AHRMA MAG August 2019, Vol. No. 1. Issue No. 7

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American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association


AHRMA Celebrates 30 Years at World Famous Unadilla New Venue: Heartland Motorsports Park Preliminary 2020 Rules Proposals

august 2019, Vol. No.1, Issue No.7

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welcome to AHRMA Mag A million and one years ago. Ok, 20 years ago– writing for Motorcyclist, RRW and Motorcycle.com. They needed a photo of me on one of my personal bikes. Almost flung myself off into the canyon on this one more than once. Funs. Thought I was gonna die. Reals. What a beyatch in LA traffic though. Solds. Before my inevitable death. What makes AHRMA the number one historic racing organization in the world? I’m guessing every one of us would have a different answer to that question. And for me that’s exactly what makes the difference– our diversity and opposing opinions. One thing for sure, we are all racers. "Did I beat you to the checkout counter with my groceries?" Maybe not the best example, but truly, that’s how our minds work, right? Just don’t shove that disabled person (or me now, that chubby, grey-haired old lady) out of the way to get there, ha! AHRMA has never been a one-hive mind, we all accept, learn, and grow from our multidisciplinary, moto-head experience. One makes us weak, ALL makes us strong. There’s not another organization that matches us... anywhere. Nope. I’ll never forget being pit crew for 3 newbie RR racers at Sandia, talk about a squirrel scramble. First call, “Where are your boots?” Second call, “Your gloves and helmet are on your tank, and yes, put in your ear plugs and put on your helmet before gloves, let me get you off the race stand.” Third call, “GO!” Geez, if I’d only had peanut butter for those squirrels. During all of this, there was a guy who kept running back and forth through our pit like a crazy person. At the end of the weekend, come to find out, there was an Iron Man trophy in AHRMA, and it was Ron Melton (Editor at Large), galloping through our pit, who won it. Took me years to actually meet him and become friends, I consider myself fortunate. Now that’s the spirit of On Any Sunday that used to bloom in AHRMA, y’all. So yep. AHRMA is ALL, and that’s what I’ve tried to show in every issue of AHRMA Mag that I've created. We’ve raced at the finest tracks in the USA. From the high banks of Daytona International Speedway to the hollowed grounds of Unadilla, and we should be double-hot-diggity-dog-damn proud of our all-in passion for diversity. So here it comes. In this issue we celebrate 30 years at Unadilla, where echoes of the greats whisper in our ears– urging us to be, well, just that– great. NY Times contributor Dexter Ford was gracious enough to share his photos, and his account of the ethereal essence of the past from that legendary weekend in 1975. The Legends and Heroes that have turned a wheel at Unadilla race among us in spirit and in presence today, we are lucky that they choose to race with us, but is it actually luck? Somehow I don’t think so. We're just that cool, and it’s the AHRMA ALL that keeps them coming back. On the pavement side of things, we pay homage to “Our Favorite Trackside Photographers,” Bob Hartman, Brad Schwab Jr., and Brad III (BJ) of etechphoto. I sure THE oNE KEEPINGST! do remember Bob and Brad Jr. when they were EuroTech PAST FA Racing and then EuroTech photo, two of the coolest guys around. Everyone flocked to those A-frame photo boards featuring the color proofs to see if their own image was captured on film. Hard to believe that I’ve known Bob for over 30 years now, wow! Cheers Bob and BJ! Love you guys to the moon and back and thanks for your irreplaceable contribution to AHRMA. And here's the business of biz. To date AHRMA Mag elebrates has saved an average of $600 per issue with a total AHRMsAatCWorld 30 Years Unadilla YTD savings of $3786.75. Not Bad! Famou e: Heartland New Vespnu Park Lastly, in this issue are the 2020 Preliminary Rules Motor orts 20 inary 20 Proposals, Barber info, and Get to the Track, Jack. PrelimPr als os op Rules Check it. Over and out, catch ya’ on the flip side!


PUBLISHER The American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association EDITOR AT LARGE Ron Melton ronpaco@gmail.com ASSOCIATE EDITORS Joe Koury, Patrick McGraw LAST PAGE GUEST EDITOR Dexter Ford EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Stewart Aitken-Cade, MIke Bickley, Dexter Ford, Bob Hartman, Tom Hillard, Brett Leveque, Debbie Poole, Emily Reichart, Greg Tomlinson, Jim West, Charlie Williams PHOTOGRAPHY CONTRIBUTORS Dexter Ford, Mike Hance, Bob Hartman, Etech Photo, Amy Jaques, Mary Jorgenson, Klotz Productions Photography, Scott Perry, Kelly Shane, Lorena Walker ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES ahrmamag@ahrma.org ....................................... DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Cindy McLean cindy.mclean@ahrma.org | 904.477.6987

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–Alpha Lima India Charlie Echo

Jim Pomeroy, the first American to win an FIM Motocross Grand Prix, the Spanish 250, gave a good account of himself at Unadilla, barely yielding to an inspired—and more bigbike-experienced—Brad Lackey. Photo: Dexter Ford.



AHRMA MAG 49 Ferguson Lane, Elora, TN 37328 931. 308. 0338 ahrmamag@ahrma.org www.ahrma.org AHRMA Mag is published ten times a year by the American Historic Racing Association, Ltd. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this work in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited. AHRMA Mag is printed in the United States of America. The articles contained in this magazine are works of journalism and do not represent the opinions or ideas of AHRMA Mag and the publisher assume no responsibility for the content of advertisements. While we welcome submissions, the magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Please do not send originals. AHRMA Headquarters: 49 Ferguson Lane, Elora, TN 37328




National event entries and entry forms, administrative matters, and sponsorship inquires. Curt Comer, Executive Director 49 Ferguson Lane Elora, TN 37328 Phone: 931. 308. 0338 email: curt.comer@ahrma.org


Membership applications and renewals, all changes of address for membership, racing number assignments and AHRMA Mag delivery. Elli Klein, Membership Director 5765 Walnut Rd. Macclenny, FL 32063 321.277.4985/fax 904. 485. 7085 elli.klein@ahrma.org; elli.ahrma@gmail.com


DIRT TRACK DIRECTOR David Aldana: 770. 653. 1909 davidaldana13@hotmail.com OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR Fred Guidi: 724. 462. 1854 fredguidi@gmail.com ROADRACE DIRECTORS Faynisha Pentecost: 256. 506. 6603 Tony Pentecost: 256. 506. 8254 ahrma@oneracing.org FAST & SAFE ROADRACE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Andrew Cowell: 910. 431. 2956 Admin: Elli.Klein@ahrma.org


Luke Conner, Chairman: 337. 280. 1066 luke.conner@ahrma.org Louis LeBlanc, Secretary: 225. 405. 8707 louisgleblanc18n@icloud.com Arthur Kowitz, Treasurer: 386. 547. 9504 dbsuperbiker@gmail.com Carl Anderson: 256. 353. 8356 carl849gp@yahoo.com Kevin Burns: 614. 519. 6188 68.kburns@gmail.com Fred Guidi: 724. 462. 1854 fredguidi@gmail.com Brian Larrabure: 818. 421. 3440 brianl.ahrma@gmail.com Debbie Poole: 415. 435. 0768 pooleschl1@hotmail.com Rob Poole: After 6pm 415. 990. 9003, voicemail: 415.435.0768; robpoole57@hotmail.com Beno Rodi: 770. 867. 1676 beno@rodi.net

Top: This shot of Pomeroy made the cover of Cycle Sport. He’s dropping into the Gravity Cavity on his works Bultaco, newly resuspended with trick forward-mounted shocks. Above: Pomeroy speed/comfort secret: tiny squares of duct tape stuck on his nipples to avoid the dreaded jersey-chafe syndrome. –Dexter Ford AUGUST 2019


Kelly Shane: 775. 772. 2857 fax 530.587.7597; flynpenguin@gmail.com Ellen Voermans: 530. 591. 3951 chicmxr@hotmail.com WWW.AHRMA.ORG


IN This Issue Executive Director's Report


Inaugural Salute to Veterans


Smoothing Out from the RR Directors


Niarada Raceway Regional


900 Words from the OR Director


Ashcraft Farms Regional


Did You Know? From the DC Director


2020 Rules Proposals


Flashback 11

Barber Paddock Parking


Unadilla Rewind, Keeping the Past Fast


Get to the Track: Race Previews


Behind the Lens


Marketplace 52

Hot Laps at Heartland


Swap Meet

On the Cushion at Greenville


The Last Page 54



AHMRA Operations from the Executive Director

RR: The Track is Smoothing Out

By the time you are reading this issue of the AHRMA MAG, I will have surpassed 90-days as Executive Director. It has been a challenging three months and I am thankful for all that have helped mentor me. My first AHMRA Board of Trustees meeting was Monday, July 1 in Topeka, KS. I came away impressed on the proceedings, quality input and how much got accomplished in only one day. For those of you who have never attended an AHRMA Board Meeting, the open-member comment session is a unique opportunity to meet those who work for our organization, present, exchange ideas and, well, just become involved. Thanks to the members who attended this portion as your input was very valuable. The message I have been preaching about “1 AHRMA” seemed to take hold. AHRMA is compiled of various racing disciplines with each playing a unique role in making AHRMA a growing organization – “1 AHRMA.” A big part of this Board Meeting was related to review of Rule Change Proposals. For those not familiar with this process, there is a documented and established procedure for the way AHMRA rules are added, changed or modified. First, there is an annual call for submissions whereby any member in good standing can suggest rules. Submissions received by the cut-off date go to the respective committees to be reviewed and receive a recommendation to accept or reject. The next step the Board of Trustees reviewing, discussing, and voting to either accept or reject the individual proposals. A significant portion of the Topeka Board Meeting was devoted to this process. All of the proposals go out to the members for comment via the AHRMA website and AHRMA Mag (See page 34). After reviewing input from members, the Trustees review them as a group one final time at the last Board Meeting of the year and the final decision is made for each proposal. As you can see, all AHRMA rules (competition and otherwise) are not taken lightly and thoroughly vetted before making their way into the Handbook. Lastly, there was the “closed session” at the end of the Topeka meeting where some business matters of a more sensitive nature were discussed. In the interest of transparency and encouraging member involvement, there was the usual audio podcast recording. Additionally there are “official” written minutes filed to satisfy our legal requirements. Our AHRMA By-laws lay out the organization's governance, whereby “The business affairs of the Associations shall be managed by the Board of Trustees.” With four seats coming open at the end of 2019, I encourage everyone to perform due diligence and vote. "1 AHRMA!" – Curtis E. Comer AHRMA Executive Director 931.308.0338 curt.comer@ahrma.org

Officially one event in and it seems as if this road will be fun and interesting. AHRMA Roadracing rolled into Topeka under the unseasonably warm skies with some surprises tucked away for our racers. We believe the most glaring of those surprises was the way Tech was handled. Electronic check in and the start of once a weekend tech. Some had heard the whispers about such a procedure in the past and we think the experiment went well. MSR is getting better and better as we go forward and we feel it will ultimately be a very useful tool for everyone. We might recommend going through your account and updating your account and help us fill in some blanks. Transponder number is a large vacuum and one of the things that is confirmed at check in. If you have an empty DOB you might just get carded by the registration staff especially if you are approaching that magic 70 number. As I sit here in my penthouse office with the full office staff (both of us) scurrying to my every whim, the reminder that Barber Paddock and Pit forms are out and can be picked up at the track or downloaded from the website. Even if you do not need electricity or are camping we need one on file for ALL of our attendees so we have a better idea how to lay out the paddock or pit. Those are due in by September 6, 2019. We know 2019 has been a growing and sometimes bumpy ride but we feel the track is smoothing out a bit and really appreciate the opportunity to listen to all of you to make AHRMA the greatest race in the country.




– Tony and Faynisha Pentecost AHRMA National Roadrace Directors Faynisha: 256.506.6603 Tony: 256. 506. 8254 ahrma@oneracing.org Photo by Amy Jacques.


Losing Sucks

Did you know?

As I circulate the historic Lake Sugar Tree Motocross track, I glance to my left and notice that on lap 3, 18-year old Titus Terrell already has a half lap lead on me. I know that we are not in the same class, but let’s face it, even with a stacked gate, we are racing whoever we find out there. For the rest of the race it did not get any better, and at the end I considered it a weak win to not get lapped by this youngster. Rolling into the pits, my girls asked, what happened Dad? I said, “Your father is almost 60 damnit, and for some reason there is a disconnect between my desire to win, and my right wrist!” “Yeah Dad but you have been riding a lot longer than some of those guys, maybe you are having a bad day,” exclaimed Rodent 1. I’ve gotten pretty good at coming up with a quick excuse, and normally I would offer up something like, “I think Nibbles did something to my carburetor while being Tech’d.” or “I put the wrong helmet on and it kept falling down over my eyes while I was scrubbing those braking bumps.” None of those would work today. I think I mumbled something about youth being wasted on the young, but I’m not sure that anyone heard me. This weekend’s event had been on my mind for the last few days. What is it that makes us get slower as we age? I’m not looking for some scientific rationale, or some medical diagnosis about reflexes and such, I want the practical reason. Why, when we stare down a bumpy, 5th gear straight, do we stay in third? I am working on this and hope to have a solution that does not include some act of treachery. And speaking of slow, Jason and I would like to announce that John Owen has accepted the position of Great Lakes Coordinator. John has been a friend of AHRMA for many years, volunteering when asked, and digging in at key events. John will most likely be remembered running for his life, while holding the 2-minute card at Diamond Don’s, forgetting until the last moment that he is about to be plowed under by 30 Sportsman 250’s! John, the rule of thumb is that when you turn the card sideways, you turn and dive for the fence. Thank you, John, for answering the call! As we ready ourselves for Shady Acres, I hope everyone is enjoying their summers at the track!

I know, I know, I'm beating the drum on MotorsportReg.com again, but hopefully you will appreciate it! Here are a few things that you can do on MotorsportReg in your account profile that perhaps you didn't know: • Add your transponder number to: • Each of your vehicles; • Member Profile information; • Update year/make/model for each of your vehicles; • Join / Renew your membership; • Update your ARHMA Mag subscription; • Update your emergency contact information; • Update your medical information (so you get the best treatment); • Add a photograph of yourself for your profile; • Add a photograph of each of your bikes on your profile; • Update your birth date (required when you sign up for events); • Change your mailing address; • Add or update your phone number(s); • Change your email address for emailing purposes (your userid email address can not be changed); • Add club memberships; • Add riding/racing experience so that the race directors have a better idea of your skill level; • Add and delete disciplines; • Set your experience level for offroad; and • Create account relationships (Relationships allow another MotorsportReg account to manage your profile and complete registrations on your behalf). In addition, so long as pre-registration is still open, you can also: • Add and remove classes; • Change the bike year/make/model; • Verify/update your race number; and • Cancel your registration. Unfortunately, race registration updates may only be made without our assistance if you registered after we migrated to MotorsportReg.com. If you were pre-entered on SeriesTracker, and find it necessary to update your registration, please contact the "Event Organizer" listed on the Event Details page in MotorsportReg. As new features are rolled out, we will be making additional announcements.

See you at the Gate!

– Fred “900” Guidi AHRMA National Offroad Director 724.462.1854 fred.guidi@ahrma.org

– Cindy McLean AHRMA Digital Communications Director cindy.mclean@ahrma.org Photo by: Etech AUGUST 2019






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FLASHBACK Thrills, Chills and Spills! Join us in the AHRMA Time Machine. Send your awesome, waybackflashback images to: ahrmamag@ahrma.org


www.BarberVintageFestival.org • Be sure to visit the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum at Barber Motorsports Park •

3rd Annual Barber Pro Cup Back for its third year, the Barber Pro Cup returns to the 15th Annual Barber Vintage Festival October 4- 6, 2019. Bringing out the big guns of pro racing, the Barber Cup is a favorite among spectators with qualifying on Thursday or Friday, a limited number of pro racers will compete for a cash purse over the weekend. In 2018 Taylor Knapp, on a Ducati Detroit Panigale 1199R, bested Geoff May to take home the winning $8,000 award. With a total purse of $18,000, payouts went to 5th place: Geoff May, $4,000; Tommy Bridewell, $3,000; Rob McLendon, $2,000; and Nate Kern, $1,000. Details for this year's event are still being finalized, Visit ahrma.org for racer requirements and final details.

