4 minute read
President’s Message
from AIBD magazine - Summer 2021
How quickly a year can pass in our life. I feel as though I was inaugurated as President of the AIBD just a few days ago. Time flies when you are having fun or as Alexander Pope quoted “swift fly the years”. I have truly had some of the best of times during my first year as AIBD President. Having the responsibilities of serving the AIBD Presidential office has helped me steer through an unprecedented pandemic keeping me focused, positive, and goal orientated. I am looking forward to this year as your AIBD President and knowing how fast time flies I plan to make every day count over the next 12 months.
A big part of my goal as President was to implement transparency of AIBD’s best practices. This was accomplished right away as the AIBD staff helped me set up a virtual monthly informal coffee chat titled “Coffee with Bernie”. Credit goes to our Executive Director, Steven Mickley for coming up with the title. The coffee chat began before I became President. The goal of the coffee chat was to create an informal chat session that allowed AIBD members to share their experiences as AIBD members. I’d like to think it has become very successful for all of us, enabling us to create that transparent discussion that sometimes is not always practical at more formal meetings. I love the coffee chat and especially the camaraderie discussion, particularly since we were all experiencing a global shutdown due to the pandemic. The timing of this event could not have been more perfect and the coffee chat became a comfort relief for all of us participating in it. I look forward to seeing how this event will evolve into something even bigger. And no, it is not going to evolve into a “Weekend at Bernie’s”. That is an inside joke for those of us that have participated in the chat session.
I have had the privilege with working with a fantastic AIBD Board over the past 12 months. My job really becomes easy when people work together for a common goal, with a great attitude, and the mindset to be serviceable to AIBD membership. We, the AIBD Board, are volunteer members who have the pleasure and honor to work for you, the AIBD members. Many thanks to our Internal Vice President Benjamin Tabolt, External Vice President Yu Ngok-Lo, Treasurer Lisa Schaffer, College of Fellows Chancellor Jim Wright, NCBDC President Kimberly Mockert, Past-President Karen KassikMichelsohn, Directors Michael Battaglia, Ted Hake, Felicia Foster, Keith Zoni and Michael Payne. This Board has been relentless and achieved many goals
for our Institute that impacts our membership and membership drives, certified members, ANSI accreditation, financial planning, the American Residential Design Award program, the AIBD Magazine, College of Fellow mentoring programs, scholarships, conference scheduling and planning, staying updated on codes and standards, high performance home designing, college and student participation, keeping our Book of Rules and By-Laws updated, and supporting our various chapters throughout the U.S. And I am pleased to announce that all Board members are continuing their service during my next year as President. The AIBD Board continues its mission to build a better residential design profession, one designer at a time. The AIBD Board’s vision is to represent how homes are designed in America and focus on core values that include: seek participation, respect people, deliver quality, empower everyone, educate each other, contribute to the community, and enjoy what we do. These attributes are verbally restated as reminders at every AIBD Board meeting.
Every Monday morning I am scheduled to meet with our Executive Director Steven Mickley to review our upcoming weekly tasks and planning. Our AIBD staff is the workhorse of our Institute. Our accomplishments are not possible without them and it is an unending gratitude of thanks to Steven Mickley, Garrett Mickley and Rusty Hudnet. A colleague of mine recently asked me a question. What inspires you? My answer was each and every member of AIBD. Because of you I am always energized to do and be the best I can in residential design. I learn from you, I see the amazing creative work that you do, I see your heartfelt dedication to improve the industry to “Create Where People Live”, and engaging everyone to make it happen. I look forward to more prosperous years of being a member of the AIBD and the continued positive growth of our Institute.
With much sincere appreciation of you, my friends and colleagues,
Bernie Kern, CPBD
has been in the residential building industry for over 30 years and is the owner of BBKern DESIGNS, LLC. Bernie is a certified professional building designer (CPBD) and member of the AIBD and member of the Colorado Springs Home Builders Association. He is also a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) and is AIBD’s newly elected President. Bernie is also AIBD’s 2018 Designer of the Year.