broken down into intervals of 20 seconds of high intensity work followed by 10 seconds of rest.
BODYPUMP EXPRESS 45 BODYPUMP gets a trimming down to a 45-minute workout all while still giving you a total body workout that burns lots of calories.
TONE & TIGHTEN (TNT) 45 Utilizing a variety of equipment and upbeat music, this total body workout will FLY by and leave you feeling fired up!
BOOT CAMP 45 A HIIT class utilizing a multitude of training styles to keep the body and brain fully engaged while providing safe and lasting results.
Youth, Gold, Basic, Bootcamp
INDOOR CYCLING 45 Our indoor cycling class will focus on cardio challenges and hill climbs that are suited for all participant levels.
Classes utilize the TRX suspension trainer to offer workouts varying in intensities to allow for everybody of every level to leave feeling mentally and physically confident in their bodies abilities.
For more information about ARC Group Fitness classes, please contact Matt Healy, ARC Manager, at mhealy@ahpd.org.
WERQ 60 A fiercely, fun dance fitness class based on pop, rock and hip hop music. YOGA FOR BEGINNERS 60 We will incorporate a balance and strengthening series that will train your brain to tap into focus and determination. All levels are encouraged. YOGA TONE & SCULPT 60 Boost your metabolism and build lean muscle when you incorporate full body yoga flow movements with light weights and moves such as lunges, squats and bicep curls. YOUTH YOGA 45 Learn basic yoga poses that promote body awareness, breath work, coordination, strength, mobility, attention and relaxation. ZUMBA** 60 Latin-inspired dance fitness program that blends red hot international music and contagious dance steps. *Fitness classes at Pioneer Park **Fitness classes at Camelot Park
ARC Group Fitness Classes are included with an ARC Plus or Fitpass membership. Strength Restorative Endurance For Kids 9-13 years
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
PICKLEBALL AT AHPD INDOOR Drop-In Pickleball ARC Tuesdays Thursdays Fridays Pioneer Park Wednesdays
11AM-2PM 11AM-2PM 11AM-2PM 5-8PM
Scan to view more class options!
Member/Resident Non-Member/Non-Resident
$5 $10
OUTDOOR Beginning in March Carefree Park | 2 Courts Creekside Park | 2 Courts Dryden Park | 6 Courts Green Slopes Park | 4 Courts Greenbrier Park | 1 Court Volz Park | 6 Courts Help us make it a safe and fun season by following and reminding others of the guidelines below: • Courts are available on a first-come, firstserve basis • Please be courteous and respectful to all players, bystanders and neighbors • Dogs are prohibited on courts • Do not remove snow from the courts by shovel, snow blower, etc. • Refrain from handling the nets or other court apparatus • No other activities or gatherings are permitted within the fenced tennis/pickleball court enclosures • The District reserves the right to close the tennis/pickleball courts at any time For more guidelines, visit ahpd.org/parks/ outdoor-courts
Arlington Heights Park Foundation Pickleball Tournament
Sunday, May 19 | Dryden Park Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Register in Team of 2 | $100 Per Team Proceeds benefits a fully accessible playground for people of all abilities
Adult Pickleball NEW!
This class is for those who have never played pickleball before or who have very limited experience with the sport. It will focus on pickleball basics such as forehand and backhand shots, serving, and court positioning. Players will also learn scoring and the rules of the game through drills and playing time. The slower pace of this class will give players the opportunity to develop the skills needed to play this fun and energetic game. All equipment will be provided. (MH) Arlington Ridge Center Beginner Code Age 76830 18 + 78274 18+ 76831 18 + 76832 18 + 78275 18+ 76858 18 +
Day(s) M,W T,Th M,W M,W T,Th M,W
Time 10:30a-12:30p 6:30p-8:30p 10:30a-12:30p 10:30a-12:30p 6:30p-8:30p 10:30a-12:30p
Date(s) 1/8-1/29 1/9-1/25 1/31-2/21 3/4-3/20 3/5-3/21 4/1-4/17
R/NR Fee $125/$135 $125/$135 $125/$135 $125/$135 $125/$135 $125/$135
Code Age 76838 18 + 78276 18+ 76839 18 + 76840 18 + 76859 18 + 78277 18+
Day(s) M,W T,Th M,W M,W M,W T,Th
Time 1:00p-3:00p 6:30p-8:30p 1:00p-3:00p 1:00p-3:00p 1:00p-3:00p 6:30p-8:30p
Date(s) 1/8-1/29 1/30-2/15 1/31-2/21 3/4-3/20 4/1-4/17 4/2-4/18
R/NR Fee $125/$135 $125/$135 $125/$135 $125/$135 $125/$135 $125/$135
Advanced Beginner/Low Intermediate
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Combine postures, basic stretches, breath work, meditation, and relaxation to help create harmony between the mind and body. Camelot Code Age 76841 18 + 76846 18 +
Code Age 76844 18 + 76847 18 +
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee W 7:00p-8:00p 1/10-3/13 $110/$125 W 7:00p-8:00p 3/20-5/22 $110/$125 Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee S 8:30a-10:00a 1/7-3/10 $125/$140 S 8:30a-10:00a 3/17-5/19 $125/$140
Stroller Strides - Stroller Fitness
Stroller Strides® is a functional, total-body conditioning workout designed for moms with kids in tow. Each 60-minute workout is comprised of strength training, cardio and core restoration, all while entertaining little ones with songs, activities and fun! Purchase a 10-class pass through the park district. Visit Fit4MOM at chicagonorthwest.fit4mom.com to purchase a membership or a punch pass and view class schedule. (MH)
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Aqua Fitness & Water Running
Strength, resistance, and cardio workouts without the pounding on pavement, a treadmill, or gym floor. Foam “weights” and noodles are provided for resistance work to build arm, back, shoulder, and abdominal strength. Buoyancy belts are used in our deep water classes. • All Aqua Fitness classes are an amenity of our ARC Annual memberships; therefore, reservations are required for all classes to insure this is a member only program. • These classes are very popular and each class has a specific capacity that coincides with pool size to allow ample room for movement. • An Annual ARC SplashPass or PlusPass or FitPass is required.
DEEP AQUA FIT A cardiovascular and strength training workout in the diving well (12 feet deep). Required Hydro-Fit flotation equipment is provided. SHALLOW AQUA FIT A cardiovascular and strength training workout in the lap pool. Water should be at least waist high but below the chest. Aquatic shoes are recommended but not provided. WARM AQUA FIT A shallow water class with slower movements and low impact. This class is in our Wellness Pool. DEEP WATER RUNNING A cardiovascular workout while strengthening the core and working against the resistance of the water. The class is taught in an interval format with motivating and fun music to help you smash your goals. The class is taught in the diving well, participants must be comfortable in deep water and will be wearing a flotation belt.
Details on reserving your class and the full schedule can be found here by scanning the QR code or reach out to Angela Neill 847.577.3029. Scan the QR code to learn more.
Summer Outdoor Pool PassES Summer only outdoor pool pass sale begins May 1, 2024. Information on the summer outdoor season will be available in the summer program guide.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
SWIM LESSONS 6mo-3yrs | Water Babies with Parent(s) in Water
Expose your baby to a body of water bigger than the kitchen sink or bathtub! Everyone begins class together with an opening song. Instructor will divide class in half based on age and size of baby, if needed. Instructor introduces/demos a skill for each group. Parents work on skills and the instructor will move about class and offer tips/corrections to parents. We will come together as one group for songs several times in class. These classes are very popular and always a great way to meet new pool buddies in your neighborhood. Crying and screaming is perfectly normal and welcome! This class is the perfect opportunity to expose your baby to the pool before you first family outing to open swim or a vacation. Depending on age and size we will work on: • How to hold your baby in water for each skill • Floats • Kicks • Underwater exposure (if desired) • “Jump” in from sitting (for our older babies) • Blowing bubbles • Bobs • Roll overs
3-6yrs | Junior Swim School | 30 min.
3:1 ratio. No parent in water. 30 min. For most – it’s the first time a child enters a pool without a parent so we begin by making your child feel comfortable. This may look like simply focusing on getting the face and hair wet at first, which can be scary for some. Then progressing through supported floats, bobs, kick board use, and eventually swimming 3 yards with no assistance under water. Last five minutes of class – we turn on the kiddie slide and sprays for fun time. Last class of the session ends 15 minutes early to hand out level bag tags and celebrate our swimmers moving to a different level. NO GOGGLES PLEASE. Scan QR code on page 31 to learn more.
5-9yrs | Swim School –6:1 ratio | 30 min.
A group environment to motivate your child. Our first level begins with correct face and body position, floats, and opening eyes underwater without goggles. Your child will then progress through levels where all the swim strokes are introduced and eventually working towards treading in deep water, dives, and flip turns. The instructor typically plays a game using swim school skills for the last 5 minutes. This class is in our lap pool. Diving well is used to complete some skills in our higher levels. Last class of the session ends 15 minutes early to hand out level bag tags and celebrate our swimmers moving to a different level.
10-15yrs | Group Swim Lessons for Tweens/Teens
Perfect for the tween/teen taking swimming lessons for the first time because they will be with kids their own age. We will be in our Wellness Pool. Diving Well for treading water. Skills: holding breath underwater, floating, introduction to front crawl/backstroke/ sidestroke, and basic life skills such as treading water to help your tween/teen feel more confident and comfortable in water. For the more advanced 10-15 year old - we will work on all four swim strokes, or we recommend our Otter’s or Muskies Swim Teams. Information on these teams can be found on our website.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Pop-Up Private
All Ages
Swim Lessons
Before your child’s first swimming lesson please review the following by scanning the QR code: • Refund policy • Make-up policy • Swim Lessons Code of Conduct (for everyone’s safety in the water) • Why we strongly suggest no goggles for beginner swimmers
Who is teaching my child?
Almost all of our instructors are currently high school or college students. Many are high school and college swimmers and quite a few are interested in a career specializing in early childhood and/or teaching. We aim for our swimming lesson program to be a highlight of your child’s school year this season and that is only possible because of our staff. Visit www.ahpd.org/programs/swim-lessons/ or contact Angela Neill, Aquatic Supervisor–Swim Lessons, 847.577.3029.
• An à la carte experience • Designed so you can pick a specific teacher to make your child feel comfortable. Or maybe you have a favorite teacher (an amenity not possible with group swim lessons). • Perfect for the young child who does not like a group environment for swim lessons • 30-minute swim lesson with private one-on-one attention. Accomplish a lot without the distraction of other kids in a group. • Tell your instructor what you want to work on - or if you’re not sure, we will come up with a plan together. Some people sign their kids up with one goal in mind such as: eliminating fear water, going off diving board for the first time, or swim team strokes/skills/endurance/ breathing tips. • Great compliment to Muskies or Otters! • In addition to the times on the cart – we will also have Saturday morning options. • Parents – put your name on the list for class code 76559 if you’re interested. We will email everyone who signs up for that code when instructors’ schedules begin to POP-UP on our registration portal. • Read teachers' bios at pop-up webpage.
TEACH SUMMER SWIM LESSONS! • Apply in January • Applications accepted through early April • Trainings in March and April Scan the QR code to apply in January or learn more.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
SESSION I | START WEEK OF 1/7/24 | 6 WEEKS Swim School
$69/$104 *$89/$134
5-9 yrs
Junior Swim School $69/$104
3-6 yrs
6mo-3 yrs
8:00-8:30 am 8:15-8:55 am
Jan. 7-Feb. 11 Jan. 8-Feb. 12
Mondays Tuesdays
Jan. 9-Feb. 13 Jan. 10-Feb. 14
Wednesdays Thursdays
10-15 yrs
All Ages
*76525 76552
9:15-9:45 am
9:20-9:50 am
10:00-10:30 am
9:50-10:20 am 10:45-11:15 am
Jan. 11-Feb. 15
Pop-up Teen/Tween Group Lessons Private Swim Lessons
8:40-9:10 am
11:30 am-12:00 pm
12:10-12:40 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
76557 76554
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
76555 76558
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
*NEW! Our Sunday 8:15AM Swim School is 40 minutes. Price per minute is the same. The fee is higher than the other days because there are 10 extra minutes.
Water Babies
Lap Pool and Diving Well
Family Activity Pool
Wellness Pool
Choice Of Lap, Well, or Wellness Pool
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
SESSION II | START WEEK OF 2/25/24 | 4 WEEKS Swim School
$69/$104 *$89/$134
5-9 yrs
Junior Swim School
3-6 yrs
6mo-3 yrs
10-15 yrs
Feb. 25-Mar. 17
Feb. 26-Mar. 18 Feb. 27-Mar. 19 Feb. 28-Mar. 20 Feb. 29-Mar. 21
Mondays Tuesdays
All Ages
*76560 76573
9:15-9:45 am
9:20-9:50 am
10:00-10:30 am
9:50-10:20am 10:45-11:15 am
Pop-up Private Swim Lessons
8:40-9:10 am
Teen/Tween Group Lessons
8:00-8:30 am 8:15-8:55 am
Water Babies
11:30 am-12:00 pm
12:10-12:40 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
76578 76575
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
76576 76579
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
*NEW! Our Sunday 8:15AM Swim School is 40 minutes. Price per minute is the same. The fee is higher than the other days because there are 10 extra minutes.
Lap Pool and Diving Well
Family Activity Pool
Wellness Pool
Choice Of Lap, Well, or Wellness Pool
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
SESSION III | START WEEK OF 4/7/24 | 5 WEEKS Swim School
$69/$104 *$89/$134
5-9 yrs
Junior Swim School
3-6 yrs
6mo-3 yrs
10-15 yrs
Feb. 25-Mar. 17
Feb. 26-Mar. 18 Feb. 27-Mar. 19 Feb. 28-Mar. 20 Feb. 29-Mar. 21
Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays
All Ages
*76605 76618
9:15-9:45 am
9:20-9:50 am
10:00-10:30 am
9:50-10:20am 10:45-11:15 am
Pop-up Private Swim Lessons
8:40-9:10 am
11:30 am-12:00 pm
12:10-12:40 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
76623 76620
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
76621 76624
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
4:15-4:45 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
5:40-6:10 pm
6:20-6:50 pm
*NEW! Our Sunday 8:15AM Swim School is 40 minutes. Price per minute is the same. The fee is higher than the other days because there are 10 extra minutes.
Teen/Tween Group Lessons
8:00-8:30 am 8:15-8:55 am
Water Babies
Lap Pool and Diving Well
Family Activity Pool
Wellness Pool
Choice Of Lap, Well, or Wellness Pool
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Dust off your old swim gear, because the Arlington Ridge Center will be offering an adult swim team for ages 19 and up. This program is perfect for adults looking to add one of the best cardio workouts to your routine. Swimming is a low-impact activity that works the whole body and is great for increasing flexibility, and increasing lung capacity. This program will be open to all levels and abilities, we will provide beginner, intermediate, and advanced workouts to each swimmer. Each workout will be at your own pace, but we will provide time goals for each set. (RG) Arlington Ridge Center Code Age 76785 19 +
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee M,W 6:30p-7:30p 2/19-5/8 $200/$300
Windy City Diving Lessons Windy City Diving is a contractual program. All participants must become an AAU Diving Athlete member-$20. Register online at aausports.org/ Join-AAU. Proof of AAU Diving registration MUST be shown on first day of class. (AN)
Preseason Swim Workouts
Get ready for summer competitive swimming and build up your endurance. Swimmers will participate in swim workouts and learn proper practice techniques while working with Arlington Heights Park District swim coaches. Please note: this class is not an alternative to swim lessons and is designed for swimmers with competitive swimming experience. (RG) Arlington Ridge Center Code Age Day(s) Time 76763 6-8 yrs T,Th 4:15p-5:15p 76764 9-10 yrs T,Th 5:15p-6:15p 76766 11-18 yrs T,Th 6:15p-7:15p 76767 6-8 yrs T,Th 4:15p-5:15p 76768 9-10 yrs T,Th 5:15p-6:15p 76769 11-18 yrs T,Th 6:15p-7:15p 76771 6-8 yrs T,Th 4:15p-5:15p 76772 9-10 yrs T,Th 5:15p-6:15p 76773 11-18 yrs T,Th 6:15p-7:15p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 3/12-3/28 $62/$93 3/12-3/28 $62/$93 3/12-3/28 $62/$93 4/2-4/25 $82$123 4/2-4/25 $82/$123 4/2-4/25 $82/$123 4/30-5/23 $82/$123 4/30-5/23 $82/$123 4/30-5/23 $82/$123
Youth Water Polo
This program will be coached by staff who play or have played water polo at the high school level. Specific skills will be worked on during each class with the intent of conducting actual games at the end of the session. (RG) Arlington Ridge Center Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76776 9-13 yrs S 9:00a-10:00a 1/7-3/10 $88/$132 76778 8-13 yrs S 9:00a-10:00a 3/17-5/26 $88/$132
Scan for schedule, fees, and detailed descriptions for each level.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
KID SPORTS Jr. All Star Super Sports
This fun-filled class teaches little superstars the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship, while sparking an interest in kids to play a variety of sports. (KK) Camelot Code Age 76271 3-4 yrs 76274 3-4 yrs 76269 3-4 yrs 76270 4-5 yrs 76272 3-4 yrs 76273 4-5 yrs 76351 3-4 yrs 76352 4-5 yrs 76357 3-4 yrs
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee F 10:45a-11:30a 1/12-2/9 $66/$81 F 10:45a-11:30a 2/23-3/22 $66/$81 W 10:00a-10:45a 1/10-2/7 $66/$81 W 10:45a-11:30a 1/10-2/7 $66/$81 W 10:00a-10:45a 2/21-3/20 $66/$81 W 10:45a-11:30a 2/21-3/20 $66/$81 W 10:45a-11:30a 4/10-5/22 $90/$105 W 11:30a-12:15p 4/10-5/22 $90/$105 F 10:45a-11:30a 4/12-5/24 $90/$105
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76345 4-6 yrs M 4:00p-5:00p 4/8-5/20
R/NR Fee $90/$105
After School Sports
This fun-filled class enriches your preschoolers day by teaching the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship, while sparking an interest in kids to play a variety of sports. (KK) Camelot
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76285 4-5 yrs F 11:30a-12:15p 1/12-3/8 $98/$113 76286 4-5 yrs F 11:30a-12:15p 3/15-5/10 $98/$113
Jr. Floor Hockey
Enjoy learning the basics of this fast-paced game. Through individual and team drills quickly pick up the fundamentals and mechanics of offense, defense and shots on goal. Games are played each class. (KK) Pioneer Code Age 76281 5-7 yrs 76283 5-7 yrs
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee Th 3:00p-3:45p 1/11-2/8 $66/$76 Th 3:00p-3:45p 2/22-3/21 $66/$76
Jr. Kickers
Introduce your child to the basics of soccer. Dribbling, passing, and shooting skills will be covered. (KK) Pioneer Code Age 76275 3-4 yrs 76276 4-6 yrs 76277 3-4 yrs 76278 4-6 yrs
Day(s) Time Th 12:15p-1:00p Th 1:00p-1:45p Th 12:15p-1:00p Th 1:00p-1:45p
Date(s) 1/11-2/8 1/11-2/8 2/22-3/21 2/22-3/21
R/NR Fee $66/$81 $66/$81 $66/$81 $66/$81
Floor Hockey Skills
Through individual and team drills, quickly pick up the fundamentals and mechanics of offense, defense and shots on goal. Games are played each class. (KK) Pioneer For more information about programs on this page contact Kevin Keister, Recreation Supervisor, at kkeister@ahpd.org.
