MC 22.23 - Application Booklet | AIESEC in Greece | 2nd Round

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Ensure common mentality and direction Responsible for creation and implementation of national strategies


Track and analyze the national performance of AIESEC in Greece in the global plenary

The MC experience is one of the strongest in the organization. Experiencing AIESEC under both team member and team leader role, MC Member is qualified for an intense experience leading the whole entity of AIESEC in Greece. Accessing Global Network of AIESEC National Representative of the entity, one develops on both personal and professional experience.

Representatives of AIESEC in Greece in the global network

THE ROLE The Member Committee Vice Presidents (MCVPs) prime responsibility is to develop the national strategy and direction to guide AIESEC in Greece, Local Committees, and all members in achieving AIESEC in Greece's mission and long-term direction.

Build and facilitate national conferences and meetings Responsible to implement the global strategy based on the national reality Provide education & support to LCs on National Strategies Design initiatives & projects to support national plan & growth Provide platforms for LC collaboration & innovation







AS AN MC MEMBER MC touchpoints attendance & entity decision making Planning/Replanning Synergies with other departments Reporting to MCP and MC team Ensure ROI in your sector SG meetings attendance & capitalization Functional JD & strategies fulfillment Be part of strategic corners and initiatives Attend development spaces with MCP or externals

GLOBAL LEVEL Communicating with AIESEC International and Regional Office Be present at global virtual and physical meetings & conferences Ensuring the implementation of the Global Strategy Ensuring the positioning of the country in the global network

National Level Develop overall national strategy and direction Gain overall and deep knowledge on the internal and external reality Support the drivers with projects, initiatives, and campaigns Coaching and tracking the progress towards the goals set Building and organizing National Conferences and meetings MSC, ESC, L&G, ECB management LC Coaching system delivery

COMMISSION COACHING Giving the general direction to LCVPs on the functional area and provide education Giving customized support according to needs and performance Coach the commssion

ESTs MANAGEMENT Ensure that ESTs support the MC operations and the LC development strategy Ensure ESTs transition and plan Delegation-tracking-coaching Responsible for their experience and development

LEGAL MANAGEMENT Keep legal state of AIESEC in Greece Upgrading of Legal status Be part of the executive board of MC




Duties MC is a full-time job. Every MCVP is expected to work 40 hours per week. Working time is Monday to Friday, weekends are free (except for conferences and other representative duties) MC term officially starts 1st of August and ends 31st of June (because of change of MC term) The MC needs to be physically in Athens from the 29th of May. The transition period is starting 6th of April

Benefits The salary is approximately 250 euros (the salary will be defined after the budget creation of the next term). The first salary will be paid in August. The accommodation is provided and covered to the MC flat in Athens, capital of Greece The office is provided and covered and it's near the MC flat in Athens All national conferences and visits are fully covered (accommodation, transportation in both, and food in conferences) Trainings will be provided from externals to cover the needs of the team




The final MC structure and allocation will be announced after the selection of the whole MC team

Positions of MCVP BD, F&L & PR/EwA are only for nationals.




This application is for anyone who has LCVP, LCP, MC or MC Manager experience. For anyone who does not meet these requirements, please contact to obtain elgibility.

Any application package that will be send after the deadline will not be validated. The application process consits of the submission of the application package whch will be followed by Pre-screening process, qualifing the officialcandidates and the official appliants will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours from your application submission. In order to proceed with the process, you need to have confidence vote by the LCs.Your confidence vote will be assessed by your application & from a round of virtual Q&As from LCs and the MC.




