#6 AIESEC Curtin Newsletter 2012

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Distributed by AIESEC Curtin Marketing and Communication Portfolio

For any questions, feedbacks and suggestions, please contact ricky.yeung@aiesec.net



Issue No. 6 19th May 2012

Exchange promotion at Murdoch Careers Fair

Letter from editor LCP corner Recap - Exchange promotion at Murdoch Portfolio corner – OGX End of Semester Feast Exchange experience sharing Exam Study Tips

Letter from the editor Hello guys, it’s the last week of university. I am very happy to see so much had happened in AIESEC Curtin in last semester. And I enjoyed a lot in all the events. Also I learnt a lot from different members in AIESEC. For example in last week MAC and OGX team and other members went to Murdoch University Careers Fair. I was there on that day, and it’s so exciting to meet different people and talked to them. In the last issue I introduced the portfolio corner to you. OGX and oversea exchange will be the focus in this issue. Therefore I invited different members to write more about their own exchange experience. Hopefully you will understand more about AIESEC exchange. I am very happy to say that this is the last issue of internal newsletter in semester 1, 2012. In the last issue I received some useful feedbacks. Thank you very much again for reading this newsletter. This means so much to me. The AIESEC experience in the last three months had made me a better person. At last I hope you all have a good study week and good luck in exams! See you in next semester! In Curtin AIESEC we all rock! And one day we will rock Australia and the world!

Ricky Yeung Internal relationship manager AIESEC Curtin University Based in Perth, Australia

Mobile: +61 430662216 Email: khyeung00@gmail.com Web: www.aiesec.org

LCP corner I am a big advocate of the AIESEC Global Community Development Program because of my own personal experience on one. I started my experience in Bandung, Indonesia on the 10th of December and left on the 30th of January. I spent Christmas, New Years and my 20th Birthday in another country. I had never been taken out of Australia by my family when I was younger, so this was the first time I was leaving the ‘Lucky’ country, and I was doing it by myself. If you want to see what I got up to on my internship, take a look at the blog I wrote: http://whereinbandung.blogspot.com.au/. I came away with so many learning experiences from what I saw, felt, ate and participated in. However the major thing I took away was the chance to regroup and reflect by myself without any input from friends or family. I was able to come up with my own opinions about myself and my own ideas of where I wanted to go with my life. In the end I came back from my internship focused and with direction, I understood who I was, and what my values and beliefs were. This was the biggest gift I received from my AIESEC internship to Indonesia. I hope everyone can embark on an international AIESEC program, however realistically this isn’t the case. Maybe an international AIESEC program isn’t for you, however there is other ways you can explore the globe via AIESEC. For instance did you know right now, you can register for a Conference in Hong Kong? Have you heard of CEED, and how you can get involved? What about virtual teams, have you explored this

possibility? Your AIESEC experience can be more than just a team experience/ team leader experience at AIESEC Curtin and then an International AIESEC Program. Start gathering information by reading and subscribing to the AIESEC International Global Newsletter : http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewne ws.do?contentid=10215651 !!! It is fast approaching the end of semester, exams and major assignments are upon us. AIESEC activity will stop to accommodate your exams on the 25th of May. AIESEC Activity will resume with a rewards and recognition night after the two week exam period. Also throughout the study week there will be a catch up event to take a break from your studies and see how your fellow AIESEC-ers are going with their exams. Also organized will be a few study groups to keep us motivated throughout the study week and exam periods. If I could give you one tip that’s gotten me through my 3 years at university, don’t study blindly, what’s the main point in every lecture? Hope that helps! Good Luck! Xo Shez

Exchange promotion in Murdoch

On last Thursday we went to Murdoch careers fair to promote our Global Community Development projects available for students. We had lovely poster, flyers and billboard showing the GCDP experience. It’s lovely for AIESEC Curtin members to meet the Murdoch students, other employers. At last we had 38 students sign up. So thanks a lot to the members who came on that day!

Portfolio corner: Outgoing Exchange Good day to you fellow AIESECers! Now that exams and assignments are piling up, thanks for spearing some time to read this newsletter. Ricky has asked me to write about the functions and realities of the Outgoing Exchange (OGX) portfolio. So, first things first, what is your perceptions on OGX? Outgoing Exchange(OGX) functions Perhaps many of you haven’t heard much regarding OGX activities compared to the other portfolios, but OGX has always been working hard behind the scenes towards our AIESEC goals. OGX is one of AIESEC’s exchange portfolios, and it is our responsibility to deliver the Exchange Participants (EPs) to their designated countries and exchange experience. We provide two main internship programmes: Global Community Development Programme (GCDP) and Global Internship Programme (GIP). We do so by facilitating the selection process to screen out the top quality EPs through conducting expectation interviews and organizing Member Review Boards (MRBs), these are the informal and formal interviews respectively to determine the best candidates for an AIESEC Internship. OGX works with other portfolio Additionally, OGX members also act as the mediator between the EPs and the Traineeship Nominees (TNs)/internships. We link and connect AIESEC Curtin with the other international LCs around the world to better the matching process; where the EPs are matched to their preferred and compatible internships via LC-to-LC Internship Partnerships and Matching Interviews, such as our winter GCDP partnerships with Malaysia, Ukraine and Romania. Furthermore, we too provide Cultural Training to the departing EPs by organizing Outgoing Preparation Seminars (OPS) which briefed the EPs on culture shock and what to prepare prior to their departure to ensure a smoother transition in their internships. (Continue in next page)

