Members Committee 2019-2020 Annual Report | AIESEC Hellas

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National Report 2019-2020

TABLE OF CONTENT Presidents’ foreword Our Essence National Committee Stand Milestones National Touchpoints Our Network Our products Our people Youth Speak Forum Public Relations Business Development F&L report Supervisory Group National Team 19.20 National Team 20.21

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PRESIDENTS’ FOREWORD Dear reader, I am welcoming you to the Annual Report of the National Team of AIESEC in Greece for the term 2019- 2020. It’s hard to gather in a small amount of pages all the moments, achievements, failures, efforts, learnings but I hope we did our best to give you a good overview of what happened this year. This year was a very challenging year for us as a youth led organisation as well as for the entire world. As AIESEC in Greece amongst the rest of the world we were called to face a global pandemic. This situation as you all know changed a lot of things in the way we live today, in the way that the world operates, in the way we experience situations that once were taken for granted. As any other organisation this was a very big struggle for as, as you know AIESEC has it’s core into offering leadeships experience through exchange, so as you can imagine the change management to overcome this and grow stronger and more relevant as an organisation was very important. If I have to say something for this year it’s that I have never felt for stretched as a person and honoured at the same time to be working for a purpose like that and most importantly to be working with specific people around me who made that happen. As a National Team we wanted to ignite the spark in every young person that encounters with us and make it contagious. Develop leadership in the Greek Youth. I am deeply honoured to say that AIESEC in Greece as a whole is working towards that for the last 65 years and we as the National Team of 19.20 are very proud to have left our mark in that history. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank all of my team, every single one of the members that contributed to this year and of course all of our partners who support us every year to get closer to our purpose.


Ermioni Tsotso

President of AIESEC in Greece 2019-2020

It was, is, and will be good to be an LCP in AIESEC in Greece, because of all the courage and braveness every person of this entity showed in times of uncertainty. Nowadays lots of things are changing, but the eagerness to develop leadership in every young person will drive us through! Elena Persidi President of LC Athens 20.21 Being a President means that you have power but with power comes a lot of responsibility. When you see your team and your LC developing leadership to themselves and to others is the most rewarding thing! Magda Drakou President of LC UniPi 20.21 There is a leader inside every single one of us, AIESEC in Greece proves this by fighting to translate our vision into reality even at the hardest times. We know how to BLAZE the trail and we won't stop striving to achieve our goals. Sofia Tilikidou President of LC UoM Thessaloniki 20.21

People tend to give up when they face challenges and difficulties, but destroying your comfort zone is what makes you be a little more closer to what some could call a leader. So don't stop when you think is impossible, after that is when the magic happens. Nadia Marogianni President of LC NKUA 20.21 In the most challenging environments, we develop leadership in every young person and we strive to make the change in our world throughout our actions. We will not stop until we are proud.

Gwgw Vasileiou President of LC AUTH 20.21

President is the AIESEC meaning of responsibility and leadership inside the organization. President is a feeling not just a position. Developing your LC's resources and ensuring quality exchanges based on our AIESEC vision and AIESEC mission. This is President for me. Michalis Mouzourakis President of LC Patras 20.21 Being a LCP is about achieving. Developing my team is the biggest achievement, and i couldn’t be prouder. My EB, my LC are my measure of success and I will keep doing my best to bring LC CRETE in the next level.

Silia Papanikolaou President of LC Crete 20.21

Second World War by a group of young people from Europe (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden). Our fundamentals were shaped

Since then, the world has been changing faster than ever before. We believe that and they must learn to adapt quickly and solve problems. This is why AIESEC strives for Peace & Fulfilment of Humankind´s

In today’s context, ‘Peace’ does not necessarily mean only avoiding war. Peace can symbolize a world that does not have conflicts that arise from cultural, religious, or other aspects of differences in humanity. Peace can also symbolize being in harmony with yourself. AIESEC strives to build a world where people can work towards their own understanding of understanding the views of others. Through “Fulfilment of Humankind’s where people can be the best version of themselves.

We place our confidence in youth because they have the passion, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit that are needed to shape the future. They have the responsibility to improve tomorrow by choosing who they will be today.

explore and develop their leadership

sphere they would choose.