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76282 8-10 yrs Th 3:45p-4:45p 1/11-2/8 $66/$81 76284 8-10 yrs Th 3:45p-4:45p 2/22-3/21 $66/$81
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Jr. Basketball
This class introduces your little one to the game of basketball with basic skills such as dribbling, passing, and shooting. (KK) Camelot Code Age 76257 4-6 yrs 76258 4-6 yrs 76259 4-6 yrs 76260 4-6 yrs 76348 4-6 yrs 76358 4-6 yrs
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee T 3:00p-4:00p 1/9-2/6 $66/$81 F 3:00p-4:00p 1/12-2/9 $66/$81 T 3:00p-4:00p 2/20-3/19 $66/$81 F 3:00p-4:00p 2/23-3/22 $66/$81 T 3:30p-4:30p 4/9-5/21 $90/$105 F 3:30p-4:30p 4/12-5/24 $90/$105
76345 4-6 yrs M
4:00p-5:00p 4/8-5/20
Jr. Parent Tot Sports
In this class you and your child will participate in fun games and drills to help your tot learn about sports in a fun, safe, and structured environment. (KK) Camelot Code Age 76265 2-3 yrs 76266 2-3 yrs 76267 2-3 yrs 76268 2-3 yrs 76350 2-3 yrs 76356 2-3 yrs
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee W 9:15a-10:00a 1/10-2/7 $66/$81 F 10:00a-10:45a 1/12-2/9 $66/$81 W 9:15a-10:00a 2/21-3/20 $66/$81 F 10:00a-10:45a 2/23-3/22 $66/$81 W 10:00a-10:45a 4/10-5/22 $90/$105 F 10:00a-10:45a 4/12-5/24 $90/$105
Jr. T-Ball
This class introduces your little one to the game of baseball with basic skills such as passing, hitting, and catching. (KK) Pioneer Code Age 76279 4-6 yrs 76280 4-6 yrs 76353 3-4 yrs 76354 4-5 yrs
Day(s) Time Th 2:00p-2:45p Th 2:00p-2:45p Th 2:00p-2:45p Th 2:45p-3:30p
Date(s) 1/11-2/8 2/22-3/21 4/11-5/23 4/11-5/23
R/NR Fee $66/$81 $66/$81 $90/$105 $90/$105
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Jelly Bean Sports Coach Pickles’ Sports is an early learning instruction, production and research company. (KK) Code Class Age Day Date(s) Time Location 76332 1.5-2.5 yrs Th 1/18-2/1 9:15a-10:00a Camelot Parent & Me Sports Shorts 76335 1.5-2.5 yrs Th 1/18-2/1 10:10a-10:55a Camelot Parent & Me Sports Shorts 76326 1.5-2.5 yrs Sa 1/20-2/3 8:30a-9:15a Recreation Parent & Me Sports Shorts 76329 Parent & Me Sports Shorts 1.5-2.5 yrs Sa 1/20-2/3 9:25a-10:10a Recreation 76333 76336 76327 76330 76328 76331 76334 76337 76398 76400 76408 76410 76399 76401 76409 76411 76380 76381 76382 76412 76413 76362 76363 76364 76365 76366 76367 76402 76403 76404 76405 76368 76370 76372 76373 76369 76371 76406
Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Parent & Me Sports Shorts Sports Preschool Enrichment Sports Preschool Enrichment Sports Preschool Enrichment Sports Preschool Enrichment Sports Preschool Enrichment Sports Shorts Clinic Sports Shorts Clinic Sports Shorts Clinic Sports Shorts Clinic Sports Shorts Clinic Sports Shorts Clinic Sports Shorts Clinic Sports Shorts Clinic Sports Shorts Clinic Sports Shorts Clinic Soccer/Basketball Combo Soccer/Basketball Combo Soccer/Basketball Combo Soccer/Basketball Combo Soccer/Basketball Combo Soccer/Basketball Combo Soccer/Basketball Combo
1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 1.5-2.5 yrs 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 2.5-4 yrs 2.5-4 yrs 2.5-4 yrs 2.5-4 yrs 2.5-4 yrs 2.5-4 yrs 2.5-4 yrs 2.5-4 yrs 2.5-4 yrs 2.5-4 yrs 3-5 yrs 2-3 yrs 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 2-3 yrs 3-5 yrs
Th Th Sa Sa Sa Sa Th Th Sa Sa Th Th Sa Sa Th Th Th Th Th Th Th Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Th Th Sa Sa Th Th Sa
2/8-2/29 2/8-2/29 2/10-2/24 2/10-2/24 3/2-3/30 3/2-3/30 3/7-3/28 3/7-3/28 4/6-4/27 4/6-4/27 4/11-5/2 4/11-5/2 5/4-5/25 5/4-5/25 5/9-5/30 5/9-5/30 1/18-2/1 2/8-2/29 3/7-3/28 4/11-5/2 5/9-5/30 1/20-2/3 2/10-2/24 3/2-3/30 1/20-2/3 2/10-2/24 3/2-3/30 4/6-4/27 5/4-5/25 4/6-4/27 5/4-5/25 1/18-2/1 1/18-2/1 1/20-2/3 3/2-3/30 3/7-3/28 3/7-3/28 4/6-4/27
9:30a-10:05a 10:15a-10:50a 8:30a-9:15a 9:15a-10:00a 8:30a-9:05a 9:15a-9:50a 9:15a-10:00a 10:10a-10:55a 8:30a-9:05a 9:15a-9:50a 9:30a-10:05a 10:15a-10:50a 8:30a-9:05a 9:15a-9:50a 9:30a-10:05a 10:15a-10:50a 11:00a-12:00p 11:00a-11:45a 11:00a-12:00p 11:00a-11:45a 11:00a-11:45a 10:15a-11:15a 10:15a-11:15a 10:00a-10:45a 11:15a-12:15p 11:15a-12:15p 10:45a-11:30a 10:00a-10:45a 10:00a-10:45a 10:45a-11:30a 10:45a-11:30a 1:15p-2:15p 5:00p-6:00p 12:30p-1:30p 11:45a-12:30p 1:15p-2:00p 5:00p-6:00p 11:45a-12:30p
Camelot Camelot Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Camelot Camelot Recreation Recreation Camelot Camelot Recreation Recreation Camelot Camelot Camelot Camelot Camelot Camelot Camelot Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Camelot ARC Recreation Recreation Camelot ARC Recreation
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
R/NR Fee $88/$103 $88/$103 $105/$120 $105/$120 $88/$103 $88/$103 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/120 $88/$103 $88/$103 $105/120 $105/$120 $88/$103 $88/$103 $105/$120 $105/$120 $88/$103 $88/$103 $88/$103 $88/$103 $88/$103 $88/$103 $88/$103 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $88/$103 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $88/$103 $105/$120 $105/$120
Coach Pickles’ Sports is an early learning instruction, production and research company. (KK) Code Class Age Day Date(s) Time Location 76414 2.5-3 yrs T 4/9-4/30 4:30p-5:15p Recreation Soccer/Basketball Combo 76416 4-5 yrs T 4/9-4/30 5:15p-6:00p Recreation Soccer/Basketball Combo 76418 6-7 yrs T 4/9-4/30 6:00p-6:45p Recreation Soccer/Basketball Combo 76407 Soccer/Basketball Combo 3-5 yrs Sa 5/4-5/25 11:45a-12:30p Recreation 76415 76417 76419 76374 76375 76378 76379 76376 76377
Soccer/Basketball Combo Soccer/Basketball Combo Soccer/Basketball Combo Futbol/Football Futbol/Football Futbol/Football Soccer Prep Basketball Prep Basketball Prep
2.5-3 yrs 4-5 yrs 6-7 yrs 3-5 yrs 2-3 yrs 3-5 yrs 4-6 yrs 4.5-6 yrs 4.5-6 yrs
T T T Th Th Sa Th Th Th
5/7-5/28 5/7-5/28 5/7-5/28 2/8-2/29 2/8-2/29 2/10-2/24 3/7-3/28 1/18-2/1 2/8-2/29
4:30p-5:15p 5:15p-6:00p 6:00p-6:45p 1:15p-2:00p 5:00p-5:45p 12:30p-1:30p 6:00p-7:00p 6:00p-7:00p 6:00p-6:45p
Recreation Recreation Recreation Camelot
ARC Recreation ARC ARC ARC
R/NR Fee $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $88/$103 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120 $105/$120
Let's Play Rugby! Arlington Stallions (Non-Contact) NEW!
Rugby combines the best attributes of American football, basketball, and soccer. This program is designed to teach young boys and girls the basics of the game of rugby in a non-contact format and is designed to introduce non-rugby experienced athletes to the skills, training, philosophy and strategy necessary to safely participate in this sport, learn the positions, passing techniques and the rules of the game. Each participant will receive a tee shirt and rugby ball! Training sessions are conducted by USA Rugby Certified and Illinois Rugby Registered coaches from the Arlington Stallions Rugby Club. Sessions take place on Sundays. (NW)
Code Age Day(s) Time 76581 7-14 yrs S 6p-7:15p
Date(s) 1/7-2/25
Fee $125
Little Musketeer
Fencing is a fun sport offering kids the opportunity to get active, play and make new friends. This introductory program uses play to teach movement skills, basic fencing footwork and bladework. Safety instruction is included. Participants will learn about foil, epee and sabre-the three weapons used in fencing. The class is taught by Illinois Fencing Academy coaches, all SafeSport certified. Equipment provided. (KK) Camelot Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76867 7-10 yrs Sa 2:30p-3:30p 1/6-2/24 76868 7-10 yrs Sa 2:30p-3:30p 3/9-4/27
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Fee $105 $105
ASSI Basketball Skills Camp
In this class we provide the players with basketball specific drills to advance their knowledge and enhance their skills for dribbling, passing, and shooting. (KK) Camelot
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76360 5-7 yrs M-F 9:00a-11:00a 3/25-3/29 $100/$115 76361 8-10 yrs M-F 11:00a-1:00p 3/25-3/29 $100/$115
Basketball Skills
In this class we provide the players with basketball specific drills to advance their knowledge and enhance their skills for dribbling, passing, and shooting. (KK) Camelot Code Age 76261 6-8 yrs 76262 6-8 yrs 76263 6-8 yrs 76264 6-8 yrs 76349 6-8 yrs 76359 6-8 yrs
Day(s) Time T 4:00p-5:00p F 4:00p-5:00p T 4:00p-5:00p F 4:00p-5:00p T 4:30p-5:30p F 4:30p-5:30p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/9-2/6 $66/$81 1/12-2/9 $66/$81 2/20-3/19 $66/$81 2/23-3/22 $66/$81 4/9-5/21 $90/$105 4/12-5/24 $90/$105
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76346 6-8 yrs M 5:00p-6:00p 4/8-5/20 76347 9-12 yrs M 6:00p-7:00p 4/8-5/20
R/NR Fee $90/$105 $90/$105
Girls Basketball Skills
In this class we provide the players with basketball specific drills to advance their knowledge and enhance their skills for dribbling, passing, and shooting. (KK) Pioneer
Boys Basketball - Winter
Games are played on Saturdays and Sundays. Practices begin the week of January 15. Games begin January 20. First games on Sunday will begin at 11AM. Online registration ends December 17. Cost of the program is $100. Practices and/or games may not be at the community center that you sign up your child for. (KVW) Camelot Code Grade 76062 1st 76064 2nd 76066 3rd 76067 4th 76068 5th/6th
Day(s) Time S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p
Date(s) 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10
R/NR Fee $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110
Code Grade 76069 1st 76071 2nd 76073 3rd 76074 4th 76075 5th/6th
Day(s) Time S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p
Date(s) 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10
R/NR Fee $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110
Code Grade 76076 1sts 76078 2nd 76080 3rd 76081 4th 76082 5th/6th
Day(s) Time S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p
Date(s) 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10
R/NR Fee $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110
Day(s) Time S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p
Date(s) 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10
R/NR Fee $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76355 6-8 yrs Th 4:00p-5:00p 4/11-5/23 $90/$105
Code Grade 76083 1st 76085 2nd 76087 3rd 76088 4th 76089 5th/6th
America's Pee Wee Lacrosse
Boys 3v3 Youth Basketball Tourney
Code Age 77512 5-7 yrs
Code Grade 76054 1st 77513 2nd 76055 3rd 76057 4th 76059 5th/6th
America's Pee Wee Lacrosse Program is back!! If you are 5, 6 and 7 years old, you will learn the great game of Lacrosse. We teach the fundamentals of passing, catching, scooping grounders, cradling and preparing for an end of season fun for all Jamboree and clinic day on Sunday, June 2. The time and location are TBD. Sticks will be provided for class use. (KVW) Frontier
Day(s) Time Date(s) M,W 5:30p-6:30p 5/6-5/29
Fee $135
This end of season tournament is sure to bring fun to everyone! Three to five players comprise a team; just register one participant from your team. Games may be held at either Pioneer or Camelot. Tournament date is Saturday, March 16. (KVW) Camelot Day(s) Time Sa 9:00a-5:00p Sa 9:00a-5:00p Sa 9:00a-5:00p Sa 9:00a-5:00p Sa 9:00a-5:00p
Date(s) 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Fee $90 $90 $90 $90 $90
Girls Basketball - Winter
Games are played on Saturdays and Sundays. Practices begin the week of January 15. Games begin January 20. First games on Sunday will begin at 11AM. Online registration ends December 17. Cost of the program is $100. Practices and/or games may not be at the community center that you sign up your child for. (KVW) Camelot Code Grade 76063 1st 76065 2nd 77508 5th/6th
Day(s) Time S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p
Date(s) 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10
R/NR Fee $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110
Code Grade 76070 1st 76072 2nd 77509 5th/6th
Day(s) Time S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p
Date(s) 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10
R/NR Fee $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110
Day(s) Time S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p
Date(s) 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10
R/NR Fee $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110
Day(s) Time S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p S,Sa 9:00a-5:00p
Date(s) 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10 1/20-3/10
R/NR Fee $100/$110 $100/$110 $100/$110
Code Grade 76077 1st 76079 2nd 77510 5th/6th
Code Grade 76084 1st 76086 2nd 77511 5th/6th
Girls 3v3 Youth Basketball Tourney
This end of season tournament is sure to bring fun to everyone! Three to five players comprise a team; just register one participant from your team. Games may be held at either Pioneer or Camelot. Tournament date is Saturday, March 16. (KVW) Camelot Code Grade 76061 1st 77514 2nd 76056 3rd 76058 4th 76060 5th/6th
Day(s) Time Sa 9:00a-5:00p Sa 9:00a-5:00p Sa 9:00a-5:00p Sa 9:00a-5:00p Sa 9:00a-5:00p
Date(s) 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16
Fee $90 $90 $90 $90 $90
Volleykidz USA Skills & Drills
Improve your skills with drills in setting, passing, overhand serving and spiking. The lesson plan directs the use of individual training, pairing drills and game situation development that helps each student reach a new level and incorporate leadership and educational components. Instructors organize short games at the end of each class. (JD) Arlington Ridge Center