2nd Annual Handshift Shootout Presented by American Iron Magazine

Saddleback Park 1971 on a Montesa Cappra, I was a 16 year old Junior in high school. My racing number was 845 as you can see in the picture, and it still is to this day! Steve Erickson Member #987 The year is 1968 my friend Gerry Freits and I are riding on the fire roads in Plumas County while my friend Jim Esry was knee deep in the water panning for gold in the river. I’m riding the 1968 230cc Ossa Stiletto I bought from Bob Swanson who was using Philly Cancilla’s shop on 13th street in San Jose. Swanson was selling Ossa’s, American Eagles and Suzuki’s at that time. Philly use to be a big Triumph Dealer. Jerry is on the DT-1 he bought from Bob Chaves in San Jose on Auzerias Ave. –Harry Bellicitti Member #1255 With Essaff hugging metal to avoid airdrag, and Gipe masterfully guiding the sidecar, they set a new record at 125 miles per hour, taking the 1978 AMA Sidecar Championship. “It was my first year and I never expected it,” said Essaff. “The win made it gratifying, but we haven’t changed all that much. There was no money and it didn’t make me famous. But it made me feel good that no one could beat us. We were the best.” My first year, 1978 above, and in 1979 left, both with Gary Gipe at Bryar Motorsports Park, NH –Peter Essaff Member #12500

The 2nd Annual Handshift Shootout will feature double barrel action with back-to-back weekend racing October 5 and 6, 2019 at the 15th Barber Vintage Festival. Pitting Harley vs. Indian handshift 45 cubic-inch flathead racebikes. Separate shootouts will be held on Saturday and Sunday, tentatively scheduled for lunchtime. Each day, riders will draw for grid position and compete in a three-lap heat race. The rider with the best combined 2-day score will be declared champion and receive a special trophy and a full feature article in the pages of American Iron Magazine. Visit ahrma.org for racer requirements and final details.






The start of the first Trans AMA moto saw dutch dentist Gerrit Wolsink (114) grab the holeshot, with (right to left) Brad Lackey (25), Jim Pomeroy (24), Gary Semics (5), 500 National champ Jim Weinert (1) and Roger DeCoster (111) not far behind. The ’75 Trans AMA season was right in the transition period between decades of European dominance and the beginnings of American ascendance in International Motocross. Only a few Euros had come over for this fall Trans AMA Series, because unlike in Europe, our race organizers refused to pay starting money to the riders. U.S. Suzuki had agreed to write big checks to DeCoster and Wolsink to make up the difference, but the other major Euro GP stars had stayed home. American Fly Which gave the fastest American riders a chance. Not much of a chance, but a chance. American GP campaigners Brad Lackey, on his Husqvarna, and Spanish 250 GP-winner Jim Pomeroy, riding for Bultaco, were in attendance, as well as the usual American suspects, including AMA 500cc Champ Jim Weinert, on a Yamaha, Tony DiStefano, Steve Stackable, Marty Smith, Jimmy Ellis and many more. – Dexter Ford










1989 was the first time AHRMA held an event where an amateur could ride the famed track! When I heard about it back then, I starting looking for a vintage bike immediately! These are two photos I took that year when I pulled through the gate after a 24-hour drive. Worth every mile! 30 years later, and I’m still enjoying AHRMA and racing on this historic track. The 24-hour trip from Texas is something I now look forward to every year! –Mike Hance Member #6691

The Legend Continues

Thirty years ago, AHRMA scheduled its first race at the hallowed ground known around the world as simply, Unadilla. AHRMA was just getting started, and many were beginning to find its brand of racing to be an exciting alternative to the kids and minis side of the sport. Motocross had not yet peaked in the States, and AHRMA provided a way to showcase older motorcycles and their riders. And what better way to do so than on what may be the most famous motocross course in America! Few records exist today of that first event; however, it is certain that those who took a chance on a new organization, at a famed facility, surely enjoyed themselves. As is the long-time Unadilla custom, I am sure that it rained for at least part of the weekend. Over the years, AHRMA would return to Unadilla, and each event offered its share of memories. Along the way, many of the sport’s more colorful personalities returned, with most, willing to share their experiences with the fans. Who can forget the 1975 Grand Prix held at Unadilla, with DeCoster and Wolsink, Lackey and Pomeroy? How special it is to get an inside 14


look from folks who were actually in the thick of it! The Robinson family has been in control of things since the track’s creation, with Jill and Greg firmly dedicated to carrying on the

tradition that their parents established. Many times, I have heard folks remark that Unadilla is the off-road version of Disney World, and the Robinsons are constantly working to make it better and better!



Current AHRMA Members Brad Lackey, top and Jimmy Wienert, below, Unadilla 1975. Flying his trademark USA colors, Lackey eekes out a win over Pomeroy. Weinert leaps from the Gravity Cavity on his works OW Yamaha.

Which brings us to today. A few years ago, Alex Moroz created the idea of holding an event which he tagged as “MotoRewind.” Alex had left AHRMA to work full time, along with his wife Carol, to form the Legends and Heroes Tour. His thought: combining Legends and Heros with a keystone event at Unadilla that could become the center piece of AHRMA’s National Schedule. He was able to convince Jill and Greg of the idea, and of course, we jumped at the chance, and after a year of whiteboarding, a concept was developed. The first MotoRewind was a circus of activity with many factory pros in attendance. Jay Crandall recounts Jeff Stanton helping start his bike in his first moto. Ron Lechien was handing out bottles of oil, while Gary Bailey was giving folks rides in his golf cart. It was nice to see these heros engaging with their fans of years prior. Even more cool were the bench racing sessions, and the banter that went on between these old rivals. It was almost surreal! Season after season, the event has grown. With new sponsors like Thor and Hallman throwing a cookout under the big top where folks can socialize. Since its inception, over 8,000 AHRMA members have entered to race. AUGUST 2019


Over 800 men and women have purchased single day memberships to give MotoRewind a try. Most come back. What draws people here is something that is difficult to explain. Most say that it is the atmosphere, or the chance to meet their heros. Others claim that it is the opportunity to ride on the same track that every great rider the sport has ever known has at one point in their career turned a knobby. There is always the thrill of watching Eli Tomac, later in the year, plummeting down gravity cavity, while we sit on the couch and tell anyone who will listen that we do that too! The good news is that this annual ritual, scheduled for early June, will continue for the foreseeable future. Greg and Jill tell us that their folks love having us there, and that the AHRMA crowd is just like family to them. We feel the same and are looking ahead to AHRMA’s 40th at this epic track! – Fred "900" Guidi Member #4009 Special Thanks to Dexter Ford for the awesome photos and memories. B&W photos copyright Dexter Ford WWW.AHRMA.ORG


A View From Behind the Lens

WORDS: RON MELTON PHOTOS: ETECHPHOTO.COM The saying “A picture is worth 1,000 words" is a bit on the conservative side. To most of us racers, with maybe a few too many concussions, capturing some of the very special moments in our racing world brightens our memories in a big way. Brad Schwab III (BJ) and Bob Hartman have taken so many AHRMA photos it boggles the mind. They are in position to shoot for the first practice on Friday morning and the last to leave the track on Sunday night. What true treasures, as well as all of the photographers that capture our moments. Euro Tech Racing became Euro Tech Photography in 1991 with Brad Schwab Junior and school friend/racing buddy Bob Hartman hitting the end of their racing careers. Is there any better way to stay in the sport without crashing the kid’s college fund? Bob 16


and Brad were the true innovators of trackside photography in a time when others were still in the dark room of ages. With the advent of digital photography, Euro Tech Photography became etechphoto. Losing Brad Schwab Junior in 2011 would be a very sad day but that didn’t stop the racing memories being caught on film as Brad Schwab III (B J) stepped in fill his father’s shoes. Cousin Cory is currently being groomed to help out when Bob starts to wind down. And Brad’s son, little BJ at age 6, already has his polaroid snapping. I get the distinct feeling that etechphoto will be around when the digital format goes to laser space photos. –Ron Melton Member #2319

Above: Brad Schwab Jr. (left) and Bob Hartman (on the bike) with their 1982 Yamaha XV920 at the CCS races at Daytona circa 1988. Photo: Matti Leinonen of Bullfrog Foto. Opposite Top: Bob on his 1983 Kawasaki KDX 200 in an AMA District 7 Hare Scrambles and on the Euro Tech Yamaha XV 920 in the AMA Pro Twins race at Mid-Ohio circa 1988. Opposite Center: Brad Schwab III, aka BJ having fun on his 1995 Honda XR 250R in the Ocala National Forest after Biketoberfest circa 2011 and on the job at VIR circa 2018.



Brad Schwab Jr., left & Bob Hartman, right.

The Story from Bob Hartman

Just like his father, Bradford IV (Little BJ) is close to becoming a track fixture. Yep, we bet he will learn laser space photography in no time.



When Brad Jr. and I started in ‘91 everybody did B&W contact sheets (sleeved strips of negatives and lay the sheet directly on top of the paper and expose) or one-hour color 4" x 6" prints. One-hour film processing facilities were in shopping centers pretty much everywhere back then. The B&W contact sheets were easy to do but, difficult for customers to judge if the photo was any good without a lupe, and 4" x 6" prints as proofs were expensive. On the way back from the Topeka AMA National, our second event, Brad came up with the idea of making an adapter for our enlarger to take a whole sheet of negatives and make oversize proofs. A sheet of 30 images on a sheet of 11" x 14" paper made each image about 3" x 2" making it easier to judge if the photo was sharp. Brad had previously worked for a publisher of hobby collector books (model trains, toys, etc.). Taking photos of these items required a copy stand, which used various length lenses to cover a variety of subjects. Familiarity with these various lenses enabled Brad to find one that would provide coverage for a full sheet of negatives without shrouding the edges of the proof sheet. At the beginning we relied on one-hour film processing only, no prints, which saved some money. The next step was doing our own film processing in the field. The one-hour labs used a process known as C41. It was a 4-minute 100-degree process with three main chemicals: developer, bleach and fixer. Brad’s first innovation was an eight-minute 80-degree process which gave us more room for error if the temperature varied. His next innovation was the discovery that the combined bleach/fixer (blix) used in the RA4 paper process was very similar to the two separate bleach and fixer chemicals for C41. After testing and finding no noticeable problems he added this innovation as well. And you know what? Our negatives from the '90s are still in good shape today. AHRMA –Bob Hartman etechphoto.com WWW.AHRMA.ORG



HEARTLAND Heartland Motorsports Park AHRMA Luke's Racecraft National Roadrace Series Report June 28 - 30, 2019 18


Pre-Ramble This event at Heartland Park in Topeka, Kansas, would be a first for many of us. The fine facilities just added to the excitement and challenge of learning and racing an unfamiliar track. But it wouldn’t be easy as we all had to endure some nearly unbearable heat and humidity with heat indices well above 100 degrees on Friday and Saturday. People Talk Luke Connor escaped certain disaster when a flying foreign object tangled with his front brake during practice. The brake cable let go, so he kept the bike vertical. This sent him packin’,

upstairs, to call the races for the remainder of the weekend. Thanks Luke. It sure was good to see Cal walkin’ the grid again. It always makes me smile when I see the effort that Carl Anderson and Colton Roberts put into the Yamaha RD250. Colton snagged a second and a third in Formula 250. Trustees Ellen Voermans, Rob Poole, Debbie, Poole, Louis LeBlanc, Carl Anderson and Luke Connor were Louis's pit on Sunday talking earnestly about doing a multidiscipline event at Heartland Park next year with Dirt Track (there’s a 3/8 oval in the back) VMX, PVMX and Trials. This will be quite an event smack dab in the center of our racing universe.




Left: Stewart Aitken-Cade #251 stalks Ralph Staropoli #80x in Sound of Singles 3. Top: Local fast guy, Kurt Klein #714, usin’ it all up in Next Gen 2. Bottom: Heartland Park race sponsor, Jerry Nickel, #3N, of 4SR Leathers on his VFR400R. Race Revisit There was a substantial turnout for Sound of Singles 3 (by Rising Sun Cycles) races with five new Honda NSF250Rs on the grid. Ralph Staropoli smoked everyone this round on his NSF, but Stewart Aitken-Cade and his Honda passed Ralph on lap four and led until the last AUGUST 2019

lap, just under two seconds separating the riders with NSF-mounted James Pooler grabbing the third podium spot. Sunday would see a Staropoli, Aiken-Cade, Adam Rolfes (KTM RC390) finishing order. Joe Koury grabbed a big early lead in Saturday’s CB160 Le Mans start race chased by John Scales, Kevin Burns and Brian Larrabure on his very nicely prepared Honda. And that’s the way they would finish with second, third and fourth separated by just three seconds. Koury would win on Sunday with Burns second and Scales third. David Miller jumped way out in front on the first lap in Saturday’s combined 350GP/ AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION

Sportsman 350 race. Scott Turner was in second, followed by Bill Howard with Alex McClean (350GP, this year’s featured vintage class) chasing the three Honda twins on his Aermacchi 350 single. Howard had a big slide in turn ten on the last lap but remained in third; his rear tire had been consumed during the race. He replaced it with a narrower tire borrowed from Mr. Miller. Sunday’s shorter six-lap sprint would be a squeaker. It was a Howard/Miller battle for first place on every lap. David passed Bill for the last time in turn ten and was able to hold him off by just .059 seconds for the closest finish of the weekend. Bill may need to stick with that narrower rear tire. WWW.AHRMA.ORG


Top: Brett Leveque #285 leading Peter Essaff #7 with a battle to the finish. Below: Jeff Hargis #84 and Bruce Sass #5B in tight Formula 750 action.

Kevin Brown (current points leader) had a heck of a race with Dennis Donahoe in Bears on Saturday, apparently completely going off track, recovering and ultimately catching up and winning the class. All this only to have a broken belt drive while leading and hence giving Donahoe the top spot on Sunday. Brett Leveque and passenger Brian Dobrowolski led the pack in their first race on the F2 sidecar after some control adjustments were made Friday night. On Sunday, they resumed their scuffle with the same rig hot on their tails, pushing and sliding. Going a bit faster in to turn one than they had been, Brett said the bike felt strange over the blind rise and on the brakes. He thought he’d had lost Brian and checked up a little to be safe. Fortunately, Brian was still attached but the other rig had already taken advantage and grabbed the lead. They were right on them but got a little excited 20


again on the brakes. There was room and then there wasn't. A little contact, everyone is good, race on. The other sidecar pulled off, not as a result of the contact but rather the copilot lost his visor the lap before. Saturday’s Formula Thunder race was a close one with Walt Sipp’s Buell besting Daniel Sinclair’s Duc by a scant .156 seconds with Jim Brewer in third. Walt set the weekend’s fastest lap time of 1:46.486 in this race. Tyler Elm won Sunday’s battle over Jim Brewer and Cole Gartner. Joe Koury launched a huge holeshot in the 200GP Plus contest and took the win by twelve seconds over John Scales and Kevin Burns. The weekend’s Hard Luck Story trophy winner had to be Stuart Sanders. He had to depart the pavement in turn eight in practice avoiding a slower rider only to find a concrete-lined ditch that put him on his back, with two badly

mangled aluminum rims. A big hammer and loaner wheel, and he’s back in business, only to snap a shift linkage in this race. During Sunday’s 200GP, the loaner rear wheel’s tube sprung an untimely leak ending his up-and-down weekend. He’s a good sport and a fun pitmate. Greg Tomlinson’s ever faithful, Classic ‘60s 650 Triumph, ‘Speedy Magoo,’ blew up during the morning’s second practice session with a full-blown rear wheel lock-up, fishtailer into the grass rodeo ride. He kept it up but blew a huge hole in the front as well as the rear of the cases. Dejected, counting on Kansas points to defend his title, Gary Swan loaned him his rigid framed, pre-unit Triumph. He did and led for a minute on the old curmudgeon until good mate and rival, David Spangar, flew by. That same race provided my first opportunity to gain Formula 125 points on rival, Louis LeBlanc. Tangled up far too long with some Formula 250



Top: Michael Shallcross #61x leads eventual winner Steve Alexander #43 in a Motard nail-biter. Below: Walt Sipp #221x and Daniel Sinclair #032 were this close all the way to the squeaker finish in Formula Thunder with Sipp for the win. Inset: Joe Koury on his way to 3 first place finishes on his Honda CB175.

bikes I letLouis get away. On Sunday, I avoided the 250 tangle and enjoyed a great battle with Louis, trading positions six or seven times until I finally passed him for good in turn eight. He was having some shifting problems though, so he wasn’t 100%. The Motard class in race 11 must’ve been a thriller to watch as Steve Alexander and Michael Shallcross crossed the line within .2 seconds of each other with William Kaszer in third about two seconds back. That same sprint included a fun race between Sportsman 750 riders Bruce Sass and Jeff Hargis. Bruce made it to the finish just .2 seconds ahead of Jeff with Mike Dixon in third.

pole in the distance to enter flat out.” Next was turn seven with a blind exit that makes it look like you are heading off the track (looking for Dorothy?) only to have most of the turn conquered and lots of extra pavement. The next was a left/right combo with the entrance slower than the righthanded exit. This one caused many to change their underwear. Good traction all around even with the 100+ degree track surface. The track was very wide with generous pit area and great showers (if you caught the temperature in between too hot/too cold). I think there was only one red flag all weekend, so that speaks volumes for the track, and of course, the skilled AHRMA riders.