Our Unique Leadership Development Model

AIESEC’s leadership development model seeks to prepare youth to take a stand on what they


Declining Trust in Formal Leaders

Self Aware

Understands and lives personal values Focuses on strengths over weaknesses Explores one’s passions

Believes in their ability to make a difference in the world Interested in the world issues Enjoys taking responsibility for improving the world

Complex and Interconnected World

Uncertain World

Empowering Others Develops & empowers other people Engages with others to achieve a bigger purpose

Adapts and shows resilience in the face of challenges Takes risks when needed

This is the leadership that we believe in and develop.

Cross-Cultural Exchanges

AIESEC provides an opportunity for young people to work or volunteer abroad in non-familiar environments. This allows them to step outside their comfort zone and expand their worldview, while connected world.

Team Experiences

AIESEC members work in teams to create and manage these cross-cultural exchange experiences. This provides an opportunity for our members to live powerful team experiences and develop their own

Inner and Outer Journey framework AIESEC provides in every experience, enabling young people to learn the most from every that what someone learns from any experience will stay with them forever.

Our Values

Striving For Excellence to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do.

fulďŹ l our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way aligned with what we envision

We create a dynamic and welcoming environment through the active and AIESEC.

of others. Living Diversity

To shape our culture we keep in mind to: Reinforce our values constantly

Engage and align our stakeholders with our values

Confront contradictory behavior that goes against our values

MC 19.20

Having a stand for our plenary was one of the main things we wanted to dedicate a lot of time and effort so we could make sure that our vision for the term 19.20 is clear to all our layers. Working together for a year alongside all our members in order to achieve a common goal. Prepraring for our year plan we had multiple discussions and surveys in order to understand what are the needs the members of AIESEC in Greece have and what are they gaining. After all these input Ignite the Spark, Make it Contagious was born. These 6 words could summarise in a simple way the fact that we wanted to ignite the spark of Leadership to everyone and single member joining AIESEC and making it contagious to more and more Greek Youth. Leadership development is the core of AIESEC since the beginning of its existence this is why we wanted to make sure that in this year we are going to give our focus into the Leadership layers who hold the power to keep developing it to all the members.

s the way w i s i e Th

We want to ignite in all and every single one of our members the bravery to lead. Because we want to stop the anxiety our leaders feel and start equiping them to lead highly effective teams. THE PROJECTS 5 SKILLS

Improve our leadership layers by developing 5 essential leadership skills COACHING CULTURE

Equipe our leadrship body with the knowledge of coaching their members LEADERSHIP TOOLKIT

Create a centralized space for knowledge keeping within the organization

the way we s i is h T

we y a is is t h e w h T

We want to ignite in all and every single one of our entities the drive of always achieving more. Because we want to stop our entities’ continuous ups and down and start developing them based on their unique needs.

We want to ignite in all and every single one of our entities the full power of GE. Because we want to stop playing small and start giving our entity the chance to earn a place in the global rankings.





Develop our entity through the adaptation of the Global Development Model

Spread the knowledge of the Global Entrepreneur product to all Local Committees



Capitalize the Local Committee Coaches and the Network Heads to ensure horizontal growth

Open an outgoing or incoming Global Entrepreneur departent in all Local Committees. LEVEL 2

Improve the proďŹ tability of the incoming Global Entrepreneur exchanges product

19.20 MILESTONES Infrastructure Systems Upscaling and creating new systems to optimise our operations and focus in data collection and comprenhasion. National Knowledge hub where all the operational knowledge can be in one place in order to sustain it and upscale the transition from term to term.

International Relations Brand Creation In the beginning of our term, we realized the importance of internally branding AIESEC in Greece in the international AIESEC network. This is how the Oh My Greece (shortened to OMG) brand was created. We actively positioned the brand in every international touchpoint we participated on and took action to make it established within our membership as well.

COVID-19 Crisis management Through this difďŹ cult time for the whole world we managed to contain the effect this had in our operations and membership by taking advantages of the opportunities that emerged from that. We managed to stay relevant and make sure the LCs had support to work thought it.