Code Grade Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76548 3rd-5th S 5:00p-6:30p 1/28-2/25 $124/$144 76550 6th-8th S 5:00p-6:30p 1/28-2/25 $124/$144
Code Grade Day(s) Time 76538 3rd-5th T 4:30p-6:00p 76539 3rd-5th T 4:30p-6:00p 76541 6th-8th T 6:00p-7:30p 76542 6th-8th T 6:00p-7:30p
Date(s) 4/2-4/23 5/7-5/28 4/2-4/23 5/7-5/28
R/NR Fee $99/$119 $99/$119 $99/$119 $99/$119
Youth Volleyball League
AHPD Youth Volleyball is a co-ed, recreational league for 5th/6th and 7th/8th graders. Leagues are organized and professionally coached by Volleykidz USA staff, and meet once a week on Sunday’s between 12-5PM, exact times and locations are TBD once registration closes and teams are formed. The first Sunday are player evaluations, Volleykidz USA coaches form teams based on the evaluation. We are unable to take team friend requests. All players receive a t-shirt. (JD) Arlington Ridge Center Code Grade Day(s) Time Date(s) 76536 5th-6th S 12:00p-5:00p 1/21-3/10 76537 7th-8th S 12:00p-5:00p 1/21-3/10
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
R/NR Fee $99/$109 $99/$109
SOCCER AT AHPD Arlington Aces House Soccer League
Aces House Soccer is a recreational league for players grades K-6th. Boys and girls play in separate divisions in 1st through 6th grade and Kindergarten division will be co-ed. Based on registration numbers, we may need to combine grades and or genders. Players are placed on teams based out of the park they choose when registering and are allowed one reciprocal friend request. Players may not request coaches or more than one friend, and may not make circular friend requests. Practice locations, days, and times are determined AFTER registration closes on Sunday, March 17 and are based on the availability of volunteer parent coaches. You will receive your practice and game schedules from your coach after the pre-season coach meeting. Games begin the weekend of April 20 and conclude the weekend of June 9. Based on number of teams, games may be played on both Saturday or Sundays. Registration deadline for Spring 2024 is Sunday, March 17. Until March 17 you may register online or in person at Camelot, Pioneer, or Arlington Ridge Center. After the deadline you may contact the program supervisor to be placed on a wait list. We are unable to honor friend requests for late registrants, and placement on the wait list does not guarantee a spot on a team. (KVW)
Aces Spring House League $84/$94 Jersey Gr K Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5-6
Camelot 76095 76128 76123 76124 76125 76126 76127
Frontier 76095 76134 76129 76130 76131 76132 76133
Pioneer 76095 76140 76135 76136 76137 76138 76139
Recreation 76095 76146 76141 76142 76143 76144 76145
Aces Indoor Soccer
Join the Arlington Aces for fun filled fast paced instructional indoor games. This program is for Aces House Soccer players in the 1st and 2nd grades. Aces coaching staff will run instructional training segments at the beginning of each day before grouping the kids into small sided teams for coach led game play. (KVW) Camelot Code Grade Day(s) Time Date(s) 76104 1st/2nd S 5:00p-6:00p 1/21-3/3 76105 3rd/4th S 6:00p-7:00p 1/21-3/3
R/NR Fee $120/$130 $120/$130
Aces - Travel Soccer Tryouts
Arlington Aces Travel Soccer Program provides professional training and a competitive environment for players who wish to further develop their soccer skills. The Travel Soccer league and Aces trainers also emphasize sporting behavior and fun. As the name suggests, teams in this program travel outside Arlington Heights to compete against teams from other soccer clubs. Teams are formed using player evaluations at tryouts; players must attend a minimum of 2 of the tryout dates for their age group. (KVW) Sunset Meadows Code Age Day(s) Time 76090 11-13 yrs M-W 7:30p-8:45p 76091 7-10 yrs M-W 6:00p-7:15p 76092 6-9 yrs M-W 4:30p-5:45p 76093 HS Boys W 7:30p-8:30p 76094 HS Girls S 5:00p-7:00p
Date(s) 4/29-5/1 4/29-5/1 4/29-5/1 5/1-5/1 5/5-5/5
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Fee Free Free Free Free Free
Aces Indoor Pre-K Soccer
Aces Pre-K Soccer
Professionally licensed coaches lead fun filled and age appropriate games and activities designed to develop important soccer skills and increase enjoyment of the game. For more information, please contact Chip Lemberg at chip@ahaces.com. (KVW) Arlington Ridge Center Code 76106 76107 76108 76109 76110 76111 76112 76113 76115 76116 76117 76118 76119 76120 76121 76122
Age 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs
Day(s) Time M 10:00a-10:45a M 11:00a-11:45a M 12:00p-12:45p M 4:30p-5:15p W 10:00a-10:45a W 11:00a-11:45a W 12:00p-12:45p W 4:30p-5:15p T,Sa 10:00a-12:00p T,Sa 11:00a-11:45a T,Sa 12:00p-12:00p T,Sa 4:30p-12:00p Th,Sa 10:00a-12:00p Th,Sa 11:00a-12:00p Th,Sa 12:00p-12:00p Th,Sa 4:30p-12:00p
Date(s) 4/1-5/6 4/1-5/6 4/1-5/6 4/1-5/6 4/3-5/8 4/3-5/8 4/3-5/8 4/3-5/8 4/2-5/18 4/2-5/21 4/2-5/18 4/2-5/18 4/4-5/18 4/4-5/18 4/4-5/18 4/4-5/18
R/NR Fee $115/$125 $115/$125 $115/$125 $115/$125 $115/$125 $115/$125 $115/$125 $115/$125 $135/$145 $135/$145 $135/$145 $135/$145 $135/$145 $135/$145 $135/$145 $135/$145
Junior Aces
The Arlington Aces Soccer’s Pre-K Soccer Program is for pre-kindergarten 3-5 year olds. This program offers players the opportunity to learn from professionally, licensed coaches in a fun filled session of soccer. Players will participate in different soccer games and activities that aim to improve skills and increase the enjoyment of the game. (KVW) Arlington Ridge Center Code Grade 76096 3-5 yrs 76097 3-5 yrs 76100 3-5 yrs
Day(s) Time M 12:15p-1:00p W 12:15p-1:00p F 12:15p-1:00p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/22-3/4 $120/$130 1/24-3/6 $120/$130 1/26-3/8 $120/$130
Code Grade Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76099 3-5 yrs Th 10:00a-10:45a 1/25-3/7 $120/$130
John Hersey High School
Code Grade Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76102 3-5 yrs S 9:00a-9:45a 1/21-3/3 $120/$130 76103 3-5 yrs S 10:00a-10:45a 1/21-3/3 $120/$130
Code Grade Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76098 3-5 yrs T 11:00a-11:45a 1/23-3/5 $120/$130 76101 3-5 yrs T 12:00p-12:45p 1/23-3/5 $120/$130
The Junior Aces program is designed for players looking to further their soccer skills in a competitive environment. Players are coached and trained by our professionally licensed coaching staff. The curriculum emphasizes technique training that strengthens individual ball skills, decision making and creativity. There are no try-outs; all players will be placed in ageappropriate/skill ability pools. No standings are kept; the focus is on individual development and enjoyment. Games are played internally between registered players. Kids receive group training once a week for 45 minutes on Mondays between 6:15PM - 8:15PM at Poe School and play games on Sundays (times vary 12 3PM) at Hersey High School. For program information, practice information please contact Chip Lemberg, chip@ahaces.com. (KVW) Winter Poe School Gymnasium Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) Fee 76165 5-10 yrs S,M 6:15p-3:00p 1/22-3/10 $170
Spring Arlington Ridge Center
Code Age Day(s) Time 76161 5-10 yrs M,Sa 5:15p-2:30p 76162 5-10 yrs T,Sa 5:15p-2:30p 76163 5-10 yrs W,Sa 5:15p-2:30p 76164 5-10 yrs Th,Sa 5:15p-2:30p
Date(s) 4/1-5/18 4/2-5/18 4/3-5/18 4/4-5/18
Fee $170 $170 $170 $170
For more information about programs on this page contact Kevin Wollnik, Recreation Supervisor, at kwollnik@ahpd.org.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
All classes take place at Rolling Meadows Park District
Preschool Gymnastics
Proper body positions and basic tumbling skills are introduced for your newly independent gymnast. Children must be toilet trained to participate. (KS) Nelson Sports Complex
Hot Shot Tots Gymnastics
A playful parent/tot class centered around age appropriate movements using specialized tot-sized gymnastics equipment. (KS) Nelson Sports Complex
Code Age 75814 1-3 yrs 75815 1-3 yrs 75816 1-3 yrs 75817 1-3 yrs 75818 1-3 yrs 75819 1-3 yrs 75820 1-3 yrs 75821 1-3 yrs 75822 1-3 yrs 75823 1-3 yrs 75824 1-3 yrs 75825 1-3 yrs 75826 1-3 yrs 75827 1-3 yrs 75828 1-3 yrs 75829 1-3 yrs 75830 1-3 yrs 75831 1-3 yrs
Day(s) Time M 9:15a-10:00a T 9:15a-10:00a W 10:15a-11:00a W 11:15a-12:00p Th 11:15a-12:00p F 11:15a-12:00p Sa 8:15a-9:00a Sa 9:15a-10:00a Sa 10:15a-11:00a M 9:15a-10:00a T 9:15a-10:00a W 10:15a-11:00a W 11:15a-12:00p Th 11:15a-12:00p F 11:15a-12:00p Sa 8:15a-9:00a Sa 9:15a-10:00a Sa 10:15a-11:00a
Date(s) 1/8-2/19 1/2-2/20 1/3-2/21 1/3-2/21 1/4-2/22 1/5-2/23 1/6-2/24 1/6-2/24 1/6-2/24 2/26-4/22 2/27-4/23 2/28-4/24 2/28-4/24 2/29-4/25 3/1-4/26 3/2-4/27 3/2-4/27 3/2-4/27
R/NR Fee $105/$129 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144 $120/$144
Code Age 75840 3 yrs 75841 3 yrs 75842 3 yrs 75843 3 yrs 75844 3 yrs 75845 3 yrs 75846 3 yrs 75847 3 yrs 75848 3 yrs 75849 3 yrs 75850 3 yrs 75851 3 yrs 75852 4-5 yrs 75853 4-5 yrs 75854 4-5 yrs 75855 4-5 yrs 75856 4-5 yrs 75857 4-5 yrs 75858 4-5 yrs 75859 4-5 yrs 75860 4-5 yrs 75861 4-5 yrs 75862 4-5 yrs 75863 4-5 yrs 75864 4-5 yrs 75865 4-5 yrs
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee M 6:30p-7:15p 1/8-2/19 $105/$129 T 11:15a-12:00p 1/2-2/20 $120/$144 W 6:30p-7:15p 1/3-2/21 $120/$144 Th 9:15a-10:00a 1/4-2/22 $120/$144 F 9:15a-10:00a 1/5-2/23 $120/$144 Sa 11:15a-12:00p 1/6-2/24 $120/$144 M 6:30p-7:15p 2/26-4/22 $120/$144 T 11:15a-12:00p 2/27-4/23 $120/$144 W 6:30p-7:15p 2/28-4/24 $120/$144 Th 9:15a-10:00a 2/29-4/25 $120/$144 F 9:15a-10:00a 3/1-4/26 $120/$144 Sa 11:15a-12:00p 3/2-4/27 $120/$144 M 10:15a-11:00a 1/8-2/19 $105/$129 T 10:15a-11:00a 1/2-2/20 $120/$144 W 7:30p-8:15p 1/3-2/21 $120/$144 Th 10:15a-11:00a 1/4-2/22 $120/$144 F 10:15a-11:00a 1/5-2/23 $120/$144 F 1:15p-2:00p 1/5-2/23 $120/$144 Sa 12:15p-1:00p 1/6-2/24 $120/$144 M 10:15a-11:00a 2/26-4/22 $120/$144 T 10:15a-11:00a 2/27-4/23 $120/$144 W 7:30p-8:15p 2/28-4/24 $120/$144 Th 10:15a-11:00a 2/29-4/25 $120/$144 F 10:15a-11:00a 3/1-4/26 $120/$144 F 1:15p-2:00p 3/1-4/26 $120/$144 Sa 12:15p-1:00p 3/2-4/27 $120/$144
For more information about these activities, please contact Kate Schwarz, Cultural Arts Supervisor, at KSchwarz@ahpd.org.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Kindergarten Gymnastics
With positive reinforcement, children are afforded appropriate challenges, which prepare them physically and mentally for our youth gymnastics classes. These classes are pre-1st grade. (KS) Nelson Sports Complex Girls Code Age 75792 5-6 yrs 75793 5-6 yrs 75794 5-6 yrs 75795 5-6 yrs
Day(s) Time M 4:00p-5:00p Sa 1:15p-2:15p M 4:00p-5:00p Sa 1:15p-2:15p
Code Age 75832 5-6 yrs 75833 5-6 yrs 75834 5-6 yrs 75835 5-6 yrs 75836 5-6 yrs 75837 5-6 yrs 75838 5-6 yrs 75839 5-6 yrs
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee M 1:15p-2:00p 1/8-2/19 $105/$129 T 1:15p-2:00p 1/2-2/20 $120/$144 W 9:15a-10:00a 1/3-2/21 $120/$144 Th 1:15p-2:00p 1/4-2/22 $120/$144 M 1:15p-2:00p 2/26-4/22 $120/$144 T 1:15p-2:00p 2/27-4/23 $120/$144 W 9:15a-10:00a 2/28-4/24 $120/$144 Th 1:15p-2:00p 2/29-4/25 $120/$144
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/8-2/19 $119/$143 1/6-2/24 $136/$160 2/26-4/22 $136/$160 3/2-4/27 $136/$160
Advanced Gymnastics
The advanced gymnastics classes are geared towards children that have been through the developmental program. Instructor permission required. Registration must be done in-person. (KS) Nelson Sports Complex Code Age 75786 9+ yrs 75787 9+ yrs
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee T, Th 6:30p-8:30p 1/2-2/22 $288/$328 T, Th 6:30p-8:30p 2/27-4/25 $288/$328
Tumbling Programs
This program specializes in floor and trampoline skills. The class features a strong emphasis on tumbling and jumping skills. (KS) Nelson Sports Complex
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 75866 8-14 yrs Th 6:30p-7:30p 1/4-2/22 $136/$160 75867 8-14 yrs Th 6:30p-7:30p 2/29-4/25 $136/$160
Youth Gymnastics
Our developmental gymnastics program is divided by gender and into skill levels. The three level program is designed to provide a non-competitive, achievementoriented program of progressive skills. (KS) Nelson Sports Complex Girls-Beginning
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 75796 6-8 yrs M 4:00p-5:00p 1/8-2/19 $119/$143 75797 6-8 yrs M 5:15p-6:15p 1/8-2/19 $119/$143 77866 6-8 yrs T 4:00p-5:00p 1/2-2/20 $136/$160 75798 6-8 yrs T 5:15p-6:15p 1/2-2/20 $136/$160 75799 6-8 yrs Th 4:00p-5:00p 1/4-2/22 $136/$160 75800 6-8 yrs Th 5:15p-6:15p 1/4-2/22 $136/$160 75801 6-8 yrs Sa 2:30p-3:30p 1/6-2/24 $136/$160 75802 6-8 yrs M 4:00p-5:00p 2/26-4/22 $136/$160 75803 6-8 yrs M 5:15p-6:15p 2/26-4/22 $136/$160 77867 6-8 yrs T 4:00p-5:00p 2/27-4/23 $136/$160 75804 6-8 yrs T 5:15p-6:15p 2/27-4/23 $136/$160 75805 6-8 yrs Th 4:00p-5:00p 2/29-4/25 $136/$160 75806 6-8 yrs Th 5:15p-6:15p 2/29-4/25 $136/$160 75807 6-8 yrs Sa 2:30p-3:30p 3/2-4/27 $136/$160 75808 9-13 yrs M 5:15p- 6:15p 1/8-2/19 $119/$143 75809 9-13 yrs Th 4:00p-5:00p 1/4-2/22 $136/$160 75810 9-13 yrs M 5:15p- 6:15p 2/26-4/22 $136/$160 75811 9-13 yrs Th 4:00p-5:00p 2/29-4/25 $136/$160
Code Age Day(s) Time 75812 6-8 yrs T 5:15p-6:15p 75813 6-8 yrs T 5:15p-6:15p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/2-2/20 $136/$160 2/27-4/23 $136/$160
Code Age Day(s) Time 75788 6-8 yrs Th 5:15p-6:15p 75789 6-8 yrs Th 5:15p-6:15p 75790 6-13 yrs S 1:15p-2:15p 75791 6-13 yrs S 1:15p-2:15p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/4-2/22 $136/$160 2/29-4/25 $136/$160 1/6-2/24 $136/$160 3/2-4/27 $136/$160
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Kung Fu NEW!