Miscellaneous Track Meandering “Slower average speed but very tricky,” was one comment. Turn one was a favorite with that blind entry. “Line up with a telephone

Final Reflection Awards ceremony enhancements are being implemented; the new PA system helped. We are trying to make this process more efficient and



have plans to use a step and repeat banner (cool lookin’ backdrop), placed in perfect lighting, for the post-award-grab photo ops. Once you have your trophy, head to the photo spot, remove the plastic and ham it up. Be sure and get logged into Motorsportreg. com as soon as possible. Click on My Account, update your bike and sponsor info and insert your most flattering photos. You will instantly feel more famous. Thank you AHRMA staff and volunteers for allowing all of us to live our dreams. AHRMA –Joe W. Koury with co-contributors Greg Tomlinson, Brett Leveque, Jim West, Tom Hillard, Stewart Aitken-Cade



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Darke County Fairgrounds AHRMA VMC Racing Frames National Dirt Track Series Report June 28 - 30, 2019 Greenville, OH The weather and the races at Greenville, Ohio were just what the AHRMA Dirt Track community expected. Promoter Rob McLendon started Friday’s race early in the morning, so the AFT pros could finish in time to rest up for the AFT National at Lima, Ohio on Saturday night. There were over 150 race entries along with a good spectator turnout, as well. Mike Collier and his wife were the AUGUST 2019

proud recipients of their AHRMA National Championship jackets and number plate, presented by race director David Aldana. On Saturday, Tony Moore, #12 made his presence known by battling it out on the cushion half-mile in a hotly contested win in the Four-Stroke Super Singles class over #13 David Aldana. Eddie Ballina, #11c made his cushion track debut the right way, on top of the podium. Ballina took home top honors in the 70s Singles class over Aldana and Kevin Knight, #926. The 70s Singles, 70s Singles 50+, Dinosaur, and Classic class were the largest classes of the Greenville, OH race weekend. George Wills, #20 came out of retirement to show Daniel Behr, #116 and Beno Rodi, #247 the fast way around the Greenville cushion to take the Classic 500/750 win. The long day ended with awards given out well after midnight. Sunday’s event went smoother and faster, with half as many entries. Preston Palmer, #59D took the win in the Dinosaur class ahead Beno Rodi, AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION

Top: Tony Moore, #12 in a hotly contested win in the Four-Stroke Super Singles class over #13 David Aldana. Above: The 70s Singles, 70s Singles 50+, Dinosaur, and Classic classes were the largest of the Greenville, OH race weekend. Below: Mike Collier and his wife receive their National Championship jackets and number plate. #27. This time, the 70s Singles and 70s Singles 50+ class wins went to David Aldana. The Sportsman 250 class was won by Don Blyar, #2F followed by Steve Rogers, #77x, and Jerry Lacy, #44p. The Classic 500/750 win went to Chris Clark, #93 with Daniel Behr, #116 coming in second. Everyone received their awards and was on their way home by 2 pm. The next VMC Racing Frames Dirt Track Nationals are the ST at Tar Heel Speedway in Tar Heel, NC. On September 14th. Followed by the ST and TT on September 21, Aonia Pass in Washington, GA. AHRMA –David Aldana Dirt Track Race Director



Inaugural AHRMA

Salute to Veterans






Saddleback East AHRMA National Series: Preston PettyProducts Motocross, Race Tech Post Vintage Motocross Speed & Sport Trials June 28 -30, 2019 Bedford, Kentucky The Inaugural AHRMA “Salute to Veterans” off-road event was held at Saddleback East over the last weekend of June. Competition featured Trials, Cross Country, Vintage MX & PostVintage MX, and Next Gen support classes. Ideally located in Bedford, KY, a small rural AUGUST 2019

community (pop. 677) between Louisville and Cincinnati, the local residents welcomed the event, with the Rotary Club providing food and drinks all weekend. The event was focused on Saddleback’s philanthropic goals of supporting USA Cares and their wounded warrior program, as well as local schools’ athletic programs. The Saddleback East club, led by its president Mitch Barnes and more than 20 volunteer club members, were pleased with the 200+ entries from 18 states for their first AHRMA National event, and are already developing plans for 2020. All military members and veterans were offered the opportunity to participate at no charge. Friday featured the first AHRMA Trials event held in the Great Lakes region. Competitors ventured out to conquer several well laid out sections, with some challenging connecting AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION

Opposite Page: Vietnam Veteran Bill Long of KY negotiating the trials course on his BSA Bantam. Top Left: Ozark MO’s John Gott leads Bell Chase LA’s Wes Wyman in the Cross County. Top Right: Greg Wheeler leads LB. Willingham and Race Davis out of the first corner in race 3. Bottom Left: 13 Mike Wheeler with the holeshot in Sunday’s first moto. Bottom Right: Bob Bean has the lead with Keith Davis looking for the inside line. trails. Led by Danny Habermel, the volunteers and checkers performed like well-experienced pros. The Great Lakes Regional Cross Country greatly benefited from the leadership of AHRMA National CC coordinator Becky Hayes. Becky also rode in the VMX & PVMX events and was rumored to be scouting the location for a National CC event in 2020. WWW.AHRMA.ORG







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Arizona Cycle Park MX, Buckeye, AZ National Series (AVDRA) February 17 Perris Raceway MX, Perris, CA National Series (CALVMX) March 31 Motoland MX, Casa Grande, AZ SW Regional Series (AVDRA) April 14 San Bernardino Fairgrounds MX, Victorville, CA SW Regional Series (WASP) April 27 Willow Springs Raceway Trials, Rosamond, CA SW Regional Series (L. Sayer) July 20 San Bernardino Fairgrounds MX, Victorville, CA SW Regional Series (WASP) October 13 Lake Elsinore Truck Track MX, CA SW Regional Series (CALVMX) November 2 MotoVentures Trials, Anza, CA National Series (B. Botzong) November 3 Fox Raceway MX, Pala, CA National Series (CALVMX) November 30 Day-In-The-Dirt Trials, San Bernardino, CA SW Regional Series (VETO/L. Leavitt) Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions.

Call/Text Luke Sayer at 562-841-3476 SW Trials Series includes all 3 Trials; no throw outs. Must ride all 3 for series awards. SW MX Series includes 7 MX events; 1 throw out. Must ride a minimum of 5 events for series awards.



Above: Battle of the Suzuki TM 100’s Mike Bickley beats Chuck carter to the line. Top Right: Tiffany Skaggs leads trustee Beno Rodi out of the first corner. Bottom Right: Sportsman 500 Expert, John Gott with the holeshot edging out Devon Long in Open age expert. Saturday’s Vintage MX racing featured 22 Premier and Classic entries, along with a strong field of Sportsman and age class racers. Sportsman 500 Expert were led off the line by John Gott of Ozark, MO with a big hole shot, until the eventual winner Mike Wheeler made the pass. Open age Expert had a strong field, led by Oscar Gaetan of Tennessee. AHRMA Trustee Beno Rodi claimed the most track time, riding in 4 Premier classes, a challenge considering the 90-degree weather. Moto 6 was an all 100cc race with 5 Intermediates and 3 Experts buzzAUGUST 2019

ing around the track. The club’s track prep and continuous watering program keep the riding surface in pristine condition throughout the day. Following the VMX awards Saturday evening, riders and family members were treated to a BBQ dinner sponsored by United Dairy Farmers. The evening’s festivities were held in 100-year-old tobacco barn and included some fun MX Trivia, with prizes provided by Bridgestone. The beautiful weather continued Sunday morning, as did the dominance of the Ohiobased Wheeler brothers, Mike and Greg, victorious in all six classes they entered. Aptly named youngster Race Davis, of Beldon, MS, was first in two of his classes and 2nd to Florida’s Steve Campbell in the Ultima 125 class. A strong field produced some very competitive racing. For the second consecutive day, the ambulance attenAMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION

dants never left their air-conditioned truck. The weekend was marked by 90 + degree weather and bright sunshine. The track is in one of the poorest counties in Kentucky. Saddleback has adopted the high school’s athletic programs and provides much needed funds for sports equipment, to which a significant donation was made as a result of this event. And in turn, various sports teams provide flagging, course workers and other volunteers to assist with the program. Also, the main beneficiary of the weekend, USA Cares, received a sizable donation to assist wounded warriors with equipment and other support required on their return. A fun event, a “Salute to Veterans,” with total community involvement, made the Saddleback East National a complete success. AHRMA – Mike Bickley Member #16317



2019 AHRMA NE Offroad Championship Series Schedule 4/27 & 28

Irish Valley MX Park, NE/NA Series Joint CC/XC Regional Event: Sat CC/XC & Sun MX- Paxinos, PA.


Lamoka MX, NE Regional: Sunday MX- Bradford, NY.

5/31, 6/1-2 AHRMA Nat’l & NE Regional: CC/XC Fri, VMX Sat & PVMX Sun- Unadilla, NY. 6/23

Allen’s Farm NE Regional MX: Sunday MX- Lawton, PA.

6/29 & 30

Mid-Atlantic/NE CC/XC & NE MX: Sat MX, Sun CC/XCBellefonte, PA.

7/13 & 14

State Line Riders, NE Regional CC/XC & MX: Sat CC/XC, Sun MX- N. Pownal, VT.

8/3 & 4

NE Regional: Sat CC/XC & Sun MX- King Ferry, NY.

8/17 & 18

Lamoka MX, NE Regional: CC/ XC On Sat, MX SunBradford, NY.

8/31 - 9/1

Bear Creek Sportsmen, NE Regional: CC/XC Sat & MX Sun- Hancock, NY.

9/21 & 22

Kelso Creek Classic, NE Regional: CC/XC Sat, MX SunMinerva, NY.

10/5 & 6

Logan’s, AHRMA NE Regional: CC/XC Sat, MX SunCortland, NY. For More Information Contact: Merritt Brown 845-803-6898, mbrown326@optimum.net Ed Roman 570-947-7329, vintmxer@aol.com PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! Mr. Crankshaft: www.mrcrankshaft.com Equinox Cycles: www.equinoxcycles.com • Metro Racing: www.metroracing.com Jennings ATV and Cycle: www.jenningsatvandcycle.com

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Stunning Montana Scenery, Good People, Fun Track and Trial. WORDS: DEBBIE POOLE

From Top: Peter Jorgenson feet-up. Photo: Kelly Shane. Rick Anderson and Butch Walsh race with a Big Sky backdrop. Photo: Kelly Shane. Trials riders wait their turn. Photo: Mary Jorgenson.



The second AHRMA NW Regional MX, PVMX and Trials competition again took place at the beautiful Niarada Raceway the first weekend in June. Track

Managers Mike and Julie Burbaker welcomed AHRMA, and, working with a small contingent of AHRMA volunteers, bent over backwards to make the event a success. An increase in entries over last year was encouraging, and the event is already scheduled for 2020. The Trials had a distinctly festive atmosphere, with 8 sections set in two groups in two tiny valleys not far from the pits. This made for good viewing opportunities and there was quite a crowd of spectators at the little event. Many of the sections appeared simple, but trials-masters Rob Poole and Matt Parsons added some tricks that were hard to spot, until you actually rode the section. Modern Classic Novice, Russ Pfirrman, put in an effort that convinced him to move on to the intermediate class for his next event, turning in a 1-point day for the win. Marcus Harner followed for second with 11 points. Beginner class rider Cy Yee did very well, losing only 6 points, followed by Julie Parsons and Charles Rossell. A second rider had a 1-point day: Matt Parsons in the Premier Heavyweight Expert class, followed by Rob Poole at 8 points. Todd Stanley is back after some time off and doing well in the Classic Expert class, taking the win over his friend and traveling buddy Joe Klokkevold, with 11 points to Klokkevold's 29. Modern Classic Experts Dirk Murphy and Paul Deree were separated by 16 points: Murphy 43 and Deree 59, but Modern Classic Intermediates Jim Herbert and Vint Whitman finished very close, at 33 for Herbert and 35 points for Whitman. In the Sunday motocross, Rob McGuire and Steve Gard set the pace for Sportsman 500 Expert, with young George Amaro taking the Intermediate class. Mark Gardner was the Novice winner. George Amaro also won the Open Age Intermediate class. Dirk Murphy and Stephen Newell vied for the Classic 250 Expert win, with Murphy's 1-1 taking the day. 60+ Expert was heavily contested, with Jon Delagnes and Chet Malito trading 1-3 finishes: Malito winning the second moto for the overall, and Steve Gard clinching a solid 2-2 for second; relegating Delagnes to third. Chet spent hours on the Bobcat prepping the track leading up to the race and was a cheerful addition to the trials checker crew on Saturday. The 60+ Intermediates had another trade-off of finishes between Dick Tobacco (2-1) and Norm Wright (1-2). Tobacco took the overall win ahead of Wright, while Tim Jackson was third. Dennis Rhodes won the Novice class ahead of Gordon McClellan, and Cy Yee third. The Post Vintage race was divided into three classes: PV 125, 250 and 500, with the race running at the end of the Vintage program. Local riders took the win for all classes: Jon Delagnes (125), Tab Young (250), and track manager Mike Brubaker (500). AHRMA – Debbie Poole AHRMA Trustee WWW.AHRMA.ORG


Rich’s Taylor’d Porting Service Whether you’re into racing motocross or recreational dirt bikes, for maximum performance, 2-Stroke Cylinder and 4-Stroke Head Porting from Rich’s Taylor’d Porting puts the “Power” in powersports. Call Rich today!

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Have You Updated Your MotorsportReg Profile? AHRMA is working toward having our race results published in other magazines and online publications. To make this happpen we need your help! Please complete your MotorsportReg profile with the following info for all of your race bikes: your name, bike, make, model, and year. This is a great chance for AHRMA to shine, so please log into your account and make these updates.


Sweney Cycle Park, Brush CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX

June 2

Niarada MX Raceway, Niarada MT. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX. AHRMA NW Trials June 1st.

