AIESEC in Greece MCVP 16 17 Application form

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AIESEC in Greece


Your application for the MCVP position in AIESEC in Greece should contain maximum 14 pages: The application should be divided in two parts:

General which contain (Personal/Organizational Understanding / Current Context & Relevance/Vision) Specific: on sector questions

Feel free to make your own design for the application just be sure that your font is Times New Roman minimum 12 or Arial minimum 10.

*If the number of pages and the size of the font are not respected the application will not be validated. *The no .of pages should be respected for all the documents as is mentioned in the next page!!

Submit your application until 30th of March 2016 20:00 GT+2

General questionnaire: must be answered by the all applications Specific questionnaire: must be answered by the preferred position that you would like to run for Executive summary: a one page summary of your entire application Biography: let us know you better through your one page biography CV: please give us all the professional details about you (academic background, jobs you have had, AIESEC experience, contact details, etc. ) in one page Challenge: Share your AIESEC story and tell us why it’s a leadership development one(be as creative as you can through a video or write it in one page) Endorsements: 1. From a person that you led 2. From a person that led you 3. External or non-Greek AIESECer 4. From a member of AIESEC in Greece or , except your Local Committee (only or nationals) 5. From a member of your AIESEC Entity except your LC(only for internationals) • For Internationals: please provide in the application package us the documents regarding your visa process and eligibility. The application can be canceled by the selection committee for eligibility visa reasons.

For questions regarding the application process please refer to Renata Pylarinou (MCP current –, Vasiliki Ziaka (MCPe and Daniela Barbieru (Election Manager Use the same numbering system for the questions that you are responding to Once you finish your application send it to, and trough we transfer with the next name: Greece_MVCP POSITION NAME_16-17_Application_“Your Full Name” The Applicant must be opened to different switches of MC positions (depend on MCP elect).  Join








1 1.

What is your motivation to apply for the position of MCVP of AIESEC in Greece? What will be your unique contribution and what do you expect to learn from this experience?


What are the values that shaped you as person and how do they affect your strengths and weaknesses?


What drives you in life? How and why the MCVP experience connects with your personal vision?


What is your biggest ambition for AIESEC in Greece in the next term?

2 1. Why AIESEC is choosing leadership development as its core activity? Why the leadership that we develop is what the world needs?

3. What are the different roles in the organization? What should be the role of MC and the LCs towards the ambition of the next term? What, do you think, should happen in order to reach this?

3 1.

Please evaluate the performance of AIESEC Hellas and the LCs of AIESEC in Greece in 2015. Which were the main improvements and which are our current bottlenecks? Which initiatives would you implement the next term to ensure reaching country numerical goals and sustainable development?


What are the key global and European trends that are affecting Greece right now (please mention max. 3)? How do they affect it and how AIESEC can shape around them?


Why does AIESEC exist in Greece? How can a youth global organization such as AIESEC impact Greek society in a positive way?


Under the context of AIESEC partnering with UN for the implementation of the SDGs choose one of the SDGs and make a strategy as if you were an MC member in order to show case this SDG and contribute to the growth of the entity. Take under consideration that your strategy cannot be for iGIP or iGCDP projects.

4 1.

Taking under consideration the current context & relevance, please answer to the below:

a. How do you envision AIESEC in Greece in the next term (take into consideration the following aspects: results, positioning in the Network, human resources, relevance in Greek society, leadership, culture);

b. How do you see the role of the term 16-17 in the historical path of AIESEC in Greece, taking into consideration the 2020 ambition and new AIESEC experience?

5 1.

Describe the ideal customer journey of oGCDP and what needs to happen from

the organizational side in order for it to be delivered. Identify possible bottlenecks and red flags and propose solutions to them. 2.

What needs to happen for oGCDP to bring results the whole year, without

putting at risk the 2 main peaks?