Tae Kwon Do
This is a great program for young children. Discipline, respect and physical fitness will be stressed as children learn Tae Kwon Do in a fun, well supervised environment. Stranger avoidance will also be covered. Uniforms are available for purchase separately, but are not required. (SK) Forest View Code Age 76819 7 + 76820 7 + *No class 3/29
Day(s) Time Date(s) F 7:30p-8:30p 1/12-3/8 F 7:30p-8:30p 3/15-5/17*
Fee $112 $112
Wing Chun Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art that relies on the body’s natural mechanics to perform its techniques. This allows any person of any build or experience to create their own personal connection to the martial art. We focus on building confidence, selfdiscipline, and peace of mind. Whether it is self-defense or a form of meditation, Wing Chun can help find your path. No equipment or uniforms are necessary. A 5% discount if you register for more than one program, contact Summer Krones at skrones@ahpd.org. (SK) Forest View Code Age Day(s) Time 76824 16 + T 7:00p-8:00p 76825 16 + W 7:00p-8:00p 76826 16 + T 7:00p-8:00p 76827 16 + W 7:00p-8:00p *No class 3/26 & 3/27
Date(s) 1/9-3/5 1/10-3/6 3/12-5/14* 3/13-5/15*
Aikido uses throws, joint locks, and pins to counter the force of aggressors. It also employs wooden weapons (sword and staff) as a way to enhance training. Benefits of Aikido include developing focus, confidence, discipline, flexibility and coordination. Visit Northwest Aikido for more details. (KK) Camelot Code 76836 76842 76834 76843 76849 76835 76851 76837
Level White Belt White Belt All levels All levels All levels All levels bundle All levels bundle All levels
Age 7-12 yrs 7-12 yrs 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 +
Day(s) M,W M,W W M W M,W M,W M
Time 6:00p-6:50p 6:00p-6:50p 8:15p-9:15p 7:15p-8:15p 8:15p-9:15p 7:15p-9:15p 7:15p-9:15p 7:15p-8:15p
Date(s) 1/8-3/13 3/18-6/5 1/10-3/13 3/18-6/3 3/20-6/5 1/8-3/13 3/18-6/5 1/8-3/11
Fee $190 $220 $120 $120 $144 $190 $220 $108
Karate Club Adults
Adults will learn martial arts at their own pace and level in a positive environment. This progressive martial arts program teaches the basics in karate, self-defense and kata with belt progression through Black Belt. The style taught is Goju-Shorei and builds self-esteem, confidence and leadership. (KK) Pioneer Code 76804 76809
Level Intermediate Intermediate
Age 15 + 15 +
Day(s) M M
Time 7:30p-8:30p 7:30p-8:30p
Date(s) 1/8-3/4 3/11-5/6
Fee $74 $74
Kid’s Karate Club
This program is specifically designed for children ages 4-14 and focuses on building confidence, protecting oneself, and teaches students about strangers and building lifelong skills. (KK) Pioneer Code 76805 76807 76806 76808
Level White Belts White Belts Yellow Belts & Up Yellow Belts & Up
Age 4-14 yrs 4-14 yrs 4-14 yrs 4-14 yrs
Day(s) M M M M
Time 6:15p-6:45p 6:15p-6:45p 6:45p-7:30p 6:45p-7:30p
Date(s) 1/8-3/4 3/11-5/6 1/8-3/4 3/11-5/6
Fee $74 $74 $74 $74
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Fee $225 $225 $225 $225
Shotokan Pre-Karate
In our Pre-Karate Safety classes, young children develop flexibility, strength, and coordination in fun, yet disciplined activities. Beginners: No prior experience. Continuers: One or more prior sessions. Intermediate/Advanced: Instructor permission required. Please visit www.iskc.com for more information or call 847.359.0666. (KK)
Activity Name
Code Level
Shotokan Pre-Karate Shotokan Pre-Karate Shotokan Pre-Karate Shotokan Pre-Karate Shotokan Adult/Child Shotokan Adult/Child Shotokan Adult/Child Shotokan Adult/Child Shotokan Adult/Child Shotokan Adult/Child Shotokan Adult/Child Shotokan Adult/Child Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate Shotokan Karate
76641 76798 76642 76799 76628 76626 76627 76625 76790 76791 76792 76793 76638 76632 76635 76629 76634 76631 76639 76630 76800 76801 76802 76803 76786 76787 76788 76789 76637 76633 76640 76636 76794 76795 76796 76797
Shotokan Adult/Child
These classes are a great way to spend quality time with your child, while conditioning muscles, developing coordination, and improving cardiovascular fitness. Children ages 7+. Note: fees are per person. Adults may register individually as well. Please visit www.iskc.com for more information or call 847.359.0666. (KK)
Beginner 4-6 yrs Beginner 4-6 yrs Continuing 4-6 yrs Continuing 4-6 yrs White Beg/Cont 7+ Red-Orange 7+ Yellow-Purple 7+ Brown-Black 7+ White Beg/Cont 7+ Red-Orange 7+ Yellow-Purple 7+ Brown-Black 7+ White Beg/Cont 7-14 yrs Red-Orange 7-14 yrs Yellow-Purple 7-14 yrs Brown-Black 7-14 yrs White-Red 7-14 yrs Orange-Blue 7-14 yrs Green-Brown Int/Adv 7-14 yrs Green-Black 14 + White-Red 7-14 yrs Orange-Blue 7-14 yrs Green-Brown Int/Adv 7-14 yrs Green-Black 14 + White Beg/Cont 7-14 yrs Red-Orange 7-14 yrs Yellow-Purple 7-14 yrs Brown-Black 7-14 yrs White Beg/Cont 7-15 yrs Red-Yellow 7+ Blue-Purple Int 7+ Brown-Black Belts/Adv 7 + White Beg/Cont 7-15 yrs Red-Yellow 7+ Blue-Purple Int 7+ Brown-Black Belts/Adv 7 +
Shotokan Karate
Our youth and adult classes offer a good mix of strength training, with cardiovascular and flexibility exercises, as well as self-defense skills. Please visit www.iskc.com for more information or call 847.359.0666. (KK)
Day(s) Time
Date(s) Location
Th Th Th Th Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Th Th Th Th Th Th Th Th Sa Sa Sa Sa W W W W W W W W
1/11-3/28 4/4-6/6 1/11-3/28 4/4-6/6 1/6-3/23 1/6-3/23 1/6-3/23 1/6-3/23 4/6-6/8 4/6-6/8 4/6-6/8 4/6-6/8 1/6-3/23 1/6-3/23 1/6-3/23 1/6-3/23 1/11-3/28 1/11-3/28 1/11-3/28 1/11-3/28 4/4-6/6 4/4-6/6 4/4-6/6 4/4-6/6 4/6-6/8 4/6-6/8 4/6-6/8 4/6-6/8 1/10-3/27 1/10-3/27 1/10-3/27 1/10-3/27 4/3-6/5 4/3-6/5 4/3-6/5 4/3-6/5
$171 $143 $171 $143 $171 $171 $171 $171 $143 $143 $143 $143 $171 $171 $171 $171 $171 $171 $171 $195 $143 $143 $143 $163 $143 $143 $143 $143 $171 $171 $171 $216 $143 $143 $143 $180
4:00p-4:45p 4:00p-4:45p 4:50p-5:35p 4:50p-5:35p 9:00a-9:55a 10:00a-10:55a 11:00a-11:55a 12:00p-12:55p 9:00a-9:55a 10:00a-10:55a 11:00a-11:55a 12:00p-12:55p 9:00a-9:55a 10:00a-10:55a 11:00a-11:55a 12:00p-12:55p 5:40p-6:35p 6:40p-7:35p 7:35p-8:35p 8:40p-9:55p 5:40p-6:35p 6:40p-7:35p 7:35p-8:35p 8:40p-9:55p 9:00a-9:55a 10:00a-10:55a 11:00a-11:55a 12:00p-12:55p 4:00p-4:55p 5:00p-5:55p 6:00p-6:55p 7:00p-8:30p 4:00p-4:55p 5:00p-5:55p 6:00p-6:55p 7:00p-8:30p
Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier Emmerich Park Emmerich Park Emmerich Park Emmerich Park Emmerich Park Emmerich Park Emmerich Park Emmerich Park
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Our Dance program offers a diverse and skill-building curriculum of professional, educational and fun classes for all ages. Dance instructors are trained professionals looking to give each participant a great class experience and foster their love of dance while developing poise and self-confidence. Our mission is to advocate artistic excellence through creativity and self-expression. Learn more at ahpd.org/expressions.
Important Dates: August 24-May 1: Season runs 32 weeks
• Dance classes began August 24 • Registration is open until January 14 • May 2 & 4: Tentative recital dates • No Class & Makeup dates: ahpd.org/dance
Jump in and join the fun today! Dance classes are automatically pro-rated at time of registration. Costume fee is non-refundable after January 14.
2023-24 Dance Season Fees: 30 Minute Classes: $300R/$353NR 45 Minute Classes: $350R/$410NR 1 Hour Classes: $385R/$457NR +$10 for ages 6+ for costumes
Dress Code, Curriculum, Faculty and more can be found online. Tights, tap ties, ballet belts, dance bags & Expressions shirts also available for purchase online.
Intro To Dance
Explore the world of dance in this fun-filled class that gives a taste of different dance styles. Each week will focus on a dance discipline such as ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, or poms and hopes to spark an interest in multiple dance forms. Little dancers will work toward following instructions, gross motor skills and taking turns. Dancers are encouraged to join another dance class mid-session, after completion of this intro class.
Baby Ballet w/Parent
Parents will help introduce their child to the world of dance by participating alongside your child! Development and control of gross motor skills, following directions and taking turns are stressed. Please only one parent/caregiver per dancer. After spring break, parents are only invited in for half of the class time.
Storytime Ballet
Join the fun of ballet and the moving story of dance! Each class includes a story and ballet lesson.
Ballet & Tap I to III
For more information about these activities, please contact Kate Schwarz, Cultural Arts Supervisor, at KSchwarz@ahpd.org.
Dancers will be introduced to ballet and tap dance and will have the opportunity to practice both disciplines each week.
Hip Hop Tots
Preschoolers will learn basic jazz hip hop moves to popular songs.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Jazz & Tumble
Explore the fun of jazz dance and simple tumbling exercises for preschool children. Both activities will be included each week.
Mini Jazz Hip Hop
Dancers will learn basic jazz hip hop moves to popular songs.
Pointe II
Focuses on technique and is for the advanced ballet dancer. Only pointe technique is covered in this class. Students must also be enrolled in an advanced ballet class. Dancers must be evaluated to enroll.*
Ballet I to III
Dancers will develop basic ballet technique, positions and terminology. Levels I & II are for beginner ballet dancers. Level III students should have 1-2 years of ballet experience.
Elite Ballet I to III
For the more serious dancer to develop more advanced ballet technique and skills. Dancers must be evaluated to enroll.*
Teen Ballet
For the recreational dancer to develop basic ballet technique, positions and terminology.
Pointe Prep I & II
Focuses on building the muscles and specific technique necessary to begin training for pointe. Students must also be enrolled and attend an additional ballet class. Students should expect to participate in 1-4 sessions of Pointe Prep before being considered for Pointe. Pointe Prep II dancers must be evaluated to enroll.*
Pre-Pointe/Pointe I
For dancers who are continuing to work toward advancing en pointe and a place for students that are new to pointe technique. Dancers must be evaluated to enroll.*
Dancers work to showcase their individual style and originality in this popular dance technique. Dancers will fine tune their jazz skills while working on coordination, flexibility and strength. Level III students require one year of jazz experience. Level IV, V & VI dancers must be evaluated to enroll.*
Lyrical I to VI
A combination of ballet and contemporary dance styles and technique that focuses on a connection with the music to tell a story. Work toward having choreography and expression that bring emotion and story to movement. Level IV, V & VI dancers must be evaluated to enroll.*
Contemporary I to III
Turns, leaps, dancing with emotion, and a range of dance techniques and styles will be used in this fun contemporary class. Dancers will be challenged with balance, floorwork, fall and recovery and improvisation. Choreography will allow students to push the boundaries of dance while having fun! Level III dancers must be evaluated to enroll.*.
Boys Hip Hop
Have fun working on hip hop freestyle and funky choreography! This relaxed class allows boys to pop and lock toward stronger confidence.
Jazz Hip Hop I and II
A fusion of jazz and hip hop dance styles are set to fun contemporary music for a class focused on stage presence and musicality.
Jazz Hip Hop Performance Class
The popular class, with a focus on performance! Work on technique and short routines.
Tap I to III
Work toward tap vocabulary, skills, timing and musicality. Levels are based on age.
Musical Theatre
Learn theatrical dance from popular Broadway hits! Students will explore classic jazz movement, musical theatre style and facial expressions that are perfect for the stage.
Acro I and II
Dancers challenge their flexibility in this blend of acrobatic skills and choreography.
Poms I and II
Combine strong dance execution skills with energy and enthusiasm!
Flexibility, Jumps and Turns I & II
Dancers improve technique and flexibility with jump and turn combinations. *Contact Kate Schwarz, Cultural Arts Supervisor, at kschwarz@ahpd.org to request an evaluation.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Parent Tot Classes & Preschool Ballet Classes Class Baby Ballet w/ Parent *Storytime Ballet *Storytime Ballet
Code 75111 75189 75211
Ages 2.5-3.5yrs 3-5yrs 3-5yrs
Day Sa Sa Tu
Time 9-9:30am 11-11:45am 12:30-1:15pm
Location Admin. Admin. Admin.
Ages 3-4 yrs 3-4 yrs 3-4 yrs 3-4 yrs 3-4 yrs 3-4 yrs 3-4 yrs 3-4 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 5-6 yrs 5-6 yrs 5-6 yrs 5-6 yrs
Day Sa Tu Tu W Th Th F Th Sa Sa Tu Tu Th Th Th Sa W Th Th
Time 10:15-11am 11:45-12:30pm 5:45-6:30pm 9:15-10am 11-11:45am 5:45-6:30pm 10-10:45am 5-5:45pm 9:30-10:15am 10:45-11:30am 10:30-11:15am 5-5:45pm 9:15-10am 12:45-1:30pm 6:30-7:15pm 9-10am 10-11am 1:30-2:30pm 1:30-2:30pm
Location Admin. Admin. Camelot Admin. Admin. Hasbrook Admin. Camelot Admin. Pioneer Admin. Camelot Admin. Admin. Camelot Pioneer Admin. Admin. Pioneer
Preschool Ballet & Tap Classes Class Ballet & Tap I *Ballet & Tap I *Ballet & Tap I *Ballet & Tap I *Ballet & Tap I *Ballet & Tap I *Ballet & Tap I *Ballet & Tap I Ballet & Tap II Ballet & Tap II *Ballet & Tap II Ballet & Tap II *Ballet & Tap II *Ballet & Tap II Ballet & Tap II Ballet & Tap III *Ballet & Tap III *Ballet & Tap III *Ballet & Tap III
Code 75112 75114 75115 75116 75117 75118 75119 75120 75121 75122 75123 75124 75125 75126 75127 75129 75131 75132 76716
* Denotes spots open
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Preschool Jazz & Hip Hop Classes Class Hip Hop Tots *Hip Hop Tots Hip Hop Tots *Hip Hop Tots *Mini Jazz Hip Hop
Code 75155 75156 75157 75701 75180
Ages 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 5-6 yrs
Day Sa Tu W Th Sa
Time 10-10:45am 9:45-10:30am 2-2:45pm 2:30-3:15pm 11:30am-12:15pm
Location Pioneer Admin. Admin. Pioneer Pioneer
Code 75134 75135 75136 75133 75137 75138 75139 75140 75141 75142 75148 75149 75150 75151 75193 75183 75184 75185 75188 75182
Ages 6-9 yrs 6-9 yrs 6-9 yrs 6-9 yrs 8-11 yrs 8-11 yrs 8-11 yrs 11-14 yrs 11-14 yrs 11-14 yrs 12-18 yrs 12-18 yrs 12-18 yrs 12-18 yrs 12-18 yrs 11-18 yrs 11-18 yrs 11-18 yrs 13-18 yrs 13-18 yrs
Day M M Th M M M Tu M Tu W Tu W W W W T W W W W
Time 4-4:45pm 5:45-6:30pm 5:45-6:30pm 5-5:45pm 5:30-6:15pm 5-5:45pm 6:30-7:15pm 6:30-7:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4-5pm 5:30-6:30pm 6:15-7:15pm 5-6pm 6:45-7:45pm 8-9pm 3:45-4:30pm 5-5:45pm 7:15-8pm 6-6:45pm 7:45-8:30pm
Location Pioneer Hasbrook Camelot Admin. Pioneer Hasbrook Camelot Hasbrook Pioneer Hasbrook Pioneer Hasbrook Admin. Admin. Hasbrook Pioneer Hasbrook Hasbrook Admin. Admin.