Application Questionnaire: maximum 15 pages (PDF file). Excecutive summary: The summary of your Application (PDF file). Blank Page: What is your vision for AIESEC in Greece for the term 22.23 (PDF file) CV: In one page state all your professional & AIESEC experence (PDF file) 3 Endorsement letters: One from a person that you have led, one from a person that led you & one from a person that you worked with. All the endorsements need to be signed with contact details of the person that endorsed you. (PDF file) 5 minutes video: Who are you? Why are you applying for MC 22.23? What do you want to gain from this role? What is your vision for AIESEC in Greece for the next term and how will you reach there? - Submit link on a PDF file Tests: Enneagram - Submit on a PDF file Barret Values - Submit on a PDF file Belbin - Submit .XLS file Disc - Submit on a PDF file Picture of you: PNG or JPEG (Internationals Only): Visa Process: pleaseprovide an official document that justifies the process for visa type D (PDF file) (Nationals Only): Debts Clarification: Please provide a document that is signed by the LCP of your home LC that clarifies that you don't have debts towards the LC (PDF file)

Send your Application package in a zip file with the name "MCApplicant2223_Name_Surname", to (MCPc), (MCPe), (Elections Manager), (Elections Manager)


You need to answer all the questions from the block of Personal & General Questionnaire, all the questions of the area you are applying and one question from every other area.




1. What does leadership mean to you? How you do you define "spread the leadership movement" as part of the MC 22.23? 2. Describe your AIESEC experience and your life out of AIESEC. How will you use these experiences during your MC term? 3. What is driving you to continue in AIESEC? Why are you standing for MC 22.23? Why are you standing for MC 22.23 for AIESEC in Greece? 4. Which are the core 3 values that define you as a person? Which are your main 3 strengths and weaknesses? How are you going to capitalize on your MCVP experience to build your strengths and overcome your weaknesses?




1. Considering the current context, which trends do you see shaping Greece in the following years? In the light of these trends what does it mean for AIESEC in Greece to spread it's leadership movement? 2. Create a SWOT analysis of AIESEC in Greece and explain how we can capitalise each point? 3. As part of the MC 22.23 for AIESEC in Greece you will be responsible to ensure our entity a sustainable growth path. What are you main ambitions to AIESEC in Greece until 2025? What is going to be the role of 22.23 generation in order to make it happen? Describe your 3 main strategies to ensure our entity is going to grow in a sustainable way. 4. Analyse AIESEC in Greece in the past 2 years and bring the most important data about each generation. How each generation shaped the entity. Based on that, what do you expect to be the contribution of the term 22.23 and set the main actions to ensure this is gonna happen.

1. How do you envision MXP implementation in the entity? How could you ensure that the membership experience journey is being developing, generating productivity and the pipeline that our entity needs? What are the synergies you need to capitalize in MC level to upscale our standards delivery in local level? 2. How can we develop the way we manage and evaluate culture in local and entity level? What are the main indicators we need to take under consideration and how we can use them? 3. What is the current state of AIESEC in Greece membership? How can we increase leadership pipeline and retention rate from peak to peak? Come up with a timeline and concrete action steps. 4. Analyze the PM Data of the 3 last terms. What are the factors that influence our data? What are going to be your 3 main strategies for PM in the next term? Under each strategy define at least three actions and explain how’s going to be implemented at the local level.

1. What does it mean for you to have all entities sustainable? Based on your answer how do you evaluate overall AIESEC in Greece Sustainability? State the 3 main reasons that you believe this is happening. 2. Evaluate the financial data of the last three terms. What will be the 3 main battles of the next term? Based on that set the milestones will you achieve at the end of your term as a VP F&l. Present the key metrics you want to achieve and what are the main strategies you would use to achieve it. Consider both local and national level. 3. Select 3 areas that we can invest in. Create a basic investment model for each of them. 4. Why do you think implementing Finance Standards are important to AIESEC in Greece? Evaluate the current state of the implementation and suggest improvement points. SPREAD



1. How do you evaluate the growth path of our entity the last 3 terms (19.20, 20.21, 21.22) in the pillars of HR, Operations and Finance? What are the focuses our OD needs to have the next term? 2. Based on our LCs/OE current state, how should we adapt our network services to support our LCs/OE development? What are the services we need to focus on and why? Please explain based on data. (Take under consideration HR, Finance, OPs) 3. Considering the current context of AIESEC in Greece, create a Sustainable Growth Path for the products. How should LCs manage operations and resources to have sustainable growth? 4. How do you evaluate OD processes in the entity? Create the OD processes timeline for the next term. What will be your focuses as OD and why?