June 9

Aztec Family Raceway, Colorado Springs CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX

July 28

Smith Ranch (Private Track), Trinidad CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX -NEW LOCATION-

August 11 Rabbit Run Motocross, Ordway CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX

2019 AHRMA/Cycle Gear

Northwest Regional Schedule April 6-7

Burrows’ Ranch; Chrome, CA

May 4-5

Crooked River Ranch; Terrebonne, OR

(NW regional CC, National trial, National vintage mx)

(NW regional vintage mx, regional trial)

May 18-19 Bodnar Ranch; Dairy, OR

(NW regional vintage mx, regional trial)

June 1-2

Niarada Raceway; Niarada, MT

(Regional vintage mx, regional post vintage mx, regional trial)

*June 8-9 – Premier & Classic; Steamboat Springs, CO* (Special event, no regional points)

June 15

LeMay Marymount Cycle Week; Tacoma, WA

July 20-21

Donner Summit; Soda Springs, CA

(NW regional trial)

(2-Day National trial)

Aug. 24-25 Tea Cup Trial; Point Arena, CA (NW regional trial, Scott trial)

Sept. 14-15 Rattlers Run Farms; Fairfield, WA

(NW regional CC, National trial, National vintage mx)

August 25 Laramie County MX Park, Cheyenne WY. RM Regional R V/PV/NG MX -NEW EVENT-

Sept. 28-29 Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA

Sept 21-22 Two T Rivers Racing, Milliken CO. AHRMA AHRM National V/PV/NG MX

Oct. 19-20 Metcalf Motorcycle Park San Jose, CA

Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions. Four events minimum to qualify for championship. All events count toward points championship. Two Rivers National counts for DOUBLE Regional Points Other non-points-paying RM area events: June 8-9-AHRMA NW, Steamboat Springs CO June 30-AVDRA Bull Hollow, Monticello UT September 15-AVDRA Thundervalley, Lakewood CO

Contact: Jason Colon


(NW regional CC, National trial, National vintage mx)

(National trial, National vintage mx)


www.AHRMARM.org www.sites.google.com/site/rmvrcorg/ www.AHRMANW.org




details at www.ahrmnw.org AUGUST 2019

AHRMA North East Motorcross Series and the AHRMA Mid Atlantic, Potomac Vintage Riders Cross Country Series June 29 - 30, 2019 Ashcraft Farm, Bellefonte, PA


Round five of the AHRMA Northeast Motocross series and round five of the AHRMA Mid- Atlantic, Potomac Vintage Riders Cross Country Series took place at Ashcraft Farm near State College PA on June 29 & 30. It’s always fun when we have an inter-region event. (Cross country riders scored points in both regions.) We had racers from at least 10 states participate, making it a very well-attended event. This first-time venue proved outstanding for both the grass track motocross on Saturday and the cross country races on Sunday. For the cross country racers, the motocross grass track was a chance to warm up for the cross country race the next day and dust the cobwebs off from the two week break. Practice for the motocross races began under sunny skies Saturday morning, something to AUGUST 2019

which many of us were unaccustomed to after a year of habitually wet weather. In the morning, races one through three were run in dry, dusty conditions, with the sun still shining. But as the fourth race lined up, the western sky grew dark. Fans fled to the pits as the race wrapped up, just before a strong thunderstorm rolled in. The rain did not last long and, after a thirty-minute break, we were back to racing with race five up next. The sky cleared up but the racers now faced the complete opposite conditions of the first four races in the morning. The mud was a real handful for many as the previously dusty track was now slick. Races six through nine were completed on a gradually drying track with a little more grip available each time as the track tacked up. Conditions for the second round of motocross AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION

Top: Mike Ruggiere takes the checkered flag. Above Left: David Salmen #686 on his historic Maico. Above Right: Jana Schneider #802 tearing it up on her 125! were almost perfect with a now tacky track leading to some really fast lap times. It was great to get out on a natural terrain grass track and get the experience of how the sport got its start. Comments around the pits from all participants echoed of how nice the motocross course was laid out and how much fun was had. For those of us who were staying for Sunday’s cross country race, the anticipation was building for a great race out on the mountain of the beautiful Ashcraft Farm. WWW.AHRMA.ORG



SEPTEMBER 21-22, 2019




22437 Weld County Road 19. Milliken, CO 80543 | Phone 970.515.5343 | Two Rivers Racing on Facebook




Photo Credit: Phil Lambert, Vital Imagery

Leahy Family Farm, LLC Milliken, Colorado


Left: the host of Ashcraft Farm, Brian Ashcraft #58. Top Right: Paul Thomas #74t. Above Right: Emily Reichart #733. The Vintage cross country race on Sunday started out with the traditional dead engine start and competitors racing into the woods and up the mountain on a course that embodied every challenging element of cross country racing. The beginning of the course led down a double track fire road through a shale pit and then up a logging road that took the racers up the mountain, crossing a few drainage swells, providing an

opportunity for some to catch air, then turning left, back into the single track. The course then wound through twisty single-track trails before passing by an amazing overlook of State College, then back down the mountain on a few steep offcamber descents. For spectators, the highlight of the cross country races was seeing racers come through the sink holes near the end of each lap. This was the place to watch both the vintage and post-vintage races, as there was always action between racers trying to pass, catching air and choosing which line to take up and out of the sink holes. Sunday’s cross country races were the

perfect mix of single and double track, tight twisty trails, combining almost every feature you can think of while being completely unique from any other venue we have attended this year. Many thanks to the Ashcraft Family and their friends, this weekend would not have happened without their dedication to the sport we love and enjoy so much. There is not a better group of friends than our fellow racers to spend the race weekends with, and cannot wait for the next weekend of racing, campfires and lifelong friendships to continue. AHRMA – Emily Reichart

Be One of the Cool Kids. Become an AHRMA Lifetime Member!

Photo by Bobby Hedge

Contact AHRMA’s Membership Director, Elli Klein for Details. Call 321.277.4985 or Email elli.klein@ahrma.org AUGUST 2019




2020 RULES PROPOSALS - SUMMARY On July 1, 2019, AHRMA’s Board of Trustees (BOT) met to review rules proposals for the 2020 racing season. Below is a summary of each proposal and the preliminary Board decision.

The votes recorded are votes for/against a Trustee’s motion; if the motion was to reject the proposal, a “For” vote is a vote against the proposal. In the text below, underlined wording would be new for the 2020 Handbook, a strike-through indicates wording proposed to be removed. Each Trustee’s initials are listed by his/her actions. Voting Trustees are: Carl Anderson, Kevin Burns, Luke Conner, Fred Guidi, Arthur Kowitz, Brian Larrabure, Louis LeBlanc, Debbie Poole, Rob Poole, Beno Rodi, Kelly Shane, and Ellen Voermans. Reminder: These are the preliminary Board desicions. Members are invited to review the votes on each of the proposals and utilize our online feedback form at https://www.ahrma.org/ahrma-rules-proposal-feedback-form/. The deadline for providing feedback is September 22, 2019. This will allow adequate time to review/organize the comments prior our next Board of Trusttee meeting. Final determinations for 2020 rules will be made Monday, October 7th during the Board of Trustees meeting to be held at the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum in Birmingham, AL.

GENERAL 3.6.j – Restarting Red-flagged Races Replace paragraph j as follows: In a race in which the red flag is displayed before the leader has completed less than half the scheduled laps, the race will be restarted with original grids. The race lap count will be lessened by 1 lap to allow for additional warm up lap. If the leader has completed more than half the scheduled laps before the red flag is displayed, the race will be deemed complete and scored by last completed lap by the field. If a rider causes a red flag after the leader has completed more than half of scheduled laps, the offending rider will receive a DQ. Race Control, Referee and Director will determine if rider, track conditions or other circumstances caused the red flag. (Faynisha Pentecost) Committee: N/A Discussion: CA motioned to accept the proposal, FG seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 4.7 – Refunds a) Refunds will may be issued only to preentered riders who have completed a Refund Request form. The form is found near the end of this book and also may be obtained from registration at an event, online at www.ahrma. org or from the AHRMA National office. This form must be filed with the office by mail, fax or email, or with an AHRMA official at the event. Requests for refunds or credits will not be accepted via telephone. b) A rider contacting the AHRMA office up through the day of the event will be refunded the full amount, less a $5 administrative charge. A rider filing for refund not more than 14 days after the event will be refunded 50-percent of the total entry. After that time, the entry fee will be deposited into the Benevolent Fund. This 34


policy applies to National events, unless noted otherwise on the entry form. Any refunds issued will be less a $5 per entry, per daily event administrative charge. A rider filing for refund not more than 14 days after the event may be refunded up to 50-percent of the total entry. This policy applies to all National events, unless noted otherwise on the entry form. (Brian Larrabure) Committee: N/A Discussion: CA motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) (No section number for reference) Change the name of AHRMA’s official publication to “Vintage Views” (Matt Hilgenberg) Committee: N/A Discussion: KB motioned to reject the proposal, BL seconded July Board: (8 For/ 4 Against [KS, RP, DP, EV] the motion) (No section number for reference) When AHRMA competition events are held in conjunction with a non AHRMA event and it is necessary to combine classes AHRMA classes should only be combined with AHRMA classes. (Michael Collier) Committee: N/A Discussion: RP motioned to reject the proposal, KS seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) SECTION 9 – GENERAL ROADRACING RULES 9.3.f – Road Race Bodywork . . .All machines fitted with a bottom fair, must be fabricated of suitable material to function as a belly pan. All machines fitted with split or two piece fairings must be fitted with an internal oil AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION

containment system. All machines fitted with split or two piece fairings must be fitted with an internal oil containment system. . . . (Matt Hilgenberg) Committee: N/A Discussion: RP motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 9.3.h – Sound Sound testing will take place at AHRMA National events. This will be a pass-by test at a section of the circuit where machines are under full throttle. As dB(a) levels differ from circuit to circuit due to background and distance, only the worst offenders will be notified. Failure to meet track-imposed noise limits may result in disqualification from the day’s event and no refund of entry fees. These results will be posted and published in AHRMA MAG. At tracks where noise limits are in effect, AHRMA will adhere to the track’s policy. A maximum sound limit of 105dB(a) will be imposed for all machines on the track and in the pits, including generators. A standard of how to determine sound will be created. The AHRMA sound limit is 105 dB(a). The sound level will be measured while the machine is on the track during practice sessions and racing events. A static test may be used offtrack with the sound meter held 45° off the centerline of the silencer and 48” from the tip, and the throttle held at ½ redline. If the machine is found to be not in compliance with the AHRMA limit of 105 dB(a) or a trackimposed lower limit in either test, the machine will not be allowed to continue until it is brought into compliance. No refunds of entry fees will be issued. The limit of 105dB(a) will be imposed for all machines on the track and in the pits, including generators. (Kevin Burns) Committee: N/A Discussion: AK motioned to accept the proposal, AUGUST 2019

RP seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 9.6.5 – Publishing Regional awards Criteria, General National Series awards are based on a rider’s best finishes in one-half of the total number of races in the series, rounded up to the next whole number if necessary (e.g., in a 19-race series, a rider’s 10 best finishes count). A rider must score points in at least two events to be eligible for National series awards. Criteria for regional series awards will be defined and printed in AHRMA MAG prior to first event of the year. Criteria for Regional Series Awards will be defined and published prior to the first event of the year. Yearly schedule changes to events and locations may change the regional series criteria. Year-end scoring ties will be broken by the greatest number of first-place finishes, then second-place finishes, third-place, etc. If still tied, the position will be awarded to the rider with the better results in any head-to-head, on-track meetings. In the event of an absolute tie, the oldest rider wins. (Elli Klein) Committee: N/A Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, FG seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 9.6.5 – Race Count for Nat’l RR Championships National Series awards are based on a rider’s best finishes in one-half of the total number of 20 races in the series, rounded up to the next whole number if necessary (e.g., in a 19-race series, a rider’s 10 best finishes count) (David Bourbeau, Alex McLean) Committee: N/A Discussion: AK motioned to accept the proposal, BL seconded July Board: (10 For/ 2 Against [KB, CA] the motion) 9.7.2.C – Engine Overbore c) Allowable overbore is a class’s maximum displacement plus the following limits, or the specific machine displacement, as in the performance-indexed classes (such as 200 Grand Prix Plus and Classic Sixties 650): Four Stroke Cylinders may be overbored by a maximum of .080”, singles; .060”, twins; .040”, triples; and .020”, fours. Two Stroke cylinders may be overbored by a maximum of .080”. . . . (Christopher Spargo) Committee: No, 2-1 Anderson, yes Discussion: RP motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (11 For/ 1 Against [AK] the motion) 9.7.5.c – Tires and Rims Tire warmers are prohibited allowed on vintage motorcycles with treaded tires. (Kenny Cummings) Committee: No, 2-1 Anderson, yes AUGUST 2019

Discussion: RP motioned to reject the proposal, KS seconded July Board: (10 For/ 2 Abstain [KB, RP] the motion) 9.7.6.g – Sportsman Rim Size Sportsman: Rim diameter must be at least 18 inches and not exceed WM4 (2.5 inches) WM3 (2.15 inches) front and WM4 (2.5 inches) rear. WM5 (3.0 inches) rear rims are permitted on 750s only. (Kevin Burns) Committee: Yes Discussion: CA motioned to accept the proposal, FG seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 9.7.14 – Carburetors Allow period correct Lectron type carburetors with powerjets on 2 strokes in the formula classes. (Keith Powell) Committee: No Discussion: RP motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (11 For/ 1 Abstain [BL] the motion) SECTION 10 – REQUIREMENTS FOR ROADRACING CLASSES 10.2.1, 10.2.2 – 500 Premier/500 GP Combine 10.2.1 and 10.2.2. 500 Premier and 500 GP (Kenny Cummings) Committee: No Discussion: LL motioned to accept the proposal, BL seconded July Board: (8 For/ 4 Abstain [KB, KS, EV, AK] the motion) 10.2.3 – 350 GP Change Yamaha description: Yamaha; no updating beyond TD1-C. Original carburetors may be replaced with 26mm Mikuni VM-type round-slide; power jets may not be in operation. TD1C, TD2, TD2B, RD56/ TD1 “works special” /YZ607, maximum 30mm carburetors (Colton Roberts) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, LL seconded July Board: (6 For/ 3 Against [KS, RP, DP ]/ 3 Abstain [EV, AK, FG] the motion)

Discussion: FG motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded July Board: (11 For/ 1 Abstain [EV] the motion) 10.3.2 – Formula 500 Allow Twin shock Yamaha TZ 250 and Harley RR 250 in Formula 500. (William Hemmelsbach) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.3.3 – Formula 250 Change language to: Honda CB350K twin, CB350 four, CB400F four with maximum displacement 424cc. (Jarl Wathne) Committee: No Discussion: AK motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.3.5 – Formula Vintage Allow flatslide carburetors, 4 piston calipers, and 5.5” rear wheels in the Formula Vintage class. (Keith Powell) Committee: No Discussion: CA motioned to reject the proposal, RP seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.3.5 – Formula Vintage Change: “Wheels, forks and brakes to follow Vintage Superbike Heavyweight rules.: TO: “Forks and front wheels to follow Vintage Superbike Heavyweight rules. Rear wheel up to 5.5 in width allowed. Up to four piston calipers allowed.” (Scott McCain) Committee: No Discussion: RP motioned to reject the proposal, KB seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.3.5 – Formula Vintage Add: “Modern treaded tires and slicks allowed. Rain tires allowed.” Requires change to 10.8.2.c9 (Scott McCain) Committee: No Discussion: BL motioned to accept the proposal, FG seconded (the use of slicks is rejected) July Board: (12 For the motion)

10.2.4 – 250 GP Change Bultaco description: Bultaco Metralla (round cylinder type only), race-kitted round or square cylinder allowed. (Scott McCain) Committee: Yes Discussion: FG motioned to accept the proposal, BL seconded July Board: (11 For/ 1 Abstain [EV] the motion)

10.3.6.g – Formula Vintage Require fork stanchions to be 35mm maximum on Formula-class bikes. (Matt Hilgenberg) Committee: No Discussion: LL motioned to reject the proposal, BL seconded July Board: (10 For/ 2 Abstain [DP, RP] the motion)

10.2.5 – 200 GP+ Allow Honda MR 175 into 200 Grand Prix Plus (John D Fitzer) Committee: Yes

10.4.3 – Classic Sixties (1) Change the name of Classic Sixties to Classic Fifties (Matt Hilgenberg) Committee: No




Discussion: AK motioned to accept the proposal, RP seconded July Board: (8 For/ 1 Against [BR]/ 2 Abstain [CA, LL]/ 1 Recuse [LC] the motion)

10.4.3 – Classic Sixties (2) Revert the rules regarding unit-construction Triumph 500s to the 2018 version (Matt Hilgenberg) Committee: No Discussion: KB motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (8 For/ 3 Against [KS, RP, DP]/1 Abstain [EV] the motion) 10.5.4.f – Modification for Sportsman Add the following sentence: WM5 (3.0 inches) rear rims are permitted on 750s only. (Kevin Burns) Committee: Yes (housekeeping) Discussion: LL motioned to accept the proposal, BL seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.6 – Novice Historic Production Add Historic Production Expert class (Brian Herzfeld) Committee: No Discussion: LL motioned to reject the proposal, RP seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.6 – Novice Historic Production After the following sentence: “Engines must be original OEM bore and stroke, regardless of displacement (plus allowable overbore, as described in rule 9.7.2.c).”, add: All engine and transmission components and assemblies must maintain OEM dimensions and limits. Aftermarket parts are allowed only if they are a direct replacement for the originals. Modifications for reliability (e.g. starter removal or ignition replacement) or to resolve nonperformance issues (e.g. cam chain tension or oil pressure) are permitted. (Christopher McEvoy) Committee: No Discussion: AK motioned to accept the proposal, KB seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.8.2 – Requirements and Modifications For Vintage Superbike Allow slicks and rains in Formula vintage. See 10.3.5 Formula Vintage(Mark Marrow) Committee: No Discussion: RP motioned to accept the proposal, BL seconded (the use of slicks is rejected) July Board: (11 For/ 1 Against [ ] the motion) 10.8.2.b.3 – Requirements and Modifications For Vintage Superbike Change “Flat-slide carburetors are not allowed” to “Flat-slide carburetors are allowed”. (Scott McCain) 36