1. Financial sustainability of iGCDP Program becomes a challenge as the sector is growing year by year. Which are the key strategies that you will follow in order to ensure the sustainability of the program and its ability to grow in the years to come in national level? Which are the stakeholders you will interact in the external environment?

2. In the current term 50% of the iGCDP stakeholders refuse to co-operate with AIESEC again for several reasons. As result the sector is struggling to grow exponentially since needs to generate constantly new partners. What strategy with specific action steps will you create in order to ensure that the sector will grow by retaining and upscalling the current partners.


Do the SWOT analysis of Global Talent in Greece right now and based on that define the three main priorities for the sector during the next term


After analyzing the external trends that currently exist in Greece explain why Global Talent and Global Entrepreneur are relevant or not and why?

1. Make SWOT analysis of the sector in term 15-16. Please come up with a least a solution for each weakness and the threat. 2. What is the Different between GE & GT and how you can have a clear approach for both Programs ( mention 3 Approaches). For GT please mention also what is the best segment to focus on according to our current sub-Products.

1) Taking into consideration the current retention and productivity of

AIESEC in Greece please state which are the main bottlenecks(come up with a least 1 solution for each bottleneck) and key successful factors. What is the role of TM sector regarding productivity and retention. 2) What should be the next strategies for TM sector regarding TMP and

TLP for the next year? Chose 3 main focuses, how is going to happen and what is the expected outcome.

1. What are the top trends affecting marketing currently? (refer to maximum 3) How can we capitalize on them as AIESEC in Greece? 2. The new Customer Flow has brought a lot of changes in the Marketing sector. What should be the role of Customer Experience for sutudents and what should be the main focuses for the next year to support the Customer Flow?

1.Which are the 3 main challenges in order the LCs to achieve their plans

and grow more than 50%? How would you evolve the downscaling and customization of National strategies in order to tackle those challenges?

2. How do you evaluate the LC coaching Model? Which are your main 2 strategies in order to evolve it ?Which will be your KPIs in order to assess the success of those strategies?

1.How do you evaluate the current expansions of AIESEC in Greece? Which are your 2 strategies in order to make them run full operations in all programs? (Mention specific action steps under the strategies)

2.How do you see the Expansions Strategy that AIESEC in Greece needs to follow the next term taking under consideration the 2020 roadmap strategies? Which need to be your main focuses around that?

1.Taking into consideration the Greek Market reality, create a B2B

Marketing Campaign for Global Talent program. Mention the goal, channels and message of the campaign and the process you followed to create it. 2. Propose specific activities that will upscale the traditional partnerships of the MC (such as Teleperformance, and Nestle) and identify the criteria regarding which as MCVP BD you would choose to partner or not with an organization (at least 4).

1. Evaluate the current state of economy and the corporate sector in Greece and propose three main strategies that will ensure the sustainability of the MC during the next term.

2. Propose specific activities that will upscale the traditional partnerships of the MC (such as

Teleperformance, and Nestle) and identify the criteria regarding which as MCVP BD you would choose to partner or not with an organization (at least 4).

1. On September of 2016 the 60 years of AIESEC event will happen with 500 alumni as delegates. Propose the strategy that you are going to follow to capitalize on the pull of alumni present at the event in order to benefit AIESEC in Greece's operations towards achieving


2. Which media partnerships and key strategic alliances do you foresee being needed for AIESEC in Greece in order to grow in the next term? Propose at least 3 and give

concrete examples of the activities that you are going to run with them and what do you expect the outcome to be for AIESEC in Greece (MOs, KPIs).

1. Which is the role of the MCVP Finance & Legal concerning the financial sustainability of the whole entity? Which are the top 3 characteristics an MCVP Finance & Legal should have according to your opinion? 2.Make an analysis of the financial current state of the entity. Which are the main challenges inside the organization and in the external environment? Mention 3 action steps to tackle them. Which are the main strengths of this term and how do you envision the sector in the upcoming term? Mention 3 initiatives you will take to implement your vision.

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