Ballet Classes Class Ballet I *Ballet I Ballet I Ballet II Ballet II Ballet II *Ballet II *Ballet III *Ballet III Ballet III *Elite Ballet I *Elite Ballet I *Elite Ballet II *Elite Ballet III *Teen Ballet *Pointe Prep I Pointe Prep I Pointe Prep II *Pre-Pointe/Pointe I *Pointe II * Denotes spots open
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Jazz Classes Class *Beginning Jazz Jazz I Jazz II *Jazz III *Jazz III *Jazz IV *Jazz V *Jazz VI
Code 75143 75144 75158 75167 75168 75169 75170 75171
Ages 6-9 yrs 8-11 yrs 10-12 yrs 11-13 yrs 11-13 yrs 11-18 yrs 13-18 yrs 14-18 yrs
Day W W W Tu W Th Th Th
Time 4:45-5:30pm 5:30-6:15pm 6:15-7pm 6:15-7pm 4-4:45pm 7:15-8pm 7-7:45pm 8:30-9:15pm
Location Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Admin Pioneer Hasbrook Pioneer Pioneer
Day M Tu Tu W Th Th Th M
Time 6:15-7pm 4:45-5:30pm 7-7:45pm 3:15-4pm 8-8:45pm 6:15-7pm 7:45-8:30pm 4-5pm
Location Pioneer Admin. Admin. Pioneer Hasbrook Pioneer Pioneer Hasbrook
Lyrical, Contemporary & Modern Classes Class Lyrical I Lyrical II *Lyrical III *Lyrical III *Lyrical IV *Lyrical V *Lyrical VI *Contemporary III * Denotes spots open
Code 75172 75174 75175 75176 75177 75178 75179 75147
Ages 8-11 yrs 10-12 yrs 11-13 yrs 11-13 yrs 12-18 yrs 13-18 yrs 14-18 yrs 13-18 yrs
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Hip Hop Fusion Classes Class *Boys Hip Hop Jazz Hip Hop I Jazz Hip Hop I *Jazz Hip Hop I Jazz Hip Hop I *Jazz Hip Hop I Jazz Hip Hop II *Jazz Hip Hop II *Jazz Hip Hop Performance
Code 75145 75159 75160 75161 75162 76714 75164 76715 75166
Ages 6-18 yrs 6-9 yrs 6-9 yrs 6-9 yrs 6-9 yrs 6-9 yrs 8-11 yrs 8-11 yrs 9-13 yrs
Day M M M Tu Th Th Th Th M
Time 6:45-7:30pm 4:15-5pm 4:45-5:30pm 4-4:45pm 5-5:45pm 4:15-5pm 6:30-7:15pm 7:15-8pm 7:30-8:45pm
Location Forest View Admin. Pioneer Admin. Hasbrook Camelot Hasbrook Camelot Forest View
Code 75190 75191 75192 75181
Ages 6-7 yrs 8-11 yrs 10-18yrs 7-18 yrs
Day Tu Th Th Th
Time 5:30-6:15pm 7:15-8pm 8-8:45pm 4:15-5pm
Location Admin. Admin. Admin. Hasbrook
Code 78247 78248 75108 76717 75110 75186 75187 75152 75153 75154
Ages 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 9-12 yrs 9-12 yrs 11-18 yrs 5-8 yrs 8-12 yrs 9-18 yrs 11-18yrs 11-18yrs
Day W W W Tu W Sa Sa M Tu Th
Time 11-11:45am 11-11:45am 7-7:45pm 8:30-9:15pm 7:45-8:45pm 11:45am-12:30pm 12:30-1:15pm 5:45-6:30pm 7:45-8:30pm 3:30-4:15pm
Location Admin. Admin. Pioneer Admin Pioneer Admin. Admin. Admin. Admin. Pioneer
Tap & Musical Theatre Classes Class *Tap I Tap II *Tap III *Musical Theatre
Specialty Classes Class Tumbling for Tots Tumbling for Tots Acro I *Acro I *Acro II Poms I *Poms II Flex, Jumps & Turns I Flex, Jumps & Turns II *Flex, Jumps & Turns II * Denotes spots open
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Acting for Tots Our Drama program helps students develop selfconfidence and the ability to express themselves to an audience. Our mission is to advocate artistic excellence through creativity and self-expression. Our drama instructors are professional educators and actors. Learn more at ahpd.org/expressions
Little actors will use their imagination to explore the world of theatre! Students will learn through fun acting games, high-energy movement exercises, and silly vocal techniques. (KS) Administration Center Code Age Day(s) Time 76909 4-6 yrs Th 5:30p-6:15p 76910 4-6 yrs Th 5:30p-6:15p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/11-2/22 $63/$96 2/29-4/18 $63/$96
Acting for Kids
Have fun in this beginning acting class! Aspiring actors learn skills that build a solid presence and confidence on stage through vocal and movement exercises, improvisation and character development. Activities are geared toward each individual actor, challenging them in a fun and meaningful way. (KS) Camelot
Theatre for Young Audiences
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76905 7-15 yrs T 7:15p-8:00p 1/9-2/27 76906 7-15 yrs T 4:15p-5:00p 3/5-4/23
6-18 years Presented by Firefly Family Theatre Snow came early in Firefly Grove this year, so Spark the Firefly gets to experience her first snow day! Join Spark as she learns all about snow, hibernation and exciting winter activities like sledding and ice skating. Spark's Snow Day includes puppets, original music, interactive movement and lots of winter fun for families! The show is ideal for ages 2-7, but has something for all ages to enjoy. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is per child and covers the cost of one ticket: accompanying adults are free. Families are encouraged to cozy up and bring a blanket to sit on as they enjoy the show! More about Firefly Family Theatre can be found at fireflyfamilytheatre.com. (KS) Code Age 77875 2-7 yrs
Day(s) Time Date(s) Th 10:00a-11:00a 2/15
R/NR Fee $12/$15
Alice in Wonderland Rehearsals
January 10-February 22 W, Th 6:30-8:30PM Performances
Saturday, February 24 1PM and 3:30PM Code: 77869 Fee: $195 Visit ahpd.org/expressions for more information
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
R/NR Fee $72/$105 $63/$96
6-18 years
February 28-April 18
Improv Fun & Games
W, Th 6:30-8:30PM
Think quick and play great theatre and improv games! All experience levels are welcome. Improvisational acting techniques, theatre exercises, races and games will keep everyone thinking and laughing the entire class. (KS) Camelot Code Age Day(s) Time 76907 7-15 yrs T 7:15p-8:00p
Date(s) 3/5-4/23
R/NR Fee $63/$96
Scenes & Songs: "The Lion King"
Join in the fun and explore the world of musical theatre! Participants will have a chance to perform songs from a show, focusing on acting, singing and movement. Young actors dive into characterization, reading scenes, improvisation, vocal technique and body awareness. (KS) Camelot Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76908 6-15 yrs T 4:15p-5:00p 1/9-2/27
R/NR Fee $72/$105
Show Choir
Students have the opportunity to sing and dance to some of their favorite songs! There will be solo opportunities for interested participants. A small performance for parents will take place during the last class of the session. (KS) Administration Center
Saturday, April 20 1PM and 3:30PM Code: 77870 Fee: $195 Visit ahpd.org/expressions for more information
Show Choir for Tots
Students have the opportunity to sing and dance to some of their favorite songs! A small performance for parents will take place during the last class of the session. (KS) Administration Center
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76900 4-6 yrs Sa 9:30a-10:15a 1/13-2/24 $63/$96 76899 4-6 yrs Sa 9:30a-10:15a 3/2-4/20 $63/$96
Piano, Voice and Guitar
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76903 7-13 yrs Sa 10:15a-11:00a 1/13-2/24 $63/$96 76904 7-13 yrs Sa 10:15a-11:00a 3/2-4/20 $63/$96
Private lessons and coaching are available for ages 7 to adult. Lessons are once a week for 30 minutes.
For more information about these activities, please contact Kate Schwarz, Cultural Arts Supervisor, at KSchwarz@ahpd.org.
Learn more at ahpd.org/expressions
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Boxful of Art The Art program, for all ages, is designed to encourage creativity and self-expression. We strive for a class atmosphere that is friendly, fun and educational. Our instructors are professional educators with a passion for teaching. Learn more at ahpd.org/expressions Please send children to class with appropriate clothing for participating in art classes. There is a $12 supply cost for all refunds, including requests received one week prior to class. No refunds will be issued after the second class.
ABC Art is a great way for children to learn the alphabet while creating their own masterpieces. Each week, Mrs. Droske introduces one new letter, then does an art project associated with that letter, and ends with a story and game featuring the day's letter. This is a parent-tot class. (KS) Pioneer Code Age 76911 2-4 yrs 76912 2-4 yrs 76913 2-4 yrs 76914 2-4 yrs 76915 2-4 yrs 76916 2-4 yrs
What’s in the box? Today, it’s a bouquet of balloons – let’s make a piñata! Next week, it’s a collection of spinning pinwheels – let’s make an indoor garden! Each week, there will be a special surprise inside Mrs. Droske’s art box that we will use to spark our creativity. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76938 3-6 yrs T 10:15a-11:00a 1/9-3/5 76949 3-6 yrs F 11:15a-12:00p 1/12-3/8
Frosty Fun
During this cold and snowy season, we’ll get out the scissors, paint, and glue, and we'll have some indoor winter fun with Mrs. Droske. Young crafters will enjoy making a curious groundhog, patriotic presidents, and lacy snowflakes to hang in the window. A Valentine’s Day craft surprise is also in store for those who attend. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76937 3-6 yrs M 11:15a-12:00p 1/8-3/4 76952 3-6 yrs F 9:15a-10:00a 1/12-3/8
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/RN Fee M 9:15a-10:00a 1/8-3/4 $99/$136 T 9:15a-10:00a 1/9-3/5 $99/$136 F 10:15a-11:00a 1/12-3/8 $99/$136 M 9:15a-10:00a 3/18-5/20 $99/$136 T 9:15a-10:00a 3/19-5/21 $99/$136 F 10:15a-11:00a 3/22-5/24 $99/$136
Awesome Afternoon Art
Chase away the afternoon blues by spending some fun time creating art at Pioneer Park! Join Mrs. Droske for paint splattering, balloon wrapping, and paper bag popping fun! Silly surprises and artful adventures await us all! (KS) Pioneer Code Age 76923 3-6 yrs 76924 3-6 yrs 76925 3-6 yrs 76926 3-6 yrs
Day(s) Time W 1:00p-2:00p Th 1:00p-2:00p W 1:00p-2:00p Th 1:00p-2:00p
R/RN Fee $99/$136 $99/$136
Date(s) R/RN Fee 1/10-3/6 $112/$155 1/11-3/7 $112/$155 3/20-5/22 $112/$155 3/21-5/23 $112/$155
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
R/RN Fee $99/$136 $99/$136
Playful Puppets
Lights, camera, action! The stars of this show will be our own special puppets that we design and create with Mrs. Droske. Characters and creatures made from tubes, socks, and spoons will come to life as we make them dance and jump. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/RN Fee 76935 3-6 yrs M 10:15a-11:00a 3/18-5/20 $99/$136 76927 3-6 yrs T 11:15a-12:00p 3/19-5/21 $99/$136
Spring Fling Crafts
Kooky Kitchen Crafts
Some of the best art supplies are found in the kitchen! In this art class with Mrs. Droske, we’ll give potato people some personality, make and play with Jell-Oscented play dough, and do some colorful fruit and vegetable stamping. Turkey baster tie-dye and forkpainting fun are included, too! (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76951 3-6 yrs M 10:15a-11:00a 1/8-3/4 76948 3-6 yrs T 11:15a-12:00p 1/9-3/5
Flowers are blooming, trees are budding, and we are crafting! Welcome spring with Mrs. Droske as we make rainbow wreaths and eggshell pots. Bright yellow daffodils will bloom in this class and baby chick collages will spring to life. We’ll hop into fun when creating bouncing bunnies, too! (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/RN Fee 76942 3-6 yrs M 11:15a-12:00p 3/18-5/20 $99/$136 76936 3-6 yrs F 9:15a-10:00a 3/22-5/24 $99/$136
R/RN Fee $99/$136 $99/$136
Magnificent Me
Mrs. Droske knows that every child is a special individual with a unique personality and many talents. We’ll celebrate this uniqueness with personalized crafts using handprints, footprints, and fingerprints. Silhouette tracings, mirror art, and name paintings are other projects that will celebrate your magnificence! (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/RN Fee 76943 3-6 yrs T 10:15a-11:00a 3/19-5/21 $99/$136 76928 3-6 yrs F 11:15a-12:00p 3/22-5/24 $99/$136
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Clayworks: Preschool Parent & Me Amazing Animal Art
Explore the amazing animal kingdom while learning to draw and paint some of your favorite animal friends. This class will have both step by step assignments and individual assignments. Join us on an amazing safari around the world with animals. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76918 6-12 yrs T 4:15p-5:00p 1/9-3/5
R/NR Fee $99/$136
Art Club
Here's a club just for you! We'll make crafts, paintings, drawings and work with clay. Club members vote on projects they want to do; therefore club members get to do projects that interest them. In each class, we'll make one project and discuss ideas for the following week. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time 76919 6-12 yrs T 5:15p-6:15p 76920 6-12 yrs T 5:15p-6:15p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/9-3/5 $112/$155 3/19-5/21 $112/$155
Art Studio: Teens & Adults
Be creative and use your artistic ability in this open studio. Experience making pottery, drawing, and painting using acrylic paints or pastel/colored/charcoal pencils. If you choose pottery, you'll learn slab, coil, pinch, and wheel techniques. If drawing or painting is more your style, you can focus on landscapes, portraits, cartoons. Studio time is for those with an understanding of basic skills. (KS) Pioneer Code Age 76922 13 +
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee W 6:30p-8:00p 3/20-5/22 $186/$235
Cartoon Drawing
Learn how to create cartoons in this drawing class. We will begin with basic cartoon drawing techniques and continue with more advanced cartoons. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time 76934 7-13 yrs M 5:30p-6:15p
Date(s) 1/8-3/4
R/NR Fee $99/$136
Explore the creative world of Clayworks with your child. In this class you'll learn techniques like pinch, coil, and slab. Parent/Grandparent and child work on projects together or create their own one-of-a-kind masterpieces. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76944 3-5 yrs T 6:30p-7:30p 1/9-3/5
R/NR Fee $112/$155
Children love working with clay! They'll create their own masterpieces using the pinch, coil and slab methods. No previous experience is necessary to enroll. Students work at their own pace and progress to more difficult projects according to ability. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time 76931 6-12 yrs M 6:15p-7:15p 76932 6-12 yrs M 6:15p-7:15p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/8-3/4 $112/$155 3/18-5/20 $112/$155
Clones Attack: Star Wars Drawing Class!
This Spring, visit a galaxy far, far away and learn to clone your favorite Star Wars characters on paper and in clay. Explore clay, drawing and black light painting. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76917 6-12 yrs T 4:15p-5:00p 3/19-5/21 $99/$136
Art Studio: Parent & Me
Be creative and use your artistic ability in this open studio with your child. Experience making pottery or drawing and painting using acrylic paints or pastel/ colored/charcoal pencils. If you choose pottery, you'll learn slab, coil, pinch, and wheel techniques. If drawing or painting is more your style, you can focus on landscapes, portraits, cartoons. Studio time is for those with an understanding of basic skills. Parent/ Grandparent and child work on projects together or create their own one-of-a-kind masterpieces. (KS) Pioneer
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 77871 7-14 yrs T 6:30p-8:00p 3/19-5/21 $229/$278
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Animals Alive!
Animals come to life in this class as cartoons and sculptures! Using tools like pencils, markers, paint, and model magic, the most important tool used will be the artist’s imagination. (KS) Hasbrook Code Age 78047 6-12 78048 6-12
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee W 5:00p-5:45p 1/10-3/6 $99/$136 W 5:00p-5:45p 3/20-5/22 $99/$136
It’s All About Perspective
Explore the world of 2-point perspective using colored pencils, markers, paint and model magic. Though this method makes it look like space is an illusion, this class is very real! (KS) Hasbrook Code Age 78049 6-12 78050 6-12
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee W 6:00p-6:45p 1/10-3/6 $99/$136 W 6:00p-6:45p 3/20-5/22 $99/$136
Marvelous Muggles & Wizards Magic Students will learn to make magical wizard artwork through drawing, painting, black light and glow in the dark paints, crafts, clay, wire art and other mediums. Students will leave class with magical projects and techniques that will inspire! (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time 76940 6-12 yrs W 5:15p-6:15p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 3/20-5/22 $112/$155
Multi-Media Drawing
Explore the art of multi-media drawing using various materials and combinations. Charcoal, pastels, watercolor, ink and pencil projects are introduced. Since our instructors work with each student individually, all level participants are welcome to enroll. Fee includes all supplies. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time 76945 7-13 yrs M 5:30p-6:15p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 3/18-5/20 $99/$136
For more information about these activities, please contact Kate Schwarz, Cultural Arts Supervisor, at KSchwarz@ahpd.org.
Painting with Acrylics
Students paint on canvas board with acrylic paints. Projects include still life, floral and landscapes. Students complete one to two paintings per session. This class is open to beginners, intermediate or advanced level students interested in developing their painting talents. (KS) Pioneer Code Age Day(s) Time 76946 7-13 yrs M 7:15p-8:15p 76947 7-13 yrs M 7:15p-8:15p
Date(s) R/NR Fee 1/8-3/4 $112/$155 3/18-5/20 $112/$155
Needle Felting Winter Workshop
Learn the fun craft of needle felting! This easy and fun art form is perfect for the beginner. We will be transforming fluffy and warm wool into a penguin holding a heart! Create this plushie toy just in time to give to someone special for Valentine’s Day or keep as a cute home décor item. Any skill level is welcome in this beginning class. We will learn about the types of wool and how to use the special needles. All materials are provided. The class fee includes a $12 non-refundable supply fee. (KS) Hasbrook Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 77872 9-13 yrs S 9:00a-11:30a 1/20
R/NR Fee $26/$39
Spring Animal Art Workshop Explosion! Create animals 3 different ways! We will use clay to create a bird and a nest. We will paint a frog on a lily pad, and use fabric to create a stuffed animal bunny. The class fee includes a $12 non-refundable supply fee. Come join the fun! (KS) Hasbrook Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 77874 7-12 yrs S 9:00a-11:30a 3/16
R/NR Fee $26/$39
Flower Art Workshop Explosion!
