#8 Newsletter - AIESEC Curtin

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Distributed by AIESEC Curtin Marketing and Communication Portfolio

For any questions, feedbacks and suggestions, please contact ricky.yeung@aiesec.net



Issue No. 8 4th Sept, 2012

AIESEC Curtin LCP Election candidates

AIESEC Curtin LCP Election 2013 Portfolio updates ICX interview Upcoming events and important notices

AIESEC Curtin LCP Election 2013 On 13th August, 2012, we had the AIESEC Curtin LCP Election 2012. The four candidates were: Ramsey, Krunal, Ivan and Chad

Both AIESEC Curtin and UWA members were there for voting. We are very happy to see all members contributed a lot for question and answer section. After a few hours of single and group discussion time, finally we came to the voting time. And Finally Ivan became the LCP 2013!

AIESEC Curtin LCP Election 2013 con’t

Hey AIESEC-ers, First off, I would like to congratulate all the LCP Candidates for having the courage and determination to step up and run for the role. Each and every one of us had brilliant ideas and vision on how AIESEC Curtin was going to be like in 2013. I had learnt so much from every one of you and I congratulate you guys for stepping up. No matter the results, I am positive that we will still commit ourselves 100% to the goals and vision of our beloved LC. It has been a wonderful journey leading up to the elections and the best part of it is that the real journey for me has just only started. To me, the days leading up to the election were where I learned a lot about myself and how my ideas and talent could be utilized in helping AIESEC Curtin to be more awesome next year. Thank you to everyone that voted for me during the elections. At the time when the bucket of water was being poured on me, I was seriously at a loss of words. But I’m glad I am able to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to everyone. I promise that I will use these next couple of years to transform myself into “MR. LCP”. So look out people! Lastly, I would like to take this time to tell everyone to reach out for their dreams and goals. Opportunities come but only one in our lifetime and if it is presented right in front of us, we should reach out with all our might and grab it with all our heart. Warmest Love, Ivan Grizzly Tang

Portfolio update – BD, Finance Business Development 

A networking event themed “Experience International Talent in the Workforce" will be held on the 20th September to engaged university management and Small Medium Enterprise for intern raising purpose.

BD is expecting 15 SME in the event and follow up meeting with all attendees.

BD current strategy would be presenting in business networking events to build networks and lead sales meeting

Finance 

It is amazing how our budgeted and realised cash at bank for August match perfectly ie. there is no variance.

Good job to OGX for raising revenue through EP and controlling costs for MRB.

However, there is a variance for money in reserve. We didn't manage build reserve for financial sustainability purposes due to the gap in OGX raises and BD raise.

Hence September we need to work smarter and harder to ensure mistakes does not repeat.

Portfolio update – TM Hi guys, So I hoped that you enjoyed the workshop and the regional bonding event in the past two weeks. As usual, TM Development & Engagement team had tried their best to organize both Learning & Leisure activities to enhance the AIESEC experience of you, the members. On 24th August, we had our first workshop in the triplet series "AIESEC career-orientation" with the theme of "How to utilize AIESEC experiences in employment". The speaker was Susan Surgener, career consultant from Curtin Career Centre. She had provided some very useful hindsight of both technical skills like preparing our resume, dealing with interviewing questions; and also was able to ask us questions to self-reflect on our strengths and weaknesses. Generally, the feedback given after the workshop was positive, only that we hope more people would have come to the event. :( On 31st August, we had coordinated with TM from UWA to organize a massive Regional bonding night. We started off with dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant then head to Utopia for a fun tireless karaoke session. It turns out that all Aiesecers possess a hidden singing talent and karaoke is everyone's favourite activity. The attendance was surprisingly high and we had a wonderful night to chill out and catch up with our regional partners. I would like to use this opportunity to publicly applause Mark Sara for putting a lot of effort into this to make this event extremely successful. Thank you to whoever coming to these events as your attendance meant a lot to us - the organizers, so that we understand that our effort and hard work are not wasted. On September, there will be 2 other workshops from the Career-Orientation series with the purpose to further develop your knowledge and prepare for your career after AIESEC or university. We are making sure the topics are relevant and unique, one of which you can expect to be "Skills that you are not taught at university" or "How to start your business from the scratch". The speakers are successful business people, so you can judge the reliability of their advice. Therefore, I do expect that most of you will turn up for the events. After all, they are FREE and we are doing this BECAUSE OF YOU. On the other side of the coin, Tracking & Development team in TM has been finalizing all the coffee chats with individual members, in order to help you with clear goal and expectation setting within AIESEC. We are in progress of compiling them all and making a full review of the current LC membership situation in LCM next week (12/9). So watch out for that, it will be very informative and interesting ;) As well, September sees another quarter has gone, and TM is responsible for handing in the NTR (National Talent Review) and SONA to the MC - AIESEC Australia. They are basically reports about Membership that we need to update quarterly to the MC to get them updated and keeping tracked. If you haven't filled out the NTR form, please find it under the link below: https://podio.com/webforms/2019628/138204 All LCs are required to submit this NTR document by 9/9/2012 otherwise we might be downgraded for late submission. Hence it's compulsory for every member in the LC to submit them in on time. Until next time, TM, Bondage. TM, teach me.

