Youth Speak Forum - OC 2nd round - AIESEC in Spain

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April 2016 Madrid

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A movement that allows young people to engage and take ac<on over issues that ma=er to them.

A survey that collects youth insights from around the world to be=er understand what young people care about.

the report that comes out of the Youth Speak Survey and allows AIESEC and the world to take decisions that influence strategy and opera<ons of our organiza<on, taking into considera<on the voice of Millennials.

a premiere event that brings together both young and senior leaders to form a diverse cross-­‐sector and mul<-­‐genera<onal space for inspiring conversa<ons around pressing global issues.

The projects that come out from the Youth Speak Forum to push the world forward, t a c k l i n g t h e w o r l d i s s u e s . T h e implementa<on of these projects will happen with organiza<ons and companies.


Happening in more than 100 countries. Would you like to be part of the movement?

JOIN the Organizing Commi=ee of Spain Youth Speak Forum!

The Organizing Committee (OC) of the Youth Speak Forum in Spain is the team that will ensure the happening of this event, taking care of all the details, from the smallest tasks, to the most important ac<vi<es. BENEFITS OF BEING PART OF THE OC ü  ü  ü  ü

Live a team experience Interact with diverse stakeholders Develop your professional skills Develop your leadership skills: Ø  By fulfilling a challenging job description in an alien working environment, the individual becomes solution oriented. Ø  By interacting with other employees and having a collaborative workspace, the individual understands how he/she can empower others. Ø  By understanding his/her Key Performance Indicator and by receiving regular feedback, the individual becomes more self aware. Ø  By solving event’s challenges and interacting with other people, the individual begins to understand the culture and business norms thus making him/her a world citizen.

Project Manager

External Rela1ons Manager (Elected)

Public Rela1ons Manager


Youth Alliances


Youth Alliances

In Kind


Communica1on Manager

Online Engagement (Elected)

Logis1cs Manager

Finance Manager (Elected)

Venue & Transporta1on

Delegates Servicing

Posi1ons already taken

Job Descrip<on

Project Manager •  •  •  •  •

Manage and tracking the OC Organize Team Days Organize Planning Tacking of the ac<vi<es that needs to happen Tracking of the KPIs

Public Relations Manager

External Relations Manager •  •  •  •  •

Sales (x2) •  •  •  •

•  •  •  •

ER Planning Financial and KPIs tracking Speakers raising and servicing Partners event report crea<on ER Team Management: Ø  Partnership raising Ø  Content co-­‐crea<on with partners Ø  Secure content alignment Ø  Partners servicing

Individual Sales planning Economic partnerships raising and Servicing Content co-­‐crea<on with partners Guarantee a profitable conference

•  •

I n d i v i d u a l I n K i n d planning In Kind partners raising I n K i n d p a r t n e r s servicing (prepara<on of the breaks, the lunch and the cocktails)


Youth Alliances (x2)

In Kind •

PR Planning KPIs tracking Partners event report crea<on PR Team Management: Ø  Media partnership raising Ø  Youth alliances raising Ø  Content co-­‐crea<on with partners Ø  Secure content alignment Ø  Partners servicing

•  •  •  •

Individual Youth alliances planning Alliances raising Strategies to a=ract youth to the Forum G u a r a n t e e a p r o fi t a b l e conference

•  •  •  •

Individual media planning Media partner raising Media partner servicing Media content crea<on (press release, ar<cles, blog post, etc.)

Job Descrip<on

•  •  •  •  •  •

Communication Manager

Logistics Manager

Communica<on planning Tracking of KPIs Design of all communica<on material Design of decora<ve material (on-­‐site) Secure brand alignment Communica<on team management: Ø  Social Media management (Facebook, Twi=er, etc.) Ø  Brand posi<oning planning Ø  Booklets design and Merchandising

•  •  •

Online Engagement •  •  •  •  •

Individual online engagement planning Social Media management Social media partnership raising and management Broadcas<ng management Design of all communica<on material

Logis<cs planning Tracking of KPIs Logis<cs team management: Ø  Reducing-­‐costs partnerships Ø  Delegate’s experience

Venue & Transportation •  •  •

Finance Manager

Individual venue & transporta<on planning Venue segng and management Transporta<on partners raising and management

•  •  •  •

Budget management Payments controlling Tracking of KPIs Post-­‐event financial report

Delegates Servicing •  •  •

Registra<ons management Communicate with delegates Provide quality delegates servicing and experience

Profile need •  •  •  •  •  •

Solu<on and result oriented Proac<ve Team Management Experience Stakeholder oriented Avilability around 10h-­‐12h per week Strategic and crea<ve thinking

General Timeline Nov


Selection Process






Team Days


Youth Speak Forum in Spain (1st week)

Report of the Forum Trainings

Application Process Fill this form ( and a=ach a video; in which you explain what is success for you in 1 min.

Applica<on DDL: December 16th at 23:59

Thank you! If you have any doubts about the applica<on or about the role itself, feel free to contact the Na<onal Director of Business Development, Anna Otalora Sanchez through the following contacts: E-­‐mail: Phone: +34 619033875 AIESEC in Spain | Calle Alameda 22, 28014, Madrid, España Phone: +34 619033875

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