Bringing Back outgoing internships In the fourth quarter we realised that based on the changes in the organisation due to the pandemic it was very relevant to start the process of restarting one of our programs outgoing Global Talent in order for the organisation to be ready to implement this from the new year ahead.

OUR NATIONAL TOUCHPOINTS Every year, AIESEC in Greece organizes conferences and summits that aim to develop leadership skills in our members. We provide training based on our unique leadership development model, which deďŹ nes the following leadership qualities: empowering others, self-awareness, solution orientation and global citizen.

Moreover, our conferences are a platform for our members to develop their local strategies and connect with the external world. We have spaces for decision making and spaces with our national partners and other like-minded organizations who share with us their external perspective and expertise. During this past year we had the following touchpoints:

GROW A conference for the executive boards of the local committees to get to know the strategies of the new national team, localize them and get new knowledge. Dates: 2-5th of August 35 attendees

HeADCo A conference for the whole membership of AIESEC in Greece, where the delegates are getting reconnected with the essence of the organization, attend trainings & workshops by the national team and spaces hosted by our national partners. Dates: 3-6th of October 111 attendees

Bootcamps A summit hosted by the national team for the elected executive boards of the local committes. The delegates are trained on the their new sectors, co-create and give input to the national strategy and attend spaces hosted by our national partners. Dates: 30th of November - 2nd of December 43 attendees

Initiate A conference for the two executive boards of the LCs, the one that is closing their experience and the one that is just starting, and the team leaders of the next semester. The old teams are getting to know the opportunities they have with our partners and close their experience, the new ones are ďŹ nalizing their plans and the team leaders are getting educated to lead their new teams. Dates: 9-12th of January 84 attendees

HeADCo A conference for the whole membership of AIESEC in Greece, where the delegates are getting reconnected with the essence of the organization, attend trainings and spaces hosted by our national partners. Dates: 7-10th of March 109 attendees

OUR NETWORK Thessaloniki

Komotini Mytilene

Volos Ioannina

Patra Kalamata Athens Crete

Incoming Global Volunteer Through Global Volunteer young people have the opportunity to develop their leadership through volunteering for a cause aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Meanwhile the project supports the NGO/ organization it takes place in by empowering the processes it runs and enriching them.

In numbers

67 experiences Top country partners




SDGs contributed to the most


Silver Award in Voluntary Action for Humanitarian Crisis in Greece

Outgoing Global Volunteer Through Global Volunteer young people have the opportunity to develop their leadership through volunteering for a cause aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

In numbers

64 experiences Top country partners





SDGs contributed to the most


I was responsible in my project to teach students about the SDGs and in the same time to help them to develop team work and their self-awareness. This experience helped me to develop my English, to work in a team with totally different people from the other side of the earth. - Matina Katsogiannou, Global Volunteer in Romania

Incoming Global Entrepreneur Through Global Entrepreneur young people have the opportunity to develop their leadership through an internship in the fast paced environment of a start-up. Meanwhile they enrich the start-up’s work place with an international perspective and support their operations.

In numbers

20 experiences Top country partners



Top ďŹ elds of work Business administration Information technology Marketing



Outgoing Global Entrepreneur Through Global Entrepreneur young people have the opportunity to develop their leadership through an internship in the fast paced environment of a start-up.

In numbers

13 experiences Top country partners




Top ďŹ elds of work Marketing Business administration Information technology


I had chosen to work into a subject I was already familiar with (Marketing) because of my studies in Business Administration. The tasks that were assigned to me were around Marketing and different Business promotion strategies. The people into the company were willing to help me understand every task and were also happy for me being there and helping them with their projects. - Xanthippi Kanavetsadou, Global Entrepreneur in Ukraine

Outgoing Global Talent Through Global Talent young people have the opportunity to develop their leadership through an internship inside the corporate world.

In numbers

17 experiences Top country partners



Czech Republic


Top fields of work Business administration Marketing Human resources

I had my internship in Service Delivery agent-BNY Mellon, in the Netherlands. My role was mostly supportive. I’ve been exposed to many people within my working enviroment as well as to clients. This helped me be more confident and improve my hard and soft skills. Very good opportunity for people at the start of their careers. - Ioannis Fotiou, Global Talent in the Netherlands


Being a member of AIESEC Our members are at the core of exchanges, since they are the ones that make them possible. By being involved in various sectors, from back office like marketing to front office to sales and customer satisfaction, they develop their leadership potential.