Portfolio update – UR UR      

We are officially approved by MC to run this project on campus SLAP OCP and OC are working really hard to market and promote this project We have 14 applications at the moment and we are targeting 50 students to study Spanish. We hope every member of AIESEC Curtin can join us in SLAP; Also please do spread the words on learning a second languages on Spanish I challenge every member to enroll in SLAP and bring one friend for SLAP $15 per week for 7 weeks ($105) for non-AIESEC members; $10 per week for 7 weeks ($70) for AIESEC members

Networking Event      

20 September 2012. 5pm. Engineering Pavilion Combined with BD Aims to create awareness and run business to business activities to externals on campus Invitation has already sent out. We are waiting for reply. Expect 15 guests from University to attend KPI: 1 TN raise from this event

SLAP Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/SLAP-at-Curtin/433868763331101 SLAP Registration form: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFBSX1B pakMzR0kxUzVKTFQ4eFpoZEE6MQ#gid=0

Portfolio update – OGX It’s been a slow week for OGX due to the semester break, but even so, the MRB organized by Abraham managed to pass 4 EPs last Saturday thanks to Jenish and Dong for being the MRB panels. With the passes from last week, we are looking to have 15 EP RAISES by the end of this week, while we are making good progress, we still have a bit more to go for the next 3 months. An EP appreciation dinner was also organized during the semester break to thank the EPs for their support throughout our recruitment and exchange processes. Despite with only 3 EPs attending, we did have a good time over dinner. With September coming along, it is a crucial time for OGX as it marked the beginning of the MATCHing period, now that the TNs are gradually being uploaded onto the myaiesec.net database system. And we are aiming to Match 15 EPs by the 30th September 2012. We have also began organizing our regional WA Outgoing Preparation Seminar by having a collaboration between the UWA OGX portfolios, with Ajola working with Edwin from UWA to organize this event that will occur on the 13th and 27th October. Date-to-Remember: 28th September 2012 (Application deadline!)

ICX interview – with Krunal Dangar In last semester, BD had raised the ICX contract which was the first time for AIESEC Curtin in 2012. It’s a very important step to get the LC a membership status. I am very happy to interview on of the BD members at that time: Krunal Dangar, to tell us more about the process and also the current Sales Bulitz. (R:Ricky, K:Krunal) 1. R: “How did you and your team work together towards the contract at that time?” K: “To be honest with you, it was all alumni referral that started it. Minh Dang was kind enough to introduce AIESEC at his past workplace and I happened to be lucky enough to find the organization’s needs. Happens to be, we were able to find a good fit in terms of organization’s project and budget. But teamwork did come into picture once we started working towards matching the internship. I am really happy that Michael Haynes and Vivienne Lee are both doing a fantastic job. “