Committee: No Discussion: RP motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.8.2.c.8 – Requirements and Modifications For Vintage Superbike Change “Only single- or two-piston brake calipers are allowed.” to “Up to 4 piston brake calipers allowed”. (Scott McCain) Committee: No Discussion: AK motioned to reject the proposal, KB seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.8.2.c.9 – Requirements and Modifications For Vintage Superbike Change “Only treaded modern racing compound tires are allowed.” to “Treaded modern racing compound and slick tires are allowed.” (Scott McCain) Committee: No Discussion: KB motioned to reject the proposal, RP seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.9.3 – Approved Motorcycles for Next Gen Superbike 2 Add Honda RC51 SP2 to the list of eligible motorcycles. The SP2 version has a different swingarm and approximately 10 more HP. This will not dramatically affect the competition within the class. (John Turner) Committee: No Committee vote Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.9.6 – Approved Motorcycles for Next Gen Superbike Lightweight Add Honda rvf400/nc35 1993 - 1996 to list of approved machines for Next Gen Superbike Lightweight (Brian Herzfeld) Committee: No Committee vote Discussion: BL motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (11 For/ 1 Abstain [AK] the motion) 10.9.6 – Approved Motorcycles for Next Gen Superbike Lightweight Allow any year of Kawasaki EX500 in Next Gen SB LW (Rick Petrolia) Committee: No Committee vote Discussion: RP motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (11 For/ 1 Abstain [AK] the motion) 10.10 – Sidecar Change BEARS Exhibition class to Points paying (Victor ”Dutch” Stivason) Committee: No Discussion: KB motioned to reject the proposal, RP seconded July Board: (10 For/ 2 Abstain [AK, LC] the motion) AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION

10.10.1.b – Sidecar Change class name, Stock Production Sidecar (SC2), to “Super Vintage Sidecar (SC2) (Dale Lavender) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (11 For/ 1 Against [AK] the motion) 10.10.1.a and10.10.3.1. – Sidecar Add wording: . . .Two-stroke piston-port or rotary-valve only, 350cc maximum. . . . (Dale Lavender) Committee: Yes Discussion: CA motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.10.1.b and10.10.4.1. – Sidecar Add wording: . . . Two-stroke piston-port or rotary-valve only, 500cc maximum. . . . (Dale Lavender) Committee: Yes Discussion: CA motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.10.1.b and – Sidecar Change wording: . . . Carburetor restrictor plates, Fuel injection, supercharging and turbocharging are prohibited. (Dan May) Committee: Yes Discussion: CA motioned to accept the proposal, RP seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.10.4. – SC2 Stock Production Sidecar Change class name, SC2 Stock Production Sidecar, to Super Vintage Sidecar (SC2) (Dale Lavender) Committee: Yes Discussion: CA motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded (change all occurrences) July Board: (12 For the motion) – SC2 Stock Production Sidecar Allow dual discs in SC2 (Dan May) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) – SC2 Wheels and Tires Make mag wheels optional for SC2 sidecars. (William Becker) Committee: No Discussion: KB motioned to reject the proposal, BR seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) – SC3 Engines Change “Four-stroke, 836cc maximum,”. To: “ Four-Stroke multi cylinder two valve engines 844cc maximum.” (William Becker) Committee: No AUGUST 2019

Discussion: KB motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) – Modern Sidecar US F1 Delete “(to 2020) (Kevin Burns, William Becker) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) – Modern Sidecar US F2 Delete “(to 2020) (Kevin Burns, William Becker) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) and 2 – Modern Sidecar Delete rule. (Kevin Burns) Committee: Recommends name changes:, US F1 long wheelbase, 1000cc, per SRA rules, US F2 short wheelbase, 1000cc, per SRA rules Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) and 4 – Modern Sidecar Delete rule. (Kevin Burns) Committee: Recommends name changes:, TT1 long wheelbase, 600cc, TT2 short wheelbase, 600ccc Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) Sidecar Safety Issue (No Section Number to Reference) All machines must have two independently operated braking systems. (Kat Collins)

Committee: No Discussion: LL motioned to reject the proposal, KB seconded July Board: (8 For/ 3 Abstain [RP, DP, EV]/ I Recuse [AK] the motion) SECTION 11 – VINTAGE MOTOCROSS 11.1.1 - Premier Lightweight: Change the end of the list of eligible machines to: “Any motorcycles powered by Villiers (including Starmaker), and early Greeves Engines with early Albion gearbox up to kidney shape gearbox in 1966 (including Cotton, Dot, Greeves, Francis-Barnett, Norman, etc.) * *Cannot upgrade gearboxes to newer MX4 and MX5 (1967-1968) a.) Ineligible are all models of Yamaha, Suzuki, Bultaco, Ossa, Montesa, alloy-barrel Maico, Husqvarna and Greeves MX4 and MX5 (19671968.)” (Tyrus Wilson) Committee: No Discussion: RP motioned to reject the proposal, KS seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 11.1.2 - Premier 350: Change the name of the Premier 350 class to Classic 350. (Matt Hilgenberg) Committee: No Discussion: KS motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (10 For/ 2 Against [RP, DP] the motion) 11.2.O.2 – Numbers and Number Plates: Allow four color choices for number plates/ numbers: Black numbers on white plates, black on yellow, white on green, white on black.(Matt Hilgenberg) Committee: No Discussion: LL motioned to reject the proposal, KS seconded July Board: (12 For the motion)

Fatalities necessitated this rule in Europe, as a result of running one braking system. We are seeing this cavalier approach within our race club over the last few seasons, with teams running one braking system. A failure would result in no brakes with a single system. Additionally USCRA recently added this in their 2019 rules. Committee: Yes Discussion: AK motioned to accept the proposal, FG seconded July Board: (12 For the motion)

11.6 – Series Points, Awards: Changes to “b” and “g). Add three new items describing a National Championship event. (Kelly Shane) Committee: No Discussion: KB motioned to reject the proposal, FG seconded July Board: (10 For/ 1 Abstain [RP]/ I Recuse [KS] the motion)

10.12 – Sound of Thunder Add new Class – SOT 4 (Stephen Gillen) Committee: No Discussion: LL motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 10.18 – Formula Lightning Delete Class - (Matt Hilgenberg)

12.1.2 – Historic 125: Add 1976-78 Suzuki RM100. (Albert Newmann) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, FG seconded July Board: (12 For the motion)




12.3.2 – Ultima 125: Replace “1982 and later Kawasaki 125s are prohibited.” Add: “1982 - 1984 KX125 are allowed. Eligible KX models shall have OEM front disk brakes, rear drum brakes, Uni-Trac rocker-linkage type single-shock rear suspension, and liquid cooling, but no “KIPS” exhaust power valve.” (Jason Colon) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (10 For/ 2 Against [RP, DP] the motion) 12.3.3 – Ultima 250: Replace “1982 and later Kawasaki 250s are prohibited.” Add: “1982 - 1984 KX250 are allowed. Eligible KX models shall have OEM front disk brakes, rear drum brakes, Uni-Trac rocker-linkage type single-shock rear suspension, and air or liquid cooling, but no “KIPS” exhaust power valve.” (Jason Colon) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (10 For/ 2 Against [RP, DP] the motion) 12.3.4 – Ultima 500: Add: “1982 - 1984 KX500 are allowed. Eligible KX models shall have OEM front disk brakes, rear drum brakes, Uni-Trac rocker-linkage type single-shock rear suspension, and air or liquid cooling, but no “KIPS” exhaust power valve.” (Jason Colon) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (10 For/ 2 Against [RP, DP] the motion) 12.5.d – Carburetors: Add “Keihin flat slide and modern d-shape slide carburetors allowed in Ultima only.” (Greg Barratt) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, FG seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) New Class (No Section Number to Reference) Allow for a PV100 Class. (see Class description in original proposal.) (Michael Bickley) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion)



SECTION 13 – OBSERVED TRIALS 13.2.6 – Spirit Of The Class: Add as a last sentence: “Only round-slide carburetors may be used (see 11.2.c).” (Matt Hilgenberg) Committee: Yes Discussion: EV motioned to accept the proposal, RP seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 13.3.a – Class And Ability Levels: The number-four line is extremely simple and, except for Girder Fork and Rigid Novice competitors, is intended only for entry-level riders. If only three lines are used, numberfour riders will ride the number-three line. A number 4-line shall always be made available for Beginners at both National and Regional trials events. (Cheryl Long) Committee: Yes Discussion: EV motioned to accept the proposal, RP seconded with the revised wording: “A number 4-line shall always be made available for Beginners at both National and Regional trials events.” July Board: (12 For the motion) New Class (No Section Number to Reference) Add Youth Classes with the following language: “AHRMA Vintage Youth Classes are open to any rider through 14 years old. Skill levels are: Youth A riding the “2” line, Youth B riding the “3” line, and Youth C riding the “4” line. There is no minimum age requirement, just an ability to ride the loop and attempt the sections. Eligible machines include any air-cooled, twin shock, drum brake motorcycle as manufactured of 100cc or less with maximum wheel sizes of 17” rear and 19” front. Examples include 19741975 Yamaha TY80’s, some European Mini Trials bikes, and “homebuilt” specials using period correct components and techniques.” (Curt Comer) Committee: Yes Discussion: EV motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded (Modern Classic only, 125 cc max, no wheel restrictions.) July Board: (12 For the motion) SECTION 14 – DIRT TRACK 14.2.2– Classic 250: Replace “Yamaha twins up through TD1C” with “Yamaha 250cc racing twins up to TD1C and street based replicas using vertically split case engines.” (Carl Anderson) Committee: Yes Discussion: LL motioned to accept the proposal, FG seconded July Board: (12 For the motion)



14.2.2– Classic 250: Add: “Yamaha DT1, piston port engine, may use GYT kit parts, 30mm carburetor maximum.” (Gary Braun) Committee: no Discussion: RP motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For/ 1 Abstain [CA] the motion) 14.2.2– Classic 250: Change date from 1967 to 1968 (Walter Metzler) Committee: No Discussion: FG motioned to reject the proposal, EV seconded July Board: (11 For/ 1 Abstain [CA] the motion) 14.2.3– Classic 500/750: Change date from 1967 to 1968 (Walter Metzler) Committee: No Discussion: FG motioned to reject the proposal, EV seconded July Board: (11 For/ 1 Abstain [CA] the motion) 14.2.8.c – Seventies Singles: Change 38 mm maximum diameter fork stanchions to 43 mm maximum. Strike “no external damping adjustments allowed.” (Peter Lawson) Committee: Yes Discussion: LL motioned to accept the proposal, BR seconded July Board: (11 For/ 1 Absent [ RP ] the motion) 14.2.8.h – Seventies Singles: Strike Period flat slide carburetors. Allow any flat slide carburetors. (Peter Lawson) Committee: Yes Discussion: AK motioned to accept the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 14.2.14 – 250 Framer: Change date from1999 to 2004 (Walter Metzler) Committee: Yes Discussion: CA motioned to accept the proposal, LL seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) 14.5.b – Dirt Track Technical Inspection & Modifications: Do not remove the WM3 rim-width stipulation for vintage dirt track classes. (Matt Hilgenberg) Committee: Yes Discussion: CA motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded July Board: (12 For the motion)


SECTION 15 – CROSS COUNTRY 15.1.1c and 15.1.2d – Changing the definition of Cross Country “Open” classes . Allowing machines manufactured as 88cc and larger plus allowable overbore.(Brian Grove) Committee: No Discussion: AK motioned to reject the proposal, FG seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) (No Section Number to Reference): Change classification Classic/Historic machines. (Jim Laird) Committee: No Discussion: KS motioned to reject the proposal, CA seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) SECTION 16 – NEXT GEN MOTOCROSS (No Section Number to Reference): Clean up error in not adding a woman’s class to the Next Gen Series. This is a housecleaning issue as I neglected to catch it when proofing the handbook. (Fred Guidi) Committee: Yes Discussion: KB motioned to accept the proposal, AK seconded July Board: (12 For the motion) Section 16, et al: Eliminate the Next Gen MX program. (Matt Hilgenberg) Committee: No Discussion: FG motioned to reject the proposal, KB seconded July Board: (8 For/ 4 Against [KS, RP, DP, EV] the motion) (No Section Number to Reference): Add Section 12.6 to specify consistent General Motocross Rules as currently used in Vintage and Post Vintage Motocross. (Kelly Shane) 12.6 GENERAL MOTOCROSS RULES The following rules in the Vintage Motocross section also apply to AHRMA Next Gen MX: 11.3 Motocross Rider Grading System (Note: Rule 11.3h, dual-ability level, does not apply in Next Gen classes.) 11.4 Equipment Required of All Motocross Riders 11.5 Scoring at AHRMA Events 11.6 Series Points Awards 11.7 Race Procedures Committee: Yes Discussion: DP motioned to accept the proposal, KB seconded July Board: (12 For the motion)


2019 Barber Paddock/Power reservation 2019 Paddock/Parking/Power Request All AHRMA competitors, family and crew must purchase all pit/entrance passes (both roadrace and off-road) on-site from the AHRMA credential area. Credentialing will be located in Lot C on Wednesday - Thursday and at the Leeds Hampton Inn Friday - Sunday.

— Do NOT purchase tickets in advance from Barber Motorsports Park. —

In addition to pit/entrance passes into Barber Motorsports Park, racers must have a valid parking pass for the weekend for ALL roadrace and off-road participants and their crews. You will not be allowed on Barber Motorsports Parkway without proper credentials. Free offsite parking will be located across from the entrance of Barber Motorsports Park.

No Phone calls will be accepted for paddock/power reservations! – Paddock/power reservation requests must be received by September 6 – Only AHRMA members may apply; parking passes are free, but anyone staying on site overnight (both roadrace and off-road racers) pays camping fees as follows: $100/weekend (four nights), electricity (RR paddock only) $100/weekend (four days). If arriving after Thursday, camping is $25/night

Roadrace Paddock

Off-Road Paddock Area - Lot C

Approximate move-in times will be as follows (you will receive a parking pass with instructions and your exact move-in time)

Approximate move-in time for Lot C

Wednesday October 2

8:00am 9:00am 10:00am

Officials Sponsors General move-in by assigned time

All staging will be in Lot C. — Sponsors and officials for roadrace and off-road will have preferential parking.

Wednesday October 2

12:00pm 2:00pm

Officials General move-in for Lot C

AHRMA off-road participants will be able to start moving-in after we clear the majority of the roadracers from Lot C. Off-road paddock will be the northern half of Lot C. The southern half will be for Barber campers, not AHRMA members. AHRMA off-road officials/volunteers: Please contact Fred Guidi for a pre-assigned parking spot in the upper area of Lot C, near the entrance to the motocross track.

Credentialing will be in Lot C be for in AHRMA Wednesday andracers at theon Hampton Inn Thursday through Sunday Credentialing will Lot C for all AHRMA Wednesday and Thursday. Please fill in name/address below where parking pass is to be mailed Name ____________________________________________________________________ AHRMA # ___________________ Address ______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________ Phone _____________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________

□Off-road Paddock/area Do you need an extra vehicle pass for your paddock space? (rental car or second rider) □Yes □No Rig overall length _________ type _______________________ Need electric (roadrace paddock only): □Yes □No Parking area requested:

□Roadracing Paddock


□Yes □No

Racers you want to pit near (Make sure you include each other and there are no guarantees) ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paddock Payment Fees

□ Camping for four days $100 □ Electricity for four days $100 □ Camping for ______days @ $25/day = $_______ □ Enclosed is a check or money order for $__________________ # __________ □ Please charge my MC / Visa / Disc / AmEx: Credit card # _______________________________ Expires _____________


Must include street number and ZIP code for credit card billing address. If different than address above, please provide billing address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Signature (must be signed to be valid and processed) ____________________________________________ Date _______________ This form must be received no later than September 6, 2019 in order to park on the grounds at Barber Motorsports Park. Parking assignments will be emailed on September 20, 2019 to the email provided above. Passes will be issued upon arrival. Send parking request to: AHRMA RR Directors: PO Box 31, Horton, AL 35980 Fax: 904.485.8075 Please go to page 2 for Parking MapPage Scan & email:�������@oneracing.org Please Complete Parking Request on Following



07/02/2019 WWW.AHRMA.ORG




Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Control Tower

Grass median

Electric service in this row d Limiteccess RV A

Grass median

RV d Limiteccess Electric service in this row A

Grass median

Area not available

Pit Entrance

Area not available

Electric service in this row - 50 amp only

Grass median

Grass median

Grass median

Level 4

Perimeter Road

Please indicate three choices where you would like to park. Show choices with a circled 1, 2 and 3. We will do our best to accomodate every racer. � This map must be submitted with your parking pass application.