In numbers

279 members 61.2% growth 91% retention rate 8.6/10 NPS HR per layer Local Committee Vice Presidents 12.5%

Local Committee Presidents 3.0%

Team leaders 14.0%

Members 70.6%

Main study fields

Gender composition

80 75




40 30



Co m

BA Ec on om pu te ic s rs ci en ce Ed s uc at io n



YOUTH SPEAK FORUM Did you know that young people make up 40% of the world population? But how many of us are left idle in the face of what is happening around us? Youth Speak Forum 2020 aims to engage youth with senior leaders in a discussion surrounding actions they can take to contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The activities of the forum will focus on four key SDGs:

EMPOWER keynotes

The attendees will have the opportunity to hear first hand from key speakers that showcase their organization’s work towards the SDGs.

ENGAGE workshops

Delegates will have a deeper dive on how to contribute to the SDGs through various workshops that focus on specific SDGs while furthering AIESEC’s exchange programs.


action space The action spaces are designed spaces where the attendees will have the opportunity to commit to their personal contribution towards the Sustainable Development Goals delivery.

Media Partners

ER Partners

Community Partners



Strategic Alliances

Events attended 2nd Panorama of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Thessaloniki International Fair Politeia Career Days eCommerce & Digital Marketing Expo ECFIN Seminar for civil society representatives QS World Grad School Tour StartupnowForum Thessaloniki #JobFestival

Bossible International University Fair Panorama Voluntary Action Find Your Way Unlimited Abilities Days There is no Plan(et) B: A Climate Reality Workshop in Athens Ethelon Days 2019 | the buttery effect People for People Sociathlon

PARTNERSHIP HIGHLIGHTS Increase our Strategic Partners | with Bayer Hellas Bayer Hellas became this year one of the Strategic Partners of AIESEC in Greece. The company traditionally support AIESEC in Greece as one of the main incoming Global Volunteer Partner. This year company continue to support us as exchange parnther, but also become the Strategic Partner of YouthSpeak Forum 2020. For AIESEC in Greece in more that important to have partners who understand and support our vision and by being Strategic Partners to prove practically their support and faith.

AIESEC in Greece President Elections for the term 2020-2021 | with European Reliance European Reliance is one of the Strategic & Traditional Partners of AIESEC in Greece. The company traditionally support AIESEC in Greece as the main incoming Global Volunteer Partner. This year European Reliance support our biggest and most important event that take place yearly, the election of the next President of AIESEC in Greece. Election this year happened at European Reliance headquarters. Also the company's representative was part of the External Panel of the elections.

Increase our Main Partners | with P&G P&G became this year one of the Main Partners of AIESEC in Greece. The company traditionally support AIESEC in Greece as one of the main YouthSpeak Forum partners. This year P&G continue to support us and will be part of YouthSpeak Forum 2020 by delivering a workshop to the participants. As an additional project, P&G was part of our National Conference, in October 2019, by delivering a workshop to our membership about “7 Habits” one needs to build in order be productive daily.

Support fully our Products & Projects Portfolio | with Vodafone Greece & CU Vodafone & CU are the partners that this term supported us both as Exchange & Funding partners, by being present in most of our national touchpoints. The cooperation started in October 2019, with Vodafone supporting our National Conference and delivering a workshop to our membership with the topic “Leadership Essentials”. Vodafone was also part of EB Bootcamp, the conference that only Presidents & Vice Presidents of the Local Committees can attend. Vodafone deliver a workshop about “Team Dynamics & Organisational Culture”. Lastly, Vodafone was part of Initiate Conference, the Conference for the top level of our organization. They delivered a workshop about external opportunities for the members that ended their AIESEC Experience, named “ My journey from now on”. During Covid period, Vodafone supported us again, by delivering a webinar to our membership with the topic”Remote Leadership Routine”. CU support our exchanges, by funding a Greek student for the Global Entrepreneur program. Both, Vodafone & CU will be part of the YouthSpeak Forum 2020, by delivering the Action Space of the event

Introduce a new Partner | with Starbucks RTD Starbucks RTD is our newest partner as AIESEC in Greece. They have become part of our Exchange partners, that support the Global Volunteer program by giving the opportunity to Greek youth to volunteer abroad and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. Starbucks RTD became officially on June, one out of our five exchanges partner.