2. R: “Did you face any difficulties at that time? How did you overcome that?” K: “The biggest difficulty in ICX has always been overcoming rejections. You come to a point where you start thinking this, is just never going to happen. But what is important is, you treat each rejection freshly, each lead as a fresh beginning, each sales meeting as a game changer. I realized after what seemed like million rejections, that I was getting closer to signing my first IRQ. “ “But I guess, what was a even bigger problem was pressure. The constant pressure of us being able to raise interns in order to get the LC a membership status. Pressure is not good. I remember it was at NLDS where I wrote a letter to myself promising a raise. I had a month to get it and there were no strong leads on hand. So, you I guess you can imagine how happy I must have felt when we were able to get it 2 weeks before the conference, where the big decision was awaited. Bridget, then MCVPTM, handed me the letter at the conference and I was overwhelmed reading what i had promised myself. “

ICX interview – with Krunal Dangar con’t 3. R: “How did you motivate yourself and your team to achieve the goal at that time?” K: “I personally motivated myself by understanding the responsibility that I had and how important this little achievement was. Moreover, it was the challenge that no one I knew from AIESEC Curtin had been able to achieve it. The team, from what I understand, was also really into the sales culture and believed in the portfolio and its importance. This is what motivated them to perform at their level.”

4. R:”AIESEC Sales Blitz is on now, with the success contract in last semester, how will you perform better this time?” K: “It is actually becoming harder this Sales blitz to perform. With Uni and an almost full time job, knowing that BD requires you to actually be out there. I, however, have set a personal goal of one more ICX Raise by the end of this term. I think that motivates me currently. Talking about current sales blitz, lessons from the past always help. Moreover, it is all about working efficiently, segregating your leads and holding effective sales meetings is something I am focusing upon. “

5. R: Did you develop any skills during the sales blitz? K: I think almost any BD activity you pick up will up skill you some way or the other. Sales blitz is however, a very great platform to actually out things into practice. Having all that sales knowledge isn't power, but implementing them and getting targets achieved in tight timeframe is. The best skill that Sales blitz can develop is working efficiently. You do not have time to revise lessons, you do not have time to try different things, you can only do what works because the clock is ticking and the points are constantly being counted. Every second we spend doing something else, other LCs are busy scoring points. Again I would like to thank you Krunal for doing the interview with me. I would like other LC member to understand more about the BD members and also learn more about other portfolios.

Upcoming events and important notices Upcoming Events 1. On 8th September 2012(Saturday), we will have the AIESEC WA 2013 State Manager Elections. It will be held in Curtin University. Every member in the LC will have their right to vote. It will be YOUR choice. So please come if possible. Plenary Room: 408.2038 Dress Code: Smart Casual Starting 3PM SHARP Important notice: Plenary will close at 3pm SHARP. No people are allowed to enter or leave later for respectful reasons. Also no people are allowed to leave the election till the end. Therefore please plan your timetable before the election. 2. On 12th September, 2012 (Wednesday), we will have our next Go Global Information Session. Volunteers are wanted at all time. We had such successful ones before and we hope it will become better! Date: 5th September, 2012 Time: 12pm – 2pm Location: 201.309 Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/405205956207032/ 3. Start your business from nothing Workshop Director of Jungle Body, Tara Franzinelli will come and present to AIESEC members about starting your own business. If you want to know more about start your career by yourself, feel free to come to this workshop. Date: 17 September, 2012 Time: 3pm-4:30pm Dress code: smart casual Location TBA

Upcoming events and important notices (con’t) Upcoming Events 4. UR and BD combined networking event: Date: 20 September, 2012 Time: Start at 5pm Location: Curtin Engineering Pavilion

5. Second Language Acquisition Program(SLAP) SLAP is a project organized by AIESEC Curtin over summer 2012. It is a program that involves the teaching of a foreign language and culture by a native speaking intern. This program Curtin is teaching Spanish in coming summer. It will be from 5th November to 21th December. Registration is opened now so feel free to sign up if you would like to learn the Spanish language and the culture. Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/SLAP-at-Curtin/433868763331101

Registration form: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dF BSX1BpakMzR0kxUzVKTFQ4eFpoZEE6MQ#gid=0

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