April showers bring May flowers! Create different types of flowers such as a clay rose, a bouquet of tissue paper carnations, and a sunflower painting. Don't miss this fun Saturday workshop! The class fee includes a $12 non-refundable supply fee. (KS) Hasbrook Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 77873 7-12 yrs S 9:00a-11:30a 5/18
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
R/NR Fee $26/$39
TENNIS AT AHPD Forest View Racquet & Fitness Club
Make-up Policy
800 E Falcon Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60005 ahpd.org/fv | 847.640.2574
In order to maintain the integrity of our classes regarding content, size, consistency and progression, we do not offer make-ups.
Heritage Tennis Club
7 W College Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004 ahpd.org/htc | 847.398.7780 • 14 Indoor Tennis Courts: • 8 at Heritage • 6 at Forest View • Six Outdoor Tennis Courts at Forest View • Four Racquetball Courts at Forest View • Group and Private Lessons • USTA and GSTL Travel Leagues • Permanent Court Time • 10 & Under Program • Cardio Tennis • Personal Training & Martial Arts at Forest View • Racquet Repair and Stringing • Lounge/Viewing Areas • Locker Rooms • Bar/Concessions at Heritage Tennis Club • Free WiFi
Refund Policy
• No refunds will be issued after the third class. • All refunds are subject to a $5 administrative service fee, except under the following circumstances: • Request for refund is due to a satisfaction issue approved by the club manager • Refund requests must be submitted at ahpd.org • Doctor’s note is submitted with request
• Memberships must be paid in full prior to registration for membership discount and registration benefits. • Please be sure to register for programs early! Our programs fill quickly. On occasion, when too many people wait until the last minute to register, classes may be canceled.
Program Dates
• Winter Session: Monday, January 8–Friday, March 22 • Spring Session: Monday, April 1–Sunday, June 2 • Member Registration: 10AM on Tuesday, December 5 • Open Registration: 10AM on Tuesday, December 12 VISIT AHPD.ORG TO VIEW CLUB HOURS, MEMBER RATES, COURT RATES AND MORE!
OUTDOOR TENNIS Summer Court Permit Lottery
Outdoor court reservation can be made by AH residents through HTC by May 4. Courts may be reserved for up to two hours from June 1-August 31 at most sites. An hour reservation for the entire summer starts at $80 depending on location. The permit application will be available on April 1 at ahpd.org/tennis/outdoor-court-permits/
Summer Rain Policy
Rain Hotline 847.574.2233 or rainoutline.com In the event of inclement weather, classes will be canceled. There is one rain day built into each session. If a class is canceled a second time, a makeup will be scheduled. This information will be posted on the rainout app.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Find the Perfect Match For You
Scan for our current offerings!
• Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Programs • Two Convenient Locations • Various Date and Time Offerings To Build Around Your Schedule • Individual or Group Lessons • Staff Committed To Your Success
The opportunities are endless! Youth Racquetball Lessons NEW!
Racquetball is a fun and exciting way to burn calories, build muscle and have fun! Our group lessons are the perfect way to learn and improve racquetball skills, whether you’ve been playing casually or you’ve never picked up a racquet. Our beginner lessons cover rules, techniques and beginner level shots. Groups will be divided by abilities. Lessons are taught by AmPro Certified Teaching Professional Dave Negrete. (SK) Private lessons are also available for youth and adults from beginners through advanced players. Contact Summer Krones at 847.640.2574 or skrones@ahpd.org with any questions or to set up a lesson. Forest View Code Age Day(s) Time 76821 6-17 yrs W 4:30p-5:15p 76822 6-17 yrs W 4:30p-5:15p 76823 6-17 yrs W 4:30p-5:15p *No class 3/27
Date(s) 1/10-2/14 2/28-4/10* 4/24-5/22*
R/NR Fee $55/$67 $55/$67 $45/$57
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Non-Resident Adult
Arlington Lakes Golf Club 1211 S. New Wilke Rd. Arlington Heights, IL 60005 847.577.3030
2023 RATES*
Weekdays Senior (60+) Twilight Resident (with ID) Adult
Key Features
• 18 Hole Championship Course • PGA Professionals offering group/private lessons • Permanent reserved weekend starting times • Variety of league options • Special tournaments and outings • Room rentals • 3 and 6 hole options • Special events • Fully stocked Golf Shop • Customer rewards program • Gift Cards
Senior (60+) Twilight Junior (6-17 yrs)* College (w/ ID)*
If you are looking for the perfect place for your next golf outing, look no further than Arlington Lakes Golf Club. We will help you plan and present your perfect golf event. Whether you’re planning a small corporate tournament or a large fundraising event, we will provide the staff, facilities and service to handle every detail of your event. Please contact Bryan Cox at 847.577.3032 or bcox@ahpd.org.
18 Holes
$25 $23 n/a 9 Holes $23 $19 n/a $13 $14
$40 $32 $27 18 Holes $33 $27 $25 $23 $24
*Senior, Junior and college rates apply weekdays Monday-Friday before 3PM
Weekends Open to 2PM Twilight**
Golf Outings
9 Holes
Early Bird*
Resident $40 $30 $28
Non-Resident $45 $27 $28
*Early Bird rates apply 6-7AM off back 9 only-May-July. ***Twilight Rates are valid after 2PM- April-October.
3 and 6 Holes Three Holes Six Holes
Adult $11 $16
Jr/Sr. $8 $10
Some restrictions apply when times are available.
Sunset Meadows Driving Range
700 S. Dwyer Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60005 847. 577.3965 Key Features • 25 permanent tee stations • 4 target greens for additional course-like atmosphere • Practice putting and chipping green for your short game needs • Affordable lessons from PGA Professionals Please call 847.577.3965 or visit ahpd.org for updates.
Car and Cart Rentals Gas Cars (per person) Senior Pull Carts
9 Holes $13 $11 $5
*Rates are valid through March 2024.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
18 Holes $20 $17 $5
Nickol Knoll Golf Club 3800 N. Kennicott Ave. Arlington Heights, IL 60004 847.590.6050
Key Features
• Large patio area to relax before or after your round • Junior programs and leagues • Large putting green to practice your short game • Home to “Paytons Hill” and “Paytons Lookout”
Tee Times
Tee times may be reserved up to seven days in advance by phone, internet or in-person. Please call 847.590.6050 or visit ahpd.org.
2023 RATES* Adult Replay Juniors (17 and under) Senior (60+) Senior (60+) Replay
$15 $10 $10 $12 $9
$18 $12 $12 $15 $9
Car and Cart Rentals 9 Holes Gas Cars Pull Carts
$8 $4
10 Play Punch Cards
Special Events & Parties
Looking to host a party, celebration, or gathering of friends? Look no further than Arlington Lakes Golf Club. Arlington Lakes Golf Club is the perfect venue to host your next event. The facility can be utilized for Birthday Parties, Bridal Showers, Baby Showers, and Graduation Parties. Our Hearth Room is also a perfect venue to host business events, business meetings, or your next holiday office party. Please contact Bryan Cox at 847.577.3032 or bcox@ahpd.org.
Arlington Lakes Golf Club Saturday, January 13 Saturday, April 6 Thursday, April 18 Monday, May 27
Chilly Open 2-Person 3-Club Scramble Spring Senior Scramble 2-Person Memorial Day Best Ball
Valid Weekdays Only Individual Punch Card Senior Punch Card
$140 $100
*Rates are valid through March 2024.
Golf Shop
The Golf Shop is open daily and offers a variety of special services and professional golf instruction. Our helpful staff will assist you with any questions. For additional information, call 847.577.3030.
Gift Cards
Arlington Lakes Golf Club gift cards make great gifts for any occasion. They are available for any dollar amount and don’t expire. Gift cards may be applied toward a round of golf, cart, or merchandise.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
GOLF AT AHPD Junior Introductory Winter Golf Lessons
The winter season can be a great time for kids to start learning about the game of golf. An introduction to golf is the focus where grip, set up, full swing fundamentals, chipping and putting are all reviewed in a fun and safe atmosphere. Lessons are given at the Buffalo Grove Golf Dome on Route 83 in Buffalo Grove. Space is limited, hurry and sign up today! (BC) Buffalo Grove Golf Dome Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76299 6-13 yrs Sa 3:00p-3:45p 1/6-1/27 76298 6-13 yrs Sa 4:00p-4:45p 1/6-1/27
R/NR Fee $90/$95 $90/$95
Adult Group Beginner Golf Lessons
Get a head start on learning the game of a lifetime with a series of five beginner group lessons. The basics of the grip, set up, full swing, and short game are all included from our staff of trained golf professionals. Lessons will take place at Buffalo Grove Golf Dome. Hurry don’t delay! Space is very limited! (BC) Buffalo Grove Golf Dome Code Age 76295 15 +
Day(s) Time Date(s) W 7:00p-8:00p 1/10-2/7
Scan to learn more about Adult Group Golf Lessons!
Adult Winter Intermediate Tune Up
Dust off the clubs and give your golf game the primer it needs to make 2024 your best year yet. Five classes include instruction on grip, set up, full swing fundamentals, equipment, and short game. Classes meet on Wednesdays at the Buffalo Grove Golf Dome on Route 83 and are taught by our staff of trained golf professionals. Space is limited, hurry and sign up today! (BC) Buffalo Grove Golf Dome Code Age 76296 15 + 76297 16 +
Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee W 6:00p-6:45p 1/10-2/7 $125/$130 W 6:00p-6:45p 2/14-3/13 $125/$130
R/NR Fee $125/$130
For more information about programs on this page contact Arlington Lakes Golf Club at 847.577.3030.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
LAKEARLINGTON Boat Storage Dates and Rates Operating Season
Memorial Day to Labor Day: 10AM-7PM Visit ahpd.org/lakearlington for up-to-date information.
• Two mile bike/walk path • Sailing lessons (youth, adult, family) • Washrooms (inside and outside) • Lake view deck • Fishing (catch and release only)
• Outdoor exercise area • Wayfinding/interpretive signs • Multi-use pathway for wheeled and non-wheeled users
• Playground equipment • Boardwalk connects to boating dock • New fishing pier • Natural plantings • A sensory garden and decorative fountain • Multi-generational area with picnic shelter and game tables
Good Neighbors
Lake Arlington is situated in close proximity to several subdivisions. AHPD asks that you be courteous and have consideration for others when using the lake and surrounding property. Please be a good neighbor.
The boat and storage area holds boats up to 14’ long and 4’ wide. Canoes, rowboats, kayaks, crew boats and sailboats can fit. AHPD reserves the right to question and/or disallow any boat. Trailer storage is not available. Summer Season $165 Winter Season $145 Yearly $220
Boat Rental Information
Minimum age to rent a boat is 12 years old with signed waiver. • A waiver is required of all persons renting a boat. • All boaters are required to wear a personal flotation device (P.F.D). • Children under 12 years of age who have been in sail camp and have instructor approval will be allowed to rent a sailboat with parent on site. • You MUST have participated in a Lake Arlington Sail Camp or lesson and have instructor approval to rent a sailboat or you MUST demonstrate through a verbal test that you have sailing experience and can sail a dinghy.
Boat Launching
Boaters are allowed to launch their own craft. There are no ramps. All boats will have to be carried to the boat launch area. No sailboards or motors will be allowed. Sailboats, rowboats, kayaks and canoes are welcome. All boaters, whether they rent from AHPD or bring their own boat, are required to wear a personal floatation device on the water. P.F.D.’s are provided for all renters. Call Kevin Keister, Recreation Supervisor, for more details at 847.577.3010.
Posted Rules
Specific rules and regulations regarding the use of Lake Arlington are posted at various locations throughout the lake site. Everyone using the site is expected to know the rules and follow them. Fishing at Lake Arlington is regulated by all Illinois Department of Conservation rules and regulations. Fishing licenses are required for 16-65 year olds. The lake is stocked with bass, bluegill, catfish and northern fingerlings. A catch and release program is in effect for fishing seasons. Only carp and gizzard shad may be taken from the lake.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
ADULT LEAGUES The Park District offers adult leagues at a variety of competitive levels to accommodate players and teams with a range of recreational interests and abilities. All players must be 18 years or older.
One player registers an entire team and all fees are due at registration. Register for your preferred level and, if that level is full, register for the waitlist. Do NOT register for the wrong competitive level to get into a league. If you are a player looking to join a team, please contact the league supervisor.
Bracketing and Scheduling
Once registration closes, brackets and season schedules are created. Final brackets are determined by a variety of factors including: the number of teams registered and past season records. • We try our best to evenly assign game time slots and cannot accommodate special schedule requests. • Once schedules are finalized, we will email a schedule link, season information and team roster/waiver instructions to the captain.
Rosters and Waivers
Your team roster also serves as the individual waiver for all players and a new roster with all players’ signatures must be submitted before the start of your first game EVERY season.
Adult Volleyball Winter/Spring 2024
AHPD offers two 12-week adult volleyball seasons: Fall and Winter/Spring. The Winter/Spring season begins the week of January 8 and runs through the end of April. Games are played at 6:30PM, 7:30PM, 8:30PM and 9:30PM at a variety of park district and school gyms. Teams play 12 regular season games plus playoffs. For more information, please visit our Adult Volleyball web page at ahpd.org or contact Jackie DeLaMora at 847.506.7133 or jdelamora@ahpd.org. (JD) Betsy Ross School Gymnasium
Code League Days Time 76531 Monday A M 6:30p-10:30p 76532 Monday AA M 6:30p-10:30p 76533 Monday B M 6:30p-10:30p 76534 Tuesday A T 6:30p-10:30p 76535 Tuesday AA T 6:30p-10:30p
Beginner Fencing for Teens and Adults
Fencing is a unique sport combining physical agility and mental adaptability. No prior experience needed. This class teaches basic rules, safety, footwork and bladework skills. All three weapons used in fencing will be introduced: foil, sabre and epee. Class is taught by Illinois Fencing Academy coaches, all Safesport certified. (KK) Camelot Code Age 76866 15 +
Dates R/NR 1/8-4/29 $585/$625 1/8-4/29 $585/$625 1/8-4/29 $585/$625 1/9-4/30 $585/$625 1/9-4/30 $585/$625
Day(s) Time Date(s) W 8:00p-9:00p 3/6-4/24
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Fee $105
Men’s Basketball Leagues
Games are played on Thursday evenings. Each team will play 10 regular season games, followed by a single elimination playoff based on regular season standings. Awards are paid out to the winners of the regular season and playoffs. Registration is by team—$880 per team. (NW) Code Level Day(s) Time Date(s) 76583 A League Th 6:30p-11:00p 1/11-4/18 76585 B League Th 6:30p-11:00p 1/11-4/18 76584 A League Th 6:30p-11:00p 4/18-6/13 76586 B League Th 6:30p-11:00p 4/18-6/13
Fee $880 $880 $640 $640
Spring Softball
The season will begin the week of April 1. All games will be played at Melas Park and are an open league format. (NW) Melas Code Age 76592 18 + 76593 18 + 76591 18 + 76589 18 + 76590 18 +
Day(s) Time Date(s) Fee T 6:30p-10:30p 4/1-4/29 $450 W 6:30p-10:30p 4/3-5/1 $450 Th 6:30p-10:30p 4/4-5/2 $450 F 6:30p-10:30p 4/5-5/3 $450 M 6:30p-10:30p 4/19-4/29 $450
Arlington Heights Park Foundation
Preserve. Educate. Give. For people who love their parks learn more ahparkfoundation.org
Summer Softball
All games will be played at Melas Park. For specific league information go to https://www.ahpd.org/ programs/softball/. Any questions regarding leagues, please contact Nick Wirth, Athletic Supervisor at nwirth@ahpd.org. Melas
Code Level 76598 Co-Rec 76596 Comp 76597 Rec 76601 Comp 76602 Rec 76603 Rec 76600 Rec 76604 16" Rec 76595 Rec 76594 Co-Rec
Day(s) Time S 6:30p-10:30p M 6:30p-10:30p M 6:30p-10:30p T 6:30p-10:30p T 6:30p-10:30p W 6:30p-10:30p Th 6:30p-10:30p Th 6:30p-10:30p F 6:30p-10:30p F 6:30p-10:30p
Date(s) 5/5-8/4 5/6-8/5 5/6-8/5 5/7-8/6 5/7-8/6 5/8-8/7 5/9-8/8 5/9-8/8 5/10-8/9 5/10-8/9
R/NR Fee $850/$900 $850/$900 $850/$900 $850/$900 $850/$900 $850/$900 $850/$900 $850/$900 $850/$900 $850/$900
For more information about programs on this page contact Nick Wirth, Recreation Supervisor, at nwirth@ahpd.org.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
HISTORICAL MUSEUM Discover A Collection of the Past; Preserved for the Future The Historical Museum is a cooperative effort between the Arlington Heights Historical Society, Village of Arlington Heights and the Arlington Heights Park District. It is a two-acre, five-building complex that tells the story of Suburban America through the lens of Arlington Heights. Hours Wednesday 1-4PM Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10AM-4PM Sunday 10AM-2PM Tours of our historic homes are available Saturdays at 10:30AM. Check ahmuseum.org for any schedule changes.