Innovation of our Partnership Portfolio | with Vodafone Greece, PwC Greece and P&G As AIESEC in Greece during the COVID-19 period, and especially the months March, April & May, we understood the need to support our membership on how to manage the internal operations based on the external situation of the pandemic. As National Team we decided to provide virtual trainings to our membership in order to support them on how to manage teams virtually, what are the threats that may occur in this virtual reality and how they can support their team in order to keep being productive. In this idea of delivering virtual trainings/webinars, companies supported us, by giving us their insights and their working style in this new virtual reality. As AIESEC i n Greece, we introduced webinars as the newest addition to the Partnership Portfolio, and we are more that happy that Vodafone, PwC and P&G, responded positively to our proposal.

NATIONAL PARTNERS During the year 2019-2020 many companies and organizations partnered with AIESEC and helped us go one step further towards achieving our vision as an organisation. Strategic partners Bayer Hellas is one of the Strategic & Traditional partners of AIESEC in Greece and one of the companies that contribute both as exchange & funding partners Bayer Hellas supports 10 incoming Global Volunteer opportunities through CSR the last year. The company will be part of YouthSpeak Forum 2020 as a Keynote Speaker.

European Reliance is one of the Strategic & Traditional partners of AIESEC in Greece and one of the companies that contribute as the main exchange partner. European Reliance supports 30 incoming Global Volunteer and 5 outgoing Global Volunteer opportunities through CSR the last year.

Main partners Vodafone is the main Learning Partner that have been part of our National Conferences and EB Bootcamps. Vodafone this year also delivered a webinar to our membership with the topic “Remote Leadership Routine”. CU as exchange partner supports 1 outgoing Global Entrepreneur Opportunity. Also this year both, Vodafone & CU, are part of YouthSpeak Forum 2020 by delivering an Action Space. PwC Hellas is one of the traditional partners of AIESEC in Greece and one of the companies that contribute as funding partners. PwC was part of 1 National Conferences and together we delivered 1 Company Day to their headquarters. This year also the company delivered a webinar to our membership with the topic “Goals & Habits” . PwC will be part of YouthSpeak Forum 2020 by delivering a workshop. P&G Hellas this year support our National Conference at October 2019 by delivering a workshop and together we delivered a webinar with the topic “From confrontation to communication” to our membership. P&G Hellas is one of the traditional YSF partners and this year will be part of YouthSpeak Forum 2020.

Supportive partners Elvalhalvor is one of the Supportive partners of AIESEC in Greece and one of the companies that contribute as exchange partner. Elvalhalcor supports 5 outgoing Global Entrepreneur opportunities through CSR this year.

EY is one of the supportive partners of AIESEC in Greece, The company this year will be part of the YouthSpeak Forum 2020 by delivering a workshop.

Dialectica is one of the companies that cooperated with AIESEC in Greece last year for the ďŹ rst time. This year Dialectica was part of our National Conference by delivering a workshop.

Starbucks RTD is our new partner that supports our exchanges programs.. Starbucks RTD supports 5 outgoing Global Volunteer opportunities through CSR this year.

Deree - The American College of Greece is one of the traditional partners of AIESEC in Greece, by being part of YouthSpeak Forum 2019 & 2020. The college always empowers the attendees through an inspiring keynote speech.

FINANCIAL REPORT Audit Points System change Financial crisis management and health of the organization Financial Model Change Mainly this year we invested on marketing campaigns and recruitment but also on more services provided to our local committees by coaching visits.

