MC 21.22 - Application Booklet

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Message from Hello dear applicant, First of all , congratulations for your very first step you did to open this booklet. I can understand that this step might be something you have never done before and I can understand your desire to your potentialities in AIESEC in Greece. Being an MCVP in times that a lot of things are changing every day internally and externally, is not an easy thing but not impossible. should be for you a motivation and reason to apply. I am wishing you to take this brave step and stand for your vision for AIESEC in Greece for the term 21.22! Always here in whatever you need. Enjoy the process, Vasia Kardasi , MCPe of AIESEC in Greece

Ensure common mentality and direction

Introduction of the role The MC experience is one of the strongest in the organization. Experiencing AIESEC under both team member and team leader role, MC Member is qualified for an intense experience leading the whole entity of AIESEC in Greece. Accessing Global Network of AIESEC National Representative of the entity, one develops on both personal and professional experience. The Role The Member Committee Vice Presidents (MCVPs) prime responsibility is to develop the national strategy and direction to guide AIESEC in Greece, Local Committees and all members in achieving AIESEC in Greece’s mission and long term direction.


Responsible for creation and implementation of national strategies

Track and analyze the national performance of AIESEC in Greece in the global plenary Representatives of AIESEC in Greece in the global network

Build & facilitate national conferences and meetings Responsible to implements the global strategy based on the national reality

Provide education & support to LCs on national strategies Design initiatives & projects to support national plan & growth

Provide platforms for LC collaboration & innovation

National Level • Develop overall national strategy and direction • Gain overall and deep knowledge on the internal and external reality • Support the Drivers with projects, initiatives and Campaigns • Coaching and tracking the progress towards the goals set • Building and organizing National Conferences and meetings Global Level • Communicating with AIESEC International • Be present at global virtual and physical meetings • Ensuring the implementation of the Global strategy • Ensuring the positioning of the country in the global network Legal Management • Keep legal state of AIESEC Greece • Upgrading of Legal status


ESTs Management • Ensure that ESTs supports the MC operations and the LC development strategy • Ensure EST’s Transition and Plan • Delegation – tracking coaching • Responsible for their development

Functional Coaching • Giving the general direction to LCVPs on the functional area and provide education needed • Giving customized support according to needs and performance • Coach the functional team


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You need to answer from the block of , of the and question from. (GV and GT are different blocks) .Global Volunteer and Global Talent block have a common question , the Question No 1, so if you choose it , you don’t need to answer it twice.


The salary is ~approximately 250 Euros (the salary will be defined after the budget creation of the term and approval of it).

Anyone who has LCVP, LCP, MC Manager or MCVP experience. For anyone who does not meet these requirements, please contact to obtain eligibility.

The accommodation is provided and covered to the MC Flat.

Any application package that will be send even with some seconds after the DDL will not be validated. The application process consists of the submission of the Application Package, which will be followed by

The office is provided and covered and it is near to MC Flat. All National Conferences are covered. Trainings will be provided by externals to cover the needs of the team.

For the pre-screening process, qualifying the official candidates, applicants will receive a confirmation mail. In order to proceed with the process you need to have confidence vote by the LCs. Your confidence vote will be assessed by your application & from a round of virtual Q&As from the LCs & the MC.



PDF of maximum 12 pages. The summary of your Application What is your vision for AIESEC in Greece for the term 21.22 : In one page state all your professional & AIESEC experience 1 from a person you have led, 1 from a person that led you & 1 from a person that you worked with : Who are you? Why are you applying for MCVP 21.22? What do you want to gain from this role? What is your vision for AIESEC in Greece for the next term and how will you reach there? – Submit link on a pdf file Enneagram– Submit link on a pdf file Strategic Leadership– Submit link on a pdf file Barret Values – Submit link on a pdf file : PNG or JPEG : please provide an official document that justifies the process for visa type D for Greece : Please provide a document that is signed by the LCP of your home LC that clarifies that you don't have debts towards the LC Send your Application package in a zip file with the name “MCApplicant2122_name”, to (MCPc) , (MCPe) , , and (Elections Managers).


1. How do you define "unseen" and why "unseen" needs to be explored? 2. Describe your AIESEC experience and your life out of AIESEC. How will you use these experiences in your MC life? 3. Why are you applying for AIESEC in Greece 21.22? Why are you applying for the position of MCVP? What do you want to gain from this experience? 4. Which are your main values? Considering your top 3 strengths and top 3 weaknesses, how are you going to explore them in your MCVP term and how are you envision yourself at the end of your MCVP term in terms of personal development?


1. Taking into consideration the external context, what are your 3 main observations (provide us your sources) and how AIESEC can have an impact on them? 2. In the light of global pandemic, what are the opportunities and threats that AIESEC in Greece should take under consideration in order to adapt to the new reality? Which can be the potential risks for the next term? How can we avoid /minimize them? 3. What are the characteristics that a leader should have right now and why? What type of leadership AIESEC in Greece needs for the next term? How does your leadership style align with these characteristics and the leadership style that AIESEC in Greece needs? 4. Evaluate the strategies & directions of AIESEC in Greece from the start of pandemic until now. What are the non- negotiables for the strategies & directions of the next term?