Portfolio corner: Out Going Exchange con;t OGX’s objectives and goals

OGX KPIs are 50 RAISE, 50 MATCH and 50 REALIZE, which is tied to one of AIESEC Curtin’s MOS – 50 EPs Exchange Realizations. Our main exchange realization peak period is during the November – December months; therefore, OGX is moving a bit slow right now, because most applicants wanted to go for their internships during the summer rather than the winter break. But, we are laying the foundations now, so that our team of twelve will be prepared when the rush and hustle of the end-of-year matching and realizing is upon us in the Semester 2. Even so, the upcoming month is also important to us, as we are aiming to REALIZE 5 EPs this coming winter break. So, do support us in our endeavours! Lastly, I would like to say that although going on an AIESEC internship test you physically and mentally, but those experiences will serve very well in your future career path. Not only you’ll be impacting the global communities, but looking back, you’ll also have undergone a journey of self-discovery and find that you’ve already grown as an individual. By then, perhaps you will be able to see your future path with a different perspective. When that time comes, you’ll have our full support! “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Whitney Lim International Relations Director

Phone: +61425666187 Email: whitney.lim@aiesec.net Web: www.aiesec.org

End of Semester feast con;t

It’s the end of semester and AIESEC want to celebrate with Curtin Students. On Wednesday afternoon we set up a stall near the library. We provided free coffee, Milo and candy snakes to students. It was so excited to see people enjoying free drinks with our AIESEC exchange experience. Also we met some AIESEC alumni who cheered us up. It was such a successful event and thank you everyone who came to the stall :D

Exchange experience sharing con;t

Yep, when someone asked me about the exchange program I had in Malaysia, I would always say that it was AWESOME! The people there, the internship itself and most importantly for me personally, the food there are all fantastic and unforgettable. Last summer break, along with one of my friend, Christine, we two girls started out journey to Malaysia from Perth though AIESEC Curtin. However, the worst ever choice I have never made before was choosing Tiger Airline (No Offence) and it took us around 24 hours to get the destination, because it stopped in Singapore. After the miserable and extremely long time of flight (isn’t it a kind of tough situation but we still need to work it out), our beautiful exchange started, the flat we lived at was very nice and there is a famous Café nearby, so that café became one of our daily routine.

In terms of the internship itself, personally, I really enjoy it! Before I went on exchange, I have already known a bit about the intern, and set my own and proper expectation, which was to gain networking skills, experience the different culture environment, and challenge my independent living ability. Yes, I worked in a Church and mainly in charge of teaching those children basic English and Mandarin. This group of children they are really special and honestly speaking, unfortunate kids. Some of them are homeless, and some of them suffered childhood shadow. God bless As first, I found it’s really hard to communicate with these children, actually, I’m not that good at socialization but I tried to learn and tried to make friends with them, and also, learned something from them, like say, realized that there are always a group of kids they need help and support from the society, and that will always make me feel motivated because we need to change, we need to be ready to help them. That kind of feeling loved by a group of pure kids is really hard to describe, but I would like to say I will go back Malaysia to visit them, definitely. (Continue in next page)

Besides the main work, Christine and I had also been assigned tasks to do, such as to organize and participate the sales carnival. So, generally, it was also a good opportunity for me to develop some sales related skills, which is very important and helpful for future career. For the part of leisure activities, we still got plenty of free time that we can arrange our own traveling plans, we went to Genting Highland, Singapore and sightsee around Kuala Lumpur during the internship period. But always keep in mind is that traveling is not my main part of this great AIESEC Journey. Lastly, I would like to say the internship was good, the internship in Malaysia is great and the internship in Malaysia through AIESEC is AWESOME!! Chloe Zhou

Exam study tips Exams are coming and sometimes it’s hard to focus and study. So in this part I just want to share some exam studying tips. These are all my own study tips. It may not fit for everyone. But I hope these tips will help you eventually :D. 1. Plan your study It’s hard to study when you have four units at the same time and tons of information for each unit. Plan your study and make a timetable. It would be more systematic and effective when you have a good plan.

2. Study properly Find a comfortable place yourself for studying. Distraction is not a good thing for your study. For example I love to study silently alone. But it’s different for everyone. The most important thing is finding a good way to concentrate your mind on study.

3. Don’t be panic! When you are sitting in the exam hall, it’s so easy to feel scared and nervous. Remember, Don’t Panic! The ten minutes of the reading time is a good chance to relax yourself and plan your next move. Time management is very very important in exam.

Good Luck for your exams and enjoy your holiday!

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