Revenues break down Other 3.0% Business Development 18.0%

Local Committee Fees 79.0%

Expenses break down Finance and Legalities 6.0%

Other 4.0%

Business Development, Public Relations, Marketing 8.0% Conferences/ Visits 10.0%

Members Committee costs 54.0% Global/Regional fees 18.0%

SUPERVISORY GROUP Solomon Mordochai Supervisory Group Chairman

Chief HR and Communications Officer at Etraveli Group

The covid-19 pandemic, has made 2020 a very special year for any leader of any organisation, however large or small. People who found themselves in leadership positions during this crisis will remember their experience for a very long time. AIESEC in Greece leaders, have managed to not only keep the organisation afloat but also to adjust its operating model in ways they had never imagined. They have led AIESEC in Greece through a change that would have otherwise taken a number of terms to push through. Active membership has seen a dramatic increase, as well as a shift in the type of engagement. In doing so, they have managed to prove that AIESEC is resilient to unprecedented society shifts. The transformation isn’t over, as the new term has to find sustainable ways to adjust product offerings, marketing methodologies, and other routines. And along the way the students in the cockpit of both the outgoing as well as the elect teams, will have managed to collect experiences and relationships that will shape their future in ways they cannot fully fathom yet. The Supervisory Group is a body formed by a diverse group of people, from business as well as from academia, alumni and non alumni, aimed at ensuring continuity and at guiding strategic planning for AIESEC over time. It is also in the founding principles of this body of experienced volunteers, to guide AIESEC in Greece through critical moments such as the one AIESEC was and will continue to be faced with during 2020. This year has also marked the time for myself to step down and hand over the Supervisory Group leadership, giving the opportunity to other people who want “to give back” -or continue to live the AIESEC experience, as I chose to see it- from a different angle and a different stage in life. I would like to thank Nikos, Charis, Petroula, Panagiotis, Tasos, Thodoros and Daphne for generously contributing their time, passion and “meraki” to AIESEC for yet another year. It has been a great pleasure for all of us in the Supervisory Group to work with such a talented group of young adults and it is with pride that we look at their achievements this year, despite the circumstances. It also gives me great pride to hand the “Chair” over to an extremely passionate, talented and determined successor, Ms Petroula Karagianni, who will be leading the Supervisory Group for the next three years. I invite you to read through the achievements of AIESEC in Greece for this term in more detail and wish every success to the new term and the new Supervisory Group.

Petroula Karagianni SG Member/ SG Chair selected

Harris Pitsilos SG Member

Nikos Vettas SG Member

Panagiotis Karabinis SG Member

Tasos Pagakis SG Member

Thodoros Theocharis SG Member

Business Development Manager, Athens University of Economics and Business

Managing Director, Greece at Endeavor

Business Consultant & Design Sprint Facilitator at Krataion Consulting

Co-Founder at BMB | Borrow my Brain Consulting

Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business

Partner - Administrator at Theocharis – Mavridou & Associates, Business Consultants LTD

Daphne Faneromenou SG Member National President 18.19

AIESEC in Greece Team 19.20

Hermione Tsotso

Kyriaki Daskaloudi

National President

National VP Finance and Legal

Irene Papagiannidou

Ariadni Skarvelaki

National VP Organizational Expansion

National VP Organizational Development

Panagiotis David

Christina Avgenaki

National VP Public Relations

National VP Business Development

Adamantia Zimou

Wojciech Zdobylak

National VP Marketing

National VP People Management

Gรถrkem Avcu

Amira Ashlem Abraham Lucena

National VP Outgoing Global Volunteer

National VP Incoming Global Volunteer

Panagiotis Nikitakis

Rayane Lopes da Silva

National VP Outgoing Global Entrepreneur & Talent

National VP Incoming Global Entrepreneur

AIESEC in Greece Team 20.21

Kyriaki Daskaloudi

Vasiliki Kardasi

National President

National VP Finance and Legal

Ana Tsitsa

Christiana Tsompani

National VP Public Relations

National VP Business Development

Aggelos Kokona

Ioanna Papa

National VP Marketing

National VP People Management

Evangelia Pinakoulaki

Chrysa Manou

National VP Outgoing Global Volunteer

National VP Incoming Global Volunteer

Zoi Kotsou

Mariela Fonseca

National VP Outgoing Global Talent

National VP Incoming Global Talent

Copyright Š by AIESEC Greece All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be peproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior consent of the publisher. Published by AIESEC in Greece Andrea Moustoksidi 3, Athina, 114 73 Web: Designed by Adamantia Zimou

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