1. How do you evaluate the organizational health and sustainability of our entity and why? What are the indicators that we need to take into consideration and how are we use these data for our decision making the next years? 2. What does it means to be an non-for-profit organization during pandemic in Greece? What type of financial management we need in both MC and LC level in order to recover? Create a plan that explain the financial recovery of our entity, for MC and LCs . (Include indicators and timeline). 3. How do you evaluate the financial and legal changes that happened in this term (GT pricing, Financial Model, Debt Management, virtual contracts, virtual audits)? What are the must win battles for the MCVP F&L the next term? 4. Assess the financial data of our LCs of 18.19 , 19.20 & 20.21. In which way, the pandemic affected the sustainability of our entity? What means to have a sustainable LCs for the next year?


1. How do you evaluate the growth path of our entity before pandemic and how do you evaluate recovery after pandemic? How do you envision the recovery path of AIESEC in Greece in 3 years from now in the pillars of operations, finances and people? How LCs can contribute to this? (Provide us data) 2. Choose 2 LCs/OE of the entity and create a SWOT analysis. What should be the focuses of these LCs for the next term? 3. How do you evaluate the current LCC system? In which areas an LCP needs support from an LCC? According to your answer in General Questionnaire, Question No 4, how an LCC can support LCP to localize the strategies & directions to his/her LC? 4. Provide us insights from other organizations (profit or non-profit) regarding of the recovery of their organization (people-money-operations). What AIESE in Greece can learn from them? How practically can we implement these in our reality?

1. Assess the organizational culture of AIESEC in Greece. What are your 3 main conclusions and what do you believe should be our focuses for the next term? 2. Analyze PM processes implementation in the entity. What we can keep and improve for the next term? Provide us a strategy. 3. Describe the Member's , Team Leader's and Vice President's journey. What are the attention points for our REC, processes and educycle ? 4. Analyze PM data of the past 2 terms. What are going to be your 3 main strategies? Specify at least 3 actions in each strategy and explain how will be implemented in local level.


1. What is your vision for the brand of AIESEC in Greece for the next term? Which current trends can contribute to your vision? 2. Analyze the Digital Customer Experience of a customer of AIESEC in Greece during and after pandemic. What is the ideal digital experience for you from now on? 3. Analyze the drop/growth, contribution of our channels and conversion rates in oGX. Propose a strategy that will ensure high conversion rates in oGV, oGTa and oGTe. 4. Evaluate the current JD of a marketing member in local level. How do you see marketing membership developing next years and how you will support this development from your side? How LCs can tone up the local partnerships between LCs and universities ? What will be your directions?

1. How do you assess the national performance of all of our programs in 18.19 , 19.20 and 20.21? How do you evaluate the change management in each program? What should be the focuses in each program for the next term in order to recover? 2. What is your vision for Global Volunteer for the term 21.22? What we can benchmark from other entities? 3. Analyze the main bottlenecks of customer flow in oGV and iGV and propose 3 focus strategies for both of them for the next term. 4. Make an analysis of previous year's GV operations of our IR partners (take into consideration GV conditions , APD's timeline, number of RE, border restrictions). Based on this analysis, answer the below question: In which countries we will focus on oGV and iGV for the next term and why?


1. How do you assess the national performance of all of programs in 18.19 , 19.20 and 20.21? How do you evaluate the change management in each program? What should be the focuses in each program for the next term in order to recover? 2. What is your vision for Global Talent for the term 21.22? What we can benchmark from other entities? 3. Analyze the main bottlenecks of customer flow in oGTa , oGTe and iGT and propose 3 focus strategies for both of them for the next term. 4. Make an analysis of previous year's GT operations of our IR partners (take into consideration supply- demand, APD's timeline, number of RE, border restrictions) . Based on this analysis, answer the below question: In which countries we will focus on oGTa , oGTe and iGT for the next term and why?

1. Why PR partnerships are important for AIESEC and for AIESEC in Greece today? What kind of internal and external opportunities you can capitalize in this term? 2. Analyze 5 current PR partnerships. Choose 3 PR partnerships that we should keep, propose 2 new PR partnerships and what kind of common activities are you going to do together for the next term in order to increase the publicity of our programs? 3. As AIESEC we turn to capitalize more Engagement with AIESEC activities. How this can be implemented in Greece and what kind of activities this umbrella can include? What will be the brand and financial impact to AIESEC in Greece? 4. In case of brand crisis, what are your actions to minimize the impact? What is your strategy and your action steps in order to increase the reach of AIESEC in Greece for the next term?


1. Analyze the current BD portfolio. What are the external opportunities that we can capitalize in order to increase our external awareness and create sustainable partnerships for our membership and our programs in LC and MC level? 2. What kind of new industries we can approach as AIESEC in Greece and why? What can be 2 potential BD partnerships , why did you choose them and for which projects? Why these BD partnerships are win-win? 3. What will be your focuses when it comes to BD partnership management? What will be your main strategies to retain and upscale the current BD partnerships? 4. Analyze the current external business environment and answer, why partnerships are important for AIESEC and for AIESEC in Greece today? How do you envision our BD portfolio at the end of your term?

MCP : Kyriaki Daskaloudi, , +306940161872 MCVP oGV: Lia Pinakoulaki , , +306987157403 MCVP Marketing: Aggelos Kokona , , +306986626445 MCVP BD: Christiana Tsompani , , +306989807940 MCVP PR: Ana Tsitsa , , +306978268432 MCVP PM: Ioanna Papa , , +306972810292 MCVP iGV: Chrysa Manou , , +306979276945 MCVP F&L: Vasia Kardasi , , +306978802567 MCVP iGT: Mariela Fonseca ,, +50687698170 MCVP oGT: Zoi Kotsou ,, +306955681779


Good Luck AIESEC in

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