ER Responsible for Youthspeak Forum and HeADCo

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YouthSpeak Forum Greece 30th March 2017 HeADCo 31 March-2 April 2017

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YouthSpeak Forum Greece YouthSpeak Forum is a premiere event that brings together both young and senior leaders to form a diverse cross‐sector and multi‐generational space for inspiring conversations around pressing global issues. The forum aims to create an environment to gain new perspectives to create actionable outcomes and projects to push the world forward. You have the chance to be part of the team behind this year’s YouthSpeak Forum, the biggest youth event organized by AIESEC in Greece!

Message from the team

Since October, our team has been working on creating an event that can inspire, engage and activate young people of our country. The values that drive our team are commitment , unity & respect. We can’t wait to see more enthusiastic people that share this need to test their skills, become a part of our team and help us create a YouthSpeak Forum to be remembered! YSF Greece 2017 Team


Our team

YSF Project Manager

Productions Director

Speakers Director

Delegates Experience Responsible

Logistics Responsible

Volunteers Responsible

Finance Director

ER Responsible (YSF & HeADCo)

Marketing Director

PR Responsible

Design Responsible

ER Responsible

Working with: Finance Director Artemisia Balkoura & OC of HeADCo April 2017

This is a special position! ER Responsible will work on in kinds sales for both the biggest youth event and the biggest conference of AIESEC in Greece. Roles: ER Responsible for YSF & OCVP ER for HeADCo April *The role of an OCVP for HeADCo March 2017 despite the responsibilities is to be an active team member of the Organizing Committee. There are general tasks and tasks based on the specific responsibilities that the OCVP has to deliver on time, based on the OC plan. Differentiations on the job description of the OCVP apply only for the period before the conference, during the Conference the OC plan and the JDs change in order to respond to the conference needs.

ER Responsible Job Description: -Survey creation with relevant to the conference & event potential companies -Creating and sustain conference partnerships -Ensure in-kind partnerships (synergy with logistics) -Create the delivery flow to partners -Manage CRM account and keep detail tracking

For YouthSpeak Forum: -Reports to Finance Director of Youth Speak Forum & MCVP BD for external actions For HeADCo April 2017: -Reports to OCP, MCVP F&L and MCVP BD for external actions


Transition: 2nd week of Feb Working Period: Feb-April

Application details Application Link: Copy and paste the link to your browser and submit your form to apply for up to 2 positions. Your application should be in English. Application link: DDL for application 06/02/2017 at 23:59 Interview dates: 07-08/02/2017

Thank you!

For more information about YSF contact: Project Manager- Rafaela Tyri : For more information about HeADCo contact: Conference Manager - Thanos Gklinavos :

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