Roadrace Paddock Map

2019 Parking Pass request - page 2 2019Barber Paddock/Parking/Power Request



2019 AHRMA Roadrace Racer Requirements Anyone wishing to participate in the AHRMA roadracing events at the 2019 Barber Vintage Festival must meet all of the following requirements. For additional information regarding class and event details, check the AHRMA website, www.ahrma.org. 1. You must be an AHRMA member – no exceptions. There are no weekend memberships for this event. Please refer to the 2019 AHRMA Handbook for more information on the qualifications necessary to become an AHRMA member. 2. To qualify to race in the AHRMA roadrace at Barber: a. You must participate in at least two AHRMA roadraces over two separate weekends in the current season and must have logged a minimum of 16 transponder-scored laps. In those 16 laps, all riders are required to complete one full race, accepting the race-finishing flag, be it checkered or red. b. If you took the Fast & Safe Roadrace School during the current season, you must also participate in at least two AHRMA roadraces over two separate weekends to qualify to race at Barber, and must have logged a minimum of 16 transponder-scored laps. In those 16 laps, all riders are required to complete one full race, accepting the race-finishing flag, be it checkered or red. You may not

use the Talledega Fast & Safe Roadrace School to qualify c. If you complete one or more AHRMA roadraces at one race weekend in the current season, and complete one or more roadraces with other recognized race organizations (USCRA, CCS for example) in the current season, you will be eligible to race at Barber. You must submit proof of participation for non AHRMA race(s) to the Roadrace Directors (waiver@oneracing.org) and receive verification before you register. However, AHRMA racers qualifying through 2.a and 2.b. will be given first consideration until September 10, 2019. d. The following are the only exceptions to this requirement i. International racers must submit proof of participation in at least three 2019 roadraces in the country of their license. ii. 2018 AHRMA National or Regional Roadrace Champions are exempted from the requirement of participating in two races over two separate weekends in the current season as detailed above and must have a current AHRMA license. iii. Professional US racers who submit 2019 results and agree to participate in both AHRMA practice days to become familiar with AHRMA-specific procedures and must hold an AHRMA license. iv. In an extremely limited number of instances, certain well-known professional national or international championship riders with a high-level of public recognition will be allowed to compete without meeting the above-noted

requirements. e. The final decision in these exemptions will rest with the AHRMA Executive Committee. Riders wishing to request an exemption must submit a request, along with documentation supporting the request, to the AHRMA Executive Director no later than 14 days prior to the Barber pre-entry deadline. 3. All race participants at Barber must participate in either the Thursday or Friday AHRMA practice day. As in 2012-‘18, there will be no raceday practice either Saturday or Sunday. 4. There will be no AHRMA Fast & Safe Roadracing School at Barber. 5. AHRMA will accept a maximum of 600 entries per day.


P r e s e n t e d

b y



M o t o r r a d






Festival • TRIALS • FAN











• Be sure

to visit the

Barber Vintage



Museum at

Barber Motorsports

Park •

2019 AHRMA Offroad Racing Schedule Friday, October 4, 2020

Saturday, October 5, 2020

Sunday, October 6, 2020

Paid Trials School: Time and special guest instructor to be announced! Check out www.ahrma.org for updates.

Trials Sign Up: 7:00 am – 8:00 am Checkers Meeting: 8:00 am Riders Meeting: 8:30 am Trial Starts: 9:00 am

Cross County Sign Up: 7:00 am - 8:00 am Riders Meeting: 8:10 am Sighting Lap All Riders: 8:30 am Vintage Race: (including novice and women): 9:00 am PV Race: 11:00 am

Trials Sign-Up: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Checkers Meeting: 12:00 pm Riders Meeting: 12:30 pm Start Time: 1:00 pm Trials Sign Up (Saturday entries): 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Cross County Sign Up: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Free Trials Clinic: 5:00 pm


Cross County Sign Up: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Riders Meeting: 12:00 pm Sighting Lap, All Riders: 12:30 pm Vintage Race (including novice and women): 1:00 pm PV Race: 3:00 pm


If you’re interested in checking the trials or have questions about the trials Call/Text/Email: Dave Reynolds: 404-936-7485, dr1dreynolds@gmail.com




American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association


RIDER PROFILE Dave Bourbeau At The First Annual Harley vs. Indian Double Barrel Shootout at the Barber Corral THE LEGEND OF JAMMIN’ JIMMY AND RIO BRAVO LIVES ON IN TX




january 2019, Vol. No.1, Issue No.1 $3.50

ADVERTISE WITH AHRMA! AHRMA members invest a lot of money in their sport. In addition to owning 19 motorcycles, the average member spends over $10,000 each year on new and used motorcycles, parts, accessories, publications, race fuel, lubricants, safety gear, tools and other related items. In other words, the associations’ members represent nearly $60 million in spending power! Advertising opportunities include Sponsorships, the AHRMA Handbook, AHRMA Mag, the AHRMA website, Special Events, Barber Program and more. Contact AHRMA and let us build an advertising package that works for you! For more information visit


or call our National Office at


Your Favorite Trackside Photographer

Brad Schwab cell 443-957-0348 Bob Hartman cell 443-851-1723 etechphoto@usa.net etechphoto.com 42






Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue

Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue


Shady Acres Motocross Park; Friendsville, MD




Moto-Vated Sports Complex; Gray Court, SC




Moto-Vated Sports Complex; Gray Court, SC




Two Rivers Racing; Milliken, CO




MillCreek MX Park; Pell City, AL




Oak Hill Raceway; Decatur, TX




Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR




Rattlers Run Farms; Fairfield, WA




Two Rivers Racing; Milliken, CO




T & S Racing; Henryetta, OK




Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA




HLR Motorsports; Moberly, MO




Metcalf Motorcycle County Park; San Jose, CA




Fox Raceway; Pala, CA




Texas Vintage Grand Prix Course; Donie, TX




Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue

7/27-28 Shady Acres Motocross Park; Friendsville, MD



8/10-11 Pine Lake Raceway and Trails; Ashtabula, OH



9/14-15 Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR



9/27-28 T & S Racing; Henryetta, OK 10/5-6 Barber Motorsports Park; Birmingham, AL

9/13 9/20

9/16 9/23


Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue



Shady Acres Motocross Park; Friendsville, MD




Moto-Vated Sports Complex; Gray Court, SC




MillCreek MX Park; Pell City, AL




Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR




Two Rivers Racing; Milliken, CO




T & S Racing; Henryetta, OK




HLR Motorsports; Moberly, MO




Fox Raceway; Pala, CA




Texas Vintage Grand Prix Course; Donie, TX



Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue 7/20-21* Donner Summit; Soda Springs, CA




Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR




Rattlers Run Farms; Fairfield, WA




Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA




Barber Motorsports Park; Birmingham, AL



10/19- 20 Hayes Farm; Ramsey, IL




Aonia Pass Motocross Park; Washington, GA




MotoVentures; Anza, CA



* Please check online schedule after July 8th for exact date or cancellation





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*Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue

Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue

7/26-28 Road America; Elkhart Lake, WI




Tar Heel Speedway, ST; Tar Heel, NC





Aonia Pass Motocross Park, TT; Washington, GA 9/6


8/16-18 Buttonwillow Raceway Park; Buttonwillow, CA




Aonia Pass MX Park, ST; Washington, GA


8/30-9/1 Utah Motorsports Park; Tooele, UT




Aonia Pass Motocross Park, ST; Washington, GA 10/18


9/6-8 10/3-6

8/30 None

8/30 9/30


Aonia Pass MX Park, TT; Washington, GA





Gingerman Raceway; South Haven, MI

Talladega Gran Prix; Munford, AL Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL


12/TBD Culman County Ag.Trade Ctr., ST; Culman, AL




Register Online with MotorsportReg.com and Save! The AMCA Invites You to Join Us. Join thousands of others who share your appreciation for classic motorcycles of the past. Need Old Parts?, Need a source of Service?, Need Free Advice on your current of future project? Then the AMCA Forum is the place for you. AMCA members enjoy free access to thousands of members who are eager to share information with fellow old motorcycle enthusiast.

AHRMA welcomes MotorsportReg.com offering streamlined race registration, results, event previews, membership/renewals, and more! Registration and Points info contact: Tony and Faynisha Pentecost: ahrma@oneracing.org

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Event Previews and Technical info contact: Cindy McLean: cindy.mclean@ahrma.org




RACE PREVIEWS ROADRACE Luke’s Racecraft National Historic Roadrace Series August 16 - 18– Buttonwillow Raceway Park; Buttonwillow, CA Pre-Entry Deadline: 8/9 (Noon EST)

Friday AHRMA-run practice day / AHRMA Roadracing School available GPS Coordinates: 35.49955, -119.54267 Gate Fee: $10/person Concessions: Yes, restaurant on site Lodging: Motel 6 Central, Buttonwillow 661.764.5121 Econo Lodge Inn & Suites Buttonwillow 661.764.5207 Super 8, Buttonwillow 661.764.5117 Vagabond Inn, Buttonwillow 661.469.4146 Camping: Yes. RV accommodations: $25/day for paved, $20/ day for unpaved Showers are available Please reserve your space early, especially on busier weekends, to ensure availability. Be sure to specify a 30 amp hook up or a 50 amp hook up when making your reservations. Call (661) 7645333 or email rvpark@buttonwillowraceway. com and reserve your space today! Track Address: 24551 Lerdo Hwy, Buttonwillow CA 93206 (661) 764-5333 Website: buttonwillowraceway.com Directions: > Direct Interstate 5 Freeway access > 126 miles north of downtown Los Angeles > 196 miles south of San Jose >28 miles northwest of Bakersfield >1/2 miles west of I-5 on Lerdo Highway >60 miles from Paso Robles “Wine Country” and gateway to central coast recreation Smartphone Apps like Waze, iPhone Maps and Google Maps can be helpful in determining the best route to Buttonwillow Raceway Park.

August 30 - Sept 1– Utah Motorsports Campus, Grantsville, UT Pre-Entry Deadline: 8/23 (Noon EST)

Friday AHRMA-run practice day / AHRMA Roadracing School available GPS Coordinates: N40.59369 W112.37048 Gate Fee: $30.00/three days; $25.00/two days; $15.00/one day. Concessions: Yes. Restaurant on site *We will have a Barbecue on Saturday night, following awards; $12/person* Camping: Yes, some RV hook-ups at track for a fee; call track in advance. Garages: There are two types of garage rentals; the GP Garages – allow direct access to the 46


Schedules and venues are subject to change, visit www.ahrma.org

track and individual restrooms and East Garages – day use only. The track has 24 hour secured access through the gate. Garages are rented on a first come, first served basis. Be sure to say you are with AHRMA and you would like garage space near the East Track. For more information, call 435.277.7223 Lodging: Tooele, UT – Comfort Inn& Suites, 801.250.3600. 20% discount if you mention the Bonneville Vintage GP discount code LBONN. Holiday Inn Express, 435.833.0500. Ramada Inn, 801.537.7020 A block of 23 rooms have been reserved at Ramada – reference “Bonneville Vintage GP” for a discounted rate. American Inn & Suites, 435.882.6100. Microtel, 801.236.2800. At Microtel, use Code “Bonneville VintageGP” for a reduced rate. Other hotels include Best Western, 435.882.5010; Hampton Inn, 435.843.7700

September 6 - 8– Talladega Gran Prix Raceway, Munford, AL Pre-Entry Deadline: 8/30 (Noon EST)

Friday AHRMA-run practice day / AHRMA Roadracing School available. NOTE: THIS CAN NOT BE USED FOR BARBER RACE ELIGIBILITY, YOU MUST TAKE THE SCHOOL PRIOR TO THIS RACE EVENT! GPS Coordinates: N33.50283, W86.000569 Gate Fee: $5/day entry gate fee for each participant & spectator Concessions: Yes. *We will have a Barbecue on Saturday night, $12.00/plate, immediately follow-ing the awards; chicken barbecue, sides, dessert and soft drink included. * Gas: Please note: Fuel will not be available at the track. Please plan ahead and provide your own. Camping: Overnight camping available. private showers Lodging: Oxford, Alabama has a variety of nice hotels, restaraunts and shopping malls. Any of these should be within 15 miles of the track with easy access to I-20/Hwy 21 location of the track. There are no hotels in Munford. For listings in Oxford, go to www. http://hotelguides.com/ alabama/oxford-al-hotels.html Track Address: 46 Pilgrim Lane, Munford, Alabama 36268. Website: www.tgprace.com


October 3 - 6– Barber Motorsports Park, Birmingham, AL Pre-Entry Deadline: 9/18 (Noon EST)

AHRMA competitors, family and crew must purchase all paddock passes (both roadrace and off-road) on-site at Barber from the AHRMA credential area. DO NOT PURCHASE TICKETS IN ADVANCE from Barber Motorsports Park. Credential hours / locations: Wednesday: Barber Motorsports Park, Lot C. Hours - 8:00am - 10:00pm. Thursday: Barber Motorsports Park, Lot C. Hours - 6:30am - 9:00pm. Friday: Hampton Inn. Hours - 6:30am - 9:00pm Saturday: Hampton Inn. Hours - 7:00am - 11:00am Sunday: Hampton Inn. Hours - 7:00am - 9:00am. The Hampton Inn is located at 310 Rex Lake Road, Leeds, Alabama, 35094, between Bass Pro Shops and Barber Motorsports Parkway. Paddock Pass Prices: $40/four days; $35/three days, $25/two days, $15/one day. Once you have a wristband. you will have 24hr access to the Park. Camping: $25/night Paddock/Power Reservation Request forms are due September 6. *Please note* In addition to pit/entrance passes into Barber Motorsports Park, racers must have a valid paddock parking pass displayed on your dashboard for the weekend for ALL roadrace and off-road participants and their crews. You will not be allowed on Barber Motorsports Parkway without proper credentials. Anyone wishing to participate in the AHRMA roadracing events at the 2019 Barber Vintage Festival must meet all of the Pre-Barber race requirements listed on the AHRMA website. GPS Coordinates: N33 31.983 W86 36.821 Once you have a wristband: you will have 24hr access to the Park. Gate Fee: $40/four days; $35/three days, $25/two days, $15/one day. Camping: $25/night – reserve by Sept. 6 on Paddock/Power Reservation Request Form. Concessions: Yes. Lodging: Holiday Inn Express, 205.957.0555. Days Inn, 205.699.9833. Best Western Bass, 205.640.5300. Comfort Inn, 205.640.6600. Quality Inn (formerly Jameson Inn), 205.661.9323. Track Address: 6030 Barber Motorsports Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35094; phone 205.699.7275. Website: www.barbermotorsports.com


DIRT TRACK VMC Racing Frames National Dirt Track Series Sept 14 – Tar Heel Speedway, Tar Heel, NC

Pre-Entry Deadline: Mail, Fax & Email: 8/30 Pre-Entry Deadline: Online 9/2 (noon EST)

Gate fee: General admission $10; kids under 8, free. Camping: Rough camping (Free) Concessions: Yes Lodging: St. Pauls I-95 Exit 31 Days Inn .(910) 8651111. Aprox. 10 miles from track. Lumberton I-95 at Exit 22 has several Hotels to choose from. Aprox. 18 miles from track. Track address: 271 Victory Lane Tar Heel, NC 28392 Contacts: Rick Lovette – 910.258.2272; Traci Lovette – 910-258-2282 Facebook: Tar Heel Speedway Websites: www.ahrmase.org or www.ahrma.org > Directions from Fayettville: Travel approximately 20 miles south on NC-87S. Turn left onto Victory Lane. Track is on the left. > Directions from Elizabethtown: Head west on NC-87 Bypass N toward US-701 N (4.4mi); continue onto NC-41 S/NC-87 N (15 mi). Turn right onto Victory Lane. Track is on the left. Race Schedule Saturday ST Schedule: Short track practice at 6:00pm; Racing begins, 8:00pm Shedule subject to change

Sept 21 – Aonia Pass MX Park, Washington, GA. TT & ST

Pre-Entry Deadline: Mail, Fax & Email: 9/6 Pre-Entry Deadline: Online 9/9 (noon EST)

Directions From I-20, exit 172, go north on Hwy 78 for 15 miles, park is on the left. Gate fee: $10/one day; $15/two days Camping: Yes, free. RV hookups, $25/night, payable on-site. Concessions: Yes. Lodging Washington – about 8 minutes from track Redland Motel, 706.678.3225 (ask for track discount) ; Jameson Inn, 706.678.7925; Holiday Inn Express, 706.595.6500. Thomson – about 15 minutes of track on I-20,Exit 172; Hampton Inn, (ask for track discount), 706.595.56300; Econolodge, 706.595.7144; Best Western White Columns, 706.595.8000. Track address: Aonia Pass Motocross Park, 3030 Thomson Road (Hwy 78), Washington, AUGUST 2019

GA 30673. Contact: Atlanta Motorcycle Club, phone 770.867.1676 Websites: www.atlantamotorcycleclub.com or www.ahrmase.org On Facebook: Aonia-Pass-Mx-Park or Atlanta Motorcycle Club National Dirt Track Schedule: Dirt Track sign-up, Noon; TT practice and racing. 3:00pm; Short Track practice and racing 5:00pm.