Heritage Gallery and Shop Come explore the 145-year history of Arlington Heights through our interactive exhibits, and the Pop Shop Play Area! In addition, enjoy our unique and interesting selection of gifts, books, Arlington Club soda, and much more! Rental Information Planning an event and need an indoor meeting or event space? The Arlington Heights Historical Museum has a large multipurpose room that features the latest in technology—including a digital Smart board, as well as a portable digital projection system and free wifi. The room can hold between 50-75 people depending on the room set up and access to other Museum exhibits and spaces are included for most rentals.
For more information about the AH Historical Museum, please contact Dan Schoeneberg, Museum Administrator at dschoeneberg@ahpd.org.
Membership The not-for-profit Arlington Heights Historical Society collects artifacts and materials related to the suburban historical experience of Arlington Heights. It supports the Historical Museum through community events, such as the Farmer’s Market, volunteerism and fundraising. Become a member today! Learn more at ahmuseum.org. Historical Society Membership perks include: • Subscription to the Dunton-Post, the Historical Society’s newsletter • Free admission to scheduled guided tours • Member rates to Historical Museum special events and programming • 10% off Heritage Gallery & Shop purchases • 15% off Historical Museum room rentals (subject to availability) The Center for Suburban History The Center is the premier research repository for the historical study of American Suburban culture and experience. The Center supports the study of suburban history and culture through the collection and preservation of significant archival materials, books, photographs, audio visual records, newspapers, maps and more. The Center is dedicated to serving local, regional and national research needs of residents, students, genealogists, academic historians and public interest. Please call for more information and to make an appointment at 847.255.1225. Volunteers Needed! Want to spend time learning about history? Help others learn about the past? Want to give back to your community? Volunteers are needed throughout the year to help support special events and lead tours. Contact the Historical Museum at 847.255.1225.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Little Historians Team Trivia Gather up your team and join us for an evening of fun and challenge to test your knowledge on a variety of topics! Sandwiches and snacks are provided and a cash bar will be available. Register one person per team (team captain) - teams can have up to six players. This event supports the Arlington Heights Historical Society to preserve your community’s history. Arlington Lakes Golf Club Code Age 76765 18 +
Day(s) Time Date(s) S 4:00p-7:00p 2/25
Fee $120
Tell your AH Story: Open Mic Night NEW!
Gather with local residents and friends and share your memories of Arlington Heights. Did you grow up in Arlington Heights? New to town? Join us for a fun filled evening sharing stories of our home town. Historical Museum Code Age 76770 18 +
Day(s) Time Date(s) S 3:00p-5:00p 3/3
Fee Free
Tasting Through Time This adults-only event brings together the finest in regional cuisine and drink with the historic atmosphere of the Arlington Heights Historical Museum. Travel building to building to sample sweet and savory delights paired with a featured cocktail, beer, or wine while exploring the history of the buildings and grounds of the Museum. Historical Society members save $15per person. Join today and save! (DS) Historical Museum Code Age 76818 21 +
Soda Pop Scientists This session will focus on the historical story of the Arlington Club Beverage company founded on the grounds of the museum. Taste test a variety of soda flavors and participate in science experiments with the soda pop. Historical Museum Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76814 6-10 yrs Sa 10:00a-11:00a 2/10
R/NR Fee $12/$15
Pioneers Children will become pioneers at this session! Learn about the history of pioneer travel, chores and historical living. Historical Museum Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76815 6-10 yrs Sa 10:00a-11:00a 3/9
R/NR Fee $12/$15
World Explorers Children will jump into the role of World Explorers this session, learning about different countries and activities enjoyed around our world. Historical Museum Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76816 6-10 yrs Sa 10:00a-11:00a 4/13
R/NR Fee $12/$15
Mini Historians Come full of curiosity! Each session our mini historians will learn about a different historical topic through reading stories, exploring the Museum campus, and hands on activities. We will make past fun and engaging in hopes that it becomes a lifelong love of learning. An adult needs to be present at each class. (DS) Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) R/NR Fee 76828 3-5 yrs Sa 10:00a -10:45a 1/20 $12/$15 76829 3-5 yrs Sa 10:00a -10:45a 4/6 $12/$15
Day(s) Time Date(s) Fee Sa 7:00p-9:00p 4/27 $40/person Society members get a $15 discount!
School and Scout Programs Teachers, scout leaders and homeschool groups – are you looking for a fun and educational trip for your students or scouts this year? Contact us for a range of programs that meet state school standards and scout badge requirements. For more information, visit www.ahmuseum.org
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
ARLINGTON CLUB SODA TRIED & TRUE. F.W. “Pop” Muller first delivered his soda along the dirt roads of Chicago’s Northwest Suburbs in 1872. For over 120 years the Arlington Club Beverage company sold their unique refreshments around Illinois.
Since 1872.
Today, we continue this tradition as Muller’s original soda factory is a part of the Arlington Heights Historical Museum, a cooperative effort of the Historical Society, Park District and Village in Arlington Heights, Illinois. All proceeds benefit the Arlington Heights Historical Museum. Fourteen flavors of soda are available for purchase at the museum. Visit www.ahmuseum.org or stop by the Historical Museum.
Mother's Day Tea Celebrate Mom in the beautiful setting of the Historic Banta House, a century-old arts and crafts inspired home. Join us in a relaxed celebration featuring steaming pots of tea and light refreshments. Mom will surely enjoy a tea party she doesn't have to clean up afterward! Fee is per person. (DS) Historical Museum Code Age 76777 5 +
Day(s) Time Date(s) Sa 12:30p-2:00p 5/11
R/NR Fee $22/$25
Sweetheart Tea Enjoy an afternoon with your favorite date. Enjoy this festive event with food, drinks and fun. Fee is per person. (DS) Historical Museum Code Age 76774 5 +
Day(s) Time Date(s) Sa 12:30p-2:00p 2/10
R/NR Fee $22/$25
Community Egg Hunt Extravaganza Bring the family and join us for the Annual Egg Hunt on the Museum grounds! Children 10 and under are invited to race around our grounds for treat-filled eggs starting promptly at the reserved timeslot. Following the egg hunt, families are invited to stay and explore the Museum with a scavenger hunt and take a picture with the Bunny! Historical Society members receive $6 registration discount. Join the society and save! (DS) Historical Museum Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) 76759 0-10 yrs Sa 10:00a-10:30a 3/23 76760 0-10 yrs Sa 11:00a-11:30a 3/23 76761 0-10 yrs Sa 12:00p-12:30p 3/23 76762 0-10 yrs Sa 1:00p-1:30p 3/23
M/NM Fee $4/$10 $4/$10 $4/$10 $4/$10
Spring Break Sampler History Camp Spring break can be a busy time so the Sampler Camp can easily fit into your family's schedule. Sign up for one day, all five or any other combination, to fit your needs. Each day will have a different theme filled with games, crafts, and fun—a small sampling of our summer camp offerings! Campers should bring two snacks plus lunch. Monday: Adventures in Art Tuesday: World Explorers Wednesday: Secrets of the Museum Thursday: Pioneer Adventure Friday: Fizz, Flash Bang! Soda Pop Science. (DS) Historical Museum Code Age 76780 7-11 yrs 76781 7-11 yrs 76782 7-11 yrs 76783 7-11 yrs 76784 7-11 yrs
Day(s) Time M 9:00a-3:00p T 9:00a-3:00p W 9:00a-3:00p Th 9:00a-3:00p F 9:00a-3:00p
Date(s) 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/28 3/29
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
R/NR Fee $40/$50 $40/$50 $40/$50 $40/$50 $40/$50
Reach every home inArlington Heights
ADVERTISE WITH US! Connect to the community and promote your business organization to the Arlington Heights community via program guides, website or eblasts!
Secure your spot today!
Contact Amy Lewandowski, Director of Marketing and Community Engagement at alewandowski@ahpd.org
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
SENIORS Park District Programs at the Arlington Heights Senior Center 1801 W. Central Rd. Arlington Heights, IL 60005 847.797.5341 The Arlington Heights Park District offers a wide variety of affordable leisure and recreational activities, including fitness & wellness programming, art and quilting classes, card games and more. Whether you are retired, semi-retired or still working, the Park District Active Adult Program at the Senior Center has something for everyone.
General Questions: 847.797.5341 Abby Vombrack Senior Center Supervisor 847.797.5344 Debbie Guzan Senior Center Program & Tour Coordinator 847.797.5340
Financial Assistance
The Park District offers financial assistance if you cannot afford program fees due to financial hardship. For an application, please call 847-797-5341.
Park District trips, luncheons, special events, and contracted classes are non-refundable due to contract agreements. All regular, non-contracted recreation programs are refundable for any unused classes from the time of the refund request. A $5 administrative fee will be retained for each program a participant withdraws from. No refunds will be given after a program has ended.
Arlington Classic Tour Club
Do you like to go out and enjoy musicals, plays, museum exhibits, casinos and other recreational destinations? Most importantly: Do you like to have fun?
Do You Have a Class or Program You Would Like to See Offered?
If so, Arlington Classic Tours is for you! The Park District does all the planning. All you do is register, check-in on the day of the tour, relax in the luxury motor coach arranged for the trip, and enjoy the activities. With over 60 one-day tours throughout each year, there’s something for everyone.
How to Register for a Program
Become a Tour Club Member to receive a $15 discount on each tour, priority registration, and our bi-monthly Tour Brochure mailed to your home.
We want to hear what you’re interested in! New programs may be added during a season. To share your ideas and learn more, call the Park District Office at the Senior Center at 847.797.5341. There are three ways you can register for a Park District program: 1. Online at ahpd.org/programs/seniors-50-plus/ 2. Over the phone at 847.797.5341 3. In-person at the Park District office at the Senior Center (1801 W. Central Road, Arlington Heights)
Visit Shop 1801
Call the Park District Office at the Senior Center for more information: 847.797.5341. Individual Membership $25 Household Membership $35 (2 people living at the same address)
Swing by the Park District Office at the Senior Center and peruse our gift shop, Shop 1801! We feature a variety of seasonal items, giftable trinkets, and an expansive selection of $1 greeting cards.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Health & Fitness at the Senior Center Arlington Athletic Club (AAC)
Fun & Fit Membership
Utilize our state-of-the-art exercise equipment at the AAC, located inside the Senior Center! Equipment includes 5 Star Trac and Precor treadmills, 4 NuStep recumbent steppers, 3 elliptical machines, 3 recumbent bikes, 2 Schwinn airdyne bikes, 2 rowing machines, 1 upright cycle, a multi-direction Cybex weight station, free weights and close circuit TVs.
Enjoy unlimited attendance to aerobic and strength classes at the Senior Center, with a Fun & Fit Membership! Led by our Fitness Instructors, we have class options available Mondays-Fridays. Fun & Fit member classes are not included in ARC passes. Class Times
Want a tour? Call 847.797.5341 to make an AAC tour appointment and learn about the machines. Tours can be scheduled Tuesdays or Thursdays at 10:45AM. Club Hours Club Fees
Punch Card
Monday-Friday: 8:30AM-3:30PM Saturday: 8:30AM-Noon Annual Membership: $178 ($148 renewal fee) Six-Month Membership: $118 ($108 renewal fee) $75 for 14 visits
Fun & Fit Fees
Punch Card
Monday: 9-9:45AM (Aerobics) Tuesday: 9-9:45AM (Aerobics) 9:45-10:30AM (Strength) Wednesday: 9-9:45AM (Aerobics) Thursday: 9-9:45AM (Aerobics) 10-10:45AM (Aerobics) 12:15-1PM (Aerobics) 1-1:45PM (Strength) Friday: 9-9:55AM (Strength) 10-10:45AM (Aerobics) Annual Membership: $215 ($205 renewal fee) Six-Month Membership: $144 ($134 renewal fee) $75 for 14 classes
Proper athletic attire must be worn, and closed-toe shoes must be worn in Athletic Club and Fitness classes.
Want both? Sign up for a Combo Membership! Unlimited visits to the Arlington Athletic Club PLUS unlimited attendance to daily Fun & Fit classes. • Annual Membership: $335 ($310 renewal fee) • Six-Month Pass: $187 ($175 renewal fee)
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Chair Yoga
Yoga is a wonderful way to relax, restore flexibility, improve breathing and increase energy. This class is designed for the student who excels when they do not get on the floor to exercise on a mat. Classes may involve optional exercises with light weights. Learn all the techniques with a few modifications so that you can move comfortably, with the support of a chair. (AV)
Code 76855 76962 77244 77110 77121 77245
Day(s) M W W M W W
Time 10:00a-11:00a 10:00a-11:00a 12:30p-1:30p 10:00a-11:00a 10:00a-11:00a 12:30p-1:30p
Date(s) 1/22-3/11 1/24-3/13 1/24-3/13 4/1-5/20 4/3-5/22 4/3-5/22
Fee $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80
ChiWalking is a mindful practice based on the foundational principles of Tai Chi. Improve walking efficiency and prevent injuries while you improve your posture, neutralize the forces of gravity and the oncoming road, and use your core muscles to create movement. The ChiWalking form focuses can be practiced throughout your day and become part of your daily routine. Our instructor is the only certified ChiWalking and ChiRunning instructor in Illinois. Wear comfortable walking closed-toe gym shoes to this class and bring a water bottle and snack. (AV) Code 77133
Day(s) Sa
Time 9:00a-12:00p
Date(s) 3/9
Fee $30
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise performed in a slow, relaxed, continuous motion. Learn Qi Gong breathing, stretching and 24 forms of Tai Chi. You'll improve balance, posture, and relax the mind while strengthening the muscles, tendons, and joints. To enroll in the advanced level classes you must be comfortable with the 24 forms of Tai Chi before enrolling in the advanced level class. (AV)
Code 76863 77116
Day(s) T T
Time 10:45a-11:30a 10:45a-11:30a
Date(s) 1/23-3/12 4/2-5/21
Fee $80 $80
Code 76864 77117
Day(s) T T
Time 11:45a-12:30p 11:45a-12:30p
Date(s) 1/23-3/12 4/2-5/21
Fee $80 $80
Yoga is a wonderful way to relax, restore flexibility, improve breathing and increase energy. The instructor takes you through warm up exercises, deep breathing, yoga postures and relaxation techniques in a gentle and non-strenuous manner. Floor routines are included in this class. Mats are provided; feel free to bring your own. (AV)
Code 76856 77111
Time 11:15a-12:45p 11:15a-12:45p
Date(s) 1/22-3/11 4/1-5/20
Fee $80 $80
Zumba Gold
Zumba Gold is a dynamic fitness class designed for active adults seeking a fun way to stay fit and energized. Set to infectious Latin and international music, this low-impact workout emphasizes easy-tofollow dance moves and gentle exercises to improve cardiovascular health, flexibility and coordination. Come celebrate movement and a healthy, active lifestyle! This is a contracted class; non-refundable. (AV)
Code 76865 76991 77119 77131
Day(s) M M
Day(s) T F T F
Time 6:00p-7:00p 11:00a-12:00p 6:00p-7:00p 11:00a-12:00p
Date(s) 1/23-3/12 1/26-3/15 4/2-5/21 4/5-5/24
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Fee $80 $80 $80 $80
Toomeys Line Dance Drop-In
BeMoved Dance
BeMoved is a dance fitness experience designed for adults of all movement abilities. Classes begin with easy-to-follow therapeutic movements that integrate the upper and lower body. Come and embrace dance as a lifelong path to health, joy and fulfillment. This is a contracted class and non-refundable. (AV)
Code 76966 77122
Day(s) W W
Time 11:15a-12:15p 11:15a-12:15p
Date(s) 1/24-3/13 4/3-5/22
Fee $80 $80
Broadway Bound Dance
Curtains up! Join us to have fun and move as we explore musical theatre dance! Led by an experienced musical theatre choreographer, participants will focus on learning different dances from Broadway musicals! No dance experience is required. (AV) Code 76977 77127
Day(s) Th Th
Time Date(s) 11:00a-12:00p 1/25-3/14 11:00a-12:00p 4/4-5/23
Fee $64 $64
Dance Workshop: Ballet/Jazz Basics NEW!
Discover the joy of movement in our Ballet/Jazz Basics one-day workshop designed exclusively for adults! Explore the graceful art of ballet and the vibrant rhythms of jazz as you enhance your flexibility, balance, and coordination. No previous dance experience required. Ballet or jazz shoes recommended, but any soft soled shoe will work fine. (AV) Code 77246
Day(s) M
Time 1:00p-2:00p
Date(s) 3/18
Fee $10
Join instructors Sharman and Dennis Toomey to learn beginner and intermediate line dances. They combine country, popular and alternative music with line dancing techniques. Meet new friends, learn new dances, exercise and have fun! This is a drop-in program. $8 per person, payable at door. Intermediate Level: Wednesdays at 7-9PM Beginner Level: Thursdays at 7-9:30PM
Dance Workshop: Ballroom for Beginners It's Back!
