AIESEC Curtin Newsletter 1, 2013

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Issue No. 1 30th April 2013

LCM – Semester 1, 2013

President’s Address Portfolio Updates Exchange Competition* *Hint – The best bit :)

President’s Address Hey AIESEC! This is my first address to you as the LCP of AIESEC Curtin. I hope that you are all as excited and committed as I am right now. I want to tell you now that the next two weeks are going to be intense. We are promoting our Outgoing Exchange opportunities like crazy, and for that, the LC needs each and every one of you. It is important that every member of the LC, no matter which portfolio you are you from, helps out with EP recruitment. After all, this is what we are aiming for, and everyone should feel like it is their responsibility to make it happen. Please refer to the EP Recruitment Competition details below, as this is a fun and awesome way to help OGX. It is also my obligation to tell you that unfortunately, Michelle has stepped down from her position as VP MAC this year. She has been thinking about this for a while now, and last week, she informed the EB of her decision. The EB is handling

Marketing & Communications activities at the moment and most of the responsibilities will go to Meryl, who will now be responsible for both OGX and MAC. MAC team, don't worry, we still love you and we will help you out a lot :) But remember, marketing is everyone's responsibility! Today, I want to share a quote that I know is true for sure: "I'm not telling you it will be easy, I'm telling you it will be worth it." Do a lecture bash tomorrow because why not? Push yourself out of your comfort zone because it will be hard. Take on an extra responsibility because it will be worth it. See you all at LCM on Wednesday! Love, Your LCP

Portfolio - UPDATES We had Greg in Perth for a week!! Greg is our national director for ICX for year '12'13. His purpose of visit was to conduct a sales tour were the ICX of both LCs receive coaching, guidance and collaboration ideas. All objectives where successfully achieved! AIESEC Curtin Dinner with Greg MCVP ICX 12/13

MAClet News Hi all, So as Maria mentioned, I have stepped down as VP MAC, as I feel that it is time for me to move on to the next phase of my personal journey. The period that I endured as a VP was an incredible time for growth for me personally and I will never forget the challenges that I had to overcome. Meryl has my complete and utter confidence that she will lead AIESEC Curtin into the next phase, as evident in her work with the OGX team. Following this, I will stay on as an active member of AIESEC Curtin, so don't worry MAC members, I will still be there! There is a tremendous market opportunity ahead and I look forward to continuing to work with all the great people at AIESEC Curtin to keep driving the organization forward. The next two weeks for MAC will be intense, as the deadline for winter exchange is closing in! It is important not just for the MAC team, but for the whole LC to contribute as much as they can to push exchange! I encourage that each and everyone one of you to get involved in the exchange competition, not only to push exchange but to challenge yourself! AIESEC is all about developing yourself and the way to grow is to do something you are scared of, each and every day. As a team we can achieve so much more if everyone contributes. Much love, Michelle :)

BD Buzz – Heyyy AIESEC! Happy to say that the BD team had a week jampacked full of learning, productivity and enthusiasm. The team is currently on an 'active sales phase' and the following few weeks are going to be extremely exciting, tiring and determining for us. WAR FACE ON!!!!! Shout outs to Michael and Daniel on securing their first sales meeting through cold calls. And it is a pleasure to have Laura and Zinan back in town. Yours, Krunal Dangar :)

Exchange Corner Wow! Its been an amazing week. As per usual the OGX team is pumped and ready to go. Everyone in the team is working hard to deliver exchange opportunities to the students of Curtin University. We are about to start an intensive week of promotion and planning for exchange. So if you see an OGX member around Uni, give them a huge, they will need it! Huge shout outs to Christina (TM) Yemin (ER) and Ugis (OGX) who have all decided to take the challenge and go on an AIESEC Exchange. So my question is what the hell are you all waiting for? Cheers, Meryl

More Updates  ER Love – ER has just elected two new team leaders. So shout out to Meagan and Emily who have stepped up and accepted a new challenge in AIESEC. We are proud of both of you <3 Overall everyone in the team is working hard to deliver results for 2013. The UR team is supporting OGX iniatives right now and SLAP team is in the planning exchange. One last thing, give us a little love and go like the SLAP Facebook page Yours Truly, Evvaaa

TM Time – Hi ladies and gents  Each member has been contacted by his or her TM home group leader. Please schedule a time for an individual meeting with them ASAP. Deadline to finish this is in a week's time. Thanks!

Finance Fun – We’ve got money, we’ve got cash, if you want some kiss our ass!

Okay so Cash at bank is $8398.47 and we have a healthy reserve.

Also TM had our first BBQ bonding last Friday!!! Kudos to Coby for being such an awesome host and head chef. Everyone had a blast to spice up the study break. We have interesting stories to share, so talk to one of us when you see us!

The finance team is going strong and working with each VP to revise budgets. Also we are compiling some training slides for an upcoming LCM. There will be a quiz with prizes so make sure your paying attention.

Hugs and Kisses,

Peace out, Chad.


Each picture represents a story, a life that was changed, an impact that we made. Challenge yourself with an AIESEC exchange. Who knows maybe your picture will be next?

Exchange Competition!! An exciting new initiative has been introduced and will be carried out in the next few weeks to push winter exchange! Everyone needs to get involved (That means ICX to) to help our LC achieve its goals for the semester. So here is how it works – You will compete in your home groups. As a group you will be performing different exchange promotional activities to “earn points” for your home group! Your home group leaders (who are TM members) will be tracking the progress of the home groups. Also every few days we will be sending out the score boards for everyone to see how they are going and how many more point they need. You can earn points by – Adding your lecture into the database for lecture bashing purposes5 points per Lecture (no overlaps so first come dEYxQjFyZXVIb2lhZ1pEa0FaRkdWUUE#gid=1 first serve) Sharing AIESEC Curtin Facebook Posts Referrals for Information sessions (Inviting people to attend and having them actually come) Referrals for Exchange Applications (getting a friend to apply for winter exchange) Flyer Drops (Collecting a bunch of flyer and putting them in lecture halls, The library or Abacus labs)

Lecture Bash (Give it a go and take the opportunity to speak in front of a lecture to promote exchange)

10 points per share 20 points per attendee 35 points per applicant 50 points per Area (Take pictures while doing flyer drops and tag AIESEC Curtin to earn 10 bonus points) A Massive 100 Points

The competition officially starts today Monday the 29th of April and finishes on Saturday the 18th of May at 11.59pm. Whichever home group gets the most points at by the 18th of May will win a massive $100 voucher to spend on Team Bonding! So get pumped people!!!! :D

Regards, The EB Family <3 <3

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