OFFROAD August 10 -11 – Pine Lake MX, Ashtabula, OH

Aug 10/11 - John Penton/Preston Petty National Cross Country Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 7/12 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 7/15, 11am EST.

All Vintage & Post Vintage classes both days! Entry Fees: AHRMA National Championship events require that you pre-enter. Post-entries are available, at an increased price. Directions: From I-90, go South on Route 193 for 2.3 miles. Turn right (West) on PlymouthGageville Rd. and go 1.5 miles. Turn left on Maple Rd. Track just down a bit on the left. Geolocation: Latitude: 41.8338222 Longitude: -80.6980562 Gate Fee: $15/day, $25/weekend Camping: Yes, primitive camping Concessions: Yes Lodging: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Ashtabula-Geneva, 440.275.2020; Hampton Inn, 440.275.2000 Track address: 3796 Maple Rd., Jefferson, OH 44047 Contact: Bud Fischer, phone 440.997.4166 Website: www.pinelakeracewayandtrails.com Facebook: Pine Lake Raceway Schedule, Friday: Sign-up, 4:00-6:00pm. Schedule, Saturday: Sign-up,7:00-8:30am; riders meeting 8:45am; practice, 9:00am; sighting lap, 10:45am; race start, 12noon. Note: First race MAY begin at 9:30am; decision will be made at the riders meeting. Schedule, Sunday: Sign-up,7:00-8:30am; riders meeting 8:45am; sighting lap, 9:00am; race start, 9:30am.

August 10 -11 – Moto-Vated Sports Complex, Gray Court, SC

Aug 10 - Preston Petty Products National Vintage MX Series Aug 11 - Race Tech National Post Vintage MX Series Aug 11 - AHRMA National Next Gen MX Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 7/26 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 7/29, 11am EST.


Lodging: Comfort Inn & Suites, 3971 Grandview Dr, Simpsonville, SC 29680 Track address: 14499 Hwy 101 S Gray Court SC 29645 Contact: Amanda Freeman, Phone: 606.401.6642, Email: amanda@moto-vatedsportscomplex.com Website: http://www.moto-vatedsportscomplex. com/ Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ Motovatedsportscomplex/ Directions: > Take exit 16 off of I385 and follow 101S all the way to the track. Schedule Friday: Open practice 10am-2pm Early sign-up for all events, Friday: 8:00am; additional sign-up hours will be announced daily. Vintage Motocross schedule Saturday: Signup, 7:00-8:30am; rider’s meeting, 8:30am; practice, 9:00am; racing begins, 10:00am. PVMX/NGMX schedule Sunday: Sign-up, 7:00-8:30am; rider’s meeting, 8:30am; practice, 9:00am; racing begins, 10:00am.

August 17 -18 – MillCreek MX Park, Pell City,AL

Aug 17 - Preston Petty Products National Vintage MX Series Aug 18 - Race Tech National Post Vintage MX Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 8/2 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 8/5, 11am EST.

Gate Fee: $10/day/person, under 4 free. Camping: Yes, RV sites available, $30/day. Concessions: Yes Lodging Pell City – Holiday Inn Express, 205.884.0047; Comfort Suites (newest), 205.338.5570; Hampton Inn, 205.814.3000, Quality Inn, 205.338.1314 Riverside, AL – Americas Best Value Inn, 205338-3381 (On Lake Logan Martin – offers the best rates a bit further from track than the others) *more detailed lodging information on Mill Creek website Track address: 1724 Roberts Mill Pond Road, Pell City, AL 35125 Contact: Phone: 205.699.8857 Email: jamie@millcreekmx.com Website: https://www.millcreekmx.com Directions >From Birmingham, AL Get on I-20E/I-59N; follow I-20 E to US-78 E/ Mineral Springs Rd in Pell City. Take exit 156 for US-78 E toward Eden/Pell City. Turn right onto US-78 E/Mineral Springs Rd. Take the first right onto Roberts Mill Pond Rd. Turn left at the track. >From Atlanta, GA Follow I-20 W to AL-4 E/US-78 E/Mineral WWW.AHRMA.ORG


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Springs Rd in St. Clair County. Take exit 156 for US-78 E toward Eden/ Odenville. Turn left onto AL-4 E/US-78 E/Mineral Springs Rd. Turn right onto Roberts Mill Pond Rd. Turn left at the track. Schedule: Vintage MX schedule, Saturday: Sign-up, 7:00-8:30am; Rider’s meeting, 8:30am; Practice, 9:00am; Racing begins, 10:00am. Post Vintage MX schedule, Sunday: Sign-up, 7:00-8:30am; Rider’s meeting, 8:30am; Practice, 9:00am; Racing begins, 10:00am.

Sept 14 -15 – Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR

Sept 14 -15- John Penton/Preston Petty National Cross Country Series Sept 14 Preston Petty Products National Vintage Motocross Series Sept 14 Speed & Sport National Trials Series Sept 15 Race Tech National Post Vintage Motocross Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 8/30 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 9/2, 11am EST.

Fireworks display on Saturday evening (weather permitting). Professional Motocross scoring by Pam Lambert. Continuous improvements on an already exciting natural grass MX track. Daily updates on Arkansas Dirt Riders Facebook site.Check the site for more info. Gate Fee: $10/day, $20/weekend Gates: Open at 9:00am on Friday, weekend gate times 6:00am-8:00pm Camping: Yes, free primitive camping. No hookups. Concessions: Yes, by the New Blaine Country Kitchen Lodging: Any lodgings in Russellville, Dardanelle, or Paris, Arkansas. Contact: Bob Diffee, 501.517.8878 Lynn Burton 501.539.3361 GPS Coordinates: 35.2831 N, 93.3905 W Directions: One mile East of New Blaine, AR off Hwy. 22. From Russellville go south on Hwy 7 thru Dardanelle to Hwy 22. Turn west on Hwy 22 towards New Blaine. One mile before New Blaine turn left on Jenkins Way at the New Blaine General Store. Follow arrows to start area. Parking on right in field. Arkansas Dirt Riders coninued Schedule AUGUST 2019

Friday: Sign-up and tech, 4:00pm-6:00pm. Trials schedule, Saturday: Sign-up 7:00am-12:30am; Riders’ meeting 1:00pm; Trials start 1:30pm Cross Country schedule, Saturday: Sign-up and tech (all riders), 7:00- 8:30am; Rider’s meeting (all riders), 8:30am; Sighting lap (both vintage and post vintage), 9:30am; Vintage race start, 9:30am; Post Vintage race start, 11:00am. Vintage MX schedule, Saturday: Sign-up and tech, 7:00-12:30am; Rider’s meeting, 12:30pm; Practice, 1:00-2:0pm; Racing begins 2:00pm. Cross Country schedule, Sunday: Sign-up and tech (all riders), 7:00- 8:30am; Rider’s meeting (all riders), 8:30am; Sighting lap (both vintage and post vintage), 9:30am; Vintage race start, 9:30am; Post Vintage race start, 11:00am. Post Vintage MX schedule, Sunday: Signup and tech, 7:00-12:30am; Rider’s meeting, 12:30pm; Practice, 1:00-2:0pm; Racing begins 2:00pm.

Sept 14 -15 – Rattlers Run Farms; Fairfield, WA Sept 14 Sept 15 -

Speed & Sport National Trials Series Preston Petty Products National Vintage Motocross Series

Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 8/30 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 9/2, 11am EST.

Gate Fee: $10.00/day, $20 for the weekend. Kids under 12, free. Camping: Yes, free. No hookups. For camping info, phone 509.688.5918 Special Event Saturday: Poker Run; 3:00pm – 5:00pm; Early MX signup 6:00-7:30 Concessions: Yes. Lodging: Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel, US Highway 95, Worley, ID 83876, 208.686.0248. Track Address: 13910 E. Rattlers Run Rd., Fairfield, WA 99012 Contact: For motocross info, contact Bryan Anderberg 509.688.5918 For trials info, contact Chris Allen; 509.710.7916 Online information: www.ahrmanw.org/ schedule/event/rattlers-run/ Directions from the West and East on I-90: Take exit 289 Pines Rd/ Hwy 27. Go South 19 miles, (half a mile past mile marker 67) turn right on Palouse Rd, left on Jackson Rd, hard right onto E. Rat-tlers Run Road, 1.5 miles gravel road to Farm, left on S.Darknell Rd. Left into farm entrance. Race Schedule Trials school, Friday: 4:00pm, no need to signup, just show up. Free to all. Trial schedule, Saturday: Sign-up, 9:00am; trial starts, 10:00. Vintage MX schedule, Sunday: Sign-up, 7:00am; rider’s meeting, 8:30am practice, 8:459:30am; ; racing begins, 9:45am. AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION

Sept 21 -22 – Two Rivers Racing, Milliken, CO Sept 21 Sept 22 Sept 22 -

Preston Petty Products National Vintage Motocross Series Race Tech National Post Vintage Motocross Series Next Gen Motocross Series

Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 9/6 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 9/9, 11am EST.

Gate Fee: Cash only, $10 per person age 12 and over per day. No credit cards. Wristbands must be worn – can leave property, show wristband upon re-entry. Gate Hours: Open Friday 10:00 am, Saturday 7:00 am and Sunday 7:00 am. Gate is closed and locked by 10:00pm each night. Camping: Yes, SELF-CONTAINED units only, $10 per unit per night, cash. No tents. Weld county does not allow “camping” but you may park overnight. Noise curfew: 10:00 pm to 6:00 am – Quiet. Concessions: Minimal, will have sandwiches, fruit, drinks. Small towns less than one mile away. Lodging: Greeley - Hampton Inn & Suites, 970.339.5525; Holiday Inn Express, 970.330.7495. Loveland - Quality Inn & Suites, 970.593.0100; Best Western Plus Loveland, 970.667.7810. Track address: 22437 Weld County Road 19. Milliken, CO 80543 Contact: phone 970.515.5343 On Facebook: Two Rivers Racing Directions from I-25: North of Denver, exit 252 East 10 miles on Highway 60 past Johnstown to County Rd 19, turn south (right), go ½ mile+. Track is on the right, past corner Rd 46 ½. Directions from I-76: Exit West to Greeley Highway 34, continue west to Highway 257, go south to Milliken. Turn right on Highway 60, go 1 mile west, turn south (left) on County Rd 19, go ½ mile+. Track is on the right, past corner Rd 46 ½. Schedule Open Practice, Friday: 10:00am-2:00pm; Early sign-up for all events, Friday: 8:00am; additional sign-up hours will be announced daily. Vintage MX schedule, Saturday: Sign-up, 7:00-8:30am; rider’s meeting, 8:30am; practice, 9:00am; racing begins, 10:30am. PVMX/NGMX schedule, Sunday: Sign-up, 7:00-8:30am; rider’s meeting, 8:30am; practice, 9:00am; racing begins, 10:30am. Awards will be given out each day after the race.


www.ahrma.org WWW.AHRMA.ORG


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All Noleen shocks come with a 60 day setup warranty that covers the springs and valving.

We Service/Revalve Fox,KYB,Ohlins,Showa,Works Performance,WP and all serviceable Shocks and Forks


RACE THE WEEKEND! AHRMA Fast and Safe RR School is Offered at All Roadrace Events Except Barber Vintage Festival in October. CONTACT ANDREW COWELL FOR MORE INFO

910. 431. 2956 Elli.Klein@ahrma.org




Road Race School Director Andrew Cowell Photo by EtechPhoto.com AUGUST 2019


Head Protection Technology

King Kenny

ISSUE #2 WINTER 2010 $10.95 USD

Then and Now


HANNAH! 092MR_cover_2.indd 1

2/3/10 7:47:24 AM

AHRMAMAG MAG American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association


David Aldana: The Last of the Gladiators Wheel-to-Wheel Roadracing, NJMP Mill Creek's Got Some Secret Sauce Over 69 years of experience in manufacturing gloves.

JUly 2019, Vol. No.1, Issue No.6

Gloves Rodney

Over 69 years of looking for new materials and testing new technology, costantly developing products which combine improved comfort and safety in an increasingly demanding market. We first started to producing fashion and working gloves in 1946. Since 1975 we have been producing the finest motorcycling gloves available, we always have and will continue to develop improved safety and comfort of our gloves in conction with top professional riders and material technologists.

1979 Held developed and produced their first motocross glove, in cooperation with Erwin Schmieder (11 times European Champion).


$ 380.00

Short-Race Sports Glove

Kangaroo and cowhide leather, flat seams, stretch panels, visor wipe, hard plastic knuckle, Kevlar®, reinforced hand and thumb, finger bridge, SUPERFABRIC®

Perforated kangaroo and goat skin leather, COOLMAX® lining, flat seams, stretch panels, foam knuckle reinforcement, SUPERFABRIC® hand reinforcement




Steve Classic

Perforated kangaroo leather and durable spandex, air vents, hard plastic knuckle, SUPERFABRIC® reinforcement

$ 160.00

Touring Glove

Black, Grey-Black

The Benchmark Phantom is Revolutionized

The new generation of our classic glove.

Preformed kangaroo leather, Kevlar®, comfort seams, sting ray leather, titanium knuckle, superfabric®, SUPROTECT® shock absorption, GFK Protectors, shockabsorbing gel, visor wipe, stretch panels, carbon-aramid thumb, perforation

Preformed kangaroo leather, comfort seams, visor wipe, SUPROTECT® shock absorption, SUPERFABRIC® reinforcement, reflective patches

Kangaroo and cowhide leather with GORE-TEX membrane, Kevlar® reinforcement, flat seams, hard plastic knuckle, SUPERFABRIC® reinforcement, GFK Protectors, visor wipe

Goatskin and Nyspan construction, Thermoplush fleece lining, GORE-TEX® membrane, flat seams, stretch panels, visor wipe, leather covered hard plastic knuckle, SUPERFABRIC® reinforcement, reflective piping


$ 170.00

Sports Glove

Air Stream II

$ 160.00

Held Gore-Tex® glove with X-TRAFIT™ product technology Goatskin and Taslan construction, GORE-TEX® membrane, visor wipe, foam knuckle & finger protection, schoeller®-keprotec® thumb protection, reinforced palm, reflective panels

$ 65.00


Soft goatskin leather, flat seams, Velcro adjustment at cuff

“Breezy” chamber (unlined)



Launched exclusively by Held: GORE 2in1 technology from Held with the 2-chamber system enters the market.

Satu leather palm

Summer Glove

2012 2013


“Dry” chamber (waterproof)


The class benchmark will be improved and revolutionised: Phantom II is born!

Held’s attention to detail


Gore 2in1 summer technology GORE-TEX® membrane

Black, Black-White, Black-Yellow, White-Red, White-Blue, White-Green

The safest glove in its class!


$ 220.00

Held Gore-Tex® glove with X-TRAFIT™ product technology

Black, Black-White

The ultimate ADV glove. $ 300.00

Sports Glove


$ 120.00

Summer Glove

Phantom II

Held Phantom


Rain Cloud

$ 265.00

Held Gore-Tex® glove with X-TRAFIT™ product technology

Tony Mang’s original race glove


Many watertight motorcycle gloves are made of four layers: a sturdy outer material; an insulating layer; a watertight layer and a lining material. The robust new GORE-TEX® membrane used in the X-TRAFIT™ technology makes it possible to eliminate two layers. All remaining layers are laminated together using a three-dimensional process and Gore’s new thermal adhesive netlike structure to retain breathability.