Get gussied up and learn to ballroom dance! Join us as we cover ballroom basics such as Foxtrot, Rumba, and Waltz. This beginner class is for both singles and couples. Comfortable shoes, preferably with leather or other non-stick soles, make it easier to move. Spiffy attire to get you in the mood is encouraged! (AV) Code 76994
Day(s) T
Time 7:00p-8:00p
Date(s) 1/16
Fee $10
Let’s Get Tapping
Got rhythm? Come learn tap terminology, dance steps and tap skills through the progression of this tap class! This fun and energetic class allows for modification of techniques for every skill and ability level. Tap shoes are highly recommended but closed-toed shoes are acceptable as well. All experience levels welcome. (AV)
Code 78036 77118 77128
Day(s) Th T Th
Time 2:00p-3:00p 3:00p-4:00p 2:00p-3:00p
Date(s) 1/25-3/14 4/2-5/21 4/4-5/23
Fee $80 $80 $80
Modern Square Dance Drop-In Led by Arlington Squares, this group offers dances at the SSD and Plus levels. Dances are held in the Dance Room at the Senior Center. All experienced square dancers welcome. Schedule: Fridays January 12 and 26; February 9 and 23; March 8, 22 and 29; April 12 and 26; May 10, 24 and 31 at 7:30-10PM $8 per person, payable at the door. For more info, visit arlingtonsquares.com.
Improv Workshop: Let’s Laugh! NEW!
Ever dreamed of being on SNL? Taking the stage at Second City? Start your Improv journey today! Improv, short for improvisation, is a form of acting with no script. In this one-hour workshop designed for beginners, you'll be introduced to the fundamentals of improv in a low-stakes and welcoming environment. No experience needed. Let's laugh! This is a contracted, non-refundable class. (AV) Code 77135
Day(s) F
Time 3:30p-4:30p
Date(s) 3/22
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Fee $20
Bridge Beginning
This class focuses on the Standard American Bridge form, language, the mechanics of bidding and playing structured hands. No prior Bridge experience needed! (AV) Code 76852 77107
Day(s) M M
Time Date(s) 10:00a-12:00p 1/22-3/11 10:00a-12:00p 4/1-5/20
Fee $104 $104
Bridge Intermediate
This class continues with skills you learned as a beginner. It emphasizes additional bidding and the introduction of simple conventions. Learn logical thinking and the sound techniques needed to give the best play. (AV) Code 76861 77114
Day(s) T T
Time Date(s) 10:00a-12:00p 1/23-3/12 10:00a-12:00p 4/2-5/21
Fee $104 $104
Bridge Advanced
This class incorporates advanced bidding techniques with special emphasis on play of hand and defensive play. Students must have an understanding of Standard American Bridge bidding techniques of Stayman, Gerber and Blackwood conversions. (AV)
Code 76862 77115
Day(s) T T
Time 1:00p-3:00p 1:00p-3:00p
Date(s) 1/23-3/12 4/2-5/21
Fee $104 $104
Best Bridge Ever!
Learn to view bidding, play of hand and defense techniques for those who already know the basics of Standard American Bridge. The format is up to an eight hand, pre-dealt game. (AV)
Code 76973 77126
Day(s) Th Th
Time 1:00p-3:00p 1:00p-3:00p
Date(s) 1/25-3/14 4/4-5/23
Fee $104 $104
Mah Jongg Beginner
CRACK! BAM! DOT! If you want to learn a fun game and meet new people this is the class for you. You’ll learn the rules and strategies behind playing the American version of the game. All levels welcome, but we will teach from the beginning. A Mah Jongg card is required to play and can be purchased for $15 prior to the start of the class at the Senior Center. (AV) Code 76853 77108
Day(s) M M
Time 12:30p-2:30p 12:30p-2:30p
Date(s) 1/22-3/11 4/1-5/20
Fee $80 $80
Mah Jongg Intermediate
Enjoy playing Mah Jongg but want to be better at it? Have you taken our beginners class or a previous class and want to build on what you have learned so far? Join us for the beyond the basics Intermediate Mah Jongg class. A Mah Jongg card is required to play and can be purchased for $15 prior to the start of the class at the Senior Center. (AV)
Code 76854 77109
Day(s) M M
Time 3:00p-5:00p 3:00p-5:00p
Date(s) 1/22-3/11 4/1-5/20
Fee $80 $80
Bridge Potpourri
Join our open division forum designed to find solutions to Bridge challenges. This class is specifically designed for students with advanced skill in Standard American Bridge and bidding techniques. Areas of concerns regarding bidding defense, play of hand, protocol, and more will be discussed. (AV)
Code 76850 77106
Day(s) M M
Time 4:00p-6:00p 4:00p-6:00p
Date(s) 1/22-3/11 4/1-5/20
Fee $104 $104
Arlington Bridge B’s Every Saturday 9:30-11:30AM
Are you a novice Bridge player who would like to earn credit towards becoming a Bridge Life Master? This game is designed for novice players who want to establish ranking with the American Contract Bridge League and who have 50 points or less. This sanctioned game is $7. Pay at the door for two hours of playing under the supervision of Patricia Braun, Bridge Gold Life Master.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Long Distance Travel
Wednesday, February 14 11:30-2:30pm The Cotillion, 360 S. Creekside in Palatine Ready to celebrate love? The Sweet Soiree is the place to be! Join us for an afternoon at the Cotillion featuring a full-service lunch and top notch entertainment by Elvis Tribute Artist, Landon James! Lunch choices include Fillet of Salmon, Chicken Brochette Kabobs, or Pasta Primavera. All entrees come with cream of chicken soup, rice pilaf, green beans and carrots almondine, with raspberry sherbet for dessert. Water, coffee, and hot tea are included. A cash bar will be available for additional beverages. Entree selection due at time of registration. No menu substitutions, but please inform the Park District of any food allergies when you register. Doors open at 11:30AM. Lunch will be served at 12PM with entertainment at 1PM. The Cotillion is located at 360 S. Creekside in Palatine. Registration not available day of event. Use code 76992 to register. Registration not available day of event. Use code 76992 to register. $49/per person.
Irish Splendor Oct. 25 – Nov. 1, 2024 | 8 days | 9 meals Double: $3,649 | Single: $4,149 Triple: $3,619 The Arlington Heights Park District partners with Collette Travel to offer extended trips where everything from air fare, to schedule, to activities is taken care of! Want to talk to an expert about the trip? Contact Kelly Brazis of Expert Journeys Travel at 847.208.0173 or kelly@expertjourneystravel.com
HOLIDAY CHEER! Friday, December 8 / 11:15am -2:45pm Meridian Banquet Hall 1701 Algonquin Road, Rolling Meadows Join us for a holiday luncheon, raffle, and live entertainment from Rosie & the Rivets. Entrée choices include: Cheese Tortellini, Chicken Francais, Roast Sirloin, Salmon Cream of chicken soup, twice-baked potato, green beans, and coffee/tea are included, along with an ice cream tart for dessert. A cash bar will be available. REGISTER TODAY! In person: Arlington Heights Senior Center Phone: 847.797.5341 / Online: ahpd.org Code 71473
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Quilting With Friends Drop-In
50 Shades of Colored Pencils
With colored pencils you can make vivid and rich drawings that can look like paintings! Plus colored pencils are a great, portable art medium and wonderful stress buster. No drawing experience necessary. Colored pencils available for $30 at the Senior Center. Come and create with us! (AV)
Code 76986 77130
Day(s) F F
Time 9:30a-12:00p 9:30a-12:00p
Date(s) 1/26-3/15 4/5-5/24
Fee $117 $117
Art of Acrylics Beginner
Learn to work with and create beautiful works of art with acrylic paints. Acrylic paint uses a synthetic resin to bind pigments. Its thickness can be adjusted with water, allowing it to resemble a watercolor or oil painting, or have its own unique characteristics not attainable with other media! If you are sensitive to oil paint fumes but like the look and feel of oils, this is the class for you. This class is designed for beginning artists. Supplies are included. (AV) Code 76971 77125
Day(s) Th Th
Time 12:30p-3:00p 12:30p-3:00p
Date(s) 1/25-3/14 4/4-5/23
Fee $120 $120
Wednesdays from 10AM-12PM 1/24-5/22 (No class 3/20 and 3/27)
Work on your personal project while socializing with those who share your passion for quilting! An instructor is available for any suggestions or questions. $8 per visit. Punch card available for $80 for 10 visits. Check in at the Park District office each week when you arrive.
Art of Acrylics Intermediate/Advanced Open to Intermediate and Advanced artists, this class allows you to expand upon your skillset of making art with acrylic paint. Supplies are included. (AV) Code 76970 77124
Day(s) Th Th
Time 9:30a-12:00p 9:30a-12:00p
Date(s) 1/25-3/14 4/4-5/23
Fee $120 $120
Crochet Beginners
This class is for the true beginner. Learn the basic crochet stitches and how to read a pattern. You will be working on a simple project right away. Supplies to bring to class include Boyd Brand Size G, H and I hooks; scissors and a blunt metal needle. Yarn is available in class. (AV)
Code 76718 77093
Day(s) M M
Time 8:45a-9:45a 8:45a-9:45a
Date(s) 1/22-3/11 4/1-5/20
Fee $64 $64
Explore with Charcoals & Pastels
Explore drawing skills through these two vibrant mediums and create your own special artwork. You'll be guided under the direction of a highly experienced teaching artist. No experienced needed. Supplies are included. (AV) Code 76860
Day(s) T
Time 12p-2:30p
Date(s) 1/23-3/12
Fee $96
Crochet With Friends Drop-in Mondays from 11AM-1PM 1/22-5/20 (No class 3/18 and 3/25)
Crocheting is such a relaxing hobby. This drop-in program gives you an opportunity to socialize with friends while working on your personal projects. An instructor will be available for any questions or advice. Supplies are not included. $8 per visit. Punch card available for $80 for 10 visits. Check in at the Park District office each week when you arrive.
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Calligraphy Workshop: Japanese Characters
Get a taste of creating Japanese calligraphy in this one-time workshop! You'll be introduced to the brush strokes, materials, and process of creating beautiful traditional Japanese style characters. This is a great way to dip your toe in to this meditative, mindful art form. Materials included in fee. (AV) Code 77724
Pottery Workshop: Mug Mania! NEW!
There's nothing like cradling your favorite mug to start your day. What if you made your favorite mug with your own hands? Join Thrown Elements Pottery to learn how to hand build a mug from a slab of clay and paint it with your own design. This class takes place at the Senior Center. The mug will be fired and available for pickup after the workshop at Thrown Elements. This is a contracted class; non-refundable. (AV) Code 77134
Day(s) W
Time 12:00p-2:00p
Date(s) 3/20
Fee $45
Tapestry Weaving
Learn the ancient craft of hand weaving on a tapestry loom. Connect to your creative spirit as you discover the process of interlacing yarn to make a lovely piece of fabric. No experience necessary. All are welcome. All supplies are included. (AV) Code 76995
Day(s) Sa
Time 12:00p-3:00p
Date(s) 1/20
Fee $25
Watercolor Class
Relax and have fun while experiencing the magic of transparent watercolor painting! You will comfortably learn color mixing, materials and techniques with a wide variety of subject matter, guided by our instructor. All levels are welcome! (AV)
Code 76857 77112
Day(s) T T
Time 9:30a-11:30a 9:30a-11:30a
Date(s) 1/23-3/12 4/2-5/21
Fee $96 $96
Works of Art
Explore the fine art of portraiture or delve into creating a beautiful landscape, floral or still life. Our instructor will help you create stunning works of art! Please bring a clear, good size picture to class that you would like to use to create your masterpiece. (AV)
Code 76848 77103
Day(s) M M
Time 1:15p-3:45p 1:15p-3:45p
Date(s) 1/22-3/11 4/1-5/20
Day(s) F
Time 2:30p-3:30p
Date(s) 1/12
Fee $5
Meditative Japanese Calligraphy
Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and embark on a serene journey of self-expression and mindfulness in this class. You’ll learn the art of drawing Japanese characters with traditional tools while cultivating inner tranquility and creativity. At the end of class you will have a completed masterpiece: either a word or your name in Japanese created by you! (AV)
Code 77665 77666
Day(s) F F
Time 2:30p-3:30p 2:30p-3:30p
Date(s) 1/26-3/15 4/5-5/24
Fee $80 $80
Mixed Media Art
The #1 thing you'll learn in this class is having fun while being creative! Experience art with different mediums such as paper craft, collages, pencils, paints, and more. This is a great class for anyone interested in trying art for the first time. Or if you're an experienced artist in a rut, this class will re-charge your creativity. (AV) Code 77113
Day(s) T
Time 12p-2:30p
Date(s) 4/2-5/21
Fee $120
OPEN ART STUDIO DROP-IN Fridays, 1/26-5/24 | 12:15-2:15PM (No class 3/22 and 3/29)
Drop-in to the Open Art Studio, where all levels are welcome! Enjoy time in our space to work on your projects, finish art pieces, and connect with fellow artists. An art instructor will be available for questions and guidance. Please bring your own supplies. $8 per visit. Check in at the Park District office at the Senior Center when you arrive.
Fee $120 $120
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Beginner Wood Working
Do you want to create a beautiful wood project but don't know all the ins and outs of a Wood Shop? In this class, you will learn how to use the equipment properly while making a wood project. All supplies are included. (AV)
Code 76980 77129
Day(s) Th Th
Time 12:15p-3:15p 12:15p-3:15p
Date(s) 1/25-2/15 4/4-4/25
Fee $100 $100
Carve On
Learn to carve one-of-a-kind relief plaques, simple figures and other special projects through this specialized art form. It's fun, relaxing, and rewarding! A supply list is available at the first class. Register early as space is limited. (AV)
Code 76957 77120
Day(s) W W
Time 1:00p-3:00p 1:00p-3:00p
Date(s) 1/24-3/13 4/3-5/22
Fee $40 $40
Learn The Lathe
Have you ever wanted to learn how to do wood turning and use a lathe? Learn the process step-by-step! You will receive a project assignment to complete before the next class. Class fee includes one extra visit to the Wood Shop during regular hours to practice your new skills. Schedule your shop visit in the Senior Center Park District Office in advance to make sure the lathe is available for use. (AV) Code 77132
Day(s) F
Time 9:00a-1:00p
Date(s) 4/5-4/26
Fee $60
Wood Shop Membership Monday – Thursday, 9AM-Noon
Certification is needed before purchasing a Wood Shop membership. Participants must be 18 years or older to operate Wood Shop equipment. Once certified, you’ll have access to the shop located right in the Senior Center. There are 8 complete workstations. Please call the Park District Office at the Senior Center at 847.797.5341 to make an appointment to become certified. Annual - New! 10 Visits 6 Visits Daily Use
$115 $80 $48 $14
Pendant Workshop: Turning & Marbling NEW!
Transform a block of wood into a beautiful, unique pendant in this two-day workshop! On day 1, you'll learn to work on the lathe and craft a smooth, circular pendant in a small group. On day 2, we will transform your turned pendant into a one of a kind piece of wearable art using the ancient art of marbling. No experience required and all materials are included in the fee. Please wear clothes that can get messy and close-toed shoes for this class. (AV) Code Day(s) Time 76993 F 9:00a-12:00p 77901 F 12:30p-3:30p
Date(s) 1/12-1/19 1/12-1/19
Equipment available: • Saw stop table saw • 14” band saw • DeWalt 12” sliding compound miter saw • Variable speed drill press • Grizzley 15” planer • Belt, disc, and jet drum sanders • 12” lathe and Rikon mini-lathe • Delta 6” jointer • DeWalT Variable Speed 20” scroll saw • Router • And more!
Arlington Heights Park District | Winter/Spring 2024 | www.ahpd.org
Fee $20 $20
Arlington Heights Park Foundation 23rd Annual Golf Outing
Thank you Sponsors Eagle Sponsors FCL Builders Norwood Builders FGM Architects Stumm Insurance Birdie Sponsors PFM Asset Management FORVIS Eriksson Engineering Associates Prizes Sponsor Soil and Material Consultants, Inc.
Cart Sponsors Maryville Academy Village Bank & Trust Ian Beamer with Guaranteed Rate The Ortman Group with Berkshire Hathaway Stark Appetizer & Hole Sponsor Divine Signs Lunch Sponsor Enterprise Fleet Management Contest Sponsor Hitchcock Design Group
Thank you for voting Arlington Heights Park District as Daily Heralds Readers’ Choice Best Park District!
AHPD loves serving you and your families all year-long!
Hole Sponsor Enterprise Fleet Management RAM Communications, Inc. Air-Flo HVAC Chapman and Cutler LLP Halogen Supply Company Metro Federal Credit Union North Arlington Pediatrics Sikich, LLP Unemployment Consultants, Inc. Liberty Mutual Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
410 N. Arlington Heights Rd. Arlington Heights, IL 60004 www.ahpd.org
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CHOOSE YOUR CAMP ADVENTURE Full Day, Half Day, One Day and Everything in Between Resident | Tuesday, March 5 Non-Resident | Tuesday, March 12 Available Digitally Only by mid-February at ahpd.org