AHPD Scout Programs

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! ? w o n k u o y Did Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, was an Eagle Scout.

ay lo r S w if t & K at ie Co u r ic , T ir l s co u t s ! g ll a e r e w w o G w y e n t h Pa lt r

Scout programs will be held at the following AHPD facilities. Arlington Heights Park District SENIOR CENTER 1801 W. Central Rd. ahpd.org/scouts

FRONTIER PARK 1913 N. Kennicott Dr. ahpd.org/scouts





LAKE ARLINGTON 2102 N. Windsor Dr. ahpd.org/scouts

HISTORICAL MUSEUM 110 W. Fremont St. ahpd.org/scouts

PIONEER PARK 500 S. Fernandez Ave. ahpd.org/scouts

Scou ts w ill le ar n ho w to th em se lv es cr eati ve ly an ex pr es s d fi nd lo ve s in a va ri et y of in te ne w re st s! ARLINGTON HEIGHTS PARK DISTRICT SCOUT PROGRAMS AHPD.ORG/SCOUTS

badge program for local scout troops. ut sco ’s rict Dist k Par hts Heig ton ing Arl WELCOME to the op the experiences to earn their badge*. Our programs are designed to give your tro ng provides children with a positive uti Sco , iety soc s ay’ tod in ces uen infl e With all the negativ . the right ways. But you already know this peer group who can ENCOURAGE THEM in all


• A minimum of 1 adult per 5 scouts is required.

We love siblings, but: •Siblings are discouraged from attending the badge programs. This allows the instructor to focus their attention and time on the scout troop. •If siblings must attend, you will be required to pay for their attendance.

Program Fees: •Payment is due in full upon arrival to your badge program. •Program fees vary and are based on staffing needs, program supplies and the length of the program.

Program Cancellation: •A $25 cancellation fee will apply if cancellation request received less than two weeks prior to the start of your scheduled program. *Some of our experiences meet only a portion of the specific badge requirements. For these badges, we advise that you seek the remainder of the requirements elsewhere.

Cub Sc ts

AHPD Badge

Badge experiences

2 ways to

1. Online: V


Building Ch

eck list

build it

www.ahpd Complete t .org/scout he worksh s eet to sta experience rt custom from the c izing your onvenienc badge e your dev 2. email: ices 24/7! email scou tprograms @a -Badge pro gram name hpd.org with the foll owing info -desired pr rmation: ogram dat e & time (p -Approxima le a se give 2 o te number ptions) of -Troop Lea der’s Name scouts attending. & contact in please allo fo w 24 busin ess hours for a retu rn respons e.

program co


& waivers

- A Scout C onfirmatio nF - Waivers must be co orm will be sent to mpleted fo the troop - Prior to leader onc r each par the progra ticipating e the prog m, the tro waivers m ram is boo sc o o u p t. le ust be sub a d er ked. w il l receive a mitted at reminder. the time o Program pa f arrival. yment and

Be prepare

d for progr

am day:

- Please ar rive on tim e. - Remember to bring y our paymen - don’t for t get to mak e memories and completed partic ipa and have a great time! nt waivers


LIONS tigers wolves bears webelos Boy Sc ts

Badge experiences merit

Girl Sc ts

Badge experiences daisies brownies juniors cadettes seniors ambassadors

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