Black, Black-White

The year of the big breakthrough. With the help of Toni Mang (5 times GP World Champion), Held developed a totally new and radically different glove. Its specification still sets the standard for all up-to-date sports gloves.


X-TRAFIT® is the next-gen GORE-TEX® technology allowing the highly functional, breathable, wind-blocking and water-repellent membranes for motorcycle gloves a sensitive grip feeling and optimal comfort for the hands.




Held GORE-TEX® Gloves with X-TRAFIT™

Black, Tan

Black, Black-White, Red-White, Blue-White

The first race gloves with carbon shells – made by Held.


$ 120.00

Summer Glove $ 160.00

Sports Glove Race level protection featuring preformed kangaroo leather, Kevlar®, comfort seams, finger bridge, sting ray leather, carbon & titanium knuckle, carbon side hand protector, superfabric®, SUPROTECT® shock absorption, GFK Protectors, shock-absorbing gel, visor wipe, stretch panels, carbon-aramid thumb, perforation.

$ 150.00

Air n Dry

Summer Glove

Kangaroo and cowhide leather, flat seams, stretch panels, visor wipe, hard plastic knuckle, Kevlar®, hard plastic side hand protector, SUPERFABRIC®

Perforated kangaroo leather and mesh fabric, lined with Kevlar® and COOLMAX®, vent panels between fingers, comfort seams, visor wipe, hard plastic knuckle

Black, Black-White, Black-Red, Black-Blue


$ 250.00


Touring glove with GORE TEX® 2in1 summer technology from Held


$ 20.00


1 Round-cut fingers provide a preshaped form for maxiumum user comfort. 2 Leather parts are overlapped where they meet and joined with backstitch to provide the finest seam. This gives the gloves a highly sensitive feel. 3 Each seam takes 30 minutes of hand work. 4 The finger gusset is pulled forward, so there is no pressure on the finger from the seams.

Stay warm and comfortable with this low-profile 100% pure silk glove liner.

$ 175.00

A World’s First Innovation by

Held Gore-Tex® glove with X-TRAFIT™ product technology

Kangaroo leather and CORDURA® 2-in-1 construction, warm, waterproof GORE-TEX® compartment and vented second compartment, visor wipe, stretch panels, hard plastic knuckle protection, SUPERFABRIC® reinforcement, reflective panels


Goatskin and stretch fabric construction, GORETEX® membrane, visor wipe, leather covered hard plastic knuckle, SUPERFABRIC® reinforcement, double leather at palm, reflective panels

Black, Black-Grey

DesignEditorialMarketingBranding AliceSexton alice@blueridgemediagroup.com

AHRMA BENEVOLENT FUND The Benevolent Fund was created in 1992 as a means of helping AHRMA members in need. AHRMA offers a variety of raffles and other fundraisers benefitting the Benevolent Fund. Members also are encouraged to contribute directly. Members in good standing for at least one year may take advantage of the fund. All applications for assistance are kept confidential. Requirements are listed in the AHRMA Handbook. Contact Bob Goodpaster 219. 942.2401 norton80_1@msn.com




SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT www.roadracingworld.com PROMO CODE TDD15 OR CALL 909-654-4779




One Year *Offer valid in U.S. only.





12/17/18 1:01 PM

MARKETPLACE Vintage Pistons. New Wiseco Pistons. .020 to .080 over. Mugen 360 1974 YZ250A, MX, DT, RT, YZ 360 Yamaha. 1979 YZ400 pistons. RM 370, 400, 465, 500 pistons (also fits Maico, 400, 440, 490). TM 400 pistons. Husky 360, 400, 390, 430, 500 pistons. Mugen ME360. Also sleeves available for all. Call 216.870.4121 Duc Bits! Ducati Singles & Parts for road, track, race or restoration. Real Desmo head, winning cams, factory megaphone. 1965 Diana frame, tank and engine, 150mm visored headlight rim, twin-leadingshoe front brake backing plate, 180mm double-drum Grimeca. Much else, check it out. David @ 540.877.2001 GIMME A BRAKE! Drum brakes for road/track. Fine magnesium Fontana replicas from Menani. Ceriani, Robinson, Honda 162, Yamaha TD3 replicas. Manx conical rear. Ducati single 2LS rear. 180mm and 230mm Grimecas. Available with/without Morad shouldered rims, Alpina spokes. David @ 540.877.2001

Cyclecraft Motorcycles, Home of Team Hermes Racing Specializing in British, European and Japanese bike Restorations. Custom buiklt racebikes, parts & fabrication. Tires: Conti Road Attack or Avon vintage race tires. I like the Contis better but see many bikes with Avons. Please call or email for prices. I can supply many parts and services for vintage racers, rims spokes, wheel building, cylinder boring etc. John Stephens Yellow Ducati 442. For info visit: cyclecraftmotorcycles.com



FOX & SIMONS Suspension Parts, Restoration and Rebuilding. Fox Shox, AirShox, MonoShock, Harley-Davidson, TwinClicker for off-road or road. Contact Thor Lawson at 804.798.0990. Best time 1pm to 6pm Eastern time or visit: EvolutionSuspensionProducts.com.

High Quality, Adjustable, Race/ Display Stands! Heavy-Duty, fully adjustable "JackStand" style for your vintage bike! Removable handle tucks in closer to bike and accepts hand grip. TIGwelded. Stainless hardware. Industrial quality powder-coat. None finer! $125 plus shipping. Gordon McCaffer 315.729.8415. motoweld@hotmail.com.

For Sale: 1972, 400CC CZ Vintage Racer. This bike has been owned by me for approx. 20 yrs. during that time it has been used for dirt riding, but never raced. it is not bent or damaged in any way. it has not been run for 10 yrs now. It was restored, but not to show quality, the engine has a new piston, and various new parts. It is in VGC. I also have the 250cc engine complete with exhaust system which goes with the bike. I have never had the 250 engine in the bike, but it would be a quick change. Total price for both is $ 6500usd. I live in KELOWNA, BC CANADA, close to the US border. Bike can be PU, or I can ship. Call for further info: 250 868 9717, ask for George. Email: gecameron@shaw.ca


Simply the Nicest Aluminum Bike Stand Made! Lofts ‘73/74 CR250 Honda, ‘74 Ossa Phantom ‘74 Husky Mag 250 & others w/7-9” frame spread. Crafted from 6061 aircraft alum. Lightweight, satisfaction guaranteed. $89.99 US + shipping. 419.866.8775, jeffclark@badbrush. com. Visit badbrush.com or vintagemart.net to see color pic.

NEW! ‘74 Can-Am Aluminum Chain Tensioner, spring-loaded. Now available for vintage Can-Am, mounts on stock mounting holes for OEM chain guide with modern ball bearing chain roller. Eliminates chain slap, $90.00 US + shipping. Contact Jeff Clark - 419.866.8775, jeffclark@ badbrush.com. Dealers welcome.

Disc Brake Resurfacing Resurfacing $55 plus shipping Disc drilling $100.00 and up. Disc thinning $85.00 Frame and swingarm strengthening, modification. Frame restoration Custom axles and Wheel spacers, custom control cables, See ad in AHRMA Handbook. Tool Salvage & Motorcycle Works, 15709 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44112, 216.451.5500 or 216.851.5166


1961 Cadillac Couch Comfortable, re-uphosltered, and in good condition, made out of the tail end of a real 1961 Cadillac. Original floor of the trunk intact. Lights, with a flick of a switch, turn on, making this a really cool accent piece. Extremely heavy, must pick up. $4200. Pat Conroy, 215.776.5079, patconroy77@ hotmail.com, 327 S. Virginia Ave, DeLand, FL 32724.

Virtually New 1972 XR750 TT: 2002 engine built by Carl Patrick, Motoplat ignition, Pingel gas taps, Supertrapp exhaust, Tsubaki chain, PBI sprockets, Scitsu tachometer, 38mm Morzocchi/Ceriani front end, Kosman Triple trees/axle, Low hours. Look for our ad on Daytona Beach Craigslist. $54,500. Pat Conroy, 215.776.5079, patconroy77@hotmail.com, 327 S. Virginia Ave, DeLand, FL 32724.

1963 Velocette Viceroy, “Conroy’s Follie.” One of only 700 ever made. 250cc flat-twin two-stroke, fourspeed. Runs, new batteries, clean title, original light blue paint. Original factory manuals and original poster included. $7700. Pat Conroy, 215.776.5079, patconroy77@hotmail.com, 327 S. Virginia Ave, DeLand, FL 32724.



Rob North 1974 Trident 750 Fresh Engine TH- 6 cams lifters, digital ignition, Carrillo rods, light Peckett crank, C/R Quaffe 5-speed, Krober tach, 1;1 pistons, rectangular swingarm, Newby belt primary, Sun rims/ stainless spokes, belly pan, race calipers, extra new aluminum fuel tank. Race stand included. Original owner. $25,000 USA. Contact Royce at 386-317-4541. Parts: Triumph 650/750 twin race cams, new with TH-6 profile. Contact Royce at 386-317-4541. For Sale: 1974 Husqvarna WR 175. Excellent Condition, restored but not used. A beautiful, like new cross country racer. $3,000. Rollnstones@Charter.NET For Sale: 1973 Penton 175 Jackpiner. Excellent Condition, restored.$2700. Rollnstones@Charter.NET For Sale: 1972 OSSA 250 Six-Day Replica. Excellent Condition. $3000. Rollnstones@Charter.NET

1984 Yamaha RZ350. 15K miles, original owner, bike is original, unrestored. One of the cleanest examples of the last of the roadgoing two-stokes. Last registered in 2011. Everything works, runs & rides well. Colorado bike, never exposed to high humidity. More information can be found at the raresportbikesforsale.com site. $8000 Contact Jim. 719-331-5249 jkpsmarch@msn.com



For Sale: 1983 Suzuki PE 175. 1st overbore,fresh everything, stock machine, and ready to ride/race, $1,400 OBO. also, 1978 HD SX 250 roller with 2 engines, (blown), Make offer. Contact Gene @ 309264-9243, Peoria, IL. TRANSPORT I’m traveling from the San Francisco Bay Area to Rattlers Run Farms in Eastern Washington for the Vintage Motocross event on September 15th 2019. I have room in my enclosed van for one race bike, gear bag and fuel. Please contact Doug Brown @ 510.952.6589. Wanted: Bultaco Astro Pipe 1972-1973. Astro M106 / 326 cc. Also Skyway muffler. Cointact John T. Skinner 324- 821-2535 or 334-744-2536 1984 Husqvarna 400WRWC $3800 Set up CC and MX Suzuki front forks, custom Aluminum triple trees, goldvalve cartage emulator, Olins rear shocks, Aluminum gas tank, MZB electronic ignition, X-ring DID chain, wide footpegs, ultimate woods weapon. Bill Goldsby AHRMA 31013137 call or text 772-708-7172 e-mail billgoldsby@att.net

REACH OVER 3500 TARGETED CUSTOMERS WITH AHRMA ADVERTISING! For rates and ad sizes contact alice.sexton@ahrma.org 706. 492. 5070 ________________________ Looking to reach those racers who need specific parts for their motorcycles? Marketplace is where they will find you! Send your advertisement in today and start selling your products. AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION

The Last BVR 5 Valve Made by Brian Valentine and Based on the Weslake speedway engine. This a Big Fin that was not finished from about 20 total made. includes the casting patterns and enough pieces to build an engine. $8,000. contact Dan at danw578@yahoo.com For Sale: Rebuilt works performance shocks. New shafts ,seals and bumpers. overall length 17", eye to eye approx 16.25" Too long for my project. $300. Wanted 13,14,or 15 tooth sprocket for 1973 Rickman with Zundapp engine. Shaft hole is oval and measures 16mm x 20mm..1982 Canam 400 Qualifier. needs stator rebuilt nice shape. asking $2000. can send pics. mccauley. micko@gmail.com 269-629-3185 For Sale: 1986 Suzuki RM 250 Eric Gorr Racing rebuilt motor, New Works Performance Shock, New fork Seals, Full Circle Wheels. $1095 OBO. 1998 KTM EXC 380 with extra set of Super Moto wheels, WI street title. $2750. 2001 BMW GS 1150, 54K Miles, fresh battery, rear pads, fuel filter. $3,750 OBO. Vintage Views from 1989 to present month, free, you pick up, Madison WI area. Mike, 608-837-4011, mjzeigle@ frontier.com FOR SALE Vintage MX Motorcycle Collection Beautiful Pre-1974 and Post Vintage MX Machines. Mostly 1970-1974. All bikes run great and are mechanically perfect. Cosmetically, all bikes are beautiful with half of which are too nice to race. Up to 20 bikes to be sold. Would prefer to sell as one package. Retiring from racing due to injuries. Everything must go. Any questions call Jay 443 506 4018.




It was the best of times. It was the worst….ah, heck. No it wasn’t. This really was the best of times. I was 22 years old, just starting my senior year of Journalism School at Boston University. I was starting to get my first motorcycle journalism pieces published, in a tiny New England magazine called Cycle Sport. I had been racing local motocross, badly, for the preceding couple years, and whenever my J-school assignments allowed it, I would write about my passion for racing, my misadventures on my first-year Honda CR250R Elsinore, and anything else two-wheeled and adrenalineinspiring. The next step, with graduation looming at the end of the year, would be getting an actual job writing about motorcycles. That was the goal—but how the hell was I going to pull it off? I wangled the assignment of covering the Unadilla Trans AMA for Cycle Sport. Which meant that I would get to meet and shoot Roger DeCoster, Gerrit Wolsink, Brad Lackey, Jim Pomeroy, Rich Eierstedt, Tommy Croft, Rex Staten, Marty Smith, Gaylon Mosier, Jimmy Weinert, Jimmy Ellis and all the rest. Like going to heaven, without all that annoying dying. Arriving at Unadilla, it rained all night Saturday and the dawn on Sunday was just as wet, with a fine mist keeping everything sod54


den throughout the day. DeCoster and Wolsink, who had practiced on their older, shortertravel RN works bikes on Saturday, hauled out their mega-trick, unobtainium high-pipe Grand Prix bikes for Sunday, choosing the lightweight machines to help them slog through 45-minute motos in rain, mud and whatever else the cows had left on the Unadilla turf. The races went pretty much as one might have expected. Gerrit Wolsink, chased by Weinert, Gary Semics, DeCoster, Lackey and Pomeroy, got the holeshot in the first and led by the end of the first lap in the second. He then let Roger, his #1 teammate, past on lap four of both motos, slotting into second while the Americanos duked it our for the remaining spots. Tony DiStefano was the early FOA (First Overall American), running second in the first moto and even grabbing the holeshot in the second, but as the motos wore on he was overtaken by the better-conditioned “European Americans,” Lackey and Pomeroy. At the end of the second moto, I had positioned myself to shoot Roger as he crossed the line, so I got a great sequence of him as he stopped, took a breath, and started to peel off his muddy gear. I can’t think of anybody I’ve ever seen who can look that cool while covered in mud, and I don’t think I ever will.

By the end of the weekend, I wound up with a lot more than a story and a file of nostalgic negatives. As we waited between motos I ran into Chet Heyberger, who just happened to be the Editor of Dirt Bike Magazine at the time. I coaxed him into my van, got him, well, pharmaceutically comfortable, and suggested that it might be a good idea to assign me some stories for Dirt Bike. He did buy a few features from me that school year. And when my four years of J-school ran out in June, I had something not many journalism students could claim: a job offer to come take the next open spot as an associate editor on Dirt Bike. That was the beginning of my professional motoJ career. I’m now, 34 years later, doing motorcycle reviews and features for The New York Times, among other pubs. So it’s turned out OK, I guess, after all these years. –Dexter Ford DexterFord.com When he's not creating and expressing some of the world's great brands, Dexter Ford has ridden, driven and flown a wide range of high-speed machines, motorcycled all over the planet, and played tag with a few plus-sized wild creatures. Then brought the experiences back alive, in world-class publications like the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Automobile, Motor Trend and Motorcyclist magazines.



AHRMA National Headquarters 49 Ferguson Lane Elora, TN 37328

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