Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................3 Come Here! ...................................................................................................................................................3 Fun Things Fun Games ............................................................................................................................3 Zoom!...............................................................................................................................................................4 That’s Delicious...........................................................................................................................................4 Happy Holidays! .........................................................................................................................................4 Go Festivals! .................................................................................................................................................5 Best Clothes ..................................................................................................................................................5 High High Above!........................................................................................................................................5 Talk To Me.....................................................................................................................................................5 Glossary..........................................................................................................................................................7 Index ................................................................................................................................................................8
Do you know about Japan? If not this is the book for you. Be ready because I will teach you all about amazing clothing, food and you will even learn about the amazing activities you do in Japan. I will talk about holidays, trains, festivals and lots more. You will learn how to speak Japanese. When you finish reading this book, you will be an expert in Japan.
Come Here!
Can I tell you about Japan? Well if you said yes, read this! Japan is in the continent of Asia. It is a very skinny country. The main cities are Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo and Kioto. Most people live there. If you ever come to Japan, come to 1 of the cities because people are very nice. Do you know the most common weather in Japan? Well these are some things. Japan is hot in summer, snowy in winter, rainy in fall and sunny in spring. When there are thunderstorms it is strong. Even an earthquake is very strong. Be aware because there are earthquakes about 36 times a year, but don’t be afraid just hide under a table and stay there for about 3 minutes. You’ll be fine.
Fun Things Fun Games
“Oh hi” I was just playing games. Do you want to play fabulous games with me? There are lots of things to do in Japan. Here are some very famous things: yoyo, and fishing. You will fish goldfish in festivals. You will see lots of people doing Judo in Japan. Come and do these things, I’m sure you’ll want to do more to do more.
Zoom! Zoom! Did you hear that? What do you think it is? If you said a train, you are right. Trains in Japan are called Shinkansens. Shinkansens are super fast. There are 3 kinds of Shinkansens, Nozomi, Hikari, and Kodama. The fastest is Nozomi and the slowest is Kodama, but their all extremely fast. A Nozomi can go 6 miles in 1 hour. Come and ride a Shinkansen and I’ll bet you will love it.
That’s Delicious “Quick quick” “I want to eat all the food from Japan.” Japan has lots of valueble food. Sushi is really famous in Japan. It is rice and fish on top. The fish on top is called Sashimi but when it is on rice it is called Sushi. You eat Sashimi with soy sauce. The snacks are very good. There is yokan, kasutera, anninndofu, and lots more it is endless. When you finish everything you’ll get more and never stop.
Happy Holidays!
Do you like holidays? Well I sure do! In Japan, New years is really famous. On New years day, you will go to a temple, pray, wear fancy Yukatas and eat special food. On Christmas kids write their names on paper bags and put them in the living room so they can get presents. Go to the special holidays!
Go Festivals!
Have you ever went to a festival? Anyway you’ll love the Japanese festival. In Japan, there are 4 festivals. Summer festival, Winter festivals, Fall festival and Spring festival. In all the festivals you will wear a Yukata or Kimono. We do a dance called Bonodori. You will also do yoyo and fishing. Come and play in festivals, and play a lot.
Best Clothes “Hi” Do you know what beautiful clothes there is in Japan? If not, you will be surprised when you read this. Kimonos are made out of silk and are for Winter. You’ll only wear them on special days. Yukatas are the same but are for Summer. Be sure to wear them on the right occasions. Do you know how to put on Yukatas or Kimonos? Well if not, you better learn how to. When you wear one, you can’t mess up because they’ll get bad. First you put it on, then you tie the rope around your waist after that you put the Obi on. Do me a favor, please don’t mess up.
High High Above! Have you ever climbed a mountain? You’ll love Fuji mountain. In Japan there is a very high mountain called Fuji mountain. If you climb it you will be in the clouds! You’ll be wet and cold. It is a volcano and it hasn’t erupted for many years. You cant climb to the top. It is the highest mountain in Japan. Never fall of.
Talk To Me “Ohayagazaimas!” Do you know what that means? That means good morning. In Japan we speak Japanese. You will hear lots of the following words: Ohayogozaimas=Good morning Konnichiwa=hello Arigato=Thank you Ichi, Ni, Sann, Shi, Go, Rock, Shichi, Hachi, Que, Jue=Numbers from 1 to 10. Now you can say lots of words!
“Konnichiwa!” “Nihow!” Doesn’t that sound the same? Well, Konnichiwa is Japanese and Nihow is Chinese. Some people say their the same but if you listen closely, there is a big difference. Most people say Japanese is more complicated than Chinese but, it is about the same. Do me a favor don’t get mixed up.
Annindofu: A dessert that looks like Tofu. Bonnodori: A dance that you do in festivals. Earthquake: A big shake on the ground. Japan: A beautiful country in Asia. Kastera: A cake that is yellow and brown. Kimonos: A beautiful dress made out of silk. Mount Fuji: The highest mountain in Japan. New Years: A holiday that you celebrate on January first. Shinkansen: A very fast train in Japan. Yukata: A beautiful dress made out of silk.
activities, 3 Chinese, 6 clothes, 5 clothing,, 3 festival, 4 festivals, 3, 4, 7 food, 3, 4 games, 3 holidays, 3, 4 Japanese, 3, 4, 6
Kimonos, 5, 7 mountain, 5, 7 New years, 4 Numbers, 6 Talk, 5 train, 4, 7 trains, 3 weather, 3 words, 6 Yukatas, 4, 5