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A Foundation Primer
As eff orts for fundraising and signing up more donors for the Foundation for Packaging Education continue, it is a good time to remind AICC members of the Foundation’s mission.
Th rough the foundation, AICC member companies, industry foundations, and government granting agencies will support the development and dissemination of employee education and training resources for workers in the corrugated, folding carton, rigid box, and related supply chain industries.
Funds raised by the Foundation for Packaging Education will be used to support existing workforce development by: 1. Underwriting costs associated with providing education and training programs to the industry, curriculum development, learning management system platform costs, and instructor fees, thus helping to lower training costs for
AICC members. 2. Providing funds for a formalized certifi cate skills achievement program. 3. Funding the creation of aptitude testing for pre-applicants for defi ned in-plant positions. 4. Providing funds for in-person, goal-based training programs for manufacturing fl oor teams. 5. Providing funds for educational and scientifi c research. 6. Developing and supporting paperbased packaging industry-specifi c education and training programs. 7. Funding and administering
AICC’s Troll Memorial
Scholarship Program. 8. Assisting members in developing internship programs for their companies. 9. Translating online courses into the
Spanish language. 10. Underwriting professional services, instructor fees, and staff support needed to oversee the execution and completion of all foundation activities.
Th e foundation is well on the way to meeting the fi nancial goals required to support the above. Please consider joining the more than 40 AICC boxmaker and supplier companies that have already made pledges. Visit www.packaginged.org to make a pledge today. Your employees will thank you for ensuring their continued growth and education.