1. How do you evaluate the national performance of each one of our products (OGV,OGTa/e, IGV, IGT) the last 3 terms? (19.20, 20.21, 21.22). How can we ensure overall product development in the entity? 2. Choose two programs (OGV,OGTa/e, IGV, IGT) and analyze their conversion rates for AIESEC in Greece for last 2 years. Suggest a strategy to improve conversion rates for each program. 3. Explain to us 3 main strategies that the product you are applying for (OGV,OGTa/e, IGV, IGT) should follow in the next term to ensure growth and sustainability. 4. Conduct a full analysis of IR results of the product (OGV,OGTa/e, IGV, IGT) you are applying for of the terms 20.21 & 21.22. Provide a termly IR plan based on your analysis. (Include the upscaling of existing partners, creating new partnerships, plan for co-delivery and a timeline.

1. What kind of internal and external opportunities can AIESEC capitalize on the next term? Propose 3 new PR partnerships. What common activities will you run together? In which aspects will they benefit AIESEC in Greece? 2. Why are PR stakeholders important for AIESEC and what is their relevance? What will be your main strategies to retain and upscale the current PR stakeholders? What will be your actions to maximize the reach and publicity of AIESEC in Greece? 3. You will be overall responsible for YouthSpeak. How will you upscale YS processes? State the focuses for the YSS the YSF and the YS project. Why are they the most strategic focuses per stage of YS? 4. Create the value proposition of one [1] potential impact project that AIESEC in Greece can run the next term. What stakeholders can we capitalize for it and why? In which aspects can this initiative impact society and in which AIESEC?

1. Analyse the sign up growth/drop per product and conversion rates of AIESEC in Greece for the terms 19.20, 20.21 and 21.22. Suggest a strategy to improve the conversion rates for each product. 2. Make a SWOT analysis of the current state of UR in the entity. How we can create stronger university relations in our LCs. What are the processes we should establish in our LCs? 3. How can LCs maximize their reach through UPR partnership capitalization? Propose 3 strategies to increase UPR SUs contribution in LC level. 4. Analyze the current state of Digital Experience and marketing of AIESEC in Greece for youth (Platforms, websites, Social Media, SEO, Blog, etc). What shall be the three main focuses to increase results? What goals we should strive to have by each channel? How can we ensure improvement in national media results? SPREAD



1. Analyze the current corporate external environment. What kind of new industries can we approach as AIESEC in Greece and why? Propose 2 new BD partnerships, why did you choose them and for which projects? What will be the win-win benefits of these partnerships? 2. Analyze the current BD portfolio. What will be your focuses when it comes to BD partnership management? What will be your main strategies to retain and upscale the current BD partnerships? How do you envision the BD portfolio at the end of your term and what will be the impact in national and local level? 3. Which are some tools/systmes that you can capitalize during your term for Sales, Portfolio creation and account management? Which are the currents sector needs that they will cover? 4. Create a sales timeline and describe your plan for each BD portfolio project. What will be your sales strategies for the next term? What priorities should BD have for the next term? SPREAD






✅Application Questionnaire ✅Excecutive summary ✅Blank Page ✅CV ✅3 Endorsement letters: One from a person that you have led, one from a person that led you & one from a person that you worked with ✅5 minutes video: Who are you? Why are you applying for MC 22.23? What do you want to gain from this role? What is your vision for AIESEC in Greece for the next term and how will you reach there? - Submit link on a pdf file ✅Enneagram ✅Barret Values ✅Belbin ✅Disc ✅Picture of you ✅(Internationals Only): Visa Process ✅(Nationals Only): Debts Clarification




MCP Vasia Kardasi: MCVP PM/OD & MCPe Sofia Tilikidou: MCVP ICX Elena Persidi: MCVP OGX Georgia Vasiliou: MCVP MKT Michalis Mouzourakis: MCVP F&L Eirini Tsili: MCVP PR/EwA Silia Papanikolaou: MCVP BD: Ionas Giamarellos:





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