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MC Personal Questions 1. What is driving you to continue in AIESEC? Why have you decided to stand for The MC of AIESEC in Greece? What do you want to take out of this experience? 2.

What are your 3 main weaknesses and strengths and how will they impact your MC Experience? And What are your key values in life and why?

3. How do you define one’s breaking point? What is yours? How do you push it back and stay resilient? MC Greece 1718

MC General Questions 1.

How do you see the influence of AIESEC 2020 on the Organization, Please mention pros. & cons. From your own opinion)


How do you see the role of the MC in the year 2017-2018, Please Cover the Following Points; Evolving our operations, Driving Culture, Leading the Functional Areas, Organizational Alignment.


Considering the current context, which trends do you see shaping Greece and the world in the following years? In the light of these trends, what will it mean for AIESEC in to stay ahead of the curve?

MC Greece 1718

MC specific Questions INSTRUCTIONS: • There are 6 blocks of questions separated in the roles on the MC next year • Each block has 5 questions that are directly tackling sectors and areas in on the team, in which the candidate will choose 1 question per block to answer. • All of the blocks need to be answered (1 at least) and the candidate must choose 1 block in

which he/she must answers 3 questions. • In total, the candidate will answer 8 questions in the Specific Questionnaire and 6 questions in the General Questionnaire for a total of 14 questions in total.

MC Greece 1718

1. Network Management & Implementation Strategy 1.

How do you assess AIESEC 2020 till now? What could be the learning that we can take further for the term 20172018?


What is the most effective way to implement national strategies through a network that is diverse, in terms of performance and realities?


Please assess the MC’s current implementation touch points and give a perspective on how we could evolve them in 1718?


What are the main current challenges and successes to have a fast and effective network implementation? How do you see this evolving in 1718 term?


How do you see our products -evaluate in which product development phase they are and what should be done from MC and LC level in order to push the product to the next phase

MC Greece 1718

2. Organizational health & sustainability 1.

What does it mean to you to have all entities being sustainable? Based on your answer, how do you assess overall AIESEC in Greece’s sustainability currently? Why do you think that it is this way?


What would be the key indicators you would measure for an overall organizational health model? How would you collect data? What are the analysis you would do with the data?


What are currently the biggest issues that LC would face in retaining their membership status, and what do you see as a possible way forward?


What are the biggest challenges in finance and legal for the term 1718?


What are the main risks and potential crisis that might affect AIESEC in Greece in the near future? How would you avoid/minimize the impact of them on the organization?

MC Greece 1718

3. Strategic Partnerships and Partners management 1.

Imagine in 2017-18 you have the opportunity to develop a new strategy to engage and develop strategic partnerships. How would your strategy look like to achieve short-term budget goals (2017-18)?


How can Business Development Department contribute to the development of the organization ?Which are the 3 main characteristics that the MCVP BD should have according to your opinion and how are you going to demonstrate these characteristics through your role?


Highlight key strategies in order to foster and capitalize on co-sales inside the national plenary. What could be the potential benefits and main bottlenecks of these strategies?


If you could only keep two current accounts, which ones would you choose and why?


Besides the current product portfolio, what additional products would you implement to engage our partners in a more strategic and impactful way? State at least 5

MC Greece 1718

4. Organizational brand and positioning 1.

According to you, what stories does our brand tell and what stories should it tell? How should AIESEC evolve its positioning in 2017-18 to leverage from external trends?


What are the implications that you foresee in light of AIESEC 2020 in AIESEC's Greece’s Brand strategy?


What is the potential of digitalization (and digital marketing) in AIESEC? Cite external examples to emphasize your points, if needed?


What new opportunities do you see in terms of strategic alliances, especially in light of AIESEC's commitment around the SDGs and its association with the United Nations? What are the possible threats?


What is your understanding of the evolution of Youth Speak in the past years? What potential do you see in the Youth Speak strategy for AIESEC? Evaluate the success of the project in the previous term.

MC Greece 1718

5. Organizational process and systems 1.

What is the role of our systems contributing to Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential? How do you see the systems evolving in the next 5 years (Be concrete and mention specific path for evolution)


What do you think is needed for AIESEC in Greece to evolve and cope with the hyper digital era that we are living in? What should we start with?


How can DATA gathering affect the way we progress in the upcoming term? What kind of DATA would we need to gather and how?


What would you take in consideration when deciding what to develop or not, and why?


If during your year you could select only 1 feature to develop, what would that be and how would this impact AIESEC, our ecosystems and bring the organization to the next stage.

MC Greece 1718

6. Organizational long term strategy & growth 1.

How could we move forward with the global AIESEC 2020 roadmap and align to it?


How would do you see the expansions strategy internally? what have this strategy offered op to now to the whole

AIESEC in Greece? how do you see it evolving 3.

How will you ensure that AIESEC in Greece constantly improves its programs and products keeping simplicity and customer centricity?


Assess our current LCs’ structures, its opportunities and limitations based on organizational strategy. How would you evolve our current LCs’ structure?


Assess our current state of AIESEC’s alignment towards SDGs, opportunities and threads from the commitment made and actions steps to be taken in term 1718 to fully capitalize on this opportunity.

MC Greece 1718

May luck be in your Favor!

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